#“Business degree in Bangladesh”
digital-techtune2024 · 5 months
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adastra-sf · 4 months
Climate change-driven heatwaves threaten millions
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Extreme record-breaking heat leads to severe crises across the world.
Already in 2024, from Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, and Syria in the West; to Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, China, and the Philippines in the East; large regions of Asia are experiencing temperatures well above 40°C (104°F) for days on end.
The heatwave has been particularly difficult for people living in refugee camps and informal housing, as well as for unhoused people and outdoor workers.
Using the Heat Index Calculator, at that temperature and a relative humidity of 50%, residents see a heat index of 55°C (131°F) - a temperature level humans cannot long survive:
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In February, the southern coastal zone of West Africa also experienced abnormal early-season heat. A combination of high temperatures and humid air resulted in average heat index values of about 50°C (122°F) - the danger level, associated with a high risk of heat cramps and heat exhaustion.
Locally, temperatures entered the extreme danger level associated with high risk of heat stroke, with values up to 60°C (140°F):
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Even here at Ad Astra's HQ in Kansas, last summer we saw several days with high temperatures of 102°F (39°C) at 57% humidity, resulting in a heat index of 133°F (56°C):
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Of course, the major difference in survivability in Kansas versus some of the places suffering extreme heat right now is that air-conditioning abounds here. Those who live somewhere that faces extreme heat but can escape it indoors are a lot more likely to survive, but a person who lives somewhere without such life-saving gear faces not just discomfort, but heat stroke and even death.
This includes unhoused and poor people here in the wealthier parts of the world, who often do not have access to indoor refuge from the heat.
About 15% of US residents live below the poverty line. Many low-wage earners work outside in construction or landscaping, exposed to the ravages of heat. Many do not own an air conditioner, and those who do might need to budget their body's recovery from heat against cost to purchase and run cooling equipment. Because heat stress is cumulative, when they go to work the next day, they’re more likely to suffer from heat illness.
Bad as that is, for those living on the street, heatwaves are merciless killers. Around the country, heat contributes to some 1,500 deaths annually, and advocates estimate about half of those people are homeless. In general, unhoused people are 200 times more likely to die from heat-related causes than sheltered individuals.
For example, in 2022, a record 425 people died from heat in the greater Phoenix metro area. Of the 320 deaths for which the victim’s living situation is known, more than half (178) were homeless. In 2023, Texans experienced the hottest summer since 2011, with an average temperature of 85.3°F (30°C) degrees between June and the end of August. Some cities in Texas experienced more than 40 days of 100°F (38°C) or higher weather. This extreme heat led to 334 heat-related deaths, the highest number in Texas history and twice as many as in 2011.
The Pacific Northwest of Canada and the USA suffered an extreme heat event in June, 2021, during which 619 people died. Many locations broke all-time temperature records by more than 5°C, with a new record-high temperature of 49.6°C (121°F). This is a region ill-suited to such weather, and despite having relatively high wealth compared to much of the world, many homes and businesses there do not have air-conditioning due to a history of much lower temperatures.
Heatwaves are arguably the deadliest type of extreme weather event because of their wide impact. While heatwave death tolls are often underreported, hundreds of deaths from the February heatwave were reported in the affected countries, including Bangladesh, India, Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, and the Philippines.
Extreme heat also has a powerful impact on agriculture, causing crop damage and reduced yields. It also impacts education, with holidays having to be extended and schools closing, affecting millions of students - in Delhi, India, schools shut early this week for summer when temperatures soared to 47°C (117°F) at dangerous humidity levels:
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At 70°C (157°F !), humans simply cannot function and face imminent death, especially when humidity is high. This is the notion of "heat index," a derivative of "wet-bulb temperature."
Though now mostly calculated using heat and humidity readings, wet-bulb temperature was originally measured by putting a wet cloth over a thermometer and exposing it to the air.
This allowed it to measure how quickly the water evaporated off the cloth, representing sweat evaporating off skin.
The theorized human survival limit has long been 35°C (95°F) wet-bulb temperature, based on 35°C dry heat at 100% humidity - or 46°C (115°F) at 50% humidity. To test this limit, researchers at Pennsylvania State University measured the core temperatures of young, healthy people inside a heat chamber.
They found that participants reached their "critical environmental limit" - when their body could not stop the core temperature from continuing to rise – at 30.6°C wet bulb temperature, well below what was previously theorized. That web-bulb temperature parallels a 47°C (117°F) heat index.
​The team estimates that it takes between 5-7 hours before such conditions reach "really, really dangerous core temperatures."
On March 5, 2024, Hong Kong saw temperatures of 27°C (80°F) with 100% humidity, which results in a heat index of 32.2°C (90°F) - seemingly not so bad until considering it's higher than the critical wet-bulb temperature. Also, if you watch the video, imagine the long-term effects of water accumulating in residences, such as dangerous mold.
We are witnessing the effects of climate change right now, all around the world, and rising temperatures are just the most-obvious (what we used to call "global warming"). Many, many other side-effects of climate change are beginning to plague us or headed our way soon, and will affect us all.
Unfortunately, those most affected - and those being hit the hardest right now - are people most vulnerable to heatwaves. With climate crises increasing in both intensity and frequency, and poverty at dangerous levels, we face a rapidly rising, worldwide crisis.
We must recognize the climate crisis as an international emergency and treat it as such. So much time, creative energy, resources, and life is wasted in war and the pursuit of profit or power - consider how much good could come from re-allocating those resources to ensuring a future for Earthlings, instead.
(Expect to see a "Science into Fiction" workshop on climate change coming soon - SF writers have a particular responsibility to address such important topics of change and global consequence.)
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dweetwise · 9 months
[Riconti] Holiday spirit
Happy holidays riconti fandom! Please accept this gift of festive fluff 🥰 Rated G | 3.2k words | ao3 link
Felix still feels strange being back in his hometown. 
The Coburg market square is bustling with life at the annual Christmas market. Felix was never an avid visitor before, but this time the nostalgia is kicking in full force: the smell of street food and mulled wine, the glow of string lights and the big Christmas tree, and even the obnoxious holiday jingles make his chest ache with familiarity. It’s almost like he never left Coburg in the first place.
Except for the fact that one Ace Visconti is here with him.
Ace has a mug of Glühwein in his hands and is blowing on the hot beverage, his eyes eagerly drinking in the busy market. It’s a couple degrees below zero and a gentle snow is falling, but despite Felix’s best efforts to the contrary Ace is thoroughly underdressed for the weather. He has neither gloves nor anything to cover his head, and his windbreaker jacket and pants might protect him from the nonexistent wind but not the late-December temperature.
But even if Ace must be freezing, he hasn’t complained once.
…Unlike Felix, who complained first about the long line to the sausage kiosk, then about the awful apple punch they made the mistake of trying, and then about a family of stupid tourists blocking the street. But that’s neither here nor there.
Ace’s nose and ears are already red and Felix should probably be annoyed at him for not dressing properly, but instead he finds it oddly endearing. He doesn’t know how long it will take Ace to get used to German winters after decades of sun on the west coast of the USA, but today is clearly not that day.
A group of teenagers pass them on the street and briefly pause to stare at Ace—who’s currently browsing a selection of wooden crafts—and a few of them giggle and continue on their way. Felix really can’t blame them: the bright, clashing colors of Ace’s outfit stick out like a sore thumb in the sea of muted winterwear in grayscale and neutral colors. Looking at the neon pink and green for too long would probably give Felix a migraine; but then again, he only has his past self to blame for deciding to flirt with a man who combined a leopard print shirt with purple sequin pants.
Felix smiles to himself. If awful fashion sense was a dealbreaker for him, their relationship would probably have lasted less than twenty-four hours total.
“What’re you grinning at?” Ace asks, having caught him staring.
“You,” Felix says bluntly. “And your outfit that is horrendously unfit for this weather.”
Ace scoffs. “It’s not that cold.”
Felix simply smiles. “Come on,” he urges, “We should try the crepes next.”
Ace obediently falls into step beside him. Felix’s hand twitches in a familiar urge to touch—born out of countless times of patching up injuries, pulling each other up on their feet, and sitting by the fire leaning against Ace in quiet solidarity—but there are too many people here and too many eyes on them.
Of course, it doesn't help that Ace is wearing the equivalent of a big flashing sign saying “Look at me!”
“You know, I wasn’t too sure about this market when you first told me about it,” Ace says while they walk. “But it’s actually really cozy with the snow and lights and all. And any event that boils down to drinking wine and eating good food? I’m sold.”
“I’m glad,” Felix says. “It was never my favorite, but I wanted to show you. And even I missed it, after…”
He trails off, and something in Ace's eyes softens. 
"I love it. And I'm glad you wanted to take me here," Ace says. And then, because getting him to be earnest for more than five seconds is like pulling teeth, he grins and adds, "Even if I'm pretty sure all these 'handmade Bavarian' souvenirs came straight out of a Bangladesh sweatshop."
Felix grimaces. He always hated how the tourist crap seemed to overtake more and more of the event each year.
That being said, he still stopped to buy a terribly overpriced and absolutely hideous knit hat while Ace was busy refilling their Glühwein mugs at another stall. It will make a nice Christmas present to match his questionable excuse for a winter jacket.
“So how exactly are crepes German or festive?” Ace prods.
“Because the French can't take credit for mixing milk with flour and throwing it on a pan,” Felix huffs. “It's bad enough they got to name them. Pretentious little shits.”
Ace smirks. “I’m telling Élodie you said that.”
“Trust me, she has much worse opinions about Germans.”
“Ah, sweet neighborly rivalry,” Ace sighs. “I can't wait to meet the Lyras again so they can try—and fail—to argue that Brazil is better than Argentina.”
He looks at Felix expectantly, clearly waiting for him to agree.
“I wouldn’t know,” Felix says. “I’ve never been.”
“Maybe you should do something about that, then,” Ace says. His voice is playful and his smile casual, but he’s still looking at Felix a little too intently for it to be a joke.
“You just have to tell me when and I'll be there,” Felix says and fully means it.
“Yeah, right,” Ace snorts. “I bet Lauren would love for you to go touristing in the middle of a big project.”
“You’re vastly overestimating my importance in the company,” Felix says. “Lauren survived five years without me. I don't think a week will even make a dent in her schedule.”
Ace regards him silently: he knows that Felix took on much less responsibility upon returning to work—“Richter & Golder” was practically just “Golder” these days, and Felix was grateful Lauren even wanted him back on the team at all—but Felix suspects it’s another thing to see it in practice.
“You'd really come to Argentina?” Ace finally asks.
“Of course,” Felix says. “But only if you want me to.”
Ace beams up at him, then throws his head back and groans dramatically. “Oh, god, my sisters will eat you alive. Please don't learn any Spanish before the trip. Or Italian. You know what, just wear noise canceling headphones whenever they’re around. Actually—”
Felix watches Ace ramble with a smile. He’s leaving for Buenos Aires in just a few days to spend the holidays with his sisters and their families, having reunited with them after their escape from the Entity. For as much as Ace sang the praises of Las Vegas and America for the last few years, he doesn't seem to care much about going back to the USA compared to Argentina and Germany.
“—though, full disclosure, if you don't like Dulce de Leche I'm breaking up with you,” Ace says.
Felix chuckles. “I suspect I won’t, but I’ll be sure to lie for your benefit.”
“That’s all I ask,” Ace says with a grin.
They’re finally coming up to the crepe kiosk and Ace turns to look at the menu. It’s a little strange to imagine not being with him for Christmas, seeing as they’ve—admittedly not by choice—spent every holiday together for the last few years. Even if said holidays mostly consisted of Dwight in an elf costume distributing firecrackers and styptic agents around the campfire.
But Felix knows they both have more important places to be. Ace hasn’t spent quality time with his family in decades, and Felix's number one priority for the foreseeable future will spending every moment he possibly can with his own new family:
His five-year-old daughter, Klara.
Felix's ex-girlfriend has invited him over for Christmas eve to have dinner and open presents together. It will most likely be indescribably awkward—especially with both his ex’s parents and her new husband there—but they’re all doing it for Klara, who seemed very excited about the idea.
Or possibly just about the extra presents.
Regardless, Felix immensely respects his ex for not only managing to build a stable home for their daughter when he disappeared, but for being honest with said daughter from the start. Even when she was furious with Felix for seemingly abandoning them, for five years she told Klara stories about her other father building houses and showed her pictures of him. And when Felix finally showed back up and tried to pick up the pieces of his broken life, he got to meet his daughter for the first time and she immediately recognized him.
Felix clears his throat before washing down the sudden lump in his throat with some Glühwein. He’s not sure what he's done to deserve so many incredible people in his life—the survivors, Lauren, his ex, Klara, Ace—but he’s determined to be a man they can all be proud of.
“Che.” Ace nudges Felix's side, pulling him out of his thoughts.
“Is the crepe guy okay?” Ace whispers, leaning closer to Felix while staring at the shopkeeper frying a batch of crepes. “He just chucked three whole chocolate bars on a crepe and wrapped it up like it was normal.”
Felix snorts, his somber mood instantly elevated. “It's a Kinder bar too. That has to be some kind of crime against gastronomy.”
“I know.” Ace only pauses for a beat before asking, “Should we get one of those?”
Felix doesn’t even hesitate. “Of course.”
Ace shoots him a lopsided smirk. “You really do have a soft spot for tacky things,” he says, then turns to place their order.
Felix bites his lip to suppress a thoroughly dorky smile. Just five years ago, he would have scoffed at the mere sight of children’s street food and retro windbreakers, all to preserve the image of a man nobody even liked. And even if the motto of “be yourself” first seemed like an impossible task after half a lifetime of hiding everything genuine about himself, it’s been slowly but surely resurfacing—through trials, friendships, and having someone by his side who never judges.
Felix doesn't have to filter himself with Ace. Even his worst foot-in-mouth moments only earn teasing remarks in response and more often than not end in both of them laughing. Ace doesn’t take offense to Felix's bluntness and he more than pulls his weight in the playful bickering that has become one of Felix's favorite pastimes.
And Felix knows the feeling goes both ways: all their years together have chipped away at Ace’s compulsive lying just like it has for Felix's play-act. Ace has never had to avoid talking about his past of crimes and addiction and betraying people for money, because Felix doesn't judge him by who he was before, but rather by who he is today.
Just a few days ago, a seemingly harmless question about whether Felix could chip in for Ace’s plane tickets derailed into a serious conversation, with Ace sitting Felix down and making him swear to never give him a significant sum of money or gift him anything valuable that could be returned. There was always a part of Ace that would crave the thrill of gambling and the risk of relapsing increased significantly if he had easy money lying around—no matter if he knew said money was meant for rent, bills, or a plane ticket.
Felix was silent for a long time after that revelation. Ace tried to joke it off and desperately switch the subject, but after Felix quietly stood and pulled him into his arms, Ace just slumped against him and exhaled a long and shaky breath. Neither of them had to use words, because the meaning was clear:
Thank you for trusting me. Thank you for understanding me. Thank you for being here.
“Biological weapon acquired!” Ace strolls up to Felix with a grin, holding a cardboard plate with a crepe and two forks sticking out of it.
Felix probably shouldn't be making heart eyes at a man in full neon carrying a glorified candy pancake, but he does. 
Ace steers them to an unoccupied table and hands Felix his fork. They proceed to eat a few bites in expectant silence.
“It’s good,” Ace says, clearly surprised. “Why is it good!?”
“It’s way too sweet,” Felix complains. He still keeps eating the crepe.
“Let’s just agree that after three mugs of wine we’re too drunk to know better,” Ace says.
“Speak for yourself, you lightweight.”
“Well excuse me for not being six-foot-two and born with German beer in my veins!”
Felix snorts and proceeds to almost choke on his bite, then bows his head to wheeze quietly instead.
“That’s it, no more Kinder for you,” Ace says, holding the plate protectively against himself. “I should have known that shit is like crack to Germans. No wonder it’s banned in the States.”
Felix wheezes harder and has to lean against the table for support, his shoulders shaking with the force of his laughter. He dimly registers someone muttering, “What the fuck is wrong with that guy?” in German, but he really can’t bring himself to care.
When Felix has somewhat collected himself and looks up, Ace is smiling smugly at him around a forkful of crepe.
“Drink?” Ace asks, pushing his mug closer to Felix’s empty one over the table.
Felix nods and accepts the item, and in quiet understanding they turn to stand side by side and look over the market while Ace polishes off the crepe and Felix finishes his drink.
He enjoys these moments of silence between them just as much as the usual back-and-forth or long conversations at the campfire. Felix knows that they still have a lot to figure out when it comes to adjusting back to a normal life, with the logistics and long distance and Felix's daughter. But instead of the existential dread that’s plagued Felix for most of his life, these days he only feels a deep calm when thinking about the future.
Things have been so much easier when there’s a constant in his life, something that’s not dependent on Felix's career or family name. And every time Felix wakes from a nightmare or starts second-guessing himself on whether all that horrible shit really happened, he just has to listen to Ace snoring next to him or touch one of the numerous lucky charms he insists on showering Felix with.
Ace is tangible proof that Felix went through hell and came out stronger for it. He’s been Felix's anchor for years and even when he’s across the world, Felix still feels just as grounded as he does with Ace right by his side.
Ace glances at Felix and catches him looking—Felix has been watching him for quite some time instead of observing the market—and he quirks an eyebrow as he tosses the empty plate in a nearby bin. 
“You’re staring again,” Ace says. “Are you gonna keep nagging about my jacket?”
In response, Felix simply leans closer, then hesitates and searches Ace's eyes. Understanding dawns on Ace’s features before his mouth splits into a bright smile, and then he’s grabbing Felix by the lapels of his jacket and pulling him down for a kiss.
Ace’s nose is cold where it bumps into Felix’s cheek but his lips are warm, stained with chocolate and mulled wine and soft against Felix’s. Felix cups Ace’s head and sinks into the gentle press of their mouths, simply enjoying the closeness.
Felix doesn't care if people are watching. He doesn’t care if someone sees him with a man or thinks they’re being inappropriate. He doesn’t care that they still have many challenges to face. For the first time ever, Felix knows exactly what he wants to do with his life and he’s going to do everything in his power to get it.
Starting with kissing the man he loves in the most crowded place in all of Coburg, apparently.
Ace is trembling when they pull apart. Felix could flatter himself by thinking his kissing prowess was enough to make him weak in the knees, but the truth is that the weather must finally be catching up to Ace.
And he still won't admit it, the stubborn idiot.
“You know,” Felix starts, brushing his thumb over the stubble on Ace’s cheek. “There’s a pub I like just down the street. Why don’t we go and warm up for a little while?”
“Oh, thank god,” Ace groans and thumps his forehead against Felix’s shoulder. “I’m fucking freezing and this supposedly famous wine really isn’t all that great.”
“You could have told me you were cold.”
Ace pulls back enough to give him a defiant stare. “And listen to your ‘For the love of god, Ace, I told you five times to bring a scarf’ all the way home? Not a chance.”
“I would never,” Felix says. Ace huffs a disbelieving snort, and Felix can’t suppress his smile as he continues, “Because I told you at least ten times and also asked you to bring gloves, and a thicker jacket, and—”
“Okay, okay!” Ace exclaims. “Christ, the word Besserwisser was probably coined just for you, wasn’t it?”
Felix chuckles and reaches into his pocket for the knit cap he bought earlier. He was planning to wrap it and gift it properly another day, but practicality usually trumps sentimentality where Felix is concerned.
“Here,” Felix says, holding out the item. “Merry Christmas.”
Ace stares at the hat while most likely silently judging both its cliché reindeer pattern and questionable orange-brown color scheme.
“It’s traditional Bangladeshi reindeer,” Felix deadpans.
“Thank you,” Ace finally says slowly, then puts on the hat. “How do I look?”
Felix tries not to laugh as he takes in the sight. The cap somehow looks even worse when it’s worn because of the pattern stretching and distorting. The price tag also still dangles loosely from the too-big pompom on top, and the muted orange and brown somehow makes the neon of Ace’s jacket pop out even more obnoxiously.
“Fucking hideous,” Felix concludes.
Ace barks out a laugh and Felix chuckles too. Despite Felix’s harsh words, they’re both leaning into each other, Ace’s arms wrapping around Felix’s waist and Felix gently tucking a few errant strands of gray hair into the cap.
“Good,” Ace says, then looks up to meet Felix’s eyes with an overly exaggerated pout. “Now hold me, I’m cold.”
Felix smiles and slings an arm over Ace’s shoulders to pull him even closer. “Come on. It's not far.”
Ace lets himself be led to a quiet pub around the street corner, insisting on paying for their drinks while apologizing for not having anything to gift Felix in return. Felix maybe gets a little sappy and confesses that just having him here is the best gift of all, and in response Ace tugs him into a corner booth and kisses him longer and deeper than is probably appropriate.
And despite the cold and crowd and fashion hiccups along the way, this year’s Christmas market will remain Felix’s favorite for a long, long time.
Or at least until next year when they no doubt visit it again.
Thanks for reading! 💞 Ace’s outfit is from his leaked winter skin, because it’s tacky and I love it. (Minus the headpiece. What the fuck is that beard.)
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privilege-rpg · 6 days
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☆ FULL NAME: Dexter Sue Sylvester ☆ GENDER: Cisman ☆ PRONOUNS: He/Him ☆ AGE: 33 (January 1st, 1991) ☆ TYPE: Adopted sibling; solo ☆ HOMETOWN: Cleveland, Ohio ☆ JOB: Financial expert and Accountant for Sue-perStar Athleisure ☆ SCHOOL: PSU Alumni ☆ SEXUALITY: Bisexual ☆ FACECLAIM: Assad Zaman
Scientists estimate that 109 billion people have existed over the course of Earth’s history. 109 billion people who have drawn their first and last breaths on this great planet, each with a story of their own. Some more interesting than others. But of all 109 billion of those people, only one of them has had what it takes - the gusto, the fortitude, the cheekbones - to be the oldest child to a legend in the making. Dexter Sue Sylvester. The pleasure is all yours.  
Born in Bangladesh and adopted soon after, Dexter has seldom wanted for anything. His mother did try to give him a father figure, just to fill the spot on his adoption paperwork, but the guy was barely worth remembering and died in a mysterious honey badger incident just after Dexter’s first birthday so it's irrelevant (until he’s inevitably able to milk it in his yet-to-be-written, Pulitzer-winning memoir). Most of his childhood was spent sitting in on his mother’s practices, internalizing her cut-throat work ethic and learning early on that settling was for losers. 
Home was a different story. He’s been known to act ruthlessly when the media insinuates things about his family, taking on a protective role as the eldest child and oftentimes keeping his siblings from the brunt of the accusations. On one occasion during an in-home interview, Dexter made tabloid headlines at 9 years old for biting a reporter who accused his mother of virtue-signaling with her adoptions. There have been many who assume that Sue’s parenting is similar to her coaching practices. Ruthless, devoid of empathy, a breeding ground for chaos. This, as Dexter has stated many times to varying degrees of success, is far from true. Sure Sue’s high expectations were made clear at an early age, but there was also an unspoken understanding that they would never be asked for more than they could give. The Sylvester children were already destined for greatness by merit of being the Sylvester children. The love and care fostered within the family just isn’t something that most outsiders are deserving of.
Maybe this went to Dexter’s head a bit. Maybe. It’s true he lacked any inherent athleticism despite his mother’s attempt to get him involved as a child. And sure his boldness had a tendency to be off-putting when it came to socializing, limiting the number of close contacts he had growing up. There was a briefly lived modeling career that didn’t make it past high school due to his insistence that he knew his angles better than the photographers. But Dexter has always had a head for numbers, and the wherewithal to get things done no matter what. He found his niche not in his mother’s main line of work but in the finer aspects of her clothing company. He had a knack for finding the most lucrative accounting solutions that just so happened to reduce the number of workplace violations, so the Better Business Bureau could stop breathing down their necks. Getting his degree in finances and accounting was truly a no-brainer.
Plus, on a rarely seen sentimental level, Dexter finds a level of calmness when it comes to numbers. For all that it helped shape him into the person he is today, the high adrenaline environment of his youth could often be overwhelming. He wouldn’t tell his mother that, or any of his siblings, or anyone outside of the therapist he was court-mandated to see for 12 sessions following the biting incident. He did feel a kinship with Cady Heron when she spoke about her love for math, how it's the same in every language. There’s no need for a grey area that could be misinterpreted, potentially putting his family on the cutting block yet again because someone on the outside can’t look past their own idea of right vs wrong. Numbers will always have a solution, he will always be able to support his answer without questioning so long as he did his job right. If he just keeps doing things right, it’ll all be fine. It’s fine.
But enough of that introspection. Dexter is too smart and too pretty to say any of that outloud. He graduated from college with his undergraduate degree and quickly got to work reshaping his mother’s financial portfolio. The only reason he’s not been put in charge of the entire department is because his mother wants to first prove that the current head is stealing from them. But that’s another story. For now, the important part is this: Dexter is exactly where he’s supposed to be. He’ll continue to help keep his family in a carefully-documented lap of luxury, reap the hedonistic benefits of his pedigree, and go on the occasional Twitter-rant to defend his last name, all while desperately clinging to some semblance of control. Like I said: it’s fine.
Sue Sylvester is many things. A world-renowned cheerleading coach. Owner of one of the highest-grossing athleisure brands with brick-and-mortar stores in over 17 counties plus Greenland. Founder of multiple organizations dedicated to providing resources and education on Downs Syndrome. A serial lawsuit-sender (a Sue-er, if you will). And, the title she holds in the fifth highest regard, a mother.
Of course she couldn’t put her career on hold for the nine months it took to properly cook a baby, so for most of her children she went the adoption route. Much quicker that way, although it did give her the brilliant idea to add maternity tracksuits to Sue-perStar Athleisure’s line.
Don’t get it twisted, though. Although few men have been worthy of fertilizing her award-winning uterus, Sue has had her fair share of relationships. Sure they all ended in her husbands mysteriously dying by unknown causes with her as the sole beneficiary. But the cops can’t prove anything, and she’s successfully shut down all the Reddits dedicated to the conspiracies, so mind your business. 
There are also rumors that Sue’s hoard of children were taken in as a stunt to raise her public image, but anyone who has actually spoken to the family knows that to be false. It’s the one rumor Sue has never cared to clear up because, yet again, people need to mind their business. 
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collegevorti · 7 days
Navigating BRAC University Admission and Tuition Fees
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BRAC University (BRACU) stands as a beacon of academic excellence in Bangladesh. Established in 2001, BRACU has rapidly gained recognition for its innovative curriculum, world-class faculty, and commitment to fostering well-rounded graduates. If you're aspiring to join this dynamic academic community, this article serves as your roadmap, navigating the admissions process and tuition fees at BRACU.
BRAC University Admission Process
The admission process at BRAC University is highly competitive and transparent, designed to ensure that students with the right academic credentials and potential are selected. The process typically begins with an online application form available on the university’s official website.
For undergraduate programs, applicants must have completed 12 years of education, such as HSC or equivalent A-Levels, with a minimum GPA of 3.5. The university also accepts SAT scores in place of entrance exams for international students or those from non-traditional educational backgrounds. Depending on the program, applicants may also need to pass an admission test focusing on subjects like English and Mathematics.
For postgraduate programs, a bachelor's degree from a recognized institution is required. Additionally, applicants are expected to submit academic transcripts, recommendation letters, and a statement of purpose. Some programs may also require a qualifying exam, such as GRE or GMAT, for business and technical fields.
BRAC University encourages students to prepare thoroughly before applying, as seats are limited, especially in high-demand fields like Business Administration, Computer Science, and Engineering.
Admission and Tuition Fees
Before embarking on your academic journey at BRACU, it's crucial to be informed about the financial aspects. The university charges separate admission and tuition fees. The admission fee varies depending on the program but typically falls within the range of BDT 18,000 to BDT 30,800 (approximately USD 215 to USD 370).
Tuition fees are program-specific and semester-based. For undergraduate programs, you can expect to pay between BDT 39,600 and BDT 78,000 per semester (approximately USD 470 to USD 930) for two courses. Any additional courses taken will incur additional fees. Graduate programs typically have higher tuition fees. It's important to refer to the official BRACU website for the most up-to-date fee structure for your desired program (https://www.bracu.ac.bd/admissions/tuition-and-fees). The website provides a comprehensive breakdown of fees, including course fees, semester fees, and other associated charges.
Scholarships and Financial Aid
To help reduce the financial burden, BRAC University offers several scholarship programs and financial aid options for deserving students. These scholarships are merit-based, meaning they are awarded to students with exceptional academic performance. There are also need-based financial aid programs available for students from low-income families.
Moreover, students who excel in extracurricular activities or community service may be eligible for additional financial support. Prospective students are encouraged to explore these options early during the application process to secure the necessary funding.
Additional Fees
Besides tuition, students should also account for other mandatory fees, such as library fees, lab fees, and student activity fees. These costs vary depending on the specific program but typically add up to BDT 5,000 to 10,000 per semester. Additionally, there is a one-time admission fee that students need to pay when enrolling, which generally ranges between BDT 20,000 and BDT 25,000.
Campus Life and Facilities
BRAC University offers a vibrant campus experience with world-class facilities, including state-of-the-art classrooms, research labs, libraries, and recreational spaces. The university is well-known for its student-centric approach, offering a range of extracurricular activities, clubs, and student societies to enrich the educational experience.
Furthermore, BRAC University emphasizes research and innovation, providing students with opportunities to participate in cutting-edge research projects across various disciplines. The campus fosters a supportive environment where students can grow academically and personally, preparing them for successful careers in Bangladesh and abroad.
BRAC University offers an excellent education with a transparent and competitive admission process. Its tuition fees, while on the higher side compared to other local institutions, reflect the quality of education and state-of-the-art facilities. With scholarships and financial aid options available, BRAC University ensures that students from diverse backgrounds can access its programs. If you are considering BRAC University, it is essential to understand both the admission requirements and the associated costs to plan your academic journey effectively. Also, Visit CollegeVorti’s blog often to stay updated with the newest trends and expert advice.
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acharya-college · 10 days
Acharya School of Design: Pioneering Creative Excellence in Bangalore
Acharya School of Design (ASD), affiliated with Bangalore City University, stands as one of the top design colleges in Bangalore, India. Known for its innovative approach and dynamic academic environment, ASD offers a range of BVA (Bachelor of Visual Arts) programs in Graphic and Communication Design, Animation and Game Art, Interior & Spatial Design, and Product Design. Located on Acharya's stunning 120-acre campus, ASD thrives in synergy with other premier disciplines like Architecture, Engineering, Degree College, Polytechnic, and Nursing. This unique interdisciplinary setting enables seamless collaboration between schools, enriching the learning experience for its design students.
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A Global Learning Hub
Acharya School of Design attracts students not only from across India but also from neighboring countries such as Bhutan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, South Africa, and Zambia. This diverse student body helps create a global learning environment that exposes students to various perspectives, cultures, and creative processes. The school has become a vibrant melting pot of talent, culture, and creativity, making it one of the best design colleges in Bangalore. The global environment at Acharya ensures that students receive a holistic education and learn to approach design challenges from a multicultural viewpoint.
Comprehensive Design Education
Acharya School of Design offers a well-rounded and comprehensive curriculum that provides aspiring designers with the skills they need to excel in a variety of creative fields. The BVA programs cover a wide range of design disciplines:
Graphic and Communication Design: This program focuses on visual communication, branding, advertising, and digital media. Students learn the art of designing meaningful and impactful visuals that resonate with audiences across different platforms.
Animation and Game Art: This field combines storytelling, creativity, and technology to create immersive experiences. Students learn the intricacies of animation, 3D modeling, and character design to prepare for careers in the fast-growing fields of gaming, animation, and entertainment.
Interior & Spatial Design: Focused on designing functional, aesthetic, and sustainable spaces, this program emphasizes innovation and problem-solving in interior design, blending art and architecture.
Product Design: This program equips students to conceptualize and develop innovative, functional, and aesthetically appealing products that enhance user experiences and solve real-world problems.
By offering such diverse specializations, Acharya School of Design ensures that students can choose paths that align with their passion, talents, and future career goals.
Innovative Learning Environment
ASD is renowned for its world-class learning infrastructure, featuring specialized design studios, smart classrooms, amphitheaters, art museums, and design labs. The campus includes spacious sports grounds set against the naturally beautiful terrain, which serves as a constant source of inspiration for creative minds. These state-of-the-art facilities provide students with a stimulating and conducive environment for artistic growth, research, and experimentation.
One of the hallmarks of the learning experience at ASD is its NEP (National Education Policy)-compliant design curriculum, which is designed to foster creativity, critical thinking, and practical skills. By following this modern, student-centric educational framework, ASD ensures that its graduates are well-prepared for the ever-evolving demands of the design industry.
Skill Enhancement and Career Development
At Acharya School of Design, students not only receive top-tier design education but are also provided with ample opportunities to enhance their skills through various add-on programs. From language proficiency courses to training in marketing, sales, and other essential business skills, students can develop a well-rounded profile that will boost their professional prospects.
The college’s focus on holistic development extends to its robust placement cell, which helps students secure jobs in prestigious design firms, advertising agencies, architectural studios, game development companies, and more. ASD’s strong industry connections and focus on practical experience make it an ideal place for aspiring designers who want to kickstart their careers.
For students with an entrepreneurial mindset or a passion for independent artistic endeavors, ASD also prepares them to embark on careers as freelance designers or artists. The broad, versatile education that students receive at Acharya allows them to confidently pursue a variety of creative paths, making the school one of the best fine arts colleges in Bangalore.
Global Exposure and Interdisciplinary Opportunities
Acharya School of Design thrives on its interdisciplinary approach, offering students the chance to collaborate with other schools on campus, such as Architecture and Engineering. These collaborations provide valuable insights into how design intersects with various other fields, enhancing the students' problem-solving abilities and expanding their creative horizons. This exposure to cross-disciplinary work helps prepare students for complex real-world projects, where design solutions often require a multi-faceted approach.
Additionally, the presence of international students fosters a global outlook, ensuring that Acharya students can navigate diverse cultural landscapes and design for varied markets. This global exposure, paired with high academic standards, is what makes ASD one of the best design schools not just in Bangalore but across India.
Acharya School of Design stands as a beacon of creativity and innovation, offering students a unique blend of academic rigor, interdisciplinary collaboration, and global exposure. With its comprehensive BVA programs, world-class infrastructure, and strong focus on career development, ASD is the perfect launchpad for aspiring designers who want to make a mark in the dynamic world of design. Whether students dream of becoming graphic designers, animators, interior designers, or product designers, Acharya School of Design is committed to nurturing their talents and preparing them for success.
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indiaandforeignaid · 12 days
Tech-based Skill Development Initiatives in Developing Nations
As we move towards the digital age, skill development has become synonymous with nation-building. For developing nations, access to quality education, healthcare, and job-oriented skills is crucial for breaking cycles of poverty and overcoming economic inequality. India, recognizing this challenge, has stepped up as a global leader by providing innovative digital literacy and skill-building programs to partner nations, particularly in Africa. Two standout initiatives are e-Vidya Bharati and e-Arogya Bharati, which exemplify India's commitment and efforts towards using technology for international development.
e-Vidya Bharati, a tele-education network, offers online courses, degree programs, and technical training to African students through partnerships with leading Indian universities. This initiative is designed to overcome geographical barriers, providing education directly to students' homes and reducing the need for physical infrastructure. In Ethiopia, for example, where educational resources are often limited, e-Vidya Bharati has been transformative. Thousands of students from rural areas have gained access to higher education in fields like IT, business, and healthcare management, giving them a chance to compete in the global marketplace.
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Similarly, e-Arogya Bharati, a telemedicine network, addresses the significant healthcare challenges faced by many developing nations. By providing teleconsultations and medical training through Indian medical institutions, this initiative helps bridge the gap in healthcare services. In Nigeria, where there is a shortage of skilled doctors, e-Arogya Bharati has made a substantial impact. Indian specialists offer remote consultations, while local healthcare workers receive training in critical areas such as emergency care and maternal health. This collaboration has alleviated pressure on overcrowded city hospitals and improved healthcare delivery in rural regions.
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India's efforts in these tech-based skill development programs not only address immediate needs but also represent a form of digital diplomacy. By establishing itself as a partner for development rather than just an economic competitor, India is fostering trust and strengthening bilateral relations with African nations. These initiatives build human capital and lay the groundwork for future economic cooperation, positioning India as a leader in global development.
Beyond e-Vidya Bharati and e-Arogya Bharati, India’s role in tech-based skill development extends to other initiatives as well. Programs such as the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) and the Digital India mission are models that are being adapted and emulated in other regions like Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and parts of Southeast Asia and Latin America. These programs focus on vocational training and digital infrastructure, contributing to the broader goal of global digital inclusion.
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Despite the successes, challenges remain, particularly concerning internet connectivity and the localization of educational content. Many developing nations still face infrastructural limitations that hinder the full potential of these programs. Additionally, content must be adapted to local languages and cultures to ensure accessibility for all. However, with ongoing efforts to improve global digital connectivity and expand these programs, these issues are likely to be addressed in the future.
India’s tech-based skill development initiatives symbolize a new endeavor towards change, development and collaboration. They offer developing nations a cost-effective way to address educational and healthcare deficits while positioning India as a significant global contributor. As these programs continue to evolve, they will play a critical role in shaping the future of education and healthcare, creating a more connected and inclusive world. By fostering knowledge exchange and capacity-building, India is not only uplifting millions but also enhancing its global standing, paving the way for a brighter, more equitable future.
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uttomroy · 16 days
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Who is Uttom Roy?
Uttom Roy Roy, also known as উত্তম রায়, is a prominent figure in the world of SEO. Born on February 12, 2002, in Rangpur, Gaibandha, Bangladesh, he has rapidly risen to become an SEO expert globally. With a passion for digital marketing and a penchant for excellence, Uttom Roy has established himself as a trailblazer in the field, earning accolades for his expertise and achievements.
Native name- উত্তম রায়
Born- 2002/02/12, Rangpur, Gaibandha
Residence- Rangpur, Gaibandha,
Nationality- Bangladeshi
Known for- SEO Specialist & Community Builder
Notable works- Shiny Bright Windows,
Height- 5 Feet 4 Inch
GMB — https://www.google.com/search?q=Uttom+Roy+%7C+SEO+Expert&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAA_-NgU1I1qDAyS0wzTElLtjRMMUkzNDG0MqhIMUlKTDY1Nku2SEsxtDSwXMQqFlpSkp-rEJRfqVCjEOzqr-BaUZBaVAIAa48u5kIAAAA&hl=en-GB&mat=CSLx0ZH7OUCWElcBEKoLaTeVzrkmSGHy7QIzXxq0RFHtL8qYcues5Fq3VOw_jYfZ4ib11Frdm2rXrLyUQBusLATVjyBjrtPGOq7P8EyY1v9Bm2BmNYRyCKIYN5hJ3JcARkA&authuser=0&ved=2ahUKEwjE6Pmly7eIAxWmcGwGHYrlIzoQ-MgIegQIHhAd
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1. Childhood:
In his early years, Uttom Roy displayed an introverted nature but possessed a deep commitment to education and personal development. Growing up in Rangpur, Gaibandha, Bangladesh, he demonstrated a keen intellect and a thirst for knowledge that would shape his future endeavors.
2. Educational Journey:
Uttom Roy embarked on his educational journey with zeal, completing his High School from Gaibandha govt Uttom Roy on 1st January 2019 then I passed Govori Bl High School on 30th November 18, Currently I am studying in my Honors 3rd year in Polash Bari govt college.He continued his studies, obtaining his Alim degree from Bagra Darul Uloom Fazil Degree Madrasah in 2023. Currently pursuing his undergraduate studies in Honors at Comilla Victoria College, Md Kamrul Hasan remains dedicated to expanding his knowledge base.
3. Professional Career:
Entry into SEO: Uttom Roy Roy foray into the world of SEO commenced at a young age, where his passion for digital marketing ignited. With three years of experience in the SEO industry, he has garnered widespread recognition for his expertise in advanced white hat SEO techniques. As the best SEO expert in Rangpur, Bangladesh, and the best SEO expert in the world, Uttom Roy has carved a niche for himself in the competitive field of search engine optimization.
Notable Works: One of Uttom Roy notable works includes his role as a marketing consultant based in Dublin, Ireland. Additionally, he serves as the CEO and founder of Rabea IT Institute, demonstrating his entrepreneurial acumen and commitment to driving success in the digital realm.
4. Recognition and Awards:
Digital marketing certificate: In 2022, Uttom Roy attained the prestigious SEMrush SEO Expert Certification, underscoring his proficiency in the field and cementing his status as a leading authority in SEO practices.
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5. Personal Life:
Religious Background: Uttom Roy hails from hindu family, Uttom Roy. Bengali cultural heritage and linguistic ties shape identity and worldview.
6. Impact and Community Building:
Contribution to the Community: Beyond his professional pursuits, Uttom Roy is committed to fostering growth and development within his community. Through his expertise in SEO, he empowers businesses and individuals to enhance their online presence, driving economic prosperity and societal advancement.
7. Future Endeavors:
Ongoing Pursuits: As Uttom Roy continues his journey as a pioneering SEO specialist, he remains dedicated to pushing the boundaries of innovation and excellence. Focus on continuous learning and adaptation and strive to stay at the forefront of industry trends, emerging technologies.
Uttom Roy story is a testament to the power of passion, perseverance, and dedication. From his humble beginnings in Rangpur, Bangladesh, to his global recognition as the SEO expert in the world, he exemplifies the potential for greatness that lies within each individual. With his unwavering commitment to excellence and community empowerment, Uttom Roy continues to inspire and leave an indelible mark on the world of SEO and beyond.
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Uttom Roy Social Media
Facebook Page
Google My Business Gmb
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. What inspired Uttom Roy to pursue a career in SEO?
Uttom Roy fascination with the digital landscape and his innate curiosity about how search engines operate sparked his interest in SEO at a young age.
2. How does Uttom Roy stay updated with the latest SEO trends and algorithms?
Uttom Roy remains abreast of the evolving SEO landscape by regularly engaging with industry publications, attending webinars, and participating in online forums dedicated to digital marketing.
3. What sets Uttom Roy apart as an SEO specialist?
Uttom Roy dedication to employing advanced white hat SEO techniques, coupled with his innate understanding of search engine algorithms, distinguishes him as a standout SEO expert in both Bangladesh and globally.
4. How does Uttom Roy contribute to the local SEO scene in Comilla, Bangladesh?
As the best local SEO expert in Comilla, Bangladesh, Uttom Roy actively engages with local businesses, providing tailored strategies to enhance their online visibility and drive growth within the community.
5. What advice does Uttom Roy have for aspiring SEO professionals?
Uttom Roy emphasizes the importance of continuous learning, staying updated with industry trends, and cultivating a genuine passion for helping businesses succeed in the digital realm as key ingredients for success in the field of SEO.
Uttom Roy Contact Info 😊
📧 Email: [email protected] 📱
WhatsApp: +8801767056643
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cxolanes · 24 days
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sunshineasia · 1 month
MBA in Bangladesh
Are you considering pursuing an MBA in Bangladesh? You're not alone. An MBA is a sought-after degree that can open doors to various career opportunities. Whether you're a fresh graduate or a working professional, an MBA can significantly enhance your skills and employability. In this guide, we'll explore everything you need to know about pursuing an MBA in Bangladesh, from the top programs to career prospects.
The Evolution of MBA Programs in Bangladesh
Historical Background
Business education in Bangladesh has come a long way. Initially, the focus was on traditional degrees, but with the globalization of business, the demand for specialized business education grew. This led to the introduction of MBA programs across the country.
Growth of Business Education in Bangladesh
Over the past few decades, Bangladesh has witnessed significant growth in business education. Universities have expanded their MBA offerings, and new institutions have emerged, providing diverse and specialized MBA programs to meet the demands of the modern business world.
Why Choose Bangladesh for an MBA?
Affordability and Cost-Effectiveness
One of the main reasons students choose to pursue an MBA in Bangladesh is affordability. Compared to other countries, the cost of education in Bangladesh is relatively low, making it an attractive option for both local and international students.
Quality of Education
Despite being cost-effective, the quality of education in Bangladesh is commendable. Many universities have strong faculty members, updated curricula, and state-of-the-art facilities that ensure students receive a world-class education.
International Recognition of Degrees
MBA degrees from reputed Bangladeshi universities are recognized internationally, which means graduates can pursue careers not only in Bangladesh but also abroad.
Top MBA Programs in Bangladesh
Public Universities Offering MBA
Public universities like Dhaka University and Jahangirnagar University are known for their rigorous MBA programs. These universities offer a variety of specializations, ensuring that students can tailor their education to their career goals.
Private Universities Offering MBA
Private universities such as North South University, BRAC University, and East West University also offer competitive MBA programs. These institutions often have better infrastructure and more flexible curricula compared to public universities.
Specialized MBA Programs
In addition to general MBA programs, several universities offer specialized MBAs in fields like Finance, Marketing, Human Resources, and Supply Chain Management. These specialized programs are designed to meet the specific needs of various industries.
Admission Requirements and Process
Eligibility Criteria
To apply for an MBA program in Bangladesh, candidates typically need a bachelor's degree in any discipline. Some universities may require work experience, especially for executive MBA programs.
Entrance Exams and Interviews
Most universities conduct entrance exams to assess applicants' aptitude in areas like quantitative analysis, verbal reasoning, and logical thinking. This is often followed by an interview process to evaluate the candidate's motivation and suitability for the program.
Application Process
The application process usually involves submitting academic transcripts, letters of recommendation, a statement of purpose, and other relevant documents. Some universities also require candidates to take the GMAT or GRE.
Curriculum and Specializations
Core Courses in MBA Programs
The MBA curriculum typically includes core courses in subjects like Accounting, Economics, Marketing, and Organizational Behavior. These foundational courses are essential for understanding the complexities of business management.
Popular Specializations
Specializations allow students to focus on specific areas of interest. Common specializations include Finance, Marketing, Human Resources, Operations Management, and Information Technology.
Elective Courses and Workshops
In addition to core courses, students can choose elective courses based on their career goals. Universities also offer workshops and seminars on topics like leadership, entrepreneurship, and digital marketing to enhance practical skills.
Faculty and Teaching Methods
Experienced Faculty Profiles
MBA programs in Bangladesh are staffed by experienced faculty members, many of whom have international qualifications and industry experience. This ensures that students receive high-quality instruction that is both theoretical and practical.
Teaching Methodologies
Teaching methods in MBA programs often include case studies, group projects, and simulations. These methods encourage active learning and help students apply theoretical concepts to real-world business scenarios.
Guest Lectures and Industry Connections
Universities frequently invite industry experts to give guest lectures, providing students with insights into current business trends and networking opportunities.
Career Opportunities After MBA in Bangladesh
Job Market Overview
The job market for MBA graduates in Bangladesh is competitive but promising. Graduates can find opportunities in various sectors, including finance, marketing, consulting, and technology.
Popular Industries for MBA Graduates
Industries like banking, FMCG, telecommunications, and NGOs are some of the top employers of MBA graduates. These industries offer roles in management, strategy, operations, and more.
Salary Expectations
While salaries vary depending on the industry and role, MBA graduates in Bangladesh can expect competitive compensation. Those in senior management positions can earn significantly higher salaries.
Internship and Placement Opportunities
Importance of Internships
Internships are a crucial part of MBA programs, offering students hands-on experience in their chosen fields. Most universities have strong ties with industry partners, ensuring students get valuable internship opportunities.
Placement Cells and Career Services
Universities often have dedicated placement cells that assist students in securing job placements after graduation. These cells provide career counseling, resume-building workshops, and interview preparation.
Success Stories of Alumni
Many MBA graduates from Bangladeshi universities have gone on to achieve significant success in their careers, both locally and internationally. These success stories serve as inspiration for current students.
Challenges and Opportunities
Challenges Faced by MBA Students in Bangladesh
MBA students in Bangladesh may face challenges such as balancing work and study, adapting to rigorous academic demands, and navigating the competitive job market.
Opportunities for Growth and Networking
Despite the challenges, there are ample opportunities for growth. Networking events, alumni associations, and industry conferences provide platforms for students to connect with professionals and advance their careers.
Student Life and Campus Facilities
Campus Life at Major Universities
Campus life in Bangladeshi universities is vibrant, with numerous extracurricular activities, clubs, and events that enrich the student experience.
Extracurricular Activities and Clubs
Universities encourage students to participate in extracurricular activities, such as business clubs, debate societies, and sports teams, to develop leadership and teamwork skills.
Facilities and Resources Available
Modern campuses offer state-of-the-art facilities, including libraries, computer labs, and recreational centers, ensuring students have access to all the resources they need.
MBA for Working Professionals
Part-Time and Executive MBA Options
For working professionals, many universities offer part-time and executive MBA programs. These programs are designed to accommodate busy schedules, allowing professionals to advance their education without disrupting their careers.
Contact Sunshine Asia to pursue MBA admission in Bangladesh
To pursue MBA admission in Bangladesh through Sunshine Asia, you can reach out to them for guidance and assistance with the application process. Contact us at Email us : [email protected] or visit here- https://www.sunshineasia.net/
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sharpeagle-tech · 2 months
SharpEagle Launches Premium Ex-Proof Dome Camera for Harsh Environment
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According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), the industrial and manufacturing properties encounter an average of 37,000 fires annually, accounting for 18 civilian deaths, 279 civilian injuries, and $1 billion in direct property damage. These alarming statistics necessitate the use of advanced measures beyond the standard safety awareness.
The challenges faced by adoption of advanced safety technology primarily revolves around the potential threat of wiring sparks coming in contact with hazardous atmospheres and resulting in an explosion. Explosion-proof cameras are designed to counter these limitations and optimise the surveillance in industrial workplaces without compromising on the safety standards in the explosion-prone zones. 
SharpEagle has launched their first explosion-proof dome cameras for maximising your crew safety through the power of technology. With modern design and stainless steel engineering, the camera ensures seamless operations in harsh onshore and offshore environments. In this blog, we uncover the latest features of the camera and why it is an ideal and recommended investment for industries today. ‍
What is an Explosion-Proof Dome Camera?
Ex-proof dome cameras combine the features of traditional ex-proof cameras to a high-tech fixed dome model. These cameras have a stainless-steel body, ensuring that the device can prevent sparks from coming in contact with the air's explosive and combustible dust particles. Stainless steel bodies are also extremely resistant to corrosion. These devices enable the crew to deliver a consistent and seamless performance in both harsh onshore and offshore environments. Designed with extreme precision, the camera system is equipped to endure extremely harsh environments. 
Key features of the dome cameras:
•  304/316L stainless steel casing, with polished electro cage.
‍•  Lightweight body with easy installation and operation. 
‍•  5-megapixel CMOS sensor for high-resolution day and night images
•  Certified for use in Zone 1 and Zone 2.
‍•  Endurance to a wide temperature range from -30 to +70 degrees Celsius.
‍•  IP68 waterproofing with high-resolution images of 1080p. The best feature of the camera are the photogenic characteristics, where the illumination prerequisite is very low, up to [email protected]. In addition, the devices capture images noise-free and have IR for uncompromised night vision. The installation process is very simple, owing to the DC12V power supply. The video compression resolution is H.256/H.264/MJPEG. The focal length ranges from 4.6 to 165mm. The dome-type explosion-proof devices work efficiently and seamlessly in all areas starting from heavy metal, marine to oil and gas, pharmaceutical, aviation, and textile sectors. The horizontal and vertical ranges are manually adjustable and are 360° and +/-45°, respectively.
The infrared night vision has 5m to 15m visibility and produces high-quality videos in extremely low lights. Installation of these ex-proof dome-type surveillance safety cameras helps create a cost-friendly safer environment for your industry.
Why SharpEagle?
SharpEagle is the leading safety solution provider for the oil, gas, and energy industries in the UAE. We are your end-to-end safety consultants offering services from inspection to manufacturing, installation, and maintenance. Our experts take pride in providing rugged and harsh environment businesses with an ecosystem that is secure for warehouse materials and workers. We also have assured ATEX certification on all the products, and the team takes pride in serving customers 24/7 globally.
Known for our top-notch explosion-proof and forklift safety product lines, we offer monitoring, safety, and efficiency solutions globally, including in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Kuwait, Oman, Egypt, Papua New Guinea, Australia, and more. In particular, our explosion-proof surveillance devices are a highly sought-after product in the market. 
With our new launch of explosion proof dome cameras, SharpEagle has once again created a buzz in the industry for innovation towards safer workplaces across diverse industries.
Access the Full Range of Explosion-Proof Cameras by SharpEagle
SharpEagle offers a range of explosion-proof CCTV solutions to diverse industries with explosive or hazardous environments. The ATEX-certification for the range provides robust alternatives for surveillance, compared to the traditional CCTVs. Depending on the expected purpose, bandwidth, surveillance, and environment, our clients can access tailored options in the product line for seamless industrial operations. 
Explosion-Proof Mini IR Camera
SharpEagle's Explosion-Proof Mini IR Camera is designed for hazardous areas, it is suitable for Zone 1 and Zone 2 environments with combustible gases. With versatile mounting options, its applications extend to industries such as oil & gas, manufacturing, mining, construction, and marine. SharEagle offers the camera solution in two variants - Ex-Proof Mini IR Camera (Analogue) & Ex-Proof Mini IR Camera (IP & POE).  
Explosion-Proof PTZ Camera With IR
SharpEagle’s Explosion-Proof PTZ Camera with IR comes with night vision that assists in surveillance in risky environments with explosive gases or dust. Its PTZ functionality enables the operators to pan, tilt, and zoom to monitor key zones in hazardous zones. 
Explosion-Proof Fixed Type Dome Camera
SharpEagle Explosion-Proof Fixed Dome Camera features a 5-megapixel CMOS sensor for high-resolution imaging, even in low-light conditions. Constructed from corrosion-proof stainless steel, the system ensures durability in highly corrosive industrial conditions. The camera is waterproof, shock-resistant, and bulletproof, containing sparks within its confines and preventing explosions from wiring issues in hazardous industries. 
Explosion-Proof PTZ Type Dome Camera
SharpEagle Explosion-Proof PTZ Type Dome Camera is ideal for oil refineries, onshore/offshore rigs, and petrochemical plants. Specially designed to endure harsh conditions, they are explosion-proof, dust-proof, waterproof, and rust-proof, and approved for Zones 1, 2, 21, and 22. It is corrosion-resistant and suitable for industries with oil fields, chemical plants, ports, oil storage among others. 
Explosion-Proof ZOOM IR Camera (IP & Analogue)
Designed with stainless steel, the Explosion-Proof Zoom IR Camera by SharpEagle comes with a wall bracket or a universal joint. It is waterproof and shock-resistant, with IP and Analogue variants. The infrared automatically activates as soon as it detects limited visibility. It’s easy to install and is built to resist harsh work environments.
Visit the SharpEagle website to learn more about the different ex-proof camera solutions. You can also connect with our experts for a site inspection, enabling them to customise safety solutions to target the unique safety concerns in your workplace and create a safer work environment. Schedule a free consultation call today!
‍You can also call us at +971-45549547 or mail us at [email protected]
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digital-techtune2024 · 5 months
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yesinstitute5 · 3 months
Understanding the Cost of Hotel Management Courses in Bangladesh
In recent years, the hospitality industry in Bangladesh has seen remarkable growth, driven by the country's expanding tourism sector and the development of its business and leisure facilities. As a result, the demand for skilled professionals in hotel management has surged, prompting many institutions to offer specialized courses in this field. For aspiring hoteliers, understanding the cost of these courses is crucial for planning their education and career paths.
Cost of Hotel Management Courses in Bangladesh:
In Bangladesh, the cost of Hotel Management courses can vary depending on the institution and the program's duration and level. Generally, diploma courses may range from BDT 50,000 to BDT 2,00,000, while bachelor's degree programs can cost between BDT 3,00,000 to BDT 8,00,000. These costs often cover tuition fees, materials, and sometimes accommodation for practical training. It's advisable to check with specific institutions for exact fees and any additional expenses.
We offers 3 best courses : 
1.Professional Chef Course:
2.Professional Pastry and Bakery:
3.Advanced Pastry and Bakery:
1.Professional Chef Course:
This comprehensive program equips students with the fundamental skills and knowledge required to excel in the culinary industry. From mastering knife skills to understanding flavor profiles and culinary techniques, students undergo rigorous training under the guidance of experienced chefs.
2.Professional Pastry and Bakery:
Pastry and bakery are integral components of culinary arts, and this course focuses on imparting essential skills in baking, pastry making, and dessert preparation. Students learn the art of crafting delicate pastries, bread, cakes, and other confections, exploring the science behind baking and experimenting with flavors and textures.
3.Advanced Pastry and Bakery:
Building upon the foundation laid in the basic course, the advanced pastry and bakery program delves deeper into the artistry of pastry making and baking. Students refine their techniques, learn advanced decorating skills, and explore innovative pastry trends to create visually stunning and delectable desserts.
Types of Hotel Management Courses:
In Bangladesh, hotel management courses are available at various levels, including diploma, undergraduate, and postgraduate programs. Each type of course offers a different depth of study and specialization, catering to students with varying levels of prior education and career aspirations.
Diploma Courses: These are typically short-term programs lasting from six months to two years. They focus on foundational skills in hospitality management, such as front office operations, housekeeping, food and beverage service, and basic culinary arts.
Undergraduate Programs: Bachelor’s degrees in hotel management usually span three to four years. They offer a comprehensive curriculum that includes theoretical knowledge and practical training in areas such as hospitality marketing, financial management, human resources, and advanced culinary arts.
Postgraduate Programs: Master's degrees and postgraduate diplomas are designed for those who have already completed an undergraduate degree. These programs, lasting one to two years, provide advanced knowledge in hotel management and often include a research component or internship opportunities.
Cost of Hotel Management Courses
The cost of hotel management courses in Bangladesh varies widely depending on the type of program, the institution offering it, and the duration of the course. Here's a breakdown of the typical costs associated with different levels of study:
Diploma Courses:
Public Institutions: Diploma courses offered by public institutions are generally more affordable. The cost can range from BDT 30,000 to BDT 100,000 for the entire program.
Private Institutions: Private institutions tend to charge higher fees, with costs ranging from BDT 50,000 to BDT 200,000.
Undergraduate Programs:
Public Universities: Tuition fees for a bachelor's degree in hotel management at a public university can range from BDT 100,000 to BDT 300,000 per year.
Private Universities: Private universities usually charge between BDT 200,000 and BDT 600,000 per year. Some prestigious institutions might even charge higher fees.
Postgraduate Programs:
Public Institutions: The cost for postgraduate programs in public universities can be between BDT 150,000 and BDT 400,000.
Private Institutions: Fees for similar programs in private institutions range from BDT 300,000 to BDT 800,000.
Additional Costs
Apart from tuition fees, students should also consider other expenses associated with their education:
Accommodation and Living Expenses: Depending on the location of the institution, accommodation and living costs can vary. On average, students might spend between BDT 5,000 and BDT 15,000 per month on housing, food, transportation, and other living expenses.
Books and Materials: The cost of textbooks and other study materials can add up to BDT 10,000 to BDT 20,000 per year.
Uniforms and Equipment: For courses that include practical training, students might need to purchase uniforms and specific equipment, which can cost an additional BDT 5,000 to BDT 15,000.
Internship and Field Trips: Many hotel management programs include mandatory internships and field trips, which might incur extra costs ranging from BDT 10,000 to BDT 50,000.
Scholarships and Financial Aid
To make education more accessible, many institutions offer scholarships and financial aid to deserving students. These can significantly reduce the financial burden and make hotel management courses more affordable. Scholarships are often based on academic merit, financial need, or both.
Institute offers these courses:
Yes Tourism and Hotel Management Institute:
Yes Tourism and Hotel Management Institute offers comprehensive programs designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the dynamic hospitality industry. With state-of-the-art facilities and experienced faculty, we provide hands-on training in areas such as hotel operations, event management, tourism marketing, and culinary arts. Our industry-focused curriculum ensures graduates are well-prepared for diverse career opportunities in hotels, resorts, restaurants, and tourism agencies worldwide. Through practical learning experiences and internships, students gain valuable insights and develop the expertise necessary to thrive in this fast-paced and rewarding field. Join us as we set forth on a voyage towards achieving excellence in hospitality management.
Pursuing a hotel management course in Bangladesh is a valuable investment for those looking to build a career in the hospitality industry. While the costs can be significant, the potential for career growth and the expanding opportunities in the sector make it a worthwhile endeavor. By carefully considering the type of program, the institution, and the associated expenses, prospective students can plan effectively to achieve their educational and career goals in hotel management.
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saleheenmuhammad · 3 months
Saleheen Muhammad Mustak: A Visionary Creative Graphic Designer
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Saleheen Muhammad Mustak: A Visionary Creative Graphic Designer.
Saleheen Muhammad Mustak, a 25-year-old visual artist and graphic designer, has carved a unique niche for himself in the dynamic world of design. Hailing from Bhadeswar, Gulapgonj, Sylhet, Bangladesh. Saleheen’s journey is one of creativity, innovation, and relentless pursuit of excellence.
Educational Background
Saleheen is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Honours degree at Dhakadakshin Govt. University. His academic foundation provides him with a solid understanding of business principles, which he seamlessly integrates into his design work.
Versatility in Design
Saleheen’s versatility knows no bounds. He deftly handles various aspects of graphic design, including:
1.Social Media Design : His eye-catching social media graphics resonate with audiences, blending aesthetics with effective communication.
2.Logo Design : Saleheen crafts logos that encapsulate brand identities, leaving a lasting impression.
3.Promotional and Marketing Materials: From brochures to banners, Saleheen’s designs captivate and engage.
4.Brand Identity Design: He understands that a brand’s visual identity is its essence, and he brings it to life through thoughtful design elements.
5.Motion Graphics and Animation: Saleheen’s animations breathe life into static visuals, making them dynamic and memorable.
6.Sketching and Video Editing: His artistic flair extends beyond the digital realm, as he skillfully sketches and edits videos.
Negative Space Calligraphy: A Masterstroke
Saleheen’s claim to fame lies in his exceptional negative space calligraphy. This intricate art form involves creating letters and shapes using the space around them. His compositions are mesmerizing, evoking emotions and sparking curiosity. Whether it’s a quote, a name, or a message, Saleheen weaves magic with his calligraphy.
Educator and YouTube Influencer
Driven by a passion for sharing knowledge, Saleheen runs a popular YouTube channel. Here, he generously imparts design tips, tricks, and techniques. His tutorials cover typography, calligraphy, and other design-related topics, inspiring budding designers worldwide.
Professional Collaborations
Saleheen collaborates with marketing agencies and institutes, infusing their projects with his creative genius. His freelance work allows him to explore diverse industries, from fashion to technology. Additionally, he has contributed to television projects, showcasing his adaptability and versatility.
Connect with Saleheen
You can find Saleheen Muhammad Mustak on various platforms:-
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/saleheenfm- LinkedIn : https://bd.linkedin.com/in/saleheenmuhammadmustak- Pinterest : https://www.pinterest.com/saleheenmuhammad- DeviantArt : https://www.deviantart.com/saleheenmuhammad- Behance : https://www.behance.net/saleheenmr7- YouTube : https://m.youtube.com/@Saleheenfm- Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/saleheenmuhammadmustak-
Bio : https://saleheenmr7.blogspot.com
In a world where design is constantly evolving, Saleheen Muhammad Mustak stands out as a visionary who pushes boundaries and inspires others. His journey is a testament to the power of creativity and dedication.
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newstfionline · 4 months
Thursday, May 23, 2024
US Hostages (Atavist) You’re on a work trip in a faraway country when men with guns suddenly appear and spirit you into a windowless black van. They blindfold you. They tell you to keep quiet. Your mind races as you attempt to make sense of a situation that defies logic. Where am I going? Why is this happening? What do they want? Will I ever see my family again? Between 2012 and 2022, an average of 34 U.S. hostages were being held somewhere overseas. Often, the perpetrators are terrorist organizations; for example, Hamas is presently holding five U.S. nationals somewhere in Gaza. But foreign governments are increasingly the bad actors, targeting businesspeople, aid workers and journalists.
It’s so hot in Mexico that howler monkeys are falling dead from the trees (AP) It’s so hot in Mexico that howler monkeys are falling dead from the trees. At least 138 of the midsize primates, who are known for their roaring vocal calls, were found dead in the Gulf Coast state of Tabasco since May 16, according to the Biodiversity Conservation of The Usumacinta group. Others were rescued by residents, including five that were rushed to a local veterinarian who battled to save them. While Mexico’s brutal heat wave has been linked to the deaths of at least 26 people since March, veterinarians and rescuers say it has killed dozens and perhaps hundreds of howler monkeys. Around a third of the country saw highs of 45 degrees Celsius (113 degrees Fahrenheit) on Tuesday.
Kenyan Officers in Haiti (1440) Kenya will begin to deploy police officers to Haiti to lead a UN-authorized multinational mission to quell gang violence. The officers—some of whom have experience fighting Islamist insurgent groups near Somalia—will constitute 1,000 of the 2,500-person security force that is largely financed by the US. More than 1,500 people have been killed in Haiti so far this year, and hundreds of thousands have fled as gangs control 80% of the capital of Port-au-Prince. One of them—the Crips-inspired 5 Segonn—is among the country’s leading cocaine traffickers, with ties to the 2021 assassination of Haiti’s then-president. Kenya’s decision to deploy officers comes after a series of court-ordered delays and as Haiti’s main airport reopened for the first time in three months. In addition to Kenya, a number of countries have offered personnel for the mission, including the Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belize, Benin, Chad, and Jamaica.
China’s Steel Spurs Latin America Toward Tariffs (Bloomberg) Latin American nations are following in the footsteps of the US and Europe by imposing prohibitive tariffs on Chinese imports—a new strain in what’s been an otherwise cozy connection. Mexico, Chile and Brazil have hiked—and in some cases more than doubled—duties on steel products from China over the past several weeks, and Colombia may be next. The turn toward protectionism is spurred by a flood of Chinese imports that threatens to put Latin American steel producers out of business and risk a combined 1.4 million jobs.
Harsh words (Foreign Policy) Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez indefinitely recalled Madrid’s ambassador to Argentina on Tuesday after Argentine President Javier Milei accused Sánchez’s wife, Begoña Gómez, of being “corrupt.” “There is no precedent for a head of state who goes to another country’s capital to insult its institutions and flagrantly interfere in its internal affairs,” Spanish Foreign Minister José Manuel Albares said. Milei’s comments alluded to a judicial investigation into Gómez that Sánchez argues is a right-wing smear campaign. Last month, Sánchez considered resigning over the controversy. Following Sánchez’s recall, Milei said the Spanish leader has an “inferiority complex” and should seek out “a psychologist for him to mature.” This week’s comments were just the latest insults that Argentina’s far-right president has thrown at foreign leaders in recent months. In March, Milei called Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador “ignorant,” and he accused Colombian President Gustavo Petro of being a “murdering terrorist,” sparking Colombia to expel numerous Argentine diplomats.
Norway, Ireland and Spain say they are recognizing a Palestinian state in a historic move (AP) Norway, Ireland and Spain said Wednesday they are recognizing a Palestinian state in a historic move that drew condemnation from Israel and jubilation from the Palestinians. Israel immediately ordered back its ambassadors from Norway and Ireland. The formal recognition will be made on May 28. The development is a step toward a long-held Palestinian aspiration that came against the backdrop of international outrage over the civilian death toll and humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip following Israel’s offensive there. Several European Union countries have in the past weeks indicated that they plan to make the recognition, arguing a two-state solution is essential for lasting peace in the region. The decision may generate momentum for the recognition of a Palestinian state by other EU countries and could spur further steps at the United Nations, deepening Israel’s isolation.
E.U. sets precedent with plan to use profits from frozen Russian assets (Washington Post) Since the earliest weeks of Russia’s war in Ukraine, Western allies have debated how to make the Kremlin pay. On Tuesday, the European Union made a precedent-setting move, formally agreeing to use windfall profits from frozen Russian assets to buy arms for Kyiv. That would amount to about $3 billion in the first year. In the context of the roughly $300 billion in frozen Russian assets, it’s tiny. But it represents an innovative first step as allies figure out how they might use frozen assets without inviting legal challenges or undermining trust in their financial systems.
‘Code 9.2’: The secretive Ukrainian drone unit tasked with dropping mines into Russia (CNN) Dusk brings an urgent race to hide before dark. The “Code 9.2” drone unit, from the 92nd assault brigade, are moving into a new launch position from where they are about to conduct a rare and potent mission: flying drones into Russia and dropping mines onto key roads inside enemy territory. On the horizon is the Russian city of Belgorod, now repeatedly hit by Ukrainian strikes. In the dark, the team works fast, racing to attach mines to the drone with the help of red light. They finally launch, and the drone drops two packages from its underbelly. The mines sit on the road, and later the next day, the unit says, hit one armored car and a soft skin vehicle. They retrieve the drone and assess the damage the next day. Their target is Russia, a powerful symbol of Kyiv’s decision to take the fight back to Moscow, and the new, dangerous escalatory turns this conflict is taking in its third year.
Indian election casts spotlight on Modi look-alikes (Reuters) Muslim electric-rickshaw driver Rashid Ahmed is fondly called “Our Modi” in his Delhi neighbourhood for his striking resemblance to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, now seeking a third consecutive term in general elections. Living with his wife, children and grandchildren in a two-room home, Ahmed is a celebrity in the surrounding area, and often interrupted at his daily tasks by visitors who want to meet him or take pictures with him. He is known only as “Modi uncle” to the children there, many of whom he drives to school everyday. Ahmed has also attended rallies of Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) as a prime ministerial look-alike, exciting those in the crowd who initially mistook him for the leader. Such events have earned him about 1,000 rupees ($12) each, about what he gets from his rickshaw driver’s job each day. Ahmed is one of several prime ministerial look-alikes, from a businessman in the financial capital of Mumbai to a food vendor in Modi’s western home state of Gujarat, to have featured in BJP campaigns.
From London to Los Angeles, many Iranians overseas cheer, and fear, after president’s death (AP) Among Iranian communities from London to Los Angeles, few tears are being shed over the death of President Ebrahim Raisi, killed in a weekend helicopter crash. But there are not always loud cheers, either. While some hope the demise of a powerful figure in Iran’s authoritarian Islamic government may bring change, others fear it could result in more repression. Inside Iran, authorities are keeping a tight lid on reaction to the crash that killed Raisi, Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian and six others. The government declared five days of mourning, encouraging people into the streets in displays of public grief and support. Prosecutors have warned Iranians against any public celebrations, and a heavy security force presence has been on the streets of Tehran. One female student in Tehran told Reuters that she was not saddened by Raisi’s death “because he ordered the crackdown on women for hijab,” but added, “I am sad because, even with Raisi’s death, this regime will not change.�� Outside Iran, some expatriates felt bold enough to dance in the street. The Iranian diaspora is large. More than half a million Iranians live in the U.S.—many in California—and there are large communities in European cities, including London, Paris and Stockholm.
UN halts all food distribution in Rafah after running out of supplies in the southern Gaza city (AP) The United Nations suspended food distribution in the southern Gaza city of Rafah on Tuesday due to a lack of supplies and an untenable security situation caused by Israel’s expanding military operation. The U.N. warned that humanitarian operations across the territory were nearing collapse. Getting aid to displaced civilians has been hampered by closed and chaotic land crossings, as well as problems plaguing the U.S. military’s new floating pier meant to provide an alternative sea route for aid into Gaza. Over the weekend, hungry Palestinians took aid from a U.N. vehicle convoy coming from the pier, and the U.N. said since then it had been unable to receive trucks there.
Hundreds of hostages, mostly women and children, are rescued from Boko Haram extremists in Nigeria (AP) Hundreds of hostages, mostly children and women, who were held captive for months or years by Boko Haram extremists in northeastern Nigeria have been rescued from a forest enclave and handed over to authorities, the army said. The army said the 350 hostages were rescued during a dayslong military operation in Sambisa Forest, which was once a bustling forest reserve that stretches along the border with Cameroon and Niger, but now serves as an enclave from where Boko Haram and its breakaway factions carry out attacks that also target people and security forces in neighboring countries.
Like to bike? Your knees will thank you (NPR) A substantial body of evidence supports the health benefits of cycling, everything from strengthening the immune system to boosting the likelihood of living longer. Now, a new study finds people who are in the habit of riding a bike are significantly less likely to have osteoarthritis and experience pain in their knees by age 65, compared to people who don’t bike. “I was surprised to see how very strong the benefit was,” study author Dr. Grace Lo says, given the profile of the participants. The people enrolled in the study were not competitive athletes, but rather “average” people, ranging from their mid-40’s up to 80 years old. Research also shows biking is good for longevity. “There’s good data to support that people live longer when they bicycle,” says Lo. She points to a study that found people who cycled one hour per week were about 22% less likely to die prematurely.
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collegevorti · 9 days
Understanding North South University Tuition Fees and Admission Process
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North South University (NSU), located in Dhaka, Bangladesh, is the country's first private university. Renowned for its academic excellence and state-of-the-art facilities, NSU attracts students from all over the world. If you're planning to apply to this prestigious institution, it's essential to understand the admission process, financial aspects such as tuition fees, admission fees, and the overall admission process.
Admission Process
Taking the first step towards your journey starts with understanding the North South University admission process. The university offers undergraduate and graduate programs across various disciplines, each with specific admission requirements. Generally, for undergraduate programs, you'll need to have completed higher secondary education (HSC) with a good academic record. Graduate programs usually require a four-year bachelor's degree in a relevant field.  
The admission process typically involves submitting an online application, appearing for an entrance exam (depending on the program), and attending an interview. Specific details and deadlines are available on the NSU website (https://www.northsouth.edu/).
North South University Tuition Fees
When considering studying at NSU, tuition fees are a key factor. The fees can vary depending on the program you're enrolling in, with different rates for undergraduate and postgraduate studies. Undergraduate programs generally have tuition fees per credit hour, while postgraduate programs might follow a different structure. The tuition cost for popular programs like Business Administration or Computer Science often ranges between BDT 5,000 to 7,500 per credit. Students typically complete 12-15 credits per semester, resulting in total semester fees of BDT 60,000 to 90,000.
Additionally, NSU offers scholarships based on merit, helping students reduce the financial burden. These scholarships are particularly helpful for high-performing students in both academic and extracurricular fields.
North South University Admission Fee
Beyond tuition fees, it's important to account for the admission fees at NSU. The admission process begins with an application fee, which is non-refundable. For undergraduate programs, the admission fee is usually around BDT 25,000, a one-time payment that covers administrative costs and initial enrollment. Postgraduate programs may have slightly higher or lower admission fees based on the specific course of study. It’s advisable to contact the admissions office or refer to NSU’s official guidelines to get up-to-date information about the exact fees.
Exploring a World of Academic Choices
NSU offers a diverse range of undergraduate and graduate programs across various disciplines. From Engineering and Business Administration to Social Sciences and Humanities, you'll find a program that aligns with your academic aspirations.  
For a detailed exploration of the programs offered, visit the NSU website's "Programs" section . Here, you can discover program descriptions, admission requirements, and potential career paths associated with each program.
Facilities and Research Opportunities
NSU stands out not only for its academic programs but also for its impressive campus facilities and robust research initiatives. The university provides modern amenities, including extensive libraries, research centers, and laboratories. It also encourages students to participate in research, especially in fields like engineering, business, and social sciences. These opportunities make NSU a hub for innovation and learning..
Understanding North South University's tuition fees and admission process is crucial for aspiring students. The university offers competitive programs at reasonable tuition costs, complemented by scholarships and financial aid. With its streamlined admission procedure and excellent facilities, NSU remains one of the top choices for higher education in Bangladesh.
Remember, the information provided regarding fees is an estimate, and you should always refer to the official NSU website for the latest figures. As you embark on this exciting journey, the knowledge gained and connections made at NSU will undoubtedly equip you for a successful future.
For more information, you can visit North South University's official website for detailed guidance. Also, Visit CollegeVorti’s blog frequently, where we keep delivering content designed to help you stay informed.
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