#˚  ☼  .    RED   &   AESTHETIC .
funeralgrove · 2 months
♔ and ☼ for any or all: Darian, Gladys, Wilhelmine
Tumblr is forcing me to split this answer into two parts, sorry!
☼ — How does your character usually dress in daily life? . . . / . . . ♔ — What (if any) jewelry does your character usually wear?
Darian has absolutely zero sense of fashion. He dresses like one of the most guys ever.
Darian's mode of dress is a nod to 70s and 80s rocker looks as well as biker fashion from the same decades. Jeans, big boots, and often a short sleeved shirt that is either a band or novelty shirt. Lots of times his clothes are a little worn out, or intentionally distressed in some way. Sometimes he'll crop a shirt or rip the sleeves off to make a muscle shirt.
Very rarely does he wear long sleeves, but when he does, the cuffs are ripped off or have been chewed on and stretched to make them less restrictive of his hands. The only long sleeves that do not receive this treatment would be those of his leather jackets and winter coat.
Here are some outfits of his that I have either drawn or would like to draw him in someday!
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As for his jewelry preferences, despite having quite a few facial piercings as well as his nipples done, his jewelry is very plain. He goes for stainless steel with no designs or gemstones. If by chance he is wearing a bracelet or a necklace it was something given to him by Ira.
Gladys is definitely one of my most varied characters when it comes to looks, so there's quite a few options for what she considers to be 'every day' outfits! Generally speaking, though, she sticks to reds, blacks and pinks for all of her clothing. She leans heavily into motifs of love/Valentine's Day as well as certain elements of the gothic subculture, and to a degree is inspired by both the 1930s and the 1960s. I've seen people talk about an aesthetic called coquette, I believe? And I think she sort of falls into that depending on the outfit.
She likes clothes that show off her figure (and some skin) in some way, and she likes to be extra even when she's casual.
She's also a bit of a DIY-or-die girly, so a lot of her clothes she has made herself and are completely original or based off of hard to come by patterns and pieces.
Here's some outfits I have already or have mean meaning to draw her in that can fall under everyday wear!
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Gladys has quite the extensive jewelry collection, and is always wearing earrings. She's fond of big, clunky novelty earrings especially, and has specific earrings to match specific outfits. She likes rose gold jewelry the most, but will settle for any metal.
Outside of earrings, she wears a large choker around her neck to hide the scar from her decapitation [a very recent addition to her character, as she's currently being rewritten.] and occasionally some rings.
Here are either some of her craziest earrings or earrings that would be matched to the outfits above!
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omorfias · 9 months
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𝐌𝐘𝐔𝐍𝐆 𝐆𝐀 𝐄𝐔𝐍 ⸻ she is passion embodied , a flower of melodrama in eternal bloom. it is part of her beauty , this quality of being not quite there , dreamlike.
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trigger warnings : mentions of death , harassment , bullying, me not being able to spell my muse's name , the rp name , or literally anything at all without the red little line.
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NAME : myung ga eun .
GENDER + PRONOUNS : cis woman , she / her .
AGE + DOB : twenty three , october 4th .
ASTROLOGY : libra sun , pisces moon , leo rising .
ORIENTATION : bisexual .
BIRTHPLACE : jeju island , south korea .
LOCATION BEFORE CAMP : somewhere in california .
DEITY PARENT : aphrodite .
POWERS : shapeshifting , amokinesis .
WEAPON OF CHOICE : celestial bronze spear .
POSITIVE : lion - hearted , gracious , optimistic .
NEUTRAL : romantic , artistic , honest .
NEGATIVE : blunt , obtuse , indecisive .
MBTI : enfp - the campaigner .
ENNEAGRAM : 7 - the enthusiast .
ALIGNMENT : chaotic neutral .
SONG : dancing queen by abba .
CHARACTER PARALLELS : aimee gibbs ( sex education ) , fran fine ( the nanny ) , chrissy snow ( three's company ) , elle woods ( legally blonde ) , erin hannon ( the office ) .
AESTHETIC : lingering red stained kissed to a cheek , paint stained clothes mixed with yellows and pinks , wide doe eyes linger with confusion , glittering eyeshadow trickling down her face after smudging.
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001. her father has a hard time moving on from aphrodite. even on his wedding day to her future step-mother, he was telling tales to his only daughter about a wonderful beauty — his first love and the one that got away. it left five year old ga eun confused, distracting herself instead with the bow on her head as she was set to make her entrance as the flower girl. she wondered where her biological mother was and why she was being replaced with a woman that looked at ga eun as if she was the gum at the bottom of her shoe, doing everything in her power to scrap the little girl off. if the love between her mother and father was so great, where was the former?
002. her relationship with her father: he became distant with ga eun the older she became and claiming, especially on his emotionally drunken days, that she reminded him so much of her mother and it pained him to be around her most days. whenever ga eun would find the courage to bring up her mother, she was immediately turned down and made to feel guilty she would cause her father more heartache. it was okay though — it's what she told herself while putting on a smile in the mirror. her father was grieving, he would come around once healed.
003. her relationship with her step-mother: she became ga eun's first and only bully. it was easier for her step-mother to point the finger at her and have ga eun take all the blame for a loveless marriage, taking all her own hurt and frustration on ga eun whenever she could. ga eun grew up to believe her step-mother's favorite hobby was to belittle and badmouth her both to her face and behind her back. you're not smart enough to go anywhere in love, ga eun, her step-mother would hiss, who would want someone as ugly as you, ga eun? her step-mother had power over her, tasks around the house only getting done because ga eun wasted her weekends getting them done.
004. she lost her father at eleven years old, a motorcycle accident because he hated wearing a helmet, but he loved driving fast. no one knew how to handle an eleven year old who just lost her father, sobbing next to an empty casket, so they didn't reach out to her. they were too busy comforting the newly grieving widow who pretended that her step-daughter was her entire world. her step-mother hadn't thought that ga eun would be her problem to deal with now.
005. months after her father's death, her step-mother moved them to the states and settled in california. she watched her mother fall in love with another man that wasn't her father and become happy, starting a new family that she was completely isolated from. it wasn't until ga eun was eighteen that she finally got away, taking off without a word to anyone. she tried not to keep in touch with anyone either, writing letters of goodbye to those she felt close enough with.
006. from the age of eighteen until the age of twenty one, ga eun bounced around from state to state. she would fall in love with the places she went, the people she encountered, but it became a temporary emotion in her heart. finding waitressing jobs at different places helped her bond with so many people, but no one had felt enough for her to find permanence.
007. she found herself back in california after, finding another waitressing job to help her over before she found a painting class to help others paint step by step. she instantly became a favorite, soaking up all the love and admiration that her customers had to give, but it still felt as if something was missing. was california going to be the place she would never leave?
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aphrodite had to be the one to find ga eun considering the latter kept evading the satyrs. she thought she was losing her mind and decided it was the best time to dip into another state. ga eun had gone to the bar one night to hang out with her friends. that particularly night, she didn't want to hang around late into the night. being as stubborn and independent as she was, she decided she was going to walk home with the company of no one. it started off as a big mistake — a man who hadn't left her alone for a second inside the bar followed her out. he started by shouting compliments at her until she ignored and responded negativly to each of his advances, then he got mean in a fit of rage. it took a lot for something to really bother ga eun, but this man was getting on her last nerves on top of not feeling safe. she used her powers against him, made a fool out of him at the bar and he became her puppet. she made sure to make him act like such a tool that he was kicked out of the bar.
ga eun went most of her life only having herself by her side. she felt almost indifferent to meeting aphrodite after so many years of wondering who and where her biologically mother was to forgetting about the woman all together — or she should be saying godly woman all together. she had love for aphrodite and was excited to finally meet her, the powers and being a godlike being a bonus, however, she couldn't wrap her head around finding her biological mother. it didn't quite feel like family.
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she loves love, except she's also someone who falls in love easily as well as someone who falls out of love just as quickly. she built this idea of what love and romance were meant to be like, desperate to find love that wasn't the one she was brought up around, but she loses interest in people who don't reach that high standard, especially if that someone isn't giving her the same energy back. she can find love in anyway and that light cna go out at any time. the clock is always ticking.
very independent to the point it can be annoying because she will try her hardest not to accept anyone's help and then you see her stumble over her own feet in front of everyone and continue to say that she doesn't need any help.
she is a horror girly, it's her second favorite type of media. it's a misconception that others believe she would hate horror and while romance is always her first, nothing tends to scare her much. she has been on dates before where they take her to a horror film in hopes to comfort her through the scary scenes, but it just ends up with a doe-eyed ga eun trying to both watch the film and comfort her date.
halloween is her favorite holiday.
her hobbies pretty much just include painting. she loves any type of art, but her real skill and heart is put into paintings.
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wanted connections , pinterest , musings.
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greypetrel · 1 year
☼for all your kiddos! :]
Hello there! :D Thanks for asking, this has been fun!
Tis the prompt list
☼ - appearance headcanon
Alyra: Appearance is but another type of armour, and she likes pretty things, borderline on being vain. She totally can live without it, but she likes dressing up, fancy dresses and long gowns. Her favourite part about herself is her hair, she likes the colour very much. When she was with the clan, she never let it grow past her shoulders for practical reason, but the moment she settles down in Amaranthine and realizes she has time and the occasion... She'll go for a trim every once in a while and let it grow, and she'll start to sport more and more complex crowns of braids. How much time does she spend on it? Not important, don't worry about it, her morning routine is as methodical as her ruling.
Raina: She has mild gender dismorphia when she wears skirts. Her teen years were miserable because Leandra insisted on her dressing feminine and keeping her hair long. When she was 19 she chopped it all off after a quarrel, and when she discovered that her mother didn't disown her, she never looked back. She's pretty good at cutting hair, actually (she won't pay for an hairdresser). As for clothes, she likes to dress up every once in a while, will love how she looks in your our-world Regency fashion. Her wardrobe has a strict palette of black, white and red. She started to wear kajal on her eyes after she started spending more time with Isabela. She made her up for fun once, Raina liked herself in it and kept the habit, knows how to do a cat eye on herself and others, and quite enjoys lipstick. In a modern world she'll hate foundation with a passion, tho.
Garrett: He pays a lot of mind on his physical appearance. In a modern world, he'll be your local gym guy, who'll wake up at 5 am to get to the gym before work. He never skipped an arm day and it shows. Fenris likes this element. His body is a temple and he'll care very much for it. Elected best Beard in Kirkwall 9:36 (and best beard in Skyhold 9:41, Aisling -the jury- was tipsy when she said it but he'll take it as an official victory and brag about it). He pays considerably less attention on his clothing. He is the kind of person who'll buy the garment he likes 10 times, and get on with his life, so he doesn't have to think about what to wear too much. He would define it as a capsule wardrobe, Raina will define it as having an uniform like Donald Duck.
Aisling: She doesn't understand fashion, Josie tried to explain it to her, but it all entered one ear and ran out from the other. She likes dressing fancily, every once in a while. In the Inquisition she discovered that she likes skirts and dresses, but she will unironically say that shoes are an evil way to oppress people and will fail to comprehend the exact purpose of socks ("Why would you wear shoes if you need a garment to protect your feet from them? WHY?"). She cares much more for practicality than for aesthetic, but will only wear coloured garments if she can choose. She doesn't like black for wearing, and white even less because it will get dirty too quickly. She's very good at braiding hair, loves braiding other people's hair and for other people to braid hers.
Radha: She has a magpie brain and likes shiny things a lot. She loves jewelry, necklaces and earrings in particular. When she wore her hair long, she loved to braid baubles into it. Little trinkets of metal or shells. Nonetheless, she has a love/hate relationship with her hair: it's curly and soft, she'll take great care of it and treat it often with olive oil to keep it nourished and shiny, since curls are dry. She always smells like olive oil, as a consequence. But, she is annoyed by it, she hates when it gets in her eyes, how it gets poofy when it rains, how she can't comb it without soaking it. She loved when she wore it long and she and Aisling made turns to braid each other's hair, but she's really more comfortable with it being short. She won't go out in the morning without make up on. Always a thick line of kajal on her eyes, she perfectioned the cat eye technique, and loves a good rouge on her lips.
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rakofelo · 6 months
♦ ☼ also give us a little bit abt zeph hwhehahe
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Zhephyrie 🖤
Headcanon Asks
Thank you for the prompt!
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
We're gonna go deep Zhephyrie is cheeky and quippy. This boy is so unserious. He loves to joke and will always have a sarcastic retort. He's boisterous and charismatic, and never shies away from a crowd. He grew up charming his way out of trouble in the streets. While he puts up a very warm and inviting facade, he tends to keep his personal life very private.
He will often push aside his own feelings to be a solid shoulder to cry on for his friends. He's supportive to a fault. Opening up about his needs is a foreign concept; as a result, he has lost out on a lot of opportunities for love. To compensate, he's quick to indulge in casual affairs. After all, isn't that what a bard is supposed to enjoy?
Enough probing! His more superficial quirk is being super fidgety. He's always playing with loose threads on his clothes, spinning jewellery, grooming his friends' hair or clothing, or chewing on straw or herbs.
Of course, music and poetry are his main hobbies. He has picked up a knack for a few instruments, but his favourite remains the lyre. He also loves stargazing and tracks the constellations in a little journal. He's learned a few party tricks such as impressions and card tricks, and is the first to bust out a few Lindy Hop moves on the dance floor.
☼ - appearance headcanon
My lil Half-drow himbo. Big height, big muscles, big heart, bigger empty space between his ears. He has red hair cropped just past his chin that he wears pushed back - because Astarion told him it looks sexy pushed back. He also rocks silly dapper little Friendly Mutton Chops.
A large scar runs across his face and over one eye, which has altered the appearance of his eyeball. The story of how he got it changes with every tavern regalement for flavour, but really he just mouthed off to the wrong tiefling sorcerer as a saucy pup.
He decorates his body with tattoos of his adventures. His most noticeable one is the green beholder on his neck, but he also has his back and part of his leg covered. He's also got a variety of body and facial piercings. He loves to play "guess which ones they are" with flirty strangers.
Zheph digs the pirate aesthetic so out of armour, you can find him lounging with his lyre in a loose drawstring linen top tucked into fitted trousers. He usually rocks a few sentimental rings and a talisman. He loves smudgy eyeliner. If Klaus Hargreeves and Jack Sparrow had a baby, it would be Zhephyrie.
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𝐥𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐞𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐬.
not only was she a singularly gifted witch, she was also an uncommonly kind woman. she had a way of seeing the beauty in others even more perhaps. most especially when that person couldn't see it in themselves. 
aesthetic : having a heart full of fire offering warmth to those close and scorching remarks to those in the wrong ( the war is trying to douse your fire, but you refuse to lose your spark ), staying up all night to see the sunrise just to make sure it still comes up, wishing on every star in the night sky, organized chaos, a matchstick heart waiting to burn, off-key singing in the shower, the warmth of a sun on your skin, the grim days beginning to overshadow the good days, longing for the irresponsibility of childhood while the weight of expectations press down.
compare to : elizabeth bennet ( pride & prejudice ), dr ellie sattler ( jurassic park ), angelica schuyler ( hamilton ), princess leia ( star wars ), rachel chu ( crazy rich asians ), nancy wheeler ( stranger things ), jemma simmons ( agents of shield ), violet baudelaire (a series of unfortunate events ), elizabeth swann ( pirates of the caribbean ), waverly earp ( wynonna earp ), alice cullen ( twilight ), katara ( avatar : the last airbender ), ciri ( the witcher )
hey isn’t that lily evans? I’ve heard that the 23 year old witch can be be kind of obstinate and brazen, but that might not be true because i also heard the muggleborn can be quite charismatic and compassionate. one of my muggleborn friends thought they were kennedy mcmann, but i have no idea who that is.
☼ pinterest ☼
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*:・゚ ⸻ 𝐁𝐀𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐒
full name : lily jane evans nicknames : lily, lils age : 23 birthday / zodiac : january 30th, aquarius blood status : muggleborn gender / pronouns : cis woman & she/her sexual orientation : demisexual romantic orientation : panromantic occupation : healer-in-training former house : gryffindor loyalty : the order
personality traits : charismatic, capricious, vivacious, obstinate, impatient, sarcastic, loyal, sharp-witted, compassionate likes : her job, potions, having a good time with friends, bonfires, summer, magical creatures, reading, old records dislikes : cold showers, being early, oranges, romance movies, divination goals & ambitions : to make her parents proud even though they're gone character alignment : neutral good label : the savant, the bibliophile, the insurgent vices : pride, impatience, spite virtues : loyalty, courageousness, compassion
eye color : green hair colour : red hair type/style : long & wavy, typically worn down height : 5'8 build : slender exercise habits : works out regularly, goes running daily dominant hand : right glasses/contacts : n/a tattoos : n/a scars : n/a piercings : ears pierced multiple times faceclaim : kennedy mcmann
*:・゚ ⸻ 𝐅𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐘
parents : william evans ( father, deceased ), diane evans ( mother, deceased ) siblings : petunia evans ( elder sister, estranged ) children : n/a pets : an old cat named apollo
*:・゚ ⸻ 𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑
wand : willow wood, unicorn tail hair core, 10 1/4 in., swishy boggart : her loved ones perishing while she stands by and watches, unable to help patronus : doe amortentia : smoke from a fire, blackberry tarts, honeysuckle, homemade caramels
as a child, she was filled with wonder at each new day for each new day answered one curiosity and brought a hundred more in its place. her eyes would widen almost comically when she discovered something not easily explained or something she was not ready to understand. not all discoveries were great — both in the sense of size and meaning. finding out her mother had been santa claus all along was meaningful for a brief period in her life. but it also meant her mother loved her enough to let her believe in magic just a little bit longer before age and the loss of wonder would inevitably catch up with her. her elder sister calling her a freak for the first time seemed like such a small thing at the time — just a bit of name calling between siblings who spent too much time together — but was instead a cruel beginning to a tumultuous relationship with someone that she had always assumed would be there for her. even that could not kill her thirst for life and all the adventures it would bring. most discoveries were great ones, ones that filled her imagination to the brim with the many possibilities of life. but every child must grow up and discover for themself that the magic they had clung to as children was gone forever and replaced with the monotony of adult life. but for a lucky few, this moment never comes. lily evans was one of the few. for much of her life, lily has heard the same few words used to describe her. passionate, charming, intelligent, and above all, kind. she has a heart full of fire, offering warmth to those close to her and scorching remarks to those in the wrong. she wasn’t perfect by any means, of course; she was the first to admit that. she wasn’t one to shy from confrontation, especially if another was being wronged. of course, that meant she probably inserted herself into situations when she shouldn’t, but lily was never one to let a perceived bully win. she was stubborn as a mule, as her father always told her, but she wasn’t completely unwilling to change. she’s never struggled to forgive another, but she never forgets what they’ve done to her. but she was so full of life, always wanting to reach higher and higher for whatever was just out of reach. independence almost seemed strange to lily. leaving hogwarts and losing her parents so close to her own entry into the adult world along with the rise of someone who would threaten the entire world truly shaped the way lily began to view the world. she optimistic, but not naive about what was going on in the world. as a child, she had always been told that good always triumphed over evil in the end. as a teenager, she learned that while good may win, there will always be losses. and now? well, things have certainly changed. lily had always been convinced in happy endings, had known everything would be okay in the end. but now it feels like they are approaching the end of the story, and there’s no happy ending in sight.
lily got a cat shortly before her sixth year at hogwarts. it was a small thing, the runt of the litter, but she fell in love anyways. it wasn’t supposed to survive, but she recognized the determination and will to live and bottle fed him until he was healthy. she named him apollo, but calls him paul and brought him back to hogwarts with her, calling him her good luck charm. she's had him ever since.
while she is working with the order, she is also in training to become a healer at st. mungo's.
her parents died during her seventh year at hogwarts in a car accident. something so mundane when the world was filled with magic was something that never quite made sense to her. she threw herself into her studies afterwards as a way to cope.
lily’s favorite band is and has always been the beatles mainly due to her parents. they'd always play old records while making sunday morning breakfast, and laugh while dancing around the kitchen. after her parent's deaths, she inherited that record player and od records, and they never fail to cheer her up. some of her favorite memories include the beatles playing in the background.
lily's boggart has changed over the course of her life. when she was a child, it would have taken the form of the boogeyman her father told her stories about. while she was in hogwarts, it took the form of petunia turning her back on her. however after leaving hogwarts and seeing the direction the wizarding world may be heading, when people actually started dying, it took the form of her loved ones perishing while she stood by and watched.
find them here!
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ambrosiafm · 8 months
come on, 𝒈𝒓𝒂𝒃 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒂𝒎𝒃𝒓𝒐𝒔𝒊𝒂, and let the nectar flow! take a load off! — accepted! please familiarize yourself with the guidelines, plot, and lore. join the discord link from the pinned post or your roles will be reopened. welcome to 𝘬𝘦𝘧𝘪, 𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘢, leon parker, lavender 'love' walsh, carina belshaw, christine 'tin-tin' rose oracion datuimam. nicholas skidmore, taylor russell, danielle campbell, kathryn bernado is now taken.
⧼ nicholas skidmore, cis male, he/him, thirty. ⧽ ritual by waterparks + fresh coffee in the morning, baggy sweaters, bags under the eyes adding to the aesthetic, rooms full of plants, crackling fire ☼ leon parker survived the second titan war, but just barely! nowadays they’re a owner of the hearth inn and pub and are known to be paternal & blunt, makes sense given they’re a child of hestia. word around town is that they’ve been here for four years and has an estranged fiancé and daughter, is it true? it’s probably just gossip. whenever you see them around town they have their guitar. [ nico, 30, est, any/all, sa, sui, sh, animal abuse ]
⧼    taylor russell,  cis woman,  she/her,  twenty-three.⧽    bite the hand by boygenius  +  wide brown eyes staring deep into your being, shadows in the corners of your periphery, being too scared of your dreams to fall asleep.  ☼  lavender ‘love’ walsh survived the second titan war, but just barely! nowadays they’re a barista and are known to be insightful & off-putting, makes sense given they’re a child of hypnos word around town is that they’ve been here for six years and because of her (involuntary) dream-jumping, she can no longer distinguish between her dreams and reality, is it true? it’s probably just gossip. whenever you see them around town they have their special item.    [    seph, twenty3, gmt+8, they/them, pet death    ]
⧼ danielle campbell, cis woman, she/her, 28. ⧽ slut! by taylor swift + affirmations written in the mirror with red lipstick, having a glass of rosé in the bathtub,falling in love with strangers she’ll never meet again, leaving fresh flowers on forgotten gravestones, letting her hair down after a long day. ☼ CARINA BELSHAW survived the second titan war, but just barely! nowadays they’re a psychotherapist and are known to be caring & ruthless, makes sense given they’re a CHILD OF APHRODITE / LEGACY OF HADES. word around town is that they’ve been here for nine years and AS MUCH AS SHE DESIRES TO LEAVE, SHE WOULDN’T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH HER LIFE OUTSIDE OF THIS PLACE., is it true? it’s probably just gossip. whenever you see them around town they have their charm bracelet. one charm for each of her siblings and loved ones. [ mia, 27, cst, she/her, s.a, suicide ]
⧼ kathryn bernardo, cis woman, she/her, 229/physically 21. ⧽ warm heart by hollie col + worn out converse, the smell of vanilla candles and collections of scattered poetry ☼ CHRISTINE “TIN-TIN” ROSE ORACION DATUIMAM survived the second titan war, but just barely! nowadays they’re a archery instructor and are known to be dedicated & judgmental, makes sense given they’re a CHILD OF ZEUS/ HUNTER OF ARTEMIS word around town is that they’ve been here for 21 years (3-8 months of the year between hunter duties) and WENT TO THE GRANDE OPENING OF EVERY JOLLIBEE LOCATION, is it true? it’s probably just gossip. whenever you see them around town they have their tupperware of baked goods. [ jove, 26, est, she/they, medical related stuff ]
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rosefeirie · 11 months
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☼☾ ( alex fitzalan. he/him. cis-man. ) The courts of veritas welcome ELIJAH FINCH! it’s been said that the 21 year old WIXEN is known to be ASTUTE and PERCEPTIVE but he’s also INTROVERTED and CYNICAL. When FINCH isn’t working as a MECHANIC, he can be found READING IN THE EVERMORE LIBRARY. If you visit his home in RAVENWYCK, it may remind you of FRESH MOSS, THE SCENT OF THE DAMP FOREST FLOOR, ORNATE TAROT CARDS STACKED ON A SMALL BROKEN NIGHTSTAND, STRIPPED COTTON SHEETS AND DIRTY CONVERSE BY THE DOOR. He may be your best friend or your greatest enemy. ☾☼
AGE: 21
Finch is 5'10, right handed, has hair and matching eyes the color of dirt. He's fair skinned, on the thinner size, and has an overall delicate look about him. He's pretty, stupid pretty, but where he's from, that's not a good thing. His features mirror his mother more than his father's, a fact he is often grateful for.
He has several scars all over his chest and back from years of abuse at the hands of his father. He also lost hearing in his left ear due to the last time his father and him got into it. The loss of his hearing is the exact reason he ran away from home.
Finch wasn't always aware of his magical abilities. Often when unexplainable things occurred, he'd chalk it up to a coincidence or on one of the many concussions he suffered. He explained things away because he couldn't afford to be anything more or anything less than Elijah Finch. Not if he wanted a full-ride to Harvard, not if he wanted out of his town and away from his father's abusive hands.
But sometimes things don't work out the way you think they should. The last night he'd spent at home something strange happened. His father found out about Finch working at the local mechanic shop and began ripping into him for withholding funds from him. Robert Finch was an ugly man, a cruel creature who knew only anger and violence. Finch knew this, he understood it as his father threw the first punch. He knew it as he fell to his knees, he knew it as foot met chest and ribs and arms covering precious real estate. So Finch begged, not to his father, but to the universe, to free him, to make him strong, to make him something other than Elijah Finch and in return he'd give the powers that be anything they wanted of him.
Maybe it was his blood, maybe it was his resolve to survive, maybe it was the universe apologizing for all those years they ignored his pleas but they finally answered his call.
He thought: get him off me. The large oak tree near his childhood home erupted with sound as its branches swung down to throw Robert Finch off of him. The last thing he remembered was his mother's scream, the pale lights of red and blue coming down from a far distance before he blacked out completely.
He was a man of science first, always had been, but he could not deny the world any longer. He wasn't just Elijah Finch anymore. He was something else. He finished high school, went to school for biology and went to work on discovering who he'd become that night. When he realized the answers couldn't be found in the halls of Harvard he went looking elsewhere, until he heard whispers of some self-contained island that had a population of people just like him.
While in Veritas, Finch learned he had the ability to communicate and control the nature around him. He has limits, like he can't force it to rain when the sun is shining but he can speak to the trees. He can hear the secrets that travel in the sigh of the wind, the whisper in the rivers and natural running waters. he still however, has no idea who gifted him these powers to begin with.
Finch has a fondness for Tarot cards. He might not know who or what he sold himself to but at the very least he can communicate with them through his cards. He has a particularly ornate set of cards, flecked with gold and pinks and lovely shades of green and blue.
Eli is generally a wary person. When confronted with the supernatural he has a normal level of fear for all of them. He has a particular distaste for those who use their compulsion without remorse or empathy.
Finch is not and has never been a fighter. Ever.
Finch is realistic, intelligent, observant, and on occasion thoughtful but he's also quite cynical, lacks trust in others, and has an overall melancholic aura about him. He's a lonely person, even when surrounded by people, he feels otherly. The difference is self-imposed but he doesn't make any moves to change that.
Finch hasn't spoken to his mother since he pressed charges against his father. Unfortunately due to his father having unexplainable injuries Finch was forced to drop them. He moved into a shitty apartment in town while he finished out high school. He's quite poor and incredibly embarrassed about it but he made do. He got out and under his own terms. He doesn't have any other family that he knows of.
The Q's + A's:
Finch was born in Culpeper, Virginia. He was raised in a double wide trailer in an un-incorporated community on the outskirts of Culpeper. He moved to Veritas to learn more about his abilities at the age of eighteen. There's nothing outside of this island that he misses but he does often wonder if his mother thinks of him from time to time.
Finch likes to see the different species intermingling. It gives him hope that in the future maybe he too could be a part of their community.
Every human he's ever come across has only ever caused him pain or turned a blind eye to his agony. He does not like nor trust them.
He's had crushes on girls in grade school and all the way through to college but he's never imagined kissing them or doing anything else with them. He wonders why. He wonders if that will change.
Finch keeps to himself most of the time. He's socially awkward with people his age especially. He makes good friends with those older than him, especially other Wixens.
pinterest. spotify.
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laura--torres · 1 year
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Name: Laura Torres Age: 60 years old Birthdate: Dec. 16th 1962                                       ☼ Sagittarius                                        ☾  Virgo                                       ↗ Gemini Born: Lockwood Springs, CO Occupation: Journalism Teacher at Edison High School Aesthetics: PINTEREST Likes: Being right, being respected, alone time, literature, herbal cigarettes, black coffee, shortbread Dislikes: Other people’s success, not being appreciated, her sacrifices, seeing women be the stay at home parent. Good Qualities: Focused, Passionate, Charismatic  Bad Qualities: Critical, Temperamental, Jealous Orientation: Straight, married.
Laura was born in Lockwood Springs, CO and comes from a long line of journalists. It was in her blood to be just like her father and she excelled academically, and flew through her degree with ease. Her career was the most important thing to her, even when she was married and became a mother for the first time. 
Laura only ever intended to put her career on hold temporarily but then she became a mother for the second time, and bitterness had already crept in. 
By the time all three of her children were old enough and flown the nest, Laura was excited to make a return to Lockwood Times but unfortunately lost her edge. She’d never admit that she lost her confidence and felt overwhelmed by it all, so she left and earned a job as a teacher at the high school.
Watching her daughter Josephine climb the career ladder that she always wanted to has definitely furthered the rift between them. Laura is critical, cruel and always opinionated when it comes to her children even though she wants them to succeed. She just doesn’t want them to do better than she has done.
Laura is a difficult woman to be friends with let alone close to, after a few drinks of wine it’s common for her to admit she never left her marriage because it was easier. She is a woman who feels unappreciated by both her husband and her children, that her sacrifices have been overlooked and ignored and simply expected of her. 
Her cruelty extends to her classroom too, giving her pupils assignments beyond their capabilities on purpose all so she can grab that red marker and go to town with a gleeful smile pointing out their obvious mistakes.
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odessa-kashirsky · 2 years
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Name: Odessa Kashirsky  Age: 29 years old Birthdate: Apr. 16th, 1993                                       ☼ Aries                                       ☾ Aquarius                                        ↗ Gemini Born: Astrakhan, Russia Occupation: Dancer at Restricted Access Aesthetics: PINTEREST Likes: Miss Dior, hyper-femininity, hair ribbons, silk, velvet, sweet-nothings, fresh linen sheets Dislikes: Cops, Entitled Men, Lack of ambition or drive, people who need others, people who ask too many questions. Good Qualities: Eloquent, Self-Sufficient, Insightful Bad Qualities: Disturbed, Secretive, Petty Orientation: Straight
diving deeper:
Odessa was born into the second most impoverished city within Russia during the early 90s where there was political and social reform. Sometimes she went days or weeks without food and often times had to wear her mother’s clothes from the 70s. 
During this time in Russia there were lots of forming crime syndicates due to the collapse of socialism and the chaos of the country’s finances. Like many people looking for a better life, Odessa trusted a group of people who claimed to help her immigrate to the United States. This turned out to be a trafficking ring and Odessa was moved to San Francisco, immediately forced into prostitution and her documents taken from her. 
She spent years living like this, forced into a drug addiction alongside having to accept abuse and having no control over her own life or body. She learned robust survival instincts and eventually reached a breaking point, poisoning the man who trafficked her and then going on the run.
Odessa ended up in Denver after many failed attempts of getting clean and trying to find work despite being in the states illegally. She resorted back to sex work on the streets to survive. @finn-oconnor found her one night and offered her a job at restricted access, and if it wasn’t for him, she believes she’d be dead by now. In the space of a year, Odessa has turned her life around. She no longer uses drugs, she has her own apartment Downtown and enjoys learning how to reclaim her life and sexuality within a safe environment. 
Odessa is naturally blonde but usually wears a deep red wig when she’s at work. 
She’s always had a fascination with the stars and astrology, mainly from the city wide power outages in Russia that would make the dark skies light up naturally. 
Odessa has a reserved demeanor and a quiet intensity about her, but she’s very observant. 
She’s self-sufficient and reliant, probably to a fault but she is learning how to get better at accepting help. 
 Being underestimated is her favourite feeling because she loves proving people wrong about her.
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lorebled-a · 2 years
˚  ☼  .    RED   &   MUSINGS . ˚  ☼  .    RED   &   ISMS . ˚  ☼  .    RED   &   VISAGE . ˚  ☼  .    RED   &   PHYSIQUE . ˚  ☼  .    RED   &   AESTHETIC . ˚  ☼  .    RED   &   MUSIC . ˚  ☼  .    RED   &   WARDROBE .
˚  ☼  .    RED   &   INTERACTIONS . ˚  ☼  .    RED   &   ABOUT . ˚  ☼  .    RED   &   ANSWERED . ˚  ☼  .    RED   &   MISC .
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feynavaley · 3 years
☼ for Canada if you're still accepting questions?
Of course! And wether they are related to that specific list I reblogged or not, I'm always glad to answer questions. 😊
☼ – Appearance headcanon
Once again, I have already said most of these things here and there in different posts so I apologize if I'm repeating myself, I hope it's okay!
1,80m (5'10.9") tall.
Very slight-boned and slender.
Toned and defined muscles but not much mass.
No fat anywhere, he looks quite lanky overall.
Slim and long hands.
Same face shape and features as America, with just some slight differences (jaw slightly narrower and softer, nose tip upturned, mouth a bit fuller).
Extremely pale skin. The kind that never tans, he only gets the slightest amount of freckles if he stays a lot under the sun.
In contrast with his skin, he has naturally dark lips. It gets even more evident when it's cold and his lips get even redder.
Nose and cheeks also easily go red with the cold wind in winter.
Black eyelashes in spite of the light hair. It's quite evident because they're long and full.
Gorgeous hair. Strawberry blond/golden blond with some hints of orange and very shiny. It's very soft to the touch and it shows.
There's something about him that gives almost an impression of faintness. Such pale skin, an eye colour (pale lilac/light blue) that is more towards a pastel shade rather than something more vivid... The vivid hair colour is a nice contrast, aesthetically.
His posture often radiates insecurity. Heads down, shoulders slightly hunched over, he almost looks like he's trying to curl into himself for protection.
Very kind smile.
The face/expression of a person who wouldn't hurt a fly, people are naturally well-disposed towards him.
The overall look is that of a 'good kid'.
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skylupine · 4 years
☼ Native ● Two Spirit ● He/They ☼
☼ I post and reblog Nature, Red Dead Redemption 2 and general things from the 1800 and 1900s.  Cowboy, Cottage Core Aesthetic. 
☼ SFW/ I try to tag everything I post.  But if there is anything you need tagged, feel free to leave an ask.  
❗ Alt Right, T*rfs, Empty Blogs, N/S/F/W Blogs and Tumblrs who participate in bullying and harassment will be blocked. ❗
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kihyuni3 · 4 years
kihyuni3 masterlist
Even if the group you want to request is not on here feel free to request for them anyway, I am always open to adding new groups!!
Anything Labeled (REPOST) will be writing I did on a previous blog that is now inactive, so it is still my work just in a different location.
Groups and Artists are listed in alphabetical order.
If one of the links doesn’t work please let me know so that I can fix it as soon as possible.
Fluff - ✿
Smut - ♥
Angst - ★
Amber Lui
Amber when SM Announces her Relationship!Fem Reader ✿
Reaction to their Significant Other Wanting to Study Together  ✿
Reaction to their Girlfriend Flinching During a Fight  ★
❀ soft moonbin ❀
🧤 Beige Seonghwa  🧤
Big Bang
G-Dragon/Jiyong Snaps & Texts When he Thinks you Slept with Another Member (mostly  ✿ implied  ♥)  (REPOST)
Block B
Ukwon Snaps & Texts When He Sees a Video of You Dancing
Ukwon Texts When He’s Jealous about you Spending Time with Taeil  (slight ★)(implied  ♥)
The Boyz
☂ younghoon 1☂
Jungkook Snaps When He Needs the Homework (implied  ♥)
V/Taehyung Snaps When You Can’t Sleep  ✿
J-Hope/Hoseok Snaps When You Can’t Sleep  ✿
Jungkook Snaps When You Can’t Sleep  ✿  (implied  ♥) (REPOST)
Jimin Snaps When You Can’t Sleep (REPOST)  ✿  (implied  ♥)
Rap Mon/Namjoon Snaps When You Can’t Sleep (REPOST)  ✿  (implied  ♥)
Suga/Yoongi Snaps When You Can’t Sleep (REPOST)  ✿
Jin Snaps When You Can’t Sleep (REPOST)  ✿
Jin Snaps & Texts When (Y/N) isn’t Feeling Well  ✿
How Could I Pick - Female Member!AU  ✿
Reaction to their Girlfriend Surprising them while on Tour  ✿
Reaction to you cuddling them in their sleep (REPOST)  ✿
Reaction to you having messy morning hair (REPOST)  ✿
Reaction to their S/O Ignoring them for No Reason ✿ and ★
Reaction to their Female Member Wanting them to be in one of her YouTube Videos ✿
Orange and Blue Namjoon
🍑 Peachy Day with JK 🍑
❣ Red J Hope ❣
💀 Grunge Min Yoongi 💀
♛ orange jungkook ♛
❉ jungkook 1 ❉
✴jhope 1 ✴
⋆ taehyung 1 ⋆
DEAN/ Kwon Hyuk
☞ spontaneous travels w Dean ☜
Let Me In (College Boyfriend!Jay)  ✿ ♥ (just suggestive)
☺ Slumber Party w/ Hani  ☺
Waiter Xuimin
☁baekhyun 1 ☁
Mark Snaps When He Comes to Visit You in LA  ✿
Reaction to their Significant Other Getting Touching during Couples Yoga  ♥
Reaction to their Significant Other Putting their Cold Feet on Them  ✿ (implied  ♥)
Reaction to Seeing a Cute Girl in a Coffee Shop (REPOST from A Era)  ✿
B.I. Drabble - You Write a Sad Song About him after you Break Up   ★
Red Junhoe
Pastel Blue Dongwoo
Monsta X
Morning Coffee - Minhyuk Coffee Shop!AU  ✿
Why Do You Think I Come Every Morning? - Kihyun High School!AU (Part 1) (Part 2)  ✿ (slight  ★)
I Won’t Let You Fall - Jooheon College!AU  ✿
Reaction to having a Parent-like Female Member  ✿
Reaction to Finding their Roommate/Crush Asleep on the Couch   ✿
Reaction to Catching their S/O Reading an Erotic Novel ♥ (but like barely)
★ The City at Night w/ Minhyuk ★
✿ Quiet Days w/ Hyungwon ✿
♛ Backpacking w/ Changkyun ♛
Red Changhyun
☼ Park w/ Minhyuk ☼
New Years w/ Kihyun
❀ Boyfriend Aesthetic w/ Wonho ❀
☄ Photoshoot w/ Kihyun  ☄
💙 Pink and Blue Soft Jooheon 💙
♟ jooheon 1♟
Taeyong Snaps & Texts When He’s Having Trouble Dogsitting  ✿
Shower Problems (Mark Lee x Fem Member)
NCT 127 Reaction When They Get to See Their Long Distance S/O After a Long Time   Hyung Line - Maknae Line✿
☽ Traveling w/ Johnny ☾
♚ Museum Date w/ Doyoung ♚
❀ doyoung 1❀
Secret Meeting - Kino x Trainee!Reader
Vernon Snaps & Texts when he’s Bored at School (REPOST)  ✿
Dino Drabble - First Time Spending the Night at the Dorm  ✿
Seventeen Reaction to Being in a Power Couple  ✿
Seventeen Reaction to their Crush Coming to them Crying  ✿ (slight ★)
Seventeen Reaction to their S/O flinching during a Fight ★ (Hip Hop Unit) (Vocal Unit) (Performance Unit)
Seventeen Reaction to their S/O Getting Hurt  ✿ (Hip Hop Unit)  
Red Pink Jeonghan (for Mel)
➹ Night Adventure w/ Jun and Jeonghan ➹
✦ joshua 1 ✦
Have a Whip Kink (gentle  ♥)
♛  taemin 1 ♛
Stray Kids
Stray Kids Doing Aegyo For Something They Want (Maknae Line)  (Hyung Line) ✿
University Nights (Bang Chan College!AU)  ♥
11:58pm - Han
✄ School Days with Hyunjin ✄
��bang chan 1】
Wanna One
Turquoise Daniel Kang
Optional Bias/ Multiple Groups
Snaps & Texts When they Come Home from Tour  ✿
Transparent Sticker Pack 1
6 Months - Optional Bias  ★
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valeriacastillo · 3 years
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Introducing... Valeria Castillo. California native, been in Salem on-and-off for the past 16 years. Part of a blended family, a true rags-to-riches story. Well-intentioned do-gooder, but chaotic and impulsive. Always trying to make the world a better place. Wants to be AOC when she grows up, basically. I have a bit about her and some connection ideas under the cut, but I’m honestly open to any and everything!
aesthetics: toes in the sand, red nail polish, dark chocolate, protest signs, pantsuits, cocktail glasses with lipstick on the rim, tote handbags, matching athleisure sets, green smoothies, old books, cherries
Full Name: Valeria Isabel Castillo Lopez
Nicknames: Val
Date of Birth: April 4th, 1991
Place of Birth: San Diego, California
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: Mexican
Religion: Roman Catholic (non-practicing)
Western Zodiac: ☼ Aries | ☽ Sagittarius | ↑ Leo
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single
Education: Bachelor of Science in Political Science, Minor in Public Relations (Boston University, Magna Cum Laude, 2013); Master of Science in International Relations (University of Edinburgh, 2016)
Occupation: Communications Manager
Height: 5′ 7″
Weight: 130 lbs
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good
Myers-Briggs: ENFJ
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Enneagram: Type 4 - The Individualist
BACKGROUND (parental death and cancer tw)
(parental death & car accident tw) Born in San Diego to an immigrant mother; Valeria’s father died a few months before in an accident. She was incredibly close to her mom and was raised by her and their friends - it takes a village to raise a child, after all.
Her mother Belinda met a doctor from Massachusetts named Adam, they dated long distance for a few years before getting engaged and agreeing to live together in Massachusetts. Valeria was happy that her mom was happy again and she liked Adam, but she did not like the idea of leaving her home behind. She made this clear to anyone who would listen, and had no qualms about making her mother or Adam feel guilty about their decisions.
Valeria moved to Salem with her mom the summer before starting high school, and gained a new stepsister through Adam and Belinda’s marriage. Marrying Adam came with financial security that the Castillo family never had, as well as opportunities for Valeria to attend private school and participate in activities she was never able to before. But she didn’t fit in among her new peers, instead rebelling and befriending a few people outside of her new circle. 
Kind of began falling down a bad path in high school as a result of acting out, until her parents finally decided that it was time for therapy. She lashed out at them and her stepsister, ignored her younger half-brother Luis, and seemed to be unable to adjust to her new life in Massachusetts. She spent the rest of her high school years mellowing out and coming to terms with her life changes. 
Valeria went to Boston University, where she majored in Political Science and minored in Public Relations. She had every intention of going on to Harvard Law School once she graduated, hoping to go into immigration or labor law. But an internship during her junior year changed that; she felt as though the nonprofit and advocacy fields were more of her calling. Instead of accepting an offer from the prestigious institution, Valeria took two years off after graduation to work and figure out her next steps. 
She flew across the pond in 2015 to attend the University of Edinburgh, where she graduated with a master’s degree in International Relations a year later. Upon her return to the United States, she accepted a job offer in New York as a Policy Analyst for a human rights organization.
(cancer tw) Three years later, she was thriving in her job and had been living with a loving and supportive partner. They were discussing marriage and their next steps, when Valeria got a call from her stepfather. Her mother had been diagnosed with breast cancer, and while it was in the early stages where the doctors were optimistic, Valeria felt the need to return to Salem to be with her family. She and her partner were already on shaky ground but neither wanted to end things, so Valeria took this opportunity to call their relationship off and go home.
Belinda’s health has been improving and Val’s family keeps nudging her to go back to New York and her job, but she refuses. Her new role as a Communications Manager for a Boston-area nonprofit isn’t as much in line as what she initially wanted, but it gives her the fulfillment she needs while she pitches in to help with her mother’s care however she can. She and her stepsister have also taken more responsibility with taking care of their half-brother Luis, now fourteen.
Seeing as she hadn’t had much experience in Salem before leaving for college, given her teenaged rebellion, Valeria has been immersing herself in the town’s history now that she’s back full-time.
Loves her family, now refers to Adam as “Dad” even though he never legally adopted her. She did think of changing her name to his, but she feels as though Castillo is part of her identity. She does still acknowledge Edgar as her father though, even though he died before she was born.
Would be vegan if not for cheese
Swears she’ll never get married nor have kids, but not set in stone with these opinions.
Wants a pet, but hasn’t gotten around to it. Future plot idea maybe?
Definitely was reminding people to vote last election and every election before that.
Summer is her favorite season, she hasn’t quite gotten used to the Massachusetts winter 
(+) ambitious, witty, charismatic
(-) impulsive, overzealous, self-righteous
Stepsister. Valeria’s archrival turned best friend, they became family when Valeria was fourteen and their parents married. The two often clashed growing up, as they were both adjusting to new lives and people. But over the years, they gradually grew closer until they were almost inseparable. I’ll probably be submitting a wanted connection for this one but just throwing it out there!
Friends. Valeria moved to Salem when she was 14, left for college at Boston University and visited her family on and off until she moved back full-time last year. She’s pretty outgoing and charming, so I think she could make friends with almost anyone. Her teenaged self was much more reserved and a bit abrasive though, so friends from that time may be a bit more scarce but I’m definitely open to it.
Frenemies/Enemies. It could be a mutual dislike, or one-sided. It could be mild, or a vehement feeling. Whatever it is, we can see how things go. Valeria is outspoken and very much self-righteous so I can see how she would step on some toes. 
Exes. Can be of any gender, could be high school or college exes (since she went to Boston University for undergrad). 
Volunteer buddies. Valeria is big on giving back to the community and tries to get involved in as many opportunities as possible. She’s also pretty involved in the local political scene when it comes to activism and organizing.
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von-eldritch · 3 years
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@hxlls-sweetest-sinner​ said: ☼
Honestly just a bunch of random prompts
☼ : What kind of outfit they think your muse should wear.
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“Well, obviously we’d have to remove that neckwear if that’s even possible first, and style your hair, you could do with more volume, maybe even curl it a bit, can’t go wrong with a little texture. And then I’m thinking...  dress with a sweetheart neckline for sure, I appreciate a signature color as much as the next girl and red’s not terrible on you but I wouldn’t mind seeing you in cooler colors either, maybe split the difference with purple... a ruffle skirt suits the All-American girl aesthetic without looking too prudish, cut a few inches above the knee, and top it off with ankle-strap Italian heels.”
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“And then we accessorize~”
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prinzessonne · 6 years
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tagged by :   @jokullfryst​ tagging :   if  you  haven’t  done  it  yet,  you !
APHRODITE:      laughter-loving.   sweet  smiles.    dressed  in  silk  and  satin.    flower  in  their  hair.    sees  the  world  as  a  runway.    unapologetically  sexual.    the  sea  washing  their  ankles.  in  love  with  love.  stirrer  of  passion.  cunning  concealed  by  painted  lips.  secret  daggers.  doves.     revolution  in  their  kiss.   delighting  in  the  waves.    flirtatious  winks.  strolling  along  the  beach.  staring  wistfully  from  a  balcony.    this  is  how  to  be  a  heartbreaker.   wants  to  be  adored.  gets  turned  on   by  danger.
APOLLO:       glitz  and  glamour.     art  galleries.      turning  the  volume  up.     being  made  of  gold.     neatly-organized  music  sheets.     notebooks  filled  with  poetry.    bathing  in  the  sunlight.      the  powerful  urge  to  create.     collecting  vinyl  records.    beautiful  cover  of  wonderwall.     playing  multiple  instruments.     tasting  like  sunshine.     healing  touch.     speaking  in  prophecies.    smile  mingled  with  wrath.   shunning  lies.   sporting  shades. hanging  out  at  music  festivals  with  their  friends.    sleeps  naked.    arrow  to  the  heart.   paint  brushes.    probably  has  a  tinder  account.
ARES:       armed  for  battle.  wants  to  raise  a  dog  with  their  significant  other.   soft  spot  for  children.     gives  piggyback  rides.   scarred  body.     blood  on  their   hands  and  face.   willing  to  fight  the  world  for  the  ones  they  love.    fights  against  injustice.   warm  hugs.    well-worn  combat  boots.  boxing gloves.  bandages  wrapped  around  bruised  knuckles.   fist  raised  in  protest.    ignites  revolutions.    fear is a prison.     more  sensitive  than  what  their  tough  shell  would  have  you  think.   exhausted.   damaged  goods.   force  to  be  reckoned  with.   red  roses.   curses  under  breath.
ARTEMIS:       keen  sense  of  a  hunter.       freckles  like  constellations  on  their  skin. piercing  eyes.   disheveled  braid.     moonlight  peeking  through  the  shadows. the  calm  of  the  forest  at  night.    lying  on  the  grass  and  staring  at  the  stars.   mother  doe  and  her  fawn.    protecting  their  kin.   the  moon  shimmering  on  a  still  lake.      quiver  full  of  arrows  resting  against  the  bark  of  a  tree.    running  with  wolves.   bonding  while  circled  around  a  campfire.     not  being  much  of  a  people  person.     arrow  hitting  a  target.     popping  egos.     patience  on  3%.     touches  heaven  and  returns  howling.
ATHENA:     discerning  gaze.    unreadable  face.     quiet  museums.     owl  perched  on  their  finger.     armor  that  intimidates.     eye  for  architecture.     plays  the  sims  for  the  sole  purpose  of building   houses.     studied  the  blade  while  everyone  else  was  busy  getting  laid.   big  fan  of  logic.     loves  brain  teasers.     ancient  buildings.     sweaters  in  neutrals  and  cool  colors.   hair  done  up.    can  kill  you  with  their  brain.   heads  to  the  library  often  to  research.    sharpened  pencils.   abs  that  can  cut  steel.    stoic  statues.     pottery classes.
DEMETER:      soil-covered  hands.   smile  that  can  bloom  flowers.    skin  loved  by  the  sun.   being  the  mom-friend.   can  lift  you  and  your  friends.   flowers  kept  in  the  pockets  of  overalls.     takes  pride  in their  beautiful  garden.     speaks  to  their  plants.      leaves  rustling  in  the  wind.     stalks  of  wheat.     picking  fruit.     greenhouses.    heart  as  strong  as  a  mountain.   values  simplicity.  daisies  dotted  across  a  collarbone. curls  crowned  with  flowers.   folded  pile  of  sweaters  in  warm  hues.   pulling  out  fresh-   baked  bread  out  of  the  oven  and  the  smell  wafting  through  the  air.
DIONYSUS:     drunk  shitposter.    on  their  sixth  glass  of  wine  before  you’ve  even  finished  your  second.   seductive  smirks.    untamed curls.  rich  fabrics  on  dark  skin.      sleek-furred  panthers.     theater  masks.    stage  productions.   receiving  a  standing  ovation.   �� rose  caught  between  their  teeth.     being  the  baby  of  the  bunch.     wild  parties  that  last  from  sundown  to  sunup. creeping  vines.     inspiring  loyalty.    grand  opera  houses.    masquerade  balls.     rolls  of  film.    shattered  chandeliers  with  broken glass  scattered  across  the  wine-spilled  floor.   pouring  champagne  into  flutes.    lives  for  the   applause.
HEPHAESTUS:   the  calloused  hands  of  someone  who  knows  labor.      sweaty  brow.     flame  burning  in  their  eyes.     inventive  mind.   broad shoulders. steampunk  goggles.    nuts  and  bolts  stored  away  in little  boxes.    ashes.    striking  a  match.     blueprints  for  future  projects.     fixing  up  a  busted  up  car  and  giving  it  cool  upgrades.       wrestles  with  bitterness.   work  boots  have  seen  better  years.    wrinkled  plaid  shirts.    iron  melted  in  blazing  fire.    huge  jackets.   crafting  masterpieces.     greased-    stained  overalls.     fascination  with  robotics.    pain  is  fuel.   stack  of  weaponry.  even   their  muscles  have  muscles.
HERA:       resting  bitch  face.     dressed  to  the  nines.  cows  grazing  on  a  pasture.    cool  rain.   loving  and  hating  fiercely.    hand  clutching  a  string  of  pearls.     large  chandelier  with glittering  crystals.    plays  the  sims  for  the  sole  purpose  of killing  off  their  sims.     romance  to  realism.    pictures  of  the  sky  while  flying  on  a  plane.   files  that  under  fuck  it.    downs  glasses  of  wine  as  they  relax with  a  scented  bubble  bath  and  netflix.   like  their  selfie  or  you’re  grounded.   knows  57  convenient  ways  to  murder  a  man.    dark  eyes  that  penetrate  your  soul.   marble  and  gold.
HERMES:     devil-may-care  smile.  always  up-to-date  on  the  latest  technology.   will  steal  your  french  fries.     does  it  for  the vine.   shitposter.     puts  googly  eyes  on  everything.    meme  hoarder.   long  drives  on  the  highway.  ma  and  pop  diners.   spontaneous  road  trips.  folded  maps.   fingers  dancing  across  the  keyboard  of  a  laptop.     shooting  hoops  on  the  basketball  court.   chatting  up  strangers  as  you  all  journey  to  your  own  destinations.  goes  jogging  in  the  morning.  mixes  redbull  with  coffee.   menace  on  april fool’s. hoodies  and  sneakers.  
POSEIDON:     storm  with  skin.  colorful  coral  reefs.    waves  crashing  against  the  shore.   stroking  the  soft  fur  of  a  cat.  their  heart  pounding  as  their  horse’s  gentle  trot  speeds  into  a  gallop.    tousled  locks.   clothes  smeared  with  paint.    owns  several  sketchbooks  yet always  yearns  to  own  more.    leather  jackets.  fondness  for  diy  projects.   handwriting  that  flows  across  the  page. nimble  fingers  playing  the  strings  of  a  violin.     velvety  singing  voice  that  haunts  dreams.   mood  as  ever-changing  as  the  sea.  the  roar  of  a  motorcycle.  compass  with  a  spinning arrow.
ZEUS:     thunder  in  their  heart.     running  on  coffee.     flash  of  lightning.   natural charisma.  eloquence. badass  in  a  nice  suit. aficionado  of  history.   force of nature.  lenny  face.   nightmare-filled  nights.  proud  arm  around  their  lover’s  waist.   high-rise  buildings.  planes  soaring  through  a  cloudless  sky.      technician  on  the  piano.  maintains  order.   strong  handshake.   juggling  multiple  events  on  their  busy  schedule with  ease.  expensive watch.
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