#— anonymous.
fawnchives · 4 months
Is billie’s album that good?
i am telling you right now, this has been me since midnight.
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klint-vanzieks · 4 months
How good are you at tying cravats?
One doesn't do so well in a career like mine if one cannot groom himself properly while running for his life, pursued by gunfire, with a broken wrist and a concussion.
I have been tying my own cravat and shoelaces since I was small. You may as well ask if I am competent at signing my name.
Yours in query,
Prosecutor van Zieks
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advertisesouls · 3 months
ur "oc" is just a female alastor thats trying too hard to be this mastermind when shes not lmao
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here you go, anon. a gold star just for you! thanks for feeling like you had to take the time out of your day to send me this. :)
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punisheye · 4 months
heavy is the chest that carries the tits or whatever
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"Do I... haveta start buttonin' my shirts up all the way...?"
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dunmeshistash · 3 months
hello! i really love your blog, thank you for sharing dunmeshi stuffs ( ◜‿◝ )♡
Regarding Senshi's diary, I would like to print my own copy, just like the Harta booklet. May I ask if there is any site/link that you could recommend where I could save the english translated images in hd? It's okay if there's none, I just saw your post about it and wondered if there's an hd version because tumblr kinda lowers the image's quality. Thank you in advance!
No problem! I don't really have them in hd tho.. I found the second half on the dungeon meshi subreddit and the first part is from the scan from bato.to, which is not amazing quality :/
I think how it looks on tumblr is about the same as the ones I got (if you open them on a new window so its not compressed)
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forgottnseccnd · 7 months
A message came in.
“Well well old friend, I thought you were still alive. Now someone owes me money. Anyways, need supplies?”
The message started with clear joy, switching a smug, than back to happy.
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A pause at the message. Aurelius could barely focus on much as he was attached to the damn wall, using his very energy to keep everything powered. The techpriest Nirisch shifted as he kept the vox to his Primarch's lips.
" ... Supplies... yes, that would be good... " Aurelius spoke, yet it was more of a tired mumble as he did his best to keep his head up. " ... who is this? This is... Ursa Major... "
Nirisch nervously murmured as he held the vox with his servo arm, adjusting the many wires that connected the Primarch's arms, legs and back to the wall of the engine room. " Right... okay, my Lord... um-- ah-- could you ask if they have any sort of auramite? "
A grunt, Aurelius's eyes flicking over beneath his helmet. Auramite? That was rare... they'd be able to get their hands on ceramite, or adamantine...
" ... do you have any possible auramite in your supplies? My techpriest requires them for his masterworks... "
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sanguinelupus · 5 months
why are you niggafying the originals
because i can, nonny. because i can
i already niggafied damon. now klaus. next is elijah.
i will make every character in this damn show a negro
cry about it
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maslimanny · 6 months
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Respect is a much neglected virtue.
Respect is vital space.
When we do not give ourselves Respect, we open doors and windows, in different aspects of our being, and
these spaces are filling
and these spaces become
the lack of respect of others towards us.
It is in us, in each of us, that the key to Respect lies.
You can never blame
the other of his lack of Respect.
The lack of Respect for others is always made up of the lack of Respect for ourselves.
Respect is survival
of being.
Respect is a form of self-love.
Which does not mean that we do not welcome others,
But we welcome him close to us
and not in Itself.
Respect always calls
And there is a great need for Respect.
When you demonstrate
to someone your Respect,
this person feels grown, this person feels understood.
The manifestations of Respect which are love, always awaken in those
who receive them, greater Respect for Themselves.
Respect admires what is
and let him live.
Respect receives beauty
on the other and lets this beauty live and develop without trying to monopolize it.
When two Respects come together, Love is born.
Respects progress
side by side,
Never interpenetrate.
Which does not mean
that bodies cannot
not join,
that emotions cannot
not brush against each other,
that thoughts cannot
not ride the wide open spaces together,
But always,
there is room
so that each being
can develop
in its essence,
so that each being
can continue
to re-know yourself....
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pxgeturner · 6 months
age regression is not always a trauma response and it is not always involuntary. a lot of people enjoy engaging in sex acts while age regressed, when they have already established boundaries and expectations with their partners in advance.
my anon specifically points to reddit communities where there are various examples of this. people state their preferences. some enjoy sex in little space, others do not.
i’m not conflating age regression and age play, but there can be overlap. your experience is not universal, and neither is mine.
the definition of age regression, sweetheart, is an involuntary defense mechanism in which a person reverts to an earlier state of mental development. this response is caused by intense fear or stress. (hm. sounds like a trauma response to me. but how do you define trauma? because intense moments of fear or stress pretty much hits the nail on the head for me.)
children cannot consent to being sexualized. so an adult who is in age re cannot either. age play is completely separate. the people who u pointed out on that subreddit are age players not regressors. they are in subspace, not littlespace. that term is only for age regressors and not submissive age players. yes they both use the term "little" unfortunately. but they have different definition depending on the context. if you ever see me reference littles I will be talking about regressors not ageplayers.
it is true some littles might enjoy age play but not while they are in little space and it is also a thin line to follow as age playing might make then slip into littlespace which can be dangerous. so like I said. a thin line.
it is SO TRUE that there are varying experiences of littlespace because depending on what age you regress back into, your behavior will change. but age-re≠age play. at. all. you are conflating age play and age-re by saying that there is frequent overlap. overlap is very very rare.
I don't like bringing him up, but Sigmund freud, the man who first studied age-regression is rolling in his grave because of the way you're spreading misinformation ❤️. please please do research !
also. if you think it is ok to engage sexually with people in the midst of an age regression episode I would highly suggest you seek out mental health resources near you because that is not healthy. adult littles can totally engage in sex! its fun and healthy! except in littlespace.
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hellcab · 2 months
💖 💖
Honestly, DJ writes a fantastic and “human” Blitz. They add so much emotion and nuance to that magnificent bastard.
It’s always amazing to write with them. The chemistry between Blitz and Roth is simply amazing and I’m excited to see where it goes.
Honestly, they write Blitz with such nuanced understanding of the character. More importantly, they highlight the humanity of Blitz, his flaws and personal struggles.
But, above all else, DJ is an amazing person of such kindness and empathy. They’re awesome in my book.
Soul is an amazing writer and a fantastic person.
I’ve interacted with their character Silver mostly. Silver is a fantastic and unique character, derived from the Book of Enoch.  
Honestly, Silver is unique and amazing. I always love having Roth interact with Silver.
Soul is just an amazing writer and human being. They deserve all the love and recognition.
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fawnchives · 4 months
chris would be such a nosey bf 😭
mr. who what when where why & how — addicted to the gossip and girl talks you have with your friends over the phone. as soon as you hang up he’s bombarding you with questions, trying to be casual like you can’t see right through the fake front 🥸 and if you’re a yapper, GOOD LUCK !!
“sooo…that sounded like a very interesting phone call.”
“oh it definitely was one, i need a nap after all that.”
…minutes later…
“so what happened with her and the other guy?”
“oh my GOD, you’re gonna wanna sit for this one…”
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klint-vanzieks · 4 months
Do you think a short person can “talk down” to a taller person?
I am writing this with one hand, because a twenty-pound fey familiar decided to take a chunk out of my arm for no logical reason. I have also met my wife.
Yes, it is completely possible, and those of us who are vertically challenged demonstrate it constantly.
Yours in irritation,
Prosecutor van Zieks
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mindhate · 7 months
What do you really think of Lucifer ?
The Throne Demon gave a contemplative look. A grin appears, born not from fondness, but from cruel mockery. He speaks, sounding nearly friendly. Yet, underneath, one could feel the vitriol seeping into his words.
“The King . . . what can be said for our King? That all his dreams, his hopes, was his undoing? Or that his pride blinded him to the fact that he could never surpass father? Indeed, what can be said for our king?”
Grasping an apple, Sargatanas held the fruit that summoned memories of paradise. Soon, the apple rots, withering and becoming infested with magots. It was as if his hatred poisoned the fruit itself. He discards it, thinking more about the question. More of Lucifer.
“Oh, my faceless friend, Lucifer was once so much more. The songs he sang could move Heavens, shatter kingdoms! He was his favorite angel, after all. Down here, he ruled Hell with such perfection and strength."
He remembered those days of perfection and peace. He remembered singing songs and giving sermons. He remembered the gardens of God, tending to flowers and trees. He remembered teaching young Sera. The Throne, The God on that throne who loved him dearly. He remembered the arguments in court, between Lucifer and his brothers, while Yaldabaoth waited in shadows and simply listened.  Oh, no Angel could have argued any more than Lucifer.
Then when words weren’t enough, the swords were called. Oh, the rebellion, that disaster that damned them all to this worthless place. To see the face of God, to see his DISAPPOINTMENT shattered his soul. To fall and burn and dance down here for eternity, only made the pain worse.
The pain he blamed on Lucifer. He should have known better to follow. He should have done something to prevent this failure.
“Now, Lucifer is a coward. A man who betrayed everything he once stood for. A failure, who allowed his wife, his daughter, to change his mind countless times over. A man who surrendered parts of PRIDE, to underserving Sinners. Lucifer the Lightbringer, the failure and coward who should have DIED!"
The hatred was fiery and corrosive. Sargatanas grew and grew, his humanoid shape twisting and changing. The real monster was revealed, The God Moth. A horrible, mind-numbing combination of divine mutation. Then, suddenly, it changes back as the anger leaves him. Sargatanas stood there, breathing hard as he felt weak suddenly.
Gathering posture, he speaks more calmly. Smiling, while he hides his hatred under polite talk.
“Regardless, I care for Lucifer. I will see him restored, purified. Even by force, I shall save my dear, old friend.”
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girlballs · 1 year
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choibeomggyu · 1 year
hi 😊 your gifs are so hq and coloring is so nice, i want to ask if you have any blogs like your own to follow? it is very hard to find gifs for me because there is so much fanfic in the tomorrow x together tag 😢
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thank you so much for liking my gifs, and welcome to moablr ♡
ah, the group tags are unfortunately very difficult to navigate through, i'd recommend you look in the #moasource, #moacentral and #tubatunet tags for content (as well as give the blogs themselves, @moasource @moacentral & @tubatunet, a follow!)
as for ccs/txt blogs, there's so many wonderful ones:
@itshyuka @yjunies @jjunies @yeonbins @yeonjune @tixti @huneingkai @choining @beomgytual @tyunbins @myy-moonflower @beomgyns @sugarushride @tmpttion (mainly txt)
@usertae @yongbonk @beomgyus @got7 @blushgyu @beomgyu01 @yechan @gyeheoni @seonghwasblr @hueningkai @ireahand @dreamaze @kyubins @yeonjuins (multi)
you can also follow @tomorrowxtogether, they're a txt update blog and they also reblog gifsets from other ccs from time to time ^^
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forgottnseccnd · 7 months
*The small stranger returned. This time just reaching out to simply put a reassuring hand on his side. And lend him some comfort.*
More people than you think remember you.
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Ah-- they had returned. Aurelius lowered his head to look at them, his gaze softening once again. The comfort... helped so much more than anyone might realize. Aurelius loosened up, an auramite hand moved to gently rest over the hand of the mysterious visitor.
" Some part of me must disagree with you. " Aurelius forlornly murmured, " I... I would not even be so upset if I had been forgotten. But the sacrifices my sons had gone through... what they endured. All of it, lost to time. And if I am to ever die... that history goes with me. "
He lifted his head, looking off to the ruined murals, mosaics and everything around the both of them.
" ... perhaps... do you think you could serve as a messenger, my mysterious friend? To let my brothers know I still live? That is quite the large request, forgive me. I... just want to see them again. "
" ... maybe even Horus, somehow, despite event. I know he mentioned me to Malcador on the day he became Warmaster... "
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