#“The loneliest people are the kindest. The saddest people smile the brightest.-
What if Pop trolls were the only trolls to go grey, seeing as the other villages can actually channel negative emotions in a healthy fashion. What if the reason pop trolls had to start surpresing their grief, anger and sadness was because it would make them "bitter" tasting to the bergans so The Chef, at the time, would pluck these trolls from the tree like rotting fruit and dispose of them trying to keep the other's from "rotting" as well. What if in the beginning of the trollstice tradition there was thousands of pop trolls in the tree but because of bergans greed and with so many trolls going grey in the start pop numbers dwindled until it was just a measly couple hundred. What if being grey was seen as a immediate death sentence so the village would leave the troll alone and morn in silence until you were taken. What if...pop trolls forced themselves to be happy...no matter what...until they didn't really remember how to be anything else
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djsherriff-responses · 8 months
hmmmm kinda road trip au spoilers (maybe not?)
What if Dolph and Ramon relied on Bullfrog as a source of mental stability and support, Dolph as he tried to sort out his issues on how both Alex and his up bringing messed up how Dolph values himself as a person and Ramon as he tries to rediscover himself after Eden used his face as a source of inflicting pain onto others and having to cope with the fact he has directly people for the first time in his life?
Then one day Dolph and Ramon learn Bullfrog actually self harms and is not in fact mentally stable?
wouldn’t that be fucked up?
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ssaraexposs · 4 months
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“The loneliest people are the kindest. The saddest people smile the brightest. The most damaged people are the wisest. All because they don't wish to see anyone else suffer the way they did.”
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diavolo-is-babygirl · 3 months
Reasons Why Diavolo is the Best Obey Me Babygirl:
He’s Diavolo. Just look at him. What other evidence do you need?
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Seriously, though, please allow me to explain why I’ve been bouncing all over Tumblr declaring my love for this ridiculously adorable, charismatic, darling character.
I’ve seen a saying that goes ‘the loneliest people are the kindest, the saddest people smile the brightest, and the most damaged people are the wisest. All because they don’t want anyone to see the way they suffer’.
That, to me, describes Diavolo to a T. Every time he’s on-screen, he overflows with charm and sweetness, all the while masking everything brewing within. With the weight of not only one, or two, but three worlds on his shoulders, he fights to keep up a happy facade all the while battling against one hell of a storm.
There’s been flickers of his inner turmoil in the games, most notably Nightbringer. Which leaves an abundance of room to explore what must be going on deep within. Being burdened by an ever-growing list of responsibilities, tirelessly working towards an immeasurably heavy goal, having a strained relationship with his strict father-all of those are causing a storm of incomprehensible fire. Leaving us with plenty of room for fanfiction and headcanons. Yet Diavolo is always luminous with cheer and an insatiable appetite for fun.
Not only that, but Takuhei’s voice for him is perfect.
If you were to peel away enough layers, all of his sweetness, charm and warm energy would evaporate. Not just because he’s a demon, but because of all the burdens he carries. He’s one demon, one entity, carrying three worlds on two shoulders. He has to conduct himself in a certain way, every day and every night, in front of prying eyes. Because he’s to be the next ruler of the Devildom.
He can’t be anything less than regal, wise and dignified or else he’ll be scorned. On some level, he probably feels as though not even Barbatos understands what he’s going through. He goes through such great lengths to hide what he truly feels because no one would ever understand anyway. No one could ever possibly share his burden-nor would he want them to. Diavolo doesn’t even want to pass his burden onto Lucifer, whom he holds in the highest regard.
Whether he sees Lucifer as a boyfriend, husband, partner-in-crime, brother or best friend is entirely up to you. Have fun with your headcanons.
In addition to all of this, he looks either devastatingly sexy or unbelievably adorable in everything he wears.
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ruushes · 9 months
top 5 monster manual friendship candidates
oh excellent and challenging ask like how do you choose!! im going to pass over a few of the more obvious choices i.e. owlbears, myconids etc in favor of some less-considered potential
sorrowsworn - these guys just need friends. like that's the literal definition of two of them. many arms to hug with. an outstretched hand to hold. the loneliest people are the kindest, the saddest people smile the brightest,
green hag - notoriously difficult to befriend but if you could get one genuinely on side you'd have the coolest grandma ever. my players have a hag patron w/ whom they communicate via soup and who is definitely not waiting for the right moment to cash in on all those deals they made
succubus/incubus - the work/life balance in the sexy devil industry seems completely wack and i'd bet they'd appreciate someone they could just relax with and be themselves around
gray render - canonically loyal! fiercely protective! forms lifelong bonds! likes to snuggle!
drider - friendship or... something more...? 😳👉👈
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fallershipping · 2 months
The stupid Tumblr meme of:
The loneliest people - are the kindest The saddest people - smile the brightest The most damaged people - are the wisest
but it's Anabel -> Looker -> Nanu
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bleach-your-panties · 6 months
"The loneliest people are the kindest, the saddest people smile the brightest, and the most damaged people are the wisest."
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1solone · 11 months
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The loneliest people are the kindest
The saddest people smiles the brightest
The most damaged people are the wisest
All because
They don't wish to see anyone else
Suffer the way they do.💔🦋💙🦋💞
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t00thpasteface · 2 years
the loneliest people are the kindest. the saddest people smile the brightest. the customers with the most festive/preachy/obnoxious xmas outfits leave the BIGGEST FUCKING MESSES FOR EMPLOYEES TO CLEAN UP
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madness-dream · 1 year
“ 외로운 사람들이 가장 친절하다 ”
- The loneliest people are the kindest.
“ 슬픈 사람들이 가장 밝게 웃는다 ”
- The saddest people smile the brightest.
“ 고장나는 사람들 가장 현명하다 ”
- The broken people are the wisest.
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coffeeb4cals · 2 years
"The loneliest people can be the kindest. The saddest people sometimes smile the brightest. The most damaged people are filled with wisdom. All because they do not wish the pain they've endured on another soul." -Timothy Delvecc
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feudeverre · 1 year
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r_nd0m_ccss mmory part I // liv l__gh l0v
« The loneliest people are the kindest. The saddest people smile the brightest. The most damaged people are the wisest. All because they don't wish to see anyone else suffer the way they did. »
collect: https://foundation.app/@videleverre/ram-e4ba/8
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greypetrel · 1 year
🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL and 🌌 MILKY-WAY for Aisling :)
Hello Mary, thanks for asking! :D
Tis the prompt list
🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don't want to show other people?
In general she has trouble showing that she's struggling or feeling something not really socially acceptable and that will make her appear weak or unpleasant or a dead weight.
Mind me, she's genuinely cheerful and isn't pretending, but it takes her a lot to really open up and vent, as much as a good listener she is, she will just tell you she's perfectly fine if you insist and ask her what about her. If you can't help her "fix the problem", she'll hide it and take care of it herself so she won't "bother you" with her feelings, she's the one who takes care of others, not the opposite.
In Haven and at Skyhold, also, she doesn't really feel comfortable in showing off anything too Dalish. She started hiding because she felt out of place and horribly different and distant from everyone at the start, in Haven, and it terrorised her. As time went by and she learnt that the environment was very Andrastian, nobody really made her questions about her former life... She just kept everything private, prayed in the privacy of her room (she build a small altar on the loft, you can't notice it if you don't climb up), will divert the discourse every time someone asked her to speak of her clan, partly is to protect them from too much attention, partly is not to feel any more different and a fish out of water than she normally does.
🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
Oooh this is great, thanks for asking! It's gonna be long, so there's a cut. Tagging also @shivunin who asked the same question:
I wanted another Dalish because I liked it. I decided that if Alyra was basically a human tank that shows very little her emotions, I wanted for Inquisition someone sweeter and kinder, very in contact with her emotions who likes to feel things ("If I feel it and digest it, it's not gonna return in the form of a demon"), but not weak, it became so melancholic as I started highlighting the character, as in
The loneliest people are the kindest. The saddest people smile the brightest. The most damaged people are the wisest.
I think the closer character to her I can think of is Winry from FullMetal Alchemist. Awfully competent, clever, prone to melancholy, still coping with loss, the mom friend and the shoulder to cry on, always supporting.
And Brod from Everything Is Illuminated (the book):
"She was a genius of sadness, immersing herself in it, separating its numerous strands, appreciating its subtle nuances. She was a prism through which sadness could be divided into its infinite spectrum. Brod discovered 613 sadness’, each perfectly unique, each a singular emotion, no more similar to any other sadness than to anger, ecstasy, guilt or frustration. Mirror Sadness. Sadness of Domesticated Birds. Sadness of Being Sad in Front of Ones Parent. Humor Sadness. Sadness of Love Without Release.”
Kate McKinnon's character in the 2016 Ghostbuster for the scienific part (that movie is... not good, but Jillian Holtzman was not a flaw in any way), with a big sprinkle of Murphy from Interstellar.
Margarita from Master and Margarita also is a big inspiration (caring, self-assured even if gentle and kind, open-minded).
Add: a touch of Padmè Amidala political-wise (in a place of responsibility from too early an age, very responsible and serious, competent but caring to a fault, ultimately believing that diplomacy is the ultimate solution).
And as for songs: this is her playlist, but the main songs that inspired her were Lay Me Down by the Oh Hellos, Blood in the Wine by Aurora and Queen of Peace/Free by Florence + the Machine.
EDITED 1: She and Solas, particularly in the DadWolf AU, are inspired vaguely by Roy and Alexandria in The Fall (2006).
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foxxiatto · 2 years
Anime Quotes
This one...Just really hits home for me personally. Fairy Tail got so many good quotes, honestly...It really does...
“The loneliest people are the kindest. The saddest people smile the brightest. The most damaged people are the wisest. All because they don't wish to see anyone else suffer the way they did.” ― Jellal Fernandes
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crimsononiarataki · 16 days
“The loneliest people are the kindest. The saddest people smile the brightest. The most damaged people are the wisest. All because they don’t wish to see anyone else suffer the way they did.“
If this is a meme I lost it
"Where's this comin' from, Noah?"
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To say he was curious was an understatement, it wasn't like Noah to get all philosophical with him. Or around him. Sure, she knew he wasn't as dumb as he let people believe he was before, but that didn't mean he'd get her innate meaning right away or anything like that. He'd tuck a marker into his book before closing the cover and turning to look at her. The fact that he'd not realized she woke up would just show how deeply enthralled in the book he'd been.
"Ya tryin' to tell me somethin' sweetheart?"
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thenextdoorneighbour · 3 months
Life. What is life? No one wouldn't exactly call it a miracle cause miracles happen for a reason and life just is. What you need to learn is realize your worth. Yes life gets tough but who cares? Ofc it's gonna be hard. All you need to do is learn to overcome this. And also, what you need to learn is why it happened? Everything happens for a reason right? Then why did this happen to you? Why were you given the life you never asked for? Why this suffering and pain? A very simple answer to this. It's to make you stronger. These experiences only build you better and stronger for the tomorrow. These will rip you apart, destroy and torture you but the more you learn the better. See, when an arrow is to be shot very far away, it's need to be pulled down to the ground for maximum range coverage. That's what is life.
Right now it's pulling you down. But once it let's go, you'll only go upwards. Everything is gonna fall in place. You lost yourself for a moment. Who cares? It's alright. Get back up and begin the domination. Everyone's special but the people who fail to realize it are what people call "failures". But failing isn't bad. Failing is a very necessary event in life to happen cause it helps you for your ultimate purpose.
Heartbreak is hard, really hard
Especially if you still love the person truly.
But the thing is, We need to experience every emotion fully, so that we can appreciate The Good when it happens.
Take your time, it’s ok to cry
It’s ok to feel the pain but once you’re done, never look back. We are but weak creatures.
Yes we go down, Yes we get sad but what really matters is how you get up and fight it. Love yourself no matter what. You're not lazy. You're just tired. It's alright take your time but not too long. You have a full, long happy life to live. The emptiness you feel is absolutely Normal. Don't be afraid that you're different from the society. You're not alone you absolute legend. We all fight our demons in the dark but keep a smile on the outside. You're nice. You have a good heart. Keep it that way. You're loved. If no one then God fucking dammit I love you.
Don't ever feel alone and you have to overcome this alone. That's when most of us lose. Everyone needs help and support and I'm always here for you. Now dry those tears, fuck that feeling and get up. Keep your head high. Go out for a walk. Do anything that makes you happy.
Tell that girl you like her. Everything that has happened in the past, every moment has led up to exact this. Where you are now. We all lose motivation. But overcome this shit. You're not this weak you fool. The loneliest people are the kindest. The saddest people have the brightest laugh, the most damaged people give the best advice. Don't ever fake your feelings cause you're a human and you have to share them. If you don't heal what hurt you, you're gonna bleed on people who didn't cut you. Please don't ever get tired of being a good person with a good heart. Yes i know it sucks being taken advantage of and feeling like it's better to be cold hearted but people like YOU matter and you're the most important to this world. Always remember that everything heals. Your body heals. Your heart heals. The mind heals and so do the wounds.
Your happiness is gonna come back to you. Bad times don't last forever don't worry. Those who died yesterday had plans for today's morning, those who died this morning had plans for the night. Don't take life for granted. In the blink of an eye everything can change. So forgive often, love with your whole heart and live life to the fullest. You may never get the chance again. If your absence doesn't affect them, that means your presence never mattered to them In the first place. Life is so ironic. It takes sadness to know what happiness is. It takes noise to appreciate the silence and absence to value presence. If you're reading this, relax your shoulders. Unclench your jaw and remove the tongue from the roof of your head and stop frowning. We physically tend to hold stress in the least noticeable ways ever. Just relax hmm? :)
Take a shower. Wash off the day. Drink some water and make the room dark, lie down and close your eyes. Notice your heart beating. Still beating. Still fighting. You made it after all. You made it another day. You made it another year and you can keep making it. You're doing absolutely fine. I love you <3
Take care. You matter. Remember it. You matter ♥
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