#᛭ — [IC] the beast as fierce as a winter blizzard [BYAKKOMARU]
deathfavor · 7 months
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" Hee. "
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deathfavor · 8 months
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" . . . Nobody's safe, huh. " Don't mind the tiger demon picking up everyone he cares about to carry them the fuck away from this nightmare.
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deathfavor · 7 months
@rosysins said: "What happened here?" - Gekk to Byakko cause bf keeps getting hurt
aftermath of a fight
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Blood has turned sections of snow white hair crimson, pupils constricted with an intense focus as he stands among shattered weapons. Chains lay scattered on the ground, snapped under the tiger's brute strength if a few pieces still clinging to him. It's a far cry from the usual laid-back and calm appearance of the older demon. Violence curls around him, and he crushes the bones of some unfortunate demon under his foot without batting an eyelash.
Gekkouin's voice has Byakkomaru stiffen and become still before he looks over his shoulder towards where the other demon stands. Does he recognize who it is? The answer is not as obvious as it should be when he makes no move to immediately answer or interact. He turns around to face Gekkouin after a few tense seconds of silence.
" I'm dealing with trash. " Byakkomaru finally answers, his voice frigid and informative as he slowly starts to move away from the bloody scene. It feel like walking in a fog. He is aware but it feels harder to control what he does or to focus on words. Byakkomaru's wrath is a very rare thing to show even in small glimpses, let alone to be enough for him to start acting on it. The come down is hard, the smell and feel of blood trapping him in a cycle of violent urges.
He stops a few feet from Gekkouin, blue eyes focused on the other demon. " They wanted to go after Shinya. I won't allow it. " He murmurs, fingers curling into fists as he thinks about it. " I won't allow it. We're already short on time without those stains adding more into the mix. And if that witch is behind this - " Byakkomaru snarls, anger so suffocating it was nearly tangible in the air, so great his words fail.
The demon draws in a deep breath, closing his eyes for a moment as he tries to swallow the flames of anger that feel like they're creeping up and devouring him. " It's fine. I'm fine. " Byakkomaru forces his shoulders down into a relaxed position as he tries to really focus on Gekkouin. " What's up? " He asks, wiping the blood from a cut on his cheek.
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deathfavor · 7 months
@rosysins said: "would you check over there?" - Gekk to Byakko again hehe <3
would you prompts
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Byakkomaru turns his head towards Gekkoin at the question, ears perking up as he turns in the direction that was being pointed out to him. Gekkouin wanted him to go check? The tiger demon can't exactly fathom WHY this request was being made of him. He gives a snort.
" For someone who likes to call me the lazy one, you sure are acting lazy. " Byakkomaru remarks with a shake of his head.
Words aside, he does still do as he is asked. He pushes himself up from his spot and starts to head over towards the other room that was opposite of were he had been. Was it because Gekkouin actually wanted him to check for something, or was it a distraction? But if it was a distraction, then what was it a distraction from? That only serves to raise the demon's curiosity. Curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back.
" What exactly am I checking over here for, little birdie ~ ? " He asks, unable to resist the playful teasing name as he peers over the scenery. The question should be a good determent to discovering if there was something he was actually supposed to be doing, or if this was nothing more than a way to get the tiger occupied with something else. Either way, he'd entertain it for now.
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deathfavor · 7 months
@rosysins said: "sorry, you can't get in here without the right password." (TIME FOR FLUFFY BFS)
blanket fort prompts
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" The right password? "
For once, Byakkomaru is dumbfounded as he stares at the elaborate construction that Gekkouin has created out of blankets and pillows. That needs a password? He could slip through it in a million ways. But clearly that is not the point of it. " And I don't suppose you're inclined to give it to me from the kindness of your heart? "
If he knows Gekkouin, the answer is absolutely not. So he'll just have to be creative.
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Byakkomaru shifts his form, flicking his ears forward as he sits down. " What about now? Is this an acceptable alternative to knowing the password? " Soft and fluff fit the theme and aesthetic of the blanket fort, did it not? It seemed like it would make sense to give him permission to enter.
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deathfavor · 7 months
@rosysins said: "Well if I'm all yours then kiss me like it." (time for SPICY demon boyfriends)
Possessive, territorial, and jealous starters
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Byakkomaru is rather famous among demons for his calm, collected behavior. He has an almost limitless patience — but it is being tested. Of course Byakkomaru knows just how good looking Gekkouin is. And he also knows Gekkouin is perfectly capable of handling it all on his own. And he can't exactly blame other demons for looking, but that doesn't mean it doesn't cause something possessive and protective to flare within his chest. ( The line between the two could be razor thin and this felt like one of those times where he could no longer tell which was what. )
Either way, the tiger had moved closer and that had been that. Or, so he had more or less thought. A lift of a brow had him offering an explanation as a simple Mine punctuated with a stolen kiss. His little birdie. His secretly shy boyfriend, despite how tough he might look upon first glance. One who hid behind barbed comments. He expected an insult, not that.
Gekkoin had just opened a can of worms, he'd gone and opened a whole dam with that phrase.
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Byakkomaru's attention snaps towards Gekkouin, pupils instantly constricting into narrow slits. A snarl rips straight out of his chest, deep and possessive, and then he surges forward with a burst of speed. Byakkomaru does at least remain considerate enough to take consideration of their horns - though whether consciously or instinctually was left to the unknown. His hands cup the side of Gekkouin's face and he slams their lips together, instantly closing the distance between them. No play, no tease, just a possessive demand.
He kisses with a dominating, desperate hunger that envelopes the space around them like a fog over the surface of a lake. He kisses like he'll starve to death without Gekkouin. It's a primal, intense hunger that's finally been set free of the tiger demon's careful control, set loose in all its monstrous yearning to be laid bared for Gekkouin. It invades every gesture and touch, shows in how he crowds Gekkouin back against a wall, the way his lips move and teeth nip and tug. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. It's a chant woven into each kiss, the hands that hold his boyfriend tight in his claws.
" Gekkouin. " Byakkomaru manages to groan his name, sultry voice deeper than usual with his desire. His fangs nip onto Gekkouin's bottom lip, and then presses forward again, tongue slipping past to taste his boyfriend and drink from the source. It feels like being lost in a haze, Gekkouin's the only thing he can ground himself with this moment. He memorizes it all despite knowing it, every nook and crevice, purrs into their kiss with a sharpened smile. More. More. More. It's that thought that pulls him back, makes the haze in his eyes clear up a little bit.
He pulls back just enough to break the kiss with the only sliver of restraint that he still possesses. He flashes a grin, tongue darting out to lick his lips as if he's just tasted a particularly delicious meal. And he has. " You have no idea the power you have over me. " Byakkomaru rumbles, ducking his head down to press several desperate kisses to his boyfriend's throat. His fangs ghost over the skin, but he doesn't bite down, only presses himself closer, his restraint held in the tension of his shoulders.
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deathfavor · 1 year
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    “  Oh?  Little birdie is back  ~  “  
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deathfavor · 8 months
@ephemyrals said: i love watching you work . (shinya for byakkomaru)
dusty toybox sentence starters
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A rumble of rich laughter leaves the demon's chest when one of the three tigers manifested slips behind Shinya. By time it emerges on the other side, the demon has traded his tiger form for his humanoid form. As expected, the other two manifestations of himself strike their targets and leave nothing behind. There aren't even any scraps of fabric as blue fire devours the cloth until it seems like nothing every existed. His hands rest on either side of Shinya's shoulders as he playfully leans down.
" That so? I feel like the humans might call that conceited since you pull the trigger. " He teases lightly. Of course, the other humans have little understanding of the bond between the tiger and his wielder....or the tiger demon himself. For all that time caged in their control, he'd been vehemently opposed to human interference and killed those foolish enough to try to understand him. Until Shinya that is.
He slides his hands off of Shinya's shoulders, ears flicking idly to listen to the sounds surrounding them. " It's nice to work though. It's felt like ages since we really got to do anything. " He adds, strolling forward before casting a glance over his shoulder. " Do we have more work? I'm hungry. " And Shinya's desires were the last he wanted to feast on.
" Then you can sit and admire me work even more ~ " He tosses a smile at Shinya, blue eyes gleaming with playfulness before looking ahead again. He could shuffle though Shinya's memories, but he was never inclined to do so. And frankly he'd been busy either napping or chatting with Raimeiki during the meeting - one of the two. He wasn't actually quite sure which it was at this particular moment. It didn't matter either.
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deathfavor · 1 year
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byakkomaru vc: watch me end this man’s whole career.
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deathfavor · 1 year
@withsorrowandregret​ said: the entire room is filled with balloons to celebrate worlds tiger day  ,     pspspsps written all over the decoration  .     shinya goes down on one knee  ,    proposing  :   ❝   will you forever be my tiger  ?    ❞
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   “  What -  “  Byakkomaru blinks at the room full of balloons, calm expression turned to one of surprise before he rather quickly notices the pspspsps that’s written over basically just about everything. Which promptly earns a deadpan stare. So THIS was why Shinya had that unusual request to go snooping.
   Well played, well played.
   It’s so ridiculous that Byakkomaru nearly bursts into a fit of laughter as he looks down at Shinya on his knee, as if they didn’t already have an oath and contract - one of cursed gear, one of his own. But he manages to school his expression to some degree, though he doesn’t hide the laughter in his eyes.
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    “  Oh Shinya! You spoil me.  “  He swoons dramatically, purposefully exaggerating the acts before he puts out one of his hands.  “  I thought you’d never ask! Of course I will!  “  He nearly chokes on suppressed laughter.  “  I’m so happy I could die!  “
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deathfavor · 10 months
@vulpesse said: 🍻 + “ what’s your biggest regret ?” ( byakkomaru !! )
send 🍻 + a question for my muse's drunken (honest) answer
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It isn't terribly often that Byakkomaru drinks to being drunk, but he doesn't mind it. From time to time he does indulge in such vices and the carefreeness that a feast and fermented sugar drinks. Tonight is one such night when the great demon king lounges in the moonlit forest with a cup raised to his lips, throat bobbing with each swallow. Byakkomaru might prefer to feast upon the vitality of souls, but he could enjoy physical food and drink just like any other ( albeit a greater quality was necessary for the same effect ). Yet even drunk, the demon seems calm rather than rambunctious or chaotic. His cheeks are flushes, and there's a low purr from his chest when he's content - a noise he normally suppresses but now shows with loosened restraint.
" My biggest regret? " Byakkomaru repeats curiously, tilting his head back as he contemplates it. The moonlight strikes his long white hair and makes it glow like moonlight itself as taken form, shining upon the horns that protrude from his head. He takes a few moments to answer. There's not very many things he regrets. " The only human I ever gave an oath too - not a contract, but a proper oath to - I wasn't able to do anything for. " Byakkomaru admits, a wistfulness creeping into blue eyes for a moment.
" Even today he is considered one of the best generals in human history. Immortal in the only way humans can ever be immortal. " Through tongue and song and stories, through defiance of death in fame and glory. Byakkomaru turns his head from the moon towards the fox with a smile. " I swore to be beside him till he wanted me no longer. He had not needed me in many years, but I stayed with him until his final breath. " Byakkmaru answers, cheek resting against the palm of his hand while the grass sways in the breeze.
" I could do nothing for him. Of course I could offer eternal youth if he wanted it, immortality that so many crave. I could give it without taking anything from him. But he didn't want it. " Byakkomaru's ears flick, a tinge of sorrow creeping into his smile even as he takes another sip. " I expected as much. I knew his heart and his mind. I knew he wouldn't accept even if I offered it. It was best....but it is a regret even if I think he chose the right thing. " That was the hard part - when it was not human greed but demonic greed that had wished for him to stay. Human lives were so short compared to a demon's.
" What about you? " He turns the table with a playful smile, leaning closer but clearly not intending anything bad. " Nosy little fox ~ What's your biggest regret? "
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deathfavor · 1 year
withsorrowandregret replied to your post “We love a tiger demon in this household, just look...”
Shinya vc; *winks*
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   “  Shinya  ~  “    Naturally Byakkomaru’s grin only grows as he wraps an arm around Shinya’s shoulders.  “  Got the best demon around.  “  He comments cheerfully.  “  And I got the best wielder around.  “
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deathfavor · 1 year
@vygiler said: Presents catnip in front of Byakkomaru.
leave an object & see my muse react - assumed anonymous unless you specify your muse gives it
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" . . . "
Is he surprised that someone would try to use catnip to see how he'd react? No. No he is not. But is he disappointed? Immeasurable. An eyebrow raises slightly before he gives a slow sigh. He could almost pity Guren for a moment in this situation just imaging what he deals with given the youth. Almost.
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" Hilarious. "
Byakkomaru folds his arms over his chest once he changes forms, raising an eyebrow slightly. " You do remember i'm a demon, right? Catnip doesn't work. " Or maybe Byakkomaru's just very good at hiding it. Who knows?
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deathfavor · 1 year
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deathfavor · 1 year
@withsorrowandregret said: shinya twirls a strand of pearlescent hair around his digits , a brazen arch plays upon his lips . ❝  you know , if only you were slightly less keen on making me finish my paperwork . we could be doing things that are , very much so , more interesting .    ❞ a light tug , playful , before pressing a chaste kiss on the demon's lips . hovers close , lips grazing as they part around the shape of a taunt . ❝  like this  .    ❞
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Amusement glitters in the tiger's eyes like sunlight upon unbroken snowfall- dazzling and bright. He is no stranger to the whims of his wielder. Nor to the way he seeks escapism from duties. As much as Byakkomaru does love monopolizing on the attention of Shinya's, there are, unfortunately, still responsibilities that they have to meet.
" Oh? " Byakkomaru feigns naïve ignorance as Shinya speaks, but his attention shifts to focus upon Shinya and away from the papers that are both slowly boring them to death. Or a third death in his own case. Maybe he should have been paying more attention though. His own long strands of frosty hair are much easier to weave around fingertips and pull than that of the shorter strands of the others. But he cannot say he's displeased when he gets a kiss pressed to his lips. His complaint lies only in the fact its gone before it has begun.
He narrows his eyes playfully, pupils dilating like he is intent to pounce. " Sometimes - " Byakkomaru murmurs, leaning closer to playfully nip upon the bottom lip, his four fangs opposed to the typical two, pressed to the skin but not breaking the skin " - I wonder which of us is really the demon ~ " He laughs playfully, a warm and rich sound. It's all in jest - of course Byakkomaru is well aware it is him. Albeit, he is perhaps as unconventional as his master in some ways. He would trade this for nothing. It is perfect like this. It is rather enlivening for a human to tempt him rather than the other way around.
" That is true. " An admission he can make. " Unfortunately it must be done. But- " Byakkomaru crowds his body closer to press Shinya further back into the chair. " - that isn't to say we couldn't make this more interesting ~ " He purrs, sweet and enticing and oh so mischievous. " Work on your paperwork, and I'll reward you for each bit done. I am so generous after all. " It was quite the solution he felt. And he knew damn well Shinya would appreciate it later even if he didn't at this moment. " What do you say? " He never claimed HE was any angel after all. As long as it got done, well, why not have some fun?
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deathfavor · 1 year
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    “  Ha! This almost feels like a birthday. “
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