#‘no it’s already all in my arms it’s fine’
ponderingmoonlight · 3 days
Hello!! I hope you’re doing amazing!!! I really like your megumi works, so id like to request a fic where him and the reader have a very under cover secret relationship and yuji,nobara and gojo try to figure out why fushiguros been acting so weird. I’d love to see it! And more megumi works 🙏🏽. It’s just a request it’s totally okay if you don’t want to!! Hope you have an amazing week!! 💗💗
Okay, I probably never laughed this much while writing a fic lmao, this right here is ridiculous y'all
Keeping your relationship with Megumi a secret until you can't anymore
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Pairing: Megumi x fem!reader; pure comedy friendship with Nobara and Yuji lol
Word Count: 3k
Synopsis: Megumi Fushiguro’s secret relationship with you has been going smoothly—until his friends start noticing his odd behavior. Yuji and Nobara grow suspicious, launching a hilariously relentless mission to uncover what he’s hiding, while Gojo sits back, amused by the chaos. Will the two of you finally confess?
Warnings: y'all, I almost died writing this hilarious piece of work lmao, I never praise my own work but that bonus has me rolling, if you're looking for a bandage for your broken heart there it is, fluff fluff fluff
Please let me know what you think! If this does well, I might write some more about the chaotic trio lol
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You never thought keeping a secret would be this much fun.
Your relationship with Megumi started quietly, just like most things with him. There was no grand confession, no dramatic kiss in the rain. It was slow, understated, like the way shadows stretch out under the setting sun. You had been drawn into his orbit naturally, like you’d been waiting for it to happen all along.
Still, it wasn’t exactly planned. One moment you were sitting next to each other in silence, and the next you were sitting a little too close. Your fingers brushed. His eyes lingered. The air between you became charged with unspoken things, and soon enough, stolen moments were the only thing keeping you sane. The decision to keep it quiet came easily: neither of you had any desire to deal with the chaos that would break out if anyone found out. And besides, it was kind of thrilling.
But now it’s starting to get tricky.
It’s a normal Wednesday when the subtle shift in the atmosphere begins. Megumi is acting just a little too normal - stiffer, as if he’s hyper-aware of everything. He’s not good at this, at pretending everything is fine when there’s something simmering underneath. And unfortunately, it doesn’t take long for his odd behavior to catch some unwanted attention.
“Hey, Megumi,” Yuji calls from across the room, his eyes squinting suspiciously.
“You’re acting weird. Are you okay?”
Megumi doesn’t even flinch, though his eyes are literally glued to the ground.
“I’m fine.”
That’s it. Flat, simple, closed. He’s good at short answers. It should be enough. It’s not.
Yuji leans over the back of the couch, brow furrowed in confusion.
“No, you’re definitely acting off. You haven’t been sarcastic all morning. And usually by now, you’ve threatened to hit me at least twice.”
Megumi sighs, fingers twitching in his lap, the only outward sign of his discomfort.
“I’m fine, Yuji. Maybe you’re just imagining things.”
Yuji is definitely not convinced. He glances at Nobara, who’s lounging nearby with her arms crossed, already suspicious. She had been eyeing Megumi the second he walked in, catching onto his strange energy faster than Yuji had.
“Yeah, I’ve noticed it too,” she adds, voice sharp.
“Something’s up. You’ve been... I don’t know, distracted?”
“Seriously, I’m—” Megumi starts, but Nobara cuts him off, grinning.
“You’re not hiding anything from us, are you, Fushiguro?” Her eyes gleam with mischief, and you can tell she’s just playing around.
For now.
“Oh, I think I know it!”, Yuji suddenly announces with his arms stretched in the air.
“Do you really, idiot?”, Nobara remarks.
You almost lose your cool, cold sweat dripping down your neck while waiting for Yuji’s next words. He didn’t catch it, did he? Not when you’ve been carefully avoiding being too close to Megumi while they’re around since you first joined Jujutsu High. He simply can’t know it-
Megumi’s eyes flick to you, a barely noticeable glance paired with his reddened cheeks, but it’s enough. Too much. Your heart skips in your chest, and you quickly look away, hoping no one else caught it. But then-
“Oh.” Yuji’s eyes widen in realization, a slow grin spreading across his face.
“Oh, I get it now.”
Megumi’s spine visibly stiffens.
“No, you don’t.”
But it’s too late. Yuji has already decided he’s figured it out.
“You’ve got a crush on someone, don’t you?” Yuji practically shouts, leaning forward in his seat with excitement.
“That’s why you’ve been all weird lately!”
Nobara sits up, clearly intrigued by this new development. “Wait, what? Megumi has a crush?”
“I do not,” Megumi says, but he’s starting to lose his calm now.
You can tell by the way his hand runs through his hair a little too harshly, as if he’s trying to ground himself.
You bite back a smile. Megumi can be as composed as he wants, but when it comes to things like this, he’s terrible at hiding it.
“You’re totally lying,” Nobara declares, standing up and crossing the room to get a better look at him.
“Who is it? Do we know them?”
Megumi groans, pressing his fingers to his temples as if he’s already getting a headache. You’re trying hard not to laugh because if you do, they’ll turn their attention to you. You’ve been careful this whole time to stay out of the line of fire, just a silent observer to this chaos.
But you know it’s only a matter of time.
“I’m not lying,” Megumi grumbles, clearly regretting every decision that led him to this point. “There’s no one.”
It’s almost convincing. Almost.
Yuji leans back, a teasing glint in his eyes.
“Nah, you’re definitely lying. You’re terrible at it. You get all tense, like right now.”
“I’m always tense,” Megumi shoots back.
“True,” Nobara agrees,
“but this is different. You’re acting sketchy.”
Megumi shoots her a flat look, but Nobara only smirks back. She’s having way too much fun with this.
“Is it the one we’ve met at that pizza place yesterday, the one with a big ass and those nice hair?”, Yuji shouts into the conversation.
“The girl from yesterday?”, you repeat before you can stop yourself, arms crossing in front of your tightening chest.
“You guys are gross.”
Megumi’s gaze meets yours, panic shimmering underneath the surface while he fumbles with his own hands.
“What? No! It’s not that one!”
“Oh, not that one, huh? Who is it, then?”
“Fine,” Megumi says, standing abruptly.
“I’m going for a walk.”
Before they can say another word, he stalks out of the room, leaving you alone with Yuji and Nobara. You let out a quiet breath of relief, grateful they didn’t notice you.
Yuji turns to Nobara, eyes wide.
“This is huge. Megumi’s got a crush.”
Nobara hums thoughtfully, rubbing her chin.
“He’s never shown any interest in anyone before. It must be serious.”
“I wonder who it is,” Yuji muses, glancing around the room as if expecting the answer to jump out at him.
Your pulse quickens. If you stay here any longer, you’re going to blow your cover.
“I’m gonna grab some water,” you announce quickly, standing up.
You manage to make it halfway to the kitchen before Nobara’s voice calls after you, filled with sudden realization.
“Wait a minute. You were with him all morning, weren’t you?”
You freeze, your heart pounding in your chest.
“Weren’t you two on a mission yesterday?” Yuji adds, piecing it together far too quickly for your liking.
“And last weekend, too?”
Panic rises in your throat, but you manage to keep your expression neutral when you turn back to face them.
“We’ve just been on a few missions together. That’s all” you say, voice steady.
Nobara narrows her eyes, scrutinizing you.
“Uh-huh. And you didn’t notice him acting weird?”
“Not really. Maybe he’s just worn-out” you lie, doing your best to stay calm.
Yuji tilts his head, still unconvinced but willing to drop it for now.
“Yeah, maybe.”
But Nobara isn’t so easily swayed.
“You sure? Because you’re looking a little-”
“Nobara,” you interrupt,
“you’re overthinking it.”
For a moment, there’s silence. Then, with a final hum of suspicion, she shrugs and lets it go.
But just as you think you’re in the clear, a new voice cuts through the tension.
“Well, well, what do we have here?”
Gojo saunters in, sunglasses perched lazily on his nose, a knowing smirk already playing on his lips. He must have been eavesdropping because he’s grinning like he’s just hit the jackpot.
“Don’t tell me you’re trying to figure out what’s up with Megumi,” he notes, voice dripping with amusement.
“That kid’s an enigma even to himself.”
Yuji perks up at the sight of Gojo, excited to rope someone else into their investigation.
“We think he’s got a crush.”
Gojo pauses, grin widening.
 “Oh, is that so?”
You stand frozen in place as Gojo’s eyes slowly slide over to you, lingering for a beat too long. He knows. You don’t know how he knows, but he knows. He’s always been good at reading between the lines, picking up on things that most people miss. Megumi that traitor, did he really leave you all alone with these two and now even Gojo?
His smirk deepens.
“Well, well, well,” he drawls, leaning casually against the wall, clearly enjoying this far too much.
“I wonder who it could be.”
You’re going to kill Megumi. You’re both dead. This is it. The end of your secret.
But before Gojo can say anything else, Megumi walks back into the room, his expression darkening as he notices Gojo’s presence.
“What are you doing here?” Megumi asks, his voice flat.
“Oh, just catching up with the kids. They were telling me about your little crush” Gojo replies innocently.
Megumi’s eyes dart between you, Yuji, Nobara, and Gojo, clearly calculating his next move.
“There’s no crush,” he replies, exasperation creeping into his voice again.
“Yuji’s just being an idiot.”
“Hey!” Yuji protests, but Megumi ignores him.
Gojo chuckles, pushing off the wall with an exaggerated stretch.
“Well, I think I’ll let you all handle this. Good luck with the investigation.”
He winks in your direction before sauntering out of the room, leaving you tense and trying to avoid Megumi’s gaze.
Yuji and Nobara are still watching him, and you can tell they’re not going to let this go anytime soon.
“So,” Nobara says, crossing her arms. “Are you going to tell us who it is, or are we going to have to follow you around until we figure it out?”
Megumi pinches the bridge of his nose, clearly fed up. “There’s no one.”
“You’re such a bad liar,” Yuji mutters, shaking his head.
Megumi’s about to respond, but then his phone buzzes in his pocket. He pulls it out, glances at the screen, and his expression softens for just a split second before he tucks it away again.
You know who it is. He knows you know.
You’re barely holding back your laughter at this point, trying to keep a straight face. You can feel the heat rising to your cheeks, and you have to look away before anyone else notices.
But Megumi, in his ever-stubborn way, is still trying to salvage this mess.
“I’m going for another walk,” he announces abruptly, clearly done with this interrogation.
“Uh-huh,” Nobara calls after him, grinning like a cat who just caught a mouse.
“Sure, go clear your head, lover boy.”
You can’t help but chuckle quietly as Megumi shoots you a helpless look before heading out the door.
As soon as he’s gone, Yuji leans over to Nobara, whispering loudly.
“Do you think he’s texting his crush?”
Nobara grins, leaning back in her chair.
You bite your lip, doing your best to keep your composure while peeking at your phone.
Sorry for the mess. Meet me later in my dorm?
This is going to get much harder to hide.
Later that night, when you and Megumi finally have a moment to yourselves at his dorm, he sighs heavily, dropping down onto the couch beside you. He looks exhausted, and not just from the missions. The day’s events have clearly taken their toll.
“This is getting ridiculous,” he mutters, rubbing his temples.
You smile softly, leaning into his side.
“It’s kind of your fault, you know.”
Megumi groans.
“I know.”
There’s a moment of silence as you both sit there, the weight of your secret relationship pressing down on you. But it’s not a bad weight. It’s more like a blanket, warm and comforting, something shared between the two of you. Something that’s just yours.
Still, you can’t help but tease him.
“You’re really bad at lying.”
Megumi turns his head to look at you, a small, exasperated smile pulling at his lips.
“Shut up.”
You laugh quietly, resting your head on his shoulder, feeling the tension melt away as his hand finds yours, fingers intertwining. For now, it’s just the two of you, and that’s all that matters.
“Maybe we should tell them,” you suggest softly, half-joking.
Megumi’s body stiffens for a second, but then he relaxes, a soft hum escaping his throat.
“Maybe,” he murmurs, voice low.
“But not yet.”
You smile, content with the secrecy for now. It’s your little world, and as chaotic as it is, it’s yours to navigate together.
And for now, that’s enough.
The decision to finally tell them wasn’t exactly well-planned. In fact, it wasn’t planned at all.
It happened after another long day of training. Yuji had been particularly insufferable, constantly pestering Megumi about his “mystery crush,” while Nobara was fuming over how Megumi wouldn’t let her in on the secret.
You and Megumi exchanged looks all day, the unspoken question hanging between you both: Should we just tell them?
By the time the sun set and everyone was lounging in the common area, the atmosphere was thick with anticipation. Nobara was pacing the room, practically radiating with frustration, while Yuji sat on the edge of the couch, watching Megumi like a hawk.
You were sitting next to Megumi, trying not to laugh at the sheer ridiculousness of the situation. You hadn’t expected the pressure to mount like this. They’d been relentless for days now.
“Okay, I’m done!”
Nobara throws her hands in the air, eyes narrowing at Megumi.
“I can’t take it anymore! You have to tell us. Who is it?”
Yuji nods rapidly, his eyes wide and pleading.
“Please, man, just tell us! The suspense is killing me.”
Megumi lets out a long, exasperated sigh. He’s been handling this for a week now, and it’s clearly taken its toll. He shoots you a quick, sideways glance, silently asking for your input.
You shrug with a small smile, mouthing.
“Your call.”
With another sigh, Megumi straightens up and clears his throat.
“Fine,” he says, his voice firm.
“I’ll tell you.”
Both Nobara and Yuji freeze, their eyes going wide with excitement.
“Finally!” Nobara yells, nearly vibrating with impatience.
“Okay, okay. Who is it? Is it someone we know?” Yuji questions, leaning in closer.
Megumi looks at you again, and you give him a reassuring nod.
Then, with a small smirk tugging at his lips, Megumi casually slips his hand into yours, right there in front of them.
At first, there’s silence. Complete, deafening silence.
Yuji’s mouth falls open, eyes flicking between your joined hands and your faces, his brain clearly short-circuiting.
Nobara, on the other hand, just stares. Blinks. Then her hands slowly rise to cover her mouth, her eyes growing impossibly wide.
“Wait—” Yuji finally speaks, voice squeaking a little.
Megumi sighs.
“Yeah. Me and (y/n). We’ve been dating for a while now.”
That’s when all hell breaks loose.
“WHAT?!” Yuji practically screams, jumping up from the couch and pointing at your intertwined hands like they’re some sort of mythical creature.
“NO WAY! This whole time? You guys were dating this whole time?!”
Nobara just starts shrieking incoherently. It’s a mix of disbelief and outrage, her voice a high-pitched wail as she dramatically collapses onto the couch like she’s been personally betrayed.
“YOU HID THIS FROM US?!” she yells, clutching a pillow like it’s the only thing keeping her grounded.
You burst out laughing, unable to keep it in any longer. Megumi pinches the bridge of his nose, clearly regretting every choice that led to this moment.
Yuji is pacing now, running his hands through his hair, still trying to process everything.
“How did I not see it? I mean, I thought you had a crush, but I didn’t think it was… this!” he gestures wildly between the two of you, eyes wide with disbelief.
“Oh my God!” Nobara yells again, standing up suddenly.
“This is insane! You’ve been sneaking around this whole time? That’s it. I demand details! Right now. How long has this been going on?”
“Yeah!” Yuji chimes in, pointing accusingly at Megumi.
“How did you manage to keep this a secret from me of all people?”
You laugh again, raising your hands in surrender.
“Okay, okay, calm down! It’s been a few months. We just didn’t want to make a big deal out of it.”
“A few months?” Nobara shrieks, grabbing Yuji’s arm like she needs to hold onto something before she passes out.
“That’s practically a year in relationship time! How did you keep this from us? I’m so offended right now.”
“I knew you were acting weird!” Yuji exclaims, throwing his hands in the air.
“All those times you disappeared, Megumi! I knew something was up!”
Megumi groans, running a hand through his hair.
“You guys are overreacting.”
“Overreacting? This is the most exciting thing that’s happened all year and you hid it from us! You’re for the streets, Fushiguro!” Nobara echoes, voice high-pitched with disbelief.
Yuji nods, agreeing way too quickly.
“Yeah, we need details. Dates, first kiss, how did it start, everything.”
Before you can answer, a familiar voice interrupts the chaos.
“Oh, you guys are just figuring this out now?���
You all turn to see Gojo leaning casually against the doorway, a smug grin plastered on his face, arms crossed like he’s been watching this unfold for a while.
“What?” Nobara screeches again.
Gojo shrugs like it’s no big deal.
“Obviously. It wasn’t exactly hard to figure out.”
Yuji’s jaw drops to the floor.
“You didn’t tell us?”
Gojo tilts his head, grinning.
“And ruin the fun of watching you two idiots freak out? Why would I do that?”
Nobara looks like she’s about to combust.
“So, you just let us suffer, while you were sitting there knowing the whole time?!”
Gojo shrugs again, completely unbothered.
“You’re welcome.”
Yuji groans, dramatically flopping onto the couch beside Nobara.
“I can’t believe this. I feel so betrayed.”
Nobara crosses her arms, huffing.
“Yeah, same. This is worse than the time Yuji ate my fries.”
“Hey, that was an accident!” Yuji protests.
Nobara glares at him.
“It was not an accident.”
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miyuhpapayuh · 2 days
You scared?
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“Don't be over here actin’ all shy,” he smirks, licking those plump lips of his.
“I'm not,” she giggles, batting her lashes and leaning forward in her seat, her cleavage on full display thanks to her low cut top.
“Mmhm, you lookin’ for trouble, baby girl.”
“Maybe that's what I want,” she matches his smirk with her own, “what I came over here for,” she smugly shrugs, licking her own lips at look in his eyes.
He'd been ready to pounce on her since she first came outta her apartment that day in those itty bitty shorts, pretty brown skin gleaming, all that booty and them thick thighs had him in a trance with each sway of her hips.
Just waiting on her to give him the green light to slut her out like he knew she secretly wanted. Craved.
But she was a tease, a bit too shy to share her thoughts out loud, especially not where his fine ass could hear her.
“Is that right?” He asks, his eyes roaming her entire frame.
“Mmhm,” she replies.
“Words, beautiful.”
“Yes,” she eventually says, watching him stand from his seat on the couch and hold out his hand for her to take, leading her down the hall to his bedroom.
After closing the door, he softly pushes her onto his bed, hovering over again, broad arms caging her in.
Not like she wanted to run, anyway.
Her heart thudded away at the sight of him so close to her, smelling so good and looking like he was two seconds from eating alive, and god did she want that.
“I'm listening,” he says, as if he could read the filth her mind was conjuring up.
“Kiss me.”
His tongue slid into her mouth as soon as her lips parted, tangling with her own, making her melt under him, reaching out to touch him, as a way of making sure she wasn't dreaming of this moment.
Sucking on each other's lips, flicking his tongue against her own, making her wetter than ever. She was dizzy already, softly moaning all in his mouth.
“Touch me, please,” her needy hands pulling him closer to her, gasps leaving her lips as he fondles her breasts through her top, his lips leaving hers as he kisses a trail down her neck, her eyes rolling back at the sensation.
Freeing her chest to the cool air, his hot tongue found her left nipple, circling around before sucking and letting it go, and doing the same to her right.
“Mmm, please,” she whines, practically squirming already.
Placing wet kisses on her chest and neck, he crowds her space even more as he pulls her legs up on his waist, helping take her sandals off.
“What is it, baby?” He coos.
Pulling one of his hands away from her chest, she pulls it between her legs, her thighs squeezing together as he wags her fingers against the crotch of her shorts.
“So wet, baby.. what you need me to do?”
“Take em off me… eat this pussy,” she boldly whispered, making his eyes dart up to her flushed face.
Doing just that, he grunts at her lack of panties and pulls her closer to him, before kneeling down and kissing up and down her slit.
Her body was screaming at this point, twisting everywhere his mouth kissed, eyes rolling back at the wet kiss he placed right on her clit, her thighs trembling slightly.
“T-Terry,” she whimpers, reaching out to grab his head as his tongue comes out to play, sliding through her unbelievably wet folds and swirling around her clit over and over and over…
Humming against her, he was in heaven at her taste and scent, loving the way her sweet moans bounced off his bedroom walls.
“Oh my god, that feels so good,” she gasps as he sucks her clit into her mouth before letting it go, flicking his tongue against it til she was scooting back up the bed, away from him.
“Mm-mm, I'm not done,” he gruffs, pulling her closer to him, resuming his wet smacking, licking and sucking on her second set.
“Shit,” she squeals, her back arching off the bed.
“Taste so good, baby,” he mumbles, making her cry out, eyes crossing as that knot tightens in her core.
“I'm c-cumming, oh my god, I'm cumming,” she gasps, thighs squeezing the sides of his face as she rides out her orgasm on his relenting tongue.
She was still panting heavily when he finally pulled away, pressing one last kiss to her swollen bud.
Moving back up her body, he pulls her in for a searing kiss that takes her breath away all over again as he lays between her legs, so hard and so big.
“You ready, baby?” He asks as he pulls away to undress and grab a condom, giving her ample time to gawk at him and all his glory.
“Yes, please,” she eagerly nods, watching as he climbs back between her legs, wrapping them around his waist like she'd always dreamt of doing.
Dropping his lips just above her own, he slides into her slowly, watching her eyes roll back at every inch filling her up.
“Damn, baby,”
Her hands find his broad arms, clinging on as he begins thrusting into her with a point to prove.
Gasping for air with every single stroke, she writhes underneath his hard body, squealing as he stuffs his face in her neck, suckling her skin.
“Fuck meee,” she whines, making him pick up the pace, pounding into her and making her see stars.
“Like this?” He grunts, grabbing her ass, smacking it hard twice.
“Yesss, fff— don't stop!”
“I got you, baby.” He kisses the side of her face, leaning up to grip her neck.
Licking her lips, she couldn't help the smirk that painted her face at the action. He almost chuckled, watching her enjoy herself.
“You're gonna make me cummm!”
“You cummin’ on this dick, baby?”
“Ohh fuck, yesss, please don't stop!” She gasps, squeezing her eyes shut as she gushes all over him.
And stop, he didn't.
She lost count how many times she'd wet up his lap, squeezing the hand around her neck, her words past unintelligible as he explored spots she didn't know she had.
“B-baby… fuck.. ooh!”
“Mm, look at you,” he finally lets out a laugh, stroking her face with his free hand, “so fuckin’ pretty.”
He was enjoying making her lose her absolute mind, knowing this is what she desperately craved.
“See what happens when we speak up?”
“Mmmhmmmm,” she deliriously whines, reaching out to scratch his thigh with her free hand.
“Mmhm, tell me how good it feels,” he continues, moving his hand from her neck to her clit, rubbing his thumb over her thumping bud.
Her mouth couldn't possibly open wider at the sensation, filling the room with her high pitched moans.
“Use your words, baby,”
“S-so! Good! Fffff-uck!” Her every word is punctuated with a grunt due to his heavy stroke.
“I know, baby,” he coos, sending her right off the cliff into another intense orgasm.
Next thing she knew, she was on all fours with her arms behind her back, getting fucked like she stole something.
His eyes were stuck on the way her fat ass rippled against his thighs, her wetness splashing with each punishing stroke.
“Got you so fucking wet, baby,” he moans, “this how you needed it, huh?”
“Y-yes!” She squeaks out, letting her head fall forward.
“Say it again,”
“Yessss,” she repeats louder, gasping as his thrusts send her forward, almost crashing into the sheets had it not been for his grip on her.
“Fuckkk, pussy so good, baby.”
Pushing her all the way over onto the bed, he grabs both of her hands into one of his own and resumes fucking her into the mattress, much to her liking.
She didn't even know she could make most of the noises that were coming out of her mouth, eyes rolled back like something possessed.
Biting into the sheets, she tries to muffle herself as he continues to ram into her from behind, making her leak all over herself, him and the bed.
“Got damnnn, I'm finna nut!”
“Me too,” she whimpers, digging her nails into her hands as his hips begin to stutter and slam into her.
“Fuck!” He yells, almost squeezing her wrists a little too hard as they climaxed together, her sweet heat tugging on him for dear life.
Releasing her, she fell all the way flat on the bed with a tired laugh, swiping her hair away from her face as he moved away to dispose of the condom and clean her up.
Pulling her onto his chest, he kisses her forehead a few times and pulls the covers back as she snuggles up, already drifting off to sleep.
He'd have time to tease her about everything later.
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luveline · 2 days
do you think you could do something with zombie au where reader is on her period? thank you!!
thank you for your request! fem, 1k
You’ve gotten your period three times since the apocalypse began. The first time, you and Steve were just beginning to get along, and he’d proved why you trust him as you do, treating the whole thing with kindness. More recently, he’s your unofficial boyfriend. Like, kissing you and holding you, but foregoing the conversation that would make you an official couple. 
Either he doesn’t want to be official (which is fine, it’s not like he’s going anywhere), or you’re official without words. You’ve assumed the latter because the former makes you nauseous. 
Not that you need much help in that department. Your stomach churns like a tide, bouts of sickness and pain that hit you rampantly as you follow Steve downstairs. 
“Can I take my shoes off?” you ask. 
“Why are you asking me? It’s not my house.” Steve descends the last step and holds his hand behind him for you. Seemingly to help you down a step you don’t need help with. 
You’re asking because taking your shoes off means getting comfy for the night, and he doesn’t want to do that at every house you break into.
You don’t explain yourself. You follow Steve into the living room, hoping he’s going to take your hand again. He nudges you with his hip into a mildly dusty couch. 
You sit. “What, are we gonna watch TV?” you joke. 
“You look sickly.” 
That’s not nice. “I do?” you ask, all teasing gone from your tone. You often wish you were much prettier, and occasionally beg fate to drop a bottle of medical grade body wash into your lap, if just to make Steve see you that way. But Steve’s kissed you with a greasy nose and blood on your chin. You were hoping appearances didn’t matter. 
“You look awful,” he says, his eyebrows stitching together as he heads into the kitchen. “Stay sat down!” 
“Awful?” you ask. 
He doubles back, face peeking around the doorway. “Not like that,” he says hurriedly. “Just, sick. I’m gonna cook you something.” 
“I don’t need to be sat down, I’m fine.” 
He disappears again. “That why you’re glaring at me?” he calls, his voice echoing against tile. 
You don’t have the energy for whatever it is that’s happening. You kick your legs out on the couch and begin kneading the swollen mess that is your stomach, debating on telling him why you’re grumpy. It’s not like he cares. He never finds it gross, but you don’t want him to pity you either. It’s just a period. 
(It really sucks.) 
“Alright, the hot plate is on,” he calls. “What do you want, huh? We got the split pea soup, or the chicken casserole?” He laughs. “The casserole, duh. Ten minutes and it’s yours.” 
Your breath rushes out through your nose. Stomach hurts, head hurts, he’s making you dinner and laughing where you can’t see him. You force yourself to get up, shuffling to the kitchen with a pout already in place. 
“Ten minutes is not right,” you say, announcing your movement so he doesn’t stab you. 
“Is too right. How come you never listen?” 
“Steve, please don’t be mean to me, I’m on my period.” You wince as a pang climbs your back. 
“Oh, you are?” 
“Well… I’m glad, sort of. Better that then the flu, right?” 
“Yeah, I guess.” 
A couple of weeks ago, he would’ve told you to go back to the couch, and he would’ve brought your food in to you, wrapping a blanket over your legs and leaving you to it. But this is now. Your unwilling protector has gone remarkably soft on you. 
“Is it like last time?” he asks, holding out his arm. 
You drift toward him, pretending it isn’t to be hugged. “It hurts, if that’s what you mean.” 
“It hurts,” he repeats in a murmur as his arm finally curls around your waist. He pulls you into his side.
“You’re pitying me.” 
“You like it,” he jokes, his tone still held in that soft murmuring. 
You close your eyes, driving your nose into his chest. The hot plate gurgles weakly on the stove, using the last of a canister of camping gas, a few days from the end of its life. Your eyelids feel heavy closed, achy not with tears but fatigue, and your head aches with a migraine you know from experience won’t be defeated using tylenol. But Steve hugs you with one arm and leans against you as you press into him. Stuck together. He doesn’t move for ages. 
“I’m glad I don’t get my period,” he says. 
“You act like you do.” 
“Were you not gonna tell me? I guess you don’t have to, but if you’re in pain, I’d like to know.” 
“Don’t need you to feel any more sorry for me.” 
“I don’t. Just like rubbing your back.” 
Your heart skips a beat. That’s as close to a confession of feelings you’ve ever gotten from him. Well, verbally. His sporadic kissing says a lot. 
“Thanks for telling me,” he says. You have to strain your ears to hear him. “I don’t think there’s much iron in chicken casserole. I wish we… How much iron is there in squirrel?” 
“I don’t wanna eat squirrel.” Again. 
“It’s good for you.” 
Doubtful. You turn completely into his touch and hug him. “Please don’t make me eat squirrel.” 
You sound a teeny tiny bit pitiful, and you earn yourself an even better hug than the first. “I won’t, I won’t, I was just kidding,” he promises, “I just figure you need it. Maybe if we look through the medicine cabinet they’ll have some multivitamins or something.” His hand grabs at your side. It’s not a careful touch, though he’s far from spiteful. “You need painkillers, right? I could crush a Vicodin into your casserole.” 
“Yes, please.” 
Steve’s nose presses into the side of your face. You feel close to him in a way that chokes you up, but you don’t need to talk any more. 
“Half a Vicodin,” he deliberates, “and I’ll rub your back.”
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makeitmingi · 19 hours
Destined To Be A Girl Dad
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Genre: Romance, Comedy, Cute, Fluff
Pairing: San x Reader (y/n)
Characters: Mom!Reader, Dad!San, Daughter (Choi Haeun)
Summary: When San found out you were pregnant with a girl, he could not be happier. You knew that she'll have him wrapped around her tiny finger but he'll gladly be a fool for his princess. And from the moment she was born, he prove it to be true.
Word count: 8K
Warning(s): Mentions of bodily fluids, giving birth, medical procedures, postpartum hemorrhage, (y/n)'s very stressed, scared, anxious and overwhelmed.
[A/N: This is a little 'flashback' chapter to when Haeun was born. I came across a lot of parents showing their newborn daughter and the dad's reactions just reminded me of San so much.]
San was rudely woken up by the sunlight that was streaming in through the gap in the curtains. Before he could even wake his brain, he got out of bed and went to close the curtains. He turned to make sure the sun wasn't bothering you. Thankfully, you were still fast asleep, unbothered by the sun.
"I love you." He leaned over to kiss your head, eyes scanning you to make sure you were comfortable and okay.
"San, I'm fine." You mumbled into your pillow, having felt his gaze on you despite being asleep. San chuckled, pressing his forehead against your temple lovingly.
"Just wanted to make sure you're comfy and safe, baby." He kissed your cheek.
"I'm the size of a whale, I don't even know what it's like to be comfortable anymore." You groaned.
"Don't say that about my princess. She's perfect, you're perfect." He laid down beside you, letting your rest your head on his arm. It was the best was to have you close to him since your belly was in the way.
"At this point, I just want my water to break already." You sighed in slight frustration.
"She'll come when she's ready. I know it's hard, baby. I'm sorry." He pouted, rubbing your arm.
"Want me to massage your feet or get you something?" He offered. With you going to give birth soon, your ankles have been swelling and bothering you so San has been very kind in giving you foot rubs whenever he can.
"No, can you just hold me?" You asked.
"Of course I can do that." San let you move on your own at your own pace to get yourself comfortable. You tilted your body so you could press your face against his chest.
"This should make you more relaxed." San whispered, reaching up to massage the back of your neck and shoulders.
"That feels good. You take such good care of us and she isn't even here yet." You melted into his touch.
"She's not born yet but she's here, she's a part of you. And I'll always take care of you and princess." San chuckled. With the massage and the sound of San's heartbeat, you slowly fell back asleep again.
"Sleep well." He stroked your hair.
Since you were due soon, San had taken some time off work. He still did his practices but there was less travelling just in case you went into labour.
Another thing is that ever since your pregnancy started, San has become a very light sleeper. He was always hyper vigilant and aware of your movements. Not that you wanted him to help you 24/7, he was just worried, he couldn't help it. So when he felt you stir and struggle to sit up, he opened his eyes.
"What do you need, baby?" San asked, sitting up just as you managed to stand on your feet and get out of bed.
"I'm just going to get more water, my bottle is empty. Go back to sleep, Sannie. I can manage it on my own." You giggled and put on your house slippers.
"I can get it for you, baby. I should have filled up your bottle for you before going to bed." He said.
"San, it's really okay. I can get my own water. And you did fill up my bottle, I just drank it all." You assured with a soft smile.
"Okay, call me if you need help." San told you. You hummed and left your shared bedroom to go to the kitchen. He didn't go back to sleep, he just sat there, waiting for a bit before going to help you.
"Sannie, do you want coffee?" You asked.
"I'm good, baby. I want you back in bed with me." He replied. He could hear you laughing.
"Baby!" San shot out of bed and rushed to the kitchen. You were standing there, the glass of water that was in your hand was shattered on the ground. You winced, knees starting to wobble as you held your back.
"Sorry." You groaned amidst the pain that you were in. Now San was worried you hurt yourself.
"It's okay, it's okay. Come. Careful." Holding both your hands in his, San guided you over the broken glass. He was grateful you were wearing the slippers Seonghwa bought you.
"Did the glass get you?" He sat you down and checked you, looking for any signs that you were cut from the glass.
"No, it hurts." You held your back.
"Braxton Hicks?" He bent down in front of you, helping you to rub your back. San knew that you have been having Braxton Hicks since you were going into labour soon.
"No, Sannie. I think it's real. The Braxton Hicks have never hurt so badly and it never reaches my back." You groaned.
"Oh........ OH!" It took a while for your words to sink in as San jumped to his feet.
"We should go to the hospital. Or should I call an ambulance? What should I do?!" He asked.
"Sannie, calm down. It's okay, breathe. It just started so we don't have to go to the hospital yet. But I should start timing how long they last and the intervals between them." You squeezed his hand as you reminded him of what the doctor told you, trying to maintain a smile as you felt him beginning to panic.
"Right, right. I'll help you. Let me clean up the glass first." San was reluctant to let go of your hand but the broken glass on the floor was a hazard to both you and him.
"I'm sorry I made a mess and can't even help clean it up." You sighed.
"No need to apologise, baby. You're in labour. You just focus on yourself and princess." He looked at you with an excited smile.
"You're such a goof." You chuckled. San shot you a flat look with a playful pout before returning back to cleaning. After he was done, San escorted you back to bed to rest.
"Are you timing your contractions? Are they getting more intense?" He asked as he retrieved towels.
"Still manageable." You groaned.
"Alright, come here, baby." San laid out the towels for them, knowing you would be stressed out if your water broke all over the sheets and the mattress.
"Careful. Easy..." He cooed, adjusting your pillow for you so you were comfortable.
"Shall I get you some food? A drink?" He asked.
"No but after the princess comes, I want a big coffee. A BIG coffee, Choi San." You held his collar to show how serious you were. With your pregnancy, you had to severely cut down on your coffee intake, which you did not really like.
"Of course, baby. Anything you want." He kissed the top of your head and went out to the kitchen to fix you snack. You did your best to stay distracted, watching San fancams on your iPad.
"Hey! I'm here!" You heard noises outside and put the iPad down. In came Wooyoung with a big grin.
"So, how's my god daughter doing?" He asked, reaching over to hug you.
"She's not here yet but soon, she'll be here in our arms. Just a little more." You chuckled, patting his back. Wooyoung was also very involved in your pregnancy.
"Even with the man right here, in the flesh, you're still watching his fancams?" He raised an eyebrow, seeing your iPad.
"It distracts me, okay?" Your cheeks heated up, closing the iPad before San could come in.
"Well, it definitely distracts you in one way because that's how my god daughter got here. And perhaps my future god children." He teased and you slapped his arm in embarrassment.
"Anyway, I brought you some food. San's too panicked to cook now but you should get some food in you." He told you. You laughed and nodded your head. Just then, San came in with a tray, plating up the food that Wooyoung had brought along with him. He placed it on the bed for you.
"Come on." Both San and Wooyoung helped you sit up properly so you could eat, even if San insisted on feeding you.
"Ah... Damn it." You cursed under your breath as another contraction hit you. San rubbed your back and let you squeeze his hand until the wave of pain would pass.
"So, how long can this last? Or rather, how long should it last until you go to the hospital?" Wooyoung asked.
"Dude, did you not read the parenting books I got you?" San asked his best friend in disbelief.
"Look, I tried my best to read two! I couldn't continue reading the other five." Wooyoung groaned and whined. You laughed and patted San's shoulder.
"It's fine. Basically, we time how long they last and the intervals between them. Then we go to the hospital." You replied.
"I already texted our OBGYN that the labour has started. She's ready when you are." San informed.
"When I am ready? More like when your daughter is ready." You chuckled. San cooed and kissed your temple. Even if you were full, you tried to eat at least half of what Wooyoung brought you. And you made sure both Wooyoung and San ate too.
"Trust me, you'll both need your energy too." You told them, holding the wall and slowly walking around. San had his bowl in his hand, his other hand held out to support you in case you fell.
"San, eat your food. It's fine, I'll manage on my own for a few minutes." You assured.
"No, I'd rather just be here by your side." He shook his head as he chewed his food.
"Is your go bag packed?" Wooyoung asked.
"Oh, I need my phone charger and the book from my nightstand." You replied. San was going to go but Wooyoung held his hand out to stop him, going into your room to retrieve the items for you.
"Don't know if you're going to be able to get much reading done with the princess here." San laughed.
"That's why I have you and Woo, right?" You joked.
"That's right. I am not leaving my princess' side." Wooyoung declared as he came out with your items, tucking them into the bag that you had packed and ready on the couch.
"You mean, my princess." San corrected with a glare. Wooyoung rolled his eyes. You laughed with a shake of your head. If the two were already fighting before your daughter was born, you can only imagine how much worse it was going to be when she actually gets here. Not the mention, the 6 other uncles waiting.
"She's not even here yet and you two-" You stopped mid sentence as you felt a pop.
"What?" San asked in confusion and worry. Until you both looked down and saw the trickle of liquid go down your leg.
"I think now's a good time to go to the hospital." San said and you nodded, feeling your cheeks heat up. You were frozen in your spot as the trickle was consistent.
"Text my parents. Tell them her water broke and we're going to the hospital now." San told Wooyoung as he pulled on clothes and grabbed you a hoodie that he knew would keep you comfortable.
"What's wrong, baby? Does it hurt?" San frowned, wondering why you haven't moved.
"It's dripping..." You mumbled, hiding your face in your hands.
"Hey, it's okay. It's okay, it's normal." San hugged you, rubbing your back. Tears welled up in your eyes, you didn't know what was happening, you just couldn't handle it.
"It's so embarrassing, I'm going to die." You cried. Even if you expected this to happen and knew it was going to happen, it still felt so embarrassing to have your bodily fluids leak out of you, especially in front of Wooyoung.
"(y/n), listen to me. This is normal, you're giving birth. There's nothing to be embarrassed about." Wooyoung assured.
"It's alright, hmm? Don't worry." San kissed your cheek, wiping your tears away. You nodded tearfully and squeezed San's hand as he slipped your shoes on for you and guided you out of the house.
"Careful, easy." San placed a towel on the passenger seat for you to sit before loading up the car and driving to the hospital.
"Oww..." You took deep breaths, feeling the pain become more intense and frequent.
"Sir, you can't park here." The guard said as San stopped his car.
"I know! I know! But my wife is in labour, can you help her? I'll move my car right after." San came out and opened your door. He watched as the guard called nurses to come with the gurney.
"I'll see you inside, baby." San squeezed your hand. You nodded and shot him a small smile before he got in the car and went to park.
Of course, you were slightly freaked out that you were now alone and without San, you were scared and nervous. But a part of you didn't want to make him panic even more so you took a deep breath and tried your best to calm yourself down, telling yourself that he'll be back by your side soon.
"Hey, (y/n)." Your OBGYN came into your delivery room. Since your water broke, the nurses brought you to the delivery room right away instead of checking you into a ward.
"Dr Min, I'm glad to see a familiar face." You smiled tearfully.
"Hey, I'm here for you and your baby. You're in safe hands." She patted your shoulder and began to check you.
"San's parking the car but he said he got you up to speed on everything? My brain's just a little foggy now." You admitted honestly, watching her put on her gloves.
"Yes, he did. Don't worry. I'll just check you now to see how dilated yet." She told you.
"I'm here! Is she born yet?!" San burst into the room, breathing heavily. The nurses in the room giggled at his outburst.
"Sannie, shhh. No, she's not born yet." You chuckled, opening your arms for him. As San made his way over, he smiled at Dr Min and gave you a hug.
"Looks like we're getting there but not yet. We'll have to wait a little more." Dr Min said, standing back up and removing her gloves to throw them into the bin. You let out a long, defeated sigh and San stroked your head.
"Thanks, Dr Min." San bowed his head.
"Don't be discouraged. Baby girl will be here soon." Dr Min smiled softly at you. You nodded and waved as she left the room. San pulled up a chair so he could stay by your side as the wait began.
"Are you sure you don't want anything for the pain?" San asked, his eyebrows furrowed.
"I'm okay. It's all on our princess, we'll wait until she's ready." You said, reaching up to hold his face in your hands.
"But you're in pain and I don't like seeing you in pain." He kissed your hand. One of the options that you and San had discussed was inducing or speeding up the birth but you wanted to push through.
"You're so strong, baby. You're a good omma." He smiled softly, rubbing the back of your hand with his thumb.
"You do whatever makes you feel comfortable, okay? It's your decision." He assured.
"Thanks, Sannie. I just feel better with you here." You said. There was no other person you would rather have a child with. San was always there for you, always supportive and encouraging. He never pushed you to do anything you didn't want to do, he trusts your instinct and decisions for both yours and your daugher's wellbeing.
"You know I'll always be here for you and for the princess." He pressed your hand against his cheek.
"I just want her to be okay." You teared up. Hearing your suddenly serious words, San stood up from his seat, leaning over you. His eyes searched yours.
"Hey, hey. Where's all this coming from? Baby, you'll be okay. Both you and princess will be okay. I've got you both." He frowned.
"I know, I just suddenly feel so scared." You rubbed your eyes like a little child crying to her parent.
"It's normal to be scared. But don't be. Dr Min and everyone will take care of you." He comforted. As another contraction hit, you winced and squeezed San's hand. He rubbed your back soothingly.
"Let me get you some water. Breathe, baby." San poured cold water into a cup for you and held the straw out for you to drink.
"Thank you." You coughed slightly and grabbed a towel you bought to wipe your tears and sweat.
"Princess, I know you're comfy in there but omma is dealing with a lot of pain. Be a good girl and make it easy for omma." San said, pressing his ear to your stomach like he always did throughout the pregnancy. You ran your fingers through his hair.
"Ooh, she did not like that." San chuckled as both you and him felt her move and kick where his ear was. San pouted at your daughter but still planted a kiss to your belly.
"I'm gonna miss her kicks." San pouted at you.
"Alright, I don't know what you're implying but slow down, cowboy." You pushed his forehead.
A few more hours passed with San staying by your side and helping you through the contractions. Your parents and San's parents came, both mothers making sure you were okay and comfortable.
"Okay, omma. Let's see where baby girl is at." Dr Min came in again. San wiped the sweat off your forehead for you.
"Looks like we're ready to start pushing." Dr Min's head popped up.
"We'll be outside. Call us if you need anything." Your mom and Mrs Choi said, leaving the room to give you and San some privacy. They didn't want to overwhelm you further.
"I've got you okay? Don't be afraid, you can do this, baby. I know you can." San looked down at you and you nodded. With the guidance of your OBGYN, you began to push. San squeezed your hand and you tried your best to push. Even when you got tired, all the staff were encouraging to you.
"I can see the head. You're doing great, (y/n). Just a little more." Dr Min told you.
"She's out, she's out." Dr Min announced and clamped the cord, separating your baby from the placenta. You both watched as she handed the baby to the nurse practitioner.
"She's here." San excitedly looked over but still remaind by your side. Even as your daughter let out her first big cry.
"Go, see your princess, comfort her." You patted his hand. All you had to do was deliver the placenta.
"Cut here." The nurse handed San the scissors to cut the umbilical cord. He couldn't even stop the huge grin from forming on his face as he watched his daughter.
"Hi there, it's okay. Appa's got you." San cooed as the nurse placed the baby in his arms.
As much as San wanted to hold her longer, he knew skin to skin with you was more important. So he brought her to you immediately.
"She's perfect." San smiled as he lowered her down to you. You smiled tired and weakly, eyes blinking slowly. And before San could release her into your arms, your eyes closed and your head dropped. San's eyes widened in shock.
"She's hemorrhaging! Doctor!" The nurse yelled and Dr Min ran over as the machines beeped in alarm.
"Baby?! (y/n)!" San yelled out in fear. Your daughter began to cry and San felt tears in his eyes too. What was happening? What was going on? All he could see was your pale face.
"BP dropping. Someone take Mr Choi and the child to another room." Dr Min ordered.
"Please, save my wife." San begged as the nurse led him to another room.
"We will try our best, Mr Choi. Dr Min is the best. But now, you need to have skin on skin with your daughter." The nurse advised calmly and San handed the baby to her.
"Like this?" San removed his shirt, letting the nurse lay the baby against his chest. The moment she did, the baby calmed down.
"Please go save her." San cried. The nurse nodded and left the room. His parents and your parents came in, all panicked. Of course, San wanted this to be a joyous occasion, he waited so long to meet his daughter and now she was here, in his arms. But he just couldn't, knowing you were unconscious.
"What happened?" Your mother asked worriedly.
"I don't know. I think they said she's hemorrhaging. She was fine, all she had to do was deliver the placenta. I shouldn't have left her side." San cried.
"San, San. Calm down. (y/n)'s going to be okay. You need to be strong for her and your daughter." Mrs Choi told him.
"Okay." San took deep breaths. He and his daughter seemed to be able to calm each other down.
"She'll be okay." Your mother assured, wiping San's tears. San looked down at the baby that was sleeping on his chest. He gently kissed the top of her head.
"Omma will be okay." He whispered. Soon, another nurse came in with a baby basinet.
"How's my wife?" San asked.
"I'm sorry, sir. I don't know. I need to bring the baby for her checks." The nurse apologised. San didn't want to let his daughter go, even with his mother around, he felt like your baby was the only thing that could comfort him now.
"Can it wait?" San pleaded. The nurse looked conflicted, unsure of what she should do.
"I'm sorry. But if there was a birth complication, we need to check. I promise I'll bring her back as soon as possible." The nurse said. San reluctantly handed the baby to her.
"Mr Choi?" Dr Min came in and San immediately stood up, even when his shirt wasn't fully buttoned up yet.
"Doc, how is she?" San felt like he couldn't breathe.
"She's fine. Out of the woods. Bleeding after birth is normal but she bled a lot. But don't worry, she's okay. She's recovering. I'll need to keep her here for a few days longer though." She informed.
"Of course, anything. We'll stay for as long as she'll need. Thank you so much." San bowed deeply to the doctor.
"Now go be with your wife. I had the nurses send her up to your ward already." Dr Min smiled and San went up to the ward where you were wheeled up to.
When San entered, you were fast asleep, probably tired for the birth and the huge loss of blood. But San knew you were a fighter. He hovered over you and kissed your forehead, feeling another round of tears threaten to fall. Obviously he didn't know the severity of the bleed but he knew he almost lost you.
"I love you. Thank you." He pressed his head against yours. As he took a chair to sit, he held your hand the entire time.
"You did good, baby. You did so good, you deserve to rest. She's perfect, an angel just like you. Sleep for as long as you want." San said to you, even though you were asleep.
When you woke up, you looked around in confusion. Until your eyes fell upon San, walking around with a bundle in his arms, singing softly.
"Look who it is, baby girl." San turned and realised you were awake.
"San..." You began to cry. San put your daughter back in her basinet and came over to you.
"It's okay, you're okay. I got you. I got you." He hugged you tightly, his hand resting on the back of your head. You cried into his shoulder and San felt a lump in his throat too.
"You did so good, baby." San continued to comfort you for as long as you needed.
"Can I see her?"
"Of course you can, baby! You're her mom!" San laughed and went over to pick up the baby that was beginning to fuss. But as San gently laid her on your chest, the baby calmed down. She blinked up at you and you smiled softly.
"Hi there. You're so cute... You're perfect. Did you name her yet?" You cooed and looked up at San, who was smiling at both of you. He shook his head.
"You should name her. You've let me make a lot of decisions in the pregnancy, you should name her." You told him.
"Baby, I let you make those decisions because it was your body, you were the one going through the pregnancy, not me." San laughed.
"But I do have one name that I like. Haeun." He added.
"Haeun, Choi Haeun. I like it. It's perfect for her. Welcome to the world, Haeunnie." You smiled at her. San gave you a kiss then kissed the top of Haeun's head.
Since you woke up, San called Dr Min to come and check on you. At the same time, the nurse taught you how to feed Haeun.
"You gave us a scare earlier but you're fine now, (y/n). Nothing major. However, I was mentioning that I would need you to stay in a little longer just for observations." Dr Min explained. You nodded obediently, too preoccupied with staring at your daughter that was drinking from you hungrily.
"Thanks, Dr Min." You and San bowed your heads as she took her leave. You smiled softly, watching Haeun grasp your finger in her hand as she drank.
"You must have been hungry, my love." You cooed.
"She has a big appetite like her dad." San grinned proudly at you, making you scoff.
After Haeun had her fill, she fell asleep. You couldn't get up so the nurse came in to help you with cleaning her and changing her diaper before wrapping her up in a swaddle.
"Oh, so that's how you do it." San said, looking over at the nurse's actions, his glasses on as he took notes on his phone.
"Hey, grandpa. Can I get a glass of water, please?" You teased. San's head whipped around to glare at you.
"You're lucky you're cute." He glared with a pout as he handed you the water. You grinned cheekily as the nurse placed the swaddled Haeun in the basinet and wheeled her by your side. But San constantly hovered over her.
"Let her sleep. Nothing will happen with her a few inches away from us." You chuckled. You and San enjoyed each other's silence, well it was more like San not being able to take his eyes off Haeun.
"Knock knock." The door opened and Wooyoung poked his head in with the others, all carrying flowers, gift baskets and balloons.
"She's sleeping." San quickly shushed everyone.
"Sorry, overprotective dad over here." You snickered. Hongjoong held up a huge cup of iced coffee for you and you swear you nearly cried at the sight.
"Lifesaver." You whispered gratefully and received the cup in your hands to take a big sip.
"Slow down, baby. You shouldn't finish it in one go." San stopped you, placing his hand to push the cup away from you.
"I pushed a bowling ball out of me. Please just let me have this." You begged. San sighed in defeat and let go, letting you enjoy your coffee. But of course, you did heed his advice and drank slowly.
"Oh my gosh... She's the most perfect little angel." Wooyoung cooed, trying to contain his squeal, leading to him slapping Seonghwa's shoulder. Seonghwa hissed and pushed Wooyoung away. Before they could all get too close, San stepped between them and the basinet, pointing to the sink.
"Wash first." San ordered.
"How are you?" Jongho asked, taking a seat by your side. You assumed San had told everyone about the complication after birth.
"I'm okay now. I think it gave all of us a scare but the doctor stopped the bleeding and I'm fine, just have to stay in here a little longer for observation." You shrugged.
"That's good." Yeosang hummed. You watched as San reluctantly let the boys carry Haeun.
"She's so cute when she sleeps." Yunho cooed over Wooyoung's shoulder.
"I have a feeling everything she does is going to be cute to all of you." You laughed. You trusted San to watch out for Haeun and help the boys properly hold her so you could relax.
"You should rest more. I'm sure you've been through the wringer. We brought you food too." Mingi told you, adjusting your blanket properly. You smiled gratefully, watching Seonghwa take a rice porridge out of the container for you.
"We didn't even ask her name yet." Seonghwa said, wheeling the table close to you so you could eat.
"Her name is Haeun, Choi Haeun." San smiled proudly.
"What a perfect name for a perfect princess." Wooyoung cooed softly at the baby in his arms. After a bit, Haeun woke up and began crying. San patted your hand and went to retrieve her from Wooyoung.
"Don't worry, appa's got you." He swayed, patting her back softly to soothe her.
"He's got it. Eat up, get your energy back." Jongho encouraged. You took a spoon and began eating, glacing over at San and Haeun.
"We should go, give you three time to rest." Hongjoong said, checking his watch. The boys came over to give you hugs while San watched with a frown.
"Stop hugging my wife." He whispered harshly, careful not to disturb the now calm Haeun. Only when he placed her back in the basinet, he happily hugged the members who congratulated him again.
"I can't believe she's finally here. The princess is finally here." San let out little squeaks of happiness as Wooyoung hugged him. Wooyoung nodded with a soft laugh and patted San's back. Everyone was waiting for your baby's arrival, even more so when it was announced that you were having a girl.
"We'll see you soon. Take care." Yunho waved as the boys all left.
"She's asleep, Sannie. You can put her down." You chuckled. San looked up at you with a disappointed smile.
"You can watch her. I want cuddles." You held your arms up. At that, San placed Haeun down and came to you. Luckily the hospital bed was big enough.
"Are you feeling ill? You have to tell me or inform the nurse." He said as you laid on his chest.
"I'm fine, Sannie." You squeezed his arm, snuggling closer to him. San He reached over you and rubbed your back.
"I love you. You did so good, baby. Thank you so much for giving me my princess. Really, thank you. I can't thank you enough." San repeated, planting many kisses on your head.
"There's nothing to thank me for, San. I'm lucky to have you with me and to be the one to have your daughter, you've been the perfect partner. You're such a great dad, she's lucky that she'll have you to raise her." You smiled up at him.
"You always speak so lowly of yourself, my love. I'm lucky to have you and her now. And she has the best mom in the whole wide world. So she's pretty lucky." He said.
"Yeah." You nodded, the both of you looking over at your sleeping child.
"Is it weird that I already love her so much? Like looking at her makes my heart hurts." San asked.
"Not weird, that's called being whipped. Or being a fool for your daughter. She's a few hours old and already has you wrapped around her tiny finger." You lifted up your pinky finger.
"Don't make fun of me." He whined.
"But she's finally here, San. She was inside of me and now, she's right there. She's laying there, sleeping, breathing on her own." You said.
"All thanks to you, baby. Now, you should continue to rest. You're not 100% yet, take all the time you need to recover." San reached over to lower the lights so you could sleep. Since you were still feeling weak, it didn't take long for the tiredness to wash over you and you fell asleep in San's hold.
You were woken up by Haeun's crying but San already jumped out of bed, going to her to scoop her up into his arms. As you turned up the lights, you watched San try to soothe her.
"She could be hungry." You rubbed your eyes tiredly.
"Are you okay to feed her? We can use formula if you still feel weak." San asked with a worried frown.
"I'm fine. I just need the pillow." You said. San nodded and let you carry Haeun while he put the 'U' shaped pillow under Haeun and around your waist so you wouldn't have to carry her full weight.
"Is this okay?" San asked, adjusting the pillow properly. You hummed and fed a fussing Haeun.
"Good girl, Haeun. It's okay." You stroked her head as she drank from you hungrily.
"My poor baby must be tired." San came and reached over, cupping your cheeks. You smiled tiredly, knowing that this is going to be your routine for a while. But it was comforting to see Haeun peacefully drinking and staring up at you.
"Awww, now you're nice and full, aren't you, angel?" You cooed as she released you so you could cover yourself up. Since you were still feeling weak, San helped you with changing her diaper.
"Post birth poops are awful." You groaned.
"Nonsense, my princess' poop doesn't smell at all." San grinned dreamily, cooing at Haeun who squirmed.
"There we go. All done." San gently lifted her up, pressing a kiss to her cheek before placing her back into your arms. Haeun stared at you and you smiled at her.
"Your dad has become such a fool for you, hmm?" You tapped her cheek and she grasped your finger.
"Don't call me a fool in front of her." San scoffed. You smiled cheekily and San reached over to pinch your cheeks for teasing him.
"She's asleep." You shushed San.
"You should sleep too, baby." San waited for you to be ready to hand Haeun over him. Once you did, he placed her back into the basinet and tucked you back into bed, getting in beside you. He couldn't sleep without you by his side too. San softly sang to you until you fell back to sleep.
And over the next few days, San took great care of you and Haeun. He prioritised your recovery and took over so many tasks, making sure you were not pushing yourself.
"Hello?" Wooyoung came in.
"Shh, they both just went to sleep." You said from your spot on the couch, nodding over to where San was asleep in your hospital bed.
"Stealing the patient's bed?" Wooyoung tilted his head with a snort as he looked at his best friend. Despite being asleep, San's hand rested on the edge of Haeun's basinet.
"How are you?" Wooyoung asked, sitting beside you.
"A lot better. Can't wait to discharge tomorrow. But I couldn't have done it without Sannie, he's been taking great care of us." You smiled.
"He is a good partner and dad." Wooyoung agreed with a hum. With San and Haeun sleeping, Wooyoung decided to cut up some fruit for you to eat.
"I'm grateful that Haeun is such an angel baby and I'm not just saying that because I'm her mother. She's so patient and loving, rarely cries except for milk or diaper changes. But I can 100% say, she's a daddy's girl for sure." You giggled.
"Of course she is. San must be ecstatic." Wooyoung rolled his eyes.
"I haven't seen the smile leave his face since the day she was born. Everything she does, he thinks it's the best thing since sliced bread." You smiled at a sleeping San.
"He's a fool for her already. But I can't blame him, she's perfect." Wooyoung shrugged and you pushed his shoulder.
"You are just as big of a fool for her." You accused. But deep down, you were glad that Haeun is going to grow up with love from everyone.
"Look who is awake." You were washing your hands when you realised Haeun had woken up and was just laying there without making a fuss.
"Uncle Wooyoung is here to see you, baby." You lifted Haeun out of the basinet and kissed her cheeks.
"Ack. Luckily we're in a hospital because she's going to give me a heart attack." Wooyoung fangirled as you placed Haeun in his arms.
"Haeun." San shot up, having realised the basinet moved slightly from when you picked Haeun up. His sudden movement had made you jump. He sat up and looked around in slight panic, only to see Wooyoung holding Haeun. He let out a sigh of relief and you went over, standing between his legs.
"She's fine, appa. Wooyoung's got her." You chuckled, running your hands through his messy hair. San put his arms around you to hug you and pressed his face against your middle.
"I didn't even know I fell asleep." He murmured.
"You've been working so hard, taking care of us. You deserve to rest too, Sannie." You comforted him.
"Look at your parents. They're gonna make uncle Woowoo puke." You both looked up to see Wooyoung talking to Haeun, holding her in a way that elevated her to see you two.
"She's smiling." You pointed at Haeun's brief, lopsided smile.
"She just loves uncle Woowoo the most." Wooyoung cooed. San didn't take too well to that comment and marched over.
"My baby." He emphasised, taking Haeun out of Wooyoung's arms. He smiled down at her, planting a kiss to her head. You just shook your head at them.
When it was time to feed Haeun, Wooyoung took his leave. As you sat against the headboard to feed Haeun, San massaged your feet, noting that your ankles were still slightly swollen so he put on compression socks for you.
"Are you still feeling sick?" He asked worriedly.
"No, I feel fine actually. So we can go home tomorrow." You smiled excitedly, looking down at Haeun.
"A-Are you sure? Because if you don't feel right, you should stay for a few more days until you're sure you're 100% well again. Maybe we should speak to Dr Min." San suggested.
"Sannie..." Luckily Haeun finished feeding so you could put her back in her basinet. You moved closer to San.
"What's wrong, Sannie?" You cupped his cheeks with a concern frown. You searched his eyes and all you saw was fear in them.
"I was just really scared. When you lost consciousness, there was so much blood. The doctor and nurses were rushing..." San struggled to breathe and you hugged him, letting him lean on your shoulder.
"I'm sorry, Sannie..." You hugged his head.
"I thought I was going to lose you..." He muttered softly, hands gripping your waist. You rarely see San cry so seeing him cry and be so vulnerable around you was indicative of how scared he really was. And for San, he always believed that he has to be your rock so he really tried to keep it in.
"You've been through a lot too, Sannie. But we're here for you, both me and Haeun. You don't have to go through this alone." You stroked the back of his head.
"You won't lose me, lose us, so quickly. I love you." You lifted his head and gave him a kiss, caressing his cheek.
"I love you too." San wrapped his arms around you, pulling you to sit on his lap.
"Baby girl's smiling at us." San chuckled. You lifted your head from his chest to see Haeun looking at the both of you, squirming in her wrap but her head turned to smile at you and San.
"Our baby. That's our baby." You smiled softly and San turned his head to meet your eyes, nodding in agreement.
"I still can't believe she's here. No more talking to her through the tummy." San chuckled.
"Well, before you know it, she'll be able to reply to you when you actually talk to her." You said. At your words, San held his chest dramatically, squeezing his eyes shut like he was going to implode at the thought of Haeun growing up.
"Alright, appa... Breathe. Don't have a heart attack here or I'll need to call the nurses." You patted his arm. San pursed his lips and just pressed a kiss to your shoulder.
"Thank you so much, Dr Min." You said as you hugged the doctor, who patted your back.
"Take care of yourself, (y/n)." She chuckled.
"Do we have everything? I feel like we're forgetting something." You heard San in your room, trying to pack up everything, making you and Dr Min giggle.
"You and baby girl will be just fine." Dr Min squeezed your shoulder and left while you entered your ward.
"Everything okay in here?" You asked.
"Just fine, baby. Whatever we forget, we can buy again. As long as I have princess and you, that's most important." San grinned, holding the baby carrier basket with Haeun sleeping soundly inside.
"Want me to carry her? Or get the bags?" You offered. San shook his head, holding Haeun away from you as if you will steal her and run. Even if the doctor cleared you, San didn't believe you were entirely recovered so he didn't want you doing any heavy lifting or anything strenuous. You just walked beside him.
"Also, baby. Even though the news is out that baby girl is born, KQ says that they'll do whatever it takes to keep her picture and name out of the press." San informed.
"Great, remind me to send them a thank you basket." You chuckled as you both walked to the car.
"Are you excited to finally go home with us, princess?" San cooed to Haeun.
"You're asleep and probably don't care as long as there's milk, right?" He continued to talk to her as he loaded the basket into the car seat inserts that he had already installed previously.
"She's so cute when she sleeps." You adjusted her blanket as you sat in the backseat with her while San drove.
"She's cute doing anything, please. She's our child, of course she's cute." San scoffed from the front seat and you shot him a flat look.
You stifled a laugh to yourself, imaging how things are going to be when Haeun grows up, she'll definitely be leading her father by his nose. Well, in his defense, he did warn you about how he would be if you got pregnant with a girl.
"We're home, princess. Home sweet home." San cooed as he helped to remove the carrier from the seat clips. You unlocked the door to your home and took a deep breath.
"Feels good to be home." You let out a content sigh. San chuckled and leaned over to kiss your cheek.
"I need a shower." You groaned. San hummed and let you go. But you didn't want to shower too long, wanting to relieve San for a bit.
"Sannie, I'm-" You came out of the shower to see him fast asleep on the couch, sitting up and holding Haeun to his chest, who was also still asleep.
"Aww, look at you two." You whispered and took your phone to snap a picture, a smile on your face.
Only when Haeun woke up and fussed then San woke up, immediately patting her back to try and soothe her.
"It's okay, appa. Take a break, I've got her." You smiled and took Haeun from him. San nodded with a tired smile and leaned back into the couch to rest. You leaned over to kiss the top of his head before walking to get Haeun's diaper changed. Then you checked if she was hungry before feeding her, sitting in your rocking chair.
"My love. You are so beautiful." You gently stroked her head as she drank from you. You softly hummed 'Mist' to her with a soft smile on your face.
"Thank you for being born." You giggled.
When she was done, you burped her and walked around with her in your arms, still humming to her.
"Look at your appa sleeping. He's been taking such good care of us, baby. He'll protect you and love you forever, you're such a lucky girl." You spoke to Haeun, who blinked up at you.
"My two girls." San woke up, stretching his limbs and yawning as he caught you and Haeun.
"You should sleep more, Sannie." You said, sitting by him.
"I'm good. You should rest more, the birth and everything must have been tiring on you." He stroked your head. You handed Haeun over to him, letting her rest on his chest.
"I'll heat up some food for our dinner. You should skin on skin with her if you can. Dr Min says it'll help." You patted his thigh and went to the kitchen to heat up the food that your mother and San's mother had helped stock in the fridge.
"Auh, go to sleep, precious. It's okay to sleep. Appa is here." You could hear San speak to Haeun.
"You're really destined to be a girl dad, San." You stood at the kitchen entrance, seeing San coax Haeun to sleep. He sat there, shirtless with the small baby against his chest.
"I am. I am destined to be this girl's dad." San agreed, smiling down at Haeun, who was slowly going to sleep.
"ATINY will eat this up if they saw you." You joked. San rolled his eyes but still posed for you to take a picture of him to save.
"So, we're establishing here that you'll be the one to discipline her while I'm the good one that comforts her when she cries right?" San grinned cheekily.
"We'll see about that." You scoffed.
"Thank you, baby. For all that you did and went through for my princess to be born." San leaned over to kiss you.
"You know despite everything, I would do it again. Couldn't have asked for a better partner and we know this girl is the luckiest little girl in the world with such an amazing dad and 7 chaotic, silly but great uncles who will always dote on her." You smiled softly and laid your head on San's shoulder.
"Yes, she will definitely grow up with a lot of chaos. I mean, look at her godfather. He's the definition of chaos." He chuckled.
You nodded, San was right but you knew the boys, especially Wooyoung, would make sure your little girl grows up with all the love in the world.
And that proved to be right because after a day of hanging out with Wooyoung, Haeun came back home and said her first word.
"Sannie!" She lifted her arms up with the biggest grin on her face.
"What did you say, baby?" You stifled a laugh. She repeated it again and you saw San freeze, unsure of how to react. She didn't call him 'appa' but his name was her first word.
"She said her first word." You reminded San.
"Still..." San gave you a look. He was big on respect and traditions, he didn't want Haeun going around calling him by his first name.
"No, not Sannie, princess. Appa. Can you say 'appa'?" San pointed to himself, bending down to her height so he would be at her eye level. You were having a field day and didn't have the heart to correct Haeun, she was just so cute.
"Sannie!" She giggled bashfully. San playfully lifted her up, making her squeal with laughter.
"I'm going to kill Jung Wooyoung." San turned to you.
"Sannie! Sannie!" Haeun gleefully wrapped her arms around San's neck, burying her face against his chest.
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citricacidprince · 2 days
I wanted to ask if you can make a doodle of that drifting star gravity falls au but it’s relativity falls. Stan gets sucked into the portal and Dipper has to take care of him.
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Took a hot second but I finally did it!!!
This family makes me wanna lose my mind I adore them so so much <333
(Sorry it’s a bit messy and clunky, my brain is fried atm lol)
Notes under cut!
I like to think that Dipper is oh so tired and is trying so hard to find a way to kill Bill so he can get back home to his sister as fast as he possibly can that he’s sooooo willing to aim guns at people. Like sure a laser gun works fine most of the time, but it’s soooo much easier to bring lead to a knife fight, ya know?
Stanley would think Dipper is so fucking cool and Dipper has to do a double take because no one has ever called him cool and meant it
Stanley is wearing a mini version of his homeless hoodie, as a treat :]
Mabel was inconsolably crying for a hot second after this all happened and Stanford was utterly pissed and in denial, weakly kicking her and hitting her with his little baby arms to bring his brother back
Mabel manages to reverse engineer the portal gun to erase the government agents minds, but unlike Dipper, who could’ve done it in 5 minutes tops, it takes her about an hour, so she tells Stanford about her brother Dipper and everything that happened while she does so
While doing this she asked Boyish Dan to block the door and gave him permission to beat up anyone who tried to get in, something the concussed teen was very happy to hear
They manage to buy time, and thankfully Mabel already knows how to open the portal again, but it’s gonna take a week or two maximum to get it fully running again
Stanford is still very very pissed, but it’s a silent and resigned anger aimed at Mabel. She lied to them all summer, she not who she said she was, she won’t stop apologizing when she looks at him now, how could he not be mad?
Besides it’s easier to be mad when the alternative is being so sad you feel nauseous over the fact your brother is missing, you have no clue if he’s okay or even alive, and every passing moment is making you regret trying to push him away all summer because you miss his stupid jokes and laughter and antics so bad it makes you steal all the blankets off his bed and praying to something, anything, that he’s going to be okay so you can just hug him one more time.
Mabel isn’t doing very well either. She completely locked down the Shack until she can bring Stanley and Dipper home. She told Dan and Anjelita that they didn’t have to come to work, something Anjelita gladly accepted, while Dan insisted that he could help. After all you expect him to go home and be normal about this later??? He got a concussion and punched an FBI agent so hard he passed out. He’s in this for the long haul.
I don’t want Stanley and Dipper stuck in that portal for longer than a week, because even if Mabel and Ford opening that portal again would cause Weirdmageddon they don’t care in the slightest, they just want their brothers to come home
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itachiiwrites · 2 days
❝𝐃𝐨𝐧𝐭 𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐧 𝐠𝐨 𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐨𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫!❞
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Pairing: Gojo Satoru x Fem!Reader
Plot: An argument over a remote control surely couldn't turn into hot sex right?
Minors and Ageless blogs DNI.
Content and Warnings : 18+, MDNI, female reader smut, fluff, crack?, make up sex, cockwarming, mating press, creampie, clit play, satoru and reader are not married but he is a bit delulu, satoru is annoying (but so loveable), big dick satoru, passionate satoru. English is not my first language pls be nice
Tagging: @pixelcafe-network 💗
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Satoru will never miss an opportunity to be the egotistical prince he is, and he'll take that gaping chance to tease you so pompously, that you wouldn't mind slapping his stupidly handsome face with his stupidly handsome dimpled grin if it weren't for him fucking you so rauchily after a heated argument. He'll make sure to purposely thrust into you painstakingly slow, it was almost like not moving at all. It didn't help that he was still as a lake inside you from the past few hours.
"Impatient enough?" He knew he was easy on the eyes and how hard it made for you to resist and remain with your ego after a fight, especially when he worshipped you even with his mocking words.
"Satoru..fucking move already—" You arch your back, moving yourself on his still cock, desperate and needy, feeling his each vein ridging against your warm, cloy, walls.
"Aw..too much for you? Mh..? Your sweet pussy just clenches harder when I do this.." He cockily speaks, hovering over you, his big strong arms propped onto the mattress, getting a good view of your pussy stuffed full of his lengthy cock and your tits—, his tits spilled out for him.
The rapid flicking of your swollen clit with his index and middle finger makes you reach out your hand to slap his away, the metalic taste of blood hit your taste buds, the bite on your lower lip stopped you to almost push aside your pride and say that you wanted it harder. But you didn't, your body did, feeling the ecstatic pinch of a building orgasm.
He lets out a throaty, enraptured laugh when you raise your hand to slap his away, the desperateness and your duclet sighs not amiss by him. What were you two fighting about again? Satoru would prefer being a dead man if he had to pick between leaving you to sulk after an argument and dying.
He hummed deeply, immediately grasping your wrists to pin them down to the either sides of your head, his sheer strength holding you down. He leaned in, grazing his lips against yours but not quite kissing you, depriving you of that doting intimacy because he wanted you to suffer a bit more. How dare you try to break up with him? Again a hyperbole in Satoru's mind. It was something very measly in reality and you weren't gonna break up with him.
"Just say it baby..just say you want me to fuck you harder..make love to you, tell me how much you love me..come on sweets.."
"Shut up.. you're so annoying.." You spat but your body was a pure antithesis to that statement when you grinded yourself onto his cock.
"Really..? You beg all annoying people to fuck you baby..? I'm jealous" He pushed further, smirking, the mirth in his voice so clear.
"Okay fine! I'll do my job! Don't be so difficult.." He tuted, now the one sulking like a child, though pretentiously as if he himself didn't want to give you a mauling fuck. He didn't care if he had to desperately apologise, you were just so cute to him when you were annoyed.
The next words died down in your throat and that acid in your tone was soon cut off and replaced with coarse, sweet moans, your pupils blown wide when he suddenly bucked up and moved his hips to hit is tip to the hilt with an anchoring grip on your waist. The hit was nothing but brute force, while his face was calm but hazed with lust, a sickening, consuming lust for you, his wife. Although you weren't married yet, in his head you already became Mrs. Gojo the moment he first laid with you.
"You know what? No. You shut up, I've had enough of your bullshit...you're not mad at me anymore..yeah..? You got that..?" He cooes to you not concerned about the gaslighting, in complete contrast to the way his cock was ruthlessly splitting your cunt apart, the sticky, stringy webby mess of your arousal and his pearly cum only made it easier for him fuck you like a fleshlight. The fused sounds of your synchronised moans filled the room with the creaking of the bed underneath.
"Oh.. yeah, just like that Toru..yeah..harder..I love you..m' so close.." You cling onto him, his words proving right as you could do nothing but dwindle down into the pleasurable mess he turned you into, you simply couldn't be mad at him for long. "See? Was that so difficult..? thaaat's it, fucking make a mess on your husband's cock..cum." The soft parting of your lips and the vice grip of your cunt made him almost roll his eyes back at your release.
Your nails clawed the beefy mass of his arm, eyes in an outerwordly daze that made him fall for you even more if that was possible at all. Fuck. You were so beautiful to him, he'd make you angry and pound you like this like this all over again if it meant he got to see this visual again. He would never get used to it.
"Toru- mh..yeah.."
"Fuuuck..ha..I love you..M'sorry baby.." He slurred completely enamoured by you and heavenly cunt. Satoru felt his dick just twitch inside you when you told him you loved him, a spark buzzed through his head as if your declaration of love was the only salvation he needed, his confident voice now pleading and needy. He grunted, scooping up your legs from the calves to press your thighs to your chest, plunging into you in a mating press.
"I love you, I love you, I love you..fuuck! Fuck..!" He whimpered loudly, shamelessly while spelling out how he loved you, out so hopelessly. His hips gave in few sharp rams, burying himself deep with a single strong thrust, caulking you with his thick seed, his moans deep and guttural.
He didn't even bother pulling out, letting his weight be on top of yours snugly. He kissed you, with all tongue and teeth in languidity. The palpable tension in the room from earlier now replaced with the scent of sex, sweat, the gentle click sounds of lingering kisses. Satoru let out a deep huff, shifting his body next to yours with a plop on the bed before burying his face into your chest again, pressing damp kisses onto the swell of your breasts, exactly onto the spots where he marked you as his with pretty purple abrasions. His slender digits snaked down to spread apart your labia to watch his cum drop out of you. He always loved that debauched slight.
"If you being mad means I get to fuck you like this.. I'm getting you mad everyday.." He chuckled, blowing an air bubble on your skin. Idiot.
"Oh my god. I'm not fighting over the stupid remote again and stop calling yourself my husband—"
"Sorry for acting like that, it will happen again~" Ofcourse he had no remorse.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
m.list! ₊˚⊹ ʚɞ♡︎ ˚⋅.
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pickingupmymercedes · 13 hours
Can't check out - Lewis Hamilton NSFW
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request: "yn and Lewis are secretly dating and yn works in Mercedes, they have an argument and after work yn doesn’t go to his room to sleep, but goes to hers, and Lewis gets even madder and goes to her room, and then you know what happens" - anon
pairing: Lewis Hamilton x Reader!
warnings: unprotected sexual activities, angry sex
Wrap it before you tap it.
wordcount: +4k
a/n: I've had this one half written for a bit but couldn't quite get the switch right, the past two gp's were perfect for it though. Hope you like lovely.
As always, I'm open for feedback, come say hi!
The door to the engineering room slid open with a soft hiss, and Lewis stepped inside, still carrying the frustration from the debrief. His hand firmly grasped on his phone as his eyes searched the dimly lit space.
Rows of desks and computer screens cast a pale glow over the one engineer still hunched over her workstation—Y/n, her eyes glued to the screen in front of her, fingers dancing over the keyboard.
“Y/n,” Lewis called, his voice low, almost casual, as he approached her station.
She didn’t look up, her focus entirely on the screen. Her jaw was set, brows furrowed in concentration.
Anyone could see the stress in the tightness of her shoulders, the way her fingers moved like they had something to prove.
“Y/n,” he said again, this time with more insistence as he stopped by her desk. “You’ve been here all night. Come with me. Let’s grab something to eat.”
“Can’t, Lewis” she muttered, still not sparing him a glance. “I’m in the middle of something”
Lewis sighed, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. He wasn’t in the mood for this, not after the nightmare of Baku and now Singapore. The car still nowhere near where it needed to be.
He could tell she was taking it personally, that the car’s performance was something she couldn’t separate from her own self-worth, but it was eating her alive.
“You’ve been staring at that screen for hours” he said, his voice softening just a fraction. “Come on, take a break. You’ll think better after some food.”
Finally, Y/n looked up, and her eyes were burning with irritation. “You think this is about ‘taking a break’? Really?” Her voice sharper than he expected.
He frowned, caught off guard. “I’m just saying—”
“I know what you’re saying,” she cut him off, standing up and folding her arms across her chest. “You think it’ll be fine if I take break because you’re just fine coasting through this weekend. But I can’t afford to do that, Lewis.”
“Coasting?” His tone hardened, the frustration he’d been pushing down starting to come up. “You think I’m coasting through this?”
She stepped closer, eyes flashing as she met his gaze. “Aren’t you? I heard what you said in that interview today. You’ve already given up on this weekend. Hell, you’ve probably already given up on this team.”
His jaw clenched. “Y/n”
“I know you’ve got your perfect seat at Ferrari next year,” she snapped, her voice rising, “but I need this job to work for me, Lewis. I can’t just check out.”
Lewis’s face hardened, the weight of her words settling heavily between them. She’d always been the one to back him up, to understand when things were tough.
“You really think that’s what I’m doing?” His voice was quieter now, but there was a simmering anger underneath it. “You think I’m just here, going through the motions, like none of this matters to me?”
Y/n’s expression didn’t waver. “You’re not the one whose career is tied to this car’s performance.”
Lewis stepped back, running a hand over his face, exhaling slowly. “You think I don’t care about the car? About this team?” His voice was tight, but controlled. “You’ve no idea how much pressure I’m under. But sure, keep assuming I’m checked out because I’m not losing my mind over it.”
She didn’t answer, the tension between them suffocating.
“I’ll be at the hotel,” he finally said, voice flat. “I’ll wait for you, if you decide to actually talk instead of throw knives.”
Y/n stood there, staring at the door long after he’d gone, her heart racing, frustration still boiling under her skin.
She hated that he’d gotten to her, but she hated even more that she knew she had messed up.
The soft ping of her phone snapped her out of her trance. Yet another message from Lewis.
Where are you?
It was nearly 2 a.m., and Y/n was now in her own hotel room, but still working.
Her eyes burned from hours of staring at data, her body aching from the tension she carried in her shoulders. She knew she should have stopped hours ago, that the night races in Singapore didn’t excuse her pushing herself this far, but she couldn’t help it.
The car was nowhere, and every setup she ran through still led them in circles.
She ignored the message, her fingers pressing harder into the keyboard, trying to drown out the gnawing frustration.
There were moments where she could forget that outside these numbers, setups, and telemetry, there was more—her life, her relationship with Lewis, her sanity. But tonight, wasn’t one of those moments.
His earlier words still lingered in her mind like a bad taste.
"Coasting through the weekend," she muttered bitterly to herself.
Another ping. She looked at her phone for a second and then shoved it back into her pocket. She wasn’t ready to talk to him. Not that night, at least.
Time passed in a blur, the numbers on her screen blending together until her concentration wavered, exhaustion settling in.
2:45 a.m. A knock at the door.
Her heart sank. She knew exactly who it was.
Y/n slowly walked to the door and opened it, revealing a very irritated and slightly disheveled Lewis.
He was dressed in his sweats, his face drawn with concern and annoyance. His eyes scanned her face, clearly taking in her exhaustion.
“What do you want?” she asked, her voice flat.
Lewis crossed his arms, his jaw tightening. “You didn’t answer my texts.”
“Busy. What do you want?”
He stepped closer; the frustration evident in his posture. “You’re busy? It’s almost three in the morning, Y/n.”
She shrugged, keeping her voice cold. “I don’t have the luxury of clocking out when things don’t go well.”
Lewis’s eyes narrowed. “Not this again, Y/n”
Y/n crossed her arms, mirroring his stance. “I think you don’t get it, Lewis. You’re already halfway out the door. Ferrari’s waiting for you, and you’re just counting the days. I’m the one who’s stuck here trying to figure out how to make this work.”
He exhaled sharply, shaking his head. “You really think I don’t care about what’s happening?”
“I think you’re putting your feelings ahead of everything else,” she shot back, the words laced with bitterness. “I’m out there trying to make something of this car, and you—” She gestured at him, frustrated by his calm demeanor. “You’re here playing the ‘it’ll be fine’ card. It’s not fine, Lewis. It’s a disaster.”
Lewis’s gaze darkened, his voice steady but firm. “I never said it was fine.”
“Might as well have,” she retorted. “You think I don’t see it? The way you’re handling things, pretending it doesn’t affect you, when deep down, you’ve already checked out.”
His expression shifted, the cool, nonchalant mask cracking just slightly. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Oh, don’t I?” Y/n scoffed, feeling the anger bubble up inside her. She wanted to hurt him the way she was hurting.
“What happened to the guy who fought for every inch on track, the one who wouldn’t rest until everything was perfect? Now you’re here, telling me to relax, to take it easy. It’s bullshit, Lewis.”
Lewis stared at her, his silence only fueling her frustration. She stepped closer, her voice dropping to a mocking tone.
“Where’s the cutthroat guy who would have had me pinned to the wall by now? Instead, I’ve got this—” she waved her hand at him dismissively, “mushy, emotional guy in front of me, trying to make me ‘feel better’.”
Something shifted in Lewis’s eyes, and for a moment, she regretted saying it. His gaze hardened, his jaw clenched, and the tension in the air changed.
“You have no idea what you’re asking for,” he said, his voice low. He was danger.
But Y/n wasn’t backing down now. She wanted to push him, to make him snap, to break through that controlled, calm mark. “Oh, I absolutely do” she shot back, her chin tilting up defiantly.
Lewis’s eyes flickered with something possessive, and in an instant, he closed the distance between them.
His hand shot out, grabbing her by the waist, pulling her flush against him. Her breath caught in her throat as his fingers dug into her skin, his grip firm and unmistakably dominant.
“You think you want that?” he murmured; his breath hot against her ear. “You think you want the guy who doesn’t give a damn? Be careful what you wish for.”
Y/n’s heart pounded in her chest, her body reacting to the sudden intensity between them, but she wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of seeing her back down.
“Show me” she whispered, her voice steady, though her pulse raced. “Show me you still give a damn.”
And that was all it took.
The last thread of Lewis’s restraint snapped, and before she could even blink, he had her pinned against the narrow table in the small entryway to her bedroom, his hands gripping her wrists, his body pressing into hers with a force that left no room for doubt.
His breath was hot against her neck. His body pressed her into the hard surface, and Y/n could feel the tension in every inch of him—the controlled anger, the dominance she’d just provoked, and the raw desire that lay beneath it all.
His lips were barely an inch from her ear as he spoke, his voice low, a dangerous growl. “You’ve no idea what you’re asking for, Y/n.”
Her pulse raced, but she wasn’t backing down “Oh, I absolutely do,” she whispered, defiance still coating her words.
She felt the dominance it in the way his hands moved—fast, precise, as if he’d already decided she wasn’t ever in control.
His grip on her wrists loosened for just a second before his hands slid down her body, one hand slipping under the hem of her shirt, fingers grazing the soft skin of her stomach.
His touch was rough but deliberate, and she gasped at the sensation, already anticipating what was coming next.
Lewis’s other hand hooked around her waist, pulling her hips back into him, his body pinning her even harder against the table. “You want this?” he murmured into her ear, his lips brushing the shell of it “You want me to stop being soft?”
She barely had a second to catch her breath before his hand slipped lower, under the waistband of her pajama bottoms.
His fingers found their way instantly, brushing over her clit in a way that made her hips buck against him involuntarily.
“Lewis—” She started to say something, but he cut her off.
“Don’t even think about it” he growled, his fingers working with slow, maddening precision. “You don’t get to talk. Not now.”
Her breath hitched as he continued to tease her, the pressure of his fingers circling her clit increasing just enough to drive her crazy, but not enough to push her over the edge.
He was keeping her on a leash, and it was driving her insane.
“You think I don’t give a damn?” Lewis’s voice was rough, a contrast to the torturously slow rhythm of his fingers. “Is this what you wanted? You wanted me to remind you?”
Her legs trembled as he worked her over, her body arching into him despite the way he had her pinned to the table.
She was already close, too close, and she knew it. She could feel the tension building inside her, the heat pooling in her stomach, the familiar rush of pleasure that came before she—
But just as she just about reached the edge, he pulled back, his fingers leaving her completely.
Y/n gasped in frustration, her body shaking from the sudden denial. “Lewis!” Her voice cracked, but he wasn’t having it.
“You don’t get to come yet” he said, his voice firm, unrelenting.
She was panting, her body already strung so tight it hurt, but before she could protest, Lewis flipped her around, pressing her back into the wall.
His eyes were dark, his expression hard as he lifted her to place her effortlessly onto the edge of the small desk.
Her legs wrapped around his waist instinctively and his hands found her hips, holding her in place as he leaned in, his lips crashing into hers. The kiss was rough, all teeth, his frustration matching hers as their bodies clashed against each other.
But he was still in control, and Y/n knew it. She could feel it in the way he held her, the way his hands moved as if he knew exactly how close he was driving her, how close he was to breaking her down.
He pulled back from the kiss, his breath heavy against her lips. “You don’t get to have it easy” he murmured. “Not after all the shit you said.”
His lips were on her neck then, trailing rough kisses down to her collarbone, his hands sliding under her shirt to cup her breasts. His thumbs brushed over her nipples, the sensation sending another jolt of heat and Y/n’s head fell back against the wall, her lips parting in a shaky moan.
And Lewis wasn’t even close to being done with the torture.
His mouth moved lower, kissing his way down her stomach until he was on his knees in front of her, his hands gripping her thighs, spreading her wide for him. He pulled her pajama bottoms down, discarding them somewhere behind him before his lips found the inside of her thigh, biting down gently on the sensitive skin.
Y/n’s body jerked in response, the anticipation nearly killing her as his lips moved higher, closer to where she needed him
“Please, Lew” she whispered, her voice barely above a breath.
He didn’t answer her. Instead, he parted her with his fingers, his mouth finally descending on her clit.
The sensation was electric, his tongue circling her slowly. Y/n’s hips kept on buckling involuntarily, her fingers tangling in his shirt as she moaned, unable to hold back the sound.
Lewis took his time, licking and sucking in a way that drove her to the edge all over again.
She felt it building, her body shaking as she neared the point of no return, her breath coming in ragged gasps.
And just when she thought she was about to fall over the edge, he stopped, again.
“Fuck!” she cried out, her hands tugging at the wood in frustration, but he didn’t relent.
“Not yet” was all he said, his voice hoarse as he looked up at her, his lips glistening.
She was a trembling mess, her body desperate for release, but Lewis wasn’t giving it to her. He stood up, towering over her as she panted, her chest heaving from the intensity of it all.
“Bed” he ordered, his voice leaving no room for argument.
Y/n stumbled off the desk, her legs shaky as she moved without questioning toward the bed, Lewis right behind her.
He grabbed her waist, pushing her down onto the mattress, his body covering hers as he kissed her again, rough and demanding.
His fingers slid between her legs once more, finding her dripping, and he smirked against her lips. “You think you can take one more?” he asked, his voice mocking as he teased her, his fingers sliding inside her just enough to make her hips jerk.
“I can’t” she gasped, her body completely overwhelmed.
“Too bad” he growled, his lips brushing against her ear. “You don’t get to say when this is over.”
His fingers worked her over once more, slow and purposeful, pushing her to the brink for the third time.
Her body was shaking, every nerve on fire as she begged him, her words slurring in a desperate plea.
“Lewis. Please, I need—”
Finally, when she thought she couldn’t take it anymore, he let her go.
Y/n’s orgasm hit her in waves, her body convulsing as she cried out, her nails digging into his back as she came hard, trembling uncontrollably beneath him.
He didn’t stop though, his fingers still working her as she rode out the intense release, her vision going white from the force of it.
And when it was over, when her body had finally stopped shaking, she was a wreck, panting and boneless beneath him.
Lewis leaned over her, his lips brushing against her ear. “You still want more?” he asked, his voice dark and teasing.
Y/n was barely coherent, her mind fogged with pleasure, but she managed a weak smirk and chuckle.
Lewis growled low in his throat, flipping her onto her stomach. “Of course, you do.”
Lewis didn’t waste a second, his hands gripping her hips and pulling her up onto her knees.
Y/n’s face was pressed into the mattress, her breath still ragged, but she managed to turn her head slightly, catching a glimpse of him behind her, his chest heaving.
“Arch your back, love” he commanded, a low rumble.
Her body, still trembling, responded instinctively. She pushed her hips up, her back arching as she spread her knees wider.
She could feel the cool air on her slick skin, and her body ached with the need to be filled, to have him finally inside her.
But Lewis wasn’t in any rush.
His hands caressed her ass, rough palms running over the soft skin as he admired the way she trembled beneath him. She felt the unmistakable teasing of him collecting her juice with the tip of his dick.
Then, without warning, he brought his hand down sharply against her ass, the loud smack echoing in the room.
The sting was immediate. Y/n gasped, her body jolting forward as her muscles clenched in response.
Lewis chuckled darkly, leaning over her, his chest pressing into her back. “You like that, don’t you?” he murmured against her ear, his breath hot on her skin.
Y/n moaned, her fingers curling into the sheets as she tried to steady herself. “Fuck you” she breathed out, though the defiance was weak, barely a whisper.
Lewis laughed again, his hands gripping her hips tightly as he positioned himself behind her. “Oh, you will.”
And then, without another word, he thrust into her, filling her completely at once.
Y/n let out a loud cry, her body arching even more at the sudden invasion.
He was deep, too deep, and for a moment, all she could do was gasp for air, her hands gripping the sheets as he stayed still.
“Fuck,” Lewis groaned, his voice strained as he gripped her hips harder, his fingers digging into her skin. “You’re so fucking tight.”
Y/n couldn’t form words, couldn’t even think straight as her body struggled to accommodate the overwhelming fullness.
But then he started to move, pulling out just enough before slamming back into her, setting a brutal pace that left her not only wordless but breathless.
With each thrust the sound of skin slapping against skin filled the room. Y/n’s moans mixed with his grunts, her body rocking forward with the movements of his hips.
Lewis was relentless, pounding into her with a force that left her dizzy. His hands moved up her back, fingers tangling in her shirt as he pulled her head back, forcing her to arch even more.
Her face was buried in the pillow, muffling her moans, but Lewis wasn’t having that.
“Let me hear you,” he growled, his hand tightening as he yanked her head back, exposing her neck. “I want to hear every fucking sound you make.”
Y/n cried out, her voice raw as he hit a spot deep inside her that made her entire body shake.
Her walls clenched around him involuntarily, the intensity of it all too much, but she couldn’t stop it. Every thrust got her closer to the edge, and she could feel it building again.
When she was almost seeing starts and her walls kept on clenching around him, he pulled out of her, leaving her trembling and empty.
Y/n let out a whimper of protest, her body aching for him to fill her again.
“Turn over,” he ordered, his voice firm, commanding.
Y/n, barely able to move, managed to roll onto her side, her body weak and shaking from the force of it all. She looked up at him through half-lidded eyes, her chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath.
Lewis didn’t waste time. He grabbed her leg, pulling it up over his arms as he positioned himself between her half-closed thighs.
His eyes locked onto hers, the intensity in his gaze making her stomach flip.
“You still think I don’t give a damn?” he asked, his voice rough, almost taunting as he pushed into her again, filling her completely.
Y/n’s head fell back against the pillow, a loud moan escaping her lips as he thrust into her at a new angle, hitting that spot deep inside her that made her breath hitch.
His hands held on to her ankle, and the way he was angled was driving her crazy, his hips slamming into her ass with an unrelenting force.
“Lewis—fuck—” she gasped, her hands clawing at his arms as he leaned over her, pressing his body into her side as he fucked her hard, each thrust pushing her closer to the brink.
Her moans were uncontrollable now, her body completely at his mercy as he pounded into her. She could feel the tension building again, the heat coiling in her stomach, but this time, she knew he wasn’t going to stop.
He wasn’t going to deny her. Not again.
Lewis’s eyes were locked on her face, watching every twitch, every moan, every breathless gasp as he took her apart. “You’re so fucking beautiful like this,” he murmured, his voice strained with exertion.
She couldn’t respond, her mind too fogged with pleasure, her body too overwhelmed. But her hands reached up, grabbing onto his neck, pulling him down to kiss her.
It was messy, but it didn’t matter. They were both too far gone to care.
Lewis groaned into her mouth, his thrusts becoming more erratic, harder, as if he was losing control. Y/n’s nails dug into his skin, her body trembling as she felt herself teetering on the edge.
“I’m so close,” she gasped against his lips, her voice barely coherent.
“I know, love” Lewis growled, his breath hot against her mouth. “Come for me. I want to feel you.”
With one final thrust, she spiraled, her body convulsing under him as her orgasm ripped through her, more intense than the ones before.
Y/n’s body arched off the bed towards his chest, her hands gripping his shoulders as she cried out, her walls clenching around him.
Lewis couldn’t keep himself for far too long. The way she tightened around him pushed him over the brink, and with a deep, guttural moan, he only had time to pull out, spilling himself over her ass, his body shaking with the force of his release.
For a moment, neither of them moved, their bodies spent and trembling, their breaths coming in ragged gasps.
Lewis then collapsed beside her, his chest rising and falling as he tried to catch his breath. Y/n lay there, completely wrecked, her body still trembling from the aftershocks of her orgasm. Her only movement was her hand stroking his arm, her mind too fogged with him to think straight.
But then Lewis’s hand was on her cheek, gently caressing her skin, and she turned her head to look at him.
His expression had softened, the intensity of before replaced with something tender, affectionate.
“Relax,” he whispered, his thumb brushing over her lips. “I’ll take care of you.”
Y/n’s heart swelled at the softness in his voice, and she nodded, too tired to speak.
She watched as Lewis got up, disappearing into the bathroom before returning with a towel. He cleaned her up carefully, his touch gentle, his gaze focused solely on her.
When he was done, he tossed the towel aside and climbed back into bed, pulling her into his arms.
Lewis gently stroked her cheek as she lay against him, her breathing still uneven, though now from exhaustion rather than anything else.
His thumb brushed over her lips, and he leaned down to kiss her forehead softly, letting out a deep, contented sigh.
"You okay?" he asked quietly, his voice tender.
Y/n nodded, her body limp as she sank into the comfort of his chest. "Just tired."
A small smile tugged at his lips. "You sure you don’t want to sleep?" His hand ran soothingly over her arm, drawing lazy patterns on her skin as he held her closer.
She shook her head lightly. "Not yet. My mind’s still buzzing." Her voice was soft, a little hoarse, but she didn’t regret a second of it.
Lewis chuckled, the sound low and comforting. "Well, let’s calm that buzzing down." He reached for the phone by the bedside, quickly ordering pasta for the both of them. "Have you eaten at all?"
Y/n smiled faintly; her eyes half-closed. "So now you care?"
Lewis arched an eyebrow, lifting her chin so her gaze met his. "Always did, babe." His thumb traced the curve of her jaw, his gaze soft but serious. "I know it’s been tough, and I know I’ve been a prick sometimes… but I do care. About you. About your career. All Mercedes."
Her lips curved into a small smile, her exhaustion making her emotions raw. "I know. I’m sorry for what I said"
"I meant what I said earlier—you’ve gotta find to take care of yourself. It’s not all on your shoulders." he pushed, brushing his thumb across her face.
She closed her eyes, her body relaxing into his touch. "Yeah, maybe you’re right."
He laughed softly. "I’m always right." He kissed the top of her head. "And if it takes rough sex to get you out of your own head… well, I’m happy to help."
Y/n snorted; her face buried in his chest. "Really, Lewis? Really?"
“I care about you, okay?” he said quietly, almost hesitant, as if the vulnerability was something new.
Y/n nodded against his chest, her eyes already closing as the exhaustion overtook her. She was too tired to speak, but she knew. Deep down, she had always known.
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jerreeeeeee · 2 days
a silly nothing headcanon that is nonetheless dear to me is that the twins took in a scruffy alley cat when they were at the institute that taako bitches about constantly because “we don’t need another mouth to feed” and “i hate cleaning the litterbox” and “the apartment doesn’t even allow pets” but, as he tells it, lup begged to take the cat in because he was sooo sad out on the streets and even though the vet bill was really expensive and the cat had fleas taako graciously agreed. what really happened is that taako felt bad for the cat because he's all grizzled and is missing an eye like he clearly lived a rough life, so he started leaving water out, and then he started leaving scraps of food on top of the trash can, and then lup one day joked “we already feed him we might as well just get him a bed and let him in” and taako was like “ugh FINE you’ve twisted my arm we’ll adopt the cat”
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0o-junebug-o0 · 1 day
MORE AUTISTIC FEM! READER X SPENCER PLEASEEEE maybe her getting overstimulated at a bar with the team? or at the store? i neeeeddddd more of them!!
Bad Time at the Bar
here you go!! tho it's gn!reader bc gender didn't really come up, hope you don't mind!
genre: hurt/comfort
cw: autistic!reader, explicitly autistic spencer reid, overstimulation (and not the fun kind), meltdown (which reads a lot like a panic attack bc that's what my meltdowns are like), internalized ableism and autism viewed in a negative light (spencer talks to reader about it and provides reassurance), completely gn!reader (reader is not described at all)
wordcount: 1.3k
There are too many people. The smell of sweat and alcohol hangs heavy in the air and burns your nose. The room is saturated with noise. Drinks clinking on tables, music playing, people talking. Your head pounds and you regret not bringing your headphones. You thought you’d be fine. You’ve never needed them when at the bar with the team in the past. Someone bumps into you and the constant unexpected contact causes panic to build in your chest. There’s not enough room. Everything feels like it’s closing in on you.
You suck in a breath through your teeth, gripping your bottle of beer so hard you’re surprised the glass doesn’t shatter. You chew on the inside of your lip until you taste blood, but it does nothing to soothe your quickly growing panic. 
You look around frantically, your eyes so wide you feel like they’re about to burst. Finally, you spot Spencer. He’s gathered around a table with Derek and some strangers, talking animatedly about something. You stagger forward, nearly tripping over your own feet. People slam into your shoulders and chests as you try to move and you can feel the burn of tears welling in your eyes. The tears cause the already painfully bright lights to reflect directly into your eyes so you blink hard and wipe them away.
Your whole body shakes and you desperately try to raise your hands to cover your ears but you’re still holding your drink and there’s not enough room and it’s embarrassing. You can feel your heart pounding throughout your body and your limbs feel like they’re going numb.
By some miracle, you manage to reach Spencer. You stumble toward him, reaching out and clinging to his arm. He startles and turns to look at you. Immediately, concern rushes over his face and he takes your drink and passes it to Derek before gently grabbing your hand. As quickly as he’s able, Spencer guides you through the bar toward an exit, using his own body to force people aside and away from you despite his dislike of germs. 
He holds open the back door and you practically fall into the alley. The door closes and immediately the smells, lights, and sounds lessen. You sink to the ground, pressing your hands against your ears now that there is no one but Spencer to see you. You curl your knees to your chest and stare with wide eyes at the ground. Each breath you take is a rasping, heaving mess, and a distressed groan forces itself from your throat with each exhale.
You feel like you’re dying.
Spencer crouches down beside you, sitting with his legs crossed and leaning against the wall, and you immediately press your body into his. You curl your legs beneath you and lean awkwardly in a way that hunches your back and presses your forehead into his knee. You squeeze your eyes shut and you can feel the way your tears soak his pants.
Spencer drapes himself over your back, using his body to provide the grounding pressure he’s learned you need in times like this. He wraps his arms around you and squeezes tightly. You let out a broken sob and slam the heel of your palm into the side of your head.
“Hey, hey,” Spencer mutters, gently taking a hold of your wrist. 
You shake your head. You need to hit. You need it. And there’s no way to redirect.
Spencer releases your hand and you move it to thump it against your chest.
“Okay, that’s better than your head,” Spencer says to himself. He squeezes your body in intervals and the varying pressure helps ground you. Slowly your sobs lessen to sniffles and hiccuping breaths and the hand hitting your chest falls limp against Spencer’s leg. 
“You’re okay,” Spencer mutters, rubbing his hand up and down your arm. “You’re going to be alright.”
You sniffle and move your head to press it against his stomach. 
“Hi, sweetheart,” he says softly. You can hear the love and care in his voice. “You feeling a bit better?”
You hum and nod against him.
“Do you need some more time, or do you want to go home?” he asks, keeping his body pressing against yours in case you still need the pressure.
You tap his leg twice.
“Home?” he asks sweetly.
You nod, and Spencer sits back. The sudden lack of pressure makes your body feel weird, and part of you wants to drag him back down. You decide against it, knowing that you’ll get used to it quickly and that Spencer will hold you again when you get home.
Spencer carefully guides you to your feet and, keeping an arm wrapped around you, leads you out of the alley and down the street to his car. He opens the passenger side door and you climb in. 
“Will you be okay for a minute or two while I run back in to grab our stuff from JJ?” Spencer asks.
You nod and do your best to smile at him. Spencer smiles back and closes the door. He locks the car and jogs back toward the bar. 
You sigh and wrap your hands around your stomach. Guilt and embarrassment coil painfully in your chest. You can’t believe that just happened. You should have been fine. Why this time? Why the one time you didn’t bring your headphones? You groan in frustration. Why couldn’t you just be normal? And Spencer. You feel so guilty for dragging him away from the rest of the team and the fun he was having to deal with you.
There’s a soft click as the doors unlock, then Spencer opens the driver's side door and climbs inside. You keep your head bowed as he closes the door and reaches into the backseat to set down your stuff. 
You see him still out of the corner of your eye, and then his hand rests gently on your shoulder. “Hey, what’s going on?” he asks.
“I–I’m sorry,” you mutter weakly.
“For what, sweetheart?”
“For this! For everything!” you cry. “You–you were having fun and I ruined it! You should have to deal with this!”
Spencer says your name softly and, when you don’t respond, he whispers, “Please look at me.”
You slowly raise your head, wiping away the tears streaming down your cheeks.
“You have nothing to be sorry for. I don’t care what it is I’m doing, if you’re upset or need help, I will always drop everything to be there for you. And it’s not ‘dealing with you’, baby. We’re partners. It’s our job to take care of each other. You can’t control when you get overstimulated or have a meltdown.”
“But I could have!” you insist. “I didn’t bring my headphones because I thought I’d be fine like every other time and then I wasn’t! It’s my fault I freaked out like this. I should be able to handle it.”
“There is no ‘should’. Having a meltdown will never be your fault. And I know you know that, because you would never think these things about me when I have a meltdown.”
Your jaw drops. “Of-of course not!” you stutter, taken aback.
“Then why is it different for you?” Spencer asks. “Why is your autism bad but mine isn’t?”
You open and close your mouth for a moment, unsure of what to say.
Spencer doesn’t speak.
“I–I don’t know,” you eventually admit.
“It’s because it isn’t bad. I understand why you might feel that way or why you feel guilty about making me deal with it, as you say. But I help you because I love you and care about you and because I want to. Just like you help me because you love and care about me and want you. And I will always choose to help you and be there for you, no matter what, no matter how ashamed you may feel. Okay?”
Your chin wobbles, and soon tears are streaming down your face as you let out a wailing sob.
Spencer leans over the armrest to hug you, neither of you caring about the awkward angle. 
You pull back and wipe at your eyes. “C-can we go home, now?” you ask weakly.
“Of course, sweetheart,” Spencer says kindly.
“And then cuddles?”
Taglist!: fill out this form if you want to be tagged when I post fics
@daryls-crossbow16 @roboticsuccubus83 @dorcas4meadowes @spenciesslut @pleasantwitchgarden @angeliccss @moonysreid @dead-universe @starlighta @eliscannotdance @written-in-the-stars @khxna
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nottsbitch · 3 days
Time for a swim - T.N.
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Summary: Theo's attempt at asking you out once again
For as long as you could remember you had loved your clothes and everyone knew that. Coming to Hogwarts was one of the saddest days of your life in the sense that you could no longer pick out an outfit every day.
You eagerly anticipated the weekends, hoping to showcase as many outfits as possible, determined to remind everyone of your dream-worthy wardrobe.
And now, here you were, strolling towards Hogsmeade with Pansy, clad in a white lace dress and brown boots.
“You have to let me borrow those shoes next time we go out!” Part of you wondered if your friends were just using you for your clothes, but honestly, you didn’t mind.
“These are vintage—your only chance to wear them is at my funeral.” You both laughed, engrossed in your conversation, completely unaware of the group of idiots blocking your path ahead.
"Go out with me?" Theo couldn't even think of anything clever this time.
You raised an eyebrow, surprised. “Thanks, but no.”
Theo’s smile faltered, but then he suddenly scooped you up in his arms. “Alright, then!”
Before you knew what was happening you were at the edge of the black lake, fighting in his arms.
"I guess I’ll just have to throw you into the Black Lake!”
You were shocked but a part of you also believed he wouldn't actually do it.
“Wait, what? Theo, no!” You squealed, laughter spilling out as he started running toward the dock.
“Say yes, and I won’t!” he teased, his grip secure but playful.
“Fine, fine! Put me down first!” you giggled, half-laughing and half-protesting.
“Only if you agree to a date!” He paused at the edge of the dock, eyes sparkling with mischief.
At this point there was a crowd that included your friends all gathered watching to see how this would play out.
You couldn’t help but laugh at the absurdity of it all. “Okay, okay! Yes!”
Just as you agreed, Theo’s foot slipped on the edge of the dock, and before either of you could react, you both tumbled into the cold, dark waters of the Black Lake with a splash.
The shock of the icy water took your breath away, and you surfaced, sputtering and laughing. But as you looked down at your feet, your heart sank. “No! My boots!” you exclaimed, the brown boots you loved already soaked and weighed down by the water.
Theo emerged beside you, shaking water off his face, his grin faltering when he noticed your expression. “What’s wrong?”
“My boots! They’re ruined!” you pouted, kicking your feet in frustration, the water sloshing around you.
He swam closer, a hint of concern in his eyes. “They’ll dry! It’s just a pair of shoes.”
“Easy for you to say!” you replied, trying to keep the annoyance out of your voice. “You didn’t just lose your favorite vintage brown boots! I was gonna wear these at my wedding”
He chuckled, but there was a softness in his expression. “Okay, but I think I’d trade a pair of shoes for a date with you any time.”
You sighed, letting the moment wash over you, realizing he had a point. “Fine, but just so you know, I’m going to make you pay for this later!”
He laughed "I think I can handle that." and with that, he took your hand and started to swim towards your friends. You followed, both of you laughing as you made your way across the shimmering water. At that moment, with the cool water surrounding you and the sun breaking through the clouds, you couldn’t help but smile.
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rosenclaws · 3 days
Hello😸 I saw that you have requests open and I’m still on that Leopold high‼️
So, could I request a little something where Leo is jealous of the attention Reader is getting and tries to get their attention back on him?
(I’d prefer if Reader was gender neutral but fem is fine too‼️)
a/n: omg jealous leo is sooo cute. That scene in the movie where he gets jealous of Kate's boss is too good. I took a lot of inspiration from that. Also there is a lot of wine talk in this and I do not know anything about wine so don't come for me for incorrect wine information okay
warnings: no pronouns used for the reader, jealous leo, asshole corporate guy
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Leopold has been exposed to many unbelievable things in the past year. Time travel, television, cell phones, and the worst of all. Frozen food trays. However what Leopold isn’t used to is this feeling twisting and turning inside of his stomach. Jealously. The collar of his shirt starts to itch uncomfortably, not quite used to the wear of the 21st century. Business casual as you had called it.
He had been to many parties back in his time but they were nothing like they are now. This was no party to him. As you had explained they were more for celebrating themselves and showing off how successful the company. Still what kind of boyfriend would he be if he didn't accompany you. Ever the gentleman he is as he leads you through the crowd of people.
He had offered to get drinks as you go and mingle. With two glasses of wine in his hands he made his way back to you. Only to find you trapped in a conversation with a man he had never heard of before. He can feel his jaw clench as he slides right next to you. Handing you your drink and pressing a kiss to your forehead.
"Oh Leopold this is Mason," Leopold's eyes narrow as he notices Mason look him up and down, a smug look in his eye.
"You're the butter commercial guy." Mason says with a smirk. You feel Leopold tense slightly but he flashes his smile and reaches his hand out.
"Yes, and you are?" Leopold grips his hand a little too tight as they shake hands. You place your hand on Leopold's arm as you butt back into the conversation.
"He's new-"
"I'm the new director of marketing." He cuts you off and Leopold feels anger bubbling inside of him. Before either of you or Leopold could speak he starts talking.
Dominating the conversation with stories of how successful he's been and all the wonderful things he's done. He can't help but feel the jealously build in his gut. Your attention is on this arrogant man who is clearly trying to court you despite Leopold standing right next to you.
"You know, to be in marketing you need to have a certain, charisma about you." He glances over at you and flashes a smile. He takes a sip of his champagne and grimaces.
"Of course they got the cheap stuff, back home I have bottles of the finest wine. A bottle of champagne called La Romanée from 1873. Expensive yes but I would be happy to share. Maybe come back to my place and I'll show you." Leopold chuckles which makes Mason look to him.
"Something funny?" Leopold looks at him with a sudden confidence.
"No no. Just that from my memory that wine is from 1870 and it's pinot noir, not a champagne." Leopold raises an eyebrow as Mason starts to stammer.
"I think you've got your information wrong. My guy is a very reputable wine seller." He has a false confidence about him that Leopold can see right through. He grins, taking a sip of his own wine. He knows he isn't.
"I would contact your merchant, but perhaps I am mistaken." The damage is done as Mason starts to turn red from anger. Leopold takes a step closer. He's a polite man but he even he has his limits.
"I must add, that attempting to court someone who is already taken really is in poor taste. Simply put, you're making a fool of yourself." Mason mumbles something under his breath before stalking away in defeat. You finally let out the laugh that you had been holding in. Relieved that you were finally alone with Leo for the night.
"What a dick." You huff as pull Leopold to the side of the room.
"Didn't think you were the jealous type." You tease as Leopold starts to calm down. He sees Mason go over to what appeared to be a very important group of people. A sense of guilt washes over him. An egotistical, dick as you put it, he may be but he was still an important figure at your company.
"Forgive me if I have overstepped my place. I fear that jealously had blinded me and I acted out of line." You place your hand on top of his, gently squeezing his hand.
"You didn't, he's your typical asshole corporate higher up. It was nice seeing someone put him in his place a little." Also seeing him jealous was hot. But you'll tell him that later. You lean in and kiss him on the cheek.
"How do you know so much about wine?" He shrugs and places his now empty glass down.
"I visited Bordeaux in my youth before moving to New York." You stare at him in awe, his life before he met you was constantly surprising you.
"I want to hear more." You slowly start dragging him to the exit.
"Let's ditch this party and go home. I have a bottle of wine I got for 20 bucks that I'd be happy to share." You say, mocking the words that Mason had said to you. Leopold laughs as he places a hand on your back, guiding you away from the party.
"It's no fancy wine from France but I hope it will do." Once you're clear of the door he gently presses you against the wall. Capturing your lips in a gentle kiss.
"The best wine is any I get to share with you." He says sincerely, brushing his thumb across your lips.
He kisses you again. The sound of footsteps pass by but he could care less. A small part of him wanting to show that you are his and he is yours. He can't help it. Anyone with you in their life would feel the same way. Too bad for them, your his now.
His and no one else's.
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yunniestars · 2 days
"maybe this time, love won't end."
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. . . ACT IV. "Oh No, I'm Falling In Love." ʚɞ pairing: kinich x gn!reader ʚɞ cw: kind of short sorry, mostly fluff hehe, reader is shit at cooking
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"sorry..." you dry his hair off using a towel as you apologize. "to be fair, it started to rain heavily, too. so it would've saved you from being sick."
"it's fine," kinich responds as he mesmerize over how your hands knead his hair with tender. "i would've said yes either way. but you really didn't had to headlock me like that," he frowns which erupts a giggle from you.
"i literally never seen you make that face. i should do it more often." he scoffs at your suggestion.
even with such childish banter, kinich feels so much warmth from what was happening at the moment. the loud and thunderous rain contrasted the comforting laughter from the both of you. it reminded him of how you'd tend to his wounds when he came home from a commission that made him end up in a bunch of bruises.
this very moment felt like one of them, however he knew it wasn't the same.
the love and affection he felt, though, remained.
suddenly, he felt something caress his hair. and it wasn't a towel.
"hmm?" kinich feels your hand on top of his hair, which surprised him. "what are you doing?"
"feeling your hair. it's so soft," you tell him as you bask into the softness of the strands. "seriously, how do you have better hair than me? it's so annoying," you sounded a pout which made him chuckle.
"maybe it's because you're the one taking care of it."
time ticks down and before the both of you knew it, the hour of supper had arrived.
kinich would expect that it would've been domestic, cozy and full of laughter. he thought that it'd be a simple moment of peace with shared fondness.
boy he was so wrong. because apparently alongside your memories, your amnesia also caused you to forget your ability how to cook -- or more like, you have no idea how to measure things and the portions you pour in the dish ends up altering the taste completely.
"oh my archons- i said SALT."
"look at the label closely, and it says 'sugar'."
it was rare for kinich to get verbally upset, but this very moment had him wanting to throw punches at you and toss you from the very top of tectipac peak. he tries his very best to not show his frustration and be patient but oh goodness gracious of all archons you were stubborn.
"kinich! how much soup do i pour in?" you ask but even though you did, your hand had a mind of its own and poured a lot of soup on the bowl which could only take half of the amount you poured on, which ultimately led you to dropping the bowl and a loud yelp from you.
kinich immediately stopped what he was doing and immediately ran up to you, caressing your burnt hand while bringing you to a place away from the shards of glass.
"are you okay? how bad does it hurt?" he asks while checking for any bruises.
"a little..." you responded while feeling a bit faint from the altercation that just happened. kinich sighed and carried you to your couch, gently laying you on top of there.
"stay," he instructs while he goes off to grab your first-aid kit. you were confused on how he already knew where it was placed, but perhaps it's due to the amount of times he crashed in your place.
besides everything, though, you felt your heart thump at how he'd take such good care of you. even though you were stupid to pour an unreasonable amount of soup in the cup, he never insulted you and just immediately came to your aid. it felt nice, considering how you'd always get called out for being clumsy when you still lived with your family.
it wasn't just that, though. the way he'd gently hold you felt like you just fit right in his arms. is it platonic to say that being your friend's arms felt like home? because that's exactly how you felt.
you were used to how boyfriend-material kinich would be but goddamn it still made your heart skip a beat each time.
then again, he said it's how he treated his friends in general, so did you really have any right to feel like that?
after a time of thinking, he soon comes back with the first-aid kit in his hands and kneels in front of you, grabbing that injured hand onto his immediately to treat it.
"so reckless... you just do whatever you want, huh?" he huffs while applying ointment on your burn.
"i'm sorry," you apologize, feeling a lot of guilt while refusing to look at him.
"for being clumsy and... not being a good host."
"host?" kinich raises a brow and remembers the main reason how he winded up in your abode. "ah, you don't need to apologize for any of that." "but-"
"but what? no matter the amount of apologizes you utter to me, you'll still do the same thing ever again, and i would be a fool to repeatedly tell you that it's 'okay'," he chuckles lightly and touches your bandaged hand. "i treasure you a lot, so i'm willing to put up with your antics."
ah fuck.
you feel yourself burning up at your words, while also feeling tears well up in your eyes. "i mean that much to you?"
"of course."
you smile and look at him with a gaze you'd only ever show to him. "well, i feel the same."
a few hours after eating and cleaning up, the rain hasn't still gone away which led up to the reason why he's staying at your home overnight for the time-being.
"i'm going to sleep at the couch," kinich says, about to tell you good night until you beat him to it.
"no, you're sleeping in my bed," you refute. "you're the guest, i should be the one sleeping on the couch."
kinich sighs and crosses his arms. "well, looks like this is another argument i can't wait, so how about this -- we share a bed."
the idea made you blush. even though kinich looked nonchalant on the surface, deep down he was pulling his own hair for saying such crass things. now he felt kind of like some creep for saying it.
"sorry, i shouldn't have said anything," he apologizes, wanting to break the awkward tension. but you just shake your head and drag him on your bed.
"it's fine. we can share," you fiddle your hands together.
oh. well... that definitely surprised him.
"what? are you sure? i just suggested it because i didn't want you to sleep on the couch and i know you're going to force me to sleep on your bed so..." he trails off and you just put your index finger on his lip, which immediately shuts him up.
"if i say we can share, then we can. okay?" you huff and place your finger back down, leaving him to no choice (even though he really liked the idea). "
and so, you two end up sharing the same comforter. surprisingly, kinich ended up falling asleep real fast. after all, you did notice how exhausted he looked even before the two of you got soaked by the cold rain.
you smile and stop any urges to go and caress his face. you notice his long lashes, the marking on his neck, and of course your favorite part of him, how soft his hair looked. even while sleeping, he looked so undoubtedly beautiful that you'd think about what it'd be like if you kissed him- woah there.
you notice how you used such words towards him, ones that only couples would ever refer to each other. but can you blame yourself? he was so full of love, giving you attention when you barely ask for it, doing things that you'd only let him do to you.
the more you think of it, more the realization finally dawns upon you...
you were in love.
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୨୧ act iii | act v ୨୧ masterlist
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♡ tags: @lvvcian @sunsethw4 @wutap @gasoline-eater @ellieloverrr @romyoia @lunavixia @hipsdofangirl @3lectraheart @keiiqq @fantasyhopperhea @idontevenknow129 @kimura-uzuri
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a/n: finally!! ive been wanting to finish this chapter ive had the idea since act 3 but i am so sorry for not updating a lot as of late!! :( ive been preparing for lots and lots of projects + exams r coming up. not sure if i can keep on updating consistently, but most likely when exams end and also during our club week hehe. thank u so much for being patient :')
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"Are you sure you're okay?"
The hero couldn't only hear the villain's heartbeat increase, they could also feel it. Sense it.
Most of the time, the hero managed perfectly to incorporate this (very unfortunate) condition of theirs into their normal life. It wasn't much of a burden and immortality, although they hadn't had it for long, turned out to be quite interesting.
"Yup," the hero said. But the hunger was probably the worst part about it.
The first few weeks, the hero had taken rather embarrassing measures and slaughtered farm animals outside of the city. Although it was enough blood to satisfy them, it turned out that being a vampire wasn't primarily about the blood.
It was about the power. When their prey struggled, the hero's mood improved considerably and not only that, they also didn't need to feed on something alive for quite a while after a pleasing kill. It was about the struggle, about the fight.
About sinking their fangs into soft, warm flesh. It was about survival.
"You are drooling all over my wrist." The villain did not act like it but the hero knew they were scared. Their heart was raging and their pupils were blown up, almost like they feared the hero would attack them any second now.
But, of course not. The hero could control themselves perfectly. After all, they were supposed to serve the people of the city.
The hero was a specialist when it came to figuring out how to change. When the farm animals had started to become unappetizing, the hero switched to blood donations - which was surprisingly even worse - and suffered ever since.
But they prevailed.
It was part of the deal, they supposed. Vampires suffered just like people did and they couldn't betray the trust the people had put in them.
"A little greedy, aren't ya?" the villain asked and when the hero looked at them, they realized their lips were already on the villain's wrist. Their own fingers dug into the villain's forearm and they had, in fact, slavered all over their enemy's wrist.
Slowly, they parted from the villain's arm and ultimately, let go of it. It wasn't even embarrassing. The hero had accepted that they weren't quite "normal" anymore and that was fine.
Supposedly, their thoughts had carried them away. In general, the hero tried to minimize contact with people but the villain was kind of...unavoidable. And with the hunger? With the villain always being this close? What was the hero supposed to do?
"You didn't listen to me in the slightest, huh?"
The hero stared at them, almost dumbfounded. They couldn't tell when their brain had shut off, all they knew was that they had been injured pretty badly. The villain had found them. They had passed out. And now, they were in the villain's apartment.
Without hesitation, the hero looked down their body and lifted their shirt. Instead of the open and bleeding wound, there was a fresh scar on their abdomen, quite painful but not as bad as before.
That probably explained the hero's demonic hunger - they needed energy. Lots of it.
"Not really."
"I suggested..." The villain stared at their wrist full of saliva and rubbed it on the hero's shirt dry. Before the hero could say anything, the villain put a hand on their thigh and squeezed gently. They leaned over. "...that you might be in better hands if you joined me."
"Pff." The villain's heart was going crazy by now and the hero was impressed they were hiding it so well. Fear was a horrible feeling but ultimately, that was exactly what the hero found so satisfactory. "What's this? Seducing me to the dark side? What a pathetic attempt."
The hero raised their index finger, as if to lecture the villain.
"I have sworn to protect-"
"-every citizen of this city with all the power and mightiness I can offer, blah blah blah. I know," the villain said. "But have you considered that we might be..." The villain's hand crawled up the hero's thigh and the hero's eyes widened. "...more powerful together?"
"I am not interested in power," the hero said.
"Hm," the villain answered. They touched the hero's cheek gently and it became quite impossible to ignore the villain's heartbeat. Especially when their wrist was this close to their head. The villain smirked. "Is there nothing I can offer you?"
The hero stared into the villain's eyes and didn't dare to look away, not even when the villain shifted their hand so their wrist brushed the hero's lips.
"There is absolutely nothing...?" The hero could feel the blood pumping through the villain's veins against their lips. Images of the villain begging and moaning shot into the hero's head. Them turning, them somehow enjoying it when the hero let their kisses turn into bites.
Salvation came in many ways and the hero supposed they had been wrong.
It wasn't about fear. It wasn't about seeing someone or something struggle. It was about deliverance.
Deliverance from life. Deliverance from…other things.
It was torture either way and it slowly dawned on the hero that for the second time, they had been wrong. The villain was probably not afraid of them.
Christ, the hero wanted to bite. They wanted to break skin and taste blood.
They could have been gentle. They could have been really gentle for the villain.
"Well..." The villain pulled away their wrist and tilted their head, leaving the hero with a black hole in their stomach and a tendency for extreme violence they tried to hold back. "You know where to find me, in case you change your mind."
They smiled a sweet smile but the hero considered them to be a special kind of demon at the moment. Straight from hell, straight to torture them.
The hero gave back a pained smile, clearly moments away from snapping. But not even that hindered the villain from kicking them out of their apartment promptly.
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anonymous-existences · 23 hours
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Chapter 2 : Laying Low
Continuation to the Prolouge and Chapter 1
This was bad, very bad. For some... Reason. The Fenton's figured out who Phantom is and they think Phantom is overshadowing Danny.
Danny was panicking and packing the rest of his belongings fast as Vlad tries to stop Maddie and Jack from busting in to get to Danny. Dan was helping him whilst trying to calm Danny down.
"I'm scared... I'm so scared." Danny just slowly stated as tears rolled down his cheeks trying to catch up on his breathe.
"Shh, shh. It's gonna be alright kid. Look. We'll get out of here right now. I got our passports. Our- everything we need basically." Dante carried his duffle bag and the spare suitcase that carried Dante's items. "Now let's go!" Dante Yelled and carried Danny like a kitten before running out the backdoor.
They could hear Maddie yelling and Vlad Clapping back hesitantly but effectively, his paren— no.... Maddie and Jack was trying to reason with Vlad saying Danny was possesed and they needed to kill the Phantom within him.
Danny just covered his ears trying to shut out the noise as Dante put on his helmet and Making Danny wear one as well, Dante puts Danny Infront of him in the bike and Drove off with their Things.
Dante was obviously breaking the law with how Fast he's going but he couldn't bring himself to slow down. Not when the GIW might chase after them any moment they find out Danny is with Dante.
"It's gonna be okay twerp.... It's gonna be fine." Dante tries to reassure Danny, Danny just.. cried and covered his face trying to muffle his ugly sobbing. "I'm scared... I'm so scared..." Danny cries out and just kept very still in his seat.
Soon later they arrived at the airport and Danny has stopped crying as Dante has reassured him, they rushed inside and was quickly escorted by the staff to the so called "private jet" Vlad has prepared for them in advance.
"Are you ready? Are you okay?" Dante kneeled Infront of Danny to match his height, oddly enough he had this very rare worried face.
Danny merely nods and held Dan's Hand, they entered the plane and Dante made sure that Danny was settled in safely.
'It still feels so sudden... It's as if I haven't been planning to do this for ... Weeks.' Danny thought to himself as he stared out the window of his seat.
'Jazz would've wanted me to... Be free .. Right... She would have wanted this.' He whispered to himself as the plane slowly rose and started to fly to their headed direction.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
As they landed to their destination, Dante woke Danny up.
"Danny. we're here." Danny slowly fluttered his eyes open. "Oh?.... Oh okay..." Danny meekly said with a yawn. Dan just carried him like a cat once again whilst getting their bags.
"You can go back to sleep." Dante reassured him as Danny fell back asleep in his arms. Danny felt safe, warm... And comforting. It made his core purr in happiness.... He likes it..
Dante called them a lift as they moved in to a decent sized apartment near Crime Alley. The place already had furniture as Vlad promised. Dante tucks Danny in bed and heads off into the living room to unpack their things.
Dante started dialing Vlad's number.
"Fruit loops."
"Yes ... Big Badger?" Vlad sighs tiredly
"We arrived safely, Danny is off to sleep. He's tired. Do I need to find a job? How did dealing with those 2 crazy fuckers go?"
"Slow down... Yes you need to find a job so no one would get suspicious, Maddie and Jack I managed to stir off of my property finally. Ellie says she'll visit soon when the GIW stops looking for phantom... Sort of." Vlad reassures Dante.
Dante sighed, Annoyed, Stressed and totally Irritated.
"I'm gonna go find some criminals to beat up." Dante started before hanging up on Vlad who was about to complain about what he was about to do but Dante can't care at all about what the old Fruitloops has to say. He had to blow off his steam somehow and heads out of the apartment leaving Danny alone.
Danny had Ghost Blobs Covering him, vibrating to keep him warm like bees and Snuggled beside him to keep him asleep and rested.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Red Hood suddenly felt odd, not in an odd bad way but in an odd easing way.
He looked around his turf continuing his patrol before he heard Grunting. Not a good type... Ugh.
It was someone getting beat up, he doesn't usually meddle with this type of stuff but something within his chest... The pits was being pulled in.
Jason ran. More like bolted to whatever was pulling him in. Because whatever it is, it silenced the Pits, it made the pits quiver in fear.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
"Heh, Serves you right Mother fucker."
Dante laughed as he finished beating up a guy who tried to Assault a Worker. He dusted his hands and he is so glad he brought his mask and Cap with him because he wasn't prepared for Red Hood of all people to find him.
Dan just tried to keep composes as the Worker he saved ran off safely.
"Who are you." Red Hood Asks Sternly hand in his waist ready to pull out his gun, Dan tries to keep himself away from this situation.
He really Oughtta keep himself out of trouble, his luck is just far too unlucky for this to happen.
"Name's Dante... Just beat up this fucker for trying to kidnap a woman is all..." Dante chuckled to himself, very mentally uncomfortable but physically trying to stay calm.
"You're not from here aren't ya. Don't you know where you are?" Red Hood's tone didn't lose it's Stern but it softened a bit.
Odd, Dante was sure it was said that he can be very violent to his trespassers, he guesses Red Hood is just having a good day.
"No Sir Red Hood, I apologize if I entered your Hau- I mean.. Territory by accident." Dante apologizes, not sincerely but he made sure he sounded like it.
Oh. Now that Dante is looking at Red Hood much clearly and focused, He feels weird... His core is unfinished... Sort of.. there's this weird thing inside of him, Corrupted Ectoplasm? Ew.
Dante made a Disgusted look under his face mask, lucky enough that red Hood doesn't noticed because of Dante covering half his face except his eyes. But now that Dante observes more.
This guy isn't a Halfa. Sort of a Halfa but not all. What does Frostbite say it is?... He tries to remember the Term for it. Ah yes...
Red Hood is-
"A Revenant?" Dante blurts out by accident, his eyes flashing green with red gradient for a moment making Red Hood Stand Stunned.
"Pardo-" Red Hood tries to talk but Dante just Bowed his head and interrotuped him.
"I apologize again Sir Red Hood for entering your Haunt, but I really need to go, I won't do it again. I can't promise much because there are a lot of dick heads around here but do excuse me. I have better things to do." Dante said quickly but also sarcastically as he turned and bolted.
"WAIT!" Red Hood tries to chase after him but Dante Went Invisible as he turned to a corner.
"What the-" Red Hood was confused. Where did he go?
It made Dante chuckle mentally as he floated away and headed back to their new apartment.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
'What the fuck just happened.' Jason thought to himself confused, very confused infact as the strange and oddly Hot mysterious man just disappeared out of thin air... Like a ghost.
He needed to find that man again. Possibly ask him on a date- who KNOWS. But he needed to find him again.
The pits acting incredibly terrified and tame Infront of him was enough to get Jason Curious and... Oddly Calm.
"Maybe I should ask Timbers for help. I didn't catch his name... And what is a revenant?" He asked himself and scratched the back of his nape in frustration.
Hopefully he can still meet that Guy again... His eyes though.
They looked like the Lazarus Pits and that wasn't good. It didn't sit right with Jason and it honestly never will.
KMS. AAAA MY HANDS. Anyways I'll be writing chapter 3 later <33 cuz I'm insane like that.
Hope you like this chapter.
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emilys-bangs · 9 hours
Hiiiii💕 I love your fics so much and how you write Emily!!! Think you could write a date night at home while you’re already dating, with Sergio and all but it ends up with a make out sesh! Doesn’t have to be nsfw I just NEED kiss her face and drink some wine on her couch!! Thanks 💕
Feel free to ignore me if you don’t feel like this!!!!
Hii, thank you lovely!! ty for requesting, I hope this isn't as choppy as I think it is <3
date night | e.p
Tags: established relationship, fluff, making out, no use of yn, use of petnames
Word count: 1.5k
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“Em, honey, my loveliest darling, are you sure you’re doing this right?” You sweeten your voice as you peek over Emily’s shoulder, hiding a grimace at the chocolate slab she’s heating directly in a pot.
“Are you doubting my abilities?” She turns her accusing gaze on you. Her eyes, you notice, are just the same shade of the melting chocolate. You have a feeling they’re twice as sweet. “Maybe you could’ve guided me instead of stuffing your face with the chocolate.” Her brow arches, playful, but your body heats.
“I was testing to see if it’s good!”
“Yeah, looks like it’s too good,” Emily teases. You frown and she lets go of the spoon in her hand, reaching out to press her thumb to the corner of your lip. When she lifts it you find her skin smeared with chocolate.
You shrug, willing yourself not to be embarrassed. “It’s delicious,” you say demurely, ignoring your girlfriend’s smug look as she wipes her thumb on a tissue, “and anyway. Everyone knows you’re supposed to melt chocolate using a double boiler.”
“It’s melting fine!” Emily huffs and peers into the pot, idly swirling the still-hard bits in the sea of melted chocolate. You scrunch your nose, unconvinced, and Emily looks up just in time to see it.
“You’re such a perfectionist,” she sighs, letting go of the spoon again to wrap her arms around you. “Let loose a little.” Her nose bumps into yours. The action makes you smile, like she undoubtedly knew it would.
“Sorry I don’t fancy my strawberries with burnt chocolate,” you murmur, rubbing your hands up and down her sides. The wool of her black v-neck is soft; you languidly follow the curves of her waist, tracing the lines of her torso. Emily rolls her eyes and you kiss her before she bites back, effectively silencing that smart mouth of hers.
You can feel her smile against your lips. She knows what you’re doing, but she lets you have it, gently kissing you back as her fingers thread into your hair. The edge of the counter digs into your back as she presses you against it, her warm thigh slotting between yours. You hum into her mouth and she toys with a lock of your hair, twirling it around her finger and tugging just enough that you feel a sting.
“Mmm, you know what you taste like?” Emily mumbles against your lips. She gently presses kisses along the outline of your mouth, catching the chocolatey corner and the tip of your chin.
Sighing, you slide your hand into her hair and scrape your nails down her scalp. “I’m sure you’ll tell me, anyway.”
“Unburned chocolate,” she grins. Her eyes flick up to yours, pleased at her own cleverness.
“Ugh, fuck off.” You lightly shove her back. Emily laughs, grabbing your hand just in time to pull you with her. The two of you skid across the kitchen floor and you yelp, both your socks slipping on the smooth hardwood. Your heart skips but Emily catches you, holding on to your waist and digging her heels in to find purchase.
“Stop whining about the chocolate,” she says when you’re both steady, letting go of you and turning to grab the pack of fresh strawberries you’d gotten on your way, “and help me wash these.”
“I’m your guest,” you murmur as you take it from her hand and head to the sink. “You shouldn’t make me work, it’s rude.”
“You’re hardly a guest, amor.” Emily’s voice is warm as she wraps steady arms around your waist and nuzzles into your neck. Her body presses into yours, making your hips nudge against the sink. “This is your home as much as it is mine.” She whispers after dropping a kiss, gently squeezing your waist with her palms.
You almost drop the strawberries. Damn her silver tongue.
By the time the two of you are done washing the strawberries and dunking them in the—unburnt—chocolate, your dinner is ready. Despite Emily’s earlier insistence that you help her, she refuses to let you lift a finger in plating the food or carrying it to the dining table. You try to argue but she doesn’t have it, so you content yourself with cuddling Sergio as she flits to and from the table, smoothing your fingers through shiny black fur.
“Stubborn woman, isn’t she, Serg?” You ask, pressing a kiss to his furry forehead. His purrs rumble through his small body and reverberate through yours, growing louder when you scratch between his ears. “But we love her for it.”
Eventually Emily comes back to take Sergio out of your arms and tugs you to the table, making a quick stop at the bathroom to wash off the cat hair before she presents dinner with a flourish. You can’t help but smile, both at her actions and at the bouquet of freesias you’d bought her sitting in the center of the table, lightly illuminated by the candles she’d laid out around it.
It’s not just the wine she pours out that brings a heat to your cheeks.
Everything, from the tender way she fills your plate to the softness of her laugh as you talk, makes a golden warmth surge through your veins. Even Sergio comes to join you, curling up on the floor between your chair and hers, evidently soaking in your conversations as you talk and laugh, barely remembering the food, a soft gleam in both your eyes that could be nothing but love.
You lose track of time with her. Eventually your glasses are drained, the candles burning low and your plates empty as you skim your thumb over the back of Emily’s hand. The craving for something sweet deep in your stomach is what reminds you of the chocolate-covered strawberries chilling in the fridge, and when you mention them to your girlfriend, she pulls you up from the table.
“Leave them,” Emily whispers when you try to gather the empty plates, insistently tugging them out of your hand and placing them back on the table.
“No buts.” She blows out the candles and takes your hand, linking her fingers through yours and gently pulling you away from the table. “They can wait.”
You can’t really complain, not when she tugs you to the couch and forces you to sit down by shifting onto your lap, her knees on either side of your waist. The fight leaks out of you, her warm weight on top of you deliciously fogging your brain.
“Hi,” Emily whispers, her dark eyes wide, and you think you fall impossibly deeper in love.
“Hi,” you breathe, grabbing her face in your hands. Her lips are so inviting when she smiles like this; you can’t help but cover them with your own. “Fucking dork,” you murmur into her skin, the words lost in another kiss.
“Mean,” Emily mumbles. The tips of your fingers slip into her hair; her breath hitches as you kiss the corner of her mouth, then the plush center—that one gets many kisses—and then trail your lips to her chin.
“On the contrary, I think I’m being very nice.” You say, moving upward to the half-moon curve of her dimple. The dent is too light to feel, but you kiss it anyway before your mouth gently lands on her cheekbone. Emily sighs as you kiss the soft skin next to her eye, her fluttering lashes tickling your lips. The bridge of her nose is next, then the very tip of it, and her breathy laugh skips over your mouth.
Your heart skips in a similar fashion. 
Pausing your kisses, you lean back to look at her properly. Her cheeks are flushed a pretty pink, her lips rosy and swollen from your kisses. There’s a slight daze to her eyes, now nearly darkened to black, her pupils blown wide.
“I love you,” you whisper. Unthinkingly, you skim your thumb over her cheekbone, your touch feather-light. “So much.”
“I love you.” Emily breathes. She leans forward and kisses you, sweet before she nips your bottom lip and it turns desperate. She takes your own hands off her cheeks and guides them under her shirt. You cup the warm curves of her waist and she sighs into your mouth, thighs tightening around your hips as you lightly skim the tips of your fingers over her spine.
Goosebumps follow in the wake of your fingers. Slowly, you peel her shirt off her body, only breaking the kiss to toss it over her head. Pale skin is exposed, the lines of her collarbone sharp under the straps of her lacy, stark black bra.
It’s hardly a new sight, but your breath catches all the same.
“Beautiful,” you say, your voice low and choked with reverence. 
Emily smiles as you place one hand on her hip on the other on her cheek, your lips dipping in the soft junction where her jaw meets her neck. She sighs, threading her fingers through your hair as you take her skin between your lips, warm and tasting faintly bitter—courtesy of her perfume.
It’s just you and her. In this moment, the whole world whittled down to the space between your bodies. All that matters is the warmth of her thighs around your waist, the scratch of her bra against your chest. Her sighs echo, soft and sweet, turning louder with each piece of clothing you gently peel from her skin. 
Your clothes join hers on the floor as your bodies tangle together. Soft lips meet warm skin, swallow up breathy sighs, and dirty plates and chocolate-covered strawberries are gone forgotten in your wake.
taglist: @suckerforcate @sickoherd @lextism @justhereforthosefics @catssluvr @haiklya @i-lovefandom
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365granitegirlx · 2 days
♡⟡˙⋆It takes us a little higher⋆˙⟡♡
Summary: You've never been fond of your roommate Vessel, but a mortifying shared experience brings you closer than you ever thought possible.
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a/n: MDNI - smut under the cut. Alternate, affectionate title is "Close the Fucking Door. Holy Shit."
roommate!vessel x fem!reader, enemies to lovers, some angst, porn with plot, accidental voyeurism, laundry day tension, vessel's favorite color seems to be emerald, reader and vessel are mean to each other, very brief slut shaming (the word "whore" is used twice derogatorily), “you’re the closest and hottest thing right now” type shit, rough sex but it’s comfort sex
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No, roommates don’t have to be friends. There is no bylaw saying if you share a dwelling and the bills therein you have to be the best of friends with your housemate…but if there was, you and Vessel would be faced with a hefty fine. Where you saw the opportunity to be lighthearted, he would claim you never took anything seriously; yet when he attempted to be playful with you, you accused him of mocking you. Is this brownstone in town worth the strife? Actually, yes. Everyone has their own comfortable spaces, it’s close to everyone’s workplace, the rent is reasonable. And yet. This afternoon you’re in the little laundry room sorting things to go into the washer when you hear the heaviest sigh. “Just going to start laundry, then? No worries if anyone else needs it.” Oh, he’s grumpy today.
Vessel has his barely filled laundry basket in his long arms and impatiently drums his fingers on it. 
“Doesn’t seem like you were going to ask me. Now does it?” You nod at his laundry basket as he stammers a bit. “Just put it in with mine.”
“No, it’s fine.”
“Vessel, seriously,” you snap, “you have barely anything in there. We’d be wasting water if I didn’t…”
“This is how I always do my laundry! Saying I’m the reason the water bill i–”
“JUST… put your laundry in the washer. Jesus.”
Vessel huffs and drops his laundry in like you said (or as you demanded as he would have put it). You two can hardly look at each other. He doesn’t even acknowledge you as you thank him. He shows his gratitude by switching the laundry and then sorting it once it’s dry. He does this in the living room with an inconsequential movie on. You join him for what you call “a folding paaarrttyyyyy.” This actually gets a little laugh from him. Humorless laugh, but it’s a sign of life. 
It had been a month or so of just existing in the same space since an “incident” had occurred. Neither of you brought it up but it lingered heavily between you.
The morning of the incident you two had a civil, even thoughtful, conversation. You told Ves you’d be out that evening, maybe even all night. This delighted him. He could do some audio mixing without fear of interruption. Spread out in the living room. Oh the possibilities! He even asked who the guy was. Anything to encourage you to leave him alone for the night. Get you talking and excited about whoever the hell this poor man is so that maybe you’d get yourself all giddy and blushy and convince yourself to stay out all night. You deserve it…no wait…no. Vessel deserved it. He had to keep reminding himself he didn’t actually care. 
Except he did. The evening was actually boring. You’d only been gone an hour, and he was already thinking about going to bed. He idly wondered what you and the guy were doing. That emerald green dress you had on made it seem like you were dead set on seducing on him. The way it hugged your hips and didn’t even graze your knees. How your sheer black stockings made your legs glimmer just a bit. Vessel came to the conclusion that you actually could seduce this man without even trying…you’d just have to show up. Fuck. These weird, clouded, thoughts that flirted with being both positive and lustful rubbed Vessel the wrong way. That’s his roommate he’s thinking about. Maybe he’s just lonely.
Yes, that’s it. He’s desperate. And that feeling churns and grows to the point where he can’t ignore it anymore. He’s home alone, after all. Why not make a little “to do” about it? He dimmed his lights and slipped out of his clothes, splaying out on his bed with a little bottle of lube close by. This was something he missed. Indulging in a little fantasy and playing with himself, all while not having to wonder if someone would hear him or walk in or just make some goddamn annoying noise that would distract him. All he could hear was his ragged, raspy breaths and soft moans…and the slick pornographic sounds of his fist pumping his cock. God it was so nice to just edge a little…he really did deserve this. He tries to think of something to calm him down and dull the feeling. Your most recent argument about where the reusable grocery bags were was very helpful in this instance…except for when he remembered your little dress. How soft you looked piled in the satin. What kind of panties did you have on under that? No panty line was visible so maybe…no don’t go there. But he has to. He has to imagine what it would be like to let his fingers trail up your inner thigh to then lift your dress and see those fucking tights hugging your plush ass and maybe even how your soft thighs would expand as you sit back on your heels, your pretty eyes gazing up at him…
But it wasn’t Vessel exclaiming. Why were you home? “CLOSE THE FUCKING DOOR. HOLY SHIT.”
You had scurried into your room. Your cheeks hurt from your nervous grin and the blush dusting your cheeks; you feel like a little girl running from her crush. But this wasn’t innocent. You had just watched your roommate cum. The little whimpers and groans piqued your attention the second you entered the hall. You actually thought he had been crying but…good god. If there had been tears, they’d have been ones of ecstasy. The look on his face…you’ll never forget that. The way his jaw fell and his eyebrows knitted together…how his bobbing throat signaled yet another desperate moan. You had left your date way early for…reasons you’d rather not think about at the moment. You had a new problem. The image of arrogant, quiet Vessel truly enjoying himself…looking absolutely delicious…vulnerable…that wasn't leaving your mind anytime soon. And you couldn’t stop thinking about the way his abs flexed as he came…what would they feel like under your hand if you were riding him? Or against your own soft tummy while you’re on your back? Or even against your back as he spooned and fucked you while whispering filth in your ear. You stared up at the ceiling by the low light of your bedside lamp after taking care of yourself. The thrill from your momentary distraction from your bad date turns into guilt and settles in your tummy where your arousal once was.
Your mind won’t shut up. Berating you for being such a perv. And that’s when you hear Ves. Pacing. He does that sometimes. Of all the sounds you hear from sharing a wall with him, that’s the sound you’ve come to anticipate the most. How his mind reels at night. You start to ruminate, imagining that he regrets this. But it seems you finally have something in common tonight. You’re embarrassed. You’re awake. And you’re alone. Instead of nodding off, you take a chance. You reach up and knock softly on your shared wall. Just a little, “I’m right  there with you.” And as you drift off to sleep you hear two soft, timid knocks above your head.
With the laundry folded in complete and utter silence, you sigh heavily and take your folded laundry into your room. Your phone vibrates in your pocket and you grin at the text…completely ignoring the visitor in your doorway. You don’t even look up but you speak. “I’m going out tonight.”
“Oh? Uhm. Cool.” Vessel tries to act as if he isn’t the one encroaching on your space. Too aloof to care. He certainly wasn’t feeling touch and attention starved. Not at all. That had nothing to do with why he was standing in your doorway, watching you poke at your phone. “Another date?”
“Yep. Been too long since the last one.”
Ves looks at you thoughtfully and weighs his options. Does he risk perhaps having to talk about the “close the fucking door. Holy shit” incident? Or does he continue to push you away? Continue to make you the villain in his inner monologue? He takes a deep breath, holds it, and bites the bullet. “Why did you come home so early that night?”
A long sigh escapes you. “I…got to the restaurant and, well, basically he told me I looked easy and that he liked that. So the whole evening was just…” you pause and look away. 
“He didn’t try to…like…”
“No.” You don’t mean to snap, but you did. Vessel nods, nonplussed by your tone. “No, I didn't give him a chance. Turns out I’m a whore for dressing like that and for not putting out. Such is life, yeah?” 
“Waste of an outfit, if you ask me.” You stare at Vessel for a bit. He seems angry. Tense. His legs jitter a bit and he wipes his face with a long exhale. “You should be taken out in that dress whenever you want…wherever you want.” 
You go to your closet and pull out a few dresses like your emerald and hold them up to yourself in the mirror. “Well, he’s getting a second chance tonight.”
He scoffs and crosses his arms. His height allows him to take up most of your doorframe; he secretly hopes that might keep you from leaving. From seeing that degenerate. If you just wanted to get fucked he wishes you’d just ask him. But he has to remind himself that some people need a bit more than that. He wouldn’t know the first thing about what you needed. He pleaded with himself nightly to not worry about it. It won’t work. It shouldn’t work. But damnit…you’re right there. The single hottest and closest thing. Vessel doesn't realize he’s just been staring, shaking his head with disappointment.
“Care to share or are you just being weird?” You say without looking away from the mirror.
“Why are you putting yourself through this? Hm? Do you like being treated like that?”
He purses his lips when your eyes pierce through him, getting ready to strike. “Well, not that present company can understand this but people can change and redeem themselves. Besides, what do you care?”
You’ve got him. Vessel looks down, sniffs, and shrugs. “Maybe you are a whore.” He immediately winces. That was mean…and stupid. He pushes himself off the doorframe and sulks back to his room. But you’re on his heels.
“Tell me why you care, Vessel,” you demand to his back. He won’t turn and face you. “Fucking look at me.”
With a heavy sigh, he turns, shoulders slumped…and hard as a rock. His arousal can easily be attributed to the blood rush and emotions from being angry but truth be told it’s from imaging you in those dresses you were considering. And imagining you in that green dress, letting him take you out and then have his way with you.Your eyes are boring into him with a look he’s never seen before. “Want some help?” 
He nods softly. 
“Can I get verbal consent? Jesus Christ,” you huff. 
“Yeah…yes, I’d like help.” He watches as you slip off your hoodie and kneel like you’ve done this before with him. What a sight. 
“Take your shirt off, Ves. Please.” It all feels like a dream. Vessel is standing before you, rock hard and willing. Your hands rub up his thighs… to his hips…his abs…and he actually caresses your arms when they stretch up to gently play with his nipples. After moving your hands down to remove his pants, you place soft kisses on stomach and around his happy trail. Fuck. This is living. Your arms wrap around to his back as you hold him place, making him whine softly with each kiss. It’s impossible to keep from kissing and caressing your face right below his belly button. It’s unfair how good he feels against your lips and how lovely he smells from his body wash and just…him. As toned as he is, you find a soft spot and gently bite it. You look up expecting him to have his eyes closed but he’s actually staring down at you, biting his lip. It’s too much to bear. It feels like second nature to take his cock in your mouth. You’re lost in the feeling of taking him deeper until you gag softly. When you do, he caresses your hair, asking if you’re ok. His touch is so gentle, but you’re confused when he slowly pries you off his cock and stands you up. You’re about to take off your bralette when he shakes his head and tsks. 
“I need something to hold onto, don’t I?”
You’re unable to answer as he presses a hot, messy kiss against your mouth. He’s quite literally taking your breath away as he wraps his long arms around your body and his tongue prods at your lips. He needs to taste you. He meant to not just enjoy you…but to know you. To know how you like…no…how you need to be kissed. And where you like to be kissed. It’s not enough to kiss you where “everyone wants to be kissed” like your neck and collarbone…he needs to map it out. No one will ever know this body like he does. It’s like his brain has shut down. He doesn’t remember pushing you to the bed and  lowering himself to the floor on his knees as he took off your sweats and panties. But he’s fully lucid when he, without preamble, delicately presses his tongue against your heat for the first time. The sound that comes out of you…my god. He wonders to himself if you’d ever record yourself cumming for him or even let him make a little video sometime. Better yet…he’d just have you every night. 
But that takes time and that’s what he’s doing right now. His tongue is tracing slow circles around your clit as he commits this moment to memory. The feeling of your fingers playing with his hair excites him, makes him feel giddy. He moans softly against your little sweet as he brings it into his mouth. It becomes very clear after a while that he’s chasing your orgasms along with you. 
When he pulls away, he’s  all starry eyed and a little giggly. “Oh…you are divine. Can I do more?”
All you can let out is a pathetic whimper as you catch your breath. He looms over you, wiping you off his mouth. “Can I get your verbal consent, angel?” 
“Please. Yes…please…” you get out as your core aches to feel anything from him again. 
“Look at you. You’ve got a little pulse down there, good girl.” He lets his fingers trace your throbbing clit, but there’s no relief. You whine against his touch. “Made you feel good, huh? Tell me something…how badly do you want to get fucked?”
You whimper softly and roll over onto your tummy for him. No words from you are required when Vessel whispers soft encouragements and makes sure you’re comfy before teasing your cunt one last time with his fingers. “Just put it in, Ves, please.” 
Vessel gently pops your bralette strap against your back and chuckles at your impatience. “No warm up? I didn’t think you’d be this much fun.” Your front lifts from the bed as you moan into the bed, but Vessel smooths his hand down your back.“I know….I know. Just breathe, baby. Open your legs for me a bit more.” He runs his hands along your thighs and presses them into his bed. Like he said he would, he grasps the band of your bralette with one hand as he starts to fuck you. The stretch and feeling of him stroking you from the inside makes you cry out. You realize momentarily who’s fucking you…who’s making you cum. The forbidden idea that the energy between you two could spark both anger and the most palpable lust you’ve ever felt makes you press back against him harder. “Oh there she is,” Vessel grunts out as he lands a sharp spank on your ass. And another.
“Ffffuck. Ag…again. Please.”
“You like that?” Spank. “Such a sweetheart for me.” Spank. “You feel so fucking good…” 
Your head feels fuzzy as his hands melt into your soft skin and his moans become higher pitched. More desperate. He’s saying your name. He’s cumming for you. 
You’re getting in late from a girls night out. It’s unsurprising that the house is dark, but you can hear whatever video game Vessel is playing…and sounding like he’s about to rage quit. His back is to you as he’s hunched over on the couch.
“Ves….” A beat. “VES! Turn that down…or off, preferably,” you huff.
“Tsk yes, mum,” he says smartly, turning the game off and tossing the controller. He wants to be grumpy…but there you were, settling in his lap…in that fucking…emerald…dress. He puts his forehead to your chest and presses sweet little kisses onto it. “Welcome home, angel.”  No, roommates don’t have to be friends.
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