#— don't you dare forget the sun / V; VAMPIRE.
cursesavior · 10 months
— @chaoslulled / plotted.
The past just can't seem to let him go. When Suguru was informed of a new initiate into his 'religious group', he'd expected the usual formal affair. Donning their robes to pledge their allegiance to him and his cause, giving him their blood to show their dedication - the same played-out scenario he'd gone through what felt like a million times at this point. He couldn't care less, honestly, he had better things to do - he'd been shockingly busy since he'd died and been turned into a vampire, building up his following and trying to create a world where the undead could live without the fear of being hunted - but he put on a serious face anyways, pulling his own hood over his head as he made his way to the candlelit room where the ceremony would take place. Just another night like any another...
He's quickly shown just how wrong he is about that.
There's an odd feeling in his gut when the new initiate is brought into the room by several other cult members, something undeniably familiar about the hooded figure before him, the height, the way they walked, their posture - the name sat stubbornly on the tip of his tongue as he stared, gaze intense as he tried to figure out just why he was getting such strong déjà vu. That voice, it almost sounded like... But it couldn't be, right? There must be some other explanation...
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"... Satoru?"
All bets are off as soon as the others hood is dropped to reveal Satoru's face, the shock in his voice giving him away instantly. A whirlwind of emotions cuts through him - Satoru. His best friend. The one he'd fought side-by-side with for so many years back when he was still a vampire hunter... He didn't think he would ever see him again, the weight of how much he'd missed him hitting him all at once. He wants to be relieved, happy, wants to embrace his friend - but he was a vampire, and Satoru was a vampire hunter. There was only one way this encounter could possibly end. Someone's blood had to be shed. Higher thinking screams for him to have the cultists restrain him, do something to stop the other from reaching for a stake, silver, holy water, anything - but the shock leaves him frozen like a deer in headlights, only moving to pull down his own hood and reveal his wide-eyed expression, his usual composure decimated by their unexpected reunion.
"What are you doing here...?"
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cursesavior · 6 months
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✉ @legbite said: ❤️‍🩹  to  find  my  muse  trying  to  hide  an  injury.
are you okay? / ACCEPTING.
Suguru winces as he pulls ripped fabric taught around the deep wound on his upper leg, the material that had once been part of his undershirt instantly dyed a dark crimson as it soaks in his blood. He should know better than to go out on his own when the hunters had such a high bounty on his head - but he'd gotten confident in his strength, perhaps a bit too cocky, and ended up the victim of an ambush whilst walking back to the temple, on his way back from picking up a surprise gift for his girls.
Even with three hunters attacking him, he'd been able to take all of them down- but not without sustaining a rather nasty injury that was now preventing him from finishing his trek home. Normally a gash like that would heal within a few minutes, but given it had been dealt with a silver dagger, his body was still struggling to recover, and knowing the sun would come up soon he was forced off the trail, limping his way to an abandoned shack in the hopes the rotting wood would protect him from the harsh light of the sun when it rose. With his phone being broken during the fight, his only choice was to wait for one of his followers to come looking for him or for his leg to heal itself - he refused to die though, not like this. He still had so much left to do - he wouldn't let anything stop him, no matter how many attempts on his life were made.
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The sound of footsteps outside has him tense, keen hearing able to tell that whoever was out there was heading right for his hiding spot. More hunters? No, that couldn't be it - as they got closer he could smell that they weren't human, and they weren't a vampire either, quickly stamping out his hopes that someone had come to help him. What in the world was that...? The scent almost reminded him of a dog - but he doesn't have time to dwell on it as the figure finally creaks open the flimsy door, a shadow against the earliest bits of light creeping over the horizon. He backs against the wall, curling in on himself in an attempt to hide his weakness with a snarl and hiss, baring his fangs and claws in defense. "Don't come any closer."
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cursesavior · 6 months
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✉ @chaoslulled said: they said if i left, they wouldn't hurt you. * vampire verse? 👀
i'm sorry, i just had to find you / ACCEPTING.
Arms were already wrapped tight around the boy before he could even finish speaking, claws digging into the fabric of his jacket as if he might be ripped away from him again at any moment. He should've known something like this would happen - should have known that the academy wasn't going to let their strongest hunter go so easily. Still, he'd let himself get comfortable with Satoru's constant presence so fast, allowed himself to get used to having him glued to his side as he went through the motions of keeping his cult running smoothly. When he'd awoken one night to find that Satoru was gone, had disappeared from his life once again, he immediately assumed the worst - had the academy taken him away again? Executed him for his betrayal? Or, worse, had his own followers been the culprits, letting their envy get the better of them after Satoru had soaked up so much of the attention and affection they so desperately wanted?
He'd gone on something of a rampage for the next week - on edge, irritable, interrogating everyone at the temple who might know anything about his whereabouts - only to come up empty. Some of the human followers said they'd seen him leave during the day of his own accord, but he hadn't wanted to believe it. He didn't want to believe that he would just leave him without a word of his own volition when everything was finally as it should be, right when they could've had everything. He wouldn't, right? He wouldn't -- and he knew he'd been right to hold onto that sentiment when he finally saw him again, practically pouncing on him and pulling him into his embrace.
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The emotions wash over him like a great wave - relief that he's come back, rage at the hunters who had tried to separate them again. His monstrous side shows through for a moment as a growl rumbles in his throat at the words - how dare they try to use him like some kind of hostage, a bargaining chip to take advantage of Satoru's feelings? They won't get away with this. "You didn't need to do that. You don't need to protect me." He mutters, burying his face in his shoulder and breathing in his familiar scent. "I'm strong too, you know. I'm not going to let them get to me - and I won't let them hurt you, either." There's a vicious determination to his tone, despite the quietness of his voice, gripping him even tighter. Until now, he'd mostly instructed his following to stay away from the hunters and to only kill them when necessary in an attempt to stay under the radar - but now? He's already thinking about how much damage they could do if they launched an attack. He'd make sure they never tried to take Satoru from him again. "I'll kill them if they try."
It's only now that he allows his shoulders to relax, turning his head to lightly kiss the skin of his neck, along the spot his teeth had sunk into time and time again, welcoming him back. "Don't leave me again. I need you here with me..."
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cursesavior · 21 days
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✉ @downspirals said: ❝  can i ask what happened here—  how did you get this one?  ❞ from Austin!
Suguru's gained a lot of scars over the years, but it's not hard to figure out which one he's talking about - the x-shaped scar that cuts across his chest is hard to miss. It's not something you could get by accident, that's for sure, the lines of scar tissue the clean and precise work of a killer. He shrugs a little - it's not a memory he likes to dwell on, but since Austin had been so helpful to him with finding a place for him and the girls to stay, well - he doesn't mind sating his curiosity a bit, pursing his lips in thought as he finishes hanging up his laundry.
"Ironically, I was a vampire hunter until a few months ago." He starts, his voice both fond and melancholic as he reflects on his teenage years. Not that it was actually that long ago, but it felt like a lifetime away with how much things had changed. "Myself and my best friend were the best at the academy - which just means we killed the most, I suppose. Because of that, someone - probably a vampire noble or something - hired an assassin to take us out..." Toji Fushiguro. He hadn't even been a vampire himself, allowing him to catch them in broad daylight when their guards were at their lowest - he'd never forget how he felt that day, thinking Satoru was dead. He hadn't been able to protect him, to save him... If he couldn't protect the one person that mattered the most, then what was the point of all the killing he'd done? All the blood and ash staining his hands? He sighs, shaking his head a bit to clear his mind. "We both managed to escape with our lives, somehow, but he's the one who gave me this. My friend ended up killing him, but nothing was really the same after that, as you can imagine..."
That's where it all started, he supposes. Everything in his worldview seemed to shift from idealistic to bleak, knowing that a human - one of the people he was supposed to be protecting - had nearly ended their lives for money, while watching his comrades be picked off by the undead one by one in their eternal fight against vampirism... It's no wonder he'd stopped trying so hard to protect himself. He wasn't shocked at all that a vampire had managed to sink their teeth into him - he just hadn't expected that they'd make him into one, too. "That was over a year ago now, though. A lot has changed since then, as you can see... I suppose becoming a vampire was the best way to put into perspective just how wrong I'd been all along."
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cursesavior · 8 months
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✉ @chaoslulled said: It's a small thing, really, a foolish little box. He doesn't even know if vampires still celebrate their birthdays. But still, if he didn't get Suguru something it would drive him nuts. So instead he holds out the box, sheepish look on his face; inside rests a little plush toy of a bat of all things. "I figured a blood cake would be really gross."
Birthdays and vampires were two things that didn't exactly... Mix well. It's not that there weren't any vampires that celebrated things like that, it's more the lack of a general consensus that's the issue. Some vampires still celebrated their birthday, some celebrated the day they were turned instead, and some found the notion of celebrating either of those things ridiculous. So, to say the least, Suguru isn't sure what to expect. Most of his cult remained unaware of the personal details of his life, so there certainly wasn't going to be a huge celebration from them - he wouldn't want that kind of attention from such a massive audience, anyways. Aside from the birthday wishes from Mimiko and Nanako at the beginning of the night, all goes as it normally would, another long night of strategizing and planning their next moves and making sure all his running smoothly at the temple... So to open his bedroom door at the end of it all and see Satoru waiting for him inside is a breath of fresh air, not even noticing the box he was holding at first.
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"Ah, Satoru, there you are." He breathes a sigh of relief, already drawing close to him - he'd rarely admit to missing him, he didn't need to feed his ego like that, but it's clear in the way he immediately seeks his touch, expecting to throw himself right into his embrace until his gaze drifts down and he realizes he's holding something out to him. There's a split second of confusion before his expression splits into a fond smile, feeling all warm despite his lack of body heat at the fact that Satoru had remembered, after all this time. Not to mention that sheepish, almost shy look that he so rarely displayed - Satoru is just too damn cute when he looks at him like that, it's a gift in itself. He gives a curious little "For me?" before he's taking what's offered to him into his own hands, tilting his head as he wonders what he possibly could've got for him. Maybe it's some kind of prank, and he'll open the gift only to be met with the unpleasant sight of a rosary or the smell of garlic...
An amused snort leaves him once he opens the box and sees what's inside - a plush bat? Seriously? It's so childish, the kind of thing he'd never buy for himself, but he can't help but love it all the same when Satoru was the one giving it to him. It's funny to imagine him running around town, scouring the shops along the street for something he'd like... He's more thoughtful than he lets on sometimes. "Heheh - how adorable." He muses, taking it out and setting the box aside on his nightstand, before placing the plush right in the middle of his - their - bed, nestled up against the pillows. "There, he can sleep right in between us." He decides, before his comment about a blood cake gets another laugh out of him, shaking his head dismissively.
"That does sound pretty nasty..." He agrees, before he comes close to Satoru once more, wandering hand trailing his fingers along the pale skin of his neck. "Good thing your blood is sweeter than cake~" He teases, tongue flicking out to wet his lips - he doesn't usually just assume someone will let him feed on them, however, with Satoru... Well, at this point he's sure that the other enjoys it just as much as he does.
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