#“embryo of philosophy” what can this make
yellowymellon · 5 months
2.2 Spoilers
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moonsaver · 2 months
Thinking back to a post you once made about Aeon Sunday… Imagine being someone who knew Sunday in the past before his ascension, only to then receive the gaze of Aeon Sunday later in life
Oh my god. I love this. This is simultaneously creepy AND oddly romantic.
Theres a lot of possibilities for this – was reader sunday's crush? A suitor? Maybe just someone he shared small talk with and actually liked it more than usual? Ooohohoho
Im not sure if its yan or not, so i just kinda.. kept it variable(?)
This ones a bit longer because i desperatley need to wordvomti . Thanks.
Achieving an aeon's gaze is strange, your discipline, morals, ideals, lifestyle, something has to deeply resonate with their followed path. Let us assume Sunday is something similar to a "dreamlike" aeon [maybe it's mentioned in his boss form description, all i remember is the embryo of Philosophy ;;]
But again, it's not exactly stated how you'd be able to achieve an aeon's gaze; i still have no idea how acheron did it [IX is literally a black hole??], because i cant for the life of me read through those huge blocks of texts in the dialogue.
So lets say Sunday's able to pull his own strings and maybe even force you on that path. He's an aeon – who's stopping him?
Its the middle of the night, you're awake in bed, tossing and turning. It feels like something in your chest is pulling, a weird sensation you've been trying to put off. Your eyes are burning from the lack of sleep, but your mind seems restless. You try to calm yourself down and think about one thing and then another, one by one, until you remember Sunday. You wonder what was going through his mind, his in-between words in that one conversation, what he could have meant..
And like that, you fall asleep. Your bones sink into the bed, your weight relaxes into the pliant surface.
And then you awake. But somewhere else. It's not your bedroom – not the familiar ceiling, nor the corner of your room with piled clothes or a messy table. It's the cosmos, littered with stars. It's strange. You almost don't notice until you try to move – you're floating in space.
You turn, and he's there. That recognizable golden halo, stretching out into the dark expanse like the inside of a star plunging into the depths, golden eyes that peer down at you; with recognition, understanding, almost sympathy, and something you can't quite place. Your ribs ache and your lungs burn when you're reminded to breathe – this is the man you were thinking about before you slept.
You wake up, panting, shooting up in bed. The familiar space of your room greets you this time. The night is young outside your window ‐ not much time seems to have passed in that brilliant moment.
You were ready to chalk it up to a dream, like the ones where you feel like you're falling and wake up with a racing heart. But then you look down, and see a strange symbol on your body, something akin to an eye.
It seems you've earned his blessing to follow his path.
And even more? It seems like you're the first person to actually follow this path.
It's strange and isolating in a way. You can awaken from the sweetdream paradise your beloved Aeon seems to have put penacony under. You gain this strange, superflous, iridescent ghost of a halo, and you realise you can use it to communicate.
You can communicate with Sunday.
But a part of you finds it pointless. you can't understand what he's saying anymore; Aeons' existence transcends language. You can only hear whispers of people speaking to you, as though it's from the corner of a room, somewhere in the distance, with one barely audible male voice standing out in the whispering; it might be sunday's real voice, but you're not sure. At least, to some degree, you've managed to make out a few words.
Some words give you information. You can monitor the true handiwork of your aeon this way. Every person's dream — sweet, deep slumbers, exquisitely woven by deft fingers, all in 7 days. You figured this when you phased out of the dream, looking down at your own sleeping body and freaking out, when Sunday communicated with you for the first time, instantly calming you down. Dream. Woven. 7 days. Those words were evident in the cacophony of whispers.
Some words carry warnings. Or rather, they're not exactly words.
When your curious hands boldly trace the surface of a particularly fragile dream, you hear breathing. In close proximity, too, as if its right behind your ear. Sometimes, if you try to wake someone, you feel the breathing; warm, and languidly flowing down the back of your collar. You've chosen to not find out what happens when you don't listen.
Sometimes, when you decide to simply phase out of the dream to take a look at your own body in reality – you talk to Sunday. You tell him what you think, who you met in the dreamscape, what he can do to make it better [since.. well, you can't exactly do much to awaken anyone or oppose an aeon]. You assume he doesn't hear you, since you don't get your whispery response, but after you catch a few glimpses of your suggestions in the dreamscape, you realise he's just a good listener.
Perhaps, even if you may be the only follower of this path for now.. it may not be as isolating as you think.
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sleepymaven · 1 month
HSR Sunday's Boss Fight Theory.
(Spoilers for Penacony Quest Below!)
I feel like people are not talking enough about how Sunday literally almost ascended in his boss fight, as far as I can tell, anyway.
Like, he was the 'Embryo of Philosophy.' He was in the middle of turning into an Aeon following the path of Philosophy and ascending to take the place of Order instead of reviving Ena without his knowledge.
I think it is really sad when you think about how Sunday fully believed he was doing the right thing and tried to revive Ena, only to be tricked into unknowingly starting to ascend into Aeonhood.
I could ramble on and on about how sad of a character Sunday is and all that, but I have to stay on topic for now.
Anyway, back to his ascension.
So, I do want to point out something I noticed during his boss fight that I found rather... interesting.
During his third phase, we all know about his big attack that practically nukes your team, right?
Well, during that attack, we see a hand coming down and reaching towards Sunday, to which he reaches back and they touch fingers, causing the attack to happen.
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The attack and scene in question.
Now, most people tend to assume that this is Ena, and I do as well. At least, I did think it was Ena until I stared at the screen a bit too hard and went, "Wait a damn minute–"
Dearest gentlereader, care to take a little looksie at Ena for me?
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Ena, the Order.
Do you see that? Their hands?
That's right! Ena's hands don't match the hands during Sunday's boss fight at all.
So, I am going to tell you that this is not Ena and not Xipe either, because that wouldn't make sense at all. Even then, Xipe's hands are a deep blue, so that wouldn't match either.
Now, I know during that move, Sunday speaks as if he is talking to Ena, yes. However! If Sunday is truly oblivious to the fact he is ascending and is under the full belief that he is reviving Ena, he probably also does not realize that who he is talking to. IS. NOT. ENA.
So, who is it? Who is this this mysterious hand coming from the heavens? Well, what if I say it is the Aeons version of Sunday's hand?
Alright, don't scroll or click off, just hear me out!
The hand shares certain similarities to both Ena and Xipe. (The white part with the gold design being reminiscent of Ena. The thumb also shares a bit of Xipes color scheme, albeit with a bit of a stretch.)
You can also see during the scene that there are angel feathers coming down from where the hand comes from, something neither of the other Aeons possess. But you know who has feathers and wings? The handsomest man in Penacony, that's who!
During the build-up to the move, the subtitles were repeating the words from his diary, if I am correct, (which might has well just been a Bible at that point) until you get to the hand scene, as if slowly bridging the gap between his mortal body and his soon-to-be Aeon form.
Am I crazy? Am I right? I have no clue!
I might be totally off the mark with this, but I'm posting this anyway.
Bye ya'll, hope I didn't completely waste your time!
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It is finally finished!! I am done and is so happy!!!
This is an AU exploring the concept of Sūn Wùkōng/Dàshèng as a Yaksha and Tu Di Gong, rather than being a Yaoguai Warlord during his later years reigning as the Monkey King.
This AU follows the beginning (with some changes here and there) up until Wùkōng's shenanigans with Ao Guang, then he went on a separate path from Wu Cheng'en's novel.
In this iteration our favourite Monkey explored the realms as he burned up time, but then he took a particular interest in the humans' ways of producing food. Since Dàshèng was so used to the grandeur and bounties of Huagoushan (being surrounded by such lush forests and mountains that never withered nor died) he sort of took pity on them before deciding to help them grow their crops much better.
But this is just the very much shortened summary of the beginning of this AU, and I have compiled some research and even more lore in my Google Documents just to expand on this idea more.
This— Westward To Tathāgatagarbha Lore Google Documents
This is the Google Document of my AU, which I highly recommend for you to read! It explains all the other details and such on this story! I did my best on making them but there would be still mistakes that I have yet to find, but it should be decent!!
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This is a more casual look for Dàshèng/Wùkōng for this AU as well as some brief pointers! I made this before the portrait so some things might have changed.
(Don't mind him holding a cup of beer it's fine.)
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Taken from the server (with some hints for the next half of the archives/docs) which instantly kickstarted this whole thing haahahjjjss, but it really was so fun talking about it to others! They gave me more inspiration that I can handle.
And what is Tathāgatagarbha you ask? (Brief)
In Buddhist philosophy, Buddha-nature is the potential for all sentient beings to become a Buddha or the fact that all beings already have a pure buddha-essence within. "Buddha-nature" is the common English translation for several related Mahayana Buddhist terms, most notably tathāgatagarbha and buddhadhātu, but also sugatagarbha, and buddhagarbha. Tathāgatagarbha can mean "the womb" or "embryo" (garbha) of the "thus-gone one" (tathāgata), and can also mean "containing a tathāgata". Buddhadhātu can mean "buddha-element," "buddha-realm" or "buddha-substrate"
The Chinese translated the term tathāgatagarbha as rúláizàng (如来藏), or "Tathāgata's (rúlái) storehouse" (zàng). According to Brown, "storehouse" may indicate both "that which enfolds or contains something", or "that which is itself enfolded, hidden or contained by another." The Tibetan translation is de bzhin gshegs pa'i snying po, which cannot be translated as "womb" (mngal or lhums), but as "embryonic essence", "kernel" or "heart".
The term tathagatagarbha first appears in the Tathāgatagarbha sūtras, which date to the 2nd and third centuries CE.
There will be more to this in the future when I'm finished researching more about it.
Also, speaking of people that inspire me, I'm calling my dear friends here who I think might like this: @digitalagepulao @kaijufluffs @sketching-shark @lavaflowe @sixteenthchapel @jttw-monkeybusiness and @hcdragoncat !!
Special thanks to Pardal and Grandpa Sun for getting me to write more of this too :D I had such great fun!
I have so much more to add to the docs and here but this is all for now :) and honestly this is one of the greatest projects I've started aside from the older ones. I'll come back again soon with more additions and art! And lore (And maybe some interactions with a few West Heaven occupants??)!!!
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crepes-suzette-373 · 5 months
Black Sun, Shadow Moon
I don't have time to clean up my theories yet, but a while back I referenced that Kamen Rider Black's backstory is nearly identical to Sanji.
The quick summary of it is that Kamen Rider Black has an adopted brother who coincidentally has the same birthday as him, they both got experimented on to give them powers, but only the hero was able to escape. He has powers but still has a human heart. His brother lost his humanity, and became something like an "evil Kamen Rider". They got almost all the same mods, exoskeleton, power ups, etc. Except the brainwashed brother is stronger.
Basically kind of like Sanji and his bros, especially because despite being not blood related, having the same birthday almost makes them "like twins".
You can see the longer summary here, and pardon the rest of the post, it's super messy and incoherent. You can ignore the theory half of it honestly, just read the Kamen Rider part for context.
Anyway, my point is, while thinking of black and red being opposites I just remembered that it's connected to that Kamen Rider theory that I had. Kamen Rider Black was originally meant to be "Black Sun", but when he escaped he just used a different term (Kamen Rider Black) as his "hero name". His brother's name as the "evil Rider" is "Shadow Moon" as I wrote in the title.
Those names to me sounded like "solar eclipse" and "lunar eclipse" to me, and wouldn't you know, the science of it fits the Germa colours. A lunar eclipse makes the moon turn red, which people call "blood moon". A solar eclipse has the appearance of "the sun turning black".
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I identify Ichiji as the lunar eclipse/Shadow Moon counterpart because of various thematic elements, but mainly because of this Japanese philosophy I mentioned, about red and black being opposites.
Not to mention in the Navagraha (the big circle with the 8 smaller circles around it), a symbol that is prevalently used in One Piece, the two eclipse "stars" Rahu and Ketu were originally one body that was split in half.
Again this "fits the science" in a way. Sanji and his brothers are identical quadruplets. It's somewhat a stretch, but you can say that identical multiplets are "one body" (zygote) that split into "multiple bodies" (embryos).
So, anyway, I have been holding a theory that Germa is connected to moon symbolism, and this just further adds to it. It's why I connect them to Wano, which also has very strong moon symbolism. It's all still a bit sporadic and too many what if, but anyway.
In Sanji's case the "sun" half of his eclipse image is Sora, but that's for later discussion I guess. I made reference to it here and there, but still hasn't pinned down where I want to go with it.
It'll be a while before I'm able to clean up the sun-moon theory properly, so that's why I'll just throw this out there for now.
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ooogethexxed · 4 months
To revive an Immortal
Honkai Star Rail spoilers, 2.2 Update and Thoughts about Sunday
So, I'm playing through the 2.2 update of HSR and i am now thinking about Sunday specifically. His character really interests me, after all.
But to hell with that exposition, I'm here to discuss what I think about him and Ena the Order.
I think that in his boss fight, Sunday's ascension would not be to the Aeon of Philosophy but the catalyst to split the paths of Order and Harmony apart.
In the story, he was talking about being a pathstrider of Order and Himeko (or another one of the characters there) was surprised because that sounded like trying to revive an Aeon, which seemed to be as impossible as a mortal killing one.
Penacony follows both Harmony and Order, since Order can come from Harmony of course. The embryo that Sunday became was a catalyst.
The catalyst to absorb in to the power of Order, and diminish the power of Harmony. Sunday is a religious leader, following the dead god and the dead god only. To revive an Aeon, you first must follow them until everything rips apart around you and you fill into the Make of an Embryo.
In a sense, he is similar to Argenti because they both follow an Aeon gone. However, Argenti is optimistic and sees beauty in all things while Sunday is pessimistic and sees the pain of all things.
I believe wholeheartedly that Sunday would not have lit the path of Philosophy like his Embryo's wording suggests, I believe that he would have become the next Aeon of Order and allow for Ena or the power of Order to strike him down for the previous one to exist once more.
I know this is long, doesn't make too much sense, and repeats itself. Blame me for that, I haven't made one of these in awhile.
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theresomeone1 · 7 months
Nietzsche and iPhone
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HELLO Zarathustra
How Steve Jobs insisted on a black rectangle, and from the history, biography of Jobs, we know that he was a big fan of Stanley Kubrick’s film, “A Space Odyssey ”. The space-black monolith is a very important detail in the entire film directed by Stanley Kubrick. The last part of this film lasts 15 minutes, in fact, this is the entire film, and the rest is a harbinger of the black monolith — this final part of the film is called “the other side of infinity”, since 1968 Hippies have loved to watch it, believing that it is a visual embodiment of the expanded consciousness — what David Lynch will later tell about everything.
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Black Monalith — appears in the prehistoric era, when the planet is inhabited by monkeys, he turns the monkey into a human. A still from the film where a monkey touches a black monolith is a metaphor, and a reference to Michelangelo and his frescoes (paintings), “the creation of the world.” Cinema is always a visual art, a relationship with some picture that is already encrypted in our consciousness, our experience. Then in the film the “black monolith” appears when people go into space. Then a black monolith appears hovering above an international ship that is flying to the planet Jupiter. And in the last part of “The Other Side of Infinity”, the main character of the film finds himself inside himself, and not in space — the idea is that “the inside of the Self is space.” The hero of the film, already an old man, again sees the “black monolith”, and looking at this “black monolith”, the hero turns into an embryo that floats in space, and for whom the whole Planet Earth is a Toy. This is the last shot that blew the minds of many contemporaries.
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The Black Monolith is the embodiment of the very essence of Nietzsche’s Superman and the Divine Heresy of Nietzsche himself, because the film itself is a “space odyssey”, shot according to all the patterns of Nietzschean philosophy. The film begins as in Nietzsche’s book “Thus Spoke Zarathustra.”
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Can any of you turn off the Internet and live without the Internet — I think not. After 24 hours you will already have real withdrawal symptoms. The Internet on the phone has already changed us. Whether it’s better or worse is not for me to decide, but for you…
And so Steve Jobs, a man of the modern era, inspired by this film, decided to make the iPhone in the form of a black monolith, believing that this black monolith would blow up the Internet space and change our thinking. Well, that’s what happened. Great publicity stunt! Steve Jobs declared that this is the “black monolith” from Kubrick’s film “A Space Odysseus,” which was filmed according to the philosophy of Nietzsche, because in the film the viewer is shown stages 1. “just as a monkey is funny in front of a man, so a man is funny in front of a superman.” . 2. at the end of the film we see how a superman is born under a black monolith for whom the whole planet earth is a toy.
Can any of you turn off the Internet and live without the Internet — I think not. After 24 hours you will already have real withdrawal symptoms. The Internet on the phone has already changed us. Whether it’s better or worse is not for me to decide, but for you…
At first glance, Nietzsche’s philosophy is naive and very idealistic, far from our modern reality, but in fact there is nothing far, because Kubrick in his film essentially foresaw the entire aesthetics of modern high-tech (design).
Kubrick creates A Space Odyssey, a film that was shot before digital technology in 1968.
What is the meaning of Kubrick’s A Space Odyssey? Who are we? What place do we occupy in the Universe? These are the questions facing the characters in the film. The crew of the spaceship S.S. Discovery — captains Dave Bowman, Frank Poole and their on-board computer HEL-9000 — must explore the region of the galaxy and understand why aliens are watching the Earth. — Nonsense! In “A Space Odysseus” both meanings converge — the birth of a baby in the vague distances of space and the death of Dave, who became his “father” and at the same time the “father” of himself. At the same time, the palace where Dave ended up can also be understood as his own home — the home of Odysseus, who finally found peace after long wanderings. — Nonsense! This is Nietzsche’s philosophy and his concept, “eternal recurrence.”
The idea of Eternal Return meant for Nietzsche at this moment the possibility of repetition of any phenomenon; After an infinite, unlimited, unforeseen number of years, a person who is in every way like Nietzsche, also sitting in the shadow of a rock, will find the same thought, which will appear to him countless times.
What is the theory of eternal return? The theory of eternal recurrence, in a nutshell, states that any life and any phenomenon will be repeated identically indefinitely. This is a theory without God and without higher powers; Nietzsche himself was a convinced atheist. This theory rethinks the previously familiar concept of time to humanity. In his essay “Ecce Homo” Nietzsche will talk about it this way: “at the beginning of August 1881 in Sils Maria, 6,500 feet above sea level and far above everything human (6,000 feet beyond man and time).”
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The monolith in 2001 does not represent a “movie screen.” Kubrick chose the monolith’s shape in order to connect Nietzsche’s idea of eternal return, itself derived from Platonic ideas about great cycles of planetary alignment, with the Renaissance discovery of linear perspective.
The theory of eternal recurrence and superman.
Agree, sometimes it’s scary to imagine that all our moments in life, especially the most disgusting, tragic, worthy of shame and disgrace, will be repeated an infinite number of times. This idea lies at the heart of Nietzsche’s teachings and is closely connected with another basic judgment of Nietzschean philosophy, with the idea of the superman. Only a superman who acts mainly nobly and beautifully (Nietzsche liked to use more aesthetic terms), although Nietzsche’s concept of nobility may differ from the usual idea, this theory only encourages Übermensch, feeds with the power “forces” him to think differently and look at the world.
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“Let everything continually return. This is the highest degree of rapprochement between the future and the existing world, in this eternal return is the highest point of thinking!” Nietzsche.
Following Kubrick, Steve Jobs could have thought “let me put this black monolith in the pocket of the average person, and the average person will now participate in the high-tech aesthetics that was inspired by Kubrick” — well, Kubrick himself, in turn, was inspired by the philosophy of Nietzsche.
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In the early part of the book, Zarathustra describes the three transformations that the human spirit must undergo: from the camel (burdened by external values and morality), to the lion (rejecting and rebelling against these values), and finally to the child (innocent and creative, capable of creating new values). Through Zarathustra Nietzsche explores the concept of the “will to power,” asserting that the driving force behind human actions is a desire for power and self-mastery. This concept reflects his critique of traditional moral systems that suppress and negate the fundamental drive of humans to exert their power. As a nonconformist prophet Zarathustra announces the death of God and criticizes traditional religious and moral systems as inhibiting human potential. He encourages individuals to embrace a more individualistic and self-directed approach to morality. The free spirited Nietzsche is critical of what he calls “herd morality,” which he associates with conformity, mediocrity, and a suppression of individual excellence. He advocates for a ethos in line with the Übermensch, who dismisses the mediocre values of the society and creates his/her own values.
Recursion in — A Space Odyssey.
Recursion is a definition, description, image of an object or process within this object or process itself, that is, a situation when an object is part of itself. Recursion is the behavior of a function in which it calls itself. Such functions are called recursive. Unlike a cycle, they do not simply repeat several times, but work “inside” each other.
The hero of the film does not just walk, he walks through eternity-infinity — towards himself.
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Nietzsche | Eternal Return
Chance and choice converge to make us who we are, and although we may mistake chance for choice, our choices are the cobblestones, hard and uneven, that pave our destiny. They are ultimately all we can answer for and point to in the architecture of our character. Joan Didion captured this with searing lucidity in defining character as “the willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life” and locating in that willingness the root of self-respect.
A century before Didion, Friedrich Nietzsche (October 15, 1844–August 25, 1900) composed the score for harmonizing our choices and our contentment with the life they garner us. Nietzsche, who greatly admired Emerson’s ethos of nonconformity and self-reliant individualism, wrote fervently, almost frenetically, about how to find yourself and what it means to be a free spirit. He saw the process of becoming oneself as governed by the willingness to own one’s choices and their consequences — a difficult willingness, yet one that promises the antidote to existential hopelessness, complacency, and anguish. The legacy of that deceptively simple yet profound proposition is what philosopher John J. Kaag explores in Hiking with Nietzsche: On Becoming Who You Are (public library) — part masterwork of poetic scholarship, part contemplative memoir concerned with the most fundamental question of human life: What gives our existence meaning?
The answer, Kaag suggests in drawing on Nietzsche’s most timeless ideas, challenges our ordinary understanding of selfhood and its cascading implications for happiness, fulfillment, and the building blocks of existential contentment. He writes:
The self is not a hermetically sealed, unitary actor (Nietzsche knew this well), but its flourishing depends on two things: first, that it can choose its own way to the greatest extent possible, and then, when it fails, that it can embrace the fate that befalls it.
At the center of Nietzsche’s philosophy is the idea of eternal return — the ultimate embrace of responsibility that comes from accepting the consequences, good or bad, of one’s willful action. Embedded in it is an urgent exhortation to calibrate our actions in such a way as to make their consequences bearable, livable with, in a hypothetical perpetuity. Nietzsche illustrates the concept with a simple, stirring thought experiment in his final book, Ecce Homo: How One Becomes What One Is: What if some day or night a demon were to steal into your loneliest loneliness and say to you: “This life as you now live and have lived it you will have to live once again and innumerable times again; and there will be nothing new in it, but every pain and every joy and every thought and sigh and everything unspeakably small or great in your life must return to you, all in the same succession and sequence — even this spider and this moonlight between the trees, and even this moment and I myself…”
Like the demon in Kepler’s visionary short story The Dream — the first work of genuine science fiction, which occupies the opening chapter of Figuring and which the great astronomer used as an allegorical tool for awakening the superstition-lulled medieval mind to the then-radical reality of the Copernican model of the universe — Nietzsche’s demon is not a metaphysical extravagance but a psychological gauntlet, an alarm for awakening to the most radical existential reality. At the heart of the thought experiment is the disquieting question of whether our lives, as we are living them, are worth living. Kaag writes:
Nietzsche’s demon… is a challenge — or, better, a question — that is to be answered not in words but in the course of life: “The question in each and every thing, ‘Do you want this again and innumerable times again?’ would lie on your actions as the heaviest weight! Or how well disposed would you have to become to yourself and to life to long for nothing more fervently than for this ultimate eternal confirmation and seal?” Are we, in the words of William Butler Yeats, “content to live it all again”? Being content in this sense is not being distracted from, or lulled to sleep by, or resigning oneself to a fate that cannot be avoided. It is to live to your heart’s content with the knowledge that you will do this, and everything, again, forever. We made our last turn into the Waldhaus driveway and came to rest beneath its canopied entryway. Nietzsche suggests that the affirmation of the eternal return is possible only if one is willing and able to become well-adjusted to life and to oneself. To be well-adjusted, for Nietzsche, is to choose, wholeheartedly, what we think and where we find and create meaning. The specter of infinite monotony was for Nietzsche the abiding impetus to assume absolute responsibility: if one’s choices are to be replayed endlessly, they’d better be the “right” ones.
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There is a beautiful meta-layer to the book — Kaag is writing after returning to Piz Corvatsch, where he had first hiked as a tortured nineteen-year-old on the brink of suicide, hoping to find sanity and salvation in the footsteps of his brilliant, half-demented hero. Revisiting “Nietzsche’s mountain” as an adult cusping on middle age, with his beloved — also a philosopher, though of the warring Kantian camp — and their young daughter, Kaag is performing a real-life enactment of the eternal return. He is thrust into the deepest, most disquieting, yet ultimately buoyant evaluation of the choices he has made in the decades since and their combinatorial consequence in the life he is now living — a life, in the end, well worth living.
He considers the power of Nietzsche’s thought experiment as a tool for calibrating our lives for true contentment:
It might be tempting to think that the “rightness” of a decision could be affixed by some external moral or religious standard, but Nietzsche wants his readers to resist this temptation. Nietzsche’s demon, after all, comes to us when we are all alone, his question can be heard only in one’s “loneliest loneliness,” and therefore the answer cannot be given by consensus or on behalf of some impersonal institutions. It is, indeed, the most personal of answers — the one that always determines an individual choice. Of course you can choose anything you want, to raise children or get married, but don’t pretend to do it because these things have some sort of intrinsic value — they don’t. Do it solely because you chose them and are willing to own up to them. In the story of our lives, these choices are ours and ours alone, and this is what gives things, all things, value. Only when one realizes this is he or she prepared to face the eternal recurrence, the entire cycle, without the risk of being crushed. Only then is one able to say with Yeats, “[A]nd yet again,” and truly mean it.
“The thinking of the most difficult thought [Eternal return] is a believing. It holds firm in the true. Truth for Nietzsche always means the true, and the true signifies in Nietzsche’s view being — that which is fixated as permanent.
With an eye to Hermann Hesse’s wisdom on the difficult art of taking responsibility, Kaag adds:
Perhaps the hardest part of the eternal return is to own up to the tortures that we create for ourselves and those we create for others. Owning up: to recollect, to regret, to be responsible, ultimately to forgive and love.
Does the black monolith iPhone make the modern man super-human? to some extent yes. Kubrick’s film at one time greatly promoted Nietzsche’s philosophy and popularized it, because at first the film did not receive any enthusiasm from the mass audience, and therefore the film received an Oscar and became the film of a whole generation of viewers. Kubrick’s film “A Space Odyssey” became a fetish for many other young directors.
Does technology and the “black monolith” itself change human nature? Yes. Diagnosis — Couch Autism. This is when people communicate without looking each other in the eyes. 2. Internet addiction. The conflict of Nietzsche’s philosophy is a conflict between people 1. those who understand that their brain, their inner self is a whole cosmos. who prevents them from realizing their infinity. 2. And monkeys of God. Nietzsche was in conflict with the society around him. Nietzsche was not a rebel as his philosophy suggests. He was very shy, tytic (and syphilis). Nietzsche believed that marriage kills a person and sets him up for a vulgar worldly feeling, Nietzsche blew up all the values of the 19th century — and he died in a mental hospital.
Even in his youth in college, Nietzsche wrote his term paper “the birth of tragedy from the spirit of music.” As soon as Nietzsche graduated from college, he was immediately offered the Department. Undoubtedly Nietzsche was a genius! A genius that no one could understand. It is quite possible that we still don’t understand it.
Greek Myth of Odysseus
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The myth of Odysseus, I think, is very important for us. There is something of Odysseus in each of us when we search for ourselves. Our Modern World is like the myth of Odysseus. Each person is like Odysseus who sails to the island of the Sirens and asks his crew to fill their ears with a cart so as not to hear the ringing of the Sirens. (Sirens attract ships to destruction), And Odysseus himself forgives being tied to the mast and he wants to hear all these sweet voices of the Sirens. Here in the myth Odysseus-Nietzsche concludes that modern man hears not one voice, not one concept of the world, but a cross-section of EVERYTHING.
Who were the sirens in Ancient Greece? Sirens are mixomorphic creatures with the head of a woman and the body of a bird; in the classical period they were often depicted with arms and a female torso. According to Greek mythology, sirens are the daughters of the river deity Achelous and one of the muses (Melpomene or Terpsichore), from whom they inherited a beautiful voice. The sirens personified the charming but treacherous surface of the sea, under which sharp cliffs and shoals are hidden. They inherited wild spontaneity from their father, and a divine voice from their mother-muse. Mycenaean texts have the word se-re-mo-ka-ra-a-pi, which may mean “decorated with the heads of the Sirens”
Our World is so diverse, unstructured and so complex that everything sends us some kind of singing and modern man is open to all sounds, all worlds, and not just one concept, even if it is a Christian concept — after all, even how diverse the picture of “God” is different peoples.
We must learn to be open to all worlds…
….a little conspiracy theory
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Why exactly a bitten Apple? Some say that this is the apple that fell on Newton’s head. The scientist was sitting under an old apple tree that grew next to his house, and one of the apples fell on his head. Newton immediately realized that there was a force that pulled the fetus down. He immediately went further and began to think about the force that extends to the Moon and probably influences its orbit. But no. Newton did not eat the apple. Steve Jobs is not an idiot, I love apples, will I create a logo for my company, or better yet, a melon? Of course not!!! The bitten apple is a biblical metaphor. The apple is not mentioned in the Bible, but Christian artists have always depicted the Forbidden Fruit as the Apple that Adam and Eve ate.
What is the meaning of the Fall of Adam and Eve? 2:17). The sinless Adam and Eve created by God, tempted by the devil, committed the Fall — they ate the forbidden fruit of their own free will. The consequences of violating the ban were damage to human nature, expulsion from paradise, loss of access to the tree of life and death.
What sin did Eve commit? In the formal understanding, sin consists of disobeying God’s will, violating the prohibition “you shall not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil” (Gen. 2:17). The sinless Adam and Eve created by God, tempted by the devil, committed the Fall — they ate the forbidden fruit of their own free will.
What did God say to Eve after the Fall? To Eve: “I will multiply your sorrow in your pregnancy; in illness you will give birth to children; and your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.”
What did the serpent say to Eve? And the serpent said to the woman: Did God really say: You shall not eat from any tree in the garden? And the woman said to the serpent: We can eat from all the trees, but from the fruit of the tree that is in the middle of the garden, God said, do not eat from it or touch it, lest you die (Gen. 3:1–3).
Genesis 6:6–13. “he regretted that he had created people on earth, and His heart became sad. And the Lord said: “I will destroy all the people whom I created on earth; I will destroy all people and all animals, and everything that crawls on the earth, and all the birds in the sky, because I regret that I did all this.”
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expulsion from paradise — after which we people will forever seek our subjective paradise on earth
Will technology serve man to make him better and more knowledgeable, or will technology destroy us and make us idiots, disabled people, autists who hide in their subjective worlds? I leave the answer to you…
Quote from the book “Thus Spake Zarathustra” “Man is a rope stretched between an animal and a superman — a rope over an abyss. Passing is dangerous, being on the road is dangerous, looking back is dangerous, fear and stopping are dangerous.” F. Nietzsche
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....Excerpt from Nietzsche's book. On the genealogy of morality.....
- Everything that humanity has seriously thought about so far is not even reality, but mere imaginations or, in more precise language, lies arising from unsavory instincts and sick and ultimately harmful natures, I mean all concepts such as "God", It is "spirit", "virtue", "sin", "hereafter", "truth", "eternal life".
- The truth is painful, but not by itself, but because it destroys faith.
- There are no facts, only interpretations.
- Do you want the truth?
So doubt everything.
- And when you wake up, you will wake up forever
It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages.
Friedrich Nietzsche. On the genealogy of morality.
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pujakhatri · 9 months
Navigating the Journey to Parenthood with the Best IVF Specialist in Udaipur: Alka IVF at Shree Kanak Hospital
Parenthood is a journey filled with dreams, hopes, and the anticipation of welcoming a new life into the world. However, for some couples, the path to parenthood may present challenges, leading them to seek the assistance of fertility experts. In Udaipur, one name stands out among the rest – Alka IVF at Shree Kanak Hospital. Renowned for its commitment to excellence and success in helping couples achieve their dreams of becoming parents, Alka IVF has earned its reputation as the best IVF specialist in Udaipur.
The Importance of Choosing the Right IVF Specialist:
When embarking on the journey of assisted reproduction, selecting the right IVF specialist is crucial. The expertise, experience, and compassion of the medical team play a pivotal role in ensuring a positive and successful outcome. Alka IVF at Shree Kanak Hospital understands the significance of this decision and is dedicated to providing world-class fertility treatments with a personalized touch.
Meet the Experts at Alka IVF:
Dr. Alka and her team of skilled professionals at Shree Kanak Hospital bring years of experience and a compassionate approach to fertility treatments. Dr. Alka is a leading IVF specialist in Udaipur, known for her expertise in reproductive medicine. With a focus on individualized care, she has successfully helped numerous couples overcome infertility challenges.
State-of-the-Art Facilities:
Alka IVF at Shree Kanak Hospital is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, ensuring that patients receive the highest standard of care. The clinic is designed to provide a comfortable and welcoming environment, allowing couples to feel at ease during their fertility journey. The cutting-edge technology and modern infrastructure contribute to the clinic's reputation as the best IVF specialist in Udaipur.
Comprehensive Fertility Services:
Alka IVF offers a wide range of fertility services, including in vitro fertilization (IVF), intrauterine insemination (IUI), egg freezing, embryo transfer, and more. The clinic adopts a holistic approach, addressing the unique needs of each patient. From initial consultations to personalized treatment plans, Alka IVF guides couples through every step of their fertility journey.
Success Stories:
One of the distinguishing features of Alka IVF at Shree Kanak Hospital is its impressive success rate. Numerous couples have realized their dreams of parenthood under the care of Dr. Alka and her team. These success stories serve as a testament to the clinic's commitment to excellence and its ability to navigate the complexities of infertility with expertise and compassion.
Patient-Centric Approach:
What sets Alka IVF apart as the best IVF specialist in Udaipur is its patient-centric approach. The clinic understands that the journey to parenthood can be emotionally challenging, and therefore, places a strong emphasis on providing emotional support to couples. The caring and empathetic team at Alka IVF ensures that patients feel heard, understood, and supported throughout their fertility treatments.
Affordable and Transparent Services:
Alka IVF believes that everyone should have access to high-quality fertility care. The clinic strives to make its services accessible by offering competitive and transparent pricing. Patients can expect clear communication about treatment costs, ensuring that there are no surprises along the way. Alka IVF is committed to providing affordable fertility solutions without compromising on the quality of care.
For couples facing the challenges of infertility, Alka IVF at Shree Kanak Hospital emerges as the beacon of hope in Udaipur. Dr. Alka and her team of experts combine advanced medical technologies with a compassionate approach, making them the best IVF specialist in the region. The clinic's success stories, state-of-the-art facilities, and patient-centric philosophy make Alka IVF a trusted partner in the journey to parenthood. If you're looking for the best IVF specialist in Udaipur, Alka IVF at Shree Kanak Hospital is the name you can rely on to turn your dreams of parenthood into reality.
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Delhi's Trusted Path to Parenthood: SCI IVF Hospital
For couples struggling with infertility, the journey to parenthood can be emotionally challenging and physically demanding. In such times, the right guidance and support are crucial. Sci IVF Hospital in Delhi stands as a beacon of hope for those experiencing infertility. This state-of-the-art infertility center is dedicated to helping couples achieve their dream of having a child through cutting-edge treatments, a compassionate approach, and a highly skilled medical team.
Understanding Infertility
Infertility is a common issue faced by couples worldwide. It is defined as the inability to conceive after one year of regular, unprotected sexual intercourse. While infertility affects both men and women, seeking professional help can often lead to successful outcomes. Sci IVF Hospital in Delhi specializes in providing comprehensive care to address both male and female infertility issues.
Advanced Treatments
Sci IVF Hospital is renowned for its advanced infertility treatments. They offer a wide range of assisted reproductive techniques, including:
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF): IVF is a highly effective method where eggs and sperm are combined outside the body, and the resulting embryos are transferred into the woman's uterus.
Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI): ICSI is used in cases of male infertility, where a single sperm is injected directly into the egg to facilitate fertilization.
Egg and Sperm Freezing: Sci IVF Hospital provides services for egg and sperm freezing, allowing couples to preserve their reproductive potential for future use.
Donor Egg and Sperm Programs: When a patient's own eggs or sperm are not viable, the hospital offers donor egg and sperm programs, giving couples an alternative route to parenthood.
Surrogacy: For couples unable to carry a pregnancy, surrogacy is an option, and Sci IVF Hospital has a well-established surrogacy program.
Holistic Approach
What sets SCI IVF Hospital apart is its holistic approach to infertility. The hospital understands that dealing with infertility is not just a physical but also an emotional journey. Their team of experienced counselors provides emotional support to couples throughout their treatment. This approach aims to reduce stress and improve overall treatment outcomes.
Expert Medical Team
At SCI IVF Hospital, the core strength is its highly skilled and experienced medical team. Led by renowned infertility specialist Dr. Shivani Sachdev Gour, the hospital boasts a team of expert doctors, embryologists, nurses, and support staff. Dr. Gour, with her extensive experience and expertise, has helped countless couples achieve successful pregnancies.
State-of-the-Art Facilities
The hospital is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and modern facilities, ensuring that patients receive the best care possible. The advanced laboratory, operating rooms, and diagnostic equipment enable precise diagnosis and effective treatments.
Customized Treatment Plans
Infertility is a unique journey for each couple. SCI IVF Hospital recognizes this and tailors treatment plans to individual needs. They conduct a thorough evaluation to identify the root causes of infertility and then create personalized treatment strategies. This approach maximizes the chances of a successful outcome.
Transparency and Ethics
Ethical and transparent practices are at the heart of SCI IVF Hospital's philosophy. Patients are informed about every step of their treatment, including costs, risks, and success rates. This transparency builds trust and ensures that patients can make well-informed decisions.
Success Stories
Over the years, SCI IVF Hospital has witnessed numerous success stories where couples who had almost given up hope on having children achieved their dreams. These success stories are a testament to the hospital's commitment to excellence in fertility care.
Sci IVF Hospital in Delhi stands as a beacon of hope for couples struggling with infertility. With its advanced treatments, compassionate approach, expert medical team, and state-of-the-art facilities, the hospital offers a comprehensive solution to infertility issues. If you or someone you know is on the journey to parenthood and facing infertility challenges, consider seeking help from SCI IVF Hospital. Their dedication to helping couples achieve their dream of having a child makes them a trusted infertility center in Delhi.
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myhamist · 1 year
First Love
through my eyes and heart;
i feel like the first love is underrated.
i feel like its both a concept and an experience that we dont talk about that much.
and id like to dive into it.
its rarely the longest, mainly not the last, but more often, the best.
actually, i dont think that the first love cant be the best.
after all, its the first, so it automatically is the best.
but then, how can it be the best if its the first love? how do you know what 'best' is?
it may be just shitty, or lame, or nothing much, after you move on. sure, you will carry it forever in your heart and soul. i know i will. i know i will love my first until i am married and having children with another. its how my soul is built. but despite all this, the first is simply what it is, the first. its nothing else. its not the best. its not amazing. its not awful or painful. its the first love.
the first person you looked at and wanted to go with to the other side of the world and see what happens to both of you on that road and at its end.
its the person you wanted to do things for, most haunting and most beautiful, because this person was your first and you loved for the first time. these were your first feelings for that person, and that was the first time you felt true love.
the first feelings ever, most powerful, yet least important, for there were many other loves to come.
the first love is difficult, depending on a lot. it depends on whether or not you are their first or not as well. if you are, then i believe that everything is blind. blind, fresh, innocent, pure. on both parts. the love between to people who experience it for the first time takes the shape of an embryo, and they have to raise it. thats why the said situation would be so beautifully chaotic, unknown, thrilling. two children, of any age, running blindfolded, hand in hand. if you relate, im glad for you. i think. i dont know. i am not my first's first. so i wouldnt know much about this case.
but, what if your first love has loved before? what if you are just the second, or another? i dont think anything im about to say is going to make any sense or if its going to be relatable. i do know that, in fact, i wont really share anything. this is a philosophy. this is me writing earthly, human things i (try to) understand from an insignificant individual's point of view, not talking about my personal life.
but i can talk a bit about what its like to be someone's 'next'. its nothing much really. after all, life is not about first love or glorifying it. life is merely about life, and thats just it. most of us are randoms, connecting with randoms, your partner had others before you, and so have you, so not being someone's first is just ordinary for me. its obviously different. the difference between how you look at them and how they look at you is astronomical. sure, they love you, they want you by their side and keep you in their heart. but if they are your first love, you know exactly what i mean- what i feel- how i feel. you, just like me, might find it dreadful. unfair. how can you look at me and not be overwhelmed with each passing second? how can you look at me and not want me forever, because you cannot proccess the thought or the reality of someone coming after me? because im the first love and im so perfect?
well, ive moved past that phase. its the very beggining actually, where you're so much into your feelings that you might ignore aspects or realities. but then, things bottle up, feelings go and come (in that specific order) and then you wake up. you love them just as much. you look at them just as much. but then you realize, just like the leaves fall, so will they fly. and if they stick forever, wonderful. but just be prepared for everything. anticipate everything. theres not one reality, nor one possibility. there are an infinite amounts of them. and you have to live each and every one of them in your head, go through them in your heart, while still being in the present. with them in your hand and heart, and you in theirs. thats love. a dance, a circle, despair and anticipation, joy and fear. unknown. confusion. longing. wanting. feeling. self. another. the first and the last.
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medfertility · 1 year
Best IVF Centre in Tanzania
In the heart of East Africa, amidst the stunning landscapes of Tanzania, lies a beacon of hope for couples yearning for the gift of parenthood. Tanzania’s premier IVF Centre is a symbol of medical excellence, innovation, and compassion. In this article, we embark on a journey to explore this remarkable institution, its pioneering work, and the lives it has forever changed.
A Legacy of Excellence
Tanzania’s premier IVF Centre has a rich history dating back over two decades. Established in the late 1990s, it was one of the first fertility centers in the region. Since its inception, the center has been dedicated to providing world-class fertility treatments and reproductive healthcare to Tanzanians and individuals from neighboring countries.
State-of-the-Art Facilities
The centre boasts state-of-the-art facilities that rival the best in the world. From modern laboratories equipped with cutting-edge technology to comfortable patient rooms designed for privacy and relaxation, every aspect of the center is meticulously designed to offer the highest standards of care.
Expertise and Compassion
What truly sets this IVF Centre apart is its team of dedicated professionals. The staff includes highly skilled reproductive endocrinologists, embryologists, nurses, and support staff who approach their work with a unique blend of expertise and compassion. They understand the emotional and physical toll that infertility can take on couples and offer unwavering support throughout the journey.
Comprehensive Fertility Services
The center offers a wide range of fertility services, including:
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF): This is the cornerstone of their services, where eggs and sperm are combined in a laboratory dish, leading to the creation of embryos that are then transferred to the woman’s uterus.
Intrauterine Insemination (IUI): A less invasive procedure where prepared sperm is directly placed into the uterus, increasing the chances of fertilization.
Egg and Sperm Donation: For couples facing challenges with their own genetic material, the center provides access to donated eggs and sperm, expanding the possibilities of conception.
Surrogacy: When carrying a pregnancy is not possible for medical reasons, the center facilitates surrogacy arrangements, offering a lifeline to couples longing to become parents.
Fertility Preservation: They also offer services for individuals who wish to preserve their fertility due to medical treatments, career choices, or personal reasons.
Holistic Approach to Care
What makes this IVF Centre truly remarkable is its holistic approach to fertility care. They recognize that successful fertility treatment extends beyond medical procedures. Their team includes counselors and psychologists who provide emotional support and guidance, helping couples navigate the emotional challenges that often accompany fertility treatments.
Ethical and Patient-Centric Practices
Ethics and patient-centered care are at the core of this IVF Centre’s philosophy. They follow stringent ethical guidelines, ensuring that all treatments are conducted with the utmost integrity and respect for the individuals involved. Patient consent, privacy, and confidentiality are paramount.
Success Stories
The true measure of any fertility center’s success is the number of families it helps create. Tanzania’s premier IVF Centre has a remarkable track record of success stories, with numerous couples now cherishing the joys of parenthood thanks to the center’s expertise and dedication.
Community Outreach and Education
Beyond their clinical services, the center is deeply committed to raising awareness about fertility issues in Tanzania and the broader East African region. They conduct educational programs, seminars, and outreach initiatives to empower individuals with knowledge about fertility and reproductive health.
Challenges and Future Endeavors
While Tanzania’s premier IVF Centre has achieved remarkable success, it is not without its challenges. Access to fertility treatments can be limited due to financial constraints and the geographical spread of the population. The center continually strives to make its services more accessible through outreach programs and partnerships with health insurance providers.
Looking ahead, the IVF Centre is exploring research collaborations and advancements in reproductive medicine to further improve success rates and reduce the cost of treatments. They also aim to expand their services to reach underserved regions, ensuring that more couples have access to world-class fertility care.
Tanzania’s premier IVF Centre stands as a beacon of hope and a testament to the power of medical science and human compassion. Through its dedication to excellence, holistic care, and ethical practices, it has helped countless couples fulfill their dreams of parenthood. As it continues to evolve and innovate, this remarkable institution remains committed to the belief that every individual deserves the chance to experience the joy of becoming a parent.
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shivamivfcentredl · 1 year
Best IVF Clinic in Delhi | Advanced Fertility Solutions
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Parenthood is a cherished milestone that many aspire to reach and when nature needs a helping hand, the doors of hope swing open at the Shivam IVF Centre. If you're in pursuit of the finest IVF clinic in Delhi, your quest culminates here. Let's take a journey through the realm of assisted reproduction and uncover why Shivam IVF & Infertility Centre stands as a beacon of optimism.
Unveiling the Finest IVF Clinic in Delhi
The choice of an IVF clinic is a pivotal moment for those seeking to embrace parenthood. Within this landscape, the Shivam IVF Centre shines as a sanctuary of modern treatments and empathetic care. Let's delve into the factors that position this clinic as your optimal partner on your journey to become a parent. It has become a beacon of hope for those couples who are struggling in conceiving a baby.
✅  Contemporary Care and Expert Proficiency
At the heart of Shivam IVF Centre lies a synergy of modern technology and seasoned expertise. The clinic's state-of-the-art facilities and accomplished professionals join forces to enhance the prospects of your journey. We are determined to give you the happiest moment of your life to become the parents and conceive a baby.
✅  Tailoring Care to Your Unique Story
Recognizing that each journey is a distinctive narrative, Shivam IVF Centre offers bespoke care that resonates with your specific needs. Our philosophy revolves around devising an IVF treatment strategy that mirrors your circumstances, enveloping you with compassion and customized solutions.
✅  Comprehensive Array of Services
The distinguished IVF Centre in Delhi, Shivam IVF & Infertility Centre  extends an array of services including:
IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization): IVF is a common assisted reproductive process where eggs are taken from a woman's body and combined with sperm in a lab. The embryos that form are then put into the uterus, making it more likely for the woman to become pregnant.
ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection): ICSI is a special method where a tiny sperm is put directly inside an egg to make it fertilize in a lab. This technique is used when there are problems with having too few sperms or sperms that aren't very strong. It helps improve the chances of the egg and sperm joining successfully.
Egg Freezing: Oocyte cryopreservation is a method to save a woman's eggs. This approach has been used to help women delay pregnancy for various reasons, whether it's for health or personal choices.
Surrogacy: Surrogacy is a remarkable reproductive option that bridges the gap between the heartfelt dream of parenthood and the challenges that some couples or individuals may face in achieving it. It involves a third party known as a surrogate mother, who carries and nurtures the pregnancy on behalf of the intended parents. This compassionate act not only fulfills dreams of parenthood but also embodies the essence of selflessness and shared human bonds.
Diagnostic Procedures: Diagnostic procedures in the context of reproductive medicine are the essential tools used to unravel the mysteries behind infertility. These procedures serve as investigative pathways that help medical professionals identify the underlying causes of a couple's or individual's struggles to conceive naturally. By delving into the intricate details of reproductive health, these diagnostic methods pave the way for personalized and effective treatment strategies, bringing the dream of parenthood closer to reality.
What Makes Us Stand Out
✅  Inspiring Success Rates
The effectiveness of a clinic is usually shown by how many people become parents after coming here. At Shivam IVF Centre, we have a lot of successful pregnancies that show how much we care. We always work hard to be the best and keep learning so we can give you the best care. ✅  Nurturing Emotional Well-being
The way to become parents through IVF isn't just about medicine; it's filled with feelings. Shivam IVF Centre doesn't only help with medical things, but also cares about your emotions. Our kind counselors and helpful staff are here to be with you on this journey, giving advice and listening with understanding.
✅  Focus on You
At our IVF clinic in Delhi, you aren't just a patient; you're a protagonist in your life's most significant chapter. Your apprehensions matter, your opinions count. We empower you with active involvement in decisions, nurturing an ambiance of comfort and confidence.
Starting Your Journey Here
The journey to becoming parents through IVF begins when you choose the best clinic. At Shivam IVF Centre, we don't just provide medical help – we also care about your feelings and support you. With modern facilities, skilled doctors, and a strong commitment to your dreams, we are the top IVF clinic in Delhi. The path to parenthood is open – start with us.
Contact Us
Excited to start this important journey? Contact Shivam IVF Centre today to make an appointment. Our caring and skilled team is ready to help you make your dream of being a parent come true.
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collymore · 1 year
The vile Windsors and their chums using Taxpayers’ money to suppress the Truth!
By Stanley Collymore About normal for the Windsors and their obviously, odiously evil, sycophantic lackeys. Realistically, only people who have actually regrettably faced the very worst, severe trauma in their own life, can even realistically start to relate to the deliberately created and fittingly executed egregious and callously despicably terrible treatment Meghan has received very foreseeably because of her skin colour; Black ethnicity plus the endemic racism, that exists inside this rather obviously, vile Windsor monarchical Klan and additionally also rather brutally dished out, in accordance with this stupidity, solidly ingrained   in tandem with the delightedly embroidered, and exceedingly   exuberantly entertained overt Classism that also effectively constitute these hallmarks of what essentially characterize being white; that Useful Idiot, Stockholm syndrome Asiatic Coconut and pathetically too House Nigger British; and so repulsively constituted what was Meghan’s normally sick shared experience in Britain. And if you really do want my honest opinion, and clearly Meghan’s situation, apart from this personal castigation, several of these notorious Windsors and their obviously repulsive, and malevolently evil flunkies who moreover and quite repulsively so in the very absence of capital punishment in the UK, ought on being properly arrested, formally charged, tried and inevitably, found guilty, as the lot of them irrefutably are; essentially rather immediately thereafter, decisively incarcerated in an effectively clearly maximum security person and each of them so for life; also, kept continuously in solitary confinement 24/7, in a padded cell, with unquestionably absolutely no access essentially, and similarly, all lawfully entitled rights to visitors fully abrogated; and no possibility ever of parole or likewise realistically vacating, their permanent prison lair alive. (C) Stanley V. Collymore 3 May 2023. Author's Remarks: Charles, the rest of his monarchical Klan and similarly all of the hangers on will avidly and assiduously cling to their self imposed titles, palaces, taxpayer salaries, inherited, non-earned and likewise also non inheritance tax payable wealth; their privileged, self-entitled lifestyles and all the paraphernalia associated with these to the bitter end. And while doing so will similarly be quite openly, dishonestly and disingenuously be proselytizing their alleged credentials as they assiduously attempt to brainwash the dim-witted, gullible and regrettably across Britain bloomer generation, intellectually challenged masses; avidly as it happens with the malevolently egregious, fawning sycophancy of the media, themselves quite largely owned by hereditary titled elites and distinctly slavishly and evidently unthinkingly as well as unquestioningly run by inured sociopathic and not uncommonly also endemically  psychopathic social climbers, lavishly paid in bribes by the Windsors and whose primary and ongoing role is to ad nauseam tell the surfeit of ludicrous serfs how good the British monarchy and its plethora of discernibly lazy and useless prats are for national morale, the British economy and UK society in general. No mention though of their innate racism and white Caucasian master race philosophy. Or why Meghan along with her children aren't regarded as being even minutely near the equivalent of Stepford Wife, stalking social climber Kate Middleton's sprogs. Why Charles and the others worried grotesquely as to what skin colour Archie, just an embryo in Meghan's womb then, would be. Why Liz Windsor scuppered the British Race Relations Act in 1975 making it absolutely clear to the UK government that was bringing in this non-racial Act, that she Liz Windsor personally as well as her Klan members, palace flunkies and the rest of them didn't want any "Niggers" working either for them or within their vicinity, palaces etc. in any capacity. Cowardly the UK government caved in and while the Act was passed and became law, to this very day in May 2023 the entire Windsor lot are excluded from all acts of racial discrimination by them, and their white supremacist delusional notions carry on untouchably. Harry was allowed to marry Meghan because Liz Windsor having petitioned the Commonwealth to accept Charles as its titular head after her couldn't be seen along with the rest of her Klan to be rejecting Meghan, an African American as his wife. So allow the marriage to go ahead, then pillory Meghan, have a divorce and job completed; too easy as marriage means bugger all to then. Just look at the number of divorces, licentiously adulterous conduct, paedophilia activities and paedophile friends: Jimmy Savile, Bishop Peter Ball and Rolf Harris to name just 3 prominent ones, and other salacious activities these Windsors were and still are deeply involved in. Not just restricted to the so-called top tier. Liz Windsor just like Philip Mountbatten had her numerous affairs; she and Philip lived apart for in excess of 33 years and Philip died with his mistress beside him, not Liz and his children by her. And anyone with a functioning brain or who hasn't just arrived from some distant planetary system knows that Liz Windsor just like Philip did, produced her own bastard child too within that bogus marriage of theirs. Now Charles and Camilla are copying it seems his parents by not living together. Why? Isn't that what madly in love people with far less in terms of billionaire wealth and sumptuous homes do? And yet we had Sarah Vine of the Daily Mail whose own marriage hasn't lasted branding Meghan Markle, someone she hadn't met and certainly didn't know, from the very outset and quite derogatorily and lyingly also as "Straight outta Compton"; all because Harry a prince of the British realm perceptibly in Sarah's racist and Yid eyes had fallen in love with a "Nigger" woman; echoing the views of Philip Mountbatten, William Windsor, Kate Middleton and even Charles himself - OK to shag with but NOT marry; irony completely lost on William as to how he came by the assiduous social climbing stalker Kate Middleton. But of course she's white - Yiddish genes of course but still white; and since that factor of Kate's life will be hushed up as well as the real UK "Compton" activities of her drug aficionado uncle Gary, the surfeit of racists and dim-witted morons can then be easily appeased through ignorance that their precious "royal" family won't be contaminated by having "Nigger" blood coursing through its veins. The fatuous reason for these clowns congratulating themselves that Charles hasn't physically, emotionally or officially embraced his non-white grandchildren, even though their complexion are lighter than many so-called white Caucasians I routinely see, and why likewise they want these children to be removed from the British monarch's line of succession. Do I and those like me care? Frankly, No! And apart from that the UK monarchy propped up by pensioners and delusional baby boomers is on its last legs anyway. Finally I come to two really asinine acts by two women who see themselves as the epitome of white supremacy. Sarah Vine who fulsomely praises Camilla in the kind of manner that a like-minded whore clearly would; and Rachel, the sister of Bojo, who described Meghan from the very outset as having "exotic" blood. Well Rachel I quite strongly suggest that you go and have a proper legitimate DNA test on yourself. For Meghan like all intelligent, thoroughly mentally liberated persons will survive, as will her marriage which you white, useless delusional sickens can't stand. Go eat your hearts out!
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mrtsar · 2 years
Paul-Alex Chaperone: The Post-Post-Post Modern Intellectual
Paul-Alex Chaperone: The Post-Post-Post-Modern Intellectual
            I write to you now, my disciples, in total dismay. This day, I’ve suffered a true injustice from the ignorance of neo-liberal institutionalists, or whatever he was. Yes, your humble writer, who serenades this torrential website among the cacophony of idiotic portrayals of moderation, was slighted and made a fool out of on the street, among the dreadful students of empathy.
            To those fans of mine who are yet unaware of my ideology, you need not look further for enlightenment than here, as I would like to amend it with this cruel story. Before this day of septic self-reflection, I need to clarify my thought process before the amendment. Unlike the folly of Modernist thought, which seeks to distinguish between absolute right and wrong, the indecisive pageantry of ignorance of the Post-Modernists, who seek to muddy the water with relativist drivel, and the Post-Post-Modernists that have only made up their minds to some degree, I have ascended past the need for morals. This is the very reason I began writing to you, after all: to make more sane intellectuals in my new Post-Post-Post-Modern crusade.
            With simplicity, it is the rejection of any wants or desires beyond the scope of your moral self. It is cruel to yourself and others to abridge your instincts and wants with any kind of restraint or consideration. While many of you droogs try and attribute lesser writers and faux-philosophers to my theory, I would prefer to for you not to associate me with lesser writers like Nietchze, Rand or especially morons like Descartes. Oh Descartes . . . I truly loathe that coward of indecision, as well as any existentialist drivel that passes itself off as truth. If they really wanted to answer every question to life, why stick with a philosophy that prides itself on knowing little to nothing at all. I am digressing, however. If you would care to know more of my distaste for philosophy that caters not to my rational palette, I encourage you to read my dissertations on the subject, was well as donating to my cause in the link below this story.
            Continuing on to the story for us who actually care about what is right in the world. Actually, the amount of unintelligible nonsense from cultural relativists on a regular basis on my various social media is near deafening. Can they not see that, by actively seeing their acts of critique and whining as moral, as well as the fact that they want to see me imprisoned for crimes against the neoliberal establishment, the masses of blind institutionalists only prove my point. My actions cannot ever be immoral, because I am authentic. And if I am authentic, then I am doing as I wish to, truly. Therefore, I am the most moral and intelligent of all you pointless embryos.
            If you, my enlightened public would like to support my cause against the soulless on my social media, it is imperative to follow my accounts and refute them as you see fit, to preserve your moral character.
            I had stepped onto the grounds of my university after class to take my regular Friday notes regarding the inferior minds that attend this echo-chamber, collated a stunning satire about the idiocy of my professors who think that active research counters my observation, and was busy disliking the posts of armchair charlatans. It was here, at the center of the lawn, I encountered, much like the Buddha, two sights which continue to intellectually stimulate me.
            First of all, two men, who appeared to be quite close, walked together, talking loudly about nothing. Now, what was actually peculiar about them, were the pins on both of their sweaters. On my right side, he possessed the words “Socialism Sucks,” emboldened like a scarlet letter. On the left, a “Feel the Bern 2016” mark stained his front.
            Now, I have long echoed your sentiments regarding these two compromising ideologies, with regard to the half-assed-ness of mild socialism and pseudo-illiberalism possessed by these two. However, I did not take umbrage with these pins, as I have detailed in other treatises of mine which you may now purchase digitally on any electronic book site. To summarize, I have no problem inherently with an ideology as long as they hold an unabridged hatred of others and are fearful and unwilling to compromise. As our society is filled to the brim with haphazard attempts to reconcile differences, I hold it moral to just push what one knows to be true without regard for the safety of others. To reiterate, you can purchase any of my books at any distribution service or on this website. 
            The main problem with these two inauthentic swine is how they so casually talk to one another despite their incompatibility. With moral impulsion, I said “Stay true to yourselves and kick him out of your life and prepare your trenches!” They may have pretended not to hear me, didn’t look at me, nor acknowledge my existence in any way, but I am sure their relationship ended that night due to my words of guidance.
            The second sight is one which you should brace yourselves before delving into. A normal-looking colleague (I grow sick of calling these inaudibly dumb armchairs my “colleagues”) walked passed with the charisma of a dogfish. Now, to this day, I know not what compelled me to confront this individual. Perhaps it was due to his inauthentic walk? His focus on avoiding other people while walking instead of trying to move them out of his way? It remains unclear. Whatever the reason, I started with “You, walking with inauthenticity and the charisma of a dogfish, may I enlighten you for a moment?”
            As this intolerable dolt chose to exchange with me for longer than anyone else so far, I will detail this lecture verbatim, as to demonstrate to you, my disciples, how to interact with unenlightened ones.
            “Sorry?” he said. Already he showed signs of his weak rhetorical presence.
            “Now that I have your attention, I would like to correct you on your moronic way of carrying yourself. Firstly—”
            “Are you serious? Are you a preacher, like, or something?”
            “Oh please! Do I look like someone trying to preach something invisible? No, I need to inform you of my authentic ideology!”
            “Can you not? I have class in a bit.” Already, he tried to dodge and hide his annoyance through petty academic obligation. However, I had to march on in my triumph.
            “Do you not know that it is moral to do as you please? Now, not in a hippy Antifa manner of ‘live and let live,’ nor the capitalist focus of philosophers such as Ayn Rand or Friedrich Nietzsche, but I’m speaking from the perspective of myself, our greatest judge in –
            “Do you give this spiel to everyone, or just people you don’t like?”
            “Oh no, my humble readers care to listen in on my internal chats on a daily basis, all 400 of them.”
            “Oh, wonderful.” Yes, he honestly thought he could deceive me with sarcasm, the way for post-materialist cowards to try and dodge conversation that may make them angry. But now, unlike the other instances of this I have detailed extensively on www.postpostpostmodernmenofthefuture.com, I could not allow such ignorance to leave untaught. Besides, his annoyance gave him promise; perhaps he would listen to me after some coaxing.
I continued: “Have you ever wondered why armchairs like you remain that way. . .”
            “Oh, that’s not a rhetorical question. Um, no.”
            “Have you ever wondered why social contract theory came about?”
            “Are you not going to answer the first question?”
            “Have you ever wondered—”
            “The answer’s going to be a solid ‘no’ from me, chief.”
I know what you are thinking dear reader. And the answer is “yes”: he did just attempt to flatter me despite his obvious disliking of me. Thankfully, I hit back with some breathtaking rhetorical wit that the Romans would marvel at. “Did you just attempt to flatter me despite your obvious disliking of me?”
“I . . . think I did. And while yes, I think you’re a pretentious pile of garbage with more chips on his shoulder than a rich kid playing poker with his father’s money, that doesn’t necessarily mean I should actively swear at you in public, nor would I want to.”
“Of course you want to! My ideology of Post-Post-Post-Modernism allows you to act upon your desires as you wish. So if, for example, if you wanted an A on your next exam, it would be moral for you to cheat, as you getting what you what is inherently right and just.”
“. . . Have you read Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky?”
Of course he goes back to the comfort and safety of people who do the thinking for him. “Why would I engage with foreign fiction if I wish not to, and it is moral to do as I please?”
His mouth collapses agape with an expression not dissimilar to the floodgates of his mind, allowing my streams of enlightenment to flow through. In fact, he is unable to form words for the next several moments.
“Okay,” he said, “I assume you read Nietzsche, correct? After all, you just mentioned it.”
“Why should I engage with philosophy that is not my own and I do not agree with? His work is an echo-chamber of German nationalism anyway.”
“Cool. Do you know what an ‘ubermensch’ is?” (I apologize if I could barely jot-down this poor excuse for common English. Does he not even engage in the regular parlance?)
“I’m sorry, I only speak English. I do not want to discuss in any language that fails to convey my meaning, like this one.”
“Turning Nietzsche’s idea of the ‘ubermensch’ on its head, Dostoyevsky uses the character of Rodion Raskolnikov to try and explain how this idea of how certain people should act above any kind of convention only leads to criminal and immoral attitude, hence the first word of the title, ‘Crime.” My lord, I never believed he would stop lecturing me about his nonsense.
I straightened myself: “Oh look at you, using your fake degree to lecture people on the street.” I’ve no reason as to why, but this comment stirred him, as if he was looking into my clear eyes at his reflection, realizing that he is truly the one he’s complaining of. How can these people who love to flaunt their fields of study continue to persist in their mire of hypocrisy? “What ideology do you subscribe to, perchance?”
“I don’t know right now. What do you hate above everything else?” Despite what I have described him as, I am thankful he has adapted my cult of ideological clarity over the course of our discourse.
I responded with full enthusiasm: “Any ideology which advocates compromise or the coming together of likeminded individuals away from the nature of authenticity is one that I advocate vehemently against in my writings. If you would like to engage with my disciples, you can go to www.postpostpostmodernmenofthefuture.com and donate to my cause.”
I do not believe he responded kindly to my authentic commercialized speech. “Firstly, thank you for responding to my question in around 40 syllables too many. Secondly, thank you for not actually answering my damn question! And finally, thank you for trying to sell me an ethos built on the authenticity of man, while selling your soul to the wills of your alt-right fanbase.”
“I am not alt-right. I am just someone who likes to take a neutral stance against all other ideologies.”
“Now here I thought you didn’t like any kind of compromise.”
Now at this point I understand clearly, and I am aware many of you share this sentiment. You see, hypocrisy cannot exist in a Post-Post-Post-Modern framework. This is due to the fact that it is built on short-term wants and the execution of them. Therefore, if what you want is different from what you wanted before, even pertaining to what sources I use and what is fundamental to the ideology, you are still being authentic, as who you are in the present is inherently more important and real than your past and future. Therefore, as long as you constantly tell the truth as you see it in the now, you can never contradict yourself, even if you lied in retrospect.
“I don’t see how my ideology needs to be consistent to be correct,” I said.
“Oh yes sir, we’ve always been at war with Eurasia,” he said with a smug expression.
“You realize that Eurasia isn’t even a country, correct? You and other armchairs online seem to believe it is when I tell them this part of Post-Post-Post-Modernism.”
“. . . I’ve honestly never met someone as stupid as you.”
“You dastardly tosspot!”
“What are you, British? Because you know, I don’t approve of cultural appropriation.”
“Oh, you damned cultural relativist!”
“Going on, who are you trying to fool? Are you really trying to convince me of your cult?”
“My Post-Post-Post-Modern principles are more than the religion of a cult; it’s an ideology.”
“Yeah, okay. So, if I were to, say, punch you in the face and kick you in the ribs with no remorse, would it be moral, provided I wanted to do it?”
And so, he learned the tenants of our movement. “Finally, you’re actually seeing the truth. The answer is ‘yes.’ Follow your desires and—”
He could have beaten me enough to give out three black eyes if he wanted to (if I subscribe to tacky Eastern philosophy). However, as I sat there, as my new tenant kicked me, pulled out my teeth, forced my blood to kiss the ground, took a good and powerful spit on my corpse-like fetal position and walked away, I knew that I had won this rhetorical war. After getting up and covering my wounds, I gave a smile, albeit obfuscated underneath my panting and crying.
And so, I now write here, directing 401 of my noble sheep in the ways of my ideology. However, I mentioned earlier of my attempt to amend this ideology. While I did believe I won the battle of conversion at the time, as I patched myself into a functioning human being, I realized something that will stick with me for the rest of my days. I do not like pain. Therefore, it is not moral to feel pain.
Furthermore, as I cannot feel the physical pain of individuals, it is not necessarily immoral to deliver pain unto others. However, any kind of consequence for my actions is undesirable to me. Additionally, as others know that I feel pain from their abuse of me, they are immoral for attacking me. In other words, if I feel pain, it is due to the immorality of others, while my perceived transgressions are merely expressions of my will, as I am infallible in my own experience.
Once again, I have to sincerely thank and respect the individual who gave me these scars, as he allowed me to come upon my final ideology. This Post-Post-Post-Post-Modernist idea will center around me specifically, as I am the only one who can know that pain inflicted on me is immoral. I am aware that this will not exactly prove to be marketable; I will still support those of you who continue my previous crusade. However, for those who would like to remain behind me after this final revelation, please send your generous donations to the link above to pay for money to heal my pains. This does not exactly pertain to first-aid either. As alcohol, marijuana, and other substances alter my ability to feel pain, your contribution will go to those as well. Not to mention, the addictive properties of some of these drugs will fuel an addiction, which will only put my authenticity to the test, as I will have to resist the urges of restraint and indulge truthfully.
I hope my individual mission will inspire you to do similar and not inflict pain upon me, while living authentically. Truly, I am the modern intellectual.
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Addressing the Dumbest Pro-Abortion Arguments
Not an exhaustive list.
1. If men could get pregnant, there would be abortion clinics on every corner. Then men would be women. There wouldn’t be a need for two distinct sexes in nature. It’s a moot point. It’s meaningless nonsense. And even if there was no male/female binary and we were all the same, it would still be morally abhorrent to deliberately destroy our own species.
2. Abortion = women’s rights/women’s equality. a. Without the right to life, all other rights are meaningless. The most basic right is the right to not be murdered. b. It’s not equality. It’s a special right to kill that can only be exercised by a pregnant woman and her abortionist. 
3. A fetus is not human. Then what is it? Canine? Feline? Equine? Lol. 
4. The world is overpopulated. There should be less people. That is not a road we want to go down. We should not kill humans in the name of saving humanity. Who decides who is “too many?” Who decides who should die to save the world? Besides, as global wealth and childhood survival rates increase, population growth is supposed to level out. 
5. An abortion basically happens every time you have your period.  No, it doesn’t, because gametes are not distinct human organisms. 
6. If abortion is murder, then blowjobs are cannibalism. See above.
7. An abortion is like removing a cancer. No, it isn’t, because it’s removing a distinct member of the human species, which exists because of a process that is supposed to occur if the mother’s body is working the way it’s supposed to. 
8. A fetus is a parasite. No, it isn’t, because it’s a member of the same species as the mother, and if allowed to develop, will grow to the point where it can exist independently of her.
9. Pro-lifers are just Republicans who want to keep people in poverty. There are a lot less convoluted ways to keep people in poverty if that’s really the goal. Most pro-life/anti-abortion arguments are based on a belief that an unborn human being has rights, and no pro-life arguments have to do with keeping people in poverty. There are many Democrats and people of various political and religious persuasions who consider themselves pro-life. Anyone who makes this argument is truly talking out of their ass. But keep alienating people who might have become sympathetic to your side, lefties. It’s fun to watch. 
10. Abortion is simply none of the government’s business.  Homicide is the government’s business and the number one thing government is instituted for. Unless one is an anarchist, believing that the government should completely ignore certain types of homicide is logically inconsistent and quite frankly inconsistent with most political philosophies. 
11. Abortion is just a religious issue.  It’s an issue of whether and when certain classes of human beings can be killed. It is not exclusively a religious issue. There are many atheists and agnostics who oppose abortion or believe it should be restricted. 
12. The fetus/embryo is just a clump of cells/blob of tissue and not really a life yet. Putting aside the fact that size shouldn’t determine a human being’s value, and that everyone is ultimately giant clumps of cells, If that’s the reason you’re in favor of abortion, you should be in favor of strict cutoff points where the fetus is developed enough to look recognizably human, is making movements, can feel pain, etc. Why do so many pro-choice people vehemently oppose restrictions on abortion after certain cutoff points like 15 or 20 weeks, when there’s no longer any plausible deniability that abortion ends a human life? P.S. try telling grieving parents who just went through a miscarriage that their baby wasn’t real or doesn’t matter because it was just a clump of cells; I’m sure that’ll go over well.
13. A fetus is just a part of a woman’s body and a person should be allowed to remove part of their own body. No, it is a distinct human organism with its own body. Also, removal of body parts is a serious procedure that is much more regulated than pro-choicers want abortion to be, just sayin’.
14. Abortion restrictions violate religious liberty. Even if some people’s religious beliefs do not prohibit abortion, it does not follow that abortion is a core part of their religious practice. Many people who claim this also might find that if they dug deeper into what their religion teaches, that it isn’t in favor of abortion except in grave circumstances such as preserving the life of the mother. Also, not all but many pro-choicers support forcing doctors to perform abortions, forcing religious hospitals to have abortion available, and forcing people to fund abortion, which is an actual violation of religious liberty. 
15. Abortion is better for children because otherwise they would be abused or in foster care.  Not really true, again this is just people talking out of their asses. A lot of kids who go into foster care were born in places where abortion was easily accessible and where there were safe haven laws so their mothers could have easily given them up. For whatever reason, their mothers chose to keep them. In many cases, foster kids have a parent or parents who are trying to get them back, and  reunification is always the family court’s priority. Consider how insulting it is to say that those kids would be better off dead. Also, something that pro-choicers misunderstand or perhaps maliciously lie about is that giving a child up for adoption is not the same as putting a child in foster care. There are many agencies out there ready to place babies in permanent homes from day one.
This is just meant to address some of the very common NPC-level posts that go around whenever abortion is in the news. More nuanced and interesting arguments to be addressed in a later post. If you want to send one to me, go ahead; I guarantee I’ve seen it already and have an answer or that one of the pages I follow has a post on it. 
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penhive · 3 years
History of Art
Art is a fascinating subject of study for mankind. It is interesting to note how art, especially painting has gone through many stages in its evolution.
Here in this essay, I would like to trace the trajectory of art and it has progressed through realism, romanticism impressionism, expressionism, surrealism, cubism and pop art.
Now, what is realism in art? Realism in art is the systematic representation of what is literally real. Art occurs in a mimetic mode of expression. Some famous works are the Mona Lisa by Da-vin-chi, the statue of David by Michelangelo and many more. What is unique about the charm of Mona Lisa is her mystical and enigmatic smile. The smile of Mona Lisa occupies an important heritage in the History of Art. The smile of Mona Lisa remains embedded in the soul as a transfiguring work of art. It makes the art historians speechless. What can be garnered from the statue of David Michelangelo?  David can be understood as a humanism of aesthetic sculpture. It could also occupy a place in gay literature.
Now what is Romanticism in art? The poet laureate William Wordsworth traces the philosophy of romanticism as the spontaneous overflow of feelings. A romantic image is an ideal one. Romanticism traces the imagery of an aesthetic object and expresses itself as an epitome of passion. A famous romantic work of art is Liberty Leading the people by Eugene Delacroix.  This painting capitulates and becomes a historical subject of the French Revolution. Another famous work of Romanticism is Saturn devouring his son by Goya. It has an imagery of a metaphysical nature and shows the conception of time, an aura of time being in the experiential context. Another work of romanticism is Goya’s nude Maja. This panting captures a frenzy of emotion and bequeaths to the soul, an amorous adventure of beauty.
Now what is impressionism in art? Impressionism captures the visual imagery in soaking impressions. Famous exponents of impressionism include Van Gogh, Monet and Gauguin. Now let’s look at Van Gogh’s painting the sower. In the sower, a farmer is planting seeds in the field.  The colors of this work bright yellow and brilliant blue. Nature is captured in the kaleidoscope of a delirious art. The canvas becomes a mystical, magical, copulation of an adventure that is metaphysical and spiritual. Another one of Van Gogh’s work is the sunflower and in it he epitomizes the beauty of nature into a fetish of artistic poetry. Another impressionistic painter is Gauguin. A famous work of his is, the spirit of the dead watching a nude girl. In it there is an aura of a ghostly halo of figure replete with the transcendent imagery of tender lyricism. Another famous painter of this genre is Monet and he is famous for bequeathing the sun set. The imagery of the sun captured on to the canvas is a lyricism of invitation for a tender solitude.
Now what is expressionism in the philosophy of art? Expressionism is the explosion of a powerful imagery of emotion. A classic example is Munch’s work, the Scream. The scream is a volatile expression of a human in angst. The scream is deigned to be work of art which encapsulates the existentialist philosophy of angst. The scream acts as a plague on the soul. Another work of expressionism is the sculpture of Rodin called the thinker. In the thinker, a man is portrayed deep in thought with his hands resting on his thighs.  Rodin’s Thinker is a fetish of a narcissistic superego projecting the intellect. The thinker is a Nietzsche rendering the metaphysics of transcendence into nullification.
Now what is Surrealism? Surrealism is an art form that seeks to uncover the unconscious and the depiction of imagery of the fantastic with reality. Famous exponents of surrealism are Dali and Delvaux. A famous surreal work of Dali is the persistence of memory. In it we find melting clocks on trees and also a frozen embryo. Is the persistence of memory a fetish of an oedipal arrest into the memory of a child? The Persistence of Memory can also be visualized as an image made by an artist trying to understand the conceptions of space and time. Let’s look at Delvaux work: the call of the night. In it there is a barren vegetation and one old and two young women with covered hoods. The older woman is holding a lamp and is outside a cave like structure. Is this panting an initiation into the rites of fertility and sexuality? Is the hood a revealer of the unconscious? Is the bareness of the landscape a sign of coming to terms with menopause? The call of the night is fantastic in its imagery and whispers to us to be edified with its artistic imagery.
Now what is Cubism? The famous originator of Cubism is the notorious Picasso. I would like to explain his two famous works and they are the Guernica and the Whores of Avignon. The Guernica is reminiscent of the bombing of Basque town. In the Guernica, human and animal glyphs are made into a piracy of grotesque proportions. Is Picasso a perverse artist of fetish implants? Is it a magnificent projection of the Freudian ID? Does it arouse the imagery of horror? In it fact and fiction merge into an astounding realism. The next painting that I would like to talk about is Picasso’s Whores of Avignon. In it prostitutes are standing and also sitting. Their breasts and hips are exaggerated into hyperbolic, aesthetic artifacts. The mood of the painting is revelation of the sensuous and the amorous. Is Picasso using the feminine sacred and violating the body of  the sacred feminine to deify the self-inflicted lust of being. The painting resembles the Mother Goddess with its robust sensuality and Epicurean carnality.
Now what is Pop Art? Pop art traces the establishment of the trivial and daily life artifacts into the art of the natural mysticism. Pop art is the coming to terms with a reality that is postmodern. Pop art is the pulp art of fiction. Everyday objects are fictionalized into a reality that is aesthetic.
To sum up, I would like to say: art has undergone a revolution from naturalism to many forms like romanticism, impressionism, surrealism, expressionism and pop art. Art is the imagery of the intellect to deflect and realize the symbiosis of encountering meaning. Art has proceeded from the real to the abstract.
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