#“There are no happier folks than plant lovers
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#“There are no happier folks than plant lovers#and none more generous than those who garden.” Ernest Wilson#Many years ago#I was considering adopting two miniature ponies. When I visited the ranch where they were living there was a small pond surrounded by a flu#she told me they were Naked Ladies#a bulb that boasted bright green spear-like foliage in the winter. When the foliage died at the end of spring#it was necessary to remove the brown leaves#leaving the turtle- shaped bulbs slightly protruding from the ground. Indicating that her Naked Ladies needed dividing#she dug up a bulb#instructing me to plant it in the sun “anywhere”#irrespective of soil condition. “Wait for next summer’s surprise#” she said. I followed her directions#and that one bulb has evolved into many hundreds that blanket my hillside in a sea of pink perfection. Over the years I have divided#dug#and donated bulbs to many friends#offering them a summer surprise. Dig and divide! It makes me so happy!#Share StarStyle® Empowerment#This time of year is a perfect time to divide a wide variety of bulbs and perennials. Besides increasing the number of plants in your garde#divisions can be given to other gardeners. Dividing overcrowded plants will give the remaining plants room to grow#maintaining their health#and rejuvenating your beds.#Before you begin#water the area well a few days before digging. With a shovel or garden fork#dig a large area to remove a clump with the root ball#bulbs#or rhizomes intact. Once out of the ground#shake off the excess dirt and cut or pull apart individual crowns. For perennials#make sure you have roots and leaves. Bulbs and rhizomes need roots attached. To avoid having the roots dry out#plant immediately in another area at the same depth and water deeply. To conserve moisture#add mulch to these newly divided plants.
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goddessgardener · 1 year
Dig and Divide
“There are no happier folks than plant lovers, and none more generous than those who garden.” Ernest Wilson Many years ago, I was considering adopting two miniature ponies. When I visited the ranch where they were living there was a small pond surrounded by a flush of gorgeous pink blooms that I had never seen before. When I asked the property owner what they were, she told me they were Naked…
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bugbite7 · 2 years
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There are no happier folks than plant lovers and none more generous than those who garden.
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𝓕𝓸𝓻 𝔂𝓸𝓾, 𝓕𝓸𝓻 𝓾𝓼, 𝓕𝓸𝓻 𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓶 – 𝓗.𝓗.
The fairies of Yellow Wood
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Summary: A forbidden love between a Knight and a Princess, it’s them against the world. Would they endure separation, or would they change it all. Season: Spring Genre: Fluff/ Angst Category: Fantasy Tropes: Enemies to Lovers || Kind of Slowburn!Fluff? AU: Fairy au Pairing: Knight Fairy!Hyunjin X Princess Fairy!Reader Word count: 25,9K (idk what happened) Disclaimer: I don’t know much about folk tales or fairies in general. This is my imagination with the use of fairies in my stories. Warnings: slow burn fluff, strong language, terms of psychotic behaviour, mentions of blood, mentions of death threats. If you spot any mistakes, sorry about those it’s almost 26k words I probably read over it through editing <3
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Fairies of Yellow Wood Masterlist
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,,, Chapter one
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Once upon a time,
in a great kingdom with small inhabitants. Lived hundreds of the fey people, another common name for them are fairies or pixies. They lived in peace among one another as they kept nature in balance and protected from whatever would or could possibly harm it. Every one of them had a destiny. One was destined to grow fruits, so they could live healthy and provide everyone of food. Another was destined to be a guard of the sun. They made sure the day arrived every morning on time, that the plants had enough sunlight to grow greatly.
And so was Y/n a princess among the other fairies. Born into a hierarchy she was destined to be queen of Yellow Wood someday. Unlike other fairies, Y/n knew since the day she was birthed what her destiny would be.
At the age of ten, every fairy were to find out what their destiny would be. One would be very happy with theirs and others were rather disappointed. On this day, the fairies also received a birthname that complimented their given powers and destiny. With Y/n being a princess, she was also given a birthname: Avery de La Grande. Her name meaning: Ruler of the elves. Y/n being an only child, she was often surrounded by people who worked for the family de La Grande. They would help her dress, get her ready for the day, they taught her mannerisms and gave her the usual lessons.
Y/n never really interacted with other fairies of her age, except the ones who were the children of the maids or guards. Hwang Hyunjin was one of those fairies. His father being the knight commander, Hyunjin also had an idea what he destined to be. At Hyunjin’s birth, his birthname was bound to be Harvey, meaning ‘Battle worthy’.
Hyunjin’s father couldn’t be happier when Hyunjin got the confirmation at the age of ten that he was bound to be a knight. He began to train with his father and grew up to be skilful. Beside his skilfulness he also grew up to be one of the most handsome fairies in the kingdom. And he was well aware of that.
The maids and their daughter were absolutely head over heels for him. The young knight trainees were in awe by everything he did. They wanted nothing more than to be him and get a little taste of the life he was living. As you can tell Hyunjin’s popular among the people, implying that the entire kingdom knew who he was. Y/n, being one of them.
She grew up with Hyunjin as their fathers were friends and fought together in the battlefield before. Y/n never understood why people were so enchanted by Hyunjin’s charms. She would roll her eyes as her own mother, the queen, giggled at Hyunjin’s eye-smile that he was given by his father. Y/n saw Hyunjin as an arrogant boy who loved to play with other’s feelings, even though she was fully aware of the fact that Hyunjin had taken an oath to loyalty to the king and queen.
He performed his position well, he ended up becoming the king’s personal knight. It annoyed Y/n that she constantly had to look him in the eye whenever she was around her father. Even at dinner she had to look Hyunjin as she forced herself to eat, knowing that his face made her lose her appetite.
Her day was going southwards. Her music teacher was being a bitch, nothing new. Her food was spilled all on the floor by Hyunjin who bumped into her and as if her day couldn’t get any worse. Her father called her into his office, where (to her not-so surprise) Hyunjin was as well.
“Y/n, my daughter. Since your time of becoming our new queen is nearing. We have decided to give you a personal knight as you perform your new duties as future ruler of the Yellow Wood reign.” She was waiting in anticipation to find out who was her new ‘protector’, she knew she could take care of herself, but knowing her father, she ‘needed’ extra protection. “Hyunjin, I assign you from today on as the personal knight and protector of the one and only crown princess.”
Hyunjin was trying to keep the swearing to himself whilst Y/n was shooting daggers with her eyes towards him. “Dad, does it really have to be him-“ “He’s the most loyal fey I’ve ever worked with, beside his father of course. I couldn’t imagine any better candidate.” The king crowed proudly. “Your majesty, there must be a different way, w-who is going to be your personal knight?” Hyunjin stuttered. “Your placed will be filled in by an old friend of mine. Another great warrior who I also haven’t seen in ages, so I will enjoy my time with him.” He laughed before shooing the two out of his office.
The two young elves shared a look and sighed. “Don’t get anything into that dull head of yours. It’s not like I asked for this.” Y/n snarled as Hyunjin glared at her. He only sighed before nudging her to start walking, because he hadn’t even started, but he knew he was already tired of her.
As mentioned before, the two had known each other for a long time as they grew up in the castle. They never bothered talking, so being together for such long periods of time, was new to them. The two were constantly on each other’s wings. The most interaction they had with one another that didn’t include numerous cuss words, was the two rolling their eyes to each other.
Y/n would often let Hyunjin go off and do his own thing, claiming that she could handle ‘her shit herself’. Hyunjin would put his hands up in defence before flying off elsewhere, anywhere. As long as it was far away from her.
It was the first day of the two being actually stuck with one another and Hyunjin was glad that he was able to go to his beloved Eunhee. She was the daughter of one of the maids, who was working in the castle just like Hyunjin. The two grew up together and had become best friend through the years. The male fey would smirk to himself as he sneaked up behind his best friend, scaring her almost to death as she threw the clothes she was holding all over the place.
“Stop doing that!” She whined whilst punching her friend in the arm, leaving Hyunjin hissing in pain. “I had to make my day better somehow. And what way better doing that by scaring the pixie dust out of you.” He grinned with a smile plastered on his face. “Was the meeting with the king that bad?” She asked, picking up the clothes in process. “Well, not that exactly. I think I got a promotion?” Hyunjin laughed as he leaned against one of the pillars that were framed around the palace garden. “What? That’s amazing news Hyunjin! How could that be bad?” Eunhee squealed, excited for her friend.
“Well, I’ve become the personal guard of miss snobby.” Hyunjin scoffed. “Oh you poor thing!” Eunhee cooed as she took his face into her hands to squish it. “Yeah, I am pitiful. Pity me. It’s been day one and my life has never been so boring.” He complained. “Tell me everything.” Eunhee clapped in excitement as her best friend told her all the juicy gossip that Hyunjin knew.
The two would laugh about Y/n’s snobby attitude and her self-centred personality. “I really don’t get how she is supposed to rule our kingdom one day. The day she gets crowned as queen, I will be moving a reign far away from here.” Eunhee laughed. “She’s not ready to be a queen, she’s not even ready to be a princess, which she already is. She never interacts with her staff or with her citizens. They know who she is, but do they? I bet everyone would agree on her being a pretentious spoiled brat, who doesn’t know what hard work actually is.” Hyunjin scoffed.
“I couldn’t have said it any better.” She smiled before pressing a playful kiss on his cheek, leaving him with a smirk plastered onto his face.
After saying their goodbyes Hyunjin would return to Y/n who ready to go out for a fly. He caught her fixing her hair and checking her face before he appeared into her view. “Did training go well?” She assumed, Hyunjin would hum back in respond, wanting to get this over with.
The two exited the palace and were greeted by a big pond that was spread over the great kingdom in front of them. The royal Family was greeted every morning by their hardworking fairies that flew around.
Y/n shot them a smile as they passed by, which caught Hyunjin’s attention. He’d never seen her interact with anyone except her parents. Hyunjin knew of Y/n’s daily fly through the kingdom. It was well known that she loved to sit near the pond or on top of the trees to enjoy the sunset.
The flight was quiet and awkward and it bored Hyunjin to the bone. He had a hard time to stay focused, but he honestly didn’t care about her. He knew he had to protect her, otherwise he’d lose his head, but he wouldn’t mind her disappearing into the distance out of nowhere.
When they returned from their little trip, the sun would be set and the moon had come out. The Yellow Tree’s leaves were glowing as it usually would at night, showing it’s great power of life that was stored for the fairies of the reign. The houses’ lights and energy were also originated from the tree. You would think that someone would easily find the reign of Yellow Wood, but no one could coordinate their way through the Forest of the lost. The name speaks for itself.
The magic that nature itself owned protected itself from the vile hearts that belonged to the humans who wanted nothing more than to do harm to the magical creatures, who now belonged to the forest.
Hyunjin was impatiently flying back and forth as Y/n was getting changed into a more comfortable fitting. The young fairy who was waiting outside was Yearning to see Eunhee again, since the two were planning on having dinner together. “Can’t I just leave? I’ve hung around you all day, can’t I deserve a fucking break?” At this point he was worn out and wanted to get her off his wings.
“Fine, I can have dinner with just my parents. Go on then. There will be other guards there anyway.” Y/n snarled from the other side of the door, causing the maids who were dressing her sharing a look of surprise with each other.
“Bloody finally.” Hyunjin groaned before he sped away.
“Your majesty, please forgive me for interfering, but I feel like you could be nicer to Hyunjin.” One of the young maids suggested in a small voice, obviously scared of the princess’ reaction. “He might be all smiles and charms to you guys, but he’s a real bother and almost a waste of time to me. He doesn’t even pay attention to my protection. He’s absentminded. I don’t get why my father chose him as my personal guide. Well, I do get it: loyalty, trust and whatsoever. If I end up hurt, I can all assure you, it will cost Hyunjin’s head.” The frustration causing Y/n to harangue.
Without saying much after, Y/n left her bedroom to enter the dinner hall where her parents were already seated and waiting for her to join. Their dinner would be served and sooner enough they started eating, until her father spoke up. “Isn’t Hyunjin joining?” He asked. “No, I let him leave and give him a break-“ “Y/n, your intentions might be good, but Hyunjin has assigned breaks. He can with no unreasonable exception leave your side.” He noted clearly.
‘It was fun while it lasted.’ Y/n thought to herself with a heavy sigh, saying goodbye to her peaceful life, knowing it was about to be filled up with stress and annoyance.
In the meantime, Hyunjin had dashing through the fairies as he made his way to Eunhee, who had been waiting for over an hour. “I’m sorry I’m late!” He exclaimed as he caught his breath. Eunhee only giggled and signed him to sit and eat with her. “She took ages didn’t she?” Eunhee guessed with a raised eyebrow, laughing as Hyunjin gave her an exhausted look.
“She flies so slow, she gets changed every four hours or so, it’s ridiculous. I never thought I was going to say this, but I miss the king.” Hyunjin cried out, making Eunhee laugh even harder.
“Hyunjin!” A female voice squealed from behind him. “I got you some extra Honey Cake!” She beamed a smile as she place the place proudly next to him.
“You are the best, do you know that. I bet you do. Also, you look absolutely stunning today, even more beautiful than yesterday.” Hyunjin complimented as he shot her a wink. He’d take a bite and squeaked in delight.
“The best Honey Cake in the reign!” He cheered as he hugged her. In the meantime Eunhee was watching the two with resentment. “Jinnie, let’s eat. I’ve waited long enough.” She whined whilst pouting. Hyunjin hugged the other fairy goodbye, before he gave all his attention to Eunhee again.
“Hwang! Get your wings moving, the king demands to see you right away!” An elder guard’s voice boomed through the kitchen where the pair were seated. Both sighed in defeat and Hyunjin gave her an apologetic smile. Eunhee knew he had to go and shot him a small smile.
When Hyunjin arrived at the dining hall, he was shaking in anxiousness. ‘Did Y/n rat me out? I wouldn’t be surprised if she did.’ He thought to himself as he sucked in a mouthful of air and held it there to calm himself down.
“Hyunjin, there you are.” The king started.
‘Here we go.’
“I get that you would love extra breaks, but as a personal guard you have assigned resting hours, so somebody else can take over your place for a short period of time. Next time when you wish to have a break, you unfortunately have to wait, now sit down and eat with us, you must be starving.” The king’s words surprised him, but he did was he was told to do so and sit down next to Y/n.
She looked distressed and looked at him, whispering: ‘I’m sorry’.
He was yet again surprised and tried not to show it, by filling himself with food.
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Weeks had passed and there were little words exchanged between the knight and the princess. Their days would go on as usual, but the two never bothered to actually work on their ‘relationship’.
Y/n never really know why Hyunjin disliked her so badly. She never hurt him in any way, she thinks at least. She never really talked to him before. To be really honest, she didn’t even know why she acted resented towards him either. He never did anything bad, beside flirting during his shift with any maid he saw in the castle.
Her father was right, he indeed was a great knight. He did his job so well when he worked for the king, yet she wondered why he couldn’t do the same for her. They continued their daily flight whilst ignoring each other.
Hyunjin thought about it and he neither understood why he was so hateful towards Y/n. She’s never hurt him in a personal way. He felt like he might’ve hated her through the stories of other fairies, who had ‘experiences’ with her. They all made Y/n seem like this horrible snob that doesn’t know what basic mannerism is.
Now that he’s almost seen her 24/7 the past weeks, he didn’t understand what made him actually think that Y/n was a bad fairy being.
Hyunjin saw Y/n from seven o’clock in the morning until midnight. He would see her wake up and go to sleep. He was right there by her side, having to protect her from what evil or danger is coming their way. The young knight chuckled to himself as he realised that he was maybe giving up his own life, to save someone he doesn’t even want to be around with.
Well, that’s what he felt like, because all of his feelings seemed to conflict and confuse him. Right now, he just stuck to hating and disliking her since it was easier that way. Hyunjin saw how much she hated to dress up. He had seen it and it didn’t look pretty, the ‘getting her into the dress’ part. She looked absolutely stunning in her gowns or any other type of royal clothing she was put into, the process she just hate.
One fairy would be tugging on a corset and tightening it so that she could just breath. Another was trying to do her hair whilst the last fairy was putting on her makeup. Later more would arrive to put Y/n into the rest of her dress and help her beautifying her wings and even putting her shoes on for her.
Hyunjin saw the annoyance in Y/n’s face whenever eight o’clock struck. The same maids would walk in to help her and it just seemed like they ruined her entire day. She’s independent and he knew she was fully well capable to take care of herself.
Yet, she was never rude to any of her. She didn’t show them the annoyed that was hidden behind a smile as they helped her dress. They were orders after all and the fairies were just doing their jobs and Y/n was well aware of that.
Hyunjin appreciated that about her. He had some newfound respect for Y/n after seeing that. It also occurred to him, that Y/n was an actual sweetheart. The staff that worked in the palace, specifically for Y/n, had never spoken a bad word about Y/n. They praised her kindness and diplomatic manners.
Hyunjin had to admit that Y/n certainly wasn’t dumb, he had made her out to be stupid, but she had proven him wrong at defence strategy meetings. She had hushed everyone’s mouth, radiating power from her side. She knew what she was talking about and the knights and guards took her advice and theories to appreciation.
The young knight himself was impressed too. He had never seen her like that, the serious soon-to-be-queen kind of acts.
“I don’t understand why I disliked her so badly. She’s smart, she knows what she’s talking about when it comes to defence strategies. Her theory was amazing it left everyone at awe!” Hyunjin exclaimed. He was in the kitchen with Eunhee as they were celebrating their break. Eunhee rolled her eyes secretly as Hyunjin continued to praise Y/n like everyone else in the castle.
“C’mon Jinnie, if that girl wasn’t a princess, she would’ve been a nobody. She wouldn’t have to have knowledge to protect a kingdom, she would be basic and boring.” Eunhee scoffed, taking another sip of her honey milk. “You might be right, but I guess she really isn’t so bad as the other fairies think she is. Besides, they are from outside the palace and don’t see her everyday like I do.” Hyunjin tried to make sense. “I mean, you’re probably right, but I bet she’s just nice to you because she has to. You’re the one protecting her after all. Would be a shame if her knight suddenly turned his back to her, because she treated him unfairly.” Eunhee shrugged, making Hyunjin sigh because he thought that his friend was right.
She glanced at him and smirked when she saw his defeated expression. She would scoot closer to him and rest her head on his shoulder. He would lean in as well as he continued to eat, making her smile in victory.
“Even though she might be faking her kindness towards you, I just want you to know that I would never turn my back to you. I like you too much for that.” She bluntly says whilst looking up to him to see him smirk and wink in return.
Hyunjin’s day went well after his break, but it all went south for Y/n. The two were in the king’s and queen’s office, Hyunjin witnessing how the family ended up in a fight.
“Y/n there is no other option-“ her mother started. “What do you mean there is no option? You could make an alliance with someone instead of arranging a fucking marriage without asking for my consent!” Y/n yelled back. “Language, young lady! You have no say in this! This is the best for our kingdom and you know that.” The king argues. “So, you let me make strategies to protect the kingdom, literally one of the only ways we protect ourselves from the enemies. But you can’t discuss this with me, something that will change my entire fucking life?” She yelled back.
“You know nothing about alliances through marriage, they are the most loyal alliances, because we would be an united kingdom, if one would turn their back on the other, it would be no use. Besides, this marriage has been planned before your birth. There’s nothing you can do about it. You will meet prince Han Jisung soon. This conversation is now over, you better prepare yourself and get to know him. He will arrive at the palace and stay here so the two of you can meet and get to form a relationship together.”
“Dad you can’t force a relationship between two people!” Her father would turn around and she would try to look at the mother desperately, hoping that she could make a difference for her.
But she only shot her an apologetic smile. Tears were brimming in Y/n’s eyes as she run out of the office and into her room.
Hyunjin was still stunned from the situation, but quietly and awkwardly left the office. The way she ran to her room crying felt disheartening. He knew that he had to protect her, but right now he felt like she needed some comfort.
He walked into her room and quietly made his way towards her. She felt her bed dip on one side and looked up to Hyunjin, who was now face to face with a puffy-eyed crown princess. “I’m sorry about what happened back there.” He whispered as he softly rubbed her back. “It’s fine, I’m sorry that you had to see and hear all of that, but hey. It’s not every day where you see the royal family argue like normal beings. You just witnessed something rare.” Y/n chuckled trying to lift the atmosphere.
“You know that you can be just sad, right? I can imagine that this is very frustrating and unfair. A big part of life must be taken away from you now, isn’t it?” He asked carefully. Y/n sighed and simply nodded in responds as she sat up.
“I guess that’s a price we have to pay as royals.” “That’s so unfair. Does this mean that you will never experience self-found love? Like, meeting someone out of the blue, falling in love with them and then the rest of the story is history?” Hyunjin asked, feeling distressed for her.
“Guess that wouldn’t be a chapter in my book.” “That’s horrible.” Hyunjin exclaimed, making Y/n shocked by his outing of feelings. “Everyone deserves a chance to find true love, true happiness. That applies to you as well. No matter who you are, right?” Hyunjin continued.
“Why are you being nice to me? I thought you hated me?” She wondered out loud laughing out in quite disbelief. “H-hated?” Hyunjin stuttered, surprised that she got onto his act. He tried to find the right words to make up for his action, but he only sighed as he didn’t dare to look Y/n in the eye.
“I don’t hate you, I have to admit that I’m not, or well wasn’t, too fond of you.” He confessed. “I’m not going to lie, I wasn’t too fond of you either when I first saw you.” She admitted, making the both of them chuckle.
“I guess we started off wrong. I changed my opinion on you though through the time we were basically forced to be together.” Hyunjin said, causing Y/n to perk her ears in curiosity. “Oh yeah? Tell me, what do you think of me now then?” “Well, you’re actually very nice and that you’re one heck of a smart fairy who knows what she’s talking about.” Hyunjin laughed, Y/n joining him. “Okay so, you thought I was mean and dumb before?” Y/n asked playfully, causing Hyunjin to stutter.
“N-no! Of course not!” “Calm down it’s fine. Everyone has their own opinion on things which are fine, if they are right is something else.” Y/n laughed. “And, did your opinion about me change after a few weeks?” Hyunjin dares to ask. “I guess you’re fine.” She jokes. “Excuse me only ‘fine’?” He scoffs whilst laughing loudly. “Kidding!”
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After that night the two became close. Hyunjin even introduced her to one of his friends, who happened to be someone she already knew: Jeongin.
The young fairy was one of the most adventurous fairies out there and he worked for the royals to gather information on anything. Wanted a new recipe for food because honey milk had become boring? No problem, Jeongin right here saw the humans put strawberries, bananas and even melon in their milk to make it fruity!
Jeongin basically was the cause of many advantaged the kingdom has made. He analysed inventions from humans and brought them back to the fairy realm so they could also provide from the knowledge, but safely. Jeongin had to stay in the shadows to not get caught by mean spirited humans who wanted nothing more to hurt the magic creatures.
Anyway, Jeongin and Hyunjin basically are best friends. When the two are together, you can’t separate them. They would share stories they had recently experienced. For example: Jeongin had just come back from his adventurous trip and had brought back something that was called a ‘dumpling’.
Jeongin saw to his shock that humans put meat in it, but then to his relieve he saw that there were also good humans who put only vegetables in it, meaning that they didn’t had to harm the animals.
The fairies shuddered in bewilderment and anger at the fact that there were people out there killing innocent animals. After Jeongin was done analysing and speaking about his adventure, the chefs took the recipes and immediately rushed to the kitchen to try out this new ‘dumpling’.
The three, now friends, would sit outside and enjoy the vegetable filled delights. Jeongin and Hyunjin turned to Y/n when she suddenly started laughing whilst looking at her dumpling. “What?” Hyunjin asked curiously. “You look like a dumpling.” She giggles before taking another nibble.
Hyunjin was as red as a tomato and didn’t know what to do or say. In the mean time we had Jeongin over here who was laughing his little fairy wings off. “I-I…” Hyunjin could only stutter. “Now you have apple cheeks!” Y/n squeals as she pinched them, making Hyunjin almost scream as he felt like he couldn’t get any more flustered.
Y/n clapped excitedly in amusement whilst Hyunjin was blushing shyly. You could tell that their relationship has started to bloom and there was a specific person who wasn’t all too happy with this.
Could you take a guess? You probably guessed correctly. It’s Eunhee. She had to serve the three some drinks but she had other plans She gently placed Hyunjin’s next to him and jabbed the drink in Y/n’s face who only gasped in shock. She got up from her seat, looking down at her dress that was now ruined by the red grape juice.
“My sincerest apologies your majesty! I trip and fell!” Eunhee lied with a smirk hiding behind her phoney worried face. Y/n was shivering from the cold and feeling icky from the sugar that the juice contained. “It was an accident, don’t worry. If you would excuse me. I’ll go and change.” “Me too, it got all over my pants.” Jeongin mutters before flying off with Y/n.
Hyunjin watched them leave before he faced Eunhee, who now had a smirk plastered onto her face. He looked at her confused and she started to laugh. “Oh c’mon, you have to give it to me, that was a good one!” She giggles whilst bumping him playfully. “You did that on purpose?” He asked her in shock. “Of course I did, I take every chance to fuss with her.” “That dress costs a fortune.” Hyunjin states, still trying to process the current situation. “Oh please, she has tons of those hanging in her closet.”
“I’m not doing this right now.” Hyunjin sighs as she was about to take off as well. “Wait, you’re telling me you’re standing up for that miserable arse?” She huffed. “I’m going to check up on her, I’ll see you around.” Hyunjin mutters before he flew off to Y/n’s room. Leaving Eunhee with green flames in her eyes.
“Y/n are you alright?” Hyunjin called from the other side of the door. “Yeah, I’ll just put on something comfortable since the day is pretty much over.” He heard her call back in return. “Want to go out for a quick fly? I bet they have some goodies in town we can go and eat.” Hyunjin suggests. “Sounds good to me!” She chirped back. “Alright, I’ll be out here in a second. I’m going to change as well!”
Hyunjin hurried his way to the room next door and changed himself out of his clothes. When he put on an old hoodie, since the nights could become chilly, he spotted a note placed on his dresser. Whilst frowning his eyes in confusion he made his way towards the piece of paper and opened it.
It read:
My beloved Hyunjin,
This if the first time I’ve ever written a love letter to someone, so please bear with me. I’ve loved you since we were young and lately I can’t get you out of my head. You’ve taken over my mind and stolen my heart. I wish I had only the courage to tell you this in person.
But for now I will express my love to you in letter form.
Forever yours and hopefully one day officially.
Yours sincerely,
Your secret admirer.
Hyunjin was baffled at the sudden confession and confused at how the note even found its way into his room, which was locked at all times. Unless Hyunjin himself unlocked it of course.
As Hyunjin was trying to figure out how the mysterious note got into his bedroom, Y/n was already waiting outside her bedroom door. She was sniffing the flowers that were decorated outside hers and Hyunjin’s bedrooms. She cocked her head to the side in slight bewilderment when she found a black paper inside the bouquet.
She looked around her to see if anyone was watching and quickly snatched the note out of the flowers. As soon as she did, Y/n immediately regretted it, reading whatever the white letters said:
Your majesty,
It has come to my attention that you have stolen one of my belongings. I intend on having this back, or else the consequences will not only affect you, but your entire kingdom.
Make your decisions wisely madam.
I will be watching you.
The note brought shivers to her spine and she quickly hid the paper when she heard Hyunjin fumbling with his doorknob. The pressuring anxiety hadn’t faded a little after Hyunjin arrived, fortunately for the princess that he hadn’t seen the note.
She didn’t wanted him to see this. She didn’t wanted this to affect him, she cared for him. Maybe just as a friend or even more she wasn’t too sure about it, but he certainly didn’t has to clean up the mess she supposedly made.
Y/n now had to figure out what she did wrong. She doesn’t even interact with other few people that often. Beside her staff of course. Just the thought alone of her own staff turning against her and trying to kill her made her anxiety raise through the roof.
She tried to focus her attention on Hyunjin who told her that he had received a love letter for the first time in his life. “Really? You don’t get that kind of stuff on a daily basis?” Y/n asked surprised before handing the market lady her money for the apples they just bought. “No, of course not why would I?” Hyunjin scoffed, trying not to out his flustered state.
“Well, obviously you’re very kind and caring, which is part of your nature as you are a knight. Speaking of, you’re protective and reliable. People love that! And let’s not forget that you are very good looking, but let’s be honest. Those looks are pretty much a bonus since there are already so many amazing things about you that are so loveable!” Y/n praised whilst making her way with Hyunjin to the tops of the trees.
“W-why thank you. I didn’t know you saw me that way.” Hyunjin tried to say in his most confident voice, but the stutters betrayed him terribly. “These are the basic things that I have figured out about you after being with you twenty-four-seven for the past months.” Y/n giggled. Hyunjin could only hide his face in his hands, receiving a playful push from Y/n.
“Let’s head back before people will wonder where the hell we are.” Y/n continues to giggle before taking the lead home.
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Time passed and right now Hyunjin and Y/n were seated around the dinner table with her parents. The atmosphere was thick and Y/n still hadn’t forgiven her parents for what they did to her.
And as if it couldn’t get any worse her father started to talk. “Y/n I forgot to inform you, that Prince Jisung will be arriving at the palace soon. You will meet him at the ball of our spring festival and after that you have eight months to prepare yourself for the wedding.” He stated without meeting his own daughter’s eyes. She choked on her food and tried arguing against her father as soon as her breath had stabilized again.
“I don’t even know the guy! And you want him to live here?” She yells in frustration. “Of course he’s going to live here, he will be the future king.” The king’s monotone angered her even further and Hyunjin felt bad for her.
He couldn’t imagine how frustrating it must be to be involved in an arranged marriage. He felt blessed that he never had to experience such pressure and commitment. He still very much believed that everyone deserved to find their own love of their live, so this was pretty much against his morals.
After dinner Y/n requested to be left alone as she wanted to clear her mind in her room. Hyunjin asked her if she was sure she didn’t want him by her side, but she would tell him that it might be good for her to be alone for once in a while.
He agreed and now he was alone with Jeongin in the garden. Hyunjin told his friend about the frustrating situation Y/n was facing at the moment. “You really seem to become fond of her.” Jeongin laughs. “What do you mean?” “Well, you have to admit. You weren’t her biggest fan before you actually got to know her.” Jeongin states. “I know, but she’s just so kind and I wouldn’t wish anyone a life like this, when it comes to someone’s love life.” Hyunjin sighed.
“I hate to say it, but I told you so.” Jeongin laughed, causing Hyunjin to look at him in confusion. “I’ve always told you what she’s actually like, but I guess you were just too stubborn to see who she really is.” Jeongin states with an amusing smirk. “Fine, you were right. I have to admit, I really enjoy her company. She’s great to hang out with.
When Jeongin didn’t react he continue to rant about the fact that she calls him dumpling when no one is watching. “… it’s really the cutest thing. She would get all giggly and bubbly. She’d squish my cheeks together and just look at me cutely, my heart melts every time!” He cried out with a beaming smile on his face.
Jeongin shook his head, smiling as well, before he started to talk. “Seems like someone has a crush on our princess.” He wiggled his eyebrows playfully whilst Hyunjin shook his head in denial.
“No-“ “Oh please, have you just heard yourself?” Jeongin scoffed as he laughed. “I-I, no seriously. You know I have a thing with Eunhee.” Hyunjin stumbled over his words and he felt his chest tightening after he finished his sentence. Something didn’t feel right. “Sure buddy, if you say so.” “I-I don’t know okay! I think I like her.” “Who are we talking about, Eunhee or Y/n.” Jeongin wondered. “Eunhee, I think I like her. I know her well and we’re always together. We grew up together after all.” “Just because you grew up together doesn’t mean you have to grow old together. Sure, I can tell that she likes you, but you surely don’t. Trust me. I’ve seen you with Y/n before.” Jeongin smirked.
“What’s that supposed to mean.” Hyunjin asked. “You’ll find out eventually.”
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More time had passed and at this point, Hyunjin had started to love his job. He spent all his days with Y/n and they went from enemies to best friends. They talked about anything and everything. They even started to bicker together, causing Jeongin to roll his eyes playful whenever he was around.
Hyunjin had only eyes for her.
He was well aware of that. The entire kingdom was talking about it. They saw Hyunjin and Y/n taking a stroll everyday together and they assumed the obvious: that they were dating. But that fantasy soon disappeared when they realised that that was strictly against the law of the Yellow Wood Kingdom.
That didn’t stop the two from going out together. Sometimes they would take a break from their usual strolls around the garden or on top of the trees, they even went undercover together to experience the energy of the citizen who lived in the centre of the kingdom.
Even though Hyunjin had a busy schedule, which existed mostly out of spending time with Y/n, he still went out to Eunhee who was impatiently waiting to get his attention. They were having lunch together as usual, but Hyunjin’s mind was anywhere but where it was supposed to be. And Eunhee wasn’t loving it.
“Jinnie!” She whined resting her chin on his shoulder to get his attention, but Hyunjin was still with his mind in the clouds. “How do you show someone you have feelings for them, but maybe in a lowkey kind of way?” Hyunjin blurted out, causing Eunhee to look at him in surprise.
Her eyes had widen and soon she started to smile brightly to herself. Thinking to herself that he had finally recognized her love for him. She thought that her love letters had worked that she had been leaving around his place for the past few weeks.
“It’s really about the small little things that will make someone notice that you like them. Per example, whenever you talk to them make eye contact, it shows that you have all your attention focused on her and her only. Treat them a little more special than the other people that you know, like give them compliments or small gifts that made you think of her. Just talk to them about anything and everything, remember small facts about her that will surprise her that you even know that about her. Those little things often makes the other person get the hint that you like them.” Eunhee said boastfully.
Hyunjin began to smile and said to himself: “so basically what I am doing already?” Which made Eunhee grin in amusement. “Well if you are already doing all of that, maybe you should take it a step further to show her your true feelings.” “Thank you Eunhee that’s exactly what I will do!” Hyunjin chirped as he kissed her temple before flying out, leaving her confused. “Where are you going?” She called after him. “Got to prepare something I’ll see you later!”
But she didn’t see him later. Instead he had hurried his way to Y/n during his lunch to whisper a message to her. “We’re going somewhere tonight, meet me in front of our bedrooms in regular clothes.” He had said before flying off again, since he still had some lunchtime left.
Now Y/n was waiting in front of a closed door, hoping that no one would walk by and catch her. She knocked on Hyunjin’s door once again, getting impatient and anxious. “You ready?” She let out a squeal in surprise when Hyunjin suddenly had appeared behind her. “Don’t do that!” She cried out before hitting his chest, causing him to groan in pain. He held up a braided basket with a bright smile on his face. She cocked her head in curiosity, but Hyunjin held his finger up to his lips to tell her to be quite before he grabbed her by the hand and lead themselves out of the palace.
She had to admit that her heart fluttered and was not beating rapidly. She looked at Hyunjin as he was taking them somewhere. His eyes were concentrating on the fairies around them, hoping that they wouldn’t get caught. She was openly staring at his face, without him noticing, his handsome features had her captivated. Until he stopped suddenly causing her to bump into his shoulder.
He looked down at her whilst still holding her hand. With a smirk plastered on his face causing Y/n to cock her head in curiosity again, but before she knew it. Hyunjin launched off into the air, making her squeal for the second time that day in surprise. They landed on a big branch that belonged to the Yellow Tree and Y/n plopped down on the branch, feeling out of breath.
“What are we doing here? Won’t they see us up here?” Y/n asked worried whilst looking down to see the village coming alive at night. “They probably will, especially since I got these guys helping me out.” Hyunjin said. Y/n looked up to see fireflies surrounding them as they minded their own business around the pair. “You did this?” She asked in awe, with Hyunjin only nodding in responds. “You did this for me? Why?” She was touched by his surprise and pouted whilst looking at him, feeling a little emotional.
“Well, I know you haven’t been the happiest lately and that being a crown princess is frustrating and tiring. So, I did this to cheer you up, hopefully it worked.” He muttered shyly as she scratched the back of his head.
“Thank you.” She whispered before she tackled him with an embrace. Hyunjin was hoping and praying that she didn’t feel his heart speeding for her. “Your welcome, here.” He said, pulled out the basket he was holding earlier. When he opened it she gasped in excitement when she saw that it was filled with her favourite foods, including the new dumplings.
“How… when…?” She was speechless at his kind gesture and couldn’t come up with the words to form a decent sentence. “I went out to the chefs during my lunchbreak, after I went to you, and asked them to prepare this for us.” He said with a proud smile. “You are so sweet. What did I do to deserve someone like you.” She cried out to her best friend. “Just continue being you and I promise that I’ll always be here.” The emotion in his voice could be heard clearly and it made Y/n even more emotional than that she already was. She started to tear up and scoot closer to Hyunjin’s figure to hug him tight.
“Thank you Dumpling.” “You’re welcome Princess.” He smiled whilst looking down at her. “I wasn’t talking to you, I was talking to these bad boys.” Y/n teased as she picked up one of the doughballs from the basket, making Hyunjin laugh loudly before he began to eat himself.
Time went by and the two were stuffed with the delicious food Hyunjin had brought along. They were now looking down at the other fairies from the branch and enjoying the view together. Y/n began to feel a little chilly, the cold night breeze surprising her, making her put her hands into her pockets, trying to find the tiniest bit of extra warmth.
But to her surprise she felt a piece of paper in her pocket. She could feel her heart drop into the pit of her stomach and she looked to see if Hyunjin wasn’t paying attention to her. He was too immersed by the few people below him, so she could take a quick look on what the note could be.
She gulped loudly when she saw yet another familiar black note that had somehow found its way into her jacket.
Your majesty,
You’re not doing quite a well job in returning whatever’s mine. I suggest you to stay away from it. It belongs to me and only me. It doesn’t matter who you are, who you have on your side. I shall do everything in my power to get what I want.
Whenever, I want.
Don’t forget your majesty.
I’m watching you still.
Y/n’s boy had stiffen and anxiety had found it’s way back into her mind. Hyunjin noticed the sudden change in behaviour and softly touched her shoulder as he asked if she was alright. She jumped in surprise and quickly tried to hide the note back into her pocket with a hurry as she said that she was fine.
Which she truly believed since he was by her side. She knew nothing could get to her when she had someone like Hyunjin. He made her feel comfortable and safe. He made her feel like a normal fairy instead of someone who was soon in charge of a kingdom with a jewelled crown on her head.
“Want to go see if my friends are down there? I bet they having a good time.” He chuckles as he saw the citizen dance below them. “Sure, sounds good.” Y/n stood onto her feet and stretched her body out. Hyunjin looked up to her as she did so, she’s absolutely stunning. Her wings were big and elegant. They were often the cause of the two getting recognized by villagers, making them flee right away from the scene, laughing of course.
Hyunjin looked down, smiling to himself. Until he noticed a piece of paper besides Y/n’s feet. He was about to address it to her, but she cut him of and sooner enough flew down after yelling: “Last one down is a rotten egg!”
Hyunjin couldn’t help but shake his head with the smile still stuck on his face as he cleaned up their little picnic. But, he couldn’t help but feel drawn to the black paper that was accidently left behind by Y/n. She was down there and he knew he had to be quick and scanned the note.
His smile had disappeared and a worried expression came in its place. Hyunjin was shaking in anger, wondering why someone would harass someone from the royal family. And he got even more frustrated when he realised that Y/n didn’t even mention this to him, when he’s there to help and safe her whenever she needed help.
‘Maybe she already handled it?’ He thought to himself, she was smart and wise after all.
But he couldn’t risk it. He shoved the note into his own pocket and almost dove down. He had also come to the realisation that Y/n was down there, all by herself in a big crowd of who knows who.
The one who had written this note to her could be down there and he wasn’t there to safe her. He panicked when he couldn’t spot her. The crowds were big and everyone was busy talking to each other. He knew he couldn’t shout her name above everyone, it would bring too much attention to them.
He was about to pass out from a panic attack when his eyes suddenly caught a familiar cape near a stand. He sped through the people and dropped the basket he was holding as he brought her in his arms. She was surprised at his sudden embrace, but wrapped her arms around him anyway. “Don’t ever do that again.” He muttered into her hair. “What-“ “Don’t you ever scare me like that again. Okay? I almost passed out from a panic attack.” Hyunjin stated seriously as he had her face cupped into his hands, looking her deeply in the eyes.
“I-I’m sorry, I saw this stand with rose water and the dumplings made me thirsty.” She explained, feeling bad for making him panic over her. “It’s okay, just don’t do that again, okay?” Y/n simply nodded before hugging him again, guilt washing over her for making him worry.
When they arrived back at the palace it was already midnight. Which meant that Hyunjin was off knight-duties. He either could sleep or he had some free time for himself. After changing out of his armour he put on a comfortable blouse and some loose pants.
He let himself fall onto his Queen-sized bed and stared onto the ceiling. His mind went back to the note that he had found earlier that night. He just couldn’t keep his thoughts off it. He fished it out of his jacket.
The words were cold yet horrifying. He still didn’t understand why someone would harass Y/n. She wouldn’t hurt a fly and that’s a promise.
Hyunjin thought that he maybe should make work of this and got back on his feet. Before he knew it he flew through the halls of the palace without a plan, only to be interrupted by a familiar voice. “Hyunjin!” Eunhee yelled from behind him. “Yes?” Hyunjin said tiredly as he continued to fly. “Where have you been? I’ve been looking all over for you!” She sounded annoyed and it made Hyunjin want to roll his eyes, but she was in front of him, so maybe it was for the better that he left that idea out of the picture.
“First you suddenly leave me alone at lunch and now you avoid me? Jinnie did I do something wrong?” She asks with puppy eyes. “I was working. You know that.” Hyunjin sighs. “But I don’t get to see you at all. I miss you Jinnie.” She cried out holding onto his bicep and shaking him lightly.
“Eunhee, you know this is my job. I only have a time for myself during breakfast, lunch, dinner and after midnight. I don’t have a lot of time for myself. I’m well aware of that and you should be as well.” Hyunjin stated seriously. “So, you choose your work over me? You’re always gone and you leave me alone! You know that I don’t have anyone but you, right?” She cried out once again. “Eunhee, this job was a personal order of the king-“ “I bet that little brat is keeping you from me. She knows how much you mean to me and how much I need you. That I have no one else besides you.” Eunhee whined dramatically.
“Look Eunhee,” Hyunjin began with a sigh. “We’ll spend some time together soon, okay?” Hyunjin put his hand on her shoulder, trying to comfort her, but she didn’t seem to calm down. “Then go to the spring festival with me. The villagers will have the market place decorated prettily and we can go there to dance, to drink and eat of course-“ “I would love to Eunhee, but I have to work. There’s a royal ball the same evening I have to attend with-“ “Y/n, I get it. I get it. Got to serve the brat.” She mutters in annoyance. “Oh cheer up, I’m sure I get to see you. I thought you were serving at the ball?” Hyunjin cocked his head slightly as he thought. “Right.” Eunhee sighed. “Well, I’ll get going then. I have some stuff to go through.” “Jinnie wait!” Eunhee called after him, but it was no use. He was already out of sight.
But not out of her mind.
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It was the first official day of spring and the kingdom was thrilled. Everyone was hurrying around to make everything just right for their first day of spring. The season fairies had gathered together with the royal family to officially announce the season, causing the citizen to roar happily.
Y/n saw the seasonal fairies, like the flower fairies, hug each other excitedly as they got to carry out their personal magic. Y/n smiled as she looked down to the citizen of their kingdom. They all seemed to be happy, excited for another chapter of a great year.
Yet, Y/n wasn’t really feeling any of it. Jisung had arrived a few day ago and the first introduction together was terribly awkward. Y/n felt bad that she neglected his tries on starting a conversation, but it just didn’t seem to work. It was only three months from now and the two would be married to each other and soon after be crowned as the new king and queen.
Hyunjin was there, well not really he was guarding the door, as the other two tried to get to know each other. Hyunjin could hear the entire conversation from the other side and it still broke his heart that he had to give her up like that. Many times he was conflicted over the fact whether he should confess or not.
Right now, he stood behind Y/n and saw he slumped figure. He knew that later tonight was the Spring ball and that she had to get ready for it, as much as she hated that. They, Jisung and Y/n, will be shown for the first time in public as an engaged pair.
Hyunjin couldn’t call them a couple. He just couldn’t. They barely knew each other and he was certain that they didn’t love each other. Both of them were pushed into this directed and into the current situation.
Hyunjin also couldn’t call them a couple, because of the fact that he was madly in love with the crown princess. He couldn’t stop thinking about her. She even appeared into his dreams after a while.
He had dreamt that they were ordinary people, that they lived a simple life together, but they were happy and they could love each other without anyone standing in their way. Something like the law. The knight even spend hundreds of hours in total in the royal library. Hopeful to find a little loophole to maybe have a chance with the love of his life, but unfortunately luck didn’t seem to be on his side.
So, instead. Hyunjin cherished every second with her. And once again, he had dragged her to the same branch above the market place to have a little picnic with his favourite princess.
“You’re brining me here again?” Y/n asked with amusement heard in her voice. “I brought you here last time to cheer you up, I thought I should do it again.” Hyunjin muttered to her with a small smile on his face.
He found it difficult to sound happy when he knew he was giving her up for someone he couldn’t stand a chance against. “I guess this will be our happy place then.” Y/n chirped pulling out a bottle of rose water and giving it to her friend. They toasted before they looked down to enjoy the happiness of others.
They had to save their energy for the ball later that night. And she also wasn’t allowed to attend the festival at the local market, because of the massive crowd that showed up at such gatherings. Hyunjin looked to his side and saw her smile as she was looking down to her people. He felt still felt bad for her. Her life was turned upside down, he really felt the need to do this. Not as her knight, but as her best friend. And Y/n was clearly surprised and touched by his gesture.
Her eyes would meet his, making him shoot his focus away from her. Causing her to giggle at his cuteness. “Thank you Dumpling, I needed this.” She said to him softly. He was about say something as well, but he sooner enough felt a pair of lips connecting to his cheek and a soft touch on his jaw.
To his surprise, Y/n had kissed him softly on his cheek.
Both hearts of the young fairies were racing. Y/n was screaming on the inside that she finally had the courage to make a move. Hyunjin was on the other hand absolutely speechless. He was stuck in a shock and he didn’t dare to look at her.
Y/n knew she was in love with her best friend. I mean how couldn’t she? Hyunjin was tall, for a fairy then, he was strong, caring, sweet, emotional and always kind. Y/n felt like there really was a spark between them. And she had complained an umpteenth time that she didn’t wanted to marry prince Jisung.
He seemed like a nice kid, but she didn’t feel anything. She wasn’t in love with him like she was with Hyunjin. And now especially when she had admitted to herself that she was in love with him, wasn’t helping her at all.
When Jisung had arrived at the palace, the black notes seemed to worsen. They seemed harsher and darker and they also always seemed to disappear somehow. Y/n didn’t wanted to think too much of it. She just hoped that someone was just trying to mess with her and that this was all just a sick joke. That would be the best outcome for this whole situation.
There even was a note wrapped noticeably around the napkin as the food was delivered to her room. She hurried to the door where it was left for her and tried to see whoever brought it, but there was no one in sight.
Y/n sighed and almost cried to herself as she wondered what she did wrong to hurt this person so badly that he or she made harass her. It was still early in the afternoon and the king walked in, telling Y/n that she had to spend the afternoon with Jisung, as if her day couldn’t have gotten any worse. She sighed to herself and got up to follow her father out of the room. Leaving her food untouched.
The two flew slowly to the garden where she would have to meet Jisung. Y/n looked up to her father and gathered the courage to speak to him. “Dad, what would you think or say when I fell in love with a commoner?” The king shot his head to his daughter and sighed. “We’ve talked about this Y/n. You can’t get out of this marriage. I-it’s not possible, you just can’t.” He stuttered. “But-“ “There’s nothing else to discuss. You are marrying this prince and that’s the end of this conversation. You have duties to fulfil and to our sad reality this is one of them. I don’t want another word about this and I forbid you to see this commoner once more if there really is someone else. You stay away from him and that’s an order. Now, there comes prince Jisung. Be nice to him.” He only said before leaving again with a hurry.
She’s talked to Jisung a few times now and she knew that he was a kind and very polite fairy. She also noticed how he didn’t like to meet new people, which was very understandable. Especially as someone from a royal family, you had to watch out for people who wanted to take advantage of their title that came with wealth and power.
Jisung also seemed quite timid and their time together usually became very awkward after a while. Also because Y/n tried to avoid him as much as possible in the palace.
In the meantime Hyunjin, who was unaware of Y/n leaving her room, was surprised to see the large bedroom empty when he let himself in. He looked around the corners to see if she didn’t wanted to jump scare him, but he found the room to be completely empty, beside a tray filled with food that was now calling his name.
He skipped towards it and contemplated on eating it himself, but he knew better than that and was about to return it to the kitchen. He had the tray in his hands when he saw that the napkin had an unusual black paper wrapped around it.
He recognized the texture of the paper and then the handwriting of the words that was written in it. He sighed to himself and didn’t bother to read the horrible note. The words were hurtful and would probably get under his skin. He told himself that he would analyse it later on, he had gathered a lot of notes anyway. And he wondered if he would find more through time.
Now that he thought about notes, he realised that he was also getting more and more love letters. Those never stopped and they declared someone’s love to him every single time. At first he was flattered, but they began to worry him a little since they began to sound obsessive.
‘The more love notes I get, the more death threats she gets.’ He thought to himself.
Hyunjin sat down and started to think further. Through time, he had noticed that the staff was turning against Y/n. Y/n even noted it to him herself. He heard them talking badly about her, spreading rumours among each other that obviously were false.
The young knight sighed and got back onto his feet and made his way out and towards the kitchen. The tray was in his hand, untouched, yet the black paper had made its way into Hyunjin’s pocket. When he arrived in the kitchen he was immediately greeted by Eunhee who clung onto him like a koala.
He tries to shake her off as he had to get ready for the ball, but she didn’t give in. “Eunhee, I have to go. I have to be ready within an hour. You should get ready as well, the ball starts before we know it.” Hyunjin sighed, leaving Eunhee to scoff and whine. She was about to protest, but he had already disappeared again.
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The ball had started about two hours ago. Y/n and Jisung were introduced together at the beginning of the ball, leaving everyone in awe. Tons of people came up to the two to congratulate them or to offer ‘personal advice’ for the newly engaged couple on how to rule a kingdom or how to keep the marriage going. And neither of those were something they wanted to hear right now. They shared a look with each other and sighed. They both were unhappy, yet they had to put on their best smile to please the others.
Now, two hours in and Y/n had to reject countless men who tried to dance with her. She just wasn’t in the mood. And neither was she in the mood for the curious-aunty-like fey people, they were just so noisy and she didn’t wanted to do anything with those kinds of fairies.
Y/n had spotted Hyunjin who was talking to one of his fellow knights. She excused herself from the crowd around her and rushed her way towards her best friend. “I’m going to borrow him for a while!” Y/n whisper yelled before she dragged her best friend to the dancefloor. “As if you hadn’t done that already!” The other knight yelled back and laughed.
“What are you doing?” Hyunjin asked as he had his arms wrapped around Y/n’s waist whilst swaying over the dancefloor. “I don’t want to talk to anyone. They’re only interested in rich-few-people-talk.” Y/n cried out whilst resting her head on Hyunjin’s chest. She could hear his heartbeat, which Hyunjin tried his hardest to control around her.
She didn’t care that everyone at the ball could see. She was exhausted and just wanted to be comfortably in the arms of the one who she really loved.
Eunhee, who was serving at the ball, had her eyes locked on the two, just like most people at the ball had. Jealousy was something that had become her second nature. She gritted her teeth and almost growled to herself like a green beast as she looked at the guy who she felt like should’ve been hers.
She was going to end this, one way or another.
Jisung saw the pair as well and immediately he knew that she as well had someone else who had stolen their heart. Jisung knew what that felt like and immediately fell back into his gloomy mood, missing his love of his life. He looked at Hyunjin and Y/n and envied the two. They at least got to spend all their time together, while he was stuck here, far away from home and no where near his beloved significant other.
He was surprised by himself that he wasn’t made, but how could he? Y/n was happy. Still, he had a little bit of a ‘what the fuck’ moment.
The night of the ball soon had ended and the guest finally left the palace again, except for Jisung of course.
It was early in the morning when Hyunjin was called to the office of the king, where he was told that he had a special and important mission for the knight.
“There has been an alarm set off in the Woods of the Lost that someone or something is approaching too close to the magic fairy reign. I want you and another scout to find out what it is, to see if there is more danger to it and if there is I want you to lead it far away from our reign.” The king had said.
“Wait, your majesty, but isn’t this a job for scouts to do-“ “I was informed about your strength and intelligence. This person seemed to speak very highly about you. So, I trust you that you got this under control.” The king states.
‘Way to pressure this onto me.’ Hyunjin thought to himself and before he knew it he was out of the reign and into the woods with some kid, who didn’t seem to be ready for this kind of job. The two had flown for hours and the sun had started to come out, there was no sign of any danger.
Hyunjin sighed and kept flying around as he was told to. He missed his bed and craved sleep more than anything. Well, maybe Y/n’s hugs, but that would be it. The young knight looked down and saw an odd trail of flowers. ‘Must be a flower fairy, but why would they be outside the reign?’ Hyunjin wondered. 
He chocked his head when he noticed a blue flower from his height. He immediately knew what flower it was: a forget-me-not. He thought of Y/n and how he had to give her up, which made him sad almost instantly.
Hyunjin could just cry there and then, but he knew better and got himself together and accompanied the scout who still was scared out of his mind. “Hyunjin, do you really think there is something out here?” He asked shaky. “I’ll be honest I have no idea.” Hyunjin admitted as his voice trailed off. “But I do know that I want to take a closer look at those flowers.” Hyunjin muttered before he dove down to ground level, which was not allowed. The chance of them getting caught as they’re on ground level is bigger and it would take them much longer to get out of something like a miserable human’s reach.
But Hyunjin just had to get the flowers. They reminded him of Y/n. Call him a romanticist, but he knew what those flowers meant. They represented hop the recipient will not forget the giver. It also symbolizes faithful love and memories. When he finally set his feet on the moist soil he looked at the flower and knew instantly that these were made by a fairy. He knew that, because the flowers were ‘fairy-sized’. They fitted into his hands perfectly.
The scout was still high up in the air, screaming his lungs out for something. “What? What are you yelling about?” Hyunjin yelled back, but to his surprise he was cut off by a giant hand ripping through the air. Hyunjin dropped the flower and dodged the hand fortunately. “Fuck.” He said to himself in slight panic as he now had to get rid of a human, who looked like it had been roaming around the woods for ages. “You! You demonic creatures are the cause of this! The cause of my pain and my torture! I’ve been lost in these damned woods for months now! And you are going to get me out if you like it or not you demon!” It yelled as it tried to grab Hyunjin once again.
Hyunjin flew up in the air and told the scout to hide. Hyunjin sped his way through the forest in the hope that the human would get off his wings. And to his fortune, the man finally got lost again, deep into the forest.
But now, Hyunjin had a problem: he had to find his way back. 
He didn’t know where to start and flew in circles. He sighed and sat on a leave for a second as he tried to clear up his mind. Hyunjin became frustrated and hung his head low, thinking that he never would find his way back. Only to look at the ground and see the odd trail of flowers that was maid by one of the fairies from his reign. He thanked his lucky stars and made his way back. Eventually he found the young scout as well who was hiding on the top of the trees.
Him being very emotional and scared, he hugged Hyunjin tightly before they made their way back. “Wait, I have to do something.” Hyunjin said, before diving down to the flowers again. “That got you almost killed last time!” The scout shrieked in fear. “Or it made us find out problem and get rid of it.” Hyunjin states as a matter of a fact as he held up the bouquet.
When they arrived back at the palace Y/n was waiting in front of the entrance with her father who was trying to calm her down. “Y/n he’s fine! I bet that he’s gotten rid of that monster already.” The king tried to assure his daughter. “But what if he’s hurt! What if he’s lost!” Y/n cried out in panic, scared that she was never going to see him again.
“Well, well. Don’t worry too much princess, it will only hurt that pretty head of yours.” Hyunjin said with a smirk, causing Y/n to turn around within seconds and rush her way to him, who only could let out a laugh as he hugged her back.
“What are those?” Y/n asked, looking at the dozens of flowers he was holding. “I found these in the woods and they reminded me of you, I just had to bring you some.” He winked, making Y/n slightly blush. “’Forget me nots’?” Y/n asked curiously. “Just to remind you that I am unforgettable.” He teased, trying to hide his pain behind a smile as he received a playful push from Y/n soon after, causing him to hiss in pain. “What’s wrong? Are you hurt?” Y/n worriedly roamed her hands on his chest unknowingly how awkward that must’ve been for him.
He grabbed her hands and placed hers in his and told her that he was alright, but the young scout who was still stressed out thought otherwise. “He fought that miserable human all by himself! He dodged him and outsmarted him! And we found him because Hyunjin dared to fly to ground level! He almost got himself killed though! But Hyunjin’s tactics worked wonders!” The scout blurted out. Hyunjin bit his cheek as he eyed the king who looked shocked. He knew he broke a rule, but at least he got rid of their problem.
“I’m just glad you two are safe. And you have made sure the entire reign is safe. You shall not be unrewarded. Expect something from me soon as a gratitude.” The king said before excusing himself. “Wait, did you risk your life to get me flowers?” Y/n asked in shock. “Shh, let’s get inside. I had no sleep at all and I know you don’t have a schedule today.” “Answer me Hyunjin!” Y/n cried out playfully yet in disbelief, but he only shot her a wink, causing her to gasp. “Hwang Hyunjin, you are insane!” She laughed out, feeling like she’s about to go mad. “Insanely fond of you!” He winked once again, causing her to shriek out, leaving him laughing.
Hyunjin would never admit that he almost got himself killed to bring the love of his life flowers. He never even thought that something like that would happen. ‘Next time we’ll just go to the market,’ he promised to himself as he laid down on his bed. Y/n promised to sit in her room for the next few hours so he could catch up with some sleep. Which is exactly what he did.
The next morning Y/n woke up with some surprising news. “Your majesty, you are ordered to stay inside today. Sir Hwang seems to be sick.” A knight informed her in the early hours of the day.
Y/n immediately woke up from her sleepy state and rushed into Hyunjin’s bedroom. Hyunjin shot up in shock and looked at Y/n tiredly. “What happened to you?” Y/n asked feeling his head as she sat besides him. “Nothing too bad, the doctor said I had overworked myself and that my body is begging me this way to take a break.” Hyunjin chuckled. “Well, I got to agree with it. You’re so hardworking, you deserve some time off, but you’re sick.” Y/n pouted as she ran her hand through his hair. He leaned into her touch, not really minding the fact that he was now stuck in bed if she was going to be there.
“What are you up to today?” He asked her whilst half talking into his pillow, cutely burying his head deeper into it. “Nothing special really. I think I’ll go get you some rose water, fruit and soup. It will help you back to your old self.” Y/n was about to jump off his bed, but was stopped by him grabbed her wrist. “You don’t have to do this, you know?” “I know, but I want to. You take care of me everyday by protecting me and keeping me company. It’s the least I could do. Now, lay still. Go read a book or something. I’ll be back.” Y/n chirped before leaving the room.
Hyunjin was left in his bed, still staring at the door she just walked through. He thanked his lucky stars once again for making it back home, making it back to her. He sighed deeply and was bummed out that he couldn’t go out with her to the fields, to see the flowers bloom, to see the first rainbow of the season and experience the warm rain on a sunny day.
Before Hyunjin knew it, Y/n had returned with her hands full with things. He was about to stand up and help her, but was quickly ordered by Y/n herself to get back in bed, causing him to pout at her. Y/n set up the food and sat cross-legged next to him. Feeding him the soup that had secret vegetable dumplings in them. “Hey, you may be sick. But these have veggies in them which means they are good for you. Besides, I got to keep my favourite Dumpling ‘dumpling-ly’.” She giggles before feeding him some more.
As Y/n took care of Hyunjin he had to admit that he wasn’t used to someone else caring for him this way. He was very independent and was usually the person who cared for the other person, but he could get used to this. After drinking his rose-water and ate all his food, he was stuffed. He was also quite bloated, but Y/n loved it and couldn’t help but touch his cheeks.
Hyunjin was still tired and wanted to lay down, Y/n who was still next to him, was zoning off as he suddenly laid his head on her thighs. “Tired?” She asked him, instinctively playing with his hair. Not minding the sudden affection at all, especially the way he hugged her tightly, feeling his cheeks squish itself onto her body. She also could feel him nod tiredly, causing her to giggle. She caressed his cheek and ran her thumb softly over his features.
He looked up to her as she stared at him with soft love-filled eyes. Hyunjin could just fall in love with her all over again at that moment, which he probably did. But to their unfortune, their moment was soon to be interrupted by someone entering the room unannounced.
“Jinnie! I heard you were sick! I made you some soup and I got you- oh.” Eunhee had entered the room and walked right into the scene of the pair half-cuddled up together. She was clenching the put in her hand tightly as she tried to remain herself calmly.
“Eunhee?” Hyunjin mutters tiredly, not realising what was going on. “Uhm, thank you for the food, but he just ate. I brought him soup, fruit and rose water already.” Y/n states, not realising she only made Eunhee angrier. “Ah, I see. I’ll be out then.” She almost hissed before walking out. When Eunhee was on the other side of the door, she was almost growling in anger. She despised the brat of a princess that Y/n was.
‘You’ve not seen the last of me your majesty, you just wait and see.’
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Days elapsed and Hyunjin was back in the air. He was back spending time with Y/n and protecting her from whatever was threatening.
So he thought.
It slipped past his mind that Y/n was an engaged princess who had a wedding to arrange and he couldn’t be a part of it since it was first of all not his wedding and secondly because the king ordered no one beside the staff who had to work could know about the details of the wedding.
As if those would be hidden from Hyunjin, Y/n would tell those things to him herself.
Hyunjin’s feelings for her had grown stronger to a certain point where even just the mention of her name could drive him insane. While Y/n was in her office with Jisung, probably discussing on what colour napkins they would like on their wedding day or any other dumb detail that for some reason needed to be discussed, Hyunjin was trying to get through the day by sitting in the kitchen. Catching up with other knights and maids who walked past.  
“So, you have a day off and you don’t tell me?” A familiar voice said from behind him. “I don’t have a day off though Eunhee, I can’t attend the wedding meetings, so I’m stuck here until they’re done.” He sighed whilst picking his food. Eunhee took a seat next to him and placed her fingers under his chin and moved it towards her so he had to look her in the eyes. “Jinnie, for how long do you think you will continue doing this?” Eunhee asks. “What do you mean?” “Playing Y/n’s knight in shining armour?” She states with a chuckle. “For as long as I need to, why are you asking this?” He wondered as he shook his head in confusion.
“You know that Y/n is going to be married, she’ll have Jisung by her side to protect her. You know she won’t need you forever.” The words hurt Hyunjin like a bitch, but he knew that she was right. “There’s no expiration date to my contract.” Hyunjin states, trying to convince himself that he got to be with her no matter what. “Jinnie please, wake up. You have to realise that soon she will be a married woman. She’ll have Jisung by her side and you won’t be needed. Besides you won’t need her either! You have so many other things to do besides babysitting a spoiled brat.”
“Why are you reminding me of all of this?” Hyunjin sighs out. “To remind you that there still is a chance for us.” “Eunhee, do you even remember what I’ve told you the other day?” Hyunjin exhales in disbelief.
Hyunjin and Eunhee were seated together under the moonlight as they caught up together. Hyunjin had promised after all to make up for leaving her alone all the time. “I have to confess something.” Hyunjin breaths out catching Eunhee by surprise.
‘This is it!’ She thought to herself and got ready to hear the words she’s been longing to hear.
“I’m in love with Y/n…” Eunhee only could hear, the rest seemed to be a blur. She could feel her world fall apart and something snap inside of her. “W-what?” She could only make out. “I’m in love with Y/n, did you even listen? I’ve been talking for five minutes already-“ “B-but Jinnie! What about us?” She cried out holding onto his arms tightly.
“Us? There is no us Eunhee, there never was?” He states in confusion. “What do you mean? Can’t you see that I love you?” Eunhee cried out as she her tears ran down her face. “I-I… No, I’ve never noticed, I’m sorry but I don’t feel the same way. I only thought of you as a friend, a little sister even.” You’ve done it Hyunjin, you broke her.
Eunhee let out a maniacally laugh and soon she ran off with tears still streaming down her face as she yelled to Hyunjin that he was a cold-hearted fucker who played with her feelings and didn’t actually care for her at all.
-Present time
“Come on Hyunjin, you know that you have a better chance of being with me than being with her! She’s literally about to be married within a month and a half! Just imagine how much you would hurt yourself, how you would drive yourself insane. Seeing her walk down the isle and you still having to serve her as her knight. Just imagine her birthing a tiny fairy into the world that belongs to Jisung and not to you-“
“Stop.” He whispered.
“-seeing the child grow up as you still serve her miserably. Your colour would fade eventually and then your power soon after! She will forget all about you and you will be left in the dust as she goes on with her glamorous life!”
“Shut up!” Hyunjin yelled out, tears were streaming down his face. His heart hurt and he knew that there was truth in her words.
“Jinnie, just admit that you would be so much happier when you let her go and just stay with me. Like the old times. You didn’t needed her back then, why would you now? You have always so independent and strong. You go this.” Eunhee persuaded. “The difference this time is, that I am in love with her and that my heart and soul needs her more than they need air.” Hyunjin mutters calmly as he let his tears roll down his cheeks.
“Alright, then now what? Are you going to make a complete fool out of yourself and stop a wedding? You will be banished and left with nothing and there would be nothing I can do to help you out of that mess Jinnie. Just think about how foolish it would be and look when a knight tries to ask for the hand of a princess. Your both out of each other’s league. Literally, you’re not in her rank and she’s not in ours. We belong together Jinnie! We’ve always belonged together, partners in crime remember?”
“We should stick together so no one will be hurt at the end of the day, just like how it was supposed to be. We had something special Jinnie, I think you’ve forgotten about it. That girl had gotten into your head and played with your feelings until you were wrapped around her fingers. You shouldn’t throw away something so beautiful we had for years when you’ve only been around her for a couple of months.” The words out of Eunhee’s mouth were stuck inside of Hyunjin’s mind.
His head was spinning and he was conflicted between Y/n and Eunhee.
The day went on and Eunhee left feeling satisfied as he plan unfolded. She now was on her way to Y/n’s office where she found the princess alone. “Your majesty, I came to bring you your food and tea.” Eunhee announced as she made her way inside.
“Thank you Eunhee, you can place it right here.” Y/n sighed as she went through the stack of papers in front of her. “You seem tired madam.” “More like depressed.” Eunhee could hear the princess mutter under her breath. “Aren’t you happy to marry such a handsome prince like Jisung?” Eunhee dared to ask. “I guess I am.” Y/n mutters back, still letting out a deep exhale as she felt unhappy.
“I hope you will find happiness in your relationship with Prince Jisung. It’s nothing compared to my Hyunjin, but I bet prince Jisung would treat you as good as Jinnie treats me.” Eunhee said with a sly smile. Y/n looked up to Eunhee and cocked her head in confusion, her eyes turning gloomy. 
“Y-you and Hyunjin are together?” Y/n stuttered. “Yeah, amazing isn’t it? We’ve been friends for so long and now we’ve been dating for a while. And no, I don’t mind that you two are close. He’s only your knight after all your majesty.” “Right.” Y/n trailed her eyes away from Eunhee as she tried to focus again on her papers. “Ma’am may I be excused?” “Y-yes, of course. You can go.” Y/n’s voice cracked slightly, leaving Eunhee satisfied before she bowed and left the office.
Y/n was left stunned. ‘Did he really get into a relationship and not tell me?’ She thought to herself. ‘Would he really fiddle with my feelings like that? No, he wouldn’t, right?’
“Are you okay?” Her fiancé asked when he walked back into the office. “Well, not really.” Y/n admitted as he voice broke down. “I know that this marriage is hard, but we have to get through this together. As much as we hate it-“ “He has someone else.” Y/n blurted out, making Jisung look at her with a shocked expression.
“What? Who? Hyunjin?” Y/n nodded and started to cry. Jisung brought her into his arms and rubbed her back as he tried to comfort her. Her wings were hanging low and he noticed a greyish tone being added to it as Y/n cried.
A sign of brokenness. When fairies are mentally hurt, they will lose colour in their skin, wings and it shows that they can’t function properly.
Jisung hugged her tighter and told her the story of how he had met a fairy as well, someone who had stolen his heart the second he saw her, but he had to leave her to get here and he still sees her heartbroken face whenever he closes his eyes.
Y/n felt terrible for Jisung and comforted him and told him that he should go out and at least look for her. He still had some time left before they were wedded. “I-I don’t know Y/n.” “Please, do it for me. I don’t want you to regret not telling her and her finding someone else only to leave you heartbroken like me. A king and queen can’t rule that way. What would the people think of their grey king and queen?” Y/n stressed, wanting nothing more than Jisung to be happy as well.
He had taken her hands in his and rubbed it softly. “Alright, I’ll try to find her, but I don’t know where to start. I only know that she grows flowers beautifully.” “Then go to the market and find every possible flower fairy. And if she isn’t from here, then as least you’ve tried.” Y/n said, knowing that Jisung told her that she certainly wasn’t from his kingdom, he knew every fairy of his reign after all.
Later that day, Hyunjin was back to Y/n’s side. And the two could feel the sudden tension between themselves. After Eunhee had visited both, their minds were spinning and they weren’t sure how to feel about one another.
Yet, Hyunjin still wanted to do something fun with Y/n as he still was cherishing every second with her. Especially now, the words were like a broken record in his head. Both didn’t feel like going outside that day, emotionally exhausted from the stress they were both feeling. Y/n would be flying in front of Hyunjin as they made their way to the kitchen. Hyunjin noticed her wings, the grey tone to her usual white ones scared him.
He knew what it meant and he hoped that it was the stress from organizing the wedding and not from some idiot hurting her.
“Why did you want to go here?” She asked softly when they had arrived in the kitchen. “I wanted to eat some delicious food with you, so let’s start making some!” Hyunjin chirped, trying his hardest to earn himself a smile from her. Hyunjin was smitten for her, he was well aware of it at this point. He couldn’t stop staring at her as they made a Dutch sugar loaf together. Her hair was tied back, exposing her gorgeous facial features to him. Her cheeks were puffy and her eyes concentrated.
Her lips were shaped plum and in a slight pout, luring Hyunjin to come closer and press his soft ones onto hers. After finishing baking they went outside to enjoy the warm sweet bread together. It was quite cold and Hyunjin noticed Y/n shivering. He easily could’ve gone inside to grab her a blanket, but instead he got onto his feet and shook off his jacket and placed it on her shoulders.
The gesture messed with Y/n’s mind. ‘Why is he doing this when he has a girlfriend?’ She asked herself whilst looking at him, feeling like he was making this harder for her than it should be. He was, with his head hung low, eating his bread, more like picking it. She saw that he looked gloomy as well, but she didn’t know what to do about it. He had a girlfriend after all, wouldn’t she comfort him?
As if it was on cue, Eunhee walked into the scene. She saw Y/n and Hyunjin scooted close to each other and Hyunjin’s jacket wrapped around the princess. When Y/n noticed Eunhee she shot up from her seat and almost looked terrified. She made up a lie to excuse herself before she dropped Hyunjin’s coat and flew off.
Hyunjin was left confused and turned around to see Eunhee standing. “What are you doing here?” “I’m just doing my job, what are you doing?” “What-“ “Don’t you see that she finally realised that this little thingy you two are doing is going to bring the both of you in trouble? You know how what this could do to her reputation when even one fairy finds out about you two hanging around like this. Before the engagement announcement, sure whatever. But now, don’t ruin her life Hyunjin. If you do, she could come out to get you and seek revenge and eventually ruin your life with the power she has.”
Hyunjin sighed, knowing that the anxiety of showing affection to Y/n probably wasn’t going to be worth it in the end.
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So here they were, days later and both not spoken a word to each other. Which was very surprising since they spend entire days together, unless Y/n was in her office with Jisung of course.
Things had become worse for Y/n, the stress was getting to her, she began to feel even more depressed and for some reason, the staff had turned against her. Y/n could go around the palace and greet a maid normally, only to receive a pair of rolling eyes her way. They even started to talk back to her, telling her how inappropriate it was to wear another fairy’s  clothes when she was about to get married to another.
Y/n’s heart dropped because apparently, they had seen her and Hyunjin a few days ago.
‘Were they mad because I hang out with someone out of my rank?’
Her day became even weirder when Hyunjin came up to her out of nowhere, telling her that he wanted to stop their little dates. “What? I though we were having a great time?” Y/n stuttered, knowing she was about to lose the last thing that was keeping her happy: Hyunjin. “It’s not professional, I shouldn’t have started it in the first place.” He had stated coldly before flying off again, leaving Y/n heartbroken.
Her wings and skin officially lost its colour and now Y/n walked around the palace with a grey tone to herself. She hadn’t even had the strength anymore to fly. 
She was confused and didn’t know who to go to.
She wouldn’t run to her parents as she felt like this was partly their fault. Instead, she went to the person who she least expected to run to: Jisung. He saw her broken state and let her cry out on his shoulder.
“I try to find comfort by Hyunjin, but he would refuse to do it himself anymore and call a fucking confidante for me. He doesn’t care anymore. Did he really mess with my feelings, but for what?” Y/n cried out after Jisung asked why she came to him instead of Hyunjin. “I don’t know what’s going on Y/n, but this is not going well. I’ve seen the maids treating you poorly. The guards don’t even bother to bow to you in politeness.” Jisung commented.
Jisung continued to comfort Y/n until she was breathing normally again. She thanked Jisung before leaving again, not wanting to bother him with her problems any further. Which made her realise, that she didn’t receive a death threat in a while. “At least one problem solved itself.” She sighed before going out to look for Hyunjin.
It was already eight o’clock and the sun had just set. She still didn’t come across Hyunjin. When she walked past the kitchen for the seventh time that day, after looking for him for hours, she saw him sitting with Eunhee, laughing and smiling together. When Eunhee noticed Y/n in the doorway, she immediately scooted closer to her ‘boyfriend’ and clung onto him.
The way Eunhee called Hyunjin ‘baby’ made Y/n’s heart ache. It was broken and bruised and she had Hwang Hyunjin to blame. “Hwang!” She called out strictly, causing everyone in the kitchen to freeze. Hyunjin had been avoiding her and ignoring her. Basically everything he should never do with the job he was assigned to do. Hyunjin made eye contact with Y/n who looked horrible. He wanted to get up and go to her and make sure that everything was alright.
The staff in the kitchen felt the tension between the two and held their breath when the crown princess walked down the stairs into the kitchen. Hyunjin wasn’t sure what Y/n was going to do, she could fire and ban him for not being loyal to her and his job. Instead he was shocked when Y/n grabbed him by the wrist and dragged him along with her.
Him still being shocked at what was happening, he kept quite and trailed behind her. Her grip had weakened and he could easily rip himself free from her grip, but he let her take him away. They stopped in the middle of the palace garden where they were alone. Y/n let go of his hand and turned around to face him with red eyes. His breath was caught in his throat as he felt his heart break at the sight.
“Why are you doing this to me?” Y/n cried out softly, not trusting her voice. “What?” Hyunjin couldn’t endure the cold act that he was performing towards her any more as she cried out to him. “Why do you hate me?” She asked him, but he didn’t answer. “How could you hurt me like this? You play with my feelings like it’s some kind of game!” “Y/n, I…” “I can’t believe you, I thought were here to protect me and to help me. But here you are messing with my mind and heart. You’re an insensitive prick and you must be very dense or simply not very bright to not notice how madly I am in love with you!” Y/n stressed as she threw her arms up in frustration.
She was trembling as she continued to cry. Hyunjin still kept silent and it angered Y/n. “So, that’s it? Nothing? No explanation why you did all of this? Is that what you wanted to do after all? Hurt me? And also, if you had a girlfriend, you could’ve told me beforehand you know! It would’ve saved me a lot of fucking time on this dumb heart break!” She yelled.
Hyunjin was shocked by her outburst, but especially by her words. “Girlfriend?” He asked. “Oh please, do not play innocent. She even came to me to tell about your relationship, how you’ve been dating for months. Can’t you see that I am suffering here. I thought you cared, but I guess that was all a lie as well then.” Y/n’s voice had gone back to small and broken and she turned her feet and walked away.
Hyunjin was still confused and stunned. He didn’t know what to do. So his heart decided for him. His wings had shot him up in the air and his eyes started to scan the huge garden, only to find Y/n dropping onto her knees in pain. It costed her last energy to get to the pond. Hyunjin dove down to where she was and landed with a thud, scaring Y/n. A second thud was heard and soon enough she was in a pair of familiar arms.
She could feel warm droplets land on her cheek that didn’t belong to her. Y/n looked up to Hyunjin who was sobbing with her. He couldn’t take his own pain any longer. He couldn’t find the words to tell her how much he actually loved her. He could only hold her and bury his own face into the crook of his neck as they cried together.
“Don’t leave me.” Y/n whispered into his chest, making Hyunjin shake his head vigorously. He held her closer to his chest as if that was even possible. He breathed in her scent and he started to cry harder. He’s going to miss her so badly, even though they would still be living in the palace together, yet separately.
He didn’t wanted to be away from her any longer, he couldn’t handle it. He wanted to be with her forever. Running away together would be no use, she would be find in some kind of way and he’d be thrown in the dungeons for kidnapping her majesty.
They spend the rest of the night at the pond in silence. Enjoying each other’s touch which also could be the last time. Y/n fell asleep and he knew that she was exhausted. He was still worried about her colour, but he knew he could worry about that the next morning. He snaked his arm under Y/n’s sleeping body and carried her to her bed. He tucked her in and moved a strand of hair out of her face. He looked down at her lovingly and secretly pressed a kiss on her forehead.
It was midnight already, a new day had arrived. Something inside of Hyunjin was burning, anger had taken place after sadness and suddenly he was speeding his way through the palace halls to the kitchen, where Eunhee still was seated. She was happy to see him and shot him a smile, but he had an angered expression on his face, which scared Eunhee a little.
“Did you tell Y/n that we are a thing?” Hyunjin growled lowly, Eunhee was looking at him innocently and was slowly sliding the black paper under her hand away from Hyunjin’s vision, but he saw. “What’s that?” He asked, demanded almost. “N-nothing.” She stuttered, trying to hide it behind her back, but Hyunjin already connected the dots. “Eunhee, we’re friends. We’ve known each other for very long time. We grew up together, but that doesn’t mean we’ll grow old together. We never had romance going on between us two. And I warn you, I know what you are doing and what you’ve done, I could recognize your handwriting out of thousands. I should go to the king, but I’ll spare you for now since I do care about you as a friend.” Hyunjin threatened with a deep voice.
Eunhee shot up from her seat, dropping the black paper. “Hwang Hyunjin! You are a fucking scumbag! Why do you have to break my heart like this! You’re emotionless, aren’t you! You know how much I care about you, how I’ve always been there for you and then you dare to leave me shattered and broken! I thought that you would always be there for me, she’s changed you! I don’t even know who you are anymore!” She yelled, throwing whatever was close to her towards the knight. 
Hyunjin had enough of her tantrum and flew away, saying his goodbyes to her and feeling happy that this was now resolved. He didn’t bother to listen to her any further, he had spoken out his true feelings to her. And he hoped that she got the message.
When Hyunjin left the kitchen Eunhee fell to her knees and started to breath heavily in rage. That little bitch had ruined her plan, but she wasn’t going to let her get away with it, no way. She had plan B ready and steady to go into action.
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The wedding came closer and the nearer it came, the more nervous Hyunjin became. He still felt conflicted as he turned back to his nice self towards Y/n. He was back by he side and he was still planning on staying there, even though the vile words of Eunhee spun in his head.
Right now Y/n was keeping him company as he was training. He had an old bag filled with dried leaves which he could punch during his training. There also was a wooden cut out figure that Hyunjin could use to practice his sword skills. It was a very dangerous weapon, especially for fairies since it still was made out of iron and silver. The grip was made out of old branches that had fallen down through the years. The fairies wouldn’t dare to touch the trees and potentially hurt it.
Hyunjin was panting tiredly as he paused with his sword in his hand. He wore a loose blouse and his top buttons were undone, exposing his chest, that was glistering with sweat, slightly. She couldn’t help but stare, especially when he would move in a certain way that gave her a glimpse of his abs.
“Nice pecks.” She teased, causing Hyunjin to swing his sword weirdly as he tried to cope with a flattering feeling. The way he panicked made her laugh. She tried not to stare him down too much, but how couldn’t she? He’s absolutely stunning.
But sooner enough her attention was turned to something completely different when a sudden crowd appeared to the open training area. Hyunjin heard yelling and fairies fussing behind him, when he turned around he immediately got into protection mode and stood broadly in front of Y/n to protect her.
“Hwang! You’ve been ruining my life for as long as I can remember! You steal the girl of my dreams from me and then you left her hurt! I am here to dual you for her hand and to show her who really should be her man!” A fairy, Hyunjin didn’t recognize, yelled out.
Hyunjin looked down to Y/n who was dazed and confused. The knight knew that he would do anything to have Y/n by his side and didn’t hesitate to fight for Y/n’s hand, even though she was getting married in less than a few weeks.
“Fine, we’ll duel then.” Hyunjin’s voice was low, but confident. The other knight was rather shaking in his boots. He got to his place and Hyunjin saw him quaking as he tried to reach for his sword. “Jinnie, I don’t even know who he is?” Y/n whispered loud enough for Hyunjin to hear. “To be honest, neither do I. But, I will do anything even if that means fighting for you.” A boost of energy rushed through Y/n’s body and she looked down to her hands to see that her colours was returning.
Her heart was flattered and her cheeks couldn’t hide the fact that he made her a mess. Hyunjin saw and shot her a wink. The scene attracted a lot of other fairies, they were either cheering or longing in silence for something exciting to happen for the first time in their fairy-lives. Eunhee also had come to the scene to see what the fuss was all about. She saw the drawn swords Hyunjin and the other knight, known as Seiji, second son of an unbound knight.
Apparently Seiji has been crushing on this fairy for a long time, but Hyunjin always seemed to be in his way. “You always think that you’re better than any other of us. You’ve been serving the king closely for years now! I think that it’s time one of us actually gets a chance to shine.” Seiji said with a smirk, other knights (in training) cheering behind him. “I thought you came here to fight for the hand of Y/n?” Hyunjin asked with a sight, knowing that Seiji was also here to make a dramatic scene.
“Hyunjin, you don’t have to do this, you know?” Y/n tells him as she grabbed his hand softly. “I do.” He simply said whilst looking at her. “But why?” “Simple, because I love you.”
Everyone around the pair gasped, including Y/n who couldn’t believe her pointy ears. Hyunjin shot her a smile, feeling the weight of burdens lifting off his shoulders. He squished her hand as a sign that it will be alright, before he turned to Seiji who was watching the two in confusion. “What, you came here to fight for her, didn’t you?” Hyunjin wondered. “No, this isn’t about her. I came here to fight for Eunhee. The love of my life who you have been keeping away from me for all these years! You selfish fucking bastard!” Seiji yelled in anger whilst pointing his sword to Hyunjin threateningly.
Eunhee, who had erased Hyunjin’s confession to Y/n rather quickly, was still hoping that Hyunjin was willing to fight for her, flattered that there were two fairies who were willing to fight each other for her. That he secretly couldn’t live without her and that he needed her as much as she needed him, that this was all a mistake and that he was going to leave that brat right there and then.
But her hopes were let down, when Hyunjin’s threw his sword below his feet. A sign of forsaking. Hyunjin had realised what was going on and he knew he hadn’t had to waste his time on a fight when it wasn’t about Y/n. He would give up his life for Y/n if he needed to, but this he was certain of that it wasn’t worth it. Seiji looked at Hyunjin, his eyes filled with horror. “You can have her.” Hyunjin coldly states, taking a few steps back as he was now standing next to Y/n to make his point clear. She stood up and looked at him in adoration yet surprise.
Seiji didn’t know what to do and Hyunjin took this as a chance to flee. He grabbed Y/n by the waist and pulled her along with him, to somewhere were they couldn’t find them. Eunhee was left furious and pushed herself through the crowd, she thought it was time to execute her revenge.
“What do we do now?” Y/n asked him as they were away from the crowd. “To be honest, I don’t know.” He admitted whilst chuckling.
Y/n turned to face Hyunjin and he looked down to her. Her hands had found their way up to his cheek and cupped it softly as she sighed. “Jinnie, I love you. I love you so much. I want to be with you so badly, I don’t want to marry Jisung. I can only imagine my life with you.” She whispered whilst caressing his features softly. “I don’t love him Jinnie, I could never love him the way I love you.” She added before she told him about the conversation she had with Jisung the other day.
“Y/n?” Jisung muttered as they sat under the moon together. “Yes?” “Do you love me?” He asked carefully. “I guess I do, but not in the way I probably should.” She admitted, shooting him a small smile as she looked at him. “In what way do you love me then?” He continued to ask. “I love you like a friend, as someone who’s dear to me, but who I am not attracted to romantically.”
“Is there somebody who you love-love then?” Jisung’s question made her giggle, but she nodded truthfully. “It’s Hyunjin. Isn’t it?” “It is, for you it’s that Flower fairy, right?” Jisung smiled brightly at the thought of her, but sighed when he knew as well as Y/n that they would be wedded soon.
“I found her at least.” “Did you tell her how you felt about her?” She asked her friend. “No, I hadn’t had the courage, besides. I think she hates me.” He sighs in frustration. “We’ll get through this Jisung, I promise.”
Y/n removed her hands from Hyunjin’s face and her face dropped as she remembered something. “If you love me too, why didn’t you confess the other day at the pond?” Y/n wondered. Hyunjin let out a deep breath and took Y/n’s hands in his warm ones. “I thought I didn’t stand a chance, you’re engaged after all. The law also doesn’t make it any easier for me to express my true feelings.” Hyunjin mutters. Y/n hands travelled back to Hyunjin’s face and rested themselves on his shoulder.
She wanted to kiss him badly, but a guard who suddenly appeared next to them, stopped her from doing so. “Your majesty, I had to come and inform you that Prince Jisung has been gotten sick and he has requested your visit.” He formally said before leaving again. Y/n looked up to Hyunjin with a worried look spread over her face.
They hurried their way to Jisung’s room who looked even worse than Y/n, who also still hadn’t regained her colour and strength. Jisung’s body felt heavy and he couldn’t move his limbs in his own bed. He managed to turn his head towards Y/n and Hyunjin who looked at him in shock. “What happened?” Y/n asked, sitting next to her fiancé. “S-she…” He started, but his crying was stopping him from being able to form a normal sentence. “I saw you fly passed us, please. Maybe we can help you.” Y/n tried, but Jisung shook his head.
“She has someone else.” Jisung cried out in pain, crying into Y/n’s shoulder who was in shock by his statement. “What do you mean she has someone else?” “I saw her, with that sun fairy.” He mutters sadly. “But you still love her, don’t you?” Jisung nodded and she brought him closer to her body. Hyunjin was standing behind her and watched her comfort her fiancé. The view hurt him, but now that he knew that she loved him, he felt at ease. Kind of.
“Jisung, I promise that I will do anything so that you and your fairy can be together. I’ll try anything to change this law for you.” She whispered to him, genuinely meaning her words. She turned around to Hyunjin who looked at her with a shocked expression. “I do it for you, for us.” She promised that day.
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Y/n had come out of the library after doing hours of research. She was in deep thought when she came across Eunhee who glared at her and even dared to roll her eyes at the crown princess. “Eunhee, I’ve been noticing that you have been acting ill-mannered. Especially to royalty, like me.” Y/n commented sternly, finally snapping after all the shit she took from the staff who had began to treat her poorly. Eunhee, somehow being one of them.
“What about it?” Eunhee snarled, catching Y/n by surprise. “Listen, I take a lot of shit, but disrespect isn’t one of them. You either teach yourself some manners or I’ll get my people to teach you some.” Y/n threatened, causing Eunhee to roll her eyes again.
In the middle of the hallway to the throne hall, where dozens of guards were patrolling, Y/n noticed the unusual behaviour of them. They didn’t spare her a glance and they didn’t interfere. Y/n also noticed the unusual cloth Eunhee was wearing. Her work clothes were replaced by a dark black coat that was draped over her shoulders.
“You really think you’re something else, don’t you Y/n. Thinking you can get everything you want, whenever you want. Let met tell you what, something that no one else dares to tell you, only because you wear fancy clothes, wear a crown and have people do the dirty work for you.” Eunhee started as she moved closer to Y/n.
“You’re nothing more than an useless spoiled brat, who doesn’t deserve to live the way she does.” There was a wicked smile plastered on Eunhee’s face that concerned Y/n quite. “Who are you to decided what I deserve and what not?” Y/n snapped back. “You think you can get anything you want, anyone you want without someone else caring. Well let me tell you something else, your majesty. I am hurt. And I want you to pay for it.” Eunhee moved her arm from behind her back and revealed a glass bottle that looked all too familiar to Y/n. “Eunhee what are you doing? Where did you get the poison from?” Y/n shrieked as she tried to move backwards.
“None of your business Y/n, the only think you need to know is that your happily ever after ends here, right now.” Eunhee ripped the cork off and threw it to the side. “What have I ever done to you? I barely speak to you!” Y/n cried out in panic, looking at the guards who didn’t dare somehow to look her in the eye. Completely ignoring the fact that she could die right there and then.
“You-“ “Eunhee stop!” The fiendish fairy was cut off by a male voice coming from behind her. “Speaking of the devil.” Eunhee mutters, she rolled her eyes when she saw Hyunjin guarding up in front of Y/n who was feeling helpless and unenergized.
“This, is what I was talking about.” Eunhee began again. “You think you can get everything you want Y/n.” “Eunhee stop.” Hyunjin demanded, but she kept going. “You stole him from me!” “Eunhee enough!” Hyunjin yelled. “You belong to me! You are mine! You are only mine! If I can’t have you then neither can she!” Eunhee cried out hysterically.
“Eunhee, I’ve warned you! I gave you a chance to stop this, so you wouldn’t had to rot in a dungeon. Please just stop this.” Hyunjin begged. “I rather die, knowing that I ruined that miserable bitch’s life, than seeing you two happy together, knowing that it should’ve been me.” Eunhee gritted through her teeth.
“Hyunjin, what do you mean you warned her?” Y/n’s eyes widened when she realised what he had said. 
Hyunjin who now turned around to focus on her couldn’t find the words to tell her that he knew it was Eunhee who harassed her all these months through those black notes.
“Didn’t he tell you dear? Your beloved Hyunjin actually knew all along that it was me, who wrote you those letters.” Y/n looked from Eunhee to Hyunjin with an expression of horrify. “Hyunjin, you and I both know that we would be better of together. Just do it, be with me. I’ll promise you that I’ll leave your beloved princess alone.” Eunhee tried. “Hyunjin no-“ “Hyunjin, do I also have to remind you of all the awful things you’ve said about Y/n?” Eunhee grinned, making the knight panic as he turned to Y/n.
“Don’t listen to her-“
“Y/n, did you know that he hated you to the core of his being? He didn’t wanted to do anything with you, he felt cursed that he even got to know you in the first place. He even told me that he thought of you as a spoiled brat, who doesn’t know any mannerism, is a bitch and doesn’t care about anyone else but herself.” Eunhee stated as a matter of fact.
“What?” Y/n exclaimed, she could feel her colour face from her body and she felt the floor touch her feet again. “Please let me explain.” Hyunjin cried out. “What is there to explain Hyunjin? You’ve always hated her! Loathe even!” Eunhee laughed wickedly.
“N-no…” Y/n stuttered, the words that escaped past Eunhee’s lips had a clear effect on her and Hyunjin didn’t know what to do. “He probably never even loved you Y/n. His feelings for you are based on hatred, judgement and vexation.” Y/n was crying by now, knowing that Hyunjin hated her from the very start, but she never knew that he hated her that badly.
She looked at him desperately and when he didn’t say anything and I mean anything to defend himself, to prove himself wrong. Y/n knew that Eunhee had a sense of truth in her words. 
“I thought we were going to fight for us. We even promised Jisung.” Y/n whimpered as she cried.
“So, you two think you can fight your way to your gratification.” Eunhee chuckled, the bottle still in her hand and she was not afraid to use it. “Eunhee, why are you doing all of this?” Hyunjin cried out, knowing that if he attacked that it would cost Y/n’s life.
“You should’ve stayed with me Jinnie, everything would’ve been perfect. Nobody would’ve gotten hurt.” Her eye twitched and she got back in position to swing the bottle to one of their heads. “Doesn’t matter who dies, the other would die from suffering sadness anyway, killing two two flies in one hit.” Eunhee mutters.
Hyunjin was ready to draw his sword, but before he knew it. Eunhee had surprised him by throwing the bottle and Hyunjin had just enough time to pull himself and Y/n out of the way. The bottle shattered as it missed and Eunhee growled in anger. Her eyes were filled with anger and it was clear that she wasn’t thinking straight.
Now that she was without a bottle Hyunjin decided to draw his sword quickly and swung it to his once-best-friend. Y/n couldn’t scream out for help and had to lay helplessly on the ground, hoping that the universe would send another saviour to her to get this situation over with.
Hyunjin had swung the iron-silver sword, but didn’t notice the flashing dagger Eunhee took out of her coat. Her reflexes were quick and she dodged Hyunjin’s sword. She turned and sliced Hyunjin’s chest with the sharp blade, only to place her own hand on his chest. He looked down to her hand that was touching his bloody wound and noticed a substance on Eunhee’s hand, he knew that it was poison and before he new it, he fell to his knees.
He clutched his chest and groaned in terrible pain. Eunhee could only smile and leaned down to get on his eye level. Her hand was placed under his chin, making him look up so they were eye to eye. “Such a shame.” She sighed, pushing him over before focussing on her other victim. She was about to poison Y/n as well, thinking of what to say as she would steal the last breath of the princess and the knight, whose forbidden love would’ve been punished, but Y/n saw Eunhee’s breath hitch and soon she was on the ground screaming in pain.
Y/n noticed a cut in her leg and blood on Hyunjin’s sword. Eunhee’s skin was burning, confirming to Y/n and Hyunjin that Eunhee had turned into a dark fairy, with the silver having such an effect on her.
Hyunjin looked down and felt pity for his old friend, but he did what he had to do. He quickly removed the dagger from her hand and pinned her poisonous hand under the weight of his feet. The knight would call for actual back up right there and see Eunhee being dragged away as she threw a fit in fury.
Hyunjin turned around to see Y/n nowhere in sight. He was about to panic, but one of the actual guards informed him that the princess was quickly taken away from the scene. Now, Hyunjin was on the search through the entire palace to find her. It was night and he was worried sick. Almost literally, since he knew that he had to get his chest treated, but not before he had found Y/n.
He finally found her at the pond where they had talked and cried before after she heartbrokenly confessed her love to him. He hurried to her and almost tackled her body in an embrace as he let his tears fall down onto her shoulder.
The young knight felt his own heart break when he was pushed away from her by her weak hands. “Please look at me.” Hyunjin cried softly. “How can I look at you when you’ve said all those things about me. I knew you hated me, but I never thought that you felt this way towards me.” She laughed out of disbelief. “Please believe me Y/n, it’s been so long since I’ve felt hatred towards you. You have to believe me.”
“How can I believe you, when I still feel like I’ve been played with. Even if you started to show interest in me, how am I supposed to know that you wouldn’t turn your back on me if you have ever felt such strong hatred towards me?” Her eyes were full of tears and Hyunjin wanted nothing more than to turn back time and take back everything vile he’s ever said about her, just to make her stop crying because of him.
He was about to cup her cheek, but she pushed his hands away again. “I would like some space, please go.” She whispered. “Don’t give me space that’s the last thing I want with you.” Hyunjin whispered. “Well, apparently you didn’t even wanted me to be around, so what’s the point now?” Y/n snapped, tears streaming heavily down her cheeks. “Yes, I took the job, because I was ordered to do so, but I want to be with you.” Hyunjin states seriously. “You’re just saying that because you have to protect me.” She muttered.
Hyunjin’s heart was racing and hurt at the same time, he cupped her face and gathered all his courage together and connected her lips to his. She was taken back by his action, but relaxed into his touch. His lips were soft and warm and moved in sync with her cold ones. He held her tightly to his body, but made sure none of the poison was touching her skin directly.
“I love you Y/n, I love you so fucking much. My heart hurt, that’s how much I love you.” The words touched Y/n, but she gasped when she realised that he was in need of medical care.
What they didn’t know, was that Jisung had witnessed the entire scene. The palace was chaotic due to the turmoil. He was very weak still, but he wanted to get out of the mess and clear his own mind. Somehow, he found his way to the pond and found the two lovers. The prince felt delighted at the scene, hoping that one day he could be happy as well.
He looked behind him and saw that his wings were still unable to spread open, but somehow he felt a little bit of hope that it would all be alright in the end of the day.
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After Y/n and Hyunjin had visited Seungmin, the best healing fairy of the reign, they sat under the stars together. Hyunjin had a bandage wrapped around his torso, glad that he would be alright, but he had a long time to heal fully. “Look a falling star!” Y/n exclaimed before clasping her hands together and shutting her eyes. “What did you wish for?” Y/n asked Hyunjin. “You know what I wished for.” Hyunjin winked before kissing the top of her head.
Later that night, it was a long day, Y/n was now in front of her father who obviously was stressed out by the sudden chaos that had outburst in the palace. “That little traitor has stolen money from the palace and bribed the guards! How sick do you have to be to do something like that!” He yelled out, not even noticing Y/n flinch by the loud noise.
“Apparently she also has taught herself black magic and turned herself due to that into a dark fairy. I don’t know where she’s gotten the knowledge, but I am certain that our library doesn’t exist out of those kinds of books.” He stressed.
“Dad can we talk?” Y/n managed to say in a weak voice. A portion of her energy and colour had returned, which was a good sign, but Y/n was still mentally unstable which was the reason of why she couldn’t regain all her powers yet.
Her father didn’t spare her a glance, making her frustrated. She shoved the papers he was working on off the table and slammed her hands on the desk with her the few power she only had just regained. He looked up to her in shock, yet in anger.
“I don’t want to marry Jisung.” Y/n states, causing the king to sigh. “We’re not talking about this again and most certainly not right now.” The king mumbles before trying to pick his work back up. “Dad, this is important!” “No, you are marrying Jisung if you like it or not, you will have to take over the crown sooner or later!” “I can rule a kingdom by myself! I can handle being a queen on my own and you know that. Dad please can’t we just talk about this, it’s very important.” Y/n sighed. “And so is the act of betrayal against the royal family! Y/n this can wait- we’re done talking, leave my office.”
Y/n huffed and groaned in frustration before she walked out the door, her footsteps finally catching her father’s attention. He got a glimpse of her grey figure, causing his heart to drop in a pool of worrisome. But it was already too late for him to call her back as she had slammed the door on him.
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Days went by and you could count down the days to the wedding on your fingers. Hyunjin was still in recovery and the kingdom was shaken up by the alarm of a dark fairy among them. The story went around like a wildfire and it terrified every fey to the bone to think about the fact that someone had turned psychotic, due to a heartbreak.
The story of Hyunjin and Y/n also went around and people seemed to love the fact that they fell in love. They had spotted the two together and the citizen could see the love between them.
But the two never had a chance to see each other after the atrocity happened. Y/n was busy banning the guards and knights who had accepted bribe money and basically betrayed their loyalty to the crown. Y/n felt horrible for doing it, knowing that they probably made the choice to live in more wealth, but it was the right thing to do so.
Hyunjin was still healing and ordered to stay in bed. He was bored out of his mind and he missed being next to Y/n. She would talk to the wall that divided their bedrooms so they could still secretly talk to each other. More guards had been assigned to protect Y/n, her parents were very anxious that there would be someone else who was out there to get her.
The young knight with the bandage around his torso was horrified at first when he heard that other knights were assigned to protect Y/n. He felt like he was being replaced, but he was assured that when he was back to his old self that he could get back into his position.
But what he didn’t know, his assignment to Y/n wasn’t assured and he found that out when he was suddenly called to the throne hall. He saw Y/n sitting beside her parents and Eunhee to her side who was chained and held by guards. “Dad, what is Hyunjin doing here?” “I was informed that he was involved on the plan to assassinate you.” “What!” Y/n yelled out. “Y/n no, you know that’s not true!” Hyunjin cried out in panic. “Your majesty, what I’ve told you is true.” Eunhee dares to say.
“Dad are you seriously going to believe the dark fairy over your own loyal knight?” Y/n stressed. Her father thought for a second and decided to enounce Eunhee’s punishment first.
“You shall be banned from this kingdom and this realm. Your powers shall be taken and you will be send off to the Forest of the Lost.” The king said before she was taken away again. Y/n this time didn’t spare Eunhee a glance who could only glare at her and Hyunjin.
When she was completely escorted away, Hyunjin was now left in front of the Royals for his judgment. He was terrified and look at Y/n for help.
‘Did she secretly turn her back on you- no don’t even dare to think such things.’ Hyunjin thought to himself as he gulped loudly.
“Do you have anything to say for yourself Hwang?” The king scowled. “I-I, no? Please your majesty, you have to believe me I haven’t done anything wrong.” Hyunjin exclaimed. “You haven’t? I’ve heard that you’ve spoken vilely about our crown princess.” “No, dad please. We were kids back then.” Y/n tried to defend Hyunjin, but her father wouldn’t listen. “I shall now enounce your punishment-“ “Dad for fuck’s sake! He saved my life! He got himself poisoned to protect me!” Y/n yelled out as she stood up and was about to walk to Hyunjin, but her body had given up on her and almost dropped her onto the floor, if Hyunjin’s reflexes weren’t so sharp. He sprinted forward and caught her in his arms, making him hiss as she fell on top of his chest.
“Are you okay?” He whispered softly, checking her fact that he held in his hands. She nodded before they got back up. She straightened her dress and her next action, that was bold and surprising, made her parents’ eyes widen, Hyunjin’s as well. She stood in front of him, as if she was now guarding him, like he did days before from Eunhee, but she held his hand on her back.
“I do not want to marry Jisung.” Y/n states slowly, causing her father to groan in anger. “I am not discussing this right now-“ “I do not want to marry Jisung.” Y/n repeated in a steady voice. “Y/n-“ “Honey, let her talk. Love, why don’t you want to marry prince Jisung? Isn’t he a lovely guy?” Her mother interrupted as she looked at her daughter in curiosity. “He’s great mom, but I don’t love him. I fell in love with someone else.” She confessed to her parents’ shock.
“Didn’t I tell you to stay away from that commoner?” The king huffed. Y/n looked behind her and made eye contact with Hyunjin as she shot him a small smile. He could feel him pull him to her side so that they now were openly holding hands together, it being visible for the king and queen to see.
This was Y/n’s way to tell them with little words that Hyunjin was the one who she was deeply in love with.
The king stood up in shock and threw his hands up in frustration. “He has betrayed his loyalty to us, Y/n.” He stressed, even though he knew how much potential Hyunjin held.  “No he didn’t-“ Y/n argued, but Hyunjin cut her off. “No, your father is right. I should’ve informed them about Eunhee’s situation. It could’ve prevented this whole mess.” Hyunjin muttered.
“No it wouldn’t change a thing! Even if you told my parents, you wouldn’t had actual prove that she was up to something. Yes, the notes were one thing and the handwriting as well, but that could be mimicked easily and she could’ve actually brought you down and make your life miserable if you would’ve done that. I’d have to miss you because my father had banned you.” She said as she caressed his cheek.
“Besides,” she turned to her father, “he gave her a warning, knowing what she was like in the past. He believed that there was still something good in her and gave her a chance, which is something that you could see in the craftmanship of a king if you ask me.” Y/n said with a slight smirk. She knew she was getting to her parents.
“You’re making my job difficult my dear.” The king sighed whilst shaking his head. “He saved my life dad.” Y/n reminded him with a soft sigh.
The king plopped back onto his throne and let out a deep breath as well. “Y/n, my dear, do you know why there is a law made specifically for mixed ranked couples?” The queen asked, making Y/n shake her head ‘no’. “A long time ago, far before your father and I ruled this kingdom, there wasn’t a law that restrained fairies from different ranks to be together. One day, two fairies came together, both had different powers and used their magic together for the wrong use. Just like Eunhee did last week.” The queen noted.
“Eunhee may not have been born with given powers and maybe that was the reason why she began to study black magic, but it was one of the reasons why the kingdoms had decided to ban mixed rank relationships. If the fairies stayed with their own kind, their powers could be controlled easier. And misunderstandings or dilemmas wouldn’t be in our way.”
“But, if I understand this clearly, besides Eunhee’s action from last week, this has been decades ago?” Y/n asked. “Maybe even centuries.” Her mother said with amusement in her voice and a smile on her face. And Y/n knew that she had won her mother over. The two ladies turned to the king who started to pout. “You two do this every time! Stop putting me in such difficult situations! You know what the kid did wrong.” He states, feeling like he’s been set up. 
“And you know also how well Hyunjin has been working.” The queen acknowledged. She got up from her throne and flew down to the young lovers. “I have noticed that you’ve changed the way you’ve been working Hyunjin.” She began, making Hyunjin tremble in fear. “Y-you have, your majesty?” “I did. And I liked what I saw.” She assured.
“I saw that you took your job more serious then ever, even though you disagreed on executing the job. You have made our one and only daughter very happy through the time you spend together. New friendships or relationships in general can be difficult, so I understand that the two of you started of roughly. I will be honest, your father and I couldn’t stand each other.” The queen laughed whilst looking at her daughter.
“We were also stuck in an arranged marriage, but we were blessed by the universe by falling in love. You, my dear, unfortunately had to fight for it. Almost literally.” The queen caressed her daughter’s face lovingly before she turned to her husband. “Dear, I think it’s time that some things have to change around here.” A smile appeared on the queen’s face when she heard her daughter gasp and softly squealed.
“But what if another dark fairy shows up?” “Then we and the new future king and queen will make a plan to keep everyone as happy as possible and safe. So no one even has to think about turning evil.” The queen suggested.
Y/n looked at her parents in shock, still holding onto Hyunjin’s hand. She couldn’t believe that her mother supported her, but now she was looking hopeful at her dad, not knowing what he was going to say. “I know you’re a good kid Hyunjin, but you have to understand that as a father, I am extra careful with my one and only daughter.” “I-I understand your majesty, I promise you that I will not take your trust for granted, again.” Hyunjin promised as he bowed deeply.
“Then that’s settled. It is indeed time again to trust out citizen and change the old ways.” “Does that mean?” Y/n asked hopefully, not daring to finish her sentence, scared that it would jinx their last hope. “Yes, my dear. You won’t have to marry Jisung anymore.” Y/n smiled brightly and a boost of energy rushed through her body.
Her parents and Hyunjin saw the colour returning to her body and her wings powerfully yet elegantly broke open and stood up mighty. The floor wasn’t connected to Y/n’s feet anymore and she felt great to have her strength back. She felt happy and could kiss Hyunjin’s face right there and then and as if Hyunjin could read her mind. He had brought her into an embrace and cupped her face, slowly leaning in as he was stuck in the moment.
Y/n panicked, remembering her parents who were right there, she moved away from him with widened eyes. “They’re still there.” She whispered, causing him to turn red in embarrassment as well.
“Hyunjin dear, thank you for coming, but right now we would like to speak to Y/n alone for a second.” “Yes, your majesty.” He said to her mother. “I’ll wait outside the doors.” He whispered to her before he made his way out.
Y/n turned to her parents and looked at them with her head cocked to her side and before she knew it, she was embraced by both of her parents. “That kid has quite the influence on you.” The king jokes as he admired the beautiful wings of his daughter that he hasn’t seen in the air for ages. “H-he does.” Y/n giggled shyly.
“Can the law actually be changed that easily and quickly?” Y/n asked her parents. “Well, yes. And since we don’t think that the citizen would have a problem with this change, we have faith that this can work out. Besides, you and Hyunjin has shown us that it indeed is possible.” “Just wait until you see Jisung with his flower fairy.” Y/n chuckled. “Who?” The queen asked in confusion. “You’ll see.” Y/n laughed, happy that she could keep her promise to her friend.
“We are sorry dear. Both of you had found your own path to love and we made it difficult on you two. We are truly sorry.” Her mother said as she hugged her daughter once more. “I understand mom, they’re royal duties after all.” Y/n responded wisely, making her father feel pride. “You almost sound like an old wise king. You sure will be a great queen one day Y/n.” “Thank you, dad. That means a lot to me.”
“If he breaks your heart, we can always ban him, you know.” The king joked, causing her and the queen to laugh. “I don’t think you will even have to think about that.” Y/n said sighing in relief that this was now finally over.
“Now go to him, you two had a rough time behind you.” Y/n thanked her parents once more before she sped to the door and swung it open. Hyunjin was surprised by the sound and looked up from his feet. He was taken by surprise when she launched herself into his arms, but he didn’t care and instead he instinctively twirled her around.
Her hands had found their way to his hair and her lips were sooner enough connected to his. The kiss was soft but passionate and both fairies could feel the deep love they had for each other through the kiss. He had lifted her up in the fair, making her giggle as she felt his tight grip around her waist. She pressed kisses all over his face causing him to giggle before he put her down. He knew that it was happening and he felt like his heart could burst of happiness when he realised that he wouldn’t have to spent his life in pain. Wondering what it would’ve been like to marry Y/n and start a family and life with her. Right now, he was the only was who she had in her heart and since the wedding of her and Jisung’s was off the map, he had her hall to himself.
They both gasped to themselves when they remember Jisung and hurried to his room. They were shocked to see him so beaten up and still heartbroken. Jisung broke down in tears when he was face to face with Y/n, he felt like he could die any second of his broken heart. Y/n sat down next to her friend and gently grabbed his hand. “We did it Sung, the law will be changed.” Jisung looked up to her with widened eyes and started to cry out in happiness.
“But that means that she can be with her sun fairy.” He muttered, still sad and heartbroken.  “No, you’re going to find her and fight for her. It’s the least you can do. Even if she has someone else, tell her that you love her.” Y/n encourages.
Jisung took a deep breath before he managed to sit himself up. He stared into the distance as he whispered to himself: “if this turns out well, I might have to fight my own parents for this, let alone my own brother. Who will probably not hesitate to kill me, but I would do anything for her, even if it costs me my last breath.”
Before Y/n and Hyunjin realise it, Jisung had jumped onto his feet and rushed his way out of the palace, on the search to find his beloved fairy, but what the two didn’t realise at that moment was that Jisung still wasn’t fully recovered.
But he was gone already, love blinding him and hope making him forget about the pain.
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It was only a few days before the wedding day, that was originally meant for Jisung and Y/n, but it still wasn’t officially called off. Which worried Y/n a little. She trusted her parents, knowing that they got this all under control, but something inside her couldn’t help but think about a possibility that they could’ve changed their minds about changing the law and forcing her into a marriage anyway.
But they never did.
Today, it was judgement day for Eunhee. Her powers would be taken away and she would only be left with the skill of walking and basically would be living as a human in fairy format. Eunhee was brought into the throne hall and she looked rough. Her hair was all over the place, her skin was dirty and her eyes weren’t set right.
Eunhee looked up from her spot and was face to face with the Royal family and Hyunjin, who was standing next to Y/n. Eunhee could see the hand that Hyunjin had placed on Y/n’s shoulder and she knew exactly what was going on. They were together and she knew that she had lost.
The procedure was harsh and the king and queen didn’t hesitate to show any mercy on her. She betrayed the kingdom after all and brought lives in danger. Eunhee had tried during the procedure to drag Hyunjin with her once again, but Y/n held his hand as a sign of assurance that it would be alright. He couldn’t look at his old friend who was being punished right in front of him, but she deserved it.
Hyunjin had found out that it was Eunhee who was the cause of him going on a ‘mission’ into the Forest of the Lost and almost got killed, turned out she was cooperating with humans to get everyone killed. Eunhee had confessed that she indeed did it. “If I couldn’t have you, then no one could.” She had said, not feeling any sense of regret.
After it all was over and Eunhee was brought to the deep parts of the forest, they all sighed in relieve. It was now finally over. The bribed guards were gone and replaced by new ones, Seiji being one of them. When he found out how twisted Eunhee actually was , he lost feelings very fast. He had apologised to Hyunjin and so did the other knights he once had trained with. They now all had a position higher up and couldn’t be happier. The way it happened may not have been ideal, but they were happy in the end.
Speaking of happy, the king and queen were tired of the gloominess that hung around the palace and they offered to go outside and clear their mind for a while. Hyunjin and Y/n agreed before they followed them outside.
The four of them had arrived at the pond where Y/n and Hyunjin had met each other numerous times. Y/n was taken back when Hyunjin suddenly took her hands in his and made her look up to him. “Y/n, my love. We’ve known each other for a long time and we started off at the wrong foot. Through these months I have fallen in love with you, deeply and hard.” Hyunjin chuckled. “I have come to the realisation that I can’t live without you and that I can’t imagine any other fairy but you in my future, so…” Hyunjin had let go of Y/n’s hand and grabbed something out of his pocket that made Y/n’s eyes almost fall out of her sockets.
A small box was revealed and Y/n had started to cry, she looked back to her parents who were standing with bright smiles as Hyunjin was no on one knee in front of her. He held the box up to he and popped the question: “Y/n, will you do me the honours of making me the happiest fairy in the world and marry me?” He asked, his voice trembling due to his nerves.
“Isn’t this too fast?” Y/n stressed as she kneeled down in front of the love of her life, making Hyunjin chuckle as he knew that she was overthinking. “Well, I’ve risked my life for you twice, so I don’t think we’re moving too fast.” He reminded her, causing her to look down and smile in embarrassment.
“Yes.” “What?” Hyunjin exclaimed with his eyes widened. “Yes! Yes! I want to marry you! Yes!” She squealed as she tackled him in a tight hug and pressed kisses all over his face, but most importantly on his plump lips. “Well, now you got to find yourself a beautiful dress for the wedding this Sunday.” Her mother squeaked happily. “Wait, is this why the wedding day wasn’t called off?” She exclaimed whilst looking at her parents. “Hyunjin requested it himself and we were happy to help. Besides, it would’ve been a waste for all the hard work to go in vain. You two love each other already, why not put a seal on it?” The king smiled.
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And so the wedding day finally arrived. And it was the wedding Y/n always had dreamt of, Hyunjin’s as well. They had found their own way to love even though the path was rough. They knew they were meant for each other and the pair couldn’t wait to say their ‘I dos’.
Y/n had asked Jisung’s now-girlfriend to be her bridesmaid, since she didn’t had any other friends besides the three boys. His girlfriend was stunned at the kindness and she wasn’t surprised that Jisung was forced to marry her, she felt a little insecure, not knowing how she had to stand a chance against the future queen.
But Y/n assured her that she was perfect for him. “He’s told me a lot about you and not a single one was a bad thing.” Y/n smiled before shooting a wink to the shy fairy.
Thus, the wedding began. The officiant made his way down the aisle first, the queen soon following her. The wedding could be seen by the entire kingdom by one of the inventions Jeongin had brought into the realm, something called a ‘livestream’. The fey people were stunned by the new technology and at how fast and smartly the young fairy had adapted it into their ways of living.
Therefore, with a little magical help, the entire kingdom was in shock, to see Hyunjin flow down the aisle as it was time for the groom to make an appearance. Soon after the groomsmen flew behind him, who existed out of Jeongin and Jisung, leaving the entire kingdom holding onto their breaths. After Jisung’s girlfriend, the flower fairy who Y/n thanked a thousand times for the beautiful decoration, made her way down, it was now finally the time for Y/n to fly down the aisle with her father linked in her arm.
She was nervous but certain about this. She had never felt such strong love towards anyone else before and she trusted her life with Hyunjin. The fey people were in awe when they saw their princess in her white gown flow down the aisle. Her skin was glowing and there were sparkles visible in her eyes.
Hyunjin couldn’t help but cry as he looked at his beautiful bride. When she stood in front of him, he couldn’t help but squeal at little at how beautiful she was, causing everyone around them to laugh.
The ceremony went by rather fast, but before they were to say their ‘I dos’ they turned to the citizen who were seeing the wedding. “As you can tell, we are from different ranks. Some grew up with Hyunjin and saw how great of a knight he has become. Some grew up and saw me become the princess I am today. And as the only princess in this royal family, it is mandatory that I shall take over the throne soon. Now that I almost am married and you all soon can expect a crowning ceremony, I shall execute my first act as soon-to-be-queen.” Y/n started, leaving the crowd in suspense. 
“From this day forward, the law of mixed ranks relationships will be changed. We have chosen to trust out citizen. We shall speak further about the changes later, but that will take place after the wedding.” Y/n announced before she focused her attention to her almost-husband. The citizen were already cheering and they hadn’t even said their ‘I dos’ yet.
But when they did and shared their first kiss as a married couple, they could feel the joyful energy coming from the cheering citizen. Y/n had her arms wrapped around Hyunjin’s next, as he pulled her closer with his hands that rested on her waist.
They smiled into the kiss, before Hyunjin took her by the hand and ran down the aisle with her.
A celebration was going on through the entire kingdom, fairies were happy that they could be together with who they longed to. It had also been announced that prince Jisung had given up his title and put down his royal duties to become a citizen in the Yellow Wood Kingdom, so that he could be together with the fairy of his dreams.
The citizen welcomed him with open arms and were happy to have him as their new neighbour. The kingdom loved him after all, he had left a great expression with them and was known for his kind and charming manners.
But Y/n and Hyunjin were the favourite couple and a couple months later their greatest king and queen. Hyunjin had a lot to learn, but with Y/n on his side he new he could conquer anything. To him, she was the ultimate queen. She carried the hardships of the fey people so they didn’t had to. That’s what made her a true queen. She was ready to sacrifices her own happiness, her own happy ever after, so her kingdom could live in peace.
But man, was she happy things turned out this way.
She was now standing with her husband on the balcony, looking out on the lands that belonged to them. She rested her head on his chest as he embraced her from behind. The new queen knew she did it, she did it for him, so they could spend their lives filled with love and happiness. She did it for them, looking out to the village that was energised by the fairies who still celebrated the change of the law after months.
Y/n was now at peace and couldn’t feel happier. She’s got everything she needed and couldn’t and didn’t had wish for anything else. Hyunjin agreed with his wife and pressed a sweet kiss on top of her head, knowing that things worked out for them perfectly. 
And so, they lived happily ever after. 
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The end.
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Gif doesn’t belong to me.
Copyright © 2020 Mrs-I-Have-Too-Many-Biases All rights reserved
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rivasremedies · 3 years
Do Horses Love Garlic?
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The History of Garlic
Garlic is one of the oldest known foods and has been consumed by humans for several thousand years dating back to 2600-2100 BC. Its roots began in China, Japan, and Korea. From there it migrated to the coasts of the Mediterranean Sea and then Great Britain. Today, it is one of the most popular medicinal foods in the world. Garlic is used across the globe, including India, Egypt, and Israel, for its nutritional and culinary value, as well as its medicinal properties. Close relatives to garlic include onion, shallot, leeks, and chives.
Garlic for Nutrition
Garlic, which is categorized as a vegetable, contains high levels of sulphur and vitamin B1 (thiamine), both of which nourish the skin. And because Vitamin B1 changes the body odor, it is a popular addition to supplements to help resist or repel insects including flies and ticks. Garlic also contains the essential minerals of calcium, phosphorus, manganese, and selenium, as well as a high content of Vitamin C. There is also germanium in it; a lesser known but still important mineral with antioxidant properties that heals wounds, strengthens the immune system, and has been used in cases of cancer.
Garlic as Medicine
Garlic contains allicin, a phytonutrient which breaks down to form a variety of organosulfur compounds, compounds which give garlic a number of therapeutic effects. Garlic is widely used for bacterial infections, yeast infections, viruses, colds, flus, immune problems, respiratory conditions, toothaches, abscesses, a lack of appetite, and low vitality. In war-time Russia, garlic was known as “Russian penicillin” because it was so effective in treating wound infections. In more recent times we have learned that garlic is also an effective blood thinner and helps to reduce high blood pressure as well as cholesterol. There is also an association between the intake of garlic and the reduction of certain cancers.
All this considered, garlic makes an excellent tonic.
Garlic is also thought to ward off ghosts and negative energies and can be used for those people or animals who are prone to attracting entities that deplete their life force.
Garlic as Horse Medicine
It seems that everyone is passionate about garlic! There are garlic lovers and there are garlic haters. Especially when it comes to feeding it to horses! In fact, one of my Facebook posts on garlic was in the top ten posts ever for record engagements. Whew! That’s a lot of passion over garlic. The conversation went on for days.
Garlic lovers see a lot of positive changes in their garlic-eating horses. Garlic can help horses with digestive upsets, leaky gut, respiratory problems, infections, skin problems, and overall malaise. It is also an excellent general detoxifier. Garlic can also be used as a poultice on abscesses, wounds, and joint infections.
What The Studies Say
Some horse folks are fearful to feed garlic because of its reported effects on red blood cells. But studies are sparse and often unreasonable and inconclusive. One study showed that high quantities of garlic over several weeks can lead to anemia, i.e., a reduction in red blood cells. The study included four horses and two of them were controls which meant that only two horses ate the garlic which was fed in freeze dried form. These two horses were given .1 grams/kg of body weight (approximately 45 grams in total) every day to start which was then gradually increased to .5 grams/kg (approximately 227 grams in total) of garlic over 41 days. This higher dosage was then continued for another 30 days for a total of 71 days.
This means that a one-thousand-pound horse would have been fed the equivalent to 7 medium cloves of raw garlic for the first 6 weeks and then up to 38 medium cloves of raw garlic for another month!
And so, perhaps of no surprise, after 2-1/2 months of these toxic doses the horses’ blood work showed a type of anemia called Heinz body anemia but no other visible signs of physical symptoms or other health problems. Symptoms of anemia can include fatigue, muscle weakness, loss of appetite, pale gums, and yellowish eyes. In any case, within 5 weeks of discontinuing the garlic, all of the blood work returned to normal.
Link to resource: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15822591/
Another study used 250 grams per day on 1,000-pound horses with the same results.
Now I don’t know about you, but I don’t know why any sensible horse person would feed their beloved horses these kinds of toxic dosages. It defies common sense. Few vegetables or plants would NOT be toxic if fed in this way. It’s all about the dose. Horses are very sensitive and do not need to be overdosed with anything for it to work.
According to the National Research Council in 2008, a presumed safe intake for horses is 90 mg/kg (= .09 grams) of body weight per day (6 raw cloves) and a historically safe intake is 15 mg/kg (.015 grams) of body weight per day (1 raw clove).
Meanwhile Health Canada has approved garlic for all equine supplements, with a precaution to not feed to any horses with a bleeding disorder. Fair enough.
Garlic as People Medicine
The effects of garlic on red blood cells are not exclusive to horses, it has the same effects on humans, and dogs too. In fact, it is these chemical properties that make it such an excellent antioxidant to improve circulation and reduce blood pressure. And so, while some people may be nervous about its supposedly adverse effects on horses, many of these same people are eating lots of garlic for themselves. But no one is worried about the same potentially toxic effects on people because they are focused on the benefits. In fact, the world production of garlic for human consumption is over 25 million tons! That’s a lot of garlic!
My own mother took garlic every day for many years and credited it for her strong immune system. Good thing she didn’t live in ancient Greece though, the authorities of the time forbade anyone who smelled like garlic from entering their sacred temples.
How to Feed Garlic to Horses
Horses are also garlic lovers and garlic haters, although most of them really like it. They must know that garlic has a long history of helping people and animals with its nutritional, medicinal, and therapeutic benefits. So, we side with both the horses and Health Canada and highly recommend it for equine medicinal purposes where indicated. But like all medicinal herbs and supplements, it should only be given if the benefits are obvious, and of course it should not be given over long periods of time as in months or years. A shorter duration will not only prevent any kind of toxic effects, but it will avoid desensitization where the body no longer responds to it in a positive way. Most herbs or supplements, if given for longer than is needed, will lose their potency. So, it is always best to use herbal plants or vegetables temporarily as indicated for specific situations.
The Garlic Equine Dosage
Raw garlic is the best and most potent form. Feed 2-3 medium or large cloves daily for 2-3 weeks or less if the condition improves. And if your horse doesn’t like the taste or stops eating it take that as a sign that your horse is finished with it. My own horses let me know when they have had enough because they start to flip the cloves out of their dish. This is usually after about 2 weeks of 2-3 garlic cloves per day. Horses know best!
~ Stop and Smell the Garlic ~
Marijke van de Water, B.Sc., DHMS
Equine Health Nutrition Specialist Homeopathic Practitioner Medical Intuitive & Healer Educator & Author
Marijke is a life-long horse lover, the author of the best-selling Healing Horses Their Way, and the founder, formulator, and CEO of Riva’s Remedies. She is a gifted healer who helps horses, and their people, from around the world live happier, healthier lives.
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gardendecoindia · 4 years
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gardenfeltmarina · 3 years
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epawfashionandcraft · 3 years
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the-expert-zone · 4 years
Costco Keto Diet Foods
Looking to enjoy the cash savings of the keto diet?  Then look no further than looking for keto Costco style.
Here’s some bargains we found while cruising the aisles of Costco looking for keto items:
Probably the best deal on the plant for any keto diet folks that want to bake.  That includes pancakes, muffins, crepes, bread and more.  Ideal for starting your keto diet adventure. Keto Costco favorite.
Blanched Diamond Almond Flour 3 Pounds
That’s 3 whopping pounds of the best “flour” to bake with on a ketogenic diet.  Try getting that at Kroger’s or any other value chain.  Price is a very reasonable $12.99 in my state for this Diamond Almond Flour at Costco.
Salmon lovers, get ready for a real treat!  Costco has a good variety and selection of salmon and steelhead trout filet for sale at the best prices around.
If you haven’t heard, Costco also has the best beef available. It tastes better, cooks better, and gives you a full keto meal with a single filet mignon or new york strip. All cuts and styles are always available at Costco.
You get a whole tranche filet to work with, which could easily last one person a month’s worth of keto dieting.
With deals like this, you can start to see why Costco is the go-to place for people on the ketogenic diet.
Like your bacon and eggs?  Well, Costco is absolutely the best place for these items – from organic free-range bacon cuts, maple and applewood and more, and of course, the ever popular 24 pack of organic eggs.
Use these eggs in all your baking recipes, in your morning keto bacon and eggs, and everything else where eggs are needed.
Kirkland Protein Bars Keto Ready
One of the superstar keto foods at Costco, with better nutrition data and even the famous Quest bars, are the Kirkland Protein Bars, my favorite keto bars Costco carries.  These Kirkland protein bars keto lovers will enjoy, they have a load of fiber, bringing down the already low carbs in these bars to a low single digit per bar, and makes a perfect keto snack.  My favorite Costco keto low carb protein bars.
Not only that, but they are so tasty they often don’t make it to the car before being ripped open.
You get two flavors in each pack, with 10 chocolate chip dough (yum yum!) and 10 Chocolate Brownie (personally, a little heavy on the chocolate, but tasty nonetheless).
With a whopping 21 grams of protein per bar, you can have one of these per day to balance out your protein intake, while keeping your carb count well within the “net 20” rule of full ketosis body ripping. Get your keto diet Costco style!
No artificial flavors mean there’s no nasty surprises to degrade your health in these bars – so you can add these as a supplement to your daily routine.
Aw, Nuts –
  Low Carb Diet Favorite Shelled Pistachios Costco Keto Snack
Everyone knows we snack more than we should, and the hard core keto guys do that intermittent fasting in their daily routine.  Yet, if you find yourself unable to be strict with your 2-3 meals per day, then many nuts are good for you.
Shelled pistachios are probably the all-time favorite for keto snack items.  Apart from universal appeal and the perfect blend of fats, protein and carbs, pistachios are just down-right delicious, and you can grab a handful for a keto snack whenever you want.
The best part of this ketogenic friendly package is there are no shells.  You don’t spend your time working for each tasty morsel, but instead can indulge in a handful of delightful flavors, all while keeping in range of your keto requirements.
The one thing to note about pistachios is the “net carbs” is a little higher than most nuts (not cashew-crazy carbs, but still something to watch out for).
With a hand serving of 28 nuts or so, you’ll be getting 14 grams of fats, 5 grams of “net carbs”, and about 6 grams of protein.
It’s still well within the daily “net 20” carbs rule of ketosis, but these nuts will lead you to want to have a second serving, so be careful with the carbs here.
More Keto Costco Items
Contrasting pistachios are the raw shelled organic pumpkin seeds – basically a keto staple for anyone really into the keto lifestyle.
More tasty than the go raw sprouted pumpkin seeds Costco used to see, and better price, too. Try these organic pumpkin seeds Costco sells and see how good they taste.
Just take a look at the nutritional powerhouse food information you get with organic pumpkin seeds:
17g fat
10g protein
2g net carbs
While these nuts are not quite as tasty as the pistachios or smoked almonds, you get a good serving of the fat and protein to tide you over to the next meal, with very little in the way of net carbs.
Ketogenic Foods for Snacking
The nuts we’ve covered so far are popular among all people, and the next nut we’ll cover is more of a specialty item.
Irresistable snacking!  Smart Eating!
This is a love/hate kind of nut – the salted smokehouse almonds, but to those who love them, they are one of the tastiest nuts out there.
Since the electrolyte issue with keto is an issue, you can have a small serving of these Costco Blue Diamond Almonds when you are low on energy, couple it with a glass of water, and you’ll be back in business in minutes.  Lots of sodium and potassium.
2g net carbs per serving (3 tbsp) also rivals pumpkin seeds, but here you get a smorgasbord of sensation in addition to the ketogenic friendly food.
Let’s take a look at the Costco smokehouse almond stats:
28 nuts gives you are real vitamin delivery in addition to the keto friendly ratios:
16g fat
6g protein
2g net carbs
It doesn’t get much better than that for perfect ratios, and vitamin-wise, you see it delivers a nice serving of salt as well as some potassium, so it bumps up your electrolytes as good as any 3rd-party supplement.
With the Costco pricing, you also get a done of servings in a single bag, so you really make bank on this one purchase.
It’s also not well known that magnesium is a depleted but needed nutrient for the body, and by having ample magnesium, your brain and body will be happier.
I’d call these salted almonds the happy food of the keto crowd.
And a tip: eat these one nut at a time to fully enjoy the savory sensation.
Give them a try and see if you enjoy them as much as the fans of Blue Diamond.
Shiitake Anyone?
Costco has some awesome rare treats as well that fit the keto diet, including the delish shiitake mushrooms. These have no calories and are perfect for any keto meal you make.
Epicurean Shiitake Mushrooms at Costco
Nutritional Info for Shiitake Mushrooms at Costco
Well, looking more closely, we see these particular mushrooms do have some carbs, so be careful to consume 1-2 caps for that 7g net carbs listed above.
Get Your MCT Oil at Costco
In addition to excellent meats at Costco, you can even find keto favorites, like MCT oil, those medium chain tryglycerides that keto people find so helpful. See more mushrooms at Costco here.
MCT Oil from Coconuts at Costco
This useful oil is handy for keeping your levels of fat intake at the high level needed for ketosis. Dairy and gluten free and vegan friendly, this mct oil blends well with shakes and coffee (for those bulletproof coffee fans).
You get 2 bottles of 20 fl. ounces of mct oil in this one package.
Coconut Derived MCT Oil Nutritional Info
Coconut Oil at Costco
Organic Virgin Coconut Oil from Costco
If you are looking for a good price for organic virgin coconut oil for your keto diet, you’ll love this 84 fl oz container at Costco. In 1 tbsp you get 120 calories from fat, including 12g saturated fats, no trans fats and no cholesterol.
Organic Chicken Stock At Costco
Organic Chicken Stock at Costco
You get 6 cartons that are a quart each, so a total of 6 quarts in this pack. Created from slow-cooked organic chicken bones, it is a perfect alternative to chicken broth.
Organic Chicken Stock Nutritional Info
With zero carbs this chicken stock is perfect for a wide variety of keto recipes with low carbs.
Keto Sweeteners at Costco
You can also find many good keto sweeteners at Costco, including stevia and monkfruit blends, Splenda, and more.
Stevia Leaf and Monk Fruit Sweetener
Nutritional Info for Stevia Leaf and Monk Fruit Sweetener
You get a sweetener with no fat, and you’ll see they add the antioxidant alcohol distilled sweetener erythritol as well, so it is healthy for you as well as a good sweetener.
More Keto At Costco
Finally, there’s one more nut to crack:
The ever-recommended and perennial favorite walnuts!
Like almost everything at Costco, you get shelled organic walnuts from California that are nutritionally packed with power.
Is it any wonder all the keto kids say walnuts are the best?  Besides looking like brain food, these walnuts actually have good nutritional numbers:
20g fat
5g protein
2g net carbs
If you are a little clogged up, walnuts can help with that – low in sodium and full of potassium, they can get things flowing again, if you have that common keto condition.
More Keto Snacks That Costco Sells
Chia Seeds for Salads
These delicious and nutritious seeds are perfect for any salad and are loaded in the right keto combinations.
They are yet another one of the keto foods Costco sells.
Looking at the nutritional value of the chia seeds, you can see they are loaded in dietary fiber, rendering these to a mere 3 “net carbs” for 3 tablespoons. That’s well within the “net 20” you must aim for on the keto diet.
Costco Hemp Seeds For Keto
New on the scene are the nutritionally keto complete hemp seeds. These tasty seeds complement salads and are rich in Omega oils and protein.  Adding these hemp seeds to your diet is a perfect complement to your keto diet.
With the standard hemp seed serving of 3 tablespoons, you get 15g of fats, 10g of protein, and zero net carbs (1g carbs minus 1g fiber). Not very often will you find a purely zero net carb food you can use for keto.
If your metabolic type says you are good for keto, you’ll love this seed.
Tell Us What Other Costco Keto Gems You Find
There are more keto gems at Costco, so be sure to leave a comment and tell us what you find at Costco to keep yourself enjoying the ketogenic lifestyle.
And include a before and after photo if you want us to publish you on our motivation pages.
If you find some things you like at Costco, post what you find!
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You can click the LINK to start creating your 8-week plan. Simply follow the plan to achieve a successful keto diet.
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from Your Keto Plan https://ift.tt/2YUZDLZ
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clown-bait · 7 years
29 Neibolt ST (Monster Roommate AU) CH 19 NSFW
This was a fucking struggle to write. It is also like one of the biggest chapters but here it is the big showdown! Its finally time for the Trashpire to fight back! Also prepare for some angst. Shits about to go down
CH 19
Rock of Ages
“ADAM! ADAM YOU SON OF A BITCH WHERE ARE YOU?” the young vampire tore through the rather nice apartment claws drawn ripping the modern furnishings.
“Is it necessary to destroy the rug?” Penny had appeared in the bedroom where Leech was going to town on a faux fur rug.
“I always hated his stupid yuppie style. So yes, its absolutely necessary”
The clown rolled his eyes and began poking around himself. He opened a drawer on the nightstand to find a photo album of Leech and Adam in happier times the picture on the cover showed him kissing her cheek with Leech’s signature toothy grin. Seeing this other give his mate the same joy he did now filled him with uncontrollable rage. Pennywise snarled proceeded to destroy the offending object shredding it with his teeth and claws. The clown grabbed Leech and shoved her up against the wall.
“Pen what are you-” she glanced down and saw the remains of photo album she had given her former lover on their 3rd anniversary. The vampire felt a sour taste in her mouth at the memory and pulled Penny closer to her.
Pennywise’s warm tongue dragged across her face and neck. “MINE” he snarled gripping her possessively. Fire danced in Leech’s eyes and she pulled her clown off the wall and onto her ex’s bed crashing her lips into his. All she wanted was for Penny to take her right then and there. Their tongues twirled together and grabbed at each other with ferocious need. Pennywise pushed up Leech’s shirt and ground his hips against her raking his claws on his mates skin to mark her. “Say you want me slut!” he growled into her ear. “I don't want anyone else Pen. Ever again.” she kissed him hard. “That’s my girl. Pennywise is going to mark you all over this others bed and make you mine all over again.” the clown snarled sliding his hand into the front of her pants. “Would you like that my precious?” Leech gasped when she felt a finger push into her dampening slit “Fuck yes! Remind me I'm yours Pen!” He began to push into her. “mmmm look at you! You're dripping. Bet you're getting off on this aren't you? I love your dirty little mind.” he giggled. Leech moaned like a bitch in heat. Pennywise had just begun removing her pants when the door to the bedroom opened and a man in a delivery uniform stood in shock at the moonlit scene going on in his bedroom.
“Uh heeeeey how have you been?” Leech laughed nervously noticing Penny had one claw in her panties and the other tugging on her bra.
“Well this certainly isn't how I imagine this confrontation would go down but uh anyway Adam this is uh Pennywise. He's a shape shifting clown, and uh the love of my life. Say hi penny.” Leech babbled nervously under the 7ft feral clown that was now drooling while letting out an alarming hate filled growl.
The clown looked back at his mate his eyes blood shot and glowing in the dark. He released her and Leech stood to pull her shirt back down cracking her neck and knuckles. Pennywise roared and charged the man in the doorway leapt back with inhuman speed scrambling through the apartment as the killer clown attempted to rip the challenger apart. Leech causally walked out into the living room where Adam was holding Penny back with a curtain rod that was being crushed in the clowns jaws.
“Alright wheres the book Adam?”
“You cant stop me Lucy you cant stop me from destroying you like you destroyed me! Then you’ll fucking see how good you had it! You'll regret leaving, I’ll fucking make you regret!”
“Oh were going for the drama queen angle here. Fine, we can play that way I can show off the claws you gave me when you turned me into a monster isn't that exciting?”
the nosferatu laughed and drug her talons into the building as she walked creating long scratches in the dry wall.
“WHERES THE FUCKING BOOK” she shrieked in her demonic monster voice her eyes glowing so bright you could see her fang filled grin on her skeletal face. Adam kicked Pennywise in the gut as he bit through the rod and stabbed both pieces through the clowns chest. Penny roared in pain causing leech to shriek in alarm. She lunged at her ex in full rage who was chanting something out of the necronomicon. A demonic creature with wings smashed through the window grabbing Adam and flying off with him. Leech screamed in frustration tearing curtains and furniture in a fit of rage. A claw on her leg broke her frenzy and she spun around suddenly remembering her lover had two large metal poles in his chest. “Shit Pen you ok?” the clown grunted pulling one of the rods out blood floating up from his wound. “WiLL… bE.. eVenTUalLY.”
“Here let me get the other”
“carEfuLly LeEcHIe”
“Hold still.” the nosferatu pulled the pole out and Penny howled in pain. Leech immediately hugged the clown close half for him half for herself she began to cry quietly hoping her clown wouldn't notice. Pennywise grunted at first growling from the pain but found himself softening a bit when he sensed the worry and frustration radiating off his mate. He was pissed sure but there wasn't anything he could do at this point. Fixing one problem at a time was the only option for now. He began to purr and make his soft love growl to her in a last ditch attempt to calm his vampire down enough for her to be able to help him out of his new enemy’s home. “I’m sorry Pen….I feel like this is my fault” she whispered. “Not mad at you kitten. We’ll make him pay love, that I can promise” he finally said bringing a large hand to stroke her fake hair. She melted into him wanting to shower her clown with as much affection as he'd allow. “You’re hot when you attack like that by the way.” she mumbled. Pennywise chuckled “Well aren't you just the sweetest little thing. You flatter me darling” the clown kissed the top of her head taking her blood soaked hands and cleaning them for her “I like the way blood looks on your skin” he tried returning the compliment. It wasn't quite Shakespeare and sounded mildly threatening but for Leech it might as well have been a sonnet. “I love you so much” she said burying her face into his ruffles Pennywise nuzzled his mate planting little kisses on into her wig while drinking in her sweet smells. “Love you too little hunter.”
“Wow you guys took forever” Ash folded his arms in annoyance.
“What happened to you Jingles?” Chucky said eyeing the bloody holes in the clown’s outfit.
“Ran into our guy, Pen got stabbed” Leech strolled into the room rubbing Penny’s back affectionately.
“And the uh claw marks on the back of your blouse there?” Freddy laughed.
“Uhhhhhh” both monsters said in unison.
“Wow you guys couldn't even wait to get home could you?” Tiffany giggled and winked at the couple who were both a bit pink in the face.
“It was an emotionally charged moment ok?” Leech grumbled.
“Also its not a blouse!” Penny snapped.
“Alright options, obviously lover boy got away” Ash set his chainsaw on the table.
“We could just try to find him in the sewer?”  Leech suggested
“Why didn't we do that in the first place?” Chucky snapped at the the group.
“You really want to deal with a bunch of un-killable demons?” Ash asked.
“Well we don't have much of a choice” Tiff agreed with the young vampire.
“Do we just go in there guns blazing or what?” Leech asked
“I’m not really the offensive type fangs” Freddy clicked his claws on the table.
“Yeah if you haven't noticed Tiff and i aren't really built for hand to hand combat. More of a stab and run fan myself.” Chucky set some knifes on the table and began sharpening
Freddy threw up his hands giving up choosing to pick up a guitar hero controller and turn the game on.
“Fred is now really the time for this?” Ash grumbled.
“What else is there to do?”
Leech glanced at the guitar and back to the gang. An idea quickly formed in her head.
“Wait…guys, what if we create a distraction? Like the ABBA incident?”
“We promised never to mention that again” Dracula rubbed his head at the memory.
“It worked though. Look I’ll be the bait you guys can do what you do best long enough for Ash to get the book.”
“I’m not letting you do that Leechie” Penny grabbed the vampire and growled.
“Pen nows not really the time to have feelings. I'm gonna die anyway let me at least make up for bringing this down on all of you.”
“And how do you know this will work?” Uncle Penny asked.
“Adam hated when I blasted music. Always told me to turn that racket off. They'll come I know it”
The clown growled in displeasure.
“You gotta let me do this Penny its me he's after anyway” Leech turned to Pennywise who seemed at war with himself.
“Alright lets plan then.” Ash put his remaining hand on the table.
The sewers were eerily quiet save for the dripping and shambling noises from the corpses stumbling around the cistern.
“STEP RIGHT UP FOLKS STEP RIGHT UP!” a blaring sound coming from the circus cart broke the quiet. The Deadites turned around in confusion.
“KNOCK EM DEAD LEECHIE! HEHEHEHEEEE!”  fireworks exploded and an unusual amount smoke filled the cistern Leech snapped and pointed off stage “Hit it Pen!” Def Leppard’s Rock of Ages started to play.
As soon as the guitar made its entrance Leech spun around holding the guitar hero controller. She strummed the buttons and played air guitar lip syncing the lyrics.
All right
I got somethin’ to say!
Yeah its better to burn out
Yeah than fade awaaaaayyy!
The vampire rose her hand into the air taking some steps forward and swaying her hips.  
All right!
ow gonna start a fire!
She stood on the edge of the stage as the Deadites approached her though the fog.
Rise up gather round
rock this place through the ground
burn it up, lets go for broke
watch the night go up in smoke
rock on rock on!
drive me crazier, no serenade
no fire brigade just pyromania (c’mon)
One of the Deadites was yanked back into the mist. Leech grinned and danced more pulling off the best rocker moves swaying her hips from side to side. She caught a flash of yellow eyes in the darkness and winked humping the air a little while staring into them. The eyes grew brighter and vanished.
What do you want, what do you want?
I want rock ’n’ roll yes I do
Long live rock ’n’ roll
Oh lets go, lets strike a light
Were gonna blow like dynamite
I dont care if it takes all night
I gonna set this town alight c’mon
More deadites were cut down and a new figure was approaching from the pipes. Leech’s eyes flashed white and she pulled out her best distractions moving her hips and feed to the music.
What do you want what do you want?
I want rock ’n’ roll alright!
Long live rock ’n’ roll
Rock of ages rock of ages
Still rollin’, keep a-rollin’
Rock of ages, rock of ages
Still rollin, rock'n'rollin'
We got the power, got the glory
Just say you need it and if you need it
Say yeah
Heh heh heh heh
Now listen to me
Adam came into view and shouted at her his voice being drowned out by the music and the Deadites who seemed to be enjoying the performance with evil grins on their faces.
I'm burnin', burnin', I got the fever
I know for sure, there ain't no cure
So feel it, don't fight it, go with the flow
Gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme one more for the road
Leech power slid to the edge of the stage where the Deadite Mandy tried to grab her. The vampire grinned nervously and walked back climbing to the top of the cart. That was close.
What do you want?
What do you want?
I want rock 'n' roll, You betcha
Long live rock 'n' roll
A large chunk of Deadites were gone there were still 3 more trying to get to her plus her ex boyfriend who looked absolutely furious. Leech could see her adopted family surrounding them in the back and leapt back onto the stage going full rockstar for the solo kicking one Deadite to the ground that had managed to get onto the stage.
Rock of ages, rock of ages
Still rollin', keep a-rollin'
Rock of ages, rock of ages
Still rollin', rock'n'rollin'
We got the power, got the glory
Just say you need it and if you need it
Say yeah
Say yeah
We're gonna burn this damn place down
Down to the ground
Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh
She finished lighting a cigarette and blowing smoke into the air a manic grin worn on her face as she panted and bowed. The fog began to dissipate and three Deadites plus Adam stood in a sea of dismembered body parts.
“Wait Leech THIS is the guy?” Freddy cackled.
The sharp dressed vampire in the center stood with fantastic posture his skin like porcelain and his hair gelled up perfectly. He looked like a Twilight vampire rip off.
“He doesn't even feast on human blood thats pig blood in his cup!” Dracula laughed
“Well Jingles, looks like you got nothing to worry about competition wise! Leechie got a massive upgrade” Chucky yelled over to the clown.
“I���m a massive upgrade from anyone doll.”
“Dont get too cocky kid remember what happened last time” Uncle Penny laughed.
“We’re not talking about that in front of my newest nemesis and my mate. She doesn't know and I prefer to keep it that way”
“Doesn’t know about what? Peeennyyy? What are you not telling me?” Leech turned to her clown smirking.
“Haha! Remind me to tell you about it later fangs” Uncle Penny flashed her a toothy grin.
Adam loudly cleared his throat. “AHEM!”
“Adam, shut up don't interrupt us.” the nosferatu snapped.
“Yeah man, don't be fuckin rude” Freddy said cleaning his claws off.
“Wow your friends are all terrible Lucy.” Adam growled.
“Well yeah were all murderers you think we’d be upstanding members of society?”  Leech shrugged.
“Excuse you apprentice I happen to be a gentleman and a count!” Dracula snapped.
“Dracula you totally left a horrible mess in the living room the other night when you had that chick for dinner” Chucky shouted.
“I-I hit a bad vein”
“At least like clean it up though! Even I did that earlier and I'm a lazy piece of shit!” Leech complained.
“Good to see you haven't changed much Luce.” Adam deadpanned pulling out a dagger with a bone handle and sharpening it.
“DONT TALK ABOUT MY MATE LIKE THAT! But I agree you are lazy dear.” Pennywise shouted.
“Wow thanks Penny so nice of you to defend me and insult me all in one breath”
Pennywise flashed his fangs and held up his hands in the shape of a heart.
“So are we done roasting me now? I came here to kill my ex and so far all we've done is chit chat”
“You say that so casually. You're a murderer?” Adam looked horrified.
“Well yeah you made me into a vampire?”
“It was never my intent to make you…this!”
“Honestly I should be thanking you. I think I'm starting to like the new me.” Leech’s eyes flashed white while she bared her fangs. The Deadites turned to the other monsters and charged as the  severed limbs climbed towards them. “Leech get the book!” Freddy shouted. “I’m working on it!”
“You were supposed to come back! I gave you immortality!” Adam shouted slashing the dagger at her. leech leaped out of the way and growled back at him.
“YOU FUCKING FORCED THIS ON ME! Just like you forced everything else on me! You were ashamed of who I really was you tried to change me!” Leech began to morph her limbs cracked and stretched as her claws flexed.
“MAYBE I LIKE BEING A TRASHPIRE AND NOT YOU” she shrieked with her demonic voice and skeletal features beginning to push forward.
“I gotta say ya cant change a chick to fit what you want bud! Take it from a guy who's been married for 10 years!” Chucky shouted before getting punched across the room by Deadite Harry.
“Chucky no one asked you!” Freddy yelled.
“That thing is hideous why do you hang out with it? Also been meaning to ask since when did you have a clown fetish?” Adam shouted between leech’s claw swipes one of which caught his knife and tossed it to the side.
“See this is why I left. You wanted to change me, you never fucking listened, and you sold MY GOD DAMN RECORD COLLECTION” Leech charged her ex claws out screeching. The two vampires clashed together Adam holding off the nosferatu with a rusted metal fence spear.  
“Wait you've always been into clowns?” Pennywise turned around after ripping off Deadite Daniel’s arm.
“PEN NOT THE FUCKING TIME” Leech screamed tossing the pole out of her ex’s hands.
“I’ve given you your chance Lucy you can come back and forget this. You can leave this sewer creature and these horrible monsters behind! Live a normal life a privileged life you won’t have to kill again!” her ex backed up against the sewer wall.
“Adam.” the nosferatu stood long limbs shrinking back to their usual spot “I like my life, I like my friends, I like the murder, the rundown house, the sewer, and I absolutely LOVE my monster sewer clown. Money, power, luxury mean nothing to me. I want this. I ran away for this. Its over and you're fucking dead.”
“How fucking dare you say no to me! After all I gave you. I gave you a home, a future, I gave you immortality for fucks sake and this is how you repay me? You were nothing! You always were! I’ll kill you, I’ll fucking take it all away you don't deserve my gifts! You're trash and its time for you to rot like it!”
The nosferatu screamed snapping a wooden baseball bat in half and charging with the jagged piece of wood pointed at her former lovers heart.
Pennywise heard the roar and the shriek first. There was a loud crack and a wail of pain the clown quickly ripped the Deadite Daniel in half and spun around frantically to his mate who was collapsed in a ball next to Adam. Penny’s charge slowed as the nosferatu rose from her position her arm hanging limp at her side. Adam lay still as the grave, the broken wood sticking deep in his chest. The standing vampire grabbed an ax howling in pain as she did so, swinging it down onto her ex’s neck until the body and the head were separate. Leech picked up the book of the dead out of Adams hand and whistled for Ash who was punching a disembodied head that had clamped down on his leg. “Say the words Williams!” she shouted turning to her clown who looked on with a mix of pride and relief “Hey” Leech smiled at Penny in exhaustion “How was your fight? I think I won mine.” she laughed weakly. Pennywise couldn't help but grin at her. As he took a step to embrace his love, Leech jolted and the smile faded from her face. A headless body stood behind her and Adam’s demonic looking head cackled on the floor. “Who’s laughing now Leechie!?” Leech looked down at the long rusted metal spear sticking out of her abdomen. “Huh I thought it'd hurt more” she mumbled and dropped to her knees as blood spilled out of her mouth.
“NO” the clown screamed. He rushed forward shredding the offending headless Deadite like paper and scooped his mate carefully into his arms. “Pen? Why am I cold?” she coughed.
“HUMAN SAY THE WORDS” the clown roared. Ash began to try to say ancient phrases struggling with the last bit the deadites dropped to the ground and a presence sucked its self out of the cistern. “Hold on little one just wait for old vampire to get here don't leave yet.” Penny had never felt fear like this in his life the threat of loss making him act in sheer panic.
“HURRY OLD MAN” he screamed. “H-hey Pen, I’ve been meaning to ask what'd you think of the show? Was it good?” the nosferatu wheezed and coughed up more blood. “You were perfect darling, I may have to make you a permanent part of my act.” he stroked her head tenderly.
“I-I’ll try to throw in some juggling n-next time. It'll have to wait though I think my arm’s broken.” she laughed and cried out in pain. “Shhhh just hold still” Pennywise was struggling hard with this for the first time in his long life he didn't want someone to die.
Dracula had finally reached them moving to get close to the dying Leech only to be met with a protective snarl from the clown. “She needs to be condemned if you want her back” he snapped at him. Pennywise reluctantly let him near. “We don't have much time she's dying as we speak. I shall begin immediately.” the elder vampire placed his hand on the top of her bald head. “I condemn you Lucy Smith to living death. To eternal hunger for living blood.”
“Pen? Final request while he does this.” Leech rasped.
“What is it love?”
“I don't want Adam to be the one who kills me I want it to be you.”
“Please for me Penny, send me into the dark and don't you dare let go till I'm gone.”
“It needs to be now clown!” Dracula shouted.
“F-for you.” Pennywise cupped his mates face feeling her warmth for the last time.
“Make it spectacular” Leech smiled at him tears running down her face.
“I love you kitten.” she heard him whisper as he kissed her. Leech could have sworn she felt tears fall from him onto her cheeks.
“Love you too Pen” she rasped back. Pennywise gently tilted his mates head back and painfully extended his fangs. With a roar of anguish he sunk his teeth into her throat holding himself there until her grip on his hand went limp. Her scream echoed in his head long after she was gone, the one scream he never wanted to hear. The clown gazed down on her lifeless face and the red gore filled carnage that he left on her. She made a beautiful corpse. Pennywise closed the captivating blue eyes that once danced like cold fire whenever they looked at him. Those same eyes that were now hollow and absent of life. He let out a shaky exhale and held her empty shell close. “I’ll see you soon kitten.” He whispered into her pale skin as the last of her warmth left her body.
SHES DEAD! And Penny had to kill her. I love sudden angst feelings in the middle of my comedic horror romance. And yes Leech used to live in Washington and yes Adam is a narcissistic vegan Twilight sparkly vampire. He only gets blood from ethical cruelty free sources. Thats partly why he kept his looks. Leech however eats the flesh and the blood and because of that her appearance reflects what a horrible creature she is. But even evil deserves to be loved. I miss my girl already friends. Don’t worry this ride isn’t over yet!
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Dig and Divide
“There are no happier folks than plant lovers, and none more generous than those who garden.” Ernest Wilson
Many years ago, I was considering adopting two miniature ponies. When I visited the ranch where they were living there was a small pond surrounded by a flush of gorgeous pink blooms that I had never seen before. When I asked the property owner what they were, she told me they were Naked Ladies, a bulb that boasted bright green spear-like foliage in the winter. When the foliage died at the end of spring, it was necessary to remove the brown leaves, leaving the turtle- shaped bulbs slightly protruding from the ground. Indicating that her Naked Ladies needed dividing, she dug up a bulb, instructing me to plant it in the sun “anywhere”, irrespective of soil condition.  “Wait for next summer’s surprise,” she said. I followed her directions, and that one bulb has evolved into many hundreds that blanket my hillside in a sea of pink perfection. Over the years I have divided, dug, and donated bulbs to many friends, offering them a summer surprise. Dig and divide! It makes me so happy!
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This time of year is a perfect time to divide a wide variety of bulbs and perennials. Besides increasing the number of plants in your garden, divisions can be given to other gardeners. Dividing overcrowded plants will give the remaining plants room to grow, maintaining their health, and rejuvenating your beds.  
Before you begin, water the area well a few days before digging. With a shovel or garden fork, dig a large area to remove a clump with the root ball, bulbs, or rhizomes intact. Once out of the ground, shake off the excess dirt and cut or pull apart individual crowns. For perennials, make sure you have roots and leaves. Bulbs and rhizomes need roots attached. To avoid having the roots dry out, plant immediately in another area at the same depth and water deeply. To conserve moisture, add mulch to these newly divided plants.
Overcrowded and overgrown plants will not bloom profusely, however, not all perennials or bulbs benefit from dividing. It’s best to leave Baptista, goatsbeard, lupine, milkweed, Russian sage, peony, red hot poker, bleeding heart, Hellebores, lavender, verbena, and oriental poppies alone.
Plants that need dividing every few years (two to five years) for peak performance include:
Bearded and Dutch iris
Daffodils and Narcissus
Cymbidium orchids
Lamb’s Ear
Blanket Flower
Naked Ladies
When dividing plants, follow these general guidelines:
Prepare the soil: Amend the new location with compost and choose a well-draining location for the divisions.
Water: Before dividing, water the plants thoroughly to ensure they are adequately hydrated.
Dig: Only divide healthy specimens. Be careful to not damage the roots or bulbs by gently digging up the plant clumps using a shovel or garden fork. Start at the drip line by creating a trench and work inwards.
Divide: The best time to divide is when flowering has halted. Once the clump is out of the ground, clip off the remaining stems at the base and trim any dead or dying leaves and roots.  Carefully separate plants into smaller divisions using your hands or a sharp knife. Make sure that each division has healthy roots.
Replant: Plant the divisions at the same depth as where the original plant was growing. Water deeply and mulch to conserve moisture.
Maintenance: To establish these new divisions, continue to water and watch. Remove weeds, leaf debris, and grassroots from beds and add a mulch of straw or wood chips. After the blooming season, spent blooms, as well as spent branches, can be removed carefully to keep your beds looking fresh and colorful. 
Bulbs should be divided when they are noticeably overcrowded. Bulbs produce offshoot bulbs and as they grow, flowers diminish although leaves flourish. This is when you know it’s time to divide. Let the foliage die back naturally as the plant needs that energy for next year’s growth. Although most plants can be divided in spring or fall, by dividing plants in September, the root systems are allowed to grow before winter arrives.  Sometimes when dividing in spring, the heat arrives before the roots have had a chance to develop. Ask for assistance from your nursery or gardening expert if you feel your plant has any specific needs. Follow best practices and you will be rewarded with a healthy garden with a plethora of flowers.
The agapanthus that I grow in my garden came from divisions. My favorite color is the midnight blue agapanthus followed by the pure white species. This season I will be dividing my agapanthus and my iris. The healthy green leaves of the iris will be left undisturbed until later this month, then I’ll trim the leaves to approximately six inches and start dividing.
If you are looking for easy-to-care desert-loving species that require minimal water, agave and prickly pear cacti may fit the bill. Agave is propagated by separating the pups from the mother plant and replanting in another location in sandy or gravel-filled soil.  If you enjoy eating the fruit of the prickly pear cacti, and admiring its pretty flowers, I suggest you plant one at the back of your garden so that the spines won’t interfere with your other gardening tasks. The fruit is delicious, the flowers are bold, yet the spines are ferocious. Make sure to wear heavy gloves when working with prickly pears. If you don’t want to cultivate a jungle of these cacti, make sure to pick up and discard any pads that fall on the ground. No need to divide a prickly pear…they spread on their own via dropped pads.
Gardening and sharing the bounty results in joy and happiness. I’ve been fascinated by the flocks of mourning doves that have decided to call my garden home. They do devour my mulberries, but they also eat enormous amounts of weed seeds. Each night I go to sleep to their calming cooing. These peaceful birds don’t seem to mind me photographing them, even in their nests. (See photo).
I didn’t adopt the adorable miniature ponies because the family decided to keep them (smart move), yet I am forever grateful for that single division of the Naked Lady as these belladonnas have brought such beauty to my landscape and the gardens of others. Divide, share, and be happy!
Mark Your Calendar:
On Saturday, September 30th, Be the Star You Are!® will host a booth sponsored by the Lamorinda Weekly Newspaperand  MBJessee Painting at the Pear and Wine Festival in Moraga. Stop by to plant seeds and pick up bags of free potpourri. More info at  https://www.bethestaryouare.org/events-1/2023-pear-and-wine-festival
Happy Gardening. Happy Growing. Divide and Delight!
For more gardening advice for all seasons, check out Growing with the Goddess Gardenerat https://www.CynthiaBrian.com/books. Raised in the vineyards of Napa County, Cynthia Brian is a New York Times best-selling author, actor, radio personality, speaker, media and writing coach as well as the Founder and Executive Director of Be the Star You Are!® 501 c3. Tune into Cynthia’s StarStyle® Radio Broadcast at www.StarStyleRadio.com. 
Her newest children’s picture book, Family Forever, from the series, Stella Bella’s Barnyard Adventures is available now at https://www.CynthiaBrian.com/online-store. 
Hire Cynthia for writing projects, garden consults, and inspirational lectures. [email protected]  
Read Lamorinda Weekly: https://www.lamorindaweekly.com/archive/issue1714/Digging-Deep-with-Goddess-Gardener-Cynthia-Brian-Divide-and-delight.html
©2023 Cynthia Brian. Photos and Text, All Rights Reserved.Subscribe
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jalilaloui · 4 years
How to Teach Children Gratitude
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In a time when many secondary school kids carry around $600 phones that they deem granted, teaching gratitude can desire an uphill battle. But despite the challenges you would possibly face in helping kids feel grateful during a world that seems to value overabundance, it is often worthwhile. 
Research and Evidence A 2019 study published within the Journal of Happiness Studies1 found that gratitude is linked to happiness in children by age 5. this suggests that instilling gratitude in your kids at a young age could help them get older to be happier people. According to a 2008 study published within the Journal of faculty Psychology2, grateful children (ages 11 to 13) tend to be happier, more optimistic, and have better social support. They also report more satisfaction with their schools, families, communities, friends, and themselves. Grateful kids also tend to offer more social support to others also. According to a 2011 study published in Psychological Assessment3, grateful teens (ages 14 to 19) are more satisfied with their lives, use their strengths to enhance their communities, are more engaged in their schoolwork and hobbies, and have better grades. They’ve also been shown to be less envious, depressed, and materialistic than their less grateful counterparts. It’s true that much of the gratitude research focuses on adults, but the advantages of gratitude are numerous for everybody. A 2010 study published in psychotherapy Review4 linked gratitude to everything from improved psychological well-being to raised physical health. Grateful people tend to sleep better and even live longer. A 2018 study published within the Journal of Positive Psychology5 found that grateful adults are happier and more hopeful. Gratitude was a far better predictor of hope and happiness than other constructs, like forgiveness, patience, and even self-control. Additionally, the study found that folks who were grateful for things that happened to them within the past felt happier within the present and more hopeful about their future. Perhaps giving your kids a childhood they feel grateful about now will help them reflect more on reasons to be grateful as an adult. So clearly there are tons of excellent reasons to assist kids' experience and express gratitude. Here are a couple of strategies that will help your kids feel more grateful.
Teach Your Child to mention many thanks Encourage your child to mention “Thank you” on a daily basis. Offer gentle reminders like, “Your brother allows you to go first. What does one have to tell him?” or “What do you tell Grandma for supplying you with a cookie?” While it's going to appear to be forcing a ”thank you” doesn’t fire up any real gratitude, consider it a primary step within the process. It can help kids start to acknowledge when others have given them something, whether it’s something tangible sort of a gift, or intangible like time. So albeit it doesn’t appear to be genuine appreciation when your child needs a reminder, encouraging them to verbally express appreciation is often a crucial learning tool for genuine gratitude down the road. You can also encourage your kids to write down “thank you” notes to people that give them gifts or show them kindness. Your child might color an image for a grandparent who purchased a birthday present for them. otherwise, you might encourage your teen to write down a “thank you” letter to a special coach who has made an impression on their lives. Make sure to means times when your child shows gratitude without a prompt from you. Praise prosocial behavior by saying things like, “I adore the way you thanked your friend for sharing with you today,” or “Nice job remembering to mention ‘thank you’ to your teacher when she reminded you to urge your backpack.” Positive attention will reinforce the importance of showing gratitude.
Ask Gratitude Questions Once your child remembers to mention “thank you” on a daily basis, it is often time to dig a touch deeper to make sure that they aren’t just browsing the socially-prescribed motions of claiming “Thank you.” Start having conversations about what it means to be thankful, and take their understanding of gratitude to an entirely new level by incorporating more gratitude components. The Raising Grateful Children Project at UNC-Chapel Hill has revealed that gratitude has four parts: Noticing – Recognizing the items you've got to be grateful for. Thinking – brooding about why you’ve been given those things. Feeling – The emotions you experience as a result of the items you’ve been given. Doing – The way you express appreciation. Researchers found that the majority of parents stayed focused on what children do to point out gratitude. While 85% of oldsters said they prompted their kids to mention “thank you,” only 39% encouraged children to point out gratitude in a way that went beyond courtesy. additionally, only a 3rd of oldsters asked their kids how a present made them feel, and only 22% asked why they thought someone had given them a present. Researchers from UNC encourage parents to ask kids inquiries to help foster a deeper sense of gratitude. Here are some questions which will help kids experience all four gratitude components: Notice – What does one have in your life to be grateful for? Are there things to be grateful for beyond the particular gifts someone has given you? Are you grateful for any people in your life? Think – What does one believe this present? does one thing you ought to give something to the one that gave it to you? does one think you earned the gift? does one think the person gave you a present because they thought that they had to or because they wanted to? Feel – Does it cause you to feel happy to urge this gift? What does it desire inside? What about this gift that causes you to feel happy? Do – Is there how to point out how you are feeling about this gift? Does the sensation you've got about this gift cause you to want to share this sense by giving to someone else? Whenever your child receives a physical gift or someone shows kindness to them, strike up a conversation that helps them experience more gratitude. you furthermore may start conversations that show how you both think, feel, and answer the people and gifts you’re grateful for in your life.
Perform Acts of Kindness There are many things your child can do to point out appreciation for people. This might involve returning a favor, like loaning a toy to a lover who is kind. Or it could involve an act of service like doing yard work for a relative who attends their basketball games. Make it clear that there are some ways to point out folks that you’re grateful for all they are doing. You might even plan to combat a family project, like writing many thanks letters to the primary responders in your community after a natural disaster. Make it clear that you simply don’t get to reserve gratitude for those individuals that you know personally—there are many of us within the community whom you would possibly feel grateful for also.
Model Gratitude A 2016 study published in Applied Developmental Science6 found that grateful parents tend to boost grateful children. There’s an honest chance this is often because kids learn to be grateful by hearing and seeing their parents experience gratitude. Here are several ways you'll model gratitude for your children: Say “Thank you.” Whether you thank the clerk at the shop otherwise you thank your child for clearing the table, confirm you’re thanking people often. Talk about gratitude. Make it to some extent to share what you’re grateful for. Even once you have a rough day or something bad happens, means that there’s still tons to feel grateful for. rather than complaining about the rain, mention being grateful that the plants are being watered so you’ll have food to eat. Express gratitude. When your child sees you writing “thank you” notes or sending a token of appreciation to someone, you’ll teach them to try an equivalent.
Create a Family Gratitude Project A family project is often an honest thanks to getting everyone involved in expressing gratitude. For example, you'll create a family bulletin board where everyone can add notes about what they’re thankful for. Whether you employ sticky notes, a whiteboard where everyone writes with a marker, or colorful pages that will be tacked up either way, it’s an excellent family project. It is often an excellent center also. you would possibly mention certain things someone feels grateful for otherwise, you might mention how briskly the board fills up because you've got numerous goodies happening in life. You could also create a gratitude jar that everybody contributes to. Keep a jar in an easily accessible place, just like the kitchen, and keep some slips of paper handy. Encourage everyone to write down down something they’re grateful for (maybe once a day) and put it within the jar. Then, you'll read over the slips of paper together as a family—maybe once every week or once a month. It is often an excellent thanks to honoring all the great things happening in everyone’s lives. No matter what sort of family project you begin, make it something that gets everyone thinking and talking more about gratitude. taking note of the items everyone else is grateful for can encourage even more gratitude within the family.
Establish a Gratitude Ritual Make it a habit to regularly express gratitude in your family. Here are some samples of rituals you would possibly establish: Everyone takes turns during dinner sharing one thing they’re grateful for from their day. At bedtime, you ask each child to mention three things they feel grateful for. During the car ride to high school, everyone thanks somebody else within the car for something. Each Sunday night at dinner, everyone discusses how they’ll express gratitude and who they’ll express it to over the course of the week. Every Saturday morning, everyone writes a note of appreciation to someone for a selected reason. Although it'd appear to be gratitude should be spontaneous instead of rehearsed, making gratitude a habit can make sure that kids practice it on a daily basis, and it can become like second-nature.
Look for the bright side Help your kids see that something good can come from difficult circumstances. If a soccer game gets rescheduled thanks to the rain, mention the brilliant side of things. Say something like, "Well a minimum of we do not need to be outside within the cold. we will play board games together instead which are going to be fun." You might also mean the way to be grateful for what you had, even when it's not here. for instance, you would possibly say, "It's really sad our fish died but I'm grateful we need to have him for 6 months." in fact you do not want to sound uncaring and callous but you'll make it clear that you simply are often both grateful and sad at an equivalent time while honoring a loss. Ask questions that help your child discover the potential bright side during a tough situation. Ask, "What's something good that would come from something hard like this?" In a really tough situation, asking that question timely might sound insensitive (like 10 minutes after failing a test). So you would possibly provide it a while before encouraging your child to seem on the brilliant side. But helping your child do that often, you'll teach them to start doing it on their own and they'll start to ascertain that they need tons to be grateful for, even on their worst days.
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bugbite7 · 5 years
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There are no happier folks than plant lovers and none more generous than those who garden.
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yesazea · 4 years
How to Teach Children Gratitude
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In a time when many secondary school kids carry around $600 phones that they deem granted, teaching gratitude can desire an uphill battle. But despite the challenges you would possibly face in helping kids feel grateful during a world that seems to value overabundance, it is often worthwhile.
Research and Evidence
A 2019 study published within the Journal of Happiness Studies1 found that gratitude is linked to happiness in children by age 5. this suggests that instilling gratitude in your kids at a young age could help them get older to be happier people.
According to a 2008 study published within the Journal of faculty Psychology2, grateful children (ages 11 to 13) tend to be happier, more optimistic, and have better social support. They also report more satisfaction with their schools, families, communities, friends, and themselves. Grateful kids tend to offer more social support to others also.
According to a 2011 study published in Psychological Assessment3, grateful teens (ages 14 to 19) are more satisfied with their lives, use their strengths to enhance their communities, are more engaged in their schoolwork and hobbies, and have better grades. They’ve also been shown to be less envious, depressed, and materialistic than their less grateful counterparts.
Much of the gratitude research indeed focuses on adults, but the advantages of gratitude are numerous for everybody. A 2010 study published in psychotherapy Review4 linked gratitude to everything from improved psychological well-being to raised physical health. Grateful people tend to sleep better and even live longer.
A 2018 study published within the Journal of Positive Psychology5 found that grateful adults are happier and more hopeful. Gratitude was a far better predictor of hope and happiness than other constructs, like forgiveness, patience, and even self-control.
Additionally, the study found that folks who were grateful for things that happened to them within the past felt happier within the present and more hopeful about their future. Perhaps giving your kids a childhood they feel grateful about now will help them reflect more on reasons to be grateful as an adult.
So clearly there are tons of excellent reasons to assist kids' experience and express gratitude. Here are a couple of strategies that will help your kids feel more grateful.
Teach Your Child to mention many thanks
Encourage your child to mention “Thank you” daily. Offer gentle reminders like, “Your brother allows you to go first. What does one have to tell him?” or “What do you tell Grandma for supplying you with a cookie?”
While it's going to appear to be forcing a ”thank you” doesn’t fire up any real gratitude, consider it a primary step within the process. It can help kids start to acknowledge when others have given them something, whether it’s something tangible sort of a gift, or intangible like time.
So albeit it doesn’t appear to be genuine appreciation when your child needs a reminder, encouraging them to verbally express appreciation is often a crucial learning tool for genuine gratitude down the road.
You can also encourage your kids to write down “thank you” notes to people that give them gifts or show them kindness. Your child might color an image for a grandparent who purchased a birthday present for them. otherwise, you might encourage your teen to write down a “thank you” letter to a special coach who has made an impression on their lives.
Make sure to means times when your child shows gratitude without a prompt from you. Praise prosocial behavior by saying things like, “I adore the way you thanked your friend for sharing with you today,” or “Nice job remembering to mention ‘thank you’ to your teacher when she reminded you to urge your backpack.” Positive attention will reinforce the importance of showing gratitude.
Ask Gratitude Questions
Once your child remembers to mention “thank you” daily, it is often time to dig a touch deeper to make sure that they aren’t just browsing the socially-prescribed motions of claiming “Thank you.” Start having conversations about what it means to be thankful, and take their understanding of gratitude to an entirely new level by incorporating more gratitude components.
The Raising Grateful Children Project at UNC-Chapel Hill has revealed that gratitude has four parts:
1. Noticing – Recognizing the items you've got to be grateful for. 2. Thinking – brooding about why you’ve been given those things. 3. Feeling – The emotions you experience as a result of the items you’ve been given. 4. Doing – The way you express appreciation. Researchers found that the majority of parents stayed focused on what children do to point out gratitude. While 85% of oldsters said they prompted their kids to mention “thank you,” only 39% encouraged children to point out gratitude in a way that went beyond courtesy. additionally, only a 3rd of oldsters asked their kids how a present made them feel, and only 22% asked why they thought someone had given them a present.
Researchers from UNC encourage parents to ask kids inquiries to help foster a deeper sense of gratitude. Here are some questions which will help kids experience all four gratitude components:
1. Notice – What does one have in your life to be grateful for? Are there things to be grateful for beyond the particular gifts someone has given you? Are you grateful for any people in your life? 2. Think – What does one believe this present? does one thing you ought to give something to the one that gave it to you? does one think you earned the gift? does one think the person gave you a present because they thought that they had to or because they wanted to? 3. Feel – Does it cause you to feel happy to urge this gift? What does it desire inside? What about this gift that causes you to feel happy? 4. Do – Is there how to point out how you are feeling about this gift? Does the sensation you've got about this gift cause you to want to share this sense by giving to someone else? Whenever your child receives a physical gift or someone shows kindness to them, strike up a conversation that helps them experience more gratitude. you furthermore may start conversations that show how you both think, feel, and answer the people and gifts you’re grateful for in your life.
Perform Acts of Kindness
There are many things your child can do to point out appreciation for people. This might involve returning a favor, like loaning a toy to a kind lover.
Or it could involve an act of service like doing yard work for a relative who attends their basketball games.
Make it clear that there are some ways to point out folks that you’re grateful for all they are doing.
You might even plan to combat a family project, like writing many thanks letters to the primary responders in your community after a natural disaster. Make it clear that you simply don’t get to reserve gratitude for those individuals that you know personally—there are many of us within the community whom you would possibly feel grateful for also.
Model Gratitude
A 2016 study published in Applied Developmental Science6 found that grateful parents tend to boost grateful children.
There’s an honest chance this is often because kids learn to be grateful by hearing and seeing their parents experience gratitude.
Here are several ways you'll model gratitude for your children:
Say “Thank you.” Whether you thank the clerk at the shop otherwise you thank your child for clearing the table, confirm you’re thanking people often. Talk about gratitude. Make it some extent to share what you’re grateful for. Even once you have a rough day or something bad happens, means that there’s still tons to feel grateful for. rather than complaining about the rain, mention being grateful that the plants are being watered so you’ll have food to eat. Express gratitude. When your child sees you writing “thank you” notes or sending a token of appreciation to someone, you’ll teach them to try to an equivalent.
Create a Family Gratitude Project
A family project is often honest thanks to getting everyone involved in expressing gratitude.
For example, you'll create a family bulletin board where everyone can add notes about what they’re thankful for. Whether you employ sticky notes, a whiteboard where everyone writes with a marker, or colorful pages that will be tacked up either way, it’s an excellent family project.
It is often an excellent center also. you would possibly mention certain things someone feels grateful for otherwise, you might mention how briskly the board fills up because you've got numerous goodies happening in life.
You could also create a gratitude jar that everybody contributes to. Keep a jar in an easily accessible place, just like the kitchen, and keep some slips of paper handy. Encourage everyone to write down down something they’re grateful for (maybe once a day) and put it within the jar.
Then, you'll read over the slips of paper together as a family—maybe once every week or once a month.
It is often an excellent thanks to honoring all the great things happening in everyone’s lives.
No matter what sort of family project you begin, make it something that gets everyone thinking and talking more about gratitude. taking note of the items everyone else is grateful for can encourage even more gratitude within the family.
Establish a Gratitude Ritual
Make it a habit to regularly express gratitude in your family. Here are some samples of rituals you would possibly establish:
* Everyone takes turns during dinner sharing one thing they’re grateful for from their day.
* At bedtime, you ask each child to mention three things they feel grateful for. During the car ride to high school, everyone thanks somebody else within the car for something. * Each Sunday night at dinner, everyone discusses how they’ll express gratitude and who they’ll express it to over the course of the week. * Every Saturday morning, everyone writes a note of appreciation to someone for a selected reason. * Although it'd appear to be gratitude should be spontaneous instead of rehearsed, making gratitude a habit can make sure that kids practice it daily, and it can become like second-nature.
Look for the bright side
Help your kids see that something good can come from difficult circumstances. If a soccer game gets rescheduled thanks to the rain, mention the brilliant side of things. Say something like, "Well a minimum of we do not need to be outside within the cold. we will play board games together instead which are going to be fun."
You might also mean the way to be grateful for what you had, even when it's not here. for instance, you would possibly say, "It's really sad our fish died but I'm grateful we need to have him for 6 months." in fact you do not want to sound uncaring and callous but you'll make it clear that you simply are often both grateful and sad at an equivalent time while honoring a loss.
Ask questions that help your child discover the potential bright side during a tough situation. Ask, "What's something good that would come from something hard like this?"
In a really tough situation, asking that question timely might sound insensitive (like 10 minutes after failing a test). So you would possibly provide it a while before encouraging your child to seem on the brilliant side. But helping your child do that often, you'll teach them to start doing it on their own and they'll start to ascertain that they need tons to be grateful for, even on their worst days.
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epawfashionandcraft · 3 years
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There are no happier folks than plants lovers, none more generous than those who garden and also think of those who deserve a hug for being nature lover and nature protector. We're providing an opportunity to become a part of these good human categories by producing Handmade concrete planters for indoor plants and recycled paper waste products. #papercrafts #recycled #homedecor #handmade #concreteplanter #cementcraft #indoorplantsdecor #indoorplantdecor https://www.instagram.com/p/CPNVlbIjz3q/?utm_medium=tumblr
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marfaplants · 6 years
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MEET THE MAKER: Hi, My name is Alexis and I am the herbalist behind Marfa Plants. I'm a big lover of all things living + vibrant. I have more plants + animals than house, and I'm kind of okay with that. I love adventure and seeking out things that are unfamiliar to me. The desert is my home. There's nothing that makes me happier than a big yellow sunflower or a secret hidden cave. I'm a water sign through and through, and if I could bring the ocean to the desert and have them exist in harmony that would be my dream world. Plants are my spirit animal. I frequently call plants by their Latin name and then realize no-one knows what I'm talking about. Sometimes I have thoughts in foreign languages I barely know (like Portuguese...). I love action movies and my daily playlist consists of both folk and r+b. Marfa Plants is my baby, and sometimes I talk too much about it because it excites me (sorry everyone I know). I'm passionate about healing in and with nature. The human body fascinates me. I'm a Scorpio/Pisces with an Aquarius dream-world and that's just how I like it.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ++SHOP LINK IN BIO++⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ . ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #marfaplants #marfatx #marfatexas #plantbased #plantlady #plantgang #herbalremedy #herbalmedicine #liveherbal #plantsaremagic #plantmagic #plantmedicine #herbalist #herbalistlife #marfalights #giftideas #herbalsoap #herbaltherapy #planttherapy #botanicalmagic #botanicalremedies #herbgarden #herbmagic #bosslady #ladyboss #femaleowned #girlboss #gardenmagic #organicgardening #meetthemaker https://www.instagram.com/p/BslfARThV5n/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1movkjmbxu1da
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