#‘it’s treasure!’ ‘buh-bye!’
theoakleafpancake · 9 months
🎶sometimes killing is a must🎶
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oobbbear · 7 months
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I think as long as I will see ur art I eventually respond with fanart. might be a curse, idk ;w;
anyways cultural dca designs are so cool and epic and I had to doodle this (eventually) (because) buh bye
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I’m putting this in my treasure box thank you sm ;v;💗
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el-jarado · 2 months
"Everything's Changed Since Polites"
In light of the extensive re-litigation of the events of Storm Saga after the Thunder Saga, I find myself thinking about "Keep Your Friends Close" a lot recently, and how I think Odysseus was set up for failure from the get-go, and not because of his crew being bad.
Polites's absence is felt like a knife in Storm Saga but the whole gang is feeling it. When "Luck Runs Out" comes up, this is the first time Eurylochus has seriously questioned Odysseus's plan in the musical; probably the first time he's seriously questioned him in over a decade. And what passes between them is pretty telling to me.
Where is this coming from, my friend? I just don't wanna see another life end You're like the brother I could never do without And suddenly, you doubt that I could figure this out?
From what I've seen, Epic takes the approach that Odysseus, Polites, and Eurylochus have been together since they were children. Polites is Odysseus's best friend, but he was Eurylochus's friend too, and he's the first of all of them to die in battle since Odysseus started leading them. They're both reeling from that loss, but how it comes out is bad for both of them. Eurylochus, as we see, is someone who locks down when he's shaken; focus on immediate safety for his shipmates even if it prevents a better course of action (run when the other cyclopses show up, the food is not worth having to take on another dozen Polyphemus; get the crew the fuck away from the sexy witch before she turns the rest of them into pigs; avert starvation NOW deal with (more) angry gods LATER). He does not want Odysseus to get hurt dealing with something as dangerous as a god, and tries to express that. Odysseus withdraws into himself and lashes out at anything that tries to reach him when he's shaken; he's already lashed out at Athena when she takes him to task while he's still grief-striken over Polites, and here he doesn't hear his brother saying "please don't be reckless, I can't lose you too", he hears "you weren't good enough to bring everyone home, and we don't believe in you anymore." He's cold and dismissive to Eurylochus's doubts to cover for his own hurt, and that just makes those doubts worse.
It's exactly the wrong mindset to approach Aeolus in, and this is the part I've really been turning over in my head. Aeolus's game does sound too easy; all he's gotta do is not open the bag, while sailing on a ship staffed by 43 men he's been leading for ten years, many of whom he's probably known his entire life. The winions add the obvious catch in that they spread a rumor among the crew that the bag is a treasure Odysseus is keeping to himself before Odysseus can explain himself, but I think in many ways Aeolus's whole song is putting a finger on the scales. Aeolus, in presenting it to Odysseus, implies that some of his brothers are enemies and should be treated as such, and the winions, spreaders of mischievous whispers, keep telling him "never really know who you can trust." (And imply he should kill and sacrifice when it's convenient, the act that ultimately destroys all trust in the crew down the road.) And I think that's a malicious twist in the game just as much as "It's treasure~! Buh-bye!" :D
Odysseus went up to the island feeling sore and defensive after his last talk with Eurylochus, and when he's told to keep his friends close and his enemies closer, it's interesting to me that he doesn't think "I don't have any enemies on that ship, those men are my brothers" or even "who can I trust to help me with this?"
He thinks "I need to do this entire thing myself." It could be hubris, a quality Odysseus certainly doesn't lack for, but I think this is the shadow of Polites not being there again. Odysseus had to leave some of his men behind for the first time in ten years, and he thinks he's lost their faith because of it. He's guided to expect a betrayal and feels like he needs to do something amazing all on his own to show Eurylochus and the others he's still got it, Polyphemus was a fluke.
Part of my understanding of human nature has been that people respond to our expectations and treatment of them. I sincerely believe if Odysseus had taken Eurylochus and/or a few of his most trusted men into his confidence for managing the bag, the temptation to open it would have been greatly diminished or negated. Odysseus doesn't treat any of his friends as if they're worthy of his trust, because Aeolus got in his head and he's trying to prove something to himself and to them by doing this singlehandedly. However, people respond to how you treat them, and Odysseus not realizing the crew are just as shaken by Polites's loss as he is and treating them with suspicion makes worry fester into doubt.
Polites's loss is felt keenly again; he's not there to tell Odysseus he can relax, that kindness is brave and he should trust in his friends to support him instead of treating them like potential enemies (Ody remarks on being unopposed as if he was expecting otherwise, which is not the relationship he's had with the crew up to now), and he's not there to reassure Eurylochus and the crew Odysseus must have a good reason for his cagey, secretive behavior and they shouldn't listen to the winions continuing to suggest a little peek to make sure of things wouldn't hurt. (I take the continued presence of the winions in the song to imply they're harassing the crew with rumor the entire time Odysseus is keeping to himself and trying not to sleep.) I don't think Eurylochus would have wanted to look in the bag if he was brought in on protecting it, that's not his relationship with Odysseus, but when they're nearly to Ithaca, Odysseus hasn't said a word to anyone in days, nobody really knows what's going on but there's all these rumors flying and the Captain's acting strange...
It would not surprise me if Epic's interpretation is similar to the Odyssey where they're almost back when the bag opens, in which case it might be even more tragic as an Orpheus & Eurydice twist; I don't think it was a case where the bag would've been opened the moment Ody turned his back, I think he stayed awake for nine days out of wholly unjustified paranoia/trying to make a point he's still got it by doing everything himself, and Eurylochus and the crew celebrated too early when their destination was in sight. They thought they were home, there's no harm in having a look now, right? Wrong; Aeolus (probably deliberately) didn't specify when it would be safe to open the bag, and certainly didn't feel the need to warn Odysseus the magic winds inside would blow them miles away from where they opened it. Like Orpheus makes it out of the underworld and then ruins his hard work because he looks back just before Eurydice has, I suspect the crew was not trying to open the bag during the days Odysseus was depriving himself of sleep to watch it; it's at the seeming end of the journey that "they wanna get the bag open so they can have closure." Like most bad ideas, it is likely Eurylochus did what he did when it didn't seem like there was any obvious harm in it; Odysseus said don't open the bag until we're home, but Ithaca's in sight, what could it hurt to celebrate a little early?
To make a long story short, I think Ody and the boys were hosed with the wind bag trial from the start without Polites around, and it's not just because the crew fell for a rumor introduced to make the game harder and Eurylochus eventually acted on it; it's also because a god Ody just met told him not to trust his friends, and he believed the god he just met instead of them because he's still mourning his best friend and misread his other best friend's concern for his safety as a sign his leadership was faltering. God games are rarely if ever fair; the house always wins, and it's a lesson Ody learns slowly and painfully.
I'm also not gonna do another long post about my point that people, Odysseus included, keep forgetting making it back to Ithaca with Poseidon still royally pissed at them would've been very very bad, but making it back to Ithaca with Poseidon still royally pissed at them would've been very very bad!
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kyochanbridge · 11 months
WAHOOO!!!!!! THE LEAPING SMACKEREL!!!!! LET'S DO THIS!!!!! HERE WE GOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Yeah! Fire power! Luigi time! Yessssss we're so good!!! Where'd he go let's get that guy... Did we get him? He's too scary let's get out of here. Hahahaha! What's next WHAT'S NEXT???? OH NO IT'S ANOTHER WATER LEVEL! (I really don't like water levels). This is TERRIFYING. Alright... So scary... WHAT!? The first coin already?? Nice, we'll take it! That was easy.
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Oh no I missed! LET'S GET OUT OF HERE!!! OH NO!!!!!!!!!! It's the Leaping Smackerel... Absolutely terrifying. Get outta here FISH! Gotcha, hahaaa~ Can't hide from Luigi! Oh no it's another SMACKEREL!!! He's so Leapy! Oo, can we get in there? Let's check it out what's in here? What is it? IT'S THE SECOND COIN FOLKS. WOOHOO!!! Number two! We're so good?? Got all the coins. YEAHHHH! What's next? Let's check it out let's check it out! Oh NO of COURSE it's more WATER!
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Ughhhhhhh... GET OUTTA HERE SMACKEREL! So scary that guy... OOP! Let's take this checkpoint! WOOP! OH NO! So scary?? Woohoo a double fire power! Get outta here fish. Hahaaaaa, gotcha. Can we go in here? Nope! Oh no this looks tricky. Not too tricky! Obviously Luigi can do it! So scary, we gotta get outta here. Anything up heere? Nothing! Where's all my secrets at? Dolphin kick! WOOP! Got that! Another checkpoint? YEAHHHHHHHH!!! Let's DO this! So scary look at that guy!! That's a GIANT Leaping Smackerel! I don't like him. I guess we gotta... follow him??? Alright we'll follow him here we go! GET IT LUIGI!!! You're so good! What's happeni- WHERE'D HE GO!?!? WATCH OUT LUIGI!!!!! He's gonna Leap at ya!!! Hahaaaa! Can't kill Luigi! Let's take all the treasure!
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Woohoo! We're so good?? Looks like we need two more of those coins... LET'S GET 'EM!!! Haha missed us!! HAA YOU GOT THE OTHER FISH! JUMP OVER HERE BRO! Show me your Leap!!! There it is!!!!! We're so good. WE DID IT!!! WOOHOO!!!! WE'RE SO GOOD!!!!!! We got another Wonder Seed!! YEAHHHH!!! Alright let's go through this pipe! What's out here??? Woah this pipe's crazy! WHAT??? MORE WATER!?!?!?
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Okay????? Alright?? Into ANOTHER PIPE!?!? How many pipes are there??? What is this pipe world? A little pipe land action? OUUUUUUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Smackerel Leaped into my butt! Unreal!! Alright, alright here we go for the finish. Super... LUIGI JUMP!!! BOING!! Hahaa, so many tricks lets try again! HERE WE GO FOR THE FINISH!!!!
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Wonderfullllll!!! Yesssssss! Hey. Thanks for watching I appreciate all of you. Please subscribe and always... have an epic day! Buh-bye, we'll see you next time! Toodaloooooooooooo~
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silvercaptain24 · 9 months
“It’s treasure!”
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malfunctioning-mantis · 11 months
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Ty for giving me an excuse to talk abt jasper, @also-angerinc 😊😊😊 (Also sorry it might be lazy or confusing I can't think clearly rn LMAO.)
Jasper (he/it) is the braindead servant snatcher popped the head off of. Jaspers soul (barely) got away from the snatchers clutches and its soul slowly formed into the regular ol Jasper we know and love.
He lost all memory of what they were like before and they aren't really too bright due to their head being severed. It turned to scamming and tricking to fill an unknown void in his heart with possessions and treasures. He also gains possessions from grave robbing, so other ghosts aren't too fond of him for that.......
Jasper is a very sly con-artist who is good at manipulating people into unknowingly helping him achieve his goals. In general, it acts laidback and cool when negotiating. But when being placed between a rock and a hard place, he becomes panicky and cowardly.
Its limbs and head can detach, which he does to scare off people sometimes. It doesn't have blood, but instead a weird, red smoke that is probably lethal and you really shouldn't breath it in lmao. And he can store things in his big ol fuzzy head (head full of stolen junk).
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Idk uhhhh.... That's all I can think of right now so buh bye
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catiecat1320 · 1 year
Gift for @son1c, one of my favorite Tumblr people! This story is set in their 10verse.
Sails was having a terrible day.
He was crouched behind one of the many crates on deck, attempting to hide from the twin foxes that always seemed to get a kick out of bullying him. Today, Clash and Smash were particularly peeved and Sails just knew they would take it out on him. He had successfully avoided them all day, but now, things were going downhill.
Golden yellow ears pricked up at the sound of thumping footsteps. Sails curled up and held his breath, hugging his twin tails tightly. 
“Where be that freak?” One of the twins growled. “I know yer here!” 
A sudden woosh sounds out, followed by a crash as the crate is tossed aside, leaving Sails exposed. Oh, no, no, no. Clash yells in triumph and Smash runs over. “Found ye!”
Sails lets out a squeak as the twins yank on both his tails, hard. “S-stop… please, I’m sorry… What did I do bad?”
“Bad? Ye be born, that be what!” Clash said as he pushed the little fox to the ground. “Ya little freak.”
Smash goes to get something before coming back, a malicious gleam in his eye. “Say, why don’t we solve yer problem fer ya?” He reveals the length of rope in his hand, as well as an iron weight. Clash cackled as Sails stared in horror, realizing just what the two had planned.
“W-wait. Please! I’m sorry! W-we can talk about this!” But Sails’ cries went unheard as the twins restrained him and tied him firmly.
“Ye ain’t gettin’ out of this one. Freak.” Clash taunted as his twin scooped Sails up and carried him over to the stern. Despite his best efforts to wriggle out of Smash’s grasp, Sails was still very stuck. 
Dangling over the edge of the water, the ocean had never looked so daunting. Sails could already feel the cold, unforgiving water surrounding him. Drowning him. “No. No! Please! Have mercy! Ah!”
Clash and Smash wore identical smirks as they tossed him overboard. “Buh-bye!” They shout in unison.
In the split second Sails was airborne, he spotted a speck in the sky. It seemed to be getting closer; diving downward, fast.
Then the ocean swallowed him whole.
Diving into the ocean was not on Gale’s to do list for today. Then again, life is unpredictable when you’re literally the stuff of legends.
He’d been exploring for a while now and just on his way home (a half submerged metal tube thing he discovered one day and claimed as his own) when he heard commotion from a ship down below. He descended to check it out… only to find two dickheads throwing a fox kit overboard. 
Fury surged within him, and the wind picked up in response to his emotions. He wanted to toss them into the ocean tied up to see how they liked it. But that would have to wait.
Without another thought, Gale tucked in his wings, propelling himself toward the ocean and inevitably giving the ship’s crew a shock. He made a mental note to come back and give them a piece of his mind. 
He hit the water with a fwoosh, the cold slapping him in the face. Ugh. Had he mentioned how much he hated the ocean? Now, where was that fox kit?…
There. Gale could make out a squirming yellow figure sinking into the depths. He awkwardly paddled toward them, hoping to catch up before they sank too far for him to reach.
(Yes, he lived in a world of water. Yes, he couldn’t swim. Shut up.)
Sails tried to keep calm to conserve his air, but that was kind of hard to do when you’re about to die. He struggled uselessly against his bonds, hoping to free himself. His lungs burned with the effort. Was there any chance that he’d make it? 
Out of the corner of his eye, Sails spots something— someone— coming closer. The fox stills, his own sky blue eyes locking onto glowing emerald in a silent plea for help.
Gale gestures for the bound fox kit to hold still as he reaches into his quills for one of the treasures he’d found earlier: an ornate knife. He had been drawn to the intricate patterns carved into it, but now he thanked fate for giving him this tool. Unsheathing it, he worked at the rope, cursing the dullness of the blade. 
The second Sails was free, he twisted his twin tails like a propeller and shot to the surface, gasping for air. That was close. Too close.
He turns around to thank whoever it was for saving him… only to realize that they hadn’t resurfaced. Panic fills the fox once more, and he fills his lungs with air before diving back down to check on them.
The little fox was now okay; however, Gale was not. He had not accounted for his inability to swim when he impulsively took a plunge to save the kit. His now waterlogged wings didn’t do him any favors while he was trying to reach the surface. It seemed that the more he paddled, the more he sank. Shit.
Then, a stream of bubbles attracted his attention. The little fox was back, swimming down to Gale with outstretched hands. Heh, the tables have turned. 
Flashing a grateful smile he wasn’t sure could be seen, he took the kit’s hands and let himself be pulled to the surface.
Gale took in a lungful of air, gasping. He flailed for a second before stretching his wings out to keep afloat. Once he was sure that he wasn’t in danger of sinking, he turned to the kit. “You alright?” He asked while fishing his hat out of the water.
The fox nodded. “Thanks for savin’ me,” he murmurs. He studied Gale closely. “I’m Sails. ‘n you are…?”
“Gale! You may have heard of me. It’s nice to meet you,”  Gale replied.
Sails’ blue eyes widened in shock. “Gale? The Gale? Yer a legend! Capt’n tells us ‘bout you. You help people ‘n sink ‘em too!”
“Hmph. I only sink ships when necessary. Some people require drastic measures.” Gale explains, secretly satisfied with being recognized. “C’mon now, let’s find somewhere dry. I can’t fly with wet wings like this.”
“I gotchu!” Sails happily announced. The fox shifts, exposing his tail— or tails, in this case— before twirling them really fast. Within seconds, Sails is airborne, to Gale’s pleasant surprise. He hangs on tightly to the kit as they lift up out of the water completely and head towards a nearby islet.
“Why, aren’t you full of surprises? You can fly with your tails?”
Sails winces at the word tails, clearly uncomfortable talking about it. Gale has a sneaking suspicion that his extra appendage had played a hand in him getting thrown overboard. Rage pools in his gut, but he quickly tamps it down, opting to give the fox his support instead.
“Hey. Whatever they said to you, ignore it, okay? They’re a bunch of morons for not appreciating you.” Gale says as they land on the sandy beach. Sails looks at him with uncertainty, and Gale once again feels anger towards whoever did this to the little fox. “Look, Sails. I think you’re awesome.”
“Of course!” Gale responds, scooting closer and ruffling yellow bangs affectionately. “You’re brave, you’re capable, you’re probably a smartie pants too, and as a bonus, you can fly! And I’ve only known you for, like, 10 minutes; you probably can do better stuff! If that’s not awesome, I don’t know what awesome is.”
At this, Sails cracks a smile. “No one’s ever told me I’m awesome before.”
“Well, I’ll be here to tell you all the time, little buddy.” Gale replies, throwing a wing around the fox. Sails looks up at him curiously before leaning closer and wrapping his arms around Gale.
“Thank you.”
“You’re very welcome.” Gale murmured, gently petting Sails as the day’s events caught up to the kit and lulled him to sleep. Looking down at the peaceful expression that graced his face, Gale vowed then and there that he wouldn’t ever let anyone harm Sails ever again.
As for the ones that have already hurt him… Gale would have to make them pay. 
The sun was rapidly setting, coloring the sky a fiery orange that matched the spark that had flared within him. Gale scoops the sleeping fox up, stretches his wings and takes off toward home, carrying what would turn out to be his greatest treasure in his arms.
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ffxiv-f13ndish · 1 year
Calm Before the Storm: Treasure (?) Chest Under the Sea
Collab. write with @sorrel-haven [ also credit to sorrel-haven for gpose shot ^^]
Kore Grimvik (sorrel-haven)
Lament Sorrel [mention] (sorrel-haven)
Daen Lad (@ro-valerius)
Miyu, Virgil, M'ezzo, Magnus
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Kore and Miyu have to make an unfortunate rescue after Virgil finds himself in some sea snake trouble.
“I should have worn better shoes for this,” Miyu huffed after a second of catching their balance following an awkward landing with heeled boots in the sand. 
Their expression turned more serious as they lifted their gaze towards the open waters and crashing waves. 
“So it wasn’t just a dream, then,” Miyu said in a tense voice. They had a grave feeling that the only thing they would be rescuing today was a body. 
Kore looked at Daen Lad who brought them here and nodded. The pixie flitted out over the ocean a ways and looked around as if they were searching with their eyes. Kore watched the tiny figure anxiously, her fingers drummed  against her arm. 
“Ah-ha! Found you!” Daen Lad said as they pointed in the direction of Virgil casting a spell.
The moment a strange chest was brought to the shore, Miyu darted over to open it up. It took a bit of struggle to unwrap the chains from around the makeshift water coffin, but they managed to crack open the chest within the time they anxiously held their breath. 
Ocean water poured out from the chest, the inside filled with a less than appealing treasure. Virgil was bound up inside, on top of a few sandbags. Upon looking at him, Miyu wasn’t even sure if the Elezen was alive. His eyes were glassy and bloodshot, expression pallid and hollow. Unnervingly, there was a faint scent of decay under the salt of the ocean water — not that Miyu could pick up on that. But there was no mistaking in the way Virgil’s chest slowly rose and fell as he took deep breaths.
Daen Lad flitted back to the group. “I’m sure you two can take care of this from here. Buh-bye!” with that they disappeared in a flash.
Kore unhooked the astrolobe from her back and gently pulled Miyu from the edge of the chest. Wordlessly she began casting a series of healing spells. After which she handed the astrolobe to Miyu. Life returned to Virgil’s visage, but Miyu couldn’t examine his state long enough as they turned their gaze away while the man leaned over the edge of the chest and coughed up ocean water. At least, from the unsettling glimpse they got, the dark appearance indicated that it wasn’t just water. Kore took out a knife strapped to her thigh and sat Virgil up, working on his bonds gently.
“Seems you got yourself in some trouble hm?” she asked Virgil as she freed him.
“An unnecessary question,” he managed to rasp out between pained coughs. 
“Says the man of unnecessary words.” Kore quipped.
Fortunately for Kore, Virgil didn’t have many words to say. The man was still working on catching his breath again.
Miyu hesitantly stepped forward, tenderly placing a hand on Kore’s shoulder as they leaned down to speak to her in a hushed voice, “Should we keep questioning him here?”
“Let’s bring him to the Sorrels. They have a lot of healers and no one would look for him there. Bringing him to the Flower house would be too obvious, and well…” she cuts the last rope. “None of the Sorrels have an opinion on him yet.”
She put a guiding hand on Virgil’s chest and wrapped her arm around his waist, as she helped him out of the chest. 
“Yet. Let’s see how long that lasts. Maybe one of those ropes could stay around his mouth for the duration of his stay,” Miyu remarked, though they nevertheless went around to Virgil’s other side to help him get up. Once they got him standing, they almost stepped away, only to realize that the man continued to need the support. Miyu glanced down.
“Your… foot? It’s… um… gone?” 
Virgil only gave Miyu a dry look. Seemed it wasn’t a product of whatever happened to send him to the bottom of the sea. Miyu said nothing more about it, and Virgil remained silent for the duration of travel to the Sorrel house. 
Kore pushed open the front door of the Sorrel House without bothering to knock. Lament looked up from the book they were reading and began to smile at their sister but it immediately turned to a frown as they noticed the other two with her. Kore helped Virgil ease into a chair by the door.
“Hello dearest, I brought company.” Kore said, exhaustion creeping into her voice.
“I can see that. What happened?” Lament looked to each person, they didn’t care who offered up an explanation first.
“Lament,” Miyu greeted the Viera with a nod.
 “He’s a — um…” rather than explaining, Miyu trailed off and gave a shrug. While Kore helped get Virgil seated, they made their way to the kitchen to grab some water and a hand towel. 
Virgil stared across the room to Lament. 
“This will only be a moment,” Virgil said, with a clearing of his throat. He took the rag which Miyu brought to him to wipe the dried blood from his hands, then paused to take a sip of water before he could elaborate on what had occurred. 
“You must excuse my untimely delivery in our exchange. As you have surely gathered by now, I had been delayed by unforeseen circumstances. The Basilisks discovered our correspondence,” Virgil explained, eyes focused on Kore as he spoke. “There are 41 crew members in total. Initially 46, but five have since been disposed of. Two ships. Magnus and 22 members are aboard the ship with the coordinates I had given previously – what they call the Serpent. M’ezzo and 19 others are aboard the Python. It should be noted that they have gained an allyship with a handful of Sahagin men.”
Kore placed a hand on Virgil’s head, a silent thank you as she processed this new information. She turned to Lament.
“I need you to call your family. Tell Mina we need to get moving sooner than we anticipated. Perhaps Bea can take care of Virgil’s injuries I didn’t get to.” She turned to Miyu. “We need to gather ours, tell Ro she needs to watch the house while we’re taking care of this.”
Lament started calling people on his linkpearl without hesitation. 
Virgil lowered his gaze. Reluctantly, he then murmured, “Thank you.”
Miyu stared ahead with a bleak expression. This was all coming up much sooner than they had readied themself for. They gave a robotic nod of their head, stepping closer to Kore.
“If I may… I can assist. I just need my book,” Virgil spoke up suddenly.  
“You will do no such thing. We’re not going to throw you back into the fire we just rescued you from. We’ll talk about the book later, for now you will stay here and let the Sorrels tend to your wounds and keep you hidden.” Her tone was even, but firm. Kore was not going to relent.
Virgil narrowed his eyes. “I’ve grown accustomed to persevering through fires. This need to be a hero will do no favors for you – I know the methods of the crew quite well, and the layout of the ships.” He set a hand down on the chair, lifting himself up to stand. 
Kore pushed Virgil back into the chair. Virgil gritted his teeth at the shove, though his outright expression didn’t seem to change.
 “I don’t think you understand. There’s no ‘need to be a hero’ like you say. We don’t need that information. You are not in any condition to come with us. I am being very, very patient.” She paused and took in a grounding breath. “I thank you for wanting to help. The sentiment is not lost on me. But we need to bring people who everyone can trust, and I can’t say the others trust you.”
She put a hand on Virgil’s cheek. “Rest. Leave this to us.”
Virgil didn’t say anything for some time, cold gaze affixed to Kore with a hawk-like focus. Finally, after a near minute of a statuesque stillness, Virgil sat back in his seat and crossed one leg over the other. 
“And I suppose you trust me here?” His eyes slowly roamed over to Lament. “Residing in the same home as the one you insisted you wanted me to have no contact with, Miss Grimvik?”
“Why must you push your luck? Just take the help!” She crossed her arms.
Lament snickered. “Oh, darling. You will find Kore needlessly worries about me. I am more than capable of putting you in your place if it comes to that.”
Kore shot Lament a look, which just caused them to laugh harder.
Virgil’s brow twitched. “Just Virgil. No sense in the frivolity of… pet names when I am hardly even an acquaintance.” He went on to ignore Lament’s insistence that they could put him in his place. 
“I’ll be outside,” Miyu abruptly stated in a vacant tone, already heading to the door. 
Kore watched Miyu head outside with a small look of concern. She looked to Lament who gave a slight nod. Kore followed after Miyu, closing the door behind her. She caught up to them and put a hand on their shoulder.
Miyu was seated on the lawn, staring up at the stars above with a forlorn expression. Hearing Kore approach, they moved to stand. 
“What’s wrong?” She asked as she brushed Miyu’s cheek with her other hand.
They couldn’t meet her gaze. 
“What if I’m not ready? To face him? I don’t… I don’t know what I’m going to do with myself,” Miyu sighed, closing their eyes a moment. They leaned their head in towards Kore, resting it on her shoulder. “At least this will be over and done with soon enough.” 
Kore kissed the top of Miyu’s head and gently pulled them into a hug.
“Unfortunately we don’t have time to be ready. But we can’t wait any longer.”
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trixcuomo · 2 months
Omg Hi Haris
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Trixany: So Haris, here she comes. Remember what we agreed.
Haris: Which is...
Trixany: Be mean to Mindy. She's dating Sharpen, and she's too perfect. No way Sharpen is getting married before I do!
Mindy: *walks into the coffee shop on perfect draenei goat feet*
Trixany: Mindy! Hiii!
Mindy: *waves eagerly, rushes in for a hug*
Mindy: *signs* This must be Haris! Yes!! I can't believe we're meeting!
Haris: Oh my old gods, aren't your feet cute!
Mindy: *signs excitedly* I always get that, haha! I love your outfit, great skirt!
Haris: Yours, too. That's thottbot.
Mindy: New catchphrase? *signs, grinning wide*
Trixany: ...
Mindy: *signs, turning to Trixany* So Trixany, how do you two know each other?
Trixany: Well, Haris and I were rivals for a long time. Then, she became my boss. She sorta tricked me into it. Contractually.
Mindy: Wow! Really?
Haris: *shrugs* That was SO thottbot of me, I know.
An hour later...
Mindy: Well I hate to leave, but Sharpen and I are going to dinner with my family. *signs, apologetic*
Trixany: What! Already?? Um. I mean... How nice for you.
Mindy: *signs earnestly* Haris, I will treasure this meeting for the rest of my life. And I promise I will try your Kaja-Cola cocktail recipe. I am so excited!
Haris: Oh, anything for a true fan! In fact-- *waggles hand at her until Mindy hands over her purse*
Mindy: *gasps as Haris autographs her handbag*
Haris: There! Now you have a priceless Haris Pilton original. On the house!
Trixany: *jaw drops*
Mindy: Oh wow! Oh my goodness!! *almost cries, hugs Haris like crazy*
Trixany: Buh-bye now.
Haris: Keep it thot. *fingerguns*
Mindy: *squeals, leaves the coffee shop*
Trixany: Haris. Seriously. What the fuck was that!
Haris: I liked her.
Trixany: And I liked you too, when we first met. You were SO fake nice to me, but then later you tried to ruin my social life! And my brand!! But Mindy gets the royal treatment? I told you to be mean to her!
Haris: Eh. Didn't feel like it.
Trixany: Unless that was fake-nice, just now? Pretty please?
Haris: No, I genuinely decided to be sincere. Guess I had my coffee this morning.
Trixany: WHAT??!
Haris: Don't feel bad, Trix. Everyone needs a rival. Someone who can spur you on and make you feel invincible. *stage winks* The thrill is irresistible.
Trixany: Did you just quote a Ken Ashcorp song??
Haris: Um, hello! Early 2000s media is cool again. Get in loser, we're going trending.
Haris: Anyway, don't worry Trix. I'll destroy someone else's brand tomorrow. *pinches Trixany's cheek*
Haris: Well, doll! Gotta go. Keep it thot--
Trixany: *sullen* Keep it thot, yeah.
Haris: SO thottbot of you. Toodles! *leaves*
Trixany: ...
Trixany: And she stuck me with the bill, look at that.
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zerothedemongod · 2 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
So, i made a Cartoon Oc, the 1st image, the Concept art was when i was trying to achieve a Cartoon Drawing style for myself, that was “original”?, but the second image is when i finally made it, i hope you guys like it and that little warning cleared the confusion, buh-bye! ------------------------------------------------- Damian Vital
Age: 17
Birthday: May 26
Sex: male ♂️
Race: Human - "Awoken"
Sign: Taurus
Eyes color: Purple
Likes: anime, videogames, cosplay, swords, robots, mobile suits, tabletop games, rock, instrumental (videogame soundtracks) and classic music, drawing and creating stories, "Writing and Telling about it's dreams"
Dislike: injustice, doing nothing, a lot of homework, being bored, not being able to help, singing (he thinks his voice is horrible), dancing (he says he's not a good dancer)
Guardian: The Fire Phoenix
Gem: Fire Ruby
Weapon: Broadsword
A guy with a lot of energy, is always there for his friends, he thinks only of them, for him, his friends and family are everything, he's lucky to have a loving family and the best friends he has, he protects them like a treasure and would do anything to keep them safe, his dreams are so vivid and weird, it almost feels like it's actually traveling to another world
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fazfacts · 2 years
❝ Skidee skidee skidee skidee! ❞
❝ People started making up some silly stories. ❞
❝ People started making up some silly stories about growing noses and whatnot. ❞
❝ Have you ever seen a nose grow right in front of you? ❞
❝ Now I won't feel so lonely. ❞
❝ This will make for an extremely interesting story. ❞
❝ Have you seen anyone suspicious around here lately? ❞
❝ Now, what should we name you? ❞
❝ No -- he'd grow up to be a turtle who only cares about pizza! ❞
❝ I don't believe my eyes! ❞
❝ You are too special, [____]. ❞
❝ The world is full of people who could harm you. ❞
❝ You're too young and too gullible. ❞
❝ You can go. ❞
❝ I'm a boy and I'm ALIIIVE! ❞
❝ Father, tell me, when can I leave to be on my own? ❞
❝ Tell me, when can I leave to be on my own? ❞
❝ I've got the whole world to see! ❞
❝ You're too...unusual for this world. ❞
❝ Thank you, Daddy! ❞
❝ I knew you wouldn't say no! ❞
❝ Great adventures await! ❞
❝ See you later, my dear [____]! ❞
❝ Bye, Daddy! Buh-bye! ❞
❝ I have a special, most treasured dream. ❞
❝ Mamma mia, a wooden boy! ❞
❝ Mamma mia! ❞
❝ A wooden boy! ❞
❝ [gunshot] ❞
❝ What have you done? ❞
❝ You killed him! ❞
❝ I, uh...I think I'm okay. ❞
❝ Someone here has sausages for brains. ❞
❝ Who's the REAL monster here? ❞
❝ If it's anything like last year, I want my money back! ❞
❝ I want my money back! I've seen this before! ❞
❝ Congratulations, and welcome to our gang -- oop! ❞
❝ It's just me! ❞
❝ Trust me, it will be better this way. ❞
❝ You have to leave as soon as possible. ❞
❝ Get out! Leave! I don't even like you! ❞
❝ I don't even like you! ❞
❝ I'm a freak! ❞
❝ That's what makes you unique. ❞
❝ There's no one else like you. ❞
❝ That place is believed to be by evil spirits. ❞
❝ So long, butterface! ❞
❝ [____], can you stop? I said STOP -- ! ❞
❝ Leave if you want. I don't need you anyway. ❞
❝ Good riddance and good luck! ❞
❝ Keep your luck to yourself. We both know you'll need it more than I will. ❞
❝ I'll tell the whole truth about what you're really doing! ❞
❝ And then...every one of you will go to jail! ❞
❝ [____], please, at least let me explain! ❞
❝ No! I don't wanna hear it! ❞
❝ You left it in my mouth, remember? ❞
❝ You are human now. ❞
❝ What??? ❞
❝ Ugh, yeah...I guess so. ❞
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osakaso5 · 4 years
La Danse Macabre
Episode 10
Chapter Index
10-1: The Ambush (1)
???: .......
???: ...Buh-bye.
???: Huh?
Cura: Damn, I guess my insomnia isn't all bad after all!
???: You shouldn't stay up so late. I hear it's bad for your skin..!
Cura: Ugh..! Wake up guys, we've got company!
- - - -
Libel: ......!
Fuga: You've gotta be kidding me! Where'd he come from!?
Arme: ...W-what's going on!?
???: Ah~, what a pain. I was gonna kill you all in your sleep.
Libel: Who are you?
Placer: Placer, from Kokujohyako. You're Rebellion, right?
Fuga: Ugh, not Kokujohyako. Speak of the devil, I guess...
Arme: Kokujohyako...
Placer: So, which one of you's the Celestial?
Arme: ...I-it's me.
Libel: Don't answer!
Placer: 'kay, so I'll kill everyone but you.
Fuga: Holy crap!
Cura: Libel! Fuga! Take the kid and run!
Cura: I'll hold him here..!
Fuga: No way, with all three of us here, we can totally beat one guy, even if he's Kokujohyako!
Cura: Not while protecting the boy, we can't! We'll be done for as soon as one of us gets hurt!
Libel: Fuga, just trust him! Let's go!
Fuga: Ugh... Let's get going, Celestial!
Arme: R-right! Cura, please stay safe!
Placer: Uh oh. They're getting away.
Cura: You don't sound too worried about that...
Placer: I've got plenty of obstacles they'll have to get through first. I'll kill you and then I'll catch up to them in a jiffy..!
Cura: Ugh..!
Placer: You're a pretty agile dude. Good, I haven't killed someone who could put up a fight in a while.
Cura: Heh... Must be tough, waving that big weapon of yours around.
Placer: Not really. I probably just need to kick things up a little...
Cura: Ugh... Huff..! Damn, that was fast!
Placer: Ahahahahaha!
Placer: You're getting slower and slower! Maybe you oughta excercise some more!
Cura: Urk!
Cura: Coff... coff...
Cura: I'm more of a paperwork kinda guy...
Placer: I feel bad for you, I really do. But this is why you don't just walk around in public with a treasure chest in your hands.
Placer: Because we'll never let easy money get away from us.
Cura: Heh... so you wanna sell the little Celestial off? You guys always did have a one-track mind... But our leader's got something else in mind.
Cura: He's trying to use the Celestial to save all of the Surface, like the idiot he is..!
Placer: ...Uh-huh.
Placer: I don't give a rat's ass, just so y'know.
Cura: ......!
Placer: In fact, I think it's stupid.
Placer: If you're trying to help other people, then that just means you guys have it too easy. 
- - - -
Arme: Ah..!?
Libel: We're surrounded... Did Kokujohyako always have this many fighters?
Fuga: Most of them are probably hired help. ...Since when do they have that kinda money?
Ruffian: Which one's the Celestial? Is it the tiny one?
Ruffian: In any case, don't let anyone get away. Surround 'em!
Fuga: What's the plan, Libel?
Libel: If this is all of them... Our best bet is to defeat them all as quickly as we can, so we can go back for Cura.
Fuga: Aye aye, sir! Celestial, stand back!
Arme: Wait, there's too many of them..!
Libel: Hah!
Ruffian: Urgh..!
Libel: Next!
Fuga: Take this!
Fuga: We don't have time for this! Come on!
Ruffian: T-they're pretty strong!
Fuga: You think you're the first buncha punks we've fought!? Huh!?
Arme: I-I had no idea Libel and Fuga were such great fighters..! 
10-2: The Ambush (2)
Cura: Huff... huff... Damn, you really are good...
Placer: Nice dodges. You probably set the record for how long someone's managed to stay alive against me.
Cura: I-isn't your leader even stronger than this..?
Placer: Oh, totally. Vida's the greatest. We're undefeatable, as long as we've got him around.
Cura: ...Undefeatable, eh... Well if he's so undefeatable, why doesn't he just attack the Ark?
Placer: Huh?
Cura: Wait, I know why. It's because he knows he can't take them all on at once.
Cura: They've got an army we couldn't even dream of having, and even the strongest fighter will lose if you throw enough opponents at them...
Placer: Shut up... Vida's stronger than anyone... He could totally take on the Ark.
Cura: Listen to me! If we use the Celestial as a bargaining chip with the Ark, we might not even have to fight! Doesn't that sound good to you?  
Cura: We're looking at the big picture here! Just think about it, and if that's too hard, go tell your buddies!
Cura: Think about the long-term effects this will have, instead of chasing after a quick buck!
Placer: ........
Cura: Now's not the time for us on the Surface to fight...
Placer: I don't wanna!
Cura: ...Huh?
Placer: I don't really get what you're saying, but it sounds like you're making fun of me, so I don't like it. I hate your guts. And Vida will win.
Cura: Are you for real..?
Placer: Plus I know you probably won't like if I say "no"...
Placer: We've always had to live in pain, so to make up for it...
Placer: I've decided to make things as hard for everyone else as I can.
Placer: Ahahahahahaha!
Cura: ...Heh. Looks like I hate your guts, too.
Placer: Enough chit-chat! Time to die!
Placer: ...For you, maybe!
Placer: Wha..!?
Placer: Wait, bombs!?
Cura: Hahahahaha! I have a tendency to worry, you see, so I always keep a few bombs where I sleep..!
Placer: Are you trying to die!? You're crazy!
Cura: What do you think..!?
Cura: Can a sane guy even survive on the Surface..!?
- - - -
Fuga: That's all of 'em, Libel!
Libel: Yeah, now let's go to Cura...
Arme: !?
Libel: Explosions..?
Fuga: Could it be, Cura!?
Arme: That building is on fire... D-do you think he's still alright!?
Fuga: D-did he blow himself up..? You've gotta be kidding me... Cura.. He can't be...
Libel: ...No, he's fine. Look.
Arme: Ah... There's someone standing in the flames...
Fuga: Cura!?
Cura: Ahahahaha! Now that hits the spot!
Fuga: You're a mess!
Arme: Still, I'm glad you're safe... Even amid all those explosions...
Cura: Oh, don't you worry. My gear is fireproof. That way, I can start blowing stuff up whenever.
Fuga: I had no idea...
Cura: Woohoo, bombs rule! Feels like all my stress just melted away.
Arme: ...I-is Cura actually the most dangerous one of you all..?
Libel: Of course not. Though people do say that he puts too much gunpowder in his bombs whenever he wants to let off steam.
Arme: T-that sounds very risky!
Fuga: Did you deal with the Kokujohyako guy?
Cura: Nope, I'm afraid he got away. Not before I put him in a world of hurt, though.
Cura: Those guys are no joke. Hahaha, maybe next time I'll get him where it counts!
Fuga: Dude, chill.
Libel: Oh, right...
Libel: Cura. About the thing we discussed earlier...
Cura: Huh? Uh, sure, why not? Do what you feel is best. You're the leader, anyhow.
Cura: Your right hand man's gonna take care of things! Hahahahaha!
Libel: ...Always make sure to ask Cura for something once his stress gauges are emptied out.
Fuga: Ugh... 
To be continued...
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creatingnikki · 4 years
Dear my toxic friend, 
You make me want to punch the wall. 
I get it now. Why back then when I was 16 I couldn't tell you stuff. That's the same reason why I can't tell you stuff even now at 23. How many years apart that is? Eight. Wow, that is just sad. 
You make a mountain out of a molehill. So I can't talk about my stuff - neither the hills nor the Everest. And it's not like if I tell you, you make it any better. You want to sit and analyse it, interrogate me, diagnose me and just break it all down. But I am not a plant under your make believe microscope. I may be fragile but I am a human being with complex emotions and varied sadnesses. And joys and dreams. But these days I feel a bit timid. Fearful. Like I can no longer dream. I can't talk to you about that. You'll only make me feel more pathetic and feel relieved that you're not in my place. You'll look down on me. Even if you think you're not. Even if you think I don't know you are. 
You repel me. You are that kid who has a bag full of candy but you're not happy. You see me with one big candy but it's colourful and has intricate design and you want it. Of course you want it. Quantity doesn't mean quality, when will you learn? But you don't want it so you can have it. You want it so I can't have it. You walk up to me and talk about how sad your candy tastes. You make me feel bad for you. So I share mine with you. You take the biggest bite. You bite and bite and bite. Crunch. Crunch. Crunch. Then you spit out. You shove me, throwing me and my remaining candy to the ground. Then you skip away with your full bag of candy and make friends who have similar bags. You all sit and watch the sunset as you eat away the evening. My knee is scarped and bloody. I'm trying to clean it and find a bandaid. But it turns out it's a whole journey. A treasure hunt. The treasures of life aren't gold and rubies. No, the treasures of life are strength, joy and peace. 
You keep coming back to me. Each time more grown up and kinder. But that's not really being kind or mature. It's just being two faced. Sometimes I wonder if it's just all the traumatic memories I can't forget and am simply projecting those on you now as you smile so wide and bat your eyes and tell me you missed me. But if someone repels you so hard, surely you should bid them goodbye? Then it doesn't matter if they are a changed person now or oh so kind. That doesn't erase everything they did to you. Fuck the stories that tell you otherwise. You don't need to forgive. You need to reach a place in your life where it doesn't matter. By finding the treasure. By knowing what real love and friendship is. You don't need to forget. But let it be a faint memory that doesn't trigger emotions but seems like some fairytale from your childhood. Where they were the witch and you the princess and now you're the queen and they are irrelevant. 
Should I ghost you? Send you this letter? Or at least a goodbye text? I don't know. I've tried all these things before. I thought I could keep you in the background of my life and tune you out. But you insist on being a parasite and leeching your way in. I don't know the way to bid you goodbye yet. But at least one thing is final. I must bid you goodbye. The kind that leaves no place for our universes ever crossing paths again. Not by any of my action or reaction at least. They say never say never but sometimes you have to train your mind. 
Bitch. Such a fucking bitch. Why must I not speak ill of you when it's only a fact? I can be the bigger person a few years down the line. But right now I must be the angry person. The furious person. Only then can I move on the next stage of grief. No, mine isn't bargaining or depression. You aren't worth any of that. You never meant something so integral to me. A person like you just can't win over a person's heart or love in any real way. My next stage of grief when it comes to you is letting you fade away into oblivion. 
Buh bye,
Only fuck you to you. No good luck this time around.
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17hateblog · 4 years
LISTEN, PUNK. I was having a hard time this week and then I read your tags and remembered what laughter and happiness felt like. I cherish you!!!!! you’re a treasure!!!!! buh bye now.
😔💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 Ily!!! Thank you so much! I hope your days only get better from here on out!! I’m rooting for you!!! 💖💕✨
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sonic-bros · 5 years
Can I ask for a sequel to that Sonadow Free Riders prompt? Where it's like Shadow's turn to give the "reward kiss" to Sonic, after he beats Metal Sonic and Omochao commenting on it?
[Read it on AO3!]
(Link to part one)
Part of Shadow was grateful that Metal didn’t challenge him to a race. It had seemed difficult—not that he couldn’t handle it, but after the ‘prize’ Sonic gave him, he had a lot on his mind. Most of the time, he hated to be touched. Even Rouge placing a hand on his shoulder or nudging his side with her elbow was a bit much for him. He could think of more than a few incidents where he’d gotten into fights with those who had invaded his personal space.
He couldn’t understand why he had let Sonic kiss him, or why he kissed him back. It made him feel… weird. Like those silent moments between them—their occasional sparring sessions or Gear races, when it was them and just them—but he had always chosen not to think about it. Now, he didn’t get the option, since Sonic had kissed him in front of everyone. That same tension was still lingering in the air around the two heroes.
“So, is it safe to assume that you never had any money or treasure to give out?” Tails sighed to Eggman.
“Ya’know, my job would be easier if you shot down your own plots like this more often,” Sonic snickered to the Doctor.
Shadow wasn’t really listening when Team Babylon complained about their lack of reward.
“I can’t believe I was right about Eggman giving us a prize,” Rouge said with a mopey tone, her ears drooping slightly in a dramatic display of dissatisfaction. “What a waste of time.”
Shadow disagreed.
He was the Ultimate Lifeform—perfected, including his instincts, which had never let him down. He wasn’t sure what exactly caused him to step forward and walk over to Sonic with his board under his arm, but he could only assume that it was that fine-tuned instinct of his.
“Uh… yeah,” Sonic replied awkwardly to one of Amy’s usual remarks—that Shadow hadn’t bothered to pay attention to—grinning again a moment later. “Anyway, it sounds like we all managed to have fun,” he said, looking over at Shadow as he walked up, giving him a little smirk. “Don’t you think so, Shad—” he started, but he was cut off. His eyes went wide when Shadow leaned in and kissed him, his cheeks instantly lighting up.
This time, the kiss lasted longer than before. Sonic’s eyes slipped closed, and after a few seconds, his hand slid up to grab Shadow’s shoulder.
“What in the world?!” Eggman gasped, just vocalizing what everyone else was thinking.
Shadow pulled away slightly to peer over at the Doctor with a deep-set frown, but Sonic dropped his hand to grab his, so he looked back over.
“What was that about?” he asked with a little smile, his muzzle rosy with blush.
“You gave me a prize when I beat Eggman. Now I’m giving you one for beating Metal,” he said, eyeing him. He let him hold his hand—he didn’t really care what everyone else thought. He never had and he wouldn’t start now.
Sonic’s smile changed to another wide smirk. “So you wanted to return the favor, huh?” he said playfully, though he only tugged him closer, so he could press their lips together again. Shadow leaned into it and let his eyes fall shut.
“Would you look at that folks! It looks like some of the racers ended up making their own prizes!” Omochao announced with an excited giggle.
Shadow broke the kiss, glancing over at Omochao scornfully.
Sonic let go of Shadow’s hand. “How about me and you race?” he suggested, grabbing his Extreme Gear from where it leaned against the nearby the wall and hopping on. “Just me and you.”
Shadow gave him a smug smile. “You still have no chance of winning,” he said as he set his board down and got on as well, his competitiveness coming out immediately when the word ‘race’ was spoken.
“We’ll see about that,” Sonic taunted, just as both of them took off in a random, open direction.
“It seems like they’ll both be winners, no matter who finishes first!” Omochao reported, without realizing what he said. Eggman startled at the comment, looking mortified, but Knuckles busted out laughing. Rouge even hid a chuckle behind her hand.
“I’m sure the next World Grand Prix will be much more interesting after this new chain of events!” Omochao continued to the audience. “We’ll see you there, I’m sure! Until then, Omochao here, signing off! Buh-bye!”
(Link to part three)
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shawkyarchived · 5 years
if  anyone  on  shawky’s  expeditions  mentions  money  or  ‘getting  a  cut  of  the  treasure’  or  implies  anything  about  only  being  there  for  the  payout  at  the  end  ,  buh-bye  .  you’re  gone  .  shawky  makes  the  tougher  guys  in  the  group  (  obviously  )  escort  them  away  and  back  on  whatever  car  or  bus  or  plane  they  came  out  on  .  shawky’s  team  IS  paid  for  their  work  ,  but  none  of  the  payment  comes  from  the  treasure  itself  .  so  no  one’s  getting  any  grubby  hands  on  priceless  artifacts  or  selling  things  to  black  markets  .  no  way  .
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