#“this is ghost zone? does that mean i'm dead? omg i'm dead”
ekat-fandom-blog · 2 years
Stuck in the Ghost Zone
One of the heroes goes to the GZ by accident. For whatever reason, they take this to mean that they're dead even when others try to tell them that they are definitely alive. This isn't all that bad at first, but then the hero got themselves imprisoned by Walker. And now they have 1 or 2 more heroes trying to break them out of Walkers prison, while also believing they are dead when they aren't.
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nianeyna · 3 months
I kept a bullet-pointed liveblog in a notes document as I played the new ffxiv expansion. now I have finally finished the story so I can share with the class without fear of someone responding to me with spoilers. speaking of which everything below is dawntrail spoilers, for the entire expansion, in case that wasn't clear.
Dawntrail Liveblog
- ok so the mean claimants are obviously not going to win, but catboy promise is a dark horse. also not ruling out "nobody wins"
- Urqopacha is super cute
- Erenville's deal continues to be very mysterious no matter how much he contrives to appear to be telling us about it
- lol Erenville dialog: "I spoke too much" YOU BARELY SAID ANYTHING BABE
- Kozama-uka is sooooo pretty
- I like how the entire first dungeon was totally unnecessary since we would have got there FASTER if we'd just stuck around and helped Alisaie and Erenville repair the boat lmao. but that's not how the WoL does things!!
- erenville lurking in the background... siddown boy lmao
- unknown dude: hey you uh... forgot something. yeah back there. come with me and get it this is definitely not a trap
- oh no it was a trap! who could possibly have predicted this??
- awwww, Koana. wasn't sure about him at first but he's just a cute little muffin isn't he
- wuk lamat getting all excited about eating the xibruq pibil was so cute omg. she just likes food!!! I appreciate that in a woman
- oh shiiiiit wuk lamat origin story?! dun dun dun...
- aaaaaand solo duty... ulp
- haha get wrekt
- the mamool ja should look into tourism... this place is pretty as hell
- ok koana shooting the tablet was a pretty cool move
- have my doubts about the golden city being in yak tel... like if it was there why'd they go to xak tural then
- ok, I guess it... was there? or... the *entrance* was there... according to gulool ja ja, anyway...
- road trip alone with erenville be still my heart!
- out of context erenville quotes: "this is your first time, so let's take it slow"
- no need to apologize erenville... you can drag me into anything you want
- oh wow this is really fucking sad. wow. I wasn't expecting that!
- the ridiculous train plan is cheering me up a bit thank god (editor's note: it didn't last)
- sigh... there always has to be at least one zone per expansion that's all dark and gross-looking. did they sign a contract to that effect or something??
- I can't believe how mean this plotline is to erenville
- this is fucked up... this is so fucked up
- npc: "sorry to darken the mood" NO THAT'S FINE I DON'T THINK THE MOOD CAN GET ANY WORSE!!
- I want to rip Spene's crown off and push her off a cliff. her little I'm so cute and innocent and helpless act makes me want to puke.
- if any more parents die in this story I am really truly gonna lose it
- YES finally we get to fight these horrible people. machine army. whatever.
- I hope the next trial is sphene... I want to kick sphene's ass SO bad
- well there goes otis which brings the fucking dead parent toll to at least 4
- finallyyyyyy made it out of heritage found... *collapses onto the floor of tuliyollal like a shipwrecked sailor reaching land*
- (ok obviously I've technically been back to tuliyollal while I've been doing these godforsaken quests but THIS IS DIFFERENT!)
- we didn't fight sphene but the prospects are looking really good for me getting to punch her in the face soon. probably not literally like we got to do with zenos, but I guess you can't have everything :(
- wow sphene really BELIEVES she's just a helpless little girl. fucking incredible.
- next expansion let's have a final zone NOT populated entirely by ghosts. change it up a little
- so should I count namikka and cahciua's deaths twice on the parent death toll scoreboard or what
- you know what I still don't get. is why the yok huy went to xak tural to look for the golden city. *why did they think it was there*? I mean heritage found is there *now* but it definitely wasn't hundreds of years ago!
- that face on the tower looks more like meteion than sphene tbh
- two more dead parents!
- I can't. believe. sphene erased herself before I could beat her ass. this is the most unfair thing that has happened in this expansion, and it is up against some STRONG contenders
- it's just not satisfying to pummel a weird robot that has none of her memories!
- oh sphene's SORRY? *loudest fart noise ever*
- it's a good thing wuk lamat is here to be nice cause if I had to do it I'd throw up
- "their lives remain unchanged"? uh.... we shut off the afterlife. which was a real physical place you could go to. I feel like that changes things a bit!
First half I rate: 9/10
Second half I rate: 3/10
Overall I rate this expansion: 5/10 I guess
Up until the lightning dome appeared I was having a blast. after that the gameplay experience became one of gritting my teeth so I could get out and be done with it. all the alexandrian zones are dark and unpleasant to be in, which would have been bearable except the plot was literally nightmarish and any new characters I didn't hate either died or were already dead (except gulool ja, who's cute of course, but his story was still pretty upsetting in a different way). This is not to say the writing was bad, because I don't think it was. In the alternate universe where I was LOOKING for a tragic existential horror game I might have even really liked it. However I really really wasn't looking for that at all, so in the real world I feel pretty betrayed and upset. There's a line between "plot twist" and "false advertising" and I think they left it behind in the dust.
But hell, at least we got 4 campfire scenes.
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