#‘whatever happens you’ll still get a uniform for my wedding’
enchantedpendant · 2 years
im letting go
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onlyfreds · 3 years
Photo Album |F.W.
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Title: Photo Album
Requested: Yes/No
Summary: After their daughter finds their old photo album, Fred and Y/N go on a little trip down memory lane.
A/N: Flashbacks are in italics
The sun shined through the windows, waking me up on a lazy Saturday morning.
My husband’s grip around my waist tightened as he pulled me closer to him.
I turned around to face him, burying my head into his chest, inhaling the faint scent of cinnamon of his shirt.
“I’ll never get tired of waking up next to you.” He said, his morning voice making me swoon over him like always.
“Neither will I.” I said, almost lulling myself back to sleep when something, or more like a particular someone, had jumped on top of me and Fred.
“Mummy! Daddy! Time to wake up!” Our four-year old daughter’s, Elise, excited voice filled the air.
“Already up princess?” Fred joked, lazily opening his eyes to look at his daughter, “It’s still early.”
“But daddy, the sun is already up so I’m already up.” She reasoned with her father, giving him her puppy dog eyes.
I chuckled, “We’re up sweetie, we’re up.”
The two of us sat up as Elise crawled in between us.
“What do you want to have for breakfast princess?” Fred asked, as he placed an arm around my shoulder.
Our daughter thought about it for a moment, “How about some pancakes with whipped cream and chocolate syrup.”
Fred and I laughed as he nudged me, “You heard our princess.”
I got out of bed as I lifted Elise out of Fred’s arms making a small giggle escape from her lips.
“And what the princess wants, the princess gets.” I said as I carried our daughter out of the room.
Fred scrambled out of bed, “Hey wait for me!”
“Run.” I told Elise, placing her down as the two of us ran to the kitchen.
But Fred still managed to catch up with us, grabbing me by the waist as he caught me and hurriedly scooping Elise up, our laughs echoing across the walls.
“So, you two thought that you could get away from me that easily huh?” He said, burying his head in the crook of my neck.
“Maybe?” I said in a playful tone.
Fred chuckled as he leaned forward and connected our lips together.
“Aaaw,” Elise cooed as she rested her head on Fred’s shoulder, “you and Daddy are so romantic!”
I pulled away from Fred and my daughter, walking over to the kitchen counter, “Well, let’s start making some breakfast now. I don’t want my princess and my king to starve now do I?”
After breakfast, Fred and I were busy washing the dishes while Elise was playing in the living room.
When were done, Elise suddenly came running to us, holding a brown leather book as she said, “Mummy! Daddy! Look what I found!”
Fred scooped her up, “What’s that you got there bub?”
“It’s full of pictures of you and Mummy!” She said happily, waving the book slightly.
I gently took the book out of her hands, “It’s our photo album Freddie.” I said, looking up at my husband with a small smile.
I flipped through, looking back fondly at the days when our main goal was to cause mayhem and mischief throughout the school.
“That’s you and daddy and Uncle Georgie!” Elise said excitedly, pointing to a picture that was taken during our second year.
Fred chuckled, “Even at the age of 12 your mum was a hot as hell.”
The three of us walked to the living room and sat down on the couch, Elise leaning against Fred’s chest as we placed the album on my lap.
We came across a picture of Fred and I during our first-year dating anniversary which we celebrated at Hogwarts.
“We exactly are you taking me Freddie?” I asked as Fred led me to who knows where with a blindfold over my eyes.
I heard him chuckle, “Well doll, if I told you, then it wouldn’t exactly be a surprise anymore.”
“Just a tiny hint.” I pleaded as best as I could, “Please!”
“Don’t worry doll. You’ll find out soon enough.” He said.
After a few more minutes of walking, we finally stopped.
My boyfriend leaned forward and whispered, “You ready for your surprise princess?”
I nodded, “Yes please.”
He slowly took off the blindfold revealing the sight in front of me.
A picnic blanket was laid on the grass together with a variety of food.
“Freddie.” I said, absolutely stunned and speechless, “You didn’t have to do this.”
He smiled, placing a kiss on my temple, “I know, but I wanted to. Besides, we’re celebrating our first year of dating. It had to be special.”
“You look so pretty there mummy!” Elise said, looking up at me.
Fred laughed, placing a kiss on the top of her head, “Your mum always looks gorgeous.”
I tapped her on the nose playfully, “Besides, your father is quite handsome as well.”
“See?” Fred said, giving our daughter a little wink, ‘Your she is still swooning over me.”
I rolled my eyes, “Am not.” I said before adding under my breath, “Yes, I am.”
“I heard that.” Fred said with a small smirk.
We scanned the rest of the page’s contents, until we stopped at a problem taken during the Yule Ball.
Elise gasped in awe, “You and daddy look like a prince and princess.”
“Smile you two.” Ginny said, as the flash of the camera went off.
“Thanks Ginny!” I thanked her as I took the camera and the picture from her.
“Have fun you two!” She said, giving a small but cheeky wink as she went off to find Neville.
Fred took my hand as he lifted it up to his lips and placed a kiss along my knuckles, “Can I have this dance mi ‘lady?”
I giggled at his antics, playing along as I gave him a small curtsy, “You may, my ginger in shining armor.”
He laughed, “I like the sound of that.”
We danced the night away like it would never happen again.
It was like something out of a fairytale, the usual black and house colored uniform attire was transformed into colorful gowns.
“Penny for your thoughts.” My boyfriend said, leaning forward and pressing a brief kiss on my lips.
I giggled, “You. You always seem to occupy my thoughts nowadays.”
He chuckled, pressing our foreheads together, “Can’t seem to get enough of me, can you?”
“That was one wonderful night.” I said with a content smile.
“What happened there?” Elise asked.
I giggled, ruffling her hair, “It was a ball honey.”
She looked up at me with wide eyes, “Like the ones princesses and princes attend?”
I nodded, “Exactly like the ones princesses and princes attend.”
She gasped, “So, daddy and you were a prince and princess?”
“Not exactly.” Fred answered her, “But in my eyes, your mother will always be my princess, or my queen rather.” He said, shooting me a wink.
“Can’t you go a minute without flirting with me?” I playfully scolded.
“Stop pretending that you don’t love it.” Fred fired back.
Elise giggled, placing her chin on her hand with her elbow resting on the side of her knee, “I think it’s cute.” She said, “That even after years of you two being in love. The both of you are still head over heels in love with each other.”
Fred and I laughed as he started tickling her, “I’m starting to think that we let you watch to many Disney movies.”
Elsie squealed as she wiggled out of her father’s grasp, climbing onto my lap, as she said, “But your love story is still my favorite.”
We continued going through the album, seeing a picture that was taken around our 7th year, but it was in front of the shop.
“You don’t have to come with us. I’m not forcing you to. You can stay and finish your education if you want to.” Fred insisted but I didn’t back down.
“I don’t care about my education anymore Freddie.” I said, placing both of my hands on either side of his cheek, “especially with that pink toad around. I don’t care anymore. All I care about is being with you.”
“But what if we crash and burn? What if everything goes downhill. If it comes to that point, I might not be able to give you the life I promised you baby.” He reasoned.
“I don’t care.” I repeated, pressing our foreheads together. “I don’t care if the joke shop is a success or not. I don’t care if we have to live at the Burrow for the rest of our lives. Whatever happens, whatever life throws at us, we can get through it, as long as we’re together. No matter what happens, I’ll always stay by your side.”
He pulled me closer to him, hugging me tightly as if his life depended on it, “Thank you.”
“That’s the shop right daddy?” Elise asked, pointing excitedly at the picture.
Fred stared fondly at the photo which had symbolized the start of a now very successful busines, “Yeah it is.”
“I remember how mad your Grandma Molly was when she found out that uncle Georgie, your mum and I dropped out of school. Well, she was mad at George and I, she could never get mad at your mum. She thought that your Uncle and I forced your mum to come with us.” Fred recounted.
“Why did you drop out of school?” Our daughter asked, her eyes shining brightly with curiosity.
“Because,” Fred continued, “There was a pink monster named Umbridge terrorizing the school. She had hurt me, Uncle Georgie, Uncle Harry and even your mum. When I saw what that monster did to her, we immediately left. Even your Grandma Molly was fuming when she found out about it.”
“What happened next?” Elise asked, silently begging her father to continue the story.
“Well, before we left, we lighted up fireworks all across the hall during the O.W.Ls exam and that scared the living daylights out of Umbridge. Then we started the joke shop and the rest is history.” He said.
Elise reached forward for the album as her little hands flipped through the rest of the pages, landing on the one with our wedding picture.
She traced her hands over the pictures, “That’s day when you married daddy.” She said, her voice barely above a whisper, but we could still hear what she was saying.
I smiled, “Yeah, that was the day I married my King.” I said, placing a finger under her chin, turning her head to look at me.
“And with the power invested in me, I now pronounce you, husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.” The minister said as Fred pulled me closer to him, kissing me passionately as our lips moved together in harmony.
The festivities continued on as Fred and I began our first dance as husband and wife. The song being our theme song since we first started dating.
When the song ended, Fred leaned forward and connected our lips together, causing everyone present the event to cheer.
He pressed our foreheads together, “I love you my gorgeous Queen.”
I giggled, pulling him in for another kiss, “I love you too my handsome King.”
Elise leaned against me as Fred wrapped an arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to him.
“When I grow up, I want to have a love story just like you and daddy.” Elise said, a cute smile adorning her features.
I smiled, moving loose strays of her ginger hair out of her face, “I’m sure you’ll have one just like it.”
“But,” Fred said, “You have to make sure that your prince will take care of you just like how I take care of your mum. Promise?” He held his hand out, his pinky finger sticking out.
Elise looped her pinky with Fred’s, “Promise.”
I stared lovingly at my husband and my daughter, they are the best things that ever happened to me, and I couldn’t ask for anything more.
@lumosandnoxwriting​​​​​​ ​​​​​ @wand3ringr0s3​​​​​​ @famdomhideout​​​ @nova-darling  @gaycatlord-stuff​​​ @pandaxnienke​ @escapingrealitybyreading (If you are crossed out, that means I can’t tag you)
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innocence - 35
PAIRING: bodyguard!bucky barnes x innocent actress!reader
A/N: i wanted to wait until tomorrow to post this but i have no self control. as promised, here’s some fluff. hope you enjoy xx
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     - We’re getting married. - she smiled at him, one of those sunny smiles that always made him feel like he was way too lucky to be marrying someone like her. Bucky leaned his forehead against hers, his hand caressing her the side of her waist as that sunny smile morphed into playful one. - You do have to leave this bedroom to get married though. 
     - But the bedroom is an important part of our marriage, princess.
     - No. You shouldn’t be even seeing me on our wedding day. It’s bad luck, besides Steve, Sam and Sharon are outside. - she played with the hair in the back of his neck. 
The super soldier playfully rolled his eyes at her answer. He hadn’t even had time to buy her an engagement ring or even tell anyone other than her parents and Steve, yet he guessed Sam and Sharon now knew it too, and yet the two of them were going to get married. Her family wasn’t here and it definitely wasn’t what he thought it’d be when he was younger. He’d pictured a much more traditional wedding, maybe somehow in the middle of war and he’d marry in his uniform with his family and hers surrounding them in a small little church yet, she was right. There weren’t a lot of things that were normal about them but she loved him and he loved her. That was the basis of marriage after all. 
His finger traced her jaw, feeling her features under the calloused texture of his fingers, the same features he hadn’t seen in two weeks and had barely seen yesterday. He examined everything, almost if he wasn’t going to see her again, yet that was mostly his mind screaming at him about the restraining order they could order. His eyes, however landed on almost fresh bruises at her lower neck. 
    - Princess, what this? - his fingers slightly lingered over her bruises. 
    - Oh ... - her gaze moved down before it moved up. - Stunt gone wrong while filming, it’s nothing major really.
    - Seems like something major, princess. It’s looks pretty bad. Did no one do anything?
   - It looks just like your bruise does. - she kissed his cheekbone. - Let’s go before Steve, Sam and Sharon resort to hearing behind the door.
He sighed, knowing she wouldn’t really say anything more about it so he dropped it, for now. The two of them left the bedroom and walked into the living area where Steve, Sam and Sharon were still sat in. 
   - So ... - Bucky started. - How do we do this? 
   - A wedding? - Sharon questioned. - We get an officiant, a marriage license, and make sure no one but us know about it. 
   - Oh Chuck has to know about it. He’s my only friend here and I’d like him to be present. 
   - Okay but we can’t do it here. - Steve added. - It’s most likely under surveillance and if they even dream you two are getting married, Bucky’s going right back to prison.
   - What do you suggest? - Y/N cocked her head to the side.
   - Me and Buck will get rings, Sam will get the marriage certificate and the officiant and Sharon will stay here with you. We’ll all meet at the HQ in an hour. 
   - You’ll be okay? - Bucky mumbled over to Y/N who nodded. - I’ll see you in an hour, okay?
   - I’ll be the one in white. Or at least something white. 
Bucky kissed the top of her head before leaving with Steve and Sam leaving her with Sharon. Of course like most girls she had pictured the eve of her wedding, even the hours before, what it would be like, who would be by her side, where it’d be. She had to admit it was very different from what she had envisioned but it was okay. Better have an odd wedding with the right person than the best wedding with the wrong one and she knew Bucky was the one. She felt it whenever he looked at her or whenever he’d fall asleep on her shoulder after telling her he wouldn’t. Her parents were right and so were the movies, when you know you know. 
She knew. 
    - I have to message Chuck. Maybe he can pass by my apartment and grab me something white. - she took her phone from her pocket to text Chuck.
    - Something new, something blue, something old, something borrowed. Luckily for you, I have your something new. 
Y/N furrowed her brows at Sharon as the blonde spy made her way inside her shared bedroom with Bucky. Y/N watching with confusion as she opened the small closet which was still a mess with packed boxes from both Bucky and Y/N which both of them kept putting off unpacking. Sharon moved some boxes and small trinkets off her way and pulled out a white big short rectangular box before putting it on top of the still yet to be made bed. 
The actress approached the edge of the bed as Sharon pulled the lid off and removed some packing paper from the top of whatever was laying inside. She quickly recognised what was inside of it, somehow through her prosecco influenced mind that night she could still remember what her favourite dress looked like. Her eyes looked up to Sharon’s before looking again at the dress, taking it from the box and holding it in front off her. 
     - When did you get this? No ... scratch that, when did you hide it in my flat?
     - Same night we got it. I’m prone to shop lifting when drunk. Besides there’s more than 5 thousand dresses in that shop, she won’t know. - Sharon shrugged, a proud smile on her lips. - You’re not gonna get married in a used white dress. You’re already not gonna have a big ceremony so you should at least have a wedding dress.
     - What if I get arrested? It’s illegal. 
     - It’s the least illegal thing I’ve done, besides, she won’t know and we can return it in the end if it makes you feel better.
     - It’s so pretty. - Y/N held the dress against her chest, almost hugging the fabric. - You’ll be my maid of honour right? I don’t have a lot of female friends here yet. 
     - Sure. Now, we have an hour to do preparation and hen’s night all together.
     - It’ll be okay, right? With Bucky ... they won’t hurt him because of me, right?
     - Don’t concern yourself with that now. It’s your day, no matter how little it is. Whatever comes after that, me, Steve, Sam will be there for you two. You’re family. 
     - I don’t want him to get hurt because of me. - Y/N dragged whatever tears were trying to spill out of her eyes with her knuckles. - I don’t want to be the reason he’s not free and he keeps telling me it’s fine but ... I love him so much and it broke my heart to see him handcuffed because of me when he’s been always there. 
     - Hey ... - Sharon patted the side of the bed next to her, waiting for Y/N to sit by her side. - No relationship is easy. I mean maybe most relationships don’t have the downsides yours has but you have something that only a small part of them have.
     - A huge age gap?
     - Hey, I have that too. - Sharon laughed before rolling her eyes. - Unconditional love. Trust me, it’s not easy for someone who is not in my “line of work” to understand what happened to Bucky and he isn’t one to open up easily. And you just love him and he just loves you. That’s all it matters at the end, that you love each other hard enough you will hold each other’s hands through the worse of storms. Not everyone has a hand to hold in their darkest moments and when you do, and when you know, those monsters become folklore. 
   - Wow, Sharon. If super heroing does not pan out for you, you should become a poet. - Y/N leaned her head against Sharon’s shoulder. - Well, if they don’t handcuff my fiance during the wedding, I don’t think it can get any worse. 
   - Good. Now hop onto the shower and only come up when you smell like a baked good. Exfoliate everything. 
   - Wait, what about something blue? I have something old ... and something new and ... somehow borrowed. What about something blue? 
   - You have Bucky. 
   - I have to be in something blue. 
   - Well, Bucky will be in you later tonight, I’m sure. Just get in the shower, Y/N. The clock is ticking. 
Bucky looked at himself in the mirror, old army suit on and somehow still fitting even with the metal arm. To be honest, Bucky was more surprised that a more than 70 year old suit hadn’t been made into a ball of threads and dust yet there it was looking exactly as it did when he first got it. He straightened his back and the lapels of his jacket, looking up only to return to a slouched position as the light hit the metal of his arm. James Buchanan Barnes was not the same man he was 70 years ago yet he was doing the thing which was expected of him back in his day. Now ... now she just had to show up and he hoped she did. All he wanted right now was to see her walk whatever path she was gonna walk, as long as she met him at the end. 
He straightened the lapels of his jacket once again, trying to appear as confident as he used to be back then. His rushing mindset was interrupted by a knock on his door.
   - Steve, not again. I’m still here and I’m fine. - he barked at the door.  
   - It’s not Steve. - his sister opened the door. 
   - Becca? - he abandoned the mirror to go to his sister. - What are you doing here? Is everything all right?
   - I would’ve preferred you telling me you were engaged and getting married today rather than one of your bride’s friends, I think his name is Chuck. - she crossed her arms, that childhood smile that she still remained making her way across her lips. - You think I’d let my big brother marry without me to see it? It took a long time but here we are. 
   - Yeah, getting married in the Avengers’ HQ. How romantic. 
   - Mum would be so happy. - she started to straighten up his tie. - She always said she wanted you to marry a nice girl and seems like you found one. Although, I was expecting you’d propose to her with mum’s ring. I guess you could give it to her for her birthday or something.
   - She doesn’t even have a ring. - he sat down on his old bed. - I feel like she might not even show up.
   - I’m sure that if she didn’t run away when she saw your baby photos, she won’t run away now. 
   - Bucky, five minutes. - Steve poked his head into his old bedroom. - Let’s make a move before the bride is there before you are.
Steve and Sam had decided it would be best to hold the wedding in the inner private garden where no one but the Avengers or people with an access pass could come into. No media, no police, nothing. Bucky did remember that garden, the one with the cherry blossom tree which was somehow always on bloom. Genetically engineered, Bruce had told him, whatever that meant. All he knew was that it was pretty, it was pretty enough for her to get married in with the flowers standing over where whom he guessed was the officiant and the petals which would fall with the wind, laying on the ground.
  - Dude, you’re not taking the photos. 
  - Sam, I am the best man, it is my duty.
  - You can barely use a phone. - Sam retorted. - Remember the last photos from yours and Sharon’s vacation?
  - C’mon Sam, we all loved to see Steve’s thumb in all of them. 
  - Fine, I guess I’ll just stay here and do nothing. - Steve stood by Bucky’s right next to Sam and his sister.
Time went slowly even when Sam told him Sharon was already in the building. Despite that, his mind still told him she wasn’t going to come. No one in their right state of mind would marry a super soldier, much less him. Definitely not him, he did not deserve this. He did not deserve this. Yet, she stood there at the end of the makeshift aisle with Sharon and Chuck by her side. 
He’d definitely heard many stories from many men and women about how they felt when they first say their loved ones on their wedding date but he never thought about how it would felt. It felt as if he could only see her, everything was blurred and blacked out and all he could see was her approaching him with a wedding gown and veil holding a few white flowers tied together with a white string. He definitely did not deserve her yet there she was. She was there and she took his hand standing by his side, looking more radiant, more beautiful, more ... god words failed, yet all he could say was he felt like he was floating. He was sure in that moment he had to be standing next to an angel. 
Y/N handed her flowers to Sharon before turning with Bucky to stare at the officiant. 
    - Welcome, friends, family and loved ones. We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of two people in marriage. You have come here to share in this commitment they are making to one another and allow James and Y/N to start their married life surrounded by those who care and love them. Marriage is perhaps one of life’s great adventures, one where you chose someone who will see it through with you to the end and support you during your darkest and brightest times. A wedding ceremony is not what makes a marriage but merely a celebration of the choice you have made to support and love each other. This is merely the start of the life you two will carve together. Will you James take this woman to be your wedded wife? Do you promise to love, honour, cherish, and protect her, forsaking all others, and holding only unto her forevermore?
   - Absolutely. - he turned to look at her, holding her hands in his, 
   - Will you Y/N take this man to be your wedded husband? Do you promise to love, honour, cherish, and protect him, forsaking all others, and holding only unto him forevermore?
   - Absolutely. - she giggled a bit. 
   - I have been told the bride and groom have chosen to say their vows in private so we will skip to the rings. Rings are nothing of importance and have no importance unless you give them value. Your wedding rings are a reminder and will be a reminder of the choice you made here today, a choice which is never ending. That’s why the ring is a circle, it’s never ending. - Steve handed Bucky one of the rings they had picked up in a rush from the jewellery shop downtown and Y/N the other one. - James, please place the ring on Y/N’s left hand and repeat after me. As a sign that I have chosen you, as proof of my love above all else, I give you this ring. With this ring, I thee wed.
   - As a sign that I have chosen you, as proof of my love above all else, I give you this ring. With this ring, I thee wed. - he slide the ring on her finger, thanking heaven he’d gotten the right size. 
   - Y/N, please place the ring on James’ left hand and repeat after me. As a sign that I have chosen you, as proof of my love above all else, I give you this ring. With this ring, I thee wed.
   - As a sign that I have chosen you, as proof of my love above all else, I give you this ring. With this ring, I thee wed. - she slide the ring onto his finger. 
   - And now by the power vested in me by the state of New York, it is my honor and delight to declare you married. You may now kiss the bride. 
Y/N gave him a little smile, nose scrunching as it did whenever she smiled out of shyness before he pulled her in for a kiss. It wasn’t long, it was a short and sweet. He knew the two of them had little time and would have to be back in the flat the sooner as possible but it was still a kiss. Their first kiss as a married couple. The two broke the kiss as the clapping became just too loud to ignore and she merely leaned her head against his shoulder, holding his hand in hers as the people around them clapped. 
   - Good, back on the road. - Steve said taking the lead to exit the garden to which everyone followed, with Bucky and Y/N behind them.
   - You look beautiful. - he mumbled to her, kissing her cheek as Sharon and Steve lead them to the back of the HQ where a white van was parked. - Where did Sharon get a van?
   - She stole the van. 
   - I didn’t steal it, Y/N. I borrowed it. I will park it back where it was. - she said as she entered the drivers seat, Steve opening the back for Y/N and Bucky to get in so no one would see them. 
The two of them just sat in the back of the van in silence. Her head leaned against his shoulder during the whole trip as he merely basked in the fact that he was married. Not only married, but married to her, to the woman whose head was now leaning against his shoulder. She’d chosen him, she’d come. 
Sharon parked behind his apartment, bringing the van to a stop as Steve hopped off to open the door to the apartment complex and Sharon opened the back of the van. Bucky was the first one off, reaching out for Y/N’s hand to help her out. 
   - Have fun. - Sharon winked at Y/N. - And I am keeping your bouquet. Maybe someone will take a hint.
   - Congratulations, Buck. Y/N, you look beautiful, congratulations on dealing with him for a very long time. - Steve added. - I don’t know how long, but expect a few more hundred years.
   - I am okay with that. - she smiled at Steve. - Thank you for helping out.
   - We will see you in court.
   - See you in court. 
Bucky kissed the top of her head as the two of them walked inside the apartment, hand firmly clutching hers as the two of them walked up the stairs with her in a rather voluminous dress. She just looked so beautiful to him, he was love drunk on merely her voice but looking at her just made it all even more intense. Catching her little side looks, a small giggles she’d let out whenever he’d kiss her cheek or lips mid climbing the stairs up to the floor where his flat was. It was a tiring day and right them both of them just wanted to be with each other and celebrate witch each other.
As they stood in front of his flat’s entry door, Bucky picked her up bridal style as if they were in some cheesy sitcom, yet it was tradition. 
   - Bucky, what are you doing? - she giggled at him, her hand holding her veil against her head so it wouldn’t fall down.
   - I have to carry my bride over the threshold, that’s just how it works. - Bucky opened the door to his flat and entered the place the two of them already called home with his wife in his arms. He helped her back on her feet before closing the door. Finally, it was just the two of them. - You look so beautiful, princess. 
   - You’re making me flush, Buck. - she turned her head to her own shoulder, her shyness looking absolutely endearing to him. Yet, everything she did was endearing to him. 
   - It always looks really sweet, princess. 
Bucky kissed the top of her head and walked up to the old vinyl player he’d gotten as a gift from Steve a few years ago which laid on top of a mahogany dresser leaning against the wall of the biggest window on the living room. He fished through a basket of old records, placing one on the vinyl player before walking up to his wife who had a curious look in her sparkling eyes.
   - What are you doing, Bucky?
   - I’m not doing anything. - he took her hand in his, softly and carefully pulling her towards him. - I want to dance with my wife.
She leaned her head against his chest, listening to his heart softly beating against his ribcage. Everything was so peaceful and despite all that was lying in front off them, they were just focused on each other and the music which softly played in the background. Nothing really mattered in that moment, it was just the two of them, his head buried in her neck and her head against his chest, softly lulling to side, one hand on her small back while the other one held her hand. Fingers intertwined, new shiny copper coloured thin bands on their fourth finger of their left hands. 
Wise man say only fools rush in but I can’t help falling in love with you. Shall I stay would it be a sin if I can’t help falling in love with you ...
    -  Bucky ... - she rose her head slightly up, not to disturb him. He moved his head to stare at her, bright blue eyes filled with calm seas. - I love you.
    - I know, princess. - he smiled, softly and slowly twirling her, before bringing her back to being flushed against his chest.
    - No, I don’t just love James Buchanan Barnes. I love all of you. - her free hand rested upon his chest, right over his heart. - I love what you’ve been, what you are and what you’ll be. I love you during your best times and during your worse times. I know you think you’re crazy and damaged but I don’t think you are. If I had gone through half you what’ve gone through, I wouldn’t be a good person after but you ... you decided to help other people, you’re kind, you’re warm. You have a golden heart, James Barnes, and I will always love it. No matter what happens. 
Bucky was taken aback by those words, almost as if he wasn’t expecting to hear them. Everything came back into flashbacks, a kaleidoscope of memories from seeing Steve in the train as he fell down, killing the Starks, almost killing Steve, the Zemo events and then it was just her. Seeing her for the first time in the preppy skirt and shirt, the little charming smile she had given him when she had interviewed him, hearing her sing for the first time, kissing her for the first time to seeing her walk down the aisle up to him just a few hours ago and he knew. Bucky knew he’d do it all over again, he’d go through all the pain, through all of what HYDRA did, through all of it as long as she’d be there at the end in her little cupcake shaped white wedding gown and shy smile. He’d do it over again. 
He’d do it over again for her. For her touch, for her embrace, for her smile and laughter. 
So take my hand, take my whole life too for I can’t help falling in love with you. Oh, I can’t help falling in love with you.
taglist: @disasterbi @lookiamtrying @buckysteveloki-me​ @americasass81​ @jamesbarnesappreciationclub​ @lostinthebeans​ @mariahthelioness29​ @oh-nohoney​ @peaches-roses-sins​ @theadorasabditory​ @sipsteacasually​ @saiyanprincessswanie​ @booktease21​ @noiralei​ @learisa​ @everythingisoverratedbutgreat​ @uglipotata72829​ @naturalthrone22​ @husherstan​ @mandiiblanche​ @vicmc624​ @newyorkgoddess​ @itsallyscorner​ @chipilerendi​ @emzd34 @writerwrites​ @bluevxnus​ @that-girl-named-alex​ @captnrogers​ @nsfwsebbie​ @sarge-barnes-sir​ @niki-is-a-thing​ @cynic-spirit​ @tenaciousperfectionunknown​
136 notes · View notes
sup-hoes-its-me · 4 years
A Hero III (Shinsou x Reader)
A/N: okay, so this is definitely the last part. I had so much fun writing this tbh, i really hope you guys enjoy it. I love love love writing jealousy. This chapter is all fluff, so sweet it’ll give you cavities. God, the thought of seeing shinsou smile and be happy, wow. im in love with him. Have fun reading and comment if you want more shinsou in the future
word count: 5200
Part One/Part Two/Part Three
“Shinsou, what do you think of this?” she held up a dress on the hanger. The price wasn’t nearly as bad as the other things in here, and it wasn’t in an ugly color. It was purple, of course. She loved purple ever since she met her friend. Her notebooks were purple and so was her new bedspread. It was nice to curl up in a cave of violet each night, almost like a night-long hug from him. 
Gosh, she felt herself becoming flustered just thinking about it. You’re friends, Y/N. just because someone is nice to you does not mean they want to go out with you, seriously. She kept telling herself over and over in her head to focus on the task at hand.
They were shopping, specifically for her uncle’s wedding. She had literally nothing that looked mildly appropriate, her closet just stuff to the brim with uniforms and jeans and sweaters, nothing fancy. Two days before the actual ceremony, her mother woke her up early on a Sunday. “Go out and get yourself something nice to wear. I seriously cannot believe both of my children dress like complete slobs everyday.” Y/N heard her hothead mother say in her head once more. Did she really dress like a slob? She didn’t think so. Her clothes weren’t in fashion but also weren’t ugly. 
Shinsou peered up from his phone where he sat on the bench. He didn’t necessarily plan on going out to the mall that day, he was actually going to sleep for most of it. He was quite surprised when he woke up at 10a.m. to his phone ringing and vibrating on the bedside table. Without putting in much thought, he suddenly found himself dressed and walking down the road to her house. 
“It looks fine.”
“Just fine? If it’s ugly, you have to tell me because mom will make me return it and get something else,” she complained.
“In that case, probably not. It’s kinda plain, don’t you think?” he commented. He stood from the bench. “Although, I do appreciate you only looking at purple dresses, let’s try something else.” He hummed to himself, as he walked past her. He didn’t really have an eye for women’s clothes, not at all. He just looked at them and tried to imagine Y/N wearing it. How the colors would look against her skin, and how it would flatter her shape. He tried not to think about her body too much, it would fluster him  and he wouldn’t be able to look her in the eyes, he was sure of it.
“Let’s try red.”
“Red? Like blood?” she asked. He turned to look at her with a raised brow before he remembered she spent her days surrounded by her own blood, as that’s what he quirk entailed. Of course she would associate the color with it. Scrap that idea.
“Okay then, let’s try blue.” She nodded, agreeing with him. She never wore too much color, but that one wasn’t too bad. “Your budget is what? 100 dollars, right?” he asked as his eyes skimmed the racks in the area. Now that he looked at it, dresses really didn’t look that great when they just hung there. 
She stepped up to walk at his side. “Yes. Do you see anything you like?”
“Not really. I have to see them on you to know if they’re good or not,” he told her. His eyes trailed down to a modest blue dress, okay for a party with family members. “Try this one. And then,” he scanned the room once more before walking over and grabbing another one. “Try this one. I’ll wait outside until you’re done.”
She took the dresses from his hands and pressed them to her chest. She would have never picked either of these dresses as they weren’t her style. She was self conscious in the first place, so she tended to avoid wearing anything that would draw attention to her. Just the thought of walking around in a nice dress, eyes turning to stare, it made her feel anxious. 
Still, she was only with Shinsou. She didn’t have to worry about him seeing her. He wouldn’t judge or stare if she asked him not to. That’s the whole reason she brought him, because she wanted company and she trusted his opinion. If she looked bad, she was sure he would tell her to keep her from embarrassment. 
In the dressing room, she slipped out of her casual clothes and threw the dress over her head, letting it fall down to rest against her body. The fabric was soft against her skin, and she felt herself running her fingers along the fabric, sighing at how delicate the material was. There wasn’t a design really, it was a pretty plain dress, but it fit perfectly. Usually clothes on fit right in one place and wrong in another, but this one wasn’t like that. She would have to see what it looked like with the zipper up.
“Hitoshi, can you come in?”
“I need your help. My arms aren’t long enough to pull up the zipper,” she called to him again. Hesitantly, he stood from the little viewing bench and knocked on the door, which she had locked from the inside. She unlatched the little hook and cracked it open enough for him to slip in. 
Admittedly, he felt weird, being in the dressing room with her; it felt so foreign to him. He kept his eyes trailed on the wall, not daring to look at her incase she was at all indecent. If Shinsou Hitoshi knew how to do anything, it was respecting women. “So what did you need?”
“Just do the zipper the rest of the way. I only got it halfway up,” she told him, and he looked down at her. She stood facing away from him, and indeed half the zipper was open. Carefully, with as much finesse as he could muster, he pulled up the zipper without touching much of her bare skin. He did rest a hand on her shoulder though to hold the dress in place.
You’re just friends. This shouldn’t even be a problem for you, he thought. But it was a problem. He felt flustered and a bit bothered, if he were being completely honest. He was so distracted he didn’t even hear what she was saying until she shook his arm. 
“I said, how does this one look? It’s super comfortable, I have to say that.” First, she smoothed down the skirt and then she raised her arms slightly to her sides so he could see the whole thing. 
He almost choked. She looked amazing. He loved seeing her in whatever clothes she wanted to wear. Uniform, big sweaters, jeans, pyjamas, it didn’t matter, she looked equally amazing in everything. It’s just something about seeing someone you care about so much in fancy clothes that leaves you shocked and mouth agape. 
Subtly, he cleared his throat, and looked away from her. “Well, that’s settled. You’re gonna leave with that one.”
Y/N turned a bit in the mirror, checking herself and the dress out. It did look awfully nice on her, but she just couldn’t see herself wearing something so nice. She would probably think that about any dress she put on, and since Shinsou said he liked this one, it must be good. “Are you sure?”
He looked at her again, standing beside her so he could see her in the mirror as well. He ran a hand through his hair, and nodded. “Definitely. I don’t think you’ll find anything better than that one.”
“Really? What about this exact dress but in purple?” she laughed. 
“Okay, maybe.”
He turned to leave, so she could get dressed but she stopped him. “Wait, you gotta unzip it too.”
Oh, for fuck’s sake.
He walked up to stand behind her, his hands shaking only a little. He was surprised he wasn’t about to pass out. He rest one hand on her shoulder once again and the other pulled down the zipper slowly. It probably would have made it a lot easier on him if he just did it swiftly and then evaded the room immediately. Once it was down though, he was extremely quick to leave the room, undoing the latch, and sliding out of the room. 
“Are you okay, Hitoshi?” the girl asked, and from outside the room, he could hear her slipping the dress off and the cloth hitting the floor. 
Jesus Christ.
After a minute, the door unlatched and she walked out, carrying both the dresses on her arm. “Just have to put this one back and then we can get out of here,” she said, walking through the racks to hang up the second dress which she never even got the chance to try on. He was glad for that, as he didn’t have to go through that process again. He almost felt out of breath.
Why was he so immature? They weren’t little kids. She was his friend, and helping her put on her dress wasn’t anything to get worked up over. She was acting like everything was fine and nothing intimate just happened at all. It left him feeling almost ashamed with himself for overreacting. Clearly, she thought it was a normal thing.
As she bought her stuff at the counter, he shuffled awkwardly to the side. “Y/N, you wanna get something to eat after this?” Food would make him feel better. Carbs can do magic in almost all situations.
“Yes. Did you have anything in mind?”
“No, I thought I’d let you pick.” For a moment, she paused to exchange money with the lady at the counter. She hung the bag with her dress inside on her arm and turned to walk out of the store with her friend, who had his hands now shoved deep in his jacket pockets.
“Fried chicken,” she asked hopefully, looking up to him. 
“Sure. You find us a table while I go and get the food,” he told her, and she could only nod in agreement. It was fucking hard to find a table in these crowded malls. Slowly, her eyes scanned the room and the dozens of people gathered around the tables eating their meals of choice. Finally, out of the corner of her eyes, she spotted a table with only one chair and some trash sitting on it, but that was as good as they were gonna get. She walked over and picked up the leftover tray and tossed it in the trash a couple feet away. 
“Excuse me, can I borrow one of these chairs?” she asked the table beside them with a couple extra chairs around, and they nodded, but their subtle glares told her she was bothering them. She cringed, but still dragged the chair over and took a seat. Her eyes wandered back over to Shinsou, who was waiting in line, but surprisingly, there was a girl standing right beside him. She was way too far away to hear what they were speaking about, but the girl seemed to be talking up a storm. 
Maybe he knew her.
Damn, she sure is pretty, Y/N thought. Why did Shinsou know such a beautiful lady? He could talk to whoever he wanted, it wasn’t her place to say anything, she was just curious. Really, really, curious. So, she buried her nose in her phone to avoid those thoughts. Shinsou was free to talk to whoever he wanted. 
It was fine, whatever. 
Y/N couldn’t care less. 
Okay, so (not) secretly, she cared a fuck ton.
After a while, she heard the chair across from her scratch against the floor and a tray be placed in the middle of the table. “Y/N, what are you looking at so angrily over there?” he asked, and she looked up from her phone, bewildered. Was she glaring at her own phone, where she was just looking at memes?
“Oh, uh, nothing. Thanks for the food. I could have paid my share.”
He raised a brow, clearly confused. She never turned down free food. Not once. Who does that? “Why? I offered anyway.”
“I know, but like...Well, I don’t know. I guess you’re right.” She took a bite of her food, but it didn’t taste very good. Instead, it just tasted bitter, like how she was feeling. 
“Seriously, what’s up with you?”
“It’s nothing,” Y/N said calmly, adding, “I’m just curious who that girl was you were talking to.”
He thought for a moment before remembering. He’d completely forgotten that some lady tried talking to him. She was so insignificant that he just pushed it from his mind. He had better things to think about. He replied casually, “Oh, her? I don’t even know. She just came up to me and started talking to me.”
“About what?” 
He shrugged. He didn’t really know what to say. He didn’t even think Y/N noticed her come up to him, nor did he think she would care. “Well, quite frankly, she was flirting with me, I think. She asked for my phone number and stuff…” Really, he didn’t think it was that big of a deal. 
She felt her skin turn hot with anger, and even some embarrassment. Anyone could flirt with him, it didn’t matter to her how many girls he had on his phone. It wasn’t even her business. He could have a girlfriend and she couldn’t do shit about it. He was her friend, and she had to support him. 
Only, that was easier said than done.
“Did you give her your number?”
“No, actually I told her to fuck off and leave me alone,” he answered, very bluntly at that. “Are you okay? You sound like you’re mad with me now.”
She shook her head, frustrated that she let her emotions show through so much. She was never good at that kind of thing, but she wished she could have avoided this entire conversation all together. “I’m fine. It doesn’t even matter, let's just eat.”
“Are you...Shit, are you jealous?” he asked. His lips turned up in a grin, seeing her face morph into one of a person who has been caught red handed. Deer in the headlights sort of expression. He found it funny. He didn’t really care if she was jealous, of what exactly, he didn’t know. He just thought it was so incredibly hilarious that she was.
“You definitely are.”
“And so what if I am?” she huffed, shoving a couple french fries into her mouth angrily. 
“Nothing really. I’m just surprised,” he teased, “Are you not getting enough attention, Y/N?”
“Shinsou, shut up! Now you’re just making fun of me!” she cried, covering her face with her hands. 
He smiled, watching as he squirmed in her seat. She was so cute. He was having fun, just sitting here in this food court was actually a ton of fun for him, and for him any kind of fun was pretty rare. She kept putting french fries in her mouth to hide how she was pouting and how she couldn’t even look him in the eye. He noticed, and it only made his smile last longer. 
Dammit, he loved her.
Y/N sat at her desk, packing up her books and pens into her book bag. Class was over for the day, which meant she would go to the dorms and do her homework. A few days out of the week, Shinsou would go to train with his mentor, and today just happened to be that day. 
“So, you have training today with Aizawa-sensei?” she asked.
He shook his head as he leant against her desk, waiting for her to be done. “Not today, he’s out sick.”
“Oh, good. You can help me with my homework then.” She stood up from her desk and slung her bag over her shoulder. “You’re so smart, I’m jealous. I wish it was that easy for me.”
“You’re smart, just in a different way, Y/N.”
“Oh, yeah? What way? I’m stupid at everything.”
“You’re really good at picking friends.”
She laughed, pushing on his shoulder. Of course he would say that. He was never confident, in fact, he kinda hated himself. Most high schoolers do. But it was easy to crack jokes like that, and she always enjoyed them. It made him feel better about himself at the same time. To affirm time and time again that he was a good friend, good for her at least. Other friends he’d had before just ditched him because they didn’t like him. 
Just as she walked out the door into the hall, the purple haired boy following closely behind, another student from their class approached them, his hand tucked behind his back. She didn’t really know him all that much. His quirk was very insignificant, and he didn’t have much of a personality either. 
Truly though, when she was in class, she didn’t see anyone but the professor and Shinsou. It was pretty simple.
“Bakugo-chan, can I talk to you for a minute?”
“Um, sure, Tanaka. Is there something you needed?”
His eyes slid over to the tall, brooding figure behind her, who just stared off into space pretty mindlessly. She noticed the boy looking, but didn’t think much of it. Shinsou was fine there.
“Go ahead,” she said, and he snapped out of his daze.
“You see, I’ve been watching you since the beginning of the school year. I think you are the most beautiful and kind person I’ve ever met,” he confessed, his words nearly slurring together as he spoke so fast. She blinked, not expecting a confession from the boy, or anyone for that matter. She swore they had only spoken maybe two times, maximum. Why would he like her?
Shinsou looked over now from the corner of his eye. He didn’t want to make the kid uncomfortable. He wasn’t a bad guy, just another student trying to become the best they could be. Yet, he really, really hated hearing someone else talk that way about her. He was almost sure only he thought those things about Y/N; how beautiful she was, kind, strong, smart, and perfect. Now it seemed other people did as well? The thought of other people...fantasizing about his sweet friend made him feel sick to his stomach.
Then, much to her displeasure, the boy pulled out a small bouquet of flowers that were obviously picked from outside in the courtyard as they were mostly a mix of weeds and leaves. He shoved them in her direction, urging her to take them. Reluctantly, the plants found their way into her hands. “I really hope you like the flowers. I tried to pick the colors that would compliment your eyes.”
Wow, okay. 
“Thank you, Tanaka-kun. They sure are pretty,” she said. Desperately, she wanted to just run away and pretend this encounter never happened. She never thought this would happen to her of all people. A loser like her. 
“If you aren’t dating anyone else, I would like to take you on a date this weekend. We can go anywhere you want,” he asked hopefully, his eyes full of anticipation and yearning. “Please, you won’t regret it. I’ll make you so happy, Bakugo-chan. Please.”
Oh, God, he was begging. 
“I’m sorry, but you should take these flowers back and give them to some other girl,” Y/N said as gently as she could, taking the boy’s hand to place the flowers into his palm. Immediately, the boy’s face crumbled, and his cheeks turned a bright shade of red. She felt so terrible for embarrassing him this way. “I’m really not the girl for you. My heart belongs to someone else, so I could never feel the same way for you.”
“I see,” he sighed. The boy’s eyes slid up to enviously glare at Shinsou, who looked right back with a vengeance. Everyone knew who Y/N really wanted. Maybe just maybe, the pair were only friends like they claimed. Tanaka was praying the entire day that she would accept his offer and leave Shinsou behind. “You’re a good girl, aren’t you? I just can’t understand why you’d fall in love with a villain like him.”
Shinsou felt his heart fall to the bottom of his stomach at those words. He closed his eyes and tried not to think much about it, but memories of those bullies in middle school just came back into his mind in full color. He felt that sense of dread hang over his head. 
“Excuse me?”
“He’s a monster! All he does is manipulate people to do what he wants. The only reason you love him is because he brainwashed you!”
Shinsou rarely felt like he might cry, but this was one of those moments. It was one thing for people to call him a monster in front of strangers, but he felt worse knowing that he was saying this to Y/N. She somehow avoided hearing all those insults and accusations until now, and suddenly he felt like his head was benign held under water, completely hopeless and weak. Y/N wouldn’t just betray him like that, trust this guys word over his own, he knew that for sure. He just felt so overwhelmed with shame. It made him feel terrible that people actually believed the only reason she was friends with him was because he brainwashed her. Couldn’t he have nice things as well?
He never wanted her to see this side of him, the side people perceived him as. He wanted to run away to his dorm and never leave the room again. What was the point now that he knew people thought of him like that still. 
Y/N, much to everyone’s surprise, raised her hand and slapped their fellow student right across the face. “Fuck you!”
“Shut up, Shinsou.”
The boy who was slapped put his hand on his cheek and stared up at her in shock. She was so gentle and sweet most of the time. How could she slap him like that, enough to leave a mark? His precious and sweet crush. 
“You call this boy a monster again, and I will beat your ass, do you hear me?” she commanded, and when he didn’t reply, she shoved on his shoulder. He stumbled back, nearly falling into the wall on the other side of the hall. “I said, did you hear me?”
“Shinsou Hitoshi is more of a man than you will ever be. Men don’t stoop to insulting others insecurities just because a pretty girl rejected him. Boo hoo, get a grip. You will never be half the hero Shinsou is,” she told him bitterly, glaring through narrowed eyes. Maybe she was being a bit harsh, she didn’t care. If it was one thing she learned from Katsuki, it was how to defend the people you love (even if it’s unnecessarily mean). Perhaps, she learned a bit too much from the blond...
She stepped back, letting her arms fall to her sides. “If I ever hear my name or Shinsou’s come out of your mouth again, I will not hesitate.”
He nodded, grabbing his bag off the floor and turning to run down the hall in the other direction. She brushed a few loose strands of hair from her eyes and sighed, letting her shoulders finally sink into a relaxed state again. It had been a long time since she felt such pure rage burn in her heart. Normally, there was rarely a time someone bothered her enough to make her angry. It just wasn’t who she was. 
Hearing those words about Shinsou sent her over the edge. No one would talk about him that way. Nobody, and she would make sure of it.
“Let’s go.” Her footsteps were practically stomps as she walked down the hall, her friend following close behind. “I can’t believe someone would have the nerve to say something like that to me about you? Like, who does he think he is?” Y/N grumbled, clenching and unclenching her fists by her side. 
“Really, Y/N, you didn’t have to do that. I used to hear that stuff all the time.”
“Exactly! No one deserves to be treated like that, and you’ve already experienced far more than anyone should,” she told him. “He really tried to ask me out and then right after tried to talk shit about you. What an ass. Some boys just can’t take rejection, can they?.”
He only watched as she kept walking, but he didn’t feel like saying much. She was in too bad of a mood to reason with. He never imagined her acting like that. Even when they were training, she never got angry or even frustrated. She was so calm and gentle. For a moment there, she sounded exactly like her brother. It scared him, to be honest. 
He appreciated her defending him though. It was the most anyone had done to stand up for him.
Worrying about her and his quirk completely washed away the fact that she admitted to loving him. It seemed that would be the topic of discussion another day.
“Come on, come on. It’s almost starting!” Y/N rushed up the stairs, tugging Shinsou by the hand up . He was tired. He didn’t really have the time or energy to watch this firework show she was so excited to see. Still, he did it for her since she’d been waiting for weeks for it. 
No U.A. students were allowed to dress up in their formal wear and go to the shrines like everyone else on New Years, since big crowds could pose a danger to the students' safety. Instead, groups of students from different classes gathered up some snacks on the roofs of their own family houses to watch the fireworks at the shrine a mile or so away. She had a bag full of her favorite drink, fruit milk, on her arm, eager to binge and drink it all. She would probably make herself sick, but it's like that sometimes.. 
“Five minutes until midnight,” she muttered. She pushed open the attic window and slid through onto the roof, and was met with emptiness. Only a few small groups of friends were spaced out pretty far and few in between on their class building. She walked over to the side in the direction of the shrine, and sat down on the bench. Her milk plopped down onto the spot beside her.
Shinsou silently took a seat beside her. He checked his phone. Only a couple more minutes. He couldn’t understand for the life of him why she was so excited just for time to pass and some colored lights to go off in the distance. The noise was so loud though, he realized he wouldn’t have gotten much sleep that night anyway.
Happily, she popped the cap off a banana milk and took a long sip. He took one from the bag as well, strawberry, and popped the cap. “Why are you so excited for this anyway, Y/N?”
“I-I don’t know. I just wanted to spend the holiday with you, and since we aren’t allowed back home for the holiday due to all those villain threats, I thought it would be a fun thing for the two of us to do together,” she told him. Honestly, she was just happy to spend more time with him. It felt so good, the cold air on her skin and the crickets chirping from the ground below. People around talked and laughed amongst their own groups. 
It was the perfect moment.
Shinsou knew about this tradition some people had on New Years. He was sure it was probably an American thing since All Might and Midoriya were talking about it. Apparently, you are supposed to kiss someone when the clock strikes midnight, and it grants you good luck for the rest of the year. 
He wouldn’t even attempt it. That was a complete invasion of her space. He just wanted her to enjoy the fireworks and her milk without any drama. Things had gotten a bit weird between them over the time they’d known each other. They were close, almost too close to be friendly. Other people clearly noticed; Bakugo, Aizawa, that boy from their class. Neither of them knew what to do about those feelings, so they just pretended they weren’t there, he supposed. It was easier that way.
That didn’t mean he didn’t want to kiss her. He definitely did 100 percent want that kiss. He just couldn’t take the risk. What if everyone was wrong this whole time? What if she only thought of him as a very close friend this whole time and he got the wrong idea. He didn’t know enough girls to know how they acted with their guy friends. 
He knew he was hopelessly in love. It used to scare him, the thought of being so attached to someone like that. Now, he just felt happy to have someone to hold in his heart. It didn’t matter much if she ever accepted his love. As long as he could hold her and see her smile, that was enough.
Soon enough, dozens of rainbow colored fireworks lit up the sky. The sound was dulled by the distance between them and the shrine, but it was still loud enough to dull Shinsou’s thoughts. He leaned back on the roof on one hand and the other lifted the strawberry milk to his lips, taking a sip. 
Another year flew by faster than he thought.  It was no doubt the best year of his life so far.
He didn’t even notice her begin to speak until she said his name. 
“Shinsou,” she exhaled. “I really wouldn’t mind spending every year with you.”
He looked over to her. Her face was illuminated in bright pinks and blues, and she had that ever present smile on her lips. How could one person look like that? All he ever wanted and more, the girl of his dreams? 
“I think I’d like that, too.”
“Would you really?” 
“If I got to spend every single day with you for the rest of my life, it still wouldn’t be enough for me.”
She took a deep breath, tilting her head back to stare up at the deep blue night sky above, only a couple shining stars to be seen. For a long time, she felt like it was inevitable that he would find out, and now seemed just as good as any. 
“You know, Hitoshi, I think I’m in love with you.”
His lips curled up into a smile. “I’ve been in love with you for so long, Y/N,” he confessed, “They say love at first sight isn’t real, but damn, it sure feels like it is.”
“God, why do you always know exactly what to say to make me feel like this,” she asked, placing her hand over her head and laughing. “Why are you so perfect?”
“I’m not. I’m perfect, but only for you.”
They sat beside each other in silence for a moment, taking in each other’s feelings. Her hand wormed over to rest on his, and he quickly intertwined their fingers. He squeezed her hand and she squeezed back. He could feel how warm her skin felt, and the smile on his face only grew. He would always remember this moment.
“Do you mind if I kiss you?”
And so, he got that kiss he wanted all along. Along with many, many more to follow. 
For the first time ever, he felt like he made the right choice. He’d finally done something worthwhile with his life. He met his Y/N.
Thank you for supporting me and have a lovely day.
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arhvste · 4 years
Okay bear with me but may I request scenarios where kuroo, bokuto, and atsumu are doing the “He got all the drugs and I got all the guns” tik tok trend with their s/o (separately) and like they are wearing the whole shebang heels, dresses, crop tops, makeup, wigs ,etc that’s only if you want to of course n e ways have an awesome day🤩
just in case you didn’t know i’m referencing this trend 😼
when you first show him the trend on tiktok he just laughs 
then you suggest the two of you doing it and he goes quiet
he’s really thinking about it 
he secretly is more than happy to do it with you 
but he’ll find out how far he can tease you first
“and what do i get out of doing this?”
“spending quality time with the love of your life duh”
“it’s gonna take a bigger reward than that for the expense of me making a fool of myself online princess”
then he’s like 👀
he wasn't expecting an actual good reward but if that’s what you’re willing to do for it 
he won’t actually make you buy one for him don't worry
he’s just amused that you’re that adamant about doing it 
he will absolutely let you pick out what clothes of his you want to wear
you’ll pick out what he wears from your wardrobe though because he is not about to stretch your cute clothes with his big body
you end up giving him an elasticated crop top and some loose baggy sweatpants
he will 100% let you do his make up and hold accessories
he is stunning with a natural make up look
a pretty highlight to his cheekbones, bridge and tip of his nose, inner corners of the eye and brow bone
light pink blush on his cheeks and nose
slim eyeliner and a light pink natural lip colour
he actually suggested wearing super obnoxious fake eyelashes 
“i am NOT having you look like a tacky abg kuroo”
“but then we can say you’re a kevin nguyen, it fits”
to finish the look he’s holding a white clutch bag of yours 
he almost looks seductive 👁👅👁
he actually looks so good in your outfit
“i think i pull this off better than you”
you’re wearing some training shorts, one of his favourite t shirts and a black nike cap 
so you set your phone up and the music starts to play
immediately you two are in fits of giggles though 
it takes you two approximately 8 attempts to finally get it right 
and when you watch it back you’re in for a shock
kuroo can throw it BACK
he doesn’t even have a particularly noticeable ass 
like he has one but it’s nothing like bokuto’s
but when he throws it back his ass is thicccccc
even he’s surprised at how well he pulls it off
he pulls the whole routine off
from the way his hips seductively sway, the pure sass in his walk as he struts into the camera frame and the way he rolls his body
honestly you think he makes a better girl than you
“good aren’t i? god i could almost date myself”
“yeah if you’re into 6″2 hairy girls with a hyena laugh” 
he’s looking down at his very manly and unshaven legs
“let me shave it and i’d date myself”
you guys upload it and you’re a hit 
“let’s move to LA right now tell the hype house they’ve got two new members joining”
“kuroo, i am NOT joining the hype house and neither are you. 😐”
overall i really think you guys would have fun with this trend and kuroo makes sure to send the video to both of your families who enjoy watching it as much as you guys enjoyed making it 
“the roles have reversed i’m your pretty girl now y/n~”
he’s the one who brings it up to you
“babe look at this we HAVE to try it please please please!”
you laugh at him and agree to it 
he is so excited he already knows what choreography he is doing
you guys go to get changed and he lets you pick whatever you want out of his wardrobe 
this boy is pure muscle he is huge 
anything of his you wear will be like a dress on you
regardless you still take your time deciding what you want to wear
PLEASE pick his volleyball jersey and shorts he will literally cry from happiness
it would make his whole year 
so you do just that 
he is literally melting at the sight of you in his volleyball uniform
“-but you’ll be wearing it... at your matches... when you play 👁👄👁”
so bokuto will not be fitting into your tight fitting clothes that's for sure
but he will happen to fit into one of your cute flirty sundresses where the top half is made to be able to adjust the size
he is twirling around and flicking the skirt about once you manage to wrangle him in it 
he’s like a giddy school girl
again, he will definitely be up for you to apply make up on him
nothing too heavy but just enough so you can tell he’s wearing some
pretty light yellow eyeshadow, highlighted features and faded eyeliner
you pull his hair into two tight little buns
he’s really feeling the part now
so you guys go to film the tiktok and he is jumping around like an excited kid
you manage to film your parts pretty well first try but he isnt too happy with his performance
“i don't know i just feel like i could’ve thrown it back a bit more”
so you refilm until he is content with his part
which by the way is after 14 tries so thank the lords you are patient when it comes to him
it is so worth it though
the practices paid tf off because bokuto is throwing his cake about like nobodies business
he be serving a piece for everyone fr 
immediately after you film it he wants to show akaashi 
to which akaashi isn't surprised when he watches it 
he does snicker at his phone when he does watch it though
neither you or bokuto really care about views etc 
this was all just for fun after all but you upload it anyway not giving it much thought
and just like that the two of you are an overnight sensation
comments are flooding the notifications 
“his ass routine? drop it noW!!”
“what's his work out routine i need cake like his 😩😩”
“my boyfriend said he has a fatter ass than me so im currently crying 😔🤚🏽”
the nekoma, fukurodani and karasuno boys are BUGGIN tf out 
they're all calling you and sending you the video for confirmation that it is actually you two 
it’s not like bokuto is hard to tell apart but they still want your confirmation 
he is SUCH a child but he’s the man child you fell in love with
needless to say this video will be played at the wedding and anniversaries to come 
atsumu is constantly irritating you to be one of those tiktok couples with him
he’s convinced the two of you were made for the tiktok lifestyle 
everytime you roll your eyes and decline 
but you decide to give him the opportunity when a certain trend catches your eye 
“baby, when i said i wanted to be tiktok famous i meant like the dances n cute videos where people compliment us n call us hot. this aint it chief”
“fine then, guess i’ll ask samu”
he doesn't even give u the chance to get up after you say that
“no nO I”LL DO IT 😠”
he is reluctant at first 
ideally he wanted to make the tiktoks where you’re the one throwing it back on him not vice versa
anything to make you happy though i guess
he will pick out both of your outfits
if he’s going to do this tiktok, the least he’s going to make sure of is that you both fit his aesthetic 
so you’re wearing typical clothes he’d wear to the gym
his gym clothes are actually stylish though
you will NOT catch atsumu wearing anything ugly that includes gym clothes
unlike a certain other setter who thought wearing plaid shorts was acceptable cough cough oikawa
he chooses to wear a tight dress 
it’s stretchy though so don’t worry he isn't stretching out and ruining your clothes 
“why are you wearing that? you can see a little too much there ratsumu”
“uh so people can see you have a boyfriend that's obviously packin heat 🙄”
“i hate you 😀”
he is hesitant about wearing make up
but you explain to him since you’re doing it you might aswell go all out so he finally gives in
you won’t put a lot on him though just to compromise with him slightly 
light highlight, blended out eyeliner, natural lip colour 
he’s surprisingly impressed and pulls out his phone to take a few selfies before getting ready to film the ‘stupid’ video with you
he insists he doesn't need to practice
“im good at everythin’ i do and everyone is gonna see that when we film this shit”
surprisingly it does only take you guys one attempt to get it right
atsumu is good at body rolls periodt  
he can throw it back 
but his body rolls chileee
he looks flexible asf 
he is serving absolute attitude 
you also did take notice of him using one hand to slyly cover his private area out of modesty though
because he found you were in fact right about how that dress really did show everything 
he incorporates it well into his choreography though nobody would be able to tell he was trying to cover himself 
“baby we look so fuckin hot. im talkin more bout me but you’re still sexy too”
he adds so many hashtags to the caption
#couple #hot #imhotter #fyp #foryoupage #tiktokcouple #couplegoals #hotboy #sexyboy #hotathlete #attractivemale #eboy #trending #makeusfamous
you just roll your eyes and let him get on with it 
im so sorry but you guys don’t get many views
atsumu is pissed
“we put so much effort in why’s it not gettin attention?!”
“calm down babe we only posted it 2 minutes ago”
give it a few days and you guys do blow up though 
im talking 867K likes
and to atsumu’s delight the comments are mostly complimenting you both 
“told ya this was a good idea”
“it was my idea?? 😐”
requests are open!!
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hogarthwrites · 4 years
the one
Tumblr media
pairing: samuel drake/reader (m/f)
genre: angst, friends to lovers
warnings: none? (let me know if i should put any)
words: 2,333
part 1 part 2 Sam looks back on memories, some good, some he wishes he could forget. He feels bad about leaving you behind, but he's scared of confronting his own feelings.
Sam didn't remember the last time he had pizza. Was it a week after he got out of prison? It definitely didn’t taste as good as it did at that moment. They’d saved the city, gave back to the people, and he probably helped Chloe find love. He did good.
But he didn’t feel all that good .
He couldn’t get the way you looked at him before he drove away out of his mind. He should’ve hugged you or said goodbye. Damn it, Samuel .
“So,” Chloe bit into her slice and stretched out the mozzarella. “What’s with you and that doctor?”
“Doctor?” Nadine raised an eyebrow. “Sam Drake has a someone?”
“I know, it’s hard to believe,” Chloe replied, erupting in laughter.
“Alright, alright,” Sam put up his hands in mock defeat.
“But is there anything going on between you two?” Chloe persisted.
“No?” He quickly said, instantly regretting it. “Shit, yes… No… I don’t know.”
“How do you not know?”
“We’re best friends,” Sam shrugged. “Who,” he glanced at Meenu. “Who hold hands.”
“But do you love this doctor?” Meenu piped in.
He looked at the little girl, her big bright eyes looking up at him in amusement and he didn’t know if he wanted to laugh.
“That’s a big word,” he finished his pizza. “ Love .”
“Coward,” Nadine taunted.
“When did this become a counseling session? Can’t a man just enjoy his pizza without getting grilled about his love life? Jesus.”
“As a friend , I just don’t want you missing out on a good thing,” Chloe poked him.
“Thanks for the concern, but I’m old enough to confront my own feelings.”
“Old enough, but definitely not mature enough,” Meenu muttered.
“Hey, now you’re just hurting my feelings,” he laughed.
“Don’t be a coward, Sam,” the little girl mimicked Chloe and poked him as well.
Chloe gave him a smug look and took another slice of pizza.
“You’re leaving again?” Cassandra followed her husband to the door.
Sam tiptoed to the nursery, where Nathan was left on the rug, playing with blocks. He sat in front of his baby brother and held up his stuffed bear that had an eyepatch to resemble the pirates in his picture books.
“Look at this, Nathan,” he made the bear dance in front of Nathan, who looked nervous as Cassandra and Frank’s voices got louder. “This is Henry. He’s a pirate.”
“Henry!” Nathan reached for the bear.
Sam closed the door to muffle the yelling outside. It was normal now, and even though he was just seven years old, he knew it wasn’t a good thing.
“Why don’t you walk? It’ll be good for you!” Frank was saying.
He knew his mom was sick, but he didn’t know what was wrong. They didn’t ride airplanes or visit the nice lady anymore and Cassandra spent more time asleep than before.
Nathan was preoccupied with Henry when the front door slammed shut and soon after, they heard Cassandra’s footsteps as she ran to her bedroom.
“Mommy?” Sam found her under her blankets, sobbing.
“Oh, come here, honey,” she peered out at him and he crawled in under the blankets with her and Nathan. “I’m sorry you had to hear that, baby.”
“Are you feeling better, mommy?” Sam whispered.
“I’ll be fine,” she sniffled. She stared at her left hand for a while before slipping off her wedding ring. “Love is overrated.”
“Right, so the cash register isn’t too hard to use,” Fred, the manager of the bookstore, led you around the back of the counter. He wasn’t that much older than you – he was probably 18 or 19 – and he stood tall and lanky as he punched buttons on the cash register. “You’ll have accountability for the accuracy of cash and charge transactions.”
“Okay,” you nodded, but you were distracted by a boy and a girl outside the shop. You recognised the boy as your coworker. Sam, was it?
“What’s going on out there?” You gestured towards the couple.
“Ah,” Fred simply glanced up. “Sam’s getting dumped. Again.”
Again? You watched as the girl was visibly upset with Sam while he tried to explain whatever it was he did wrong to her.
“I think you’re all caught up,” Fred gave you a pat on the back. “I have to go back to restocking that Stephen King book. Don’t worry about Sam too, this happens like, once a month.”
“Alright, thanks, Fred,” you busied yourself with rearranging the magazines in front of you, but you couldn’t help but glance up at Sam and the girl.
The conversation seemed to escalate and you clasped your hand against your mouth to suppress a loud gasp when she threw her milkshake at Sam’s face. She walked away in a huff and Sam stood there covered in strawberry milkshake. As he turned back to go inside the store, you looked down at the magazines again, pretending you weren’t just watching him get dumped.
“Shit,” he groaned as he tried to wipe his face clean.
“Geez, that looked rough,” you gave him an apologetic look.
Sam looked at you in confusion, wondering who you were.
“I’m the new hire,” you smiled. “I don’t think we’ve been properly introduced.”
“Fred keeps an extra uniform in his locker if you wanna use it,” you shrugged. “I saw it when he gave me mine. Maybe you can ask him.”
“Nah, I’ll just pick it open,” Sam went to the back room.
Minutes later, he was back and clean of the milkshake.
“Thanks, you’re a lifesaver,” he smiled and nudged you.
“Don’t mention it. You don’t think he’ll notice it’s gone, do you?” You glanced over at Fred, who was assisting an elderly woman.
“Nah, I’ll put it back before he even notices it’s gone.”
“Right,” you chuckled, turning away as a customer placed some books on the counter. Sam sat on a stool nearby and took out a book to read. Treasure Island.
“So, um,” you turned when the customer left. “What was that out there? If you wanna talk about it.”
“That was Mina,” he didn’t look up from his book. “My now ex-girlfriend.”
“Right, I can see that.”
“She was mad about me working too much.”
“Why? How much time do you spend at the bookstore?”
“I don’t,” he flipped a page. “I work part-time at a garage after hours, fixing motorcycles and shit. Employment’s down, I’m barely getting by as it is. Also, I have shit luck when it comes to love.”
“I feel that. I think it runs in my family.”
“Did you just get dumped too?”
“Nah. My mom got tired of my dad so she ran off with a friend to Europe, then my dad fucked off to God-knows-where-ville.”
“Yeah, my dad fucked off too,” Sam laughed. “We have a lot in common, new kid.”
“I guess we do,” you smiled at him.
You and Sam were lying on your stomachs side by side, elbow to elbow on your bed watching the Angel Casas Show where A-Ha played a song.
“He has nice hair,” you pointed at the singer.
“You think I’d look good with longer hair?” Sam ran his hand through his hair.
Your face scrunched up as you tried to imagine his hair longer. “Your hair’s too messy and greasy to look as nice as his. And you're not blond."
“Is it really that greasy? I swear I try to wash it all off after work,” he pouted.
“Hmm,” you reached over and tousled his hair. “On second thought, try growing it out. It might be cute.”
“Why, thank you for finally recognising my good looks.”
“Alright, don’t let it get to you,” you pushed him off the bed and rolled over, laughing.
Arthur appeared at the door with his hands on his hips. “It’s late and I just want some goddamn rest. Time to go home, young man.”
“Hey, how’s it going, Art?” Sam winked.
“Go home,” Arthur sighed and walked away.
“I guess that’s my cue.”
You watched as Sam searched for his jacket and put it on. He stood in front of the mirror and touched his hair again, trying to style it differently.
“You really think I’d look good with longer hair?” He frowned at his reflection, annoyed that he could never get his hair to behave.
“Yeah, I guess so,” a corner of your mouth lifted into a small smile. You liked hanging out with Sam, and you didn’t know why you started thinking about him more whenever you weren’t together anymore.
“Don’t fall in love with me when I become even more irresistible,” Sam laughed as he climbed out of the window. He leaned in again with a lopsided grin on his face. “I mean it.”
You threw a stuffed animal at him. “Dream on, Sam. That’s grody to the max.”
Present Day
Sam ran his fingers through his hair as he stood outside your door. He’s been debating whether he wanted to go through with this and after a lot of failed attempts at calling you, he ended up at your doorstep.
Fuck it , he thought as he knocked. No answer.
“Come on,” he muttered. “Open the damn door.”
“Sam?” You called behind him.
Sam whipped around to see you walking up the steps with another person. Could it be?
“Fred?” He lifted an eyebrow. Fred was still tall and lanky, but his red hair was tied back in a low ponytail.
“If it isn’t Samuel Morgan,” Fred beamed.
“It’s Drake now,” Sam replied under his breath.
“Are you hurt, Sam?” You moved closer, inspecting his face. He had a cut on his nose, his lip, a bruise on his forehead and his hand was bandaged up.
“What the hell happened to your face?” Fred asked.
“I… fell,” Sam gave Fred a dirty look. “I’m fine.”
“Spare me the theatrics, Samuel,” you pushed past him and opened the door. “Come in.”
You grabbed his arm and led him to your sofa where he sat down with a grunt. His jaw clenched and he twiddled with his fingers while you went to grab your first aid kit.
“I have to go get ready,” Fred stood by the door. “Thanks for today. I really appreciate it. I’ll see you on Monday, then?”
“Of course,” you nodded. “See you then.”
“Hope you get better, Sam,” he nodded at the man on your sofa. “I’d like to catch up sometime.”
“Sure, Freddie boy,” Sam faked a smile.
As soon as the front door closed, you angrily turned back to Sam who tried to avoid your eyes. You unwrapped the bandage on his hand and saw that he had a cut on his palm and a bunch of bruises on his knuckles.
“Hold on,” you sighed and got up to put a bag of peas on his hand.
After you’d cleaned his wounds and bandaged his hand up again, you sat back and rubbed your temples. You didn't know how to deal with him anymore.
“Take care of yourself, Sam,” you muttered.
“Yeah,” he looked at the bandage on his hand and closed his fist as much as he could. “Thanks again.”
You looked up as Sam stood.
“I’m sorry,” he said softly. “This was a mistake. I didn’t mean to barge in on whatever it is you have with Fred.”
“Huh?” You sat up. “What are you talking about?”
“He did have the hots for you back then, I guess it just makes sense.”
“Wait,” you laughed as you stood up. “Do you think Fred and I are a thing?”
“I–” Sam held up a finger to say something, but he bit his lip as realisation dawned on his face.
“Sam, I’m a doctor. His pregnant wife is my patient,” you crossed your arms.
“You’re unbelievable.”
Sam pressed his lips together as he moved closer to you. “I’m sorry that was stupid.”
You turned away in frustration, doing your best not to just throw Sam out, but he seemed like he wanted to say something.
"Can you at least tell me what's on your mind?"
“God, Sam. Right now I just have all these what ifs playing around in my head, like what if you didn’t disappear, what if we stayed together, what if we didn’t have that fight before you left for India? It might’ve been fun, we might’ve been good together.” You pointed a finger at him. “But that’s all there is with you, is there? What if? ”
“I was scared, okay?” Sam put his hands up. “I didn’t want to hurt you. Ever.”
You scoffed as you rolled your eyes.
“I’ve never done this before,” he took your hand. “I…”
Sam froze up, his chest rising and falling as he tried to find the words to say. Don’t be such a coward , he told himself. He’s been at the end of the barrel of plenty of guns, nearly died at the hands of so-called “doctors”, lived at the mercy of a rich psychopath, but he couldn’t even say the word love .
“Sam?” Your eyes bore into his.
“I…” He repeated.
Instead, he pulled you in and kissed you. It felt different from the usual, quick kisses he usually gave. It was a soft kiss and he cupped your cheek gently as you melted into his arms. There was an urgency in the kiss, almost like he was desperate to tell you how much he needed this. How much he needed you.
Your eyes were still closed when Sam slowly pulled away.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I should’ve left well enough alone.”
Before he turned away, you took his hand and he turned back to look at you.
“Don’t go,” you pulled at his hand.
“I’m trying… I want to say it,” he let out a breath.
He kissed you again, hoping you understood the message. I love you, damnit.
“I know, Sam,” you kissed his unbandaged hand. “I know.”
“Friends?” He leaned his forehead on yours and you laughed.
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thewookieruns · 3 years
Falloutober Day 4: Cloud Nine
So... @darkwolf7-26 ​ asked me this question back in 2019 about this little story. I’m going to post this on AO3 as well, but this story gets it’s own post.
Here is @falloutober ​ Day 4: Cloud Nine
Erich Richardson cleared his throat nervously as he tried to finish adjusting his tie in the cracked mirror.
“Are you doing okay?” Nick Valentine asked. The Sole Survivor turned to the synthetic detective, who had changed out of his standard attire into a much nicer suit. However, his fedora was still comfortably perched on his bald, plastic head.. Erich chuckled nervously.
“I’m fine, just nervous as hell.” he sighed, swinging his arms back and forth to try and loosen the tension in his shoulders. “I mean… the last time I did this, it didn’t exactly end well.”
Nick snorted a laugh. “That’s one way of putting it, kid.” The synth stepped over to the younger man and helped him fix his tie. Erich felt his face flush with heat.
“Thanks.” he choked out. As Nick finally got the Sole Survivor’s tie straight, Erich cleared his throat again. “Listen, Nick… I just wanted to thank you.”
“For what?” the detective asked, one of his artificial eyebrows rising.
“Well… ever since I stumbled into Diamond City, you really took me under your wing. To be honest, you’ve really become a father figure to me. I want to live a life that would make you and dad proud. Thank you for that.”
Nick stood in silence, then wrapped the Sole Survivor in a bear hug, which was quickly reciprocated. “You’re a good man, kid. You follow that heart of yours, and you’ll never go wrong.” Nick said, his voice sounding choked with emotion. Several more seconds later, the two men broke their embrace. “Well, let’s get this show on the road. I’ve got other things to attend to.” Nick said with a smile after clearing his throat. Ruffling Erich’s hair with his right hand, the detective excused himself from the room.
Erich soon followed the detective, and was soon standing outside the home he and Nora had begun making their home before the Great War in the warm afternoon sun. He quickly followed the road down the cul-de-sac until he was standing in the clearing of a grove of trees near the bank of the river that ran along the outskirts of Sanctuary. Light filtered through the branches, giving the area a dappled look. A gazebo had been erected in the clearing, and a mishmash chair had been arranged around the structure. Codsworth, Erich’s faithful Mister Handy, was busy fussing and making sure everything was in order, a bowler hat perched atop his chassis.
“Are you ready for this?” A voice came from behind Erich. He turned to see Preston Garvey standing behind him. The Minuteman had washed and starched his uniform jacket and was wearing it over a nice pair of dress pants. Preston stood next to the Sole Survivor. “Don’t worry, man. You’re going to do great.”
“Garvey is right. You’ll do great, soldier.” Paladin Danse came up and stood on the other side. Surprisingly, he was out of his power armor and was dressed in a black suit and tie. Erich had to admit that both of his friends cleaned up really well.
“Well, then, we should get this celebration started!” Codsworth intoned from across the grove. “Guests are already beginning to arrive!” And indeed they were. John Hancock, the ghoul mayor of Goodneighbor walked into the grove, Cait on his arm. Hancock looked much the same, maybe a bit cleaner, but the three men were all mildly stunned at how well the former cage fighter had cleaned up. Her hair was tied back and was wearing a green dress. Other people were also filtering into the area. Sturges came into the area, pushing Mama Murphy in a wheelchair to a spot close to the gazebo. The handyman was wearing his standard attire, albeit with considerably fewer oil and grease stains. Curie had found a blue dress, and was sitting next to a man in a Minuteman uniform that Erich quickly realized was Deacon.  MacCready had even changed into a grubby, ill-fitting gray suit.
“Well… Let’s get this started.” Erich said, feeling the tension return. He and Preston stepped onto the gazebo, with Preston standing in the center. Erich stood to his left.
Once the guests were all seated, Preston began speaking. “Thank you for joining us today. We all know why we’re here, so I won’t stand up here and talk your ears off.” There was a ripple of laughter from the crowd. As soon as the laughter died down, there was a cough from the edge of the grove. Preston gestured to the source of the cough, and heads swiveled towards the edge of the grove, including Erich’s.
There was a gasp from the crowd, including one from Erich. Nick Valentine was standing at the edge of the grove, Piper Wright on his right arm. She was wearing a very simple white, long-sleeved dress that reached to the floor of the grove. Her hair was done in a French braid, and a veil hung to her lower back. She held a bouquet of various rad-flowers in her left hand. But the thing Erich found most beautiful was the radiant smile on the reporter’s face.
As Nick and Piper began walking towards the gazebo, the guests to the wedding stood up, murmurs of wonder passing between them. Finally, Nick and Piper stepped on to the platform. Piper handed the bouquet to Nick, who in turn handed it to Codsworth. Piper reached out and took both of Erich’s hands after brushing some lint off of the lapel of his army fatigues.
“Hey, Blue.” She said softly, her eyes bright. “Come here often?” Erich chuckled, words failing him.
Preston cleared his throat and began talking once the crowd had sat back down. “Gathered friends and colleagues, we’re gathered here today for a very special occasion. We have come here to witness the union of two individuals who have found each other across the centuries. We are here to bear witness to the marriage of Piper Wright and Captain Erich Richardson.” Light applause came from the guests.
Preston continued. “Both parties here have written their own vows, and will share them now.” Preston took a small step back, and gestured to Erich. Erich briefly let go of Piper’s hands and opened the right breast pocket of his fatigues and withdrew a notecard.
“Piper,” he began, reading from the notecard. “When I crawled out of Vault 111 and stumbled into Diamond City, I had lost everything. My world, my family, my life. I’ve been out here in the Commonwealth for a while, and I’ve found everything I lost in the vault. The world I knew before will never come back, but I found someone who understands that my world is vastly different from what it was but helps me keep a hope for this new world. I haven’t found my son, but I’ve found family here in the Commonwealth in my friends who have helped me in that search. My life ended on the day the bombs fell, and somehow ended again when Nora was killed and Shaun was taken. I thought that there was nothing to live for except to find my son. But now I’ve found someone to live for. Piper Wright, I promise to hold you and to cherish you for the rest of the time I have left on this planet.” Finishing up, Erich replaced the card in his breast pocket. He looked up to see tears beginning to form in Piper’s eyes.
“Oh Blue.” she said, her voice choked with emotion. She swallowed, composing herself, then reached over and opened the left breast pocket of Erich’s fatigues, withdrawing another notecard. “I don’t know how I’m supposed to follow that,” she stated, and there was a ripple of laughter. Exhaling, she began reading from her card.
“Erich, I would describe you as a whirlwind. Traveling with you and getting to know and eventually falling in love with you has been nothing short of a force of nature. I’ve seen every facet of you; your courage, your kindness, your honor, and your wit. You have been by my side, pushing me to be a better person, and a rock when I’ve felt like I’m lost. We have had so many amazing things happen to us, good and bad, and I can’t wait for so many more as your wife. I know that by your side we can accomplish whatever we want. I know this sounds ridiculous, but you’ve made this reporter be at a loss for words, and I can’t wait to have that happen more for the rest of our lives.”
As she finished, Piper placed her card back in the pocket of Erich’s fatigues. Sniffles were heard from the crowd, and both lovers figured it was from people crying. Preston stepped forward again.
“That was beautiful.” he stated, his own voice choking with emotion. The Minuteman cleared his throat and laughed. “First, we have an exchange of rings. If the ring bearer could bring the rings forward?” There was a happy bark from the edge of the grove, causing everyone to turn towards the sound. Nat Wright was holding Dogmeat by his collar, which had a bowtie affixed to it. Nat released her grip on the dog’s collar, and the canine bent down and picked up a basket in his mouth before coming bounding towards the gazebo. Once on the gazebo, he trotted to the Minuteman before wheeling and sitting at Preston’s feet, facing the audience. There were coos of appreciation and laughs from the audience at the dog’s antics.
“There we go!” Preston laughed again. “If you two would take the rings, we can complete the ring exchange.” Piper and Erich both crouched down, laughing at the dog. Retrieving the ring, both stood up, not breaking eye contact.
“Now, Erich, If you’ll take Piper’s left hand and place her ring on her ring finger…” Preston instructed, and Erich followed the directions. “Now repeat after me; Piper Wright, with this ring, I wed thee, and take thee to be my wife, ‘til death do us part.” Erich did as instructed. Once he was done, Preston turned to Piper.
“Piper, if you’ll take Erich’s left hand and place his ring on his ring finger…” Once this was done, Preston continued. “Now repeat after me; Erich Richardson, with this ring, I wed thee, and take thee to be my husband, ‘til death do us part.” Piper parroted what Preston had instructed her to say.
“Erich and Piper, I now pronounce you husband and wife!” Preston said, his voice cracking with emotion. Turning to Erich, he stated simply “Kiss your bride!” 
Erich did. And in that moment, with Nora’s ring on Piper’s finger, every stress melted away, leaving the newly minted Richardsons on cloud nine.
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tooruluv · 4 years
Tooru Oikawa x F!Reader ( part 2 )
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❝ my love for him is much like winter, a skeleton for the world to see. too bad he never liked the cold. ❞
description: being the neighbor and lifelong best friend of tooru oikawa definitely had it’s perks. you were never an outcast, always had a seat at lunch, got into volleyball games for free. the problem was, however, that being in love with him outweighed those perks. you would never tell him that, though, even if it hurt like hell.
genre: best friends to lovers, angst, unrequited love, fluff if you squint hard enough
word count: 2,029
warnings/notes: the “party scene” so mentions of alcohol, underage drinking, weed, getting high, and some mentions of sex, mentions of throwing up, strong language (per usual), lots of angst, i based a lot of the experience on american high school simply because it’s easier for me to write
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Now, the exact day you fell in love with your best friend didn’t exist. There was no specific day, no specific realization, no “I had a dream about him”, no sudden “I see him in a different light”. It was a messy timeline of a million things, a mixture of waiting and wanting compiled together into what you determined to be love.
“How long have you been in love with him, anyway?” Iwaizumi asked you one evening.
It was after volleyball practice, and the two of you were sitting on your bedroom floor. He was leaning his back against your bed, one leg bent at the knee, his practice jersey still on, moonlight dancing off of his skin.
You would be lying if you denied his attractiveness (Like, c’mon, have you seen him? Seriously, there must be something in the volleyball water.. anyway..). You just never viewed him as anything other than a friend, a good one.
You were laying beside him, legs propped up on your bed and your head on the floor.
“I don’t know.” you told him honestly.
It was at that exact moment that you realized something else: you never openly admitted your love for Tooru Oikawa. Not once had the words slipped past your lips, to yourself or to someone else. The longest secret kept, in your opinion.
“I guess it all kind of mixes together, in the end.” you explained, deciding that the ceiling is the most interesting thing to look at. “Do you remember, when we were kids, and we were playing outside? And I brought that tub thing of peanuts?”
“Yeah, I remember that.”
“And ‘Kawa called me stupid for bringing it because it wasn’t…”
“It wasn’t peanut butter and why have peanuts when they weren’t spreadable?” Iwaizumi finished with a small laugh.
“Yeah. I think that was one moment that I was like “oh”. He even threw them at me.”
The two of you sat in silence for what felt like half an hour. It was a comfortable silence, one of processed memories and fondness.
“He does still call you nut.” Iwaizumi spoke into silence. You smiled.
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“I should beat your ass! You scared the shit out of me!”
You were walking out of class when hands clasped around your sides. Your immediate reaction was one of both terror and putting your guard up, which ended up with you jumping and going to punch whoever just attacked. Luckily, it happened to be the tall, brown-haired volleyball captain.
“You’re cute.” he walked with you.
“What do you want from me, ‘Kawa?” you asked, pausing in the hallway in front of your next class.
“What could you possibly mean? I can’t just scare the shit out of my best friend?”
This fucker.
“You can scare me until I pee.” You crossed your arms, looking into his eyes. He always seemed to stand too close to you. “But you never call me cute unless you need something from me.”
“I don’t know what you are talking about. You are very cute. The cutest.”
You squinted up at him, trying to see through his lies. He smirked.
“Soooo… there is something I want to ask you. Completely irrelevant from me calling you cute. That would have nothing to do with this request. Have I mentioned that you look good in the uniform? It really…”
“You’re a dork. Ask.”
“Do you still talk to that one guy from across town? The guy you buy alc from?”
“You want me to buy alcohol for the party.” It wasn’t a question, but a statement. He pursed his lips. “Yes, I can get it. Now get to class before you’re late.”
Oikawa smiled, eyes squinting and tongue between his teeth. “You’re the best!” he exclaimed as he picked you up in a hug. 
You watched as he jogged down the hall.
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You knew your way around. It was a gift you had: the ability to just talk up anyone and find a way to get what you’re looking for. You knew people all over Japan, to be honest, that could help you in basically any way. It had been that way since you were younger.
The first time you ever bought alcohol is when you were thirteen. And it wasn’t even for drinking. You and your friends (when you had a million friends and not two) wanted to play spin the bottle and figured it would look cooler if you were to use an actual “drink”. You gave it to your mom as a gift after.
Since then, you had bought drinks for various things. Parties, get togethers. It was only when Oikawa’s older brother wasn’t able to get it for you guys, of course.
This was one of those times.
There was this little shop a little ways away (in Torono, to be specific) that never ever ID’d anyone. You would always go there to buy since you found it at thirteen, to the point that you and the owner were on first name bases. Sometimes you would have actual conversations, if he was in the mood. Sometimes you barely spoke, but he would still bag the bottles for you.
His eyes only lifted from what he was reading for a moment to catch yours as you entered the Sakanoshita Store. You were already by the alcohol.
“You’re still not of age, kid.” he spoke through the cigarette.
“You’re still smoking.” you joked. You placed like ten bottles on the counter. “I thought you were going to try and stop. Health and all.”
“I know you’re not talking to me about health, you little alcoholic.” he sat up, running a hand up his hair to fix his headband. “Just give me the money before someone comes in.”
The exchange was fast, per usual, and you were leaving with a black bag of fun. “Thank you, my darling Keishin!”
“Get out of my store. Don’t die.”
And he was back to reading, cigarette still hanging from his lip.
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The volleyball tournament ended the exact way Oikawa thought it would: wins. So, that meant that the party was already in full swing before the sun was down. You were moving between crowds, cup in hand.
It was not a secret that you were Oikawa’s, and (by association) the rest of the volleyball team’s, best friend. You sat with them at lunch, you interacted in the hallways, you let some of the boys copy your homework. It was quite obvious. That was the main reason so many people approached you. Their main goal was popularity through the most popular and successful sports team at the school. You didn’t mind.
It was when the girls would come up to you asking you to put in a good word for them to Oikawa that you had to put on a fake smile and say “yeah!” or “of course, I’ll give him your number!”. They never made it past your memory.
“What do you think?” The man of the hour asked from his position beside you. You were watching the party from the kitchen, the already drunk laughs and conversations blurred into a single volume. “How much cleaning do you think we’ll have to endure?”
“Ah, definitely hours.” You took a sip from your cup. You offered him your cup, knowing whatever’s in his cup is nonalcoholic. “You might as well live a little. Take a guzzle, you earned it.”
“You know I don’t drink.”
“But you’ll get high.”
“That I will do.” He took a sip of his cup. Maybe he put his drink in a red solo cup to look like he’s drinking, or maybe he just did it because it was better than drinking out of an actual juice box. You didn’t bother him with it. “Speaking of getting so high I forget everything around me, I gotta find Hanamaki.”
“Have fun!”
“Without you? Unlikely.” he joked. Your stomach turned.
You didn’t know if it was because of the alcohol or the love.
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“Technically, you’ve kissed Oikawa.” Iwaizumi told you as you both sat in the corner. You were both definitely tipsy, but not quite drunk yet.
You scoffed. “What are you talking about?”
Tooru Oikawa has kissed you, sure, but never once had it been on the lips. He had left kisses on your forehead, cheeks, temple, top of your head. Even one time on your hand. But never lip to lip. And Iwaizumi bringing it up out of nowhere made your cheeks heat up. You blamed whatever was in your cup.
“We played spin the bottle before. I kissed both Oikawa and you. And by contact, your lips were also on his.”
“You are a shitstain in my underwear, Iwa.”
“Ah yes, that was the most ladylike sentence I’ve ever heard come out of your mouth.”
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“Dance with me!” you pulled Oikawa with you to the dance floor. It was freshman year, and both of your families were invited to a wedding. It was some woman your moms were friends with, you don’t remember.
But he agreed, and let you drag him along as you danced. The songs were fun and fast, and a majority of the reception guests were dancing their hearts away on the floor.
“You’re really beautiful, you know that?” he told you that day, in the midst of the summer sun.
That was one of those moments. Those blurred moments you wished you could record to memory as the beginning of your love for him.
“You’re not too bad yourself.” You told him, but your mind screamed you’re beautiful too.
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The night was something between a blur and random scenes mashed together. Several drinks later (why did the vodka taste like water?) and hits from multiple joints, you were staring in tunnel vision.
You remember a snippet here, a minute there. You danced with Iwa for a bit, before he went to do something. You hung out with some people on the couches for a bit, and there was definitely a lot of laughing. You remember laughing.
What were you doing again?
Oh yeah, you were trying to find Oikawa. You didn’t know what exactly you wanted so desperately to tell him. You figured your drunken mind would find out what you wanted when you found him.
Scanning the crowds, you couldn’t find the boy. The house wasn’t that huge, he had to be somewhere. Come to think of it, you hadn’t seen him at all since he went to get high with some of the boys.
Finally catching a glimpse of him, you smiled to yourself. You were going to do it. Maybe today, maybe at some trashy party Oikawa threw, would be the day you would tell him you were in love with him. Maybe not. You didn’t really know. You just knew that you missed him and needed, desperately, to talk to him. Hear his voice.
Maybe you were pretty drunk, mind drifting away.
And he just happened to be your anchor.
Everything was moving around you. In slow motion or way too fast, you couldn’t really tell. That was, until everything froze at once.
Oikawa was standing in the far corner of the party, with someone else. He had his tongue down her throat, lips chasing hers in some passionate dance you only wished you knew what felt like.
You only stood there as he groped her, and her hands in his hair. You didn’t recognize her at all. But he was unmistakable. Even with his hair sweaty and in front of his face, he was undeniable.
You were going to throw up. 
You had to find Iwaizumi.
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“Takahiro Hanamaki!” You waved to the man. He immediately caught your eye and came to you.
“What’s up? Oh, shit you’re drunk.” He helped as you nearly stumbled. His arm stayed under your armpit as he stood in front of you.
“Have you seen Iwa? Need to talk to him. Best friend emergency.”
“I thought Tooru was your best friend.” Hanamaki looked behind you, eyes scanning over the people for you. You almost threw up on the spot at the sound of his name.
There was a huge difference in hearing about Oikawa’s girls and hearing about who was in his bed, and seeing it with your own eyes. It made you sick to your stomach. You lost all breath, all feeling in your body. You didn’t know to be mad or jealous or upset. You decided that you were going to be all three.
“The last time I talked to Iwa, he went that way. He might be throwing up somewhere or something.”
“Okay, thanks my little wing spiker. My little outside hitter. My stoner boy.” you pinched his cheek.
“Hey, are you sure you’re okay?” he asked before letting you go. “You look like you were crying.”
Were you? Did you cry? You didn’t think you did. But it was definitely a possibility as you have been trying not to do just that for the past ten minutes.
“I don’t know, I think I’m just red from being crossed. I can’t even see straight. Ha ha.”
Hanamaki didn’t press it further, but he did give you a smile and hand you a water bottle. You liked being friends with the team.
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The volleyball team were always the nicest towards you. They greeted you with smiles whenever they would come across you in the hallway, always made sure you had a smile on your face.
They all knew, too. It wasn’t hard to see how out of the entire team, Oikawa had you wrapped around his finger. (Unintentionally, of course). They tried to get him to notice. “She looks good today, right, Oikawa?” or “It’s Saturday, don’t you have plans?”. Not that their efforts helped.
Maybe one day Oikawa will know too.
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You found Iwaizumi in a closet near the stairs. The party was still in full effect, but it was quiet near there. The only problem was that he was not alone, and was, in fact, preoccupied with someone's tongue down his throat.
“I swear to everything that is holy, I am so sick of finding people like this.” you sighed. “The second time today and I’m going to seriously vomit all over the place. I’m not kidding.”
Iwaizumi gasped, pulling away from whoever he was with. It wasn’t until they were both apart that you realized who it was.
You got pulled into the closet, the door slamming behind you.
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alarriefantasy · 4 years
Hi, all! So it seems that the wonderful AO3 user - objectlesson - aka on tumblr as - horsegirlharry - has sadly deleted their fics. I have only a few saved in my files, but there are some I would really love to possess, if anyone has them? I would really appreciate it if you would message me and let me know! :)
Also, I am posting the whole list of amazing stories they shared for our fandom, and I am marking (with an asterisk*) the ones that I have myself, in case anyone else would like them too! <3
Silver White Winters
by objectlesson
In which Louis catches a cloud and pins it down.
Words: 5106, Chapters: 2/2, Language: English
I Must Confess (I Still Believe)
by objectlesson
Louis shrugs, eyes on the road. “You look cute in the blazer, too,” she says nonchalantly, and what the fucking fuck, what is Harry supposed to think?
“You probably do, too, but I wouldn’t know because I don’t even think you own one? Do you ever actually wear the entire uniform?” she asks, deflecting.
“Not since freshman year!” Louis boasts proudly. “They stopped giving me demerits because it’s, like, a lost cause. I literally haven’t seen my blazer in three years, I just borrow Veronica’s when I walk into Mass.” Her grin is very cheeky and bright, and she’s squinting in the sun, aviators pushed up into the overgrown auburn shag of her hair. The horizon is hazy and pink-orange as dark sneaks up on them, the air smelling of sprinkler water and BBQ smoke from people leaching the last warmth of October before summer’s gone for good. Harry feels alive with possibility, eyes watering as she smiles at Louis, unable to stop. She wrinkles her nose like it’ll somehow hide the way it looks on her face to be in love.
Or, Harry is the new girl at an all girl Catholic Girl’s School, and Louis is the unattainable, dashing senior who changes her forever.
Words: 44304, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Powerless (and I Don’t Care It’s Obvious)
by objectlesson
“Oh no, Lou, don’t make me laugh,” he whimpers. His Ribena-purple mouth twists into a glorious, breakable shape, and Louis’s heart stops. He should not be getting turned on by Harry’s full-bladder discomfort, his little twitches, his hips-stuttering. And yet.
Words: 4090, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
The Pink Ghost of Princess Park
by objectlesson
The thought of the vibrator does not go away. It’s sitting there collecting dust all through January, and every time Harry and Louis have to leave town for a press event or a show or to record or what have you, they come back home, and it’s still there, the Pink Ghost of Princess Park, the fucking glittery haunting that Harry cannot stop thinking of Louis stuffing up his arse.
Words: 7556, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
*Life Saver
by objectlesson
Nerd Boy’s giant, dorky, adorable hand shoots into the air. Louis notices he has chipped red polish on a few of his nails and some tattered friendship-looking bracelets, like the sort you make in camp, and he might hear the distant chime of wedding bells. He thought he didn’t even believe in marriage because it’s, like, oppressive and heteronormative or whatever, but that was before Styles, Harry (Harry Styles!!! What an absurd, wonderful name! What a perfect thing to scrawl in the margins of all his notebooks surrounded in hearts!) appeared in the bio lab at his new school and ruined all his principles forever.
or, Louis is a sweetheart punk with a theater background and a heart of gold, Harry is an inexperienced nerd who plays by the rules. Classmates, lab partners, and eventually friends, what happens when Louis knows he’s in love, but doesn’t know how tell Harry?
Words: 14809, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Even Your Honey Dew
by objectlesson
It probably says something about Harry that he’s so obsessed with another omega’s arse.
Words: 9512, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
What a Heavenly Way To Die
by objectlesson
She’s thought about it a lot, and two big things seem to be holding her back, aside from the uncontrollable paralysis that overtakes her body every time she so much as tries to sneak a hand under the waistband of Harry’s knickers.
Or, Louis is afraid to do stuff to Harry, who has done a lot of stuff to her.
Words: 8052, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
A Firm Believer and a Warm Receiver
by objectlesson
a few months ago, Louis had his first heat. It was no big deal, aside from it being awkward and weird and all the other things it was supposed to be. He figured he would present as an omega, so he wasn’t exactly surprised or anything.
But then, last week, Harry had his first heat, too.
Or, the omega/omega sleepover fic no one asked for but y'all really, really need.
Words: 10895, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
You’ll Know What Makes The World Turn
by objectlesson
Sometimes, when things are messy and they have more than a few weeks apart, they need the reminder. It’s comforting to have stars to map your course by.
or, Harry’s blue bandana is a day collar.
Words: 4624, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Sing You Butterflies
by objectlesson
Louis stares for a moment before some primal sympathetic force in him activates. He has to help this boy. He can hardly walk, and he seems so young (yet ageless, beyond age, like a sea turtle or a parrot or a tree or something else odd and magical), and on top of all that, he has body glitter clinging to his skin, like that roll-on stuff his sisters used to use as preteens, only pink-gold and twice as thick. It’s, like, professional grade. He’s also wearing grass- and dirt-stained pink silk women’s underwear, so maybe he’s from London. Maybe he’s a drag queen who crawled all the way from a nightclub in Soho just to save Louis from his horribly mundane and woefully heterosexual neighbours out here in the middle of nowhere.
or, Harry’s a clumsy unicorn who accidentally stomps on a witch’s garden and is turned into a human as punishment, so he wanders into a nearby village covered in glitter, still figuring out how to walk on two feet, and meets the fairy-tale-fine Louis, who has to teach him how to live as a human and stop him from eating soap.
Words: 22701, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
by objectlesson
She deserves not to be so goddamned put together all the time. Being in the world’s biggest and highest exposure girlband means she’s never seen without a flat stomach, a spray tan, contouring, eyelash extensions, the whole of her body inescapably toned and plucked and waxed so frequently she genuinely forgot what fucking color her own pubes are. Louis wants to eat burgers and smoke weed and be twenty three. She wants to wake up with Harry and spend the whole day in bed fingering each other because they finally don’t have to have goddamn acrylic nails for once. She wants to grow her pubes out. She wants to lounge around in a posh, red-velvet High Hefner robe.
Or, Louis is dressed like a fucking queen, Harry’s begging please.
Words: 6608, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Only One I Dream Of: A Drabble Collection
by objectlesson
A collection of all the m/m One Direction drabbles and timestamps I’ve written on tumblr, so my readers on here aren’t missing out!
Words: 5164, Chapters: 5/13, Language: English
Diamonds in the Moonlight
by objectlesson
The 70s au where Harry is a rich girl stuck in the suburbs who thinks she loves Shaun Cassidy, and Louis is the skater who breaks into her backyard and changes everything forever.
Words: 16136, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
In the Heat of the Night
by objectlesson
“You’re sleeping with me, obviously,” Harry says then, pausing to regard Louis with a funny expression, nose wrinkled and brows drawn tight. “Don’t tell me you thought that I’d let you freeze out here!? Absolutely not! C’mon, the bedroom’s cozy, I dragged a space heater out.”
Louis wants to protest about as badly as she wants to sleep next to Harry Styles, which is a lot. Too much.
Or, Louis is the only butch in London with a truck and Harry needs to move a couch.
Words: 7726, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Once Upon a Dream
by objectlesson
“M’not gonna half-ass our fake relationship,” Louis almost snaps, voice sharp with a defensive edge, like Harry wandered too close to a bruise with needy fingers. “Now kiss me again. We’re gonna make every shitty tourist here wish they had stayed in the Midwest. We’re gonna burn Disneyland down with our gay. ”
Harry shuts his eyes and opens his mouth, because he can’t fucking say no to Louis.
Or, a fake dating AU where everyone is lying and they happen to be at the Happiest Place on Earth.
Words: 16643, Chapters: ½, Language: English
From Now Until Forever
by objectlesson
The girls go to Britney Nite and Louis wears Juicy track pants and Harry is not ok.
Niall takes the pint glass back from Harry and takes a swig, regarding her over the rim knowingly. “You’re nervous,” she observes with a grin. “Because you’re gonna get drunk at a gay bar with Louis, and you haven’t told her yet that you wanna marry her.”
“Oh, my god, stop,” Harry scolds, hiding her face in her hands, everything suddenly hot and shivery. “It’s not that,” she adds, even though it most definitely is.
“Then…you’re excited to see Louis in a schoolgirl skirt and bra? Covered in that body glitter that smells like cotton candy?” Niall presses, waggling her eyebrows, making Harry blush at the mere thought of Louis’s golden skin shimmering and sticky under club lights.
Words: 9223, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Hello, Heaven (you are tunnel-lined with yellow lights
by objectlesson
“Oh, yeah?” Harry asks, playing dumb as he helps Louis out of his coat before hanging it up. “A new phone charger? Mine’s still broken, the electrical tape didn’t work.”
Louis makes a face at him, all arched brows and tongue pressed into cheek. “Oh a phone charger? Is that what you need?” he quips lightly, voice high and lilting in this sing-song way that’s so, so high and gentle that it’s scary. He’s putting on a show for Harry, and Harry’s thrilled with it, already shivery and hot-cheeked because Louis got him something naughty, and they’re talking about it without really talking about it, wrapping it up in layers of mundanity and domesticity, still so excited to play the role of two Adults living in their new Adult flat in London that they bought with their own money from the X Factor. Harry’s living an unimaginably glamourous life so suddenly, and Louis and his gifts are right in the middle of it, the heart of his every dream.
Or, Louis buys Harry things sometimes.
Words: 2988, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Dream About That Casual Touch
by objectlesson
And that was the first thing Louis noticed about her. Not her nipples, or not only her nipples, anyway, but the fact that she was so confident with her body and didn’t seem to care that her tits were sort of soft and floppy and uneven or that she had a little roll of pudge around her hips that poked over the top of her jeans when she wore crop tops. She wore what she wanted to wear whether or not it was in fashion or technically even flattering; her hair was always messy, she only wore makeup half the time, and she seemed to like heeled boots even if she was already fairly tall and they made her tower over the boys. Louis always thought it was so fucking sexy how unconcerned Harry seemed with what people thought of her, how comfortable she was in her own skin. That by itself seemed like a sort-of gay thing, so Louis kept a remote, careful eye on her, hoping to one day see something else that blipped her radar.
Or, Louis and Harry fuck up two dates before they finally get it right.
Words: 7678, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
*Smoke Dreams from Smoke Rings
by objectlesson
“When I get a craving?” Louis says, “You have to help me chase it away. Distract me”
Oh. Harry can think of about one hundred different ways to distract Louis Tomlinson. One hundred better uses for his mouth, for example. “Erm,” he squeaks, well aware of the fact that he’s grinning and dimpling and blushing all at once, his whole face a suddenly mortifying warzone of transparent emotion. “How?”
“By hitting my arm as hard as you can,” Louis announces, holding out the arm in question. It bridges the gap between them, stiff and expectant, and Harry stares, not entirely sure if Louis’s being serious, if this is some prank that he isn’t clever enough to understand, or if the promise of touching Louis under any circumstances is so titillating that he just can’t process it. Louis rolls up the sleeve of his hoodie then, revealing his pale inner arm in maddening increments, pushing Harry somewhere between drooling and vomiting, he isn’t sure which. He just knows that his mouth is flooded, and the barely-there ghost of Louis’s veins through his skin is the prettiest thing that he’s ever seen. “Go on, hit me,” Louis orders. “Don’t be shy,”
or, Louis enlists Harry to help him with his bad habit.
Words: 18116, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Black Stars and Endless Seas
by objectlesson
Or, A Star Trek Original Series AU where Lt. Styles is a young science officer on his first away mission, and Louis is the headstrong ensign assigned to his security detail, and maybe they would be able to function together professionally in a normal setting, but not when their shuttlecraft crash-lands and they end up marooned together on an improbably and unfairly beautiful planet.
Words: 32246, Chapters: 3/3, Language: English
Rose Garden Dreams
by objectlesson
Harry thinks it’s a fever-induced delirium, at first. After all, she’s been sick in bed for a full forty-eight hours following the Best and Most Important beach trip of her entire life because fate is a cruel and jealous bitch who doesn’t want Harry to go on a date with the girl of her dreams.
or, Harry is sick and Louis comes to visit her.
Words: 9464, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Palms Reflecting in Your Eyes
by objectlesson
Harry visits Louis at his campus and finds a crop on the wall.
Words: 6496, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Wrap You Up in Daisy Chains
by objectlesson
Ten minutes later, an awkward, long-legged, curly-haired, so pale she’s reflective, and so obviously gay-looking Harry Styles is sitting shotgun next to Louis in a bikini, denim cut-offs, and heart-framed sunnies.
Or, Harry and Louis and a too-small bathing suit.
Words: 10613, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
To Keep the Night From Ending
by objectlesson
It doesn’t always feel real to kiss in the dark, Harry guesses. He wants it to feel real. He wants it to be the realest thing, burnt indelibly into his skin.
Or, Harry and Louis take a night swim.
Words: 5036, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Good Enough to Eat
by objectlesson
“Fuck,” Harry mumbles, shuffling. “You won’t give me shit for it? It’s sorta weird.”
“No,” Louis breathes. “Promise.”
“Okay. I just…fuck, I can’t believe I’m telling you this,” Harry whimpers, and he must be blushing because Louis can feel waves of heat coming off him, his embarrassment a hot, palpable thing. “So, like…I love rimming videos. Nothing makes me come harder,” he admits, covering his face with his hands so his voice comes out muffled and strangled.
It takes Louis a few seconds to process, to mentally rifle through his Pornhub search history and remember what rimming even is; Harry has him so stupid he can’t keep stuff straight. His ears ring, and then it hits him, and, oh, fuck. His stomach turns and tightens so quickly he’s gasping, an audible and shameful scrape of air in the dark. “You…really?” he chokes out.
Or, Harry is convinced he’s never gonna be able to try his favorite porn fantasy on a real boy, and Louis offers to remedy this.
Words: 6722, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Grenadine Sunshine
by objectlesson
Harry’s only sixteen, it shows right now, and Louis wants…he wants so many things. He wants to taste the faint, sugary ghost of lip gloss, he wants to cup Harry’s face between his palms and swipe the shimmery wet shadows from beneath his eyes. He wants to show him everything he knows, even though he doesn’t know anything about this, about kissing boys or flirting with them or doing their makeup or even showing them it’s okay to want to wear makeup in the first place. Still, Louis just wants, wants and wants and wants. It’s what Harry does to him.
Words: 18067, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Only Angel
by objectlesson
Louis pops his hip out, looking down at Harry from beneath the cut of his fringe sassily. “How do I look?”
Harry…Harry doesn’t have words, not really. He sits there on the floor with a half-hard cock, gazing up at this taller, scarier version of Louis with wide eyes. “Like I want you to spin-kick me in the face,” he admits after a moment, shakily inhaling. “You look…really good.”
Or, Louis finds a pair of heels that fit, and Harry wants to be ruined, as per usual.
Words: 6599, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Someone Who Knows How To Ride
by objectlesson
Harry gives Louis a lap dance. Or, at least, he tries to.
Words: 5114, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Copper Kiss
by objectlesson
Harry’s not allowed to fly back to the UK without marks to remember Louis by.
Words: 4604, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
You Drive Me Crazy ( I Just Can’t Sleep)
by objectlesson
The first time Louis ends up in Harry’s bed is a total accident.
Words: 18520, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Christmas Without You
by objectlesson
It’s Christmas Eve and Harry misses Louis so badly he might be going little crazy.
Words: 5639, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Vinyl and Lace
by objectlesson
Harry tries on a skirt in the X Factor dressing room as a joke. Louis doesn’t think it’s very funny.
Words: 7541, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Touch of My Hand
by objectlesson
Words: 3104, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: One Direction (Band)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Relationships: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
Additional Tags: Tour Bus Sex, Bus Sex, PWP, Up All Night Tour, Uan era, Canon Compliant, baby boyfriends in love, Masturbation, Mutual Masturbation, Established Relationship
Born to Make You Happy
by objectlesson
Harry makes a quiet vow to himself that he will be the very best girlfriend Louis has ever had, even if he never actually gets to be Louis’s girlfriend.
Words: 25662, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Taste of a Poison Paradise
by objectlesson
Louis notices Harry’s mouth right away.
Words: 9894, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
A Little Love (is better than none)
by objectlesson
It’s supposed to be no strings attached sex, but Harry’s in love with beauty and tragedy and Louis Tomlinson so there might actually a few strings they’re not talking about.
Or, alternately, the four times they fuck and don’t kiss, and one time they fuck and do (with a few more times thrown in because I’m a mess and know how to write short fics).
Words: 15074, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
*Take Me Under the Blue
by objectlesson
Louis hasn’t even seen his legs yet. He doesn’t know how they work or how long they’ll be. Maybe they won’t suit the rest of Harry at all, and he’ll have to grow into them or something. It doesn’t matter; Louis has loved Harry for a year with scales, so he can’t imagine wonky legs putting a damper on his attraction. 
He supposes he’ll just have to find out. In the meantime, he wonders how the fuck he got here, in his squelching wellies about to save the love of his life from the sea and take him to bed and bang him for the very first time.
It’s sort of a long story.
Words: 19011, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
84 notes · View notes
starlightsearches · 4 years
Hi so i had a request idea. Hux being married to some woman bc he had to for propaganda or whatever and reader (who works closely with hux) is with them both and pryde after a meeting or at a gala, and in discussion the wife and pryde are speaking highly of brendol. The reader essentially realises hux’s wife supports and agrees with the abuse that hux has endured and so the reader takes him for a private discussion to reassure and comfort him, show that he has someone on his side. Thank you xx
Someone Else
Ahhh, writing this made me so sad, anon, you have no idea. But also, I loved it and I couldn’t stop 😰 Thank you for the request, I hope you enjoy! (Also I modified the prompt just a little bit and I hope you don’t mind)
Requests are closed ✨
Hux x Reader (no pronouns)
AN: So I’m headed on a little road trip with my sister today, and as soon as I get back, I’ll be packing up and moving, and then immediately starting work at my new school 😱 I’m not sure how this will affect my writing schedule etc, but don’t be too surprised if I’m MIA for the next week or so. I promise I’ll get back to my requests ASAP 💖 love you all 🥰🥰🥰
Warnings: ANGST, infidelity, language, not a happy ending really 🙁
Even in your most creative thoughts, it’s hard to imagine a more pathetic situation than this one. You’ve been in love with General Hux, your boss, for as long as you can remember, too cowardly to tell him how you feel. And now you’ve been forced to plan, and attend, his fucking wedding. To someone else.
You fidgeted through the whole thing: the dinner, the reception, the ceremony. Spent the whole time chewing your lip to pieces with your eyes fixed on the general, waiting for him to say something, to stop this. You could imagine how it would happen perfectly—a vision that sustained you through the whole event.
It would happen during the vows; he'd begin reading the words—the ones that you prepared for him, words about fidelity and commitment but completely void of love—and then he'd falter, pause, and his eyes would find you in the back of the crowd. The audience would fill with whispers, but you wouldn't notice at all, wouldn't hear any of it because he'd be looking at you, he'd see you looking so beautiful in the attire you chose especially for this moment and he'd realize that he’d been blind this whole time, and now . . .
The vision always got a little fuzzy there, but it was only because you couldn't wait for your favorite part: the one where he kissed you in front of all those people, a kiss so dramatic and consuming that everyone would know that it was you he loved. That it had always been you.
It didn't happen that way. No matter how deeply you tried to immerse yourself in a daydream, you couldn't miss the moment your general and his betrothed were pronounced man and wife, and the commitment was sealed with a kiss. The light smattering of applause must have been loud enough to hide the sound of your heart shattering, because no one else seemed to notice.
It’s long over now. You’re alone in the reception area, halfheartedly ripping the silk tablecloths from where they lay before balling them up and throwing them into a messy pile. You don’t have to do it, someone will be coming along to clean up eventually, but you’d like to keep busy. If you go back to your quarters, you’ll have to be alone with your thoughts.
Hux announces his presence with a slight cough that still manages to startle you, and when you turn to face him your heart breaks all over again. He looks very handsome in the uniform he wears, one made especially for this occasion—regal but not too flashy—and your breath catches in your lungs despite your mind's insistence that you're no longer allowed such feelings.
“I thought I’d find you in here, Lieutenant,” he says to break the silence, and you nod as you feel your cheeks grow warm.
“Congratulations, General,” you reply, and you almost manage to sound like you mean it, “or should I call you your highness now?”
He gives you the slightest of smirks, just a hint of a smile in response to your attempt at humor, but you can tell what he’s thinking. Emperor Hux—a title made no less impressive when you consider that it was gained through marriage. It’s what he’s always wanted; you can be happy for him.
“General is still appropriate,” he replies, bouncing slightly on the balls of his feet with pride, “I’m still your commanding officer.”
“Of course, sir,” you reply, and then, because you can’t avoid the subject any longer, "is Bristol getting ready for your departure?" It's the one concession you’ve allowed yourself—refusing to use her title whenever she isn't around. Normally you’d be smug about it, like somehow you were getting back at her, but now it just leaves you feeling empty.
“She's actually entertaining the allegiant general at the moment, in my quarters,” he replies with feigned indifference, even though you know how he feels about Pryde, “he knows her father, apparently they used to be in acquaintance.” You purse your lips in response; there’s really no need for words. It doesn't surprise you that they would get along.
You had wanted to like Bristol. Before you ever met her, you had been determined to like her, hoped desperately that the general had found someone kind and loving and devoted, because he deserved happiness and acceptance even if you weren't the one giving it to him.
Whatever you were hoping for, Bristol is . . . something else. She's beautiful, certainly, and intimidating and determined—all things you would expect from the future empress of her own star system. You've also found her to be unnecessarily cruel and demanding, towards you at least, and anyone else she thought she could look down on.
Not that it matters—you're not the one married to her. And while she might not be affectionate towards the general, she had also never been openly antagonistic. Plenty of people lived through loveless marriages. The general must have taken this into account and decided that it was a worthwhile sacrifice.
They're a handsome couple. A smart couple. And soon enough, the hurt and the wanting would fade and you would be able to move on with your life. He'd just have to stop looking so nice in his uniform first.
"There's something else I need, lieutenant," he says, pulling you from your thoughts, "before I leave. I have some last minute notes, some reminders I forgot to mention before, for my absence." You can’t help but purse your lips again, this time to hide a smile of your own. He's been more nervous about his trip back to the Alfospar System than he had ever been for the wedding, and you can’t really blame him. Two weeks is a long time for someone like him to be away from their work. 
"I know I told you there'd be no talk of work today,” he continues, “but if you wouldn't mind-"
"Please, general, of course I'll take the notes," you interrupt with a smile, "I never believed that you could resist talking about work for a whole day."
You shouldn't tease him like this; you have to stop teasing him at all, because he tries not to smile again, and your pulse starts to race. Whenever he makes that stupid face, all you can think about is peppering his cheeks with kisses, teasing him again until he really would smile and you could bask in the happiness that you created. He only has to hide his smiles when he’s around you, and you’re stupid enough to think that means something. 
"They're in my quarters," he waits for you to drop the table cloth you'd been worrying in your hands throughout the conversation, and then you follow him through the dark and quiet corridors. Neither of you speak—you've spent too much time together to find the silence uncomfortable. Unfortunately, that means that you can hear every word coming from the open door to the general's quarters as soon as you approach.
Maybe they think they're being quiet, or maybe their voices carry, or maybe neither of them mind at all that anyone could wander right outside the door, listening to every word of what should be a private conversation.
"You could have done worse, dear, I'll give you that at least," it's Pryde's voice, his words traveling down the hallway; it’s like he's right next to you, like these are words that you're meant to hear, too, and your heart clenches in your chest because you know that's not the case.
"How exactly could I have done worse, general?" That's Bristol speaking, obviously, her tone all-too familiar, like she's suffering from a headache and she believes you're the cause. You have to stop this conversation now, before one of them says something that can't be unheard. You're about to take the first step, ready to announce your presence with some inane comment that would make Bristol roll her eyes and would hopefully make Pryde swallow whatever insult was about to leave his mouth. You're about to take the first step when Hux stops you with a hand on your shoulder and a look in his eyes that puts an end to any argument.
You hope to the gods that Pryde will, by some miracle, say something nice. Or at least, something not overtly mean. You listen and you wait, brimming with foolish hope, your eyes fastened on the general, watching the way his jaw tightens as he holds his breath, waiting for Pryde to respond.
"You know," he begins, and you can already hear the mirth, already know that his next words are going to be painful and you won't be able to protect the general from them, "I'm not actually sure." There's a slight pause and then the room is filled with their bright, callous laughter, laughter that spills out of the open door and floods the hallway so completely that you feel you might suffocate in it.
"I mean honestly, I don't think I've ever met a man so weak-willed," Bristol speaks again, and she's breathless from laughter, "he is absolutely spineless-"
"Thin as a slip of paper and just as useless," Pryde interrupts,"that's what his father used to say about him."
Bristol laughs again—just a short bark this time—before she responds, "Well, he's certainly no Brendol."
"You'd have thought his father could have beaten him into shape, but . . ." they laugh again—there’s no mistaking General Pryde’s true meaning—and General Hux has heard enough. Before you can even process everything they’ve said, he's turned on his heel, walking back the way you came.
General Hux always walks fast—because he always has places to be, he says—but you have to jog to catch up to him this time, and even then you lag behind. You stumble after him in your dress shoes, cursing the way they pinch your feet before giving up and ripping them off, pursuing him around the corner.
He goes to his office, probably because there's nowhere else for him to go, and you stop just inside the doorway, trying to catch your breath. He busies himself, or tries to, fidgeting with the sparse materials on his desk—intermittently picking up his data pad, dropping it again, running a coarse hand through his hair, then gripping the back of his chair with white-knuckled hands. It strikes you, in this moment, that you've never seen the general cry before. It makes sense—there's never really been a reason for it, but you wish he would cry now, as you feel your own eyes sting with tears, because, somehow, seeing him like this is so much worse.
“General,” your voice is too timid when you speak, and you clear your throat, willing away the tightness that grows steadily as you hold back your tears. He doesn’t look up.
 You go to him, take both of his hands in your own, trying to still him, trying to hide the fact that you're shaking too. In all your time together, you've never seen him act this way. It frightens you.
"I'm sorry." It's not enough, but it's all you have to offer: a fitting metaphor for your relationship. He doesn't respond, won't even look at you with those ice green eyes. "They're wrong about you, sir." You can hardly believe that you have to say it out loud. How could he not see what you saw?
"No, lieutenant," he's dejected in his response, almost hopeless, "I don't think they are." For a moment, it feels like your heart might explode with anger, an all-encompassing anger that fills you whenever you think of Brendol Hux. The general never told you much about his relationship with his father, but you’ve put together some of the pieces. Even after all this time—after all his success—he still falls into the traps set for him by that man. Still finds it so easy to believe that he is worthless despite all the evidence to the contrary.
"How can you say that?" You cup his chin in your hand on instinct, gentle but insistent, forcing him to look you in the eyes. If you weren't so distracted by the conversation at hand, you might have realized that this was the first time you'd ever laid a hand on his bare skin, skin that’s soft and cool beneath your fingers, might have better registered the electricity setting your palm alight at the contact, might have noticed the slight flush that materialized over the general's cheeks in response to your touch. But the anger still clouds your senses, and you don’t notice any of it. "Who knows you better, general? Me or them?"
You've caught him now. You feel the delicate flex of his jaw muscles shift, as he opens his mouth, prepared to argue with you, and then freeze when he realizes that he has nothing to say.
 "You are many things, sir, but spineless is not one of them," you take advantage of his silence, speaking faster, trying to get the words out as quickly as possible so that he won't have to spend another moment in this pain. "I don't think I've ever met anyone braver, or more determined, or more suited to lead . . ." You trail off there, your face growing warm. The nature of your position, your hand on his jaw, has drawn you closer, his face wandering unthinkingly towards yours, and you could count his eyelashes from this distance, number each and every one of his freckles if he'd just stay this close.
"Lieutenant-" General Hux doesn't try to pull away, but there's some distance in his tone. You know what he's thinking. You’re thinking it, too, of course. But you’ve never gotten this close before. 
"Can I kiss you, sir?" You shouldn't, but you have to. If he'll let you. If he wants you to.
"Why?" You feel the whispered question brush up against your cheeks, and despite everything else, you know that this is your moment.
"I just want you to know what it's like," you say, "to feel loved." You wait, take the opportunity to breathe him in, share the same air—something you've done for years but never like this, never close enough to feel the heat of it—the tip of your nose just barely brushing against his as he nods, and he’s shaking a little.
It's not the kiss you had envisioned, as you cup his face in both your hands and pull him closer. You move deliberately, let him watch until he goes cross-eyed and then his eyes fall closed, and your lips meet his, so soft it's more the ghost of a kiss than anything. You wait for him there, wait for him to reciprocate the affection you give him, and he does, pressing his mouth against yours with a tentative kind of tenderness. It's not the kiss you had imagined—it's everything.
You move together, slow and gentle, two familiar people learning each other in an entirely new way, and it's intoxicating—being held by him, feeling the way his hands trail your spine, the way the pad of his thumb traces your jaw. It would be perfect, if he didn't belong to someone else.
"What are we going to do now?" He pulls away just long enough to whisper the question and you don’t let yourself respond, kissing him again while you still can. You don’t want to admit it just yet, but you have no idea what you’re going to do. You haven’t got a clue.
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giorno-plays-piano · 4 years
Warlock's Apprentice
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Pairing: warlock!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: yandere, obsession, allusion to non-con, breeding, non-graphic depiction of violence, manhandling.
Words: 2373.
Summary: You walked side by side with the Devil.
You still had hard time believing you were walking down the Great Hall, stepping on the white marbled floors and doing your best not to shake while the members of the court stared down at you as if you were some fairytale creature. You saw giant mirrors hanging on blazing white walls and golden curtains, huge heavy chandeliers with thousands of candles, the statues of gold double eagles - everything here was so different compared to the gloomy tower of the Warlock where it was dark even during the brightest days.
Knowing he watched you out of the corner of his eye, you clenched your teeth, keeping your composure. You had to make a good impression, not gape at the walls like a country girl. Maybe you weren't an aristocrat like most of the people here, but you were the Shadow Enchanter, the Soldat's Apprentice, second only to him, and you had a power to reckon with.
"Keep your head up, girl." You heard Bucky's voice in your head and stiffened involuntary. "We are above them all."
Would you be charged with treason if anyone was to discover what your master was telling you? You bet you would.
You stepped on the blue carpet and finally saw a raised throne of gold at the end of the room, beautiful people in ostentatious clothes milling over it - all you saw were not faces but gowns of silk and brocade, fancy parade uniforms, ribbons, medals, and bawdricks. This extravagance was slowly making your stomach sick, but you thought of your completely black soldier's dress and felt a bit better abour yourself. Your master and you must have looked like two crows among the peacocks.
"The Warlock and Shadow Enchanter." Somebody's loud voice thundered, and you saw the King sitting on the golden throne, the Queen to his right, and two young men standing by their sides.
God, it was happening, truly.
The King looked like a man who carried the weight of the world on his thin shoulders, his face unhealthy pale - you could see the dark circles around his eyes regardless of how court magicians tried to cover them with their glamour charms. It was true then, all the rumors you heard of King's withering health. He was only in his forties, but, apparently, he would hardly last long.
The Queen, on the contrary, looked nothing like her plain husband, her body unmistakably strong, her forms magnificent and face looking fresh with ruddy, healthy glow in her cheeks. Her older son was much like her with the same grace in his features - Steven was his name, and he was the very same Prince Charming all the girls in the Academy were talking about when you were still studying there.
You wanted to stare shamelessly at his immensely handsome face, his eyes blue like southern sky in the summer, but you bit your tongue instead. You were no longer a girl dreaming of marrying princes and living in a high castle.
Then you glanced quickly at the other son, Peter, the one who was about your age. While Steven, undoubtedly, took after his mother, Peter reminded you of the King, although much younger and - you admitted with shame - much prettier. He had dark hair and dark eyes, yet there was light to his face. Maybe he lacked the same intimidating air the other royals had around them, but you saw his dignity, his kind and clever eyes shining with interest as the Warlock and you moved closer to the end of the room.
You liked the younger son, you thought and then cringed as you failed to keep your eyes off the princes once again.
"Please don't collapse if one of them decides to talk to you."
You clenched your teeth tighter, hating this awful manner with which your master intruded in your thoughts all the time.
You needed to keep calm. You were to give your vows to protect the royal family and your kingdom. And later... later you were most certainly to be invited to the royal ball organized in Warlock's honor to celebrate his return. Maybe you would get a glimpse of the princes there.
"Do you think I brought you here to give you to the prince?" His mocking tone turned dark, poisonous. "You think I've been teaching you magic all these years so you could marry one of those pathetic royals and keep giving them babies with Enchanter's blood running through their veins?"
You tried to move away from the Warlock, but he grabbed you by the arm and brought you closer, watching you wincing in pain.
"My task is to keep away the Great Shadow." You whispered, horrified with your teacher's sudden shift of mood and wishing to run to the door the moment he'd let you go. "It doesn't mean I should be celibate."
"And your husband has to be the prince, of course." Bucky grimaced and cupped your chin, staring at you with his scary light eyes from above. "Women. You're all the same. It is never enough for you, is it? I gave you the power to wreck the world, and all you want is to lay beneath a weakling wearing the crown."
You pushed him, chanting a little spell - you caught him by surprised and quickly stepped back, shiver running down your spine. You had seen the Warlock being furious many times, but never as mad as now, pacing back and forth your chamber like a caged beast, his hands clenched in fists. God, you knew he'd take it badly.
"I've done no wrong." You claimed in a shaky voice, thinking of whether you had to chant a barrier around yourself. "I didn't betray you. His Highness said nothing about marrying me or anything of this kind! We've only danced and talked about science and magic."
Bucky let out a laugh, and you felt your stomach twisting.
"Of course, my dear. No one will say anything to you until one day they'll come to your chambers and announce your wedding with prince without asking for your approval. By the way, sweetheart, which prince do you want?" The knot in your throat prevented you from defending yourself in front of your furious master. "I guess you like the young one more, but you caught the attention of the crown prince. You want to be the Queen, don't you? This is the only thing that matters for a little minx like you."
Biting down on your lip, you felt your eyes watering at his words. Why was he saying that? You had never been power-hungry. You cared little for royals and luxury surrounding them, and your master knew it better than anyone else. Why was he saying that? Why did he need to humiliate you for something you had never wished for even in your dreams?
"But I've got to tell you the truth." The man looked at you bitterly. "You'll never be their equal. They'll treat you like nothing but the tool to strengthen their bloodline, and that's all you got to be for them. You'll become one more of their Assets like I've been before."
"Am I not the Asset to you?" You blinked away the tears and stared at him with revulsion, feeling betrayed. "Weren't you going to use me for your own purpose? Don't tell me you wanted to set me free. What's the difference between you and the royal family?"
"Ungrateful little brat." He hissed and moved before you could create the shield.
The man gripped your hair in his fist and yanked you towards your bed, hovering above you and pushing your face in the mattress with all his force. Your cry was muffled by the blanket as you tried to fight him, but was easily outpowered, ropes binding your arms by your master's command. Your first thought was that Bucky wanted to strangle you in rage - you could hardly breathe beneath his large hand. Knowing his unyielding temperament, you did what you could to wriggle free, chanting more and more spells, yet he was able to undo your clumsy charms with ease.
"Stop struggling." He snarled, pushing your face into the bed. "Or I'll show what you get for talking to your master like that."
His angry voice sounded threatening - the last time you disregard it he whipped you that bad you couldn't sit properly for a week, but today everything might end up much worse that that, you thought. You always got to obey him no matter what.
Why did you had to now, though? You were no longer his little girl, hiding in his shadow. Today you were deemed worthy serving your King, and, in fact, the Warlock had no power over you anymore. Unfortunately, he was never bothered by formalities.
"I have fed you, clothed you, given you the roof above you head and shared my knowledge with you." You heard him growling in your ear as he let you breathe again, moving his palm from your head to the back of your neck. "And this is how you thank me for everything I've done for you?"
"I've served you all these years like a dog." You hissed. "I've cooked and cleaned, I've made so many potions I could make a fortune from it alone, I've protected the Tower when Wakandan magus came searching for you. I took all your beatings without saying a word!"
"I didn't beat you, I've trained you."
"You can call it whatever you like, master." You grinned wickedly at him, watching him with your peripheral vision.
His gaze darkened, and you realized you were only making it worse for yourself. Nevertheless, you refused to be intimidated by him, the man who had ruled over you, took advantage of you, forced you to obey his every whim and keep your mouth shut. You wouldn't let him treat you like that. Not anymore.
You felt his ragged breath on the top of your head, his huge body pressing yours into the mattress. He was the Winter Soldier, the Soldat, the Warlock, but you could bring the Great Shadow to the chamber with a snap of your fingers, and he could do nothing to fight it. The only issue with it was that the King would claim you a traitor instead of savior and send all his soldiers to hunt you till the end of your days.
Suddenly, you sensed Bucky's grip weakening, and then he withdrew his hand, letting you move away from him that very second, ropes falling on the bed sheets. His eyes were as cold as a winter night when he stared at you, crawling away from him on the bed.
"Do you want the crown, Y/N?" The man asked sharply, and you narrowed your eyes at him.
"I want someone to love me." You said angrily. "I want to be treated kindly. I want to feel appreciated. I want all the things you would never give me, master."
For a moment you thought Bucky looked hurt before he was on you again, his hands clenching yours and blocking your charms. As you stared at his face, his expression enraged, you growled just like him.
"Rot in Hell." You barked, almost ready to call the Shadow.
"I've been rotting long before you were born, little girl."
He lowered himself until his forehead touched yours, and he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. You saw his anger disappearing, but you didn't feel a delicious sense of relief, anxiety washing over you even more.
"They've taken away all I had. They stripped me of any family and friends, my comrades, anything I treasured, and they want to snatch you away from me all the same." He whispered lowly, watching you frown. "Stay with me, and I'll make you a saint in the eyes of people. You're the Shadow Enchanter, you're above all the royals hiding in this wretched place."
"But you want me beneath you." You said, deeply hurt at his words and his desire to control you even when you thought he deemed you worthy of his trust. "Above them all, but beneath you. Don't you see I want to be neither queen nor saint? All I ever wanted was to be treated fairly, and you denied me this. You're keep doing it even now."
Suddenly, you realized tears were streaming down your face and making the pillow beneath you wet.
"What have I done to you? I loved you with all my heart, and you mocked me for it. You've made me force these feelings down my throat. I wanted you to be proud of me, value me, tell me I'm good enough, but you didn't. Now you get mad because someone else dared to do it?"
His eyes went wide at your confession.
"Did you love me? Did you ever love me?"
"I did. I even dreamt of marrying you." You bit back a cry, angry at yourself for telling him the truth when all you wanted was to spit in his face. "Imagine, master, I hoped to bear your children. But if you don't want it, maybe one day someone else would."
"I do. I want it."
You winced from humiliation and a deep sense of shame, your face flushed.
Of course, now he'd say whatever you wanted to hear from him to make you comply again. He'd play with your feelings as he had always done, and in the end you won't ever become the true Shadow Enchanter, you'd always be the Warlock's faithful Apprentice and nothing else.
"Do you think I can believe you now?" You let out a quiet laugh, staring at him with resentment and hate.
"I don't need you to believe me." He said and pressed his dry chapped lips to your forehead. "I'll show you. I'll show you that you're wrong."
Bucky moved slightly, and you felt the bulge in his pants against your thigh. Oh Gods.
"No, no, master, please-"
"I'll make you a saint. I'll put a crown on your pretty head." His whisper burnt your ear when his nose brushed against your temple. "I'll give you all the things you deserve, and no prince will take you away from me."
Tags: @finleyjayne @alexakeyloveloki  ​@helenaeisenhower @villanellevi @hurricanerin ​@void-hoechlin @abyssaint
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songofclarity · 4 years
All right! One of my favorite tropes is aranged marriage. So, what about nmj and wrh in an arranged marriage, something of convenience, they dont even expect to like each other... until they do. It starts as partnership, working together about some goal then feelings happen. Feel free to make it au, canon divergence, reincarnation or whatever.
Thank you for the prompt! ❤️ This is just a single, condensed snapshot because I would need several thousand more words to get all that relationship development you describe! Although Poor Nie MingJue might have gotten himself into a mess by honoring this (and the other) forced arrangement lol
I do confess I desperately want to have this in a longer fic, and then also write a dozen more AU that allow me to write variations of post-Sunshot Campaign Ruojue, because Wen RuoHan Survives (But the Wens Still Lose) is quite possibly my favorite Ruojue playground.
Wen RuoHan felt like he was going mad. The wedding was held at dusk and night had long since descended. They should have retired at the end of their bows, like any proper grooms, but there was nothing proper about this and the wedding carried on to the banquet and carried them along as well. And like a ship denied its harbor and forced to carry on at sea, the room swayed and rocked even as the red banners hanging heavily from the ceiling posts held stiff and straight. Perhaps that familiar crimson color should have brought him a sense of calm, but, with the head of the beast looking over his shoulder the whole night through, there was no peace in this strange hall where lights glowed too bright and the guests spoke little to nothing at all.
And there were only a dozen guests. It was a pitiful amount for such a ceremony. It was a shameful amount to what their arrangement had first promised: the union of two great sects beneath the sun. And even with a dozen guests, the hall was as quiet as if they were all in meditation. As quiet as if they were in a tomb.
Now would be the time for wine, but all they had at their shared table was tea and eight plates of dishes including roasted pig, vegetables with sea cucumber, and shark fin soup. They were nowhere close to the ocean and the wedding had been an abrupt affair, but there was an attention to detail that pleased the part of him that wasn't dropping his cup and splashing tea on his wedding robes.
The swaying stopped when a hand grabbed his arm and steadied him.
“Husband,” Wen RuoHan intoned, slowly turning his head to catch the narrowed-eye gaze staring at him. For all of Nie MingJue's faults, wearing red was not one of them--although the uniformity of his red wedding robes, trimmed in gold, was an improvement to when he lied bloody on the floor just weeks before. “What do you think of your wedding?”
The question went ignored as Nie MingJue's large hand went for Wen RuoHan's neck. Wen RuoHan sucked in the single breath that held him back from throwing Nie MingJue across the room. Fingers carefully avoided the skin and only the high collar of his robe was pulled back to expose the bandages underneath. “You're bleeding again,” Nie MingJue said gruffly.
Wen RuoHan let his breath out through loosened lips as the tension left him. The technique Meng Yao had tried to use to take his head was proving difficult to heal from. “Red is an auspicious color,” he said, putting a hand to his neck and applying pressure. It hurt, it ached, but it was not the physical pain that stung the most. “I would make a bad husband if I let you Nie take care of everything, as you have done since my arrival.” Of course the Nie took care of everything. There were no Wen left to lift a hand--or raise a hand to stop them.
“You were the one who asked for this.”
“Five years ago with your elders. We were to have it out front the Sun Palace, at the peak of day.” As if marriage would have fixed the Nie’s anger with him, at least the union might insinuate no more discord between their sects.
That still left the discord with his new husband.
Nie MingJue grimaced and pulled away. “You can forget the Sun Palace.”
It was impossible to forget the Sun Palace, or the last time they were there. Wen RuoHan smiled as something dark uncurled in his chest. “Were you frightened being in my hall? Good.”
“You weren't going to kill me. Or let me die.”
“...You're right. Our contract was not void, but I also would not have married a half-dead man scraped off the floor. Strangely you do not seem to have that reservation.” Wen RuoHan let out a breath of laughter.
“Enough. Get up.” Nie MingJue said lowly, leaving no room for questioning as he started getting to his feet and urged Wen RuoHan to get to his.
But Wen RuoHan was not eager to go, and not just because he wanted to stay in the company of Nie MingJue’s most loyal cultivators and that little brother who spent the whole time pouting.
Wen RuoHan grabbed Nie MingJue’s wrist to stop him. “I notice you only have one brother here, when I hear you now have three.”
It worked. Nie MingJue stopped pulling on him.
“You swore brotherhood with him. Good. I look forward to seeing him again soon.”
“He is on a different path now,” Nie MingJue said wearily. And, curiously, with a lack of conviction. “Leave him be.”
Wen RuoHan laughed again, louder this time, and hissed at the pain in his throat, still fresh. The damp warmth was leaving the bandages and he could feel a trickle under his robes, over his chest. “You are my husband now, sworn to me as well. If one day your third brother crosses my path, you'll have no one but yourself to blame for whatever happens next.”
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nah-she-didnt · 4 years
In The Closet
Well, folks, here it is: my first ever fanfic! Please be kind, I’ve quite literally never written anything that I’ve shared with people before, but feedback is always appreciated! Happy reading! - Nina 
CW: anti-LGTBQ slurs, alcohol
Or read on AO3
“My life is over,” Mary whined from her spot in the train compartment. 
Lily rolled her eyes. “It’s six weeks on the Welsh coast, it’ll be grand.” 
“You don’t understand,” Mary said, sitting up dramatically, “my granny has barely left the house in years. It’ll be six weeks of tea time and the same three stories about the war over and over again.” 
Dorcas, who was flipping through a fashion magazine in the seat next to Mary, said absentmindedly “Maybe you’ll meet cute boys at the beach.” 
Mary glared at her. “Doubtful, considering the nearest town is miles away, but thank you for filling me with false hope before I’m doomed to the most boring holiday of all time. Now, if there were some spectacular social gathering happening before my social death sentence, that might get me through....” 
"No, Mar.” 
“Oh come on, you’ll have the house to yourself! Dear old Tuney and your mum are in London ‘til Monday for dress fittings. Please oh please Lily save me from having the most boring summer of all time.” 
Lily paused to consider her friend’s plea. It was true, she would have the house to herself for three whole days. Her mother had seemed genuinely sorry that she wouldn’t be at King’s Cross to collect Lily from the school train, but Lily couldn’t help but think that Petunia’s timing was not a coincidence. Lily was sure that Petunia had chosen this weekend to go wedding dress shopping so that she could chose the undoubtedly horrid gown she would walk down the aisle in, get the alterations, and be off back to her fiancee in London, all without Lily’s input or company. 
Lily sighed, “Let me think about it. You know I have the nosiest neighbors, we’d surely never get away with it...” 
“Oh, we know,” replied Dorcas darkly. “How is dear Snivellus?” 
“Don’t call him that,” Lily snapped, albeit with less enthusiasm than she would have used in the past to defend Sev. In fact, with each passing day Lily found she had less and less energy to spend on her former friend. 
Dorcas shrugged. “Fine, how do you propose we keep this party secret from dear Severus?”
“Now, surely the words ‘Severus’ and ‘party’ don’t belong in the same sentence.” 
At that moment, the door to their compartment slid open to reveal two boys standing in the doorway: James Potter, with his messy black hair and arrogant grin, and Sirius Black, who had somehow already changed out of his school uniform into a black suede jacket and bell bottoms. 
Lily grimaced at James, “Funny, I don’t remember inviting you into this conversation, Potter.” 
“You should talk more quietly, then,” replied Sirius, mischief dancing behind his eyes, “or else the whole train will hear about this wild party you girls are planning. Go on then, when will this social event of the season take place?”
“Tomorrow night, Lily’s house!” Mary cried, beaming. Her bad mood had clearly lifted as soon as the boys entered their compartment.
“No, absolutely not,” said Lily sternly. “There is no party. Sorry to disappoint you two, but Mary here doesn’t know what she’s talking about.” 
“Now, Lily, be reasonable!” cried Sirius imploringly, grabbing her hand and sinking down to one knee for dramatic effect. “Think of your poor classmates! Have we not spent the last two weeks preparing for our grueling end of year exams?” 
“You only studied for exams for two weeks?” said Lily, horrorstruck.
“Yes, and a more boring two weeks I cannot recall in my young life!” Sirius draped the back of his hand across his forehead and fully laid down on the compartment floor. “Please, Lily, if you have any care for my emotional, mental, or social wellbeing, please let me plan a rager tomorrow night in your lovely home.” 
“You’ve never been to my home, Sirius,” said Lily, but the corners of her mouth had begun to twitch. 
“Well, I’m sure it’s lovely! Let me put it this way, let me throw a bonkers begining-of-the-holiday party in your house tomorrow, and James and I will leave you girls alone for the rest of the train ride.” 
“Done!” cried Dorcas, “Off you go, gents.” 
“Hang on,” said Lily quickly. Looking around she could see that she was fast losing any hope of finding an ally in the compartment. Finally, her gaze fell on James. “Potter, you know him best, if I let him plan a party in my house can I expect the building to still be standing in the morning?” 
James paused, clearly considering Lily’s question. After a beat, he replied “On my honor, Evans, your childhood home will still exist the morning after this absolutely legendary party.” 
“Right, that answer doesn’t quite soothe me, Potter. But I suppose...” 
“YES!” cried Sirius, who in one fluid movement jumped to his feet and pumped his fist into the air. “Evans, I promise, you won’t be sorry. I’m going to plan the most insane summer kickoff that will make any minimal damage to your property completely worth it.” 
“You have got to stop saying stuff like that,” said Lily through the gaps in her fingers, as she had dropped her face into her hands. “I swear to God Sirius, if you make me regret this I will end you.” 
“Fair enough. Now, we must be off. Must collect the lads to do some party planning. Do we think three kegs will be enough, or should we go for five just in case?” 
“OUT!” shouted Lily, and Sirius scrambled from the compartment, followed closely by James, who paused quickly before leaving to shoot a final grin in Lily’s direction. 
“He is so obvious,” said Dorcas in a bored voice as she watched James leave. 
“God, I know, he’s going to destroy my whole house, isn’t he” said Lily miserably.
Dorcas shot a bemused look in Lily’s direction, “I wasn’t talking about Sirius.” 
Lily stood on the platform at King’s Cross with her school trunk waiting for Mary to collect her things from the train. She felt a pang of sadness in her chest that her mother wasn’t here to collect her for her last summer holiday before graduating from Hogwarts academy. She had been looking forward to a final summer at home with mum before hopefully starting a pre-med program in London next summer after graduation. But, she supposed, Tuney was getting married, and would need her mother’s help in finding a dress. Plus, Lily would get her mum all to herself for eight weeks this summer. No, she shouldn’t worry, and she shouldn’t feel guilty for having a few friends over for an intimate and mature social gathering tomorrow night...
“Hello, uh - are you getting home okay?” said a voice behind her. Lily turned to see a sallow, lanky boy standing just behind her. Severus had grown taller in the last year, but still had the sickly boyish look that he’d had for all the years she’d known him. Lily grimaced. “I’m fine, thank you.” 
“Good, good... Are you sure you don’t need a ride? Mother is coming, for once, you know she usually makes me take the train, but I suppose since it’s the last holiday before school ends she felt sentimental.” 
“No, Mary’s mum is driving me. They’re in Sheffield, it’s not far.” 
“Oh... right. Are you quite sure? It wouldn’t be any trouble. We’re just down the street, you know.” It was clear as he said this that Severus was using a great deal of energy to try and appear aloof, like he couldn’t care less how Lily got home from the station. 
“Severus, please leave it. I have a ride, I’m not a damsel in distress that you need to save, I have plenty of people to rely on, so please leave me alone.” 
Severus looked angry now, brushing the hair out of his eyes so that he could glare at Lily. “I never said you were a damsel, I just thought--”  
“Pardon me, Snivellus,” Sirius said loudly as he pushed past Severus towards Lily. “Evans, I know you seemed touchy about the kegs, so how about just one keg and a few bottles of something stronger, eh? You don’t worry about the guest list, I’ll take care of it, only the best and least responsible Hogwarts students allowed, I promise!” 
“Sirius,” said Lily warningly, as Severus was listening to every word he said. “Not now, okay? Do whatever you think is best. Within reason!” she shouted at him, for at her blessing Sirius had grinned mischievously and darted back into the crowd of students on the platform.
“Why is Black asking you about kegs? Are you letting him bring alcohol to your house?” Snape demanded, eyes full of desperation. 
“How can what goes on in my house possibly concern you, Snape?” Said Lily harshly. She glanced around Severus to see Mary and her mum waving at her from the other side of the platform. “Looks like my ride is ready. Guess I’ll see you next term,” she said as she hurried away from him. Severus stared at her as she left, an unreadable expression on his face. 
“I cannot believe you talked me into this. I cannot believe you talked me into this, Mary.” 
“Calm down,” said Dorcas as she applied more mascara, her eyes and mouth comically wide as she stared into the mirror in concentration. The girls were getting dressed for the party in Lily’s bedroom, which would be locked for the party itself. “You’re hardly the first teenager to throw a party when mum’s out of town.” 
“Yes, but I’m the first teenager stupid enough to let Sirius Black throw a party when my mum’s out of town!” 
“Well, I for one am eternally grateful for the sacrifice you’ve made on behalf of my sanity this summer, Lily,” said Mary, crossing the room to throw her arm across Lily’s shoulders in a one-sided hug. “You’re single handedly saving my will to live.” 
Lily shrugged Mary off and glared at her. “Honestly, watch you guilt me into having this stupid party, then have a magical time in Wales with some chiseled sailor that you meet on the very first day.” 
“It is a distinct possibility” said Mary with a wicked grin, and she flounced back over to her spot in front of the mirror to continue perfecting her bangs. 
Lily dejectedly walked over to her spot between Mary and Dorcas in front of the mirror. She was determined to be in a bad mood for the party, but she couldn’t deny, she and the girls looked hot. Dorcas styled her long braids tied up into two buns on top of her head, added some dramatic eye makeup, and topped off the look with simple silver hoop earrings. Mary had perfected her Linda Ronstadt bangs and dark purple lipstick. And Lily, who had been forced by Mary into a blue eye shadow that she had never dared wear before and a backless halter top (”you can tell I’m not wearing a bra!” “That’s the point, dingus,”) was nearly unrecognizable. 
“I’m going to regret this” Lily sighed. 
“Save it, Lils. No one’s holding a gun to your head. You need this as much as anyone.” 
That was certainly true. Lily had spent the better part of the last five months revising for her exams, and now that they were over she supposed there was nothing wrong with letting off a little steam. She straightened up, looked at herself in the mirror one last time, and determined that she liked what she saw. 
Downstairs, the doorbell rang. 
“Christ,” Lily mumbled, “that’ll be the goons.” 
“Could you get the door, Lil? Mary and I are still preening” said Dorcas distractedly, still glancing in the mirror. 
“I suppose I should let them in before they break down the door.” Lily made her way downstairs to the living room and to the front door. She stopped with her hand on the doorknob, let out a breath, planted a smile on her face, and opened the door. 
James Potter stood in front of her in a fitted Queen t-shirt, fitted blue jeans, and a dumbstruck expression. 
“Erm, hi,” said Lily, not quite sure if James could hear her. James nodded, still looking like he’d been hit very hard over the head. “Hi...” he said, distractedly, then grinned 
“Evening, Evans! Holy shit!” Sirius came striding into the living room past James, who still hadn’t moved. “You look ravishing! Like truly, completely hot! How did this happen!” 
“Fuck off, Black,” said Lily annoyed. She knew the halter top had been a ridiculous idea.
“No, no, I mean, wow. Come on, Evans, don’t be mad, you know if I liked girls you’d be my number one. Oi, James, close your mouth and bring that Keg in here.”
Lily spun around. Sure enough, James was standing in front of a large keg that he began to wheel into her house on a dolly. Lily groaned inwardly. 
“Alright, thank you for supplying the alcohol. Now, as I recall, there are two more of you. Where are Remus and Peter?” 
“They’re bringing in the rest of the libations,” Said Sirius proudly, striding over to the front door and calling out “Lads, that’s the wrong door! We’re in here you morons!” 
Lily sprinted to the front door and, sure enough, Remus and Peter were now awkwardly stepping over Mrs. Nextdoor’s freshly planted hydrangeas and making their way into her front yard instead. They both held large boxes emitting the sounds of clinking glassware every time the boys moved. 
Lily rounded on Sirius. “Black, I swear to god if those boxes are both full of liquor,” 
“Now, Evans, who do you think I am? There’s at least one bottle of chaser in there!” said Sirius, who dodged Lily’s attempt to smack him around the head. “It’ll be right as rain, Lily, I give you my word!” 
“Just set it up on the kitchen table, okay? And for god’s sake put a towel down!” cried Lily as James wheeled the keg past her and into the kitchen. Remus and Peter entered the living room, panting and struggling to keep a hold on the enormous boxes in their hands. 
“Alright, Evans? Where should we put these?” Asked Peter. Peter was shorter than his friends, with a round face and kind eyes. He often gave Lily the impression of an excitable puppy, always bubbly and eager to please. 
“The kitchen counter is fine, thanks,” Lily pointed in the general direction of the kitchen, past Sirius struggling to lift the corner of the keg while James stuffed a towel beneath it. Peter grinned and hobbled off to put the boxes down. 
“Hey, Lily, thanks for agreeing to host the festivities tonight,” said Remus. Lily liked Remus the best of his friend group. They’d been chemistry partners ever since she’d stopped being friends with Severus. Lily had instantly clicked with Remus because while on the surface he was kind and mild, he could be sarcastic as anything once you got to know him. Lily smiled at Remus, “Of course, though I may live to regret it. I’m glad I have you here to help keep the boys in line.” 
“No can do, I’m afraid,” Remus sighed, “I allow myself one night a year to be a reckless teenager, and unfortunately for you I’ve chosen tonight as this year’s night.” 
“You’re dead to me,” Lily pouted, but Remus laughed and slung his arm around her. “Come on, let’s get you a drink. It’s going to be a great night, I promise!” 
The air was suddenly filled with the sound of shattering glass and the overwhelming smell of vodka. “Uh, Lily love,” said Sirius’ voice from the kitchen, “where might we find some paper towels?” 
Lily glared at Remus, who shrugged, adding “I’ll get you that drink now, shall I?” 
Remus was right, the party was going off without a hitch, not including the broken handle of vodka at the beginning of the night. What seemed like half their year at Hogwarts was present. Lily had consumed approximately two and a half beers -- no, on second thought, a whole three beers, she conceded as she chugged the rest of her drink -- and had forgotten all about her hostess anxieties. The music was loud, the keg was half full, and she was basking in the glow of gratitude from her fellow students who were happy to have a reason to celebrate the end of the year. She was even slapped on the back by last year’s soccer captain, Benjy Fenwick, which caused Mary to go into such a fit of giggles that she had to leave the room. 
Remus, much to Sirius’ chagrin, had been put in charge of the music. This proved to be a poor decision on Lily’s part. The house seemed full of nervous energy as her classmates, who were fast becoming more and more intoxicated, grumbled that they could not dance to the slow, melodic rock coming from the speakers.
Sirius was growing more and more antsy at Remus’ music selections. "Moony I am begging you to think about the group at large before you play any more Neil Young.” 
“Neil Young is a god!”
“Yes, but this album is damn depressing! Put on something I can dance to!” 
“This song is hauntingly beautiful, and anyone who can’t appreciate that shouldn’t be here in the first place.” 
“Moony, put on some dancing music, and I promise you I’ll make you glad you did,” Sirius said suggestively, pulling Remus closer to him. Remus grinned and leaned into to Sirius, who grabbed him tight around the torso and yelled “Peter, now!” Swift as can be, Peter swooped in and switched out the Neil Young for an ABBA record, causing the room at large to cheer in celebration. 
“Traitor!” yelled Remus, though he was laughing. “ABBA is an insult to my DJ title.” 
“ABBA is fun and you know it,” said Sirius, grabbing Remus’ hand and pulling him onto the dance floor. Lily smiled as she watched them dance. Sirius and Remus had caused a minor scandal the previous year when they had gone from best mates to an official couple. Not that their new relationship had surprised anyone who really knew them. Lily had been waiting for Remus to tell her he loved Sirius ever since they became chemistry partners. As she watched them dance, Lily felt a warm presence next to her and looked up. 
“Fancy seeing you here,” said Potter, also watching Sirius and Remus dance. 
Lily smiled, gesturing to the dancing couple. “Is it weird for you, navigating a friendship with both of them when they’re so bonkers for each other?” 
“Nah, it’s not bad. We’ve all been through a lot, it was easy to figure out the group’s dynamics once they changed. Anyway, they’ve never been subtle about fancying each other, so when they got together the only thing that changed was the label.” 
“I suppose that’s true,” said Lily. It was odd to speak so honestly with James. Usually James was so arrogant, walking around the school as if he owned the place. James was popular, good looking (she supposed), and well-known by all. He and his friends were also known as charming trouble makers, and could get away with even the most egregious pranks. It annoyed Lily to no end. 
About a year ago, James had taken notice of Lily’s negative attitude towards himself and seemed to make it his personal mission to charm her as he had the rest of her classmates. Their encounters usually consisted of flirtatious sparring from him and cool indifference from her, which only encouraged his competitive nature. It worked, sometimes, but Lily was usually determined not to let him win, for Lily suspected she was even more competitive than James when it came to being right. 
“It’s nice talking to you like this, Potter,” said Lily, emboldened by the three and a half beers she had now imbibed, “you’re far more pleasant when you aren’t trying to flirt with me.”
“What do you mean, ‘trying’? I think I’m pretty successful at flirting with you,” said Potter. God, his stupid handsome -- NO, not handsome, passable -- face wore the most infuriatingly smug expression. Lily quickly reversed course, settling back into her Defensive Potter Mode. 
“No, actually, you’re not. In fact, you’re usually nothing more than an arrogant toerag, in my humble opinion,” she said matter of factly. 
Alright, that might have been too far. Why had she had so much to drink?
They stood in silence for a moment, the smug look on James’ face shifting into one of sour disappointment. He shrugged, “You’re right. I’m sorry Evans, enjoy the party,” and he disappeared into the crowd.
“Christ,” Lily mumbled to herself, rubbing her eye with the hand not clutched around her drink. Potter really was infuriating. He could antagonize her to no end, but the moment she got to him herself, she felt this wave of crushing guilt. No matter. The night was young, and she’d almost finished her fourth beer. Lily sighed, and went into the crowd to find Mary and Dorcas.
The party had certainly reached a new peak. More people had started to turn up, including students from the years above and below James, and people he had never seen in his life. The keg was nearly empty, the music blared, and couples had started disappearing into the upper level of the house. James, however, was not in much of a party mood.
“Cheer up, mate,” slurred Sirius as he dropped into the empty seat next to James on the couch, “ignore Evans, find yourself another nice bird.” 
“Don’t want another bird, and I’m not hung up on Evans, thank you very much,” said James stubbornly. Sirius rolled his eyes. “Sure you’re not. Alright, what about her then? She’s got nice...hair? Andy big, thick -- uh -- knockers, and looks like she’s got two eyes, and-” 
“You have no idea at all what to see in women, do you?” laughed James. Sirius had about as much interest in girls as James had in Snivellus. 
“Haven’t the foggiest idea, but I’m sure someone here could pique your interest.” 
“Well, that’s a nice thought, but I--” 
At that moment, a girl in the crowd towards the front of the house yelled at the top of her lungs, “COPS!” 
It was chaos. Dozens of drunk, crazed teenagers started to run towards the back door, knocking into and running each other over in the process. Sirius and James jumped to their feet, scanning the crowd for Remus and Peter. Peter was nowhere to be seen, but Remus sprinted over to where they stood, grabbing Sirius’ hand. 
“We have to go, now,” said Remus. Sirius paused, looking guilty. “I should stay, this was my idea, I don’t want Lily to take the fall for this,” he said, though he looked nervously at the front of the house where the policemen certainly stood behind the door. James, knowing exactly what Sirius was afraid of, clapped a hand on his shoulder. 
“No, Sirius, you and Remus go. Find somewhere to cool it for a while. I’ll meet you later.” 
“James, I know you’re obsessed with Lily, but you can’t honestly say you want to stay,” said a shocked Remus.
“This isn’t about Lily. I’ll stay behind to help people get out, then I’ll hide somewhere. Go, now!” said James, pushing his friends towards the back door. With a final uncertain look, the two disappeared in the escaping crowd. 
James looked around to see what could be done. Most of the partygoers had escaped out the back, so James turned off the living room lights just as a loud knock sounded at the front door. James froze, listening intently to what was happening behind the front door. 
“Open up in there!” shouted a scary sounding voice, and James bolted. 
He ran to the back door, locked it, and bolted up the stairs. He had absolutely no idea where he was going, but he knew he had to get as far away from the front door as possible. He rounded a corner, then another, into a dark bedroom. He paused, looking around to get his bearings, and then he saw it. He dived head first into the closet, when--
“OUCH! Who is that?!” said a scared, and annoyed, voice.
“Shhh, it’s James Potter, keep it down though, there’s cops downstairs.
“James, it’s me, Lily, and I know there are cops downstairs. Why else would I be hiding in my closet?” 
“I don’t know, Evans, how many more people did you insult tonight? Maybe you’re hiding from them,” said James grumpily. 
There was a moment of silence. James stared into the oppressive darkness at what he assumed was Lily’s dark form. 
“What’s happening downstairs? When everyone started to run I knew I couldn’t leave, it’s my house, so I came up here.” 
“Yeah, that was smart. I locked the back door and I think everyone is out, but it might be smart to hide up here for a bit ‘til they go away.” 
“Right, okay.” Lily let out a long breath she had clearly been holding in since arriving in the closet. The two sat in silence for several long moments, then Lily spoke. 
“I’m sorry for what I said about you. You’re not an obnoxious douchebag.” 
“Actually, it was arrogant toerag, but continue,” said James, with just a hint of his usual flirtatiousness. Silently, he cursed himself for never being able to be mad at Lily. 
“Right, that. Well, as I said, I am sorry. It’s just you can make me so angry sometimes. More mad than anyone else I know.”
“So you’re saying I evoke strong emotions in you?” laughed James, “I suppose I’ll take that as a compliment.” 
“I’m not sure you should,” replied Lily, but her voice sounded much friendlier this time. James regretted not leaving the closet ajar so that he could see her face in the light of the street lamps outside her window. 
“Too late, you said something nice about me! I’m counting it as a victory.” 
Lily scoffed. “Speaking of victories, I notice Sirius is not the one sitting in the dark with me. I’m glad that he got to have a fun night of partying then ditch as soon as things got dicey.” 
“It wasn’t like that!” said James, suddenly defensive. “He was going to stay but I told him to leave with Remus, and that I would help get people out of the house. I didn’t like the idea of he and Remus around the cops. He was reluctant at first but he caved eventually.” 
Silence again. James was starting to enjoy this newfound ability to stump Lily Evans. “Oh... thank you, Potter. I appreciate your help, truly. Why don’t you want Sirius and Remus around cops?” 
This time it was James’ turn for silence. After a pause, he said quietly, “one time, last summer holiday, the four of us were leaving the cinema after dark. We’d snuck in a flask of whiskey and passed it back and forth the whole time, so we were all a little drunk when the film ended. It was before, you know, Sirius and Remus were properly together, but they were tipsy and being really playful with each other. When we got outside they ran down the street ahead of us and were flirting a bunch, being touchy, you know. Anyway, they’d gotten a bit ahead of us down the block, and these two skinheads tried to corner them. Started calling them queers, faggots, pushing them about, you get it. Peter and I ran up, and at that point the blokes knew they were outnumbered and bolted. But the whole thing was really scary. Remus said he couldn’t sleep for a week.” 
James paused his story to rub his eyes at the horrible memory. He’d forgotten just how bad that night had been. “Anyway, I was walking to the store a few days after this, and I saw a cop walking down the street swinging a baton like a cartoon character. It was one of the skinheads. I recognized him from that night, he must have been off duty. This fucking prick spent his night off harassing a couple of kids who weren’t hurting anyone at all. If one of them is like that, I don’t want to know what the rest of them are like.” 
James expected to sit in silence with Lily for a few more moments, but this time she broke the silence quickly. 
“Thank you.” 
“For what?” 
“For looking after them tonight. That was really... well, it was really brave, James.” 
James’ heart soared. She called him brave. He tried desperately to ignore his delight, and instead answered nonchalantly. “They would do the same for me. Not that I’m in the same situation, or that I have as much to worry about with cops, or, well, you know. They look out for me, I look out for them. I love them, and that’s what you do for people you love.” 
“Yes,” breathed Lily, “you’re right, that’s--”
They both froze. They could hear from the hallway the unmistakable sounds of large feet in boots climbing the stairs to the second floor. “Maybe they won’t know we’re here,” James whispered as quietly as he could.
Lily gulped, and covered her own mouth to quiet her breathing. James waited with baited breath. Suddenly, a light flipped on in the room, and someone wrenched open the doors to the closet. 
“Oi, you two, what do you think you’re doing in there?” yelled a large, bald policeman. 
James froze, eyes wide, trying his best to look both sober and innocent. “We’re, uh, we’re just, um--” 
“We’re having a fight,” said Lily confidently. James looked quickly at her, properly seeing her for the first time since entering the closet. Her hair was a mess, her eye makeup was smudged, and her expression was set. She glared up at the policeman, who regarded her confident tone with surprise. 
“Is that right?” said the policeman, regaining his composure and glaring down at Lily. Lily straightened, looking more determined than ever. “Yes. Arnold here broke up with me two days ago, so we came in here to fight. We didn’t want anyone else to know, you see. We’ve been up here for quite a while, so we haven’t the foggiest idea of what’s been going on downstairs.”
“I bet you haven’t,” said the cop nastily. “I’ll have you know, miss, that there were a great number of minors drinking alcohol on the premises tonight. We had a tip off that someone in the neighborhood was hosting an underage party, and it wasn’t hard to figure out which house was the problem. Your front lawn is a right mess, you see.” 
Lily frowned. “I don’t have any knowledge of any drinking on this property. Do you have anyone in custody?”
“No, but,” 
“And how did you get inside? If there’s no one else downstairs, I can’t see how anyone could have let you in.” 
“The tip off said there was a spare key for emergencies. If there was underage drinking happening, we had clear cause to enter the property.” 
“Well, we’ll see about that, but for now, it looks like there’s nothing more for you all to do, is there? It’s a classic case of habeas corpus. And if you don’t have the corpus, you know what they say, ‘no body, no crime,’“ said Lily sweetly. The cop looked at Lily for a moment, clearly dumbfounded. James had never been so enamored with another human being in his young life as he was in this moment. 
“Look, miss, do you live here or not?” said the cop. 
“No, I don’t,” lied Lily. 
“Well, tell whoever does live here that we’ll come round to inquire in the next few days, so they better have everything back in order before we do.” And with that ominous announcement, the cop left the room. 
James and Lily sat in dead silence for a few minutes as they heard the cop collecting his buddy from the kitchen and leaving through the front door, closing it behind them. 
James and Lily looked at one another, then at the exact same time, leapt up and sprinted to the front door. James got there first, locking it quickly, then turned to lean his back up against the door, panting. 
“That - was - so - close,” he wheezed, sliding down the door to sit on the ground. Lily nodded, clutching a stitch in her side, then turned on the table lamp to inspect her living room. 
The room was positively trashed. Empty plastic cups with sticky dried beer littered the floor, the remnants of a drinking game lay strewn about her mother’s antique sitting room table, and something that smelled suspiciously like vomit was wafting over from one of the large potted plants in the corner. 
“James, you need to find a new best friend, because I am going to destroy Sirius Black,” said Lily, covering her face with her hands and sinking onto the couch. 
“I wouldn’t blame you. Hey, how did you come up with that ‘Harper’s corpse’ thing so quickly?” asked James.
“It’s habeas corpus, and I watch a lot of American legal programs,” said Lily proudly, “I have no idea if any of that is right. That cop must have been a bit thick, or I don’t think he would have bought it. Anyway, I’d be surprised if he came back to check up on the place, he probably just said that to scare us a bit. Still, I really should start to clean this mess up...”
“I’ll help!” said James gallantly, springing to his feet. Lily eyed him suspiciously, but James just waved his hand casually, “Evans, I’m not leaving you to this mess. I helped destroy your home, at least let me help set it right again.” 
“Fair enough. Blimey, where do we even start? Wait, do you hear that?” 
James and Lily looked around. There was a slight tap tap tap coming from the direction of the kitchen. Lily walked quickly into the other room and saw three noses pressed up against the window panes on her backdoor; Sirius, Remus, and Peter. Lily shook her head and opened the door. “Well well well, look who decided to show up,” 
“Great party Evans! Are the coppers gone?” Sirius looked anxiously through the door into the house. 
“Yes, but please, get inside before anyone sees you in the yard. The last thing we need is for my neighbors to see you out there.
The boys fell over the landing and into the kitchen. Lily could tell based on their poor coordination that they had not had the same sobering experience that she had that evening. 
“Right, you lot,” Lily said, pointing at Sirius and Peter, “follow me, I’m going to watch you clean the sick out of my mother’s ficus.” Sirius and Peter started to groan, but at a murderous look from Lily, the followed her dutifully into the living room. 
“Sorry about that, mate. Did they give you much trouble?” Remus asked anxiously, surveying the disgusting state of the kitchen and dining room. 
“Surprisingly, no. Lily made up this incredible story for the cops about us fighting in her closet, and--” 
“Hang on,” Remus said, frowning, “what about a closet?”
“Oh, right. Well, when you two left, I stayed downstairs to make sure everyone got out, then I locked the back door and sprinted upstairs. I ran into the first room I saw a closet, and when I went in there to hide Lily was already in there.” 
“Lily in the closet? Sounds like Sirius in fifth year.” 
“My thought exactly. Anyway, We hid up there for a bit, then this big cop came in and found us, but she told him we were in there fighting and didn’t even know there was a party going on downstairs. As there was no one left in the house, he just told us to clean up and left. Mad, eh?” 
“Completely,” agreed Remus, “how did he get in the house in the first place?”
James frowned slightly. He tried to remember what the cop had said about entering the house, but couldn’t. “I have no idea. The front door must have been open after all.” 
“Wild,” said Remus, who had already picked up half the abandoned cups that littered the kitchen. “Lucky she had a story ready for him.”
“Yeah, lucky,” replied James absentmindedly, “she was incredible, really.” 
“I bet she was,” Remus snickered. 
“Shut it, not like that. She was just so calm and collected, you know? I was shitting myself.” 
“Well, we all made it out in one piece. Especially Pete, the prat. We ran into him about a block away from the house, said he was the first one out the door when the cops came.” 
“Of course he was,” James said darkly. Pete had an exceptional knack for being in the right place at the right time. 
At that moment, Peter walked through the doorway from the hall into the kitchen, looking a bit green. “Puke’s cleaned up. I don’t know what that poor soul had for dinner, but whatever it was, it was definitely not something you should eat before drinking.”
“Thanks for the visual, mate.” 
“How’d you lot get out of getting arrested anyway?” asked Pete, who was now helping James wipe down the kitchen counter. 
“Lily and I were in the closet, and--”
“Huh, just like Sirius in fifth year,” 
“That’s what I said!”
“And Lily made up this brilliant story that got them to leave. Honestly, she was so convincing I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to trust her again.” 
“I’m sure that won’t be a problem,” Peter smirked. Remus laughed again.
James eyed them both. “For your information, I think it was a bonding moment! She surely can’t hate me anymore after we went through all that together.”
“Yes, hiding in a closet together can do wonders for a relationship,” said Remus wisely, “believe me, I would know.” 
“What’s this about being in a closet?” 
Sirius and Lily entered the room, Lily holding a mop and bucket and Sirius holding a garbage bag out away from his body like it was a bomb. 
Remus took the garbage bag from Sirius, put it in the trash can, and kissed him on the cheek.
“Never you mind. Let’s say we get some water for that bucket and tackle the living room. Pete, could you take the trash out front?”
“Oh no you don’t,” Lily replied, snatching the trash from Remus’ hands, “I’m not letting any more of my neighbors see you lot in my front yard. You can help me clean up then sleep here tonight, if you want, it’s far too late for you to hitch home or whatever it is that you planned on doing.” 
“Sounds good to me, I make an excellent omelette!” Sirius proclaimed, then followed Remus into the living room with the mop and bucket. Lily grinned at James, who smiled softly back at her, then took the garbage bag through the living room and out the front door. 
She walked across the front threshold into the warm night air, letting herself revel in the quiet of her suburban street at midnight. She stood for a moment taking in large gulps of night air before walking over to the bins and depositing the trash inside. When she was done she felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. She whirled around and found herself face to face with Severus. 
“Lily, are you alright? I saw police and I was worried, I came to see if you were okay,” said Severus quickly. He was looking past her to the front of her house. Lily could see that Remus and Sirius were visible through the front window, mopping the floor and laughing as they worked. Lily looked back at Severus to see that his eyes had narrowed as he watched them. 
“It’s none of your business, Snape.” Lily said stiffly, crossing her arms against her chest. She was still very aware that she was wearing Mary’s loose fitting halter top. 
Severus looked taken aback at her use of his surname. “Lily, I’m sorry, I just--” 
“Thought you’d call the cops on my party? Thought you’d tell the cops about the spare key we keep in the planter next to the door?”
Severus appeared dumbfounded. “I don’t know what they told you, but it wasn’t -- I didn’t -- I was worried that they would destroy your house!”
“You know what, Snape,” she was becoming more angry by the minute, “butt out of my life, alright? I’m telling you once and for all to leave me alone. I don’t need your assistance or your protection, I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself. Plus, I have friends to look out for me,” and she gestured towards the front window where Sirius had completely forgotten about mopping and was instead trying to convince Remus to waltz with him. 
Severus stared at the window. “You can’t possibly mean them. They don’t have your best interest at heart!”
“They look out for me, I look out for them. That’s what you do for your real friends, Snape.” And with that, Lily turned on her heel and marched back into the house. 
“I said it last night and I’ll say it again, excellent party last night, Evans,” Sirius exclaimed, raising his glass of vodka and tomato juice (”the poor man’s hangover cure!” he insisted earlier that morning), “to Evans!”
“Evans!” shouted the boys, Mary, and Dorcas, who had arrived last night shortly after Lily’s confrontation with Severus. They had hidden in playground equipment for half an hour before daring to make their way back to the house. They had all spent the night cleaning the house, then passed out on blankets and pillows in the living room. That morning they had woken up to feast on bacon sandwiches and coffee. Sirius had been too hung over to follow through on his promise of omelettes. 
“Thank you, thank you, you are all too kind,” Lily laughed. “And, I suppose, I must show a small amount of gratitude towards Sirius for forcing me to have the party in the first place.” 
“I think force is a bit strong. You certainly didn’t need much convincing. I think we all needed a bit of a laugh.” 
“Easy for you to say, you weren’t cowering in a closet from a big beefy copper, were you?” grumbled James, though his eyes were bright with amusement. 
“True enough. Your heroics will go down in Hogwarts legend, my friends,” said Sirius, clapping James on the back. 
Peter checked his watch. “We best be off lads, before our mums realize that we all lied about sleeping over at each other’s houses.”
The boys began to collect their belongings, said their goodbyes to Lily, Mary, and Dorcas, then trudged out the door to catch the bus in town. Lily rose to see them out, but James hung back behind his friends. 
“Hey, thanks again for saving my ass last night. You really are brilliant, you know.” 
“Yes, I do know, thank you,” Lily said cheekily, giving James a playful punch on the arm.
“Look, I’d say we’ve been through a lot now, how about we try and be, I dunno... friends?”
Lily considered this for a moment. He wasn’t so bad after all, James. He’d risked his neck to protect his friends, and he’d stayed up all night helping her clean the house. 
Finally, Lily stuck her hand out, “Friends.” 
James’ face broke into a broad smile as he took her hand and shook. “Blimey, did you ever think you’d see the day?”
“Never,” Lily winked at him. “You best catch up with your mates.” 
“Ah, yes, they’ll leave me behind if I don’t run, they’ve done it before. Have a good summer, Evans,” and with that, he turned and ran after his friends. 
Lily fondly watched the boys meander down the street. Had she really been wrong about James Potter? She shook her head, shot one last glance towards the mess of black hair on the back of his head, then stepped back into her spotless home.  
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mizumelona · 4 years
set me up | atsumu x reader
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SYNOPSIS: You’re an ambitious career woman, who’s got everything…except a significant other. Your mom, sick of you showing up to family functions alone, sets you up on a series of (terrible) blind dates. You make these dates meet you at your favorite restaurant, Onigiri Miya, but for some reason the owner’s jerk of a twin brother always happens to be there exactly when things crash and burn.
Note: Welcome to the first installment of this series! I hope you enjoy!!
TAGLIST: @awkwardali6106 @kasandrafaye @veggytaled 
“Don’t worry honey you’ll find someone…eventually”
You were at your cousin’s wedding. That was the fifth auntie who’d told you that today. You were getting sick of it, but not as much as your mom was getting sick of it. As soon as the auntie walked away, she turned to you with a grimace.
“I know that your job is really important to you, but you need to stop messing around.” She sighed. “You aren’t going to be cute and young forever”
“Don’t get your hopes up. Y/n isn’t even cute now.” Burn. Delivered by the groom himself.
“Just kidding”. He definitely wasn’t. “I’m so glad you could make it”
“Congratulations!”, your mom cut in with a smile before you could make a comeback. You were technically smiling but your eyes gave off an ominous aura. On any other occasion you would’ve socked your smug asshole of a cousin.
“Thanks auntie! It’s crazy. Love really changed things for me”, he chuckled and threw an egotistical smile in your direction as if to say not that you would understand.
This bastard. Who cared if you were single? You gave 110% of yourself to your passion, and it paid off. You made a name for yourself as a rising star disrupting the male dominated engineering space and landed your dream job a tech firm right out of school. You were rolling in dough, designing tech that was going to change the world. It wasn’t an exaggeration to say that you were one boss bitch.
You did have a bit of an unpleasant reputation within your extended family. Hot headed, aggressive, greedy. One nasty breakup in college and you’d effectively been labeled romantically inept.
“Well, I have to go prepare for the toast, but I hope you both have a good time”. Just like that he strolled off leaving you stewing.
“That’s it y/n. I’m finding some guys for you to meet”, your mom interrupted your thoughts.
“What! Why? My life is just fine the way it is thank you.”
“I’m not saying you have to marry them. Just meet them once.”
That night as you soaked in a lavender bath, your phone buzzed. You dried your hands on a nearby towel and reached over to check it.
Haru’s nephew is a great guy. He says he’ll meet you next Saturday 11AM. Are there any good restaurants near your house?
“Ugh. I can’t believe she’s actually doing this.” You rolled your eyes. Putting the phone down, you slid back down into the water until your chin grazed the surface.
Dating had never been a very pleasant experience for you. Either guys got intimidated then ghosted you or had some kind of ulterior motive for getting close. As much as you hoped, dates never took on any semblence of you childish fantasies of romance.
You dipped your mouth under the water and blew some bubbles.
You had to admit though, it would be nice if you could make that irritating cousin of yours shut up. For example, if you could show up to the next family reunion with a hot boyfriend and flex on him. Ha. That would be fun. You sat up and dried your hands again.
Lovely Daughter:
Okay. He can meet me at Onigiri Miya. I’ll send you the address.
You were a boss bitch that put 110% of yourself into achieving your goals. It wasn’t much to add romance to the list. Romance. Hah. Bring it on.
Onigiri Miya. Saturday 10:50AM.
Chimes above the door jingled as you made your way into the restaurant. A few weeks ago you discovered this little rice ball joint near your apartment, and you quickly became a regular. The guy who ran the place was friendly, the quality of the rice was unbelievable, and most importantly their takeout was super fast. You could easily pick it up while rushing to or from work. Today was actually the second time you’d ever stayed to dine in.
You took a seat, looking around for the owner and spotted him sitting hunched over at the bar with his cheek resting on the counter. He wasn’t in his usual uniform today, but you’d stopped by enough times to recognize his chiseled eyebrows. Oof. Upon closer inspection, he did not look like he was in good shape. Dejection was written all over his face. It wasn’t really your business, but you felt kind of bad.
“Hey”, you called out to him, but he didn’t move.
“Hey”, you walked up to him, leaning your face into his view. He lifted his head off the counter to look at you.
“Hi! Sorry to bother you.”, you paused noticing that his hair looked different from usual. “Did you dye your hair? I like the new look”, you said sweeping an imaginary coif over your head. “I’m still waiting for someone to show up, but could I please get a glass of water in the meantime?”
He narrowed his eyes.
“Ya got the wrong person. I’m just waitin’ for my food”
Wait what. Were your eyes playing tricks on you? You could’ve sworn this guy looked exactly like the one who took your order two days ago. The dashing face. The thicc eyebrows. He did look a little douche-ier than you remembered, but that was probably just the dye job. You stood there trying to make sense of this.
“Ha. That’s a pretty stupid look on your face”
What the fuck. You were out here genuinely trying to be nice. What’s with this salty response?
Before you had the chance to say anything a voice piped in from the direction of the storage closet.
“Stop takin’ your frustration out on my customers ‘Tsumu”. A carbon copy of the guy sitting at the bar stepped out. “It’s not her fault you ate shit at the fan meeting earlier”
“Shut up ‘Samu”, the blondie shot back.
“Twins…”. Ugh. So you made a bit of an embarrassing mistake, but that didn’t excuse this blondie’s irritating attitude. “Ah, sorry about that…”, you grit an apology through your teeth.
“The name’s Atsumu. The guy making rice balls over there is Osamu”, Atsumu said nodding in the direction of Osamu, who was busy cutting nori. You never asked for their names, but okay. You mentally rolled your eyes.
“Nice to meet you both. I’m y/n”
“So a date huh”, Atsumu asked. Your smile twitched. Jeez didn’t this guy know anything about personal boundaries.
“Yeah…”. You quickly checked your watch. 10:59. Haru’s nephew, whatever-his-name-was should be showing up any second now.
He rested his cheek on his hand and leaned against the counter. “Sounds fun, but ya might want to do some facial stretches or somethin’. That scary smile of yours isn’t fooling anyone”
“Ha. Excuse me?”.
Before you could finish your comeback, the door to the restaurant swung open, making the chimes jingle.
The sound reminded you that the reason you were here wasn’t to pick a fight with this blondie with a bad attitude. Okay, time to conquer romance. Let’s do this. You pinched your cheeks, and turned to the door doing your best impression of a gentle feminine smile, trying to tune out the snickers coming from a certain blondie sitting behind you.
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akuzon-prime · 4 years
To New Beginnings ~OM Secret Santa 2020~
 this goes out to  @ikesensrandomninjagirl ! Happy Holidays <3 Word Count: 2397
Summary: It all comes down to this and Lucifer is trying his hardest to hide the nerves that are assailing him. What he really needs is his brothers by his side and he can take a new step towards the next chapter of his life.
Pairing:  Implied Dialucy
Theme: Pre wedding jitters and sweet brotherly fluff
This was it.
He couldn’t believe that it was finally here...finally happening. After so many years of pain, anger, and loneliness...it was over. It was beginning. 
…It was terrifying. 
Lucifer bit his lip carefully, adjusting his lapels and gloves in a nervous gesture that he'd somehow picked up since leaving the Celestial Realm. Of course, RAD looked quite different than it had only days ago - he hardly recognized it at all now that it was decorated with ivy and orchids, and LOTS of white tulle. Asmodeus, Barbatos, and MC had spared no amount of energy to make the school shine like a true wedding hall. It might not be how he would have decorated things himself, but he could hardly deny his brother the opportunity to go all out for the occasion. 
He let out a shaky breath and glanced back into the mirror. His hair had started out styled as usual – bangs framing his cheeks and parted to the side.  Asmo nearly had a fit. Now, Lucifer’s raven locks were swept back from his forehead and a gel that miraculously made the styling seem natural held it in place. The Avatar of Lust was busying himself by rushing around the room, making sure that everything - the bouquet, the ring, and whatever else was in place; Lucifer had long since stopped trying to watch him. The knowledge of what was soon to happen was rushing over him all at once. A tear slipped from the corner of his eye and he heard a gasp before he had the chance to wipe it away. His brother was by his side instantly, dabbing at it with a baby blue handkerchief. 
"What did I tell you? I thought we got all the wild emotions out last night at the bachelor party. What’s wrong now? Don’t make me have to whip out the demonus to get you through this. You need to be sober to say those lines." The man's attitude, while feisty, held notes of love and respect for his eldest brother. "No more tears till you get to the altar, got it? Because otherwise, you'll get me crying. If my make up smudges, there will be the Devildom to pay." 
"I don't know what you're talking about," Lucifer muttered. 
Asmodeus hummed, ignoring the blatant attempt to change the subject. His fingers plucked open one of the buttons on Lucifer's vest and he tucked the handkerchief inside so that the small square rested against the white dress shirt. "MC told me that this is something some humans do for weddings. It's borrowed and blue. I think you're old enough." 
Despite the glare leveled at him, Asmo laughed merrily. "You even have something new. The rock." 
Lucifer fidgeted. He wore the engagement ring over his gloves typically...but since Diavolo would be removing them during the ceremony, he had forgone the ring for the day. Diavolo knew his tastes well - it was modest and more importantly, the best thing he had ever been given. 
"Ya need something else!" 
Lucifer's lips pursed but he let out a slow and even breath as he looked at his white-haired brother in the doorway. Mammon was grinning and holding up a single Grimm. Probably his only Grimm, currently. Crimson eyes tracked his brother's movements as Mammon crossed the room to him and slipped the coin into his hand. "That goes in your shoe."
He squinted his eyes at the coin and then cut his gaze to Mammon. "...Why. That sounds asinine."
Mammon opened his mouth and then after a second's hesitation, closed it with a shrug. "Hell if I know."
Bending down, Lucifer slid the grimm down the inside of his leather shoe, wiggling his slender index finger till the coin was tucked and snug against his arch. Straightening, he reached to rake his hand through his hair but paused, remembering at the last second that it was styled. His red eyes met his brothers. "Anything else?" Mammon turned a chair backwards and sat, resting his arms on the curved wood. "Ya look fine to me. Stuffy as usual, but fine.
"Asmodeus stepped back and lifted a hand to tap his finger against his cheek as his golden eyes evaluated the groom from head to toe. Just as he was about to confirm that Lucifer looked perfect, his eyes widened and a strangled gasp escaped him - startling the hell out of Mammon who jumped out of his chair and stumbled back against the table beside it. Lucifer's only reaction was to raise his eyebrows.
"What's wrong?! Did ya hafta nearly faint? We're right here!"
"YOUR CUFFLINKS! We forgot them in your room! SHIT!" The tone of Asmo's voice made it seem like the world was ending over that little oversight.
Lucifer let his breath out. "Language, As. Are they really so important? We should be fine without -" 
"DEVILDOM NO! You stay here! I'm going back to the House of Lamentation."
Before Lucifer could utter a reply, Asmodeus was out the door with a whirl of his woven gold scarf. Red eyes drifted from his younger brother's departing figure back to the mirror - gazing at himself in the finery of the tuxedo that had been tailor made for him. He reached a hand forward to touch the glass as if he didn't recognize himself. 
"Oh no, don't ya go second guessing yourself." Mammon came over and rested a hand on his older brother's shoulder as they both looked at their reflections. Mammon's eyes were soft - a rarity for him when the two of them were together. Over the last few centuries, Mammon had been at the brunt of Lucifer's irritation but that still didn't lessen their affection for one another. Lucifer trusted him more than anyone and was still Mammon's favorite brother. No more words needed to be said. Mammon was his best man for a reason.
There was a knock on the door and both men turned. Asmodeus was fast when he wanted to be but that was a bit ridiculous. He wouldn't risk perspiration for the sake of a few accessories nobody would miss. 
Maybe it's one of the others. He sighed. As much as he was looking forward to what would come after the wedding, his nerves were raw and his meter for dealing with others, even his own family, was nearing empty. "Come in?" 
His visitor was most certainly not one of his brothers. At least...not anymore. 
"...I'll admit, you're the last person I expected to see." 
Standing in the doorway was a man who was radiance incarnate. His robes were no different from usual but Simeon always looked perfect - he was an angel after all. Blinding beauty was expected of the divine. Lucifer didn't hate him. Far from it. ...still, Simeon represented something, someone, inside Lucifer that he had left behind. There was nothing to mar the soft smile on the angel's lips. His tranquility reflected like pools in his eyes. 
"I hadn't planned on seeing you before the ceremony." Simeon admitted. Lucifer resisted the urge to cross his arms. Instead, he moved away from both the mirror and Mammon to pour a cup of water from the pitcher sitting on the table.
"...then why are you here?" Of course Simeon would be in attendance. Luke as well. Someone cleared their throat and Simeon looked over his shoulder before stepping aside to show the human in the doorway. They were far better dressed than their usual RAD uniform and it seemed his busybody brother had gotten their hair tamed as well. There was an apology in their eyes.
"I'm the one who dragged him here." MC's voice had a soothing effect on Lucifer and he felt his muscles loosen as he looked at his closest friend. There was an apology in their eyes and they looped an arm through Simeon's. "I brought him here because..."
At the complicated look on MC's face, Lucifer supplied the end of the sentence for them. "...you're each other's date?"
"No." The two replied simultaneously (and Lucifer could swear he heard Mammon let out a sigh of relief), both managing to sound completely entertained and confused at the prospect. 
"Then...what's going on ten minutes before my wedding?" 
"It's silly," Simeon replied, looking sheepish. MC's eyes rolled so far back in their sockets, Lucifer could imagine they could see their own thoughts to wonder exactly what choices they had made to land them here in the first place.
"It’s not." MC pinched the inside of the angel's arm and he gave a startled yelp. Letting the man go, MC pushed Simeon slightly and stepped back towards the door, ignoring his look of betrayal. They reached out and snagged Mammon's hand, pulling him after them. "I'm going to find Beel and Belphie. See you at the aisle."
Lucifer stiffened, staring at Simeon and his bewildered expression. "...I'll be the one in white." 
MC's laugh could be heard as the door shut, leaving the two men in an awkward silence.
"You look very handsome, Lucy." As usual, Simeon was the first one to break. Lucifer wanted to snap at him to knock it off with the nickname. Once upon a time, though, he would have smiled at the compliment instead of feeling uncomfortable. Marriage had never even been a prospect when he lived in the Celestial realm. Simeon looked so forlorn, though, that even with the negative emotions churning inside him from the recollection the nickname brought him, he felt no ill will towards the angel. Lucifer took a breath and spoke clearly, despite his hesitation on the matter.
"Would you mind walking me down the aisle, since you're here?" 
Simeon's eyes widened at his suggestion and then glanced down at his clothes. Oh yeah. After all his careful planning, the stylish Asmodeus was going to have a hernia when he saw Simeon walking down the aisle in the same clothes he wore on a daily basis. Something about the normalcy of it made something tight in Lucifer's gut release its hold. Simeon's voice was astonished. "...you actually want me to?" 
"You are my brother, too. ...were." 
Simeon opened his mouth to say something but was cut off.
"Lucifer, I'm assuming you're decent since As sent me down to come and get you. I'm ignoring decorum just coming in." Without even knocking, Satan walked into the room, a pair of cufflinks gripped in his hands. "He asked me to bring these to you. And by asked I mean commanded. And what the Devildom are you doing here?" 
Satan's gaze had fallen to the unexpected guest. Simeon just gave a blithe smile as if he hadn't just had the wind knocked out of him by Lucifer's unexpected offer. He reached out and adjusted Satan's tie and pocket handkerchief. The blonde stepped away, confusion still etched on his face. "Asmodeus has been a fiend today. Is there anyone he hasn't dressed?" 
His tone was teasing but the words missed Lucifer entirely. Satan and Simeon didn't interact often - they were two completely separate parts of his life. Satan wasn't exactly his brother, but that had never been much of an issue in Lucifer's eyes. Usually, Satan wanted to antagonize him more than anything else. He took the cufflinks from Satan's proffered hand and adjusted them to the ends of his jacket sleeves. "Was there something you needed, Satan? The ceremony is just about to start." 
The blonde's face reddened and he gruffly cleared his throat, choosing to look anywhere other than at Lucifer. "I was just... It had crossed my mind... Can I...walk you down the aisle?" 
The question seemed to be more shocking than Lucifer's offer to Simeon. Despite not having any real emotion behind the word, it came out anyway. 
Satan's ruddy cheeks darkened and he cleared his throat. "Well. You...brought me into existence. It seems, I suppose, appropriate? Also, obviously, a one time deal."
"...to take me out of it? I don't exactly see marriage as the end of the world." Lucifer's words were wry but he was, in all honesty, humbled by the offer. Satan out of all of his brothers...
"That's not what I meant," The Avatar of Wrath huffed and crossed his arms over his chest. The petulant look made much more sense than the previously bashful one. "I just meant that you gave me the start of a new life, I should give you away to the start of yours."
Lucifer was speechless. Simeon smiled softly and placed a hand on Lucifer's elbow. Naturally, it made sense for Lucifer to be given away by one of the six demon brothers rather than the angel himself. "There you have it. I think you should probably take him up on the offer."
"...of course." Lucifer blinked and stood taller, taking a deep breath. Simeon moved away from him but the taller man dropped a hand on his shoulder. "I have to thank you. At least now, nobody will be looking specifically at me when the three of us go down the aisle."
The processional music began to play and every nerve in his body shot to attention at the sound. He was again the shell shocked groom that he had been before his two escorts had arrived. Simeon immediately saw his reaction to the organ's tones and he recovered from the shock of not being turned aside in favor of Satan. "You'll be ok, Lucy...I won't let you trip. Though I'm sure nobody would laugh if you did."
"I would," Satan interjected. Lucifer gave him a look that said that he didn't appreciate the joke but when Satan held his elbow out to him, he wove his arm through it. "Looks like that music means it's our cue." 
Simeon didn't take Lucifer's other arm but stood close by his shoulder - staying right at his side, where he would have been anyway before the Fall. It felt right to have him there.
The men stepped into the hallway, adjacent to the grand room where the ceremony was being held. The doors opened wide, seemingly on their own and Lucifer was faintly aware of the students and friends and family in attendance - rising from their seats and staring at him. His ruby eyes instantly traveled straight down the flower petal covered aisle to a tall man with a shock of red hair and sparkling mischievous eyes. He stared at him with his mouth slightly agape and a tinge of red on his dark cheeks. Diavolo... 
...This was it. It was beginning.
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hopelikethemoon · 4 years
Freedom (Javier x Reader) {MTMF}
Title: Freedom  Rating: PG-13 Length: 3000 Warnings: None Notes: You can find everything about Maybe Today, Maybe Forever here. This is a Javier-less chapter, which is why I noted that this would be a very different type of update. This chapter is set in September of 1977, when Reader is 16. If you don’t know her backstory you can find info at the link above. If you want to know who I see as Mitch and Darla click on their names.  Summary: Reader finally escapes her situation.
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“You’ll have your own room,” Mitch explained, glancing at you out of the corner of his eyes. “That’ll be nice, right?”
You nodded your head slowly, rubbing at your forehead as you watched the outskirts of the city bleed into the towering office buildings and quaint streets lined with brownstones and historic homes. You had never been out of your hometown and Philadelphia seemed like a daunting change of pace. 
Your life up until this point had been confined to a perimeter that contained your house and school. 
“And you’ll never have to live through another one of those floods.” Mitch rambled — he’d rambled a lot since he had picked you up nearly four hours ago. “That had to be scary.”
You shrugged, picking at the hem of your tee. “Not the worst thing to happen to me.” You admitted, glancing out the window again. “My mom acted like the world was going to end because she couldn’t get out of the house. Like goddamn mom, people are dead.”
Mitch cleared his throat, “I’m not looking to parent you, but you know Darla and I have a Tate—“
“Shit.” You laughed quietly, covering your mouth. “I’ll try to curb the cussing.” 
“Thanks.” He nodded his head. “And you know Darla and I are here for you, if you ever need anything.”
“I’m not looking to be a burden, promise.” You told him, winding your finger through a lock of hair as you watched out the window. “You don’t even have to feed me.”
“I’m not going to let you go hungry.” Mitch gave you a look. “Come on now, kid.”
“I can cook!” You scrunched up your nose. “I just don’t want you or Darla to feel like I’m taking advantage of your hospitality.” The last thing you wanted was to become your mother. Leeching off other people. 
“You’re my sister.”
“We share a father,” You pointed out. “Be glad you don’t share my mother.”
“Dad told me plenty of stories.” Mitch grimaced, “I don’t know how you made it out of there in one piece, kid.”
“I might have nine toes. I haven’t counted lately.” You snorted, “Think there’s a black market in toes for coke?”
“Jesus Christ.” He grimaced, before quickly changing the subject. “That’s the school you’ll be going to.”
You peered out the window at the school, “Better than Richland.”
“It’s where Darla went. It’s a great preparatory school for girls.”
“An all-girls school?” You groaned, crossing your arms across your chest. 
“You're more likely to get a scholarship there.”
“Fine.” You couldn’t pass up an opportunity like that. You still had the two and a half years of school to finish before you could think about college — but a scholarship would help. “I don’t need any distractions anyways.”
Mitch gave you a curious look, “Kid, you’re allowed to be a teen, you know. Don’t hold back from living just because you’re staying with us.”
“It’s not that,” You chewed on the inside of your cheek. “I’ve never really been a kid or whatever. I don’t plan on regressing just because I don’t have to deal with the witch.”
“Dad always said you were wise beyond your years,” Mitch remarked, turning down Chestnut Street and parking the car in front of a gorgeous brick townhome. 
“You live here?”
“Darla’s folks gifted it to her when they moved out west,” Mitch explained to you as he put the car in park.
“Oh so, rich-rich.” You gave him an amused look. “Looking at you, pitching out of your league.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Mitch rolled his eyes, climbing out of the car and shutting the car door behind him. 
You climbed out of the car, moving around to the trunk as he unlocked it. “I really do appreciate this, Mitch. I’ll do whatever you guys need me to do. Vacuuming, dishes, I’ll even babysit — I can’t promise I’m good.” 
“Kid, you’re family not the new nanny.”
“We’re in-between currently.”
“Jesus.” You whistled. “Well, I promise not to bring the property value down. It’ll be like I’m not even there. Promise.”
Mitch shook his head, “I look forward to you warming up to us. This can be your home, kid. You don’t have to act like a visitor.”
You shrugged your shoulders as you slung your duffel bag over your shoulder. “I tried the ‘home’ thing, but dad’s dead... so.” 
“I’m just saying, you can put down roots.” Mitch pulled the cardboard box out of the trunk, before he started up the stairs to the townhouse. Darla must’ve been waiting just behind the door, because she swung it open the second your feet hit the stop.
“Look at you!” Darla grinned broadly at you, “You’ve shot up like a weed since the wedding.”
“We saw each other at the funeral,” You reminded her with an awkward laugh, tucking your hair behind your ear as you warily looked around their house. “But thanks.”
Mitch was about thirteen years older than you. You had seen him only a handful of times over the course of your life. His mother, Patrice, had always been kind to you — your father and Patrice were the type of divorced parents you’d wished your own mother had been. They were still friends, up until his death. 
Before the funeral, the last time you had seen Mitch was at his wedding. He’d wanted you to actually be part of the wedding, but someone had gone postal at the thought of someone else’s family liking you. You were also only ten — what could you do about anything?
“Tate, sweetheart, this is your aunt.” Darla crouched down beside the little boy. “Say hello.”
“Hi, Tate.” You smiled at him. “And how old are you?”
“Almost six.” He beamed, “Do you like cars?”
You shrugged, “They get you from point a to point b.”
“He’s been collecting Hot Wheels.” Mitch explained to you, “I’m sure he’ll show you his collection.”
Tate nodded excitedly. “Do you wanna see them now?”
Mitch ruffled Tate’s hair, “Actually buddy, I’m sure your aunt would love to see them, but we need to get her unpacked. Alright?”
You glanced at Mitch before looking back to Tate, “You can show me after dinner.”
“Why don’t you go play out back?” Darla suggested, sending Tate down the hallway. “He’s been so excited about having someone to play with.”
“I see.” You nodded, your eyes flickering around the entryway, back towards the living room area. It was different to see a house that was put together. They had nice pieces of furniture and none of them were broken or unusually stained. 
Mitch cleared his throat, “If you want to, of course. Six-year-old boys can be quite rambunctious.”
You offered a strained smile, “I’m happy to help, like I said.” 
“Do you need help with anything from the car?” Darla questioned, clasping her hands together. “That can’t be all you broug—“
Mitch made a gesture to silence her, which you caught out of the corner of your eyes and you couldn’t help but laugh. 
“This is all I have,” You gestured between your duffel bag and the box he held. “I promised I wouldn’t take up too much room.”
“Speaking of your room,” Darla grinned at you. “I hope you don’t hate purple. I went a little overboard once Mitch brought up you moving in.”
She led you up a flight of stairs lined with family pictures, which led to a hallway of bedrooms. 
“Ours is at the end of the hall, beside Tate’s. You’re over here.” Mitch explained, pushing open the doorway that led to a bedroom that was at least double what your room had been before.
“Wow.” You breathed out as you stepped inside, holding your duffel bag close to you as you looked around. “Guys, I told you I didn’t need much, this feels…”
“Homey?” Darla questioned. “That’s what I was going for.”
You put on a smile as you nodded your head. You knew you had to be grateful. Mitch didn’t have to give you a place to live. Sure, your dad had wanted it, but that didn’t mean he had to. 
You were emancipated from your mother now, you could go anywhere — live…. anywhere. Realistically, you had three options; your mother’s, Mitch’s, or the street. 
“Homey… is a great word.” You threw your duffle bag down on the foot of the bed, watching as Mitch sat the cardboard box with your few personal items down on the floor. 
“You’ll be starting at Girls’ High next week.” Darla explained. “We can go shopping for your uniform this weekend. That’ll give you a few days to settle into your new life here.”
“Thank you,” You told her with a slightly more sincere smile. “Thank you both.”
Mitch scratched at the back of his neck, “Yeah, well, it’s what dad would’ve wanted.”
“I miss him.”
“Me too.” He nodded. “Alright, well we will give you a chance to settle in. Dinner is usually around six.”
Darla smiled at you, “No pressure. You can join us or I can bring a plate up. I know things have been a bit chaotic for you.”
You tucked your hair behind your ears and nodded, “You don’t have to make dinner for me. I would be happy with a cheese sandwich.”
She shook her head, “I won’t hear of that. I’ll bring it up to you. How’s that sound?”
“Good.” You kicked off your shoes and sank down on the side of your bed. It was a real bed. Matching sheets, a mattress topper, and nice metal headboard. 
It looked new, which really was a novelty. 
You waited until Mitch and Darla could be heard walking down the steps, before you sank back on the bed and finally relaxed. 
You didn’t know how long it would take you to really be relaxed. Being on edge had kept you alive this long. But it was a feat not to give into the urge to grab the chair that sat at the vanity and wedge it under the doorknob. 
You covered your face with your hands, letting out a heavy sigh as you let the reality of your new life settle in. 
Next week would mark a new beginning. A new school, a new chance to be someone. You weren’t beholden to anyone but yourself now. If you failed, it was your own fault. You weren’t trapped under the shadow of your mother. 
Though, the thought of having to wear a uniform until you graduated sounded like bullshit. 
You pushed yourself back upright, looking around the room for the folder you’d spotted sitting on the vanity. You climbed off the bed to retrieve the fold. It was white and yellow, with the school seal set in the center. Darla had clearly gone to great lengths filling everything out for you — the forms were mostly filled in, save for your name and signature where it was necessary. 
Apparently, you had just missed the father-daughter dance. 
You closed the folder and sat it back on the vanity, before you retreated back to the bed to collect the cardboard box. You didn’t have much to unpack. 
A framed picture of you and your father that had spent the better part of its existence hidden from your mother’s sight; the trophy you won freshman year for the science fair; three of your favorite books; and bedside alarm clock. 
Aside from that, you had only taken the clothes you wore most often, not even bothering to worry about other seasons. You had enough money to buy new clothes in the winter. 
And with uniforms for school — you didn’t have to worry about other classmates judging you for repeating outfits. 
School was just a means to an end. Get good grades, get a scholarship, and do something worthwhile. Something that would actually help someone. 
Your mother had screamed at you that you were worthless — that you would never amount to anything because you were ungrateful — more times than you cared to recall. You had to prove her wrong. One day, she’d see that her daughter had amounted to something. Not because of her, but in spite of her. 
 “How did you sleep last night?” Darla questioned as you joined her in the kitchen, sitting down at the kitchen table across from Tate. 
“The bed was super comfortable,” You offered, preferring not to tell her that you hadn’t slept at all. Though there were bags under your eyes that told a different story.
You had slept for an hour — maybe two. You couldn’t relax, despite how hard you had tried. You had gone to sleep on a comfortable bed, with clean sheets, and a full stomach, but sleep just didn’t come to you. 
The only reason you slept at all was because you had gotten up and put the chair in front of the door. The house was quiet — there were no addicts down the hall getting high, no yelling, no chaos, but your mind told you there could be. 
Darla sat a glass of juice down in front of you, “Do you drink coffee?”
“Yeah,” You nodded, taking a sip of the juice. “Cream and sugar if you don’t mind.”
“Sweetheart, I don’t mind at all. I know you think you’re a burden to us, but I’m happy to have you here. Really.”
“I don’t want to be a charity case.” You told her, taking another sip of your juice as Mitch walked down the stairs and joined all of you in the kitchen. 
“Well, you’re not one. So don’t worry.”
“Hey, kid.” Mitch gave your shoulder a pat as he walked past the table. “Didn’t know if you’d come down.”
You shrugged, “The smell of coffee was too strong of a temptation.” 
“Do you have plans for the day?” He questioned as he poured himself a cup of coffee. 
Tate rolled one of his model cars across the table to you and you turned it around and rolled it back. 
“I thought I might check out a book shop we passed yesterday. What does a normal Monday look like for you?”
“I’ve got work,” Mitch explained before gesturing to Darla. “She’s got her committees.”
“I’m on the board of the Philadelphia Museum of Art,” Darla offered. “And the Daughters of the American Revolution.”
“Don’t forget the Trocadero,” Mitch supplied, pressing a kiss to Darla’s cheek, before he circled back around to the table. “She’s very connected to the art scene here in the city. If you have any interest in the arts, I’m sure she can find you a job or an internship.”
“I don’t know what I want to do,” You admitted, playing with the end of your braid as you stared down at the glass of juice in front of you. “I never thought I’d get out of Johnstown.”
“Hopefully you can figure that out,” Darla said as she handed you your cup of coffee. “I didn’t know what I wanted to do,” She told you, “But I found a passion for art in high school.”
“Does it pay well?”
“Oh,” Darla exchanged a look with Mitch. “Technically I’m a volunteer.”
“Ah.” You frowned. Given the house you were eating breakfast in and what Mitch had said last night — Darla had been born with a silver spoon in her mouth. “As nice as that sounds, I really need something somewhat lucrative.”
Mitch day down beside Tate, across from you, “You’ve got plenty of time to figure out what you want to be. Don’t grow up too fast.”
You smiled a little, “I’ll try not to.” You drummed your fingers against the side of your mug, “What do you do again, Mitch?”
“I’m a real estate broker.”
Your brows furrowed together, “I have no idea what that is.”
“I work for a real estate agency as a manager.” Mitch clarified, sipping at his coffee. “If you wanted to work in real estate, I could get you an internship.”
“I don’t know if I could sell houses,” You made a face. “I’m just going to focus on high school right now. Work on getting a scholarship.”
Tate rolled his car across the table again, “Do you like my car?”
You picked the car up and examined it, “I do. It’s very cool.” You rolled it back to him, glancing at Mitch. “I’m pretty self-sufficient. I'm sure I’ll figure out what my life’s calling is.”
“Philadelphia has so much going on. It’s very up-and-coming in areas.” Darla told you. “You could make a whole life for yourself here in the city.”
“Maybe.” You took a sip of coffee then. Now that you were free — there was a whole world of possibilities. You didn’t have to stay in Pennsylvania for the rest of your life. 
You could go anywhere, be anything, make a name for yourself. 
Mitch and his little family were great, but you didn’t feel any attachment to them. You didn’t feel any attachment to much of anything, frankly. Maybe you were broken. Maybe you’d been through so much shit with your mother, that you’d just shut down emotionally. 
You knew what love was; you even knew what home and family was supposed to feel like, but you weren’t sure you had it in you to feel those things. It was like falling asleep on your hand — you could feel touch, but it didn’t feel real. 
Maybe that’s what your mother felt. Maybe Rebecca was the way she was because there was a big black hole where her heart was supposed to be. 
But you weren’t going to let yourself become her. Maybe one day you could feel something. 
Wouldn’t that be something? 
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