#“Now look here" said Jenny
aquanafrahudy · 5 months
Jenny Everywhere and the Rather Annoyingly-Titled Sequel to "Jenny Everywhere and the Very Short Story"
"Now look here," said Jenny, "This is getting really rather ridiculous."
"Really?" said the narrator of the story, who happened to be me, "I find it quite amusing."
"It most certainly isn't!" cried Jenny, "There was I, all set to go out on my adventure, when suddenly the story ends! So I decide to go off on an extra-narrative adventure, and then another one starts! How on earth is an overly-metafictional incarnation of an ubiquitous open-source character supposed to get an adventure if there are stories starting and ending all over the place?"
"You might as well ask," the narrator (otherwise known as myself) remarked, "How one an overly-metafictional incarnation of an ubiquitous open-source character is supposed to get an adventure when she is sitting about arguing with a nebulous narrator who may or may not be being vaguely implied to be a narrator from one of the author's other works."
"Isn't this the author's debut?"
"Harrumph, well... In a manner of speaking."
"Right," said Jenny, "That's it! I'm going off on an adventure." but it turned out she couldn't as that was the end of the story.
The character of Jenny Everywhere is available for use by anyone, with only one condition: This paragraph must be included in any publication involving Jenny Everywhere, that others might use this property as they wish. All rights reversed.
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jennyeverywhereday · 1 month
Trouble in Paradise...
Here is a story by Bastian. -----------------------------------------------------
Trouble in Paradise
By Bastian
      Jenny sat in her favourite gazebo in the Gardens of Serenity, listening to the nearby singing lanterns as they filled the air with soothing music. It was a beautifully sunny day and she looked forward to getting some much-needed rest and relaxation. She was just about to close her eyes and begin meditating when she suddenly heard a familiar sound. It had been a long time since she had last heard it but there was no mistaking it. It was the TARDIS. She looked around and saw the familiar blue police box materialising just a few feet from the gazebo. She jumped up and ran towards it, grinning from ear to ear. As she approached it, one of the doors opened slightly and a face emerged from within.
                  “Hiya Jenny!” the face said. Jenny stopped abruptly. The face was not one she 
recognized. It belonged to a young-looking man with green eyes and brown hair. Only his head was visible. From his expression, he seemed to know her.
                  “Doctor?” she said cautiously, “Is that you?”
                  “Of course! Who else would it be?”
                  “Right, it’s just that you’ve changed again.”
                  “I sure have. Quite a few times since we last met. I’ve honestly begun to lose 
                  Jenny giggled. “Yeah, well, as long as you’re still the same on the inside.”
                  “What brings you here?”
                  “Well, I just thought it would be nice to visit you again. I figured I’d find you in your 
favourite spot.”
                  Jenny nodded. “You know me too well.” A few seconds of awkward silence passed 
until Jenny decided to break the ice.
                  “So, um, Doctor…”
                  “Yes, Jenny?”
                  “I can see your head but what about the rest of you? You’re not hiding anything, 
are you?”
                  “No, not exactly. It’s just, that, well…”
                  “Well, what?”
                  The Doctor sighed. “I wasn’t sure if you would approve of my choice of costume.”
                  “Why wouldn’t I?”
                  “It’s a bit, shall we say, unconventional.”
                  “My dear Doctor, it takes an awful lot to shock me. I’m sure whatever you’re 
wearing is perfectly fine. Now show me!”
                  “All right then.” The Doctor opened the TARDIS doors. Jenny could see what he 
meant by “unconventional” although a more appropriate word might be “nonexistent”. 
The Doctor was not wearing anything at all. He was fully nude.
                  Jenny could not help but smile. “Wow! This is certainly a unique look for you.”
                  “So you’re not offended then?”
                  “Not at all! You look great!”
                  “Thanks, Jenny. Would you like to come inside?”
                  “Absolutely!” The Doctor stepped aside as Jenny entered the console room. “I see 
you’ve redecorated again.”
                  “Yes, I decided to go for a more casual look this time.”
                  “That’s appropriate given your lack of attire. How long have you been going au 
                  “Since shortly after I regenerated. It was a particularly nasty one so I needed a 
place to recover. The TARDIS brought me to an idyllic planet that was home to a 
nudist community. Everyone there was very welcoming. I enjoyed myself so much that when I left, I realised I did not miss wearing clothes. So I just decided to stay this way indefinitely.”
                  “That’s nice. So I guess I can call you the Naked Doctor, then?”
                  The Doctor grinned. “Sure, if you like. Granted, my new lifestyle does have a few 
                  “Like what?”
                  “Well, I can’t go anywhere that’s too cold. Or too crowded. I also have to be careful 
about where I step so I don’t get any cuts or blisters.”
                  “Yes and you don’t have anywhere to put your sonic screwdriver.” Jenny winked.
                  “But believe me, I don’t need clothes to defeat my enemies. I’m just as clever as 
I’ve ever been.”
                  “That’s a relief.”
                  “Anyway, how about we visit the pool?”
                  “Because there’s someone I want you to meet.”
                  “Your companion?”
                  “Yes! Follow me.”
                  The Doctor led Jenny out of the console room and down a series of corridors. It 
was not long before they reached the TARDIS swimming pool. Jenny had known the 
TARDIS contained a pool but this was her first view of it. The pool was massive with 
crystal clear water. It was currently occupied by a young woman with dark hair. Jenny 
could not help but notice that she was rather attractive but also strangely familiar. 
Thanks to the clearness of the water, Jenny could see that she was not wearing a 
                  “Doris!” the Doctor said cheerfully, “I’d like you to meet an old friend of mine. Allow 
me to introduce Jenny Everywhere!”
                   “Hi there!” Jenny said with a wave.
                  “Pleased to make your acquaintance,” the young woman said as she swam 
towards them. “The Doctor’s told me so much about you. I’m Doris Nilethyme.”
                  “Doris and I met at the nudist community I told you about,” the Doctor explained. 
“She’s the one who introduced me to the whole lifestyle and really opened my eyes.”
                  “Is that so?” Jenny said, raising an eyebrow.
                  “Yes and she plays a mean game of bingo.”
                  Doris got out of the pool and grabbed a nearby towel to dry off. Jenny knew it was 
not polite to stare but she could not help gazing in wonder at Doris’ beautiful body. She 
looked like a goddess. Jenny started to hope that she might get to spend some time alone with Doris.
                  When she was done drying herself, Doris discarded the towel, put her hands on 
her hips and looked Jenny up and down.
                  “So you’re the famous Shifter, then?” she said knowingly.
                  “The one and only!” Jenny replied. “Well, one of an infinite number in the 
multiverse, I should say.”
                  “Must be fascinating, being able to shift between dimensions. I’ve seen many 
wonderful things while travelling with the Doctor but I still can’t imagine what that must 
be like.”
                  “Well, if you’re lucky, maybe I can take you with me sometime.”
                  “I’d love that!”
                  “Doris,” the Doctor said, “Perhaps you’d like to see the Gardens of Serenity? 
They’re right outside.”
                  “Sure! Lead the way.”
                  The three of them left the pool and walked back to the console room. As they did 
so, Jenny took the opportunity to get to know Doris a bit better.
                  “So you lived in a nudist community?” Jenny asked.
                  “That’s right. Born and raised.”
                  “I see. Does that mean you’ve never worn clothes?”
                  “No, never. The whole concept just doesn’t appeal to me.”
                  “But you still decided to leave so you could travel with the Doctor?”
                  “Yep. I suppose I’ll go back one day but for now, I could not be happier. Except 
when we visit places where nudists aren’t welcome. They’re not pleasant.”
                  “I bet they’re not.”
                  “Not everyone is as open-minded as you are, Jenny.”
                  Doris smiled at Jenny, who could feel her heart thumping inside her chest. 
                  “Here we are!” the Doctor said as he exited the TARDIS with Doris and Jenny 
following close behind. He took a deep breath and exhaled. “Ah! These gardens are 
such a peaceful spot. Even more so than the Eye of Orion, if you ask me.”
                  “Jenny,” Doris said hesitantly, “Do the gardens have a dress code?”
                  “I don’t think so,” Jenny replied. “And even if they do, there’s no one else around at 
the moment.”
                  “Excellent!” Doris exclaimed. She took off running, disappearing behind the ‘
gazebo before emerging on the other side. “I’m starting to feel like a woodland nymph! 
I could stay here for days on end and never get tired of it!”
                  Jenny watched Doris intently. Although they had only just met, Jenny could not 
help but feel she was starting to fall for Doris. She hoped Doris might feel the same 
way about her.
                  “Oh my goodness!” Doris said with a gasp.
                  “What?” the Doctor asked.
                  “Look!” Doris pointed to something nearby. Jenny turned and saw she was 
indicating a statue.
                  “Oh that,” Jenny said nonchalantly. “They’ve got statues scattered throughout the 
gardens. All done in the classical style. Most of them are nude. Just like you two!”
                  “But this one looks exactly like… me!” 
                  Jenny looked closer at the statue and saw that Doris was right. The face, the hair, 
the body. It was a perfect duplicate. Now she knew why Doris had looked so familiar.
                  “Hmmm,” the Doctor said pensively. “It does look an awful lot like you, Doris. Have 
you done any modelling in the past?”
                  “Well then, maybe you will at some point in your future. It’s possible we’re seeing 
the result of something that hasn’t happened yet. But that’s time travel for you.”
                  “But it doesn’t just look like me, it is me! The best artist in the universe couldn’t 
create such a flawless likeness. There’s only one explanation. Sometime in the future, 
I will get turned to stone!”
                  The Doctor frowned. “I hate to say it, Doris, but it seems that you’re right. There 
are beings in the universe capable of petrifying people.”
                  “And pretty soon, I’ll encounter one of them and end up as a statue here in the 
Gardens of Serenity.”
                  “But it doesn’t have to happen!” Jenny interjected. “Like you always say, Doctor, 
time can be rewritten! Right?”
                  “Technically, yes,” the Doctor replied. “Doris’ destiny may not be a fixed point in 
time. But…”
                  “But what?!”
                  “But now that Doris knows her own future, trying to avoid it could create a 
dangerous paradox.”
                  “The kind that could rip the universe apart?”
                  “Maybe not the whole universe. But enough of it to cause several trillion 
                  Doris sighed. “Well, I certainly wouldn’t want that to happen.” She took a good long 
look at the statue. “I can think of worse fates. At least I’d get to stay young and 
beautiful forever.”
                  “Don’t say that!” Jenny cried. “We’ll figure out a way to change this!”
                  Doris shook her head. “Sorry, Jenny. If it’s my destiny to be a statue, then so be it. 
I’ll just have to make the most of the time I have left.”
                  Jenny could feel tears welling up in her eyes. “Will you let me take you to another 
universe first?”
                  “Thanks for the offer but that would just delay the inevitable. I think it’s time the 
Doctor and I got going. It was lovely meeting you, Jenny. I’ll never forget you. 
                  “Bye,” Jenny said wistfully as Doris reentered the TARDIS.
                  The Doctor gave Jenny an apologetic look. “Wish it didn’t have to be this way.”
                  “Me too.”
                  “See you around, Jenny.”
                  “See ya.”
                  The Doctor stepped inside the TARDIS without looking back, closing the doors 
behind him. Within moments, the familiar wheezing noise started up again and the blue box vanished.
                  Jenny turned back to the statue that was not really a statue. A single tear ran 
down her cheek. You’ll always be here, she thought. You’ll always be part of the 
Gardens of Serenity. And I’ll come to see you as often as I like. She was just about 
ready to shift away when she heard the TARDIS returning. She’s changed her mind! 
She’s come back for me! But when the doors opened this time, the Doctor was alone 
and looking miserable.
                  “Doctor! You’re back already? But you were only gone for a matter of seconds!”
                  “Seconds for you. A bit longer for me.”
                  “Where’s Doris?”
                  The Doctor indicated the statue.
                  “You mean…”
                  He nodded.
                  “What happened?”
                  “The TARDIS took us to a planet that seemed peaceful enough. That is, until we 
encountered a Gorgon.”
                  “I thought those were just a myth.”
                  “Myths have to come from somewhere. And this one was quite real. I shielded my 
eyes as fast as I could and ran back to the TARDIS. I could hear the Gorgon following 
close behind. Fortunately, there’s a mirror on the console. So I forced it to look at itself 
and, well, I suppose you can guess what happened next.”
      “It petrified itself?”
      “Precisely. But when I went back outside to find Doris, I saw that it was already too 
late for her.”
                  “I’m afraid so. Maybe she looked at it for too long. Or maybe she was already 
resigned to her fate and chose not to look away.”
                  Jenny started crying again but quickly wiped her tears. “So what did you do with 
the Gorgon?”
                  “I jettisoned it into space. But first, I brought Doris back to the TARDIS and had it 
scan her.”
                  “To see if there was any organic material left. But there wasn’t. Just stone.”
                  Jenny nodded solemnly. “And then you brought her here?”
                  “Yes. I brought her to a time when the gardens were first planted.”
                  “So she’s been here all this time?”
                  “That’s right. She’s been watching over these gardens for the last 5000 years.”
                  Jenny stifled a smile. “I take it there’s nothing we can do at this point?”
                  “No. Unless…”
                  “Nah, it’s stupid.”
                  “Tell me!”
                  “Well, supposedly, people who’ve been petrified can be restored by a kiss from 
their one true love.”
                  “I don’t know. It’s just a myth. There’s no scientific evidence to back it up.”
                  “But you said that myths have to come from somewhere.”
                  “Touché! But where would we find Doris’ true love?”
                  “I think I know!” With that, Jenny walked over to the statue and planted a kiss on 
its lips. She stood back and waited.
                  “I told you, Jenny, it’s nothing more than a myth. Plus it’s corny and cliche. You’ll 
just have to accept that Doris is stuck this way forever.”
                  Jenny sighed and turned back to the Doctor. “I know. I only wish-“
                  “What the hell just happened?” said a voice. 
       Jenny looked and saw that Doris was standing where the statue had been a 
moment before. “Doris!”
      “Jenny?” Doris looked around her, apparently confused by her surroundings. “What  
am I doing here? Doctor, weren’t we on another planet a minute ago?”
      “Well,” the Doctor said, “In a way.”
                  “The last thing I remember was seeing a terrible beast. Ugly beyond words. And 
then I found myself here.”
       “That’s because the beast was a Gorgon,” Jenny explained. “And it turned you to stone. But the Doctor defeated the Gorgon and then brought you back here to the gardens.”
       “He did?”
       “Yes. Turns out you were a statue for 5000 years.”
       “Wow! Time certainly flew by. But how am I me again?”
       “Because a kiss can restore you. A kiss from your one true love, me.”
       “Oh Jenny. I don’t know what to say.”
       “How about you love me too?”
       “I suppose I do.”
       “Glad to see everything worked out in the end!” the Doctor said gleefully. “Doris, now that you’re back to normal, you have a choice to make. Continue travelling with me or stay with Jenny.”
        Doris looked at them both, thought for a moment and smiled.
        “I owe Jenny my life. I’m sticking with her.”
        “Yay!” Jenny yelled.
        “Excellent!” the Doctor said, clapping his hands. “I shall miss you, Doris. You’ve made quite an impact on my life. And my wardrobe.”
        “I’ll miss you too, Doctor. Does this mean you’ll start wearing clothes again?”
        “Maybe after my next regeneration. Until then, I’m still the Naked Doctor!”
        The Doctor and Doris hugged. He then waved Jenny goodbye and went back to the TARDIS, which vanished soon afterwards.
        “So,” Jenny said, “Ready to start your new life with me?”
        “Absolutely!” Doris said with a smile. “I just hope the age difference won’t be a problem.”
        “Age difference?”
        “I’m 5000 years older than you, remember?”
        Jenny laughed. “I’m not worried about that!”
        “Neither am I! And now, I’m ready to visit another universe, like you offered.”
        “Great! Take my hand.” Doris did so. Jenny concentrated and the gardens disappeared, replaced by a desolate landscape.
      “Where are we now?” Doris asked.
       “I’ll show you!” Jenny led Doris to a large hole in the ground. It was filled with noisy machinery that emitted yellow smoke into the atmosphere, giving off a rancid smell.
       “What the…” Doris said, coughing. “What is this awful place?”
       “The Shelonian salt mines! They extract salt from the ground using a process that takes weeks and releases all kinds of noxious gases.”
        “Why bring me here?”
        “To show you how diverse the multiverse is! It can be pleasant as the Gardens of Serenity or as nauseating as these mines.”
         Doris looked Jenny straight in the eye and said, “Jenny. I’ve changed my mind. I want to be a statue again.” 
         Jenny blinked and the next thing she knew, Doris was indeed a statue once again.
“Hmm. So a kiss can unpetrify you but if you decide you want to go back to being a statue, you automatically get repetrified? I guess anything’s possible when myths and legends are involved. Oh well. Suit yourself. I can’t love someone who won’t love me back. But I’ll do this one last favour for you.”
         Jenny grabbed hold of the statue and shifted back to the Gardens of Serenity. She placed the statue right where it had been before. To put her mind at ease, she gave the statue another kiss. Only this time, nothing happened.
          “You’ve clearly made your choice. Spending eternity as a statue. I suppose you’re right. There are worse fates. But as for me, I’m going to live my life the way I’ve always lived it. Waiting for my next adventure.”
With that, Jenny sat back down in her favourite gazebo and was finally able to relax.
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Jenny gets a tablet message from her friend Rikki, she sees the link to a video she has never seen before. "Ok, what did my friend just send me? I wonder what this link shows," said Jenny. "Wait, let me see," said Zap as he joined in to see. She pressed the link to the video on her tablet, it popped up a video of Kevin Leonardo's Nair video.
"For reference, this is how hairy my butt is right now," said Kevin Leonardo on the video. "Wha-?" said Jenny, before she and Zap screamed together as they saw Kevin's butt pop up during the video. Zap screamed like Squidward when he saw it, Jenny stopped the video on her tablet. "WHAT IS THAT? WHAT, WHAT, WHAT?!" shouted Jenny, yelling in shock. "Oh my, God! He just-, he just showed his butt on the video," said Zap, terrified. "Rikki, why would you send me that? That is, how is that even on Youtube like that, oh my!" said Jenny, laughing. "I know, right," said Zap, laughing. "Hey guys, what's going on?" said Tung. "Tung, you don't want to see this. It's terrifying," said Zap. "Yeah," said Jenny. "Oh, my eyes!" said Zap, feeling like his eyes were on fire after the video.
"Let me see," said Tung. "OK, if you say so," said Jenny as she showed the video to Tung. "For reference, this is how hairy my butt is right now," said Kevin Leonardo on the video. "HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!" shouted Tung as he saw the part of the video, shocked. Tung turned his head away from the video, Jenny immediately stopped the video. "See," said Zap. "Yeah, I see that now, that was... Oh my, Gosh!" said Tung, breathing like he was going to get sick after watching the video. "We should do it on Dex," said Tung. "I don't know about that," said Jenny. "Me either, but I bet his reaction is gonna be hilariously priceless when he sees the video," said Zap.
"Hey, Dex, come here, we have something to show you," shouted Zap, calling Dex over. Dex came by the lab. "What is it? Is it another bug?" said Dex. "No, but you gotta look," said Jenny. Jenny replayed the video. Dex begins to watch it. "For reference, this is how hairy my butt is right now," said the video. Dex screamed out loud as he saw the part of the video before turning away and covering his mouth with his hand, Jenny paused the video again as they laughed. "Did he just?" asked Dex, shocked. "Yeah, he did," said Tung, laughing. "How is that allowed in the video? That is just crazy," asked Dex.
Dex was shocked, still but then started laughing, they all laughed. "We should show it to Lola and Tiffany," said Zap. "No, they're too young. They're still teenagers. They'll never find out about the video," said Dex. "Yeah, I agree with Dex. We should leave them be," said Jenny.
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qaraxuanzenith · 11 months
FCDnD Session 56
Jinx: Ben has a body Me: Legias and Lori definitely also have bodies. You've seen them. Adam: but have we touched them?
Adam: Huh, it's kind of weird how there are two J names, but only one of them is said. Jenny: I need to talk to Legias. Right now. You can come if you want.
Adanessa: do you have an appointment? Adam: yes Adanessa: name? Adam: you know my name Adanessa: I don't see your name in the appointment book Legias: Oh, good, you're here. come in. Adam, sticking his tongue out at Adanessa: It must suck not having things written down in your little book.
Jenny: Who is Ben? Who is Ben, to you? Legias: Ben is... the King? Of the Castle? That we are... currently in?
Adam: Can I try asking a question? Legias: it looks like you just succeded. Congratulations!
Jenny: Who is J in your journal? What does J stand for? Legias: It's... Jenny: It's me. It has to be me.
Jenny: We need to keep going. I cannot interact with Shard at all. Jinx: Like he can't know you exist? Jenny: He already knows I exist. I can not talk to him. Jinx: What about invisibility? Can I make you invisible when he's around? Adam: What about a mask? Get some face paint out? Jinx: Can we call you Henny Junter? Jenny: It really depends on how easy it is to lie to Shard. If he's talking to me directly, it's already too late.
Jenny: Anything that I know is information that Shard has easier access to. Adam: Well, you're stupid as bricks anyway, so we got this. Jenny: Thanks a lot. Adam: I was trying to be confidence-building.
Adam: a hundred dollars. Legias: No, thank you. Adam: Two hundred dollars. Legias: that's very generous of you, but no. Adam: You've been annoying me a lot lately. Jenny: I think that's just your aversion to authority.
Adam: So we can't let whatever his name is see whatever her name is, and if they do, we lie about it. I'm sure Hunter can't lie worth a damn.
Me: You have now finished your meeting with Legias, for better or for worse. Jinx: I think for worse, honestly.
Jinx: Do you want to say hello to house-builder guy? With the girlfriend sword? Adam: Hector?
Jinx: Do you think Hector was also under an enchantment, or did he just not recognize Jenny? Adam: Honestly, knowing Hector, it's a coin toss.
Adam: hello, you're looking very toady-ish. do you want to trade masks with me?
in which Jenny rolls a 5 on performance to send a non-verbal message, Jinx rolls a 3 on perception to understand it, and Adam rolls a 6 on insight to get what's going on; or: in which the party re-enacts the Good Omens baby switch
Adam: we need to go Jinx: what? She's got it in for her! Adam: she sure does Jinx: yeah, she needs our help! Adam: this is clearly a two-person affair
the (alleged) vampire: please sir, I insist, you must dance with me Jinx: excuse me, I have a girlfriend
Adam: why does being magical make you make bad decisions? Jinx: are you trying to say something? bite me, big girl.
Jenny, repeatedly failing her wisdom save despite the (alleged) vampire grappling Adam: a curious dance step, but I'll allow it
Jinx, investigating a "free drink token": THIS was so important? Adam: I picked her pocket for it Jenny: you STOLE from our HOST?! Adam: what are you gonna do, hit me about it? Jenny: THAT WOULD ALSO BE IMPROPER
Adam: I would not eat the food here. I mean, no offense to the host, I'm sure it tastes lovely, but she did mind control you all a bit. You might want to check for roofies.
Adam: Do we know anyone who hasn't got a will to live? Fern? What if we just send her Fern? Jenny: I think we should try to solve this problem without human sacrifice.
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theajaheira · 2 years
no new update of what you make tonight as i'm working on something else, but i AM going through the outtake doc for cute bits and snips! these span a BUNCH of chapters. (the actual outtake doc itself is 50k words but we're not doing that.)
“Sorry about eating your pancakes,” said Art, who really wasn’t.
“You really aren’t,” said Mom affectionately. “And you know I don’t mind. You’re a growing boy, and I’m—”
“A shrinking lady?” said Buffy innocently.
Anxiously, Art said, “If she’s shrinking, she should be eating pancakes!”
“That’s—no. Art—no.” Mom was doing her very best not to laugh. It wasn’t really working. “And Buffy, I am thirty-seven and nowhere near shrinking any time soon. Now, Rupert, on the other hand—”
“I have to go call Anya,” said Dad very loudly, and left.
“You don’t just throw money at problems,” said Jenny, glaring at him in a refreshingly combative way that felt a bit less like a marble statue and a bit more like a lightning strike. “And we’re not putting you out like that. Do you even know how expensive it is to house this many people in a reasonably decent hotel?”
“More money than we can pay, apparently,” said Stacey under her breath.
“For the love of God, Anastasia, do not create a new problem for me to address when Art’s parents are busily working on arguing their way into this one,” said Nora exasperatedly. “I should not have to tell you how hard your father and I worked to make this vacation a possibility—”
“And it’s sucked!” Stacey burst out. “It has totally sucked! You guys never let me do anything but wander around playing babysitter, and the one time I called Maddy, she said that Casey’s family’s in Honolulu right now and Casey totally has a Hawaiian boyfriend now! I haven’t even gotten to look at boys!”
“Stacey, you need to pick a lane,” said Jenny sharply. “You gonna get up on your high horse about how much you don’t like Rupert or are you going to yell at your mom about not being able to pay for the kind of vacation that Casey’s family is going on?”
Tears in her eyes, Stacey burst out, “This was supposed to be a vacation, and all we’re doing is trailing around after Art’s dad!”
“I…did not realize that those lanes could merge,” said Nora, who looked almost impressed.
“Yes, thank you, Christian, but I have absolutely no interest in continuing to have mediocre sex with you. What? Yes, it was mediocre. Do you even know where the clitoris is?” Upon seeing Giles in the doorway, Anya sighed very dramatically, then said, “Look, my kinda-boss is here and he doesn’t like it when I use the work phone to break up with disinteresting men. I will not be calling you back, and you definitely shouldn’t call again.”
She was now leveling Giles with a look that clearly said you better not be about to pull what I think you’re going to pull. “Pretty sure the ocean will be a problem, Rupert,” she said, “because you’re not just going to make some sort of impulsive life decision just because—”
“I’m moving to Colorado,” Giles informed them.
“Jesus Christ,” muttered Jenny, dropping her head into her hands.
Nora and Donovan exchanged a completely bemused look. 
“Jenny, he has so many people who love him,” said Giles very softly. “Nora and Donovan, of course, but it’s abundantly clear that his cousins adore him. I’ve never seen a family get on quite like yours does.”
“You’ve seen, like, two families,” said Jenny unsympathetically.
Giles ignored this.
Art lit up the very moment Giles entered the kitchen. Giles had initially assumed that this could be attributed to his relative newness, and would as such fade once he became a more established part of his life, but closer observation had revealed that Art’s delight extended to absolutely every member of his family. Even Bella, who Art valiantly play-acted at violently hating, always got his attention upon entering a room—though, to be fair, Bella got everyone’s attention upon entering a room, usually by causing minor to significant property damage within the first five seconds of being there. “Hi, Dad!” he said. “Aunt Nora made you breakfast and tea and I didn’t let Mom eat any of it.”
“…Was that a risk?” said Giles.
“Yes,” said Art, glaring at Jenny. “She said you said it would be okay, but I didn’t see how you could do that if you were asleep. Were you asleep?”
“Very,” said Giles, sitting down between Jenny and Bella. “How are you doing?”
“I don’t know, it’s too early,” said Art. “You have to ask me that at dinner when I’ve done things. Can we play in the hedge maze again?”
Giles opened his mouth. Jenny shot him a look, then said to Art, “I don’t know, baby. Are you going to be able to take good care of your dad and not get him lost in it again?”
“I wasn’t lost,” Giles started, very unconvincingly.
“He wasn’t lost!” said Art. “He’s a grown-up! And I wasn’t lost either!”
Seeing as Rupert has not quite gotten over the fact that we will no longer be traveling from place to place, and in fact woke me up at four in the morning last Thursday to ask where his little suitcase was so that he could properly pack it for our next trip, any and all aspects of our new home that bring him joy are a great joy to me as well. As such, when he discovered that the telephone was no longer solely for emergencies, he proceeded to ask me to ring absolutely every family member possible so that he could talk to them. Of course, given that Rupert has quite a lot of trouble talking to anyone who isn’t me or Tom, as soon as the phone was handed to him, he would go dead silent, listen with wide eyes to the inquiries of whichever gran he had on the phone, and say, very anxiously, “Thank you for calling. Goodbye,” before abruptly hanging up.
The first time he did this, I was very worried that he’d been made nervous by a family member outside of our little circle. Imagine my surprise when he solemnly handed me the phone again and asked politely that I ring “the other gran” so that they could “have a little chat,” which I am certain is a phrase he learned from my little chats with Lizzy and Ramona! He has spent the last two days asking about people we can call, to the point where Tom sat down last night, drew up a small list of friends and family who he has made sure will not mind getting repeated calls from a four-year-old who is not inclined towards chatter (as it happens, most of our friends and family think that this is ADORABLE, as they SHOULD), and taught Rupert how to use the phone so that he could call people himself.
Rupert has not left the phone for hours on end. He is unbelievably fascinated with it and spent most of yesterday explaining to me how he thinks it works in great detail. Tom caught wind of this (and, of course, my response, which was to treat the whole thing like improvisational theatre and add on particularly outlandish suggestions re: magical telephones) and decided to track down some informational pamphlets on how telephones REALLY work. Rupert, however, was supremely uninterested in actual science, and responded to this pamphlet by drawing up a pamphlet of his own that (according to him) is entitled “How Telephones Really Really Work.” Thomas has absolutely no idea what to do with this. (I am going to get it framed.)
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zomviesworld · 1 year
Hello! This is information of Robert Wilson my Creepypasta Oc! So enjoy! This is my first time writing stuff like this! So yeah! I do apologize for the misspelling and if things don’t make sense, so enjoy!!!!! :)
Real name:Robert Wilson
Name: The skull
Metal issues:Unknown
Likes:rain,calm sound, studying,
Dislikes:Heights, yelling,being alone but doesn’t mind,alcohol
Relatives:Violet Wilson (Alive) Andrew Lee (alive)
About violet Andrew: they never cared about Robert, they Never looked for him when he was at the hospital his parents didn’t even come,They didn’t see Robert as their son nor even know he even existed
Weapons:Red Axe, Gun
Ability:perfect hearing, amazing stealth, can remember anything perfectly
Hobbies:Reading,Art,Studying subjects,Origami,Studying languages
Crimes:Murder,Stalking,Serial killer,Kidnapping
Goal: see slander-man die (on-going)
Personality:Calming, nice,jokester,comforting,responsible
Appearance:brown hair,pretty smile,few scars on his body
Background: When Robert was younger his parents would neglected Him, his parents were never around he always thought it was his fault… “maybe I’m not doing something correctly” Robert said, Robert is a pretty smart boy for his age at 7 years old
he would get pretty good grades he would show his parents or even try to but his parents would say “Not now” or “i don’t have time for you at the moment go away” hearing that from his parents crushed him but it’s okay right? They still love him right? A parents love is endless correct?
Robert would do good at school but kids around him would call him a “freak” “weirdo” “loser” “Nerd” he didn’t mind, The only issue was for him it was hard to make friends he would try to fit in with other kids but the people around him would push him “you don’t belong here you freak” “fucking nerd who the fuck do you think you are??” People would say Robert would say “I apologize I didn’t mean to push you I really apologize” he got smacked by people he would think it’s his fault he would have bruises all over his body “it’s my fault either way” he would say, at the age 14 he graduated from high school, he went home happy “MOM! I graduated!!! Look!! Ma? Pa?” He said looking for his parents but he saw a note saying “not home you can cook for yourself don’t stay up late” by his parents, he kicked the chair throwing things around “WHAT AM I DOING WRONG??” As he yelled frustration, soon after he fell asleep he woke up in a cold sweat
he began to around but no one was home it was around 3:30Am “Hm” he said,he heard voices around as he felt light headed he looked around far there’s a barn hearing a crying girl “I should check it out..” He said to himself “wait no that’s stupid why the hell am I talking to myself smh”, he heard the door open, he went to check it but no one “I know damn well the air did not open that door” but there was a girl looking at him “come” the girl said to Robert, “no” Robert said he closed the door and went back to bed, soon after he would have weird dreams of meeting someone who would help him, he went to collage age 15 he would focus on his study’s people would whisper about him, one day a group of people came up to them their names are “Jenny” “Tom” “Oliver” “alice” “Alan”, Jenny had blonde hair with black roots, Tom had dark black hair, Oliver has blueish dyed hair, alice has blond hair,, Alan has brown hair, “you must be Robert huh” said A girl, “yeah..?” Robert said, “I’m Jenny this is Tom,Oliver,alice,and Alan” said Jenny, “Oh uh nice do you need something?” Robert said, “yeah you come hang out with us” Alice said, Alice is a pretty girl “I’m not interested if you feel petty for me” Robert said, “aw we don’t come on” said Alan, Robert would go with them, Robert would drink alcohol even tho he is 15 they knew it was work but didn’t care how did it start? “Come on drink one” Jenny said, “no thanks I really don’t drink” Robert said, “what you a pussy?” Said Tom, “no I just don’t drink” Robert said again, “oh come on” alice said as she and Jenny were getting closer to Robert, both trying to lean in for a kiss to Robert but he pushed them away “no no thanks” he said, “I don’t like being pushed especially by you” said Alice, “I apologize but no” said Robert, “are you gay?” Said Tom “oh we got a faggot? Now?” Said Tom again, “don’t call me that and no don’t say that” ,They all laughed at his face, “okay whatever have you heard about slanderman?” Said Tom, “no?” Said Robert they told him about slander man who he was real and how he makes people kill for him, Tom gaved Robert a beer but Oliver put a pill inside the Bottle the pill was those pill club pills on his beer He didn’t think much of it he was talking to Jenny and the others, he started to feel Difficulty breathing,Nausea,as his body temperature changed, Sudden increase in dizziness, disorientation, and blurred vision he tried to get up But Jenny and the others,laughed at him, Tom thought it was fun idea “OMG SLANDER MAN RUN!!” shouted tom the girls screamed and ran laughing, Robert was struggling so bad trying to stay up Indeed slander-man was in-front of him , Robert looked up at him “very f..funny tom” he said but then slander-man his voice was very glitchy Robert started to run trying to keep himself awake panicking he went to a random abandoned house Robert was having a anxiety attack trying to think what to do next “shit shit I’m die fuck” Robert said, at this point Robert was afraid he was drugged up, slander-man appeared behind Robert a whole scream from slanderman so disturbing, Robert was stepping away from him he felt like he got pushed, he fell off the window hitting the floor but he saw how glass was shattered seem on purpose it shot to his eyes, he passed out, Oliver and Jenny,Alan,Tom,Alice went to find Robert as they stood in shocked cursing at each other as The girls cried knowing they would go to jail since he was a minor,drinking, and dead, “shut the fuck up and help me HURRY THE FUCK ON” Tom yelled, as the other helped Tom pick up Robert they were to a Bridge probably 6-10 minutes of a walk to drop him, as they see his body float they all left scared, “shit shit shit” “shut the fuck up” “THIS IS YOUR FAULT” “no no honey it’s ours” “shut the fuckup already” they left
Robert woke up a 2 weeks later, he woke up he moved his head to a On his left direction he had bandages rapped around his eyes “who are you?” Robert said, “Oh your awake” she said, “I am now who are you?” Robert said, “No it doesn’t matter” she said, “Hm I’m..Robert “ Robert said when that she did not introduce herself it was polite for him to do so but she didn’t say anything then she spoke she said, “they left you didn’t they?” She said speaking again, He felt his mouth open “I feel betrayed” the words came out of his mouth, (His pov) “I couldn’t tell if someone was actually there, was it my imagination? I can’t tell”,he couldn’t feel her at all, He began to get up slowly pulling wires off his body, it’s been weeks he kept dream of his parents last words to him “I’m sorry but I don’t understand!” Robert said, their voice was glitchy saying “I don’t need you Robert”, He began heavy breath he open his mouth “are you giving up? I know we all have hard times but don’t give up you still have me can I be any help???..am I a disappointment to you or..” Robert said as He woke up in a cold sweat looking Around, Robert got up afraid he grabbed his bat “Today is a new day but for you there’s no tomorrow” as he sense his first victim.
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anglophiletraveler · 2 years
In My Life Chapter 17
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Devil in Her Heart
Written by Richard Drapkin aka “Ricky Dee”
Originally Performed by The Donays
This was a difficult chapter for me to write.  My commute to work is making it difficult for me to find the time to write.  Then when I finished it, my internet lines had been cut accidentally from digging to lay fiber optics, so it took a couple of days to send it to my beta, the wonderful Karen Bockius.  Happy Birthday Karen! 
The lift opened on the 12th floor and a woman dressed more for a cocktail party than a business meeting, stepped out of the elevator.  Her long, light brown hair was perfectly coiffed in the style of Rita Hayworth than someone in today’s world, and her makeup looked like it was professionally done to match her pale skin.   She seemed to draw the attraction of everyone around her as she approached the main receptionist desk. 
“Hello.  I’m here to see Ross Poldark.”  Of course she had a posh accent.
The receptionist didn’t blink an eye at her.  “Do you have an appointment?”
“No.  But he knows who I am and will see me.”
“And your name?”
“Elizabeth Poldark.”
The receptionist was startled for a moment recognizing the name but not able to place who this person was.  “One moment please while I call back to his assistant.”  She knew that Ross was going to be out of the office for a while, but she decided to call back to Jenny anyway.  “Jenny, this is Ann at the front desk.   I have someone up front who would like to see Mr. Poldark.  Her name is Elizabeth Poldark.”
Jenny couldn’t believe her ears.  She knew the history between Ross and Elizabeth and Francis and wasn’t about to let that woman in Ross’s office.  “Ann, don’t tell her anything about Ross being on medical leave.  Just say that he’s out of the office today.  And don’t give out any of his personal information.  Just say that we don’t give out personal information of employees.  If that’s not good enough for her, call me again and I’ll come up.”
Ann was trying to act like what Jenny just told her wasn’t a big deal since Elizabeth was still standing right in front of her.  “Right.  Thank you.”  She hung up with Jenny and looked up at Elizabeth.  “I’m so sorry Mrs. Poldark, but Mr. Poldark is out of the office today.”
Oh.  I guess I should’ve called first.  Will he be in tomorrow?”
“I don’t know what his schedule is ma’am.”
Elizabeth narrowed her eyes at the receptionist.  “Very well.  Thank you.”  And with that Elizabeth did a cool turn on her heels and headed back for the elevator.  
A few minutes later Jenny came up to see Ann at the receptionist desk.  “Is she gone?”
“Yes, she left right away.  Who was that?”
“That woman is a troublemaker.  Do not ever let her back to Ross’s office even if he is here.”
Ann seemed really puzzled by Jenny’s response.  “Alright.  She’s very beautiful.  She reminded me of that cartoon character, Jessica Rabbit.”
“Oh she’s beautiful alright, but very cold.  Remember what I said about her.” said Jenny.
Ross’s surgeon had ordered IV antibiotics because of the infection in his foot.  So now the visiting nurses were coming twice daily to administer the antibiotics.  In between nurse visits, Jenny would stop by to work with Ross.  On this particular day, she knew what she had to tell Ross was going to blow his mind.  
“Jenny!  It’s nice to see a friendly face.  That nurse could use some lessons on how to smile once in a while!  What do you have for me today?”
“Ross, you are not going to guess who stopped by the office to see you this morning.”
He frowned at Jenny.  Something obviously was up at the office.  He was thinking that one of the partners stopped by but that didn’t make sense because they all knew that he was working from home.  “Who are you talking about, Jenny?”
“Elizabeth.  Elizabeth Chenoweyth Poldark.”
Ross narrowed his eyes in disbelief.  “What?!  What in hell would Elizabeth be doing at the office?”
“She asked to see you.  Ann from the front desk called me and I told her to tell her that you were out of the office for the day and not to give out any personal information.  That bitch isn’t getting anywhere near you if I have anything to say about it!!  The bloody nerve of her!”
Ross smiled to himself, loving the way Jenny was acting as his protector.  “I don’t get it.  Did she say what she wanted?”
“No.  When Ann told her you were out of the office, she just said ‘Oh I should’ve called first’ and turned around and left.  Does she know where you live?”
“Not as far as I know.  I don’t think Francis even knows where I live.  This just blows me away Jenny.  What the fuck is she up to?  Well you did the right thing, and I thank you for it.  Besides, we don’t give out personal information of employees anyway.”
“That’s what I told Ann to say to her if Elizabeth started trying to find out something about you.  Do you think she is trying to find you, make trouble for you somehow?”
“I don’t know what kind of trouble she could cause.  More than likely she doesn’t know about Demelza.  Although, Ruth ran into my family eating at a restaurant while I was in hospital.  So I’m sure Ruth told her that I was in hospital recently.”
“Oh dear God, I don’t know which is worse, Ruth or Elizabeth.”
“You’re right on that score Jenny.  Well let’s try to get some work done.   I want to be as productive as possible while I’m away.  I don’t want the partners thinking that I’m slacking.”
After Jenny left Ross’s home, he decided to give Verity a call about the news of Elizabeth showing up at work.  He didn’t want to let on to Jenny how much the news of Elizabeth showing up at the office bothered him, but he found it hard to concentrate on work the rest of the day.
“Verity hi, do you have time to talk?”
“Yes, I was just getting ready to leave the office.  What’s up?”
“You’re not going to believe this, but Jenny told me that Elizabeth showed up at the office this morning asking for me.”
“What?  Is Jenny sure that it was Elizabeth?”
“Yes.  Jenny knows exactly who Elizabeth is and all of the sordid history.  Besides, Elizabeth announced herself to the receptionist at the front desk.  Do you think she knows where I live?”
Verity was trying to think if she had ever mentioned to Elizabeth where Ross lived.
“Ver?”  Ross was starting to feel anxious.
“I’m sorry, I was just trying to think.  I’m pretty sure that I have never told Elizabeth where you live.  I don’t think I’ve ever told father or Francis where you live.  I don’t remember the subject coming up to be honest with you.  What do you think she wants?”
“I don’t know.  But I really don’t want her sniffing around right now just when things are going so well with me and Demelza.  Didn’t you and my parents run into Ruth at a restaurant while I was in hospital?”
“Yes, but there was no mention of where you lived.  But I’m sure Ruth told her that she ran into us and that you were in the hospital as soon as she left the restaurant.  Ross, if she shows up just shut the door in her face.  You’ve moved on and no matter what she has to say you don’t need that rubbish in your life.  I hardly see Francis or Elizabeth anymore, and if father gives me trouble over bringing Andrew home for Christmas, then I’m not going to go at all.”
“I told Demelza that you might not be going home for Christmas.  You’re more than welcome to join us here if you’d like.  Mum and da are coming up here for Christmas, so it will be the four of us along with Demelza’s brother, Drake.”
“Thank you Ross.  We might take you up on your offer.  I’ll let you know when I figure things out.  I wouldn’t worry about Elizabeth.  Maybe she was just in the city Christmas shopping and decided to stop by.”
“I hope it was nothing more than that, but I can’t help but worry about it.”
“If I hear anything more about it I’ll let you know.  I have to go now, I’m meeting Andrew for dinner.  Take care, love.”
“Right.  Give Andrew my best.  Cheers love.”  Ross couldn’t help the uneasy feeling that he had.  He really didn’t know what trouble Elizabeth could cause.  He certainly didn’t have any feelings towards her or Francis other than pure disgust.  Part of him had felt like he should reconcile at least with Francis since it has been so many years ago, and they are family after all.  But every time he had run into Francis at family events, the hair stood up on the back of his neck.  
Ross was trying to keep his mind off of Elizabeth but it was proving to be difficult.  Demelza was performing with the orchestra tonight and had been gone most of the day for a gig at one of the malls, so he hadn’t seen her all day.  He tried texting Dwight.
Hey mate what are you up to?  💡
One overdose, a broken arm and a lacerated forehead.  🤕😷🤮  What are you up to?
Oh fuck.  Never mind.  Are you off tomorrow?
Yeah, you want me to swing by?
If you don’t mind.  You won’t believe what I have to tell you.
Sounds mysterious.  Are you pregnant?
Lol.  I wish.  That would be a lot nicer.
Okay, I’ll come by after I get some sleep.
K.  Night mate.
I’m afraid there won’t be any sleeping for me tonight.  But you enjoy the warm body next to you!
Bullocks.  So no Dwight, no Demelza.  He had thought about not telling Demelza about Elizabeth’s little visit until he knew more about what was going on.  But then he thought twice about it and how they had said they would always be honest with each other, so he decided to stay up until she got home.  So he decided to drink beer and play some video games until Demeza came home.  Apparently it worked because when Demelza came through the front door, she found Ross asleep on the sofa, head leaning back on a pillow with the game controller in one hand, an empty beer in the other hand, and a few crisps on his shirt.  Demelza couldn’t help but take a picture of her normally sexy boyfriend in such a position.  She was able to remove the beer bottle from one hand, but when she went to remove the game controller from the other hand it caused him to jump, which caused Demelza to jump!  “Judas Ross, you scared me!”
“Well you scared me!  I’m sorry.  Are you alright?”  
Demelza was chuckling, “Yeah, yeah I’m fine.  Why didn’t you go to bed?”  She was trying to brush the crisp crumbs from his shirt.  Finally Ross just took it off.
“Well, I was trying to stay up for you.”  Demelza could tell he was a little flustered.  “I missed you today and I wanted to stay up and see you and talk with you.  I um, just come here, I need a hug.”  Ross said.
She sat down close to Ross.  “Aww, baby come here, I’ll give you a hug.”  Demelza wrapped her arms around Ross and was rubbing his back.  Ross smiled to himself when she called him ‘baby’.  He had the feeling that she was trying to sound out pet names for him, and he knew it wasn’t something that came natural to her.  “What’s wrong?  You seem out of sorts.”  She pulled back and looked at him and was running her fingers through his hair.
“I feel better now that you’re home.  Something happened at the office today that I need to talk to you about because we always say that we will always be honest with each other…”
She frowned at him, “Ross what happened?  You’re scaring me.”
“You’ve met my assistant Jenny haven’t you?  She’s from where I live in Cornwall, her family is close to mine.”   Demelza shook her head.  “Well she came by today with work for me, and she was all upset because Elizabeth stopped by the office this morning looking for me.”
“What?  Elizabeth… as in your ex-girlfriend Elizabeth that cheated on you with your cousin?”
“And married my cousin, and now has a child with him.  Yes, that Elizabeth.”
“What would she ever want?  Did you talk to her?”
“No, I didn't talk to her.  My guard dog-of-an-assistant Jenny told the receptionist to tell her that I was out of the office for the day.  Apparently she didn’t say much to that and then left.”
Demelza started removing her high heels that were killing her feet. “So you have no idea what she wanted?”
“None whatsoever.  Jenny reminded the receptionist that we don’t ever give out personal information of the employees and left it at that.  I called Verity and spoke to her about it to see if maybe she had ever told Frances or Elizabeth where I live, and she doesn’t think she’s ever told them or her father.  She was just hoping that maybe she was in the city shopping and decided to stop by to see me.  Would you like for me to rub your feet, my love?”
She smiled.  “That would be lovely.  The tree always smells so good when I walk into the house.  Hmmmm, well Ross you are the one that knows her.  What do you think?”
He grabbed Demelza’s legs and pulled them into his lap so that he could rub her feet, and sighed.  “I honestly don’t know what to think.  It’s not like she can cause any trouble for me or us.   I love you, and I am totally devoted to you.  Even if you are starting to steal my Star Wars shirts!”
“Why, whatever do you mean?”  Demelza batted her eyes at him innocently.  
“Look at you being all coy with me!  You’ve been gone all day and night.  I bet you’re knackered.”
“Oh I am.  And I’m hungry but I’m too tired to eat.  Let’s just go to bed.”
Demelza had helped Ross get situated in bed with his foot, being careful not to bump his IV lock in his hand.  She had gone into the bathroom to change into Ross’s Star Wars jammas and brushed her teeth.  She came out of the bathroom wearing the evidence.
Ross pointed at her, “Aha! I rest my case!”
“I’m sorry, I haven’t had time to do laundry.  What do you want me to do, take it off?”
“Now there’s a thought!”
She turned off the overhead light and climbed into bed.  “Haha, very funny.  If I can wait for the full two weeks for the pill to take effect, so can you.  Oh that reminds me, Caroline and I have a girls day planned for tomorrow.  I hope you don’t mind.  We haven’t had a chance to go out with just the two of us in so long.”  She snuggled into Ross’s arms.
“Of course I don’t mind.  But I am curious as to why the thought of waiting two weeks for the pill to take effect reminds you of going out with Caroline tomorrow?”
“Oh, no reason.”  Demelza didn’t want to tell Ross that she was going for her first bikini wax the next day.
Ross turned around so he could look Demelza in the eye and raised an eyebrow.  “That didn’t sound too convincing.  What are two up to?”
“Nothing Ross.  We’re just doing girl things… you know, mani pedis, lunch, wine, gossip, all perfectly harmless.”
“Hmmm.  Alright, if you say so.”  He leaned down to give her a sensuous kiss.  He began to nibble at her ear, “You know I’ll eventually get it out of you, Melza,” and then started tickling her.
“Judas Ross!!  Stop!”  She was laughing, but was secretly enjoying it.  “Stop!  There’s nothin to worry bout.  It’s all perfectly harmless girl stuff!”
“Why do I have a feeling that there is nothing perfectly harmless about Caroline Penvenen.”  
Demelza was smiling up at him with those sparkling blue eyes, “Ross Poldark, do I need to be jealous the way you are talking about another woman in bed with me?”
Ross shook his head, and with his sexiest voice replied  “Oh no my love.  My heart, soul and body belongs totally to you Miss Demelza Carne.  I am totally yours.”  He leaned down to kiss her lovingly.  She finally broke away from him out of breath, “And I am totally yours Ross.”
The next morning Ross received a text from Dwight that he was going to come over and check his foot.  Demelza had already left for her girls day with Caroline so he was excited to be able to spend some time alone with his best friend.  Since Demelza and Caroline had come into their lives, there hadn’t been much male bonding time.  
How about I stop and pick up a pizza and some beer on my way?  😁
Cheers!  Lookin forward to it!
Seamus was laying on the sofa next to Ross when Dwight came in the front door.  The ferocious beast raised his head to see who it was and then laid it back down.  
“Dwight, c’mon in.  I’m just wasting away here with Seamus.  I think I’ve finally gotten the hang of who is who on Coronation Street.  Pizza smells great.”
“I wasn’t sure if Demelza was around so I brought enough for the three of us.”
“Oh no she’s with Caroline on their girls day out.  I figured you knew all about it?”  
Dwight was handing out pizza and a bear to Ross.  “Ahhh no.  Actually I haven’t spoken with Caroline in a couple of days.  We’ve been shorthanded at the hospital again, so I’ve been pulling extra shifts to help out.  I have tonight off so I was going to call her later and see if she wanted to do something.”
“Ouch.  You haven’t spoken with her in a couple of days?  Isn’t she kind of high maintenance?”
“She can be.  But I told her what was going on at work, so hopefully she understands.  I’m not the only one who is putting in the extra hours.”
“Well, for your sake mate, I hope she understands.  Other than work, how are things with her going?”
“I think pretty well.  She doesn’t tend to let her guard down with everyone, so I’m working on that little by little.  I think it’s a trust issue from losing her parents at such a young age.  That and growing up with her posh uncle doesn’t help matters.  Your dad mentioned that he knows her uncle?”
“Oh yes, that’s right.  I’ve met him a time or two at different events.  He’s very nice, but old school.  Are you going there over the holidays?”
“Not sure yet.  We haven’t firmed up plans for the holidays.  I don’t want to leave my da alone at Christmas.”
“No I don’t blame you there.  Mum and da are comin here for Christmas because of my foot and Demelza’s performance schedule.  Verity and her beau might be joining us.  You know you’re always welcome.”
“Thanks mate.  We’ll see.  That’s a beautiful tree by the way.  You did a great job with it.”
 “Ah, that was all Demelza and her brother.  I sat back and supervised a little.  It was so much fun going to Selfridge’s and then picking out the tree.  Watching Demelza and Drake was like watching little kids decorate their first tree.  In a way, I guess it was.”
“So it seems like things are going well for the two of you.  I assume that you’ve finally told her about Claude Anthony’s death, and Elizabeth.”
“Yeah, yeah.  I don’t know what I was so worried about.  She was very understanding about everything.  Ever since our talk things have been wonderful between us, but that does remind me…  You know my assistant Jenny?”
“Yeah the girl from Cornwall.”
“Yes, Zachy’s niece.  She came by yesterday with work for me but she was all in a tizzy because… you’re not going to believe this, Elizabeth stopped by the office.”  He was watching for the expression on his friend’s face.
Dwight just about dropped his plate of pizza.  “Wait, what?  Elizabeth Chenowyth, your ex-fiance?”
“Well Elizabeth Poldark now, but yeah, the one and the same.”
“What the hell did she want?”
Ross was shaking his head, “Dunno.  According to Jenny, she stopped at the front desk asking for me, and Jenny told the receptionist to tell her that I was out for the day.  She apparently didn’t say anything else, and just turned around and left.  I really don’t know what to make of it.  What do you think?”
“I… bloody …. I … I really don’t know what to think of it.  She didn’t say anything else?”
“Nope.  She asked for me, and when she was told that I was out for the day, she left.  Jenny reminded the receptionist that we don’t give out personal information of employees.  And that was that.”
“Does she know where you live?”
“Not that I know of.  I called Verity and she was just as shocked as I was.  I asked her if she had ever mentioned to Frances or Elizabeth where I live, and she said that she hadn’t.  Verity thought that maybe she was just in the city for shopping and decided to stop in and see me.”
“No, no I don’t believe that do you?  Elizabeth doesn’t ever do anything without a reason.”
“That’s how I feel about it, but I can’t imagine what it might be.  Ruth probably told her that I had been in hospital, so maybe she was just wondering what was wrong with me.”
Dwight was looking pensive, “Could be.  Hopefully that’s it.  Doesn’t she have a son?”
“Yeah, she and Francis have a son named Geoffrey Charles.  I don’t think I’ve ever seen him.  I guess he would be around five by now.”
“Have you asked your mum about it?”
“No, maybe I should.”
“Did you tell Demelza?”
“I wasn’t going to at first, but then I thought I didn’t want to start out our relationship by hiding something after I had just told her that I wouldn’t ever keep things from her.  She took it well.  But then again she doesn’t know Elizabeth like you and I do.”
“Well, I guess the only thing you can do is just keep an ear to the ground.”
“So change of subject…  have you ever… slept with a virgin?”
Dwight just about spit out his beer!  “Bloody hell that’s one hell of a change in subject!”  He had to cough a couple of times.  “I take it that’s your current situation.”
“Yes, yes it is.  I don’t want to hurt her.  I’m kind of nervous about it.”  
Dwight could tell that his friend was nervous about the situation.  “Do you want your friend to answer the question, or your doctor?”
Ross mulled everything over in his brain for a second.  “Both?”
“Well as your doctor speaking, yes it probably will hurt the first time for her, and there may even be a little blood, as happens with most females.  As a friend….yes, I have slept with a virgin before.  I thought you knew that?  Do you remember Cathy back in uni?”
Ross was furrowing his brows now, “Cathy?  Why don’t I remember a Cathy?”
“I can’t believe you don’t remember Cathy!  Sweet girl, long blonde hair, education major.  We dated for almost a year Ross!”
Ross finally came to the realisation about Cathy, “Ohhh I thought her name was Katrina!”
“Ross!!!  I dated a woman for almost a year and you didn’t even know her name?  You’re hopeless, or at least you were.  I think Demelza has finally knocked some sense into you.”
“Okay, can we get back to the subject at hand please.  I don’t want to hurt her, and I just want to make her first time special.  I keep wondering if I should plan a weekend away, someplace romantic, or…  I don’t know.”
“You pillock!  Don’t put so much pressure on yourself.  Just let it happen naturally.  I can’t believe that you of all people are so nervous about this.  You sure have fallen hard!”
“I knooooow!  Which is why I want it to be perfect for her.  I was thinking of somewhere where there is snow.”
“She loves snow!  Just look at the bloody Christmas tree!  She picked out snowflakes for the ornaments!”
Dwight was laughing at his friend now, “So you’re going to whisk her up to the alps?  Blow hard on an alphorn!”  They were both laughing by now.  “So are you going to propose on this magical weekend in the alps?”
“You twat!  Well, I don’t think I am, but I do see us getting married in the future.”
“Oh brother you are really gone man.  I’m going to go wash my hands so that I can check out your foot while you plan your romantic weekend in the alps!”
Demelza and Caroline were well on their way for a fun girl’s day to ward off the stress of the last few weeks.  First was a morning at a day spa.  Caroline had an idea of what was in Demelza’s future, so she thought this type of day would make the perfect Christmas gift for Demelza, and for Ross in turn!   They decided that a full body nourishing wrap would be the ticket to a ‘calming, full body mask, rich in sea minerals and a hydrating gel that leaves skin smooth and moisturised’.  In addition to this they were treated to a ‘hydrating and soothing facial’.   And of course they had to have a mani pedi!  Caroline’s ‘gift’ also included a waxing of Demelza’s choice.  
“Caroline, I’m starting to think I really don’t want a Brazilian wax.”
“Oh just give it a try.  You don’t have to go all crazy with a Brazilian wax.  Just get a bikini wax!”
“Doesn’t it hurt?”
“Of course it hurts.  But it doesn’t last long.  Trust me.  Once you have had it done once, you can’t live without it.  
Demelza sighed.  “Somehow I doubt that.”
They entered the area where the waxing took place.  There was peaceful music piped in throughout the rooms with mood lighting as if that would soothe the clientele.  There were two women standing at a desk.  
Caroline spoke up, “Hello my name is Caroline Penvenen, and this is my friend Demelza Carne.  I believe we have appointments.”
One of the girls spoke up, “Yes, we have you scheduled.  Do you know which type of waxing that you’d like to have done?”
“I’m going to have a Brazilian, and my friend here is new to this, and she’s going to have a bikini wax.”
“Don’t worry Demelza, you’re in good hands.  My name is Zara and I’ll be your esthetician today. Caroline you will be with Vanna.  We suggest that you both go to the toilet and relieve your bladders before we get started. The restrooms are right behind you and when you’re finished we will get started.  At this point Demelza couldn’t speak and was just shaking her head in response to the questions.  
Caroline and Demelza  went into their separate rooms.  Demelza looked at the table in fear.  Zara asked  “Demelza do you have any questions for me?”
“Um right not at this moment.”
“Okay we’ll just get started then.  Oh and your friend will probably be a little bit longer than you since she is getting a Brazilian wax.  That usually takes a bit more time.”  Demelza just shook her head again.
Caroline could hear Demelza yelling “Judaaaas” at the first couple of pulls.  She looked at the esthetician that was doing her wax.  “It’s the dear girl’s first wax. I told her it would hurt!”
They were leaving the day spa, Demelza walking slightly awkward. “Caroline I can’t believe you talked me into getting waxed!  That was torture!!”
Caroline smugly said, “The more you have it done the less it hurts.  Now let’s get some lunch, I’m starving!”
After lunch, Caroline insisted on taking Demelza shopping for lingerie. 
“Caroline, you really don’t have to do this.  I can shop for lingerie on my own.”
“I know, but I just thought this would be a fun way to end our girl’s day out.   Now let’s see, what colour should you wear for the big event?”
“Shhhhh Caroline!  Not so loud!”
“Do you want to go virginal white?  Or maybe something wilder like black or maybe a cheetah print!?”
Demelza was turning a couple shades of red by now and was looking around to see if anyone was staring at them.  “Bloody hell.  I really could’ve done this on my own.  Lord knows it would have been quieter!”  
“Ohhhh how about this one.  It’s not the virginal white, but this soft greyish lavender is pretty.  So do you want something like a two piece outfit, or maybe something like a baby doll with more coverage?   Maybe you should take a couple of different outfits home with you and see what you feel comfortable in.”
“I don’t know Caroline.  It’s all so expensive and I am not letting you pay for anything else today!  Christmas or not!  I just know I don’t want anything slutty looking.  Maybe I will get a baby doll.  I think I’d feel more comfortable in something like that.”
At the end of their shopping spree, Caroline had bought some new bras and knickers, and a couple of new lingerie outfits.  Demelza had stayed true to herself and went with a  conservative baby doll outfit, and a couple of new bras and knickers.  She wondered what Ross would think of what she picked out.
On the drive back to Ross’s place, they were both giggling about their day.  Caroline said, “I don’t know why I bothered buying new lingerie.  I haven’t seen Dwight in days!  Apparently  they’re short staffed at the hospital so he’s been filling in, and let me tell you I’m not happy about it one bit.”
“Ohh he’s a good doctor.  Give him a break Caroline, he can’t just let the ER go unstaffed.  Are you taking him with you to your Uncle Ray’s for Christmas?”
“I haven’t asked Uncle Ray about it yet.  He’s still set on me marrying a ‘landed gentry’.  He’s definitely stuck in the wrong century.  What about you and Ross?  Are you going to Cornwall for Christmas?”
“No, his folks are coming up here.  Oh Caroline you have to come inside and see our tree!”
Caroline parked the car in the drive next to Dwight’s car.  “Huh.  Would you look at that!  I haven’t seen the bloke for days, but I see he finds the time for his best mate!  The wanker!”
“Oh Caroline don’t be too upset.  Maybe he’s just checking on Ross’s foot.”
“For his sake, he better be performing a brain transplant!!”
Demelza couldn’t help but laugh at her friend.
Demelza tried to go through the door first to warn Dwight that Caroline was with her, but Caroline started yelling before the door was closed.  Demelza barely sat her packages down before she started in on the poor lad.
“Doctor Enys!  It seems that if I want to see you, I have to enter the Poldark abode.  How have you been?  It’s been decades since you’ve darkened my doorstep.”
Ross and Demelza gave each other a look like they both wanted to crawl under a table somewhere.
Dwight stood up to go over and greet Caroline with a kiss.  “Now Caroline, it hasn’t been decades.   I was just checking up on Ross and his foot to make sure he was healing well.”
Ross spoke up to defend his friend.  “It’s true Caroline.  The old bandages are in the bin in my bathroom if you want to check out his story.  And he even removed my stitches!”  Luckily the pizza box and beer had been put away in the kitchen to hide the evidence.
Demelza moved to sit next to Ross.  “Really?  Oh Dwight that’s good news isn’t it?  Does it mean that his foot is better?”
Dwight had pulled Caroline to come sit on his lap in the chair.  “Yes.  That extra shot of antibiotics that I gave him did the trick.  There’s no more sign of infection.  I think next week he could return to the office on one of those knee scooters if he’d like.  It’s best to stay non weight bearing for the next couple of weeks as much as possible.  Just an occasional toe touch.”
“Oh that’s wonderful news!  That means you can be up a little bit by the time Christmas comes around.  Oh Caroline, what do you think of our tree!”
“It’s beautiful.  I love the colours.  It definitely looks like a Demelza Christmas tree with all of the snowflakes!”
Ross smiled at Demelza proudly and kissed her hand.  “Is anyone hungry?  I could cook us some dinner.  I think we are going to have some spaghetti and garlic bread tonight.” Demelza said.
Dwight cleared his throat, “Thank you Demelza, but since I have the night off, I was going to ask Caroline if she would like to have dinner with me tonight.”  He raised his brow at the blonde sitting on his lap.  
“Well, Dr. Enys, I suppose I can forgive you for your visit here since you were performing professional duties.  But I insist on your attention for the rest of the evening.  If you’re lucky I might even model for you some of my purchases from our shopping spree this afternoon.”  And with that she raised up from Dwight’s lap, allowing Dwight to stand up.
“Ross, be sure to give the therapist that script I wrote for your scooter.  Call me if you need anything.”  Demelza started to stand up to show them out.  “Don’t bother getting up Demelza.  We’ll show ourselves out.  It was lovely to see you again.”
Ross yelled out as Dwight and Caroline left, “Thanks for stopping by mate!”
The door closed behind them and Ross looked at Demelza with this incredulous look on his face.  “Hurricane Caroline has left the building!!  What the fuck was that all about??  Did she drink her lunch or what!”
Demelza started laughing.  “No, she only had one glass of wine at lunch.  She was just very upset because Dwight has been working overtime at the hospital, and hasn’t been to see her in awhile.  Only then to pull into the drive and find his car here.  I tried to tell her that he was probably just here to check on your foot.”
“Well, in all honesty, he had brought lunch for us both and we had a few beers and chatted.  But he really did check my foot.  We haven’t seen each other in a while ya know.  We’re best mates and sometimes best mates need to catch up too. I wanted to talk to him about Elizabeth showing up at the office.   But bloody hell, that was not a very nice way to greet him if you ask me.  I don’t think Dwight will put up with being talked to like that for very long.  He may seem meek and mild, but he does have a spine about him.”
“I know.  She gets all in a tizzy sometimes, but she’s not usually that bad.  I don’t know what has gotten into her.  Like I said, she mentioned that she hadn’t seen him for a while.  Maybe she’s feeling a little insecure about their relationship or something.”  She scooted closer to Ross and he gave her a kiss on her temple.
“That’s a funny way of showing insecurity.  Oh well.  Let them sort it out I guess.  Did you have a nice time today?  I see the bags you brought in.  I hope you spoiled yourself for a change.”
Demelza was hoping that he hadn’t seen the bags.  “Oh yes, we had a wonderful time.  I didn’t spoil myself but rather Caroline did.  She usually does something like this at Christmastime as a gift for me.  We went to the spa for a couple of hours, had lunch, and did a bit of shopping.”
Ross smiled at her, “Well it sounds like you had fun.  I’m glad you went.  Did you buy anything interesting?”  Ross was looking at the bags again.
“Oh, um, no, just girl stuff.  Are you hungry?  Does spaghetti sound alright?”  
He was starting to suspect that she was trying to change the subject, and gave her a sly smile. He remembered what Caroline said to Dwight about modelling her purchases.   “Spaghetti is fine but only if you feel up to cooking.”
“Oh yes, I’m fine after all of that laying around at the spa.  I’ll get started in a few.”  She started to get up and he pulled her back into his lap.
“No need to hurry off so soon Melza.  I did miss you.”  He put his hands on her face and brought her down so he could give her a kiss, which led to another kiss, and another on her ear and down her neck.  “Mmmm you smell delicious.  What kind of lotion did they use on you at the spa?”
“Umm I believe it was something with cucumber.  Do you like it?”
“Yes, I do.  Very much so.  Maybe Santa should put some in your stocking!”  Just then Ross’s stomach growled.
Demelza chuckled.  “Ross you have the loudest stomach growl that I’ve ever heard!  I better get up and fix dinner.”
“Oh I guess.”
“Shall I dabble some sauce behind my ear?”  Demelza was joking with him.
“Now there’s an idea!” 
Dwight had opened Caroline’s car door for her and looked her in her eyes. “How about we go back to mine and order pizza in.”
“Really Dwight, we haven’t seen each other in days and you just want to stay home and order pizza?  I thought you’d want to take me somewhere nice.”
“I think it would be nice to go back to mine for a little peace and quiet.  Maybe talk.”
“Talk.  That sounds ominous.  Are you about to dump me?”
“No Caroline, of course not.  Look, I’ve got a couple bottles of wine, and I’ll give you my house key so you can get in while I’m picking up a pizza, alright?”  He leaned in to give her a kiss.  “It’ll be nice just to relax and have some quiet time together.”
She gave him a look like she wasn’t sure what was going on, but she decided to go along with it.  “Alright.  I’ll meet you at yours.  Pick up a salad with the pizza, yeah?”
Dwight smiled at her, “Yeah.  Drive safe.”
Demelza and Ross were about to sit down for dinner when her phone went off.
😭 Well I’ve gone and done it.  I think Dwight wants to break up with me tonight!!
Demelza looked at her phone, “Oh no!”
“What’s wrong?”
“It’s Caroline… she thinks Dwights wants to break up with her tonight!  Do you think Dwight would do that?  Did he say anything to you like that?”
Ross was shaking his head, “No, he didn’t say anything like that at all.  Why does she think he wants to break up with her?”
What are u talking about? Y do u think he wants to break up?
Because he said those 4 dreaded words… WE NEED TO TALK!!!  What else could that mean?
“Oh no.  He told Caroline that they need to talk!”
Ross tried not to smile.  “Demelza, that doesn’t necessarily mean that he wants to break up.  Maybe he just wants to talk about plans for Christmas…”
Demelza rolled her eyes, “Ross be serious, a guy doesn’t say ‘We need to talk’ when he wants to talk about Christmas plans.”
“Or maybe he just wants to hang out and relax, and talk a little bit about how she reacted to seeing him here with me.  It doesn’t mean that he wants to break up with her.  Caroline needs to calm down.”
She sighed.  “Maybe you’re right.”
Caroline, try to calm down. Ross said he didn’t say anything to him about wanting to break up with you. 🙏
Well that’s something I guess.  I better go, he just pulled in the drive.
Okay.  Call me if you need me, and try to relax!  🫶  Love you!
Ross was quietly inhaling his spaghetti, keeping his mouth shut so that he didn’t say the wrong thing.  “Spaghetti is very good, love.  Yours is getting cold.”
Demelza tried to give him a stern look but it didn’t work.  She couldn’t help but laugh at him and started eating her dinner.
Things were a bit awkward over at Dwight’s place.  Caroline wasn’t quite sure what to do with herself so she tried to busy herself with getting plates and forks for the salad.  Dwight could tell she was feeling anxious so he went over and put his arms around her to calm her down.  
“Caroline, calm down…”
She quickly interrupted him, “How can I calm down when you tell me that ‘we need to talk’!  Those words are like the kiss of death to a woman and can only mean one thing.”
He pulled her by the hand to sit down on the sofa.  “I don’t want to break up with you.  But I don’t like the way you reacted when you saw me at Ross’s place.  It was not very pleasant to be talked to like that in front of our friends.  I’m sorry that I’ve been working a lot lately, but that’s part of my job.  We can’t let the ED go unstaffed.”  
Caroline looked down at their hands.  “I’m sorry.  I just… when I saw you sitting there with Ross … having a good time, I felt almost jealous.  I know that sounds weird, but it made me feel like you really didn’t want to be with me and would rather be with Ross.”
“Caroline, where were you all day?”
“With Demelza.  You know that.”
“Right.  She’s your best mate, like Ross is my best mate.  You wanted to spend time with her, just like I wanted to spend time with Ross.  Plus I really did need to check his foot.”
“So you weren’t avoiding spending time with me?”
“No, of course not.  I care a great deal about you Caroline, and I want us to get to know each other more.  But you have to understand my work and what it means to be in a relationship with a doctor.  I don’t have a practice to worry about, but I do work long hours.  Only you can be the one to decide if you can handle being in a relationship with a doctor.”
“Well that was heavy.”
Dwight smiled back at her comment and brushed a small tear from her eye.  
“I think I can handle you being a doctor, if you can handle my insecurities once in a while.  Deal?”  Caroline extended her hand.
Dwight shook her hand.  “Deal.  But I’d much rather kiss on it, than shake on it.”  And with that, Dwight and Caroline kissed and made up.  A lot.
Demelza heard her phone ding again while she was putting away the dinner dishes.  Ross handed her the phone… “I believe it’s for you,” he smirked.
“Ohhhh my!”
“Good news?”
Demelza showed him Caroline’s text.  “I guess so!  What do you think!”
“Looks like they’ve kissed and made up!  That is, if there was anything to kiss and make up for.  Speaking of kissing…”  Ross pulled Demelza in for a kiss but unfortunately she stepped on his bad foot making him do a little dance.
“Oh Ross, I’m sorry.  Let’s go sit down, I’m done in here.”
“Ohh don’t fuss over me.  Remember Dwight took the stitches out today.”
“Yes, but he did say to still take it easy and only toe touch on that foot.”
“Well, I was doing that until you stepped on my foot!”  Demelza punched him in the stomach, and he faked doubling over.  “Ouch!  Are you trying to knock the breath from me!”
“Ha ha!  If I wanted to do that I would’ve punched you a lot harder.  Now go through!  I’ve just remembered I need to practice for tomorrow since I was off galavanting today.”
Ross lovingly tucked her hair behind her ear.   “Mmmm don’t have to tell me twice.  I love to sit and listen to you practice my love.”
Seamus was at Ross’s side while he was reading through Drake’s paperwork for a possible business loan while enjoying the Christmas music Demelza was playing.  After a bit he gave up trying to concentrate, and just sat back to enjoy the moment.  Seamus was nuzzling Ross’s hand for some attention which he gave him.  Ross whispered to Seamus,  “This is what I want, boy. This is what I want for the rest of my life - for the rest of our life together”.  Ross was picturing life with Demelza.   She would be playing her cello while he played with their children on the floor, Seamus laying nearby.  Taking the children to watch their mum play in concerts.  Maybe have a larger home outside of the city, with a large garden, room for Seamus to run around with the kids, maybe play some football.  Dinners with mum and da visiting. Caroline and Dwight would make the perfect Godparents he thought, or maybe even Drake and Verity?  He wouldn’t mind the longer commute to work… “I’m getting a little ahead of myself Seamus!”
“About what?” Demelza asked.  Ross hadn’t noticed that the cello had stopped.  
“Oh!  Oh, um this loan for Drake.  I was getting ahead of myself with it.  Yeah, yeah, I think I might ask my da if he would be willing to be a silent partner or investor.  That might help to get Drake a loan.”  Ross grabbed her hand.  
“Oh, have you talked to Drake about it?”
“No, I thought I’d ask da first to see if he would be willing before I get Drake’s hopes up.  That’s what I meant when I said that I was getting ahead of myself.  Do you think Drake would mind having a partner in the business?”
“I don’t know, maybe not if it meant that he could be his own boss.  I’m going to get ready for bed.  Does Seamus need to go out?”
“I’ll lock up and take care of him and then I’ll be in.”  Their bedtime routine was becoming more reassuring Ross thought to himself.  
Demelza leaned over and kissed him and Ross noticed that she grabbed her shopping bags and took them into the bedroom with her.  This really got Ross curious.
 Ross had locked up the house, took care of Seamus and turned out the lights and the tree.  He walked into the bedroom and noticed the shopping bags again, now in the closet.  Demelza was still in the shower, so Ross contemplated having a peak at what she bought.  It couldn’t hurt to take a peek could it?  Maybe it was a present for him?  It is Christmas soon.  The bathroom door was still closed, so he tried to step quietly to the closet… “Ross!”  He nearly jumped out of skin!  “What the bloody hell are you doing?”  
“Nothing!  Nothing at all!!”
“I swear you are like a two year old sneaking around looking for Christmas presents!”
“No I’m not!  Besides, what are you hiding?”
“None of your bloody business!  If I had wanted you to see it, I would’ve shown it to you.”
Ross smiled, “Sooo, it is a Christmas present for me!”
“Maybe.  Maybe not.  Now step away from the closet Ross!”
“Oh alright.”  He went into the bathroom to change into his pyjamas.
Demelza stuck her tongue out at him as he walked by.  She didn’t realise that Ross would be such a nosey bugger.  Now where am I going to hide these bags from him!  For now she decided to leave them where they were.  They were going to sleep soon anyway.
Demelza jumped in bed on her side of the bed.  Her side of the bed she thought.  I have a side of the bed already.  She looked at the night stand by her with her lotion, chapstick and tissues on it.  “Bloody hell.”  She said out loud.
“What’s the matter?”  Ross said as he opened the door which in turn made Demelza jump.
“Judas Ross!  You could warn a girl.”
“Warn you about what?  I just opened the door?”
“Oh nothing.  Get in bed.”
Ross turned off the overhead light and climbed into bed.  “You didn’t answer my question?”
“What question?”
“I asked what was the matter when you said ‘bloody hell’.  Is something wrong?”  He snuggled up to his redhead and looked up into her face.
“Oh nothing really.  I just happened to notice that I have a ‘my side’ of the bed now, with a few of my things on the ‘my night stand’ and I don’t know how that happened.”
This made Ross smile, “Oh yeees I’ve noticed that.  I kinda like it.”  He snuggled even closer to her if that was possible.
Demelza chuckled at him, “Oh you do, do you.”
“I do.  And I like the way that sounds, don’t you?!”
She snuggled down to get closer to Ross’s face and smiled, “I do.”  Ross gasped at that and smiled.  He couldn’t help but wrap his arms around the woman he loved and kissed her with everything he had.  “Mmmm I definitely do,” he said.
This is a link to the negligee that I had in mind for Demelza! https://www.amazon.com/ADSEXY-Lavender-Lingerie-Sleepwear-Nightgown/dp/B09PDMQ968/ref=sr_1_4?keywords=lavender%2Blingerie&qid=1664662056&qu=eyJxc2MiOiI3LjU1IiwicXNhIjoiNi44NyIsInFzcCI6IjUuNzQifQ%3D%3D&sr=8-4&th=1
I've never heard this song before, but the lyrics seem perfect for Elizabeth!!
“Devil in His Heart”
The Beatles did a cover of this song that was by The Donays, originally released in 1962.  It was written by Richard Drapkin, aka “Ricky Dee”.  The Beatles version was recorded on July 18, 1963 with George Harrison on lead vocal.
(She’s got the devil in her heart)
But her eyes, they tantalize
(She’s going to tear your heart apart)
Oh, her lips, they really thrill me
I’ll take my chances, for romance is
So important to me
She’ll never hurt me, she won’t desert me
She’s an angel sent to me
(She’s got the devil in her heart)
No, No, this I can’t believe
(She’s going to tear your heart apart)
No, no, nay will she deceive
I can’t believe that she’ll ever, ever go
Not when she hugs me and says she loves me so
She’ll never hurt me, she won’t desert me
Listen, can’t you see?
(She’s got the devil in her heart(
Oh, no, no, no, this I can’t believe
(She’s going to tear your heart apart)
No, no, nay will she deceive
Don’t take chances if your romance is
So important to you
She’ll never hurt me, she won’t desert me
She’s an angel sent to me
(She’s got the devil in her heart(
Oh, no, no, no, this I can’t believe
(She’s going to tear your heart apart)
No, no, nay will she deceive
11 notes · View notes
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Why did you elbow me? 223
Achilles Castle part 125
Lemonade and lies Part 68
Nicholas (Nick) Stephen McSwarek undercover part 32
The car accident part 8
Martha: pov Dr Davidson and Dr Claudia mention that Kate is breathing okay with the oxygen mask which is a good thing. Deputy chief Gates appears, someone called letting her know what happened. She asks where the Captain is Lanie says probably still in the waiting room for the cardiac ward. I didn't tell him she was being moved; he was getting on my nerves. Victoria Gates says she will go look for him because she is not letting him get away with what he did/said.
Deputy chief Gates: pov Captain we need to talk Lanie told me what happened with Kate and I'm not liking what I'm hearing. Is it true she told you to wait on interviewing her and that when Kate's heart rate got a little elevated she told you to leave but you didn't. He says it is, Do you not understand that you could have killed her? Lanie didn't tell her Nick died because the Doctors told her not to. She was having arrhythmia during surgery and she was having a hard time coming off the anesthesia. Her vitals weren't stable. He says it's not a big deal, it's just arrhythmia. I'm so angry right now. Hold on, just arrhythmia. you definitely don't understand it's not just arrhythmia. She's had prior heart surgery, multiple cardiac arrest and even flatlined.
Castle: pov in Kate's room she is covered in even more wires, Lanie is finally getting something to eat. Kate's therapist Dr Burke is coming down to talk with us to make sure we are okay, which is nice. The sedative should keep Kate asleep for hours.
Lanie: pov I just got off the phone with Esposito. He said Jenny called a few minutes ago. The cat had her kittens, she sent photos and videos. They are so cute. Dave asks if they are keeping the kittens or putting them up for adoption. The kittens are up for grabs.
Dave: pov well my grandma is looking for a cat or kitten, she needs a companion since grandpa died a while ago. It's been years and she needs a pet. I think it will help her feel less lonely. Lanie texts Jenny asking if my grandma can have a kitten she says sure no problem.
Alexis: pov Dad said me and Dave can head back to Kate's apartment. The sedative will make Kate sleep for a while. I’m starting to get a headache. It must be all this stress, lucky for me Kate has Tylenol in the cabinet which i take with some water. Dave says let's try and watch some TV for a bit then we can get back to our school work.
Jim: pov I'm sitting with Castle, Lanie and Katie in her room on the cardiac ICU ward. She is still asleep, Katie will be for a while. Martha went to entertain a few patients since the nurse said it was okay. It's been a couple of hours and Katie is starting to wake up, I can tell because it's coming up on the monitor. Lanie hits the call button, a nurse comes in to check her vitals and page Dr Claudia and Josh letting them know she is up. They give her more meds which should keep her asleep till tonight or tomorrow. Josh says to eat while she is asleep we need to take care of ourselves.
Lanie: pov I have talked with Kate's Dr's and they think it's best for her to be sedated for a few days to give her body and heart a rest, it's also better for the baby. The rest of our group is having dinner at the apartment. Me Castle and Jim are heading to the cafeteria to get some food. Neither of them want to leave the hospital. The walk from the cardiac ICU isn't too bad . I guess we are having turkey sandwiches for dinner. The line to pay isn't that long. The 3 of us go over some things while we eat. As we are walking back to Kate’s room I notice Olivia Benson and Fin Tutuola at the front desk asking for her room number. What are you guys doing here, did you drive all this way to visit her.
Fin Tutuola: pov actually me and Liv were visiting a victim. She is staying with her mom out here and we had a few follow up questions so why not stop by and visit Kate. Lanie updates us on everything that has happened with Kate.
Olivia Benson: pov I just couldn't believe it when Cassidy called me yesterday. Me and Fin would have come down yesterday but we were so busy. Castle leads us to her room saying the rest of the family is at her apartment eating dinner and taking a break. It's hard seeing her like this with so many wires and tunes coming from her. I ask Lanie quietly if Kate knows about Nick, Cassidy told me. I just can't imagine what she is going through right now, I struggled after Dodds died the survivor guilt was hard.
Lanie: pov Liv to be honest with you I think she knows he's dead that Captain from the drug unit said something to hear about Nick implying he was dead then she had her medical episode. They are keeping her sedated for the time being. After a while they leave saying they have to get home.
Castle: pov Jim, Mother, Alexis and Dave stop by after dinner to hang out in Kate's room for a bit. Since Jenny is getting closer to her due date and she has the kittens at home she can't come down. Ryan is going to come down with Esposito for a bit and visit with Kate. Lanie mentions Pamela and Parker might be stopping by also.
Alexis: pov Dads leg is all healed now. Since it looks like Kate is going to get a lot of visitors, me and Dave decided to go back to the apartment with Gram. It's actually nice and cozy there, Lanie said something about the couch pulling out into a bed. Let's hope Dave and I can figure it out. To be continued. ……..
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mbb-project-entity · 2 years
Chapter 48
By Monday I was desperate to get to work to see Kelly and the other hot sluts. As I got ready I was so hard and could not resist buying a couple of porno mags on the way to work.
I got to work and went to my office however I could not motivate myself for work. What was the point when I could wank my cock over these hot sluts? I was delighted when Jenny walked into my office. Jenny is 21 with long blonde hair, 34D tits and a hot body. She could not make it on Friday.
My eyes went straight to Jenny’s tits, she was wearing a tight blue top although I was fantasising over Jenny wearing a tiny string bikini.
“Hi Rob,” said Jenny, “I just wanted to congratulate you on your engagement to Kelly. It’s great news.”
“Oh you haven’t heard,” I replied.
“Heard what?” enquired Jenny.
“Kelly and I split up on Friday. Dave gets to fuck her hot body now,” I said.
“What?” replied Jenny in complete shock, “But Dave is a dirty, old, ugly pervert. Kelly hates him.”
“Not anymore,” I said, “Kelly is a dirty, filthy whore and she lusts after Dave.”
Jenny was appalled, “Rob, that’s disgusting. You and Kelly are so much in love, she can’t lust after an ugly pervert like Dave.”
“Kelly has a body made for fucking Jenny, just like you and Dave can give her the seeing to she needs,” I was still staring at Jenny’s hot tits, “and you’ve got a body made for fucking Jenny, those are great tits.”
“Rob, how dare you talk to me like that, you sound like Dave,” said Jenny but I just could not help it, she was a hot slut who made my cock so hard.
“He!He!” said Dave walking in suddenly, “What’s wrong Jenny? Is Rob being a dirty pervert?”
Jenny turned to face Dave, “What the fuck is going on Dave? What have you done to Rob and Kelly?”
Dave smiled, “Well Jenny I’m glad you asked, you see this necklace.”
Dave showed Jenny the same necklace he was wearing on Friday.
“It looks fucking awful,” responded Jenny.
“That maybe true Jenny but it has special powers that give me ultimate control of other people’s minds and bodies.”
Jenny laughed, “You’re talking shit Dave, there’s no such thing.”
he man held out his hand and crooked his index finger in a “come here” motion. The girl did an about face from the light and walked over to the coffee shop. She stopped in front of Tracey and the mysterious man. She looked directly at them. Then she looked at her reflection in the glass.
Tracey and the girl watched as the girl morphed from law office intern into a whore. Her office attire shrank and twisted it’s way into fishnet stockings and a tight white and blue dress. It only qualified as a dress as the top and bottom parts were connected together by two thin strips of fabric. A large hole in the middle exposed the girl’s pierced belly button, and her sides were exposed as well. That, added in with the deep cut neck line, and there was barely any material to cover up her massive chest.
The newly created streetwalker dropped her cigarette and stuffed it out with her 8 inch platform shoes. She fluffed out her dyed hair and turned to go. That’s when she changed again. She shrank down in size until she had turned into a 60 year old homeless woman.
She wiped her dirty face with her hand, which only smeared more grime down her cheek. She noticed Tracey staring at her through the glass. She gave Tracey a toothless grin and held up a paper cup. She jingled it as if to say, “Give me some money.”
The old woman morphed back into the hooker then back into the original girl. There was still something different about her though, and it wasn’t just the fact that Tracey could see her black bra through her thin white shirt. The girl’s aura had changed.
“She’s blowing all the partners at the firm. They pass her around like an Applebee’s appetizer. She’s hoping that it will help her land a paralegal position there, but at best she’ll wind up a coke addicted secretary.”
Suddenly Kelly walked into my office. She was wearing a low cut vest top that revealed so much of her amazing cleavage, a ridiculously short skirt and five inch high heels. She looked every bit the hot slut.
As soon as I saw Kelly I felt even hornier. I started playing with my cock through my trousers, “Oh fuck me Kelly,” I said, “what a fucking horny outfit, you are such a hot whore. I had so many wanks over you this weekend.”
“That’s because you’re a disgusting pervert Rob,” replied Kelly, “and while you were wanking your tiny cock I was fulfilling my dirty fantasies with Dave, Sophie, Olive and Jackie.”
Dave looked at Jenny, “Still think I’m talking shit Jenny?” He mocked.
“This can’t be happening,” said Jenny, “this really can’t be happening.”
“Oh it is Jenny,” said Dave, “believe me it is. You see, on Friday I made a surprise visit to the restaurant where Rob and Kelly were celebrating. I decided to use my powers to finally get what I had always lusted after, Kelly.”
“You wanker Dave, Rob and Kelly are perfect for each other,” Jenny responded.
“Not anymore Jenny, Rob was such an arrogant tosser, treating me like I was a useless shit,” added Dave, “I thought I would make his precious Kelly think he was the ugliest, most repulsive guy ever.”
“That’s fucking disgusting Dave,” said Jenny.
“I know and I loved seeing the look on Rob’s face as he realised I had made Kelly think he was so ugly.” Dave had such a smug look on his face as he described Friday’s events, “Then I made Kelly the dirty, filthy slut I had wanked over for so long.”
Kelly moved up close to Dave rubbing her body up against him, “Oh yeah Jenny, I’m a dirty whore. I love being Dave’s cumslut, I’m his horny sex slave.”
Dave groped Kelly’s tits as Kelly moaned, she clearly loved being fondled in public, “This hot body belongs to me now, free to use as I like, Kelly is such a good slut, she even suggested I make Rob a dirty pervert who loves wanking his cock. Look at him, the ugly little shit can’t control himself.” My cock was so hard as I alternated between leering at Kelly and Jenny.
Jenny looked at me rubbing my cock openly through my trousers as I ogled her tits imagining they were barely covered by a tiny blue bikini, “Rob’s not ugly Dave, he’s a hunk. You’re the ugly pervert.”
“Oh yeah Jenny, you may think that at the moment but when you see Rob’s cock you’ll have the same opinion of him as Kelly,” said Dave clicking his fingers.
“Now Rob,” said Dave turning to me, “tell us why you are leering at Jenny so intently.”
I felt so horny, “Oh Dave, Jenny is so fucking horny, she has great tits. I’m fantasising that Jenny is wearing a tiny blue two-piece bikini like the one she told Kelly she bought a couple of months ago, only much smaller.”
“You mean like this Rob,” said Dave clicking his fingers. Suddenly Jenny was in the exact blue bikini I was fantasising over. It was so tiny, the top barely covered her huge tits.
“Aaaaaaaaaaargh fuck,” shouted Jenny as she looked down to see her outfit completely change, “you wanker Dave, change my outfit back now,” commanded Jenny.
Dave and Kelly both smiled, “Never, you look far too sexy and besides I think Rob would be very annoyed at me if I changed your outfit back,” said Dave. “Yeah, tits like those should not be hidden away in boring work outfits Jenny, they should be on show for everybody,” added Kelly.
“Oh yes,” I continued, “I’d love to see you stripping for Kelly, Jenny. Your tits rubbing up against Kelly’s amazing jugs. Then Kelly would grab hold of your titties, fondling them as you moaned in pleasure.” I was getting carried away as Jenny’s bikini top strained to hold her huge titties in.
“Dave, change Rob back to normal now,” pleaded Jenny, “you can’t make your boss do this.”
“I can and I will,” said Dave, “it’s revenge for the way he strutted around when he was going out with Kelly, thinking he was so superior. Now he’s the one who can’t control his cock.”
I could not control my cock, I unzipped my trousers then dropped my boxer shorts to wank my cock openly. I did not care where I was, I just had to wank it, “Oh Jenny,” I said, “you’d love Kelly sucking on your tits wouldn’t you.”
Jenny looked at me, her eyes widened, “Fuck off you ugly, little pervert, you are so disgusting wanking your tiny cock. I’d never let you near this body.”
“That’s why I love wanking over you Jenny, you make my cock so hard. Thinking about Kelly licking you out as you fondle your tits. Oh fuck, two hot sluts together makes me so fucking horny,” I kept on wanking my cock, the image of Jenny and Kelly together vivid in my mind. I could hold back no longer, with one final tug on my cock I came, “Ohhhhhhhhhh fuck yesssssssssss,” I said as I looked around at my audience.
Jenny looked at Dave, “Can’t you sort out the little shit Dave, he’s a disgusting wanker.”
“Yeah,” replied Dave, “our boss shouldn’t be a filthy wanker with a tiny cock. When I click my fingers I’ll be the boss and everybody will think Rob is the ugliest, dirtiest pervert who works in the factory.”
Dave clicked his fingers, suddenly he was in my seat while I was standing in my overalls.
“That’s much better,” said Dave, “so Rob how’s it feel not be the boss anymore?”
“I don’t mind Dave,” I said, “I just want to ogle these hot sluts, they make me so fucking horny I can’t resist wanking off over them.”
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atlanticcanada · 2 years
'The only option was for me to come home': Report says caregivers need much more support
A new report is painting a stunning picture of the huge contributions unpaid caregivers are providing to the health-care system, but says they need much more support from all levels of government to keep going.
"If every caregiver took a week off, the whole system would collapse by noon on the first day," said Liv Mendelsohn, the executive director of the Canadian Centre for Caregiving Excellence, which released the white paper.
Among the findings:
One in four Canadians is a caregiver; one in two will become one.
Caregivers spend 5.7 billion hours caring for people in their lives (4.2 per cent of GDP) valued at $97.1B annually.
$1.3B is lost in productivity per year. This is equivalent to over half a million employees dropping out of the labour force.
More than 7.8 million Canadians over the age of 15 provide approximately 20 hours a week of unpaid care.               
There is a 25 per cent shortage of paid care workers, with good reason. The work is hard, wages are low and job security is minimal.
Only 50 per cent of care providers remain in the sector for more than five years, often citing burnout due to staffing challenges as key reason to leave.
None of it is surprising to Paula Blackmore, who moved back to Nova Scotia from Ottawa to care for her mother, Martha, who was diagnosed with Alzheimer's in 2015.
"We had aunts and nieces and private care, and just, as I mentioned with the pandemic, the only option we had was for me to come home," said Blackmore.
"Mom is in her latest stages of this illness, however, we do everything we can to even support Mom. Like, she still gets to go out on walks. She still participates in community events."
Although providing care is undoubtedly a labour of love for the millions who provide it, it comes with a cost.
"About 90 per cent of them report feeling isolated, two thirds of them have reported deterioration in their mental health, and half of them have reported deterioration in their physical health," said Mendelsohn.
As bad as that is, things are worse around the Maritimes, mostly because of the region's aging population.
"We know there's about one in three Nova Scotians who are caregivers, and we know that, even if you're not actively caregiving right now, you may be caregiving some day, or may need a caregiver," said Jenny Theriault, the executive director of Caregivers Nova Scotia.
The group released its own fact sheet in January of 2020.
Nova Scotia does offer a caregiver benefit, but many other provinces do not.
In a statement, Nova Scotia's Departments of Health and Wellness and Seniors and Long-term Care told CTV News, "We know many Nova Scotians provide some level of care to their loved ones, often sacrificing their own time and resources to do so. They deserve our gratitude and admiration for the role they play day in and day out. Government offers programs for homecare needs to individuals and those caring for them, and we are continually looking at these initiatives to ensure they are providing the support Nova Scotians need. We have just received the report and staff will be reviewing its findings."
“The Giving Care white paper confirms that policy action is the only viable solution to close the gaps that are leaving caregivers, care providers and care recipients in dire circumstances," said Mendelsohn. "The crisis is here, and support is needed now.”
It's something Paula Blackmore agrees with.
"Caregiving in Canada, you know, it's very important. It's something that I feel is overlooked. Caregivers play very important roles in supporting our families and helping to maintain as they age, and with the movement toward aging well and aging at home, it's important that we have the funding and assistance programs in place to support all caregivers," she said.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/XRhubdm
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Eddie Munson x fem!reader
frenemies to lovers, fluff
⚠️Reupload from last acc⚠️
Summary: the two freaks of hawkins high hanging out all of the sudden?
Warnings: mentions of smoking,bullying, suggestive(?), slight language
Author’s Note : feel like this sucks but oh well, enjoy loves
Word Count: 1849
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You were one of the so called freaks. You didn’t know how or why you and other few got the title. Maybe it was because of your love for arts and music , or because of the all black ripped clothes you liked or maybe it was for the simple fact that you did not enjoy sports or cheerleading. Your only friend was Robin and in fact she did not show up today so that’d be fun. The school’s jocks often picked on you along with the cheerleaders, they’d be lucky to be half as interesting as you are.You walked in the cafeteria got your food and sat at a table far from the rest but close to hellfire’s. Eddie Munson.  You didn’t know what his deal was, sometimes he acted as if he only wants the freak title for himself. “Sup freak no2?” you sighed when you heard his voice “ Just in my own freak world doin freak things Eddie, save your time ,I’m not in the mood for chitchat” he looked surprised and got up walking towards you “ you’re always in the mood to piss me off and get pissed so what’s up with you today?” he said lowering his voice. “ nothing I would like to talk about, now please piss off Munson” with that he left. Thing was ,Jessie , one of the cheerleaders that loved to torment you, had shoved you against a bench just before getting in the school building and you’d hurt your side . Physical pain was okay to a point ,but what you just couldn’t stand was the constant laughter and mocking. Robs wasn’t here to save you and today was about to get a lot worse. Eddie wouldn’t budge, he wanted to know what was wrong, it felt as if it was eating him alive. Why did he care anyway?
Third period came and you really wanted to ditch. You took a sit next to Eddie as always. “ Hey y/n , you can tell me what’s wrong, us outsiders should talk y’know” you rolled your eyes “ You don’t seem to be a man of your word Eddie ,judging by the fact that you only ever talk to me to piss me off” That might have been a little more bitter than you intended. Jessie and her friends walked in and the class began. You felt something like a paper ball hit the back of your head. They’d tossed a note. You reached down and opened it ‘satanic cocksucker’ and a poor drawing of you and Eddie bellow the words. The rest of the day went by hard and then the bell rang. You rushed out of your last class and to your locker. The sooner you left this stupid school the sooner you’d fall in your bed and in the arms of your teddy bear. As you closed your locker you saw Jessie and her friends behind you. “ are you cheating on your girlfriend with Munson now slut?” she said with her voce spitting poison “Rob’s not my girl and nothing’s going on with Munson ,can I please go Jessie?” her and the rest laughed “ Why go so soon? No one’s waiting for you back home. You left mommy and daddy back in wherever the hell you’re from ,don’t you remember? Or maybe they sent you away” she smiled while chewing her gum “ I know I would” one of her jock friends chimed in. you attempted to leave and they pushed you back against the locker “ Hey queen of the idiots and …minions ? to my best judgement that’s your role ,why don’t you leave her the fuck alone and find something more interesting to play with?” you heard Eddie’s voice as he walked closer from the end of the hallway. “ welp, show’s over for today, looks like your puppy came to rescue your pity ass y/n” said Jenny ,Jessie’s friend and they started walking away laughing and talking shit. Eddie handed you your bag after he picked it from the floor. “ I can protect myself you know.” He looked concerned “no I know that love, thing is I was looking for you and since they were on your ass again I decided to give a hand to a fellow “Satan worshiper””. You rolled your eyes once again “ don’t call me that Munson.” You said while walking away and he chased you “ Satan worshiper ?” “princess” he smiled with that dammed smile of his and walked next to you. How could this boy look so good? You used to catch yourself daydreaming about him sometimes. “ why not? I think it suits you like a glove” “ because, Eddie I don’t like it” �� okay so what do you want me to call you?” he leaned against your car door while the sun blinded him. “ nothing” you replied as you motioned for him to move ,but of course he wouldn’t make it that easy. Hell that boy smelled like trouble, cigarettes and cheap cologne. “ I’m not moving princess, not until you agree to my offer.” “fine what’s your offer Eddie” he loved hearing his name come out of your lips “ There’s this new movie-“ “ no and if this is a trick so you can have a laugh with your friends you’re a fucking idiot like the rest” his eyes went wide “it’s not a fucking trick, I want you to go to the damn movie with me and if you don’t want to that’s okay ,but don’t compare me to the idiots that treat you this way. I’m not like that y/n. Swear.” You thought to yourself for a bit. How could you deny him when he looked down at you like that? “ I’ll come, but make one stupid move and you won’t be able to even look at me again Munson” he jumped up “ I’ll pick you up at 8:30 please don’t stand me up.” You smiled at his excitement “ I’ll try not to” he started walking away with a kind off dancing pace “ smile more princess, it looks cute on you”. You got in your car,  heart ready to burst and cheeks burning from smiling so hard at his words.
8:00 came and you added your finishing touches. You thought you looked stupid, but you were used to feeling that way. You buzzed your hair a little more , wore your shoes, rolled a cig and waited for him on your porch as you smoked. ‘a date with Eddie Munson, I’d be damned’ you thought. And the sound of a car pulling up startled you. It was him. You walked over and got in. He was wearing eyeliner on his waterline and a  leopard shirt that was  unbuttoned down to his abdominal area.  That’s the exact type of boy that could destroy you.  “ Hey, you’re early” you said while fasting your seatbelt. He couldn’t look away. His eyes were glued on you and everything around him felt like a dream. “Eddie?” “ Uh ye-yeah, couldn’t keep a pretty girl waiting.” You blushed at his words. You headed to the movie. You both had a great time and he couldn’t seem to stop making you smile like an idiot. “ I have a suggestion to make” you cooed a little closer and gave him a nod so that he would continue “ would you like me to take you home or go on a ride and just chill somewhere nice?” this felt like a dream, not only did he ask you out ,but he also wasn’t bored of your company, he wanted more. “ I mean, I don’t wanna go home yet and I’d love to hear some more song suggestions from you” he looked at the sky and smiled. For the past couple of years he couldn’t get you out of his mind and pissing you off felt like the only way to have you interact with him on the daily. He opened the car door for you and then run to the driver’s seat. You drove around for a bit singing at the top of your lungs and laughing when you both got a lyric wrong. You got up to a hill that outlooked Hawkins. “damn I’ve never been here” you said looking at the view “ yea it has a nice view” he said admiring you. You knew he was looking at you and you knew he knew how to make you blush. You held his hand and led him higher up to sit on the grass. He couldn’t believe the girl of his dreams was giving him doe eyes or the fact that he was holding his hand. “ that my friend is Sagittarius” you said pointing up at the sky. ‘friend?’ he thought “what are we not friends?” he had said it out loud “uh yea, why not princess-y/n I meant. Keep forgetting you don’t like me to call you that” truth was you did, you actually melted to his words, always have been. “I think I could get used to being called princess by you..” you said smiling at him. He looked disappointed “ in a friendly manner” he mumbled more to himself than you. You had him exactly where you wanted. “yea in a friendly manner, how else?” you said teasing him “ nah I’m just making things clear love” he wouldn’t look at you. You moved  closer and got on top of him. He looked at you with shock in his eyes and lifted his body a bit. All those times he imagined you in that position. “ what ? friends don’t do that where you’re from Eddie?” you said with a devilish smirk “ n-no they usually don’t” you laughed and put a tuff of hair behind his ear while holding his face. “ really? That’s weird. You know you can stop giving me that longing look and just kiss me, or we can keep acting all friendly and sh-“  he didn’t let you finish. His lips were on yours and the world died down for that moment. His hands were traveling on your body, every touch so soft and gentle but the kiss held so much lust. He pulled back for air “ tough guy Eddie not so tough anymore?” he held you face “tough guy Eddie is weak at his knees at the sight of you” you blushed “yea? Well maybe we should do something about that” he placed another quick kiss on your lips then neck then hands teasing you “ I have some things in mind ,but we’ll have to go back to my place” you were on edge with his every touch “ thought you’d ask me to be your girl first” he smiled “ oh that, I don’t have to princess, I know you’d be  on your knees for me in an instant , well hands and knees” you rolled your eyes as he pulled you in for another lust filled kiss.
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theajaheira · 2 years
was going through my what you make outtake doc and found some more things :)
“You ever heard of interest, kid?” said Xander.
Bella’s eyes lit up. Nora smacked Xander on the back of the head. “Do not teach her about fiscal responsibility!” she said. “She found out about taxes and tried to tax us.”
Bella had found a ladybug. This was the only thing that the children were interested in talking about at breakfast. Nora had very firmly asserted that the ladybug could not be brought to breakfast, to which Bella had responded by attempting to imprison the ladybug in a small rotating sphere of air outside the kitchen. Nora and Jenny had then immediately decided to give Bella a crash course on magical ethics, which Bella was understandably not listening to.
“How many times do I have to tell you?” Giles flipped her hand over, lacing their fingers tightly together. “I don’t blame you. No one does.”
“Art might.”
“Well, he might,” said Giles, an incredulous laugh in his voice. “I also might decide to become a burlesque dancer.”
“You have the legs for it.”
“That—” Torn between exasperation and a pleased blush, Giles let go of Jenny’s hand to pinch the bridge of his nose. “That is hardly my point. Jenny—”
“—all right,” said Nora loudly, making Jenny and Giles both jump. “This is very clearly a conversation I do not need to be here for.”
“What, no, Nora,” said Giles somewhat desperately, well aware of the fact that, left alone with an emotionally volatile Jenny, there was a non-zero chance that he could do some serious damage.
As if she could tell what he was thinking (which, to be fair, she almost certainly could), Nora patted him on the shoulder and said, “Off with the training wheels, Rupert,” before getting up from the table and leaving the kitchen.
Jenny gave him a small, shaky smile. “Thanks for keeping me in check,” she said.
“I, I actually think I caused the emotional turmoil that inspired you to make a romantic overture,” Giles pointed out, “which doesn’t exactly bode well for—”
Jenny looked very flatly at him and said, “Don’t ruin the mood.”
Art’s eyes widened. “We’d have to cut it short if I ran around?”
“We’d—” Jenny considered. “Okay. Step-by-step, baby. You run around a lot, right?” At Art’s nod, she prompted, “You remember that one time you ran into a door and knocked yourself out?” (“He what?” said Giles. Jenny held up a hand to keep him quiet.) “I had to leave school in the middle of the day and come pick you up to get you ice cream, which was obviously very nice for both of us, but you still couldn’t finish the rest of the school day, right?”
“But that’s school!” Art objected. “If I got hurt, Dad would still stay!”
“If you—” Jenny blew out a breath. “Arty, the point is that we don’t want you to get hurt. And I don’t think you want you to get hurt, either.”
“But I won’t!” Art persisted.
“Ah, yes,” said Giles to the ceiling. “My troublemaking inclinations. Just like I’m so impossibly stubborn.”
“Yes, you are, and you are so not helping right now,” said Jenny through her teeth, whacking Giles’s shoulder.
“I don’t want you to ask me to stay because this is hard for me,” said Jenny, her voice shaking. “Because I—I never really got over you. You have to know that.”
He felt the words—not in his heart, not in his throat, but in the old scar on his back from the crossbow bolt. A sharp stab of pain. A rush of terrified joy.
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comfort-questing · 3 years
after this and this
when Mona woke again it was nighttime, and outside the shelter of the tent roof, the icy sleet glinted like diamond dust in the firelight. for several moments she watched it fall, past the shadowy treetops, to land on the cloaked heads of the others as they moved here and there trying to manage their evening tasks with the least discomfort possible. she was on someone's bed that didn't feel like her own, her head muzzy with sleep, or perhaps more than sleep; as she tried to sit up, the stab of pain from her right shoulder drove the breath out of her with its intensity, and she remembered. scouting too close to the town, and the warden's soldiers, and the trek back to camp with blood painting the snow behind her...
a hand reached out to smooth the hair away from her forehead, as she fell back onto the pillow.
"shh, don't try to move yet." Eleni, leaning close, muffled now in her usual patched gray-blue cloak. "how are you feeling now?"
"tired." that was the easiest way to say it; the way she truly felt was closer to a wrung-out piece of rag, light enough for the wind to blow through, and even the one or perhaps two blankets over her were not quite enough to drive away the chill in her bones. she felt less real and more like a ghost, floating somewhere between the fire and the night. her mouth was still dry, her throat stiff and dusty, and speaking made her more aware of it. "water - please?"
"of course."
Eleni turned away briefly, to find a cup; she held it to Mona's lips, heedless of her fumbling attempts to grasp it with her left hand. it smelled of a little more than water - maybe it was the last of the tea she'd forgotten before going to sleep. she thought she remembered something of that sort, and Corvin's unusual desperation, and his hand against her face. she blinked up at Eleni, struggling to focus her eyes.
"where's Corvin?"
"don't you start asking for him." something like a smile caught at the corner of Eleni's mouth. "I just persuaded him to go get some supper and stop staring at you." she tipped the cup towards Mona again, guiding her to take another mouthful of the bitter cooled tea, full of spices and leaves. "suppose it does something to you, seeing someone else nearly die in your arms..."
Mona shivered, though she didn't mean to, and Eleni frowned and pulled the blanket further up towards her chin. "cold?"
"a little."
the wind twisted, casting a few pellets of sleet in under the canvas roof; Gareth and Jenny came along with them, dropping their hoods and sitting on the dirt floor. "oh, she's awake, good."
"don't scare us like that again," Gareth said. then, "patrols get tighter at the edge of the woods when it's winter. think they're less liable to go further."
"inherent laziness of the warden and all," said Jenny, and snorted.
Eleni brushed her fingers along the bandages covering Mona's shoulder, lightly, "how's your arm?"
even the small touch of the blankets had been enough to re-ignite the pain, and Mona had to stop herself from a flinch now that would no doubt hurt even more. "shoulder hurts. I - can't feel much of the rest." that was a surprise to her, realizing it. "that's not good, is it."
"not really, I suppose." Eleni uncovered Mona's right arm and ran her fingers further down, past the bandages. the touch felt far away, pins and needles and numbness. "the pulse is still strong in your wrist, though, so it must be the nerves that are damaged. not surprising, with an arrow through your shoulder... that should heal in time." her voice seemed distracted, though, and she looked down at Mona with narrowed eyes before gently unfolding the blanket back up.
"what is it?" Mona clenched her teeth as another shiver ran through her, feeling as if part of the winter night had gotten underneath the blanket with her. she turned her head to follow Eleni, and the motion set her vision spinning.
"just me, worrying." Eleni put her hand to Mona's forehead again, lingering a fraction of a moment too long. "just like Corvin. don't mind our silliness."
Mona tried to smile, although she wasn't sure how convincing it looked. outside, the sleet was turning to snow again, wide flakes drifting down and hissing as they touched the low-burning fires of the camp. Jenny was sharpening a knife, the whetstone a soft rasp, and Gareth mending something with needle and thread by the light of a smoky lamp. the tent was full, and she felt guilty for being an intruder. "I can sleep in my own corner if you help me get back there," she muttered. "don't need to steal yours."
"no, you'll do for tonight here. it's a healer's luck, getting their bed stolen." Eleni chuckled. "we'll look after you, all right?"
it had been a very long time since anyone had looked after her. months - almost years, now. strange, to have it happening again. but she was tired, tired, and cold despite the blanket, so she nodded carefully and leaned into the touch of Eleni's hand.
"thank you," she said.
Eleni's fingers didn't release her hair yet, just stroking gently through it, smoothing the tangled stands. "you're welcome, friend."
it wasn't Eleni who was next to her when she woke in the black tag-ends of the night, though, with a hammering heart and a thirst that made her tongue stick to her lips. she was sweating despite the blankets, and the shivering had caught her up again in its waves. the band of pain around her temples redoubled the dizziness as she blinked into the darkness. the snow outside was piled in pale drifts under the cloud-dimmed moonlight.
there was a hand resting across her good hand, and as she moved, its grip loosened.
that was Corvin again, sounding remarkably awake for the apparent hour. she heard him move, leaning towards her.
"so - thirsty," she managed, weary beyond any shame now.
"here - " quickly enough that he had to have been ready for her to wake. Eleni or whoever it was had brewed some more tea, and this cup was still warm, no less; she could barely swallow the first few sips, but it grew easier as she went. Corvin's elbow under her head helped her, and his other hand wrapped around the cup along with hers.
then, very softly, "you aren't allowed to die, all right?" he sighed, trying to turn it into a laugh, unconvincing. "they - I don't want them to take anyone else."
what she was supposed to say to that, she didn't know. she didn't think she would have known even if she hadn't felt like a headachey ghost with a firebrand burning in her shoulder, but as she did, there seemed no hope for it. so she only swallowed her tea and left her hand in Corvin's even when she was finished with it, in hopes that that would be sufficient until later.
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dork-empress · 3 years
Singing in the Dead of Night
Damian Wayne meets a new masked persona in Gotham, and everyone has to adjust to her.
AKA I have a lot of headcanons about Lucy Quinzel and I'm making it other people's problem.
I want it up front that I haven't read these comics, just a lot of wiki pages and tiktoks. If there's a fun thing in the comics you can tell me, but this is my own version of this universe and these characters.
This is going to be the main story, but I may do some offshoots. If you want to subscribe, chapters are also posted on my Ao3 (link in my description).
“You need to take things less seriously.”
Damian looked up, looked down, and then looked back just to be sure it was really his father who asked. It was hard to tell sometimes if your superhero father had been replaced or possessed or something. “Are you serious? YOU’RE telling me that?”
“That should enforce to you how dire the situation is.” Bruce said, leaning back in his chair. “You’re still a kid,”
“I’m 15,” Damian said, then thought about his varied adventures, “Technically…”
“My point exactly,” Bruce said, turning a page on his crime reports, “You should enjoy being a kid, for a while.”
“Oh, did you enjoy being 15?” Damian said, and maybe that was a low blow, but if Bruce wasn’t ready for him to call him out he...shouldn’t have made him upset. Hmm.
Bruce looked up and stared into his soul, and Damian worried he might have stepped in it a bit. He backed up a step in case. Bruce took a deep breath, looking at him. “My childhood was stolen from me, but I at least had one. As did all the other Robins. You’re not responsible for what happened to you,but I think you could use some time. I couldn’t offer you a childhood then, and I can hardly do that now, I know, but I can do what I can.”
“And what are you doing?” Damian asked, narrowing his eyes.
“You’re suspended from Robin duties.”
“WHAT?!” Damian exploded, getting in his face. “What are you talking about?!”
Bruce didn’t flinch, “Until the Wayne Manor Christmas Party,” Bruce said, “I’ve called Tim and he’s willing to cover for you until then.”
“He doesn’t NEED to cover me,” Damian snarled, “I’m right here! I’m not injured, or dead, or ANYTHING I just--WHY?”
“I told you,” Bruce said, “You need to find other...hobbies, or form connections or SOMEthing. Anything other than the lifestyle. You have two months, you’ll live.”
Damian curled his fists, shaking, but had no more arguments. “You’re the WORST!” He said, and went off to his rooms.
The room was left in stony silence for a moment. Alfred came in, changing out Bruce’s cup of tea. “You don’t actually expect that to work, do you?”
“Not really, no,” Bruce said, “But he’ll be out of my hair for a little bit.”
Alfred was very dignified and so did not snort. But it was close.
Damian went out at night, saying he was off with a friend. Best to keep things vague, but if Bruce pressed, he’d say he was with Jon, and could probably bully Jon into vouching for him.
He dressed all in black, jumping from the rooftops, looking for trouble. There was usually plenty of it in Gotham. He just had to avoid the Bat Signal hanging in the sky and he’d be fine.
He heard a crash and looked down. Jewelry store robbery. Perfect.
He jumped down to ground level and approached the broken in window, taking out his sword. “Anyone in here, it’s better to surrender now,”
Of course, because it was Gotham, he wasn’t met by a normal jewel thief. No, instead, what approached him was a small walking orange balloon animal dog.
Because of course it was.
With an act first, think later attitude, he stabbed at it. He regretted it instantly as it let out some sort of opaque gas, the effects of which he didn’t want to find out. He pulled his shirt up over his mouth in hopes of preventing himself breathing too much in.
“Oh wow,” a voice said behind him, “Are you Robin?”
Damian whipped around and scowled. The gas was obscuring whoever was there, but the silhouette seemed like something of a ballerina. Why couldn’t one criminal just be normal?
He jumped back, ready to attack, but she didn’t fight him. “I’m not Robin,” he said, “I’m…” he didn’t think of another name. Ugh, this was more complicated than it needed to be.
“Huh,” she said, heading over to the display case, “This city sure has a lot of teenage ninja fighters, doesn’t it? Is ninja appropriative? Hmm, will have to think on that.”
She picked up a diamond ring from the display case and headed for the door. “Put that down!” Damian yelled at her, lifting his sword up.
“What, are you going to kill me for one ring?” She said, holding it, “Kinda overkill, don’t you think, Blackbird?”
Damian put his sword up to her, blocking the exit. “I’m not going to kill you, I’m just going to stop you,” he said, determined, but then her words sank in. “Blackbird?”
“Well, I’ve got to call you something, isn’t that how these superhero fights all go?” She stepped forward out of the fog, a girl about his age with a white painted face, lips painted into a heart, and bright orange and pink eyeshadow. “I’m Commedia, the hero of funny, the dancing clown, the laughing knight, etc etc.” she said, “im still working on my name too.”
She did a fancy twirl, getting out of range of Damian’s sword, which he countered to block her from the entrance again. “Oh, you like to dance?” she said.
“Clown, huh?” he said, staring her down, “You work for the joker?”
She laughed, high pitched and sweet, “Very much no,” she said, twirling again through the store, “Though I understand the confusion. No, Joker is...well, a joke. He’s not even registered in the clown registry.”
“There’s a clown registry?” He swung his sword.
This time, it came to a stop, with a matching jingle. He frowned, and saw it was a tambourine that the woman had lifted and stopped the sword like a shield.
He stared at the girl, Commedia, in stunned silence. She smiled brightly at him. “Well, this has been fun. But I really ought to head out. Raincheck on that dance, Blackbird.”
With a spin and a jump, she made it past him and rushed out the door, throwing a pink flower behind. A gas filled up the room in her wake, obscuring the view. Damian unfortunately got a whiff before he could block his nose, but he knew a simple fog cloud scent when he smelled it.
Damian went back into the shadows before the police inevitably arrived. It did seem below his paygrade, fighting someone who only stole a single diamond ring. But it was even stranger for that fact. A strangely dressed clown woman engaging in very strange and specific crimes in Gotham screamed “beginning of a dangerous plot.”
He wanted to go in swinging as usual, then remembered that if his father heard anything about a young person with a sword threatening police, he might catch onto the fact Damian went out that night. So, he went with the subtle approach. Breaking into the jewelry store’s records.
He was glad he did. It turned out that ring in particular had a history. It had been bought, returned, bought again, and returned once more, all by the same man, a Matthew Crenshaw. A quick records search brought up that he was a simple caller at a center. Nothing special about him. But, he was tied to the ring, and that tied him to the girl, so that was his first stop.
He tracked down the apartment to find Matthew Crenshaw in the middle of a very strange day. Damien watched through the window as Matthew lay on the floor of his meager living room, looking up at Commedia herself. She held the ring out to him, offering. “Well come on, man! Take it!”
“I don’t…” he mumbled, “Who...who are you?!”
“Just call me your fairy godmother,” she said. “Come on, you said you wanted it! So take it!”
“That’s…” Matthew said, “That’s the ring that Jenny liked...that she…”
“That you said would make the perfect proposal!” She said, dancing around, “So? Here it is! Now you can propose for real!” she said, giving it to him.
He juggled it, nearly falling over. Commedia came rushing over, jumping through the window and onto the fire escape. “Alright, hands up,” Damian urged her.
She turned, smiling. “Why, Blackbird? We going on roller coaster?” She put her hands high in the air and swung around the fire escape ladder, “Weeeeee!”
Damian followed her, pointing his sword tip at her chest. “Stop,” he said, “What are you planning?”
“Well, I’m planning to go sneak up to that window up there so I can look in and see what Matty and Jenny have going on,” She said, “Wanna join--OH!”
Damian pressed his sword up to her neck. “Cut the games,” He said, “You’re up to something, I know it. So tell me.”
Commedia sighed, giving in. “Matthew doesn’t want to get married.”
“I...what?” Damian said, confused.
“Matthew Crenshaw, the guy up there,” Commedia said, “He’s a nice guy, and he cares for his girlfriend Jenny, sure. But she’s been pressuring him about getting married, even though he doesn’t really like the idea of getting married. He’s talked himself into saying that he needs the perfect ring, but when he bought it, he decided he couldn’t afford it, and gave it back. So, I got it for him.”
Damian’s scowl only deepened as she kept talking. “Who’s he to you?”
She tilted her head, confused. “He cold called me to try and offer me a deal on car insurance.”
Damian put down the sword. He just. She said it so sincerely. “Who ARE you?” He demanded, now out of confusion more than anger.
She smiled brightly once more. “Why, I’m Commedia! The hero clown, the dancing--”
“Yeah, you said all that before, but like,” He sighed, “Why?”
Commedia’s smile fell down to something simple and kind. She offered a hand to him.
Hesitant, curious, and just...confused, he took it.
She led him to the other window, where they saw Jenny walking through the door. She gasped and ran to Matthew. “Oh, Matt! Matt, yes! Yes, I do, I do, I never thought this day would come! Oh gosh, I gotta call my mom, I’ve got a few dresses all picked out. You’ll see, it’ll be a huge party with everyone we know and-”
“Jenny,” he said, “Jenny wait, I...you know I don’t...I’m not comfortable with crowds and...and I don’t--
“But it’s MY DAY!” Jenny wailed, “You wouldn’t take MY day from me, would you?”
“C’mon,” Commedia muttered.
“Please, Jen,” Matt continued, “Look it’s just...if, if we did get married, shouldn’t--wouldn’t it be my day too?”
“Oh come ON, Matt,” Jenny said, walking to the counter, “We both know I’m the one who knows what’s best for you. It’ll be good! You’ll finally get to shine, and if you don’t like it, you’ll have ME there to take the rest of the spotlight!”
Matt’s hands balled into fists, and his face set, “No.”
“What?” Jenny said, incredulous.
“I’ve had it! I’m tired of-of you telling me what I like and what I don’t!” his lip trembled as he stood up. “I knew I was hesitant, but I didn’t know why! Now I see it’s becasue I didn’t want you in the rest of my life!”
“Hey now,” Jenny said, “Matt, calm down--”
“Get out of my house!” Matt went to the open window Commedia left behind and tossed out the ring.
“Whoopsies,” Commedia said and dropped away. Damian, confused, dropped down after her.
She picked the ring up from the ground and held it out to Damian. “I trust you can get this back to the jewelry store.”
“So, all of that…” he said, “was to help a guy get out of a bad relationship? That you barely knew?”
“He sounded sad on the phone,” Commedia said, “Made me curious.”
Damian scoffed, staring at her. “Who ARE you?”
She chuckled. “My guess is you’ll find out sooner or later,” she said, “So I’ll pick later, for now. But I’m sure I’ll see you again soon, Blackbird.”
She took out another flower. This one shot off into the distance like a grappling hook, and pulled her twirling into the night.
Damian could have followed her, maybe. But, holding the ring in his hands, he didn’t see much need to.
Across town, Batman was called to a bank robbery in the middle of the night. Inside, however, he didn’t find the vault broken in, and nothing stolen, other than a number of complimentary lollipops. “You know there are easier ways to get my attention.”
“Aw, Come on Bats!” Harley said, swinging from the ceiling with one of the lollipops in her mouth, “Ain’t this a classic? Brings me back to the old days.”
“Oh, you’ve stopped doing crime then?” He said, leaning back and looking up at her, “News to me.”
Harley flipped down in front of him. “Batsy, you know I’m tryin’! I do good, is it a crime to have a little fun while I do it?”
“If you hurt people, yes.” Batman said.
Harley deflated. “I haven’t done that in a while now. I’m goin through some life changes.”
Batman hummed, staring down at her. “I’m guessing this is about the small clown that has been reported around town recently doing strange acts of minor crimes to help people?”
Harley brightened again, balancing on the teller counter. “She’s my new apprentice! A bit of a goody-two-shoes, but I’m doing my best to train her.” She did a handstand, “I came to ask for some advice at raising child soldiers, considering you have so much experience.”
Batman always scowled, but it seemed his scowl deepened on that. “I help some people come to terms with terrible things that have happened to them, and teach them to be a force of good in the world instead of falling to the world’s darkness.” He thought back on his children, “It doesn’t always work.”
Harley laughed, “No kidding,” she said. She sighed, thinking. “To be honest, Commedia is already pretty good. I can’t claim credit for that.” She rocked back and forth, feeling uneasy.
Batman approached, slow so as not to scare her. “Well, we both know she didn’t get it from her father.”
Her face was already white, but she blanched further. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said, “She’s my niece, she ran from home so I’m taking care of her and-”
“Harley,” Batman stopped her rambling, “I’m a detective, remember?”
She frowned, shaking at him. “He doesn’t know,” she said, “No one knows, she...she’s never met him and I don’t want her to I--”
Batman held up his hands, stopping her again. “I know,” he said, “I understand, really. And I’ll help.”
She blinked up at him, smiling. “Really?”
Batman nodded. “I’ll help you protect her. As for advice....if you ever figure out a perfect way to raise masked vigilantes, let me know. I mostly just do the best I can, and make sure they can do a proper spin-kick if they need to.”
Harley snorted. “I’ll make a note of that.” She grabbed the box of free lollies on the counter, “I am going to be robbing these though, and you can’t stop me.”
She headed for the back entrance and away. “Harley,” Batman called her again, and she froze, “The year you were gone, when you disappeared and suddenly your sister had a child she wasn’t pregnant with. I want you to know, I noticed.”
Harley smiled, turning, “Thanks Bats-” When she turned, he was gone. “And people call me a drama queen.”
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Why did you elbow me? 155
Achilles Castle part 57
Kate: Ryan and Esposito ask how my Dr's appointment was since i'm back from it. It turned out good boys, everything is looking okay for now.
Ryan Jenny has an ultrasound appointment today, she is stopping by afterwards to say hi and discuss what the Dr said.
Jenny: pov I grabbed some lunch before my Dr's appointment. This is just a check up. Everything has been looking good so far. Our little boy is right on track and growing just fine. So far my Dr's have no concerns which is amazing.
Ryan: pov After doing paperwork for a while Jenny appears and says everything went well at the appointment the baby looks great and right on track with growth and development.
Lanie: pov turns out my victim did died by suicide, while I'm talking to Esposito on the phone updating him I mention you don't have to keep looking into his life it was 100% a suicide. Me and Esposito have plans for later.
Esposito: pov after work me and Lanie head home since she had a long day at work we order Chinese food and pick a movie to watch nothing like dumplings, egg rolls and fried rice to make your day i know it's unhealthy but who cares. After cleaning up the garbage things start heating up in the bedroom Lanie starts taking my clothes off. The top drawer has what I'm looking for in it. I grab one and slide it on. I can tell Lanie is excited since she got me these pajama pants, it comes with a matching shirt which I also grab.
Time jump a few days later
Kate: pov Dr Burkett my Cardiologist said i should see a Dr who treats scar tissue and i made an appointment with one. Today is that day and I'm 100% nervous. In a few days Castle will start physical therapy on his foot. They wanted to wait a few extra days just in case until the cast comes off. Not sure if I should wear one of the funny shirts Castle suggests or a plaid button down shirt and black pants. After taking my meds and brushing my teeth I hop in the shower quickly once that is done I grab the plaid shirt and black pants.
Martha: pov last night we talked about it and I offered to make Katherine and Richard oatmeal before her appointment since I head out to my acting school a few minutes later. Richard is going to use his crutches today but just in case Katherine is packing the wheelchair. Breakfast is great. A discussion about her upcoming appointment is discussed, especially about how nervous she is.
Castle: pov after breakfast me and Kate head off to her appointment. I know she is very scared about it. She finds a parking spot in front, the waiting room is packed. Kate signs herself in and the woman behind the desk hands her a clipboard to fill out a form for her medical history. I know Kate handed the receptionist the paper stating she has a heart condition and PTSD. 40 minutes later and her name is called. A nurse has us follow her down a hallway and into a room with light yellow walls. The nurse takes Katie's vitals and asks if she is on any medication. Kate replies yes and lists all the medication she is on.
Nurse Kendall: pov the first appointment with a new Dr is always nerve racking. I will give you a few minutes to settle down then take your vitals again. Mr Castle says to me your reading might not actually be accurate since she has a heart condition. Oh I did not think about the fact that her vitals might be different from other patients. A Dr should be with you in a few minutes.
Dr Pierce: pov after introducing myself Kate explains why they are here today. I read your medical history and understand you have a heart condition and survived a shooting, she says yes it was at my Captain's funeral I was giving the eulogy when it happened. I know from her medical records that her shooting caused her heart condition. That must have been so traumatizing getting shot at a funeral.
Kate: pov you have no idea, I have PTSD, loud noises and light reflecting off of stuff bother me and a few other things. We discuss a few more things, Dr Pierce asks if I can take off my shirt so he can look at my scars. He asks why they did a thoracotomy instead of a sternotomy, my trauma was so severe they weren't even sure if I was going to make it. We talked about the location of my scar tissue and issues it is causing. Dr Pierce mentions anything done to remove or shrink my scar tissue would require a cardiac surgeon being present since I have a heart condition and have had a few cardiac arrests, also some of the scar tissue is on my ventricle which is another concern. I also have a weakened immune system which puts me at risk for complications.
Dr Pierce: pov her surgery Scar is pretty big, it's not her big concern it's the internal scar tissue causing her the problems, I would like to get an ultrasound of your scar tissue. Castle mentions she just had one done at her last check up a few days ago with her cardiologist and her pulmonary Dr, they should be in her file. After going over the scans and pointing out a few things we discuss what the best opinion would be for Kate. You should talk to Dr Burkett and get his opinion before you make a final decision.
Castle: pov we part ways leaving the appointment very hopeful that this will help Kate live a better life. I’m going to hang at the precinct today. Maybe it will inspire me, you never know. It's decided while on the way back we are stopping to pick up food. Let's hope the rest of the day turns out good. To be continued. ……….
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juicingbeetles · 3 years
The Ranger's Apprentice Holiday Special: Chapter Three. God Bless Thee, Merry Ranger Men, Let Nothing You Dismay
Baron Arald, master of Castle Redmont, felt very, very, swamped. Not that having the Sovereign of the Realm come to visit for Christmas wasn’t a great honor - oh no, he was very grateful. But the royal visit was putting more and more pressure upon the fief to make the holiday as big and fancy as possible. And, the king and his entourage were arriving today.
“Do we have the tree decorated?” he asked Lady Pauline, who had been a great help so far in the planning.
“Yes, Arald,” she said. “Alyss had some of the servants take care of it.”
“Good,” Arald sighed in relief. He glanced down at the plate of cookies on his desk, eating one. “Who made these?” he asked, munching appreciatively.
“Young Jenny, Master Chubb’s apprentice,” said Pauline. “She’s been baking up a storm lately.”
“If I’m being honest,” Arald said, whispering slightly, “I like them better than Chubb’s.” He glanced around furtively. One never knew when the cook might be just around the bend, ladle in hand.
“I agree,” said Pauline. “That young lady has a bright future ahead of her.”
Arald tore himself away from the cookies with an effort. “Anyway, let’s review the plans for King Duncan’s visit.”
“We’ll have the welcome feast,” Pauline said. “Chubb has outdone himself, I must say. I’ve never seen so many pies.”
“Then the play,” Arald said. “Young George is in charge of that, right? I heard Halt’s old apprentice Gilan is in it. Where is he?”
“He was given a room in the castle,” Pauline said. “I’m surprised he didn’t sleep in the Ranger cabin.”
“I expect a young cook has something to do with that,” said Arald jovially. He was feeling very warm feelings toward Jenny at the moment. She deserved an attractive Ranger boyfriend, he thought to himself.
“Then, on Christmas day, we’ll have the Yule dance,” Pauline said. “There’s been a good jongleur hired for the festivities. After that, another feast. I believe you planned a hunt as well?”
“Nothing like a good Christmas hunt!” Arald declared. He could feel his blood racing at the thought.
“Quite.” Pauline smiled.
“Pauline!” Alyss, looking slightly breathless, came into the room. “Oh, Baron Arald,” she added, curtseying. “The king is here.”
“He’s what?” Arald leaped from his chair. “I thought he was coming in the afternoon!” His heart was racing again.
“Well, he’s here,” Alyss said. “Horace and Will went out to greet the royal procession.”
“Well, I suppose we’d better go greet them,” Arald sighed, taking another cookie. Not too many, of course. The king should get a taste of young Jenny’s skill.
* * *
Horace and Will rushed out to the carriage, where a short girl was hopping out, her strawberry blond hair poking out of her fur cap. “Evanlyn!” Will shouted, giving her a big hug.
“You’re here!” Horace wrapped his arms around them both and somehow lifted them off the ground.
“Hey, Horace, how’ve you been?” Princess Cassandra asked, laughing a little. “I was lonely at Castle Araluen without you.”
“Did you miss me? Did you miss me?” Will asked excitedly.
“Gosh, you’re like an overactive puppy,” said Jenny, walking up to the group.
“Oh, this is Jenny,” Horace told Cassandra hastily. “She grew up with us. And Jenny, this is Evan - I mean, Princess Cassandra.”
“It’s an honor,” Jenny said, curtsying.
“Do I get an introduction?” King Duncan asked, emerging from the carriage.
“It’s the king,” Jenny whispered to Will. “What do I do?”
“Say hello,” he replied.
“Hi,” she said, looking oddly nervous.
“If it isn’t Will and Horace,” called a voice, as a cloaked figure dismounted from his horse. “I always love to spend Christmas at Redmont.”
“Hello, Crowley,” said Will, taking the sandy-haired ranger’s proffered hand.
“Now, where’s Halt?” Crowley asked, looking around. “I brought him some Arridan coffee as a Christmas gift.”
“He’s been staying at the cabin or out on missions lately,” Will explained. “He let me have the week off.”
“During the holidays? What a grump,” Crowley laughed. “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure he shows up if I have to drag him kicking and screaming.”
“Your Grace!” Arald rushed into the courtyard, with Pauline following in his wake. “It is an honor to have your company in this festive season. To commemorate you momentous visit, one of my scribes has prepared a play depicting the Nativity, to perform this evening after the feast.”
“A play?” Duncan smiled. “That sounds wonderful. Who did you hire to play the roles?”
“Well…” Arald looked down. “We didn’t hire anyone. Instead, young members of our community shall perform.”
“Including me!” Gilan swept in, holding two enormous wings and a handful of feathers. “I shall be playing the role of the Angel Gabriel!” he swept out just as suddenly, occupied in sticking the feathers to the wings.
“Who’s playing everyone else?” Cassandra asked Horace.
“I’m going to be a shepherd,” Horace said, his face reddening.
“Really?” she squeezed his arm. “I didn’t know you could act.”
“Yeah, I can act,” Horace replied, his face turning the approximate shade of a tomato. “I love acting.”
“I’m playing the virgin Mary,” said Jenny. “I hope my performance meets your majesty’s approval.” she giggled, looking like she had regained all of her confidence.
“I’m sure it will,” said the king. “Now, shall we get inside? It’s freezing out here.”
* * *
“Halt, old boy, why so glum?” Crowley asked, striding into the cabin without knocking.
“Hello to you too,” Halt said dryly, rubbing his bowstring with beeswax.
“I heard from your apprentice that you haven’t exactly been in the Christmas spirit lately,” Crowley said, plopping himself down in front of the roaring fire.
“I’ve had plenty of spirit,” Halt snapped. “Look at the tree I set up! And decorated!” He gestured to the corner, where a small tree sat, festooned with several strings of popcorn.
Crowley raised one eyebrow.
“Don’t do the eyebrow at me,” Halt muttered. “I just don’t feel like getting into all the merriment. I didn’t keep Will from having fun. I’m going to give him his first longbow as a gift. I set up a tree. What more do you want?”
“Halt, you don’t have to pretend that you’re not bothered by this time of year,” Crowley said. “I was there, ok? I spent that new year’s eve in the tavern while you shed the first manly tears I’ve ever seen you cry. But your breakup with Pauline was years ago. You two are on good terms, right?”
“But this time of year…” Halt sighed. “All the memories come back. I thought it was going to be the perfect Christmas. And then…”
“Hey, these things happen,” Crowley said sympathetically. “But you shouldn't let it ruin your mood. Come to the castle with me. Say hello to the royal family, eat some food, and watch Will’s play. He and Gilan will be excited to see that you bothered to come.”
“Fine,” Halt grumbled. “Just this once.”
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