#“just for a moment take the stupidity out of yata”
lisutarid-a · 4 months
[Gakuen K] Extras Translation
Special Club Quiz Championship
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[Translation under the cut]
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Anna: [Ladies and Gentlemen. Now, we are going to have a special club quiz championship. Applause]
 *lazy applause*
Anna: […]
Anna: […Those of you who didn't clap, next time be prepared to get horrible grades on your final test. Applause]
*heavy applause*
Anna: [Now, here are the clubs that have entered the quiz competition…]
Anna: [Under the leadership of Mikoto with a beautiful Red -- The Red club]
Anna: [The first ones whose uniforms you'll want to paint with ketchup -- The Blue club]
Munakata: I don't like that catchphrase…
Anna: [Those whose presence is unnoticeable -- The Silver club]
Shiro: T-that's not true! We have traditional club activities!
Anna: These are the three teams. Which team will win?
Anna: So, let's start. The first question…
*sound signal*
Anna: …
Anna: …Yes, the Silver club.
Shiro: Uh…
Anna: First question, answer.
Shiro: Ahaha, sorry. I was wondering what the button was for and accidentally pressed it.
Anna: It is a button for a quick quiz. It's what you press when you answer the quiz. Didn't you listen to the explanation before we started?
Munakata: I guess the Silver club pressed the button because they knew the answer. Please go ahead and answer.
Shiro: Ehh! I just made a mistake. Oh well. Never mind. The answer is "rice"!
Anna: Wrong...Continuing with the first question. A "bun" is a piece of bread, but…
Anna: …Which composer has a word "Bun (パン pan)" in his name. Answer with the full name.
Kusanagi: What's with that question? That's a pretty difficult quiz.
Totsuka: Fufu, not really.
Munakata: Frederic Francois Chopin(ショパン, Shopan)
Anna: Correct. The Blue club gets 10 points.
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Munakata: Plump bun!
Anna: Correct. The Blue club gets 10 points.
Totsuka: Munakata-san is amazing. He has been answering correctly from the first question. No wonder he wears glasses!
Kusanagi: I can't believe how many questions he answered correctly. I'm sure he's actually smart, but…Our king doesn't move an inch.
Totsuka: That's right. Shiro-kun pushing too fast for no reason and keeps getting penalties…Hm?
Kusanagi: What's going on? Someone went up on the stage.
Kuroh: Shiro, switch with me.
Shiro: Okay,but…Weren't you uninterested in the quiz competition?
Kuroh: I was uninterested. …But I can't sit silently and watch this situation.
Kuroh: Why do you push the button before the question is asked?
Shiro: I figured if I didn't push fast, someone else would beat me to it.
Kuroh: Do you really think you can say something random and get it right when you don't know the question?
Shiro: I thought if I hit enough times, I'd get one right~
Kuroh: …By the way, how many scores do you currently have?
Shiro: 0 points!
Kuroh: It's beyond appalling. Switch.
Shiro: Okay-okay, I got it. Kuro, I wish you good luck.
Kusanagi: Oh, a change of players. I think the Red club better do something too. --Yata-chan.
Yata: What is it?
Kusanagi: Get up on the stage and switch with Mikoto.
Yata: I!?
Kusanagi: Mikoto not answering the questions at all. If it continues like this, we'll lose to the Blue club.
Yata: …I hate losing. I'm going!
Totsuka: …Yata don't look like a strong quizzer.
Kusanagi: It's feels like clinging to straw. I hope for a miracle.
Kusanagi: …Eh, you should have come out. You're strong at trivia.
Totsuka: But look at Yata. He's all fired up.
Kusanagi: Please, a miracle. Just for a moment, take the stupidity out of Yata!
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Munakata: The answer is "Docosahexaenoic acid".
Anna: Correct. The Blue club adds another 1O points.
Kuroh: Damn, as expected of the school's most smartest…
Yata: W-what is it? Doco-something acid. What language is this…?
Munakata: …Fushimi-kun, are you there?
Fushimi: What is it?
Munakata: It would be no fun at all if we keep winning like this.
Munakata: Please switch with me and participate in the quiz competition as a representative of the Blue club.
Fushimi: Wouldn't it be better if we just win?
Munakata: There is nothing more boring than a game you know you are going to win.
Fushimi: …Understood.
Fushimi: Hi, Misaki.
Yata: Saru…
Fushimi: How did you decide to come out in Mikoto-san's place?
Yata: For the sake of the Red Club's victory!
Fushimi: And you, with your thick brain, are the one saying that? …Hehe. Isn't this funny? I'm gonna beat you, Misaki!
Anna: …Saruhiko, refrain from private conversation. Now, the next question.
Anna: The greatest calligraphers of the "Three brushes" are Kukai, Emperor Saga, and who?
Yata: It's obvious! It's Mikoto-san!
Anna: Wrong.
Fushimi: Mikoto-san is not a master calligrapher, is he? You don't know that even though you've spent so much time together? That's why you're an idiot…
*sound signal*
Fushimi: Tsk…beat me to it.
Kuroh: It's Tachibana no Hayanari.
Anna: Correct. The Silver club, 10 points.
Yata: Don't be so slow at pressing the button, Saru!
Fushimi: Shut up. It's just a coincidence.
Fushimi: I'd rather correct the mistake than be an idiot who thinks he answered correctly.
Yata: What?!
Kusanagi: That's bad. Those two have started fighting.
Kusanagi: Hey, President-san. I'll stop Yata, you take care of Fushimi.
Munakata: It's funny, why not leave it as it is?
Kusanagi: …You're The Head of Student Council. Isn't it your job to do something about student problems?
Munakata: Look at the audience. It's getting quite lively, isn't it?
Munakata: The main purpose of the school festival is to entertain everyone. They are making a contribution, I'm not going to stop them.
Kusanagi: Eh…He's gone. Is it really okay?…?
Shiro: I think it would be fine. I'd like to visit the food stalls. I think the booths are open right now.
Mikoto: …Let's go.
Kusanagi: Even Mikoto! What the heck, everyone's acting too freely!
Totsuka: Well, now as it turned this way, there's nothing we can do about it, right?
Kusanagi: Is is all right? This school festival…
Totsuka: It's fine, it's fine. Everything will work out somehow. Let's follow King too!
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ridiasfangirlings · 6 months
Monsterfucker Fushimi with monster Yata!!!
Finally some good fucking monsters food :3c Imagine monstrous Yata stirring feelings in Fushimi that he never knew (but then again he does hate humans, and Yata isn’t human). Like AU where Yata is some kind of beast that can take on humanoid form but his ‘real’ form is like this red beast with claws and teeth and all that. Fushimi is the son of like a long line of monster hunters but initially he’s actually afraid of them because Niki enjoyed using his son as ‘bait.’ One day though Niki gets killed by a monster and Fushimi wandering alone in the forest is found by another kid his age, Yata, who just so happens to have golden eyes and suspiciously long nails. Imagine Fushimi like collapsing right by Yata, who can’t leave an innocent person like this alone so Yata takes Fushimi back to his place to be taken care of. This leads to Fushimi basically staying with Yata, Yata doesn’t know who this skinny kid is but Saruhiko has amazing knowledge of so many things and Yata loves listening to him talk. Yata’s worried that if Fushimi finds out what his true form is though Fushimi might be scared or run away and so he delays telling him, all while Fushimi knows that Yata is hiding something from him and starts to get paranoid that Yata will leave him.
This eventually turns into a whole messy thing with the rest of Yata’s fellow monsters of Homra finding out that Fushimi’s the son of a hunter and Fushimi leaving to join monster hunting group S4 because he thinks Yata will choose Homra over him and then they’re enemies for a while before finally reconciling. The two of them eventually admit their feelings for each other and imagine Yata’s still hesitant about showing Fushimi his ‘real’ self, Fushimi calls him an idiot and says Yata must look even stupider as a monster if he’s so worried. When Yata finally transforms Fushimi just stares at him for a moment before clicking his tongue and being like I expected something scary but you’re still too much of a shortie. Yata’s all shut up but really he’s relieved that Fushimi’s accepted him and imagine them hanging out more when Yata’s in monster form, like they’ll be sitting together in front of the fire and Fushimi’s reading a book while absently petting Yata’s fur.
Of course then this leads to the whole physical aspect of their relationship, because Yata can’t hold onto his humanoid form well when he’s dealing with a lot of different sensations and basically sex is something where he’ll be so sensitive that he has to do it while in his true form. I imagine this starting with them making out and Yata’s initially in his human form but as he gets more into it he starts to get monster-y, like his teeth get sharper and he’s biting Fushimi’s lips, or his nails grow to claws that start scratching Fushimi’s back (and Yata’s all worried that first time it happens but then Fushimi just licks the blood from his lips and grins, because he wants Yata to mark him, to show the world that Fushimi is his). Sex would be a whole thing because Yata’s trying to control his strength but also he’s just feeling it so much and Fushimi keeps egging him on, moaning when Yata’s claws scratch him, and Yata didn’t know that Fushimi would be so turned on by his beast self.
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catchyhuh · 11 months
If each of them would ever have YouTube / Tik Tok account... What would their content be?
i tried so hard to really and truly answer this but i just kept thinknf of this throughout
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lupin: started as a joke but he IS having fun with it. he’s mostly just fucking around there’s like NO production quality there it’s just. viddy oe. and thats the case whether its youtube OR tiktok, either way it’s going to be quick cutesy spur of the moment junk. if he ever really went all out, he might make some kinda digital calling card (he has made video cards before to inform his targets he’s about to rob their asses lmao) but it’d be some stupid hilarious shit. like imagine those video wedding/graduation invitations with the poorly animated stock resources and generic acoustic guitar music. text slides in that says “i want that statue dumbass” (cymbal fade sfx) “so yeah i’ll be taking that” (dramatic text pan) “seeya thursday, can’t wait :)”
jigen: no profile pic no real username. just like jigen76943 with the blue j icon. NO tiktok. NO tiktok for our guy. insists lupin shouldn’t be using tiktok either as its shortening his already horrible attention span. jigen doesn’t really post videos too much, but if he does it must be something very important to him, really only uploaded so he doesn’t lose it. there’s a handful of videos from some of their vacations (whether its an intended vacation or just ‘oh shit we’re in spain. we should have fun with this’ type deal) but it’s almost all privated. he’s not really showy about stuff like that
fujiko: she had a momentary lapse of judgment when making it, because she thought, easy way to sucker in idiots and make some money off that ad revenue. but also… do you REEEALLY want the world knowing exactly where you are, what you’re doing, at any given moment? well. no. but if you heavily screen every tiny fraction of your video before even THINKING of posting it, maybe nobody will be able to tell you’re literally sitting inside the taj mahal. posted a makeup tutorial once while she was already wearing a full face of less obvious makeup just because it was funny to her to see comments insisting she was so much prettier “without makeup.” so yeah like everything else in her life she’s found a way to rig this for money and her own personal entertainment
goemon: Nay. you know i don’t personally subscribe to the “goemon cant understand ANY technology he’s so archaic teehee” philosophy, but this ain’t even about that, it’s about the fact that goemon is the only one who’s initial reaction was “you want me, a wanted criminal, tagging the people i have been around and locations i have been to? for ‘clout’????” at best he just uses jigen’s phone to watch random stuff that interests him, and like, he’s not PHYSICALLY RECOILING when fujiko tries to show him a funny tiktok, he enjoys the fun of it. but he’s not making one, and if he has anything to say about it, he will not be featured in lupin’s bullshit
zenigata: doesn’t even have his own. he’s like a background feature when (SURPRISE YATA SNEAK ATTACK) yata posts. yata will be like “wow the louvre!!! look!” and take a lil video and zenigata’s just in the background looking bored out of his mind. in the louvre. he’d never BULLY zeni into participating, but once yata becomes aware of the fact people are playing where’s waldo with his stuff, he might try to have fun with it. q&a with the inspector. share some life advice with the audience. and the whole time zenigata’s like “um. uh. don’t break the… law?” and the commenters eat it UP. zenigata thinks its stupid but he tells yata he’s doing it because yata enjoys it, and that's it. however secretly you know he’d fucking love the attention
so final verdict: unfortunately i believe all of these people would be baffled and horrified if i explained how many times i've rewatched defunctland's disney channel theme video in full. but they could have a little fun with it
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edensrose · 3 years
Could you please do a Izumo x female/inexperienced reader where he seduces her? Maybe she’s in Homra but isn’t related to anyone much? She’s new to all of it so he takes the lead and praises her a lot? Just a lot of seduction and flustered-ness 😳😳😳😳
Either that or a Yata x reader and he’s really tough and maybe gets jealous and picks a fight with someone or beats someone up and they become friends to lovers? Again, no childhood friends or anything but yeah
Thank you so much for your time and I’m so excited!!!!
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I decided to do the one for kusanagi because my love for this man is unreal — hope you enjoy!
ৎ୭ — summary : izumo kusanagi uses a rare moment of privacy to seduce and kiss up his s/o
ৎ୭ — type : one-shot
ৎ୭ — genre : miscellaneous
ৎ୭ — warnings : suggestive content // nothing beyond kisses
ৎ୭ — word count : 1654
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“I’m telling you, Mr Kusanagi! That damned monkey was asking for it!’’
Agitated shouting bounced off of the walls of the bar where you and a few other HOMRA members sat. As usual, Yata went off on the most recent way in which Saruhiko Fushimi pissed him off. Such a thing seemed to be natural at this point.
“I didn’t say that he wasn’t, Yata. What I did say was that you should use your inside voice. You’ll chase away customers at this rate.’’ Grimaced the bartender who stood behind his beloved bartop with a glass in one hand and a shining cloth in the other. Without a doubt, Yata’s yelling would scare away potential customers who lingered outside - much to Kusanagi’s dismay. “He has a point, Yata.’’ You glance over towards the chestnut-haired teen.
“We’ve all heard this speech before, no need to scream your lungs off.’’ Pursing your lips, you mimic him. “Look, all I’m saying is that -” Bing. Raising his PDA up, he gazes upon the recent notification. “Damn,’’ with a click of his tongue he abruptly stands from the stool. “Benzai just texted, looks like they need help.’’
That was all the boys needed to get up as well and find their way towards the door. “Careful you guys, call for backup if it gets too much.’’ Kusanagi frowns. Recently, it appeared as if their tiffs with the mafia were progressively becoming more and more of a problem. “And don’t do anything stupid!’’ He calls, before releasing a sigh as the door finally closed and silence finally eased its way in.
“You know you’re asking for the impossible, right?’’ You break the quiet as you rest your elbow upon the counter and prop your head upon your hand. “Those boys never seem to stay out of trouble.’’ The two of you exchange a short-lived laugh before he turns to begin preparing the drink you had requested not so long ago.
Whilst he worked, you couldn’t help but admire the way in which he moved - remaining so focused as if he was preparing something of the utmost importance. That was Izumo, for you. He took pride in everything that he did, regardless of how insignificant it may appear to the normal person. Such a thing was one of the many aspects that drew you into him. He was intelligent, and damn it was no secret that he was handsome. A deadly combination.
“Didn’t anyone ever tell you that staring is rude?”
The train of thoughts completely derails as you pull yourself out of your world of wonder. Were you staring? You hadn’t even realised! In fact, you hadn’t even realised that he was now right in front of you, leaning over the counter so that his face was a mere inches away from yours. Warmth bursts across your cheeks before you can stop yourself, eyes widening in the slightest due to the sudden closeness.
“A-Ah - ! Sorry - I’m. . . I wasn’t staring, Mr Kusanagi!’’ Stumbling over your words, you try to explain yourself. Instead, your gaze drops to the drink that had been set in front of you whilst you were off in la-la land. Perhaps if you denied it enough he would believe your bluff. Alas, all you received in return was one of his signature, lop-sided smirks.
“I’ve told you that you’re allowed to call me Izumo, haven’t I?’’ Pale fingers brush against some of the strands of your hair as he leans in further. “And if you weren’t staring, then what’s with that blush?”’ The pinch to your cheek is enough to draw a whimper from you. Kusanagi loved teasing you and loved flustering you even more so. “Mr K-” You stop, shuddering at the warm feel of his lips hovering near yours.
“Izumo. . .”
“Hmm?’’ He hums, a delicate hold now on your jaw. “You’re burning up, doll.’’ With a hushed voice, he grants you the feel of your lips brushing together. “We’re alone, what’re you so worried about?’’ His tone is enough to send your mind racing and at last, your eyes meet his. “ ‘m not worried about anything. . .’’ You murmur, stiff and awaiting from him to make the next move. This proved to be a pattern, he would take lead and render you a blushing mess by the end of it all.
Dazed to the point of the semi-consciousness, you had only half-processed the delicate feel of his kisses tracing along your jaw and down your neck. His free hand caressed the back of your head as he moved along your skin. Such sensation was enough to elicit a breathy noise from you as your hands press against the wood of the bar. “I-Izumo. . .’’ Yet all you receive is a chuckle in response. Vision hazed over, shivers crawling up your spine - you were unsure of where to look, where to put your hands. All of your movements were that of hesitstance and yet, it brought him great amusement. You were adorable.
“Tell me what you want, Y/N.’’ Your name rolled off his tongue in such a wonderful way. Bringing the crux of your fingers to your lips you allow your head to crane in the opposite direction. “I-. . . I. . .’’ With a racing heart, you stammer. “I-. . . I don’t . . . I don’t know. . .” He pulls away, his hold now back on your chin and raising your head so that your gaze was on him and him alone. “What was that?’’ Damn him! He knew exactly what he was doing! He knew just how much this was affecting you.
“I can’t hear you if you speak so softly, dear. Should I give you a second to breathe?’’ Kusanagi begins to pull away, his warm touch leaving your skin and leaving you whining from the loss of contact. “N-No wait!’’ He could all but smirk as your hands snapped forward and gripped onto his wrists, stopping him from parting any further. “Oh?’’ He croons, “so you don’t want me to stop? Is that it?’’
Did he want you to spit it out? Who are you kidding, of course he did. The bartender took great pleasure in having you confess to your desires and yet again, it seemed as though he was fulfilling that notion.
“Y-. . . Yes,’’ you suck in a breath of air. “I. . . I-I don’t want you to stop.’’
That was all he needed to hear. Kusanagi slid arms around you and allowed his hands to grip onto your sides. He hoists you up with such effortlessness that prompts you to yelp as he sets you down onto the counter - swiftly finding himself between your legs. However, the recent shock is quick to melt away into delight when he finally grants you what you had been waiting for. A kiss.
Timidly, you mewl against his lips and sheepishly slide your fingers to his shoulders. Trembling, they curl into the fabric of his signature white shirt - giving you something to grip on as he steals your breath away once more. That was Kusanagi, for you. Your little romance had begun not so long ago, with only a few of the boys truly catching sight of it due to the bartender preferring to keep things private. Throughout your time together he had knocked the air straight out of your lungs on numerous occasions - but you never complained.
“You’re trembling.’’ Comes his breathy whisper as he parts from you in the slightest. “Do I have this effect on you, with kisses alone?’’ His fingers find your jaw yet again, thumb rubbing against the small indent in an attempt to ease your quaking form. “Just say the word and I’ll stop.’’
Contrary to popular belief, you and Kusanagi had yet to take things all the way. Perhaps that is why you were so nervous whenever such acts of intimacy took place. It wasn’t that you didn’t trust him, of course. Rather, you were uncertain of what to do and when to do it. Right now, he gave you a choice. All you had to do was utter a small refusal and he would immediately back off and quite possibly apologise if he feels as though he overstepped. Yet this time. . . You didn’t want that. You wanted to test the waters.
Patiently waiting for a response, he continues to brush his thumb against your cheek. “No.’’ “Dear?’’ A little taken aback, he questions. With a short inhale you find yourself nodding your head. “No, I. . . I want - I want to continue.’’ A small boost of confidence rushes through you as your hands trace to instead gently cup either side of his neck. “I want you to teach me, Izumo.’’
Silence settled between the two of you and as quick as the confidence came it left within seconds. “Iz-. . . Izumo I -’’ He shushes you, bringing his face near yours once again. “Don’t worry, doll. Just follow my lead, okay?’’ You barely have time to nod before his lips are against your again - drawing the softest of moans from you.
His arm hooks around your waist and promptly brings you further into him, your bodies pressing together in a newfound heat. As your lips danced in the newfound intimacy, Kusanagi allows his hand to give your thigh a small squeeze, pleased with the yelp that he gets out of you. When he parts from you yet again you can do nothing but heave. By now, your arms have looped around his neck and loosely hung over his shoulders as your legs hook around his waist and draw him in closer.
"Look at you," he breathes, lowering his kisses to your neck and soon the swell of your collarbone. "Have I made you that needy?" The groan against your skin sends your mind into a whirlwind of haze.
"I-Izumo," you whimper, neck arching once he begins marking you up. "J-Just. . . Stop teasing me, sh-. . . show me what to do."
And with that, your back pressed against the counter.
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aeonghaseyo · 3 years
Around You
Summary: The actions of a street cat taught you to shoot your shot and approach the older Kambal. But it didn't necessarily mean you had to change into a cat yourself to get his attention. ...right?
Word Count: 1459 AO3 link
Relationships: Crispin x CatSigbin!Reader Category: F/M Characters: Manang Muning, Crispin, Basilio Languages used: English, Tagalog Author's Note: I saw @adarlingwrites's sigbin OC in her Tumblr and I thought, why not write a fic with a cat sigbin reader? And here we are. 'Sup Crispin simps, I dedicate this to you. I hc that he's fond of cats, but that will have to wait until the next chapter. Enjoy! Inspired by the song Around You by LOONA Hyunjin
Chapter 1
“Halika dito anak, kumain ka muna.”
Manang Muning’s hushed tone beckoning you to join her and the rest of her feline family for dinner gave you a sense of comfort amidst the turbulent feelings that stirred your being. Normally, someone like you, who thrive among the middle-class folk in Malate, would help themselves to a pint of ice cream just for love troubles. But then again, you couldn’t refuse freshly-cooked daing straight from the old woman herself, which was why you went to her stall that one peaceful evening.
Out of the need to seek comfort through food prepared by your favorite vendor by the church, you quickly wolfed down the pieces of smoked fish in your plate, of course trying not to ingest the spines that clung to the meat. It didn’t take long before Manang Muning noticed your troubled disposition mid-meal and placed a hand on your back soothingly.
“(Y/n), anak, parang nagdadalamhati ka yata,” she spoke, which got your heart fluttering in surprise.
After swallowing that one last bite of your meal, you turned to her and said, “Okay lang po ako Manang. Wala lang ‘tong iniisip ko.”
Another wave of surprise caught you on your toes when Manang Muning once again asked, “Tungkol ba ito kay Crispin?”
Eyes widened, you mustered a quick response that turned into yet another question, “P-paano niyo po nalaman?”
Your inquiry made the old woman laugh heartily while a tuxedo cat nearby sauntered towards her, nudging her forearm to ask for more pets. As she let the cat settle on her lap, Manang Muning finally replied, “Anak, malapit ang loob natin sa isa’t-isa. Tuwing nakikita ko ang paningin mo, parati kong nakikita ang pagmumukha ng lalaking yun. Mukhang sinusundan mo yata pagkatapos mong samahan ang aking mga pusa kapag malapit sila sa pinanggalingan nila ng munting Trese.”
You didn’t think that every time you would be in your cat form tailing after Alexandra Trese and her adoptive twin brothers, your beloved old friend would tap into your vision just to see how you were doing. It was apparent that you weren’t bound to make advances of your own towards the trio in black, especially the short-haired twin, and even in plain sight you weren’t much noticeable. After all, who would pay mind to a small house cat, let alone think that it had emotions of its own?
Your heart sinking within your chest, you let your head bow down and your eyes closed as you dwelled in your disappointment. Trusting in Manang Muning, you let out the woes that plagued you that involved you, Crispin, your habit of stalking him whenever he’s nearby, and how you couldn’t get yourself to approach him and let him know you exist.
A chuckle made its way through the old woman, then she wrapped her arm around you, squeezing the farthest arm of yours from her soothingly and began to impart advice of her own. “Anak, talagang hindi mo makukuha yung taong gusto mo kapag naghihinayang ka masyado. Talagang kailangan mo siyang lapitan para mapansin ka niya.”
It didn’t help that whenever Manang Muning would soothe you with advice of her own in such a comforting manner that your eyes would tear up automatically. As you heard her tranquil voice speaking to you, your eyes were glossed with tears which also somewhat accumulated on your lower eyelids.
So you inadvertently looked like the puppy eyes emoji in Facebook Messenger when you looked at her and said, “Di ko po alam kung paano.”
“Anak,” Manang Muning calmly chided as she stroked the tuxedo cat who was nestled on her lap, “tignan mong mabuti itong alaga ko. Kanina, gusto niyang haplusin siya kaya niya hiningi ‘to sa akin. Hinaplos ko siya at hanggang ngayo’y hinehele ko siya gamit ang haplos ko. Alam mo kung bakit nakuha niya ang haplos na gustong-gusto niya?”
You glanced both at the cat in question and looked back at the old woman. It was then that you realized what you could do to charm the demigod you were yearning for.
From the way you held your ice cream cup as you feasted on the frozen dairy treat, you were nervous as hell, and it was very telling. You could have sworn that your ice cream permanently rendered your hands akin to popsicles as you stared at the dessert on your non-dominant hand. You knew what to do the next time you encounter Crispin, but how would you pull it off smoothly?
Remembering that one night when Manang Muning imparted a valuable lesson to you to limit your hesitations and shoot your shot with the demigod, you knew very well that she meant to tell you to just approach him. It didn’t mean she recommended you to change into your cat form and get his attention the way that other cat did to your beloved manang. But then again, it was your idea. You told her you were going to get Crispin’s attention as a cat. Everyone loves cats right? Besides, it was better than stalking your object of adoration from the alleys and in plain sight, even just as a regular house cat. (Or street cat? Technically, you did have a home.) Love really makes you come up with stupid ideas for sure.
Speak of the devil.
The demigod twins were right at your proximity, and you could tell from the ringing of the entrance door which revealed the both of them entering the premises. Basilio, the younger, long-haired twin, was chattering away while Crispin seemingly paid no mind to him. It seemed strange, however, that their Bossing was not with them. It didn’t take long for you to notice that you were staring at them as the older twin glanced at you for a moment, prompting you to look away and finish your ice cream. What you failed to see next was him smirking to himself before he went to the food aisle.
Your thoughts plagued you as you paused and stared at your now empty cup.
‘God, I can’t believe that shameless idea came to mind. If this backfires I’ll never find love again. Why is this so hard?!’
The stress that accompanied your thought made you unknowingly snap your tiny spoon in two with one hand. It did not help that since the twins were nearby, the sound was enough to make them notice, so their heads immediately turned to where you sat.
“Yikes, the spoon did nothing wrong,” said Basilio in a joking manner as he got a bag of chips from the display rack.
Clearing your throat, you muttered a "sorry" as you got up from where you were and walked to the cashier with your wallet in one hand, wishing to buy another cup of ice cream to calm yourself down. You immediately asked the cashier to serve you that same flavor of ice cream that you loved so much, but as you fished through your wallet for a smaller bill, you noticed that all you had was a 1000-peso bill. As soon as the young man behind the cash register handed you the frozen treat, you blurted out, "I'm sorry, I don't have a smaller bill, do you have change for 1000 pesos?"
The cashier, checking the cash register for enough money for your change, grimaced slightly as he said, "Sorry ma'am, we don't have enough change for that."
Your heart sank all the more as you realized you technically had nothing to pay with, but all of a sudden, you felt as if that heart of yours was caught and gently lifted up as someone handed the cashier the exact amount of money you were supposed to pay the him. You looked closely at the arm and the man it belonged to, and your heart skipped a beat as you noticed that it was actually Crispin who handed the money.
A blush formed on your cheeks as you thanked him for the treat. "I-I have to repay you that same amount next time, don't I?"
Crispin winked at you and replied, "Of course not. Unless you wanna see me again. Now go enjoy your ice cream before it melts."
That smooth motherfucker.
'Jokes on you. I'm the one who's melting, not the ice cream.'
You walked back to that same table you sat by, savoring your first small scoops of ice cream with a new spoon as you glanced back at your crush and his twin brother. By the looks of it, the younger twin seemed to be teasing his kuya, nudging him a few times with a shit-eating grin on his face. Maybe you finally got through to Crispin?
Now you began to second-guess turning into a cat to get his attention.
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itsuki-minamy · 3 years
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Translation: Naru-kun Raws: Ridia
Real name: Bando Saburota
Terms of address: San-chan, Bando
Birthday: September 11, Virgo
Blood type: B
Age: 21 (At the beginning of the second season)
Physique: 1.82 cm in height. Eyes a little loose.
Face, hair: He wants a feature on his face, so he wears a cap and glasses. Black hair
Attire: Street fashion. He puts a hood over his cap. In an emergency, he will be deeply covered up to his eyes.
Personal effects: Laptop.
· He immediately compare himself to other people. He has a trivial thing at the root.
· Akagi is his childhood friend.
· The pasta is good but the container is small.
· The sign of "Homura" is in his navel.
A member of "Homura".
He is often a manipulated character and is in a clown position, but when he does, he is a man. He has strong feelings for his friends and a sense of belonging to "Homura".
Called the "little man". He is not jealous of anything, but you cannot hate him because there is no insidiousness to fill that jealousy. Although there are some timid points for the members of "Homura", who are full of bloody people, their acting power in times of emergency is more than that of the others.
After losing Suoh, who was his "King", he once parted ways with "Homura", but decided to support in response to Anna's awakening, and once again reunited as a member of the red clan. He fights as a member of "Homura" until the destruction of the Slate.
He fights with weapons like tonfas and flames. If he doesn’t have time to prepare his weapons, he can't help but use his fists instead of a weapon.
C (General clan member.)
Roasted meat. Especially hormones.
The rear loads.
Web browsing.
A sober and rough urban fashion. He is not good at fashion.
In body it is a normal category, but since it is quite tall, it seems lazy.
The grades in school were lower than the previous ones. It's easy to think the idea is simple, so it's easy to think it's stupid, but it's not. Good at machinery.
Live honestly according to your heart.
He got a job as a high school graduate, but was laid off within a month. After that, he did a lot of jobs, but he doesn't follow the things that he doesn't like, so he gets fired right away. In such circumstances, he met "Homura" and thought that he was a human who would like to keep up with Suoh for the first time, and became a member of the clan.
· 1992, Bando Saburota is born.
· 2012, Suoh dies and leaves “Homura”.
· 2013, Anna Kushina awakens as "Red King", Bando returns to "Homura".
The first person is "Ore".
He calls him "Mikoto-san".
A respectable "king". Strong, scary and cool. He is so in awe that he can't even compare to him, so he just yearns for it.
He calls her "Anna".
He originally thought of Suoh's daughter, so he didn't hesitate to keep up with Anna when she became the next "Red King" to take over the Suoh brand. But he doesn't think it's good to put Anna, a little girl, in a dangerous position.
He calls them: "Kusanagi-san" and "Totsuka-san".
The "Homura" executives. However, Totsuka tends to be careless.
He calls them: "Yata-san" and "Kamamoto-san".
He is learning, but he doesn't care much. Second, behind the executives, old Kamamoto is fairly respected, and Yata, whom Kamamoto appreciates, is prepared for the moment. But he can't forgive the handsome Kamamoto in summer version.
He calls him "Shohei".
As a childhood friend, he hung out next door, so he had problems with Shohei, who is more popular than him and has good luck and motor skills. But even though he is frustrated, he will always have his friendship.
He calls them: "Chitose", "Dewa", "Eric", "Fujishima".
Friends. A member of the fate community named "Homura". Since Chitose is often groping, he often becomes covered up.
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Bright as Red [2]
Pairing: Yata Misaki x reader
Description: Reader is left on the streets in a severe situation, being found by Totsuka Tatara, who gets to himself the responsability to help and heal the girl in HOMRA’s headquarters. When she wakes up, she’s led by the wanting to seek for revenge, going after who’s hurt her.
Warnings: swears and mentions of possible r*pe.
Word count: 2,750.
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That afternoon the headquarters was silent - not even Kusanagi was behind the bar, taking care of his beloved belongings.
Y/N was sitting on the leather couch as she tied her shoelaces. Yata Misaki had just entered the building, skateboard on hands, when she got up and crossed eyes with him. Curious, the boy asked, not wanting to sound rude:
“Where you think you’re going?”
She hesitated before answering, passing her weight to one feet to the other.
“Home,” Yata’s brows furrowed, and before he could ask anything else she added: “Kinda. I can’t use your clothes forever,” she gestured vaguely to her own body, still using Yata’s shirt and shorts, a bit loose on her.
“I thought you said your house was attacked,” his brows were furrowed more than ever, his hand gripping tightly to his skateboard. 
“It was.”
“And you intend to go there alone? All by yourself?”
The boy sounded not only angry, but a little worried, Y/N thought.
“I can’t ask anyone to go with me.”
“Of course you can. You’re one of us now.”
“I didn’t mean that,” she smiled just a bit. “The bar is empty,” she shrugged.
“Oh,” Yata lost arguments. “In that case, couldn’t you wait?”
She took a deep breath and sat back on the couch, hands passing through her hair. 
“I need to go there. I need to see… what left. If anything.”
Yata didn’t understand any of that, his life before HOMRA being way too different than hers, but he thought that she wasn’t being inconsequent, at least not entirely. It was understandable. Except the part for going alone. That was stupid.
“As far as I understand, that place is still dangerous for you to go, let’s say alone. C’mon, I’ll go with you,” he said before she even opened her mouth. Yata got his baseball bat and looked at her by the door, as if saying you coming?
She smiled - causing him to blush - and followed him. Even though Yata had his skateboard, it remained on his hands.
Y/N led the path to her house, the silence between them very much palpable, although it didn’t seem to bother the girl. She had her hands on tight fists, her jaws clenched. Yata could only wonder how she felt - angry? Sad? Nervous? All three of them? He didn’t know what to do nor what to say, so he just stood behind her, following as she turned street after street.
He would be lying if he said he didn’t want nothing to happen while they were at her house. It was a dangerous location at the moment, but he had hopes that whoever attacked her, they would be there, so he could kick the shit out of their bastard ass.
What kind of person would hurt a girl that bad? The memory of her being carried inside the bar by Totsuka still haunted Yata’s thoughts, all the blood and dirt and ripped clothes. He only hopped for the ripped clothes to mean nothing else like he was imagining. He thought that, if it was the case, she would’ve said, right? She wouldn’t be hanging around with all of them, with all those men.
“I know what you’re thinking,” she said upfront, as if reading his mind. He swallowed. “It’s written in all your faces, the doubt. Don’t worry, Yata-san,” she turned her head to look at him, and Yata’s heart raced at the sufixe on his name leaving her mouth.
“Good,” was his only response as he gripped his hand tighter to his skateboard and baseball bat. “But that doesn’t mean they’re impune on that.”
“No. They’re not,” she said, impassive. “It’s here.”
Y/N stopped at the front gates, the house behind it being very beautiful.
Besides the fact that was a damn mess. 
“Were you here? When this happened, I mean,” Yata asked.
She hadn’t told that part of the story, not yet.
“I was. My mom told me to hide, but when I saw that…”she closed her eyes. “When I saw that it was useless, after…”
Yata froze in place, not knowing what to do.
“I know,” he said, saving her to say the words, or anything like it.
“So I ran. I know it might look like that this was useless too, but maybe this is what saved my life.”
He nodded once.
“Because of that Totsuka-san saw you. Saved you. It wasn’t useless. It was a good call,” he gestured his head towards the house. “Ready when you are.”
She opened the gates and entered the property without ceremonies, Yata right behind her.
“Let me,” he said before she could open the front door. Y/N stared at Yata for a moment before nodding one time, giving him space.
With the bat he opened the door slowly, taking a peek inside. It was dark and a mess. The furniture was broken and scattered all around, papers being the new floor. Yata tried to switch the light on.
“I think the energy was cut.”
“Or destroyed. The wires, I mean.”
Yata entered, followed by Y/N. She took a look around, devastated.
“I didn’t know… it looked that bad.”
“Were they looking for anything specific?” Yata poked the mess on the floor with his bat.
“I don’t know. I mean, clearly they were - are -, but I don’t know what it is.”
“I don’t understand why this happened. All you said is that you and your parents were attacked.”
“I don’t understand much of it either, I never knew something was up until that day. All I know is that this creepy guy came in, prying up the gates and door, screaming for something,” Y/N got on her knees and moved a piece of furniture - or what left of it - away from the wall, revealing a vent. With her fingers and nails she tried to open it, failing.
It took Yata only a movement of his hand to open the small vent with his Red Aura.
“You gotta learn how to use your powers now.”
“It’s been less than a day. Cut me some slack,” she gave him a small smile and put her hand inside the vent, taking out some money. She continued to tell the story as more money came out. “That piece of shit came in, already breaking everything and asking ‘where is it?’ as some demand. Fuck, I wish I knew what ‘it’ is. I don’t even know what my father had gotten himself into.”
“You’re here to find this out,” Yata stated as Y/N got up, money in hands. She nodded.
The next thing she did was go upstairs, to what Yata thought was her room. Shy, he stood by the door as he waited for her to gather what she wanted. She came back with two backpacks, one full of what he assumed was her clothes and the other for whatever she was looking for. The money was in there.
“I need to go to my parent's room,” she said seriously.
“I can’t do this alone.”
Yata froze once again, chewing the inside of his cheeks. Of course that he nodded to her, what else could he possibly do? Let her go alone in there? In front of the door she froze, hands halfway to the doorknob. Yata opened it for her with his power. She gave him a thankful look.
He could hear when she stopped breathing, taking all in.
The room was just as a mess as the rest of the house, but he understood why Y/N would be all shaken up. Her parents just died, she was all alone in this world and to see this place looking like this…
It wasn’t easy, he wondered. With shaky hands and a racing heart, Yata placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, making her tremble by surprise. It felt like his touch gave her the strength that she needed, because a second later she was already moving around the room.
Yata moved along, taking a peek here and there, not really knowing what to look for - or what he was looking at.
“I’m looking for my dad’s computer, or my mom’s. Any computer, really, hoping that no one got it first.”
“Got it.”
Yata started looking at the dresser, ignoring the underwear with a deep heat blush as he found a key.
“Oi,” he called, both of them turning at each other. He tossed the key at Y/N, who got it midair. “Nice catch,” he said with a rascal smile.
Y/N examined the key carefully.
“I’ve got no idea what this opens,” she said while turning the key between her fingers.
“Guess we gotta try to open every damn thing to find out,” and there it was again, that rascal smile.
“So let’s try to open every damn thing,” she answered with the same smile on her lips.
“We should try my dad’s office,” Y/N said after a failed search at her parent's room. She didn’t want to take anything from there, or at least Yata didn’t see it. As they stepped in the room, Yata pointed at the computer on the desk.
“That computer, you meant?” He had a funny look on his face.
“Of course not,” she said calmly. “Although I could take the hard drive off to take a look later, but I have the feeling that there’s nothing in it.”
“Considering everything, yeah,” Yata opened every drawer and door.
“With your power we don’t need this key to open whatever’s closed, but that surely gave us the idea to look for something hidden.”
“I don’t know, the first thing you did when you got here was to pry open a vent and take money. I think you would find something that was hidden in some closed drawer or whatever.”
“Good point,” she smiled.
Yata’s phone started ringing and he answered.
“Yatagarasu here.”
“Yatagarasu?” Y/N let out a little giggle.
“Ah, Kusanagi-san. She’s with me. I-I’m with her, I mean. She…”
Y/N was nodding furiously. Don’t tell him!
“She needed fresh air. To think. I’m keeping her company, making sure nothing happens. Okay. Got it.”
“Thank you for not telling anything.”
“That’s not good. If they ever find this out, I’m dead meat.”
They continued their search, Yata being faster than ever. “After that call I think we should speed things up a lil’ bit.”
“I have an idea.” Y/N started to toss all the books from the bookshelves to the floor in a speed up race. “Help me!” And so Yata did it. After all the bookshelves were clean, he asked: “What now?”
“Now we look for fakes.”
As an answer, Y/N started knocking on the wall, trying to hear if anything sounded like there was a space behind it.
“It sounds weird here,” Yata said, knocking the same spot multiple times. Y/N nodded to him, giving permission to use his power there.
“But be careful. We don’t want to fuck up anything in there.”
A rash of red flames burst out of Yata towards the spot in the bookshelf, opening a hole up. The edges were still burning when Y/N stretched out her arm and looked for whatever was inside there.
“A velvet purse,” she said before opening it.
“Are those…?”
“Computer parts,” Y/N finished. “A hard drive. Two, actually. I’m gonna take the one in the computer as well. It’ll only take a moment.”
“No rush,” Yata said as he turned around, wondering if they should look for more.
“I think we can call it a day. Just do these last honors, would ya?”
Y/N was kneeled by a vent, giving Yata a sassy smile.
“Sure thing,” he quickly opened the vent and Y/N grabbed a handful of money. When she got up he noticed her stare at him. “What?”
She was actually staring at what he had on his hands, his skateboard and bat. 
“My dad had…” she pointed with her chin at his bat. “My dad had one autographed by his favorite player. I would like to take that with me.”
“Where is it?”
“It was supposed to be here.”
“Let’s go look for it. Maybe it’s still here.”
Yata’s determination in helping Y/N surely gave her the strength that she needed to not start running away from her house, scared by her feelings and by the state of the property. What was she thinking? She could’ve never go there alone. She wouldn’t make it. Not by herself.
“I’ll look here and you there. Let’s make it quick,” she told him.
After some time of looking through the mess she finally found it, her dad’s aluminum metal baseball bat, signed by his favorite player. For a moment she didn’t have the guts to take it, to merely touch it - the hell with it, she couldn’t even look at it without threatening tears. She sobbed as she kneeled in front of it, dropped carelessly on the floor. As if it was used and then discarded.
Yata was seeing all of that from the corner, not wanting to let her know that he could see her; but considering how good she was to say all the right things in the right time, he had no doubts that she knew he was there, looking.
It was heartbreaking, the whole thing.
Her sobs bursting out of her made Yata want to do something, anything, to make her feel better. A thing like this should never happen to a girl. And she was so smart, so self-reliant…
“Did you really look everywhere?”
Y/N immediately turned to where the strange voice came from, and Yata didn’t give a shit anymore if she knew he was looking at her crying. Both of them stood there, frozen and quiet. Even her breath was calculated. 
The outsider steps were fading away - whoever was there, they were probably going to the office. Thank goodness Yata and Y/N had just left there, taking anything important with them.
With the most silent steps Yata has ever heard, Y/N got up, her dad’s bat in hand and both backpacks on each of her shoulders.
She said silently “the garage” and Yata followed her. Once there - no car at sight - she started looking for something, with a mixture of most silent and quickness she could pull up. She let out a happy sigh when she found whatever she was looking for. Yata turned to see her putting on roller skates. 
Something lit up inside the boy, a new and therefore unknown sensation. He quickly shrugged it off - there was no time for new feelings, not now.
“We gotta go,” Y/N said in a rush, getting up on her roller skates.
Yata stood where he was, anger flowing through him, getting into his bloodstream, making his Red Aura make a casual appearance. He tightly gripped his bat.
“Was it them?’ It was all he asked.
“I don’t know. The voices sounded different, plus I think the guy who attacked me isn’t here.”
“But they surely are with him,” it was taking all of Yata’s strength to not go after those bastards and give them hell. 
“There’s no time for it. We gotta go. Now,” when she saw that Yata wasn’t moving, his Red Aura getting darker and stronger, she continued talking. “Don’t you think I don’t wanna do something, too? I do! But that’s not the right time. I can’t take the risk of losing the hard drives.”
His aura gave up a little bit, but he was still not moving.
“Yata-san, please,” his jaw clenched. “Please.”
“Lemme take one backpack,” he held out his hand. She tossed him one.
“Let’s be quiet until we’re at a safe distance.”
Yata was amazed by her ability to tiptoe on those roller skates, being able to not emit a single sound. Outside the garage, in the backyard, Y/N looked back at her house. “I don’t think I’ll be coming back here again.” He could only give her a sympathizing look.
“What about the key?” He asked.
“I don’t think it matters anymore. Let’s bet on a race to HOMRA,” she said, a smile on her lips washing away any sadness. Before Yata could agree, still putting her backpack on his shoulders, she was already skating away, getting an advantage.
“Oi!” He shouted when he was already on the streets. “Wait up! That’s not fair!” He complained as the air gave him her laugh as a response. 
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RP LOG || Tosakin (Chapter 2)
Continues from Chapter 1.
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“Don’t you tell me to shut up!” Yata spat back at him. He was convinced that Saruhiko just didn’t want to hear what he had to say. That “something not right” could be that Mr. Perfect might be wrong.
“Tch, quit being so loud!” Saruhiko growled back, reaching for his phone.
‘If Jungle is behind this, then these are all civilians, probably unaware of what they’re actually into.’ He thought. Reporting this to base and letting them handle it was the best course of action.
Except he found himself unable to make any calls. His screen flashed with 'No Service Available’ in clear characters.
“..A Telephone Denial of Service attack…?” Saruhiko muttered. He didn’t even know that could be possible to do to a single cellphone. No, it was more likely they were affecting one or some of the nodes of the cellular network. Or who knew really? When a King’s power was in action the laws of common sense were often defied.
There was just one thing that was clear.
“We’re cut off.” He announced to the other man. “These guys are isolating us.”
The real question was, why? What was going to happen next?
The skater finally realized what was going on. He took a look around at his surroundings and then at his wrist phone to see if he still had service. “What?” He clenched the stick in his hand now wondering if he needed to be concerned with someone either than the man who was still directly in front of him.
Normally Saruhiko would be morbidly fascinated enough to want to stay and see what happened. But being here with Misaki, memories kicked in. Very unpleasant memories, of them running down the street chased by masked students railed by Jungle. Being shot with makeshift missiles…
The Green Clan had been up and about doing all kinds of petty things around the city of late. Most of them seemed to have no real aim, but others had been classified as borderline local terrorism. Though the physical victims were few, things like the stock markets and real estate value had been affected. He didn’t know what purpose Jungle could have to want to shake the economy, but what better moment to do that now, with the Golden King gone?
And with the Blue King handling everything in his stead…
What if whatever was going to happen would force him to act? Like at the Mihashira Tower back in October. Would his Sword be further damaged?
He didn’t want to find out. As bitter as it was, withdrawing was the best solution. To keep both the Captain from acting out, and this stupid Misaki safe.
“Tch…” He clicked his tongue, then put the sword back in its scabbard. “Well, if they’re just kids like this they shouldn’t try anything. Let’s get out of here.”
Stomping onto the skateboard so it would flip vertically and catching it, trusting that Misaki would have to follow then, he headed through one end of the alley. The people recording from that side quickly scattered to find shelter or hide, but the phones were still out.
“H-HEY!!” Yata yelled at the blue-eyed monster as he grabbed the skateboard in his hand and stalked off towards the other end of the alleyway. He had intended to go in the opposite direction as him. He had a plan to get Anna a cute accessory for her Gothic Lolita outfit, which didn’t include the damn monkey! He ran to catch up to his long strides and grabbed the end of the skateboard, trying to pull it free from the other’s clutch.
Saruhiko’s eyes widened for a second, that’s how long it took for irritation to take over surprise again. Why was this guy just so single-celled?
Fine, he could carry the stupid skateboard. He let go of it, only to grab Misaki’s wrist next. Stalking past the small crowd of Jungle followers, he pulled the shorter man towards the entrance to the subway and down the stairs. He noticed some were following, and others they were walking by had their phone out. It was impossible to tell who was using the feature and who was just minding their business now.
But hopefully the subway was the quickest way to reach an area where nextwork would be active again.
The skateboard loosened from the other’s grip but the red-haired man was unprepared for what came next.
The taller man released his grip only to grab onto his wrist instead.
How dare he! Just who did he think he was?! Yata had gone through such a range of emotions in the short time he had seen Saruhiko and it looked as though there was no end in sight. This familiarity was yet another knife to him. Sometimes he was so distant and others he was so close. This man was always pulling him in a thousand directions. This reminded him of other times, when they shared a home, but he knew it meant nothing to the other. As soon as they were away from whatever danger Saruhiko perceived, real or not, he would go back to his new clan; his new family.
It was such a bitter pain to know that the skater still longed for the friendship that was long dead to the other.
“Let me go!” He pulled his arm trying to free himself from the memories. He didn’t want to watch the other one let him go and then leave again. It was better if he did it first.
'So you can go get captured or killed like a moron? Fat chance.’ Like with many things, Saruhiko kept his words inside and just clicked his tongue. Since his PDA wasn’t working, he had to use actual change to get through the gate. He had the bare amount for both. He’d have to figure out something else to go back to the headquarters if he still had no service later.
Pulling the other along, he didn’t stop until they got aboard and the train’s sliding doors closed. The mere eyeing of another person on their phone made him tense and he dragged Misaki into the next car and then the one after that as well, his grip growing tighter as his nervousness increased. Saruhiko didn’t stop until they were in a completely empty one at the far rear of the subway train, which had started to move in the meantime.
His piercing blue eyes were fixed on the windows while the train left the station. Someone from outside still filmed them, but they would soon be far away from those freaks.
“Insistent creeps…” He muttered, ignoring that his grip had grown vice-like at this point.
Yata continued to try to tug his arm free as Saruhiko dragged him out of the alley and to the station. However, try as might, he couldn’t manage to pull himself away. The dark-haired man was somehow stronger than him today. Where did he keep this energy when they fought?
His shouting went on unabated as he was dragged through the turnstile and then onto the train car. No matter how much the youth protested the man didn’t listen, just reinforcing that he didn’t matter.
He wanted to smack him! He had the piece of wood still in his hand, it would be easy to raise it and clock him right upside the head. His fingers twitched with the idea
But… he was on the train… Starting a fight here would get him kicked off.
He couldn’t do nothing though! Saruhiko had dragged him much to far for his to go unchallenged. While the man was distracted he bit his hand as hard as he could. That would make him let go!
“Ack…!” Saruhiko’s eyes widened in surprise and pain, the bite snapping him out of his focus. He let go to look down in angry shock at the teeth marks on the side of his backhand.
Had Misaki just bit him like an animal? Geez.
“What the hell, Misaki…” He grumbled, frowning at the mark and then bringing it to his own lips to nurse it. “This really hurts, idiot.”
“Well it serves you right! I told you a million times to let go. And quit calling me that!” The red-head barked back resting the stick against the wall of the train and crossing his arms. He glanced back at the dark-haired man and his eyes grew wide. He was a monkey, not a cat! “What the fuck are you doing?!”
“What does it look like?” He asked slumping into a seat and returning the wound to his mouth. The bite really hurt and he had no water or ice to put on it. His own saliva was the only option left.
“It’s gross! You’re not a child. Knock it off!” It was one thing of it was Anna, but Saruhiko was a full grown man. It looked so strange to see him do it; unnerving!
“Says the one who bit me like a child.”
What was there to listen at? All he heard was cursing and yelling and asking to be let go. All things he didn’t like. Who’d want to listen to any of that?
“You’re so loud, Misaki…” He sighed tiredly, clicking his tongue and looking down at his hand again. Even with his treatment, the mark was pretty visible. He didn’t mind too much… It was from Misaki, he could keep it for himself for as long as it lasted. It was almost a shame it would fade away eventually.
Speaking of marks, he couldn’t help but return his attention to the other’s hand again, though Misaki was folding arms now and hiding it. “What’s with all the bruises on your knuckles anyway.”
Yata’s cheeks flushed red. Saruhiko was the worst! When did he even notice that? Why was he even paying attention? Was it something else to just rub in later? Why did it always have to be like this? Why couldn’t they go back to the way things had been?
He flopped down in the seat beside him. They were on the train after all, it would be weird to take up extra space. He turned his almond eyes on the other man and glared. “You know why! I’m sure you saw!” He just wanted to tell him what an idiot he was… he’d already said it at least once.
“I saw you punch a wall.” Saruhiko replied with half-lidded eyes. “Unless you’re gonna tell me you decided to surprise Anna with bloody red hands, that doesn’t answer the question.”
He checked the phone for service, finding none yet. He hoped Jungle hadn’t somehow affected his PDA with malware again. Falling twice in the same trap would be embarrassing to say the least.
“Homra was re-established and you got a new King. So whatever’s the matter? Shouldn’t a simpleton like you have enough reasons to be running in circles with a happy face right now?”
He knew it!! There was that word again! Though he hadn’t exactly called him an idiot… but it was the same thing. “I was trying to figure out what to get Anna as a gift.” The youth said, quietly sulking in his seat.
“By punching a wall.” Saruhiko scoffed without any amusement. “Wouldn’t it make more sense to hit your head against it, if it was to get ideas?”
“SHUT UP!” The youth shouted. “Like you would have an easier time coming up with an idea!”
Ugh, so much yelling. He’d get a migraine before the train stopped.
“I would.” He propped one elbow on his knee to rest his chin in his hand. “That’s twice now that she’s snuck up in our headquarters to go see that stupid horse. I’d just make an arrangement to let her spend some time with White Bean Paste Tofu Stew, ride it or something.”
Even though the most recent time wasn’t just for that, he knew… To think that Anna had come to personally check on the Blue King…? Just how worried had the Lieutenant been to get her involved too?
And those unnerving things the little girl said, about a storm rising… Saruhiko still didn’t know what that meant, but he didn’t like it.
“But that’s not something you can do, right Misaki? So it’s no good to ask what I’d do.”
“What? She’s been sneaking into your compound?” This was the first he had heard of it. The red-haired man didn’t like it one bit. There were rules! The clans were separate! She could get in trouble for being in the other’s territory. If things were as simple as that then…
No! No use thinking of that!
Though he had to admit, a part of why that angered him so was that he was jealous. Anna got to Saruhiko’s turf. And since he knew, chances were that he’d at least seen her on a monitor or something, maybe she’d even seen him! It wasn’t fair!
His present was much better too. Fuck! He couldn’t do something as nice for her. He clicked his tongue. “I had an IDEA too! I was gunna get her a headband or something!” He had ideas! Though it should be better than some ex-clansman! He bit his lip not wanting to admit that Saruhiko might know her better even after having abandoned everyone.
“You and those thugs still insist on treating her like a doll to dress up. What a bunch of lolicons. Aren’t you a bit old to be playing with dolls, Misaki? Seriously…”
His gaze got distant and after that he said nothing for a while, absorbed in his own thoughts.
After a few silent minutes, he spoke again to say one word. “Tosakin.”
He wanted to shout at him, to tell him that if he was so smart, he should come up with something better. But instead, he sat there silently, fuming instead. He could think up something better on his own!
After a short while, he heard the other speak. His temper had ceased now that he was thinking of other things. “Huh?” He asked.
He raised one finger of the hand that was supporting his face to lazily point at the holographic strip of ads that ran along the wall of the train across from their seats. Among them was the glowy announcement of a promotional event that offered a Tosakin fish as prize.
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“Those aquariums at the bar probably got emptied when it closed down for a while, no?” Saruhiko commented with a bored expression.
The Tosakin was one expensive, classy kind of goldfish. For a reason, since it was artificially bred and a protected species of the Kochi region. Because of its deep red color and the veil-like, fanned shaped large white tail, it was also called the Queen of Goldfish, believed to be developed by a samurai for the nobles many centuries ago. Saruhiko had read that somewhere many years ago.
“It kinda looks like her.” He said absent-mindedly. “She’s kinda quiet like a goldfish, too. Since she’s so obsessed with red, maybe she’ll like that.” Well, he knew it wasn’t so much obsession as more that Anna could only see the colour red, but he didn’t want to acknowledge the issue and look like he minded her problems.
“It’s annoying that you got to try and win it at games rather than just buying it, but I bet you couldn’t afford to buy one with your money anyway.”
Yata bolted from his seat! That was perfect! If only the idea didn’t come from him.
“I’m going to win it!!” He said making a fist and thrusting it into the air. He turned to the dark-haired man, not waiting to wait for the information on the screen! “Where do I go?”
“How many times do I have to say it? I’m not your informant.” Saruhiko’s eye twitched. The ad was right there, and look how excited Misaki was all of a sudden. How could he show him that kind of expression again?
“Next Stop: Ichigaya Station.” announced the speakers in the subway car.
The blue clansman just sighed. “Well, I guess it’s this stop…”
“Yeah!” The red-haired man cheered. He rolled up his sleeves and made motion that he was ready for a fight! He grabbed his board and the sleeve of the man in blue! With a new fire burning within him, he attempted to push his way off the train. Completely oblivious to the fact that he and Saruhiko weren’t friends anymore. For a moment, he’d forgotten that they were enemies, instead acting like they were when they had shared a home.
“You’re gonna leave that stick he– H-hey…!” Saruhiko tensed when his sleeve was pulled and jerked in direction of the exit. Stupid Misaki! What happened to all that traitor talk from before?
It was annoying. This guy didn’t read the mood at all. Just like back in middle school, he’d just push people along his own plans without taking into account how they felt about it. It was also annoying that for his new Red King he was willing to forget about their fight and drag him along like they were buddies. He hated to know that this was all for Anna-chan and had nothing to do with him.
But more than anything, it was annoying that Misaki just wouldn’t listen.
“Did you read that ad at all??”
It was the fourth time Saruhiko had asked that along the way, and he did just as they finally stopped before the venue of the event.
An event to promote… a newly opened restaurant called ’The Enamored Tosakin’.
A restaurant for couples. With an event intended for couples. With games for couples at the booths.
And, of course, with a big sign at the entrance that clearly stated, participants could only be couples.
Continues to Chapter 3.
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szivtalan · 4 years
Fushimi, Misaki Yata, Bojack, Diane and Princess Carolyn for the character thing please?
i’m doing a whole read more bc this is long as shit
Fushimi Saruhiko
do I like them: yes, he is my bastard son and I would die for him.
5 good qualities: smart, resilient, really fucking tough, caring towards his friends, knows when to move on.
3 bad qualities: he can be kind of obsessive, the self-loathing levels are off the fucking charts, and also he’s sort of a psycho?
favourite episode/etc: his  introductory episode is chefs kiss, but I think my favorite Fushimi  moments are in the kotatsu chapter of the manga. Also, the interaction  between him and Totsuka in which Totsuka asks him to give a reason for  his betrayal later.
otp: you can take SaruMi out of my cold dead hands
brotp: Fushimi and the Scepter4 guys are so goddamn dorky together
ot3: I have a thing for Munakata/Fushimi/Mikoto eeeuugh don’t judge ok. Alternatively, Munakata/Fushimi/Awashima is also Really Nice
notp: apparently some people ship him with his dad, I’d say that.
best quote:  probably the “I can’t stand people with a big heart.” monologue. It’s  actually really relatable, resenting people for being too good and  making someone else feel inferior bc of it.
head canon:  This is already canon, but I think not many people are aware that  Fushimi self-harms. In my opinion, he also does it underneath the  bullshit little cloth around his forearms, but you have to consider that  the HOMRA tattoo might represent the team itself, but it is on his  skin. He burned that shit and refuses to let it heal completely by  picking at it every five minutes - which also happens whenever he’s  feeling stressed or melancholic about the past. That is self harm.
Yata Misaki
do I like them: oh of Course, he’s baby
5 good qualities: his love, his loyalty, his absolute shyness with girls (gay cough so very gay), his subtle naivety and his honesty
3 bad qualities: his temper, his obliviousness, and his inability to resolve tension
favourite episode/etc: I loved their flashbacks with Fushimi?
otp: SaruMi, ofc
brotp: Totsuka/Yata
ot3:  man he is Baby, he can barely get it on w one person without getting  flustered but I wanna say he could be involved in that  Kusanagi/Mikoto/Totsuka threeway
notp: I would bet my ass he is in some way shipped w Niki too.
best quote: I can’t think of any notable one
head canon:  I think he did try to reach out to Fushimi quite a few times ever since  they separated, since he doesn’t have much pride to swallow. It was  probably Fushimi who kept avoiding him.
BoJack Horseman
do I like them: y......yes. Very much so
5 good qualities: n/a I MEAN he is witty, smart, and he cares a lot about people in his own way. Also, he’s sensitive but he would never admit to it
3 bad qualities: I guess using people to his own selfish needs and being unable to admit to it or make amends?
favourite episode/etc: 5x6 Free Churro. That whole episode was painfully real; also 4x6 Stupid Piece of Sh*t
otp: I was really rooting for him and Diane in the beginning
brotp: Todd or Peanutbutter. They just... look out for him and its..... so good
ot3: Pb/Diane/BoJack would’ve been nice
notp: Do people ship him with Penny or Sarah Lynn? I feel like they do. gross
best quote: “You know, sometimes I feel like I was born with a leak...”
head canon: I do think he is remorseful and feels struck by guilt every waking hour like he said he is,,, that still doesn’t excuse his shitty behavior
Diane Nguyen
do I like them: I do love her very much
5 good qualities:  she cares about so many things and she isn’t afraid to vocalize her  opinion, even when the whole world turns on her bc of them. I respect  that kind of bravery in someone, that kind of sense of individual  responsibility to make the world a better place. She’s everything I used  to want to be.
3 bad qualities: she gets way in over  her head about things and she is kind of attached to her own  melancholy, but I think that’s really just depression speaking most of  the time.
favourite episode/etc: the one in which she decides to take medication and get better.
otp: Diane/BoJack  could’ve worked if the show had a more idealistic and less realistic  take on flawed people. But she is way better off with Guy
brotp:  I appreciate how they were there for each other with PC, and how she  had a civil relationship with Peanutbutter after their divorce and  initial stupidity following that.
ot3: Pb/Diane/BJ
notp:  gosh, idk. I’m not familiar with fandom takes but I’m sure I could find  something to frown upon once I get to digging. I guess I would say her  and Pb weren’t really good for each other?
best quote: “Sometimes, life’s a bitch and then you keep on living.”
head canon: she’s such a well rounded character I have no other thoughts to add
Princess Carolyn
do I like them: I will defend PC with my LIFE
5 good qualities: extremely hardworking and determined, caring to a fault, indescribably loving and nurturing, tough as fuck
3 bad qualities: caring to a fault, naive despite her strong will, gets comfortable with the roles he assigns to the people in her life to the point of not really being able to let them grow/change from it (e.g her relationship with Vanessa and Bojack)
favourite episode/etc: the one where she goes to meet the adoptive mother of her child
otp: I’m really good with Judah/PC
brotp: PC and Todd could take over the world and I’d be cool w it
ot3: I really see her as a one-person-cat
notp: it was painful to see in the end how attached she actually was to BoJack,,,, also I used to like her with Ralph but the whole cat-racism thing was a huge nope
best quote: “I compulsively take care of other people when I don’t know how to take care of myself.” dare I say, HUGE mood
head canon: I have nothing to add except that she’s fucking great
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stealinghero · 4 years
Shamelessly copied from golden saga imagines but I would love your take on this. Due to a series of coincidences, Reader and Lupin have crossed paths a few times and due to them being an unwilling Damsel in distress he had to help out in those situations, everyone assumes they are a couple. Including Zenigata who is heartbroken about the person he fell for falling for LUPIN of all people. However, Reader really is in love with Zenigata but thinks hes uninterested. Lupin intervenes. Chaos ensues
I tried so many things and wrote so many words - only to delete them after a few sentences. But finally I got around something and I think while it’s not perfect, I am happy the way it turned out. X3
He let out a long sigh before closing the case and leaning back on his chair, swinging his legs on the desk in front of him while ignoring the stares of his colleagues. The face re-appeared right before his eyes as soon as he closed them and he was tired to think about this person for the rest of the days. But there was nothing else to do, right? From all the humans on this big blue ball called Earth, he had to fall for the only one he couldn’t have. And he had fallen hard when he wanted to talk to them, only to be interrupted by the thief he had chased around the globe at least fifty times now. Wherever they were, he wasn’t far. How could they be so corrupted by a criminal and still have their angelic looks?
He shook his head and groaned as Yata appeared in front of his desk, clutching an envelope addressed to the Inspector.
“Another warning?” Zenigata asked as he took the envelope and looked at it. It was the handwriting of the thief but inside was nothing but an address and a time.
“Which museum is it this time?” he asked, curious about this unusual style.
“That’s the thing: It’s a restaurant. A pretty classy one, too.”
“Anything worth stealing in there?”
“Well, the ladies from traffic say the food is worth to die, but… no, not really.”
“Two days. Get the others, we will storm the place as soon as Lupin shows his monkey face!”
“Hey? I found this between the letters. It’s your name written on it.”
Curiously you took the letter and eyed it with the beginning of a very bad feeling down in your stomach.
“The handwriting is so manly. Do you have a secret lover you didn’t tell me about?” Your co-worker was a nice girl, but she loved to gossip and your life was her favourite topic. Especially since the last accidents you had where the famous thief Lupin the 3rd had appeared to save you. She really thought this low criminal was cute!!
To you he was a nuisance without any good sides. The worst part of those incidents had been that your long-time crush had finally taken notice of your presence – only to think you were a criminal, too!!
“Are you listening?”
You stared at her like a dream when you came back to reality.
“I’m sorry. What did you say?”
“That you should open it!! It has to be from a man! Maybe it’s even a love letter?!”
“Calm down! I am opening it.”
She came closer until she could see the opening from the first row and not miss a thing.
We need to talk. – a friendly Police Officer
Underneath were a date with time and an address.
“A friendly Police officer?”
Your heart had stopped beating. Only one face appeared in your mind when you read those words and you wondered what he wanted to talk to you about.
“You need to dress up for your date!”
“It’s not a date, it’s just talking.”
He had noticed you!!
“You are blushing!”
“I am NOT blushing!!” you replied to that friendly banter, even if you couldn’t help to dream a bit about the meeting in a few days.
“Is everyone in position? I’m going in!”
Zenigata didn’t wait for any confirmation. Inside of this restaurant would be Lupin, waiting for him, not knowing that the whole building was surrounded.
“Everyone is ready when you are, Sir. Just say the codeword and we will arrest that stupid thief!!”
Yata was fired up as always, leaving his superior with a calm feeling. Tonight the chasing would end. Tonight he would finally get his hands on Lupin!! As soon as he would see him, he would say the codeword and there was no way he could escape this scenario, right?!
“Monsieur Zenigata, your table is ready and your consort is already waiting patiently.”
He nodded towards the neatly dressed waiter and felt a pang of shame to be here in his usual attire. But why should he wear something else just to arrest a thief.
Following the waiter, he couldn’t wait to finally see Lupin, but he was irritated when this beautiful face appeared in his line of sight, leaving him dumfounded.
“Inspector Zenigata, you really came.”
He nodded. Of course he had come. Lupin had sent him an invitation. Why was his partner here instead of him himself?
“Where is he?”
They crossed they arms and huffed.
“We are not a couple, okay?!”
He blinked and stared at them.
They blushed and tried to drown their response in a glass of red wine.
“No,” they simply said when it didn’t work. He sat down on the opposite side of the table and looked at them more closely, trying to find a lie in those words.
“He saved me a few times, okay. But we have nothing and I am not a criminal. I’m just a normal person who tries to live the best way with selling flowers!”
He took their glass, refilled it with the nearest bottle of red wine and drank it down in one gulp.
Sitting here, in an expensive (and romantic) restaurant, facing his crush and they told him a lie after a lie?! How could he possibly believe them?!
You watched him emptying the glass wondering if he would believe you.
“You sent me a note that you needed to talk. So, here I am.”
“No, Lupin sent me a note saying he would be here.”
Silent you took out his letter and placed it on the table.
A nearby waiter came close to your table and gave you two some menu cards. When you looked back at the table after thanking him the card was gone.
“What the…”
“I know, it’s really expensive.”
He hadn’t even noticed the letter! The man sitting in front of you studied the menu!! You took the menu out of his hands and placed it next to you.
“That’s not the point. You wanted to talk. Let’s talk.”
“I was expecting Lupin. Why should I want to talk to his partner?”
“I am NOT his partner. I have nothing to do with this stupid thief and I am nothing more than a florist!!”
“Florist?!” he looked at you, incredulously. And then hell broke loose.
With a surprised shriek you scooted closer to Zenigata with your chair, expecting some terrorists or other criminals storming the room. Instead they all wore uniforms and were clearly from the local police, as you recognized a few familiar faces of your customers.
A strong arm was placed around your shoulders as Zenigata tried to protect you from his own men.
“Yata! Stop that mess! Why are you here?!” he demanded to know from another man.
“You said the codeword, Sir. Florist.”
“I…. aaah, I did. But they are a florist. Like for a job.”
Of course. He really had expected Lupin to show up and had arranged everything to arrest the thief if he should show himself. But why had he… no, WHO had sent you that note that had disappeared?
“Get out. He isn’t here. And after that he won’t show up, either.”
You could see the embarrassment and also the subdued anger in Zenigata’s face and you couldn’t help to pity him. He really had tried his best and you wished Lupin had showed up.
“I’m sorry.”
He looked at you, surprised from your small voice.
“Because if I had been Lupin it would have worked.”
His face grew soft as he smiled at you.
“Don’t. I’m sorry that you had to go through this.”
“It’s fine. I should have know it.”
“Because there’s no way a renowned and handsome Inspector would fall for some stupid little florist like me.”
A waiter came closer to clean up the mess and tripped over a carpet before falling and pushing you into Zenigata’s arms as the Inspector was trying to catch you before you could fall yourself.
With a hammering heart you looked up to him from this accidental embrace, felling the blood rushing to your face.
“Careful,” he reminded you while the waiter sheepishly shuffled away without cleaning anything.
You couldn’t say anything, lost in his eyes, your hands around his waist, feeling the strong muscles underneath his shirt, his arms warm and protective around you.
“Are you alright?” He leaned down a bit and you just acted.
Your lips touched his as you tried not to panic the same moment you understood what your body had done without thinking. How could you get away from this without being completely looking like a horny idiot?!
His hands were around your elbows and suddenly the fingers closed around your arms, pulling you a bit closer while he still kissed you back.
“Sir! LUPIN!”
The waiter ripped off a mask, grinned and then turned around to sprint into the kitchen with the police following him.
His eyes followed the thief, but his body stayed right with you.
“Shouldn’t you follow him?” you asked, unsure if it would be a crime to kiss him again. Something like obstructing the arrest of a criminal.
“Every policeman of this city is following him. I think I should stay and protect the witness.”
Helplessly your brain melted and you kissed him again. Next time your ways crossed with Lupin’s you had to thank the thief.
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brynne-lagaao · 5 years
(Fanfic) Morning After
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Title: Morning After
Rating: R18
Description: It wasn’t just the alcohol that brought them to this point; it had been a long time coming, even if Yata hadn’t quite realized it before. He wasn’t about to let it end there, either.
Crossposts: AO3, FFNET, my website. Links are here.
Happy Sarumi Day, and happy (early) birthday to Yata Misaki!
The morning after his birthday, Yata woke with a dry mouth and a faint but persistent headache. His body felt unusually sweaty and sticky and he could tell even before opening his eyes that he was in an unfamiliar place.
He was also completely naked under the covers of whatever bed he was sleeping on.
It was that last fact that had him shaking off the final haze of sleep and opening his eyes, grimacing at the way the light in the room caused them to sting. Yata muttered a few swears under his breath as the heavy, aching feeling of having had a few too many drinks the night before started to make itself known.
Goddamnit, I told them to cool it with the shots…
That one stray memory seemed to open the floodgate; even as he squinted up at the ceiling, he could feel the evening’s events start to come back to him. Hanging out with his friends at that bar, the classy one he and Saruhiko sometimes went to. Having Saruhiko himself show up, something he’d been vague about beforehand - ‘not enough free time’ and all that crap - along with a few of the Blues that Yata had gotten friendly with during their alliance. Everyone buying him beer, shots, and even a few fancy cocktails with the repeated insistence that you had to get loaded on your own birthday. Stuff started to blur together after a while, but…
His vision cleared.
The room he was in was a hotel room. Nothing too fancy, but the bed was huge and it was sitting on some kinda platform - he was pretty sure it rotated, even. There were some questionable looking bottles on the side tables and the lighting was artfully dimmed. When he turned his gaze up at the ceiling, his own reflection squinted blurrily back at him, flushed and ruffled and looking thoroughly befuddled, from the large mirror mounted there.
One of those hotel rooms, even.
The sound of a running shower was coming from somewhere nearby, and when he glanced in that direction, he could see light coming from beneath the closed door across the room. Further investigation revealed that the other side of the bed was empty but the covers were in disarray - clearly, someone else had slept there.
Holy shit… For a moment, Yata could only stare blankly at the evidence of what had obviously happened, the pieces falling together in his head before his thoughts had quite caught up.
He had… he had totally gotten laid last night, hadn’t he?
Coming to that realization was like reaching a trigger point in a video game to unlock a cutscene - or, in this case, a memory. The vivid impression of his mouth pressed against someone else’s, opening and moving with hot, clumsy fervency as they pressed together. Pulling off his clothing with haste between sloppy kisses; the feel of hands on his naked body; the warmth of uncovered skin beneath his fingers. They’d been rough with each other, grasping harshly for purchase against arms, hips, torso, anywhere - tumbling blindly onto the bed and rolling a few times before coming together somewhere in the middle. The chest against his was flat and firm; he could very clearly recall how delicious the contact had been and how much pleasure had come just from their lower bodies rubbing sinuously against one another. The heat of another man’s erect cock moving against his own had sent him over the edge, an unexpectedly intense orgasm ripping through him as he was pressed down hard against the mattress.
There was heat rising on Yata’s face now, embarrassment at the erotic recollection nearly overpowering his senses. Fuck. He pushed himself up to lean forward against his knees, letting the bedcovers sink around his hips and running a hand over his face as he shut his eyes against the rush. It didn’t help that the memory had him about halfway hard now, a pleasant prickle of arousal overriding the discomfort left by his excessive drinking the night before.
Damn, it had been good, he had to admit, going by just the memory alone. Even aside from that first hasty climax, he had other impressions rushing back: the sensation of muscle tensing and relaxing under his tongue as he migrated down along a toned stomach; the feel of fingers threading in his hair and encouragingly pulling him down; the weight and bulk of his partner’s dick sliding into his mouth with surprising ease.
… The reversal, lying on his back with his legs spread and hands securing his hips, feeling warmth and suction closing around his own cock as his thoughts broke apart in the wake of intense pleasure.
Holy shit. Yata could feel his cheeks flaming beneath his fingers, breath growing short and ragged against his palm as his pulse started to quicken. They’d really done… that. Recalling the taste and the feeling gave him another little squirmy rush of arousal, his body taking further interest at the memory of what it had done to incite those sensations.
They’d done it, and it had been good.
That single fact was still sinking in when the bathroom door opened, and he turned his head instinctively just as his partner in this unexpected little affair stepped out.
Instantly, his skin prickled up, and his earlier embarrassment seemed to fly out the window. Because that tall, lanky figure standing in the doorway in just a thin shirt and pants with a towel wrapped around his neck and his dark hair hanging damp and limp around his face was so familiar Yata would’ve recognized him in his sleep.
It didn’t feel like as much of a shock as it should’ve. Even as Yata sat there on the bed, blinking stupidly at his oldest friend - his oldest friend who he’d just fucking had sex with last night - something in the back of his mind seemed to click into place. The thought crossed his mind: ‘Oh. So that’s it.’
Of course it was Saruhiko. Of course.
There was no real time to process that revelation before Saruhiko made a sour face, clicking his tongue and turning away from Yata’s gaze. “You’re already awake, huh?” he muttered, sounding a bit put out. “Do you actually remember anything from last night, or am I going to have to explain it?”
The petulant tone grated on his nerves; Yata scowled back, instinctively on the defensive before he could properly think about it. “Why the hell wouldn’t I remember?”
“Hmm?” That response was drawn out almost mockingly, a tone that Yata had begun to recognize as Saruhiko hoisting his own defenses. That cool gaze met his again; behind the slightly fogged lens of his glasses, one of Saruhiko’s eyebrows raised. “Based on how many drinks you had…” He spread his hands, almost lazily. “Who knows.”
Right, the drinks… And now that it had been brought back up, Yata sorta remembered something else. A whole tray of shots set on the table in front of him, when he still had a nearly full glass in his hand. He’d already been feeling tipsy, and the prospect had been kind of alarming. He’d tried to laugh it off at first.
“Hey, c’mon, this is getting stupid - ”
A light snort from beside him. “Lightweight,” Saruhiko’s murmur followed.
“Huh? What the hell? Look who’s talking!” Yata leaned sideways in the booth to offer a pugnacious scowl in return, not fully serious about it but going with the flow of their usual banter. “As if you’re any better, Saru .”
Saruhiko met his stare head on, unphased. “Your memory must be going if you think so.”
“Yeah?” Impulsively, Yata slid the tray on the table, causing the shots on it to quiver as it came to rest between them. He smirked at the narrow look Saruhiko gave him. “Prove it.”
Neither of them was good at turning down a challenge. He could already see the fire lighting in Saruhiko’s gaze, even before he clicked his tongue and reached for the nearest glass. “Fine.”
That was it - that was how it had started.
At this point, Yata couldn’t remember who had won that impromptu competition - if either of them had. He vaguely recalled getting up from his seat and feeling unsteady on his feet, grinning stupidly at the laughing group of his friends as he stumbled for the bathroom. Saruhiko had been with him - he remembered the two of them bumping into each other, shoving back and forth playfully with their elbows.
Saruhiko had been smiling too, fierce and wide. It had been difficult to look away from his face, with how it transformed when he was like that.
Something inside his chest had seemed to flip, and he’d been able to see that same something reflected back in Saruhiko’s eyes. Acknowledgement - mutual understanding. It was too perfect.
Yata didn’t quite remember going through the bathroom door. He didn’t remember stumbling into a stall, or closing it behind them. But he vividly recalled how it had felt to press back against the closed stall door, tilting his head up as Saruhiko tilted his down - how their lips had met tentatively. So achingly, agonizingly soft. Phantom shivers went through him just from the memory, the longing he’d felt in that moment rising up again to clog his throat.
In that moment, he was painfully aware of just how much he’d wanted that kiss without even knowing it. Almost from the very start of their relationship, years ago. It was the sweetest thing he’d ever experienced, that unfulfilled desire being finally, finally answered.
Part of him had probably always known.
The silence had stretched on just a little too long while he was feeling the weight of the remembered awakening. Saruhiko clicked his tongue again, turning his head to break their gaze and frowning at the wall instead with obvious displeasure. “You’re better off not remembering anyway.”
Following on the heels of his recent memory, those words hurt more than they probably should’ve. Yata felt his hands curl into fists at his side, the now-familiar blend of frustration and confusion that rose at these moments when the two of them had a disconnect in understanding flaring up in immediate response. He had to force his voice even when he responded. “Why?”
“‘Why’?” Saruhiko repeated, still in that hatefully condescending drawl. He was still not making eye contact. “Isn’t it less awkward if at least one of us forgets this happened?”
Years of dealing with this crap had at least given Yata some perspective on some of Saruhiko’s baiting tactics, but that didn’t make it easier to handle. He could feel the hurt and the indignation surging up through his veins, demanding a response - demanding that he jump out of bed and grab Saruhiko by the collar and shake him. His fingers clenched even more tightly, almost painfully, as he forced the urge back.
It was a statement designed to cut, but it wasn’t just aimed at him. It was defensive at its heart in a way that was hauntingly familiar.
Yata didn’t fully understand Saruhiko - couldn’t wrap his head around what drove him to be like this, even after hearing the mumbled explanations during the series of painfully honest conversations they’d had as they healed their broken relationship. But more and more, he was able to recognize patterns and habits.
More and more, he was resolving to be honest and straightforward about his own feelings in response - even if he had to choke on his pride a little in the process - rather than playing into that game of secrets and lies. It was the best way he’d found to reach for the things he wanted without either forcing things to go his way or getting manipulated into a distraction.
Not gonna let you dick me around like that anymore.
Yata sucked in a long breath, then shook his head, forcing his hands to soften. “Heh.” He managed a wry grin. “You still pull that shit when you’re feeling cornered, huh?”
That at last earned him Saruhiko’s attention, although the gaze that shifted his way was wary. “What are you talking about?”
“You know.” Feeling buoyed by that small success, Yata shifted toward the edge of the bed, swinging his body around so that his feet were on the floor. “That whole ‘break everything’ bullshit.” Despite the fact it was kinda awkward to be naked when Saruhiko was dressed, he deliberately shifted aside the covers and pushed himself to stand, pugnaciously scowling to cover any residual embarrassment. “If last night was a mistake for you, fine, whatever. Just spell it out for me, and I’ll let it go.”
It was necessary to brace himself internally as he met Saruhiko’s gaze with as much conviction as he could muster. “It wasn’t for me, though.”
That much, he was sure of. The memory of their first kiss still burned brightly inside his head. He could remember it clearly - not just the press of Saruhiko’s lips on his or the mingling of their breath or the way his skin had prickled with awareness, but also the way his heart had felt like it would explode with the intensity of the emotions surging through him. Relief. Affection. Desire. Happiness. Satisfaction.
The very obvious absence of any confusion or uncertainty.
Everything they had done had felt good. It had felt right. And he wanted more. So much more…
Saruhiko’s eyes widened noticeably in response to his declaration, and Yata felt a tiny thread of the uncertainty that had been missing the night before worm its way through his thoughts. His instincts wanted him to believe that everything had been mutual - that the sense of understanding he remembered from when their eyes met had been real, and not something he’d imagined because he’d wanted it so badly. But that was where he made a lot of his mistakes in the past, right? Assuming things. Projecting his feelings onto other people.
In the end, he really had no idea what Saruhiko’s feelings were about this.
And that was why the only way to do this was to say exactly what he did know - to put himself out there, and take whatever answer he got.
After that initial surprise, Saruhiko seemed to collect himself, frowning in response as his eyes narrowed again. He clicked his tongue and mumbled, “Do you even know what you’re saying?”
“Huh?” Yata returned the frown. “What’s that s’posed to mean? Of course I do!”
“Do you really?” Saruhiko raised an eyebrow at him, another little sardonic smirk turning his lips up at the corners. “You remember what we did last night, right?” He lowered his eyelids a bit, slowly drawing out his next word. “Everything?”
The reminder sent a hot flush rushing up Yata’s neck to settle across his cheeks. “Th-that’s - !” He was suddenly, embarrassingly aware of his own nudity, and had to struggle against the immediate urge to cover himself. It was stupid - Saruhiko had already seen everything, up close and personal - but still somehow…
Still somehow, he couldn’t help but be reminded of how he’d got that way in the first place - eager fingers tugging at the fabric of his shirt and the zipper of his pants almost before the door slammed shut behind them. He’d done his part to help that along too, enthusiastically discarding each piece of clothing as it was insistently pulled off of him and returning the favor with Saruhiko’s shirt, pants, and cardigan as well. They’d both been impatient and fueled with confidence from the alcohol, pawing at each inch of bare skin as it was exposed.
Both of them had clearly wanted it in the moment, that was for sure.
The exact details of exactly how they’d migrated from the bathroom stall out of the bar and then to the hotel district were kind of blurry. He only remembered a sense of increasingly heightened anticipation and excitement, and the shivery thrill of exploring something fresh and unknown and fascinating. Trading glances with Saruhiko and seeing those same feelings reflected back at him, and knowing. Hell, he’d ditched his own birthday party. The two of them had booked a room at a goddamn love hotel. It hadn’t been all that spontaneous.
Even if it still kind of felt that way now, in the aftermath.
Saruhiko seemed to take his silence as some kind of weakness, because he made another of those low, mocking hums. “Are you that bothered by it, Misaki?”
“Shut up!” Yata blurted back, without even thinking about it. He huffed a bit, flustered. “I didn’t say I was bothered by it!” Reaching up to scratch at the back of his head with agitated energy, he muttered, “I’m just not used to it, s’all.” The words were barely out of his mouth before it occurred to him that he could turn this around, and he glared back stubbornly. “Anyway, you’re the same, right? That’s why you keep flipping this shit around and trying to distract me.”
Saruhiko blinked at him, clearly taken aback, and then clicked his tongue again, the smirk seeming to slide off his face. “Distract you from what, exactly?”
“From…” Yata struggled with that for a moment, before going for the simplest answer and swinging his hand around to indicate the room they were in. “This.” He brought that same hand back in front of him to wave back and forth between the two of them. “Us.”
The wariness was still there in Saruhiko’s expression, but he wasn’t looking away from Yata now. “What kind of ‘us’ are you talking about?”
It was about as plain a question as he was likely to get - considering the source, anyway. The easiest answer - What the hell do you think? - was on the tip of his tongue, but Yata managed to choke it back and stick with as much bare honesty as he could summon up. “Dunno about your side, but for me…” It was surprisingly difficult to force the words out; he could feel his cheeks grow warm as he did. “I - y’know - I liked it. What we did. Last night.”
Saruhiko blinked at him, clearly taken aback by that declaration. He opened his mouth, then closed it again and frowned. After a brief and very awkward pause he tried again, eyebrows furrowing. “What are you - ?”
“What the hell, Saruhiko?” Yata cut him off before he could finish that stupid question. “Don't play dumb, you asshole - are you seriously gonna make me spell it out for you?” He didn't even wait for an answer, scowling with enough aggravation to almost overpower his embarrassment. “I got feelings for you, dumbass!” The confession sent another flood of uncomfortable heat up his neck, and he deepened his scowl in instinctive response. “That's - that's plain enough for you, right?”
He had the satisfaction of seeing Saruhiko’s eyes widen at that, momentarily open and uncharacteristically defenseless. “Misaki…” he said, voice a curious blend of wonder and disbelief. And then he seemed to think twice on it, that old wariness rising like a protective layer across his face. “You decided that overnight, huh?”
You gotta be kidding me… Yata narrowed his eyes. “I realized it last night. When we - ” It was amazing how embarrassing it still was to say. “When we kissed, that first time, back at the bar… I got it. Everything just made sense. It felt like I’d been waiting for it for years without knowing.”
The frank confession had another surge of awkward awareness through him. Yata was starkly conscious of his own shameless nudity as he spouted out his most personal feelings, but he couldn't stop now. Not when he’d come this far already.
“It's always been you in my head like that,” he said, stubbornly holding his gaze steady on Saruhiko’s face. Only now was he noticing just how well he knew the small details of that face - all the curves and edges and the way it moved with different expressions. “I just never realized until it got spelled out for me. Then everything just… clicked.”
Shoulda been obvious, huh?
His last words hung in the air for what felt like a long, painful moment as Saruhiko stared blankly at him, seemingly robbed of any kind of sarcastic or biting response. And then, just as Yata was starting to shift anxiously on his feet, he abruptly clicked his tongue, turning his gaze to the side.
“It just clicked now?” he murmured, almost as if to himself. To Yata's amazement, a tiny hint of color seemed to have risen on his pale cheeks. “You're always late with these things, aren't you, Misaki?”
Something about the sight bolstered Yata's spirits just a little. “Shut up! I get it, okay? I'm slow with this crap sometimes.” Still… He hasn't rejected me yet. With Saruhiko, that was a positive sign - but he wasn't about to take anything for granted. “So?” Yata braced a hand on his hip, forcing as much confidence as he could muster. “You heard about me; now what about you?” A mix of anxiety and hope was brewing behind his ribcage, expanding so strongly he was sure it would bust its way out. His voice when he spoke again came out more tentative than he would've liked. “How - How do you feel? About me.”
Saruhiko let out a soft sound, like something between a hum and a chuckle. For a moment, he closed his eyes, lips curling up at the corners of his mouth with apparent reluctance.
Yata swallowed, reminded himself to breathe, and clenched the fingers of his free hand into a fist. And waited.
“You want to know how I feel?” Saruhiko drawled out, after that seemingly endless pause. He tipped his head back up and forward, lowering his eyelids and offering that lazy smirk Yata was so familiar with. There was a spark in his eyes that was almost manic. “I spent years of my life interested in you, and only you.” A sardonic undertone crept into his voice as he continued, “And somehow, I managed to be in denial through most of it. But I’ve known for some time now what I want.”
The combination of that soft mumbling tone, the words themselves, and the intense gaze that accompanied them had Yata’s stomach doing somersaults. “And what’s that?” he shot back, with as much bravado as he could summon.
“You.” The answer was immediate; Saruhiko’s gaze didn’t waver. “Everything about you. I want to see everything there is to see about you, hear every sound you produce…” A short, very poignant pause. “ Feel ” - Delicate fingers brushed a lock of hair from his face, and Yata felt his skin prickle - “every inch of you.” The touch lingered, and the manic look in Saruhiko’s eyes shifted to a kind of undeniable longing, so open and intense that it caused an ache to rise up swift and strong at the back of Yata’s throat. “I think about you all the time - you’re always there, at the back of my mind. I’ve felt like this for so long I don’t even remember what it was like when I didn’t.”
It was difficult to even breathe, much less formulate a response. Yata stared back, unable to tear his gaze and certain he didn’t want to anyway.
A soft, faintly mocking hum followed that brief silence, and Saruhiko withdrew his fingers, studying Yata covertly behind his lashes. “Does it bother you, Misaki? My feelings? A little much for you, are they?”
Even if he hadn’t caught the edge of self-preservation behind that, Yata would still have managed to collect himself at that point, shaking his head to dismiss that conclusion. “Are you kidding me?” He could feel the tremor in his fingers - his body - all the way down to his bones . “That was awesome.” The grin that spread across his face felt like it had bubbled to the surface without his consciously sending it there, but he didn’t care. This feeling… this raw excitement… There was nothing else like it. “You’re so…” Impulsively, he snatched up Saruhiko’s retreating hand and brought it back to his face, tipping his head sideways into it. “Amazing. You’re amazing, Saruhiko.” Catching the way those cool blue eyes widened, he followed up his advantage with shameless enthusiasm. “And I’m crazy about you too, you fucking dumbass!”
Those words could’ve started a fire; Yata could feel it building in the way Saruhiko’s fingers trembled in his grip - in the way Saruhiko’s eyes widened and then narrowed, darkening with intense focus. He could feel it in himself, raging from the inside, as hot and thrilling as Homra’s blaze.
And still - still - he wasn’t ready for the moment when Saruhiko’s mouth found his, fierce and desperate and clumsy, fueled by the pent-up longing he’d seen before. The sensation in his chest and through his body was something like an explosion. Nerves, tension, passion - all of it crashing together within him. He could only go with his instincts: focus on the pleasant pressure of lips against his, press back up into the kiss with all of his own excitement, and… breathe.
It was more vivid in the moment - or maybe that was due to being sober this time. The little details - fabric wrinkling in his fists, frenzied breath fanning over his cheeks, fingers pressing hard into the crease of his hips - seemed to stand out starkly. The clumsy wet glide of tongue against his lips and inside his mouth had that pleasant buzz of arousal firing to life in the pit of Yata’s belly; he couldn’t hold back a moan, and the soft, desperate-sounding response he got from Saruhiko sent a hot shuddering wave through his body.
Goddamn. It really was incredible. He should’ve known. Everything between the two of them was like this.
He wasn’t even really sure how much time had passed by the time Saruhiko pulled back a fraction, murmuring his name in a way that brushed their mouths together as Yata chased him in momentary confusion. “Misaki…” There was a moment of hesitation, almost imperceptible but enough that Yata opened his eyes a fraction so their gazes could meet.
Saruhiko’s glasses were askew on his nose, cheeks flushed and eyes still intent with that inferno of emotion. It set Yata’s heart to racing just looking at him. When he continued, the familiar slow mumbling timbre of his voice had an underlying desperation to it. “Let me fuck you.”
With that look and that tone, the words went straight to the building erection between Yata’s legs. “Yeah,” he managed to respond, voice unsteady. Clearing his throat against the anxious excitement, he yanked sharply against the fabric of the shirt still draped over Saruhiko’s shoulders and tried again. “Yeah.”
That was enough encouragement for Saruhiko to discard the stupid thing, shrugging it off with haste as he leaned in. Yata was pretty much done with waiting, reaching down for the fastening on Saruhiko’s pants instead. His fingers were unusually clumsy, tense with nerves and distracted by the arousal that lit his body again as Saruhiko urged him impatiently to step backwards toward the bed, their lips meeting and parting multiple times in short, heated kisses.
There was some awkwardness when the back of Yata’s knees hit the edge of the mattress and he nearly overbalanced. It forced them to part momentarily so that they could focus on ridding Saruhiko of the last of his clothing and when that was done there was a moment when they just kind of… stood there, naked and hesitant, eyeing each other with mingled desire and uncertainty.
Damnit, this was way easier when we were drunk.
That didn’t mean he was cool with stopping , though. Yata let himself fall back onto the bed, trying not to think about it too closely and desperately ignoring the rush of embarrassment that rose up brazenly as a flush across his face. “Right,” he said gruffly, forcing down the tremor in his voice. “Let’s do this!” It was pure bravado but whatever, couldn’t be helped. He smirked back up in open challenge, spreading his arms impulsively. “C’mon, Saru.”
He could tell immediately by the answering spark in Saruhiko’s eyes that it was the right move. There wasn’t time to process that really, though, because his invitation was taken immediately and he found himself pinned down to the bed with surprising force. “Misaki,” Saruhiko all but sighed out, eyes going lidded again and lips curling up just slightly even as he leaned in for another kiss.
Through the pleasant haze, the reality of what they were about to do was worming its way up to the forefront of Yata’s mind. Saruhiko’s lean hips were already settled between his thighs, their cocks rubbing together in a deliciously sinuous motion as they exchange increasingly sloppy kisses. It was distracting - but not distracting enough that he didn’t notice Saruhiko’s fingers sliding down and past his hips, curling around his ass cheeks with obvious intent.
He’s gonna… in there… It was kind of unnerving - going all the way, just like that - but at the same time... well…
Impulsively, he freed one hand to snake it between them, finding the hot length of Saruhiko’s dick with his fingers. The movement caused Saruhiko’s body to quiver, and Yata drank in the soft moan that vibrated against his open mouth greedily.
Feeling it like this in his hand and thinking about what it was going to feel like inside him was a serious turn-on. A little surge of pleasure shot through his lower body, precum oozing from the head of his dick, and another of those involuntary sounds escaped his throat in response.
Might’ve been kinda scary, sure, but it was hot as hell at the same time!
Saruhiko pulled back, breaking their kiss with obvious reluctance. His eyes were hazy with desire, cheeks flushed under the rim of his glasses, lips red and swollen, and the sight of him had Yata’s breath catching in his throat. Unconsciously, his fingers clenched in the hair at the base of Saruhiko’s neck, nerves on edge from the visual and physical stimulation.
Despite the fact that it clearly made reaching to the nightstand more awkward, Saruhiko didn’t attempt to dislodge him, groping blindly on the table with obviously unsteady fingers for a moment or two before he reached his aim.
It took a bit to refocus on what he was grabbing. Yata squinted at the bottle - right, lube, obviously - and the thin package. “We really need a condom?”
Saruhiko paused, then raised an eyebrow at him in response. “Unless you want it bareback and messy.”
Somehow just the wording of that… Bareback. The feel of Saruhiko’s dick in his hand - in his mouth, even, with his memories from last night. Messy. Oh yeah, he remembered that too: the telltale quiver that came with Saruhiko’s orgasm, just a bare instant before his mouth was flooded…
In the heavy silence that fell, Yata could feel his face and body growing hot. It was difficult to meet Saruhiko’s gaze as awareness slowly settled between them.
Damn… don’t make me say it!
Saruhiko blinked several times, seemingly taken aback. It was sort of a cute reaction, but it didn’t last long; after that brief moment of realization, his eyelids lowered, corners of his mouth curling in a smirk. “Really?”
The expression should not have been a turn-on. Yata felt his eyebrow twitch, and scowled against the embarrassment. “Just get on with it already!”
“Mm.” The smirk didn’t budge, but there was clear fondness in Saruhiko’s gaze behind that teasing edge. He set the condom package aside and flipped the cap on the bottle, awkwardly shifting his weight so that he could pour a generous amount into his palm. “So impatient, Misaki.”
This was it. A sudden mix of excitement and anxiety had Yata huffing out a low ‘heh’ and offering his own smirk in response. “Like you’re not!”
He expected another flippant reply, but Saruhiko surprised him by offering a lidded but intent stare instead, fully serious as he mumbled back, “I’ve been waiting all this time, haven’t I?”
All this time. The words resonated. “Yeah, well,” Yata responded gruffly, swallowing back against a rush of emotion, “just ’cause I didn’t know I was waiting doesn’t mean I wasn’t doing the same.” He met that gaze boldly, drinking in the charged energy between them and letting the hand still braced at the back of Saruhiko’s neck slide forward to cup the side of his jaw. “So let’s get on with it, huh?”
Something in Saruhiko’s eyes seemed to soften, just a bit. He let out an amused huff, pressing very slightly against Yata’s hand. “If you say so.” Without waiting for a response, he lowered his slicked fingers, prodding with surprising gentleness at the base of Yata’s ass.
Yata took the hint, shifting to bend his knees and move his legs further apart. The touch felt more intimate than others had before - it gave him an odd sense of vulnerability that chewed on his nerves a little. But at the same time, he didn’t… dislike it.
Even when Saruhiko pushed his fingers in, one first and then the others as Yata gave him shaky nods to signal that he’d adjusted, it was… not bad. Kind of almost good. Strange, yeah, and there was a stretch that wasn’t quite comfortable, but still. The sliding sensation as those slender digits moved in and out of him was sensual enough to build up some anticipation for what was coming.
Saruhiko looked up to meet Yata’s gaze as he pulled his fingers free and reached for the bottle again. There was an unspoken question in them - ‘are you okay?’ - along with a demand - ‘tell me if you’re not’ - that Yata picked up in an instant. He offered a grin in return, curling one hand into a thumbs up.
Gimme all you got, Saru!
Apparently the message got across clearly, because Saruhiko’s lips curled up a tiny bit. His eyes shut briefly as he ran lube-covered fingers down his dick to coat it, a little shudder rocking his body. As Yata watched, momentarily enchanted by the sight, he let out a shaky, desperate murmur of, “Misaki.”
“Nn.” The sound escaped Yata unconsciously, though whether it was in response to the visual, the voice, or the feeling of Saruhiko’s dick pressing against the base of his ass wasn’t entirely clear to him. His head felt foggy with lust. “Yeah… Saruhiko…”
And then Saruhiko was pressing inside him, and the sharp sting that accompanied the stretch as his body spread to accommodate took all the breath out of him in a rush. For the first few seconds he tensed up, until the pain of the initial entry started to ease and he could focus more on the actual sensation of being filled.
It was… pretty hot, no surprise.
As the stars started to clear from his vision and reality intruded in that bubble of feeling, Yata became aware of Saruhiko’s eyes on him. That gaze was a storm of emotion, though it was hard to place all of it. Mostly, he got the impression of need - desperation. Saruhiko shut his eyes shortly after they made contact, lashes standing out on the flushed skin beneath them. He was clearly holding himself back.
That was sorta endearing. Yata took in a breath and let it out in a huff, smiling. “Hey.” He reached up with shaky fingers to brush the damp fringe of dark hair away from Saruhiko’s face. “M’good. Move.”
It was short, but effective. Saruhiko opened his eyes again, a fire seeming to light within their depths, and his grip on Yata’s hips tightened just a fraction before he shifted his own hips forward to push all the way inside.
It hit them both; Yata unintentionally dropped his head back, fractured shivers of pleasure and pain seeming to shoot all along the lines of his frayed nerves. In the same moment, Saruhiko moaned loudly, mouth dropping open and eyes fluttering shut.
Fuck… good…
There wasn’t space to think deeply about it, even if Yata had been capable of it; their eyes met, and there was no doubt they were on the same wavelength. Yes, more, faster… There was less pain and more delicious sliding and filling as Saruhiko pulled out and thrust back in, the tension in Yata’s lower body building all the more with each motion.
He couldn’t have helped it if he’d wanted to. Yata worked his hand between his legs and took his own cock in hand, thumbing the moisture weeping from the tip and letting out an involuntary moan as he began to jerk himself to Saruhiko’s pace.
It didn’t take long. Assaulted by sensation from within and without, Yata reached the breaking point quickly, release seeming to shudder through him in waves of intense pleasure.
Above him, Saruhiko abruptly bit his lip, eyes wild with desperation, and thrust twice more in hard, fast succession before stiffening up and letting out a low cry. His cock twitched within Yata’s body, a little rush of warmth accompanying it. The sensation brought another unexpected jolt of pleasure and a last spurt of come from Yata’s dick at the tail end of his orgasm. He was still trembling in its wake as Saruhiko’s whole body started to shake violently and he abruptly slumped forward, spent.
The fractured remnants of Yata’s thoughts seemed to melt back into the bed along with his weary muscles. For that first moment of afterglow, he stared up at Saruhiko’s slack face with a kind of wonder, lulled by the echo of their shared breathing.
We really just did that, huh? It felt unreal, but also right. Like something that should’ve happened ages ago.
Well… plenty of time still to make up for that.
Saruhiko seemed to come back to himself around the same time as Yata, raising his head wearily so their gazes met. A faint, almost bewildered little smile was playing on his lips.
Yata found the responding grin spreading on his own before he thought about it, and reached up impulsively to cup the side of that flushed face above him, gratified when Saruhiko shut his eyes and leaned into the touch. In that moment of mutual openness, he didn’t mind blurting out the first lazy thought that came to mind.
“Happy birthday, me.”
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lisutarid-a · 2 years
[Gakuen K] Yata Misaki Route Translation
If I use my ability
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[Translation under the cut]
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Saya: ...Yata-kun, I hope you'll come.
Saya: (No matter how many times I think back to Christmas, I still feel embarrassed)
Saya: (It seems that Yata-kun feels the same way, we haven't talked properly since then)
Saya: (We promised to go to the temple for the first time together today, but...)
Saya: (I wonder what kind of face I should make. I wonder if I'll be able to act normally)
Saya: (Ugh, I'm so nervous...)
Yata: Y-yo...!
Saya: Yata-kun. Happy New Year! Please take good care of me this year too.
Yata: Uhm. Congratulations. Hey, that... I made you wait, didn't I? Sorry.
Saya: No, it's okay!
Saya: It's because I left the room earlier that I promised.
Saya: I was so nervous and restless that I just couldn't stay in my room...
Yata: Oh. I see...Well then, let's go to...the temple.
Saya: Y-yeah.
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Saya: ...
Yata: ...
Saya: (I feel so awkward...)
Saya: (I didn't say a single word until I got here)
Saya: (I wonder if I'll have to stay with this atmosphere...I don't want to do that)
Saya: Oh, um, Yata-kun...
???: Aaaah!!!
Yata: W-what the heck!?
Woman: A purse-snatcher, catch him!
Saya: Agh!
Snatcher: Get out of my way! Move!
Yata: Hey! Are you alright?
Saya: Y-yeah.
Yata: That son of a bitch...I won't forgive you...!
Saya: Hey, Yata-kun! Wait!
Yata: Bastard, wait for me!!!
Snatcher: Tsk...Shut up, you little shit!
Yata: Ha! You can't hit me with the punch like that!
Yata: Eat...this!!
Snatcher: What the hell is this...? What are you doing?
Yata: You've never seen an ability-user before? Then burn this moment into your mind.
Yata: The Red club’s special attack force captain, Yata Misaki-sama's flame!!
Snatcher: ...If you're up for that.
Saya: Huh...I finally caught up with...
Yata: Konohana!
Saya: Eh!?
Snatcher: Whoa, don't move. If you move, I'll tighten this girl's thin neck.
Snatcher: If you want to save this girl's life, get lost. You fucking brat!
Saya: (What should I do, it's my fault...)
Snatcher: Heee heee. It's easy at times like this when you're dealing with a weak girl.
Saya: (...Weak? Me?)
Saya: (That's not true. If I use my ability...)
Saya: (If I use my ability, I can...!)
Snatcher: In a meantime, why don't you come with me?~
Saya: I'm not going with you.
Snatcher: Huh?
Saya: Aaaah!
Snatcher: Aahhhhhhh!!!!
Yata: Konohana, are you alright!?
Snatcher: I-idiot...how dare... you...!
Yata: Oops. If you keep resisting... You're going to lose your stupid life, understand?
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Anna: ...I told the police what happened.
Saya: Anna-sensei. I'm sorry for such a start to the New Year...The punishment is...
Anna: You caught a purse-snatcher, there's nothing to punish you for.
Anna: I'd rather thank you for catching him and telling me about it.
Saya: Oh, that's good...!
Anna: But as a teacher I don't want you to be in danger. Call the police at times like this.
Yata: ...Yes. I'm sorry.
Anna: Uhm. It's late, but Happy New Year. See you at school.
Saya: I'm glad she didn't give us any punishment. And it looks like she was grateful.
Yata: I'm sorry.
Saya: Uh?
Yata: I put you in danger because I chased after the purse-snatcher. I should have protect you...
Saya: No, I'm fine. I was able to get my ability to work!
Saya: And, Yata-kun, you got mad at the snatcher because he bumpped into me, didn't you?
Yata: Oh, yeah. I got blood in my head right away.
Saya: It's not an easy thing to do. Yata-kun, I am glad that you can take immediate action for the sake of others.
Saya: Of course, it was a little scary, but I was able to catch up with you.
Yata: I like that kindness in you, too...
Saya: Oh.
Yata: ...I won't put you in danger any more!
Yata: ...The next time something happens, I'll protect you. I promise.
Saya: (Yata-kun...)
Saya: Yeah! Thank you.
Yata: Alright. Let's go back to the shrine and get a fornute slip!
Saya: Un. Come to think of it, we haven't done anything but worship yet. Let's go back.
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Yata: That's it! Great luck! What about yours?
Saya: Let's see...Oh, I have great luck too!
Yata: Oh! It's a good omen. I'll make it as my good luck charm for this year. I'll keep it in my wallet.
Saya: Yeah. That was a long jorney...
Yata: What's with this sudden change?
Saya: I thought it's great to be able to talk to you normally like this.
Saya: I haven't been able to talk to you at all since Christmas.
Yata: Oh...yeah, that's right.
Yata: You know...My heart is skipping a bit when I get closer to you.
Yata: It's like a suddenly forgot how I used to talk to you...
Saya: Same here. I don't even know what to say to you.
Yata: But before I realized it, I could talk to you normally. I guess I was just thinking too much.
Saya: Yeah, I think so. ...I'm glad we could come to the shrine on the first day together.
Yata: Yeah! I hope you'll take care of me in this year too.
Saya: It's really late, isn't it? I had a lot of fun today. Thanks for seeing me off.
Yata: Yeah. Oh, that's right. ...Take this.
Saya: Eh?
Yata: This is for you. ...I don't know if you like it or not.
Saya: ...Bird figure? It’s cute.
Yata: It's not a bird, you idiot. It's called...Yatagarasu, a messenger of God.
Yata: I like this guy a lot. I want you to like him too...that's why I'm doing it.
Saya: Thank you...I'll take a good care of him.
Yata: That's just natural! Don't you dare lose it. S-see you later!
Saya: I can't see him anymore...Yata-kun, you are fast...
Saya: (Yatagarasu...It's odd that this is the first gift I've ever received from him)
Saya: Is that typical of Yata-kun? Seems like that. I'll decorate my room with it.
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ridiasfangirlings · 3 months
I think it'd be really funny if Yata plowed Saruhiko so well that he couldn't walk. Saruhiko always arrives home annoyed and gives Yata a death stare whenever he needs to sit down.
All Yata can do is get all coy and say "sorry, I got excited."
Fushimi would definitely be acting like a spoiled princess about it though, demanding Yata bring him food and his computer and all that because someone can’t control his own strength. Imagine Fushimi doesn’t even realize how sore he is until the next morning, when he tries to get out of bed and promptly collapses in a heap. He’s super annoyed about this, clicking his tongue and grumbling because why does it hurt so much. He scratches at his neck and touches a bite mark Yata made last night and suddenly his cheeks get slightly flushed as he realizes exactly what the reason is. Yata meanwhile is already up making breakfast and he calls from the other room, asking if Fushimi’s coming to get breakfast. Fushimi mutters that he’ll be there in a minute, trying to figure out how he’s going to get his legs to agree to take him into the other room. He’s totally being stubborn about the whole thing, like fuck if he’s going to tell Yata that the sex was so rough Fushimi can’t even walk. He manages to stumble a few steps to the door and then ends up in a heap again, grumbling under his breath. 
Eventually Yata finds him and is probably freaking out that Fushimi’s sick or injured, Fushimi keeps being evasive about what hurts. Finally Fushimi’s like ‘last night….’ and imagine Yata gets red for a moment before it really sinks in to him what the problem is and he’s like oh. Yata gets this silly grin on his face and Fushimi’s like shut up, Yata’s like guess I don’t know my own strength. Fushimi mutters that Yata’s a stupid overexcited idiot and Yata’s like that’s not what you said last night, Fushimi clicks his tongue again all so what are you going to do about this. Yata’s all huh and Fushimi’s like this is your fault, Yata’s all I said I was sorry and anyway you liked it at the time. Eventually Yata probably wrangles Fushimi back into bed, Fushimi has to lay on his side because otherwise he’s too sore. Yata brings him breakfast and Fushimi’s in full spoiled mode by this point, imagine Yata just sighing because he’s going to have to wait on his boyfriend hand and foot for a day or two until Fushimi feels up to walking again. Even once he can walk Fushimi’s still sore for a few more days, every time he has to sit he just gives Yata a glare and Yata shrugs all I’ll be more careful next time okay.
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x0401x · 6 years
If you didn't read the last chapter of Tsurune don't read the ask: OMG! I almost get killed in this "Masa-san lightly pinched Minato’s cheeks and pulled them" and in the car scene.I laughed so hard on minato he's really didn't think about hiding his feeling lol. what do you think about the chapter?
Took me almost two full days to reply to this, and if that doesn’t speak volumes about how wild this chapter was, then I don’t know what would.
I’d read spoilers of volume 2 right after it came out so I already knew what was gonna go down, and being very honest, the cheek pinching was something I’d actually expected to see at some point after reading the summaries of volume 1. And rather than wishing for it, I was waiting for it because it seemed so obvious to me that this was gonna happen one way or another. I mean, it’s just so much like Masaki to do something of that sort, lmao. But I admit I expected it to happen in a daily-situation scene and not… like this. As always, Ayano surpassed my expectations on the unapologetically huge amounts of gay.
I’ve mentioned this topic in my post about the differences between the novel and the anime. Minato may keep a lot of secrets from everyone, yet Masaki has been the sole exception to this ever since they met. I mean, look at volume 1. It’s basically Minato hiding nearly every important thing from literally everybody except his conveniently-there-by-narrative-default master. Volume 2′s chapter 3 is basically a massive meme based off this plot device, like:Shuu: *touches Masaki*Minato: Sir, that’s my emotional support coach.Anyway, my point is that Minato doesn’t hide anything from Masaki, ever. Not even the most embarrassing shit.
The chapter was very interesting. It was rather entretaining to see how inept Eisuke actually is regarding himself. The novel often references Amanojaku, so I was wondering if we’d ever get an Amanojaku-ish character, and sure enough, here he is.
Other than that, good God. Minato is such a fucking embarrassment. I adore this walking fivehead so much. Had to put the extent of my love for him and this chapter under a cut because it’s probably the lenghtiest ask response I’ve ever written.
I think I can’t even pinpoint what the best thing about this chapter was. Like, the details are very subtly placed in all the right spots as always, and this is probably what leaves the bigger impressions on me. And by “details” I mean the subtext and symbolisms.
For starters, Ayano knows very well how to fuck with plant language nerds. She’s used a lot of it with Masaki and Minato, and it feels like the bar just keeps going up. First it was oaks (strength and knowledge), then bamboo (inspiration), then azaleas (developing passion), and now it’s freaking bellflowers. What’s more: the ones that Minato stopped by were spotted bellflowers. They’re known for their heart-shaped foliage. In flower language, bellflowers stand for gratitude and unwavering love. And sure enough, Minato doesn’t waver at all before going into that bakery and buying a batch of cinnamon buns (did it really have to be that of all things, omg) for Masaki, specifically.
I can’t stress how wholly, completely, utterly unnecessary that was. There’s no heterosexual explanation to it. I mean, there’s no heterosexual explanation to a lot of things about these two, but the romantic connotation was really heavy on this one. You have to use a fucking magnifier to find the platonic in this bullshit, and it’s still hella hard to ignore the implications. It’s even harder when Minato is berating himself for buying the buns on impulse when he heard that they go well with coffee and thinking about how irritated he feels when Shuu is around Masaki. He doesn’t even try to pretend that he’s not jealous. Be more like any other oblivious sports anime protagonist and let me die in peace, for fuck’s sake.
I’m just trying to pretend that I don’t know cinnamon is associated with romantic love and often used to inflame passion, because that’s too fucking much.
On other news, I’m highly pleased that we get SeiKai hints even when Seiya and Kaito don’t show up together. Kaito mentioning Seiya’s name every two or three sentences and approaching Minato simply because he saw Kuma and thought that maybe Seiya was there was gold, tbh. It was a good break before the mattress fire that happens right after.
The way Minato found out that Masaki meant well and didn’t want him to become like he was in the past was just so priceless. Take this shit straight to the face, son. Get fucking wrecked by how much he cares about you.
It’s also really freaking hilarious to me how everything that concerns Minato’s relationship with Masaki involves shoujo manga tropes. Envious of your rightful rival being too long around your master? Check. Learning the hard way that it was all for your sake? Check. Getting frustrated and shouting like a bitch at the irony of it? Check.
Minato is Minato, though, so of course he acknowledges that he wants Masaki by his side in spite of this. Did he have to do that while lying in bed, though? I think the fuck not.
And cue Masaki texting him immediately while he’s doing that, because Masaki always shows up when he wants to see him, and because this has turned into a romantic comedy, apparently? Love me that age-old cliché where the main character goes to the window after getting a message and finds the person who’d been occupying their thoughts standing there by sheer unadulterated coincidence, and they fucking heard you, you little shit.
This comes in a set with the “first visit and you’re already inviting him to his room” trope because why not follow all the way down with the romcom narration structure since we’re already at it? Double entendrees every three phrases or so because go big or go home.
“Dad isn’t home yet, so should we go upstairs?”
Yeah, lmao, that’s what about every shoujo heroine says before getting lectured on how they “shouldn’t make that sort of invitation to a guy”.
“It feels great. Thank you, Masa-san.”
It doesn’t feel so great not being able to overlook this, Ayano.
“Well, I may not look it, but I am your master after all.”
Seriously, this shit only loses to Fifty Shades of Takehaya and his more than unasked-for lines about “punishing” and “thoroughly training” Kaito. Sure, none of this is on the level of dirty jokes, but the subtleties are still too many.
The fluff is what gets you good, though. Because that was fluff right there. No, it doesn’t classify as hurt/comfort. These bastards fluffy. I just wanna know who managed to stay upright after reading about Minato feeling his heart ache because it had been too long since the last time he’d seen Masaki smile at him, ‘cause I sure as fuck didn’t.
No time is wasted before they off their asses to the place where they first met, which is basically a world of their own at nighttime (it’s named Yata Shrine for a reason; fuck that reason). And of course there had to be your usual load of elusive language in the middle, where the destination is pitch-dark but the road there is all wildlife and stars and this sparkly wave of light at the end of the tunnel. Welcome to the land of bitch, this isn’t a shoujo, stop acting like one.
Or don’t. We’re indulging. Screaming internally the entire time, but still indulging.
The dialogue is so obviously crafted to seem like something else that it’s useless to pretend it wasn’t inentional. I already knew what was coming but reading about the whole thing was an experience.
“I’m happy that you became my coach at Kazemai but I’m also not, because I don’t get to keep you for myself.”
Did he have to say it like that? Abso-fucking-lutely not. But he did anyway, because since when does Narumiya Minato give a flying fuck about ambiguity versus precision?
Six kinds of gay here. And all of them confirm that Minato’s “mixed feelings” when seeing Kaito being so familiar with Masaki from the get-go were, in fact, pure jealousy. It’s not even envy, because that’s wanting something someone has and you don’t. Minato was even closer to Masaki than Kaito was at that point, so it was all just his Masaki-exclusive greed speaking, plain and simple.
This is what gets me about this scene, tbh. It’s so much like Minato to say that, but it’s so alien to read it in a shounen novel. I don’t recall seeing anything so direct and raw in any sports franchise aside from Yuri on Ice. The most we get is “I wanna do [insert sport here] with you”. But this case is a blatant “we’d be doing the thing we like together one way or another and I’d have preferred if no one else were involved”.
And this comes right before we get a reminder that Minato doesn’t like it when Masaki treats him as a child, again. That’s… something. I hate this something a lot.
Also, it feels like the two of them are having completely different conversations with each other. Masaki is talking about his struggle coaching Minato and pointing out the crap he has to deal with in having a student whose last words are probably gonna be something stupid like “oops” or “oh, shit”, and Minato is countering with apparently completely unrelated arguments.
“But didn’t you let Shuu touch your belly, Masa-san?”
The fuck does that have to do with anything? How is that of any relevance to the conversation? What is this gay nonsense?
“If anyone else heard only that, I’d sound like a pervert, wouldn’t I? Did you want to touch it too, Minato?”
“I’m no pervert, so I’m good.”
And now the moment of crushing honesty is over. Time for lies and derision because we all saw earlier in this chapter that (I can’t believe I’m actually writing this) Minato did, in fact, want to touch Masaki. Boy just called himself a pervert, indirectly. Gotta congratulate him for playing himself for, like, the hundredth time, I guess.
Of course Masaki would get emo in this scene sooner or later, because the fact that he’s dealing with the most reckless character out of the cast is apparently not a pertinent reason for things to have ended up the way they did. And of course Minato was gonna do something about it. It’s almost obligatory by now that they lift each other up.
Like, there’s just too much here that doesn’t translate into a master-student thing. Okay, I can totally see that in the dialogue but the actions are screaming something else entirely. Obviously, as I always say, I’m not gonna label it as romantic. What I’m talking about is: this isn’t the behavior of someone interacting with a teacher, but of a person with another. I mean, no matter how you look at it, there would have been a lot to consider here regarding the minimum of restraint that one should have around their mentor or at least around their elders, but Minato is basically saying “fuck you” to all of this.
Yeah, sure, go reach out to grab his hand and gently brush his bangs off his eyes simply because you can’t help the urge to look into them. No big deal. It’s just the affection of a disciple. Anyone else would have done the exact same.
Not trying to stereotype or devalue the worth of teacher-student relationships. Just back to my previous point: you don’t do this shit to a teacher, realistically speaking. And even if anyone hypothetically had any gall to do that, neither the teacher nor any onlooker would disconsider it an advance. Anybody would find it a little bit out of place at the very, very least.
Also, that declaration? Literally Minato swearing he would have Masaki be the one teaching him for the rest of his life? This after having said similar bullshit like claiming that he would never let Masaki go or that he’d follow Masaki to the grave. The bar just keeps going up. So, in short, “you don’t have to be my master but I’ll be damned if you’re not my master forever”.
Ayano, you’re murdering us. You’re murdering your readers.
“I feel more relaxed when I talk to you, Masa-san.”
No news here but thank you for saying it anyway. There had to be icing on this cake. And the cherry on top was Masaki’s explanation about the word “talking”. Are you telling us that these idiots hand their hearts over to each other every time they open up like this, Ayano? IS THAT WHAT YOU’RE FUCKING SAYING, AYANO?
Love me all of Minato’s non-existent heterosexuality being killed with fire.
I imagine that Minato must have made the cutest face when seeing Fuu again. Fuu, the owl with a heart-shaped face, showing up at the most convenient time. Because heart-shaped leaves weren’t enough, apparently.
The end of this chapter made me feel a tiny bit bad for Shuu, though, because it was one more instance of something that he and Minato and no one else had in common that got overwritten and outshone. It’s definitely a parallel to when they were little kids learning under Saionji and hiding it from everyone until a certain point, yelling at the top of their lungs and being competitive while taking things seriously to an extent. Here, we have Minato and Masaki in perfect sync, reproducing the exact same thing that Shuu and Minato had learned so many years ago but with experient successfulness and also complete harmony. And this time, it’s 100% their secret only, taking place at night without the knowledge of anybody, with no audience, no parents and no teacher.
It’s… too much, lmao. In every sense. Shuu literally stands no fucking chance next to Masaki and I love it. *broadcast lady voice* Fujiwara Shuu. Repeating; Fujiwara Shuu. Your wife Senichi is waiting for you at Kirisaki High.
And of course, the chapter had to be closed with a finishing blow. God fucking dammit. Minato packing coffee to share with Masaki would have been enough, but nay, Masaki also had to bring the fucking oyaki. From the fact that they’ve had oyaki together before at the shrine and that these oyaki are from the bakery where Minato had bought the cinnamon rolls without a second thought, it’s sort of really obvious that Masaki bought them to eat together with him.
I didn’t ask for any of this and now I need to lie the fuck down.
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fieryvanguard · 5 years
Spitefully leans in and takes a laaaarge bite out of the pocky Yata has in his mouth ( was that a faint brush of the lips, by complete and utter accident?) then walks on like nothing happened, chewing, despite finding it too sweet.
@spiteful-megane | @sanguinecalamity
Yata’s focused on his wristwatch where he’s reading through Bandou’s countless whiny messages, annoyance clear on his features while the Pocky hanging from his lips bobs up and down.
That’s also why he doesn’t notice the figure approaching until it’s too late; merely feeling warm breath on his skin followed by the faintest brush of lips, and the bigger part of his Pocky? Gone.
For a moment, Yata’s just staring completely dumbfounded, before it breaks out of him, cheeks heating up, both from anger and some kind of embarrassment, caused by Saruhiko having gotten a little too close.
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“W-What the hell–?! Don’t just go stealin’ people’s food out of their mouths, shitty monkey!!” And don’t just almost kiss them while doing so.
His Pocky may be gone, but the stupid feeling still lingering on his lips remains, no matter how much Yata rubs and wipes his mouth for it to go away.
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rubldus · 5 years
╰ ╳  ․°   ʙ ᴇ ᴛ ʀ ᴀ ʏ ᴀ ʟ.  ✧ . ⁎  .*  ⁎ ×   |     🔥
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“What… are you doing…?”
Of course Saruhiko’s question was rethorical. No, not even that. It’s just he had asked it poorly. He didn’t mean ‘What are you doing on the ground like a worm and holding your face in pain?’, since obviously he understood that Yata was in such a position because of him and was still trying to recover from the hard hit of the door on his face when the bespectacled male had opened the door of the armored van of Scepter 4, parked a few blocks from bar HOMRA for a special mission.
What he meant was ‘What are you doing, letting something so stupid as a car door hit you in the face so easily instead of dodging it with your usual steady reflexes?’. But all his willingness to elaborate was already gone before he was even done thinking it.
“Were you snooping on us, or what?” Trying to repress any display of concern that might be bubbling under the surface of his being, he quirked a brow and lightly kicked Yata on the shoulder. “Oi, don’t tell me you’re really going to die a virgin, virgin. Get up.”
          What kind of a question was that? Of course he’d been snooping. He’d spotted those damned blues out and about in their territory ( AGAIN ) acting like they simply belonged there, naturally he’d had to go start an argument over it. 
         What little sense of logic he retained, however, quickly demanded he figure out what the hell they were doing there first ( if not for HIMSELF, then for Kusanagi who could do something about it, or his King ) and go from there. So he’d found himself with a cheek pressed firmly to the warm metal of a squad car, ear listening intently in attempt to pick something up.
         Not so, for the next thing he knew, a door was being opened- sharp pain- and he was collapsing to the concrete below, grasping at his nose and groaning at the deep ache, and AH- his hand came away bloody. Already he was furious, but for the moment he could focus on nothing more than the quickly spreading R E D pouring from his nose and the throb it brought forth.
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         Yata snarled once kicked ( an angered animal ) though flinched backward in pain the moment he did. This was not a fun feeling, head light and pounding all at once, face sticky with substance and half-nauseated by PAIN. He’d need medical attention, no doubt, but he was also resilient- this was the male who could survive billboards being dropped on him with barely a scratch, after all. There was NO WAY an accident could take him down.
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