#— 🌺 brynn
blackwolfstabs · 7 months
🎂, 🌺, 🍀
Hi Samshine :3
Hi, my darling Angel 🎂- when is your birthday?
we talked about this in DMs so i'll keep it short for the people who're curious: i don't like to disclose my birthday for personal reasons but i appreciate the ask!
🌺- what is the best gift someone has ever given you and why is it so important?
ok so this one wasn't technically a gift, but having my parents allow me to get my puppy, Brynn, meant everything to me. before i got her, i was in a very low place, but ever since i got her, i've gotten a lot better and can't imagine life without her. she's got a lot of belgian malinois in her so she's a big troublemaker and can be a pain, but she still means everything to me. i spent a lot of time fighting for her, and while it's a time i'm not proud of nor do i like to talk about, it was worth it
🍀- what is your comfort show/series and why is it your comfort show? how has it helped you?
the korean drama IT'S OKAY TO NOT BE OKAY. when i was watching that show for the first time, i had a huge fallout with my mom that tore me apart. i won't say what happened but it had me crying and experiencing severe anxiety attacks for the following couple of days. but anyway, after it happened, i spent most of the next day watching that show and it really helped me stay strong. the female lead of the show has deep emotional issues with her mother and so i really connected with her. i think it's helped me in a lot of different places, especially with dealing and handling myself as well as other people
ty for asking!! 🩶
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missameliep · 1 year
For Elizabeth and Malia:
⭐ What is your OC afraid of? Any crippling phobias or some such? How do they act when scared and what helps them calm down? Does anyone ever find your OC scary? Why?
🌺 Does your OC have any tattoos or other body art? Does their body art have any specific meaning behind it? Do they have any scars? How did they get those scars? Any birthmarks?
Hi, Anon! Thanks for the ask ☺️
For Elizabeth:
⭐ Fears: yes, she does have some fears. Her #1 fear is definitely losing people she loves; but she’s also afraid of bugs, specially the crawling type, like spiders and ants, and speaking in public (her shyness and anxiety take a toll on her in such occasions, she'll do it if it's necessary, but it'll be unpleasant). Depending on the situation, it can be a paralyzingly fear, but she was taught techniques to calm down, including breathing exercises, and it usually helps her.
When it comes to her fear of losing people she loves, that's something she only addresses in therapy (but when her relationship with Hamid progresses, that's something they'll eventually talk), and for the others, she normally doesn't speak about them and only people really close to her know about them, because she was taught to not let people know how to hurt her, so she mostly keeps to herself.
🌺 Tattoos and body art: Elizabeth's got two well-hidden tattoos. At eighteen, her best friend offered it as a gift, and they got matching tattoos of the silhouettes of some of their hometown Rio de Janeiro’s famous mountains; and the second is a small one in the shape of a lily, her mother’s favourite flower, and she got it after her mother passed away. She's got a few scars on her knees, from falling down when playing as a child and practicing sports, but nothing major, and a brown birthmark on her left leg, which is something common in her mother's family.
For Malia:
⭐ Fears: From the list of most common fears/phobias, Malia has none of those - she's not afraid of public speaking and definitely not afraid of heights, insects or zombies. She's not afraid of dying either. Living in a post-apocalyptique world, she's used to push herself to do whatever it takes to succeed and survive, and her fears are more linked to her own survival and of those she loves; specially after losing her sister Brynn, she feared not being able to protect her friends, and that someday she'd come to that hard choice of having to shoot dead someone she cares about (and she fears she won't pull the trigger) or worse not having the courage to shoot herself if she was the one bitten. The idea of turning into a drone is something that haunts her dreams, specially when she got pregnant.
Afraid? Malia? Nobody would believe it, even if she said so... So, basically just Troy, who knows her his whole life got to see this other part of her.
To calm down, she just remembers that she's got no choice. It's usually enough to keep on going.
🌺 Tattoos and body art: living in the Tower those were not really part of her concerns with all the time and effort put on training and preparation to go on missions; and she never saw the appeal of getting her skin pierced or tattooed and the lack of antibiotics was not very reassuring in case something went south... So if she wanted to feel pain, she'd go for another round of combat training. She does have some small brown birthmarks, five small round ones that look a bit like a cross shape on her belly. Brynn had the same marks.
And she has plenty of scars from combat training and facing zombies, she has one above her right eyebrow from one time she was too slow to block an attack and the other kid's stick knocked her down and she got this cut, there's another bellow her chin when she fell on the stairs, and some others on her legs, besides the small one on her lower abdomen from the hormonal implant she received in the Tower when she was thirteen.
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grisailledreams · 3 years
💐🌾🌺 for the planty oc asks!! C:
Thank youuuu!! Also about Brynne because that's just what we're doing and I'm not sorry.
💐 What flowers would be used in a flower crown for your oc? Why those choices?
Anything found by the side of the road. She finds wildflowers supremely Romantic. Not just in a "lmao someone gave me flowers" sense, but also in how she sees them as encompassing the inherent beauty of the natural world.
🌾 What is your oc’s favourite food?
Venison, blackberries, apples. Especially apples. So easy to just find out in the wild and pick.
🌺 What is your oc’s formal wear like?
Brynne surprisingly has, like, one nicer dress that she wears if the posse ever plans a fun night out in the city or something (it's pink, obvs, with a nice rose pattern and puffy sleeves and a lace hem), but then there's a single, midnight-blue silk evening gown with its own floral pattern that lives in the bottom of her wardrobe chest and rarely ever comes out. Maybe the posse's caught her looking at it once or twice. It's old-fashioned but in good condition. She saw it in a secondhand shop window in the city one day and, without explanation, insisted on buying it (the shopkeep ended up obviously swindling her and made her pay double, but she seriously didn't care and put down all protests from her friends). Has never worn it to the Posse's knowledge, but could be persuaded. (May or may not have belonged to her mother and was one of the items stolen from her on the day her stagecoach was attacked).
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mandyloves2read · 2 years
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🌺Book Review 🌺
Spark Of Madness by Brynn Ford
This is one of the most twisted dark and disturbing but compelling stories I’ve read it’s intense forbidden and super spicy it revolves around a dystopian/cult setting which intrigued me and I found so interesting the world building the characters just everything about this story is dark bat shit crazy and intoxicating I have heard some people say it’s a cross between The Handmaid’s Tale and the Purge and I would totally agree it does end on a cliffhanger of epic proportions as this is a trilogy and I can’t wait for the next book I’m definitely rooting for Arlo and Mercy I can’t wait to see how this author pulls this story off ! CHECK YOUR TRIGGER WARNINGS THIS BOOK WON’T BE FOR EVERYONE YOU’VE BEEN WARNED! However I loved it devoured it and I’m obsessed with it! Can’t wait for Blaze Of Misery!
Overall rating 5/5⭐️
A new dystopian dark romance! When Mercy refuses to serve the men of Ember Glen as they purge beneath the full moon, Arlo forces her to find absolution through three brutal trials. Yet their chemistry is undeniable, and it sparks a forbidden romance that might just destroy their world.
★★★★★ "A morally pitch black love interest…" -Amanda J, Goodreads Review-
Neglecting my duty to serve is a sin, and during the last full moon, I became a sinner.
He saw me run from my duty, chased me, and caught me.
He promised me that I would be punished.
But I never could have imagined the hellish fate that would be chosen for me. More than that, I never could have imagined the maddening lust that would spark between me and the man who caught me.
This passion is forbidden…and it might set us on fire.
It's my role to catch the sinners, and Mercy sinned gravely.
I saw her and I chased her, drawn to her inexplicably.
She sparked something within me, but she had to be brought to judgment.
Her punishment is coming in the form of an archaic ritual we're bringing back to make an example of her. I'll be her warden, her keeper, the man to ensure she stays alive between her torturous trials.
Something within her brings out the worst of me…and the worst of me wants to ruin her.
AUTHOR NOTE: This is a dark romance series that involves many triggering elements which may be upsetting for some readers. A complete list of tropes and triggers can be found on the author's website.
SERIES NOTE: Spark of Madness is book 1 of 3 in the Ember Glen series and it ends on a cliffhanger. The author plans to publish all 3 books by the end of 2022. The trilogy follows Mercy and Arlo and must be read in order.
Book 1: Spark of Madness (July 21, 2022)
Book 2: Blaze of Misery (October 20, 2022)
Book 3: Embers of Mercy (December 29, 2022)
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evermorebaby · 6 years
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