#“would have been balls deep for sure” is never going to leave me vocabulary from now on
smashstiel · 5 months
i happen to believe that if it wasn't for the homophobia dean and cas would have been balls deep for sure
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goodomensofthestars · 30 days
It took me so long to finish this that I forgot how to use the brush I started with 😋
— Story under the cut —
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It starts, as it will end, in a garden.
There is Adam and there is Eve. And then there’s a whole lot more - some stuff with a flaming sword and a wall - but you’ve already heard that story before.
No, this garden is a bit further along in history. It’s a bit after the tigers and the lions, when the big cats realized they didn’t have to be big anymore and could lead just as happy - if not happier - lives when smaller. It’s after the first few fun-sized cats strolled into the lives of humanity, tore a hole into fabric of their existence, and then started the trend of humans forgiving cats for any imposition, however big or small.
The thing about cats, however, is that it has always been about them and only about them since the beginning of history. Perhaps humans were made first, but God’s favorite would always be the cats (and the whales, but that’s a story for a different time). She was so enamored by cats that She gave them something only one other species on Earth had: free-will. But with free-will comes choice, and we all know how terribly that goes.
So the cats gained a conscience, and then as is conventional, they gained Faith. They call things differently than the humans do, so excuse any unfamiliar vocabulary.
Under Midnight are Star Clan and the Dark Forest. Silverpelt is made up of the hundreds and thousands of bright, good souls that partake in the endless hunt on Star Clan’s territory. The Dark Forest is… somewhere else, one can only presume. It’s where the bad cats go. Ask your clan’s elder, and they’ll scoot around the topic for as long as they can. It’s not in the nature of cats to think about the evil; memory is what keeps that evil alive, after all.
But forget an elder - forget the clans. Remember (and continue to remember, long after) the cats who live by a large lake somewhere in a place the humans call England. Not those cats (not yet) - those cats, who took great trials in the winding tunnels to prove themselves worthy of the title Sharpclaw. This is the garden that we speak of, because this is the beginning that matters.
It has been a moon since Fallen Leaves entered the tunnels and never came back. Broken Shadow and Stone Song are still beside themselves.
“The twolegs are getting worryingly ahead of themselves with all this digging,” comments Sun’s Chaser to Jay’s Wing.
“Hm,” is all he gets in response, apart from some raised hackles.
“It would probably be in the tribe’s best interest to relocate,” Sun’s Chaser tries again, flicking his tail.
“Don’t try and talk me into it,” Jay’s Wing huffs sourly, giving him a truly venemous side-eye. “Go try and convince Stone Song. That’s who cats will listen to.”
Sun’s Chaser offers a noncommittal whine of acceptance. “Sure, they listen to him. But they like listening to you more.”
The next day, Jay’s Wing advises the tribe leave for the mountains. A meeting is called. Stones are cast. They leave the garden.
Some years later, it becomes clear that perhaps the mountains weren’t the best choice.
“What do you say,” Sun’s Chaser begins, whispering into a mourning Clear Sky’s ear, “that we save ourselves more grief and take this group somewhere safer.”
“…Like where?” the gray tom asks miserably, staring listlessly at his sister’s grave.
“Like…” Sun’s Chaser digs deep. “…Somewhere else,” he finishes awkwardly.
“Go talk to Stoneteller about it,” Clear Sky mumbles despondently. “She’s the only one who can make things happen. They listen to her.”
Sun’s Chaser flicks Clear Sky’s ear with his tail. “Sure, they listen to her. But they like listening to you.”
Clear Sky proposes they leave. A gaggle of discontent cats is formed. As soon as they depart, Bright Stream is slain. She’s the first in the trend of mollies dying to give toms a reason to push forward. They keep going.
“Oi, you there!” Sun’s Chaser calls to the cream ball of fur crouched on an overhanging outcrop of rock. The cat starts, then lifts his head attentively.
“Me?” he asks.
“Is there anyone else hanging around that I would be talking to?” Sun’s Chaser asks rhetorically. The other cat shakes his head earnestly.
“I’m the only one here. Good as any.”
Sun’s Chaser spares a glance at Clear Sky who watches him with undisguised impatience. “Wonderful, wonderful... Say, would you know of any territory near here that would be hospitable to a group of cats seeking asylum?”
“Wouldn’t you know it,” the unfamiliar cat begins, “I think I do.” He stands, and Sun’s Chaser is able to get a better view of how well-fed this particular cat is. His own stomach rumbles in jealousy as the cream tom leaps delicately down to join them. He waves his tail, and the bedraggled group follows.
“I’m Wisteriashine,” comments the new cat as he walks with them.
“Neat,” Sun’s Chaser answers, anxiously awaiting whatever comes after the crest in the hill.
The moment they set eyes on the new territory, the group becomes miraculously certain this is where they’re meant to be.
“Oh, look at you,” Sun’s Chaser mumbles, looking out over the rolling fields and lines of trees. “You’re beautiful.”
“Oh, well, th-“ Wisteriashine stumbles for a moment before self-consciously licking at his chest. “It is, rather - er, just so you know, I’ve heard some - some talk of future plans the twolegs have with it.”
Sun’s Chaser whips around. “What?”
“I’ve been told they’re going to level it for more of those great big stone dens.” Sun’s Chaser looks at him incredulously. “…Nothing certain, nothing certain! Just, uh, something to keep in mind,” the fluffy cat soothes quickly. “With twolegs - I mean, it’s all quite ineffable with them, don’t you think? Everything eventually becomes theirs.”
Sun’s Chaser just stares at him for a long moment. “Seems a little mouse-brained.”
“Midnight lets it happen, so it must be intentional,” Wisteriashine snips, suddenly defensive. “It would be best for you not to question it, really.”
Sun’s Chaser spares a look at the cats he helped lead this far. Then he turns a wry look on Wisteriashine. “Surely She wouldn’t protest if I were to just offer a few suggestions. Or critiques. You think there’s a way to talk to the Spirits directly without being a Stoneteller?”
The cream tom’s eyes widen into tiny twin blue moons as the black cat prattles on. “Oh, just look at how beautiful this territory is,” Wisteriashine meows quickly, just shy of cutting him off. “I think it’s time for you all to get settled, don’t you think?”
Sun’s Chaser opens his mouth to retort but catches a taste of the air in his haste. He shivers. “I think it might rain soon. Join us while we get settled so you don’t get caught in it,” he offers.
Wisteriashine does. In fact, he joins them for such a long time that he’s still there by the time the clans have been created.
“They are becoming insolent, Sun’s Chaser,” says Clear Sky as he paces.
Sun’s Chaser thinks that’s a bit of a stretch. “I don’t think a war will fix it,” he says aloud.
Clear Sky whirls on him, eyes blazing. “They will learn what it is like to lose someone they love.”
Gray Wing and Jagged Peak have already lost their brother, but Sun’s Chaser doesn’t mention that either. Instead, he awkwardly nods his head. “Right.”
The first Great Battle commences that night. Silverpelt gains a plethora of new stars. Every soul, sans two, finds its place in the endless hunting grounds.
A few years later, those two souls meet again.
“That went down like a lead balloon,” comments the sleek black cat. His fur has been permanently parted by unfading scars along his face and crisscrossed into his back. A tail too long to be natural winds behind him like a snake.
“Sorry, what was that?” asks the large, fluffy cream cat with frost in his fur and stars in his eyes. He has a white daisy with two big leaves cradling it decoratively nestled in his shimmering chest fur. Also, he has the expression of a cat who has done something he really, really shouldn’t have.
“Lead balloon,” the black tom annunciates, taking it in stride.
“Quite, rather…” the shimmering cat meows in a way that means none of that is quite or rather. “And you are?” he asks politely.
His companion scrunches up his muzzle. “Crowfood,” he purses out, “though I was thinking about changing it.”
“Does feel rather on-the-nose, I suppose,” Wisteriashine nods.
There’s a lapse wherein they continue to watch the unfolding scene in silence. Then Crowfood continues. “I don’t really get the point of the Warrior Code being so strict on things like having relationships. Especially for us poor medicine cats.”
The cream tom stiffens. “It must be wrong. After all, you were the one who tempted her into it.”
Crowfood shrugs noncommittally. “Eh.” His void-ringed golden eyes flash. “But why let her get that far? Shouldn’t there have been some interference from Starclan before things got to this point?” He looks pointedly at his companion.
And what a point. “Ineffability,” Wisteriashine sniffs defensively.
“Should have been some resistance. How was she to know?”
Crowfood isn’t dignified with an answer. He rather thinks Wisteriashine doesn’t have one.
The two ghosts observe as Moth Flight wails over her two stillborn kits. The clan watches in detached scorn. Narrowing his eyes at the dead kittens curled up next to their mother’s body, Crowfood makes an internal calculation.
“Hold on,” he starts slowly, “weren’t there supposed to be three of them?“
“Hm?” intones the fluffy tom. He does not look Crowfood in the eyes.
“I head Starclan sent you here to kill three of them.” With a nod, the black tom continues, trying to catch the larger tom’s icy gaze, “Yeah, yeah - there was a ginger one, I’m sure of it. Had fur the color of fire and everything.”
“I didn’t kill any of them,” wails Wisteriashine somewhat manically. “Two of them were stillborn without any help,” he adds when he gets nothing but an incredulous stare.
Crowfood waits for a courteous amount of time. Then, when he gets no elaboration, “… And the third?”
The cream cat mumbles something under his breath. Crowfood’s eyes widen.
“You what?”
“I gave her away,” Wisteriashine hisses, sparing a fearful look upward. Thick clouds obscure Silverpelt. “I couldn’t - I can’t kill kits! I told her to trust that one with me - that I would keep her safe. She was just so distraught, really! I couldn’t stand the thought of her losing another one to Star Clan so early. So I said, ‘There’s a good dear, just let me handle her, I’ll keep her safe.’ I took the kit to one of those twoleg settlements and put her on a step and - and waited for one of them to come out and take her in.” When Crowfood does nothing but stare, jaw parted, he gets defensive. “You know, if you were in my position, I’m sure you would have done the same!” He catches himself, coughs, and flattens his ears against his head. Crowfood blinks at him.
“Or, not. Being of the… Dark Forest and all,” Wisteriashine mumbles miserably.
They turn back to the scene in silence after that. Moth Flight eventually pulls herself to her paws and retreats to bury her kin. With little more than a collective sigh from the sneering Wind Clan crowd, she’s let past. Micah walks by her side, offering support whenever she stumbles. Exhaling a breath of relief, Wisteriashine watches as some of the light returns to her eyes at his touch.
“Wouldn’t it be funny,” ventures Crowfood, “if I did the good thing, and you did the bad thing? Could get in a lot of trouble, me, for doing the right thing”
The cream cat’s whiskers twitch with amusement before he catches himself. “No,” he says quickly. “No, that would not be funny at all.”
Moth Flight and Micah bury their children, and the sky breaks at last. The promised storm comes to fruition. Crowfood feels his companion sidle closer, followed by the sensation of a tail creeping over his lean body. As the first raindrops hit the ground, Crowfood remains blessedly dry.
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guardianofrivendell · 4 years
A Royal Tease
Thorin x fem!reader
Requested: kind of - this was a favor to a very special person! 
Warnings:  NSFW with an E rating, so please only read if you’re 18+! 
A/N: Wowee... that was a ride! Writing smut is definitely NOT the same as reading it :) Let me know how I did it and if I should write more smut in the future. I still feel like it jumps from here to there sometimes, but the longer I worked on it, the worse it got so I decided to stop editing and throw it on here 🙈
Before you start reading, another friendly reminder that English is NOT my first language, so if some sentences feel forced or the vocabulary feels too simple or not descriptive enough, that’s why! 
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Thorin was lying on his back in the sand, eyes closed and panting heavily. 
“Another one!” he growled after a few seconds.  “Are you sure you can take another one? Married life sure is taking a toll on ya!” Dwalin teased, getting in his starting position again. He rolled his muscles and Thorin could hear his bones crack. Dwalin was enjoying this far too much. 
Thorin might be losing his touch, but Mahal be his witness, he would never admit defeat. He couldn’t give Dwalin the satisfaction. So he pushed himself back up while muttering a line of very colourful words, ready to smack that smirk of his best friend’s face.
These late night sparring sessions with Dwalin were a godsend to get rid of the tension and frustration in his body, but that didn’t mean he would let him off the hook so easily. 
Wiping the sweat of his brow with the back of his hand, he walked towards the opposite side of the training field.  His tunic clung to his body, dripping with sweat so Thorin decided to take it off. 
“What in Durin’s name are those?” Dwalin’s voice boomed across the field.
Thorin immediately held his tunic in front of him, as if he had been caught doing something that he shouldn’t. He completely forgot about them. 
“S’none of your business,” he muttered.
“As your personal guard it is my bloody business, Thorin,” Dwalin retorted, making his way towards his King. 
“Who gave ya those bruises?”
Thorin stared at his best friend and felt his cheeks flush. He could see Dwalin’s thoughts take a turn for the worst, blaming himself for his King’s injuries. But he couldn’t tell him the truth, could he?  
“You were not the one who caused them,” Thorin said in a tone that made it clear he wasn’t going to elaborate.
“Then who did?” he pressed on. 
“Leave it, Dwalin.”
But Dwalin was quicker and snatched the shirt out of his hands so the bruises were visible. 
Dwalin’s eyes traveled over the King’s bare chest. His pecs, abs and hips were covered in dark purple bruises, each one of them the size of a gold coin. His eyes landed on the waistband of Thorin’s breeches and it looked like the bruises didn’t stop there.
“I’m supposed to protect ya, Thorin. Who mistreated you like this?”
Thorin kept his eyes focused on Dwalin’s, as if he wanted to have a staring match. Dwalin could see the internal battle his King was fighting, before Thorin broke eye contact and turned around to put his tunic back on.
“They’re Y/N’s alright,” he hissed, without looking at him. 
Dwalin stood completely shocked for a few seconds, before he balled his fists and almost bristled in anger.
“Dam or not, she can’t treat ya that way, Thorin,” he said through clenched teeth. 
Thorin placed his hands on Dwalin’s shoulders to calm him down. 
“No, my friend. No, it’s not like that at all… They happened during…” Thorin took a deep breath and lowered his voice in case someone could overhear. “During our lovemaking.”
Dwalin’s eyebrows shot up and his eyes went wide.  But he didn’t back off like Thorin had expected. If any, it peaked his interest. 
“She hurts ya for… Pleasure?”
Dwalin’s nose scrunched up, like the thought of someone hurting their One for pleasure was the most ridiculous thing he ever heard. Which, in his humble opinion, it most certainly was.
“In her world what happens at night is a lot more... interesting, to give it a name. We’ve been missing out, Dwalin. You can trust me on that.”
“But she hurts ya?” he repeated. 
Thorin chuckled. “Believe me, it doesn’t hurt one bit. On the contrary...”
They started walking out of the training halls, their sparring session long forgotten. 
Thorin knew it might not be appropriate to discuss his love life so openly with his friend, but he was almost certain Y/N wouldn’t mind and he felt relieved he could finally talk to someone about it.
“You don’t know half the things she’s capable of, Dwalin… The way her hands feel when she… Mahal!” Thorin groaned at the memories of your late night activities. 
“Easy there, lad,” Dwalin chuckled. “Ya don’t want to ruin those trousers too, aye?”
Thorin shoved him in a playful jest, but the seasoned warrior didn’t even budge.  He shook his head, tutting at the poor attempt of his King. “Pathetic.”
While they were walking towards the Royal wing of the mountain, Thorin told his friend about some of the things he learned the last few weeks. 
Dwarrows were a bit old fashioned in the bedchambers, or ‘rather prude’ as Y/N had called it, and she helped him discover a different side of himself.
By the time Thorin had told Dwalin about the different positions he definitely should try besides the classic one, they’d reached the heavy double doors of Thorin’s chambers and Dwalin’s cheeks had turned a few shades darker. 
Dwalin halted and nodded at the guards posted at each side of the door. 
Thorin opened the door and the right corner of his lips twitched. He was still a bit agitated that he couldn’t beat his friend on the grounds but there was always another way to get the upper hand...
“Oh and Dwalin… They use their mouth too.”
“Well I may hope so, it’s hard to kiss without yer lips,” he said, not understanding what Thorin meant. 
“Not for kissing, Dwalin. Not only for kissing.”
Thorin closed the door, leaving a speechless and heavily flustered Dwalin in the hallway.
When he turned around with the intention of entering his chambers and relaxing for the night, someone forcefully pressed his back against the door and pulled his face down in a heated kiss. 
It only took him a fraction of a second to wrap his arms around his wife and happily return the kiss, not wasting any time with deepening it by swiping her bottom lip with his tongue.  He felt her smile against his lips and she broke the kiss. 
“Eager, are we?”
“I do recall it was you who couldn’t resist me, ghivashel, you didn’t even let me come in properly,” Thorin chuckled, keeping his arms tightly wrapped around her while he placed a soft kiss on her forehead. 
In the meantime, her hands started traveling on their own, making their way over his broad shoulders and upper arms, before finally settling on his chest. His tunic was still damp from his earlier activities and left nothing to the imagination. Not that she needed to imagine it, she knew exactly what he was hiding underneath. What was hers…
Y/N smiled. “I can’t greet my husband after a day’s hard work?”
She reached up and caught his lips in another kiss. Thorin hummed softly.
“Aye,” he said, his hands lingering on her back, but he couldn’t resist slowly lowering them towards the delicious curve of her buttocks. He gave them a firm squeeze and pulled her flush against his body. 
Y/N could feel someone else greeting her.  “Well hello to you both,” she smirked. 
Even though she knew Thorin was that kind of dwarf who gets easily aroused - which was incredibly fun during meetings and official visits - he still caught her off guard with how fast his soldier could report for duty. 
“We’re at your service, little one,” he said, lowering his voice. 
Licking her lips in anticipation, Y/N grabbed the hem of his tunic and lifted it upwards.  Thorin raised his arms and helped her get the tunic off his body, carelessly tossing it aside. His breathing growing heavy already with the adrenaline still in his body from the earlier workout. 
His trousers and undergarments were next, she tugged at the laces and let the fabric pool around his ankles. 
She took a few steps back and took the time to admire the view before her.  His silver and black hair screaming at her to get her hands in, so she could tug it just the way he liked it. The dark hair dusted across his broad chest, trailing down towards his V line and circling around his member. The bruises her lips left the night before stood out on his skin, proof of her claim on him.  Thorin was absolutely stunning. A work of art.
“Like what you see?” he hummed, his voice still a deep rumble, hitting her right in her core. Mahal, bless that voice! 
“Always,” she whispered.
When she turned around and started walking away from him, Thorin grabbed her wrist and pulled her back. 
“You’re not going to leave me like this, are you,” he growled. 
He knew she was capable of it, she’d done it before. There was nothing his wife liked more than teasing him and leaving him hanging for a while. According to her it was fun, she liked getting him all riled up, but for Thorin it was absolute torture. He wasn’t used to not getting things when he wanted them. 
“Easy tiger, I was just going to draw you a bath.”
Thorin sighed deeply when he reclined in the tub, the warm water soothing his aching muscles. 
“Feels good?” Y/N smiled, getting a washcloth ready. 
He nodded and hummed softly, closing his eyes. His nose filled with the scent of the burning wood from the fire and lavender from the bathwater, and combined with the warm temperature of the water it made him finally relax.
She sat down behind the bathtub and took the bottle of oil for his hair. Y/N brought the opened bottle close to her face, smelling the herbal fragrance. She inhaled it deeply, loving the smell because it reminded her of Thorin. Her husband. Her King. 
“I’ll start with your hair.”
She poured a little oil on her hands and rubbed them together to spread it evenly.  Her fingers purposefully moved around his scalp, working in small circular motions. He moaned when she added just the right amount of pressure to massage the oil in his hair and again when she started delivering gentle strokes around his ears and neck.  With a cup she poured hot water over his hair to rinse it. Thorin kept his eyes closed when she was finished, his body completely relaxed and at peace.
Seeing how he turned into mush under her skilled hands, made washing Thorin’s hair something Y/N loved to do. It was not her favorite part… no, that part came up next. 
She leaned over and pressed a kiss below his ear, and took the washcloth from the side of the tub. Carefully pouring some oil on it, she kneaded the cloth until it was properly soaked, before she let it glide over his chest. 
A smile played around her lips when Thorin groaned as soon as she started massaging his muscles with the cloth, washing away the tension in them. 
Her hands let the washcloth glide over the muscles in his arms, shoulders and legs, adding enough pressure to work the knots out, leaving no skin untouched.
Except the part where he needed her touch the most. 
Every time she came close, Thorin bit his lip in anticipation but she always changed direction or directed her attention elsewhere. He grew more and more desperate, she noticed. So far so good.  
“What were you and Dwalin talking about?” she asked, curious about the subject of their conversation.  
Thorin opened his eyes, but couldn’t meet hers. 
“Ah… yes. Well, I may have taken off my tunic during our sparring session tonight.”
Oh. So Dwalin got curious, she thought.  She abandoned the washcloth, letting it float around the water.
“I bet he had some questions about these?”
Her finger started trailing the contours of the bruises. First in a faster circular motion, but as she got closer to his hips she slowed her pace down and adjusted the pressure to nothing more than a feather-light touch. 
Thorin closed his eyes again and let his head fall back against the sloping side of the tub. His breath came quicker and when her eyes wandered down his stomach, she was pleased to notice his member was back at full attention again. When she let her finger linger near the tip, she could hear him hold his breath in anticipation. 
“What did you tell him?”
But Thorin didn’t give her an answer, too focused on her movements and ministrations. She was so close, just a little more to the left...
But instead of doing what he wanted her to do - and she knew he was desperate for it, her teasing and lingering touches had made him wild with desire - she changed direction again and traced the inside of his thigh and pelvic bone, purposefully ignoring his hard on. 
“Tease!” he groaned, clutching the edge of the tub in frustration. 
Y/N raised an eyebrow in question. “A tease? Me?”
She stood up, clutching her chest like she was actually shocked by his accusation.
“I would never,” she smirked, and Thorin loved the way her eyes twinkled with mischief. “You’re the one who doesn’t want to tell me what you told Dwalin.”
“I merely gave him some advice based on our experiences, ghivashel. I believe master Dwalin will keep his flushed cheeks for the remainder of the week. Serves him right.”
Satisfied with his answer, she turned to grab a towel, dropping it on a nearby chair for him to use later. 
“I’ll leave you to it then.” 
Her eyes lingered on his pulsing cock for a few seconds before she winked at him. “Don’t enjoy yourself too much.”
Before she could leave him, he called out to her.
“The least you can do is give me another kiss.”
Y/N smiled and leaned down to peck his nose. 
“No, a kiss worthy of a king,” he groaned. 
But when she leaned further down to press her lips on his, she missed how his eyes held the same twinkle hers did a few moments ago…
Before she knew it, Thorin had grabbed her by the waist and pulled her on top of him. Their movements made the water splash everywhere and Y/N shrieked when her dress got soaked with the bathwater. 
“Oakenshield,” she growled, pushing her off his chest with her hands and settling in his lap.
She enjoyed the lustful clouding of his eyes when she moved just the slightest, giving him the friction he longed for. 
“Always trying to get what you want,” she reprimanded him. 
“Can you blame me?”
His hands drifted admiringly over her body, following the curves of her bossom and hips. 
He was taking over control and she had to stop it before she gave in. With some difficulty she managed to climb out of the tub and wrung the water out of the dress of her skirt, turning the bathroom floor in a small pond.  Seeing as Thorin made no move to get out of his bath or apologize, Y/N decided to take the teasing to a higher level. 
Keeping her back to her husband, she slowly unhooked the fastings of her dress and let it drop to the floor with a slap.  She heard the sharp intake of Thorin’s breath and the slosh of the water when he sat up. 
Oh, that’s right… Did she forget to mention she wasn’t wearing anything underneath? Oops…
He wasted no time in getting out of the bath, not even bothering to take a towel to dry himself. The only thing on his mind was to get to his wife as fast as possible. 
She whimpered when their bodies clashed together, the evidence of his arousal poking between her butt cheeks. His lips attacked her neck, and she was almost certain the firm grip of his fingers on her waist would leave bruises the next day. Not that she minded.   
He guided them into their bedroom, and when the back of her knees touched the bed frame, her mind cleared and she tutted at him. 
“Since when are you in charge, yâsûn?”
He cupped her breasts, softly kneading them and letting his thumbs flick over her nipples. He lowered his head to take one in his mouth, not stopping his caresses on the other one. 
Y/N sighed and let her head fall on her shoulder, her hand finding its way in his hair. His damned mouth...
“I don’t hear you complain,” he smirked.
She certainly didn’t complain when he slid one of his thick, calloused fingers between her folds, and Thorin moaned when he felt how slick she already was. 
“You’ve been enjoying your teasing,” he accused her. “All this for me?”
She grabbed his length and he hissed at the sudden contact. She stroked a few times to spread the precum, and when her thumb flicked the head it took all his strength not to come all over her hand right that minute. 
“I couldn’t stay behind with all this for me...” she smirked. 
With a growl he connected their lips again. His wife knew exactly which buttons to press and    he both loved and hated it. Without breaking the kiss, he grabbed her thighs and squeezed them, urging her to jump up. Y/N did as asked - which surprised Thorin - and locked her ankles behind his back to keep her balance. 
Not bothering to clear the furs from the bed, he laid her down on top of them, her hair sprawled out on the pillows. 
She bit her lip when she noticed how his eyes had darkened even further, Thorin looked like he could devour her any minute. She didn’t realise how close to the truth she was. Maybe he needed another round of teasing...
Before she could follow through with her plan, Thorin took the lead.
He flipped her on her stomach, grabbed her by the waist and pulled her onto him, all in one fluent move. It was a position they only did once before but he had already claimed it as his favorite. 
Knowing what he wanted, she placed her knees on either side of his hips and let her back rest against his front. The hairs on his chest rubbed deliciously against her soft skin and she had a hard time staying still. The muscles in his thighs and stomach were rock hard, just like her toy in between.  Y/N’s hand went up his hair and tugged it harshly when her clit came in contact with his cock.
“Are you ready for me, little one?”
His voice got even lower if that was possible, the words wrapping around her like a silky smooth blanket. If he kept talking like that, it would be over for her before they even began. 
“Thorin, please,” she begged.
“I thought you liked teasing?” he chuckled. 
She grabbed his member, guiding it to her entrance and lowered herself down in an attempt to shut him up, a desperate moan falling from her lips when their hips connected. Thorin tightened his grip on her. She felt absolutely divine. 
“Only when I’m the one doing it,” she gasped, enjoying the feeling of being stretched out. 
One of his arms slid around her stomach and settled between her legs, circling her clit with his thumb when he began to thrust upwards. 
They soon found a steady rhythm, and Y/N could feel her orgasm building quickly. 
No, too soon, she thought and she slowed down the pace, slapping his hand away from her clit.
She leaned forward, keeping her body up with her hands on the furs. The new angle made her feel every inch of him and a loud moan escaped her throat. 
This is what she had been craving the entire day. 
She raised her hips until only his tip was inside of her and then lowered herself down, agonizingly slow. 
“You’re such a good girl for me. Mahal, keep going, do not stop!”
She loved it when he got vocal, and with each curse and praise he murmured, she felt herself getting closer to her release. 
Thorin noticed her change in breathing and pitch of her moans and sped up the pace. 
This was all feeling too good and with the help of his encouragements she came undone, clutching the furs until her knuckles turned white.
He cursed heavily when she clamped down on him, but did his best to help her ride out her high. He kissed her neck and stilled his movements to give her a break, only resuming them when she nodded that she was okay. 
As he began to thrust even harder and faster, Thorin gathered her hair in one hand to keep her in place, his other hand firmly on her waist while he chased his own release. His moans became increasingly louder, less controlled with each thrust and a curse escaped his lips.
“You feel too good, ghivashel, m’not going to last,” he hissed through clenched teeth. 
He came with a shout and a cutoff curse but kept thrusting in and out of her until he felt himself soften. When he finally pulled out, he covered her back in kisses.
Y/N laid down on the bed and opened her arms for him to cuddle. Both their bodies were covered in a thin layer of sweat, and it took them a while to catch their breath. 
These were the moments when she felt the safest. In his arms, in the after bliss of their lovemaking, listening to the soft and even breathing of her husband. She kissed his head and trailed the muscles of his upper back with her finger, earning her a content sigh from Thorin. 
A chuckle escaped her throat and he looked up at her questioningly.
“Now you have something new to tell Dwalin,” she said with a wink. 
Permanent taglist: @roosliefje​ @kata1803​ @entishramblings​ @artsywaterlily​ @sleepy-daydream-in-a-rose​ @marvelschriss​ @kumqu4t​ @myrin1234​ @dark-angel-is-back​ @the-fandoms-georgie​ @lathalea​ @xxbyimm​ @sokkasdarling​ @katethewriter​ @aredhel-of-gondolin​ @leethology​ @elvish-sky​ @moony-artnstuff​ @laurfilijames​ @kirenia15​ @moarfandomtrash​
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livingforthewhump · 3 years
Oh my gosh plz plz more of the one where caretaker snaps at whumpee so that whumpee leaves and caretaker feels so guilty
today’s the day, folks! I wrote this while being forced to kick a soccer ball in gym class so hopefully it’s decent :)
sequel to this drabble
It took calling them five times before Whumpee picked up. At that point Caretaker was almost too scared, too lost in tears, to say anything. But the sound of Whumpee’s scared breathing on the other side of the connection spurred them into action.
“Whumpee? Please, I’m sorry. Will you… will you come home?”
There was a painful beat of silence before they answered, softly. “I-I can’t.”
Caretaker’s heart wrenched, but they heard something new and bad in Whumpee’s tone. “Is something wrong?”
“I’m, I, I’m sorry but can you, can you come get me?” A muffled sound that might have been a sob followed the words.
Caretaker was on their feet in an instant. “Of course. Where are you? What happened?”
“I, I went to the restaurant down the street? Because, cause you always told me if I was scared to go someplace in public,” they said, sounding hesitant, shaky.
Caretaker grabbed their keys before deciding walking would be faster. “Okay, good. That’s good.”
But Whumpee was still talking. “But Whumper is here and I don’t know if they’ve seen me yet but I’m scared and I know you’re mad at me but please please don’t let Whumper take me again, please, I’ll be good, and won’t bother you, please—“
If Caretaker didn’t have proof that they were living by their feet pounding on the sidewalk, they would have sworn their heart had stopped in their chest. “I’m not mad at you, Whumpee, I swear. I never should have said that and I’m so so sorry. Just stay on the phone with me, okay? And let me know if Whumper does anything. I’m going to be there as soon as possib—“
And the line went dead.
Caretaker ground out all of the curses in their vocabulary as they called back and waited and waited, but Whumpee didn’t answer. If possible, they started to run faster.
By the time they arrived at the restaurant they were out of breath, throat and lungs burning from the air pumped in and out. Their hair was a mess and they were sure they had a crazed look in their eyes, but none of that stopped them from bursting inside.
They immediately spotted Whumpee tucked away in a corner booth, staring at something in front of them with wide, tearful eyes.
Caretakers hands curled into fists as they surged forward, eyes fixed on Whumpee until they stopped beside them.
“Hey Whumpee, you ready to go?” They forced their tone to stay casual, fooling nobody.
Whumpee looked up at them and their heart panged at the helplessness in their eyes as they nodded. Caretaker finally clenched their jaw and turned to look at Whumper, who was studying them with interest, lips quirked in a smirk.
“So you’re Caretaker.” Whumper winked at Whumpee. “I’ve heard so much about you.”
“Stay away from them,” Caretaker snarled. Whumpee stood behind them, practically hiding behind their set shoulders.
Whumper’s smile grew. “Seems like you should keep a better hold on them.”
Caretaker shot them a glare and walked away, but the words stuck like barbed wire in their mind, jumbling their thoughts as they took Whumpee away.
“Are you okay?” Caretaker asked as soon as they were out of sight of the building. “ What did they say to you?”
Whumpee just hunched their shoulders, shaking their head. “Thank you for coming. I’m sorry I had—”
“Whumpee, don’t ever apologize for asking for help. I’ll always be here for you.” They took a deep breath, watching Whumpee carefully. “You know I didn’t mean what I said, right? I didn’t mean any of it. I was just stressed and overwhelmed and I took that out on you, which wasn’t fair at all and I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay.”
Caretaker frowned. “I don’t want it to just be ‘okay’. I don’t want you to say that and let things like that happen just because it’s what you’re used to. It wasn’t okay, and if you need to be angry at me for a while, I deserve it.”
Whumpee shook their head again, slowly reaching out to take Caretaker’s hand. “I forgive you. Not… not because it was okay. But because you’re okay. I believe that you didn’t mean it, even though it was…scary. To hear you say it.”
Caretaker’s brow tightened and they found themselves blinking back tears. “I don’t deserve you, you know.”
“That’s too bad, cause it seems like you’re stuck with me.” Whumpee flashed them a shaky grin, and they felt a tear trace down their cheek.
Taglist (let me know if you want to be added or removed): @castielamigos-whump-side-blog @twistedcaretaker @lonesome--hunter @poppys-writing @endless-whump @multifandoms-multishipper @shadowylemon @utopian819 @whumpkitty @journey-the-panda @freefallingup13 @shameful-indulgence @1becky1 @temporary-whump-sideblog @chartreusephoenix @thelazywitchphotographer @mylifeisonthebookshelf @badluck990 @lockedupuniverse @luna-rein @broadwaybabe18 @pinescales-whumps @silverwhisperer1 @embersalive
And some others interested in the continuation! @swift-perseides @whumpymirages @hurting-fictional-people
339 notes · View notes
Aim For The Heart | Chapter 3: Plan B
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Pairing: hitman!jk x female reader
Genre: E2L, romance, drama, angst
WC: 5.1k
Warnings for this chapter: language (jk will continue to have a potty mouth), a gun, attempted murder
Tag list; @hopekookies @moonchild1 @barbellastyles98 @teresaisla @ggukkieland @mwitsmejk @scuzmunkie @sugaslittlekookies @jaebeomsblackgf @moon-asia
summary; Jeon Jungkook is an infamous hitman, known for his inability to fail at whatever job is thrown his way. At least, up until now. Y/n, a kind-hearted and full of life teacher, is his newest target. Jeon isn’t sure who would put a hit on this seemingly innocent girl, but fortunately, that isn’t his problem. All he has to do is pull the trigger. 
Previous → Next
"Excuse m-me, sir."
Jungkook turns and his heart stops in his chest when he sees the wide eyes of a horribly familiar girl staring up at him.
You're clutching a piece of paper in your hands as a smile spreads on your face when you look at him closer. Jungkook blinks a few times, the rest of him frozen in horror at being caught.
"Th-This is for you." You hold out the paper.
Jungkook takes it limply, his eyes never leaving yours.
When the initial shock leaves his body, he tears his eyes away from you and looks down at what you gave him. He squints in confusion at what he sees. Then he looks back up at his target.
What the hell is this?
"I hope it isn't c-creepy. I j-just thought it might make you s-smile." You brighten when he looks back down at the picture.
Jungkook swallows thickly.
On the piece of notebook paper, is a terribly drawn picture. But that isn't what's gotten his attention. On it, is an image of what he can only guess to be himself, sitting on a bench.
He looks back up at you, "Um, I don't understand..." His voice gives out on him as he fights the urge to bolt. Everything about this situation is telling him to run. You know him. You've known he was following you.
But you aren't outright telling him that you know...
What the hell does he do now?
You smile shyly, a small blush creeping up your cheeks. "I know it m-must seem weird. But p-please let m-me explain."
He nods uncertainly, forcing his feet to stay planted where he is.
"Ok," You wring your hands together and he watches in confusion as you blink a few times. "O-Ok, I like to d-draw. And sometimes when I d-don't have anything else to draw, I draw p-people. Then I give them the p-picture as a present to make them h-happy!" You bounce a little on the balls of your feet.
"But-..." Jungkook scratches his neck. "When did you do this?" He's starting to think maybe he's out of the line of fire. Perhaps he jumped to conclusions and you don't suspect him of following you at all.
You put a finger to your chin as you think about that. Then you tap your cheek, blinking hard a few times. "Mmm, I think it was Wednesday? Maybe Thursday..." You start mumbling to yourself.
Jungkook raises a brow, watching you curiously.
He looks around, no one seems to be paying attention to the two of you. Good, he can't be seen as one of the last people to be with you.
You suddenly speak up again, drawing his attention back to you.
"W-Well, anyway. I decided to m-make it and give it to you b-because you looked sad. Are y-you lonely?" You look up at him with big eyes and he blinks, looking away for a second to regain his composure.
Damn, she's nosy.
Jungkook clears his throat and looks back at you, "I'm not lonely. And as much as I appreciate the thought, I don't need this." Then he shoves the picture into your chest, making you flinch and grab it.
"Have a good day." He says curtly, then he turns and walks as quickly as he can away from the situation.
After a minute of walking, Jungkook breathes a sigh of relief to be out of that. He messed up. Now he really needs to get this done quickly before the target figures anything out for real this time.
The relief is short-lived though. A second later, he flinches when he hears a voice calling out to him and the sound of feet running.
"Wait! Mister, p-please wait!"
Jungkook pulls his hat down further and picks up his pace, trying to find a crowd he can lose you in.
He's squeezing in-between people and pushing past others, ignoring their sounds of annoyance. Then a hand grabs the sleeve of his jacket and he internally groans.
Shit, she's fast.
Jungkook shakes you off of him and turns to glare at you.
 "What?" He snaps.
You blink and cock your head to the side for a second before straightening it out, a crooked smile forming on your face.
"I w-wasn't able to introduce m-myself." You state simply.
Jungkook audibly sighs, "Look, I'm busy."
"Oh." Your face falls and he resists the urge to roll his eyes.
You look at the ground for a second, then you look back at him, your eyes bright again and the smile back on your face. "P-Please, take the picture. I have n-no room in my bag f-for it."
Jungkook sighs again and snatches the picture out of your hands, "Fine. Happy?" He waves it in the air before folding it and sticking it in his jacket pocket.
You nod happily, "My n-name is ____."
 I know.
"Alright." He looks away, trying to give you the hint that he's done with the conversation.
"What's y-your name?"
Gosh, she never shuts up, does she?
Why in the literal hell would he say his real name just now?
He wasn't thinking. He just wanted you to shut up. 
You see the look of pure panic on his face and laugh to make him feel better, "Nice t-to meet you, J-Jungkook." He must have trouble talking with people, you think. 
"Ok, well yeah, it was nice to meet you. Thank you for the picture. Goodbye." He turns and all but runs off, finally disappearing into a crowd.
You watch him go into the big crowd and you smile, he was so kind. Giggling and looking down at your fingers, you turn and start making your way home. _______________
Jungkook hauls ass all the way back to his place, constantly making sudden turns and glancing around to make sure you're not hot on his heels.
When he finally makes it up the stairs and into his apartment, he locks the door and yanks his shoes off, hurling them at the front door and flinching when they slam against it loudly.
There aren't enough curse words in his vocabulary for him to scream into his pillow that would satisfy him right now. He starts to shake, the adrenaline pumping through his veins as his brain goes into overdrive trying to figure out what to do now.
He's never been caught.
Not once. 
He's never even been close to getting caught. 
In and out, one and done.
That's how it's always been for him.
Jungkook takes his hat off and tosses it onto the tiny dining table, then he walks over to his bed and flops onto it, face down.
"I quit." He mumbles into the comforter forlornly.
Then he lays there for a minute, contemplating everything.
"I can't quit..." He mutters to himself a second later.
It's impossible.
He can't quit.
He just needs to get it over with tonight.
No more hesitating, no more distractions, no more overthinking. It doesn't matter that she saw his face and knows his name. She'll be dead by morning anyway, and it's not like her friend is here for her to tell anything about him to.
Once he's calmed himself down enough to think clearly, Jungkook gets up and moves to his closet to pull out the safe. He puts in the code and it swings open when he gives it a little tug. He takes out the gun that he failed to use the other night, then he unloads it, pouring the little bullets onto his bed. Jungkook counts them before reloading them, then he dumps them out again, counting them before once again reloading them.
He does this whenever he needs to think, it helps him concentrate. When he's unloaded and reloaded it four times, he's finally able to take a deep breath. He sits on the edge of his bed, his head hanging for a minute before he lifts it and stares at the wall. _______________
When you get home, you kick your shoes off and head straight to the kitchen to grab a snack. You grab a little drinkable yogurt and grin as you open it up and take a sip. 
Then you move to sit on your couch, still gently sipping your yogurt. When you're almost halfway done with your snack, you pull out your phone and text Mina. 
You 4:32- Mina, I met someone today ^-^
Then you toss your phone next to you and grab your TV remote, turning it on you quickly find the drama you're currently binging and you hit play. 
After a few minutes, you hear your phone bling. You pause the show and grab it to see Mina has answered you. 
Mina 4:40- YOU WHAT? WHO
You laugh quietly and you're typing a reply when a picture of you and Mina making silly faces pops up on the screen and the ringtone you made special for her starts ringing. You answer it quickly, laughing when she shouts through the phone immediately. 
"WAS IT A BOY??" She shrieks, almost breaking your eardrums.
"Y-Yeah." You can feel the blush creeping up your neck at her next words.
"Is he cute? Is he single?"
"M-Mina!" You cry in embarrassment, "It isn't l-like that." 
You hear a disappointed sigh leave her lips, "Well, what is it like then?" She asks in curiosity. 
"I gave him a p-picture that I drew. He t-took it, Mina! He didn't say I was c-creepy like the other girl did." You're grinning from ear to ear. 
She laughs quietly as she realizes what this is about. "Ohh, so you drew a picture of him and gifted it to him?"
"That's so sweet of you, ____. And he actually took it?" 
You nod, then remember she can't see you. 
"Y-Yes, he took it. He said th-thank you, and he told m-me his name!"
Mina laughs again at your excitement, "What's his name?"
"Ohhh," There's a teasing hint to her tone, "Sounds like a name fit for a cute guy. So, was he cute?" 
You bite your lip then whisper, "Uh, yes. He was c-cute." 
"Awww! ____ has her first cruuuush!" Mina shrieks again and you shake your head. 
"No, Mina. I d-don't have a crush on h-him! I just thought he was n-nice. He seemed like he would m-make a good friend." You pull at the hem of your skirt, your knees tucked up to your chin. 
You hear her giggle on the other side, then her tone turns serious. "Ok, you're right ____. No man is good enough to date my sweet best friend. Don't you dare pursue him until I get there and give my approval!"
You roll your eyes, "I'm not going to p-pursue him at all, silly."
You two chat for a couple of minutes, then you let her go because you both need to figure something out for dinner soon. 
You decide to finish the episode of the drama, but you can't resist and watch a few more after it. By the time you're able to peel your eyes away from the TV, the sun is starting to go down. You rub your eyes in confusion, I didn't realize how many episodes I watched. 
You stretch your arms above your head and yawn, "Ah, I should g-get some d-dinner," You stand up to go to your kitchen and scrounge around. You come up with a few pieces of celery, half a jar of kimchi, and one hard-boiled egg. 
You scrunch your nose at the emptiness of the fridge. You'll just have to go to the grocery store tomorrow. But until then, you decide to just go out and get something to eat for dinner and maybe find something for your lunch tomorrow. 
You pull your tennis shoes on and grab your bucket hat, plopping it onto your head. It doesn't go with the rest of your pastel outfit, but you don't really care. If it's comfy, then it's a win for you. 
Then you take your bag and sling it over your shoulder. Remembering to lock the door, you leave and head down the stairs. _______________
Jungkook thanks the man at the food stand as he takes the fishcake skewer and hands his money to the man. Then he bows and turns to make his way through the crowds of people that always come out at night in Seoul. 
He finds a bench in a park a little ways from the hustle and bustle of the city, so he sits there and takes a deep breath of the crisp evening air. Jungkook takes a bite of his fishcake, chewing it thoughtfully as he goes over the new plan of action in his head. 
A few people pass by while he sits there, one of them is a small girl with her mother. She reminds Jungkook of that little girl, Mi-Rah, from the other day. His throat constricts when he remembers the child's words to him. Then he scoffs and takes another bite of fishcake, chewing it aggressively. If that annoying kid hadn't distracted him, he wouldn't be sitting out here right now trying to come up with a new plan...stupid. 
Jungkook finishes his food, then he stretches his long limbs out, grunting from exhaustion. This hit is really taking a mental toll on him for literally no reason at all. He can't wait to be done with it. 
He rubs his hands together and stands up, stretching a bit more before heading in the direction of the target's home. 
He's going to finish this. 
When Jungkook is a few blocks from her apartment, he slows down and glances around before slipping into the dark alleyway from the other night. Once he's in the dark, he slips the gun from his pocket and checks the bullets. It's an obsessive thing at this point, but it makes him feel more secure. 
He slides the last bullet back in, then-
The gun clatters to the ground with a loud sound as Jungkook whips around to see the one person he doesn't want to see at this moment. 
Gosh fucking damn it all to hell. 
You're standing there, looking up at him from under your bucket hat. Jungkook scans you quickly, noticing you're still in your light yellow skirt and pink blouse from earlier. You have some bags in your hands as you smile at him. 
You don't seem to have taken notice of the fact that he literally just dropped the gun he was going to shoot you with. So, Jungkook quickly kicks it to the side, relieved when it slides behind a bag of trash. 
"Uhm, hi...____, right?" It takes all his willpower not to fumble over his words after being caught for the second time on the same day.
You nod happily at the fact that he remembered your name, "Yes! F-Funny to run into y-you again!"
Jungkook chuckles dryly, "Yeah, what a coincidence."  
You gesture to him with one of the bags in your hands, "D-Do you live n-near here?" 
Jungkook's nose twitches, but he keeps a straight face. "No, I just...I was out for a walk." 
"Ohh! Night walks are th-the best." 
"Mhm.." Jungkook looks around, trying to figure out what he should do. Maybe he should just do it now...yeah, that's the best idea. 
"So, what did you buy?" Jungkook asks suddenly, gesturing towards your bags. You take the bait instantly and brighten, bending down to place your bags on the ground so you can show him. 
The second you aren't looking, Jungkook crouches and grabs the gun from behind the trash bag he kicked it towards.
"Well, now. L-Let me see." You're crouched on your heels, looking through the bags. Jungkook cocks the gun and raises it, his finger on the trigger. 
"I've g-got an apple, that was from the k-kind old woman at the fruit s-stand-"
He's about to pull it when another voice rings out in the alley. 
"Miss ___! Is that you?"
Jungkook quickly brings the gun down, switching it to safety and stuffing it into the front of his pants. Clearly, he isn't thinking straight right now. 
You look up at that moment and glance behind Jungkook before a smile of recognition lights up your face. "Ohh! Mr. Ch-Chang! What are y-you doing out this l-late at night?"
Jungkook bites his lip in pure frustration and turns to see an older man smiling at the pair of you. "I was taking my trash out, and I thought I'd heard your voice coming from over here."
You grab your bags and scoot past Jungkook to greet the older man properly, "It's s-so nice to see you. It's b-been a l-long time!" 
Mr. Chang smiles and nods, "It has indeed. And who is this handsome young fellow?"
He looks around you at Jungkook, who screams internally, not knowing anything that could make this situation worse. 
"That's m-my new friend, Jungkook."
Oh, ok. So, that makes it worse. Good. 
Not only was his plan foiled, but this old man now has a visual and a name to put to someone should anything happen to you. 
Great, just great. 
"Ah, it's very nice to meet you, Jungkook." Mr. Chang holds out a shaky hand and Jungkook takes it and gives it a shake. "Oh, this one's got a good shake." The old man winks at you and you laugh. 
Jungkook forces a smile onto his face. 
He's always been good at charming people, that's what makes him so good at his job. 
"It's nice to meet you too, Mr. Chang." He says politely. 
"Well, very good. Very good. What do you say we all get out of this creepy old alley? Let's get into the light." Mr. Chang leads you and Jungkook out until the street lamps pour golden artificial light onto the three of you. Jungkook wants to flinch away, it feels like the light is exposing all the dirty little secrets he's got hidden away. 
But he remains stoic. 
You and the man exchange a few words before Mr. Chang clears his throat, "Alright dear, I really am an old man, I must be heading to bed. Jungkook," Jungkook looks up from where he was staring at the ground, "Hm?"
"Be a good lad and walk my young friend home?" He looks at Jungkook with such kind and trusting eyes that Jungkook finds himself looking away. 
"Of course." He mumbles. 
This man doesn't suspect a thing. He has no idea that the guy he's asking to protect his friend is the one that was about to kill her for a hefty price, and would have if he hadn't been interrupted. 
"Thank you. You two stay safe and I'll see you again, ___." 
"Goodnight, M-Mr. Chang!" You wave to him as he slowly makes his way around the corner. Then you turn to Jungkook and smile. 
Jungkook briefly wonders if your cheeks ever get sore from smiling all the time. 
"I l-live this way." You raise an arm to the right, the bag hanging from it dangles. Jungkook nods, then he starts to walk. You need to jog to catch up to him, his long legs take huge strides as he hurries down the street. 
The walk is silent, you sensing that Jungkook isn't really in the mood to talk. But it takes a lot of willpower for you not to start asking him different questions to get to know him more. 
When you've finally reached the stairs that lead up to your apartment, you huff in a breath. 
"Hoo, I'm so t-tired." You laugh. 
Jungkook looks at you, his face unchanging. 
You hold up a bag, "Would y-you mind carrying th-this up for me? I'm sorry, it's gotten so h-heavy during the walk. And I n-never walk that f-fast."
Jungkook takes the bag with a sigh, then he turns and hurries up the stairs, leaving you to huff and puff up them slowly behind him.  
When you reach your door, Jungkook sets the bag down on the ground and turns to leave, "Have a good night." He mumbles. 
He turns back to you, biting back another sigh. 
"Th-Thank you...for today." You say softly, a hint of a smile on your lips. 
"No problem." He says quickly before hurrying down the stairs and disappearing around a corner. 
You unlock your door and bring in the bags, lugging them to the kitchen to start unpacking them. As you put the stuff you bought where it belongs in the kitchen, you think back on your day. 
It's so crazy that when you were so lonely without Mina, you were able to talk to someone new! A spark of hope comes alive in your chest that maybe you've just made a new friend. Hopefully, you'll see him again and you can learn more about him. 
You're so curious to know more about this dark and lonely stranger. _______________
Jungkook opens the door to his apartment, walking in slowly. 
He shuts the door and locks it, then he pulls off his shoes and drops them by the front door. After that, he walks over to his bed, pulls his pants and shirt off, then climbs into bed. 
Wrapped up in his covers, Jungkook stares straight ahead into the darkness. 
"How the hell am I going to do this?" He whispers numbly. 
His head is spinning with new plans and everything that's happened today, but he can't grasp a single one of those thoughts as they race by. 
Hours pass by as Jungkook tries desperately to get his head clear enough for him to focus. Eventually, he passes out from pure exhaustion, falling into a fitful sleep.
 The next morning, the sun slips through the blinds. The birds are just starting to sing their morning songs, their pretty little voices waking up the rest of the world. 
Jungkook shoots straight up in bed, "That's it!" He shouts, then he claps his hand over his mouth, remembering how thin the walls are in this apartment complex. 
A smirk spreads across his face as he takes his hand down, "Ah, thank goodness." Jungkook almost laughs out loud in relief at finding another solution.
He jumps out of bed and runs to the shower. It ends up being the shortest shower he's ever taken, he doesn't have any time to waste.
When he gets out, Jungkook grabs a bottle of chocolate milk and a banana before hurrying to get dressed and out the door. _______________
Jungkook arrives at the school before you, so he gets a paper and sits on the bench, as usual, waiting for you to appear. 
It only takes ten minutes of waiting until he spots you across the street. Jungkook smiles to himself and waits patiently. Sure enough, you glance across the street and see him looking at you. 
You feel a warm spark in your chest when you see your new friend sitting on the bench across the street from the school. You wave happily, delighted when he smiles and waves back. Then, he stands up and jogs across the street until he's standing right in front of you. 
"Good morning, ____." 
"Hi, J-Jungkook!" The smile on his face makes your cheeks warm as you look down at your feet. 
Then you look back at him, "H-Hey, would you l-like to hang out t-today?" You ask suddenly, but hopefully, afraid he might turn you down instantly. 
Instead, Jungkook's smile grows and he nods, "Sure. I'll meet you out here when you're off work." 
"O-Ok." You grin at him, not expecting him to agree so fast. Then you look at the time, "I have t-to go. I'll see you l-later." 
He waves as you turn and hurry into the school. 
Jungkook can't stop the smirk from coming as he watches you disappear into the doors of the school. If you insist on talking to him and making him your friend, then he'll just have to go along with it. _______________
"Alright, m-my little ducklings! Time t-to pack up!" You clap your hands to get their attention. They all listen immediately, moving to get their bags put together and ready for home. 
A few minutes later, the school bell rings, signaling the end of the day. 
The kids squeal with happiness and you feel your own rush of excitement, remembering that you have a new friend to spend the rest of your day with. The kids get into line quickly and you give them each a punch in their reward cards as they file out the door. 
The second you step out of the school, leading the line of little ducklings behind you, you glance across the street, but you don't see Jungkook sitting there. 
You try not to think too much about it and focus on getting the kids into the correct lines for the busses. 
You wave to Joon Woo as he climbs into his father's car. He and his dad wave to you and smile before driving away. 
Then you look across the street again, but there still isn't any sign of Jungkook. 
You bite your lip before turning and walking into the school.
Gathering your things, you think about all the things you and Jungkook might be able to do to pass the time. You're so consumed in your thoughts that you don't notice the knock on your door. The second time the person knocks, louder this time, you hear it. 
"C-Come in!" You call out, sorting the last bits of the worksheets that the kids did today. The door opens and Mr. Baek from class A walks in. 
You look up and smile at him, "Good afternoon, Mr. B-Baek. How can I h-help you?"
He glares down his long nose at you, "Did you give any thought to what I said last week?"
What did he say last week...?
"Oh, uhm. Mr. Baek, I still d-don't understand."
"What do you not understand about it?" He snaps. 
You flinch, then set down the stack of papers and stand up while grabbing your bag. "I th-thought maybe you'd had a b-bad day-"
Mr. Baek scoffs loudly, cutting you off. 
"You aren't that dense, sweetheart."
The way he says that makes your stomach turn, "Ok, I'm s-sorry that you're upset. I h-have s-somewhere to be. If y-you'll excuse me." 
You move around him and hurry out of the room before he can say anything else. You really aren't sure what's gotten into him, but you're going to avoid him until he's over it. 
When you walk down the steps to the school, you look around, but Jungkook isn't anywhere to be seen. You try not to let it get to you, this has happened before. 
The only person who has ever followed through on plans with you is Mina. 
You blink a few times, then you start making your way home. 
"Going home so soon?" 
You turn to see Jungkook standing behind you.
A smile spreads on your face at the sight of him. "I thought y-you'd left." You say slowly. 
He shakes his head and steps closer to you, " I always keep my promises."
You feel your chest lift at his words, finally someone that isn't going to leave you hanging. Then you readjust the bag on your shoulder, "W-What would you like t-to do?"
Jungkook frowns when he notices something off about you. He knows it's none of his business and he doesn't really care, but he's curious. 
"Did something happen?" He asks, taking you by surprise, "You look kind of upset."
At that, you smile bigger, "N-Nothing happened! I'm f-fine." 
"Ok." Jungkook doesn't buy it, but he doesn't push you any further. He doesn't care enough to. 
"So, w-what did you w-want to do?" You ask again, relieved he doesn't continue to ask you what's wrong. 
"You pick." Jungkook gives you a small smile, but it doesn't quite reach his eyes. 
You decide to ignore that and clap your hands together, "W-Well, I'm hungry! How about we g-get some food?" 
Jungkook nods, "Food sounds great, do you know any good places?"
You laugh and try to send him a wink, though it's the worst wink he's ever seen. "Oh boy, I know e-exactly what we c-can eat."
Jungkook gestures forward, "Lead the way."
The two of you talk about the weather as you stroll through the city, making your way to one of your favorite food carts. You don't have much to talk about besides that. You're trying to come up with some questions to ask him once you've got your food. 
Once you arrive at the steamed bun cart, you break into a little run. Jungkook watches you skip over and jump in place once you're in line. 
She acts like a kid. 
He shakes his head but hurries over to you anyway. 
You tell him all your favorite kinds and he suggests you get them because they sound good to him too. When you take your card out to pay, Jungkook beats you to it. He hands the man some cash before you can even blink. 
"Oh, y-you don't have to do th-that."
"I know." He says simply, thanking the man once he hands him the bag of buns and his change.
You two walk to the park that he had followed you to the other day and find a spot on the green grass. You plop down and pat the spot next to you, indicating that he should sit as well. Jungkook sits down and hands you the bag. 
"Th-Thank you for b-buying it." You whisper shyly. 
Jungkook shrugs, "No problem. Which one should we try first?"
"Um, the pork ones a-are really g-good." You say, taking out the two pork buns. You hand one to him and he immediately takes a big bite, making you chuckle a little. 
"Mm, you're right. It's delicious." Jungkook says around a mouthful of food. 
You nod, glad that he likes it. Then you start to eat yours, thinking about which question you should ask him first. 
"So, how long have you been a teacher?" Jungkook asks you suddenly. 
You swallow the bite you were chewing, "I j-just started at the b-beginning of the school year in A-August. I graduated from c-college last year." 
Jungkook nods knowingly, "That's good. So, you must be around twenty-two?"
You nod, "I am t-twenty-two, yes. How o-old are you?"
"I turned twenty-three in September," Jungkook says before taking another bite. 
"Oh, n-nice. And what d-do you do f-for work?" You ask politely. 
Jungkook swallows the bite that feels like it's stuck in his throat at your question. "I work for a small business. I just take care of client's needs and stuff." 
You smile, "That's a g-good job."
He nods, finishing off his last bite. 
"It pays the bills."
Why is he suddenly uncomfortable? There's something about you that makes him nervous, but he can't tell what it is. 
No, this is on his terms. This is all part of the plan, he just needs to play along. He needs you to trust him.
Jungkook glances over at you as you stuff more food into your mouth.
This is gonna be easier than I thought. 
a/n: thank you so much for all the support so far! I hope y’all liked this one
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anotherwritersblog · 3 years
Title: So It's You
Chapter {2} - Therefore I Am
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Word Count: 1.3K-ish
Author's Note: This part is in Bucky's POV. I've been staring at this piece all day and I think I'm ready to post. I feel like this gives an insight to how far he's willing to go for Reader (in some circumstances) to make sure others know not to upset her and we get to probe his thoughts a bit (which is always fun). This series was inspired by the TikToks of soulmates sharing songs inside their mind.
Warning: lots of language (Steve would not be proud of reader), mentions of cheating, a little implied smut, biting, Bucky still being a flirt and getting a little handsy, Bucky also being a little clueless here (bless his heart)
Any and all reblogs/likes/comments are appreciated.
In no way, shape, or form, do you have permission to post this anywhere.
Chapter {1}
🎶 I'm not your friend or anything, damn
You think that you're the man
I think, therefore, I am
Stop, what the hell are you talking about?
Get my pretty name outta your mouth
We are not the same with or without 🎶
I was walking down the hall, making my way to my room after hanging out with Steve and Sam, when I heard shouting coming from Y/N's room.
"What the hell? Why are you calling and telling me this? It's been ten glorious years. MOVE. THE FUCK. ON. How did you even get my number anyway? I blocked yours all those years ago and changed my number for this exact reason!”
I tried knocking but was pretty sure she didn’t hear me. I slowly pushed the door open and slipped in, making sure to shut the door behind me. She glanced my way but continued her conversation on the phone. I just leaned against the door, watching her pace her room. You could see the look of annoyance in her face with whomever she was on the phone with, her other hand balled into a fist by her side.
🎶 I don't want press to put your name next to mine
We're on different lines, so
I Wanna be nice enough, they don't call my bluff
Rather you remain unremarkable
Got a lotta interviews, interviews, interviews
When they say your name, I just act confused 🎶
"It does not matter! You cheated on me with this bitch, and yet you blamed the ending of our relationship on me! I don't care that your wife is pregnant with your best friend's child. That's not my problem and neither are you!"
Well…that’s going to be a conversation for later.
“Besides, you know that we’re not soulmates, so why are you even contacting me?”
She stopped in her tracks, and I could see that her mind was running a hundred miles a minute.
“That does not matter either! I am never taking you back! What part of that do you not understand? I don’t need you in my life. I…I have someone else that cares for me now and he would never treat me like you did!” She looked my way before picking up her pace again, following the footprints found in the carpet.
It felt like my heart stalled for a minute there. Is she really seeing someone? Is it something serious? Why hasn't she told me about him? Do I know him? Has she told Sam or Steve? IS IT SAM OR STEVE? No. No, it's not. It can't be. Don’t be stupid, Buck. She’s just saying that to get under this guy’s-
I was quickly pulled from my thoughts when she was shouting a few more expletives I didn't know were in her vocabulary and finishing her conversation with “Just fuck off. Go find yourself another young plaything and leave me alone!"
She hung up the call, shoving her phone in her back pocket, and putting her face in her hands. I leaned up from the door and walked to put my arms around her. She started to bang her head on my chest, so I placed my right hand on the back of her head and held her still.
"Everything okay, doll?" I mumbled, rubbing her back with my left hand.
"Just peachy.”
“Who was it that called?” I whispered into her hair and she took several deep breaths to calm down.
“He’s just an old fling. Like a we-were-together-back-in-high-school old fling. His wife cheated on him and now he thinks I'm going to take him back just because 'we had something special.' I completely cut ties with him once I started college and I guess he got my new number from someone back home."
Soon after that, her phone starts ringing again, and she sighs out of frustration.
🎶 Did you have fun?
I really couldn't care less
And you can give 'em my best, but just know
I'm not your friend or anything,
Damn, you think that you're the man
I think, therefore, I am 🎶
"May I?" I questioned, looking down at her. She nodded her head; eyebrow raised a little.
"Bucky!" she squealed, as I teased her by putting both hands in her back pockets. One hand grabbed her phone, while the other grabbed her ass. Her body pushed into mine and she looked up to me. "My god. You're such a flirt!" she giggled.
"You enjoy it..." I smirked, answering the phone and placing it on speaker.
"Please, Y/N! I really am sorry! I -"
"You're right, doll. He does sound like a whiny little bitch. Why don't we show him who truly cares for you?" She was stifling a laugh when I moved as close as I could to nuzzle my face into her neck. This caused her to gasp fairly loud, hopefully loud enough for this ex to hear. The smell of champagne and citrus lingered along her skin filled my senses, and any will to control myself, and my thoughts, slowly went out the door. I found myself leaving small kisses underneath her ear. “God, you smell so good, doll. I bet you taste even better.” Her body shivered before she surprised us both with a moan.
"James. Baby…why don’t you shut up and find out?" Her fingers hooking into the belt loops on my jeans and pulling my body closer to hers.
The words Anything for you, doll somehow slipped from my lips and I easily found myself diving into her. My teeth sank into the column of her throat and the moans she let out turned me on more than I expected.
I pulled back and saw a wave of darkness had washed over her eyes. The feeling of my knees ready to bend at her will, were soon diminished as soon as we heard the call hang up. Almost as if only a millisecond goes by, the light was back in her eyes and she was laughing again.
"That was a little too convincing, doll,” I chuckled, slipping her phone back into her pocket, and pulling her into my side. She wound her arms around my waist and rested her cheek on my chest.
For the love of God, please don’t look down, doll.
"Well, he was the insecure type, so I knew it wouldn’t take much for him to hang up. Besides, I’d like to add that you were a little too convincing as well, James,” she giggled before reaching up to kiss my cheek. “Thank you though. I really appreciate the help, Buck.”
"No one upsets my girl,” I leaned down and kissed the top of her head. “Wanna go grab dinner?"
"Sounds like a grand idea. Wings and beer?"
She pulled away and ran into her closet to grab her jacket. When she passed her vanity mirror, she stopped and tilted her head.
“Fucking hell, Buck. You didn’t need to go all in,” she touched the mark that was starting to form around my bite marks.
“Sorry, doll. I meant it when I said you smelled good,” I chuckled, holding the door open for her. She did her signature eye roll, but I soon met those sparkling eyes again when she looked back at me.
“And I’m sure you meant the taste comment as well, huh?”
“Yup,” I smirked, as I popped the p. Her eyes grew big for a minute and I saw her cheeks start to turn red.
She’s so cute when she blushes.
“So…uh…where’s Sam and Steve? Surely they would like to join us?” she pushes past me and starts walking down the corridor.
“I think they were meeting up with Nat and Sharon down at the pool hall. We can meet up with them after dinner if you want?”
“Yeah. That…that would be fun,” she turned around to see that I was right behind her. She linked her arm into mine and we made our way down to the garage, where our night was only beginning.
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officialscaramouche · 3 years
Of course! And thank u for specifying which one bc I mix the two stories up all the time lol
pairing: Scaramouche x gn!reader
wc: 1,484
tw: none
prev next
When you woke, you lay in the softest, and silkiest bed you’ve ever laid in. The room was elegant and ornate, the walls a deeply painted red with golden accents. You sat up with surprisingly less resistance from your wound, looking down and at the bandages that you were wrapped in. Where was your shirt? And who undressed you?
The door swung open with a click and you quickly covered yourself with the blanket, looking to the door. Your captain held a tray with dishes on it, presumably breakfast. “Good morning,” he said, kicking the door closed and making his way to your bedside. He placed the tray on the bed table and took a forkful of pancakes into his mouth. “Is your chest feeling better?”
You bring the blanket up further and glare at him. Was he the one who undressed you? How unprofessional of a captain. “Did you undress me?”
He took another forkful and held it in front of your mouth. “Yes.”
“Why? Why not the second grade medic?”
He rolled his eyes when you pushed the fork away, eating another bite himself. “What, you want Tartaglia to see you naked? You’re lucky I’m the one who did!”
“I wish none of you undressed me without my permission!!”
Scaramouche balled his fist around the fork tightly. You were getting on his nerves. Not eating, not drinking, only fighting. “Why not me?! I’m your fucking bo—”
The door to your room clicked open again except this time, your Lieutenant came in. “Whoa! Everyone can hear you yelling outside!” He walked up to the two of you with a smile. “It’s too early to be arguing like this. It’s like you never even forgot anything!” He laughed, gesturing to you.
You glared at him too, turning to look out the window. “Are we leaving yet? I want to get back to the harbor.”
“Not yet,” Scaramouche grumbled through the pancakes. “Because of you, we cannot leave until the day after the next.”
“Because of me?!” You shout, turning to face your captain and wanting to shove him to the ground. But you turn a little too quickly and you crumble under the pain of reopening your wound.
“Please, [Y/N], we need your wound closed before we can start moving out.” He pulled down the blanket to look at your chest. You instinctively grab his wrist to stop him, but the hand above yours that also tried to stop him was your captain. Why would he care if Tartaglia looked at you naked? It wasn’t his body!
You stared Tartaglia in the eyes. “I can look at it myself. I’m the medic.”
“Alright, comrade. I’m gonna snag breakfast before it’s all gone. And you,” he pointed at Scaramouche. “No more yelling.”
After finally getting you to eat, your mood brightened up. Scaramouche was staring out the window with his chin resting in his palm, every now and then his eyes flickering to look at you. You were the same, despite not knowing much of anything. You still ate your food with vigor and you still got happier and less snappy after you ate. “Oh god are these from Mondstadt?! There so fucking good!”
Scaramouche scowled, taking a strawberry from your plate. “Watch your fucking mouth!”
“Look who’s talking! I get it from you!”
You were right, though. After spending so much time with Scaramouche, certain words became more of your daily vocabulary. But wait…why did you spend so much time with your captain?
“Well hurry up so I can take your plates to the staff and you can change your own fucking dressing.”
“Why didn’t you just wait for me to wake up?” You asked, taking a big sip of your water.
“Because you asked me to.”
There was a pause. “I’ve been asleep though. Why’d I ask you?”
Scaramouche grinned like a little boy. “I don’t know, maybe it’s because you love me?”
You shoved your tray off of your lap and crossed your arms. “You are so not my type.”
Scaramouche laughed. “Bet I can change that.”
That evening you had another hydrotherapy session. This time, you weren’t going to fall asleep. It was the same as before; Tartaglia held pools of water over your ears and temples. After having the soothing water wash over you, it was as if you had melted into another existence. Your mind was free of thought, your body light and numb. You didn’t exist, and you weren’t anywhere.
Then a familiar voice brought you something to focus on. “Are you awake?” Your Lieutenant jokes.
You smile. “Yes, I’m awake.”
“Okay, I’m going to ask you simple questions. You should know the answers to these.”
“And if I don’t?”
“I’m serious, please answer truthfully and to the best of your knowledge.” There was a pause as he wiggled his fingers, shifting the water in ways that you were sure had meaning. “What is your name?”
“[Y/N],” you say simply.
“Good! Who is your captain?”
“Captain Scaramouche,” you reply.
“Excellent! And who do we work for?”
“The Tsaritsa.”
“Good job. I’m going to ask you more subjective questions, you ready?”
You feel your mind beginning to fizz, like a glass of soda. You fight it, and nod. “I’m ready.”
“If you feel any pain, or are shocked by forgotten trauma, we can stop. Just say the word “starconch,” and I will cease the therapy.”
“Yes, sir.”
Tartaglia sucked in a deep, nervous breath. “When you think of the Tsaritsa, what comes to mind?”
“Um…I think of her kindness. She’s so understanding and she accommodates my wishes.”
“If you didn’t work for her, what do you imagine you’d be doing?”
Your face contorts in thought. “Hopefully…living a peaceful, mundane life. Working everyday, being with the one I love everyday, for example.”
“Let’s say you live this life. Who is the person you’re living with?”
“I…don’t know. We’ve been together for two years now but I don’t know who it is.”
“Can you describe him?”
You cock your head to the side. “How did you know it was a man?”
“Nevermind,” he cuts off, not wanting to potentially ruin your memories with his incorrect words. “Next question. Do you enjoy being a medic?”
“It’s never fun to see my teammates get hurt. But I have confidence that I’d never let anyone die.”
Tartaglia hummed above you, and smiled. He admired your confidence and your ability to be strong and courageous when you needed to. “Is it hard being a medic?”
You smiled, and laughed a little. “Nothing is hard when you know what you’re doing,” you chided. “I think fighting is hard, but you do it wonderfully everyday.”
He observed you carefully, a thin veil of darkness washing over his face. “If someone taught you how to fight, would you?” The question was a little more self indulgent, hoping that if he could teach you, you wouldn’t get hurt like this again.
“No, because the man I love protects me just fine.”
You were right. The person that you loved was like a guard dog of sorts. If someone so much as had an ugly scowl on their face as they’re coming toward you, he’s there to step right in between. He was always there, always reliable. But the one time he wasn’t, you nearly met your fate by the time they got you back to camp.
Tartaglia shifted. “Is there anything you know about the man you’re with?”
“He’s handsome,” you sang, a little teasingly. “And he’s so intelligent. And he’s sweet to me, and he’s silly at times, and when we fight we have bad fights. Yelling at each other, saying awful things…but he’s so quick to apologize and do things to make me forgive him.” Tartaglia watched as you went on and on, feeling bad that you had all these things to say about him but he didn’t have a face or name. Just the feeling of love and happiness for a mystery man. “And he’s always there for me. I try to be there for him, but when I do I mess things up. Like right now, I’m only hurt because I—” You sat up suddenly, disrupting the therapy and turning to look at Tartaglia. “I was saving him,” you say with wide eyes, as if he didn’t know that. “I…only threw myself into the battle to save him. That means…it’s one of the guys here right?”
Tartaglia raised his brow and shrugged his shoulders. He wished he wasn’t a good person, because he would’ve taken this opportunity to tell you he was your boyfriend. “I’d tell you but that would ruin the fun!”
You glared, your brain feeling a little strange still from the session. You stared down at your chest wrapped in bandages. This was your love. You placed your hand over your heart to steady your heart rate. “Better me than him.”
Tartaglia disagreed.
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pocket-void · 4 years
A Cup of Coffee
A/N: I am so incredibly relieved to have finished this, but anyways! This is the second fic for Smaller Sides to Life, and I hope it’s alright. (Might make a mini list for that eventually) ^///^ I feel better about this story after thinking about it, and honestly I’m pretty content! Thank you and I hope you have a lovely day/night. u///u
Pairing: Loceit Words: 3596 Content: Flustered Janus because it just kind of turned out that way akjefabekf, it’s mostly Janus’ POV, there’s like a handful of swear words, it is fully light hearted u///u Summary: Janus and Logan always share the kitchen in the morning, being the earliest ones to rise. They never really talked, nor were they ever close, but it turns out that maybe they both have wanted to be.
Google doc if you like reading Cambria font or something, since I haven’t quite figured out Ao3 and don’t know if I ever will. >///< Also I believe uh, @sophiexteresa you wanted to be tagged...?
Sometimes a morning is about as good as a cup of coffee.
Some days it’s rich, fulfilling, and satisfying; a perfect and refreshing way to start the day. A cup that wakes you up with a gentle spreading warmth and wraps you in its delicate aroma that soothes your mind.
Other times however, it’s bitter, bland, and too watered down to really be properly enjoyed, resulting in a disgusting aftertaste that lingers just at the back of your throat; a constant reminder of what could’ve been, a better cup of coffee. It’s doubly worse when the coffee is not only bad, but also way too hot. The only possible benefit of the harsh sting that comes from the first sip is that it completely numbs the taste buds, effectively nullifying the admittedly awful flavor of the beverage, which of course will inevitably come creeping back regardless because there never truly is an escape from the shame and disappointment that is failing to make something as easy as a cup of joe. 
Perhaps the simple truth was just that Janus was not very good at making coffee. He was never going to admit that, obviously. Heavens no, he’d rather down another cup of scalding bean water before that ever happened. It’s not like he’d be able to taste it right now anyways, with his stupid numb mouth and all. Still, the fact that he couldn’t seem to keep something as simple as coffee consistent was definitely an odd flaw that weighed heavily on his stubborn pride, much more than any petty insult ever could. Perhaps it was the simplicity of it all that made it feel like such a thorn in his side. Hypothetically, one should be able to follow a procedure each and every morning and end up with a, if not identical, similar tasting brew each time. Well evidently that was not the case with Janus, much to his chagrin. Out of the seven days in a week, he could maybe make a decent pot only during two of those days; maybe three if he was lucky. Over the course of a year he has drunk more overheated, burnt, and under extracted cups of coffee than he could even bother to count, which he didn’t, because it was frankly beyond embarrassing at this point. If coffee wasn’t such a crucial part of his morning, he wouldn’t hesitate to label it the absolute bane of his existence. Curse those pesky grounded beans.
“...Are you alright?” A voice calls out from the other side of the kitchen. Seated at the dining table just a few feet away was Logan, halfway through a book just like he was on most days. His own empty mug casually placed atop a scattered collection of papers that no doubt contained endless notes on various facts, vocabulary words, and details of the coming week’s activities.
Of course, how could he ever forget the second most embarrassing part of his already lackluster mornings. The fact that the only other intelligent person in the living space had to watch him do this ridiculous charade every day. They’re the only ones who’d ever be awake at this time of day, as such is the fate of two people with actually proper sleeping habits. He has no clue how Logan manages to bear witness to this laughable display with a straight face, though perhaps the man was just not really paying attention. As he was, more often than not, too absorbed in hastily scribbling down notes about whatever topic had caught his attention that week to probably care about Janus constantly burning his delicate tongue over and over again. Which, to be fair, was a good thing. Wasn’t it? Totally. Right. Of course he wouldn’t want Logan to see him act a fool, why was he even asking. It’s not like anything he was doing was ever going to be as interesting as whatever the man was reading up about, as disappointing as that was. Not that it mattered currently, seeing as how for once he did manage to notice and- Aw shoot he completely forgot about that didn’t he.
Janus simply makes a face and squints, lips still slightly parted as he held his tongue between his teeth. He sighs and, with a mildly sarcastic gesture of one hand, replies with simply “Yes”.
Logan responds by raising an eyebrow, gaze still remaining firmly upon him.
Now maybe it was the way the gentle sunlight filtered through the slightly fogged up windows, or the way the dust danced under those soft golden beams, but the sight of Logan seated at the table somehow seemed to shine with an almost unfair ethereal glow. Now if only the reflection of his glasses didn’t also obscure his eyes...
Janus blinks. “Oh it’s just great.” He finally complies, rolling his eyes and ignoring the fact that he was probably just blankly staring for the past few moments. You know, like a fool. Which he was not. “Nothing big, just the usual.”
“The usual.” Logan repeats, sounding rather unimpressed. To which the snake reacts to by immediately placing a gloved hand over his heart.
“What? Don’t believe me?”
“Quite the contrary,” The other shuts his book. “I am well aware of the fact that you tend to make this mistake on a nearly daily basis.” 
The record scratch was almost audible.
“You-” Janus practically stumbles at the revelation that Logan was, in fact, actually aware of his struggles with the abominable coffee machine and its products’ disastrous burning touch. Memories of his daily mishaps slowly begin to flood his mind, and as he recalled each and every previous morning, the sound of nails being hammered into what might as well be the coffin of his tattered pride echoed louder and louder in his ears. Well it was either that, or the blood that was currently rushing through them from his suddenly racing heart. For a moment he wasn’t even sure how to respond, but the creeping heat that soon invaded his face was all too prevalent to ignore; a burning sensation rivaling even that of his tongue. 
In hindsight, he was perhaps the foolish one to not expect someone as perceptive as Logan to notice such things. Maybe it was wishful thinking at best. But surely nobody could’ve foreseen Logan ignoring the mistakes he was making even after taking note of it, right? Logan, who’s known to instinctively attempt to remedy mistakes when he saw them. Logan, who gets way too caught up in silly errors and misunderstanding figurative statements. Surely he would’ve said something, anything. But he knew? He knew and he didn’t say anything? He knew and he just watched as he made a fool of himself every day? What would’ve been the purpose of that? Was he secretly mocking him? Did he find this amusing? Janus winces. That thought perhaps stung more than it should have. 
He quickly turns away with a flick of his capelette and pretends to occupy himself with cleaning up the counter. Focusing his attention to the obnoxious yellow of his gloves rather than the gaze he still felt on his back. “Ah, so you knew.” Janus mumbles, managing to muster up his best attempt at remaining casual. “Did you even need to ask, in that case? Didn’t think you would be paying attention to whatever I was doing.” Honestly—now ain’t that a joke—he wasn’t really even sure what else he could say to that. “You have better, less mundane things to be paying attention to, no? Surely I’m nowhere near as interesting as the books you oh so love to stick your nose in.” The soft chuckle that emanated from behind just made him want to coil up into a ball and dissipate even more, but he stands his ground. He’ll just...get through the morning and subsequently try to never think of this moment ever again. He’s totally fine. 
“I wouldn’t say you aren’t interesting, Janus.”
Ok nevermind, maybe he isn’t-
“I beg your pardon?” Janus almost instantly snaps his head back towards the man at the table. A decision he immediately regrets as he locks eyes with a softly smiling Logan—gently leaning forwards as his chin rests upon crossed hands—and Janus feels his composure once again fly right out the window. 
“I said I find you interesting.”
He takes a deep breath. “Don’t repeat that, I didn’t hear you.”
“I said-”
“No no, I didn’t mean that, actually stop.”
Logan quirks his eyebrow yet again, in the snarky yet triumphant way that showed when he knew he was right about something. While the confidence was admittedly charming, Janus for one really wishes he’d stop doing that. Especially right now.
“Would you like me to elaborate?”
“As a matter of fact, I would.” No he fucking didn’t, why the hell did he say that. He nods curtly, setting his coffee cup aside as he awkwardly leans against the counter for support more than anything else. Ignoring the fact that he wanted nothing more than to leave this current predicament, he hoped to god, the bastard, that the panic settling in his bones wasn’t showing on his face.
Logan smiles a little. “Well personally, I rather enjoy our time in each other’s presence during the morning.”
He enjoyed his company? “Well I certainly wouldn’t have guessed.”
“I’ve also observed that you tend to have great difficulty making your preferred morning beverage the way you like it, correct?”
Ouch. “No?”
“I’m taking that as a yes,” Logan replies without pause. “While I find your persistence admirable, I think we’ve reached the point of reasonable doubt a good while ago.”
“Mhm, yeah, great. Great. And are you just going to sit there and humiliate me, or are you actually trying to make a point?” Suffice it to say, he was not a big fan of hearing about it.
“Apologies, I didn’t mean to offend or belittle you in any way.”
Janus scowls. “So what? Have my mistakes finally bothered you enough to actually speak up about it?”
“Well, I had anticipated you asking for assistance one of these days, but it seems like I have underestimated your tenacity.” Logan adjusts his glasses as he opens up one of his notebooks. “Truly a miscalculation on my part.”
“Miscalculation?” He gives a weary glance at the notebook. Logan had tons of them; each one having a different color or pattern that denoted their specific purpose. A sudden realization hits him as he gets a brief glance of the yellow cover. “Have you been observing me??”
“For the past few months, yes.” The man looks back up with a click of his pen. “Is there a problem?”
Is there a problem? How the hell does he just say these things? Of course there was a problem! How in the world was he supposed to live this down knowing that Logan didn’t just notice him every morning, but also was most likely taking excessively extensive notes? He was beginning to think that his attempts to make himself less conspicuous in the morning had subsequently led him to be less perceptive about what the other was doing instead, and that was an irony that he did not want to think about right now.
“Well I simply don’t see any benefit for you in doing that.”
That actually seems to make the other take pause. “There is no benefit.”
“I’m sorry, what?”
“There is no benefit.”
“You really need to stop repeating things when I-” Deep breath Janus, deep breath. “I’m not actually asking you to- Nevermind that, why are you doing this then?”
Logan lightly taps his pen against his chin. He shrugs. “I just wanted to figure out the best method of assisting you.”
“Oh and why would you ever care to do that?”
There wasn’t an immediate answer. Just a quiet, all encompassing silence interrupted by only the occasional distant chirping of birds, as the two remained where they were in the kitchen on what was supposed to be a typical Tuesday morning.
Truth was, he didn’t want to hear it. And for one moment, just that moment, time seemed to slow. As Janus stands by the counter, with the bittersweet smell of his still cooling cup of coffee gently wafting his way and his eyes still focused on the twinkling starry blue that was Logan’s eyes, something within him was absolutely terrified. And the worst part was that he didn’t even know why. Or perhaps he did, but for the sake of himself he had never dared to acknowledge it. He couldn’t. How could he? His world sat upon an ever delicate balance, and he was not one to step towards any risk of tipping that scale. So he never did. As much as he wishes he could. To be important. To be just a few feet closer. To be just one seat away. To be sitting at that table, silently listening to Logan rant about the latest book he oh so loved to stick his nose in, and to take a sip out of a cup that was not his own. As much as he wishes he could. But no, he couldn’t. He shouldn’t.
Yet a part of him still hopes, and he curses himself for it.
Every part of his body is telling him to get out right now. To run. To spare himself the agony being here instead of literally anywhere else. To save himself before whatever words that were about to leave Logan’s mouth completely shatters the status quo that he was already accustomed to. He knew he was hoping for too much, it was too late to take anything back, and at this point even if it were just a kind hearted gesture from a well meaning acquaintance, he didn’t think his currently pounding heart could bear the affirmation of what he already suspected. It was frankly a lose-lose situation. A situation he should’ve known better than to get himself into. A situation where he knew the best solution was just to leave.
Which is why within that moment, just one moment in which time had seemed to slow, when Janus is suddenly pulled back into reality as he now finds himself glancing upwards at Logan, who was now standing a mere two feet away. He instinctively attempts to take a step back, but his heel taps against the counter, clearly surprised at the sudden shift in positioning. Had he really been that lost in thought? Janus finally breaks away his gaze to look to the side, holding his breath as if he were bracing for whatever the other had to say next.
“Am I not allowed to?” The unexpected softness in Logan’s voice was so incredibly unfair, and it obliterated any guard that he could have ever possibly put up. 
“I- No, you just...” He inhales rather sharply. Get a grip. “Just why would you-”
He looks back and suddenly they’re face to face, barely a few inches apart, and within moments he completely forgets how to breathe.
Logan laughs. He laughs. With a tenderness he has never seen etched across the man’s typically serious face. Janus stares, completely mesmerized by the beautiful yet admittedly confusing sight, and forgetting about just why he was so flustered not too long ago. He feels his hand be slowly taken into another as Logan lifts to hold it within both of his own.
“Would you mind if I made your coffee tomorrow morning?” He asks, voice barely a whisper and lips still curled in an enchanting smile.
It was a request that barely registers itself in Janus’ mind, but he quickly manages a nod after swallowing practically nothing; his mouth suddenly dry. The only thing he could focus on was just how darn close those lips were, or how deep his eyes were, or how he still smelled faintly of chamomile tea, or- “Please.” He states, with whatever remaining dignity he had left.
The other seemed pleased with the answer, and the silent understanding that was present between them felt almost too nice to be true, yet it managed to put all of his worries to rest. Part of Janus wishes time could stop right here, with his hand delicately held between Logan’s and his heart quietly swelling within his chest; the other part promptly snaps him out of that ridiculous fantasy to focus back on what was actually happening. Logan hadn’t yet moved from where he was.
“Uh…” Janus lightly bit his lip, the next thing almost paining him to suggest. “Could you perhaps...let go now?” 
“Of course.” Logan says, loosening the hold on the other’s hand. An admittedly disappointing gesture, but it’s not like anyone was going to admit that. “There are still tasks that we must both attend to.” But before he steps back to return to his seat, he gently leans in to lift Janus’ hat and plants a soft kiss upon his forehead. The expression Janus showed as a result is surely priceless as his eyes grow wide and heat instantly flares across the rest of his face yet again. He couldn’t even get a word of protest out before Logan walks away after a small pat on his shoulder. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“...Right.” He replies, and promptly excuses himself from the kitchen as fast as humanly possible. He genuinely didn’t think he could handle staying there for much longer. His head was still spinning from everything that had happened, and the simple promise that was to be fulfilled the next morning sat heavily on his mind for the rest of the day. Did he know what he was doing? Was it on purpose? Was he allowed to believe in what he hadn’t thought was possible before? Janus places a hand over his forehead, the feeling of warm lips touching against his skin still rather fresh in his memories. Maybe, he could allow himself to enjoy it? What a dangerous thought, but ever so enticing. Here he thought that he could avoid it forever, and eventually it would be forgotten. Like a fool. Which he just might be.
It was something he’d probably never escape, but was it a curse? Or a blessing? Or perhaps it was neither, since neither of those things exist. But alas these feelings did, and if he couldn’t throw them away, then he’d have to keep them.
The next morning inevitably came, and with great anticipation Janus pauses a few steps before entering the kitchen. He places a hand over his heart, as if the action would somehow manage to soothe its wild rhythm, and takes a deep breath. He enters, hesitant and still groggy from just getting up, completely not knowing what to expect.
Logan was there, as usual, sitting at the dining table, papers scattered all across the surface and eyes attentively scanning through the pages of yet another book. It felt almost like a crime to disturb his concentration, but a new detail catches Janus’ eyes. A second cup, placed but a foot away from the other on the table; the area around the mug being mildly less cluttered as if to make room. 
Janus finally steps forward to make his way to the table, his arrival being politely greeted with a “salutations” from the other, and immediately given an offer to sit.
“Here?” He gestures, giving a tentative glance towards where he was used to standing. A comfortable distance away, by the counter. But now that safe haven seemed so far away.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
With that he pulls out a chair and takes a seat. His eyes wander towards the various papers that cover most of the table’s surface. Notes, facts, and schedules, just like he always imagined. The confirmation of being correct about something never fails to amuse him. He sneaks a peek at Logan, whose gaze also shifts up from his book without lifting his head.
“Reading about coffee today are we?” Janus chuckles.
“There can be a surprising amount of depth to any subject.”
“Hmm.” Janus hums. “...Tell me about it.”
And so he does.
While the two sit in tranquil harmony, with Logan explaining the intricacies of coffee, from its history to its benefits to its various methods of consumption, and Janus patiently listening while staring down at the drink that was poured for him beforehand, in the cup that he has always used each and every morning before. Amidst the pleasant atmosphere and the comforting voice of another, he eventually takes a sip.
It was perfect.
“I’m pleased you like it.” Logan comments, noticing the content expression on his face.
“You really did your research huh.”
“It took a few months. It was difficult to gather data when there was no consistency in the methodology that you used.”
Janus coughs and glances away again, but he hears the small chuckle underneath Logan’s breath.
“I can walk you through the process one day if you’d like.”
“I think I’d rather leave it to you.”
“A wise course of action.”
“Don’t look so pleased with yourself.” Janus mumbles, smiling a little to himself and completely accepting defeat in that regard. 
Sometimes a morning is about as good as a cup of coffee. And now, sitting here at the table under the gentle light of the rising sun, perhaps every following morning could be similarly warm, fulfilling, and just as perfect as well. 
After all, every cup was now going to be just the way he likes it.
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axwalker · 4 years
Undeniable Miracle 2: Stranded
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I’m participating in the 12 days of Christmas hosted by  @leelee10898 and @emichelle . Thank you so much  💕 💕
Synopsis: Alexis decides to leave Cordonia on Christmas Eve, but she has a car accident in the middle of the woods during a snow storm.
A/N: This AU takes place during Liam’s and Madeleine’s Engagement Tour.
A/N 2: Some vocabulary for the Spanish words.
A/N 3: I’m using the prompt: “If you’re so cold, why didn’t you say something? Come here.” requested by @mskaneko​ 
Fonda: Small Mexican restaurant.
Romeritos:  Tender sprigs of seepweed  which are boiled and served in a mole sauce seasoned with shrimp jerky blended into the mix. Typical additional ingredients include boiled potatoes, nopales and shrimp. They are usually served with bread slices and in tacos
Ensalada de manzana: combination of lettuce, beets, apple, and peanuts in a light orange vinaigrette
Bacalao:  Cod fish prepped with sautee onion, garlic, tomatoes and olives.
Pozole: Tradition Mexican soup made with Hominy, pork and peppers.
Villancicos: Traditional Christmas songs.
Warnings: I can’t think of anything for this chapter but there will be NSFW in future chapters. All my fics are for 18+ ONLY.
Words: 2718
Disclaimer: Characters and settings belong to Pixelberry.
@burnsoslow Thank you so much for beta read and for your encouragement. I love you and appreciate you so much.
The edit of the mood board is the work of beautiful @mskanekoI was dying to use it. I love youuu
When he sees I don't respond, he opens my door. "O'Brien? Are you okay?"
I blink, incapable of forming a coherent sentence. 
"Did you hit your head? You seem lost." Drake kneels in front of me.
Finally, I react. "What are you doing here?" 
"Hello to you too. I asked if you were okay."
"I'm fine. I need to call a tow truck."
"Yeah, right. There are no tow trucks in storms like this, O'Brien." He sighs and asks me to open the car's hood so he can check the engine. Five minutes later, he comes back, and I read his expression. The car is not going anywhere.  
"Sorry, O'Brien, but this car is not going to work for now, and the storm is getting worse. You're going to have to come with me."
I scoff. Drake is insane if he thinks I'll go anywhere with him. I've spent the last two months trying to forget everything about him; I don't need this right now. 
 "I'm sure I can find a way to get to Lythikos by myself."
"Shit, you're so damn stubborn, O'Brien. You aren't anywhere near there. It's about 50 miles away. I guess if your car had kept going about 50 miles through the woods, you might have landed there. Is that what you were trying to do?"
"Bite me, Drake."
"Wow, you really should do something about that attitude of yours." The asshole actually smirked. "I have a cabin a few miles up the road. We can go there and wait out the storm. My truck is parked on the road. I pulled over when I saw the car spinning."
"I'll wait here." 
"You'll wait for what? To freeze to death? Don't be ridiculous; you're coming with me."
I shake my head stubbornly. "I think freezing to death is preferable to going with you. Thank you very much." 
"You don't have much of a choice, O'Brien. I can't fuckin' leave you here. My cell phone doesn't work here, and I'm assuming yours doesn't either or else you'd be on it right now. They're expecting two feet of snow or more. So, I'm sorry if you're pissed at me or whatever, I'm not leaving you here."
I'm well aware that I'm behaving like a petulant, spoiled child, but my wish to make him as angry as I am overcomes all logical thinking. “As I said, I’m not going.”
 "I'm going to have to carry you to my truck then." 
"Carry me? No way. You are not touching me." I grab my phone again, begging my Abuela to send me just a little bit of phone service so I can call Max. 
"Either you get out of that by yourself, or I carry you. You have exactly 30 seconds to decide."
I shut my door and raise my phone, trying to get some signal. Suddenly, Drake opens the door, reaches into the car, and has me scooped up without effort into his arms before I can even protest. I barely have time to grab my purse. 
"Enough of your bullshit. Done," he states, then kicks my door shut and starts to walk up the snowy hill. 
I have no choice but to put my arms around his neck. "Let me go this second Walker!"
Drake stares at me and gently shoves a strand of hair off my face. I'm suddenly aware of how close our faces, our lips, are. Because my heart is stupid and has a mind of its own, it starts beating like crazy. Drake swallows hard, and for a second, I think he's going to kiss me; I'm almost closing my eyes when he speaks.
"Here we are." He puts me back on the ground and opens the door of his old Jeep. 
A bark coming from the backseat startles me.  
"Oh my god! He's beautiful! He looks like a wolf!"
Drake's eyes soften when he pets the animal.
"It's a Tamaskan dog." 
"Hi, boy! You're so cute!"
"He's not supposed to be cute; he's supposed to be terrifying." I turn my head, and I see he's teasing me. I shake my head and keep talking to the dog. "Don't listen to your dad, handsome; you're a cutie pie." 
"I'm not his dad. He's a damn dog, O'Brien." 
I rolled my eyes. "What's his name?" 
"Zeppelin. Get in the Jeep; I'm freezing my ass off out here."
I smirked at him. "I never realized how bossy you are." 
He shakes his head, but I catch the unwilling smile on his face. 
I glance to the seat next to me, still not believing that O'Brien is here, in my Jeep. I try to think of something else besides her maddening fruity scent or the curve of her neck, but I already know that my ability to function like a normal human being disappears when she's around. 
 I can't believe that I'm so fucking stupid to be still hung up on her after what happened in Ramsford. She made perfectly clear who she wanted to be with -- yet here I am, looking at her like a goddamn fool. 
We drive for a few minutes in complete silence. Suddenly a deer jumps out from the woods, right in front of the Jeep. I hear Alexis scream as I swerve, and the truck starts to slide and spin, gaining speed. In a second, I glance at her, throwing one arm across her chest to hold her against the seat when I see she doesn't have her seatbelt on. I try to regain control of the truck but it's not working. I feel the Jeep flying off the road and into the woods, crashing downhill and plowing down small trees, until it finally stops, wedged amongst a bunch of larger trees on the side of a hill. 
"Fuck!" I throw both hands against the steering wheel. "I can't fucking believe this shit!" I turn to O'Brien. "And why the fuck wasn't your seatbelt on?" 
“I thought you could drive!" She looks down at my arm, still holding her, and whispers, "Thank you." 
I rest my head against the wheel and take several deep breaths. "I'm sorry for yelling at you." My voice is level and calm, even if the thought that something could've happened to her while I was driving makes me murderous. "Are you okay?" She nods, still shaken. 
 "You okay, Zeppelin?" The dog whimpers and licks my hand. "That's a good boy. We're all okay." I try to restart the truck, but it's completely dead. I can't believe this; honestly, I just can't.
 "What are we going to do now?" O'Brien asks.
 "Well, we're out of cars, so unless you want to walk or ride the dog to my place, we're stuck here." 
She squints at me. "Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, Walker."
"But the highest form of intelligence, O'Brien." I wink at her, and she rolls her eyes at me again. I've forgotten how much I loved teasing her. At least, I wish I had forgotten. "We're going to have to just stay put until the plow truck comes by, and we'll have to hitch a ride. Until then, we're in luck because I stopped at the grocery store on the way to the cabin. I have enough things we can eat and drink to keep us going until then. I have a big blanket in the back seat, so we should be able to stay pretty warm. It's really heavy and thick."
I saw the panic in her eyes, so I continued. "Hey, O'Brien, look at me." She raises those fucking beautiful dark eyes and meets my gaze. "I would never let anything happen to you, okay?"
She nods. "Okay. Yes, I know. I just hope we don't get hypothermia.”
"We won't, O'Brien. C'mon, I think we should both sit in the back seat, since there's a lot of room back there, and we can put the blanket over both of us. I think it will help keep us warmer."
She gives me an odd look but nods. "Right. Yes. I think it's the best idea." She climbs over the seat first, and my eyes roam over her perfect body. I suppress the urge to sink my hands in her delicious hips and sit her on my lap. I sigh and call Zeppelin to the front seat, so we have more space. 
"This is nice; it's very roomy," she says as she pulls the cover over both our legs. 
I can see that she's shivering. "If you're so cold, why didn't you say something? Come here." I put my coat on her shoulders, and she smiles at me. Fuck me if I wouldn't do almost anything for that smile. "Where were you going on Christmas Eve? I' would've thought you'd go to the Christmas ball in the palace."
She hesitates for a few seconds, but finally, she answers, "I was going to spend Christmas with Olivia in Lythikos."
I raise my brow in disbelief. "I must have a concussion, O'Brien; I just heard you were headed to Lythikos to spend Christmas with Olivia Nevrakis."  
"I know! Our friendship was … unexpected. At first, we were just trying to figure out who set us up. The whole Tariq thing that you stopped? It was a trap; someone was trying to blackmail both of us." 
I don’t want her to know that I spend every single free minute I have helping Max figure out who set her up. If I ever find the person who sent Tariq to her room that night and scared the shit out of her, I will kill him. 
"Yes, O'Brien, I knew. Liam told me."
She nodded. "Well, we're trying to get to the bottom of it together, so we've been spending a lot of late nights drinking bourbon and talking. She hides it very well under layers of sarcasm and abrasiveness, but she's extremely loyal and has a great heart. Just like you."
"If you compare me to that crazy redhead one more time, you'll be sleeping outside, O'Brien, and I can promise you, it's cold." 
She laughs. "Okay, okay, sorry. I won't do it again."  
I'm about to ask her why she's not spending Christmas with Liam, but she speaks before I can talk. "And you? What are you doing here?"
"I moved to a town close to Lythikos a month ago. I'm opening a veterinary clinic there. This morning I went to supervise the construction site and to get some groceries for the cabin." 
She looks pensive but doesn't say anything for a while. "I hope you're happier here than you were in the palace, Drake,"she finally says, so softly that I almost miss it. 
I take a deep breath because I can't tell her the truth. I can't tell her that I can't be happy now, not after her. When I kissed her that night, I lost everything. She would never be mine, and after that, we couldn’t even be friends anymore.
"Thank you, O'Brien," I reply anyway because I know she's expecting some sort of answer.
 "How did you get Zeppelin?" she asks as she pets my dog, and I swear the traitor's mouth curls up into a little doggy smile. 
"I was running some errands for the clinic when I saw him tied up outside. I came back a few weeks later on a sunny day, and this poor dog is just tied up to a fence on the side of the building with no shade or anything, and I don't even see a water dish or food. So I park my car and check on him, and he's all happy to have someone pet him, tail wagging like mad. There was an old food dish off to the side, but it was empty, and a dish with some dirty water. I went to my house and grabbed some of the toys and food I'd bought for the clinic. I also gave him some water, and he drank three fucking bowls. I felt terrible leaving him. I just had this bad gut feeling, you know?" She nods with misty eyes. "Anyway, I had to go back to Cordonia city after I gave the dog the stuff. To be honest, I kind of forgot about him. But when I came back, O'Brien, it was awful. I honestly think the last time he ate was the food I'd given him. He was nothing but skin and bones, too weak even to stand up. He was just lying there in the dirt with flies buzzing all around him. But when I kneeled in front of him, his little tail wagged a tiny bit. I think he remembered me." 
Tears spring into her eyes. "My God, Drake, what happened?" 
I see how affected she is, so I reach her hand and squeeze it. "An old man came out of the little building and started yelling at me to get off his property. There was just no fucking way I was going to leave him there. I told him that if I ever saw a dog or any other animal on his property ever again, I would fucking kill him. The douchebag just ran back to the house. I took the dog to my cabin. He was dehydrated and almost starved to death, had two ear infections, worms — you name it. We've been together ever since." Zeppelin looks up as if he knows we're talking about him. 
She wipes a tear and caresses Zeppelin's ear. "You named him?"
I shrug. "Best band ever." 
"Ha! You're so predictable, Walker."
 "How do you know my last name? I never gave it to you." 
"I asked Maxwell at the coronation. Why? You don't like it when I call you that? Turnabout's fair play, Walker." She bits her bottom lip; I look away before the impulse to kiss her becomes unbearable, and I do something stupid. Again.  
"Nah, I like it, O'Brien. Calling each other by our last names will be our thing." 
She sighs, not talking for a while. "What is it, O'Brien? I can almost see the wheels turning in your head."
"We're going to spend Christmas Eve here, stranded in the middle of nowhere."
"I know; I'm sorry, O’Brien. Do you usually do something special?"
She looks up to me with so much vulnerability in her pretty face, I find it hard to breathe. I instinctively come close to her because I hate that look in her eyes; I hate even more that I was the one who put put it there with my fucking dumb question. Her mom and grandma are dead; of course it's a sad subject.
 "Not in a long time. It was one of the holidays my mom, my Abuelita and I celebrated together. We didn't really do Halloween because my mom's Fonda was so busy preparing for Dia de Muertos. The day of the dead," she explains.
 "I know, O'Brien. You made me watch Coco with you and Maxwell in Applewood." I can't help but smile at the memory. She forced us to watch the damn movie in Spanish only to hit "pause" at every single scene to translate it and explain the traditions.
 "Well, Coco had it right! They really respected our traditions!" she replied, her eyes shining as they always did when she was excited. "Anyway, my mom worked for most holidays, and I was forced to spend Thanksgiving with my dad, his crazy wife, and her creepy son. So, Christmas was the best. Especially Nochebuena, Christmas Eve. We had this huge dinner where all our neighbors came to the house and brought Mexican dishes. We had everything; bacalao, romeritos, ensalada de manzana, and the best pozole in Brooklyn. We sang villancicos, had a piñata. The whole thing. My abuela took the holidays seriously," she says with a sad smile. 
I might be a fucking fool, but I can't stand seeing her this sad. And, suddenly, I know what to do. "We might not be able to have a traditional Mexican Nochebona ..."
She giggles. "No-che-bue-na, Drake."  
I think I could spend the rest of my life here listening to her speaking Spanish.“Yeah, that.” I watch through the window and when I see that the storm has calmed, I say, “I have an idea; just wait here." 
@texaskitten30  @leelee10898 @emichelle @burnsoslow @kat-tia801
@msjr0119 @twinkleallnight @mskaneko @drakexwillow @twinkle-320  @kimmiedoo5 @kingliam2019  @drakexwillow @princessleac1 @marshmallowsandfire  @tinkie1973 
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lxme-xss-imxgines · 4 years
When the Day Met the Night
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Prompt: What happens when polar opposite celestial beings are plopped onto an island alone in mortal form?
Pairing: reader (moon) x jung hoseok (sun) 
Genre: fluff, angst, bad flow of writing lmfaooo n e way 
Word count: 4.6k
Warnings: !!!!!! attempted suicide (nothing graphic), SO much angst 
A/N: wow I love the song When the Day Met the Night by P!ATD, so here’s this lil thing. its kind of short but cute ???? Still not rlly sure if I like it or not but yk hahahaha n e way enjoy :)
when the moon fell in love with the sun
all was golden in the sky
all was golden when the day met the night
 The moment the sun was created, he knew his job. Begin the day on earth and then bring it to an end. It was simple, as the earth and everything else revolved around him - quite literally. He didn’t really have anything to occupy his time, so he tended to do a lot of thinking. 
One of his many questions, perhaps the one he thought about most, 
“What happens when I go down? Is it just  . . . darkness?”
He didn’t expect that one day, he would get his answer. 
When the sun found the moon
She was drinking tea in the garden 
Under the green umbrella trees
In the middle of summer
He had never thought that he would be anything more than a hot ball of fire in the sky. So when a piece of him detached and began to float somewhere new, he was worried. 
Would he be able to return to the rest of him to become whole again? Where exactly was he going? To bring light somewhere else?
Not quite. 
A voice rings and it startles him as he continues his journey through the universe, just drifting about. 
“Who are you? Where are you taking me?” 
Don’t be so nervous, Hoseok. There’s someone we want you to meet. 
“I- I have so many questions. Who are you? Who am I to meet? Hoseok . . . is that my name?”
We’re everything and nothing all at once; don’t think about it too hard. 
He did. 
You’ll be okay. Rest assured. We’ll talk again on your trip back. 
“Wait! You still haven’t told me-” 
Until later, Hoseok. Enjoy your time. 
A bright light is suddenly visible, almost seeming to bring a light ache. 
He can feel something beneath him, not hard but not too soft either. It was comfortable. Slowly, the light began to dim. He could feel something tickling him, and a sound erupts from him - laughter? Hoseok thinks to himself. 
New vocabulary seemed to rest in his head, and he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to use it properly or not. Or even what to use it for. 
Over the past few minutes, the brightness in his eyes has completely faded to somehow reveal a pale blue sky with clouds scattered amongst it. 
Is this what they see? 
He looks down at his surroundings, the amount and vibrancy of colors shocking his eyes open even wider. 
The green grass, the multicolored flowers, a fountain flowing ever so softly a few yards in front of his feet. A stone path lay to his right. 
Hoseok prays that no one is watching him as he takes his very first steps ever, as it is quite embarrassing, like a colt attempting to stand for the first time. He takes notice that his legs are rather long - how old is this body that he’s inhabiting? He has no real concept of human age, but assumes in the very least that he is in a fully matured form. 
He thinks he’s safe once he gets a little more confident in his steps, taking it little by little. 
And then he hears the faintest laugh, startling him and he loses balance, landing in the grass on his hands and knees.
“Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry! I really didn’t mean to startle you. I didn’t really think I was capable of doing so . . .” 
He wearily looks up to face the owner of the voice, feeling his cheeks heat from his own embarrassment. 
When the moon found the sun
He looked like he was barely hanging on
But her eyes saved his life
In the middle of summer
He didn’t really know what to expect, but he surely wasn’t expecting her.
Long silver hair framed her face, matching her set of silver eyes that were glimmering as she looked down at him. Her skin held a glow, not quite like his, but more subtle. Yet it was somehow more eye-catching, the glimmer that spread across her skin catching every ray of his light and reflecting. 
“I-uh,” Hoseok shakes his head, finally reaching for her hand,”you don’t have to apologize. It’s just kind of embarrassing is all.” 
He pulls himself up with the help of this mystery girl, finally feeling like his legs are his own. 
They kind of stand there for a second, hands still touching as they observe each other. However, Hoseok startles out of it first, pulling his hand away. 
“Um, I suppose you’re who I’m to meet? I’m Hoseok . . . I guess you may know me as the guy that lights up the Earth and what not.” he tilts his head, wondering if he’ll get recognition. 
Her eyes widen like saucers, her mouth dropping open slightly,”You’re the sun? They didn’t tell me I would be meeting you! Oh goodness, I feel so unprepared . . . “ her hands come up to squish her face out of anxiety, and she completely forgets to return the introduction. 
“I, uh . . . can I know your name?” 
She looks up with a small gasp, her hand coming up to hit her forehead,”I’m sorry, I’m such a space case. No pun intended. I’m y/n, or better known as the one who lights up the night, as you would say.” 
Hoseok’s face crinkles in confusion,”There’s someone who lights up the night? But isn’t the night  . . . dark? I mean, that’s what happens when I’m not there, right?” 
The moon’s shoulders drop, any excitement previously held from meeting another being gone. Her eyebrows furrow,”Uh, yeah. I don’t really light it up like you do the day . . . it’s more like a night light. When you go down, I come up. The sun’s job is to provide light and warmth, otherwise the Earth would freeze over. And the moon- well, I really don’t know what my purpose is quite yet. I think I can do something to water . . . I don’t know.” 
She fiddles with her hands and stares at her feet, and Hoseok feels a pang of guilt hit deep in his chest. Why does she know so much about him, yet he didn’t even know she existed? Another being, in the same solar system - was he that self centered? Absorbed and made ignorant by his own light? So swallowed by his own loneliness that he didn’t even consider the fact that maybe he might not be completely alone? 
So he said, "Would it be all right
If we just sat and talked for a little while
If in exchange for your time
I give you this smile?"
 So she said, "That's OK
As long as you can make a promise
Not to break my little heart
Or leave me all alone in the summer." 
“Then we can figure it out together, yeah?” He lets his hand float in the air in front of her, hoping the offer was appropriate. His heart beats in anticipation.
She looks up, eyes widening once again,”huh?”
“Why you’re here, your purpose. We can figure it out together,” he flashes her a smile so bright and warm that she almost feels faint, her head going dizzy. Little did she know, she was having the exact same effect on him. “If that’s alright with you, of course?” 
She hesitantly grabs his hand, settling for just hooking their pinkies. Her lips form a small smile,”I was just having tea under those trees, over there by the fountain. Would you like to join me?” 
He restrained the strong want to smile at her nervousness, which he found strange (only because he’s never experienced it before) but also completely endearing. 
She lightly pulled him toward a table with two chairs on opposite sides, nestled between two trees and only a few short steps away from the calm trickling of the fountain. One side of the table was a glimmering silver, the other a sparkling gold, with chairs to match.  It made him chuckle lowly to himself. 
He pulled out her seat for her before she could even think about it, a blush forming on her cheeks from the gesture. 
He took the seat across from her and watched intently as she poured them each a cup, quietly offering him milk and sugar. He shook his head, regretting it not seconds later when the bitter liquid assaulted his newly formed taste buds, his scowl earning a chuckle from his counterpart. 
He suddenly took notice of the detailing on the table. What he assumed to be a moon is carved into his side of the table, and a sun carved on y/n’s side. 
“It’s supposed to be representative of a yin-yang symbol, if I remember correctly. A symbol of balance. Light and dark, male and female, day and night.” 
Hoseok is quiet for a moment at this revelation before a question eventually bubbles into his head,”Where did you learn all of this? About me, about yin and yang, about tea?” 
She giggles, but he’s not offended by him. He didn’t think it was possible, but his heart warms a little bit more at the sound. 
“You help me find my purpose, and I’ll teach you about all the things I’ve learned. Deal?” she reaches her hand out over the table, anxiety bubbling in her gut at the thought of rejection. He senses her nerves, and if he had the strength to tell her there's no reason to fear rejection from him, he would. 
However, he meets his hand with hers once again as reciprocating the handshake was all he could muster.
And so their friendship began. 
Well he was just hanging around
Then he fell in love
And he didn't know how
But he couldn't get out
Just hanging around
Then he fell in love
“Hoseok, be careful not to over-water the plants! You’ll drown them, silly,” y/n rushes over to where he’s standing in the garden, carefully tipping back the watering can before he turns their flower bed into a river bed. 
Hoseok reaches behind his head, awkwardly scratching his neck,”I’m sorry, y/n. The soil was just looking a little dry. I didn’t mean-” 
“Hey, sunshine. It’s okay. If those ones would’ve been overwatered, we can always just plant more,” she gives her usual small smile and carefully takes the watering can from him before returning it to the inside of their cottage. 
Sunshine, one of her many nicknames for him. The difference with this one is that it always seemed to make his heart skip a beat when it left her mouth. 
They had been staying on their little island for about a month and a half now, and they seem to have fallen into a comfortable rhythm of things. Drinking tea together, gardening together, swimming together - there was a small amount of activities that they did separately. 
They both knew it was odd, as they were deemed to be polar opposites and honestly shouldn't be getting along so well. But yin-yang rang true, and they balanced each other out perfectly. 
The only thing the moon did that annoyed the sun at times was something they call her “dark days”. He tries his hardest to understand it, but it’s difficult to empathize with a feeling you never experience. 
Hoseok believes that it’s partially - no, scratch that - he believes it’s completely his fault. 
When they first arrived he’d promised her he’d help her find her purpose, the reason she goes up into the sky at night; with a promise of knowledge about the universe in return. 
Whilst he has received an immeasurable amount of knowledge thanks to y/n, it seems as if he hasn’t made any progress figuring out what she’s here for. He knows she has a purpose, he is 100% certain and he feels it in every fiber of his being. He just hasn’t figured out what exactly it is yet. 
He still feels confused when she shuts herself in her room, and won’t come out for the majority of the day, only revealing herself to grab a glass of water and say goodnight to Hoseok. 
And although he hasn’t quite grasped the feeling yet, he knows that it hurts her. He knows this because it’s what he feels on the days he doesn’t see her, the days she locks herself away. He doesn’t understand why it upsets him so much. 
Today, luckily for both of them, is a good day. Or at least it started out as one. 
As y/n’s eyes flutter open, the scent of something hits her nose. It’s bacon, she thinks - but it just smells a little-
“Oh no,” she practically rolls out of bed, darting into their kitchen to see Hoseok holding a pan of burnt bacon in one hand, the other hand reaching to turn the knob off. 
“Y/n! I, uh, I’m sorry. I was trying to make breakfast for us, but ironically I haven’t really gotten a grip on the whole fire thing yet and-” 
“Hobi, sunshine, it’s okay,” she walks over, taking the pan from him and pouring the grease into a jar before discarding the burnt bacon into the trash.
“You’re not upset?” he questions. He didn’t want to come off judgemental, but there was a day where y/n found a dried out worm on the pathways and proceeded to cry over it for two hours. If she shed some tears over burnt bacon, it would not have shocked him in the slightest. 
“Of course not, you tried your best and that’s all that really matters,” she strokes his cheek slightly to comfort him before returning to make the breakfast he attempted. 
He’s shocked by her upbeat demeanor, but he knows better than to look a gift horse in the mouth.  
“So, what did you want to do today?” he leans against the counter and watches intently as she places bacon in the pan once more. 
“I’m not sure. Maybe go for a walk? It’s cooler out today,” she close-mouthed smiles, knowing that means Hobi was feeling calm today, that most likely nothing was troubling him. 
“That’s a great idea! Maybe you’ll find a new flower or berry or something!” 
“Always the optimist,” she gives a light sigh as she flips the bacon, almost seeming to go out of focus; something she does quite often, Hoseok has noticed. It was odd, how she’d have this far off look in her eyes and yet still be able to complete whatever task she was working on. Like her body took control as her mind wandered away.
Breakfast continued without a hitch. They ate in relative silence, but it was a comfortable silence. One filled with stolen glances and small smiles. 
After cleaning up, they chose a trail to take their walk on. It was one they’d only been down maybe once or twice, which left hoseok hoping y/n could discover something new. Something to distract her for a bit longer as he continues his research to figure out why y/n is here. 
Sometimes Hoseok thinks that there’s no particular reason why Y/n is here, and he thinks of ways to explain that it would be okay if she didn’t have a reason, if she were to just be existing. But he plays the conversation in his head and he can see her facial expression after the words leave his mouth and then his stomach drops and then he forgets about even bringing it up to her all together. 
y/n calling his name knocks him out of his thoughts, his eyes landing on her small form. He smiles,”let’s go.”
She shakes her head and giggles slightly,”alright. Onward then.”
He gestures for her to walk first, and so she begins their trek down the trail. This one in particular winds through the woods, cuts through a clearing, and then leads down to the river. Even though they’ve only been down this one a small amount of times, and there is probably other trails, y/n thinks this one may be her favorite. 
The breeze flutters y/n’s dress and hoseok’s loose white button up as they walk through the woods, the only sound heard being their footsteps and the occasional noise coming from an animal. 
“Yes, nightlight?” 
She hopes he doesn’t see her cheeks turn red. 
“I know how you say I think too much and I should probably stop doing that-”
She stops for a second, glancing up at him. He notices a second later, pivoting to return her gaze. 
She lets out a little breath,”Do you not think about why we’re here? I mean, if it happened to you the same way it did me, a voice came to you and told you that they wanted you to meet someone, and all of a sudden you had a body and then you were here. I was here for a bit before you, and I thought the worst. I had done something wrong and now I was being banished to spend my life, however long that would be, on this island. Alone. And then you showed up . . . and now I’m even more confused.” 
He can see her eyes starting to glaze over, and his stomach drops. That was the expression he was trying so hard to avoid seeing. Maybe he hadn’t tried hard enough to find out why she’s here. She was upset all over again and it was his fault. 
He takes a step forward,”Y/n, just give me more time-”
“You shouldn’t need more time, Hoseok!” she grabs onto his sleeves, tears starting to flow from her eyes,”The reason why you can’t figure out why I’m supposed to be here is because I don’t need to be! I am unnecessary. You light up the whole earth and bring light and the day, hobi. What do I do? Why did they put me on this cage of an island with you of all beings? So I could feel even worse about myself?”
Her words startle him into speechlessness as he just stares at the tears flowing down her cheeks; he is frozen.
Her hands drop from his sleeves moments later and he still can’t find his voice. 
“Just accept that I’m right, Hoseok. I am nothing.” she sighs once more and turns away from him, heading back down the path and toward the cottage. 
The word nothing hits him like a bullet, so much force he almost actually stumbles backward. He’s suddenly out of his trance, and he marches forward, gently grabbing her shoulder and spinning her to face him. 
“Don’t you dare call yourself nothing ever again. Ever.”
“Why not? It’s true, Ho-”
“I love you! Do you hear me, y/n? I am in love with you. Do you think that if you were nothing, if you meant nothing I would fall for you like I have? Do you know how insulting it is to have you call the thing I love most nothing? That is the last word I would use to describe you.” 
“I-I’m sorry. But . . . that still doesn’t explain why I’m here. This isn’t about you, Hoseok. I understand the whole universe revolves around you and everything, but just because you fell in love with me doesn’t mean I have purpose all of a sudden. This doesn’t change anything.” 
Her voice shook the whole time and tears kept leaving her eyes, all signs saying she didn’t mean a damn word she was saying - but to the sun, it felt as real as it could. 
She walks away once more, and it wasn’t until she was out of his line of vision did he realize his cheeks were wet with hot tears. 
One week later
Hollow is how Hoseok feels. 
He doesn’t know what to do with himself. He has never felt this in his entire existence before. 
Does he talk to her? Plead with the universe to return back to his place in the sky? Lay in his bed for the rest of eternity and wallow in self-pity? 
The last one seemed the most appealing. 
“You are the sun, Hoseok. The fucking sun for god sakes. And you can’t even manage to convince the girl you love that there’s purpose for her existence. Why isn’t my love for her enough? Why isn’t the way she makes me laugh, the way I get butterflies when I look at her . . . why isn’t that enough? Is this how she feels?” 
Hoseok sits up as realization hits him like a freight train. He knows why she’s here. He’s finally figured it out. 
Light knocks on wood are heard throughout the otherwise silent cottage as Hoseok’s knuckles rap against y/n’s door. 
“Please come out. I- I really need to talk to you. I think . . . no, I know now. I figured it out, if you just- y/n? Why haven’t you started yelling at me yet?” slight worry settles in his stomach as he reaches for the doorknob, confusion filling his head as the door opens easily. 
The room isn’t a mess as it had been previously, as y/n had a tendency to have her things scattered about. It was almost unsettling how clean and organized everything is. And sitting on her nightstand next to her bed is a folded piece of paper that makes his heart drop. 
He hesitates to pick it up, but reluctantly opens it to see that it’s addressed to him. 
“Dear Hoseok, 
I am sorry. I can no longer bear the weight of having a physical body in which my consciousness resides. They won’t let me return back to my place in the sky where my celestial being is currently, so I must find a way to force them to. I just want you to take one thing away from this, if anything; 
This is not your fault. I should not have given you such a big responsibility. It was my journey to embark on and I could not handle it, and I should not have expected you to be able to. Please do not blame yourself for the demise of my mortal body. 
Thank you for everything. 
Love, y/n” 
The letter is crumpled into his fist as hot tears stream down his face. He begins to rip the letter into pieces and notices something. 
“The ink is smearing . . . this has just been written  . . . oh no,” he drops the remaining pieces of the letter and dashes out of the cottage. “If I were y/n, where would I go?”
He suddenly feels something wet on his face, and looks up to see a dark sky. It’s always sunny here. What is happening? 
“The moon . . . pulls the tides. She’s going to try and drown herself,” hoseok starts running faster than he ever thought possible, trying to make it down to the shoreline in time. Although the island isn’t very large, she could be at any part of the shore. 
Hoping that his intuition will take him to the right spot, he just keeps moving. 
I have to make it in time. I have to. 
Feeling as if his lungs will collapse once he finally reaches the shoreline, he panics as he can’t see her at first. But then he hears her, sobs racking her body. 
Most of her body is submerged in the icy water, only visible from her elbows up as she sits in the sand. 
He slowly approaches her, going in until the water hits his knees,”Y/n?” 
“They won’t l-let me, Hoseok. They won’t let me,” another sob escapes her mouth, her shoulders shaking. 
“Won’t let you what, nightlight?” he murmurs so soft he almost thought she couldn’t hear him.
“They won’t let me die!” a deep breath leaves her,”I can’t die. I can’t return to my home. I’m just stuck. Here, watch!” 
He reaches out for her as she tries throwing herself in the water,  but she doesn’t even hit the surface before the ocean comes rushing back toward her, standing her upright once again. Hoseok watches in awe. 
“It’s yourself, you know. You won’t let yourself die. Because you know that’s not what you’re meant to do.” 
“How exactly am I not letting myself die? Is throwing myself into the ocean not convincing enough for you?!” y/n is inches away from his face at this point, irritated at the complete calmness in his eyes.
“I’m sorry, but I was under the impression that it was the moon who controls the tides. I’m not saying you’re doing it on purpose. But deep down, you still think there’s a reason that you’re here. There’s a part of you that wants to live and find out. And I’m here to tell you.”
Y/n perks up at this, although there’s still tears welled in her eyes,”there’s no way you figured it out. You’re just saying that to try and stop me.” 
“I don’t think you understand, y/n. Without you, the whole world would fall out of balance. You know of yin and yang, correct? Warm and cold. Light and dark. Day and night?” 
“Yeah, I’ve read it all. What is your point here, Hoseok?” 
“Love, you bring things that I could never provide. I could never move the tides. I could never shine among the stars like you do. I can never bring comfort during the dark like you. Don’t you understand? Everything shines the brightest when it is darkest. You are loved by so many. I may bring warmth and light. But you bring beauty, comfort, and understanding. Understanding that without the night, we would never cherish the beauty of the dark, and what lies in it. Darling, don’t you see? You are the one everyone truly loves. You bring light in the darkest of times. How can you not see that?” 
Y/n looks as if Hoseok had just slapped her in the face, waves of tears making their way down her cheeks freely. She stumbles forward, almost drunkenly and blinded by her tears, and begins weakly beating on his chest. 
“H-How can I believe you? I-I just . . . What if you’re just saying this because you love me?” she lets out an exasperated breath, finally looking up into his eyes. 
“So what if I am? You don’t think those humans love you almost as much as I do? Or did you just forget everything that I said? That is the whole point, nightlight. Everyone on Earth loves you just as much as I do. You just needed someone else to tell you so that you’d finally believe it.” 
Silence sweeps over the both of them as they breathe heavily, exhausted physically and emotionally. 
“Look y/n, I- 
Hoseok doesn’t get the chance to finish his sentence as the force of her body knocks into his, nearly knocking him over. Relief floods his body as he relaxes into her embrace, the sky growing lighter in time with his heart. 
“Hoseok, I’m so sorry I said all of those things to you. I was just so . . . I am so scared,” she sniffles quietly. 
He releases himself from y/n, looking down at her with a confused look,”Scared of what?”
“Of loving you. And everything that comes with it. But I, um, I think it’s much too late for that.”
Hoseok’s eyebrows shoot up, a beaming smile coming onto his face,”are you serious? You- you love me? You actually love me back?” 
“I think there’s a better term for it, the humans use it to differentiate between platonic and romantic feelings. I don’t just love you, sunshine. I am in love with you.” Her hands come up and rest on his cheeks, his doing the same. 
“Uh, I, is this where -”
“Oh my stars, just kiss me already you dork.” 
The legend says that the upper beings were so pleased, the sun and moon were allowed to stay on their island together for the rest of eternity. 
All was golden in the sky
All was golden when the day met the night. 
The End
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xhanisai · 4 years
Wo Ai Ni !
 Plagg thought that having his holder moon and squeal about Ladybug this and Ladybug that was utter hell. . He should have realised from day one that it was absolutely nothing compared to his babbling adoration for the heroine's civilian identity and now, his waxing poetry for the raven haired girl as he finally shattered the whole 'She's just a friend' delusion and accepted his feelings for her.
A/N: I am sick and tired of all the work I've been doing for finals and honestly need my break. Anyways, here's a sweet, fluffy fic to get the stress out of my system and hopefully make your day a bit better :) The fic's title is inspired by Hitomi Takahashi's song: Wo Ai Ni (which most of you would find familiar as ending 14 for Gintama) Aaaand special thanks to @Word_Devourer for giving me the idea for the operation's name and thanks to @gale-of-the-nomads for giving me the push to write this~ Takes place after Party Crasher/ Trouble Fête, enjoy! ~(x)~ . . . Plagg thought that having his holder moon and squeal about Ladybug this and Ladybug that was utter hell. . He should have realised from day one that it was absolutely nothing compared to his babbling adoration for the heroine's civilian identity and now, his waxing poetry for the raven haired girl as he finally shattered the whole 'She's just a friend' delusion and accepted his feelings for her. Mm-hmm, there are no words in the french vocabulary that could even describe half the agony that Plagg's enduring right now, right this second as Adrien floated around in his room, hugging the gift that Marinette gave him earlier on at school with a disgustingly hopeless grin plastered on his stupid blushy face. 'Is it too late to go back to napping for a few more centuries or so? Cos I am way too old to be dealing with this fuckery again.' Plagg scowled, feline eyes almost like slits as he slouched on his pillow. He didn't even get a chance to take a bite out of his beloved Camembert! Why was he always the one stuck with the lovesick kittens again...? "-and our hands touched when she gave me the gloves! TOUCHED! I am never washing my hands again~" Adrien wiggled on the spot, nuzzling the soft present against his cheek and hungrily memorised the delectable vanilla scent that lingered on it. "Oh Plagg...did ya see the way she smiled at me? That soft, pretty, beautiful smile? Her lips so glossy and kissable AND mon dieu! I was tempted to just gather her up in my arms and kiss the living daylights out of her!" The blonde teen let out another high pitched squeal that sounded quite close to a kitten's meow and flopped on the bed, his weight causing Plagg and his pillow to bounce up and send the yowling kwami flying. Plagg. Had. ENOUGH. Darting towards the boy's face, fur sticking up making him look like a fuzzy ball, Plagg grabbed Adrien's collar and yelled. "CAN YOU JUST SHUT UP AND GO ASK HER OUT ALREADY!?" The force of the little God's voice caused Adrien's fringe to blow back comically, surprising the teen in which he merely blinked back like a kitten. After realising what he's done, an apology was quick to make way on Plagg's tongue for snapping like that only to disintegrate immediately when Adrien's reaction turned into one of a typical, shoujou, love struck schoolgirl. "I can't just ask Marinette out! She's too amazing...too cool...so awesome...oh man I love her so much! I have to get cooler and be at least half as wonderful as her before I could even dream of asking her out." Adrien was blind to Plagg rolling his eyes like it's the end of the world and kept on rambling, gloves pressed to his lips. "Besides, she doesn't even love me that way...she's always so jumpy around me..." Just as Plagg was about to scold him for being so self-deprecating and maybe give a boost of encouragement, Adrien suddenly shot up from the bed with his fists pumped up in newly found determination. "Which is why I should get better at wooing her! I'm gonna call the boys and come up with a plan to get Marinette to fall in love with me! It will be called: Operation Marry-Nette. What do you think?" Adrien looked genuinely proud of his plan like he's just won the lottery and Plagg couldn't help but sigh endearingly at him. Maybe for the last time, just for him, just for Adrien, Plagg will humour his holder through their terrible love schemes. Who knows? It could be quite entertaining and finally end this tiring love square that has lost its charm many months ago. "You were never this obsessed when you were claiming about how Ladybug and you were meant to be. Were your feelings not deep enough for her?" The kwami settled back on his pillow, stroking his wedge of cheese and glanced at Adrien through his peripheral vision who looked sheepish for a split second. "Don't get me wrong, I do love Ladybug still- but because she's my bestest friend and I admire her so much. It's just not as romantic anymore and a guy can only pursue for so long before it starts to grate on the pursued. I must have annoyed her quite a bit..." "Just a bit~?" "...okay a lot. I deserved all those bops to the head by her yo-yo and I already did apologise to her for being so obnoxious. Anyways, the point is that even though Ladybug is amazing...Marinette is Marinette. Marinette was always there for everyone, there for me. It's like my feelings have been building up for her throughout the whole time and my feelings for Ladybug was the dam. The dam's now broken and all my pent up love for Marinette is flooding all over the place...and I don't regret it one bit." Adrien hugged the gloves again with his standard, warm smile that the God always spotted when Marinette was nearby. "It wasn't easy, keeping those feelings away to avoid feeling guilty about loving another girl. Now, I don't have to worry about that. I can love Marinette all I want...if she wants to have me." Plagg rolled his eyes fondly this time, cuddling into the crook of the boy's shoulder with a fanged grin. He couldn't wait to see the delight and happiness when his chosen finds out that he's been in love with one girl all along and that his feelings were absolutely mutual. ~(x)~ "Oh! A-A-Adrien!?" "M-M-Marinette! You there- I mean hey there! Hahah...longtimenosee-" Not too far away, Alya and Nino watched the scene before them with exasperation as Marinette and Adrien started their daily stammering ritual for the umpteenth time. The model being the new addition. Sure, the first few times watching the two of them become a flustered mess when coming across one another was an entertaining prospect. Now it was absolutely painful seeing the two beloved idiots so stupidly in love with one another, blinding them from the fact that it's in fact requited. And what answers were they given when they attempted to convince said idiots that they should ask each other out? "Ah! Alya-aaa! You know I can't do that yet. Adrien still sees me as a friend so don't get my hopes up. But that doesn't mean operation secret garden is finished. I will get him to fall in love with me!" "Nino!? How many times do I have to tell you? Marinette's more interested in my clothes than in me! She's yet to fall for my suave, meow-tastic self~ Also, operation Marry-Nette is now a go-go. You, Agent Best Man have to make sure that the rose petals are ready as soon as she steps into the art room." Needless to say, Adrien's scheme failed catastrophically. So bad that not even the nerdy model took the opportunity to make a pun about it since they ended up jamming the large fans for a 'wind' effect with the rose petals and thus causing a fire. All the boys from the class ended up with a week's worth of detention much to their dismay and the girls' curiousities. Did Lahiffe even need to mention how Agreste begged for them to keep their shenanigans in helping him woo the girl he loves a secret? Despite the fact that the whole school pretty much caught on? So that's how the bespectacled couple felt like they've aged for like a decade or so thanks to their oblivious best friends who were still exchanging word soup and frazzled gestures. "-no no! You're beautiful- not that you're not beautiful everyday! Oh- erm- agh-" Adrien bit his tongue by reflex and shoved his hands inside the pockets of the designer hoodie he threw on this morning. His cheeks matched the Asian girl in front of him in a raspberry tinted flush. "YOU THANKS! I mean...thank you..." Marinette took a deep sigh before determination settled on her face. She gently clutched one of Adrien's sleeves, letting her dainty fingers brush against the back of his hand and smiled sweetly. "You're beautiful too," She flashed a toothy grin and then immediately speed walked away, leaving behind her gaping friends. A high pitched kettle like sound escaped from Adrien's throat and then he immediately shoved his hood over his head and used the drawstrings to fasten the hole in order to hide his discombobulated face. Alya and Nino carried on gaping as the usually cool model chanted 'Mon Dieu' over and over again, clutching his fabric covered face and wiggling on the spot. "Either things will get much more interesting or we're about to hit the peak of idiot one's and idiot two's stupidity." Alix quipped from the background, joined by a mutter of agreement from the other students. "Oh Marinette just hurry up and marry me already~" Adrien swooned, ignorant to the chuckling crowd as he was still stuck in his bubble. The bubble was mercilessly popped by Kubdel. "THEN GO PROPOSE TO HER ALREADY LOVER BOY!" This snapped Adrien out of his daze in an instant, prompting a feminine squeal from him and his body launching up in the air like a scaredy-cat. Heaving, he clutched Nino who was the closest to him and glared at the short girl before scoffing and scurrying away. His hand covered his face in embarrassment throughout the whole time as the students in the vicinity guffawed at him. Adrien decided that he was going to hide his face for eternity and avoid everyone who's not Nino. Representing the Gabriel brand be damned! ~(x)~ Adrien.Exe has stopped working. No, really. His soul pretty much abandoned his jelly like body and his brain has turned to mush. 'Adrien Agreste has unfortunately stopped working for the time being. Please leave a message after the meow.' Was the only comprehensible sentence that ran through the teen's mind. Marinette was sleeping on him. Sleeping on him! Again!!! Her soft, pretty, serene face hid in the crook of his neck, causing him to inhale the lingering bakery scent of vanilla and strawberries every time he dared to breathe. One of her hands latched onto the front of his shirt adorably, knuckles against his chest and Adrien could swear that the erratic beating of his heart would disturb her slumber. Yet, by some miracle he remained calm and cool on the outside despite his inner turmoil. Inhaling sharply, Adrien willed for his heart to calm down as he bravely rested a hand on the girl's waist before allowing his cheek to lean against Marinette's smooth, silky locks. He took this as an opportunity to study her up close. Marinette had her hair loose today. The long, petal thin strands fanned just below her shoulder and her fringe tickled his neck pleasantly. Her long lashes created a subtle, curved shadow on her cheek bones and had Adrien been an ordinary boy, he would have missed the expertly applied concealer below her eyes. She seemed to get more and more exhausted everyday. His poor princess... "I wish I could just hold you in my arms and keep you safe and happy forever..." He mumbled into her hair, placing his free hand on top of Marinette's which was still grasping his shirt and squeezed gently. Gathering what's remaining of his courage, Adrien puckered his lips and pecked her head, face flaming throughout the whole time. It lasted no more than a moment. Yet it was a moment that Adrien will cherish for the next few decades to come. CLICK. Reflex kicked in rapidly and by muscle memory, Adrien shielded Marinette's body with his, wrapping his arms around her and was quick to flash a dangerous glare at the intruder that dared to make an appearance. The sight of a cheeky Alya and the rest of the cooing girl group, all waving their phones and giggling on the spot drained his wrath and replaced it with shyness. "How much did you see!?" Adrien rasped, unconsciously holding Cheng closer to him, not realising that she was starting to stir. "All of it~ but don't worry Sunshine, we won't tell or show her a single thing." Alya winked slyly, wriggling her phone for emphasis. "It's just going to be in our collection for the amazing album we'll be showing you on yours and Mar's wedding day," Adrien stumbled on his words next, ears and cheeks redder than Nathaniel's hair before hiding his face in Marinette's locks as the girls snickered louder. Thoughts of Marinette in various wedding dresses, floating down the aisle with a loving smile on her face, slipping a ring on his finger as she recited her vows, leaning up as he leaned down to kiss her, all ricocheted within his mind without mercy. It was then that the boy noticed that Marinette was fidgeting in her sleep and panic started to settle in his body. "You evil people...you're waking her up." He hissed tiredly but without any venom and made soft shushing sounds to lull the designer back to sleep. The girls had other ideas however and without wasting a second, they made their moves in sonic speed. Juleka was the first to strike, lifting Marinette up bridal style whilst Rose firmly pushed Adrien back against the library's beanbag in a more comfortable way before the tall girl gently placed the snoozing girl on the boy's lap. Alix and Alya struck next, positioning Adrien's and Marinette's arms so that it looked like the former was cradling the girl protectively against him and the latter snuggling up to him with her arms around his neck.   Throughout the whole time, Mylène recorded the entire endeavour with a happy hum. "You should have involved us in Operation Marry-Nette. Look how much more successful we were in a matter of minutes compared to the painful weeks you guys went through with your schemes. I still can't believe that one of them involved you acting out a stunt in order to impress her only for you to fail terribly and bruise your ribs. You should never listen to Kim." The chubby girl smiled, grin only widening as Adrien's blush deepened when Marinette cuddled closer to him in her sleep. The raven haired girl's lips were brushing against his collarbones. It took everything for him to not combust. "Nino blabbed didn't he?" The blonde teen accused. "My babe is terrible at keeping anything from me, boo. But to be fair, it was super obvious from the start. Don't be mad at us~?" Alya pressed her phone against her lips, batting her eyes cutely, prompting the boy to roll his eyes and look away but the way he squeezed Marinette closer to him didn't go unseen. "...m'kay...just send me the pics afterwards please?" Adrien's question was answered with a cheer from the girls. . Nino on the other hand was chased around the school by Adrien with his sabre for ratting out the plans to Alya. "Bro! I'm sorry! PLEASE STOP TRYING TO STAB ME- SOMEONE HELP!" "You broke the bro-code Lahiffe! Now you must suffer the consequences!" "BRO!!??!!" ~(x)~ "...Are you okay Chat Noir?" As soon as Marinette placed a tentative hand on the hero's shoulder, he leapt up as high as his namesakes before quickly composing himself with an awkward laugh. "Kine...I MEAN- FINE! I'm fine...hahah..." Chat's faux ears plastered themselves against his unruly locks as he gripped his tail in front of him with both hands. He internally thanked the Gods (more reliable than Plagg at the very least) that his hair was covering his human ears otherwise Mari would have seen that they were as red as Ladybug's suit. The heroine in disguise raised a brow in worry, lips pursed with confusion. The silly boy has been acting very odd for the past few months. In fact his behaviour right now was starting to resemble a certain blonde sweetheart in her class- 'No! Snap out of it Marinette. Don't start comparing them both again!' The girl warned herself in her mind, shooting down the blush that tried to fight its way to her cheeks and then plastered on a polite smile. "Thank you for saving me and sorry for being in the way. I was trying to get away from the akuma, honest." Marinette fibbed, hoping that her partner would simply tease her with a few puns before vaulting away. Instead, the black cat stammered incoherently. "Oh hahah! N-N-No! You weren't in the way. You can never be in the way, it's never too much of a big deal- NOT THAT I'M SAYING YOU'RE NOT A BIG DEAL! You are one heck of a deal haha- oh the akuma is going that way. Stay safe pretty girl whose name I don't know- IMEANGOODBYE! ADIOS! Gahhhhhh..." Snapping his jaw shut, Chat Noir zoomed away with his staff in hand, hitting himself on the head repeatedly as he muttered 'Stupide!' over and over again. Marinette was left blinking owlishly at the boy's strange antics. The familiar feelings that has been gnawing on her mind for the past half year or so simply grew, causing her to nibble on the tip of her thumb. Yet, she couldn't identify what it was for the life of her and it was driving her insane. "Tikki, first Adrien has started to act like me when I'm around. Now Chat Noir? Have I done something to offend them both?" Marinette pouted at her kwami cutely which elicited a giggle from the tiny Goddess. "Oh no, no no no. I think they've fallen for you Marinette- isn't that exciting? The two boys you love? Flailing around you because you make them so shy and nervous? I can't wait to see how this plays out!" The knowing smile that Tikki had on annoyed Marinette. "What do you mean 'the two boys I love'? I'm not in love with Chat Noir! And them loving me? Impossible. Chat Noir loves Ladybug and Adrien hasn't shown any interest in me other than being 'just a friend'." The face that the little Ladybug wore was drier than the Sahara desert. "Marinette. Are you really going to argue with a being that has existed before time itself about this?" The designer only stared back stubbornly before answering. "Tikki, transformer-moi!" "You know I'm ri-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight-" Was the last thing Tikki managed to say before encasing Marinette into her standard suit. Ladybug snorted, hands on hips as she tried her best to ignore everything that has happened prior. "Liking Chat Noir as well doesn't make this any easier dammit..." ~(x)~ Adrien tripped over his shoes and fell on his face as he was too preoccupied in watching Marinette (with a dopey smile etched on his lips) chatter with Marc and Nathaniel. He was rewarded with the love of his life helping him back up on his face and cupping his face tenderly as she worried over him and checked for any injuries. Chat Noir pestered Ladybug over and over again about allowing Marinette the mouse miraculous once more or even letting her try a different one as he tenaciously believed that she would make an excellent part time hero like Rena Rouge and Carapace. The silly cat ended up receiving a playful chop to the head and a 'I'll think about it' from his Lady. He never noticed how she was oddly flustered as he was too busy doing victorious acrobatics and dances during the rest of patrol. A student from the nearby lycée took interest in Marinette after seeing her a few dozen times since he was a local at the Dupain-Cheng bakery. His attempt in asking her out however was sabotaged by a group of peculiarly dressed, short 'tourists' asking for directions to the nearest Parisian attraction in their painfully broken and accented English. The boy missed his chance to seek her out when she skipped out of his sight with Alya and co and then gave up entirely as Marinette ended up going off on a heated rant about how she was getting sick and tired of strangers going up to her and asking her out when she's never really acknowledged them. He missed the way the supposed tourists removed the disguises from their faces, revealing Adrien, Nino, Kim, Max and Ivan as they 'Ho ho ho'd away. During his patrol, Chat Noir spotted Marinette conversing with both Luka and Kagami near La Seine, the latter two sporting a fond look towards the short designer. Fonder than usual...Noir didn't like it at all. It didn't help that he knew that the musician harboured some feelings for Marinette and the fencer has mentioned numerous times how cute Marinette was. So, with his usual dramatic flair, Chat vaulted towards them, staff slamming between Marinette and the other two friends and then slid down to their level. His body slightly shielded Dupain-Cheng from Couffaine's and Tsurugi's view as he exchanged pleasantries with a slight bite to it. The trio happily conversed back instead, sending guilt down Chat Noir's spine for acting a bit bratty in the beginning. The guilt transformed into second hand embarrassment as Luka and Kagami admitted that they started to casually date and was asking Marinette for advice on where to go for a proper date to make it official. There was no need for the green cat to make its appearance to start with! ~(x)~ Marinette gave Chat Noir a pleasant kiss on the cheek, thanking him for escorting her home and her warm smile never wavered when he went through his customary babbles. The kitten ultimately gave up speaking, gathering back what's left of his dignity and grasped Mari's fingers, kissing the knuckles chastely before saluting and leaping away. The heroine in disguise let out a happy smile, a soft blush flared in her cheeks as she leaned against the top of the balcony and perched the side of her head with her fist. A few stars twinkled in the dark, clear sky and the breeze was soothing enough to clear one's mind. "Oh Adrien, you poor kitten...now what am I gonna do with you?" Marinette's quiet giggles were joined by her kwami who flew out of her purse and nuzzled her holder's cheek. "Told you he's in love with you. You owe me those tasty triple chocolate chunky cookies with your Maman's special tea." "Oh well. A deal's a deal. I still can't believe he's my Chaton- no, wait. I can believe it. Who else would be my silly, dorky, wonderful partner? Did you see how jealous he looked when he saw me with Luka and Kagami? And I thought I was bad! Hahah!" "At least he didn't get them akumatised like he got Theo once." Tikki chimed. "Oooh! Can you believe that he wrote 'Adrien Dupain-Cheng' on your notebook a few times without realising it wasn't his? And then proceeded to steal it for a day so that he could get rid of the pages he's written on? Plagg almost choked on his cheese laughing about it!" "If he hadn't missed that one page, I'd have never known why he stole it in the first place. Makes that time I borrowed his phone for the day to delete the voicemail seem minor in comparison." "He has a folder in his phone dedicated to pictures of you and another folder dedicated to you and him! His current lock screen is of him and you~! So cute~!" "We're both so horribly obsessed with each other. How is that cute- hey! Stop laughing!" "And his name for the operation to make you notice him; absolutely adorable~" "Pfft. I'll give him that. It's not too bad." A comfortable silence settled between them as they happily stargazed. For once, Marinette didn't feel exhausted or being pulled apart in numerous directions. Figuring out that her crime-fighting, pun loving partner was none other than the shy, sweet boy who sat in front of her in class soothed her heart and eased her mind. Accepting that he was head over heels for her to the point where he turned into a nervous, stammering, hot mess did nothing but fill Marinette with giddiness and perhaps be less harsh on herself when she was in his shoes. He fell for her twice. Twice! Just like she did! How could she not be floating on cloud nine after that? For once, her hectic life ever since she received the magical earrings has hit a calm and Marinette couldn't wait to see what adventures would follow next as she and Adrien would face them on unmasked, without anymore secrets. Speaking of secrets. "Hey Tikki? When should I come clean to him? There's no way that I could keep this hushed. I have a feeling that Maître Fu is aware of everything too with how I've seen him lurking left and right with that stupid knowing smile you both always seem to have on. So it should be alright, right?" "Since the Guardian has given you and your partner more freedom with your secret identities now, it's up to you when you want to tell Adrien everything. Bu-uuuuut...I kind of want to see him confess to you. Maybe figure it out himself. It's more fun that way, no?" Tikki's grin widened at Marinette's rosy cheeks, the former looking away bashfully, eyes sparkling with joy. "Do you think he'll figure it out?" "Plagg told me that he figured it out the day Mme. Mendeleiev got akumatised but ended up having to scrap that idea when he saw that illusion you created to throw him off. Adrien was so sure that Ladybug was you and seemed pretty down when you disproved that theory." 'So he did know it was me...' Marinette thought with awe, recalling how much happier and excited Chat Noir was during the battle, thinking that his Lady was his Princesse. "I'll give him a couple of days to confess or figure out my identity. Otherwise I'll just grab him by the collar and smooch his stupid face like no tomorrow." Tikki kissed Marinette's cheek in response, delighted with the girl's answer as they made way back into her room. ~(x)~ This was it. He was going to confess. Adrien has had enough of the way Marinette's lips would taunt him with the way they glistened under the lights and he couldn't escape the sweet scent that wafted from her every time she moved. It was so much more easier to deal with her when she was flighty and shy! Now? She was so much more sure of herself, bold, coy, dare he say...flirty. It went from squeezing his fingers to reassure him to smoothly kissing his cheeks as a thank you for whenever he's helped her out or did something she thought was 'adorable'. The tight hugs, the hair ruffles, the lip biting, the cheeky smirk that eased its way to her face whenever someone mistook them as a couple and the lack of denial or correction she gave in response. If he didn't confess at the end of the day, he was going to explode! With the help of the founding members of Operation Marry-Nette along with the new members, they have arranged a successful scenario. One that was working way too smoothly compared to the previous hundred or more plans that went haywire in an instant so Adrien kept a look out for anything strange or bizarre. Knowing his lack of luck, Le Papillon would strike now. Luckily, this didn't seem to be the case as he found Marinette waiting for him by the Arc de Triomphe. The place where he asked her to meet him. "Marinette! Hey!" Adrien jogged towards her, mentally patting himself on the back for not stammering. That thought process was quickly wiped away when he realised what she was wearing and how beautiful she looked. Dupain-Cheng was decked up in a simple but stylish red blouse with a high waist, short black skirt. Following her long legs were black tights and black ankle boots that had a red ribbon on the zippers. Her hair was kept up in space buns, also adorned by red ribbons, making her sky blue eyes pop. Lastly, her lips were glossed in a cherry red tint. The urge to kiss them increased by ten folds and all the words that Adrien has taken months upon months to plan and say turned into goop. 'What the fuck!? This isn't fair. This is so not fair. Why the hell did she have to dress up so prettily and look all cute and innocent now of all times? Why now!? Fuck! It should be illegal to be this beautiful! Damn you!' "Hey there Handsome! You said that you needed to tell me something?" Marinette peeked below her dark lashes and fiddled with the gold necklace that adorned her neck. A necklace that he gifted her a few weeks ago. She was going to be the death of him. "...Adrien? Are you okay?" Her hands reached up to cup his red cheeks only to be intercepted by his in an iron grip. "Adrien?" The boy squinted his eyes shut, blush never leaving and finally blurted out his feelings: "Wǒ ài nǐ!" . 'I love you!' . . . A few seconds of silence went by. The sounds of the chattering crowd in the background faded into nothing as all the boy could hear was the harsh pounding of his heart. Fearing the worst, Adrien refused to open his eyes and his ears and cheeks burned with both shyness and embarrassment. Dread began to build up in his heart when he felt Marinette wriggle her hands out of his grip and his shoulders sagged, awaiting the rejection that was clear to follow. His spiralling thoughts were halted by the contact of Marinette's fingers brushing his cheeks, slipping through his hair before getting tugged down sharply so that his lips crashed into hers. Adrien's eyes snapped open for a split second in surprise as a shocked mewl escaped his throat but then the warmth and softness that was Marinette's lips took over and he couldn't help but shut his eyes again. Without missing a beat, he wrapped his arms around her, pressing her small frame tightly against his and he couldn't help but smile into the kiss. Before Adrien could deepen the kiss, Marinette parted much to his dismay but her lips still brushed against his. He got an eyeful of her cheeks turning as rosy as his and her lips darkened into a kiss bruised state. An image that burned into his mind pleasantly. "So...d-does that mean you love me too?" Adrien couldn't help but whisper, lips tingling as they brushed against hers. "Silly Chaton. In China, we don't outright say that! But...wǒ zhǐ shǔ yú nǐ." "My Lady!? Mmph-" The boy was silenced with another kiss and this time, Marinette's words played in repeat over and over again in his mind. Wǒ zhǐ shǔ yú nǐ: I only belong to you. . . . ~(x)~ A/N: I'll proof read tomorrow. N I G H T. And Ramadan Mubarak~
287 notes · View notes
reversecreek · 3 years
✵ zloane , bravier , nyla and sean
their first impression of your muse:
sexy. tugged on her hair literally the first time he saw her hadn’t even had a conversation bt was just like target? located. going? ✈️ annoy her. probably initially just thought she was only at the skate park bc sean was n was like 🙄 then she cld actually skate n he was like 😏 liked that she gave him shit. found it funny pushing her buttons. liked her eyes. probably was like wtf is in the fuckin water in this town yo why all my friends got hot sisters that shit aint right tryna make me a dog....... not that he was even. phased by betraying those boundaries bt. still. i won’t lie his main first impression was probably jst damn bit hot when she glares at me like that. KJHFSGKSJHGKGHSFKGH
current impression:  
knows her a little more than he likes to know people. favourite person to argue w. can possibly skate better than him bt if she said so he’d be like “ur off ur fuckin tits man” n then practice secretly on his own for hours that night n get 9457295 scrapes. doesn’t like talking abt her dad like him so one time he put a firework in his mailbox n never admitted it was him. has reactions to youtube videos tht make him snort. quite funny in general rly. drinks a lot not that he can judge it’s just sometimes he notices n once he even snatched her cup n drank the rest so she couldn’t. played it off as their typical fuckery bt he isn’t sure what that feeling was. hasn’t been concerned often enough to know it by name. finds her hot at inappropriate moments like when a movie chara’s dying n he’s meant to be sad. finds her hot when she pisses him off too. thinks mayb she likes the excuse to hold onto him when she rides on his vespa but he kind of likes it too so he’s not about to call it out bc “he isn’t about that deep shit”. 
are they attracted to your muse?:  
KFJHGKJGHFGKFHSGKSHGKSFGH. imagine i was jst like no <3... yes. he likes to act like he’s less so than he is bt it’s obvious.
something they find frightening about your muse:
i wouldn’t say it frightens him bt sometimes he catches her looking at him a certain way n it unsettles him but he doesn’t know why. usually just pretends he didn’t catch it.
something they find adorable about your muse:  
he likes her short hair he’s always ruffling it n tugging on it. whenever she hs bumps n scrapes n bruises from falling off her board n getting back on over n over again jst never giving up or giving a fk. when she acts like she isn’t jealous.
would my muse sacrifice themselves for yours?:  
umm. no. he’s an asshole. KGJSHFKGHSKFHGSKFGHKGH. sighs.
would my muse go on a date with yours?  platonic/romantic:  
no..... sees that as dangerous territory wouldn’t wna blur the lines. looks away.
one word my muse would use to describe yours:  
baddie. FKGJHSKGHFGSFHGSKGHSFKHG. demonic (when they’ve had a fight). 
would my muse slap yours if they could?:
no. he loves to argue w her but it never feels that Real u know... more like flirting. even when they’re rly pissed off. wld never enter that territory he hates shit like tht w a passion. cue round of applause from the audience for this absolutely low bar.
would my muse hug/kiss yours?:
i feel like they’re not rly huggy people...... ziggy probably puts his arm around her a lot tho he loves doing that. hs kissed her more times than he can count too n doesn’t plan on stopping
their first impression of your muse:
funny. mean in a more digestible way than she was used to. he had barbs n she liked the way people winced when they tried to swallow his company. when she got paired w him for a class project she met his eyes across the room n he didn’t quickly look away like most ppl. something abt that intrigued her. a sharp fingernail inside her head kept having to itch at something n she realised it was the urge for him to call her a bad name. this weird craving to hear an angry word inside his mouth just for her. she used to think that’s what someone wanting her was like. still does sometimes. this both pissed her off n caught her attention which is a bit of an accomplishment fr someone who gets bored by everyone n everything.
current impression:  
his heart’s more good than she expected. it felt a bit like having a cat drop a dead mouse at ur doorstep that u don’t know what to do with when she realised that. she felt uncomfortably like her mother when she couldn’t get out of his bed bc she was too depressed n that rly made her feel like. ill honestly. he did all the right things but suddenly she just felt sick abt the whole situation which is Not the normal reaction to ur bf caring about u but bradley doesn’t understand ppl caring abt her. felt more like pity. she thinks he’s better off. she misses him sometimes bt then she reminds herself she doesn’t miss people. does a good job of believing it. one of the best ppl she’s dated not that she’d say it.
are they attracted to your muse?:  
yes..... ws probably. unhinged n rabid when they were dating. very good at hiding it now however. cold at the drop of a hat.
something they find frightening about your muse:
that he witnessed her being vulnerable............ literally grosses her out so much like she’d rather die than. anyone see her like that. when they were dating she’d get paranoid her dad wld somehow find out too n smthn wld happen to him for it. it ws definitely weird for her like the fact she even cared enough to consider tht.
something they find adorable about your muse:  
adorable is rly not a word that fits into bradley’s vocabulary GHSFGHSFKGHSFKG bt hm. maybe if he ever tried to tell her what to do one time even casually. she’d b like awww..... u think i do what anyone tells me? that’s so fucking sweet. 
would my muse sacrifice themselves for yours?:  
in most cases no :/..... however if it was smthn to do w the guys that work for her dad then ya she’d put herself in danger to avoid him being in it.
would my muse go on a date with yours?  platonic/romantic:  
i mean she has in the past bt bradley’s idea of dates is like. starting a bar fight together. getting thrown out of a club n both falling over into trash cans in a dingy back alley. stealing a car. breaking into a random house n fking in a stranger’s bed. fking in the bk of a movie theatre w a horror movie screening. definitely not dinner or anything like tht. she wldn’t now........ they’re not exactly in a place fr that..... 
one word my muse would use to describe yours:  
ex. whatever. i know it’s not one word but “some guy”. FGHSKGHFGKSHG >_>
would my muse slap yours if they could?:
no. she’s a violent person bt not xavier.
would my muse hug/kiss yours?:
NO hugging...................... she fronts like she wldn’t kiss him bt like. if a discussion got heated n they were in each other’s faces who’s to say. 
their first impression of your muse:
strange little fella which is a very high compliment. kind of reminded them of an animated turtle come to life in the human realm altho they honestly don’t have an explanation for that it’s just the way their brain works. they love the turtles in finding nemo tho so maybe there’s some sort of correlation. very nice face. they kind of wanted to hold his head like a bowling ball just so they could examine it properly. i feel like when they first met him they probably reached out n smoothed a sticky label onto his forehead that said ‘catfish in chernobyl’ n they had one on their forehead that was blank n then they just wafted a pen mid air n were like ‘wanna play guesses?’ even tho that isn’t the name of the game. as if that was just. a completely normal introduction to someone. FGKHSKHGSFKGHSFKG. feel like sean wld have rolled w that tho so nyla was like :P i like.... if they played another round they’d give sean another sticky label that said ‘the loneliest whale in the world’ n then it’d start a whole conversation abt how nyla thinks they can speak whaleish. (whale spin on elvish). 
current impression:  
sean makes them think of that artificial blue raspberry flavour some popsicles have n how it’s always rly fun when they stain ur tongue. sweet n exuberant n leaves a bright impression. he lets them ride on his skateboard sometimes rolling along being lead by them holding his hand n nyla likes to shut their eyes like they’re a bird sailing above the clouds. one of their favourite things to do especially when the sun’s out. bc of this nyla thinks sean was a bird in his past life but not a greedy one like a seagull or a plain one like a pigeon. maybe a bluebird bc of his eyes. he makes them laugh a lot. they entrusted him to babysit their children (as pictured) in his hair for a whole day and night once n they had lots of fun with him so nyla thinks he’s very trustworthy and kind. he also is rly easy to talk to like they cld randomly be like “i’ve been thinking lately that maybe homer simpson could’ve been a good figure skater” n sean wldn’t look at them like they’ve lost their marbles he’d just go w it. they like his company a lot.
are they attracted to your muse?:  
something they find frightening about your muse:
ummm nothing in particular altho one time when they were rly tripping out bc his eyes are blue n it got them thinking abt the ocean n they always think they can talk to ghosts underwater so they were kind of like. thinking abt ghosts whenever they looked him in the eyes. maybe covered their own w their hands n if sean asked why they told him abt it. suddenly he shut his eyes to make them feel better n it turned into a whole thing where nyla had to lead him around the party like a guide dog.
something they find adorable about your muse:  
his nose. watching him talk to his siblings. his hands.
would my muse sacrifice themselves for yours?:  
😌 yea
would my muse go on a date with yours?  platonic/romantic:  
yes............ feel like they’d have fun if they went anywhere tbh........ cn imagine them at a fair eating from the same cotton candy n chattering as they point out things. nyla trying to do that hammer game where u make the meter reach the top n lifting the hammer in the air n falling backwards bc it was heavier than they anticipated.... sean yelling like man down man down..... mayb they take a tab n suddenly the fair is so scary they’re like 😳 we’re in danger...
one word my muse would use to describe yours:  
silly (affectionate). sailor (also term of endearment). gnome (same thing again). cool.
would my muse slap yours if they could?:
no ur sick....
would my muse hug/kiss yours?:
ya to both. jst suddenly had a vision too of nyla being cold one time n clinging to sean from the front like a bushbaby in a hug as he carries her around. suddenly this mode of transportation hs happened more thn once (godmod) (contact my lawyers if u dare bebe) (bitch) (i take it back) (it wasn’t right alli it jst wasn’t right) (pelase forigev m eim shakign)
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Summary: Song fic based off the fansong Constants by @spectralheartt. I hope I did it justice. The idea came to me at midnight so I have no idea how good this is but I tried to match the vocabulary/language of the song.
Word Count:  1,542
Taglist: (Send an ask to be added or removed!) @starlocked01​​​ @spoopy-turtle​​​ @lizluvscupcakes​​ @more-fandon-than-friends​
Virgil roamed the mindscape. 
Checking in at the palace, Roman was practicing in the courtyard. He was always so sure of himself, never faltering in his moves. 
Logan was up in his tower, pouring over scrolls. He was clearly preparing for the next video. His movements were precise as always, never a moment where he doubted his worth or himself.
Patton was by the fireplace inside. He was reclining in the big armchair that was kept there just for him. The dual swords Roman had made for him sat against the nearby wall, no need for them as he preferred to use love and words first before moving to violence. He smiled as Roman walked in, both comfortable in their home.
Virgil’s hand pressed against the glass, always watching from the outside, forever patrolling the perimeter and keeping them safe in their little world. It was a constant. They stayed in there, he stayed out there. The hand slid down and away, tucking itself into his hoodie pocket as he went back to his patrol, wondering when the next attack was going to come.
It didn’t for a while, not a few days, nor weeks. It came eventually. Remus sent a nightmare so large Virgil wasn’t sure he would be able to stop it. He did, but at the cost of all his energy and severe wounds. As he was limping away, Roman appeared with the other two in tow behind him.
“What are you doing here, vile cur?” Roman called, dramatic as ever.
Virgil sighed, knowing he had to keep up the pretenses of having their worst intentions in mind. After all, this was their story. He was just living in the world, trying to get by in the background. Assuming the most intimidating stance he could, he drew himself up into his full height. “What do you think I’m doing, Prince?” He spit the title like it was the worst of poisons. 
Roman snarled, charging forward, his katana at the ready.
Virgil put up a good fight but didn’t stand a chance in the state he was in. So, he did the only logical thing: he fled. Turning around, he ran as fast as he could. As he was fight or flight, he was quite fast. He heard them cheer as he ran, their joyful cry being taken by the wind and batted about as if a ball of yarn between the paws of a kitten. If he’d been paying more attention, he would have noticed one voice wasn’t joined with the others, a thread missing from the ball.
When he got back to his lair, he dressed his wounds. Propping himself up gently against the stone wall of the cave he called home, he finally allowed himself to relax. His job for the day was done, the nightmares were defeated for the day, and the illusion of safety was left intact for the Core Three. At the end of the day, that was all that mattered. The constant stayed as it was, a steady and reliable pattern.
At least, until he woke up. He woke to warmth, something he wasn’t used to in a drafty cave. Opening his eyes, he saw a bright orange glow. Squinting, he tried to roll over. A clattering sounded before a pair of hands was pressing onto his chest that he just now noticed was bandaged. “Woah, there. Those wounds are just starting to close there, kiddo.”
Virgil would have jolted up if he weren’t being pressed back down onto his back. He was tired, his wounds still ached but not as much as they did before. He woke up the rest of the way in an instant when he realized that Patton was in his cave. His breathing quickened as he slid out from underneath Patton and stood to face the fighter, his fists coming up. Virgil desperately wished for his scythe that was across the room where he’d dropped it when he stumbled in.
Speaking of stumbled, he wasn’t exactly steady on his legs. This was probably due to the massive bruise he could feel forming on his lower calf. He could feel himself leaning but just as he was falling to one knee, Patton’s hands reached out. This time, they were not in violence, but in peace. They caught Virgil as he fell, gently depositing him back down on the bedroll Virgil hadn’t possessed.
“What is this?” Virgil asked, his voice sharp and defensive.
Patton’s face was soft, an almost loving look directed at him. “I just want to help, kiddo.”
Virgil shook his head, arms coming back to prop him up. “No. You don’t help me. That’s not how the story goes. You guys are the heroes, I’m just the villainous punching bag. I’m used to those roles, I’m fine with those rolls. You can’t come in here and change it up now!” Virgil wasn’t sure what he was so scared of. Was it Roman’s continued threat to run him through, was it Logan’s intimidatingly sharp wit, was it Patton’s kindness being temporary? He never knew when the rug was going to be pulled out from under him, so he just never stood on the rug to begin with.
Patton sighed in a way that told Virgil he was reaching the limit of his patience. Good, maybe he would leave then and Virgil could get back to the normal, to the routine, to the constant. “As I said before, I’m just here to help. No tricks, no blades, no companions. I’m here alone to help. Now, will you allow me to dress the wound?” He nodded his head to the leg to indicate the wound mentioned.
Virgil didn’t respond but Patton still beamed as he sank to his knees, rolling Virgil’s pant leg up in order to get a good look at the bruise. He poked and prodded, Virgil ignored that too. He scanned the cave, taking in the fire roaring in the center, the furs and blankets that now littered the floor around them. He normally slept so lightly, his wounds must have been worse than he thought if Patton were able to do all this without waking him.
Having enough of the feeling of hands on him, he took a step. His hand was rested firmly on the wall as he used the solid stone for a crutch. Ignoring Patton’s protests, he made his way over to his stash of food, pulling out a strip of jerky and biting off the end. He grabbed a stick that was propped up nearby for this express purpose and started walking, only for his exit to be blocked by Patton. Virgil sighed. “Move. I’ve got  a job to do.”
Patton frowned, looking sad. “You think I don’t know you.”
Virgil startled. “What?”
“You think we’ve forgotten all about you, Anxiety.”
A warmth bloomed in his chest that he quickly squashed, fearing the result of getting too attached again. “So what?”
“What happened? Where is the side we knew in our youth? Where is the kid?” Patton’s expression was genuinely painful to look at, so Virgil turned away.
“Youth may seem sweeter,” memories like honey he refused to eat but stared at with longing, “But if I could return to it, I’d be forced to forfeit everything I’ve learned.” His expression grew fierce, determined. “I won’t go back. I have a job to do, and you’re stopping me from doing it.”
He grabbed his scythe, eyes blazing with confidence and something more. “Move, Patton.”
Patton sighed but moved aside. “Just know that we are there for you. You don’t have to fight this alone.”
Hope grew, the warmth in his chest overbearing. Finally, he paused with one foot out the cave, standing right next to Patton. “Come on.” He nodded his head at the forest stretched before them that was easy to get lost in. “I’ll walk you home.”
Patton looked at him, almost the physical representation of the hope he could feel. He didn’t want it to die. “Really?”
“It’s on my way.”
Virgil walked in silence while Patton wouldn’t stop talking. There were times when Virgil had to shush him as a panther walked across the path, lean muscles and jaws that could crush Patton. As he observed the other side, the hope grew, as did the realization of a crazy notion. When his thoughts grew too loud, he spoke. “Patton, do you think every story needs a bad guy?”
Patton looked at him, seriousness in every muscle. “No, Anxiety. Bad guys are not needed to make the story go on. Some stories lose the bad guy along the way, but some of them don’t need a bad guy.”
Virgil nodded, taking a deep breath as they exited the forest, the palace rising in the distance. “Okay.”
Virgil patrolled the halls. Roman was in the courtyard and Virgil smiled as he waved to him, pausing in the training to wave back.
Logan was in the tower and thanked Virgil when he gave him a scroll he’d dropped.
Patton was sitting by the fire, enjoying a cookie as his swords hung on the wall. He smiled, offering a cookie to Virgil, who accepted it. 
Maybe this could be their new constant. 
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angelguk · 5 years
→ give and take - jeongguk scenario
Jeon Jeongguk - BTS
word count: 3.5k
genre: established relationship + smut + pwp
warnings: light bdsm / creampie / sensory deprivation (blind folds) / hands being tied / everyone is a switch here / sub!jeongguk + dom!jeongguk / handjob / blowjob / there’s begging / aka the one where jeongguk and oc play around with dom and sub dynamics
soundtrack: every kind of way, h.e.r.
@gukkheaven was once again a sweetheart and beta read this for me! thank you :)
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He can’t see you, but he can feel you. Everywhere.
The ghost of your breath against his thigh has him twitching, hands blindly grasping for the bedpost behind him. He would be gripping the sheets beneath him but you’d taken one of your spare fabric cuts and bond his wrists together above his head. He would normally be complaining, particularly because he didn’t share your affinity for bondage, but when your warm wet tongue comes in contact with his skin, his tongue feels numb in his mouth. The guttural groan that falls from his parted lips isn’t because he’s running out of words to describe the way your tongue feels around him; which is strange because his vocabulary is quite apt when it comes to describing your blow job skills, in his humble opinion. He’s groaning because he can’t form words, not when your tongue is licking a thick strip along his dick.
It’s heady almost, the way his head spins when you wrap your lips around his tip and sink down with ease that should be alarming but isn’t. You’d figured out how to take down most of his thick length a while ago but for his benefit you’d gag around it, inflate his ego a little bit. You don’t need to. Jeongguk knows he’s big. Heck, half the campus knows he’s big. But hearing you choke around his length spurs a pit of desire deep inside guts that he can’t express with words. But he does with actions, his hips wildly canting up from the mussed bed sheets because he wants to be deeper, wants to hear you choke around his length if he can’t see you.
When you do groan, pulling away so your jaw can take a brief break, Jeongguk immediately regrets agreeing to the hand restricts. The urge to push your head back down surfaces with a rush of fervour. He’s yanking at the fabric, cursing mentally when they don’t give way. You and your stupid Girl Scout knots.
The sight brings a grin to your face as you rise from your bent position. His looks heavenly, face scrunched up and dark sweaty hair plastering to his forehead. It’s nearly covering the blindfold around his eyes. You naturally lean forward, trailing your fingertips against the hard muscles of his torso. His breath hitches at the touch and your smile broadens. You momentarily pause, taking in the way his rose lips are partially parted, quick breaths slipping from his throat in anticipation of your actions. When his tongue darts out across his bottom lip your hand moves to brush away the wisps of his mane.
“Are you going to stare all day or kiss me?” His voice is rough, a slight tremor colouring the tone of it because your hand is dipping downwards once again.
“Well aren’t you demanding,” You reply, grinning brightly. Your lips meet his the moment your hand wraps around his length.
He moans unabashedly, the sound vibrating down your own throat. You taste like him and all it does is make him harder, member throbbing painfully as your wrist twists around it expertly. You weren’t confident in giving hand jobs at the start of your relationship but Jeongguk had a slight kink for being teased relentlessly which led to exponential increase in the hand jobs you’d given over the last eleven months and consequently your confidence in giving said hand jobs.
But this situation felt different than the quick handjobs you’d given him before. Mainly because when Jeongguk had stumbled into your room an hour ago looking for a moment of stress relief from the piles of work he had, you hadn’t expected this to be the outcome. He’s tied to your bed, something you never expected to witness, a victim to your every whim. You’d been working on a project for your textile classes and naturally there was a lot of stray fabric in the room, somehow via a series of events that are blurry to you, they’d found themselves wrapped around his wrists and his eyes. The scene before you makes your panties stick to your core.
You’re not fully sure whether he’s enjoying it, but his face is twisted in a silent groan, hips bucking up into your hands and his mouth pliant below you, a wave of need coursing through him. You can tell he’s close.
When you tug at his lower lip Jeongguk shudders, cum leaking from his tip only to be swept up with the motions of your hand. It’s hard and fast and every time your hand comes down you tighten your grip around the tip and squeeze it. His brain genuinely feels like it’s going to explode when you do that. He still can’t communicate through words what you’re doing to him so he does it through the hard kisses you share. Your teeth bump into each other, a clumsy collusion in the desperate wet manner that your lips met and Jeongguk can’t help but now curse the blindfold obscuring his vision. Then he angles his head, hoping it’ll slow both the impending orgasm building in his gut and the heated kisses you’re sharing. It slows down one thing only, because when your lips slot together once more, it’s gentler. There’s an unspoken feeling of care with each kiss and Jeongguk’s mouth falls open when you take a pause from playing with his dick to squeeze at his balls. Your tongue slips in and he can’t help but groan once more, lost in the sensation when your fingertips find their way to his length again.
The whole thing has him partially zoning out, brain focusing solely on the pulses of pleasure ebbing from his gut across every nerve in his body. The loss of vision makes the whole thing seem more intense than it should be. Every brush of your skin on him has his brain short wiring. He wants to feel you, sink his hands into your soft skin and fuck you ruthlessly but you’ve got him pinned down and helpless. It should agitate him. Jeongguk’s never been the partner to lie down and take it. He preferred being in control, wanted to be above instead of below, but something about you made him want to give you everything you desired. If you wanted him tied up and merciless to your desires, he’d do it. If you wanted him to beg for it, he would. If you wanted to play with him for hours and make him cum until his brain turned to mush and he’s dick was chaffed, he’d (hesitantly) do it.
You just hadn’t figured that out yet.
When you’d discovered this subservient side of Jeongguk, you were immediately intrigued. Jeongguk was known on campus for being the domineering star baseball player who tempted girls and boys alike with his charming smile, standoffish front and supposedly big dick. You’d suspected his intentions when he’d first approached you but Jeongguk had quickly dismissed your intentional misconceptions of him. Beneath the carefully constructed visage he’d created you’d found a clumsy kind hearted boy, who sometimes loved too hard, ate too much junk and was surprisingly attentive.
You’ve still got your hand wrapped around his cock but you’re watching now, noticing the rapid rise and fall of his chest as he nears his high. His lips are wet and bruised, curses falling from his tongue in sharp pants. Every time you twist around his tip, his stomach caves in. You know he’s trying to prolong the rise, so that when it falls it hits him harder. You urge him on, hand picking up speed as you drop downward and drag your tongue around the red head of his cock.
“Fuck!” His hips are uncontrollable now, the tip of his cock hitting the velvet walls of your warm mouth with every harsh thrust upwards. Your hands find themselves around the parts of him you can’t swallow, moving in time with the bopping of your head. You can feel him twitching against the swirls of your tongue, the orgasm he was holding on the verge of breaking lose. You pull your mouth away when he’s about to let it go, a sudden thought popping in your head.
As much as you and your boyfriend danced around the whole dominant, submissive roles you had in the bedroom – you’d never really made him beg.
“What?! Fuck – I was close. Why did you stop?” He’s whining, cock twitching in need against the span of his stomach.
“Felt like it.”
“You – what. You felt like it? What? So you’re leaving me like this?” He’s irritated, evident by the way his dark eyebrows were furrowed together.
You hum in affirmation, ignoring the blazing heat between your thighs. Even if you’re trying to come off as nonchalant you really just was to sit on his dick. His hair is mussed up, pink lips in a confused pout and every muscle in his body is taut. He looks delectable like this, and you’re tempted to just sit on him now but the need to hear Jeongguk beg has you staying put. 
“Are you being serious?” There’s a quiet plea in his words. You nod, realizing  a second later he can’t see you.
“Very,” You try again, watching with amusement when the pout he’s sporting deepens.
“Like, are you being serious serious? Or are you just joking?” Jeongguk’s asking once more in hopes that you’ll change your answer because his dick is still very hard and if he doesn’t cum soon he’ll get blue balls and that would suck literal balls.
“Not joking. Let me untie you.”
“No – wait!” Suddenly having the restraints on is imperative to him. “Is there something I can do to change your mind? Tell me please? I’ll do anything.”
“Anything?” He can hear the smile in your voice.
“Yes, anything. Say it now please. I’m going to die if I don’t cum.”
“Beg for me.”
Begging? That’s what you wanted? You could have asked him minutes ago. Jeongguk would have started begging without a second thought. Just like he does now.
“Fuck me, please,” He puts the whine on for emphasis but he’s not exaggerating it because he needs you to make him cum. He needs you to do something. Use your hand, your mouth, your cunt – anything. Because his balls are heavy and tight and the coil in his gut is starting to make him feel breathless. He’s all for edging but having you so close and not being able to touch or see you makes him feel desperate enough already, you don’t need to withhold his orgasm from him too. “Please I need you. Look at what you’re doing to me. Please – just – anything, do anything. Just touch me.”
You compile without thinking, moving swiftly to pull off the soaked panties clinging to your cunt. You expected him to scoff at the idea of begging, not give you what you want without hesitating. The Jeongguk you knew didn’t match up with the panting begging man tied to your bed. But for some reason, the fact that you hold this much power over the man that everyone desires makes your core throb with want. Maybe you should reward Jeongguk for behaving so well anyway. He’s been remarkably compliant with all your desires. So you clamber on top of his bare thighs, shifting to line him up with your dripping hole.
The first brush of his tip against your slick folds has him hissing. His eyebrows are raised and you know he didn’t expect that.
“W-what are you doing?” His voice trembles.
“You’ve been good. Good boys get rewarded.” You push the tip further, sighing at the small stretch you feel. And then as Jeongguk opens his mouth to speak, probably a snarky retort, you sink down on him hard.
“Oh – fuck!”
There’s a slight burn where you meet, but you’re not focused on that. Not when Jeongguk looks like his falling apart beneath you. His breath is haggarded and he’s biting down on his lip. His stomach is caved in, almost as if he’s forcing the orgasm he was begging you to make a reality away. You shift, his throbbing cock pressing further into your wetness and Jeongguk swears hard.
“Babe – oh fuck – stop, shit stop moving.” He shudders with every minute movement you make, stomach twitching beneath your palm. The stretch has your own eyes fluttering and you can help by roll into it, moaning every time he sinks a little deeper. You’d gotten used to Jeongguk’s length but for some reason every time you ride him, he always felt as if he was reaching parts of your cunt that you didn’t know were there. You can feel him tensing beneath you touch and you know this is just as intense for him as it is for you.
“Could you – could you take off the blind fold,” Jeongguk pleas.
“Why should I?”
“Fuck, babe. I want to see you. Want to see you bouncing on my cock. Want – oh shit!” 
You’d pulled yourself off him gently and sunk back down again hard. Your walls cling to him though, wet and warm, sucking him right back in. He chokes when you do that again, a heavenly sound that has your hips picking up the pace. There’s the lewd squelch filling the thick air with each bounce of your body. You’d know you were wet but even the slick coating both your thighs has you surprised. Jeongguk in particular.
 “Want to,” He’s struggling to even string together a sentence, the breath knocked out of him with every fall of your hips against his. “Fuck, holy shit! You’re so wet!”
“Is that what you wanted to say?” Your words sound slurred even to you. You’re losing yourself slowly, getting drunk on the way Jeongguk feels inside you.
“No – I – fuck. I want to see your pretty pussy milk me baby. I want to see you full of my cum. Take the blind fold off. I want to see you when you’re fucking me.”
You pause, aware of the way his cock jolts inside you when you do, and lean forward. Your hands make quick work of the blind fold knots, tugging at them with ease. When you pull the fabric away, your stomach lurches at the fire you find in his eyes.
His gaze rakes over you, eyes pausing at your lips and chest before they halt where the two of you meet. He watches as you lean back, sinking right back onto him when you move, thighs shimmering with slick. You rest your hands against the bedsheets, using the bed to help push yourself upwards, dragging his cock out of you as you rise before falling back down. His eyes are wide in awe and desire, watching how his cock disappears into your body. It feels beyond good, despite the strain building in your thighs and you close your eyes involuntarily, mind swimming in pleasure as your own high rises steadily.
Somewhere in the background you pick up the gentle patter of rain on the rooftop, the sound oddly in time with your own rhythm. Your movements don’t stop despite the way your thoughts stray, eyes fluttering open when you feel Jeongguk grinding back into your bounces. He’s staring at you as if you’re the sun keeping his universe in orbit. The sight has your walls tightening around him, coaxing another curse from his bruised wet lips. When you make a move to touch your own clit, feeling both your highs impending, Jeongguk thrusts upward. Hard.
You’re left disoriented, chest bouncing harder now because Jeongguk is taking control even when he’s below you. Your hips stutter as you try to find the rhythm you’d established but Jeongguk isn’t having it, hips snapping against your own with urgency.
“Untie me.” It’s a command not a request and you feel the need to comply, suddenly aware that Jeongguk is done being submissive for the night. The look in his eyes confirms that so you shut down the side of you that wants to pin him down once more and instead move to skilfully untangle the knots that kept his arms immobile. When they come loose, Jeongguk’s hands move so fast they’re a blur in your hazy gaze. They come down on your hips, grip taut to keep you place as he thrusts upwards, fucking into you so hard that you almost bit your tongue.
“Jeongguk!” You squeak, clenching down helplessly around him. His fingertips are digging in your skin and you know you’ll find marks tomorrow but that’s not bothering you at all. Not when Jeongguk is fucking you like this.
If you thought you were being vocal before, that doesn’t hold a candle to the little sounds Jeongguk has falling from your lips. Your whining and groaning at the same time, letting out a helpless moan when Jeongguk shifts himself upright so that he latches his mouth on your neck. The scrap of his teeth and drag of his tongue against your skin has you seeing stars and your nerves feel electric, pleasure washing over you ruthlessly. You move to snake a hand to your clit, but Jeongguk halts you again.
Your back hits the mattress hard but Jeongguk doesn’t give you time to recover. He’s spreading your legs apart, making space for himself as he caves you in. There’s a sheen of sweat covering both your bodies and the air feels thick with need. Jeongguk’s staring at you in a way that makes your stomach twist with want. Your thighs feel sticky but you forget about it the moment the head of his cock presses against your wet hole. He toys with your entrance, keeping one hand on your twitching hips and another guiding his cock further into you. There’s barely any resistance, both you sighing at the way you suck him in.
Jeongguk’s palms find themselves gripping the back of your thighs, gently lifting your hips upward. His long hair is brushing against your forehead and your hands instinctively rise, sweeping the strands back and softly scraping your nails against his scalp. He groans against your skin, hips canting into your own and the sound of your slick filling the air.
His hips pick up speed and Jeongguk’s pounding you into the mattress within moments. You can’t do anything but take it, his grip on your hips controlling the pace. And he’s not being kind – it’s a punishing pace, retribution for how you acted earlier. When his hand finally slips between your panting bodies to circle your clit, you jolt. The sparks return viciously, the blinding heat in your core setting you on fire instantly. The pads of his slick coated fingers toy with you, trailing patterns against the bud and coupled with the way he’s fucking you, your vision turns white. You’re not even fully aware that you’re apart until Jeongguk’s hips slam forward, hitting a part of you that has your bones melting.
There’s fireworks behind your closed eyelids and your cunt snug around him. It feels like you’re shattering into pieces and being moulded back together all at once, the sparks in your core travelling along your nerves. You barely regain your breath when Jeongguk’s hips begin to falter, slamming into you with a desperation you feel too. You’re clinging onto him, watching through lidded eyes as his mouth drops slightly, a haggard pant floating from his mouth as his hips jut against you, warm cum filling you up.
“Oh,” His mouth is pressed against your sweaty skin again, chest shuddering above you own.
“Oh,” You repeat, gently shoving his burly body off you. You’re still feeling warm, skin buzzing. “What’s that meant to mean?”
He’s moving to wrap you in his arms, a soft grin on his face. “Just oh.”
“Oh as in you liked what just happened or oh as in you never want to do that again?” Even if you feel hazy, your thighs are still gross and the shower seems like a more welcoming prospect than the nap Jeongguk was offering.
“Oh as in you’re talking too much. I came really hard and I want to sleep now.” His eyes are falling closed as he nuzzles into you.
“But did you like it?”
He doesn’t open his eyes.
“The blind fold I can get behind but don’t tie my hands again please. It sucked when I wanted to touch you but couldn’t.”
“That’s part of the appeal.”
“I don’t care, I didn’t like it.”
“Fair enough. I’ll let you blind fold me next time if you want.” He grunts at that but doesn’t move away from you. “Let me go though, I feel gross.”
He reluctantly detaches himself, searching for the sheets you’d messed up with a slight frown marring his features. You watched, amused, as he huddled himself beneath the covers, the soft image reminding you of the gentle demeanour Jeongguk possessed. The reminder tugged at your heart and you found yourself pattering back towards the bed, sinking into the sheets and pressing your lips softly against his forehead. He’s smiling in his sleep when you lean back.
“You look cute when you beg,” Your comment has him wide awake, a murderous look in his eyes.
“Go shower, you stink.”
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minkdenmilo · 4 years
💙 Autism Trait Listing Time 💙
I am self-diagnosed as of now but I'm in the process of trying to get tested and my diagnosed friend said that a lot of what I told her lines up so it's likely I am autistic.
+ Constant Fidgeting: Bouncing of my leg, Tapping of my fingers - If I stop I am physically uncomfortable and tend to shake my ankle/foot or shake my wrist/hand
+ Sensory Oveload at Noise: Usually it's not the loudness of noise for me, but the overlapping of noises. Hearing a television play a show + someone talking + someone somewhere else talking etc. makes me get a headache and I sometimes feel like crying because I can't focus or really hear myself think.
+ Sensitivity to Sudden/Loud Noises: I flinch and startle at loud noises frequently- to the point in which it is noticeable by friends. If the bell goes off when I don't expect it to or the fire alarm I nearly fall out of my chair. If my dad raises his voice or if anyone gets upset and raises there voice I instantly assume they're yelling and tense up- even if they're just raising their voice a little.
+ Tactical/Texture Sensitivity: I detest certain textures and actively avoid them like cotton balls (which feel like how nails on a chalkboard sound), fennel/rosemary, any texture in drinks, nuts in bread, etc. in which my family has noticed and teased me over. Where as other textures I adore and constantly seek out like tree bark or soft fur like textures.
+ Stimming(?): I constantly pick at my skin and when I try to stop I can briefly before I go back to doing it without thinking because it's relaxing. I constantly play with the joysticks on my Nintendo Switch to help compensate and give my hands something to do. I use a fidget spinner sometimes as well to help relax and when I get anxious I use it more often cause the noise it makes and the action of spinning it is helpful. I also do the ASL (sign language) alphabet without thinking to myself just cause it's relaxing and when told to stop I get a bit anxious. I tap my fingers together repetitively a lot and my friends have noted this and have mentioned I tend to do it more when I'm stressed or bored.
+ Hyperfixation: I have the habit of finding something I like and then focusing on it violently. When I was a kid I would watch the same three movies (Newsies, Highschool Musical, and Hairspray) on repeat until I memorized the lines. I went through a phase where everyday I watched Total Drama for like half a year- I still remember the events of each episode. If I watch a video on a video game I have to look up the Wikipedia entry on it, read everything in the fan wiki, and watch video after video deconstructing the game until I'm satisfied. I'll listen to the same song for hours at a time for a week or more and then ramble about it to my friends. My habit of infodumping everything I know about a subject bothers my families and friends. I'll ramble for an hour about an idea I have for a play to a friend before realizing I haven't shut up cause I know most people don't care about minute things like I tend to.
+ Being a Kid: As a kid I was definetely the odd one out. I would hug everyone regardless of who they were, how close we were, or if they were receptive. I just had to hug people- I would get upset if I couldn't hug people. To this day I have stuffed animals I hug because I get anxious without the physical sensation of hugging after too long. I never seemed to be on quite the same wavelength and would stare people down just randomly, even I didn't really understand why I'd do it but I would just lock eyes with someone and not stop until they told me to. People would openly mock me and it would go over my head because I genuinely thought they were my friends and were being nice (I would get called werewolf due to my messy hair and sharp teeth and I would just smile and say I preferred being a vampire). I wore the same velcro shoes everyday until they wore out and demanded my mom buy the exact same pair. I'd cry whenever someone hurt my feelings even once I turned 10 and 11. I accidentally hurt my friends by punching them or pinching them cause I didn't realize how much I was hurting them until I drew blood or they demanded I stop.
+ Routine: I hate being late. I hate being on time. I have to be 10 minutes early to everything. If I have to be somewhere at 9 and its a 30 minute drive then I have to leave the house at 8 or 8:10. If it hits 8:11 and we aren't on the road I lose it. I cry and panic and I shake like a leaf until my dad starts the car. In elementary if we were even a second late I'd sob uncontrollably and panic. Now I still cry and shake but it's not as bad. I am an avid rule follower even when I know I'm being silly. My friends and I went to an abandoned building and I was anxious that we'd be arrested despite knowing people did it all the time and it was fine. I had to stay at school after hours for a project and I wouldnt stop worrying we'd get caught and expelled even though our teacher said we could. When I was like 8 or 9 I read about how not turning off your heater started fires so every day before I left for school I'd check to make sure the heater and oven were turned off three times each. Even if we'd never turned them on in the first place. I haven't been able to focus in online school without the structure of being physically in school no matter how hard I try. When my dad takes the family places last minute I feel unbearably anxious and out of it, even when I am aware I am overreacting. I have noticed executive disfunction issues in the past and when presented with multiple things I need to do I get overwhelmed and panic and do nothing instead. I hate clutter and in the desire to clean one item I end up deep cleaning everything just because I start one chore then think of another in the process and it spirals from there.
+ Misc: I have always been the sensitive emotional child. My mom frequently teases that I never get her sarcasm. I can't decipher how people feel unless I can hear their voice and see their face which makes texting and to a lesser extent voice calling anxious and weird for me. I actively avoid eye contact with people I don't know well and avoid conversation on elevators or in public spaces. I adore watching slime videos and stim boards are wonderful now that I've discovered them. Math isn't my strong suit because the numbers don't make sense to me- I can't decipher even simple algebra equations but I've always been great at reading and I pride myself on my vocabulary and way with words. Despite this I can't give speeches or explain things to save my life even if I know exactly what I mean and want to say I just cannot verbalize it properly so I have to write down exactly what I want to say before I say it. Even then I ramble too long and my dad frequently notes I can never "get to the point and trim out the unnecessary details" but like- I can't tell which details are necessary or not. I can never be presented a broad piece of information and understand it, I need every minute detail first otherwise I cannot understand the bigger concept and thus when I speak I provide every detail to make my point crystal clear. I also feel uncomfortable around authority figures and adults- way more than seems normal- and avoid eye contact and tend to be especially anxious and respectful because adults and authority figures just scare me.
These are all just like the immediate things that jump into mind + context around them. Idk if these could actually point to me being autistic but if anyone has any advice or help then please let me know. I'm kinda worried I'm being a hypochondriac but that might just be because my dad doesn't believe in autism so I'm internalizing that.
I've had close friends say some of my symptoms seem like anxiety or OCD but the texture based stuff and the fact that I have purposefully tried to stop stimming and fidgeting and have tried to repress my natural behaviors due to being seen as like weird and "off" makes me think maybe it might be autism and I just didn't realize because I assumed everyone dealt with similar things and I just was bad at handling it.
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mournthewicked · 4 years
Electic Moves--Montgomery Scott x Reader (ToS/AoS compatible)
This is the LONGEST insert I have ever written holy MOLEY. Here it is at a whopping 5,423 words. I mostly wrote this with ToS!Scotty in mind but I think it also works for both ToS and AoS! I’ll also pop this up on Ao3. Fic is based off my favorite band The Orion Experience and their song Electric Moves
Warnings: Kissing
Electric Moves
“Alright that’s the last of the wires!” you yelled to your superior wiping your safety glasses clean of debris.
“Alrigh’ let me take a look at ‘em,” Montgomery Scott said, crouching next to you. He examined the junctions of the circuit boards and nodded in approval. “Not bad…not bad at all Lieutenant. No bubbles… joints are solid. This soldering is better than some of my own. Must be those steady medical hands.” He winked at you and you put your safety glasses back on to conceal a blush.
“Thank you Mr. Scott,” you replied.
“Lass, I’ve told you already just call me Scotty. Don’t make me order you now,” he joked.
“Sorry. Thank you Scotty,” you put your tools back in the small box and hand it back to the older man. His hand brushed over yours as he takes it from you making your breath hitch.
“No thank you for lending us a hand down here. Doctor McCoy said you were a fast learner but neglected to tell me you were a near genius with mechanics. I ought to have a word with him, keeping a talented lass like you all to him—_______, you alrigh’?”
Scotty must have noticed your face morphing into a deep red from underneath your goggles. You run the back of your hand across your forehead, hoping he’d buy the redness from the heat down in the engineering room.
“Yeah I’m…I’m fine just warm. Goodness how do you live like this down here all the time? It’s hotter than Vulcan!” You exclaimed, earning a chuckle from Scotty.
“Well I s’pose we just get used to it eventually, ain’t that right Kern?” A man slightly younger than Scotty nods in agreement, through you’re pretty sure he didn’t hear what Scotty asked. “Well I think we’re all done down here. Thank you again. It was an absolute pleasure having you down here. I hope we’ll see each other soon.”
He held his hand out to you and you took his surprisingly gentle hand in your own. “Any time, Scotty. It was an honor working on her.”
“Her?” he asked, eyebrows raised.
“It! Her—uh the Enterprise!” You ran your hands over your face. Surely your blush was obvious by now.
Scotty belted out a hearty laugh. “Lass, I thought I was the only one who referred to the ship as a lady, other than the Captain of course.”
“Well—yeah it’s like in those old stories about sea mariners and pirates and even in early space exploration. Their ships were always referred to as female so I just kind of let it slip into my vocabulary. Besides,” you gestured to the warp core. “The Enterprise is like a human being. She has a heart, a circulatory system, a brain…All sorts of anatomy. It’s just made of metal.”
Scotty looked at you full of admiration. “Lieutenant _______ I believe you and I are going to get along quite well.”
You turned to him and smiled. “I sure hope so Scotty.”
The next few days you doubled back and forth as both Assistant Medical Officer and engineer. Though most of your time was spent in med bay assisting Doctor McCoy with patients and testing, you also assisted Scotty with warp core diagnostics and repairing small details on the lower decks. You grew fond of the crew down below becoming friends with Ensigns Kern and Russell but your admiration mostly resided with Scotty. If fact, your admiration was becoming even more: each time you passed him your heart would speed up and you could feel yourself going red. Your stomach flipped and your knees weakened and if your eyes met his, oh stars your words would catch in your throat and you could barely keep yourself from stammering. Eventually, though your heart still raced when he got too close, you managed to get used to his sweet conversations about the starship and his daily life.
Two weeks after the two of you met Captain Kirk announced there would be a week-long shore leave after a recent encounter with Harry Mudd left the Enterprise in disarray and in need of refueling.
“Can’t believe we nearly lost the ship in a bet. Mudd would have had us floating through the galaxy if you hadn’t gotten that gauge recalibrated Mr. Scott,” Bones said as he stepped off the landing pad and onto the Federation sanctioned planet.
“Aye, but I can’t take all the credit Doctor. In fact it was your assistant who wrote the equation. She’s the real star of the show,” Scotty said clapping a hand on your shoulder.
“Well Lieutenant, seems like we owe you a drink or two,” Bones said.
“That’s very kind of you but I plan on curling up with a good book and working on some small projects I’ve been meaning to get done during leave,” you replied.
“Ach lass you have to take a bit of a break. You’ve been working plenty,” Scotty said.
“Thank you Scotty but I’m going to sit this one out.”
“I understand,” he replied. You didn’t catch the sadness in his eyes as you turned to head to your hotel room. “It won’t be the same without you!” He called after you.
You turned around and threw him a dazzling smile. “Enjoy your evening gentlemen!” You responded with a mock bow and disappeared into the crowd.
As soon as you were out of sight Bones turned to Scotty. “You really have it bad for her, don’t you?”
Scotty scoffed at the doctor. “I haven’t the slightest idea what you mean!”
Bones rolled his eyes and retorted, “Oh please. ‘It won’t be the same without you’?”
“Well I simply meant we would miss her.”
“You’ve been looking at her like a lovesick teenager. It’s sickening,” Bones responded. The two of them began to walk to a small diner, serving refreshments from different parts of the galaxy. “One bourbon and a scotch on me.”
“Doctor you aren’t going to get me drunk and have me spill my secrets.” Scotty said as a Betazonian male placed his drink in front of him.
“You don’t need to spill anything it’s written all over your face. You get all goo goo eyed with her. Nurse Chapel noticed it, Uhura noticed it, hell, even Spock has mentioned how you’ve been talking about her nonstop.”
Scotty sighed and took a sip of his scotch. He ran his hand through his chestnut hair for a moment before saying, “I don’t know what to do McCoy. She’s on my mind constantly. Working, off duty, hell even in my dreams. The first day when she came down to work on the circuitry she was so kind and sweet, a wee shy too, but she’s also smart and creative. The way she figured out the equation to save our ship was incredible!”
“Then what seems to be the trouble, Mr. Scott? You aren’t technically her reporting officer so there aren’t any regulations against it.”
“That’s not the problem I just…I don’t want to make her feel uncomfortable. She’s a quiet woman and she hasn’t made any indication that she wants to pursue anything outside of work. I, well, I don’t even know if she considers me a friend,” saying that out loud broke Scotty’s heart and McCoy could see it on his face.
Bones waved the bartender over and ordered another round for his friend. “Listen Scotty, I’m a doctor not a love expert. But I do know my assistant pretty well and she talks about you a lot. She sings your praises. Hell, she’s been spending more time with you than in her own office. The girl likes you she’s just too shy to make the first move.”
Scotty shook his head in doubt and McCoy sighed. “Come on Scotty. Let’s finish up our drinks and we can talk about this some other time. I know Jim was thinking about going to a little hole in the wall club of some sort and I’m going to need someone to help carry his miserable behind back when he out drinks himself.”
Scotty stared into his glass and said, “Aye.”
Meanwhile you began to unpack your shore leave bag, distracted by Scotty’s words.
‘It won’t be the same without you.’ What could he mean by that? He’s never been out with me before, heck I’ve never been out with anyone on the starship before. Could it be that he had hoped I would come out?
“This is all so confusing!” You yelled to yourself, throwing down a towel. “Stupid feelings.”
You flopped on your bed and stared at the pastel purple ceiling weighing your options. You could continue to pine after Scotty in secret, watching him as he eventually fell in love with someone else and—no that felt awful. You could tell him how you feel, get rejected, and never be able to work in the same room with him—that felt even worse.
You sat on the edge of your bed and sighed. You needed to do something to keep your mind off Scotty. The clock on the computer on your desk flashed 20:00.
“Computer, what is there to do on this planet during the evenings?” You asked. The computer whirred to life, ticking with calculations.
“Sources for entertainment near your current location. There are six bars within walking distance. Two are karaoke bars, three are exotic stripping clubs, and one is a dance club.”
A dance club? You thought excitedly. It’s been so long since I’ve been dancing. “Who’s performing at the dance club? Anyone good?”
The computer whirred again before stating: “Popular intergalactic band The Orion Experience will be performing live throughout your shore leave.”
“Thank you Computer. That is all,” you said and the computer powered down. You sat on the edge of your bed staring at your luggage in front on you. If I’m going to do this, I’m going all out tonight.
You sprung up in excitement and grabbed your bag. “Screw sadness, screw the rules, I’m about to be Cinderella at the ball.”
An hour and a half later you checked yourself out in the mirror. You purchased two dresses, your choice for this evening was a jeweled emerald green dress that stopped mid-thigh and white boots. You even splurged on some makeup and changed your hair. At a glance you could barely recognize yourself.
Shooting a wink at your reflection you strutted out of your room and out the door not even noticing the three Starfleet officers you passed on the street.
“Mr. Scott, Bones is right. You need to just come right out and say it. Quick, like a band aid. It will be over in a minute.” Captain Kirk tried to persuade the Scotsman.
“Thank you, Captain, for the sage advice. And thank you Doctor McCoy for telling the Captain about my personal affairs, I greatly appreciate it,” Scotty replied with a glare to the brunette.
McCoy rolled his eyes. “Well I’m sorry but I wasn’t going to let you look like a depressed Sehlat the whole shore leave.”
“I do not look like a depressed Sehlat!” exclaimed Scotty. Bones and Kirk stared at him intensely and he relented. “Gentlemen, I thank you for support. But I’m an old man—much older than __________. And she should be with someone else her age. As beautiful as she is, finding someone else wouldn’t be a problem.” Scotty’s eyes began misty and he blinked back tears.
Kirk clapped a hand on his friends shoulder. “Now Mr. Scott there will be no tears tonight. The night is young and there is a bar just down the streets with all sort of intergalactic alcohol. Let’s forget about our problems even if it’s just for the night.”
But I don’t want to forget about her. Mr. Scott thought to himself, but he knew voicing his opinion would get drowned out by his two friends. “Aye, where are we going lads?”
“Well,” Kirk began rubbing his hands together. “I thought we would check out that bar I was telling Bones about earlier. I’ve heard that they have these dancers that—“
Kirk was cut off as a woman walked past in a short green dress and white boots. The three men stared after her as she sashayed out the door into the crowd.
“Jim…who was that?” McCoy asked staring after her.
“I’m…not sure. I don’t recall ever seeing her before,” Kirk replied.
“She has to be on the Enterprise though. This hotel was booked for us by Starfleet and no other ships are docked so it’s just us,” Scotty said.
“She couldn’t be a Romulan spy could she?” McCoy asks.
“A Romulan, spy or not, would never—could never—have that strut in their step. Especially in those shoes,” Kirk responded.
“Of all things you could comment on you mention her footwear?” Bones joked.
“Of all the things I could comment on her shoes were the most appropriate. Do you have anything to add Doctor McCoy?”
“Not at all, Jim.”
“Good,” Kirk began to follow the woman but was stopped by Scotty.
“You don’t plan on following her do you?” He asked.
“Scotty, the three of us have no idea who she is and we know our crew better than anyone else. Whoever she is, she’s obviously gotten through our security systems and we need to know how. Besides aren’t you two a little curious to see who she is?”
Scotty sighed for what seemed to be the hundredth time that day and he followed his two friends through the street after the mysterious, and yet oddly familiar, stranger.
The bar pulsed with the beat of the band and you were bumping and grinding your way through the crowd. You felt different, alive, on the dance floor. A cheer went through the crowd as you spun through a dance circle. Each move was filled you with energy, you were electrified by the music and you sang out with the rest of the crowd.
“Somebody told me, you got electric moves. Out on the floor you’re like lightening striking,” you sang off key with everyone as the band went into the final chorus. You turned again as the song began to transition to another but froze mid step as you spotted McCoy, Kirk, and Scotty staring in your direction whispering to themselves. You made eye contact with the chief engineer for a brief second, both confusion and recognition evident in his eyes. He slowly got off his chair and began to walk towards you, startling you out of your trance. You turned your back towards him and ran out the door.
The three men sat down at bar scoping the dance floor for the mysterious woman.
“You sure she went into this one Jim?” McCoy asked the blond sipping a drink.
“Positive. Keep your eye out for anything suspicious,” Kirk said surveying the dance floor. “Mr. Scott, have you given any more thought to what Bones and I were saying earlier.”
“Now Captain, I told you I don’t want to pursue anything—“ he was cut off by a cheer and applause on the dance floor.
“There Jim! She’s over there,” McCoy exclaimed. The three men stared in her direction, watching as she danced sensually, hands in the air laughing and stomping her foot to the beat.
“She looks familiar. I just can’t put my finger on it,” Kirk said. McCoy and Scotty nodded fixated on the woman. She did one final turn as the song transitioned into a new one but, as she looked in their direction she froze.
“It can’t be…” Bones mumbled.
“Is that…Lieutenant ___________?” Kirk asked still staring at her.
Scotty watched her intently as they maintained eye contact. It was _________ there was no doubt in his mind. Seeing her with such fire in her soul was intimidating, there was no doubt about that. She radiated confidence and seeing her with such energy made Scotty’s heart swell in infatuation. Clenching his fists, Scotty knew he had to take a chance or he was going to have a heart attack. Taking a deep breathe he stood up, knees weak not from the alcohol but from the nerves. He steadied himself and began to approach her gaining confidence with each step. However about ten steps in the woman who held his soul broke eye contact and ran out the door, leaving the shattered pieces of his heart where she last stood.
Morning hit you like a Bat’leth; your mouth was dry and every vibrant color of the wall sent a wave of nausea through your body. The headache you had was unsurmountable and you grabbed the hypo you left on the table and injected it. Moments later your headache was gone and your nausea was slightly more manageable.
You revisited the events of last night grinning s the memories came back to you. You looked at the dress that was discarded on top of your suitcase with a fond grin, eagerly thinking about the second number you had waiting for tonight. However your feelings of excitement were smothered as soon as you remembered who saw at the bar watching you. McCoy. Kirk. Scotty.
“Oh my God,” you cried out to yourself putting your head in your hands as you tried to erase that memory from your mind.
They must have thought I looked ridiculous, you thought. I made such a fool of myself. Tears pricked at your eyes and you tried to will them away. Even though you knew none of them would make fun of you—well McCoy might tease you but you could handle him—you knew it would impact how the other two would look at you. If there was a black hole close enough you would jump right into it.
Your stomach growled and decided to get something to eat to keep your mind off of everything. Throwing on your blue Starfleet uniform you walked across the street into a diner. Beings of different races, genders, and ages sat throughout the establishment and were even peppered with Enterprise officers and crew.
Walking to your table you heard the voice of someone you didn’t want to hear: Captain Kirk.
“Lieutenant _________! Come have a seat with us,” he said.
You sighed and though you could have rejected his proposal you also wanted to have a moment to explain yourself—to explain you didn’t always look so uncoordinated and dramatic.
“Good morning Captain, gentlemen,” you nodded to McCoy and Scotty as you sat beside the latter. He didn’t greet you with the usual smile he always had around you. In fact he didn’t greet you at all.
“We were just discussing this woman that we saw dancing last night. It really was something else,” Kirk said.
Oh God here it comes, you thought to yourself.
“She was fantastic, _________, you should have seen her. She had this control over the floor. It was almost supernatural,” McCoy exclaimed. “At first glance we thought she was you,”
You nearly choked on your water. “You thought she was me?” They didn’t realize it was me?
“We certainly did. Then Scotty said you planned on working on some projects during shore leave,” Kirk replied. “How did they turn out?”
“O-oh. Fine. They weren’t anything too difficult,” you replied, relieved.
“And your reading? How was that?” Scotty asked bitterly.
You were taken aback by the harshness in his voice. “It was…fine I guess. Scotty are you—“
“I’m fine Lieutenant __________,” Scotty said. Kirk and McCoy exchanged looks as Scotty got up from the table. “Lads I have some work that I need to catch up on so I’m going to head back to my room. Have a good day.”
The three of you watched as Scotty left the diner without as much as a goodbye to you. You looked down at your plate of food that was just served suddenly nauseous again.
“What the hell was that all about?” McCoy asked in shock.
“I have no idea,” Kirk replied. “But I intend to find out.” He and McCoy followed the Scot out the door leaving you behind, your food hardly touched as tears welled in your eyes.
“Scotty! Hey Scotty!” McCoy pounded on the door to the Chief Engineer’s room. “Open up we know you’re in there.”
“Step aside Bones,” Kirk said, punching an override code. The doors slid open to Scotty’s room revealing the Scot seated at his table a bottle of scotch in hand.
“Hello lads, I wonder what brings you here?” Scotty asked sardonically, taking a hearty swig of his drink.
“You know very well what brings us here Scotty. What the hell is your problem? You’ve been in a crappy mood since we got back to the hotel last night and now you’re taking it out on _________?” McCoy asked, arms crossed over his chest. Kirk watched Scotty, slowly putting pieces of the puzzle together.
“I don’t feel like answering that question, Dr. McCoy. Frankly I don’t want to discuss anything with anyone. I wish to be left alone with my scotch,” Scotty said.
Captain Kirk sat at the table to level himself with Scotty. “Scotty,” he said. “Mr. Scott, look at me.”
Scotty sighed and turned to Captain Kirk. Kirk studied him for a brief moment.
“We were right weren’t we Mr. Scott?” Kirk asked softly and put a hand on his friend’s shoulder.
McCoy looked between the two. “Right about what, Jim?”
“The woman at the bar last night. It was Lieutenant __________, wasn’t it?” Jim asked.
Scotty stared at the Captain for a long time before whispering, “Aye.”
The three men waited in silence, waiting for someone to say something. The room was filled with nothing but the ambience of chatter in the halls and the echo of Scotty’s affirmation.
“She ran from me,” Scotty said mournfully.
Kirk nodded.
“Why? Why would she run?” Scotty asked.
“I can’t answer that for you, Scotty,” Kirk said.
Scotty stood up and walked to the window, looking out at the city below. Midday had approached by then, the sun high up in the cyan sky. “I don’t know what I was thinking going up to her. She was having the time of her life dancing and singing. What would she want with an old fool like me?”
“That’s horseshit,” McCoy said, going over to Scotty.
“Bones…” Kirk warned.
“No, Jim I have to say it. Scotty what you’re saying is pure horseshit and you know it. You’re making assumptions and that’s all you’ve done this whole time. Have you even talked to ________ about your feelings yet? I bet you haven’t and I guarantee you have her feeling like complete crap after the way you ignored her this morning.”
Scotty contemplated everything his friend said, knowing he was right. He hasn’t talked to ________ since they docked and not giving her a chance to explain herself wasn’t fair.
“But why would she run from us. From me?” Scotty asked.
“Hell if I know. Maybe she was embarrassed that we saw her, you know how shy she is. And I’m not saying what she did was excusable, but dammit talk to her. Ask her why she ran away and tell her how you feel. Because if you don’t you’re going to lose any chance to have with her, and that will be a damn shame,” McCoy said.
Scotty nodded his head, understanding that everything McCoy was saying was tough love. “Do…do you have anything to add, Captain?”
Captain Kirk waved his hands innocently. “No…no I do believe Bones covered it all.”
Scotty grabbed some glasses from his cabinet and poured drinks for the three of them. “Well then let’s have a drink shall we? And then…well then I’m going to go make a visit to ________’s quarters.”
You wrapped your hair in a towel as you stepped out of the shower and threw on some loungewear. Your hangover was completely gone by now but in its place was a heavy heart. You messed up really bad, running away from him last night and then not explaining yourself this morning. You looked at the dress laid out on your bed and sighed, debating whether or not you still wanted to go out when you heard a knock on the door.
“Who is it?” You called out.
“It’s Scotty. May I come in lass?” He asked.
You nearly tripped over yourself running to the door, pressing the button to open the door to let him in.
“Mr. Scott, good evening,” you said hoping the waver in your voice wasn’t as prominent as you thought.
“Back to calling me Mr. Scott are we?” He asked gruffly as he stepped inside.
You winced at his tone. “Sorry…Scotty—“
“I was joking _________,” he said with a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.
“Oh.” The two of you stood in silence trying to figure out what to say next. Moment’s passed, then you two both began at once.
“Lass, I—“
“I’m sorry.”
The two of you looked at each other at the same time before letting out nervous laughs.
“You’re sorry?” Scotty asked in slight confusion.
You nodded. “Yes I…I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have run from you. I didn’t…I didn’t want anyone to see me dancing and I was so embarrassed when I saw you…” You were so overwhelmed with everything your lip began to tremble.
“Now, now ________, don’t you start crying,” Scotty said as he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close to his chest. “You have nothing to be sorry for, this is my fault. I jumped to conclusions.”
You allowed yourself to be held by him for a moment, relished breathing in his scent of scotch and oak, and savored the feeling of his one hand stroking your hair while his other hand rubbed circles on your waist.
After a moment you pulled back to look him in his eyes. “Jumped to conclusions?” You asked.
Scotty took a deep breath and took your hands in his. “Yes I…I may have thought you didn’t want to have a dance with me. Thought that you thought the idea would be repulsive.”
Your hand flew to your mouth. He was going to ask me for a dance?  “I thought you were going to tell me that I looked ridiculous,” you confessed.
Scotty’s eyebrows shot up his forehead. “Now why in heavens would I do that?” He exclaimed.
“I mean…I probably did look ridiculous flailing around like I was,” you said.
Scotty laughed. “You looked nothing of the sort. You…you were incredible! You dance beautifully, hell McCoy and Kirk didn’t even recognize you until I told them today. We thought you were a spy.”
“A spy?” You shout in laughter.
“You have to admit you looked a lot different last night.”
You chuckled and nodded. “I certainly did.”
You two stood in silence for another moment. “Why would you think I wouldn’t dance with you?” You asked.
Scotty sighed, “It was a little foolish of me. I’m so much older than you are—“
“Not by that much,” you cut in.
“But still old enough. I thought you were repulsed by the thought of it. I should have known better,” he said.
“Scotty, I would have very much liked to have danced with you had I not run away,” you said placing a hand on his cheek.
He put his hand over yours, rubbing it slightly. “________ I believe we both are foolish.”
You nodded in agreement your eyes captured in his gaze.
“I—also was going to tell you something last night.” Scotty said hesitantly.
You nodded for him to go on.
“Seeing you dancing there—every time I see you as a matter of fact—I get so overwhelmed in your beauty. That day you first came into engineering you were just a ray of sunshine without saying anything. Then you finished those wires and talked to me and I thought I was going to pass out. You talk about the Enterprise like she was your child and I know you can’t see the way your eyes light up when you talk about her but I do and it can make even Klingons blush. You can imagine what it does to my heart.” Scotty paused to take a breath and you could feel your heart racing.
“_________, I know this might be wishful thinking but I need to tell you that I like you. That I am falling head over heels for you. And I don’t intend on making you feel uncomfortable in any way regardless of how you answer my question. If you want to just be friends and never speak of this again I will. If you want me to leave you alone for the rest of our time on the Enterprise together I will. I just want to ask if maybe you would like to go out with me?”
Your breath hitched head absolutely spinning with every word he said.
“Scotty,” you began. “I would like it very much if you would kiss me.”
A chuckle of relief escaped Scotty as he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you in for a gentle kiss. It was neither long nor short, just enough for the two of you to lose yourselves in each other’s touch of your lips.
You both pulled away, light blushes on your cheeks.
“I would love to go out with you Montgomery Scott,” you told him.
Scotty was so overjoyed that he let out a boisterous laugh and hugged you, lifting you a few inches off the ground.
You laughed, body feeling like it weighed only feathers.
“Would you like to go on a date right now?” You asked boldly. “I was thinking about going to the dance club again.”
“Now how could I pass up dancing with the most beautiful woman in the universe?” Scotty said, pecking your cheek.
You blushed, realizing you would never get used to being showered with complements. “Wait here,” you said. “I’m going to change.”
“You could always change right here.” Scotty joked, laughing as your face turned crimson. “I’m teasing you. Go ahead and get ready.”
You shook your head and grabbed your dress of your bed. “Go ahead and sit down. I’ll be right out.”
Scotty sat down and waited in anticipation. He took in all the details of your hotel room wondering what kind of stuff you kept in your room on the Enterprise. He saw your dress from last night peeking out from your suitcase and he chuckled thinking about the last twenty-four hours. You were his; he was yours even with how ridiculous you both acted.
A few moments later, you poked your head out the door. “Hey Scotty, would you mind zipping me up?” You asked holding the front of your dress up.
Scotty looked at you, mouth open in shock. Your hair and makeup were styled the same way you did yesterday but the dress was different. It was a dark blue glittery dress with three quarter sleeves. The dress was short in the front and long in the back and flared out beautifully. You wore black pumps with it.
“Scotty?” You asked, snapping him out of his trance.
“Sorry lass, you just…you look stunning.” Scotty said as he walked over to you.
You turned and he slowly zipped up your dress his fingers occasionally brushing against your skin, leaving your skin burning where he touched you.
Once zipped, Scotty kissed the nape of your neck making you go weak in your knees. You turned to him and pulled him in for a searing, passionate kiss. His hands pulled you tight, dipping you slightly, and ran them across your back. You ran your hands through his mahogany hair gasping slightly at his desperation. He took that moment to slide his tongue in your mouth increasing the passion of the kiss.
The two of you pulled away after a moment, blushes evident in your faces.
“I do believe you owe me a dance.” Scotty whispered to you.
You smiled and pulled him towards the door. “I certainly do. I believe we have time to finish this later if you want?”
“For you, my love, I have all the time in the world.” Scotty said, squeezing your hand as you led him to the club.
We believe in love, and love saves the day—The Orion Experience
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