#“CUB admission information”
digital-techtune2024 · 5 months
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 6 months
"Another weapon in the campaign against the Reds was wartime censorship. In chief censor Ernest J. Chambers, the government found a zealous public servant eager to use his wide powers to ban the publication and distribution of information considered useful to the enemy, critical of the Allied war effort, or discouraging to morale on the homefront.
Chambers was born in England in 1862 and emigrated to Canada with his parents eight years later. His lifelong association with the militia began when, as a boy in Montreal, he joined his school’s cadet rifle corps. Following graduation he went to work at the Montreal Star as a cub reporter. In 1885 he travelled west to cover the North-West Rebellion for the paper. Not content simply to report on the fighting, he volunteered for the Canadian side and saw action in several skirmishes, including the pivotal battle at Batoche. He remained in the West for several years, working as a journalist in Calgary before returning to Montreal and then Ottawa where, in 1904, he became Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod, the official in charge of protocol at the Senate. At the opening of Parliament it was, and still is, the Usher of the Black Rod who summoned the Commons to the Senate Chamber to hear the Governor General read the Speech from the Throne. (The name derives from the ebony stick that the Usher uses to bang on the door of the House of Commons to gain admission.) Chambers was also editor of the Canadian Parliamentary Guide and a major in the militia, promoted to lieutenant-colonel when the war broke out. In short, Chambers’ background in the military and in journalism seemed to make him the perfect choice when the government established a Chief Press Censor’s office in June 1915.
Chambers attacked his job with relish. He saw it as his contribution to the war effort, working long into the evening every day for no pay whatsoever. (He remained on salary as the Gentleman Usher.) Along with his own stable of editors and translators, he had the power to request telephone operators to listen in on calls, telegraphers to provide copies of all their messages, and postal workers to open all suspicious letters or parcels. The law made it illegal to criticize the war effort in any way, and Chambers was determined to enforce the law. He was especially suspicious of new Canadians and received reports on the contents of publications in thirty-one different languages. He also banned publications from the United States that contained pacifist or anti-British points of view. Most of these were non-mainstream papers and magazines, but in November 1916 he banned fourteen newspapers belonging to the Hearst chain because they were critical of Great Britain.
It was Chambers’ view that Canadians had to be protected not just from antiwar points of view but also any news or images that conveyed the horrors of war at the front. He excluded photographs that gave a realistic sense of the human cost of the war, and he censored movies and news reels for the same reason. On one occasion a film that had been seen widely in Great Britain had to be edited for viewing in Canada because Chambers believed the sight of wounded soldiers would cause women in theatres to become hysterical. On another, he ordered several temperance pamphlets suppressed because he felt they gave the impression that Britons were all drunks. His powers extended to the theatre and even to gramophone records. Chambers basically controlled everything Canadians listened to, saw, read, and talked about, right down to the songs they sang and the pictures they looked at.
When the war ended, the office of the Chief Press Censor remained open and active. Chambers simply shifted his emphasis to the enemy within, the political radicals who replaced the Hun as the direst threat facing the nation. He continued to suppress left-wing publications—253 of them had been banned during the war, mostly foreign-language and left-wing—and to tamper with the mail, using the post office to control the flow of published radical material as well as to intercept correspondence between radical leaders.
“The secret mail censorship is raising hell with us just now,” complained Chris Stephenson, the secretary of the Socialist Party of Canada, in a letter to Winnipeg socialist leader Bob Russell.
Every letter we get is opened. Some letters are held up for three or four weeks and others never reach us at all. Parcels of literature, circulars, leaflets are also held up and never reach their destination. And we get no response to our complaints.
In another letter, Stephenson wrote:
A bunch of tinhorn Bismarks [sic] in Ottawa are now able to stifle all criticism, censor the mails at their sweet will and manipulate, mutilate and censor all news of what is happening, not alone in Europe, but in this country. The mass of the people are now reduced to the position of school children, spoon fed with fairy tales.
- Daniel Francis, Seeing Reds: the Red Scare of 1918-1919, Canada’s First War on Terror. Arsenal Pulp Press, 2011. p. 23-25
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sosuaveh · 1 year
Hil'Jit of the Burning Sands: Prologue
The journey was nothing like what Hil'Jit had ever been on. A boat took him from Pellitine in Elsweyr all the way to Morrowind, Seyda Neen to be exact. A backwater by anyone's admission though Hil'Jit learned from experience not to say that in front of the locals. He became as used to the ash storms of Morrowind in the five years he spent as a student to the sage he knew as Shows-the-Way. Under the tutelage of the argonian, he learned the 'Way of the Yam', as his master put it. He called them Wardens, since that was what most of the locals called them.  It was with Shows-the-Way that Hil'Jit learned to play the flute as well, though now he prefer to play with a group. 
The old argonian had been like a father to Hil'Jit. The cubs of the Black Sands tribe had a very peculiar upbringing. They lived in a very communal tribe making a meager living along the border of North and South Elsweyr. His father was a hunter for the tribe, and doing little more than that for young Hil'Jit and his littermates. 
Hil'Jit did not blame them, either of his parents. Some people are not meant to be parents, Khajiit included. Shows-the-Way did more than his chosen name implied, he brought people together and gave them the skills to help Tamriel. That's what he did for the Khajiit at least. That's what it looked like he did to countless others during that short five years. 
The chains of Oblivion still haunt Hil'Jit's dreams. The day Molag Bal took his mentor from him was fresh in his mind every time he lay down to rest. One bright mark on an otherwise gloomy time was the companions he traveled with. (He hadn't met most of them upon his arrival in Skyrim).
One that he did find, the same day he would arrive in Skyrim was the largest woman he had ever seen. Titanborn was her name, at least that is all he allowed himself to call her, with a lady in front. He feared she might squish him when she looked at him the first time they met. After a contact of hers had been murdered in the midst of a scouting expedition, he became the informal fill-in.  
Hil'Jit was not a small Khajiit, not one of the Senche-Rhat or the warrior types but he was not one of the usual sneaky and quiet types. He could be, but he stood a head taller than his next tallest sibling. 
Hil'Jit was glad to be put to some use in Skyrim, even if for a while it seemed like they were just hunting smugglers and trying to stop an assassination. Which they were trying to stop an assassination, but quickly Hil'Jit found that things were much deeper than simple regicide. 
There was magic that was older and more ancient than any mage who lived at play in Western Skyrim. 
And it all goes back to the moment the man with a hole in his chest the size of an apple, found his way to the center of Solitude to hand A Khajiit from the Burning Sands Tribe a bundle of notes and a request. Hil'Jit was not one to break his word. Even if he had to delve into the Nordic ruins and kill those disgusting draugr! 
And then there is the matter that confirmed his giftedness. What else could be said of the khajiit who never tired and never expired? Most had fanciful tales and while it was fanciful, his tale was anything but fake. Not many else could say they survived the Vice of the Dominator. It was in Morrowind Hil'Jit was betrayed by followers of the Worm Cult. They were the ones to sacrifice him to Molag Bal, but for some reason, that didn't kill him. His soul was gone. He was one of the few people who survived the process of removing his soul in Coldharbor. By all means, Hil'Jit was a dead man walking Nirn. Or undead, maybe? They called him Soul Shriven. The Prophet called him Vestige.
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theliterateape · 1 year
Bullies Are a Crucial Part of Our Development
by Don Hall
One of the interesting pieces of information from the Free Press podcast The Witch Trials of JK Rowling is early on when Rowling, long before being branded a TERF and attacked en masse by the bizarre misogyny of the trans activists online, joins an early chat room for fans of her books.
She joins anonymously. She discovers that these young fans of her books that espouse the horrors of bullying and exclusionary behavior are bullies within their own ranks. If someone joins as a newbie and doesn't quite know the specifics of the books, they are shamed out of the chat room as posers or false fans. Ask the wrong question, get the order of the houses wrong, and the piranhas came out to tear bone from flesh in a digital sense.
"I got teased my entire school life. What they were picking on I don't even understand. It was my skin color. Then when I got older, it was about my breasts." — Rihanna
"Being teased for being ugly, having a big nose, being annoying.'Your laugh is funny, you're weird, why do you always sing, why are you so into theater, why do you do your make-up like that?'
"I used to be called a slut, be called this, be called that, I didn't even want to go to school sometimes." — Lady Gaga
Comedian Chris Rock calls being bullied "the defining moment of my life. . . it made me who I am." He told BET in 2014 that his experience as the only Black kid in his grade "for most of the time" contributed to the abuse. On Inside the Actor's Studio in 2007, Rock thanked the boys that “kicked my ass, spit in my face, and kicked me down the stairs” for making him the man he is today. He doesn't specifically thanks the kids who threw "water balloons with poo" at him, but that happened, too. He later turned his experiences into the sitcom Everybody Hates Chris, which he says is all true: "I got beat up just about every day. I got called [the word that can't even written out it's so reviled but starts with an 'n' so now you just said it in your head] every single day."
"I was bullied quite a lot when I was growing up in my Peking Opera School. I allowed myself to be bullied because I was scared and didn't know how to defend myself. I was bullied until I prevented a new student from being bullied. By standing up for him, I learned to stand up for myself." — Jackie Chan
What we fail to recognize (or admit) is that we are all bullies depending on the circumstances and our personal rationale of righteousness. To be human is to use whatever power you can gather to put down your perceived enemies. The more enemies you see, the greater potential you will unlock that bully superpower and reign hell upon as many of them as possible.
The reason Robert Louis Stevenson's Jekyll/Hyde tale (or Stan Lee's Hulk take on the same story) resonates is that each of us knows intuitively that we have that Hyde part of our brains. Like poverty, wherein it would only take two or three bad decisions to lead most of us to be living inside a box under an overpass, the inner cruelty within each one of us only takes two or three misfortunes to lead us into joining a mob to destroy someone we hate or, like Michael Douglas in Falling Down, find ourselves too far down the Hyde road to ever turn back.
When I was a kid the only thing worse than being bullied was tattling on the bully—seeking authority to deal with the problem. Appealing to a teacher was an admission of weakness.
Given that I was the perpetual new kid at every school I attended until eighth grade, there was always that kid for whom I felt a burning envy. It was the cool kid. The kid with a lot of friends who could hold court. The kid with a really cute girlfriend. The kid with newer clothes and better shoes.
When we landed in Peoria, AZ, there was a huge presence in our neighborhood of Cub Scouts. I used to troll around my neighborhood and beat up Cub Scouts regularly.
It wasn’t that I hated the Scouts. I admired them. I wanted to be them. They were a group to which I couldn’t belong because, in order to be a Cub Scout, your mom had to be able to buy you the required uniform. No uniform, no admission to the club. They would gather together in those uniforms and laugh and do activities together. They compared merit badges and were thrilled when someone received a new one.
At the time my mother was working several jobs and had had her only vehicle repossessed by her ex-husband. She wouldn’t allow us to refer to our tiny family of three as poor. We were broke but never poor, she would tell my sister and I. But the sting of exclusion due solely because of our brokeness felt bad. It felt unfair, unjust. This exclusion pissed me off in ways I was unprepared to understand.
So I used to walk around the neighborhood and start fights with Cub Scouts. Sometimes there were a couple together and my unbound rage would still pick the fight and I’d come home beaten but not deterred. More often than not, I’d encounter one of them blithely headed home or to school or to a Cub Scout meeting and just beat the living shit out of this blameless kid whose parents had the cash to shell out for something beyond my reach.
It was the poison of envy, the venomous result of jealousy, the baneful consequence of comparison.
I can only imagine what a horror it must be to be a chubby kid looking at countless pictures of bodies in better shape, lit for maximum appeal, on beaches, and in forests. Beautiful, thin people enjoying a hunk of cheese in Paris or a plate of pasta in Rome. As if advertising wasn't a noxious enough monster, social media is designed to foment envy.
I've told the story of beating up Cub Scouts onstage and the resulting opinion is usually that I was a real cunt as a kid. That pummeling other kids because their parents had more money than my mother was the move of a true cocksucker, a jackass of nearly epic proportions. "Maybe you shouldn't tell that story," mentioned the producer of The Moth. "It makes you seem like such a bully."
He was right. It does.
Bullies exist for a myriad of reasons but our response to them is the lockstep of self improvement. Without those bullies, we don't learn in our bones to stand up for ourselves, to refine our sense of right and wrong, to build the emotional muscle to handle the pressure.
Why decide to improve yourself when you can go online and shit all over anyone with a Cub Scout uniform? Who has the time to drop a few pounds, get a haircut, learn something new, create something unique when you're spending five or six hours a day looking at people you deem better than you in comparison and deserving of some sort of punishment for no other reason than your butt-hurt feelings?
I was a bitter little asshole beating up those whom I suffered in comparison. I allowed, at eight years old, my station in life to determine a path of feeling that life was just so goddamned unfair that I would let my unrestrained anger at those I deemed culpable for the injustice run wild. At the time I was told by school counselors and my beleaguered mother that it was simply unacceptable that I take out my malevolence upon kids with (what I saw as) rich parents. I was told and ultimately taught to channel that anger into bettering my situation, taking responsibility for my station in life, and leaving the other kids alone.
I was taught that those who let poverty and deprivation define them would always feel maligned by life and that there would always be people who had more than I did. Learn to make the most of what you have rather than punish those with more. Poverty was not a liability but merely an obstacle to circumvent and that rage was like taking a hammer to a wall that couldn’t be broken, only climbed over.
As I grew older, I held onto these lessons yet I still had the anger.
By the time I got to seventh grade my sense of injustice became a bit more refined, though it still resembled a bludgeon rather than a scalpel. I found in my tendency to be a genuine smartass to a group of Latino kids who decided the band nerd with the big mouth was deserving of his own beat down. One fall day, when Victor Rodriguez (who was a small seventh grader but who held great influence on a grouping of much larger boys) was terrorizing a couple of other band kids, I crudely made fun of his size.
Later that day, two of his bigger comrades beat me in the hallway and, in a bizarre stereotype of a nerd versus bullies scenario, stuffed me in my locker. I cried for help for twenty minutes until a teacher let me out.
Thus began a months-long campaign between Victor and his allies to find opportunities to beat me up routinely. Every week I came home with another injury and every week my poor mother was furious. She went to the vice principal a number of times to complain but he was already so overloaded with similar situations, mine became just one more skirmish on the pile.
He often explained that Victor came from a broken home and that his mother was working several jobs. His brother was in prison and he was “acting out” as if this all comprised a solid excuse for he and his buddies pummeling me. My mother never explained that she was divorced, also working several jobs, and that I wasn’t beating anyone up (anymore...). I had, apparently, learned some sort of lesson from my days as the Cub Scout Bully and my mom was not in the habit of making excuses for me. She was raised by a man who told her “Even a good excuse is still just a fucking excuse.”
One day, Victor and his gang chased me home from school and I ran into the house. Mom was so angry, she chased the boys away in her nightgown, brandishing a chrome vacuum extender. After, she gave me the metal tube and told me to defend myself.
I kept it in my locker. It was more a reminder that I could use it not that I would. Then, a few weeks later, when Victor stole my science textbook and started ripping pages out of it for fun, I did use it.
Victor’s mother was, of course, furious and explained that he was poor and brown and didn’t deserve to be hit with a pipe. His bullying wasn’t his fault, she snarled. It was society’s. When the vice principal furiously asked my mother what she was going to do about this (holding up a slightly bent chrome tube with a bit of blood on it) my mother defiantly replied “I’m gonna get him another sweeper piece.”
Still years later, as a young middle school teacher, I was positioned in a school on the west side of Chicago surrounded by kids like Victor. The overwhelming stories of fathers, uncles, and brothers in prison, of single mothers working multiple jobs, of clothes handed down for three sets of children were coupled by a split population in response. Most of the kids seemed to do their best at school and in their lives, learning what they could, engaging in the social experiment of American school. Others were just like me when I was terrorizing Cub Scouts except now they were in gangs.
These kids I understood.
Later, in high school, I had slowly developed into the role of the biggest nerd on the campus. I was in debate, hung with three other boys who were the smartest kids in school, did theater, band, and choir. I was, on the other hand, as big as many of the athletes so it was my duty to protect my nerd friends from the bullies. If high school was filled with random versions of Chris Makepeace, I was a more chatty Adam Baldwin in an odd version of 1980's My Bodyguard.
Without having been a bully to the Cub Scouts and being bulled by Victor, I wouldn't have had the experience of understanding my Hyde in relationship to my Jekyll.
Bullies are not only the obstacles that force us to live with that duality, they are necessary. If a kid crumbles from being mobbed upon while on the strange horrorshow known as social media, he hasn't built up the emotional resilience required to live in the world of human beings, all equally Jekyll and Hyde in turns.
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Welcome To The Pack: To Wakanda
Summary- 7k. Steve Rogers x You. You have been injected with an unknown substance, going into a coma like state and your wolf is unable to be found by the Alpha. Bruce is also at a loss, but there may be someone who can help. Warnings- Smut, use of needles, implied bad stuff from Brock, etc etc. 
A/N- Thank you so much for the love given from everyone for this series. And also being patient with me while my internet is currently being a pain in the ass. Hope you all enjoy this chapter. Much Love always. 
A/N 2- feedback is welcome, I really do love hearing what you all think, and ways to improve. 
 Chapter 6 / Pack Masterlist
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Tony had a migraine from hell, he was sitting at his desk, his head pounding for some unknown reason. 
<You do know though.> The Wolf sauntered to him, licking his jaws and arching his neck in a stretch. <Ross is breathing down your neck, Clint took off with a jet for an unknown reason, and you haven’t run with your mate in over a week. You should go to Pepper, and retire to Central Park for the day. Or leave the city. That would be even better.>
Tony sighed as he leaned back forward, rubbing at his temple as he opened the drawer and pulled out some painkillers for there kind. A headache required more than the human use of pain relievers. Shaking out a couple of tablets, he popped them, and his Wolf sighed as it pushed to a stand, shaking out his sleek fur and retreated further into Tony’s mind. 
I know your right… I miss Pepper. 
<Well she’s just a few floors down.> The Wolf snarked over his shoulder before leaping further from Tony’s current conscious. Tony pissed him off, he knew that. About to push from his desk to go see his mate, the beast wasn’t wrong in that. Or any of it. It had been too long, just before the went to Steve’s pack, since they redid their bonds, reaffirmed the strength of there mating and the bites, his body ached for hers. Immensely. The migraine resounded in his temples as a reminder.  
It was then Friday buzzed online, making an announcement. ‘Boss, A unauthorized jet approaches.’ And Tony growled even louder this time. “Is it Barton with my jet? It better be.” 
‘Yes, Sir. I’m patching him through right now.’ There was a moment of silence, then a whoosh sound. “Barton? Why the fuck you take my jet? It better be in one piece.” Tony said loud enough for it to go through, and he could hear Barton chuckle on the other end. 
“Nat called me that there was some trouble going down Stark. You out of anyone know that I’m going to go if my Alpha needs me.” Tony snorted, although he knew it was true. Rogers probably didn’t know just how deep his packs loyalties lay for him. Barton’s voice broke through again, following Tony as he left the office and headed up to the top of the tower. “Steve’s with me, as well as Bucky, Natasha, and Y/N. Y/N is in bad shape, Tony. Steve needs your help.” 
Tony stalled his strides, just before he approached the elevators, frowning. The Alpha of the Mountain Pack needed help? That had never happened. “Care to repeat that Barton?” 
“Tony? It’s Steve.” The Alphas voice came over, and Tony couldn’t lie, it sounded strained. “Y/N was shot with a dart, she was in immense pain, claimed she couldn’t feel her wolf, and now she won’t wake up.” Even Tony’s Wolf came striding back to the more conscious part of his mind, the Alpha pinning his ears back in distress at the other Mans admission. “I don’t know anywhere else that might have the capability to help her.” 
Tony punched the button to the elevator, and instead of going up to meet them, he was going to the next level. “Bring her to Bruce’s Lab, Barton and Nat know where it is. I will meet you down there.” Once the doors opened, he stepped on, and the door swiftly shut behind him, descending. 
Barton landed the jet, and opened the hatch, shutting off all the switches in quick maneuvers. Steve collected You, pressing you protectively against his chest as he followed Natasha out of the jet, and she got them into the towers once she hit her security code. Steve’s face melded from worried to calm, collected. He was in another Alphas territory, and any sign of stress from him could invite a challenge from another wolf. His fingers though, they pressed into your skin, his heart thudded in his chest, aching with every beat, constantly seeking you, and now that he could feel you against him, his breathing turned to match yours, the way his heart racing started to slow. Even in this state, you were his calm. Now if only he could bring you back to him. His Wolf was still howling for you, an echo constantly in his mind as he sought your Little Wolf. Even without the bond, he still could sense her when they were human. Now the Silver Wolf couldn’t, and it was breaking the Alpha. 
Once the doors opened, Tony and Bruce stood there, a hospital stretcher ready, but Steve brushed past it, not wanting to let you go. Bruce was about to say something, but Natasha rested her hand against his arm, giving a slight shake of her head. Steve was already close to snapping, its best not to push him. His words changed, tilting his head to the man. “This way, we have a room set up for her.” Pushing the stretcher to the side, they all followed along with Bruce, and came into a comfortable looking room. A large hospital bed was set up, and Steve was careful to set you down on the pristine white cotton sheets. Bruce waited patiently for Steve to settle next to his mate before he approached. Holding his hands up for the Alpha to see him, lowering his head a bit to show his neck. “I promise not to do any harm to your mate Alpha, but you have to trust me, okay. I have to examine her and that will require me touching her.” 
Steve Wolf growled, eyeing the man, and Steve to drew in Bruce’s scent, it was an intermingling of differences that shouldn’t exist in their society. But it did.
Bruce’s condition was well known, why he was loosely tied to Tonys Pack. Tony was one of the only packs that could help Bruce. The Man, he wasn’t an Alpha, gentle to the core, nothing more than a healer and had no drive to really be with a pack. His Wolf though, a Alpha through and through. And not just an Alpha, but a beast unnatural. He had been mutated through an accidental experiment, and it left Bruce almost unable to control him. Tony provided him with space, still in a pack, yet able to work on his own. Steve took all this information into account when he gave a gentle nod, giving him permission to handle you. That nod set Bruce into action, calling forth a nurse, and they worked around Steve, who wouldn’t leave your side, his hands enclosed around yours, keeping contact with yours. 
Come back to me Little One. 
     Bucky gathered the two panther cubs in his arms, the kittens have come around to him during the jet ride. One slept in the crook of one arm, the other perched on the White Wolf’s shoulder, squeaking in excitement at all that was going on. Barton followed him off, and they to enter the Tower, heading straight to Bruce’s lab. Once they exited the elevators, they caught sight of Natasha and Tony, looking through a window into a room, both men could hear Natasha filling Tony in on what had happened that night. Hearing them, Tony looked at gaffed a laugh at the sight. 
“Barnes looks like you got some stowaways.” Tony grinned, and Bucky shifted the sleeping kitten to his other arm. 
“Pierce, had them locked up, figured maybe you could get them back to there families?” Bucky asked hopefully, knowing that the Black Panthers didn’t typically reside in the northern forests of the eastern part of the states. 
“I don’t think that should be a problem,” Tony stated with a nod, his sight catching Pepper coming to join them, and as she approached, he held his arm out to her, and she slid into his side just where she always did, listening as he continued. “King T’Challa had actually contacted me about his missing Panthers a couple of weeks ago. He will be pleased to get back the children taken. Uh… you didn’t happen to see any adult panthers there?” 
Bucky gave a sorrowed shake of his head as the awake kitten perched on his shoulder wailed softly, and Pepper immediately crooned to him, holding out her arms for the kitten to leap into the woman’s arms, hiding against her for comfort. Tony cleared his throat, getting his answer. 
“These Cubs need to be fed, and allowed to shift back.” Pepper said softly as she stroked the distraught kitten fur. “I can take them to go shift, get a proper meal and rest while you all arrange the flight home for them.” she offered and Bucky nodded, handing the sleeping kitten over. She tilted to kiss Tony’s cheek before retreating with them, speaking softly. “Get to go home soon, how does that sound to you two?” A sounding high pitched meow reached the group’s ears. 
Turning to watch Bruce work on You, Bucky wasn’t surprised to see Steve right there, refusing to leave her side. “First off, what the fuck did he shoot Y/N with, and how did that son of a bitch get Panther cubs?” 
“That’s what Bruce is trying to find out now, and the panther cubs… I’m guessing someone smuggled them out of the country. Which means I have a King to contact. Natasha, you know this place, whenever Steve is ready, you can show him the live-in quarters, you to Barnes.” 
“Thanks, Stark” The White Wolf opened his hand to shake it, which was evenly matched before he turned away. Once they were alone, just Bucky, Clint, and Natasha, Bucky spoke up. “I can’t stay, Rumlow still has Cass. Now that Pierce is dead… I have to find her quickly.” 
Barton and Natasha looked at each other, knowing neither one of these Wolves could be left alone. 
“How about I come with you, Barnes? We can pick up where the trackers are now. This is what I’m trained to do.” Barton shrugged. “I also got transportation here for us, and Stark cant bitch about me taking it.” 
“And I will stay with Steve and Y/N, keep you updated on what is going on.” Natasha offered, knowing Barnes was hard-pressed to leave there Alpha. 
“Thank you two…” Barnes said softly, his gaze not breaking from the scene in the next room. 
     Steve was thrumming his thumb over your pulse, which was so calm, it was like you were sleeping. Bruce had drawn blood, had you hooked to monitors that beeped excessively. They were driving Steve and his Wolf nuts trying to make sense of what the numbers all meant. Luckily the scientist did, as well as the nurse assisting him, but neither said if it was good or bad, just an occasional ‘Hmm’ 
<Make them tell us Steve, I can’t handle this any longer. When is our Little One waking up, will she wake up? What is going on.>
Patience Beast. 
<I’m trying Steve> The Silver Wolf responded with a defeated sigh. 
“Alpha?” Bruce started but Steve immediately cut him off. 
“Please, its Steve.” He warily smiled, the adrenaline from the night had finally left him, the usually proud Alpha just look beat and tired now, sitting on the bed. 
“Steve, we’ve checked her over, and from what we can tell, she is okay. In the Human Sense. Her pressures are good, shes breathing, there is still functions of her brain. I have no fear that her body can’t function. From what I can tell… shes simply shut herself down from the trauma.  As far as her Wolf, we can’t find any trace of her in her system. None of the scans picked her up.” It was impossible to miss the whine that came from the Alpha and how his eyes clouded over a moment, but Bruce ignored it, continuing. “I might not be the man for this Steve, but… You said she was injected. I was able to isolate the compound in her bloodwork. Now I can’t be certain, but it seems to be biological. I don’t necessarily know for sure, but there is a plant that might be used for this kind of thing.” 
Steve’s head shot up, his eyes wide. “Where is it, and is there a cure Dr.Banner?” The Wolf perked up too, his ears straining to hear Bruce’s next words. 
“The plant only originates in one place, Wakanda. And Wakanda has one of the most brilliant scientific minds I know of. Her name is Shuri, the Kings sister. She would know more about the plants capabilities then I can begin to understand. They use it in a few rituals when appointing the new king. It diminishes there powers, sedates there beasts almost into a slumbering state so that they can prove that the person can lead their people as much as the animal.” Bruce witnessed Steve turning back to look at You, his eyes willing you to wake up, but there was no movement from you. “Would to much kill the animal you think Doctor?” 
“I really can’t say Steve, I simply don’t know enough about it. It’s not something we have here, and the Wakanda people guard their crops fiercely. I wouldn’t even begin to guess how someone would have gotten there hands on such a plant. Now with how strong Wakandas borders are.” 
“I have to talk to Tony about this, but I can’t leave her.” Steve drifted off, even though you were safe, he just couldn’t pry himself from you. Natasha knocked on the door and opened it gently. 
“Let me sit with her, I will stay till you can return Steve.” She offered and the even though the Wolf protested, Steve pressed your palm to his mouth, giving a soft affectionate nip before easing your hand back to the mattress. “Thank you, Natasha.” 
The Red Head nodded, switching spots. “Shes my packmate to. Bucky is out there, Starks floor is one up, that’s where he will be.” 
With a nod, Steve took one last look at you, peaceful and small looking in the oversized bed, quick to exit the door. Wait any longer and his resolve would fold. 
Tony was once more at his desk, and the phone was ringing when a message came through from Bruce, giving him a bit of an update. Tony’s brows arched curiously at this new bit of info, that you were possibly injected with a organic matter made for this particular situation. Wonder how many other people were subjected to the same fate. A click drew him back, an accented voice speaking on the other end. “Stark, its good to hear from you.” 
“Likewise T’Challa. I might have some good news for you. Two cubs were found by a neighboring pack and brought them to me. They are young, I’m hoping they are your missing children.” Tony could hear the sharp muffle of the phone being covered and the king’s voice talking to someone before he came back. “Yes, two were taken along with there mother. No sign of the female?” 
“No… I’m sorry, Pierce might not have taken her if he bought the cubs off a smuggler, or might have already sold her off to another.” Tony didn’t want to share the wall of skins, it was just so horrific to think about. 
“Thank You, the two cubs was more then we had hoped to be able to bring home, I will notify my trackers looking through the states of this news, send them to you if you could possibly direct them to where they were found. Maybe they can pick up a trail.” 
“Absolutely. I will send the cubs back to you, just as soon as they are looked over and given a bit of proper rest. My Mate is tending to them now, and they seem to be in fairly good health. I also have something else to discuss with you King.” 
“What is it?” The Panther said softly, his tone said he was half expecting more bad news. 
“The pack that found them, the Alphas Mate was darted, and her Wolf, it’s gone. Dr.Banner isolated an organic compound in her blood that might be the cause. But this is out of his expertise. If the Alpha could bring her over with the cubs, could Shuri try to bring her back? Shes slipped into something like a coma and shows no signs of waking up, although she appears to be healthy.”
T’Challa was silent a moment before there was a rumbling answer, and Tony suspected it was distress about the Alphas Mate, it had unsettled him the same way thinking about what if that had happened to Pepper. “Of course, send the Alpha Wolf and his Mate along, we will do all we can to help them.” 
“Thank you King. I will be contacting you soon.” 
As he hung up, Steve and Bucky came into the office, and Tony swept a hand to the chairs in front of his desk, waiting till the men settled. “Before you say anything, Steve, it’s already arranged. You will be taking Y/N to Wakanda for Shuri to help her. Now, I heard what Natasha said, but you want to tell me officially. The Council will want to know.” 
Steve bared his teeth in agitation but started in on all that had happened. “I sent Bucky and Natasha to check out this pack as you know. They were immediately taken.” Bucky then took over, telling all about how he was collared, how the collar impacted his beast in chains. “It wasn’t anything like the magic of Wanda, but blood magic. Way to much power in it. And then I was to be sold off to Hydra.” Tony stayed silent listening. “Once we managed to escape, we contacted our Alpha.” 
“And that was it. I had enough to challenge Pierce. We met him on his turf, called him out. He has a whole underground facility my wolves are sorting through now with Sam in charge. After Y/N was shot, we left to get her here as soon as possible. I’m indebted to you.” Steve said solemnly, and Tony waved it away. 
“Don’t, if it was the other way around, I know you would do anything you could for Pepper, Rogers. Besides, I like Y/N, shes good. She would have been a wolf I would have welcomed to my pack should she had come to my borders easily. I will have a cleanup crew go to help Sam, so please let him know beforehand.” 
Steve nodded, but now he was anxious to return to You, not that he didn’t trust Natasha, but this wasn’t home. He wasn’t in control here, and he didn’t want to risk leaving you in an unfamiliar place. 
“I think we’re settled here, Peppers taking care of the Kits now. I will have it all set up to fly you to Wakanda in the morning Steve.” The Alphas all rose, shaking hands and with that all was said and done. 
On the way out, Bucky paused Steve. “Brother, I wish I could go with you. But there’s still Rumlow. I have to find Cassandra. She’s only in this mess cause we’ve been, well I don’t know really what we’ve been doing. But my association has gotten her captured.” 
Steve cursed inwardly, the Wolf guiltily laying back his ears. How could they forget Bucky’s own situation. “Of course, please gather any of the pack you need for tracking them.” 
Both men stepped once more on the elevator. “Barton is coming with me, and I’m going to ask the twins. Pietro is skilled like Barton is, better then I could ever be, and Wanda is a powerful healer already. I don’t know what condition I will find Cassandra. Natasha, she will be going with you to Wakanda.” Bucky swallowed deeply, and Steve clasped his shoulder. 
“What Brock did, it isn’t your fault Buck.” 
“Isn’t it though? If I never messed around with her, she wouldn’t be taken from her home, and god knows what he’s done to her. I should have known better, she’s a human, and I’m just an animal. I never had any intention of taking her as my mate, I should have just left after that first night.” Bucky started to confess, and Steve couldn’t help the twinge in his chest at Bucky’s pain. He knew the White Wolf had long ago decided that he wouldn’t take a mate, but the lone wolf still had a desire for a connection, which he had apparently found in this woman. His hand gave Buckys shoulder another squeeze before letting it slide away. 
“You will find her and return her home, Buck. As soon as I come back from Wakanda, I will join you. You are not alone in this.” 
Bucky turned haunted eyes to his Alpha, his brother, and gave a nod. “Till the end of the line.” 
“Till the end of the line” Steve repeated before the door opened. 
Steve relieved Natasha and he stretched out next to your unconscious form, and half slept till morning when they were collected and taken to the airport, a more comfortable ride set up for the five of you. The Panthers had shifted back at Peppers urging, and now joining You, Steve and Natasha were two children. A girl looking to be eight or nine, and a boy looking to be much younger, maybe five if Steve had to guess. Both the kids bid farewell to Bucky, hanging off his neck as they hugged him and he embraced them both and gave the young boy a ruffle of hair. “Yall come back to visit me, okay? But like next time we will have some fun. No locks or cages, that I promise.” Natasha nudged Steve with a grin and whispered to him. “He’s a natural.” 
Steve had to chuckle watching him. “Yes, he really is. He always had been.” he said softly before Bucky approached them, the man looking between his Alpha and Natasha. “Well, you crazy kids don’t get into any tussles with the Panthers. Means no growling at them, Steve.” He gave a mock warning leaving the Alpha growling at Bucky and Natasha grinning as she stepped forward and hugged Bucky. “Stay safe Buck, I’m not gonna be there to keep you out of trouble.” 
Bucky returned the hug with a laugh, kissing her temple. “Well that’s just not exciting then is it.” Turning to Steve the two men shared a hug too, slapping each other on the back. “Bring Y/N home man, we all just got her, not ready to lose her yet.” 
“That’s the goal, keep us updated Buck, and like Natasha said, stay safe.” The two men separated and together Natasha and Steve went onto the plane, and the door shut. Bucky turned the opposite way, joined with Barton, the two wolves preparing for the hunt. 
The flight was a long one and almost immediately Steve retreated with you, you were laid out, head on his lap as his fingers carded through your hair, his head tilted back with closed eyes, his Wolf was in a semi-relaxed state, only once in a while did the beast raise himself up to pace, using Steves senses to check on you, keep an eye on what was going on around him. Steve felt the Wolf stir, giving a soft growl to alert the man that someone was approaching him when his eyes sprang open to the boy standing in front of him with wide eyes. Steve straightened up a bit and softened his features to smile. “Hello, my name is Steve, what’s yours?” He removed his hand from your hair and held it out to the kid, offering him a peaceful shake. The kid took his hand and turned it, tracing the line of his palm as if studying it before letting go, and he spoke in his native language, which Steve simply shook his head and shrugged not understanding. The girl soon came, looking for her companion. “He said his name is Zane, sorry, my brother can not speak English yet, he was just starting to learn when we were abducted, but he does understand it. My name is Audre.” 
“I’m sorry that happened to you two, If I had known, I would have been there sooner for you,” Steve said sincerely, the two children gave a smile and shook their heads, holding no ill will towards the Alpha. “Were glad you came when you did. I had been trying to break the lock, but had no luck. We were being sold soon to some of that man’s friends.” 
“Well, you don’t have to worry about that man any longer. I promise he won’t be coming for anyone, ever again.” Steve’s hand went back to your hair, brushing through it. Zane stepped in closer and his hand went to touch your face, near your temple and tracing over your forehead and down the bridge of your nose. Speaking again, his sister was quick to translate. “He asked why is she sleeping the deep sleep?” 
The Wolf paused, twisting his ears. 
<Maybe they would know how to bring her back Steve.>
Steve looked down at you, his own hand cupping the side of your face, and letting his fingers brush along your cheeks. “She was hurt, by the man that kept you two caged. She is my mate, and I miss her very much. I’m hoping your King and his sister can bring her back to me.” 
The little boys eyes shined as he turned to his sister, speaking hurriedly. His sister listened and then turned back to Steve. 
“He says she feels you, and misses you very much Alpha. That she can hear you but is lost while searching for her Little Wolf. She went deep inside, and is looking for her way back to you. But she can feel you calling her, your touches. She was scared but knows you are keeping her safe. And… “ She turned back to her brother and listened again, nodding as she repeated it. “That it felt good to be held last night, she was worried you would leave her alone.” 
“No, never would I leave her alone.” Steve’s other hand was heavy on your hip, keeping a hold on you and the kids smiled, the little boy reaching out to pat Steve’s chest and say something else. 
“Zane says your a good Alpha, and that she is lucky to have you. She will return home, and you two will be okay once more.” Audre hugged her brother around his shoulders and looked down at him. “Come brother, The Alpha is tired and needs to rest before we get back home, let him be with his mate.” Leading him away, Steve pondered what they had told him, leaning his forehead down to press against yours, breathing you in deeply. Although your scent wasn’t entirely the same, he was still swept up on the honeysuckle softness that was all yours. “I promise I’m not going anywhere Little One.” Still, nothing, although he was now convinced you heard him. 
A short time later Natasha came to find him, sitting down next to the Alpha. This time her familiar scent washed over him, and he didn’t bother to open his eyes to his packmate, but listened closely. 
“Were about to land. T’Challa and the King’s Warriors are meeting us to welcome us. They will escort us to Shuri’s quarters and start treating Y/N right away.” 
Steve sighed quietly and opened his eyes to smile at Natasha. “Good. Zane and Audre came to see me a bit ago. Told me that she could still hear me, feel me.” 
Natasha could feel and see the pain her Alpha was in, and she reached over to drape her arm over his shoulders, sliding in closer to the two of them. “Then you should believe them, I think she knows your with her Steve, you two are connected in far more ways then just the mating bite could provide. Maybe you two are those soul mates actually destined to belong together, and not just making it work.” 
Steve still stared down at you and nodded. “Perhaps your right.” Somewhere deep inside his mind, the Wolf howled again, calling for you to return to him. And Steve could have sworn you stirred a bit under his touch. 
Natasha was correct. When they came off the plane, there was a full escort accompanying the king. The kids squealed as they ran off the plane, a man rushing forward to gather the two kids into his arms, kissing the two all over there faces with what had to be the happiest tears streaking down his face. All three spoke with such rapidity, that Steve couldn’t even fathom what was being said, but he pressed his mouth to your ear, whispering. “That is the happiest family reunion I’ve ever seen.” His blue eyes squinted in the bright sun, and soon caught sight of T’Challa approaching him and Natasha, the man had a easy way about him, calm. His language was that of a lazy cat, strolling as if all belonged to him. He clasped Steves shoulders and the two men bowed there heads to each other out of respect and T’Challa did a similar motion to Natasha before looking at you in Steve’s arms. 
“Let us get her quick to Shuri, eh? The sooner we can return your queen to you, the sooner we can celebrate her and the cubs return to the Clans.” Looking over his shoulder, he gave an order, and his warriors brought forth a carrier to bring them all back. Steve and Natasha stepped up, and their eyes traveled the ranks, surprised it was nothing but female warriors. 
“Ah, the Womans Clan is the fiercest amongst us. You ladies will fight harder than any male, correct?” T’Challa smiled at Natasha, who grinned in agreement. “Hear that Steve looks like I’m more badass then you.” 
The Alpha snorted and shook his head. “Hell if I would ever deny that. You could kick my ass any day if you wanted to.” 
T’Challa laughed deeply and Natasha gave a fist pump in victory, Steve still holding you close, praying you knew he meant every word. For him you were far stronger then he could ever be.
Once they arrived at the Kings home in the center of Wakanda, it was all a blur for Steve and Natasha. A young woman immediately took over and T’Challa stepped out of her way. She bent over Steve who retrained the warning growls from his beast as she pried your eyes open, and slid her hands down to your chest, waiting to feel your rhythm. “Shes matching your’s Alpha, good. She’s not to far gone. Get her on the table, quick now.” Steve followed behind the brisk walking Shuri, and once he set her down, she pressed against Steve’s chest to back him up. “I need room to work Alpha.” 
“Shuri… you need to explain to him what your doing to his mate.” T’Challa followed along behind, and Steve stepped back, but wasn’t too far. “Mates have a hard time separating. Even ones that haven’t shared the entire bond yet.” The King was far more aware of his situation then Steve had thought he would be. 
<Stark, I’m sure he told T’Challa everything with you and Y/N.> The wolf rumbled softly
I think your right, but that’s a good thing. The more they know the better to help Y/N. 
That settled the Wolf back down, sure to keep an eye on You. Shuri started attaching wires to your forehead, temples, then tugged your shirt up enough to attach the same wires to your chest and stomach. Grabbing a needle, she put a tourniquet to your arm and tapped at the vein. “I’m monitoring brain waves. Our humans and animals are two different waves, although we are the same. Her Wolf… if its the Heart Herb, it’s not gone Alpha. It’s in hibernation.” She plunged the needle and drew out some blood, filling a tube, before pulling it away and giving a vigorous shake, tossing it to an assistant. “Check for the Heart Herb attachment to her red cells and let me know.” Steves nose wrinkled at the scent of your blood, stirring unease in him, be he pushed it down, Shuri was just as quick in her movements to get you bandaged. 
Looking at Steve, the young woman broke out in a grin. “So ease up Alpha, if that’s the case, I can bring the Wolf back and she be good as new.” 
“If that’s what it is, can she overdose on it? Because Pierce gave her a whole vial of it at once.” Steve asked, and Suri rolled her eyes. “Of course he did. Brother, I told you that bastard took more than our Panthers.” 
“And I told you back then I agreed Sister.” T’Challa retorted as he came up next to Steve. “She could overdose, but it would have to be more than a vial. Right now, IF this is what it is, its simply a deep hibernation. Shuri has the capabilities to bring her back.” 
“We just got to get her to wake up her human side first.” Suri watched the monitors and rocked back and forth on her heels. It was like a light had gone off over her head, the way her eyes widened and she was quick to rush over to a cabinet, grabbing a vial and sticking a needle in it, filling it. 
“And I got just the way to get her to wake up. Now Alpha, this won’t be immediate, but whew when it happens, be ready.” She lifted your arm and gave you an injection, and Steve arched his brows with concern. 
“Be ready? For what?” 
Suri just giggled and disposed of the needle, smirking at him. “You will see.” 
Steve looked at T’Challa who had a similar grin on his face. “Come, let me show you your rooms, and have Natasha brought to hers.” Some assistants started to unhook you and set you on a stretcher that was powered to float on its own, following the men out of the room. They joined back up with Natasha, and everyone got settled in their rooms for the night. You were laid out, and Steve once more stretched out next to you, sighing deeply as he just talked until sleep finally overtook him. Rolling in his sleep, his arm slung over your hip, his hand pressed against your stomach, keeping you in close to him. 
You could feel your mind stirring, heated waves rolling through you. But you were still unable to drag your consciousness forward. You couldn’t find your Little Wolf and was barely aware of Steve beside you. You heard his deep baritone, and a few words, a brush of his touch, but barely. No matter how much you willed yourself to return to him, it just felt like circles. But now, now there was a heat surrounding you, and you were firmly aware of his heavy hand clasped against your stomach, and the feeling of a broad muscled chest against your back, as well as a heavy erection pressing against your backside, a hairy calf pressed between your thighs. Now, if only you could open your eyes, you drew in deep inhales of his scent, and that comforted you, your senses swirling with pines and masculinity, you tried following that, the heat just kept building and you groaned at the familiar ache it caused. You would have sworn it was like going into heat again, but how could you without the Wolf to trigger it? 
A bright light started to permeate your senses and you could feel hot breaths against the back of your neck, Steve had his face tucked into your neck, still, sound asleep, and a rumble sounded through him. It was enough to call you forward and your eyes sprang open, searching wildly for him. He was behind you, you could feel him and you twisted in his arms, grasping his lips to yours, he shuddered awake to you kissing him, his arm sweeping around you as you pressed into him, pressing him back to the mattress, your tongue swirling with his, clashing of teeth. You needed him, more then ever before you thought and you crawled up enough to straddle him, panting against his mouth, your eyes closed as you rocked your hips against him, a pleading sound in your voice. 
“I need you Alpha, Steve. Now, Please. I need you inside of me.”
<So this is what they meant> The Wolf shuddered awakening with a ferocity for his mate and Steve’s hands fell to your hips, rocking you harder against him till he lifted you to raise on your knees, and you reached for his manhood, pressing it against your center. Hands tightening, he brought you down to sheath himself in your heat, and your head tipped back with a soft cry, bracing your hands against his chest. You were dripping hot and ached so badly for him, that the relief of feeling your Alpha was bliss for you, thrusting yourself to spear him inside of you, it was a quick fury for you two. Steve’s hips slamming upwards to meet your movements holding you tightly at the waist till he released his hold to cup your breasts, teasing the nipples. You to clasp your hands over his, holding him there, panting at the sensations he brought out in you. 
“Fuck I thought I would never find you, Steve.” You rushed out while moaning, flexing yourself around him. 
“You were so far away, Little One, I kept calling to you.” He rumbled deep in his chest, and loosened his hands, flipping you two so he could give deeper more dominating strokes and you wrapped your legs around his hips, staring up at him. 
“I heard you Alpha, I tried, so hard.” You hissed and tipped your head back, Steve immediately started placing soft non claiming bites to your neck, sucking marks on it as you arched your chest to rub against his, rubbing your scent against him. Nails dug into his back, marking him in your own way as they held onto the rolling flexing muscles, speeding the rocking of your hips as you both sought to make the other cum. 
“I know you did, I know you wouldn’t leave me willingly.” Steves bites fell back to your lips, dominating your mouth with his, and you held on, feeling him start to swell in you and your cunt flexed, tightened around his cock when he angled himself just right, crying into the kiss, and tears streaming down your face at the intensity of needing to cum, flood him with yourself. He was everywhere, and you scrambled to keep yourself close even though he pounded you into the mattress, cumming just then around him. When you drifted this time it wasn’t into nothingness, but the immense pleasure that had you gasping against his neck, and he slowed down his thrusts, slow and deep while you loosened your hold, sinking back into the pillows, rocking with him, as you nodded. 
“Never Steve, I know I belong to you. I’m all yours Alpha, all yours.” softly whispering out.
Steves kiss this time was far gentler but no less as before neediness. Slow strokes of the tongue matched the roll of his hips, nudging himself to claim you full, welding you two together. There couldn’t be another, not one you wanted to hold you still underneath him, one to capture your mind, and love you in the way he does. Not just a physical need, but mental too. His forehead dropped to yours, rolling through with another connecting thrust and you both inhaled each other, the hot heavy scent of your bodies pressing together, the blood, sweat, and tears shared. For you to felt his own hot tears drop and mingle with yours rolling down your face, a quick lap of his tongue against your cheek wiped them away, as you two rocked together. 
“And your mine, Little One, you will never be alone.” He cupped your face and kissed you deeply, groaning as you came again, and his seed painted your channel, his pumps stilling as he knotted you, the two of you drifting into a bliss-filled state, tangled around one another, unwilling to separate for some time. Hushed sighs and shared nipping kisses soon enabled you both to drift off to sleep again. 
It wasn’t till some time later you woke again and were sprawled against Steve’s chest. Tilting your head, a glass of water caught your sight, and you shifted off him to reach for it, moving to sit on the edge of the bed while you gulped the glass down, parched as you had never been before. Setting the glass down, you looked around the room. And it occurred to you this was nothing like his cabin home. This was a wide-open space, and the air was not crisp and sharp woods and lake. This was almost… tropical. Musty vegetation and promise of heated days filled your senses, that’s when the breeze blew your face and you turned to an opening to a balcony, no doors or windows covering it. Grabbing the sheet, to keep the front of you covered, you wandered out to the deck to gasp softly, just below was a jungle, stretching out far, and beyond that what looked like a savannah, littered with what looked like Zebras and Gazelle, spotting an elephant, rhinos. Loud squawking and bright colors flashed below in all that greenery and a flock of macaws went screaming past, scattering over towards a statue that seemed carved right out of the cliff face, a giant prowling cat, his paw up to strike out at his enemies. 
“Were certainly not home anymore.” 
Steve stirred when he didn’t feel you next to him and looked around till he saw you, the sheet clutched around you, the wind making it ripple just a bit. Moving to roll out of bed, and to a stand, he approached from behind, sliding his hands along your bare hips under the sheet, and kissed your bare shoulder, growling softly as he took in the view you were currently gasping at. 
“Welcome to Wakanda Little One.”   
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themadauthorshatter · 3 years
It's been a while since we last checked on Flippy, so let's see how he's doing!
We start with Cuddles this time, who's sitting upside down on a bench when Petunia and Flaky approach him, asking if he's seen Flippy anywhere.
He has not, because he thought Flippy was with Petunia.
Petunia folds her arms and asks why Flippy would be with her for about a half to a week and a half, and Cuddles shrugs; maybe they got REALLY intimate and just needed all of that time together.
Flaky squeals, because it's dirty, and Petunia tells him to get his mind out of the gutter because this is crazy serious.
Cuddles gets up and relentls and asks if they stopped by his house.
They did, and he wasn't there.
Did they check the woods?
Not there either.
The GYM?
He doesn't even BELIEVE in going to the Gym, most days; why GO to a place to workout when you have the equipment at your house or just outside in general?
Cuddles finally realizes that Flippy's MISSING missing, and gets up, joining the girls with finding their friend.
Flaky hopes that Flippy's okay, but Cuddles assures her that he's smart, he wouldn't do anything stupid like run away.
Funny he say that because Flippy IS doing something stupid, staring at a projector that's showing a bunch of war footage, like pictures that NO AVERAGE PERSON should see.
Splendid cringes as turns a small dial on an IV line and watches Flippy struggle to both handle the medicine that's being pumped into him and not flip out.
Thankfully, all that happens is that he vomits in a bucket.
Splenedid stops the medicine and hands Flippy some water, asking if he's really okay with continuing; they've been at this for a while and they're making very debatable progress.
Flippy washes his mouth out and nods. He can keep going.
Splendid hestitately changes the image to a collage of very familiar faces:
Tiger General, Sneaky, and Mouse Ka-Boom.
Flippy gasps at seeing them and asks how the hell Splendid got these pictures.
Splendid admits it was a simple internet search, because people spread information around like it's a puff puff pass, especially if said information is a tragedy and a victory. He can give Flippy a few minutes, if he needs it.
Flippy only takes a few seconds seeing the faces of his dead partners and nods.
Splendid gets the IV and medicine going again and Flippy takes a few deep breaths as what I call the "Make Me Sick" medicine(MMS for short)(if MMS is a real thing, I deeply and sincerely apologize. I know there's a name for the drug/"medicine" used for aversion therapy, but I forgot it🙏🙏🙏) runs through his system. TV perspective, his eyes dart between Mouse Ka-Boom and Sneaky and he sees old memories of the three in training, i.e. standing still while a drill sergeant yells in their faces and/or tries to make them laugh, having a meal together, goofing around before bed, and even comforting each other after getting tased and pepper sprayed as a part of training.
Flippy's eyes go 'killer instinct-y' and he fights a gag as he remembers how they all promised to meet again once they were out of the army, and how both looked at him with shock, sorrow, and betrayal because of how he accidentally killed them.
The memories change to taking on Tiger General 1v1, how he had to fend for himself, got his hands removed, and was almost strangled to death until he ultimately came out on top amd took down the rest of the enemy base.
When I say he vomits, I mean he VOMITS until there's nothing left to get out of his system and he's dry heaving.
Splendid quickly turns off the projector and gets Flippy off the IV, though the veteran tells him he can take more, he just needs a few minutes.
Splendid, however, tells him to call it a day; they've been at this for hours and he's already making phenomenal progress; of course Splendid is not going to TEST it right now because his friend just threw up all of his digestive system.
Flippy sighs and agrees, relinquishing for the day.
Splendid helps him up and asks if he's okay to walk home and Flippy states he's fine; he just wants to go shower and clean himself up after throwing up so much.
The two bid their farewells and Flippy begins a very uneasy walk home.
A bit of context: it's been a week or so since the last part and they've been doing this all day everyday since then, from dawn to dusk, and today they started around MAYBE 4 am in the morning and it is now 12 or 1 pm in the afternoon, so yeah it's time for the Flipster to go home and rest.
Back on track, Flippy's not exactly the best because he needs to get the vomit taste out of his mouth and just feels like crap, so he takes a shortcut home.
He gets there relatively fast and flops onto the couch and falls asleep, exhausted.
He dreams he's with Sneaky and Mouse Ka-Boom, all three playing a mix of Spades and Poker, Sneaky and Flippy speaking in english before translating for Mouse Ka-Boom to understand them; yes, Mouse Ka-Boom speaks french. He understands English well enough, but isn't the best at speaking it, aside from, 'Sir, yes, sir,' 'Sir, no, sir,' and a few insults he picked up from Flippy on accident; he may or may not have gotten the three in trouble because he repeated one of these insults in front of a commanding officer.
Regardless, the three are having a good time before Sneaky asks Flippy a question: How did it feel to throw that knife at him rather than the General? Did he enjoy it? Did he hate Sneaky that much he had to throw a KNIFE through his chest?
Flippy deflates and clarifies that he did not mean to miss the General; it was a heat of the moment thing and he's, admittedly, not good under stress.
Mouse Ka-Boom lowers his cards and asks if cutting him in half was another 'heat of the moment thing,' along with getting them both blown to smithereens.
They change before Flippy's eyes, both mangles and burnt, and Flippy leaves the table, backing away from them.
That is until a hand claps on his shoulder and his own voice tells him to admit that he actually did enjoy killing his friends; it's what he's been trained to do, so what better way to see the reward of all that effort?
Flippy turns and sees himself, who demands he admit it, admit that he's never going to change, that he won't let himself because not only does he like it, he also wants to go back to fighting and wants out of Splendid's Aversion therapy.
Flippy barely gets a word out because his other self tackles him to the ground and starts to choke him, calling him weak, a liar, and a coward, saying he should've died on that mission, not Sneaky or Mouse Ka-Boom.
Speaking of which, the two appear and grab both of Flippy's arms, holding him while he's practically being strangled again.
It gets worse when his other self turns into Tiger General, who laughs that he wouldn't be surprised by such an admission because it took Flippy how many tries to kill him. Might as well return the favor.
Flippy, breathless and trying to break free screams out and wakes up on the floor, though he gets up and runs to the kitchen sink, where he dry heaves and coughs up spit.
He stops after a while and sits against the cabinets, having regrets about the choice to go along with Splendid's idea.
These regrets linger as he walks outside the next day, catching a toy Cub dropeed while and Pop are on a stroll, though Cub is in a wagon.
They walk off, Pop thanking Flippy, and Flippy gets a surprise attack hug from Flaky, who's close to tears because he's been missing.
Cuddles, Giggles, and Petunia also approach, asking where the hell he disappeared to, because they've been looking all over for him.
Flippy apologizes for worrying them and straight up lies, saying he just left town for a little bit to enjoy some quiet time; and to restock on his medicine as soon as he could because he ran out.
Cuddles still lightly punches Flippy on the arm and tells him not to scare them like that again, or they'll put him on a harness or walk around with him in a wagon.
With Flaky now piggybacking him, Flippy muses that it sounds tempting, because he could see everyone getting some excerise because of it.
The group laugh it off and start toward a diner, because they all skipped breakfast and lunch on accident.
Flippy decides to join them, having NOT skipped breakfast, and they head to the diner.
On his back, Flaky asks Flippy if he's okay, because he looks pale and feels tense.
He nods, claiming he's fine, just a little sore from a workout he did while he was away.
Flaky is suspicious, but drops it. FOR NOW.
Cut to them at the diner, all talking and looking over the menu to see what they want, and a visual gag of Cuddles and Giggles having a contest of who can spin longer in their chairs(they're all sitting at the bar).
Flippy is a little uneasy because ANYTHING can trigger his instincts and he doesn't know how well this aversion procedure is going to qork because neither he nor Splendid went out and actually saw if it was working.
Petunia sees his unease and asks if he needs to step outside for a second.
He shakes his head and admits he's just trying to figure out what to eat.
Good thing he's having a hard time, too, because Petunia is not in the mood for grease.
Flaky fakes a gag or an "Eugh," and jokes, "Ew, flirting."
While Flippy laughs, Petunia DARES Flaky to repeat that, because it was her that helped the two get closer.
His laughter dies when a kitchen fire starts on accident right in front if them.
TV/anime perspective, we see the reflection of the fire in Flippy's eyes as they widen and he gasps/whimpers. We don't see his flashback, but we hear about a bomb going off and people screaming in pain. Flippy clenches a fist on the countertop, silent as the fire is put out and everyone relaxes.
While everyone talks about how crazy that just was, Flippy spontaneouly gets sick to his stomach and gags, excusing himself really quick to go to the bathroom.
The group watch and are now very confused, because usually flame triggers him, but he did not go off on them.
Cuddles, being the only boy, follows Flippy, saying that he'll try not to die in the process.
He does not die, but he does see Flippy vomiting into one of the sinks, very violently, I must say.
Cuddles asks if everything's okay, which scares the crap out of Flippy, but the ex-soldier claims he's fine; the fire just got him scared.
Cuddles doesn't really buy it, and asks another question: Has he been eating, AT ALL? Because he looks like he lost a little bit of weight and sick as hell.
While he waters away his mess, washes out, and wipes off his mouth, Flippy admits he has been, as much as he can, at least.
Cuddles still doesn't buy it, asking WHAT he's eating and when.
Flippy leans over the now clean sink and measures his options.
If he tells the truth, there's a chance his friends are not going to take it well.
If he keeps them in the dark, they will be fine, even though he'll feel even more like garbage.
Flippy turns and holds up his hands in surrender. He's been eating venison to build immunity, and because it, honestly, tastes really good.
Cuddles reels on him, asking why he'd do that when he's almost deathly allergic to the stuff.
Flippy apologizes and admits that, yes, he knows it's stupid, but he's just trying to make himself better, in case they have a cookout and someone accidentally brings venison instead of steak.
Cuddles points out that's BS because NO ONE eats venison(whatever it is)(Flippy corrects him that it's deer), but still drops it because Flippy clearly doesn't want to talk about it; guy code.
Flippy thanks him anyway and they rejoin the group, everyone keeping an eye on Flippy as he eats, Flaky especially, because, having known him the longest, she canntell he's both hiding something and isn't as good as he's pretending to be.
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floraences · 4 years
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F L O R E N C E   T R A S K ; 
hello world ! it’s lucy here, attempting to string together a sentence again with my lovely florence. she’s dyssebia, a personification of impiety; and muse thirty two ! this is messy as hell but below you can find her application information and a brief eDgY bio, and HERE you can find a detailed, more practical factfile. you can also find her pinterest HERE. that’s all, folks ! my dms are always open and i am a slut for plots so :~)
[ ESTER EXPOSITO / POLYTROPOS / DYSSEBIA ] / [ FLORENCE 'FLORA' TRASK ] is a [ TWENTY ONE ] year old [ CLASSICAL CIVILISATION ] major. [ SHE ] is known for being [ CAPTIVATING, EMPATHETIC, ASTUTE  ] and [ VOLATILE, SELF-INDULGENT,  MACHIAVELLIAN ].  when i think of them, i imagine [ THE THORNS BENEATH PETALS, LIPSTICK STAINS ON COLLARS, MARBLE CRACKS FILLED WITH GOLD, CHAMPAGNE IN A TEACUP, BEAUTY LACED WITH FEAR, THE SOFT PURR OF A CAT, ROOMS SWIMMING IN ROSES, BRUISED PEACHES RUNNING WITH JUICE. ]. and even though they’re a proud hatchett u student now, we all have our roots. theirs run back to them being a [ MHP (AER) ] graduate . i wasn’t entirely sure, but we could’ve seen them walking past the always open office the other day. i asked around and it turns out they [ AREN’T ] an AOP student. in their interview, they managed to woo the admissions team by [ COMPOSING A SONATA AND PROCEEDING TO PERFORM IT ]. i guess that’s all there is to know! unless…
— you’re born two minutes after your brother, and you come into the world the way you plan to leave it; silent and unwavering. you don’t cry that day in the hospital. in fact, you don’t cry when your mother and father leave you alone in a silent house, with just the portraits’ soulless eyes to watch over you, and you don’t cry when your violin string snaps as you’re playing bach, cutting a slick gash into your wrist, red splashing against the varnished willow. you just purse your little lips and get on with it. — so you grow up empty instead. your sibling is your only solace, the shining sun to your cold and impatient moon. you sleep in his bed instead of your own until you’re seven, curled up together in the warmth of love like bear cubs under the covers. your parents toss money at you both, pay the french nannies to dress you in elegant little chanel and dior, take you on trips to london, rome, vienna, but nothing they give you can buy love. — and you’ve got a big heart too, aching to love and be loved in return; but all you get are slammed doors in your face and hushed “not now”, “don’t disturb me”, and little faces pressed against the cold glass of the window, watching the black mercedes pull out of the drive yet again. so quickly, you find friends among the shelves of your father’s personal library. the greeks and romans of old become your closest confidants. you drink pink lemonade with plato, and cycle around the garden to virgil’s words, reading quiet passages of homer under the covers at dusk. it’s a nearly obsessive fascination; you sit under the crooked blackthorn tree eating sweet peaches, the nectar dripping down your chin, dreaming of your own icarian fall. — as you grow, your parents encourage force these signs of greatness. they push you into music and languages, art and poetry; you play the piano until your fingers bruise over, recite latin and greek until your tongue is stiff, run circles and circles around the house until your lungs begin to burn. it’s not enough to be average, it’s not enough to be good. you must be great. — school is a welcome relief from the solitude of your own company. you lap up knowledge like it’s sweetened honey, every interesting little fact kept squirreled away somewhere within that brilliant brain of yours. you want to succeed, to do well, and so you do — you’re not cruel enough yet to push people down so you can climb, no matter what your mother says.  — so instead you just... be. you be as you always were; rosy-cheeked and sharp-eyed, observing everything. you stay lovely, but you have your thorns, hidden away under sweet petals. you make enemies, but you make friends too, cloistered among the halls of marble hill.  —  you’re a romantic, capital r. you always have been. not rom-coms and gas station bouquets, rotting chocolates in pink felt boxes from a lover long forgotten; no, no. think more of wild moors, dancing around crackling fires in the dark, and love so strong it breaks your heart. — you used to bow to your parents will, to the expectations of society. play the role of an obedient daughter, a selfless sister, the perfect student. it was easier to grit your teeth and continue doing as you were told. but as you grew, you discovered the sting in your words, the secret pleasure in doing as you liked, in owing nothing to anyone. you’re a hedonist now, a self-indulgent creature of the twenty-first century. you do as you want.   — now, nothing is sacred but yourself. you give no reverence to any god or man. if you could have, you’d have watched rome burn, striking the strings of your violin and the ivories of the grand piano like they’re matches. things like class systems and unwritten hierarchies mean nothing to you, as do the opinions of others. there’s a reason you’re so fascinated with the old gods of aristotle and socrates, and it’s not out of any form of respect. 
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gothfoxx · 5 years
An idea for mama midnight and dadzawa with hagakure has been in my head for a while. I feel like is gets overlooked that she passed the entrance exam without an offensive quirk. Maybe some of the students in other courses would be jealous that she got in, and start telling her that she's weak and cant be a hero, because her quirk is just invisibility and they say that she 'hides' from real problems. could you do a one shot where this happens and mama midnight finds out and brings in dadzawa?
The group of 1-D students had been hounding Hagakure around campus all day, she had just been trying to get some to the teachers’ office to get some clarification on some assignments when they started this whole cat and mouse deal. “What’s up invisibitch, did your class lose you again?” “How come you have a loser quirk and got in but we have great quirks and didn’t, that’s not fair!” “Stop ignoring us, you can’t hide from your problems with your lame ass quirk.” “I bet you took credit for other people’s work!” “Your so uncreative that you don’t even have a costume!” She wasn’t sure why they felt the need to say these things to her, she wasn’t like Bakugou with an arrogant attitude and she didn’t have Midoriya’s tendency to fall into trouble. She figured she must be the first 1-A student they stumbled upon.
She had tried to lose them by taking odd turns and doubling back but before she could get to the office they would find her again and she’s have to run. If she could just get to the door it would be okay, if she was a little bit faster...This time when she doubled back one of the guys had been waiting and caught her by the arm, “what’s your problem? You too good to talk to us general Ed kids?” His friends caught up. “Let’s she of her bruises show up!” “Eww what if her blood is invisible too, so scary!” “I bet if we cut her hair it will become visible!” They theorized and agged each other on.
They were so swept up with their cruel plans that they failed to notice the creeping footsteps that were coming down the hall they were in. Just as the foot person got close enough that the teens wouldn’t be able to scatter or run away the steps became loud stabbing clicks onto the tiles. “Not that PDA is a bad thing but I doubt any of this is consensual.” Remarked a very pissed looking Midnight, when one of the 1-D students did try to run Eraserhead was waiting with a withering glare. “Harassment is frowned upon at U.A. and threats are taken very seriously. Each one of you are going to be speaking with Principal Nezu to discuss  discipline.” Eraserhead barked as he motioned the students to start walking. Midnight gently held Hagakure when the girl had started to follow. “Not you sweetly, you’re going to stay with me until they’re dealt with.” The 18+ heroine calmly stated as she turned the invisible girl in the way of the teacher’s lounge.
Midoriya had told them what the small lounges had looked like, couches with a table in the middle and a small area for snacks and drinks to one side. It felt a bit like a hotel room with the colors though, the fake plants added to that sense. Midnight gestured to the couches and waits for Hagakure to sit before going to make tea. “I hope you like green tea, it’s all that’s in this room.” She says as she returns with two cups of steaming tea. “That’s fine thank you.” The girls says as she takes the offered cup. They sip their drinks for a minute before Hagakure asks, “How did you know I was in trouble?”
Midnight hums into her cup and sets it down. “I know what it’s like being in the hero course with a non combative quirk and as a woman. You learn to notice how people hold themselves when they intend on harm.” The answer is full of bitterness and hurt, words made dark by the history behind them. “When those kids ran past me they had that look in their eyes that screamed danger. And then I heard Eraser say he’d seen you on the cameras being tailed...he’s your home room teacher and should probably been the one to bring you here to decompress.” She says sadly, “but you and the other girls in the hero course are like my cubs. And everyone knows you don’t threaten a lioness’ cubs.” Her voice becomes darker at the end like rain clouds suddenly becoming a hurricane. It should be scary but knowing that that was for her sake, that Midnight was looking out for her and the other? That was a great feeling, maybe she could finally convince Momo to request a costume redesign if the creation girl knew a teacher would side with her.
“Thank you Ms Midnight, I’m so glad to have you as a teacher and as a lioness” the girl cheerfully acknowledged. “Any time sweetie but I also want you to know. All those things that they said? That was all bull, you belong in 1-A just like all your classmates! I saw the way you hacked the robots during the exam, that takes skill and prying the plating took a lot of upper body strength. You are an amazing hero in the making, don’t let a bunch of envious jerks make you think otherwise.” Midnight’s speech made Hagakure tear up a bit, of course she knew she belonged here but it was nice to hear it from someone she admired. “Oooh I need to hug you! You’re a great mama lion Ms Midnight!” The girl cheered and practically leapt over the low table to hug her teacher.
The door opened a moment later and Eraserhead walked in. “They’ve all been given house arrest and we’ll be expelled if they put even one toe out of line.” Is how he greeted them. “Oh foowy, I thought you would have thrown them out by now. Preferably with a signature tossing of one out the door.” Midnight playfully booed. Eraser came over to hit near where the two were still hugging. “Nezu said it was a bad idea because of the danger that could put the kids in if a villain wanted info on security.” The scruffy man informed them as he leaned his head back over the back of the couch. “So why where you out of the dorms anyway? Isn’t today a game day or movie something?” He asks nonchalantly. “Oh I had a question about some homework and needed to talk to Snipe. It seems pretty silly now, I could have asked Midoriya or Yaoyorozu to clarify what was expected.” She sighed as she thought about the wasted afternoon of being haggled. Both teachers hummed in thought about that, “Snipe isn’t here right now so it would be best to ask someone in your class.” Eraser reasoned. “I’ll walk her there, I want to see my girls!” Midnight volunteered. “Nemuri no, their my kids! Get your own!” He tried to argue but the duo had already made their escape, giggling at his accidental admission.
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pynkhues · 5 years
I’m kinda surprised they never had Dean question Kenny on Rio or played on the fact that Kenny has seen Rio quite a bit through the seasons and has at least spoken to him on one occasion. Like I could have sworn that’s where they were headed when Dean questioned Emma if their have been men in the house and when he questioned Jane. I thought he would go to Kenny seeing as he’s the oldest and would give him an accurate answer but I’m assuming he didn’t want to raise any red flags towards Kenny.
I am a little too, anon, but I also think it makes sense? I think Kenny’s just old enough to actually be able to read into his parents’ actions and motivations, and be affected by them emotionally - hell, we saw that in S2 with his binge eating - and so I think Dean would probably want to avoid talking about it at all with Kenny so as, like you said, not to raise any red flags. Emma and Jane are both so young on the other hand that they don’t really clock Dean’s motives at all yet in terms of him fishing for information about ‘mommy’s friend’. 
This is totally a personal possible interpretation and reading too, but I could see it as well being an ego thing for Dean when it comes to Kenny? Kenny’s his oldest son and to be trying to get information out of him about his mum’s friend would ultimately be an admission of insecurity in his marriage, which would in turn be an admission that he isn’t ‘man enough’ to keep his wife. 
While I think Dean really loves his kids, and does want to protect them, we also know just how much he likes to puff out his chest and act like he’s man of the house. Dean basically reeks of performative masculinity, and while he’s stomached (albeit very badly) having that challenged / being emasculated by Beth, Annie, Rio and at his new job, I think he’d really draw the line at that with his kids, and his sons in particular. 
I joke a lot about Dean and Rio’s pissing contest on this blog (hell, I have it as a tag, haha), and the way they both seem to mark their territory all over the place (or, well, all over Beth), but I do think that there’s a lot of truth to that metaphor with the two of them. To extend it to it’s limits too, haha, I don’t think that Dean would want his cubs knowing that there was a challenger for his position skulking around, particularly not his first born.
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bittysvalentines · 6 years
Zoo Date
From: @eatallofthepumpkinthings
To: @secretgeniusshittyknight
Content: Ransom/Holster, established relationship, canon compliant
“Good afternoon”
“Hello there young man. How many?”
“Two, please” he responded. He glanced over at Ransom who was vibrating out of his skin. His eyes were huge, his lips pursed in concentration, and his back stretched to try and get a peek past the gates. He'd spent a month creating and refining a spreadsheet that “perfectly maximizes our animal exploration time.” Their itinerary he now clutched in his large hands. Holster couldn't help but smile at his boyfriend's excitement.
“That'll be 35.95” He handed the woman his credit card and turned towards Ransom again. When Holster had suggested this a month ago, it was before a bombardment of new customer meetings, budget realignments, new team member onboardings, and all manner of project delays and hiccups. He couldn't wait to get in the gates and put the month behind him. He smiled again as Ransom saddled up beside him.
The admissions lady passed Holster back his card and a receipt which he signed. She slid him two maps. Before he could grab them, Ransom had snatched one away and was ripping it open.
“Excited, aren't we?” the lady asked. Holster chuckled.
She began to speak again but startled a bit at Ransom's boisterous “Woo hoos” He had grabbed Holster's hand and was tugging him towards the gate.
“Well before you guys head in there, do you have any questions?”
“No I think we have everything covered. Thanks!” He let Ransom tug him about a foot.
“Have fun and welcome to Franklin Park Zoo.”
“Whats up next babe?” The first section they had gone through was the “Serengeti Crossing” where they had spotted porcupines, zebras, ostriches, and warthogs. They'd just finished the “Kalahari Kingdom” section where they got to see some lounging lions and a tiger that was bathing its cubs.
They had stopped to read every info graph and inscription by each animal, plus Ransom had shared some pretty sweet, and sometimes, sick facts about each animal they saw. Holster was endeared to Ransom when he realized that his partner had spent extra time on the zoo's website and online in general to learn facts about all the animals just to share with him. But he realized they were running about 15 minutes behind schedule and wasn't sure how Ransom would react once he realized.
Holster bit his tongue as he watched Ransom review the itinerary and then look at his watch.
“We are running behind, but that shouldn't matter much right? The plan was to be out of here before closing but if we stay til then... There wasn't something you needed to get home to do right?”
“No, nothing. I got my work done for the K&R project last night so I haven't anything to do tonight. Well except maybe you” He waggled his eyebrows at him.
Ransom laughed as color rose in his cheeks. “Well then...” he wiggled his eyebrows back at him. “Lets just stick to the plan of action, but not worry too much about the time.”
“Sounds good to me!” Ransom dropped Holster's hand and unfolded the map holding it against some siding.
“If we continue down this path, we should come to the Tropical Forest building. It's what's next on the list and it's inside so we can take a quick break to cool down and to reapply sunblock to your forehead.”
Holster guffawed “Its only been an hour and a half”
“Bro, and you're already lookin' like a lobster.”
Two hours later they sat at an empty pavilion table near the “Things Wild” gift shop, taking massive bites out of Bitty's PB&J sandwiches they had packed. Holster was thanking his stars for the forethought to pack 4 sandwiches instead of just two, and he was already daydreaming about the crock pot pork they had waiting for them at home when he looked over at Ransom who was scrolling through the SMH group chat.
They had now gone through the Tropical Forest, “Bird's World”, and the “Outback Trail”; seen what felt like hundreds of different animals; and took what felt like a million different photos. When they finally sat down for their late lunch, Ransom sent some of their better photos to the group.
Tango: Can we get an ocelot for the Haus? Its so cute!
Chowder: I agree with Tango! :D
Ollie: I also agree on the condition that its Haus trained
Wicks: Did you know that ancient Australian war lords kept trained emus in their armies?
Ford: I'm not sure you guys are cut out for taking care of an animal
Tango: C'mon!
Chowder: Aww :'[
Ford: also Wicks that is like 100% false
Ollie: Nah its totally true
Ollie: do you think a monkey could hang from our lights?
Whiskey: you mean the chandelier in your room?
Chowder: totally! But monkey's aren't heavy. And look lemurs are tiny too. They could both probably hang from it
Wicks: Swawesome
Ollie: Swawsome
Ford: NO
Bitty: good lord thats a disaster waiting to happen
Bitty: yall couldn't handle a stuffed ocelot. Let alone a live animal
Tango: I could def take care of a stuffed ocelot. It doesn't even need to eat!
Chowder: Are we talking cute stuffed or weird on the wall stuffed?
Lards: Way to talk them down Bits
Jack: Thats a great shot of the flamingo. Its very difficult to get an action photo like that on a phone.
Bitty: #masternegotiator
Whiskey: That is a good shot of the flamingos guys
Nursey: yeah yeah great shots, haus pets, blah....but did none of you notice how that red kangaroo looks like Poindexter. Its like a spitting image
Dex: sdkj;fjkdsa;kdf Nurse!
Tango: Ears
Lards: EARS
Bitty: EA RS
Chowder: eARs
Shits: that Capybara is giving me good vibes guys
Shits: good vibes
“You forgot the best one babe,” Holster brushed his hands over Ransom's and then quickly grabbed his phone.
“Hey!” Ransom laughed, and so did Holster. “Which one are you sending?”
“The one with us and the hippo!”
They had just walked into the Tropical Forest building when they came face to face with a smiling hippo. A group of school children were on the opposite side of the tank and tapping on the glass. Before the children could run up to the other side of the tank, Ransom and Holster had slid their backs against the wall, locked lips, and snapped a selfie with the hippo. Holster had thought the hippo looked like it was blowing a kiss of his own, but Ransom had cheerily admonished him for anthropomorphizing the hippo. When they had gotten to the side of the tank where the children had vacated, they found a plaque informing them that the hippos name was “Fred”. Holster held back a smug face, but winked at Ransom and his scrunched up nose.
When he sent the picture to the group chat the response was near instantaneous.
Chowder: CUTE!
Tango: OMG so adorable
Wicks: Niceeeeeeeeee
Ollie: Nice!!!!!!!!!
Dex: Noiceeee
Nurse: Why does he look like a priest at your wedding?
Shits: Is that hippo ordained?
Jack: Congratulations!
Chowder: congrats!!!!!
Bitty: <3 <3 <3 oh im gonna cry
Lards: Can't believe you got hitched without us
Whiskey: Nice
Before heading off to the last three sections of the park, Ransom guided him into the gift shop. He perused the shelves of books, knickknacks, and stuffed animals. He found a pink stuffed hippo and immediately grabbed it from the shelf. He snuck up behind Ransom and rubbed the hippos face against his cheek. “Mwuah”
Ransom jumped but turned and laughed at him. “Oh stop it you... you...”
“Cutie hippo butt face!”
“That was lame bro.” Ransom's cheeks colored more and Holster leaned over to give him a smacking wet kiss himself.
Ransom laughed and wiped his cheek. “So are we getting that?” he said pointing at the hippo.
“Hell yeah! See anything you like?”
Ransom gestured to the stuffed lemurs in front of him. “Look at this.” He grabbed the arms of the lemur that were clasped together and separated them. When he let go they snapped back together. “Magnetic”
“Oh man, the frogs are gonna love that.”
They made it through the rest of the zoo in an hour and a half. They saw goats, butterflies, prairie dogs, and even some cute fuzzy red pandas. Holster grinned as he thought about Ransom's face as one of the zookeepers brought over a llama for them to pet. When Ransom had stroked the llamas hair his eyes had lit up like stars and his shoulders had relaxed. It was one of the few moments all month where Holster had seen Ransom relax.
He looked over at Ransom now. Took in his drowsy form, cuddling his new stuffed hippo. His eyes drifted closed ever so slowly, and reopened even slower. He doubted that he would make it home before falling asleep. It had been a long exciting day and they were both exhausted. Holster gently took one of Ransom's hands and laced their fingers together. “You had fun babe?”
“Yeah. Can't wait to get home and cuddle though.”
“Me too.” He smiled.
Zoo website: https://www.zoonewengland.org/franklin-park-zoo/
Zoo map: https://www.zoonewengland.org/media/1517583/map-fzoo-winter-2018-hd.pdf
I implore you to look up images of and learn a little bit about all the animals mentioned! Red Pandas are my favorite.
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In which Bandit is right and Maverick helps him cope.
It might have been comedic if the silence that stretched on wasn’t so stunned. It’s not every day that Dominic gives his input without the slightest tone of sarcasm, or a taunt, or just straight malice. But the question had been posed and the German operative had answered with such certainty that it almost came off as flippant.
As if ignoring the others, Bandit moved into the room, lifting his visor as he surveyed the cache the White Masks must have been moving. Behind him someone cleared their throat breaking the near silence only interrupted by the buzz of the dim overhead lights. They had been called in on suspicious activity coming through intel and they had stumbled upon a goldmine of drugs. Before them, neat little bricks lay stacked high, hidden behind a wall that Fuze had very nearly blown open, only to be stopped by the enigmatic Bandit. The squad had waited, albeit impatiently, as Dominic had slid a hand along the false wall and with intense certainty, yanked the panel back to reveal the treasure trove on the other side.
“You were actually right,” Olivier quipped, finally ending the too-long silence, “Like you’ve got some experience or something…” Despite his words, no one moved, mostly watching as Bandit meandered around the small room, studying the stacks of wrapped opioid. He paused as the Frenchman spoke and turned, eyes sharp. Behind his mask, his teeth were bared in the likeness of a snarl, but his words when he spoke dripped sarcasm.
“Well, when among babes, it is important to mind the experience of your elders, little cub.”
Lion glared daggers at the older operative, stiffening as a firm hand found his his shoulder, it’s owner giving him a slight shake of the head. Eliza stepped forward then, still eying her German squadmate as he paused to study the label on a brick, brows furrowed.
“We need to call this in,” she said, taking charge when no one else seemed like the wanted to move forward. Clicking on her comm, she began to give the details of their find. “This is Ash. All threats have been neutralized, but we have found a room full of-“
Bandit’s thick German accent cut over Ash’s in the comm. “We have a cache of heroine, though there are a few bricks of cocaine near the back of the room. Requesting an investigative team for substances in this room, as well as the one hidden in the kitchen.”
There was an affirmative on the other line, the ever calm voice what guided them from mission to mission. Thanks, Six. It kept them grounded, less panicked in the worst of situation. Like a room full of drugs with two possibly recovering addicts.
All at once, Lion started in with, “How do you know there’s another room?”
Followed closely by Maverick’s soft, “I think it’s time to split. Bandit with me, Ash can handle the clean up here with Lion and Fuze.” Eliza began to give him a look, which he caught with a smile and added, “We’ll cover more ground and get better inventory.”
Reluctantly, the redhead nodded, turning to Lion and Fuze. Lion looked unenthused but ready to listen, begrudgingly moving deeper into the room to take inventory of the stock that the White Masks had apparently been moving. Shuhrat unclipped his mask, letting it hang awkwardly as he walked toward the back of the room, intent on making his way from the back to the front to make inventory. The Russian operative largely ignored his teammates as he shuffled items around, making sure nothing more was hidden in the cache.
Bandit and Maverick walked in silence, the pair making their way toward the other room that the German had mentioned. The silence was welcome to Dominic, something he was able to think through as he led the way to another room full of drugs. It was almost companionable, the quiet between the two operatives and many of their fellows weren’t aware of the comfortable relationship between the pair. Perhaps it was the way that Erik never pushed for an explanation, instead allowed Dom to come to things in his own time, yet always remained as a silent reminder that there was always someone to talk to.
They came up to a wall that Dominic removed in much the same way as the first one. Through the entire thing, Bandit had remained eerily stoic, as if breaking his demeanor would somehow break him completely. As the room behind the panel was revealed, Erik did not hesitate to enter, silently taking in the inventory and muttering things into his comm to bring their team up to date. The younger man was aware that his squadmate had yet to enter the room, but continued on as if he hadn’t noticed, giving the GSG 9 representative time to process through the series of events. Moments passed before Bandit cleared his throat and spoke, voice almost distracted. “When I came out of undercover, the raid was so much more… violent than this…”
Maverick looked up from where he was shuffling through some left behind paperwork, expression carefully neutral as he noted the almost pained quality to the German’s eyes. He remained silent, knowing it was always best to let his teammate keep talking. Any interruption would halt any progress they might be making. “But I remember it all. I remember it because I was a big reason they found it. And I never used the stuff, not the entire time I was patched, even when I dealt death to those around me, the kid down the street, the hooker just trying to get another fix…” His expression took on a haunted tone, his breath quickening as if he was on the verge of a panic attack. Erik noted that he had since taken his helmet off, giving himself more breathing room, but the disarray of his hair and the wide, faraway look in his eyes made him look like a wild creature that didn’t want to be cornered. Still, the American kept his distance, instead switching his comm to mute as he listened.
“Everyone always assumes that I used when I was in Hanover, that I took on the role to survive… But a good dealer never does his product… I never touched the God forsaken stuff until the day they realized I was a fake. Then I didn’t have a choice.” Dom was scratching at his upper arm now. Erik wondered if he even knew he was doing it. It was a nervous tic that he had noticed time and time again when the German was caught up in a particularly grueling memory, when the humor and sarcasm couldn’t carry him through the moment. Erik was sure the track marks would be long gone, but that the reminder was forever seared into Bandit’s being. “No one asks, so I don’t tell. I let them assume. What happened in Hanover was a fuckin’ nightmare. Sometimes I’m not sure if I’ve ever woken up.” Dom began to move with the admission, walking toward where Maverick was shuffling through a dingy locker and coming up empty handed, unless porn mags were considered products of interest. The hand that landed on Erik’s shoulder was firm and warm, an underlying tremble to the typically sure grip. It gave him pause and he turned to take in the tired features of his teammate. They had all seen terrible things, all held their own secrets. It was of interest to Maverick how some of them seemed to cope better than others. Sometimes the ones that acted strongest among them, the most carefree, were the most damaged by some unnamable demon that haunted their waking and sleeping hours. For some of them, there seemed to be no escape beyond their own façade. “Thanks for the ear,” Bandit muttered, the look of sincerity enough to quirk the corner of Erik’s mouth. The hand slipped from his shoulder and the vulnerability faded from Dominic’s face. As the German flicked on his comm and began barking information over the line, Maverick knew that the moment was over. They would move on as they always did until another moment triggered the desperate need for human compassion that Dom often denied himself. And as with every other time, Maverick was sure he would be there once again.
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beachgearusa · 5 years
Champion Autism Network April 2019 Events
April 2nd, Battle of the Beaches World Autism Awareness Night on the Pelicans.  Pelican’s (Chicago Cubs) battle the Charleston River Dogs (New York Yankees) within the exhibition recreation.  Sponsored by Bee Sharp Professional Training.  Gates open at 5:30 p.m., recreation begins at 6:Three p.m.  Pelican’s Stadium 1251 21st Ave N, Myrtle Beach, SC 29577.  Go to www.championautismnetwork.com for tickets
April sixth, Sensory Friendly Showing of the film Shazam!, Grand 14 Market Common, 4002 Deville Street, Myrtle Beach.  Doors open at 9:30 a.m., the film begins promptly at 10am—no trailers.   $1 drinks and $1 popcorn.   Free admission for CAN card holders. 
April 6th, ComePlayWIthUs at Barnabas Horse Foundation, Barnabas Horse Foundation, 4533 New River Road, Murrells Inlet, SC, Horseback rides for the children, video games, and meals for all. Riders $5 every and restricted to 30. Registration required.  BYOC (Bring Your Own Chair). Dress must be boots or previous tennis footwear, denims or different informal clothes that may get soiled.
April seventh, Sensory Friendly Birthday Bowling Bash, Myrtle Beach Bowl, 101 Philip Gray Dr, Myrtle Beach, SC 29579.  12:30-2pm.  Celebrate this month’s birthdays with music down, lights up and room to maneuver round. $1.00 per recreation per particular person and $1.00 for footwear. Food specials and cupcakes by Johnny D’s Waffles & Bakery.
April seventh, Bunny Cares Sensory Friendly Easter Bunny, Coast Grand Mall, 2000 Coastal Grand Cir, Myrtle Beach, SC 29577.  9-11am.  This is a particular sensory-friendly occasion for teenagers with autism and particular wants and their households to get pleasure from a go to and images with the Easter Bunny in a chilled setting.  Registration required.
April 12th, Sensory Friendly Night on the Pelicans, Myrtle Beach Pelicans, 1251 21st Ave. N., Myrtle Beach, SC, 29577.  CAN cardholders have entry to a set for breaks, a free wrist band for the child’s actions, meals/drink specials and discounted tickets! Gates open at 6 p.m. and recreation begins at 7 p.m. Tickets could be bought on the field workplace or on-line utilizing promo code CAN19
April 13th, Sensory Friendly Visit to Ripley’s Aquarium, 1110 Celebrity Circle, Myrtle Beach SC.  House lights up and music and sound results down. $7 per particular person.  Glass backside boat tour (so enjoyable and value it!) $5.50 for ages 3-11 and $10 for ages 12 and up.
April 13th, Sensory Friendly Easter Hunt, Shepherd of the Sea Lutheran Church, 2637 Hwy 17, Garden City, SC, 29576.  Sensory Friendly Easter egg hunt, Panera cookie adorning, video games, and lunch.  Special visitor look by the Easter Bunny!! Easter egg hunt would be the first occasion, will begin at 11 a.m. and doubtless not take too lengthy
April 20th, Surfside Beach Sensory Friendly Easter Egg Hunt, Passive Park, Surfside Beach, SC. An Easter Egg Hunt for youngsters with autism and particular wants. Begins promptly at 10 a.m.
April 27th, Sensory Friendly Dave & Buster’s, Dave & Buster’s, 1322 Celebrity Cir, Myrtle Beach, SC, 29577.  Lights up, Sounds down. Special company from A Moment of Magic. $21 an individual consists of meals choices and energy card. Must register on-line by midday on 4/26/19. Food will likely be served at 10 a.m.  Special company from a Moment of Magic.
April 27th, Sensory Friendly Showing of Avengers: Endgame, Grand 14 Market Common, 4002 Deville Street, Myrtle Beach.  Doors open at 9:30 a.m., the film begins promptly at 10am—no trailers.   $1 drinks and $1 popcorn.   Free admission for CAN card holders. 
April 29th, Sensory Friendly Fun Warehouse, Fun Warehouse, 2349 Dick Pond Rd, Myrtle Beach, SC, 29575.  skating with primary skate rental OR Inflatables with 1 slice of pizza and a drink for $10. Additional actions for $5. Additional actions could be skating with primary skate rental, inflatables, 1 recreation of laser tag, or 1 go-cart race.
LIKE AND FOLLOW Champion Autism Network on Facebook.
Source link
from Beach Gear USA http://beachgearusa.com/2019/04/21/champion-autism-network-april-2019-events/
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shogetsus · 6 years
Stripes of Auburn, Eye of Sapphire
10. Mai
Read on Ao3 | Read on FFN |  Masterlist
Summary:  "Soooo, anytime you want to let go of my hand, I can—" She adds with a hint of sarcasm, although doesn't truly mean that, deep down.
"Don't be shy, kitten. Come on!" His bright grin breaks all possible attempts for a negative, "I promise I don't bite… unless asked for, sure thing,"
Mai snorts, shaking her head as to try hiding the amused smile in her face. Somehow and for all intents and purposes, that hurricane of a man manages to draw her in every single time, as if they're bound by invisible handcuffs or another power in the universe.
Spoiler alert! - Mitsunari and Shingen's route.  (I'm smooching and giving a golden star to the one who figures out the sort of easter egg here (?))
“Hey, settle down, you. We’re about to meet your ‘dad’, don’t be impatient,” The rowdy tiger in her arms meows longingly, refusing to stay still, making her flinch in pain as he claws on her shoulder. “Ow, ow! That hurts, boy!”
Coming to a stop, Mai first works on detaching the cub off her kimono, bringing him to her eye level and shooting a stern glare, straight into his yellowish eyes. “Alright, let’s make this straight. I want no clawing and no biting. Otherwise I’ll have to punish you and believe me, neither of us wants that. Are we clear?” As she formerly predicted, the little tiger doesn’t hold her gaze for much longer, rumbling softly and casting his eyes down to the floor, pretty much getting her warning.
“That’s a good boy,” Mai flashes a big smile and readjusts her grip on him, scratching the back of his ear as to reward that improved behavior. She gets a delighted purr in response. “Ah, you like this, don’t you? Aw, seems you do, yes you do!”
It’s a stroke of luck the ear scratching gesture appears to be generally accepted by all felines. And with the tiger quite more at ease—still squirming a little, yet at least not as desperate as he seemed to be put down after coming to a mutual understanding—by the time she reaches the northern side of Azuchi castle and Masamune’s manor comes to sight, Mai once again almost forgets why she was coming over there in the first place.
A pair of men clad in blue robes is stationed by the entrance, chatting idly. One of them, who she can only guess to be Masamune’s chief vassal, merely judging by the clothing, acknowledges her with a once over as she approaches.
“Excuse me. I’m the new chatelaine, Mai, and I’ve come on Lord Nobunaga’s orders,” It’s hard to put up a sort of business stance with a playful tiger cub in her arms, but apparently she doesn’t have to as the Date vassal bows down to the waist.
“Oh, greetings, Princess Mai. We were expecting you,” The man says with an inviting smile, stepping aside for her to pass with a respectful flourish. “Lord Masamune awaits you inside.”
“Thank you. Um, huh?”
Two rows of vassals come into view, all standing in attention and lining either side of the hallway to the main entrance. Moving forward, each pair she passes bow down in sync with her steps, looking pretty much like a royal reception… or walking into a haunted house, it’s hard to tell.
She does her best with keeping a straight face as she goes, struggling not to squirm. What’s the guy really up to? First I’m a poison tester, then a sword fighter, next an animal tamer, and now I’m treated like a princess? What the heck?
As she reaches the end of the hall, the door opens before her.
“Welcome, Mai…”
A warm and refreshing as spring voice drifts to her, the ears of the cub in her arms tilting up in recognition. As if a spell would be, Mai’s drawn inside by Masamune Date’s quite distractingly charismatic smile, finding him sitting with his legs folded before a small desk. And if she’s a Princess, there’s no doubt in her eyes he could absolutely be the charming Prince from tell-tales of old.
But he most certainly knows that, judging by the amused glint in his beautiful eye. “Looks like Shogetsu’s found a friend. He doesn’t usually let people hold him. Scratches and bites are all he does, the imprudent kit…” He mentions, appearing satisfied.
Huh, so, Shogetsu, written like “bright moon”, she guesses. Right, it takes merely one look at Masamune and she can tell he has a moon theme going. Yet even when both owner and pet are making it terribly hard for her to make a solid stand on her next reasoning, Mai knows in her heart someone at least has to.
It may as well be her. “And that’s even the more reason you can’t keep him!” Her lips purse tight, determined to stand her ground—even if the little cub may or may not already have been growing on her.
The sheer confused look in his face wasn’t entirely expected. “What? Why?”
“Because he’s a tiger! And he may be a baby now, but that won’t be for long! He knocked the wind out of me. What if he hurts or kills someone?” Stalking over to his working desk, she unceremoniously drops Shogetsu into Masamune’s lap. “Tigers aren’t pets!” She remarks with the best stern look she can manage.
However, Masamune looks all the more stunned for it and doesn’t say anything; his one gorgeous sapphire eye wide open, dangerously threatening to break her resolve just as simple as with a look. What!? You have no call to look at me that way! I haven’t held a sword to your throat or kept a lethal pet!
But then, he looks genuinely shocked. And to add up to the torture, Shogetsu joins his owner and casts his big and bright yellow eyes towards her, meowing ever so softly. “… Mraow?”
Her heart all but melts at that. Oh, fine!
Huffing in defeat, Mai pinches the bridge of her nose. “Look, as chatelaine, we can’t have any ‘imprudent kits’ on the loose.” She remarks sternly, “Just… make sure your kitten doesn’t stray,”
She’s about to turn on her heels before recalling that’s actually not everything she has to say to him. At her flourish, Masamune snaps out of his daze. “I see…”
“Well, that’s good, milord.” Even sitting cross-legged, he appears taller than life, his single eye intensely fixed on her, idly scratching Shogetsu’s cheek.
Slowly, he breaks out into another of those delightful smiles of his, the sort of one that spreads all over his face. “You surprise me again. I knew I wasn’t wrong about you!” He grins like a child after getting his birthday present, “And it’s just Masamune,”
“O… kay?”
“You scolded me before even saying hello!” A wholehearted cackle bursts out of him, his gaze full of mirth. “I like that boldness! Although… it’s not the only thing I like about you…”
Her treacherous heart comes back to life at his honeyed tone, skipping a couple of beats. “Um, okay, alright,” As hardened as Mai considers herself to be with shameless flirts such as him, a faint blush creeps up her cheeks nonetheless. “That was rude of me, I’ll admit that. So… hello, Masamune,” She remarks the informal usage of his name with a sheepish smile, “But listen, we need to—“
Completely out of the blue, Masamune snatches her wrist with fast reflexes that can only be compared with the feline currently squirming out of his lap, dragging her down next to him. That crescent smile and so vivid eye—that mysterious eyepatch—surrounds her entire line of sight. Leaning even closer, his warm breath fanning her face and a very alluring glint in his gaze, Mai’s conscious there’s no such force in the universe that would help her look away from the rapturing spell in that single eye; her brain sending her signals completely not related to work whatsoever.
“It’s alright, kitten. I won’t let you stray… again,”
Mai’s head tilts to the side just slightly as if hypnotized, feeling wrapped by an ocean of sapphire she’s almost too willing to sink and drown into. And his hand affectionately cradling hers is the precise amount of warm, a strong part of her very inclined to admit how appropriate of a time it is to start meowing.
And yet, that spell he just cast on her comes to an abrupt stop once Shogetsu prowls about, surely becoming bored and lonely, before exiting through the door she’d come in from.
Snapping her mouth shut—and for how long has she been staring at him slack-jawed!?—and shyly clearing her throat, she recovers some of her composure by attempting to give him a small piece of his own medicine.
“You say that… while your tiger just ran off again,” Mai says sultrily, conveying the same honeyed tone he used on her, playfully tugging at the black straps of his cape. “Maybe reconsider your caretaking ways. Leashing him could do, for starters,”
Masamune’s charming smile falters, yet only briefly, going wider as he can’t seem to help to laugh out loud. “I’m not the kind of man who’d turn someone against their nature. He’s free to roam where he pleases,”
That admission is certainly something she appreciates, but at the same time Masamune’s acquiescing ways can’t help but feel a tad bit problematic, at least in the long run. Or, for starters, just in that moment; as she considers about ditching the whole situation herself, yet it’s equally oh so tempting to stay right there with him, having a presumably very easy conversation.
Taking a defeated sigh, Mai opts out for spill out her concerns before anything else. “We need to talk about this morning, by the way. What the heck was all that about, honestly?”  
“Before I answer that, am I your last stop for today?” She nods, not giving it too much thought. “Perfect! That should give us enough time. Let me walk you back and I’ll tell you on the way,”
Tenderly squeezing her hand, Masamune rises to his feet, prompting her to do the same and walking her out. “Kojuro! I’m going out! You and the guys watch the place while I’m gone.” The vassal named Kojuro who’d led her in and the two rows of the other guys in the hall all answer enthusiastically in the affirmative. “And remember this will be our place for a while, so suit yourselves…” He reminds them, speaking past his shoulder as they turn on the corner.
“You don’t have to walk me anywhere, Masamune. I’m comfortable with the castle now, I can get back on my own just fine,” Mai can’t help but say, not wanting to be a bother. “Soooo, anytime you want to let go of my hand, I can—“ She adds with a hint of sarcasm, although doesn’t truly mean that, deep down.
For some reason her comment does nothing but goad Masamune on, tucking her hand in the crook of his elbow instead. “Don’t be shy, kitten. Come on!” His bright grin breaks all possible attempts for a negative, “I promise I don’t bite… unless asked for, sure thing,”
Mai snorts, shaking her head as to try hiding the amused smile in her face. Somehow and for all intents and purposes, that hurricane of a man manages to draw her in every single time, as if they’re bound by invisible handcuffs or another power in the universe.
And as he takes her through downtown Azuchi, she resorts to stop swimming against the tides for once—knowing deep in her heart it’s becoming almost impossible to stay away from the force that is Masamune Date. 
“Would you look at that sky, kitten…”
Mai follows Masamune’s eyes, both humming in appreciation at the clear sky above, a pretty much tolerable cold breeze brushing past as they stroll together throughout town. As for having already given up on her hand, still tucked in his elbow, she allows herself to enjoy their idle walk.
“By the way, I have all I need at my manor,” Masamune points out, dropping the subject entirely before it even began.
“Right. Crap, I was about to ask you that,” She mentally slaps herself—leave it to him to make her completely forget about her job, and on her first day, no less. “But wait. You knew why I was coming to see you?”
He shoots her a sideways glance, “I’m the one who told Nobunaga to give you this task in the first place…”
“Really? Huh. And why is that?”
Shrugging as if not considering it a big deal, his eye returns to their surroundings. “You looked apprehensive about the size of the castle and the people in it. Now you’ve got some faces to put to all the manors…”
Idly stroking her fingers with his free hand before going chilly from the breeze, they briefly fall into a companionable silence, leaving Mai to ponder. In truth, she did think it was a good way to spend her first day on the job.
Quite at ease with each other, her eyes wander as they stroll past a tight row of merchant stalls, displaying multiple sources of shopping—from fabrics, housing adornments, to jewelry for women. Sadly so, the latter stall seems particularly packed up for her to take a better look at, the broad back of a tall man in earthen-colored robes covering half the shiny merchandise on display.
It’s not like they were out for shopping either way. “So, let me guess. Were all those tricks a way to make sure I remember everyone?” Mai wonders, shooting Masamune a questioning look.
He cackles loudly, as free and careless as the breeze brushing past them. “Ha! No, I set those up so you wouldn’t get bored, of course!” Why, how nice of him. Mai can’t help but snort, not truly mad at the fact yet not appreciating it either. “Did you enjoy them? I wanted gifts that would make you feel welcomed,”
She tugs scornfully at his blue sleeve with her free hand. “Those weren’t ‘gifts’ per say, Masamune. They were more like pranks!”
The glare she sends his way doesn’t make him flinch in the slightest. On the contrary, his smirk turns smugger, “You could just admit you had a fun time, you know…”
“No, I really didn’t!” She rolls her eyes, huffing exaggeratedly. “But maybe Mitsuhide did, though…”
Either way, they could keep that circular argument going all day to no avail. Whatever complaints she lodged with Masamune, so far it looks like it’d run off him like water off a duck’s back. I should probably take a page out of his book. Though that reminds me of my poor sketchbook!
As they turn on another row of stalls, presumably about to make their way back to the castle, people seem to recognize him—or most precisely, the female audience.
“Look, it’s Lord Masamune!” A woman nudges her lady friend’s side, happily waving their way. “Oh, is that the beautiful Princess everyone’s talking about?”
What? They know about me already? But I’ve barely spent less than a week here!
“Aaw, they make a lovely couple!” The second woman appears to squeal in delight.
Masamune’s smirk turns into a full impish grin, tilting his head politely in greeting at the onlookers, but otherwise looking so blatantly full of himself to correct the women—his chin a little straighter, shoulders more squared, clearly appearing to show off. A couple, huh? Oh, if only they knew.
To their credit, walking arm in arm probably made it look like a couple. Romance and dating, especially the latter, must be another one of those things that’s changed drastically in 500 years. Regardless, she’s quite honestly the last person to talk about on the matter.
Well, for better or worse, at least it looks like I’ve made a friend here—if I can call him that.
Testing the waters on that tidbit, she gives Masamune a friendly nudge with her elbow. “Didn’t take you for showing off,” She says low, only for him to hear.
“I’m not hearing you complain about it, kitten…”
The so charming smile he sends her way makes her flush all in a sudden, prompting her to change the subject before making an embarrassment of herself. “So, um,” Mai coughs awkwardly, “That was a pretty short answer to my former question, by the way. It certainly didn’t require a whole walk. Why didn’t you just tell me at your place?”
Masamune quirks a curious brow, “For all that questioning, I thought I’d already answered that as well,”
“Um, no? I’m pretty sure you didn’t?”
“Oh, so, when you want to know something in your future time, you just stand there and talk about it?” He wonders, hinting some disbelief in that fact alone.
“Well, generally, yes…” Mai is inclined to admit.
He shrugs at that, also seeming inclined to accept that. “To me, action is a more reliable way to get an honest answer out of someone.” Right, that brings her back to the events of last night with the sword display. Honestly, I’d rather talk. “Also it’s a lovely day out, don’t you think? Good for exercise,”
On that, she can wholeheartedly agree with, giving him an appreciative smile before falling into another comfortable silence. On their way back to Azuchi Castle, Mai can’t help glancing at him from time to time, watching the way the midday sun takes on the best of his handsome features. Drifting onto her thoughts, she sizes up how best to handle a man like him from there on. Is he just optimistic? Sure that he knows best and can’t possibly be inconveniencing other people?
One thing’s for sure, and that’s Masamune seems to be permanently set at high speed, although it isn’t precisely a bad thing. To be fair, she should have figured that out from their horse ride on their first encounter. And yet, for how slow everything seems to work in that past time, Mai won’t deny it’s a nice change of pace.
“You’re a very different kind of man.” There’s no real judgment in her musing, merely stating out a fact.
However, Mai doesn’t realize she’d been voicing her thoughts until Masamune turns another curious brow back at her. “That’s a compliment, right?”
The subtle doubt in his voice tempts her to tease him a little for a hot second, but opts out of it a moment later. It feels somewhat rude, after all, and he did just take her out for a walk. “Just in this case, yes.”
Mai allows herself a genuine smile and he returns it with a dashing one of his own, about to approach the main gates of Azuchi Castle. All in all, Masamune Date seems to get a lot of pleasure out of life while blithely ignoring the rules and to be quite honest, she finds that admirable—if not also partially relatable.
“You haven’t slept in three days!?”
Her breakfast tray almost falls off her hands, gaping at the relaxed figure of Mitsunari Ishida like a fish out of the water. Being that involved in a book is certainly a skill, but as impressive as it is, seems it’s also dangerous.
“It’s not that unusual, and I probably won’t pass out,” The young strategist is quick to come up with an excuse, appearing fairly used to do such a thing. “Although I typically only do that when we’re busy,”
As he sets his reading glasses aside, she begins to come to the realization of what everyone was trying to warn her about. I think I understand why he walked into that pillar now…
“Those glasses look cool. I didn’t know they had been invented yet…” Mai is inclined to admit as he sets the tray between the two of them on a spare table. It would’ve been truly sad if a bookworm like Mitsunari seems to be couldn’t be able to read properly. Plus, they seem to look very nice on him, and the thin silver frames set his amethyst eyes off in a really pretty way.
“Invented… yet?” At that, her eyes go wide.
“I-I meant, um, I haven’t seen people use glasses around here, um—“ She stammers, cursing her stupid tongue inwardly. This is totally my fault for spending too much time with Masamune. Seven hells! “Soooo, just tell me, is the rice of your liking, Mitsunari?”
Hoping he’d forget about her slip, turns out he does so more easily than what she’d have expected. “I don’t know if I have a preference for any particular food,” He admits with a shrug while folding his legs and taking a seat before her on the table. “I’ve always eaten these because it’s convenient,”
Almost as if to prove a point, Mitsunari hurries through his tray of breakfast in the same way he did the other morning with Masamune’s zunda-mochi, as if the act of having a meal is an obstacle. “The sooner I finish eating, the faster I can get back to reading. The last time I ate I had dried rice too...” ‘The last time I ate?’ Why don’t I like the sound of that? “That’s it. It was the day before yesterday.”
“The day before yesterday?" Astounded, all she could do is repeat what he’d said.
“I had so many good books arrive yesterday morning that I couldn’t wait to start reading them. Luckily, that one I just finished was the last.” Mitsunari quirks a sheepish smile before wolfing down another piece of rice in a mere second.
… How are you alive?
Sure thing, her own lifestyle couldn’t be considered the healthiest in the world—not even to her modern age standards—but Mitsunari’s case sounds practically inconceivable. “That’s… that’s—“ Mai struggles to come up with real words, all but astonished. “That’s not good at all, Mitsunari. You can’t keep living that way,”
She’s not truly the type of scolding people on their preferred routines, but as far as it goes, Mai’s pretty much obliged to do so. Besides, his health is actually one of the perks of her current job.
For the matter, whatever retort he might have had, he doesn’t seem to have it at all, flashing another of his terribly endearing smiles. “I didn’t expect you to care so much about me. I’ve never met someone as thoughtful as you before, Lady Mai!”
That’s definitely not the reaction she was expecting in the first place, looking away sheepishly when his amethyst eyes twinkle happily, just like she might from looking at so bright sunlight. For reasons partially unbeknownst to her, he seems truly pleased.
And that’s not bad per say, but why is he so pleased to begin with? “I just want to see you healthy and happy, Mitsunari,” All she feels about doing with that is shrug it off a little, “Take it from me, but living this way may hurt you in the long run…”
Setting his cup of tea aside, he reaches for her hand. “Thank you for your concerns, that means so much to me,” The blinding smile in his face falters just slightly, yet he sounds genuinely grateful all the same. “And since it matters to you, I’ll put in the effort. On that, I promise,”
Mai tilts her head in partial surprise until a grateful smile of her own reaches her lips. That’s a wonderful start! Finally there’s someone willing to work with me!
It’s been scarcely a week and a half since her arrival to that detached, dangerous time in the past, but it’s thanks to Mitsunari Ishida’s sunny smile that she feels truly welcomed among the people she met there, her mood improving drastically. Getting news of Sasuke’s whereabouts would certainly make it all the better, but making another friend in the young strategist feels quite comforting as it is.
And so, while watching him finish breakfast and more at ease than in the past days, Mai settles for facing the rest of the day ahead much more positively. 
… And to her disgrace, her bright mood only lasts for so long.
Humming low in partial concern and anticipation, she stumbles upon no one else than Mitsuhide Akechi on the dim-lighted hallways, appearing to be returning to his quarters with a pile of books in his hands. “Oh, hello, Mitsuhide. Still working this late?”
Quirking up one of his mobile brows, he looks down at her, “I’m afraid some of us cannot afford a good night’s rest,” Mitsuhide excuses himself with ease, his golden eyes appearing to come alive with a gleam of curiosity, “But I could ask the same of you, dear chatelaine,”
“Well, Nobunaga has just summoned me to his tenshu…” She shrugs, hoping that to be enough detailing, not truly looking forward to being the subject of his scrutiny, of all people in the castle.
If he has any reaction whatsoever, Mitsuhide seems quite the master in hiding it. “My, my, has he already?” He just says, a very impish smirk creeping up to his elegant lips. However, he doesn’t lean her in whatever off-putting thoughts he may be having, stepping aside for her to pass. “Why, don’t let me keep you then, milady,”
Mai shoots a skeptical look at that, but the mysterious warlord is quick to be out of her hair to notice, disappearing past a corner without further ado. Determined to not let that ruin her nice mood, she pulls Mitsuhide’s vague commenting out of her mind and goes on her current matters at hand, walking the stairs up to Nobunaga’s tenshu.
Out of politeness, she knocks on the door before seeing herself in. “Excuse me,” The Lord of Azuchi Castle meets her on his working desk, barely bothering himself to acknowledge her. “I’ve been told you wanted to see me, Nobunaga,”
“Yes.” More than at ease for her personal liking, Nobunaga carefully sets his writing brush aside before meeting her eyes. “Tonight, I shall bed you.”
Tenshu: An architectural typology found in Japanese castle complexes. They are easily identifiable as the highest tower within the castle. 
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dailyresultbd · 3 years
At the end of the fourth phase admission in Comilla University 112 seats are vacant
At the end of the fourth phase admission in Comilla University 112 seats are vacant
At the end of the fourth phase of admission at Comilla University, 112 seats are vacant. Comilla University (CUB) has completed the admission process in the fourth phase of the first year of graduation (honors) in 2020-2021. University Registrar (additional responsibilities) Professor. This information was revealed in a notification signed by Abu Taher at the 19th meeting of the Central Committee…
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elphin365 · 6 years
I Am Not Buying Lush Products Anymore.
Sad to say that I am no longer going to be purchasing Lush products anymore. I was a frequent visitor to Lush and frequently purchased shampoo bars (Jason and the Argan Oil), conditioner bars (Sugar Daddy-O), numerous types of bath bombs, bubble bars and bath oils, but I am no longer going to spend money at a business where it is used to further a propaganda fueled organization like CompassionWorks International.
I am well aware that the issue of having zoos is a complicated one. There are some miserable zoos in the world that should be closed, but there are also some amazing ones. Ones that rescue, rehabilitate and release. Ones that commit themselves to conservation and captive breeding programs that are designed to repopulate critically endangered species, so if they do go extinct in the wild there will be a population that can be released. The San Diego Zoological Society runs the “Frozen Zoo”, where they store over 10k oocytes, sperm, living cell cultures and embryos that represent over 1,000 taxa, including an extinct species. These are kept, so if an animal goes extinct in the wild, they can use the sperm, oocytes and embryos to bring them back. Imagine this, if the Siberian tiger goes extinct, researchers could take a Siberian tiger embryo and plant it in a Bengal tiger. The Bengal tiger would gestate the cub and in the end a Siberian tiger would be born. The living cell cultures are stored to be used when cloning is perfected. See this link for more information on it. http://institute.sandiegozoo.org/resources/frozen-zoo®
Zoos conservation, research and rescue operations are funded in part by private donations, but most of the funding comes from admission costs. The research that some zoos and animal parks do is vital to the conservation and management of wild animal species. Keep in mind that most of the causes of animal population declines is human related, these include loss of habitat, lack of food, pollution, poaching, global warming and many other causes. It is our responsibility to fix what we broke. There is no safe place in the wild for our worlds wild animal populations, there is no where wild animals are not affected by the human race. I wish I could report otherwise. Good zoos and wild animal parks are here to give our wild animal populations a fighting chance.
CompassionWorks International would want you to believe that there are no good zoos. They want you to believe that all wild animals should be left alone and let nature take its course, but here is the problem with that thinking, nature is not what it was. Nature did not cause the decline in the population of our wild animal species. Nature did not cause the sixth extinction crisis to face our planet. Nature did not cause the increase in the extinction rate of our animal species to over 1,000-10,000 times what it was, the reason the range is so wide, is that there are 1,000s of species of animals that we have not yet discovered. So, it is probable that species that we never knew are gone forever. Nature did not do this, human interference did.
Lush has chosen to support with the money from the sales of their products an organization that advocates all zoos should be closed and all wild animals should be wild..in a perfect world I would agree, but this world is not perfect. Until species are not hunted for their body parts, until deforestation is halted, until global warming is slowed, until HUMANS learn that wild animal species are not an unlimited commodity, good zoos and wild animal parks are necessary for their survival.
If you want to look into the plight of our planets endangered species visit WWF at http://wwf.panda.org/our_work/
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supercubplayschool · 3 years
Why Do You Choose Online Preschool Classes in Gujarat?
Though we get closer to the beginning of the school year, most parents need to make difficult decision between in-person and online learning lessons. There are so many factors that weigh different factors like nature of their jobs, social distancing guidelines and community spread of COVID-19 in choosing what works best for their preschoolers.
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However, there are comprehensive benefits – academic, emotional, social and physical that preschoolers receive from in-person learning lessions. They can’t be replicated through a virtual learning environment. For preschoolers, online preschool classes in Gujarat can be used effectively to nurture the all-round development of a child.
Why Do You Consider Online Preschool Classes in Gujarat?
Self-Paced Learning Opportunities –
More often students can slow down while they learn a completely new concept or want additional practice time. They can speed up learning process, especially when they’re comfortable with a specific topic or have mastered it.
Self-Chosen Learning Sessions –
The traditional curriculum or older web-based products are designed in a linear way and don’t allow students to make their own choices within the curriculum. But a new generation sophisticated online preschool class can enable preschoolers to focus on interactive and engaging lessons. In addition, they provide preschoolers with best quality educational opportunities as possible.
Encourage Maximum Engagement –
Online preschool classes include the content the preschoolers are interested in so that they can learn the skills in a fun-filled way. They can take their time and learn as much as they want. In addition, the preschoolers have the flexibility to choose the tools they’re comfortable using.
This allows them to learn and develop proficiency. Kids are more actively engaged as they get to learn their lessions through fun-filled games and engaging sessions.
Support Different Learning Styles –
Online preschool education can include a comprehensive range of learning styles and different methods specifically designed for different learners. They can learn in a more or less linear way, visually or verbally. Every student has a unique learning style.
Learning at Most Convenient Time –
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Some kids love to attend online preschool classes in Gujarat before school. Moreover, children can get to learn their lessions at a time that best fits their personal requirements, schedule any day of the week.
Bottom Line –
Currently, the entire world is suffering from unprecedented time and many kids are unable to go back to in-person learning session. Hence, enrolling your preschooler in online preschool classes in Gujarat available at Super Cubs is important.
It will help you make the most out of your kid’s early development years by allowing them develop innovative skills, creating a social peer group, and nurturing their confidence. At Super Cubs, we believe that learning should never stop and let us make everyday count.
For more information about available online preschool classes in Gujarat, feel free to contact Super Cubs as soon as possible at +91 9856877774 or +91 8048894440 and confirm your preschooler’s admission right away!
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