#᛭   —   [IC]  death  follows  in  the  wake  of  the  reaper  [SHUJI HANMA]
deathfavor · 1 year
@kyukicho said: 🛑 - Senma
send 🛑 for my muse (receiver) to protect yours (sender)
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   Hanma lifts an eyebrow as he idles beside a major intersection, watching the lights change and people cross the roads on the path of their destination. He hasn’t decided where he intends to go next though. So he stands like a pillar against the outside of a business wall and watched the people come and go without much interest. He watches one of the lights turn from green to yellow and tilts his head as an engine revs. Some idiot is really going to try to make it. They aren’t going to. Dumbass. Hanma snorts as he shakes his head.
   He drops his gaze just in time to catch a glimpse of Senju and allows a small grin. Well, he didn’t have any plans, so why not see if he can tag along with whatever she might be up to? Hanma straightens up and starts to move through the crowd. He’d prefer not to have to try to spot her through the crowd when crossing roads or on the other side. He considers yelling out, but it appeared like she had headphones on, rendering that as pointless. It's fine, he could catch up.
  He very abruptly realizes the engine has not slowed or stopped. Shit. 
   “ MOVE! “ Hanma shoves people out of his way as he takes a few running steps while the light turns red. His hand reaches out as the crosswalk sign switches and grabs the back of Senju’s hoodie, forcefully yanking her back before she can step out. 
   It’s too much strength and not enough bracing. When he yanks her, he falls backwards himself with his arms wrapped around her while the car goes flying through the light. It hurts when he hits the ground. Pain explodes in his back and his head as it smacks against the concrete but there’s no indication of it besides a grunt. He’s too afraid to look down. He doesn’t mind the potential anger at using too much force. An angry but alive Senju is better than the alternative. Logically he knows she’s fine. He’d just barely managed to grab her, he had though and that's what mattered. But maybe it’s the autumn chill that makes him think of winter, maybe it’s the cloudy skies that remind him, all he knows is he doesn’t want to look down. He doesn’t want to relax his secure grip and he doesn’t give a shit about the people talking and panicking. It won't be mangled limbs but he's afraid that it will be. 
  He’s shaking.  It's a strange sensation for Hanma to realize when he feels the suble tremble in his llimbs. Hanma slowly forces his hands and arms to relax, staring down at Senju with eyes that are more black than they are gold by how dilated his eyes are. This adrenaline isn't good adrenaline, its sour and bitter. All he can hear is his own heart pounding in his ears and something strangling him as he tries to swallow. Make a joke. It’s fine. Everything’s fine. He tries to speak but he can only hear his own stuttering breaths in the deafening silence. He’d laugh at himself if he could but he can’t. Not in this situation. Not when it brutally rips open everything he’s suppressed and hidden and thought he was numb to. He doesn’t even know what to do  -  fear is not an expression Hanma wears often or even feels.
His hand runs through her hair for a moment - and then he drops his head back against the sidewalk with a slower exhale while he stares at the miserable sky and blinks intensely for a few seconds.
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deathfavor · 10 months
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" Hate to ruin the fun for you guys, but I don't have a big fear. I'll take an extra shot though for your efforts. Closest I can say is I don't want to feel absolutely nothing all the time again. " Cheers! Down goes another shot for Hanma.
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deathfavor · 7 months
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@kisumshi said: smashes into Hanma's camping tent in the middle of the night "Guess who motherfucker?" draken...it's draken
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One minute, Hanma is sleeping somewhat decently. ( Really, this whole camping thing is a fucking NIGHTMARE if you asked him. Tents weren't exactly made for someone as tall as Hanma. It'd taken ages to get a decent position and longer still to fall asleep. And now this bullshit.
But evidently the change in scenery has him alert. Because unlike in his hideouts or Draken's room where he might stay fast asleep till he's forced awake, or be groggy even when he wakes on his own, he's wide awake in a moment. He shrinks away to avoid potentially being stepped on. But his tense shoulders relax as soon as he sees ( or more accurately, hears) who it is.
" If you're sneaking over for some late night fun, you're failing the sneaking part. " Hanma is oh so generous to be hushed when he speaks so no one overhears him. Even if that WOULD be funny, despite the fact most people would brush it off as Hanma being Hanma. " What the hell are you doing, Draken? " He asks, sitting upright and dragging Draken to sit his ass down. ( After a moment of flailing a hand to find him that is. ) The tent wasn't made for one tall person let alone two; the last thing he needed is them tripping over each other somehow and ending up as a tangled mess with the tent.
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deathfavor · 10 months
@ashrifts replied to your post “Anonymous said: Then Hanma is it good saying that...”:
ran voice anon get better taste
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" I'm not even disagreeing but I do find it hilarious you felt the need to comment. Jealous or something? "
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deathfavor · 9 months
@ashrifts said: "3, 2, 1..." for hanma i GUESS 🙄
Send "3,2,1..." for a new years kiss from my muse
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Hanma makes no effort to disguise the fact that he's mainly here for the booze and food over anything else. Which, by all signs that he's seen, seems to be acceptable enough. The fact Hanma has bothered to show up at ALL is more surprising than anything else ; he's a man who ultimately obeys himself before anyone else. Even Tetta Kisaki cannot wrangle him into obedience. Hanma just happens to find his plots fun most of the time. His obedience is contractual to his interest. This event just happens to hold the promise that something funny might happen. Alcohol plus guys who like to right tends to make for an interesting combination.
Although, for how tall he is and the presence he carries, no one can seem to quite pin down the moment the reaper had appeared at the new years eve party decked out in leather and paired with a wolfish grin. Few really care anyways.
So he enjoys the drinks and food, and flashes a particularly sly grin and mocking wink when he catches Ran's scowl across the room at one point in the night just because he knows it'll rile up the older Haitani. It's quickly forgotten though and perhaps it's one last blessing from the old year that Hanma doesn't decide to cross the room to directly antagonize Ran as a source of entertainment. He lets him be and minds his own business.
Or maybe it's one last elaborate trap of the year.
Time stretches and melts together, and before Hanma knows it, the final seconds of the year are approaching. He has no particularly interest in participating in the silly traditions. He'd one it before, but there's little interest. At least, not until he sees who exactly has ended up right next to him. And then his mouth parts into a hyena grin. Well now, this was too good of an opportunity to waste.
Punishment reaches out, draping across Ran's shoulder as he turns his attention solely onto Ran. " Well fancy that ~ Christmas time and New Years? That's seeming like a bit more than chance, Ran. " Hanma draws out, leaning down a bit more to be closer to the other man's level by his ear. " What was that you said? Using holidays as excuses? If you wanted a kiss, you could just say so. "
The countdown strikes 10, but Hanma withdraws is arm, fingertips ghosting cross Ran's spine as he lets his hand fall away. It's rather deceptive, because it seems like Hanma is going to let Ran escape from the moment. It's nothing more than cruel offering, like a cat lifting its paw to let the mouse see freedom but not quite letting go. Because moments later, the same hand comes by to cup under Ran's jaw, fingers holding him captive.
The countdown hits one and Hanma bends to crush their lips together. Yet for as carefree as he makes it seem, there's nothing careless about, nothing clumsy or awkward or off the mark about it. He grins against Ran's softer lips, careless to the cheers that erupt around them as the new year is rung in. The final and first moments belong to the reaper, and that cannot be changed. It might not matter in the grand scheme of everything. Neither he nor Ran view such acts with childish, romanticized sentimentality as far as he's aware. But that doesn't crush the smug streak of satisfaction.
There is the temptation to turn this into a fight in its own right - of lips and teeth and blood that colors their lips. But he withholds ( this time ) from that particular path , though that by no means is to say that its soft or sweet. It isn't. Hanma kisses with command, Sin sneaking to rest a hand against his waist. His tongue slides along Ran's lip, swiping away any traces of alcohol and pressing his lips open. ( It's almost disappoint he doesn't need to pull those handy braids to make it easier. )
Could Ran bite his tongue? Yeah. And he wouldn't put it past him either. But such risks have never dissuaded Hanma and they should both know it won't dissuade Hanma. If anything, the violence will only have him more active. Ran got to have his fun, now it's Hanma's turn as he deepens the kiss further, till his head feels fuzzy and he pulls away with a grin.
" Happy New Years, Ran ~ "
But that isn't quite where Hanma leaves it. Because he knows damn well Ran likes to have the last say or spit out a barbed comment. He expects it, and when Ran goes to say something, Hanma utilizes his height and forcefully pulls Ran forward against him to seal their lips together a second time that night. This one is a little rougher, a tease of teeth and demand before he pulls back. For a moment he holds Ran still in his hand, licking his own lips before he lets go of Ran with a Cheshire cat smile.
" There you go Ran ~ " Hanma coos, voice rich with satisfaction. "Now you're the only one hiding kisses behind holidays. "
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deathfavor · 7 months
@raytm said: ❝  you belong to me.  ❞ kisaki about 2 get the death blow
Possessive, territorial, and jealous starters
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Thrilling. There are precious few things in life that manage to catch Shuji Hanma by surprise. And there are fewer that can hold his attention after that initial spark of something in his chest, like trying to start a car with a dying battery. ( Maybe it's only a matter of time till he feels nothing at all. ) Except, there is one exception to this: Tetta Kisaki. Tetta Kisaki, who makes Hanma feel alive for the first time in far too many years, who paints the world full of color whether he's smirking with arrogant victory or snarling in anger. Thrilling. This is all so thrilling. It thrums in Hanma's veins.
" Jealousy looks good on you, Ki ~ sa ~ ki ~ " Hanma purrs back, drawing out the name for fun, because he knows it makes Kisaki's eye twitch with irritation. He wonders if it really was jealousy that had Kisaki seething. Hanma draws attention: mostly fear, but there's always freaks who get off on that, or who come charging towards danger. Maybe they have a death wish. Maybe it's just that Hanma has a dangerous kind of charm - a you're the type my parents said to stay away from look that lured some in.
He doesn't expect to feel Kisaki grab his shirt and yank him down like a misbehaving animal tugged by a catchpole and forced to heed. Surprise shoots through him, intoxicatingly intense when amber eyes stare directly at Kisaki's eyes, through the reflection. He giggles, grinning like he's won the lottery. And he has. Because what were the chances he would find the one who could make him remember what it was like to be human instead of just cloth and bone; something living rather than a skeleton abandoned to the elements for the world to pick apart. He grins, licks his lips, but stays quiet.
Kisaki practically hisses the words again and Hanma can hear his blood pounding in his ears. He's honest; jealousy DOES look good on Kisaki. It's all funny. Kisaki can hiss and snarl, but they both know Hanma can break Kisaki like a kid to a fragile statue. They both know he won't. ( At least, not as long as he's entertained. ) Only Kisaki can get away with this ; handling the reaper like he's just a directionless animal that needs guidance.
Hanma thinks he really might follow Kisaki to the end of the world if that's what he wants.
" Yeah. " Hanma answers - and suddenly Hanma has a cold feeling on the back of his neck. Like he's somehow just cursed Kisaki. His smile freezes for a second, halted like a picture. It's ridiculous of course. There's no reason for that feeling to be sweeping over him. He's puzzled - if anything, he should feel bad that HE admitted what they've known, not feel uneasy for Kisaki. But somehow Hanma's confession and admission feels like a signature on a death warrant.
The reaper pushes it down when he refocuses on Kisaki, grin stretching across his face again. " Yeah, I do. " His voices comes out rougher, scratching along his throat with the admission. Will it catch Kisaki by surprise for him to admit it? He can't wait to see.
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deathfavor · 8 months
@kisumshi said: ❛ what, am i not allowed to look at you? ❜ dorahan ofc
soft & sweet sentence starters
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Hanma hadn't been able to stop the defensive sounding what? from leaving his lips when he saw Draken staring at him. Not that Hanma cared about being stared at. He didn't, and certainly not by Draken. But people didn't look at Hanma like that. It's hard for Hanma to name exactly what that look was despite the fact he knows that he knows the word for it. He knows how Draken looks at him for some things, and the hair down like he wears now usually provokes a few, but it's not any of the regular looks he's used to getting. It's disarming and he doesn't quite know what to do about it.
" No- I mean yes. Wait." It's not often that reaper stumbles over his words even when drunk let alone when he's completely sober. " Shut up. " He gets out defensively before Draken can laugh at him. " You are allowed. " He grumbles, finally getting his point out clearly with that remark.
Like he cares. The realization of what that look was like comes to Hanma when he turns his gaze away to avoided Draken's stare. He's happy to look at the frost covered trees or warm glow of the street lights - basically anything else while the realization settles like led. Draken had looked at him like he cared and that had rattled Hanma. People don't care about him. He's either useful, an enemy, or a fun time. It isn't about caring beyond a useful pawn. The closest to a caring look he might get are the times he offers painkillers for a hangover or shit like that.
He doesn't get caring looks unprompted. Certainly not while Hanma was just walking beside Draken after a night out and had done nothing in particular to earn that look that Draken was content or cared. Gold eyes flick to Draken from the corner of his eye and then away. It's....not the first time he supposes. He still remembers Draken had tried to offer him a hug to comfort and how he'd recoiled like someone was trying to muzzle him. Draken's softness is almost as visible as the man himself when he's not in a brawl. Hanma's only comes out behind closed doors and often in the dark or early morning hours where reality and sleep blended together and became hard to distinguish. Otherwise it came in smaller gestures that Hanma had no idea if they were understood or not - cooking despite his dislike, actually bothering to answer texts, lowering his guard somewhere that wasn't his own space.
It really isn't something Hanma has ever put much thought towards before. Now he does and he isn't quite sure what to do with it. What the hell does Draken even think about this? Whatever they're doing? Hanma? He's never asked. He doesn't plan to either. But there's an oddly unpleasant sensation at the thought that - well, he's not quite sure himself what the thought is or why it's there. That he's hot and cold towards Draken? Something like that, when it's not really true. Life has already severed one of the few bonds Hanma did have.
Hanma's feet slow, and he watches Draken stride ahead a few steps before realizing something is wrong and come closer. It makes one step easier for Hanma. His hands lift to catch Draken's face before he bends down a fraction to press a kiss to his lips. It's not the first time - he's kissed him at isolated spots, or in the heat of the club. But there's no teeth that show his hunger or violence. No force that demands an equal response, no seeking or provoking or urging. Just warmth where their lips meet, soft in the way Hanma usually gives before sleep settles in. This time though its in the full hours of the evening while people brush past, paying little mind to the two of them figures on the side of the sidewalk. It's slower and unhurried, seeking nothing. He pulls back after a few moments with a small grin, hands still remaining on his cheeks.
" What, am i not allowed to kiss you now? " Hanma asks playfully, mimicking Draken's question despite the fact his voice has dropped in tone to something closer to his actual voice. His hands fall away from Draken and he offers up no explanation. ( He's not sure he'd have one even if asked. ) " So, are we wandering or did you have a destination in mind? " Hanma asks, as if he hadn't done anything out of character just now.
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deathfavor · 1 year
@kyukicho​​​ said: "don’t talk just to fill the air." Senju @ Hanma XD
black fall sentence starters
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   If she wanted his attention, she got it. 
   "  Feisty ~  “  Hanma laughs as his gaze swings towards her, calculated and focused with an intensity that promises trouble. Normally people didn’t react whenever Hanma started to talk. They would just let him ramble until he either finished saying what he had to say or inevitably grew bored with a lack of response. They learned rather quickly that by responding, they’re were only condemning themselves to be the focus of his attention. Even Kisaki had been like that - Takemichi and Chifuyu as well from their little traitorous team up.
   He makes himself comfortable as he leans backwards in his chair. So she’d bark if provoked, but would she bite? “  Why? You just going to bitch about it, or do something?  “  Hanma shoots back, defiant mischief lurking in dark gold.  “  You wanna chit-chat?  If you talk back then it’s a conversation.  “  His voice lifts to a sing-song pitch, like he’s led someone right into the pit that he wants them in. Maybe he has. After all, he was getting a reaction.
   Someone would probably be pissed at the fact he was messing where he most likely shouldn’t be.  But Hanma didn’t give a shit. If something DID happen, Hanma was the type to keep it to himself rather than make it a gang affair. (Why the fuck would he want to share the thrill? Especially with the ones he was stuck around these days.) So play. Entertain him. He lifts his chin a tad bit higher.  “  Cause otherwise I’m just going to keep going ~  “
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deathfavor · 6 months
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@kyukicho said 🎲 senma
send 🎲 for a generated setting for our muses an empty hallway of a hospital, it's dark outside and the overhead light in this hallway are dimmed
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Hanma grimaces when he yanks the IV out of his arm and sits up from the hospital bed. Pain surges through his body with an intensity that makes his vision spotty while he slowly forces himself to his feet. But fuck it, he could go lay down in misery somewhere else rather than this sterile place. He didn't want to be here any longer than he had been - which must've been half the day considering the darkness outside and how the harsh lights had been dimmed down.
It takes longer than he'd like to find his clothes, and even longer to pull them on. They're fucked up and ruined after the wreck he'd gotten in on his bike, but they'd do to get home. With it being so late, he doubted anyone would even see him ; those who did likely would avoid him. People did that in the day, but even more at night when the shadows clung and curled to his long limbs. He grabs his few belongings before he sneaks out the door and stands in the empty hospital hallway.
Ah....fuck. Where the hell was his bike? Not that he was in any shape to be driving when even walking was a tedious, painful task. He'd have to find which autoshop it got taken to. He...didn't remember that. Then again, he can't say he recalls much after the accident. He remembers being on his back and the panicked screams and chaos as traffic came to a stop, he remembers sirens, but everything else was pretty much gone. Annoying.
Hanma's head jerks to the side and he's almost sick with the sudden movement but the last thing he wants is some nurse coming down the dimly lit hallway. They'd definitely rip him a new one for trying to sneak out and ripping out the IV and god knows what else. But to his surprise and his relief, it's not a nurse. It's Senju. Color him surprised.
" Visiting hours are over. Most people don't try to break in to hospitals, you know. " Hanma jokes after his initial surprise fades and he cracks a thin smile. " Jail breaks sound cooler than hospital breaks. " Humor to cover the pain, humor to hide everything. " At least, I assume you're sneaking in to see me. Or you got a secret other person ~ ? " He breaths a laugh that makes him wince as his ribs protest the act. " But I'm getting the fuck out of here. " Hanma whispers. Discharged or not, he was going. Hanma starts to walk, jaw clenched to suppress his body's traitorous tells that he wasn't as uninjured as he was playing it. And certainly the ruined clothes didn't help the image.
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deathfavor · 10 months
@soulsballad said: emma: hey, hanma... want to make seven hundred yen? let me ride on your shoulders for like five minutes?
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" Hmmm ? " Hanma turns his head downwards to the blonde figure that pops up at the bottom of his eyesight, raising an eyebrow.
Seven hundred yen? To ride his shoulders? Really, the opportunity for making jokes is sitting right there for him. But for once he decides to NOT do so. Besides, that was an easy 700 yen to make.
" Sure. " He agrees. Easy pay plus it wasn't that much effort. ( Any anyone's reactions would be hilarious to see. ) It's a win/win for them both as far as he's concerned. " Want to stand on the bench over there? I'll bend down, it'll make it easier for you to get on. "
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deathfavor · 10 months
Anonymous said: Hii! Hanma, do you have a ideal type of partner for a relationship? And if so, how that person has to be? Yk, personality, looks... thank you- ><
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" If you're looking for a relationship, you're looking at the wrong guy. " Hanma shrugs, resting his cheek against the palm of his hand with an amused smile on his lips. " I mean, I'm down for a good fuck and I can tell you my tastes there, and someone who likes to fight is always going to score points with me. But if you want some adoring boyfriend, I'd recommend checking with the Toman guys. " At least he was honest if nothing else.
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deathfavor · 10 months
@ashrifts said: "Oh no... it said teaspoon, not tablespoon." ran and hanma cooking together somehow except it's ran trying to sabotage the recipe so hanma messes up <3
general cooking/baking starters
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Cooking and baking might not be a passion of Hanma's, but its one of many unexpected skills that the reaper has displayed and displayed an extraordinary proficiancy at that. Which explains his presence in the kitchen. What it doesn't explain is why Ran Haitani is here considering Hanma would eassume Ran would much rather be asleep and dead to the world than here with him. Although its an amusing thought to think Ran might be too wary to be asleep in his presence. Hanma doesn't have ill intentions, but it is entertaining to see how he can unnerve just about anyone other than Izana and Kisaki. ( Then again, who is not wary of Death or its herald? )
At Ran's announcement of his little oopsie, his gaze slides over to peer at the eldest of the Haitani brothers and the glass bowl that he was presently standing over with the tool of his sabotage in his hand. Yet, contrary to expectation, Hanma's expression doesn't immediately change. He pulls the melted butter from the microwave and sets it on the counter before he crosses over to stand beside and peer down at the bowl.
And then he grins and slings an arm around Ran's shoulders. " Not to worry. I was already doubling the recipe anyways so it was only a teaspoon more. So we can just add a little bit more of everything else and it'll work out fine. Everyone likes some leftovers. "
He's not stupid or oblivious, he knows very well what Ran was attempting to do, the corners of his eyes crinkling a little bit with his shark-toothed grin. But Hanma is hardly so easily tripped up or sabotaged. He adapts and rolls with the punches. And, in this case, making the sabotager part of the process. " You're so thoughtful, Ran! I'm sure everyone will appreciate it. I'll make sure everyone knows just how much you helped. After all, you're part of this ~ ♡ " In other words it's success or failure will also be on Ran.
Hanma leans closer, head tilted closer still with a cheerful smile meant just to aggravate the other further. ( Because Ran's dislike is obvious, but it is solely one-sided as per usual when it comes to the reaper. ) " I think we're really bonding. I knew you'd warm up eventually ~ " He lets go of Ran's shoulders and grabs a second apron to toss it over. " C'mon Ran. We've got more to do. "
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deathfavor · 6 months
lyric starter call | @raytm ( kisaki as requested !) song: goodbye - skan
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" If you go, I go with you. " Hanma looks down at Kisaki from where they're looking over the pier towards the ocean - an escape from that suffocating house. " That's how this works ~ ♡ "
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deathfavor · 10 months
@kisumshi said: dora vc: so am I an enemy or a friend w benefits?
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" Since when did we need a label, Draken? "
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deathfavor · 3 months
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@ofcrossroads said: ”if you’re gonna contact Kazutora again, don’t you dare do it in my petshop.”(it’s so hard for me to write Chifuyu threatening Hanma because I cringe every time 😭)
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 It’s hilarious watching Chifuyu act as if he has any sort of presence or aura about him. He hadn’t even when he was in a gang, much less now. And certainly not compared to Hanma. Hanma stares down at him and lifts an eyebrow – unimpressed but faintly entertained nonetheless if the little quirk at the corner of his lips is anything to go by. It has always been amusing to rile up the shorter man. Like a small dog that could yap but not do any damage despite how much spirit it had.
   “  Why not? “ He asks, and bites back the isn’t a pet store where you should go? comment that would inevitably earn more angry retorts. As fun as he imagines that might be…well, Kisaki hadn’t been the only good one at picking at people’s weaknesses. Hanma just didn’t normally care enough to bother with that sort of thing. He can make an exception for this because it promises to yield some sort of reward for him. “ It’s pretty common for people to do that. Visit cafes, stores, all of that jazz. “
   “  Is it because you’re jealous? “ He grins like a fox that’s feasted on the chickens in a chicken coop, amber eyes glittering with entertainment that he openly expresses. “ Or are you scared? Both? “ A breathy laugh leaves his lips as he shifts his weight backwards, one hand in his back pocket. Probably both if he had to bet money on it. Scared of who he’d chose? “ God, bet that’s it. You’ve had years and what the fuck do you even know? You don’t want me to contact him there because I actually know shit about him? ” And you can’t stomach it? Hanma’s grin grows, sharp and mocking as he peers down at Chifuyu. “ Want me to give you some tips? “ Bet I knew him better at fifteen in a matter of days than you have learned in years.
   Finally though he simply shrugs his shoulders and lets his expression fall back to its more neutral expression other than the cat-like gleam to his gaze. “ Fine. No saying hi to the tiger inside of the pet store. Got it ~ “  He singsongs back. It’s too easy of an acceptance. Hanma never lets things go so easily. “ I’ll just send him a message. How’s that? “ He’s not asking for permission ; he’s just flaunting that he already knows it. Or is at least claiming to know his number. Will that knowledge eat at Chifuyu? He’d hazard a guess to yes.
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deathfavor · 9 months
@kisumshi said: Draken, gently petting Hanma's black kitty "What's its name?"
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The black cat purrs at the touch, nuzzling against Draken's hand from where its comfortably sprawled itself across Hanma's lap. And Hanma makes no effort to either move it or move himself; he resigns himself to the fate that's befallen him for the time being. ( It's not nearly as uncommon as people would think - if Hanma was lounging somewhere on a curb, there was often a cat or two not far away or sometimes nestled against him.
" Killer. " Hanma says it deadpan and serious for a moment before laughing. " Just kidding. Although I guess I could. " He considers it before shrugging. " I haven't really given him a name in case someone takes him in one day. " Which maybe says more about Hanma that he even realizes with the nonchalant tone. " I usually just end up calling him common nicknams. Like Buddy. troublemaker, Kurohyou, things like that. " He answers, petting the cat gently while it purrs louder between the attention of Draken and Hanma.
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