#“I would expect this maybe as a boss character but definitely not a normal character” territory
therosiestofrubys · 9 months
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Contemplating a couple of the more... eccentric characters available to me again
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justnatoka · 3 months
Creatures of the night
Poly! Lost Boys x GN! Reader
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A/n: It's finally done! I had so much fun writing this! I would love to expand more on this idea. Let me know if you would be interested in that, or if you have any ideas for it. Maybe I'll write something that focuses more on the reader's relationship with the boys next. Also, I tweaked the timeline a bit for the sake of the story. Hope you enjoy!
Word count: 3.4k
Warning: none, I think
Summary: Sam wants to save his brother, so he asks for help from the Frog brothers. What he doesn’t anticipate is that they introduce him to you, the person who taught them everything about vampires.
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Sam didn’t have many choices. Michael had been turned into a bloodsucking creature of the night, and as much as he wanted to help him – not least for his and their mother’s safety – he knew he couldn’t do it alone. So he went to the two people he could (hopefully) count on. If someone told him a few days ago that he would turn up on the doorstep of the Frog brothers’ comic book shop for advice on how to terminate vampires, he would have laughed in their face. But alas, here he was.
After listening to every detail about the recent changes in Michael’s behaviour, not to mention last night’s events – Nanook attacking his brother, seeing his half faded reflection in the mirror and the levitating act he performed outside Sam’s window – they took a moment to take everything in.
“This is serious, man” Edgar finally said then he turned to his brother. They exchanged a silent look and nodded before turning back to Sam.
“We’re gonna take you to someone” Alan announced.
“They taught us everything we know about vampires” Edgar explained solemnly.
Sam gulped. If this person is some kind of vampire expert, they could definitely use their help. He didn’t want Michael to be killed, but he couldn’t stay a bloodsucker either.
“Alright, take me to them.”
He got suspicious when they turned up at a totally normal looking house, and his apprehension only grew as the Frogs rang the doorbell. He waited with baited breath as a minute passed by without anything happening. Then finally, the door opened. He didn’t know what he was expecting. Maybe someone with military style clothing that screamed “tough guy” – similar to what the Frog brothers tried, and ultimately failed to pull off in his personal opinion – but with big bulging muscles, who could knock out any vampire they saw. Or even a shady character with nervously twitching hands and a conspiratory look in their constantly moving eyes who’s always looking around for danger. But the person standing at the door was none of that. In fact, they were just… a normal person, around his brother’s age. He shot the Frogs a confused look, but they didn’t pay him any attention as they were too busy snapping their heels together and saluting with a unanimous,
“Good morning, boss.”
Their “boss” leaned against the doorway.
The reply was so casual, none of the Rambo wannabe bullshit the boys always used. That’s it, Sam was even more confused. They came to see this person?
“We need your help, boss. Seriously confidential business” Edgar explained. They nodded and disappeared inside.
“Come on in then.”
You led them up the stairs and into your bedroom for some privacy, then shut the door just in case your Dad left his workroom at the end of the hall. You sat down on your bed, the boys settling down on the carpet. Sam looked around. The bedroom was pretty normal as well, with a bookcase full of horror novels as far as he could see, a bunch of CDs next to a CD player and band posters of the walls. Although he spotted a few comics on the nightstand that looked similar to the ones the Frogs gave him.
“So,” you rested your arms on your knees and laced your fingers together, glancing between the boys. “What is it?”
The brothers turned their heads towards Sam. You’ve been wondering how Edgar and Alan knew him since you first saw them standing in front of your house. His clothes were fashionable, his hair styled. He wasn’t exactly the type of person the boys usually hang around.
“How do you know each other?” he asked instead. Looks like he was thinking along the same lines.
“I used to look after them when they were younger” you answered casually.
He blinked before directing his growing exasperation towards the brothers.
“Your babysitter? You brought me to your babysitter?”
“Former” Alan added as if that was the biggest problem with this whole situation. Sam let out a frustrated huff.
“And how exactly are they supposed to help my brother? Don’t tell me that all your knowledge comes from these” he waved his hand in the direction of your bookshelves.
“Actually, most vampire related media is full of bullshit” you interjected.
He froze. “How did you…?”
“…know that your brother was turned into a vampire?” You finished with a smirk. “I know a lot about what goes on in this town. I know who turned your brother and most likely how they did it. I know he’s been googly-eyed about a girl who hangs around a rather questionable crowd. He’s been acting strange ever since he met her, right?”
Sam just gaped, not knowing what to say before shutting him mouth and nodding. You gave an understanding nod in return.
“Is he fully turned?”
When a confused frown appeared on his face you added, “Has he taken any blood? Killed someone?”
“No, I don’t think so. He’s a jerk, but he couldn’t kill anyone.”
You smiled at the sibling banter. “Then he’s only half. The way things stand now, there are two options for your brother. One, he eventually loses the fight against the bloodlust and ends someone’s life, becoming a full-fledged vampire. Or two, you find the head vampire and kill him. That way, every half-vampire that was turned using his blood will become human again.”
Silence fell on the room as they mulled over what they just heard. It was Edgar who spoke up at last.
“Then we have to find the head vampire. Do you have any ideas who it is?” he turned to Sam.
“Maybe” he hesitated. “But I’m not sure.”
You reached across to your nightstand, grabbing one of the comics lying there and handing it to them.
“This might give you some ideas.”
Sam took the comic into his hands, eyeing it skeptically.
“Didn’t you say that most vampire related media is full of bullshit?”
“Not this one” you reassured him.
“How do you know?”
A smile tugged at the corner of your mouth. “My dad writes them.”
You thoroughly enjoyed the surprised look on his face before he opened it and turned a few pages.
“Hounds of Hell” he read aloud before glancing back at you. You could already see the gears turning in his head, a thought forming behind his eyes, something akin to recognition, but not fully there yet.
“Thank you. Let’s go guys, we have to make a plan” he gestured to the other two then rushed out the door. Edgar and Alan hurriedly got to their feet, and with a quick goodbye they ran after their friend.
They failed massively. Sam was so sure about Max being the head vampire, however he passed all their tests. And above that, his mom got mad at him for ruining her date night. Again. But now they were getting ready to head to the hideout of the group that turned Michael. The Frogs reassured him that they’re coming armed with stakes and other weapons to kill the head vampire. Meanwhile, Michael can go and rescue his girlfriend. One thing was for sure: this time they were finishing the job.
You let out a shaky breath as you put down the phone. You just received a call from Alan, telling you that they are going to the vampire hideout. They planned to kill off who they thought was the head vampire. They wanted to let you know in case anything happened to them. You were cursing out loud while you shrugged on your coat in a hurry and ran out the door. This isn’t how things were supposed to play out. They were blindly walking into a den of wolves, having no idea what they were up against. This situation could only result in someone getting hurt. All you could hope was that you got there in time, before they did something stupid and irreversible.
Edgar and Alan led the way down the stairs and into the cave. It had a bunch of warning signs, and looked like it has been abandoned for decades. However, as they entered the gaping mouth into the darkness, they arrived into a space that resembled a hotel lobby, albeit all messed up and crumbled, but still in a pretty good shape. It would have been a very cool hideout, Sam thought, if it didn’t belong to a bunch of nightcrawlers. It was sure as hell that this place was lived in.
He helped Michael get down the sloping entrance, just as the Frogs discovered Star sleeping in one of the corners.
“Don’t you touch her! You stay away from her!” His brother could barely stand on his own two feet, yet he scrambled over to the girl.
“The rest of them are gotta be around here someplace. Let’s find them.” Edgar motioned for Alan.
“I can’t let you do that” came a voice from behind then. Startled, they turned around. There you stood near the mouth of the cave, your form half in the shadows. “I can’t let you kill them.”
“Why not? They are bloodsucking monsters!”
You stepped forward, shaking your head.
“My answer is still no. Take the girl and the little boy, then leave. They will go after you to try and bring them back, and you’ll probably have to fight them. But you can’t kill them here and now.”
Sam looked over to the Frogs and couldn’t believe his eyes when they seemed to hesitate.
“No! This is crazy! We have to end them now. This is our best chance while it’s still daylight. Come on, guys.”
“You can’t kill them all at once. Not like this. You’ll need a more solid plan for that than a few wooden stakes. If you end one of them now, they’re gonna come for you with even more vengeance. They know this place like the back of their hand, and you don’t. There’s a high chance you won’t even make it out of this cave alive.”
It certainly made sense. The more Sam thought about it, the more ill-prepared this all seemed. If they are really such bloodthirsty killers like Michael told him, maybe it was better to rethink their strategy instead of just rushing headfirst into a dark cave full of dangerous vampires.
He was still a little disappointed they couldn’t just end it here and now, but as he turned to the Frog brothers, he saw it in their eyes that they cracked. They will follow what their “boss” told them to do.
“Alright. What do we do?” he sighed.
“Let’s regroup somewhere safe. Then we can come up with a plan for tonight. As soon as they discover you took those two, they’ll come after you. That only leaves a couple of hours to prepare for an attack.”
“We can go back to ours, fortify the house.” You and Sam exchanged a serious look as you nodded.
“Sounds good. Let’s get going.”
The boys helped Michael carry Star and Laddie, as he was rapidly losing strength. When they passed you on the way out, Sam was sure he heard you let out a relieved sigh. He guessed you were worried about Edgar and Alan running into danger. You certainly looked like you cared about them. Shortly after they got up to the car, you also joined them. They didn’t question what took you so long, they didn’t have to know about the note left behind.
As you got into the driver’s seat – seeing as Michael was in no shape to drive – Sam wondered about how lucky they were to have you on their side. Someone with knowledge about vampires, who could also be the voice of reason if need be. It could have ended a lot worse if they got into a fight with those bloodsuckers in the tight corridors of the cave.
It was over. The last few hours have been a flurry of rushed preparations that morphed into total chaos as the vampires came. Sam was still reeling from all the running and fighting and screaming, the feeling of victory as they took down all of them, followed by the chilling panic as Max made his appearance, finally showing his true face. But it was over now.
His mom and Michael were hugging him, Star was hugging Laddie, and he could have sworn he heard the Frog brothers saying something about charging them for this, but he honestly couldn’t care less. Grandpa made his way into the kitchen, opening a beer and grumbling about all the damn vampires in Santa Carla.
They were all too busy with relief to notice you standing back, anxiously gnawing at your lips, waiting, listening for any sound from other parts of the house. Then a groan came from the workshop, and a smile spread on your face.
Everyone else jumped, the Emersons huddled together with Grandpa peeking out from the kitchen. Michael drew Star closer to him, Laddie clinging to her other hand. The Frog brothers were on their feet in an instant, taking up some improvised fighting stances. All staring cautiously towards the workshop, they collectively almost had a heart attack as they watched David sit up on the table with another grunt. After some struggling he slipped off the horns piercing through him with a sickening wet sound. He cracked his neck and let out a satisfied sound from deep in his chest. The puncture wounds on his torso already started to heal. They frantically turned around as more footsteps were heard approaching from different parts of the house. Sam looked at his brother in a panic. How is this possible? They were sure they killed them. He saw Michael tense up. He was pulling what little energy he had left together and getting ready for another fight. The problem was, he turned back into a human as Max died. They probably wouldn’t be able to fight them off in the state they were in, tired and bruised.
The rest of David’s gang emerged, a little worse for wear but healing rapidly.
“Look out!” came Alan’s frantic voice when he saw the three vampires approach you from behind.
“You okay, babe? Hope we weren’t too rough on ya.” As Paul sneaked an arm around your waist and pulled you into his side, you leaned into him.
Everyone just stared at you in dumbfounded silence. David’s footsteps thudded loudly as he circled around their group and stood beside you and his brothers. Without even looking, you laced you fingers together with his. It seemed so natural. That’s what went through Michael’s mind as he watched the little show of affection between you and the vampires. This didn’t happen yesterday, this has been an ongoing thing for a while.
Alan was the first to voice what everyone was wondering.
“How is this possible? We killed you” he pointed an accusatory finger at the bloodsuckers.
“That’s gonna stay our secret” you stated. “I might have taught you everything you know about vampires, but I didn’t teach you everything I know.”
“So you were with them all along?” Sam asked in disbelief.
“Of course I was. How do you think I know so much about the creatures of the night?”
“Boss… you really betrayed us for the enemy?” Edgar’s voice sounded so hurt it almost broke your heart.
“Max was the enemy.” Your matter-of-fact tone did nothing to ease the situation. In fact, it only made the boys angrier.
“But they hurt people!” Alan shouted. Dwayne took a step forward and Marko let out a low growl at his raised voice. You quickly let go of David’s hand and gently put it on Dwayne’s arm. You made sure to give Marko a reassuring glance as well before continuing.
“You don’t have to agree with my actions. I love them, and that’s enough for me.” You turned toward Michael. “At least that’s something I think you can understand.”
He gave you a silent nod as he held Star closer to his side.
“For what?” Sam mumbled. “You put your friends in danger” he motioned to the Frog brothers, his voice rising in volume, “but for what? What was the point of this whole thing?”
“First of all, they were never in any real danger. Except when you planned to ambush David and the others in the cave. That could have ended really badly.”
“They planned to do what?!” Marko almost lunged at them again, but Paul held him back.
“Come on, bud. It won’t do any good, if we kill them now” he tried to reason with him.
“To hell with that! We were holding back all the while they tried to kill us multiple times. Tried to ambush us! I say we finish them now.”
David’s cool voice broke through the argument.
“As much as I’d like to do that, you’re forgetting the fact that they are Y/N’s friends. They asked us not to hurt them.”
Marko seemingly realized his mistake, glanced at you and hung his head. He let out a sigh.
“I’m sorry, sugar” he mumbled.
“Is that true?” It was Edgar who spoke up this time. He was looking at you intensely. “You told them not to hurt us?”
You nodded.
“They were never going to kill you, they just had to make it believable. Like I said, Max was the enemy. We knew he planned to turn Michael’s family, and we saw an opportunity. You wanted to turn your brother back” you turned to Sam, “and the boys wanted Max gone. Our problem was one and the same. And now everyone got what they wanted.”
“You pointed us towards Max. With the comic” Sam realized.
You nodded again.
“Things didn’t exactly go according to plan, but it turned out fine in the end. I knew Max would come out of hiding if the boys were in danger. So I left them a note in the cave about the change of plans. Max was smart. We had to make it look like they died for him to appear.”
You could tell your explanation didn’t exactly placate them, tensions were still high, but that was okay. You anticipated their anger. You didn’t mind it so long as everyone was alive.
“If you would excuse us, this has been a long night. Me and my boys will leave you to be.”
You sent a sad smile towards Edgar and Alan as you walked past them. You could tell they still had some things they wanted to say, but decided not to, at least not now. It really has been a long night, and everyone just wanted it to end already. Your departure was followed by a long silence as they were trying to make sense of everything. Eventually, Grandpa spoke up.
“Those damn vampires, I’m telling ya.” He just shook his head and headed for his workshop.
You were also silent on your way back to the cave. Paul nudged your arm.
“You okay, babe?” he asked with a hint of worry on his handsome face.
“Yeah, I’m fine” you sighed. “I just hope I didn’t ruin my friendships.”
“They will come around” he reassured you. “And if they don’t, you still have us” he sent you a cheeky smile.
The corner of your lips finally turned upright.
“Thank you” you whispered as you leaned into him more.
“Don’t mention it, dollface.”
You looked over at your lovers, resting your gaze on all their faces for a long moment. You were just happy they were all okay.
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golvio · 2 months
Since Echoes of Wisdom is a top-down Zelda game, I’m not expecting the game’s story to be super complex or involved, but I’ll admit I am curious about certain characters & implied background events.
In particular, I’m curious about who these three unique NPCs from the Gerudo Desert region are:
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The woman with the golden trident is most likely the current Chief, given that I’ve seen screenshots of her standing up from a throne holding the trident aloft are circulating around. But who are those other two people?
I suspect the woman in white might be the chief’s sister, since her hair resembles the chief’s hair and the gemstones she’s wearing are the same color as the Chief’s. Also, Nintendo would not have the gonads to put an official confirmed lesbian couple in their kid-friendly game no matter how G-rated “This lady’s the queen and her wife is also the queen” is as a concept. However, the woman in white also seems to be a person of importance to the Gerudo given that the guards are answering to her. There was mention of an “Ancestral Cave” elsewhere in the trailer. Could she maybe be a high priestess or keeper of some sort of sacred site of worship or burial who acts as a spiritual leader to the community?
As for the figure in blue with the gloves and the hat—they’re definitely also Gerudo, but they’re dressed in a very unusual way that sets them apart. My first guess was that this was an older woman, maybe the chief’s mother, who’s acting as an advisor given that they were standing next to the throne in the aforementioned screenshot. However, they don’t look that old, given that we’ve seen old people with wrinkles in Zelda’s court in the form of Imoa and her brother, so I have another guess.
This person might actually be a boy, the current Gerudo prince, who’s either too young to take an active part in political life, or is maybe the younger brother or spouse of the chief who’s relegated to acting in a more supportive role because of his age and gender. Their style of dress is much more formal and masculine, being somewhere between the draped turban and robes you’d expect Indian royalty to wear and the iconic blue and gold khepresh crown that some Egyptian pharaohs wore.
It’d be really interesting to get some insight into Gerudo politics, particularly if a prince who isn’t Ganondorf is involved! Also, partly because it’d give us some insight into what “went wrong” with this particular version of Ganon if we have a baseline about what the role of prince in Gerudo culture is normally supposed to be like.
Speaking of Ganon, assuming he himself isn’t just an “echo” sent by some greater force, it looks like he himself might’ve been actively looking into whatever force Tri was connected to based on how the tablet behind Zelda in the room where she was being imprisoned resembled the waypoints Tri can use to warp you around.
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Given that the Rifts seem to be “stealing” land tiles and making phantom echoes of monsters, and that the rift opening ability is tied to Ganon’s own “wand” that he uses to cast spells, could he have his own little helper buddy who’s given him the power to play Sim City in his own little pocket dimension? Is Ganon’s motive like the angry guy from the popup window in Sim City 2000, where he’s picking up his toys and starting a new Hyrule in the Dark World because Zelda’s dad cut back on transit funding for that year’s budget?
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Seriously, though, it’d be really cool if Ganon functioned as a “dark mirror” to Zelda during what will presumably be his actual final boss fight. (Come on, do you really think he’d be fine with playing second fiddle to a new antagonist if he had even the tiniest glimmer of his original personality left instead of being a soulless shell like in ALBW? He’s absolutely gonna be the final boss.)
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okay i know i just reblogged something on this and went on a rant there but jsut. kristoph gavins sprites. are so sprites. they’re just
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this transition messed me up so bad when i first saw it. kristoph isnt an intimidatingly designed guy but this is legit a little creepy
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also i dont know whats really going on with it but his arms are truly always crossed. screaming to the sky the name of his mortal enemy while his hair flies wildly behind him?
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arms crossed. utterly broken, unwound, spouting gibberish about the meaning of the court after hes already lost?
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arms. crossed. hes so tense. unbending. yet, after all the chips are down, rather than doing what you would expect and doubling down, stiffening into a stone statue, all of his body language reverses.
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what the hell is that? whats going on? theres something going on here but i dont know what it is.
also, pulling back to the first pose, its weirdly prevalent in other characters. apollo famously has it in his edgelord phase in dual destinies:
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ema, disturbingly has it as well:
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but you know who also has it? wocky goddamn kitaki. yeah.
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maybe it's just because im a bit of a paranoid person. but i saw that sprite recently and went into a full spiral for a hot second. im choosing to take it as a sign of how good The Kristoph Pose was as visual shorthand for Oh Shit. and, maybe to a degree, at demonstrating apollo "nervous energy incarnate" justice's own paranoia because of the whole perceive dealio. cuz lord knows he noticed when ema did it. and when wocky did it. his boss had been doing that while admitting to murder not a month prior. seeing wocky do it with his false bravado definitely raised his blood pressure. and ema was probably even worse, cuz i dont think she does it until after you give her the fingerprint powder and establish her as trustable. like imagine finally having someone on your side that doesnt speak in riddles or swing panties around and thank god youre normal and then. thump. heartbeat goes up. shes doing the thing. shut shes doing it. i know these signs. I've gotta get away i cant get sucked into this again i cant get tricked like this again i cant HAVE this again
and this isnt even getting into the glasses push. the hand devil. the eerie totally normal happy smile sprite. the one where all of his face muscles scrunch up. i dont really have a lot of thoughts on kris as a character but by god do i have thoughts on his spritework. he makes me want to learn to draw so i can drop his poses into things sporadically and use The Pose as shorthand the same way AJAA did
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oh-my-may · 4 months
I'm gonna start the post with a few paragraphs I wrote just a few days after the patch went live:
So I finished the first Remuria world quest - it was beautiful. And really not as long as I first expected it to be. I probably could have finished it on the first day if I wouldn't have been as tired as I was
First of all the new map is beautiful. You'd think after 3? patches of map expansions where we already got underwater stuff it would feel repetetive but somehow it looks and feels different and refreshing. Maybe because majority of the map are caves where you can walk normally or they're ruins... idk.
I couldn't help but draw parallels between Remuria and HSR's Penacony tho, especially look-wise, the talk of a dreamscape and the theme of music. Especially now after finishing Penacony 2.2 I can't help but feel the two are very similar in certain aspects... the motive of Harmony and Song and Peace and saving a people and Gods? Also the way Remuria looks is so similar to certain things in Penacony? I already said rhis in my post on HSR, this is absolutely no hate whatsoever. I reckon there's only so much you can do with these motives? It's interesting how differently it looks in both games tho.
So yeah, Remuria is beautiful. The music is an out of body experience and encapsulates the whole thing perfectly. I haven't explored all of the map yet, but I like the new mechanisms a lot. The floating books look so cool and just generally the significance of music through it all... *sigh* it's so enjoyable.
So far for Remuria... i definitely missed a few things I wanted to say but it's been like 2 weeks since I played this and I definitely forgot something haha
First of all she's broken omg. It is kind lf annoying that it'll take weeks to max out her talents, rn for me she's sitting at crowned NA and skill and burst are level 7 each. But she still hits for like over 50k with each normal attack when she has a bond of life. Don't even get me started on her with Yelan MY GOD.
Okay with that out of the way let me talk about her story quest. First of all I find it very intriguing that hyv gave up on the usual pattern of having the second weekly boss for a nation be tied to the Archon and their respective second story quest (besides Mond ig)... i mean yeah Fontaine's archon situatipn is very peculiar but technically Neuvilette has taken over the role for now, right? Neither him nor Furina getting a second story quest makes me think Neuvi's probably gonna get his way later because it'll be HUGE. Again I wanna say that lore wise Neuvi is my fav character... HES JUST SO FNDNDBDN. And Furina is probably gonna get a pretty "random" one at one point kinda like Yoimiya did or Cyno... like its gonna be a good quest but it'a gonna be random. ANYWAY
I wonder how much different I would habe perceived the quest if I hadn't watched the Animated Short about Arlecchino that they put on Youtube... like it's her whole backstory? I could see where the quest was going right from the beginning because of it... that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it, tho
Childe's little surprise cameo made me so happy c: MY BOY. He's alive snd well AND IN FONTAINE. Let me remind ypu we last officially saw him in the last Atchon quest gwtting yeeted into a black hole by Skirk. Then it was mentioned at the end that he was being treated and sent gome to Snezhnaya. Well...
The whole cryptic talk between Arle and Childe was quite interesting... so this project by the Fatui, right? (Forgot the name rn bc it's been a few days since I played the quest) Is it fonna be significant for Natlans story? What does it entail?? THE TEASE NNNNGNNGHH
I wonder if at some point in the game we're actually gonna see Lyney become the new head of House of the Hearth. Like... it's mentioned quite a lot in his story as well as in everything that has tp do with the House and Sröecchino herself... I wonder 🤔
Throughout the story I was reminded that one of the first things we heard about her (Childes voiceline that came out in like??? 3.0 or so???). It was that she would turn her back on and betray the Harbingers (AND THE TSARISTA) without second thought. She even says this herself in her voicelines. I just wonder what her ultimate goal is? To free herself from the curse? Which btw they tell us nothing about in the story. Story is all about the House and its inner workings and Arle's feelings about it and plans for the future (which I love btw but still not quite understand)... we also casually get told that Arle is not even that old??? Like the whole thing with Crucabena is so recent that Freminet remembers her???? Amd Arle was maybe a Teenager when she killed her so like??? She's only around 10 years older than the kids????
So how come she's a descendant from Khaenri'ah? I don't know if I read somewhere abput it or if its a rumor but not confirmed or if its said in her personal story which I haven't read yet but... she'a from the crimson moon dynasty? Or has some ties to it? And her curse is definitely related to it BUT WHAT IS HER CURSE EXACTLY. WHY DOES SHE HAVE IT. If she's only in maybe her late 20s she couldn't have been an actual Khaenriahn citizen (same as Kaeya and he still gives me the same headache thinking about this) so how does it all tie together in the end?? Does it have to do with the God of time maybe??? (Nevermind if this is talked about in her personal story in her profile I haven't read that yet)
So yeah... the fight woth her was so cool. The animation??? I saw people get upset about the fact that Traveler couldn't beat her but I actually love that?? Like... She'a #4 of the Harbingers and has some curse probably tied to Khaenriah and she KILLED A HARBINGER WHEN SHE WAS A TEENAGER??? Traveler nlt being this almighty MC makes them so much mlre likeable like yeah... they are obv far from having their actual power back? It took us ... how many times to fight Shuki No Kami before we could defeat it in the final try to learn all the patterns? The game wants to tell us that there's much more powerful enemies in Teyvat and rhis is only the beginning. Let me tell you yeah we beat Signora but it was Raiden who killed her... it was Zhongli who subdued Azhdaha. We only healed Apep with Nahidas help. Traveler has never been able to easily defeat these big enemies, they always had help. Yeah they have been getting stronger, they've been getting access to more elements but the bis enemies are just getting stronger and bigger too... I wonder where that will lead. Maybe the twins are only gonna get their true power bavk once they're united... ANYWAY
Her weekly boss fight is cool too. Using different mechanisms again, with the whole Bond of Life thing and all. She does this one attack in her second phase that I just... can't get behind tho. Someone always has to be the victim, THE SACRIFICE, to get me through haha. Idk how to dodge or avoid that attack. The one where she floats above the arena and then these bombs? Idk? Come down and basically crash down on the whole arena and I haven't found a spot where you can aboid getting hit and therefore killed immediately idk.
So yeah that's all for now. Very excited to play Cyno's second story quest. Heard only good things so far about it, which is good because I really didn't like his first one 💀 probably gonna get around to play it one of these days. Same as with the rest of Remuria exploration, gonna need mlre Clorinde funds :3
(Gonna add screenshots later, it's been so long that the ones I took aren't saved in the PS App anymore 💀)
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noroi1000 · 2 years
i loved the recent oneshot ! the way you did the outro at the first as an intro was quite nice and the oneshot was very nice overall ! reader's character is something I liked she's a badass powerful woman who's a good mother,it's so nice to see. This is more of a request which isn't that you're obliged to do it ( since mainly I wanted to tell u abt my ratings of this fic which is btw 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 ) but i'd like to know about reader's life and basically reader n satoru when their marriage was arranged till they got married and maybe married life before kids 🤭.
Have a good day 🌟
I don't love him but I want to be with him 2
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"I said fuck off..." you growled at your father who was standing in front of you.
"You can't just do that. (y/n), it will be perfect for our family if you marry someone from Gojo!" he shouted as he took a step towards you.
"You're supposed to be fucking normal... not mafia ties. Not that I care..."
"We'll be richer and safer if you do! In return, they only want half of our company."
You didn't want to agree. Why would you marry someone you don't know just for money?
Your family has run a company for generations that deals with finance, and foreign sales and purchases. It's been good for so many years, and now your father wants to shine in front of the mafia...
Well, for Him, terms about money are good. He would like to be the richest. And when some mafia tells him that for their influence in the company they offer higher wages and security, he can't just say no.
You knew what this would mean for the company.
Some of the goods that the company will buy are something like weapons or drugs. Or other even more expensive things. Every other mafia buys different things.
You don't want to get mixed up in some stuff that's illegal.
There's still a chance you'll end up in prison for life.
You don't want to spend the rest of your life in prison. Especially since you're 21, and you can't see sitting there forty...
You don't want to marry some old mob boss just so your father gets the benefit.
"Too late for you, (y/n). I have decided that you will marry the head of the Gojo family. Tomorrow they will come to sign the contract and then you will be legally married."
You hated your father...
You wanted him to regret it so badly.
Sitting in a dress on an armchair, you just looked at the tall white-haired man in front of you.
Plus for you, he wasn't old though.
And you didn't know that someone around your age would be the boss of such a powerful mafia.
One thing you know for sure...
You will never consider him your real husband.
You'd rather fall in love with someone else and cheat on them than spend your whole life with someone you don't love.
You won't love him, you won't like this new life.
But what is it?
Why was he so nice even in the first days of your marriage?
Why did he act like... As if he cared about something.
Your husband's name is Satoru...
You found out about it at the wedding when his full name was said.
You've never met him before. You've never even seen a man like him before.
He is just... He looks different than you might expect.
He is very different from the others.
And also his "family" is different.
His family is his friends, and people who respect him.
You've never seen anyone like him.
The people who were with him were completely different from him. But they all had one thing in common. They belong to his mafia.
Well, he... He was definitely different.
He didn't blow it off like you thought he would.
You even found out that your marriage was arranged by elders who used to be someone important in the Gojo family mafia.
Without his knowledge.
He too had no choice. He agreed for the sake of his "family".
Affiliation with a large company like your father's is safer than constantly playing with risks.
In this way, they can do their job without risking their lives so much.
You both had no choice.
That's why you were in this time.
He who gives his last name to a woman he doesn't even know is forced to associate with her as her husband.
You who are forced to take the Gojo name and live with a man you've never met and know you want to be with him.
You don't want to have more with him than you have. You just have to have papers that you are married. Nothing more.
No one is forcing you to be in a closer relationship.
You can have your own lives. May you only be married for the sake of your families.
And if you had to choose which side you'd be on, it'd be the Gojo family.
Their family is quite different from yours. Even though they work together, they treat each other as friends. Like a real family that is close to each other.
They protect each other and lead a happy life.
Unlike your family where everyone only cares about their own ass.
Especially your younger brother who is constantly planning with your father how he is going to take over the entire company.
When they finally got rid of you and married you to a mafia man, they were happy.
They earned even more than they could earn.
You didn't expect it, but you were welcomed into the Gojo family with open arms. They accepted you very quickly. Most of them were your friends. Your husband too. He was only one year older than you.
And there were several connections between you. You both hated your parents, your elders, and the other people who rule you. You both didn't like the fact that you were forced to be married.
Besides, you liked the way he acted. He was funny and sometimes cute.
Completely different from what you'd expect from the boss of such a powerful mafia.
Something happened that you promised yourself would never happen.
You started to like him...
You enjoyed living with him.
You couldn't fall in love with him.
But you sure felt better with him around.
He was like your very close friend. Or like a lover.
It started small, but you started living together, and it just got better.
Getting better and better. Like it was never meant to be.
Well he left the life he had.
He spent most of his time at home.
You weren't in love, but you got along well.
Your life was coming. Until finally you had sex without any restrictions.
You felt like he was your sex lover. But at least you didn't betray him once.
You think it would be stupid to have a marriage where you're supposed to be together but you both cheat on each other.
So you thought that since he can fill all your needs, there's no point in looking for someone else.
All needs except love.
However, he started kissing and hugging you. He spoke sweet words to you. Even if he knew you didn't love him. Was he starting to fall in love with you?
You couldn't believe what you heard from Shoko and Utahime... A man who has been a playboy since he was old enough, but he isn't anymore.
Ever since he was 16, he's had different girlfriends all the time. Ever since he was an adult, he'd flipped women between those he'd already fucked and those he hadn't yet. Mafia playboy.
That's why when you saw him when he was at home all the time, you were surprised that he didn't go out with any woman to have fun.
Even worse, when you accidentally caught him masturbating, it was even more surprising.
He was always using someone else for his pleasure whenever he felt like it. And now he was the one trying to do something with himself. You could help him this time...
"I don't want to be that kind of man anymore, no matter where he goes, goes on a date and then wakes up alone in bed the next day anyway." he told you one day. "Is it possible that I'm starting to fall in love with my wife?"
Maybe he was starting to love you, you like him.
You have to admit that living with all of them is nice for you.
You are so happy. From your comfortable and pleasant life.
You want to stay with him. You want to stay where you are. You want to remain his wife. You want to live as you do now. Happily.
Maybe you can start a family with him? To make sure your happiness in the Gojo family lasts longer.
Maybe you can give him a baby to at least ensure you don't lose that happiness?
You always regretted and hated that you had to get married.
And now...
You feel happy after the year you've been with him.
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ravenbloodshot · 1 year
Cillian Murphy (Actor)... Pet Peeves Reading (sort of)
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Could be a pretty impatient (go go go) type of man so he doesn't like when ppl are in his way, in his walking path. But also career wise (in his way) or in anything else he's set his mind to do. He likely tunnel visions when he's focusing on a task or work so if you were to get in his way during that time he might literally nudge you out the way or speak bluntly/aggressively to you until you get lost
He hates ppl that believe the world revolves around them (I heard "snarky bitches"). I definitely feel this energy is directed at prissy ass celebrities that walk around like their blood doesn't run red like everyone else (celebs that have a superiority complex and view themself higher than regular ppl. I also lowkey think he doesn't like to hang around celebs outside of work/events. He could surround himself with a lot of normal ppl, maybe even the type to disguise himself and go to regular clubs/bars just to converse with non celebs
I don't know what's going on but this guy's energy is strange (not in a good or bad way). It's just that his energy seems to want me to ask him about his personality or just ask things that go a little deeper about him (its like when you meet a talkative stranger that's lonely and as soon as you strike up conversation with them they won't quit talking). So guy's, I'm going to follow his lead and switch to a personality reading on him since he seems to want that.
He's quite childlike and innocent, very careless and a freedom seeker so he can find himself in trouble and can't get himself out of it (calling his family, manager etc. .. to help him out of his mess even when he's been warned beforehand not to do certain things). He can be a bit too trusting of ppl and doesn't have enough boundaries set against ppl who wish him no good. He's like a guy that befriends a homeless person (not exactly a bad thing) but if that person had bad intentions, he would never notice it or put two and two together to why money in his wallet keeps going missing and other things of that sort
He's a very creative man with a lot of self confidence in his skills, looks and abilities. He knows very well what the public wants from him and he's self assured that he can constantly meet their expectations (even exceed it). I've never watched the show Peaky Blinders but I think the character he played has a similar personality to him and I mean that for his good + bad qualities. Because I'm also seeing a temper that rolls deep, like a destructive temper in which he doesn't care what he says or what he does. He just wants to get back at whoever pissed him off. He could have a problem letting things go especially slights against him
He's a very romantic and loving man that knows how to charm and bring that ultra passion in romantic relationships but he could also use his charms on everyone (likely unintentionally since his Venus in Taurus just makes him a naturally flirtatious man) but he could make a lot of ppl want him, damn near do anything to be with him
I do see he's quite bossy and pushy, doesn't really take no for an answer (a card came out saying "Shut your mouth and listen"). I think when he commands ppl, they tend to listen not just because of who he his but his voice may carry power (especially when he's bossing ppl around)
Yeah this guy is very bossy, he's used to being listened to and having things his way, and he definitely got his way with the direction of this reading lol. It's like his energy was like "Nah, don't ask me about that. Take a deeper look at my personality instead" and it didn't feel like he was asking but that he was telling me
Roll Deep by Hyuna is a song that fits this readings energy
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jenyifer · 3 months
The Trainee Ep 2 initial reaction
Slight disclaimer I did watch the episode 1/4 3/4 because YouTube is a cruel mistress and I’m dumb lmao. But I assume if anyone has seen my watching series you’d know I don’t really offer much of intellect anyways sooooo
Let’s get on to the photo review
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Quick note here Ryan is a lot more relatable believable character to me in comparison to Chef Prem? I think it’s good writing and set in these scenes with Ryan at his dad’s shop really do a lot to establish who he is as a person. We can see his family circle is hard working and maybe isn’t the best with their feelings. We still see Ryan’s family does take care of each other in important ways and understands to some extent. Also very relatable to be a recent grad with no direction or going to university without passion because you know your family needs you. Idk I like Ryan. He’s not quirky for quirky sake. He’s believably broken in predictable ways.
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Ugh couples are the worst. Also performative gestures like this are so stupid now you might say it’s comedy. However I’ve enjoyed a couple office romance interns edition and it’s ways sickening. Just like highschool sweethearts that kind of sweet where they are blind or trying to make others jealous because of their own inadequacies with themselves
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I’ll say this it is good for new members of staff to learn to speak their mind quickly because if they don’t contribute you are missing out on new ideas and eyes. Also Jane/Off is so handsome my brain would definitely malfunction. A person in control who knows what he wants 🥵 sexy. Also Off’s irration just scratches a good itch in my brain makes me think of Sean 😩😩
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A very important bonding activity converting the non nerds to the joys of Harry Potter and other pop culture. A dance as old as time. My older coworkers try to get everyone to watch their pop culture references too. It’s really an unspoken office life normality. I really wasn’t expecting so many references though. But I still love Harry Potter because idk I see the good parts of the story and adore it. Yes yes I can now see the racism and the transphobia (the dream of Malfoy’s cronies turning into girls) also preachiness about sexism when needed. But I also see the fandom that raised me. The various queer friends I met because of my love of the boy who lived. Something I won’t have had in Mississippi. The books that always comforted me since I was 6 years old quoting the first book. the theme parks that still take my breath away when I go to visit Universal Orlando on the weekends. The queer and loving people who work there and are all too happy to make a child’s dream come true or adult look in wonder at something they have missed. (Sorry for the tangent)
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Oh no it’s Gun’s arguably greatest talent crying in character. I felt like I could feel the fear and panic building in Ryan to this point which… if you aren’t crying in the first several days at your big kid job because you feel like an imposter who can’t do shit and will never be trusted? I can’t relate to you. Hell I got a new job a couple months ago. For a month I cried most days when I got home because I felt so awful about my capabilities even though I’ve worked 7 years in my field. It’s normal. Also Jane being shocked by this is hilarious you aren’t telling me he hasn’t broken someone down into tears before.
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Oh no here it is folks Jane just enjoying Ryan’s energy and believing in him for no reason. Gun’s tears are very potent and can melt any wall I’m surprised Jane isn’t pulling him in for hugs.
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Jane trying his best to keep Ryan without directly forcing him to stay was masterful as a boss. As a Simp it could use work but it’s a start put the ball in Ryan’s court with hope. Jane wants Ryan to grow and experience life which is good as a boss.
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Awwwwwwwwww happy gunnie/ryan he’s so tired and anxious now he’s found solace in Jane’s words nothing can bring him down. He’s precious someone put him in my pocket.
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rogerswifesblog · 2 years
My character is hired as a maid for the Thrombey home. Ransom takes an interest in her, she’s a challenge for him, refusing his “requests” yet she subtly teases him. Until he’s had enough and makes his move.
Ransom😩😍 sorry for taking so long love<3 I hope you’ll like it<3
Breaking point
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Warnings: masturbation [ f & m ], voyeurism, exhibitionism, implied oral [ m receiving ], fingering, kinda wife kink? But not really
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x Reader
The five times Ransom held back and the one time he didn’t.
He was no kid.
He was a grown ass man, not being able to take care of himself? You couldn’t believe Linda didn’t tell you this little detail. It’s not like you wouldn’t do it-because you totally would-they’d pay you a lot of money.
He was a grown ass man, not being able to take care of himself? You couldn’t believe Linda didn’t tell you this little detail. It’s not like you wouldn’t do it-because you totally would-they’d pay you a lot of money.
He was a grown ass man, not being able to take care of himself? You couldn’t believe Linda didn’t tell you this little detail. It’s not like you wouldn’t do it-because you totally would-they’d pay you a lot of money.
You should’ve suspected they had a reason to pay this much, for literally living with their son.
As soon as Ransom had seen you, he couldn’t stop himself from approaching you, caging you against the fridge. “Hey, Darl-“ “Great, you must be Hugh, the son I’m going to babysit for the next month,” you said, pushing him away and once again finishing what you’ve been doing.
He looked slightly offended.
“You won’t be babysitting me, you’re here to take care of my house. Not me.” You hummed quietly, shaking your head slightly about his words. “I’ll be cooking, cleaning-including your laundry-and how your mother had phrased it taking care of her son, sounds very much like babysitting. Now please go sit at the table and I’ll make you something to eat, boy,” you said sweetly, patting his chest gently.
He huffed, but did as told-which actually surprised the both of you. Normally he’d definitely wouldn’t have listened to anyone.
While you paced around the kitchen, Ransom’s eyes didn’t leave your body, not even for a second. “But I am still your boss, right?” He asked, making you roll your eyes. He wasn’t wrong.
But It didn’t mean you had to be friends with him-you didn’t even need to really interact with him. He wasn’t the one who paid you. It was his mother.
“Yes, of course you are, Mr Drysdale,” you mumbled sweetly, turning around and starting to set the table for him. Of course he noticed the lack of your plate. “Join me, darling,” said the man.
Just in time you stopped the sigh, that nearly escaped your lips.
Maybe you shouldn’t have taken the job.
After a few days Ransom started to accept your ignorance to his flirting-it annoyed him, but he decided to leave you alone. Well. It didn’t mean he wasn’t allowed to look.
You found a package on your bed, just waiting for you to open it, even though you hadn’t ordered anything. Maybe it was a mistake?
But as soon as you opened the package you knew it definitely was not a mistake.
That bastard of a manchild.
Just as you wanted to confront Ransom, you decided otherwise. If he wanted to play a game…you’d do it even better.
Putting on the clothes Ransom had bought you, you grabbed the clean laundry and went to the living room, where you knew he’d be. Without saying anything you started folding his soft sweaters on the couch next to him.
It only took him a few seconds to realize what you were wearing.
He hadn’t expected for you to just do it. Without having said a word? No protest?
You felt slightly exposed, wearing this outfit; a short maid uniform, which was closer to a erotic costume than a real uniform. It was short, only covering the top of your thighs, probably showing your butt if you bend down to pick something up. Your legs were covered with long, white stockings and your arms in white gloves. The worst part were the shoes-god damn high heels.
You’d definitely made Ransom regret ordering these clothes. You already planned to step accidentally on his foot.
“Mr Drysdale, where would you like me to put your sweaters?” You asked sweetly, coming closer, till your legs were nearly between his massive thighs, that he spreaded even further.
You had to admit he was an attractive man.
Maybe you could sit on his thigh? Just one time and never again? For a moment you lost yourself in these thoughts, which Ransom noticed.
“Is there anything you’d like to do, besides folding these sweaters?” He grinned, letting his gaze slide along your body, looking at your lips for a moment longer than necessary.
You held back a cocky smirk. “Of course, Mr Drysdale,” saying that, you put the sweaters aside, pulling your hair in a ponytail, while Ransom pinched his thigh, just to make sure he wasn’t dreaming-he definitely wasn’t.
With a teasing smile on your lips, you lowered yourself on your knees, holding onto his thighs for support, which he spread even wider, slowly sliding closer to you.
His hand was already on his belt, opening it, when you bent down lower, pulling out the TV remote from under the couch, that had fallen under it. Your gaze fell onto his crotch, where he could already feel himself twitch, gasping shockingly. “Mr Drysdale!” You stood up, taking a few steps back. For a moment Ransom felt his blood run cold.
He may be an ass, but he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. Did he really misunderstood it all?
But the mischievous smirk creeping onto your lips told him otherwise. You did it on purpose.
As quick as the smirk had appeared, it was already gone and replaced with your sweet smile. “You asked me what I wanted to do-I’d just like to watch some TV. I had a long day.” With that, you sat down next to him.
He definitely regretted buying you this outfit, when you put your legs over the armrest, making the skirt look even shorter.
He wanted to touch you so badly…
But he couldn’t.
And he shouldn’t be even thinking about it.
And you wanted to see how far you could go till he snapped.
The next couple of days seemed different, very different.
Something between the two of you had shifted after he had ordered the uniform. Normally you had left your room, only when needed. But now it’s like you were everywhere.
Ransom couldn’t look up from anywhere without seeing your or at least your reflection. You were currently vacuuming the living room, where he had been reading a book. His concentration was on you, as soon as you walked into the room.
Bending slightly forward to have a better grip and access, you started vacuuming the room, like you always did. Normally you had always tried to avoid Ransom, doing every task in the other rooms, where he wasn’t sitting around-but this changed.
Ransom looked up for just a second-and he felt his breath hitch. He could see your panties.
Your little panties, barely covering your crotch-if he tried, he’d probably be able to make out the outline of your pussy. Why the hell did he think this was a good idea? Well, he definitely enjoyed the view, but it didn’t help his throbbing dick that he had to take care of.
Every. Single. Night.
It would be much better if he could just bury himself in your hot, wet- “Ransom? Mr Drysdale?” Your sweet voice interrupted his inappropriate thoughts. “Yes? What did you say?” Asked the man, feeling his blood rush to his cheeks, making him blush. He hadn’t even noticed when you had turned off the vacuum cleaner.
There was that smirk again.
“I asked if you wanted something for your thirst, maybe something hot?” He really wasn’t sure if he imagined the double meaning of your words or if you said it on purpose. Especially when you stepped closer, making him look up at you-even though his gaze lingered on your thighs for a few seconds more. “Yes, I’d like that, darling. I’m very thirsty,” mumbled the man, gently letting his fingertips caress your stocking clad leg.
“Great, I’ll make you a tea, Ransom,” with a wink you pat his shoulder, before turning around and leaving the living room.
He could literally combust.
The next time his frustration grew even more was when you had a free weekend and decided to go out with your friends.
He had only seen you for a few minutes, before you left the house with a don't wait up for me, I have plans for tonight. And of course he waited, even though he really hadn’t planned on doing it-but when he saw you leave the house in such a revealing dress, he wanted to make sure you’d come back home, safely.
Also because he really would love to see that dress again. On the floor.
He waited.
And he waited.
And he nodded off around three a.m.
The door opening and closing woke him up. His gaze fell on his watch. It was nearly six in the morning. What the fuck.
Ransom walked to the door, watching you trying to take off your shoes. He could see your hair was a mess-so was your makeup. Your lipstick was smeared over your lips and chin, while your mascara seemed to have streamed down your cheeks and been wiped away quickly. But you seemed pretty…relaxed.
“What the hell happened to you?” Ransom's voice made you look up at him, slightly surprised seeing him. A little grin spread over your lips, while you stumbled into his arms, not only because of the rest of alcohol in your blood, but also because of your wobbly well-fucked legs.
His hands found your waist, pulling you unintentionally a bit closer.
“Nothing happened to me…nothing bad at least,” you mumbled, letting your gaze slide over his chest. You knew he was ripped. Huge muscles, covered by these soft sweaters…
“Come on, Ransom, have you never seen a well-fucked woman before? Hm…probably not,” you teased, letting go of him and stumbling a few steps away from him. He felt his hands twitch, wanting to grab you, pull you closer…rip the ridiculous thong you called underwear from your body, exposing you to him. Fuck you against the hallway wall-
He came a step closer, but not touching you. He couldn’t.
“If you’d had been well-fucked, you wouldn’t be still walking….” he stepped once again a bit closer. “That’s what I call fucking a woman well.” A smirk spread over your lips, when he heard your little gasp.
But your surprise quickly disappeared. “Good, I’ll tell my next fuck-buddy you said that, boss.” With that you were gone.
Ransom had to squeeze his dick for some relief.
The next day he watched you limb around the house, once again in that cute, little uniform, barely covering your ass. Making him breakfast, even though you probably slept a few hours. You’d be a great wife. Taking care of your husband. Him.
Ransom wanted to fuck you right then and there, right in the kitchen, while you were making food for him. He knew you’d take him so well. You wouldn’t say anything, just let him take you as he pleased. Letting him use you, filling you…a quiet moan escaped his lips when he pictured you, naked in the corner. He couldn’t think of breakfast.
“Everything okay, Mr Drysdale? You’re staring.” There was once again a little smirk on your lips, while you bent down to grab something from the fridge, showing him your white panties.
His blood rushed to his dick immediately, so quickly was actually surprised he didn’t faint. He was hard as a rock within seconds, feeling his cock throb in his sweatpants. Without looking down he knew there was a tent created visible in his pants, so he pulled the chair in front of himself.
“I just wanted to say…you can-” he cleared his throat. “You can take the day off. You had a long night.”
“Thank you, Mr Drysdale,” within a few minutes you had finished the breakfast, leaving Ransom and going to your room.
You didn’t close the door, leaving it a jar open, so anyone looking inside could see your bed.
Taking off all your clothes, intentionally leaving your panties on the hallway right before your door, you laid naked on your bed, with your vibrator in hand.
Within minutes you felt yourself getting wet, thinking about Ransom being able to look into your room anytime-it made you moan his name loudly.
Hearing steps by your door, you let your free hand grab your boobs, twirling your nipple and pulling slightly. A quiet moan made your grin. It didn’t come from you.
Ransom had grabbed the white material on the floor, not knowing what it was.
Then he realized two things.
First, These were the panties you had been wearing a few minutes ago.
Second, You were laying on the bed, naked and spread out for him to watch. His eyes were glued to your breasts, which you were grabbing and twisting your nipples. For a moment he also watched your face, twisted in pleasure.
But then he laid eyes on your glistening cunt. You were pumping your vibrator in your pussy, with a filthy squelch.
He hadn’t realized when he started stroking his own cock.
He really shouldn’t be doing this. But he couldn’t stop looking at your beautiful body.
A quiet moan escaped his lips and he stopped his movement, scared you’d have heard him-but you kept knowing.
He had no idea this was all your plan from the beginning.
Ransom couldn’t keep his eyes from you, while he stroked himself till he came, especially hearing you cry out his name when you came all over your vibrator and fingers. His orgasm rushed over him intensely enough, for him needing to support himself on the wall for a few seconds.
After you calmed down a bit more, cleaned up and put some clothes on, you walked to your door and smirked slightly.
Your panties were gone.
Ransom avoided you for the next couple of days, making you grin to yourself all the time.
Just like always you made Ransom breakfast, with a coffee and a piece of cake, you had baked the day before.
But this time you sat with him, in front of him, something you had never done before.
It was nice to not eat alone, so he didn’t complain. Maybe you felt the same need to sit with someone during a meal?
“Have you, maybe found something from my laundry in your clothes? I think I accidentally left something between your things,” you said, while eating your avocado toast. Ransom felt himself blush slightly. His first thought was your underwear. He had taken it with him, after coming all over it.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” He drank a sip from his coffee-nearly spitting it out, when he felt your high heel press against his thigh. Uncontrollably he spread his legs a bit wider, looking down at his crotch, where he could already see your high heel, dangerously close to his dick.
His dick, which started to harden.
You were looking at him from under your eyelashes, nibbling at your toast. “Hmm…no? I could swear I’m missing something. Are you really sure you haven’t found anything?” You pressed against his throbbing dick, making him moan loudly.
He didn’t even hide it at this point. Not with you pressing against his cock, rubbing it till he was completely hard and twitching, leaking pre-cum.
“Hm, okay, maybe I was wrong. Thank you for your…honesty,” you smirked, pressing even stronger against his hard dick, making him tremble.
You ate your breakfast, never stopping rubbing his dick through his sweatpants. Ransom couldn’t concentrate on his food anymore, just enjoying the feeling of you.
And you couldn’t believe how calm he was. When would this man finally snap?
When his face scrunched up in please, you couldn’t stop yourself from grinning, watching the silent moan escaping him, when he spills in his boxershorts, quietly whispering your name.
Then you went on doing all your chores, like nothing happened.
You decided to take it a step further. How would he react now?
Doing all your chores, Ransom watched you, like he always did.
Only when you bend down did he realize something was different. Very, very different. He grabbed himself through his pants, squeezing his hard dick for some relief.
“You have to be kidding me,” he mumbled, stepping closer and grabbing your neck, pulling you against his chest. “You have to be fucking kidding me,” he whispered against your lips, before crashing his lips against yours in a bruising kiss, while his hand found it’s way to your bare core.
His fingers rubbed along your wet folds, before he sunk in, burying two fingers deep into your throbbing pussy, making you moan loudly. “I’ve been dreaming to do this-watching you walk around in this-god it made me crazy,” he mumbled against your neck, pumping his finger quickly into your squelching hole.
“I know you left your door open on purpose-having me watch you, huh? Did you like that? Knowing that I’m there, right behind your door, watching-listening how you moan my name?” His thumb rubbed over your clitoris, while you grabbed his sweater, pulling him in closer. “Yes-I did-I did it on purpose,” you whined in his ear, feeling yourself coming closer to the edge.
Just before you could come, he took his hand away and pulled you to the couch. “No, wait-” you mumbled, feeling the orgasm being ripped away from you.
“Don’t worry Darling. You’ll beg me to stop making you cum when I’m done with you,” said the man, pulling you over his lap, once again thrusting his fingers into your cunt, this time three of them. The burn of the stretch added to the pleasure, making you gasp loudly against his neck.
He kissed along your neck, pushing the strap of your dress from your shoulder, so he could have more room to kiss along your skin. Pushing the dress to reveal your breasts he suckled your nipples. He curled his fingers, hitting your g-spot perfectly.
A sudden orgasm rushed over you, making you squeeze around his fingers, while your juices coated his hand. Ransom gasped against your nape, before biting gently into it. “Fuck darling-I can’t wait to fuck you,” he mumbled, standing up with you, walking with your to his bedroom.
“I’ll show you everything I wanted to do to you, all these weeks…” he whispered, putting you down on the bed.
“You’ll find out how well-fucked really feels like.”
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Don’t forget to leave some feedback <3
I hope you enjoyed it.
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goose-duck · 3 months
Creepypasta x reader
Obscene Normality (ch.1)
Obtusely normal reader bc I'm tired of reader being either some cute little critter or some badass killer or smth idk free me, this story is trying to be realistic but also not, yknow? Maybe you don't, but I do.
What's it about? Well, it's just you interacting with the creepypastas but it's realistic, kinda, I'm trying my best. That's the gist of it.
Characters: Hoodie, masky, toby, you
Probably shorter than you expect, I tend you give up half way with stories, so, maybe this'll have a few parts to it or smth
I was chilling at my job. It's a 9-5 job, very fun. Actually, it doesn't completely suck, I'm almost my own boss so that's fun. I'm daytime security at a museum in a small town. We get two guests a day if we're lucky, it's nothing special. The place functions more as a pit stop for directions but some people actually care about the artifacts and information. Not me though, I honestly can't be bothered. It's not that I don't like learning about this stuff, it's just, I work here, so, I don't wanna, yknow? Gotta be as defiant as defiant ad possible I guess.. maybe I should talk to a therapist about that...eh...I don't have the money...hence why I work six days a week. Yeah. Six. Anyway, not the point. I'm the only person here. You'd think there'd be someone who specializes in historical stuff, or at least my boss, but no. It's just me. So, as you'd imagine I get the creeps sometimes, but ultimately it's nit that bad, I have internet and no one to tell me what I can and can't do so I just chill all day and get paid for it. I don't get a lunch break though, which i think is illegal, but I don't care enough to deal with it.
Today is another normal day, as previously mentioned, nothing ever happens here. So I'm just sitting at a desk in the library part of the building, it's just got death records in it, nothing special, I organized them when I first got here three years ago. Crazy...it's been three years, you'd think I'd have gone crazy with such a lovey job by now, but I've still got most of my marbles. Or maybe those are dice? Where are my dice..? Probably somewhere in my room...I should clean up after work...that sounds like something smart for me to do.
A few odd guys walk in the front door. Not my place to judge...but.. they look off. Maybe they're cosplayers? But what are they doing at a museum...whatever...like I said, not my place to judge. However...no one will reprimand me for drawing these strange guys.. so that's what I'll do. I begin drawing the first one I saw...he has a mask or mussel on his face...seems like he's got a gash on his cheek hidden under it. I run my tongue along the scar on my inner cheek...I used to chew on my cheek..is that what would have happened if I never stopped? I guess that makes sense...but why the face covering? And the goggles? Eh...my dad wears sunglasses inside, this isn't nearly as bad, at least these have some style to them and match the rest of this guy's outfit. There's this other guy, ugly yellow hoodie...sorry yellow lovers...but he doesn't make it work. He's got a robbers mask with a red frowny face on it...uh...let's hope he doesn't rob the place, I don't wanna have to do my job. Now for the third guy...mask guy...sideburns guy...less in shape markiplier? I don't know...I wonder if he's good looking under the mask...I like his physic...I shouldn't be fantasizing about random men I see while at work. Sorry. Who am I apologizing to? This is definitely becoming a problem...I'm apologizing to myself for being weird now.
The masked man walks over to me, he just kinda looks at me, nods, then continues on his way. I think he was trying to reassure me they aren't here to steal.. given their outfits that's appreciated...I guess maybe they really are just cosplayers...maybe I should ask who the characters are? Do I care enough for that? Yeah...but I'll let them walk around a but first...I'll ask when they're on the way out.
After a little while I get bored of just sitting around so I start wondering around the building...maybe I'll run into the guys again. Oh wow...that was quick. It didn't take long to run into the trio again, they're standing around some death records, looking for someone...obviously.
"Yo, need anything? I can help if you're looking for someone." I say politely but still trying to keep it casual.
The man in the hoodie responds, "No, but thank you. We'll just look for ourselves." He's kind about it, but I get the feeling he just wants me to leave.
I notice the guy with the goggles twitching.. I wonder what neurological disorder he has..not my business. I turn around and walk away. I'll ask about the cosplays later. I decided to just go wait around at the front doors so I won't miss them when they leave. I just lollygag around, playing games on my phone to pass the time.
It doesn't take long before the men are back, looking like they're going for the exit, I quickly get their attention, "hey, yall enjoy your time here?"
The twitchy man with the goggles answers, "Y-yeah it.. it was good. Found what I I I...I was looking for." He seemed to be getting annoyed by his own tics and stuttering as he talked.
The masked man and hooded man both nod in agreement with goggles' response.
"That's good!" I give them a soft smile, "may I ask something before you leave?"
"Sure." The hooded man blankly states.
I get a little nervous, holding my hands together and twiddling my thumbs, what if I'm wrong and they just dress like this? Maybe I won't ask...
"Uh...um...ah...never mind." I stammer out tp the three men.
The masked man rolls his eyes, "okay, bye then."
I quickly respond with a small wave, "see ya! Have a nice day!"
The three men then leave and I'm left all alone again.
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tinyliltina · 21 days
The hallways were quiet. They normally were in the manor, save the usual hustle and bustle of workers trying to maintain the estate. Chris meandered down a corridor. She was eager for a break after making lunch and dinner for her employers. They’d been planning a summer banquet among themselves and staff, and the preparation left the brunette with an aching back.
She stepped into one of the media rooms, hoping to catch a show or two before heading off to rest. As she stepped in, she paused. In the middle of the room was a massive figure, curled up in a ball. His wings were spread slightly, covering some of his bulky stomach, paws stretched out on the carpeted floor. Tan scales reflected the light of the food network on screen, and the dragon’s red mane looked a mess. She took another step.
A story I wrote with my character Chris and @sindumpster’s/Wiggs’ character Jake in our Rich!Verse AU! I love Jake n Wiggs is super cool, if you don’t follow them and like vore+good storytelling, go check him out!! Rest of the story is below! ^^
One of Jake’s ears twitched, though his breathing remained even, steady. Chris moved closer. Her eyes shifted to one of the couches lining the room, and her hands grazed a blanket. She pulled it with her. This was a unique opportunity. It was rare to see Jake in his full form. Rarer still to see him openly dozing. Last she’d seen him, he didn't seem sick…so no indication for her to put her medical skills to use.
She crept forward, bundling the blanket up as she moved closer. Closer. She could feel the heat radiating off of Jake. His breathing, accented with snores, remained slow and steady. Eyes closed. All good signs. Now, for the tricky part. Chris lowered herself to the ground, trying to get a good angle with his wing. She tilted her head. If she lifted it just a tad…she’d be able to wriggle underneath. Probably. Hopefully without waking her boss.
Chris inched forward. Cautious fingers nudged the edge of Jake’s wing. No response. She gently pulled on the wing, lifting it slightly. How many humans had this opportunity? To be so close to a living, breathing dragon? Her brief interlude of thought was interrupted by a shift. Jake’s wing lifted up and over the human, then wrapped around her back. Before she really registered it, she was ushered to Jake’s side, against his plush middle.
She barely restrained a squeak. Chris sucked in a breath. Jake seemed to shift slightly, before he settled down, his wing now covering Chris and holding her against him. She couldn’t get a look at the dragon’s face from this angle…no doubt he’d done it in his sleep. Wouldn’t be the strangest thing she’d seen Jake do while dozing.
She twisted slightly. Jake’s stomach burbled beside her. From here, she could feel it rising and falling with his quiet snores. It was soft to the touch, malleable, like a pile of warm dough. She could feel his scales brush against her, but they didn’t feel hard per se. Maybe that had to do with the size of him… According to Kurt, by dragon standards Jake was big. Granted, he ate enough for three people his size. Chris would know. She prepared most of his meals.
All things considered, this was comfortable. Maybe not quite what she’d expect being cuddled by a dragon, but definitely not uncomfortable. In a way, the gentle sounds of his sleeping reminded her of being inside…without the drool and his cocky snark, of course. Filing the information for later, she stretched out. Waking Jake most likely meant sleeping inside his stomach, rather than next to it, and she had no desire to take the many showers that followed tum time.
May as well enjoy the cuddles while she could.
Jake settled around the little cook, eyes drifting closed once more. He’d been curious when the human came into the media room, almost thinking she’d come to prank him, maybe draw another mustache on him in his sleep. When she’d started coming closer, he almost snapped her up just for the hell of it. But…instead, he’d ensured she’d be nice and close. She’d blame it on him sleeping, surely.
His wing relaxed around the added presence. When she woke him up inevitably, he’d revert back to his usual snark, and make her regret it. Couldn’t have her getting too comfortable…though this felt…nice. A little nice. Not that he needed the attention. Besides, for now, he didn’t have the energy to eat her. He was too tired. The dragon let out a short sigh.
May as well indulge in the attention while he could.
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woodchipp · 5 months
Hii, to be honest I don't really care that much about criticizing the game, I think people can have whatever interpretation they want, personally I adore the game because I played it during a tough time in my life!
The only thing I wanna point out is that in your most recent post about Sunny recieving the violin, a lot of your points feel kinda off to me? I'd just like to mention that it makes sense that his friends had to tell him about their jobs rather than flashbacks because that'd mean a double flashback, show don't tell is great and all but it doesn't mean only show and no tell! I do think the game can be heavy handed but that scene feels justified and natural as it was a surprise for Sunny and they're telling him about it.
The other thing I'd like to mention is that I feel like picking apart Sunny's reaction can go into some dangerous territory. As someone with autism, I don't react the way people expect, when I am given gifts I don't always express my emotions about it. Sunny is characterized as quiet, maybe nonverbal, and not very expressive, and I relate to him a lot because of that! I'm not saying you're able ableist at all, just suggesting you keep in mind that just because he isn't portrayed in a normal neurotypical sense doesn't mean he is characterized as an asshole. There are real people who act like that when given gifts, and to say he is a bad person because of that can hurt the real life people who don't express emotion the way people expect!
Thanks for reading this, sorry if my tone came off weird at all, I am genuinely trying to be positive and give my silly little input as a neurodivergent person myself <3
Hi! Thank you for such a civil ask. I appreciate it a lot :D
it makes sense that his friends had to tell him about their jobs rather than flashbacks because that'd mean a double flashback
The flashbacks I was talking about could've been spread throughout the game and foreshadowed his friends buying the violin, not nested in the Christmas flashback. Of course, that'd necessitate changes to the story's structure and all that entails.
Said Christmas flashback could've been foreshadowed even without changing the story too much by having characters say something to the effect of "Oh hey, I used to work for that place! Back when..." and then abruptly stopping since further elaboration would require them to bring up the time when Mari was still alive.
that scene feels justified and natural as it was a surprise for Sunny and they're telling him about it.
My issue was more that the infodump feels incredibly awkward since it's the first time the player is ever told all of that information, and it's right before the final boss fight at that. Additionally, the phrasing still implies that Sunny is completely uninvolved in everyone's lives to the point he wouldn't notice or care that his own sister got a job.
The other thing I'd like to mention is that I feel like picking apart Sunny's reaction can go into some dangerous territory. As someone with autism, I don't react the way people expect, when I am given gifts I don't always express my emotions about it. Sunny is characterized as quiet, maybe nonverbal, and not very expressive, and I relate to him a lot because of that! I'm not saying you're able ableist at all, just suggesting you keep in mind that just because he isn't portrayed in a normal neurotypical sense doesn't mean he is characterized as an asshole. There are real people who act like that when given gifts, and to say he is a bad person because of that can hurt the real life people who don't express emotion the way people expect!
If you relate to Sunny or interpret him as autistic, more power to you! I'd rather not use unsubstantiated interpretations as arguments when discussing what happens in the game proper, though.
There is no definitive canonical evidence to confirm Sunny himself is autistic, nor was it ever confirmed by the writer or anyone else out of the developer team. As far as I know, it's just a headcanon.
My issue with Sunny's reaction isn't that he's not outwardly happy. It pertains to a bigger problem with how he's characterized - I can't tell what he's feeling most of the time because he has no real personality to speak of. Nothing about him shows that he genuinely cares for his friends deep down (Headspace doesn't count), and his actions in the real world paint him as profoundly unpleasant at best. That problem, in conjunction with the fact we're never told what he actually wanted for that Christmas (or whether he wanted anything in the first place), means I can only read his "reaction" as him being displeased with his friends' heartfelt gift but accepting it just because he needed to look polite.
All in all, I think this has nothing to do with autism. He's really just an asshole.
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love getting out of hand || takeru danma
Hatter | Takeru Danma x Male!Reader
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- Hatter | Takeru Danma x male!Reader with definite hints to Shuntaro Chishiya x male!reader
- summary ; you’re a member of the Beach-- once of the executives who is tasked with keeping the life of the party up in favor for Hatter. you might’ve given up on life if the Beach hadn’t came into your life, so you have a lot of admiration for the leader. maybe a little more than just admiration, but you’ll keep that to yourself
- A/N ; This is like one of the first works that I'm ever publishing. Super nervous about it because honestly I haven’t seen season 1 in like a year- I do plan on rewatching! Just waiting for a friend. But anyways, I originally wrote this for my OC- but i decided to make it an x Reader because there’s not enough of them for Danma and DEFINETLY a lack of male readers for honestly any of AiB characters. So uh.. enjoy? I also plan on making an Hatter | Takeru Danma Social media AU soon but I want to re watch the show before i start it. So i can get the characters down better.
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(y/n) grinned as he sang out his heart on top of the stage at another one of the Beach’s many parties. It was his job, technically. Get the mood up after an intense game for most of the players, keep the people happy. It made Hatter’s job much easier. And (y/n) would do (mostly) anything for Hatter.
He was his savior after all.
Soon the song finished and he grinned, yelling out happily. “Everyone did so amazing!” He called out, and people cheered back at him. Sometimes, he could just pretend that this was his normal life. That he had gotten out of that shell of his, that his sister as just off somewhere with her friends, and he was here- at a normal party with a normal life. But he wasn’t. This was the Borderlands. Where he could die if he wasn’t careful enough.
“I'd like to give thanks yet again, to our lovely leader.” (y/n) said, with a charming grin as he held out his hand to point out Takeru Danma, or Hatter as he was known to everyone else. He only knew his name because of a drunken one night together- just a normal night. “Who has given us a chance at life again, and a safe haven for us to live in!” He said, and everyone cheered at that
(y/n)’s eyes tried to see Hatter’s face clearly, but it was hard with the atmosphere and those damn sunglasses. But, he could see that clear grin on his face- and that was enough. His job here was done. He hopped off the stage and talked with some of the members, grinning before he could see a familiar hand wave him over. (y/n) waved goodbye to the members and trotted up to Hatter. Niragi, Aguni, and An were there as well.
Niragi sneers at him, muttering ‘Hatters Dog’ to him, and (y/n) ignores him. “You wanted me Boss?” He asked Hatter, and the male hummed in response. “Your performance was spectacular, like always..” He says, taking a sip of his drink.
“Glad it lived up to your expectations. I was given a task, and I take those very seriously.” He said.
Hatter nodded to that response, clearly pleased. “Why don’t you stop by my room later? We can talk more without… prying ears. Just about future things at the Beach.” He said with a hum.
(y/n)’s heart was loyal to Chishiya. Mostly. It wasn’t fully his until he knew that he could trust that damn Cheshire like man with his heart. That led to a problem though, that it was quickly being filled with Danma. What was him and falling for emotionally unavailable men? The daddy issues? Probably. He knew Danma wasn’t the type of guy to fall in love, and honestly, (y/n) didn’t expect him to. The Beach’s code was open with relationships of any sorts. No one tied down, because who knew if you’d live to see tomorrow- so why not have fun with it? But the way Hatter carried himself, his mannerism and personality charmed (y/n) easily. Not to mention, in a way, Takeru Danma had saved him.
When he had first come to the Borderlands, it was just him and his sister. Back at home, he had been a recluse. Emiko, his sister, had been the only person to try and get him out of his shell. So when they both had arrived at this.. Strange world. (y/n) clung to his sister– and the two of them quickly figured out the rules for the land. (y/n) started getting out of his shell, and started quickly making allies and friends with each game they played. It was like he was becoming a different person. 
Then disaster struck, and it was like (y/n)’s worst nightmare had come true. While playing a Diamonds game, (y/n) had made a mistake. And a mistake in a Diamonds game was fatal. The cost was his sister, who had been his partner in this cruel game. 
(y/n) didn’t didn’t know if he could go on after that game. He had 5 days on his VISA, and all he did was just hide in the room that he and Emiko had been taking shelter in recently. On the last day, he almost just let his VISA run out. (y/n) just.. wanted to give up. His older sister was the closest person to him growing up– the one person to try and get him out into the world. Without her, he didn't think he could survive. These games were basically hell, so where would he go after he died? But he didn’t let his VISA run out. Maybe he heard his sisters voice in the back of his head– or maybe he just managed to get himself out of the funk but.. (y/n) got up. He held his phone tightly in his hand and went to find another game
That’s when he met Ryota, a strange man around his age who was wearing Beach clothes. (y/n) thought it was strange, but when they started talking– Ryota quietly mentioned he came from a sort of safe haven. He technically wasn’t supposed to mention this to anyone, but once the game had finished– Ryota had apparently thought (y/n) had done amazing. His specialty had to be Clubs. So he told him that he would see if their leader would send out an invite to him. Ryota told (y/n) to meet him at this location, and if the leader agreed to let (y/n) in, there would be someone to bring him to said Beach.
In the end, someone had come that day. Niragi, he had introduced himself as. (y/n) could tell something was off about the man- but he didn’t speak on it. Maybe it was stupid of him, but he trusted Ryota enough that he probably wasn’t sending him to his death. I mean this place was literally death everywhere. (y/n) had a sack put over his head and taken to a car, before they seemed to arrive at their location
When the sack was taken off his head, (y/n) was tied to a chair in a big room. On the wall across from him was giant black and red man-made playing cards. A lot of them were X’d off, and (y/n) realized what those were. The cards he had been collecting..
Then the man himself walked in. He was wearing swimsuit shorts and a long robe, and had sunglasses covering his eyes. He carried himself in such a high regard, before he stood in front of (y/n). 
Hatter, as he introduced himself to be, told him about the Beach. About how it has become a utopia, and they are working together to collect all the cards. Because Hatter believes if you collect a full deck- you get to go home. The man rambled on for a bit more, before he told (y/n) that he heard he was a skilled player. And Hatter was feeling generous, so he would offer him a place here. The rules were simple. He could party, have sex, do drugs- whatever he wanted. But he had three rules. 
Rule number one, He had to only wear beach clothes.. Which explained alot- and why Ryota was wearing them the day they met. (y/n) could handle that- he wouldn’t mind wearing beach clothes. 
Rule number two, was that all of the cards that he collects belong to the beach. He apparently had already taken the cards that (y/n) had collected- which.. Okay fair. 
And the last rule, the one that made (y/n)’s blood run cold. Rule number three, Death to all Traitors. (y/n) never planned on betraying anyone, but just the thought of what happened to those peoples.. The way Hatter said it. But he just smiled at (y/n), waiting for his response. (y/n) wondered what would happen if he declined. But he didn’t. He agreed to the three rules and Hatter cheered.
Hatter waved his hand and a girl with short black hair untied him and he pulled his hands to rub his wrist. The man in front of him hums– telling the girl (An? Yeah, tha’ts her name) to lead him to his new room and let him choose his new clothing. An nodded and helped usher (y/n) to his new living arrangements.
(y/n) quickly climbed the ranks and got used to the life at the Beach. Here he could forget about the outside world for a bit. So as he got accustomed to the life, he wanted to say thanks to Hatter- and this new life that he granted him. So he basically just kept the party spirits up, talking up Hatter and making him sound great. Which was easy because like him- everyone else was grateful for the ‘new chance at life’.
One thing let to another, and (y/n) became an executive. His task was easy, and he enjoyed it well. Just like what he did, he would make Hatter painted out in a great light. Keep the spirits up, sing songs to keep the party going. Make the place feel like a home- so no one would dare to think of leaving or betraying their cause.
So he had some admirability for him in that way. And (y/n) was easily swayed with love- being a recluse most of your life will do that to you. So when Hatter told him to stop by his room later, (y/n) grinned and bowed slightly, looking up to meet his gaze “I will be there. Let me go around the party and check in with everyone. I heard we got some new recruits and.. Well I should talk up my favorite boss, hm?” He said with a grin
Hatter just gave a small chuckle at that, his sunglasses sliding down slightly to fully meet (y/n)’s gaze. Fuck. Those eyes man.. (y/n) stood up, regarding An and Aguni- sneering right back at Niragi before he walked off to ‘make his rounds’
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onlyweknowleeknow · 2 years
Almost Forever
Han x reader
Genre: angst, breakup au, idol au.
Synopsis: Han had always been the one, you had never doubted it for a moment. But sometimes, the right people come at the wrong time. And because of this, your relationship came crashing down in a mix of hateful tears, sorrowful words, and not so sweet goodbyes.
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: afab reader, mental/emotional manipulation, hints of fluff, angst, depression, anxiety, perfectionism, language, crying, yelling, fighting, break ups, regret, misunderstandings, unhappy ending(slanted parts are memories), Han has big time anger issues.
A/n: this is gonna be a unique story. I’m not very motivated to write a normal one, so I hope y’all like this type of writing too. I do not condone this kind of relationship, it is definitely not healthy. this is simply a figment of my imagination, please do not take offense to it, nor get upset by anything said in the story. enjoy! :)
Han Jisung.
The name seemed so distant, yet all too familiar.
It seemed like an eternity ago, the day he simultaneously walked out the door and out of your life.
Han Jisung had given you anything and everything. It only took the curl of your lips or the flutter of your lashes to get what you desired from him. And you, too, had given him everything. But sometimes, everything still isn’t enough.
Sometimes, on a completely random page in the book of your life, a new character is written. And sometimes, that character fades away within a few chapters, sometimes just a few pages. Yet sometimes, if you get lucky, that character will stay. That character will blossom into someone you couldn’t imagine your story without.
Unfortunately, authors like to tease their readers, don’t they? So they swirl hundreds of words and emotions together, spinning a web of adoration around each and every character, only to rip them away, one by one, when you least expect it.
They build people up, up, and up. Higher and higher, until they break the ladder, until they send one character or another tumbling into a pit of despair and longing and emptiness.
To you, that’s who Han was. He was your favorite character, the one that everyone adored and admired, the one that had been written off the pages of your book all too soon.
You unlocked the dull-looking door with a groan. It pushed open to reveal an even more tiresome looking apartment.
Without much thought, you dropped your purse and slid off your shoes. You walked towards the couch with lazily strides, feet dragging.
It had been a long day, an extremely long day. Your boss had been so generous to give you an extra load of work because, apparently, one of your co-workers had called off sick and, also apparently, that was your issue. Somehow.
You didn’t have time to dwell on the past workday, though.
Suddenly, you recalled some leftovers you had in the fridge, tucked away in the very back, hidden safely away. Who knew, maybe Changbin would pop by and snatch up any remaining food. Wouldn’t be the first time.
So, with another groggy sigh, you diverted your path to the kitchen, rather than to the couch. As you walked into the kitchen, your eyes landed on a piece of paper that was magnetized to the fridge.
You had forgotten about the folded sheet, so you inspected it closer.
Quickly, you pulled away, then breathed in a sharp inhale. It was a simple recipe for rice cakes you had used almost a year ago now.
It wasn’t that you really needed the recipe, now or back then, but Felix had recommended it and how were you supposed to deny his suggestion, the baker himself?
Your eyebrows furrowed, your hands came down to snag the paper from the fridge and immediately crumpled it into a ball. You threw it away, then let your hands run over your face as memories began to cloud your vision.
Your fingers flattened the table cloth, your tongue pushed against the inside of your cheek. You hoped it looked okay.
Your hesitant gaze wandered across the dimly lit room.
You had spent hours planning the little event in your dining room, but it was well worth it. The crimson table cloth was neatly splayed across the table, delicious food lay spread across it.
One of the dishes included some rice cakes you had spent a ridiculous amount of time trying to perfect, who could have guessed Felix’s recipe would be for advanced bakers only?
Flowers were placed in the center of the table, and candles were set around the perimeter of the room in miscellaneous patterns.
You pushed your hands together and breathed into them happily.
You did good. Yes, this was definitely worth the struggle. He would love it, you assured yourself.
You couldn’t stop the excitement that bubbled up your spine, couldn’t stop your fingers from lightly twitching.
You drew in a sharp breath and scrunched your nose, a habit you used to put your emotions at bay. You spun on your heel after checking your watch; 8:22pm. Han would be home soon, he had promised to try to come home around 8:30pm, which was an hour sooner than he normally got home. It was your 4th anniversary, after all.
You made your way into the bathroom, and made sure to touch up your hair and makeup, along with the grey dress that adorned your figure. It was pretty and delicate looking, yet comfortable to wear and soft to the touch. Your hair was pulled back, styled into a fragile bun. You allowed a few pieces of hair to fall over your forehead; it completed the look, you thought.
When you entered the kitchen again, it was 8:29pm. You hummed, and sat down in your chair to stop from fidgeting. Though, your foot continued to tap against the ground, your teeth also continue to nibble at your lower lip.
You couldn’t sit still, hands itching to touch or fix something. So, you stood up and shuffled around. You fixed everything that was out of place, humming a soft song that had been stuck in your head all day. You arranged the pillows in size order, fixed the dishes that were slightly out of place in the kitchen, rearranged the food platters on the dining table, and touched-up practically anything else you could get your hands on.
Time sure did fly by, because when you checked your watch again, it was already 9:15. Han should’ve been home a while ago, but you couldn’t really get mad. He did say it would be a tight fit, so you decided to wait.
But the seconds turned into minutes, the minutes into an hour, and an hour into 3 hours. And soon enough, you were slouched on the couch, staring at absolutely nothing.
Maybe he got held up? He wouldn’t purposely bail. He was a busy man, after all. He had to write songs for StrayKids’ upcoming comeback, learn choreos, and more.
You stood up, then sat back down. What could you do, really? It was 12:30am now, you were getting tired and worried. It wouldn’t be the first time Han had skipped a date the two of you had planned, but he hadn’t skipped your anniversary dates before. It was a mistake, you were sure.
As another hour passed and Han still wasn’t home. You decided enough was enough. You packed up all the food and cleaned off the table, folding the crimson table cloth into a neat square, before putting it away. You did the dishes, and by the time you were finished making sure everything was spotless, it was 2:07am.
You fought the urge to stay up and wait for your boyfriend. Instead, you walked to your shared room and undressed, putting on some pajamas. You then took off your makeup and thoroughly washed your face. You put your hair into a more comfortable updo and settled into bed, snuggling into the warm, entrancing covers and sheets. You stared at nothing for the hundredth time, a single tear escaping your eyes and leaving it’s mark on the pillow below your head. You checked your phone one last time, but still, radio silence met you from Han’s end.
It was an accident. It had to be.
Your mind was filled with memories of him for the rest of the night, and well into the next day.
Work was long and tiresome again today, so you took a short break. You wanted to get coffee, but you really didn’t want to have to call a cab or walk. So you just stayed in your sad, little office, giving your mind a break.
A migraine was starting to form in your head, the familiar throb of pain washing over your body in waves. You sighed, today was only getting worse. Your co-worked had called off for all week, which meant you had double the workload… all week, obviously.
Even though you were prepared to handle everything, your mind was elsewhere, deciding that you definitely shouldn’t get any work done today.
But your self break ended soon, so you had to get back to work. Working definitely made the day go by slower, paperwork upon paperwork piled on your desk. It seemed like the day was endless. Even so, you were hardly able to make a dent in the papers on your desk, which just pissed you off more. 
You groaned, checking your watch.
A mistake. Your eyes hovered on the piece of jewelry, time slowing down even more, if that was even possible. Apparently it was.
It was a simple, leather watch with black numbers and silver pointers.
You unhooked the watch, flipping it over to stare at the indent on the other side. It was Han’s initials plus yours, a reminder that you would forever be his. And maybe, at the right time, you would’ve been.
You found yourself biting the insides of your cheeks, chewing carefully.
And then it happened for the second time within less then 24 hours. It was strange, really. You hadn’t thought about him for months, not even if you looked at the watch. But after yesterday, he hadn’t left your mind, not even once.
“Have you seen Han?” Your voice sounded small, even to you.
You only shrunk when Chan and Changbin turned their eyes to you. You weren’t scared by any means, just nervous. You had recently been nervous quite a bit. It was unusual for you, but what could you do? Nothing, not really.
Changbin shook his head. “I haven’t since he left about two hours ago. He might’ve gone to the other recording room though.” He offered. Chan agreed, his deep voice speaking up as well. “Yeah, he probably did. He goes there a lot when he can’t think of lyrics, or just when he needs a break.”
You thanked the boys, who offered you sweet smiles and soft whispers of ‘good luck’.
The pair was right, Han was in the other recording room. You could see him through the small glass panel on the door. He was sitting on the small sofa that sat in the middle of the room, hands covering his face. You watched him for a moment, but he hardly moved from his spot, so you knocked.
That made him jolt upwards, his eyes wide. He relaxed when he saw you, gaze softening as he motioned for you to come in. “Hey my love, what are you doing here?” He asked when you opened the door and walked inside, his voice hoarse. You assumed he had been napping. You offered him a smile, walking towards the couch, where Han was now sitting up with his arms outstretched for you.
You giggled, approaching him. He wrapped his arms around your hips, face pushed against your torso. “I missed you.” He mumbled, sighing deeply. You rested your hands on the top of his head, stroking his soft hair. “I missed you too.” You said quietly, not wanting to startle him awake too much.
“I’m actually here to check in on you. You missed our date again.” You slowly spoke, waiting for his response. And just like that, he was tense again. His muscles tightening for just a moment, before he pushed himself away from you. You stumbled slightly, blinking down at him.
“What do you mean, ‘again’?” He asked.
“Well— I’m sure you didn’t mean to, but you missed our last two dates also.” Your voice was slow and hesitant.
Han scoffed, standing to his full height slowly. “You know I’m an idol, right?” He asked, his tone laced with irritation.
You sighed, bristling. “Of course I know that. I’m not blaming you, I’m just letting you know how many dates you’ve missed now, I—“
You were interrupted by the, now upset, man. “It’s always about me messing up, isn’t it? I have a lot of pressure on my shoulders, y/n. I have to produce music for the group, and still attend normal practices.” He defended himself.
“Han, that’s not what I’m saying, I just—“ He interrupted you again.
“On top of that, I also have an extremely busy schedule to attend to. Fan meets, concerts, filming, vlives, and more things you don’t even want to know about.” Han was practically fuming now, his pent up anger exploding all over you.
“Han, calm down. I know you’re busy, I’m just saying that you’ve missed some of our dates. It’s really okay! I just wanted to tell you and check in.”
Han scoffed at that, crossing his arms as his gaze narrowed. “Calm down? You’re telling me it’s okay? It’s not fucking okay, y/n. All you do is talk about yourself! I can never do anything to please you anymore. You always complain about me not being around, when we both know I spend as much time as I can with you!” He continued on, “I work so hard, harder then you, that’s for sure. You just sit at a desk and sign papers all day, while I’m working my ass off to perform in front of millions of people! On top of that, I have to deal with Dispatch trying to pry into our private lives!” He shouted. Throwing insult after insult at your job and life.
“I know and I’m sorry, but that’s not fair, Jisung.” You said in a hushed tone.
Han paused. You almost never used his first name. But rage blinded him, so he continued. “You’re right, it isn’t fair. It isn’t fair that I have to deal with your complaining all the time, on top of my already stressful life. Would you just give it up? I need a fucking break.”
The Han you had agreed to date would have never reacted to anything like that. But this Han, he wasn’t the same person. He had changed over the past 4 years, and not really in a good way. You could feel tears threaten to spill from your eyes, and judging by the way his own gaze softened, you weren’t doing a very good job at hiding it.
That was the day you really, truly accepted the fact that your sweet, playful Han was gone, at least for now. It was time to close this chapter of your book, it was time to let Han Jisung go. You didn’t want to, but his words just sealed your relationship’s fate.
You stared at the boy who had stolen your heart, only ripping your eyes away when you felt a tear slide down your cheek.
“Fine. You want a break? I’ll give you a damn break.”
You shoved past him, ignoring his sorry pleads of forgiveness and his empty promises. “Y/n- wait, I didn’t mean that. I’m sorry, let’s talk. I let my anger get the best of me, I promise it won’t happen again. Y/n—“ You didn’t want to leave him, of course you didn’t, but you had to. If not for yourself, then for him.
It wasn’t fair, it really wasn’t.
You wanted to curl up into a little, tiny ball and never see the light of day again. Life was cruel and harsh, you had been sure of that since you were a child.
But now, as an adult, after falling in love, the world seemed unfair in a whole new way. A cruel way.
Your heart shattered each time you saw Han in a news article or on television. It hurt to see dating rumors and scandals about the boy. You didn’t know if any of them were true, since you had cut contact with all of the members, and you certainly had no claim over him, but the thought of him with someone new or just the thought of him struggling, still broke your heart.
Even after all these months, the boy had managed to retain a solid grip on your life, his face appearing in even your deepest dream as of late.
And when you awoke, sorrow would fill your mind, trapping you within it’s depths.
But here, in the middle of your work day, was not the time to think about the miserable story that was your love life, or former love life, rather.
The only thing you could do here and now was hope for the best for Han Jisung and his members.
And sometimes, if you allowed yourself, you could imagine what it would have been like to spend eternity with the precious boy. Because god only knows; you two had almost forever.
A/n: I wrote this while at a sleepover with two of my friends. It was hectic and honestly, this isn’t proof read. I have no idea why I decided to write a brand new story instead of writing a chapter for my ongoing series, or finishing up one of the two stories I already had mostly finished. But anyways, I wrote this in like 2 hours with a ridiculous amount of distractions, so forgive any mistakes. <3
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justsomestoicguy · 1 month
Holy Sh*t
I begin, unsure if I want to continue.
"You're telling me that I'm Scourge?"
I look at Stain for confirmation, half expecting him to laugh and say it's all a joke (no matter how out of character that is for him). 
But he just nods, his expression as serious as ever. 
"...And you knew that because my first reaction to seeing you was fear?"
Again, a nod.
I stare at him, completely at a loss. 
Scourge? Me? The vigilante I cursed for taking down All For One? 
The very same person who effectively invalidated my purpose in this world before I even got the chance to live it?
Damn. If that isn't some cosmic irony.
"Master told me that if I ever met someone who feared me from a place of familiarity, then that person would be her," Stain explains, his voice calm. 
"And you, Akako Ran, looked at me with that exact fear."
Yeesh, past me sure was smart. 
Using the fact that I know Stain from my plot knowledge in my—our?—first life and using that as a failsafe in case of amnesia or reincarnation or whatever this mess is. 
But it also means my former self knew enough to prepare for something like this. 
How did she—no, how did I know this was going to happen?
I can't even remember anything about being Scourge! The name, the deeds, the legacy—it's all a big blank. 
My memory is already as confusing as a foreign call center, with pieces from this life and my first life scattered everywhere. 
And now, apparently, I have a third life—one I don't even remember experiencing. 
What the hell, brain?!
"Okay, so then, why are you telling me this?" I ask, trying to steer the conversation away from the existential crisis brewing in my head. "Is it because you need something from me? Like, a mission or something?"
I hope so. 
I really, really hope so. 
Maybe this could be my new purpose. Maybe, just maybe, there's something crucial that only I can do, something that needs Scourge's reincarnation. Something that justifies my existence in this world beyond being a random nobody in an anime I used to watch.
Like, yeah, sure I've made up my mind to become an underground hero after my first-ever crisis, but that was more of a fallback plan.
I definitely prefer it if I could be something more than just another hero.
Unfortunately (and hurtfully so), Stain shakes his head, crushing all of my hopes. "No." Ouch.
"My purpose here is simple. Master wanted to ensure that you live the best life you can, whatever that may be. The Vigilante Ops is ready and willing to provide you with the resources and support you need."
My heart sinks. "So, what you're saying is... I should just live a quiet life?" The words taste bitter on my tongue. 
A quiet life? Is that what my past self wanted for me? A mundane, ordinary existence, when I could have had the thrill of being a legend like her?
Stain nods, his expression gentle. "Yes. The world no longer needs Scourge. You've already done more than enough. Now, you can live the life you've never had—a normal, happy one."
The words hit me harder than they should. I should be relieved, right? A quiet life sounds nice, peaceful even. But it feels like a punch to the gut. 
First, this mysterious past self of mine strips me of any grand purpose by taking down the final boss, and now, I'm being told to settle down and live quietly?
It's infuriating. Who gave Scourge—me—the right to decide that? Just because she wanted to live a different life doesn't mean that I do. 
I haven't even had a chance to experience that thrill, that sense of purpose. How can I be content with a quiet life when I know there's something more out there?
But I don't voice any of this. Instead, I fix my gaze on Stain, determined to find out more about this life I supposedly lived. "What exactly do you know about me—or rather, about Scourge?"
Stain hesitates, a rare flicker of uncertainty crossing his face. "Master confided in me that she had lived multiple lives. Two before her time, and now four counting your current one."
He's saying that there was another life between my original life and my life as Scourge?!
"You're sh*tting on me," I remark in disbelief. 
No way. No way I've had two other lives I don't remember in the slightest.
Stain's demeanor turns serious. "I would never lie to my master."
I gulp at that.
"What… what even was our relationship in the past?" I ask hesitantly.
To think the Stain calls me Master of all things.
Stain's features soften. "Master saved me from a life of darkness. Taught me how to stand up for my values without crossing a certain line."
Like kill?
I inwardly snort.
How did past me even manage to change his intense ideology? Strike when Stain first got exposed to hero society?
I furrow my brows, eyes trailing toward Stain's face.
He's not even noseless now.
Meaning he didn't have his fight with Knuckleduster.
I exhaled loudly.
Damn it!
Life would be so much easier if more pictures of the VHV incident existed!
I could've learned more about the Vigilante Ops, and more importantly, their members.
It's why it came as such a shock to see Stain, of all people, standing in front of Scourge's statue.
But of course, most records from that time just had to be purged out of the internet, leaving me clueless about which vigilantes had been involved aside from Scourge.
If Stain's in the Vigilante Ops, who else might be? 
Could Knuckleduster be in there too? Is that why their scuffle didn't happen? Or is he running around some other part of Japan, busting skulls and staying out of sight?
I shake my head, trying to clear it.
I need to focus. 
This isn't the time to get lost in thoughts about shadowy organizations or the hypothetical membership of retired vigilantes. 
Right now, the important thing is to figure out how much Stain actually knows about me—about Scourge, about everything.
If Scourge told him about her past lives, did she also tell him about our original world? Did she tell him that he's a fictional character from some random guy's imagination, living in a world designed for entertainment?
My gaze meets Stain's, searching for any clues in them. 
He's watching me intently, like he's waiting for me to say something. 
I take a deep breath.
Yeah, It's time to talk.
"Okay…" I start, already regretting my choice. "And did Scourge mention anything about the future? About how she knew what was going to happen?" 
Stain's expression grows heavier, if that's even possible. "Master told me she had a quirk that allowed her to foresee events. That's how she was able to act so decisively, to take down All For One before he reached his prime."
I almost laugh at that. 
A quirk? Sure, let's call it that. Much easier than explaining that we used to live in a world where My Hero Academia was just a TV show and manga series. 
But at least now I know what kind of story she spun for him. It makes sense, in a twisted way. A convenient excuse for having knowledge of future events without raising too many questions.
Stain's quiet voice grabs my attention.
"She didn't tell me that she'd sacrifice herself just to do it," he mutters more to himself than to me.
Oh, damn.
A pang of guilt hits me. 
Sacrifice. That's a heavy word.
"Sorry," I muster, not knowing what else to say.
Stain shook his head. "Don't apologize. Master did what she had to do, and I endlessly respect her for it," he spoke solemnly, a tender smile creasing his face.
I fidget uncomfortably, looking down.
"Were, um, were we close?" I continue.
Stain took a while to reply. 
"I'd like to think that we were."
Geh—not the response I was expecting.
That's just sad, man…
I should, uh, try and lift the mood.
"Hey, I'm sure you were important to me too," I reassure, waving my hands disarmingly. "I mean, if past me trusted you enough to tell you about her past lives, I'm sure she did care for you just as much as you did for her."
Stain shrugs lightly. "Master was always private about her past lives. She never exposed more than she needed to."
That, that… sucks.
But hey! Maybe she did that to avoid dropping the massive bombshell that is the nature of our supposed-to-be-fictional world.
That would've opened up a whole new can of worms that neither Stain nor I are ready to deal with. 
But—this also means I have no idea how much of Scourge's life was a lie, or how much of it was something she fabricated to fit the narrative she needed. 
Gargh, curse this infernal universe!
"All I want to do now is honor her mission and wishes."
I snap out of my stupor to peer at Stain, his demeanor shifting from imposing to something almost—protective?
"She wanted to make sure that if she ever reincarnated again, her new self wouldn't feel pressured to follow in her footsteps. That you'd have the freedom to choose your own path."
…And there it is again. 
The push for a quiet life, a normal life. 
But the more I hear it, the more it feels like a cage rather than a gift. 
This isn't what I want. I don't even know what I want yet, but it sure as hell isn't this sanitized version of happiness they're offering me. 
I have to know more, to explore what's out there, to see if there's a place for me in this world beyond just existing quietly.
With a sigh, I steel myself. 
This conversation isn't giving me all the answers I need, but it's at least clarifying one thing: I need to delve deeper. I need to understand who Scourge was, and by extension, who I am now. 
And to do that…
I stare at Stain, a decision solidifying in my mind. 
"Hey," I call out to him.
Stain glances at me.
Steadying my gaze, I open my mouth.
"I want to join the Vigilante Ops."
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goldentigerfestival · 6 months
The 30 day Tales challenge... in one post or else it would never get done!
Favorite Tales game: Legendia
Favorite Main Male Hero: Yuri and Senel
Favorite Main Female Hero: Kohaku
Favorite Side Male Character: Moses
Favorite Side Female Character: Stella
Favorite Canon Pairing: Senel/Stella + Shing/Kohaku
Favorite Non-Canon Pairing: how official is stahn/leon at this point i wonder
Favorite Opening Song: Destiny
Favorite Location: ??? idfk the entire Legacy??? I'll go with Werites Beacon for simplicity I guess. feels like home
Favorite Mascot: Giet. don't tell me he's not a mascot, I'm not listening. (and if you want to try having that discussion my answer is still the Oresoren so we're not getting far, are we)
Favorite Monster: ??? also dfk, probably something cute except i don't like hurting cute so i guess we're stuck
Favorite Boss Battle: UHHHH listen it hurts to say but Vicious; bc the raw emotion that went into that entire storyline ate me whole
Favorite Villain: since I'm avoiding antagonists here (such as Duke who aren't explicitly villains) and prefer to go full villain, Creed.
Least Liked Character: not opening THAT can of worms!!! :D
Your First Tales Game: boooo boriiiing. Symphonia like the other half of the western population. no fancy answer here
Your Favorite Scene: ??? I mean, there's... a lot I guess??? Stahn pleading with Leon moments before disaster??? Kanata crying that Vicious was okay and came back to them??? Moses saying literally anything ever in any scene ever??? the end of Innocence but when you choose Spada as your soulmate bc I'm a bias little fuck??? anything with Yuri and Flynn being happy together??? the entirety of Legendia???
Funniest Scene: idk but it either had Moses in it, Vicious in it, or it was Spada's "I can't believe you mixed up Frosty the Snowman with the Abominable Snowman"
Saddest Scene: Moses' Character Quest cutscene (if not the whole fucking CQ), moments during disaster with Leon, moments during disaster with Asch
Favorite Quote: a lot of stuff Vicious said ngl. can't think of nor pick one off the top of my head but every time he Gets Serious it's one of those and I fall in love further every single time. but if we wanna be REEEALLY simple? "Yeehaw". thanks, Moses. maybe Yuri has said something cool enough to get on the top list, but I'm not sure anything is trumping "yeehaw", and maybe that's equal to something Vicious said
Favorite Piece of Gameplay Music: Scutum - Decisive Battle. Pour one out for Rebirth having the fucking BEST battle theme ever.
Most Shocking Reveal: ??? I'm... not sure at this point. Giet??? was it Senel??? maybe Mathias and Ruca??? Ratatosk and Emil??? I kind of want to say Ratatosk and Emil because I remember being very impressed with the direction of the plot, in that the main protagonist/player character was actually the villain the whole time that the antagonist was trying to kill the whole time. definitely not a plot direction you usually get in JRPGs. Giet's story still hit like an entire brick building 100 storeys high falling on me though
Favorite One on One Fight: that was actually FUN??? uhhh idk Vicious against Kasque. what did you expect me to say???
Favorite Skit: way too many skits to have even a semblance of an idea. I'm going to assume it was either something related to Yuri and Flynn, Moses, Vicious, Spada or Stahn. that's about the closest I can pinpoint
Favorite Tales Spell: I don't... think I have one...
Favorite Tales Weapon: -bangs fist on desk and gets really obvious really fast- BLOOD SINS, BLOOD SINS, BLOOD SINS. after that the Swordians
Tales World You Want to Live In: honestly Legendia's and Graces' seem the most reasonably normal compared to the rest, but also shiny fingertips and Moses is a pretty solid Legendia
Favorite Animated Tales Series/OVA: (don't say rays don't say rays don't say rays don't say stahn/leon) probably First Strike if only because it focuses on Yuri and Flynn who I love, but Abyss' anime was very solid compared to the other Tales animated series that were just heavily condensed versions (or worse in Eternia's case, not even being relevant to the main story). like, I would not recommend the animated series to anyone prior to playing the game except for Abyss, which is the full major story and I have inarguably rewatched that anime more than I've played the game. I guess in terms of general animated, FS, but in terms of actual consistency to the game it came from and dedication it had in retelling the story faithfully without skipping 80 percent of it, Abyss
Favorite Tales Outfit: RICHARD??? HEEEELLO??? not arc F though that shit is too fruity for me. also Leon has VERY enjoyably bright colors that make him stand out and as a Very Deeply Definitely Not Obsessive Leon Enjoyer, I very much love that. Aegis also has a really nice outfit. Asbel's is pretty but definitely not Richard level of I'm obsessed with this look
Favorite Game Plot: -breaks everything in your room and your neighbor's room for good measure- TURN IT BACK ON NAMCO I'M PAST MY LIMIT SO I'M PROBABLY IN OVERLIMIT (Crestoria. it's that or I'm saying Legendia again. Innocence and Hearts both are really close runner ups tho!!! definitely the most unique in the franchise imo out of the mainline games and sadly confined to "nobody fucking cares about them and never did")
Favorite Game Ending: so that's got... layers. it really depends on the sub topic. I guess in terms of a happy ending, Graces (the Wii version specifically, getting Richard back. don't really care for the ending of arc F and lean more toward disliking it). in terms of a depressing fucking ending that makes me Very Upsetti, Destiny. there is literally nothing happy about Destiny's ending for me. like yeah we saved the world, but at a LOT of cost and it's just depressing. I've wanted to make a post about that anyway, but basically it's a type of ending they don't really make anymore (especially in Tales), and the emotional impact for me was a lot heavier than the other games, with Destiny 2 lingering right behind it. both Destiny games were just DEPRESSING, and no matter how bittersweet Destiny 2's ending was, it's still DEPRESSING. Vesperia at least had a more outright happy ending (that wasn't completely changed by a post game ending arc with a totally different ending) and I finally at that point didn't lose my favorite character to Certain Final Boss Death or Recurring Side Character I Came To Love Dying Unceremoniously and Undeserved. only a couple of top favorites actually came out of their games alive for me by Vesperia in terms of games I know + release timeline (to put it into perspective, by the time of Vesperia in release order (so not the order I played in bc I don't really remember the whole actual order at this point), out of all the games I know, my favorite character death toll was five to three survivors not counting Vesperia. still haven't played Eternia so I'm not counting that one). so I guess like, my answer is a whacky combination of Graces for the Wii, Destiny and Vesperia. maybe if Hearts hadn't killed my mans off then it could've had it all. 😔
#GTF Thoughts#GTF Things#Tales 30 Day Challenge#mainly doing this in case anyone has Same Hat Opinions and wants to talk abt them LOL#for number 22 it was also fun using his new form. normally one on one battles are either#annoying or just a nightmare. or just outright unwinnable by scripted plot (ex Senel and Melanie)#as far as ''canon'' ships go that's also a can on worms i am NOT opening until society can accept that gay ppl actually exist :)#anyway have i properly established my love for legendia now? for crestoria? for moses? for vicious?#i post abt them a lot less bc the amount of content out there for like#vesperia and abyss which i tend to post reblogs of most is WAAAAAY beyond higher#it's kind of like... the less i talk abt it and the less content it has... the more likely i WANT to talk abt it and LOVE it#i could talk to you about moses and spada ALL FUCKING DAY but most ppl haven't played either game or don't care for them#and also i usually stay quiet abt moses bc ONCE THOSE GATES ARE OPEN YOU'RE NOT SHUTTING THEM#moses leon vicious and spada are like... the ones i would love to talk abt nonstop forever#bc they're talked abt a lot less. leon IS popular even in the west but your average tales fan#is not going to know destiny/that it exists or have played destiny or even care to from my experience#i ramble abt what faves i can basically LOL but many of my actual top of the top faves are so obscure that like#i can't find ppl to talk to abt them. yuri is in a very very weird place with my faves#bc my technical favorite in that game is duke but yuri gets senel level position of fave mc#and is also Very Special to me so he's in a weird place as a favorite that#in some ways passes Actual Favorite Duke and in other ways doesn't
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