pobeda147 · 1 year
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11-12 мая
Дни исцелений.
Сбор берёзового сока в лечебных целях, чтение заговоров от лихоманок.
Лихоманки (лихорадки, трясовицы, марьянки) - злые сестры-демоны, насылающие на людей болезни и физические страдания.
Часто говорили так: "12 Лихорадок да тетушка их Кумоха"
Возможно имена Лихоманок вы уже слышали. Рассмотрим - Трясея (Трясуница), Огнея, Ледея (Знобея), Гнетея, Грудея (Грудица, Храпуша), Глухея, Ломея (Костоломка), Пухея, Желтея, Корчея, Глядея, Невея (Мертвящая).
Помимо заговоров от Лихоманок, делают подвеску (как на фото). Считается, что если в дом войдёт одна из сестриц, она начнет выбирать, в кого вселиться и выберет одну из кукол. Такая подвеска висит дома 1 сезон, после чего, кукол снимают и сжигают.
May 11-12. Healing Days. Collection of birch sap for medicinal purposes, reading conspiracies from Likhomanok.
Fevers (fever, shaking, marianka) are evil demon sisters who send diseases and physical suffering to people. They often said this: "12 Fevers and their aunt Kumoha." Perhaps you have already heard the names of Likhomanok.
Let's consider - Shaking (Shaking), Fire, Ledeya (Znobeya), Gnetey, Grudeya (Breast, Khrapusha), Deaf, Lomeya (Bone Breaker), Puheya, Zhelteya, Korcheya, Looking, Neveya (Dead).
In addition to conspiracies from Likhomanok, they make a pendant (as in the photo). It is believed that if one of the sisters enters the house, she will begin to choose who to move into and choose one of the dolls. Such a pendant hangs at home for 1 season, after which the dolls are removed and burned.
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artoklasia · 1 year
Occlupanid Tags
A running list of the common tags used by this tag project. Artoklasia is a tagging experiment to observe the interplay of tag clouds for particular mature themes.
At the risk of my engineered charm of nuance and mystery, I have decided to add concept clouds to the tags list. Think of these less as strict definitions, and more of a general concept of what to expect from a given tag.
The most common CWs I do my best to tag for: blood, emeto, gore, nihilism, trypo, violence, unsanitary.
In order to guarantee this blog is only visible on PC to people who are 18+ and have opted into seeing Mature Content, I am officially giving my pinned post Labels.
Anointment: rain, oiled surfaces, orthotics, corsetry, posturing; saliromania
Apostasy: emeto, tissue rejection, violent/abrupt excretions
Apotheosis: terato, supernatural creatures, transformation
Asitophilia: pica, unsettling food
Aureole: haloes, fluorescence, crowns, horns
Bathwater: baths, tanks, bodies of water
Censer: respirators, particulates like smoke, smoking
Cephalophoria: headlessness, object heads
Chum for Chums: moodboard collages of a curated theme, chumboxes, clickbait
Devotion: (body) worship, intricate rituals, (religious) conceit
Discipline: BDSM
Elephant chan: the Elephant's Foot
Enkyoku na Seppun / 婉曲な接吻: contact transfer, contaminants; nyotaimori (previously "an indirect kiss")
Filament: fibers, threads, roots, wires, hair, rope
Flux: melt fetish body horror, melting, coagulating
Galatea: agalmato, objectum
Hagiography: conceit of sainthood/martyrdom. figures of interest
Hanahaki: Hanahaki disease; organs filled with foreign matter
Herakleophorbia: oversized things, macro
Kholodets / холодец: cross-sections, resin/gelatin suspensions, anatomical diagrams, dissections, fetish gear under plain clothes
Lace: lace, fishnets, mesh
Laces: corsetry aesthetic, shibari
Latex: vinyl, latex, esp. wetlook
Leaks: mirrors, masks, screens/monitors, reflective surfaces
Leather: only used when I can be mostly confident it isn't latex
Lichinka / личинка: tentacles, tongues, invertebrates, sex organs
Likhoradka / лихорадка: disease, symptoms, infectiousness; nosophilia
Louboutin: contrast-sole aesthetic, hidden linings/coatings
Myxomatosis: leporine, blistered, tumescent
Oblations: paraphernalia *****INDISTINCT TAG*****
Ontology: holes, voids; trypophilia
Optical Disc: distorted visuals, implicit of impaired/altered sensory input
Or the Crown Slips: edging, particular head tilts; symphorophilia, especially the rehearsal ("Chin up, Princess...")
Pachy chan: the corium slags produced by the Fukushima disaster, where three separate reactors melted down
Pearls: pearls, teeth
Raiment: wearables *****INDISTINCT TAG*****
Rapture: the "O"; erotic nihilism
Therapy: parasites, (bad) medicine; trypophilia, formicophilia
Thriai: apiaries, honey curation, telling of the bees
Unction: sploshing/gunge/WAM; more messy/sloppy than anointment tag, though there's overlap
Underfoot: foot fetishism, footwear, corium slag
Satin: silk, satin
Saturnine: afterglow, necro, decomposition
Second Skin: wearables fetishism; second skin
Shuba / шуба: fur, velvet, velour, suede, moss, mold, matte textured surfaces
Stimulating: looping stim gifs
Surfeit: swelling, excess, tumescence; expansion
Synecdoche: setting porn, warning signs, environmental storytelling. abandoned places, urbex, exclusion zones
Syzygy: concentrism, convergence, overlay
Tryasovitsy / трясовицы: contagiousness, transcendentalism
Vagusblogging: appetites, (sensory) gluttony, compulsive behaviors; feederism
Vessels: containers, rooms, dishes; (clothes) stuffing
Wetware: clinical apathy, cybernetics, body hacking
Wetware Softhack: drug use, nerve tweaking, cybernetic malfunctions (historically I've also had a #Wetware Hack tag, but I've been trying to merge that tag into #Discipline)
With the devotion of an Earl Marshal: symphorophilia, especially the planning (Often blurs with #Or the Crown Slips.) "[He] thought of nothing else but her death, a coronation of wounds he had staged with the devotion of an Earl Marshal."
Wonderbread: (Wonder)bread, adulterated bread, extremely processed food products, hypercapitalist environmental damage
Wormwood: radiochemical symphorophilia, hazardous waste, apocalyptica
wundermöpse: I haven't decided whether to add this one to the mix or not
Functional non-aes tags
Chum for Chums: moodboards in this are made by me
Dimercaprol: my adult art
Fav: personal favs
Mine: content I've uploaded, compiled, and/or myself
Music: music tag
Peak B.A.L.: something of a best-ofs where I'm OP
We Just Don't Know: Catch-all nonsense. I started using it originally for raunchy shitposts, memes, and text posts I wanted to be able to reference again. Trying to use it less often and focus on the abstract for this blog.
In addition to the above, I've done my best to tag as many posts as possible with the contributing artists. If it's a publication like a zine, I try to remember to tag that, too. If you ever feel cheeky and want to help me source anything in my #Needs Source tag, you're lovely.
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artoklasia-archive · 3 years
Contour molds a corpuscular hollow, fringes kissed by trifled tin instruments; expiry of ego bloats evident in a fermented seafoam confetto of sawdust, chalk, hair, and plaster; flyblow gluts vacant, wriggling in the spumescent raw lugubriousness it represents. Identity presumes no form. Although
rotted adulterants stuff the vessel, its footing's entrenched to repudiate crust-baked grey flame-tongues of Saint Anthony: The body pleads itself broken, full well aware feeding others won't abjurate its turmoil of inner edacity.
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purkinje-effect · 5 years
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my dad and i stayed up all night talking about my medical stuff. while we talked i fidgeted with fallout choly. i need more lichinka in my life... have some трясовицы
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posledupredkov · 7 years
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Добрых снов... 🔥 Завтра день у наших предков предстоял не обычный. Считалось, что в этот день случаются нехорошие морозы - холод навевает худая сила, которую выгнали из домов, хлевов и со дворов, но напакостить людям ей хочется. Часто такие морозы приводили к болезням - зимним лихорадкам, трясовицам, трясуницам, трясухам. Болезнь эта могла проявляться по- разному, но сопровождалась ознобом, судорогами. Представляли ее в облике девы-трясовицы или женщины в черной одежде. Лихорадку выводили при помощи сильных неприятных запахов, поскольку считалось, что она не любит нехорошего духа. От лихорадки окуривали больного оленьим рогом, гнездом ремеза, сушеными щучьими жабрами, мелкой рыбой. Чаще всего перед больным ставили сковороду с горячими углями и положенным на них куском гнезда ремеза, поскольку оно обладало "бальзамическим" запахом. Иногда больного заставляли вдыхать дым от зажженного в черепке конского копыта или сажали в дым, когда топили овин. В некоторых областях самым верным средством считалось попарить больного в бане, которая топилась по-черному - он должен был лежать там без движения и молча, чтобы лихорадка приняла его за мертвого и ушла. Таковы были обычаи наших предков. #последупредков http://ift.tt/2DFPJos - Visit to our Telegram: t.me/posledupredkov
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artoklasia-archive · 4 years
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Taiwan CDC commissions 25+ pinups of humanized diseases to raise awareness of contagions
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artoklasia-archive · 3 years
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artoklasia-archive · 5 years
i just realized what olivia reminds me of and i am kind of scared
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artoklasia-archive · 4 years
i need you to nurse me lay your ivory hands on me ressurect the dead cast upon thy sorcery
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artoklasia-archive · 5 years
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Adam Martinakis, Just Breathe
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artoklasia-archive · 4 years
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artoklasia-archive · 5 years
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...teach a man to fish...
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artoklasia-archive · 5 years
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did you bring enough to share with the rest of the class billy
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artoklasia-archive · 5 years
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artoklasia-archive · 6 years
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artoklasia-archive · 6 years
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