#“straight” “men” dont talk to me and linger around as much as yall do
shittygothbitch · 1 year
Ughhh I wna call in tmw. Hell I wna call in rn
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katwritesforfun101 · 3 years
Ended stories, New beginnings.
Warnings: Angst-Fluff. CHEATER!KirishimaXreader. Denki kaminari. Swearing. Cheating.
Characters:Kirishima and denki
Summary: Kirishima cheats and you confront him.
1.5k words
Kirishima Eijiro was a sight for sore eyes. Always the manliest and most eye-catching wherever he went. Especially when he was busy saving the world from villains. Everyone's gaze was fixated on him, as he was a part of the top 5. Those gazes continued to linger in the office as well. Gazes that seemed to follow him around the office at each turn.
You were once one of those gazes that followed so you couldn't really complain too much, knowing it was just a part of his career.
One gazze in particular, seemed to bother you. As you would sit behind your desk, filing paperwork for your dear old fiance, you noticed her gaze. You don't know what bothered you more. The fact she would undress him with her eyes, or that he would do it back.
This went on for about three month after that. There were now lingered touches and leaned in whispers, anad frequent office visits for ‘extra help’. You recall a specific instance where you heard noises coming from his office. After many sleepless nights alone, with him not coming back until 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning, you decided enough was enough.
“Do you love her?” Silence. One beat. Two beats. Three beats. “I dont know.” Kiri says, staring back at you with guilty eyes already knowing what you're talking about. You smile weakly.
“I do,” you began softly, eyes falling to the carpeted ground. “You love her, Eiji, And i think you have for a while now.” You look back up to find him shaking, tears fallen.
His eyes are squeezed shut, trying to wake up from this nightmare. “I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry.” he said, opening his eyes. “I know kirishima.” he winces, “Baby, im eiji. Remember? I'm your eiji!” His voice raices an octave with each word. “No. Not anymore. You're Her eiji now.”
You nod once to yourself. Her eiji, not yours. Your eiji wouldn't betray you like this. He wouldn't bring you up just to tear you down again. You turn on your heel and start walking towards your and his shared bedroom.You head straight to the closet and grab a bag from the top shelf and start stuffing it with clothes and essential hygiene things.
Meanwhile, Kirishima is just stunned in the living room, standing there gaping like a fish out of water. He hears the bedroom door slam shut once again and he snaps back into reality and rushes towards you, stopping right in front of the apartment door.
You turn facing him, no longer crying. “I loved you. No, I love you. I think I always will. But I don't need you. I'll get over you. It will take a while but i will.” and with that you leave bags in hand.
Kirishima just stands there. He knows he has no right to want to stop you. Hell, he was fooling around with another woman for months. All he could do was fall to his knees and mutter. “Im sorry, angel”
1 year later
You step Out of your car hand in hand with your new boyfriend. Denki Kaminari. “You sure this is the right place babe?” Kami says looking up at the big church. You chuckle and look around to see the many cars and people in suites and dresses.
“There's bakugou right there, sparky.” You say pointing across the lot to where bakugou and midoriya stand, seemingly already arguing. “Why don't you go try and diffuse whatever is happening over there. We have a while before the wedding starts.” He gives one gruff note before giving you a quick peck on the lips and running to the pair.
Turns out kirishima had gotten the girl pregnant that he was cheating on you with and proposed to her with the same ring he used for you. At first you were heartbroken and torn up at the announcement, which had been three days after you ended things with him. Denki quickly swept in and helped you get back on your feet, he even offered you a place to stay for a while so you wouldn't need to couch hop.
About 7 months into being roommates there was an incident that happened to bring you two even closer.
“SHIT SHIT SHIT!” you hear kami yell from the kitchen. You run out of your room to see thick smoke pouring out of the oven and you immediately start laughing.
“What are you doing, you bozo?” now bent over weezing. Denki now has his hand on the back of his neck looking down with a blush. “Well, I was trying to make you dinner.” He says still not looking up at you. “You've been through a lot the past few months and have been working so hard. I just wanted to surprise you.”
You stand there shocked, heart skipping a beat as your cheeks flush with warmth too. You walk over to Denki and softly ruffle his hair. “Thank you kami. Let's get this cleaned up, yeah?”
He smiles widely and nods.
Halfway through cleaning up, you both are doing dishes.You washing, him rinsing. Suddenly you feel him staring at you. “What is it? Is there something on my face?” you beginn wiping your cheek on your shoulder before he giggles softly before shaking his head.
“You're beautiful.” You stop what you're doing and completely turn to face him. “What?” his eyes widened, realizing what he just said.
“I'm so sorry! I Didn't mean to make you uncomfortable or anything! If you want me to finish-” you cut him off with a quick kiss. He stares at you with complete shock before leaning in and capturing your lips with his for a deeper kiss.
You look back towards the church doors, seeing mina you immediately start walking forwards.She notices you and gives a slight frown before welcoming you with open arms. “Hey girl, what are you doing here. Are you okay?” you give a small nod smiling softly
Honestly you've felt better than you have in a long time. You hadn't noticed how much you tip-toed around Kirishima in yalls relationship. You look over towards Denki and find him already looking at you smile getting wider than it was previously, he waves and you wave back. You look back towards mina. “Im okay.” and you mean it.
Sero comes out of the doors and gives you a small pitying smile. “Hey y/n. How are you?” you nod once. “Anyway, the ceremony is about to start.” he says, holding the door open wider before hollering for the three men across the parking lot.
Once inside you take your seat and Denki quickly finds his place next to you. Across the way from you, You see a baby. Maybe a couple of months old with dark hair and red, beady eyes. A pang rings in your chest. That must be it. Their baby. It's beautiful.
Denki catches you staring at the child and immediately takes your hand in his and squeezes.You give him a reassuring smile and then the ceremony starts.
Kirishima takes his place on the altar but you feel nothing towards him. His appearance doesn't bother you like you thought it would. And yours seemingly not bothering him. You smile. Good. We've both moved on. You look back towards Denki and give him a kiss on the cheek. They turn a bright shade of red and send a wink your way.
Kirishima's POV
As I'm standing on the altar waiting for my soon to be wife, all I can do is dred about how it's not you. I noticed when you first walked in but I couldn't bring myself to say anything to you. After all, you are with someone.= now, and happy. I on the other hand am not, but I only have myself to blame.
The music starts playing and the doors open. The bridesmaids and groomsmen start filing in one by one before it's finally the soon to be wife. Upon the sight of her I started crying. Instead they're not happy tears, but tears of dread and regret. As soon as she spots my crying face her own turns to smiles.
When she is fully situated next to me the priest begins. “Do you, kirishima Eijiro, take this woman to have and to hold, through sickness and in health?” No. “I do.”
“And do you -------, take this man to have and to hold, through sickness and in health.’’
“I do!” the woman says. “You may now kiss the bride.” I gulp and close my eyes as I lean in, picturing your face instead. The crowd immediately starts clapping and camera flashes start going.
As soon as they leave the altar, everyone stands and starts exiting to the main hall. Hand in hand with Denki you make your way over to the new married couple. “Congrats you two!” Denki practically yells. You laugh and stare at him in complete admiration.
Kirishima whirls around to find a giggling you and a very loud denki. You look so happy. So beautiful.
“Thanks , y/n. '' he shoots you a nod, even though you're barely paying attention to him. Too busy admiring your new boyfriend. You lock eyes with Kirishima and hold out your hand.
You give a quick smile before speaking. “To Ended stories, and New beginnings.”
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