#“did you hear the fight the neighbors had last night? I heard dorothy called her a-” and Morshid's fucking HOOKED
malikselfindulgence · 11 months
Morshid brushes and braids Marek's hair every morning before they start their day and it's like the only time they'll have long conversations or talk about anything- something about how they're not facing each other helps the words flow easier. When Marek's hair is first cut short they don't do this for a day and it throws off their whole routine, and Morshid won't admit this [not out-loud], but he misses it. The next day, Morshid faces his back towards Marek and sits down without saying a word. Marek sits down behind him and starts braiding, and they start talking about everything and nothing at all
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littlelovelymemes · 7 years
SEASONS OF LOVE. ‘  let’s celebrate and remember a year in the life of friends.  ’ ‘  remember the love.  ’
RENT. ‘  real life is getting more like fiction each day.  ’ ‘  where is the power?  ’ ‘  we’re hungry and frozen.  ’ ‘  some life that we’ve chosen.  ’ ‘  how can you generate heat when you can’t feel your feet and they’re turning blue.  ’ ‘  on every street it’s ‘trick or treat’ and tonight it’s ‘trick.’  ’ ‘  welcome back to town.  ’ ‘  oh, i should lie down.  ’ ‘  everything is brown and uh-oh, i feel sick.  ’ ‘  we’re not gonna pay rent.  ’
YOU’LL SEE. ‘  hey, you bum. get your ass off that range rover.  ’ ‘  what happened to (name)? what happened to their heart and the ideals he once pursued?  ’ ‘  you’re wasting your time.  ’ ‘  you broke your word -- this is absurd.  ’ ‘  that boy could use some prozac.  ’
LIGHT MY CANDLE. ‘  what’d you forget?  ’ ‘  got a light?  ’ ‘  you’re shivering.  ’ ‘  they turned off my heat.  ’ ‘  i’m just a little weak on my feet.  ’ ‘  would you light my candle?  ’ ‘  what are you staring at?  ’ ‘  i always remind people of -- who is she?  ’ ‘  i think that i dropped my stash.  ’ ‘  i know i’ve seen you out and about when i used to go out.  ’ ‘  they say that i have the best ass below 14th street. is it true?  ’ ‘  i didn’t recognize you without the handcuffs.  ’ ‘  i’m just born to be bad.  ’ ‘  our eyes will adjust. thank god for the moon.  ’
TODAY 4 U. ‘  today for you -- tomorrow for me.  ’ ‘  you earned this on the street?  ’ ‘  darling, be a dear, i haven’t slept for a year.  ’ ‘  i need your help to make my neighbor’s yappy dog disappear.  ’ ‘  but sure as i am here that dog is now in doggy hell.  ’
TANGO: MAUREEN. ‘  this is weird.  ’ ‘  fuckin’ weird.  ’ ‘  i’m so mad that i don’t know what to do.  ’ ‘  feel like going insane? got a fire in your brain and you’re thinking of drinking gasoline?  ’ ‘  honey, i know this act.  ’ ‘  it’s a dark, dizzy merry-go-round.  ’ ‘  as she keeps you dangling, your heart she is mangling.  ’ ‘  it’s different with me.  ’ ‘  her cold eyes can burn.  ’ ‘  has she ever pouted her lips and called you pookie?  ’ ‘  have you ever doubted a kiss or two?  ’ ‘  this is spooky.  ’ ‘  did you swoon when she walked through the door?  ’ ‘  where’d you learn to tango?  ’ ‘  you pretend to believe her cause in the end you can’t leave her.  ’
LIFE SUPPORT. ‘  i find some of what you teach suspect because i’m used to relying on intellect.  ’ ‘  i try to open up to what i don’t know.  ’ ‘  reason says i should have died three years ago.  ’ ‘  there’s only us. there’s only this.  ’ ‘  forget regret or life is yours to miss.  ’ ‘  no other road, no other way. no day but today.  ’
OUT TONIGHT. ‘  it’s gotta be close to midnight.  ’ ‘  my body’s talking to me, it says ‘time for danger.’  ’ ‘  i wanna commit a crime, wanna be the cause of a fight.  ’ ‘  i wanna put on a tight skirt and flirt with a stranger.  ’ ‘  i’ve had a knack from way back at breaking the rules once a i learn the game.  ’ ‘  we don’t need any money. i always get in for free.  ’ ‘  let’s go out tonight.  ’ ‘  in the evening, i’ve got to roam.  ’ ‘  let’s find a bar, so dark we forget how we are and all the scars from nevers and maybes die.  ’
ANOTHER DAY. ‘  who do you think you are?  ’ ‘  little girl, the door is that way.  ’ ‘  your sweet whisper, i just can’t handle.  ’ ‘  i should tell you, i should tell you -- no!  ’ ‘  another time, another place, our temperature would rise, there’d be a warm in brace.  ’ ‘  looking for romance? come back another day.  ’ ‘  the heart may freeze or it can burn.  ’ ‘  the pain will ease if i could learn.  ’ ‘  there is no future. there is no past. i live in this moment as my last.  ’ ‘  excuse me if i’m off track.  ’ ‘  if your so wise then tell me, why do you need smack?  ’ ‘  long ago, you might’ve lit up my heart, but the fire’s dead -- ain’t ever gonna start.  ’
I’LL COVER YOU. ‘  live in my house, i’ll be your shelter.  ’ ‘  just pay me back with a thousand kisses.  ’ ‘  be my lover and i’ll cover you.  ’ ‘  don’t got much baggage to lay at your feet, but sweet kisses i’ve got to spare.  ’ ‘  i think they meant it when they said you can’t buy love.  ’ ‘  you are my love, on life. be my life.  ’ ‘  you’ll be my king and i’ll be your castle.  ’ ‘  you’ll be my queen and i’ll be your moat.  ’ ‘  a new lease you are my love on life, all my life.  ’ ‘  i’ve longed to discover something as true as this.  ’ ‘  with a thousand kisses, i’ll cover you.  ’
OVER THE MOON. ‘  out of the abyss walked a cow, elsie. i asked if she had anything to drink, she said, ‘i’m forbidden to produce milk. in cyberland, we only drink diet coke.’  ’ ‘  the only thing to do is jump over the moon.  ’ ‘  they’ve closed everything real down.  ’ ‘  i gotta get out of here!  ’ ‘  i gotta get out of here! it’s like being tied to the hood of a yellow rental truck, being packed in with fertilizer and fuel oil, pushed over a cliff by a suicidal mickey mouse.  ’ ‘  and although he once had principals, he abandoned them.  ’ ‘  maybe it’s a... female thing.  ’ ‘  moo with me!  ’
LA VIE BOHEME. ‘  what am i? just a blur?  ’ ‘  go to hell.  ’ ‘  i’m surprised a bright and charming girl like you hangs out with these slackers.  ’ ‘  do you really want a neighborhood where people piss on your stoop every night?  ’ ‘  dearly beloved, we gather here to say our goodbyes.  ’ ‘  to being an us for once, instead of a them.  ’ ‘  hey mister, she’s my sister.  ’ ‘  dorothy and toto went over the rainbow to blow off auntie em.  ’
I SHOULD TELL YOU. ‘  i should tell you i’m a disaster.  ’ ‘  let’s just make this part go faster -- i have yet to be in it.  ’ ‘  i should tell you i blew the candle out just to get back in.  ’ ‘  i’d forgotten how to smile until your candle burned my skin.  ’
TAKE ME OR LEAVE ME. ‘  you were flirting with the woman in rubber!  ’ ‘  there will always be women in rubber flirting with me. give me a break!  ’ ‘  every single day i walk down the street, i hear people say ‘baby, so sweet.’  ’ ‘  ever since puberty everybody stares at me. boys, girls -- i can’t help it, baby.  ’ ‘  be kind and don’t lose your mind.  ’ ‘  just remember that i’m your baby.  ’ ‘  take me for what i am, who i was meant to be.  ’ ‘  take me baby, or leave me.  ’ ‘  this diva needs her stage!  ’ ‘  baby, let’s have fun.  ’ ‘  you are the one i choose. folks will kill to fill your shoes.  ’ ‘  so be mine, but don’t waste my time.  ’ ‘  oh honey bear, are you still my baby?  ’ ‘  no way can i be what i’m not, but hey, don’t you want your girl hot?!  ’ ‘  don’t fight, don’t lose your head.  ’ ‘  every night, who’s in your bed?  ’ ‘  kiss pookie.  ’ ‘  it won’t work!  ’ ‘  i hate mess, but i love you.  ’ ‘  so be wise cause this girl satisfies.  ’ ‘  you’re one lucky baby.  ’ ‘  take me for what i am.  ’ ‘  that’s it -- the straw that breaks my back.  ’ ‘  i quit unless you take it back.  ’ ‘  women, what is it about them? can’t live with them or without them.  ’ ‘  guess i’m leaving. i’m gone.  ’
WITHOUT YOU. ‘  i die without you.  ’ ‘  but i know blue, only blue, lonely blue, within me blue.  ’ ‘  the mind churns, the heart yearns.  ’ ‘  life goes on, but i’m gone.  ’
GOODBYE LOVE. ‘  it’s true your with this yuppy scum?  ’ ‘  you said you’d never speak to him again.  ’ ‘  who said you have any say in who she says things to at all?  ’ ‘  who said you should stick your nose in other people’s business?  ’ ‘  who said i was talking to you?  ’ ‘  we used to have this fight each night -- she’d never admit i existed.  ’ ‘  he was always run away, hit the road, don’t commit. you’re full of shit!  ’ ‘  your full of shit!  ’ ‘  you gave an inch when i gave a mile  ’ ‘  c’mon guys, chill!  ’ ‘  i’d be happy to die for a taste of what they had: someone to live for, unafraid to say i love you.  ’ ‘  all your words are nice, but love’s not a three-way street.  ’ ‘  love’s not a three-way street.  ’ ‘  you’ll never share real love until you love yourself.  ’ ‘  you said you’d be cool today, so please, for my sake...  ’ ‘  i can’t believe this is goodbye.  ’ ‘  how could you let her go?  ’ ‘  are you insane? there’s so much to care about.  ’ ‘  who are you to tell me what i know?  ’ ‘  you hid in your work from facing your failure, facing your loneliness, facing the fact you live a lie.  ’ ‘  you’re always preaching not to be numb when that’s how you thrive.  ’ ‘  you pretend to create and observe when you really detach from being alive.  ’ ‘  are you really jealous?  ’ ‘  she’s running out of time and you’re running out the door.  ’ ‘  for someone who’s always been let down, who’s heading out of town?  ’ ‘  i’ll call.  ’ ‘  i hate the fall.  ’ ‘  you heard?  ’ ‘  you don’t want baggage without life time guarantees. you don’t wanna see me die?  ’ ‘  i just came to say goodbye love.  ’ ‘  please don’t touch me, understand i’m scared.  ’
YOUR EYES ‘  your eyes as we said our goodbyes -- i can’t get them out of my mind.  ’ ‘  i find i can’t hide from your eyes, the ones that took me by surprise, the night you came into my life.  ’ ‘  there’s moonlight i see in your eyes.  ’ ‘  how’d i let you slip away when i’m longing so to hold you?  ’ ‘  now i’d die for one more day ‘cause there’s something i should have told you.  ’ ‘  why does distance make us wise?  ’ ‘  i should tell you i have always loved you.  ’ ‘  i should tell you i have always loved you. you can see it in my eyes.  ’
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