#“again don't get me wrong I love harrow but Ive simply not bonded with her like I have gideon bc the entirety of gtn I was in gideons head”
psychokillermp4 · 5 months
Harrow the Ninth has been a little tougher for me to get into so far bc I don't love the 2nd person pov chapters. Although, I managed to see, without spoilers, that's there's a narrative reason/reveal later on as to why those chapters are written that way and if I'll do anything it's trust the process and follow along with a good author on a bit. I love a good bit.
But also bc, I LIKE Harrow (I do not want this misconstrued as me not liking Harrow) but I LOVE Gideon and I haven't had the time to get to know Harrow as well yet. So it feels kinda like that thing where you and a friend (who you don't know super well yet) have a mutual bestie and you guys are a chill trio together, but as soon as the bestie isn't there it gets kinda awkward. Like you've never hungout just the two of you before.
Gideon said, "Hey can you watch Harrow while I go smoke?" And my enamored ass was like,
"Anything for you gongeous!" and now Harrow and I are making awkward small talk trying to bond.
Harrow is like, "um yeah so I've been seeing visions... and puking a lot."
And I'm like, "ooh uh, that sucks, sorry about that... uh nice weather, huh?" Like we're gonna figure it out but it's gonna be a while.
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