#…may have girl bossed too close to the sun
sadaveniren · 4 months
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phoenixcatch7 · 2 years
Minor (potential??) spoilers from pokemon violet:
I just got this game for Christmas, I'm binging it, having a good time, and I'm finding these weird crystal stakes buried in the ground. 'this has a dark and ominous aura around it. Do you want to pull it out?' and I'm like YEAH ACTUALLY I wanna see what happens.
Nothing does. I'm just like 'okay maybe I have to pull them all to get something to happen, I'll keep an eye out'.
But I'm doing all the optional stuff as well, the classes and the teacher confidants (which. Weird but fun) and the history teacher has a bit where she's talking about some old fairy tales.
'oh hey, cool lore! I bet its references to the other games!' I think. It's a story where the old king got given these treasures by a merchant and the next night his Palace burned down in a storm or something. She gets cut off and says she'll finish the story outside of class. Obviously I'm eager to hear the rest so off I pop!
"Turns out these treasures were actually pokemon! They lived amongst the greed of humans for centuries, and when the especially greedy King took them, they broke free and destroyed the Palace! The battle that followed was long and hard, but the top pokemon trainers of the era eventually managed to seal them away, scattered across the land. What do you think?"
Me: *having flashbacks to all the glowing stakes I've been pulling out with reckless abandon*
Teacher: does it sound like a story to you? :)
Me: Um.
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generalllimaginesss · 8 months
I just have this feeling that Quinn would listen to his girlfriend talk drama all day long, but he would give her the most common sense advice and it would make her frustrated. Like , no advice, just ears and the occasion opinion (but only if it agrees with her opinion).
A sweet little something for my fellow Quinn girls :))
Spilling the Tea…or Juice
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There’s many important things that Quinn Hughes was responsible for since becoming captain of the Canucks. Anything from communicating practice schedules to game day pep talks and so many things in between.
While all of his responsibilities were important, he considered being your boyfriend the most important. He was often tasked with being your voice of reason, talking you down from assuming the worse of things and making sound decisions when you felt impulsive.
If he kept a resumé of the relationship between the two of you, he’d definitely add he was one of the girls. He knew every detail that passed amongst the group chat with you and your friends, whether he wanted to know or not wasn’t really a choice that he had the luxury of choosing. You could say he made the decision when he chose to be your boyfriend.
It was a picture perfect Sunday in the apartment that the two of you shared, the sun shining through the blinds, dust circulating despite yours and Quinn’s best effort to clean the day prior. As you chatted away, Quinn poured the two of you some juice that he had pressed himself, his newfound hobby giving him joy along with your presence.
“I have to tell you something that you can’t repeat, okay Quinn?” You said, taking a sip from the glass while swiveling left to right on the barstool.
“Babe, who would I have to tell?” He chuckled, stealing some strawberry slices off your plate.
“So, you know my coworker? The one that got written up last week?” You stole a piece of cantaloupe off of his plate, perhaps subconsciously playing a game of retaliation.
“The one that decided that they didn’t want to show up for work one day?” He questioned for clarity.
“Yes, that one! Well there’s rumors going around the office that he knocked up the boss’s wife and he’s about to get fired. I was told this, but it may not be true…” Trailing off, Quinn’s eyebrows raised in surprise, a sweet smirk accompanying.
“So why are you talking about it if you don’t know if it’s true? Seems like that’s not fair…” His gaze was soft, but teasing. He knew that wasn’t what you wanted to hear.
“Quinn…that’s not the point!” You whined, his smile growing in response, “…what if he did get her pregnant? We need a TV show at work.”
“What if he didn’t, though. What if you talking about it is just keeping a rumor circulating?” His words were frustrating, too true, but not what you wanted. You wanted him to gossip, which he knew, but he was giving you straight facts.
“Yeah, well, that’s not what the girls are saying…”
He walked around the bar towards you, standing behind you as he rested his head on your shoulder. His arms wrapped around your torso, thumbs rubbing along you sides.
“Oh, really?” He whispered against your ear, “What are the girls saying?”
“They’re saying that it’s true.”
“Well that just means it’s facts, then, doesn’t it?” His fingers began tickling ferociously at your sides, squeals quickly followed as you desperately tried to escape his grip.
“Quinn Hughes, stop it!”
“What do the girls say about this?” He spun your stool around as he placed a gentle kiss to your lips, supporting your chin with his hand.
“Mmm,” You said between kisses, “…I think they would say that we should have a second course here on the bar…” You moaned.
You tried to deepen the kiss, but he pulled away, giggling as you whined about it.
“Has anybody ever told you that you suck at spilling tea?” You grabbed his hand, pulling him close to you.
“Well I guess it’s a good thing I drink juice…”
I love Quinn Hughes. That is all.
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chuunai · 9 months
I had an idea for the 100 followers thingy- so like the babies thing but you’re a single mother (maybe teen mom?) and dazai (pm) falls in love with you and your baby :} ps- I LOVE YOU TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF SUGAR 💗‼️‼️‼️
I’m trying I swear TvT
✧˚ · . you’re a virgin and I’m just a meth head - pm! dazai osamu
the new hire at the port mafia interests him. the baby, too.
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summary ⋆ ★ comfort, fluff with a sprinkle of angst, mentions of teen pregnancy, reader and PM! dazai are seventeen, SFW, mentions of a former abusive relationship, mentions of suicide (it’s fucking dazai), happy ending.
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Assistants were something he never cared for much.
They came and go, either requesting to work for a different department in the Port Mafia after witnessing his peculiarities or dying. He hadn’t ever formed any bonds with them. Hell, he hardly knew their names. Dazai preferred to give them childish nicknames such as ‘four-eyes’ for the ones with glasses or ‘baldy’ for the ones who had barely began balding.
No use in actually getting to know them.
All they were good for anyway was organizing his work and making a schedule of meetings and pointless missions he’d hardly follow. And what could they do? Nothing.
Once, he had attempted to get Ango to apply for the job during an outing at Bar Lupin, but that four-eyes declined. So did Oda. Geez, his friends lacked faith in him. Dazai wasn’t that bad of a boss. His subordinates didn’t die that often compared to the others.
Then again, his most recent assistant had died via overdosing. Straight from the Port Mafia’s warehouses, too. Dying of his own stupidity because karma struck him down. The high may have been sending him to the clouds, but he got too close to the sun just as Icarus did and burned—or in this case, vomited—to death. Fun.
A replacement would be needed, yes, but that would involve looking through so many applications and that was boring compared to strangling himself or pulling Chuuya’s hair when the redhead was speaking with Kouyou.
He’d pick irritating the slug over paperwork any day. At least one was fun.
So he just had Mori pick one out. As long as they wouldn’t be a nuisance and knew their place, he didn’t care who it was. Boy, girl, whatever. All ages welcomed. Dazai preferred younger though. The old farts were annoying and so utterly dumb! So when a subordinate gave him a file for his new assistant, he didn’t think anything of it. He always got those for record keeping.
Although this particular individual piqued his interest as his eyes gazed over the information attached.
The age was young—seventeen, same as him. A girl. According to the report, you were previously stationed as a secretary for some lower ranking member. And you’d just joined, too. Only a few blissful months ago. Just barely a baby in the crime world. All dewy-eyed and truly unknowing of the dark underbelly of Yokohama.
Most interesting, though, and the thing that struck his curiosity was the fact that a small sticky note was attached to the last page.
‘Single mother of eight month old girl’
There weren’t many parents in the Mafia, much less teenage ones. Nobody had time to have a baby with the lack of safety. But you did. Someone desperate enough to provide for their child to the point where they joined an illegal organization without even being an adult yet. That took will and selflessness. Something he lacked.
And without having even met you yet, Dazai found himself fascinated by you.
Murmuring your name to himself, he found himself a bit startled at how smooth it rolled off his tongue. He liked it, too. Your name was nice to say.
Tossing the file onto his desk carelessly, Dazai tapped his fingers on the desk, mind wandering once more. If you had a child then you’d probably work your best to support them. You’d be competent enough for him.
Apparently competent enough to the point where you felt like you could handle bringing the baby to the Mafia HQ.
“I don’t remember hiring two assistants.”
Dazai’s voice came out as slightly amused and startled. There you were, standing in-front of his desk while occasionally shushing your…daughter? It looked like a girl, anyway.
“Sorry- her sitter wasn’t available and I-“
His eyes stared at your reddening cheeks—embarrassment and shame, he could tell—as you spoke again.
“I don’t really have anyone to watch her. I’m so sorry, sir.”
Sir? You called him sir? That made him wave his hand a bit dismissively. The only people who called him ‘sir’ were the random grunts and gunmen that served under him. Or people who were scared shitless of him.
“Dazai. Not sir.”
Sitting up languidly, his uncovered eye focused on the baby. Curls of dark hair fell over her forehead while her tiny hands grabbed at your shirt and hair. Funny, he thought.
“And the baby can stay.”
She reminded him of some of the orphans Oda took care of. Especially Sakura. Maybe they had the same name, too. Unlikely, though. She didn’t look like a Sakura, really.
Picking up a pen, he pointed it at you, a small smile on her face.
“Speaking of, may I know her mother’s name?”
He knew it already. But it felt more right if he convinced himself you told him.
“Oh! Yes, uhm, I’m (L/N) (Y/N). And her name,” Tapping your baby’s forehead, she released a small coo, giggling slightly. “is (L/N) Yukirou.”
“Winter baby, huh. I’ll guess, December 16th?”
This was so much fun for him so far. Maybe Yukirou really could be his second assistant. As a joke, of course.
Nodding, you began to ramble on about the baby as he relaxed back in his chair, spinning around and making funny faces at Yukirou. The small child giggled and outreached her fingers to him, probably infatuated by his bandages and messy hair. He didn’t touch her, though. No need to let such a good small thing interact with a person like him.
And so minutes went by. Technically, he should’ve been doling out tasks and trying to kill himself again—he had heard of a technique where one could inject apple juice into their neck and die, but he wasn’t sure it’d work—but it slipped out of his grasp. Maybe it was the fact you two were so close in age. The fact that in another universe you could’ve been classmates fueled this moment. Dazai didn’t really know people his age other than Chuuya, but Chuuya was Chuuya. You were new.
New to everything in this line of business. The killing, the release of morals. Then again, you were just an assistant. You’d never directly be involved with that. Just helping him out with whatever was needed.
Dazai thought that was a smart choice, whether or not you intended for it to be. As an assistant, you’d be safe from the gunfire and outermost threats. More likely to live and protect your daughter.
So caring in a line of work where lives were dispensable.
He wondered how you got there. Not to the Port Mafia—the file told him. But how you took on such a frowned upon job to solely provide for your child. Was the father a deadbeat? Or actually dead? His father was the same. Dead five years into Dazai’s life.
His mother tried her best, but she died too and he slipped onto Mori’s grasp. Hopefully your baby wouldn’t end up in the same situation.
The peaceful moment was interrupted by one of his men who dropped off a load of documents, side-eyeing you before leaving.
Dazai wished you hadn’t turned the conversation back to work.
“Sir, sorry- Dazai-san, would you like me to organize the papers..?”
Why did he forget that you were just an assistant of his? The medication must be making his mind woozy again.
“By date and incident, yep. Also, if you see any that mentioned a Chuuya, please throw them out. Or burn them. Preferably the burning part.”
His office was always to be kept rid of that ginger.
“On it.”
And so he doodled a noose on the wood of his desk while you slowly put the papers away. It soon became clear to him that Yukirou was making the job a tad difficult by trying to grab at the papers.
A slight idea of letting her crawl loose in Mori’s office and destroying it entered his mind, but it quickly left.
“Y’know, if she’s being a devil, I can play with her for a bit. I swear I’ll be good!”
The words left him before he could really process them. Next thing he knew he was wearing the baby carrier with tiny fingers pulling at his shirt. Instructions poured from your lips as he nodded and patted the baby’s back.
“I’ll kill you if anything goes wrong.”
He couldn’t help but laugh at the sound of that. You? Kill him? Never going to happen. Unless it were a double suicide, but you probably wouldn’t say yes.
And he replied when the slight fear in your eyes registered after remembering that he was your boss in the Mafia.
“If course, cutie. I give you permission to kill me if theoretically anything goes wrong.”
Dazai made sure to sneak a peek at your reddening cheeks before leaving his office with the baby strapped to his chest and tugging at his bandages like a little snake.
That’s how it all started. A boy and a girl who happened to have a baby.
He’d never regret how months went by as you two became closer and closer. Joking around, complaining about work, all the stuff friends did. Hell, Dazai even watched Yukirou sometimes.
Thank god Chuuya wasn’t there to see him watching children’s cartoons on your couch with a baby in his lap and a stuffed animal in the other.
Or how he insisted on covering some of your rent when you were struggling. Yukirou needs a home, after all. He sees himself in her a bit. And he didn’t want her to turn out like him. If he couldn’t change his own life for the better, he’d change hers.
And yours.
Much better than that dickhead that fathered Yukirou. You told Dazai about it one night when he stayed over after babysitting once more. Yukirou was napping in her nursery, and you two were sitting on the couch just talking.
Talking turned into sharing details of your lives, and he came up. Your old flame who ditched you. Breaking a promise that he’d be there for the baby and you. Dazai was silent all throughout it. Quiet when you spoke of the emotional abuse and stress that you had, quiet when you began crying over the fact you never got to graduate high school.
He was just there, daring to awkwardly rub your back as you vented. He wondered if you had talked about it before. Probably not.
Dazai felt like he too needed to share a story of his childhood too in exchange for yours. So he told you about the poor neighborhood he grew up in and the horrors he saw daily.
Did it lessen the impact of your venting? Most likely, but in his opinion, he was trying to show you that he trusted you now too. He assumed it worked when you fell asleep on his shoulder. He took care of Yukirou when she woke crying an hour later. He would’ve been a much better father than that bastard.
It didn’t help either that Yukirou began to see him as her daddy. He was there when she turned a year old, gifting her all sorts of things. Scolding her when she nibbled on his hands. Doing nearly everything a dad would.
Even when she managed to say ‘mama’ and ‘dada’ for the first time, it was when all three of you were in the room together. In her tiny mind, it was her family. Her mama and Dazai—her papa. Oda congratulated him for becoming a father when you came along one day with him to Bar Lupin.
It didn’t live up to Chuuya’s reaction when he first heard one of his guys call Dazai a doting father. The shortstack had gone up to him asking if he really was Yukirou’s dad—rumors went around at HQ quickly—and Dazai had to sadly reply that he wasn’t. Sometimes he wished he was. Months of time with you led to nights in bed where he dreamed of a universe that he was really the dad. That Yukirou had his brown eyes instead of her dad’s blue ones.
It wasn’t fair.
Nor were his growing feelings.
Dazai was smart. A genius thinker and planner. So of course he noticed how his heart began to rapidly beat around you. The sweating of his usually cold hands.
He’d had crushes in the past, sure. But it didn’t equate to this. Such a strong connection only made it worse. Was it wrong his Google history lately was filled with questions about confessing to and dating a single mom?
Did you even like him back?
That question couldn’t be answered by anyone but you. It scared him. You probably didn’t. Not as more than a brother, anyway. His suicidal ideation and tendencies scared off any woman who wanted more than sex. But he probably wouldn’t be living long anyway. So he’d have to shoot his shot eventually.
Which he did after another five months of consideration and thought. Dazai committed this act by simply asking you to sort out some notes for him. A total of eight. Each one had a single word on it. If you correctly put them together, it spelled:
‘I like you. Do you like me back?’
Much to his relief and shock, you did. You did, and he had hugged you so tightly. Tightening their bond, too.
So he became your boyfriend. And he wore the title of ‘dad’ to Yukirou gladly. The little girl saw him as her papa, and he couldn’t deny it. Even if it wasn’t biologically, she was his. And yours.
Dazai’s life used to be mundane and slow, yet with his new…family, he felt genuine happiness for once. A reason to live.
That was the greatest gift he could receive of all.
Regular Tags: @twst-om-lover, @xxcandlelightxx, @sinfulthoughtsposts.
Tags for everyone who interacted with this post (it’s over 100): @walking-simp, @hypocritic-trash-baby, @heartsfourdazai, @cheriiyaya, @depressed-monarch, @nyxt0t, @baby-tini, @h0nk3rs, @internet-angell, @cupidszvlvr, @owosamu, @my-dear-melancholy, @dazaibae, @nekomafumafufan18-blog, @cvsmois, @lizsano, @nanamiinto, @inojuuy, @reomarys, @mayanakahara, @briiscoolig, @maislovebot, @syona-sachyo, @xieqq2, @angelof-darkness, @moriiko, @fuckthisfuckingshit, @daushu, @wrynue, @amnda-ft-fyodor, @rain-alucard, @hanayoshiii, @moemoekunn, @thatwasa, @miiiloo, @probablyzombiedinosaurs, @mauviese, @chips-and-vinegar, @https-dazai, @rragudoru, @leyla3x0, @cheetozai, @jillyfsh, @rylerboi, @linaaeatsfamilies, @zorizoras, @onlinewhisper14, @komicoral, @anim3-simps, @theoddsinner, @caayye, @scaramow, @such-a-silly-little-gy, @bunnybs-stuff, @psychiclovecollective, @sleepy-yumi516, @fromjas, @suzurans-world, @mrstengenuzui, @mitislm, @tealover111, @edgarallanpoeswifey, @baby-tini, @yaz4luvv, @deliciouscandysalad, @isrealityevenreal, @briefcreationcandy, @astr3eaa, @underscoredaniii, @nolongerhooman, @notalooo, @ratinawetsocksweater, @tomiroro,
Rest in comments I’m crying now also if your tag is white it’s because you didn’t pop up when I was doing the @‘s
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peavhyshy · 11 months
𝗥𝗜𝗗𝗘 𝟰 𝗠𝗘 (oneshot)
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Pairing: Boyfriend!Rafe Cameron x Innocent!Pogue!Reader
Summary: In which you working as a waitress at the Country Club where Rafe and his wealthy Kook friends spend time at and he gives you a ride home after your shift.
Warnings: strong language, smut, dubious consent, fingering, oral sex, power dynamics, corruption/innocence, hair-pulling, degradation, rough sex, unprotected vaginal sex, exhibitionism, lose of virginity, possessiveness, orgasm denial, car sex
Words: 2,614
Outer Banks Masterlist | Main Masterlist | RIDE 4 ME (song it's based off by chxrry22)
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The sun beat down on the perfectly manicured lawn of the Figure Eight Country Club. Rafe lounged in a cushioned chair on the patio, leisurely sipping an ice cold beer as he watched the other Kook teens splashing around in the pool. His eyes, however, were focused on you making your way between tables, carrying a large tray loaded with drinks and appetizers.
"Well hello there, gorgeous," Rafe called out as you approached his table. You rolled your eyes but couldn't hide your smile.
"I'm working, Rafe," you replied, setting down the empty glasses from the table next to his with a clatter.
"Come on, you can spare a minute to chat with your favorite Kook," Rafe said with a charming grin. He reached out to gently touch your arm. You sighed but relented, sitting down in the empty chair.
"Only for a minute! If my boss catches me slacking he'll have my head," you replied.
"You worry too much. I'd never let anything happen to you," Rafe said. He leaned in close, dropping his voice to a husky whisper. "Have I told you how hot you look in that little uniform?"
You blushed deeply as Rafe's eyes roamed over you appreciatively. You smacked his arm. 
"I'm just showing my girl some appreciation," Rafe replied innocently. His hand found your knee under the table, squeezing lightly.
You hastily stood up. "Okay, I really need to get back to work now. I'll see you later?"
"I'll be waiting eagerly," Rafe said, as you hurried off, he saw Sarah and Topper approaching from across the pool deck.
"Well, well, if it isn't my darling sister and her lapdog," Rafe said snarkily as the pair reached his table.
"Who's the waitress, Rafe? Don't tell me you're screwing around with one of the staff," Sarah said disapprovingly.
"Don't be rude, Sarah. Y/N happens to be my girlfriend," Rafe said defensively.
"Your girlfriend is a Pogue?" Topper asked incredulously. "Isn't that kind of…beneath you?"
Rafe glared at Topper. "Watch yourself, man. No one talks about my girl that way."
Topper held up his hands apologetically. "Sorry, didn't mean to offend."
Rafe leaned back in his chair, glancing over at you. "She may be a Pogue, but she's still hotter than any Kook girl here."
Sarah just shook her head in disgust. "You're hopeless, Rafe." She turned and headed for the pool, Topper trailing behind her.
Rafe watched you as you worked, admiring your cute figure. Maybe you were just a waitress, but you were his waitress. And Rafe always got what he wanted.
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You walked out of the country club, exhausted after a long shift. You were lost in thought and didn't notice the familiar black truck idling in the otherwise empty parking lot. The sound of a car door slammed shut behind you made you jump.
"Hey there, gorgeous. Need a ride?" Rafe said with a crooked grin, coming up behind you. Before you could respond, he wrapped an arm around your waist and steered you towards his truck.
"Rafe! You startled me," you protested, though you couldn't help but smile back at him. "What are you still doing here?"
"Waiting for you of course," Rafe replied smoothly, opening the passenger door for you. "I wanted to take my girl out for a night on the town. Unless you're too tired from work?"
You hesitated, knowing you should probably just go home and rest. But the hopeful look in Rafe's eyes made your decision for you. You climbed up into the passenger seat. "A quick stop for ice cream would be nice," you conceded.
Rafe grinned triumphantly and hurried around to the driver's side, revving the engine as he pulled out of the parking lot. You settled back against the leather seat, glancing over at Rafe's handsome profile. You knew your friends wouldn't approve of you dating a Kook, especially if it was Rafe Cameron, but you couldn't help your growing feelings for the charming boy. And when Rafe reached over to take your hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze, you knew you were willing to give him a chance, no matter what anyone else thought.
The night breeze felt refreshing as you guys cruised along the coast with the windows down. Rafe drove with one hand on the wheel, the other still clasping yours. You shyly shifted closer on the seat until your thighs were touching. Rafe gave you a heated look. "I've been thinking about you all day, you know," he murmured.
You blushed, heart fluttering at his words. You weren’t used to male attention, but something about Rafe made you feel excited rather than scared. "Me too," you admitted softly.
Rafe's hand left yours to trail lightly up your leg. "I don't think I can wait for ice cream. I need you now," he said roughly, blue eyes dark with desire.
Your breath caught at the intensity of his gaze. You knew you should stop this, but the swirl of emotions inside you left you powerless to resist as Rafe's hand slid higher…
Rafe's eyes darkened with lust as his hand slid higher up your thigh, his fingers dancing along the hem of your shorts. You gasped softly at the intimate caress, both nervous and excited by his boldness.
"We shouldn't do this here," you whispered, your cheeks flushed as you glanced around the shadowy coast road. You were alone for now, but anyone could drive by.
Rafe just smirked, edging his fingers up under your shorts. "Come on, baby. Don't you want to have a little fun?" he murmured, stroking along the edge of your panties.
You squirmed, both scandalized and aroused by his actions. "Rafe, please, not here," you pleaded, even as your body seemed to melt under his skillful touch. You couldn't believe you were letting the cocky Kook take such liberties, but you were powerless to resist him.
Ignoring your protests, Rafe continued teasing you through the thin cotton barrier of your underwear, feeling wetness gather under his fingertips. "That's it, just relax," he purred. "You're so fucking sexy, I need to make you feel good."
You whimpered, legs falling open to give him better access despite your misgivings. Rafe took full advantage, slipping his fingers under your panties to stroke along your slick folds. You jerked and moaned at the direct contact, the lewd wet sounds audible in the confines of the truck.
"Rafe!" you cried out, unable to hold back as he relentlessly stimulated your body. Your hips rocked uncontrollably, seeking more friction from his talented fingers. You were embarrassed by how easily he could undo you, but the pleasure was too intense to resist.
Rafe's eyes blazed with possession as he watched you surrender to him so sweetly. "That's right, I've got you now," he grunted. He finally withdrew his hand, leaving you squirming and unsatisfied.
"Please," you whimpered, beyond caring how desperate you sounded.
Rafe smirked, sucking your juices from his fingers. "All in good time, baby. But first, I think it's time for your mouth to please me for a change."
You looked at Rafe with innocent confusion in your eyes. "What…what do you mean?" you asked uncertainty.
Rafe smirked, enjoying your naive response. He unzipped his shorts, freeing his hard cock. Your eyes widened in shock and you instinctively tried to look away, but Rafe grasped your chin firmly, forcing you to meet his heated gaze.
"I think you know exactly what I mean, baby," he purred. "Be a good girl and put that pretty little mouth to work pleasing me."
You trembled, unable to tear your shocked gaze away from Rafe's erection. You had never even seen a penis before, let alone done anything sexual. The lewd suggestion made your cheeks burn with embarrassment.
"I…I've never…" you stammered, shrinking back against the passenger door.
Rafe's eyes darkened. "There's a first time for everything, princess," he snarled. "Now get over here and suck it. I know you want to be my good little slut."
You recoiled at his crass words, even as a secret thrill ran through your. You knew you should refuse, but something about Rafe's commanding, dangerous presence made resistance impossible. Timidly you leaned over the center console, hands shaking as you wrapped your fingers around his rigid length. Rafe groaned in satisfaction, tangling his hands in your hair.
"That's it baby, just like that," he encouraged roughly as you began to stroke him awkwardly. Precome beaded at the tip and Rafe used it to paint your plush lips, coaxing you to part them. Your eyes fluttered shut as you accepted the salty fluid on your tongue, the musky male taste overwhelming to your innocent senses.
Heart pounding, You took the head of Rafe's cock between your lips. The Kook boy groaned loudly, bucking his hips to press deeper into the heat of your mouth. You gagged slightly but kept sucking, eager to please him even as the lewd act made you blush. You were in over your head, but there was no turning back now.
You fumbled awkwardly with your first attempt at pleasuring Rafe, cheeks flaming with embarrassment even as arousal coiled hotly within you. Rafe groaned lustily at the feel of your soft lips wrapped around him, his fingers tangling almost painfully in your hair as he guided your movements.
"Come on baby, you can take more than that," he grunted, bucking his hips to push deeper into your mouth.
You gagged, eyes watering as the blunt tip hit the back of your throat. Rafe held you there a moment, reveling in the tight wet heat enveloping him before letting you pull back gasping.
"Sorry princess, guess I got a little too eager," he chuckled without remorse. You caught your breath, wiping at your teary eyes. You should stop this insanity, but one heated look from Rafe had you leaning back in, determined to pleasure him properly this time.
Under Rafe's rough tutelage, You soon adapted to the rhythm he set, lips gliding slickly along his rigid length. The musky taste of precum flooded your senses, making your head spin dizzyingly. Rafe's bitten-off curses and the clench of his fingers in your hair let you know you were doing well.
"Fuck yes, just like that," he rasped, eyes smoldering as he watched his cock disappear repeatedly into the your sweet mouth. You flushed with pride at his reaction, abandoning your inhibitions to suck him harder, flicking your tongue teasingly over the weeping slit.
You could feel Rafe swelling and pulsing on your tongue, his thighs tensing as his climax approached. Suddenly he wrenched your head back, leaving you gasping.
"Did I say you could make me cum yet?"
You stammered out apologies even as your body thrummed with unfulfilled need. Rafe cut you off with a searing kiss, plunging his tongue into your mouth as though to taste himself on your lips. When he finally released you, your head was spinning, panties soaked through.
"Please Rafe," you whimpered, no longer caring how desperate you sounded. "I need…"
Rafe's eyes flashed victoriously. "I know what you need, baby," he purred, hand sliding back up your thigh possessively. "Don't worry, I'm going to give it to you."
Rafe smirked triumphantly as you whimpered and squirmed beside him, your innocence only making the prospect of corrupting you even sweeter. His fingers slid back up your thigh, hooking into your panties and tugging them down insistently.
"Lift up, baby," he commanded gruffly.
Cheeks flaming, you obeyed, raising your hips so Rafe could strip the cotton barrier away. The cool night air on your exposed, slick flesh made you shiver, thighs clenching together reflexively. Rafe drank in the sight of you, bare and vulnerable before him,
"So fucking beautiful," he rasped, grabbing your knee to force your legs open again. You gasped as he trailed a rough fingertip along your sensitive folds, gathering the evidence of your arousal. "This is all mine now, isn't it?"
You could only whimper and nod helplessly, lost in the overwhelming sensations as Rafe's talented fingers stroked and teased you. Your hips rocked desperately, seeking more friction as he purposefully avoided where you needed it most.
"Please Rafe…" you keened, you were his now, to use as he wished.
Rafe's eyes flashed with dark satisfaction at how easily you submitted. "Since you asked so sweetly," he purred, finally pressing two thick fingers into your tight pussy.
You cried out, back arching off the seat at the intrusion, inner muscles clenching around the thick digits. The sounds of Rafe's fingers pumping into your naive body echoed obscenely in the confines of the truck. His mouth descended on your neck, sucking a vivid mark into the sensitive skin. You shuddered, clutching at his shoulders as he claimed you so completely.
"That's it baby, cum for me," Crooking his fingers just right, he sent you spiraling over the edge with a sharp cry. Your whole body spasmed, inner walls clamping down hard around his fingers. Rafe groaned as he imagined that tight clutch around his cock instead.
As you trembled through the aftershocks, Rafe gently stroked your hair back from your face. "Such a good girl," he praised, pressing a surprisingly tender kiss to your forehead. You curled trustingly into his embrace, spent and satiated for now. But you both knew this was only the beginning.
After letting you rest for a few minutes, Rafe pulled you into his lap, his arms wrapping around your frame. You gasped as you felt his hard cock pressing insistently against your core.
"I want you to ride me, princess," Rafe growled into your ear, nipping at the soft skin of your neck. His hands gripped your hips, grinding you down onto his erection.
You whimpered, torn between apprehension and need. You knew this was wrong, but your body craved the fulfillment only Rafe could provide. Timidly you began to rock your hips, rubbing yourself along the rigid contour of his cock.
Rafe groaned approvingly, one hand sliding up to palm your breast through your thin top. "That's it baby, get yourself nice and wet for me," he rasped, tweaking your nipple roughly.
You cried out, back arching into his touch even as you continued your hesitant movements. You could feel your slick arousal soaking through the fabric separating them.
"Please Rafe," you finally gasped out. "I need more." your plea seemed to break the last of his restraint. He pushed your shorts aside, before thrusting up into your untouched entrance.
You saw stars, a scream of pained pleasure tearing from your throat. Rafe gave you no time to adjust to the intense stretch, gripping your hips tightly as he immediately started pounding up into you. "So fucking tight," he bit out through clenched teeth.
You could only cling to his shoulders, lost in the overwhelming sensations. The initial sharp sting faded to an aching fullness that somehow felt so right. Rafe guided your movements, using your body ruthlessly for his own pleasure and pushing you rapidly towards a shattering climax.
When he finally spilled inside you with a shout, the feeling of his hot release triggered your own orgasm. You convulsed around him, whimpering his name. Rafe held you close through the aftershocks, stroking your hair tenderly.
"That's my good girl," he praised, brushing a soft kiss over your sweat-slicked temple. You burrowed into his embrace, a sense of belonging settling over you even as guilt pricked at the back of your mind. You knew there was no going back from this life-altering line you had crossed, but you prayed it would all be worth it for a chance at love with the Kook boy.
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cactus-cuddler · 3 months
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝑺𝒑𝒚 𝒔𝒆𝒅𝒖𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 // second part
Natasha Romanoff
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x female reader
Here you can find the first part!
Word count: 3,2k
Plot: you and Natasha are two spies who have worked together for many years. During these years, a particular chemistry has arisen between you that will make something emerge that you couldn't have foreseen
Genre: Romantic Erotica
Warnings: this story contains descriptions of sexual activity
Author's note: I remind you that English is not my first language so sorry for any errors you may find in the text!
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“We have a new mission,” Natasha announces, her eyes on you. You still feel out of breath, a sense of dissatisfaction lingering inside you. She finds you absolutely adorable, especially because it's all thanks to her that you're now in this state.
With every mission, you always risk your life to save innocents, and lately, you've been wondering if it's worth continuing. Every time you return home after days of fighting and killing, you ask yourself, "Am I doing the right thing?" You think about it with every new mission but always end up starting again without reaching a conclusion.
“Should we go to the boss now?" you ask her. Before each mission, your boss sends someone to the home of one of the spies with a code phrase to announce a new task. The phrase is, "Do you have some salt for my zucchini soup?"
“Yes,” she answers and opens her closet to take out some more suitable clothes for the occasion. She undresses in front of you, showing herself to you again. You stare at her as she shamelessly changes, watching how her buttocks move as she pulls on some black panties. She turns to you and smiles.
"Feel like picking my lingerie today?” she provokes you. You unexpectedly say yes and walk over to her closet, looking at the intimates she possesses. You choose a transparent lace thong and a bra that are also transparent enough to show her nipples. You didn't think Natasha owned underwear like that; you saw her as one for sports bras and comfortable panties.
“Would you like to help me slip into these?" she asks, and you feel a tingling between your thighs. You accept the challenge without hesitation. You carefully remove the panties she had previously worn and help her put on the ones you chose, making sure the fabric between her buttocks doesn't bother her. Then you put on her bra, which covers her breasts perfectly, giving her a good cleavage.
“Let me help you too," she whispers and retrieves your underwear and clothes from the kitchen. After putting on your underwear, she gives you a playful spank, making you jump and a surprised scream escapes your lips.
“You were lucky they interrupted us; otherwise, you wouldn't even be able to stand up," she whispers two centimeters from your lips, placing a chaste and delicate kiss there, different from the ones you exchanged less than ten minutes ago.
To get to your boss' office, each spy's room has a button behind a painting that opens a slide to take you directly to the front of his office. It's on an underground level, illuminated mainly by artificial light since the sun's rays cannot reach it. His secretary welcomes you warmly, looking Natasha up and down. She notices this, winks at her, causing the woman to blush. You think it's the Natasha effect that has power over you too. The woman is tall, with long slender legs wrapped in a long skirt, perfect, well-groomed black hair that reaches her mid-back, and a pretty but sensual face. If Natasha has a prototype girl, it's definitely that, and you feel helpless in front of her beauty, with jealousy hitting you like an arrow. The woman opens the door for you and then closes it again, positioning herself in front of it while you and your colleague sit in front of your boss.
The walls are white and immaculate, looking freshly painted. It is furnished in an ancient Greek style, giving it an epochal but elegant atmosphere.
“This is a dangerous mission," he warns you. The man in front of you is tall and powerful, with a handsome and well-groomed face without the shadow of a beard. He has penetrating green eyes and is very attractive. It's hard to believe that a dense spy network is controlled by him.
“If it wasn't dangerous, you wouldn't have called us," Natasha replies in her usual seductive voice. Something about her makes you feel attracted in an unorthodox way, and you can't repress it. The moment you shared continues to reverberate in your mind, and now that you are more clear-headed, you are thinking about the consequences of how you feel about each other. You are afraid that there are feelings beyond sexual attraction, only on your part. Because yes. You are not only attracted to Natasha sexually but also spiritually. You need her, and you need her body. It has a strange effect on you, an effect that she shouldn't have on you.
The man explains what you have to do, step by step, recommending you not to reveal your identity even under torture or to an apparently innocent child. You have to head to Hawaii, where a woman is hiding, and you have to find her and neutralize her. It doesn't matter how, but you have to eliminate her. Her name is Nicole Jamisson, she is forty years old and was a former spy. She's selling top secret information to people not authorized to have it and now she's taking a vacation. Her last vacation in her entire life, you think.
You continue to look at Natasha, being careful not to let her see you. You observe how her hair moves with her head, how her lips move, and you carefully watch the movement of her hands. She notices you, catches your gaze, smiles at you, and you feel something inside you warm up. You immediately look away toward the perfect walls of the office.
You are ready to leave immediately after your boss shows you a photo of this woman, but you don't understand how it can be useful to you. She will surely have changed her appearance to avoid being easily found, but this won't stop you.
The flight is scheduled for early tomorrow morning, and you and Natasha have agreed to go shopping for some cute swimsuits and warm weather clothes together. One thing you love about your job is the expense reimbursement. You can go shopping pretending you need it for the mission, and they will reimburse it! It's not the first time you and Natasha have gone shopping together before a mission; it's now a tradition of yours.
You are in a large shopping center; everything you can imagine you could definitely find here. From food to objects. Inside, divided into three floors, there are many famous brand shops but there is no shortage of more humble shops. Each shop is decorated according to the type of goods sold while outside them the dominant colors are beige and green. There are soft armchairs in which the fathers of the family wait for the mother to finish and there is the smell of good food in the air. From ice cream to hot crepes to pizzas and sushi. You already know in your mind what you need to buy and, having come here many times, you know exactly where to find it. First visit to an underwear shop to buy some costumes. You can't go to Hawaii without having a nice one!
While looking at some costumes that might look good on you, you notice Natasha lost in thought. She is carefully looking at a costume, and you think she is debating whether to take it or not, so you decide to help her.
“That swimsuit would look amazing on you, don’t you think?," you tell her. It's definitely not her style, but it would suit her.
"Imagining you in that… pretty distraction," she says seriously, as if the most perverse thing ever had not come out of her lips. You flush and feel embarrassed because you're not alone. There are other people walking around the store who might have just overheard what Natasha told you.
You finish shopping, each with three bags full of things. You were lucky enough to have caught a day of sales with discounts of up to 70%. You greet the condo concierge, who welcomes you with a broad smile. He's definitely a spy placed to keep the common people safe in case someone gives out information about this place, but you're not sure. If you were the boss, it would be one of the things you would want to do, knowing normal people with a family and maybe a cat are in danger. You go up the elevator. There are ten floors in total, so it will take a while to get there. The same air that led you to an intimate relationship fills the elevator, and after a few seconds, you find yourself once again entangled in a passionate moment. Natasha lifts one of your thighs, digging her nails into it. She holds you to her in a possessive way, eager to take you there in that elevator. But it stops, and a woman in her thirties surprises you in that dirty kiss. You break away and say "good evening" to the woman, who decides to come between you with the fear that you might continue doing what you were doing. Natasha looks at you with desire still in her eyes, thinking that it's not exactly her day. You arrive at her floor, and she takes her bags and leaves, planting a tender kiss on your cheek in front of thewoman's prying eyes. You don't give such a sweet kiss to a woman whose body you desire, and upon understanding it, you smile like a teenager.
After a day like that, you just want to throw yourself into bed with your pajamas and your cat and sleep as long as you can before leaving for the mission that awaits you. You can't help but think, "What if I don't save myself this time?" Your thoughts are interrupted by a notification from your phone. It's Natasha.
"How about some pre-mission cuddle tonight?"
"I've always wanted to just hold you close before heading out. There's time to enjoy your company in Hawaii :)
Then you told me that you are always afraid before leaving. I'd like to reassure you a little.”
You don't even have time to answer, and your doorbell rings. You find yourself in front of Natasha wearing children's pajamas, a teddy bear-shaped stuffed animal, and some gummy sweets.
"I didn't want to make you inconvenience me, so here I am," she tells you on the threshold of the door with a smile on her lips.
"I remembered that you were crazy about these," she adds, handing you a bag of sweets, and you let her in.
You go to the bedroom, inside you know and hope that there won't just be cuddles in that bed. You position yourself next to each other and Natasha starts rubbing your arm first.
"How long have you had feelings for me?" you ask Natasha as she plays sweetly with your hair. Her scent envelops you like a warm blanket and you keep your head resting on her chest. Her heartbeat can barely be heard but it beats very softly and quickly. Her feelings are true.
"When I saw you for the first time I was surprised by how beautiful you were. I immediately felt a connection with you, but my gaze seemed to terrify you, so I wanted to avoid intruding into your private life," she explains, her hands moving gently on your face. She makes small circles on your cheeks and that very simple gesture relaxes you and fills your stomach with butterflies.
"You didn't scare me," you reply, filling your mouth with the sweets you love so much. "I was intimidated by your charm and you have a strange effect on me... I don't know how to explain it to you," you add later.
"I'm happy I found the courage to try to make a move with you," she says with a sigh, her caresses becoming sweeter and more tender.
"Natasha Romanoff who didn't have the courage to do something?" you mock her, giggling. To get revenge for your joke, she pinches your cheek.
"Be careful how you speak," she teases you.
"Otherwise?" Your sentence lights a spark in what was supposed to be a cuddle evening. But you're happy with what you just triggered. Natasha reaches inside your pajama bottoms.
"Is this what you wanted?" she asks, whispering in your ear and then playing with her tongue on your earlobe. She starts touching your pussy directly without caring about the fabric of your panties and inserts two fingers. A scream of pleasure escapes your lips as Natasha's fingers fill you. Your body seems created to accommodate her, everything she touches simply sends you on fire. Her thrusts are firm, she doesn't want to give you any mercy. She wants to make you scream her name and make you understand that the only one who can have you is her and only her.
“Have they ever said I love you while they fuck you like I'm doing?" She whispers to you while your slow legs tremble at her thrusts. You just shake your head no and she whispers.
"I love you, kukolka," while you come on her fingers. She puts her hands in your mouth and forces you to suck them so you can taste yourself. "I love you too," you whisper between spasms.
"Let's finish what we started this morning" you plead and she smiles at you smugly. In an instant all your clothes are at the foot of your bed and she is on top of you. You eat your lips as if they were strawberry jelly and in the meantime she stimulates your clit with her fingers. She dominates your mouth so you don't scream from the pleasure you're feeling right now. You feel like you want to take command and position yourself above her, between her legs. Make your intimacy stick together and while she sinks her nails into your left buttock you set a pace that can satisfy you both.
"I didn't imagine you being such a slut" Natasha says between sighs, biting her lower lip. You feel another orgasm about to take over your body but before then you position yourself with your face between Natasha's legs. You sink a finger inside her and lick her clit in the meantime. You're not going to stop until you feel her juices on your face. Natasha gently caresses your head asking for more and you please her until you are filled with her between your lips.
"Fuck, you're killing me" she compliments and then you lie down next to each other again, full of sweat and other sweet liquids and out of breath. You look at each other and smile at each other, complicit in what just happened.
"I really just wanted cuddles" Natasha says between sighs and you make a guilty expression. If Natasha had come there to you you wouldn't have allowed her to go without tasting her and feeling her inside you. With you.
You fall asleep hugging each other, sealing the birth of a relationship destined to last. As you lie there, thoughts about the upcoming mission swirl in your mind. Tomorrow, you will leave for Hawaii to track down Nicole Jamisson. She was once one of you-a spy-but now she sells secrets to the highest bidder. You can't help but wonder how she went from being a colleague to a target.
Would you end up the same way one day? Would Natasha? The thought makes your chest tighten. You can't bear the idea of losing her, not now, not after everything. 'I won't let that happen,' you think, your resolve hardening. 'This will be my last mission. After this, Natasha and I can leave this life behind. We can be together without the constant threat of death looming over us.
With that final thought, you drift off to sleep, feeling more determined than ever to make it through tomorrow-and the many tomorrows after that-alive and together.
The next morning you wake up to the news that your flight has been canceled and your mission aborted. The news that the flight has been canceled and the mission aborted because of the explosion of the plane leaves you petrified. The voice from the newscast echoes in your head as the world seems to stop around you. Fifty people dead, families destroyed in an instant. The realization of how close you were to death hits you like a punch in the gut. Natasha watches you with concern, reading the anguish on your face. Without saying a word, she wraps you in a warm embrace, her strong body against yours, offering the comfort that only she can provide. You stay like that for a long moment, the silence filled only by the sound of your hearts beating.
"You know," you finally murmur, "I can’t do this anymore. I can’t keep risking my life like this. Life is too short. I want to live every minute with you." She looks into your eyes, the green of her eyes shining with understanding and love.
"Me too," she says simply, holding you tighter.
You and Natasha walk into your boss's office, determination etched on both your faces. The white, immaculately painted walls and the ancient Greek decor that once seemed impressive now feel like a facade hiding the dangers of your profession. Your boss looks up from his desk, his penetrating green eyes locking onto yours.
“We need to talk,” Natasha says firmly, taking a step forward. She places an envelope containing your resignation letters on his desk. He raises an eyebrow, leaning back in his chair.
“I assume this is about the explosion?”
“Yes,” you reply, your voice steady but filled with emotion.
“Nicole Jamisson knew about our mission. The plane exploded to prevent us from reaching her. How did she get that information?” Your boss's face hardens.
“We’re investigating. But I assure you, our security protocols are—”
“Your security protocols failed!” Natasha interrupts, her voice rising. “Fifty people are dead. Fifty innocent lives lost because of a leak in our system. And what if they had decided to blow up this building instead?” Your boss's expression darkens, but he remains silent.You take a deep breath, trying to steady your nerves.
“What would have happened if they had wanted to blow up this condo directly? Do you realize how many lives would be at risk, including ours? We’ve put our lives on the line for this organization time and time again, but this… this is too much.” Natasha nods, her hand finding yours for support. “We can’t continue like this. We can’t work in an environment where our safety is compromised at every turn. We’re done.” Your boss leans forward, his hands clasped on the desk.
“You’re some of the best agents we have. Leaving now means giving up everything you’ve worked for, everything you’ve fought for.”
“We’re not giving up,” you say, your voice calm but resolute. “We’re choosing to live. To value our lives and each other more than this endless cycle of danger and death.” Natasha squeezes your hand. “We’re out. Effective immediately.” For a moment, silence fills the room. Your boss’s face is a mask of frustration and resignation. Finally, he nods. “Very well. I’ll process your resignations. But know this… you’ll always have a place here, should you choose to return.” Without another word, you and Natasha turn and leave the office, the weight of your decision lifting with every step. As you walk out of the building for the last time, you feel a sense of freedom and resolve. You don’t know what the future holds, but you know one thing for sure you’ll face it together.
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Let me know what you think and thanks for reading! I remind you that requests are open so if you want me to write you something.
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starsworldd · 1 year
astro observations pt. 11
reminder that readings are open! 💕
take with a grain of salt! only take what resonates
comment below what you wanna see next :)
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🩵 having taurus and capricorn in the big 6 can indicate someone who is very smart and doesn’t take bs (a little bit brisk and direct when it comes to social stuff too)
❤️ cancer and capricorn placements on the big 3/6 tend to have long squarish/oval faces
🩵 capricorn placements are good at songwriting
❤️ another good songwriting placement im noticed is having your 3rd house ruler in the 1st (this using whole signs but ex: lana del rey, britney spears, lorde)
🩵 cancer risings are not just protective, sensitive, etc… jupiter is exalted in cancer so cancer natives are usually pretty joyous and interesting people to talk to too (like sagittarius rising honestly)
❤️ 12th house ruler retrograde = night owl?? or someone who delays going to sleep
🩵 scorpios and saggitarius suns are so similar in my experience and just the signs in general they’re just similar somehow
❤️ 4th house ruler in 7th house can indicate living in pairs when younger? i feel like this is actually a pretty difficult placement for a child just because the 7th house is about equality and sharing and so the child may have had to take on several responsibilities or compromises in order to maintain a peaceful/functional home
🩵 taurus and libra in the big 3 have such aesthetically pleasing faces😭 especially the nose?? but i don’t think there’s any evidence to back up the nose part
❤️ leo and scorpio in the big 3/6 🤝 anger issues + getting-over-emotional-and-acting-immaturely because-of-it issues
🩵 people who have their 8th house ruler in the 3rd can really dread school
❤️ uranus in the 10th or close to mc can be really provocative people especially sexually i’ve noticed
🩵 i’ve noticed loads of famous people have their 5th house ruler in the 11th (using whole signs) madison beer, elvis presley, mariah carey, etc…
❤️ sagittarius risings are lucky but also having cancer in their 8th house is not a pretty placement. a lot of sagittarius risings can have family issues or can struggle to find support from others
🩵 gemini mars are so good at comebacks, they’re so sassy
❤️ leo and sagittarius risings are good storytellers i find, it seems like they have such chaotic lives lol
🩵 sun-uranus people are leaders and can be assertive when they need to be. bosses af
❤️ people who have all 3 modalities in their big 3 can mesh with so many different types of people
🩵 it’s difficult having planets in the 7th because it feels like you see that energy in everybody else but yourself. case and point, i thought a girl was aries sun/rising but it turns out she just had mars in her 7th house lol. astrologers, feel free to tell me what you think about this observation because i’m not entirely sure on how accurate this is to the actual meaning of the 7th house but i think it can def make sense with what the 7th house deals with
❤️ aries moons 🤝 leather jackets
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hope you enjoyed!
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It’s That Rare Type Of Love
Nanami Kento x Reader
(Song Inspiration: P.S. I LOVE YOU by Paul Partohap)
Nanami Kento. A man that no one really knows about. One that is mysterious because they only know him as the CEO.
“He’s probably single,” Gojo said while typing up his report.
“Oooh, and pours himself a glass of whiskey after a long day of work. He seems like the whiskey type,” Geto added.
“That actually sounds really nice to have,” Gojo added. Geto nodded. “Let’s go out for a drink tonight.”
“Okay, that sounds like a plan.” Arms were wrapped around their shoulders. They looked up to see Shoko behind them and Haibara behind her. “Yo! Bar tonight?”
“Sure,” Shoko replied, always down to whatever plan they have. She turned to Haibara. “Honey?”
“Yeah, we can go out,” he said with a bright smile. “Should we invite Nanami-san?”
“Nah,” Gojo and Geto said.
“That’s our boss,” Gojo said. “Who hangs out with the boss?” The three of them shrugged.
Haibara looked at the closed door, where Nanami remains engrossed with his work.
“It be a nice gesture,” Haibara said.
“I’m going outside to smoke. Wanna come guys?” The three of nodded and stood up to walk out the building.
It was a beautiful, fall day. It wasn’t too cold nor too hot. The breeze felt nice from the warmth of the sun. Leaves around them were changing colors. It was beautiful outside.
“I need to find a girl,” Gojo said as he saw couples walk past them. A particular woman caught his eye. “Like her!” You wore a rusty, orange dress with brown heels. You held a lunchbox and looked around.
“Invite her out tonight,” Geto said. They watched you pull your phone out. “After her phone call.” Gojo nodded.
“Maybe she has a friend,” Gojo added. Geto nodded.
“We’ll be ready for cuff season,” Geto said. “Maybe we can bring boss man with us. We can find a woman for him.”
They all nodded, agreeing to finally invite Nanami and planning to ask him out once they return back inside.
“Kento-kun!” The four of them turned around. Their eyes widened to see Nanami walk outside with a bright smile on his face. They watched you skip to him and the two of you hugged.
“Well, Boss man has you beat,” Geto said.
“You think she has friends?” Gojo asked.
“That’s sweet, she brought him lunch,” Shoko said.
They slightly jumped back when they saw Nanami look at them. Nanami whispered in your ear and you nodded. He held your hand and lead you to them.
“Smoke break?” Nanami asked curiously. Shoko nodded, finishing her cigarette. She looked at you and waved.
“Girlfriend?” Nanami shook his head and held your hand up, revealing the large engagement ring and matching wedding band.
“Married?!” the boys exclaimed. You giggled. Nanami nodded and introduced them to you.
“How come we never noticed?!” Gojo exclaimed, slightly sad that he knows that he’ll never have a chance with you.
“I don’t talk about my personal life,” Nanami said then looked at Gojo and Geto. “I may not arrive home alone since I’m not single but my wife and I like to drink some sort of alcohol beverage together.”
“Oh, you heard us.” Nanami nodded.
“If the stand still offers, I would like to join you guys tonight,” he said. “May my wife come?”
“I-I don’t want to intrude,” you said. Shoko smiled and held your hand.
“Please come!” she pleaded excitedly. You smiled.
“Okay! Kento-kun, should I meet you guys?”
“I’ll pick you up, sweetheart.” Seeing Nanami smile warmly at you was such a sight for them.
“Great! Nanami-san! You should spend more time with us! Better yet, I’ll make sure to invite you and your wife,” Haibara said. Nanami blush, another surprising action for the guys to see.
“Kento-kun would love that!” you said excitedly. “I’ve been bugging this grumpy butt to make friends, but I can understand why it would be difficult. Well I shouldn’t hold you all up. It was nice meeting you guys.”
“Likewise!” said the boys. You hugged Shoko and then turned to Nanami.
“Have a good rest of the day,” you said happily. Nanami smiled and leaned down to kiss your lips softly.
“Thank you for bringing my lunch,” he said softly. “You’re going to go shopping?”
“I might as well,” you said. “Utahime’s wedding is coming up.” Nanami pulled his wallet out and gave you his card. You blushed and shyly thanked him. You still prefer him to not do that, but you knew he would make sure you had his card on you at all times if you wanted to shop.
“Get anything you want, sweetheart,” he said and kissed you again. With one last kiss, you waved at the group as you left. Once you were out of sight, Gojo looked at their CEO.
“How’d you win her over?” he asked, curious as ever. Someone so bubbly with someone they find to be too serious.
“High school sweetheart,” Nanami answered proudly.
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amourdivine · 8 months
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Hello, lovelies. I hope you're doing really well this Valentines season and if not, I'm sending you some big hugs! Today, I bring to you a more general-style type of reading. Let's look into how this person views you, shall we? If you liked this reading, please consider tipping me at @ [email protected]! xo ♡
paid readings are closed as of february 2024
none of the images are mine unless stated otherwise!
pick a card masterlist & information
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how to choose your pile.  take a few deep breaths for and look at each and of the piles separately. see which one brings you to a feeling, a place or a memory. take your time and feel free to come back to it later!
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amourdivine | 2021 - 2024 © do not copy, redistribute or edit my content.
knight of swords ✧ the sun ✧ king of pentacles ✧ five of cups ✧ five of wands
This pile feels like you're either in a new relationship or some kind of situationship. Take what resonates for you! Honestly, from what the cards tell me, it will be a little chaotic, rushed and different from what you expected. It's nothing bad, but you may feel like you or your Valentine didn't plan it in its entirety. There may be too many unpredictable events.
You'll have fun, surely. It seems like you may go some place very beautiful and expensive, but it may not fulfill yours or your partner's expectations. I think either one of you may feel really upset about it, like a date gone wrong or maybe some sort of petty argument takes place instead of enjoying one another's company. Like I said, I don't think it'll be necessarily awful, it feels more like a series of unfortunate events taking place and not going according to plan.
If it's an expensive restaurant, you may find the food kind of sucks or, alternatively, if it's a carnival ride, it may rain and you might have to cancel it. Or- maybe your partner gets called at work and you can't spend it together.
There's a feeling of crying over spilled milk, of a lost opportunity. However, this day will highlight what's really important to the both of you - the relationship or perfection? I think both of you will have to weigh in and find a solution or some kind of compromise. It's an opportunity for the both of you to truly prioritize each other and pursue happiness.
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three of pentacles ✧ knight of pentacles ✧ three of cups ✧ the tower ✧ ten of swords
I don't see a lot of romance here, pile two! I don't think it's what you're looking for. You look like you're someone who's recently single and ready to mingle. It's likely you're approaching relationships from a more practical and slower pace, scared to rush into anything after someone broke your heart really badly.
Either you'll work and enjoy the day with your work colleagues (I see people eating candy and treating themselves to all the pink food in the world) or you'll spend it with your friends, partying, going out and clubbing, mayhaps? You seem more focused on your career and friendships than love right now. That's okay! You'll have so much fun, just be mindful of excesses and remember to treat you body kindly.
I don't see you interested in anyone either. I get the feeling you might reject potential suitors over being heartbroken, emotionally unavailable or just... focused on yourself right now. This pile has more of a #girl boss feeling, but not in a bad way or anything. I feel a lot of Earth placements - Capricorn and Virgo standing out the most. It's okay to have high standards, pile two. You don't have to set the bar low just because other people have nothing to bring to the table. Good for you!
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ace of wands ✧ ace of cups ✧ page of cups ✧ nine of pentacles ✧ seven of swords
This pile almost screams "self care" to me. The term could signify wildly different things to each of you, but I see someone planning and enjoying a relaxing, self-indulgent day ahead. Lots of facial mascara, skin treatments, maybe a mini spa day for yourself. You're replenishing your energy this Valentine's day and tuning into yourself, calling your vitality and strength back to you.
You may buy yourself flowers, spoil yourself with an expensive perfume, maybe makeup products or something you've had your eyes on for a while. There's a luxurious feel to it, a feeling of peace and calm. You may spend it somewhere nice - like a nice hotel room or maybe near a body of water, somewhere beautiful and expensive.
This pile feels very independent, but open to love. I think you're sort of.. preparing your life to accommodate love in it. Most, if not all people from this pile are single, but I think you are in a place where you feel ready, with a stable sense of self and in a fruitful phase for a new, loving relationship. I also feel some of you may be polyamorous, for some reason.
It's a very self-loving energy here regardless. I smell roses and chocolate, nice candy, jewelry and I see someone dressing up solely for themselves, putting makeup or perfume on to look and feel good for themselves.
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page of cups ✧ the empress ✧ eight of pentacles ✧ three of pentacles ✧ six of pentacles
You're celebrating love in all of its forms, pile four. This is the only pile where I feel that your relationship status doesn't really matter as much. It's gonna vary very wildly for most of you, but the underlying theme is the same: making room for all relationships to flourish in your life.
I see someone texting their friends, family and loved ones wishing them a happy Valentine's Day. It's quite loving, lighthearted and carefree. You'll also feel the love around you. It gives me Disney princess vibes, when they sing or dance around town and everyone seems enchanted by it, lol. It's very cute!
Maybe you're not really focused on romance or you just love love in all its forms and it seems like it's coming back to you tenfold. I could see someone strolling around town with a big smile plastered on their face. You will likely celebrate in small, but meaningful ways. I don't see partying here per se, but you may grab coffee with your friends or enjoy a heartshaped muffin. Valentine's Day is everyone else's excuse to wear and use all things pink, and I can see you doing that too.
There's a prominent Venusian feeling with the Empress here, like being in love with life and taking this day as another moment to remind the people around you how much they matter to you. You may even give or receive cute Valentine's Day cards.
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amourdivine | 2021 - 2024 © do not copy, redistribute or edit my content.
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Besties I’m listening to the finale while I have the time.
Sam you bloody idiot PICK UP THE PHONE
Celia what plan, what are you going to do
NO Colin FUCK he’s dead Colin I’m so sorry
Yeah Gwen I love you be you fucked up so BADLY
Lena was handling things you now have to deal with all the supernatural bullshit. Laugh while you can your about to have a dead IT on your hands I would say go girl boss but I fear she may have girl bosses too close to the sun.
Archivist on the lift I love that they are getting a lift buddy just you wait
Celia was that a moment of Knowing
What is Sam humming??👀
We want your teeth- bestie you are in the fucking avatar shopping center
Ohhh if it is the TMA Celia I understand why she wouldn’t like doors
Who is the Scottish guy is that Colin no right I don’t think so but I am so shit at voice recognition. This poor guy he had to work the spooky strip mall. But man he is smart, sounds like this universes Joshua Gillespie.
Yeah bribing the taxi man
Oh Oh OH tape recorder I do not know who this guy is. Ohh was that a compulsion. He’s fighting it.
AHhhh the archivist they spoke ahhhh. I love their voice
Bleeding buildings that’s cool but also working a bad job for money that’s so real
Ok ok I’ll do a part 2 later I got work and can’t listen
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choco-pudding · 10 months
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Space Channel 5 Part 2: Sugoku Sugoi Guide Book p. 180-189 (Translations by @lavoszero and myself. Edits and typesetting by myself)
Third Part of the bonus content and first part of the character profiles. Content from this point onward will just be the character profiles.
Edit, 12/13/23: Fixed some visual errors.
Imgur link to all of the Sugoku Sugoi Guide Book translations we’ve done thus far.
Plain text below.
p. 180 Miss Ulala's Changing Room
My Personal Favorites: The Sexy 7
Maybe this is a tad frivolous, but I compiled a list of my absolute favorites among the many outfits that I like. I hope that you'll enjoy this list.
Sexy 1: Total Darkness Miss Ulala Head-to-toe in crocodile leather, it's Total Darkness Miss Ulala. Her hair looks so cool in black.
Sexy 2: Camo Miss Ulala She looks strong but still has that dreamy look. I like the way she poses, so smooth and clean cut.
- Straight Up Filthy Groove Guru 175
p. 181
Sexy 3: School Days Miss Ulala There's a fad for wearing these kinds of outfits. It's not my thing, but she looks great, right?
Sexy 4: Sun Tan Miss Ulala It’s the just the Channel 5 uniform, but it’s a rare sight to see Miss Ulala so sun tanned.
Sexy 5: Shopping Miss Ulala Selected for its unique status as personal wear. Take a close look, there isn't a Channel 5 logo in sight.
Sexy 6: Refreshing Miss Ulala The blue and white stripes are refreshingly fresh. Looks cool and keeps her cool, too.
Sexy 7: China Girl Miss Ulala The China girl outfit! Ehem. It's perfect for Mahjong. Her hair looks so good, I like the way she styled it into buns.
Straight Up Filthy Groove Guru 176
p. 182 Witness List
~A Record of 120 Individuals Who Danced in Purge’s Master Plan to Make the Whole Galaxy Dance~
Concluding this book is a compilation of the known suspects and victims, interviewed by the officers assigned this case. Not all individuals who were abducted are listed, and, in some instances, details were added to the publication without permission. Rest assured, those indisputably involved in resolving the case are registered. Additionally, this book is an accumulation of testimonies from those involved. As such, we are confident in this book’s value as a historical document. It'll be a beneficial contribution to the Space Police Cultural Research Department's ever growing library, as requested by their history experts. –Pine
Mm, well, that’s all the profiles recorded. Below the registration number and the individual's name is the registration location,and below that is the text that appear on the profile screen. Then there’s the notes section. It works like this: you notice how the secret input note for character 002 says "(see 115)" at the end? That means you gotta check out character 115’s profile before character 002 will fess up the details. There are notes on how to receive certain outfits and items, too. Well, I'm outta here. –Texas
Pine · Eastern Galaxy Sector Texas · Western Galaxy Sector
Straight Up Filthy Groove Guru 177
Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota
p. 183
001: Ulala Recording Location: From the start Profile: Channel 5 Reporter. Born May 30. Blood type: B. She may have (inadvertently) saved the galaxy the while giving it her all the other day, but she’s still a rookie. While her boss, Fuse, scolds her daily, she’s dreaming of becoming the best reporter in the whole galaxy! Note: Game Hints: If you talk to her after clearing the main story but before clearing World 2's Report 2, she's tell you that World 2 is now playable and there find lots of new characters that can only be found World 2.
002: Pudding Recording Location: Report 2: After clearing the report Profile: Channel 42 Reporter. Born September 5. Blood type: AB. She has an excessive and intense rivalry with Ulala. Her competitive-fueled destructive behavior is unpredictable. This time, she’s trying to stop Ulala with her new guitar in tow. Da-nan! Note, Secret Inputs: Information for a secret input in Report 5 (see 115).
003: Pine Recording Location: Report 3: After clearing the report Profile: Space Police Chief of the Eastern Galaxy District. Born June 5. Blood type: A. She is a beautiful woman that is accompanied by a theme song, written and composed herself, whenever she appear. She is dedicated to maintaining order across the galaxy. Hobbies include swimming, reading, and space horse riding. She has a younger twin sister named Texas. Note, Item Received: Gives you the green onion item if you check her profile after clearing the first six reports.
Straight Up Filthy Groove Guru 178
Toyota Honda
p. 184
004: Sexy 1 Recording Location: Report 3: After clearing the report Profile: A female space police officer that backs up Pine. Real name: Mimi. Her father, the Space Police Commissioner, inspired her to choose her profession. She's scary fast and can hit a drum 97 times per second if she gets serious about it. Steering the Playgirl is her responsibility. Note, Secret Inputs: Information for four secret inputs in Report 3 (see 113).
005: Sexy 2 Recording Location: Report 3: After clearing the report Profile: A female space police officer that backs up Pine. Real name: Lily. Recently assigned to this district last month and this is her first full-on mission. She loves Pine like an older sister. It may not be apparent due to slender frame but her grip strength is out of this world; she can crush space bricks with just one hand. Note, Game Hints: You can also hit the drums with UP, LEFT, or RIGHT. And, if you go to OPTIONS, select KEY ASSIGNMENT, and assign DOWN to an open button, you can hit the drums with that button!
006: Shadow Recording Location: Report 1: After clearing the report Profile: The Ground Leader of the mysterious dance gang, the Rhythm Rogues. Leads bands of robots in raids across the universe, forcing innocent people to dance and capturing them in transport ships. His over-the-top actions and crimson scarf that flutters without any regard to gravity are big parts of his appeal. Note:
Sweet! 179
p. 185
007: Shadow Imposter Recording Location: Report 5: After clearing the report Profile: A BuffBot utilizing a hologram to transform into Shadow in order to throw Ulala off. Contrary to its purpose, even the subtle differences are surprisingly easy to spot. When changed into this form, he can move quite happily with eight times the usual the speed. Note:
008: Space Michael Recording Location: Report 4: After clearing the report Profile: A Super Star that rocked the galaxy, a Super Dancer that transcended space and time. At everyone’s request, he’s now Space Channel 5 Station Chief, filling the once vacant seat (his predecessor stepped down after being involved in a scandal). He watches over Ulala and her crew. The tension is unchanged. Note, Secret Inputs: Information for a secret input in Report 5 (see 115).
009: Jaguar Recording Location: From the start Profile: Space Pirate Broadcasting Station reporter. He has a history of saving Ulala's life, even did so the other day. This time around, after sensing a new evil presence, this elusive truth seeker hurried out to conduct an investigatory infiltration mission. He hasn't been heard from since… Note, Item Received: Gives you the crimson rose item if you check his profile after clearing Report 5.
Sweet! 180
Up Toyota
p. 186
010: Cloaked Purge Recording Location: Report 4: After clearing the report Profile: The leader of the Rhythm Rogues. 18 years old, Blood type: A. A boy genius who achieved success in field of electromagnetic robotics at a young age. Convinced by his own delusion, he believes that it’s his destiny to lead the "foolish and unhappy masses of the galaxy" to a world without worries (paradise) by forcing everyone to dance. He grew up surrounded by robots. Note:
011: Peace Recording Location: Report 2: After clearing the report Profile: Our one and only Space President. He works hard, day and night, to bring smiles and happiness to all of those in the galaxy. The Song Energy created by his singing is enough to bring tears to even those with the coldest of hearts. Note:
012: Noize Recording Location: From the start Profile: A real jack-of-all-trades, he can do anything from broadcasting music, repairing space broadcasting shuttles, to designing new types of mikes. He mainly gives Ulala technical support. Fuse recruited him from Channel 66 to be Channel 5’s Technical Development Chief without any regard to the other channel. He’s unusually modest and polite. Note, Item Received:
Check his profile twice and he'll announce he's developing a new mic. If you check out profiles 022 and 018—in that order—then speak to Noize again, he'll give you the the Ear of Corn item. After receiving the Ear of Corn and clearing Report 3, he'll announce he's developing an ice cream cone shaped mic. If you check out profiles 050 and 046—in that order—then speak to Noize again, he'll give you the Ice Cream Cone item.
Sweet! 181
Toyota Toyota Toyota
p. 187
013: Evila Recording Location: Report 4: After clearing the report Profile: The newest model of Channel 5’s security robots. These are mass produced copies of the Perfect Reporter Robot, something the former Chief made in order to stop Ulala in her tracks. Thanks to the Michael Chip that Noize installed in them, they’re now reliable allies and dependable dance partners. They patrol the station. Note, Secret Inputs: Information for a secret input in Report 4.
014: Padding Recording Location: World 2, Report 2: After clearing the report Profile: A comedienne who recently added an impersonation of Pudding to her act. She’s 48 years old. She stars in singing and other such shows at the Space Health Center. She dominated Channel 5's 42nd Entertainment Awards. Her talents are vast, she can even do comedy skits in sign language. She has lots of fans. Note:
015: Texas Recording Location: World 2, Report 3: After clearing the report Profile: Pine's twin sister. She's the Space Police officer in charge of Western Galaxy Shopping District. Her motto is "You break the rules, and we'll break you!" She’s infamous for arbitrarily confiscating space bikes left in front of the station. She’s staunchly feared by locals. Note:
Sweet! 182
Toyota Toyota Toyota
p. 188
016: Dancing Purge Recording Location: Report 6: After clearing the report Profile: A more stunning version of Purge, who dances with burning fury now that he's absorbed the dance energy that was sucked out of the audience. Once he starts swinging his hips, it’s all over. It’s a signal that he’s starting to bend dimensions. Note:
017: Space Guide Recording Location: Report 1: Space Symphony · Lounge C Profile: A sexy tour guide from Viscount Travel. When she gets a moment to herself, she can’t help but swing her sweet hips. If tourists aren’t sightseeing, they’re spending their time chatting with her. She collects pennants and key rings from all over the universe. Note, Secret Inputs: Information for a secret input in Report 1 (see 111).
018: Space Granny Recording Location: Report 1: Space Symphony · Lounge B Profile: The retired guitarist and vocalist for the legendary band “Scan Teens.” Despite her age, she’s still down to boogieing all night with some Space Hippies. Her daughter-in-law always warns her not to get involved with those people and to stop being reckless. Note, Item: One of two people involved in receiving the Ear of Corn item.
Sweet! 183
Toyota Toyota
p. 189
019: Money Bags Recording Location: Report 1: Space Symphony · Lounge A Profile: An aristocrat who owns 7 dwarf planets and 16 space cruisers. He was enjoying a secret love cruise when the Rhythm Rogues attacked. Even worse, since his rescue was broadcasted for all to see, his relatives that caught it on TV have been poking their noses into his business. Note, Secret Inputs: Information for a secret input in Report 1 (see 111).
020: Chorus Lady Recording Location: Report 1: Space Symphony · Lounge B Profile: The haughty owner of the Space Office Building. She is a singer at the Dark Nest pub on B-2 of the same building. She is currently on a relaxation tour of the open-air shopping mall. She adores pink cherry pies. Her goal is to snag a tenant that wants to open a delish western-style pastry shop. Note, Secret Inputs: Information for a secret input in Report 1 (see 111).
021: Mr. Dreadlocks Recording Location: Report 1: Space Symphony · Lounge B Profile: An instructor at the Cosmic Music Academy. Popular with students, but considered somewhat problematic by the school president. On his days off, while doing laundry and so on, he watches the clouds drift by on the rooftop while playing relaxing music. Note, Secret Inputs: Information for two secret inputs in Report 1 (see 111).
Sweet! 184
Toyota Toyota Toyota
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chunkypossum · 7 months
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What can I pull out of my ass for a WIP Wednesday update…?
I’m working on so many things that my head is spinning. The current focus is the next couple of chapters of Hel or High Lord so I guess we can start with that. This portion finally has a home in chapter 17!!
This is a snippet of an Azris scene I wrote sometime last year. If y’all haven’t figured it out yet, this fic is just an Azris vehicle and I may have girl-bossed a little too close to the sun with the plot.
Anyway …
Snippet under the cut
When Feyre stepped away from him and he opened his eyes they blazed with amber fire. She was gifting him some of her strength in a final goodbye. Thanking him. For his sacrifice. Some part of Azriel said inside his head. No, no, no this was all wrong. “Come on Az.” Feyre said to him softly before turning and following her sister and the others down the dark cave corridor. Azriel watched them go, unable to resist the pull of Feyre’s power over him and unable, or unwilling to pick up his feet and leave. “Go shadowsinger. Go protect your high lady. Leave them to me.” The fire in his eyes looked hungry. Azriel ignored him. His mouth was set in a hard line. “No.” He growled still not looking at him. His shield holding strong from his position next to Eris. “Your father will kill you when he arrives.” “Or worse.” Eris mumbled. He met Eris’ stare, a flash of terror and sadness washing over both of them. Gone as quick as it came. “Last I heard, you were quite regretting not killing me yourself. I don’t see why it should matter that I meet my end now.” “Eris.” Azriel pleaded, taking a step toward Eris as his shield cracked around them. “GO DAMMIT.” Fire leaped from Eris’ hands as he pushed Azriel back towards the others. Azriel’s shield sputtered out, his limbs growing cold as he watched Eris pour more of himself into his own shield. “Eris.” Azriel, voice laced with pain, watched as two of his shadows twine themselves lovingly around the fire lord’s wrist, dancing up his arms and across his chest. With his eyes closed Eris leaned into them as they brushed his cheeks and wound through his hair. “Azriel.” He started, almost a whisper. “Go.” “No.” His voice was small, cracked and completely unrecognizable as his own. He tried to turn around, run towards Feyre and the others, knowing she was waiting on him but he couldn’t move. Those amber eyes held him prisoner where he stood. “Let me do this. It’s all I can give you.” The quiet resolve in his voice finally broke the spell and Azriel stumbled backward for several steps, filling his stare with the words he couldn’t say. Then he turned and ran. Ran away from the truth he had always denied and the pain that waited for him in it. One of his shadows that had stayed with Eris came racing back to him and whispered to him in Eris’ voice, one last time. “I’ll wait for you,” It echoed, “at the lake.”
Holla at ya boi if you want on or off the Azris tag train :
@talibunny30 @iftheshoef1tz @born-to-riot @pathfinderofnight @fell-in-luvs @fieldofdaisiies @aktrain @honeysuckle-daydreams13 @secret-third-thing @acourtofladydeath @pippsmcgee @youvereachedthenearest-lovergirl
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slashingdisneypasta · 5 months
Dorothy Must Die!Lion x Scarecrow'sFemAssistant!Reader || Drabble
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Plot: What it's like catching the fearsome Lion's attention, becoming his favourite, but also falling under the protection of his good friend.
Warnings: Threatening confession.
*picture there so y'all can see HOW HUGE THIS FUCKEN LION IS- and I assume this picture is from BEFORE he grew big and terrifying.
"And this... "Your boss, Scarecrow, sounds bored as he waives a gloved and straw-filled hand the animal's way, after introducing the Tin Man. "this is my old friend Lion, of course."
Obviously you knew who both of these men (Creatures??) were; you've been appointed the Scarecrow's research assistant for good reason afterall. You knew everything you could learn, and that certainly involved Oz history- in which your new boss, the Tin Man, and the Cowardly (Or not-so-cowardly, any longer) Lion were main figures.
But you let the Scarecrow tell you anyway. Because you're smart, and you know- a man like that? Needs the validation of sharing information others may not be aware of. And you would rather not get on the viscious scientists bad side boss or not.
You give both the Tin Man and the Lion a solemn, respectful nod. "Illuminating to make your acquaintances. I've heard all about your bravery in killing the Wicked Witch of the West by Queen Dorothy's side."
The Tin Man nods respectfully and sensibly back, and he's about to say something as his old metal mouth squeaks open- but the Lion, who's the same height as his two friends on all-fours, cuts in; approaching you and flashing a huge toothy smile down. "Oh, Scare old friend! Where have you been hiding this one?" The Tin Man promptly closes his mouth, a note or irritation in his metal squeal this time, you think. "She's pretty! You're pretty, young lady."
-immediately you go bug-eyed. What?? WHAT?? You're used to the Scarecrow's sensible, monotonous, borderline rude ways; this straight forward compliment is completely foreign to you. Though, you're sure you shouldn't be surprised by his boldness. The Lion is an animal, and animals don't play with subtlty, or pretending. And he is known for his courage these days, you suppose.
"U- um, I- "
"And she smells delicious."
"Wh- "
The Scarecrow cuts you off, with a sigh. "Leave her be, Lion. You're flustering her and I have no use for an emotional research assistant."
"I'm flustering her?" The Lion asks, looking at you with a stern, puzzled look on his face. With a roll of his giant muscled shoulders, he backs up a step. "My apologies."
"No- I- that's okay." You manage, then take a deep breath. "I... take no offence."
Another broad, leonine grin spreads across the big cats maw again. "Oh." Is there a wild, roguish lilt to his grin? Almost a smirk? "Good." He tells you bluntly in that deep voice sounding something like a roar, tail swishing behind him.
A few days later, it's the first time you've been allowed a break from thr Scarecrow's dark room's and the smell of death that fills them other then for meals. The Scarecrow wanted to be left alone, so he sent you to do some reading on cerebrospila fluids, and you chose to do so out in the courtyards. In the bright sun, surrounded by the emerald palaces beautiful gardens.
The Lion seemed to have had the same idea, covering a good portion of cobblestones with his large body sprawled lazily out under the warm ray's; dozing. And you keep sneaking glances at him like some silly girl- allowing your mind to skew from your duties and half admire the monster's muscles as well as half wonder to yourself what he meant by saying that you smell 'delicious'.
Does he want to eat you?? You've heard about his enormous, insatiable hunger, as well as how he enjoys his meals to be alive when he eats them. That doesn't sound particularly good, to you.
But... he also called you pretty. And that's throwing you off.
Before too long, you've only been sitting outside for no longer than 10 minutes, the Lion's deep echoing voice fills your eyes like molasses.
A crackly purr like growling sound escapes from deep in his chest as he stretches a little, muscles rippling under his skin, and his eyes gaze over at you half-lidded. "Nice day, isn't it?"
"Very nice."
"Come over here, pretty assistant."
You don't have a choice, it's the Lion (The King of the Beasts), and besides if you did try to run he could pounce and catch you in no time at all- so you do the smart thing, and close your book and wander over. When the enormous beast just looks at you, his maw pulling wider in a lazy grin, before nodding with his giant head to a spot next to him, you carefully sit down on the cobblestones with him.
After a moment of the Lion just looking at you, either like you're a prime steak or a masterpiece (maybe both), you take a deep breath. "Are you going to eat me??"
"... I want to. I like you quite a bit; you're pretty. If I could I would keep you and nibble off you for as long as I could- days, weeks, months, even years if you were strong enough. And the Scarecrow would just keep replacing your limbs one by one. You could be my favourite." He allows, looking pleased and impressed by your bravery, a roguish and wild lilt to his gorey, sharp smirk. "... but you're my dear old friend's help, and I wouldn't like to put him on the spot like that."
"... oh."
"Scared, little kitten?"
"I- "
"You shouldn't be." He sighs, adjusting his massive paws in front of him and making himself more comfortable. "Trust me, I spent far too long being a coward and fortune favours the brave. I'm King of the Beasts, now."
... "You have a point." You nod, speaking quietly.
"I do."
"Well... I- I should go." You curse yourself for stuttering, for you're still scared, but the Lion looks reproachfully at you. "The Scarecrow will be expecting me- "
Before you can even move, the Lion leans over and drops his heavy head on your lap with a thud; his snout nuzzling into your hip bone. He gives a content yawn, sounding more like a gentle roar thick with sleepiness. "Not yet... "
That makes your eyes widen wide open and heat fill up your chest, and your neck, and your cheeks. "But- I thought- I thought you didn't wish inconvenience the Scarecrow??"
"He can wait for a little while, pretty Y/N. I need you, now."
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pedrostylez · 10 months
How The Crow Flies - pt. 2
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Javier Peña x fem!reader x Frankie Morales crossover
Word count: 3k
Chapter Summary: Javi P clearly is infatuated with you and can’t move past it, we meet Santiago, and a little sprinkle of Frankie
Chapter Warnings and Disclaimers: 18+ only. I am not responsible for what you read on the internet. You have been warned! Locations and descriptions of places may be inaccurate in comparison to each story (Narcos and Triple Frontier). Timelines are obviously different between the two stories, so we are going to meet in the middle and say we are in the early 2000s. These are not necessarily canon characters in regard to how they act, how they treat people, and their current relationships. mean!Javier, alcohol, drinking, mentions of drinking, mentions of sex work, SMUT!!!! car sex, dirty talk, riding, the smallest sweet moment but idk you could miss it, derogatory use of whore, mention of addiction issue
A/N: A little bit of a shorter chapter, but introducing lots of important characters. I hope you like it! Please support by commenting, sending me respectful thoughts, and reblogging. I appreciate every single one of you!
Taglist: @thevoiceinyourheadx @suzdin @survivingandenduring @bariskaplans @inept-the-magnificent @casa-boiardi @paleidiot @darkheartgatita @missladym1981
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The next few weeks kept Javier on his toes. 
He hated the feeling of stakeouts, and even more of undercover. This time around, however, he was not the one doing either. 
Watching you take on those tasks with ease, settling into the role as if you were going around to the corner store to buy a soda, made his skin twitch with anxiety. 
Not even a day after you had agreed to begin staking out for clues to where Lorea’s homebase was, you found Yovanna. You hadn’t given him all the details, claiming it was better that you kept things to yourself until you found out more, and it upset him.
 No, it worried him. 
How was he supposed to keep his promise to keep you safe if you didn’t tell him what was going on?
You forced Javier to rent a small home on the edge of town as a base, living out of it as if you weren’t working with the Embassy. You stopped coming into the office, only calling on a secure line and giving updates when he visited once a week with bags of groceries and a hope to see you naked. 
You were in full undercover mode. 
“I’ll tell you when I have something.” You huffed out, pulling at the strap of the dress as you gazed at yourself in the mirror. “You can’t keep coming here if you want me to be a working girl trying to find clients.”
“I’m one of you clients.” He shrugged, watching your fingers skate down your side. He subconsciously licked his lips. “You need groceries anyways, and I need to have more updates on you to ensure your safety.”
He catches your eye roll as you take a deep breath and nod. “Got it, boss. Do you want me to take notes so that there is a paper trail too? Or would you rather I let each person know that I encounter that I am an undercover agent?”
“Quit sassing me.” He growled, wrapping his fingers around the back of your neck and pulling you close. Your chest pressed to his, stumbling on heels you hadn’t worn in years. “I said I would protect you. Let me.”
“Then let me do my job, Javi.” You bite out, pushing away from him.
Javier sighs at the memory of you so forceful, so annoyed with him as the sun sets, oranges and reds surrounding your figure as you walk down the sidewalk. You’re holding clumsily on to your new found friend, giggling and making lustful eyes at any man walking past. 
You had done exactly what you had been asked, but something made Javier feel queasy watching you lean into this woman like you were too drunk to stand. 
He had to remind himself you were faking it.
Javier closed his eyes and leaned his head back, sweat dripping down his back from the long day of watching you. He thought that he was going to have to assign David to do this, or even Jason. Javier winces at the thought, wanting to avoid asking Jason to keep you safe. He has this nagging  worry that his assumptions about Jason’s infatuation with you are correct, and he doesn’t want to give Jason an opportunity to lay in your bed like he does. 
But if you continued on like this, tempting him at every corner and pushing him away when he asked questions, he wasn’t sure he could keep it up.  
His eyes caught your figure again, standing in line at a bar on the edge of town. You hadn’t looked at him once since he had started trailing you, keeping tabs on you, but he knew that you saw him. 
He hoped you were thankful for it. 
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The music inside of the bar was weirdly quiet, stepping in with Yovanna. She smiled over at you, pulling you along with a stumble and a laugh. “Would you like a shot before he comes?”
You nod happily, sitting on one of the bar stools and adjusting the end of your dress. “What is his name again?” 
“Santiago.” She nods, blood rushing to her cheeks. “He’s been helping the local police some, as a consultant. But don’t worry, he’s not weird about it.” She laughs, sliding the shot glass to you. “He’s a good guy.”
You nod, giving her a wink. “Don’t worry. I’m sure he is.”
She looks relieved as she laughs, wrapping her arm around your shoulder. She gives you a squeeze before turning when she hears the door. 
You look to see as she greets someone, pouring your shot out on the floor behind the bar before she can clock it. You’re uncomfortable, tight clothing and tall heels making you feel like a child trying to walk for the first time and acutely aware that you have a certain someone up your ass. 
This itching of annoyance starts to creep out of you the more you think about it, and the more you notice him parked in his vehicle with his eyes trained on you, but you tamp it down as Santiago looks over at you. “Hi there!”
“Hi,” You say lowly, shaking his outstretched hand limply and with a giggle. Yovanna laughs with you, bumping his shoulder and introducing you. 
“She’s just moved here and I’m helping her find work. She’s well versed in…certain aspects.” She coughs, giving Santiago a pointed look that he immediately nods to. 
“Ah, I understand. Well, you’re in the right place. Yovanna has helped me learn all about how things work around here. She’s the best person to ask.” He says calmly, his fingers pressing into Yovanna’s hips as she giggles. 
You already know that Yovanna used to be a working girl. She was your only contact that seemed like she wanted to help you get what you needed-a way in. 
She had this infatuation with Santiago, as far as you could tell. Even with what she did for work, helping keep the books straight for Lorea and moving drugs in and out of his house, she wanted to stay attached to him. Your only conclusion was that she thought it to be a way out, a way of protection, and you had to give her credit for covering her bases. 
As far as Yovanna was concerned, you were looking for a quick way to make money. And what better way to do that than to be introduced to the richest security guards in Colombia by the girl that used to be the one receiving it?
The talk with Santiago is relatively short, his cell phone ringing soon after and him announcing that he had to run to meet with some friends that were coming into town. A quick press of a kiss to Yovanna’s cheek as a goodbye, a nod of acknowledgement toward you and he is out the door.
“He’s handsome.” You say quietly, shoving her shoulder before motioning towards the door to exit. 
Yovanna had been motioning at patrons for you to attempt to speak to, but you had shook your head at all of them. “He’s very good in bed.” She announces, causing you both to laugh full heartedly before heading out into the night. 
You eye Peña in the same spot as before, plastering on a lazy smile before turning your head to Yovanna. Her eyes are elsewhere, watching Santiago clap someone on the back before climbing into a Jeep. He sends a small wave in her direction, but your eyes are locked on the driver. 
His hat is secured on his head, dark waves curling at the edges as he gives you nothing more than a glance. Arm loose, hanging out of the driver’s side window as he speeds away. You could see the beginnings of a beard, but nothing well kept or easily discernible about him. 
“Must be his friends.” Yovanna sighs wistfully, turning to you and looking over your shoulder. You almost miss what she says, still watching the Jeep curiously. “Looks like you have an admirer.”
“Huh?” You whip your head around, eyes back on Peña. You swallow back the snarl, placing a small smile on your lips instead. “Think I should take him for a spin?”
Yovanna laughs, pushing you slightly in the general direction. “Let’s talk tomorrow?” She asks, raising her eyebrows. “If you’re not too busy with new clients.”
You giggle, taking calculated dizzy steps toward his car. “I won’t be. Call me!”
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Javier sucks in a breath watching you trip on your way over to his car. You’re smiling, lazily leaning against his open window and tilting your head. “Would you stop following me?” You bite, remaining neutral in stance. 
He looks over your shoulder to see Yovanna watching you, smiling himself. “I told you, I would keep you safe.”
“You’re making it so she won’t set me up with the people I need to get your stupid intel.” You say slowly, pushing your ass out to lean into the car further. Running your hand up the path of buttons to his chest. 
His breath stutters, shutting his eyes to recenter. “Get in the car.”
“Fine.” You smile, stepping around the front headlights and dragging your finger over the paint. You slide into the passenger seat, facing him fully and pushing out your chest in his direction. “You have to take me out of city limits so that she doesn’t see that you’re a cop.”
Javier grunts, not giving Yovanna another glance before putting the car in gear and speeding away, heading in a direction he is less familiar with. “What have you got so far?”
“Not enough to share.” You slouch when he’s driven fully out of sight, crossing your arms over your chest. “If you would stop interfering, I would have something already.”
“Who’s that guy that you were watching?” He asks, annoyed with you suddenly. He didn’t appreciate being badgered by the person he was protecting-who he promised to protect.  
You shake your head, scoffing. “How many times do I have to say–”
“Does she know him?” He asks again, turning to face you for a moment before back on the road. He plans to pull off soon, toward a hideout he’s seen teenagers use. 
You roll your eyes. “Yes, she likes him.” You grumble, pushing your hair out of your face and exposing your neck. 
Javier swallows roughly, eyes back on the road. “What does he do?”
“He’s a cop.” You say matter of factly. “I figured you would know him, and it would blow my cover.”
He shakes his head. “I’ve never seen him before.”
You both sit silently, thinking to yourselves on what that could mean when he pulls into the dark dirt road. “I’ll look into it.”
When you don’t respond he glances over, the dark cab and no street lights making only your eyes light up from the buttons on the dash, already watching him. 
Javier finds a spot in the empty gravel lot, looking out into the city with benches and rocks situated for the view. He cuts the engine, leaning back into his seat and closing his eyes briefly. “I’m not trying to blow your cover.”
Your arms loosen, shifting in your seat to better face him. You take a deep breath, resting your head against the glass of the passenger window. Javier’s eyes trail down what is illuminated of your body, stopping at your chest as you say, “Do you not trust me?”
He reels back, eyes flicking up to your face and seeing a knowing smirk. You had caught him, but weren’t mentioning it. “I trust you, I don’t trust them.”
You scoff, throwing your hands up in the air. “It’s part of the gig, Javi.”
“Don’t call me that.” He grinds out, hands clenched into fists. 
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, glancing at his hands before up to his face. “Why not?”
He sighs, loosening his hands and shaking them out. “This is supposed to be a serious conversation and you are making it difficult.”
You chuckle, reaching a hand out to his knee and giving a quick squeeze before gliding your thumb back and forth. “Oh, Javi.”
He looks down at your hand, soothing his nerves while also riling him up and confusion floods his system. He doesn’t understand how he can both want you, and be pissed at you. He doesn’t understand how he can want to keep you safe–his, and want to push you away from him. 
“You want me to fuck you?” He says lowly, watching as your face flushes red, a small smile being held back. 
“Huh?” He grabs your arm and yanks you over the center console, straight into his lap. “You don’t want to be a whore for others but you want to be a whore for me? Is that it?”
Your surprised look changes to serious, a teasing lit leaking from your mouth. “Isn’t that why you keep following me around, agent? For me to be your whore?”
He winces as he closes his eyes. Instead of answering, his hands dig further into the skin of your thighs, pulling you against him to feel his stiffened member concealed by his jeans. “Lift your skirt.”
Your smile shines, almost breaking him of his annoyance until his eyes trail down to see you lift the hem of your dress, no underwear in sight. 
He gawks for a moment, stunned that you wore nothing at all until he feels your fingers swiftly unbuttoning his pants. Javier bats you away, skin hot under his jeans being exposed to the night air before he looks back up to your center. 
Somehow you are more desperate than ever before, and Javier feels his control slipping; wanting to lose himself in you again and again. Your hips wiggle above him, adjusting to sit properly on him as he holds you up and away from him. 
His eyes can’t look away from you, glistening and ready for him. “Look at that.” He says quietly, almost to himself, gripping at your hips roughly and sliding you against the underside of his shaft.
You whine, nails digging into his shoulders and throwing your head back toward the felted ceiling of his car. Your teeth sink into the meat of your lip, trying to not show how desperately you want this. 
He tilts his hips so the head of his cock catches at your entrance, a sigh of relief leaving you both in unison. Reaching one hand up to the roof of the car, you try to balance yourself and bounce at the same time. 
You’re unsuccessful, groaning in frustration and tilting your head down to watch him enter you over and over, your slick covering his exposed skin. You bite at your cheek, trying to concentrate long enough to get a rhythm back. 
But Javier isn’t having it; he reaches a hand up from your hip, pressing into your cheeks and forcing you to look at him. “Don’t fight it. I want to hear you, hermosa.” He growls out, hips snapping up into yours with a speed he hadn’t yet reached before. 
Your jaw goes slack in his hand, trying to keep your eyes open to watch him as he pounds into you. Tears are pricking at the back of your eyes, his thumb running shockingly sweet circles across your chin while his other hand shifts from your hip to your clit. 
“Shhh, your sweet pussy can handle it.” He murmurs, cooing at you with his thumb swiping fast circles around your clit. 
He forces himself to hold off, watching you fall apart in his hands, around his cock, in the heat of his car. You’ve melted into a puddle, leaning into his hand around your face and fluttering your eyes shut.
The strength of your walls squeezing around him has him groaning, pulsing into you without another thought. 
You puff out a breath against his palm, lightly pressing your lips to his thumb. “I trust you.” You say quietly, eyeing him almost cautiously. 
He sighs, nodding as he pulls you forward, a kiss to your sweaty forehead. “I trust you, too.”
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The patio of the restaurant was cooler than inside, but Frankie could feel his skin melting off of him from the humidity. He had hoped the night air would have helped with his inability to cool down, but he thinks maybe only the beer that he’s sworn to not drink would do the trick. 
Frankie’s fist closes around nothing, the nails digging into his palm to try and ground himself. He did not need a drink, he did not need a drink–
“We can use her, Fly. If I have Yovanna under my thumb like I think I do–”
“She has you under her thumb, Pope.” Redfly snarls, taking a big sip of his beer before slamming it on the table. Frankie flinches slightly, looking out toward the busy street to distract himself. “You’re going to fuck all of this up.”
“Just give it time.” Will mediates, leaning back and cracking his neck. “This new girl will distract them without even knowing that is the point, Pope’s girl will get us in, and then we can get the money and get the fuck out of here.”
The conversation continues, back and forth between Redfly and Pope about whether they should just infiltrate the place and kill everyone, or if they should play it safe. Frankie closes his eyes to try and drown out the noise, reliving the moment he drove away from the bar. 
Your lips parted, shining with gloss. 
Your chest falling out of your dress, smooth skin enticing him. 
Your legs shining in the street lights, calling for him to come closer. 
You were tempting beyond belief, and he knew you would ruin his ability to focus. You would be just as bad as a sip of beer.
He opened his eyes and hoped he wouldn’t see you again.
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Dew, stuck on top of the bookshelves in the library: "..."
Aether, passing by: -stops and looks up slowly- "..." -takes a deep breath- "How did you even get up there?"
Dew, throwing his legs over the side: "I may have ghoul-bossed too close to the sun." -points at the broken skylight- "...Literally."
Aether, panicked: "You fell through the window?? Are you okay?? Holy shit-!" -looks up- "Wait, hold the fuck on."
Swiss, waving from the broken window: -looks behind him-
Rain, popping up behind him: "After you save Dew, can you let us back in through the attic? The latch is stuck."
Aether, looking back to Dew: "...This is why you guys need to invite me on these adventures, for fuck's sake..." -putting his arms up- "Alright, jump down."
Dew: -hesitating-
Aether: "What's wrong now?"
Rain, from above: "He's scared of heights!"
Swiss: "Yeah, Aeth, he's scared of heights!"
Aether: "Then why were you on the roof?" -raises his eyebrows and looks at Dew tiredly- "Hmmm~?"
Dew, points at the others: "Peer pressure." -notices they're gone, hears some noise- "Guys?"
Rain, walking back into view with Mountain: "He's here, too now."
Mountain, waving: "I was eating the moss off the shingles."
Aether: "...This is why the girls don't let us pick the group activities..."
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Interview with a Vampire A Max Phillips One-Shot
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Summary: Reader is sick, a curled up on the sofa while Max is at work, little did she know he'd surprise her coming home early while 'Twilight' is on TV Words: 1962 Rating: E for EVERYONE --Its a lot of fluff- Warnings/Triggers: Max is a vampire, he's kinda of an asshole, but its mostly fluffy, mentions of the movie Twilight, mention of sex and God...nothing really to bad. No mentions of reader descriptions, but it is written in first person from a female.
It's Friday the 13th it felt like a good day to share a Max Phillips story, something I wrote quickly to help get out of my writers block. And thanks to @musings-of-a-rose-writes for reading it before I posted ;)
**Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. **
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The perks of being sick, besides the fact I don’t have to go to work. I get to snuggle into my boyfriend's old Princeton hoodie while having my lower half burrioted in a fuzzy blanket. I’m laying on the way over-priced leather couch that he just had to have. “It’s classy sweetheart, and I am a classy man," he had said when the delivery guys dropped it off in his great room. I’m warm in the little cocoon I’ve created and my eyes slowly close and I drift off for yet another nap. 
My senses start to come too when I feel the fuzzy fabric moving, the feeling of his large hand rubbing the soft fabric up and down my calves that are now draped over his lap. I slowly blink awake, glancing at the wall clock on the far wall, it’s too early for him to be home. The sun has just started to descend. I stare at his sharp profile. The strong jaw, his Romanesque nose, and those pouty lips. Those lips that should be a sin to be able to kiss. I mean, technically they are a sin. He is a sin. He is the definition of sinful. 
I turn my head seeing that Twilight happened to be the movie playing. His eyes focused on the images moving in front of him. He hated vampire movies, always complaining about how Hollywood portrays them. I see the remote sitting on the coffee table, in the same spot I left it. I lean forward reaching for it when his hand snatches it before I can even lift my arm. 
“Now, baby girl…” he says, smirking and raising an eyebrow looking at me, “Bella is just about to tell Eddie boy what he is”
Maximus Phillips, senior sales manager, my boyfriend…and a vampire. Now you see, dating my boss was never part of my plans. And dating a vampire definitely wasn’t on my life BINGO card, but here we are. 
“Max, give me the remote” I sniffle, sitting up and pulling my legs away from him
“But this is the best part” he puts his arm around me, pulling me close, rubbing his nose along my neck before placing a kiss to my pulse point
He is trying to distract me, and god damn it…it’s working. He sucks on the delicate skin he can reach. His hand sliding up my arm, his fingers grip at the material and pull it out of his way. A little nip has me meaning his name. “Mmmm Maaaax”, he nips at my skin again, and I feel him smile. Knowing Max it is probably more of a smirk. His hand slides around my throat, keeping me in place “shit foooooocmmmcus” I think, as I wrap my fingers around his wrist 
“I know what you are”
“What are we baby girl?” Max asks, he sharp teeth grazing against my skin
My free hand grips his thigh, waiting for him to sink his fangs into me. “A vampire…” I say in unison with the movie. 
“That’s right” he presses his lips against my skin
I open my eyes and see remote sitting next to him, I slide my fingers up, lacing them with his.  I run my hand up his thigh, leaning into him more. Hoping and praying that he is still laser focused on my neck. My hand flies from his leg to reach for the remote. Before I can even realize what happened he is sitting on the lazy-boy, remote in hand. Almost teasing me with it. 
“You gotta be quicker than that baby girl” he smirks. Turning his attention back to the movie. 
“Max, please.  Can we just watch something else” I beg 
I watch Max, he throws his head back in laughter shaking his head as Edward sparkles in the sunlight. “This is the skin of a killer” the TV says,  he laughs at that even harder. “This movie is full of lies” 
“Aren’t they all?” I groan. I knew this was going to happen, I didn’t mean to fall asleep. But really this is all his fault, he came home early 
“I don’t fucking sparkle in the sunlight, in fact I don’t know a single vampire that does” 
“Well yeah, because you turn into a pile of dust” I smile at him
“How many bad vampire movies have you seen?” He questions, taking off his dark charcoal suit jacket, setting it over the armrest “I don’t turn into a pile of dust, and I don’t catch on fire either”
“The daylight ring protects that” I watch as he stands, undoing the knot I’m his red tie, and pulling it from around his neck.  He drops it into my lap, walking to the covered floor to ceiling windows on the far side of the room, “Max…Max, what are you doing?” 
“Showing you what happens to me in the sunlight” pushing a few buttons on the wall, the dark blinds begin to rise, letting the setting sunlight fill the room. 
He starts to unbutton his white dress shirt. He stands in the middle of the windowsl, letting the sun hit his entire body.  My eyes are locked on to him. His fingers slowly finish unbuttoning his shirt, “now sweetheart, I want you to watch…” he slides the silver ring off his finger. It makes a clink when it hits the hardwood floor beneath him. 
“Max, don’t…you don’t have to do this” 
I honestly have no idea what is going to happen. I mean he wouldn’t put himself in danger of melting, burning, turning into dust or wax..no wait that’s a witch. He gives a wicked small, while he lets the shirt fall to the ground. I sit and wait, and watch. He’s right…nothing happened. No sparkles, no smoke, no turning to dust. 
“I told you baby girl, nothing was going to happen to Daddy” he smirks.
“Don’t call yourself that, it’s weird” I say, watching as he bends down to pick up his ring. He slides it back on his finger before picking up his shirt. There’s a faint glimmer from where the sun was hitting his back. I cough, trying to hold back my laughter. I end up coughing harder than I probably should have. 
Max is sitting next to me in the blink of an eye. A hand rubbing up and down my back. “Sweetheart, are you ok? Baby?”
“I’m…cough..ok” I get out finally 
Max pulls me close, pulling my legs over his lap as I snuggle into his chest. The sun had warmed him slightly.  He was never ice cold to the touch but his body was always cooler than mine. Never even breaking a sweat when we fooled around. I turn my head up to look at him, I barely open my mouth “and no, I can’t read your mind” I swear I could almost hear his eye roll
“But, you just did” I smile, resting my head on his chest, “the movie does have one thing right”
“That we vampire’s are incredibly sexy” 
It’s my turn to roll my eyes. Confidence was something he didn’t lack. Nope, not one bit. Maximus Phillips knew he was attractive and he made sure everyone knew it too “it’s part of my charm” he would always say. I lace my fingers with his and set them on my lap. “I was going to say moody…” I grin turning my head to look at him, “but, sure sexy weeks too”
He frees his hand from mine, tucking his fingers under my jaw tilting my head up. He slowly brings my lips towards his. His eyes looking into mine, his tongue darting outs, quickly wetting his lips. A sinfully playful smile before they crash onto mine.  It starts slow, gentle; his hand slowly moving to wrap around my neck. Licking the seam of my lips I let him in before quickly pulling back, “it’s alright baby…I can’t get sick…remember” 
And he says he can’t read my mind. His thumb brushing the delicate skin just below my ear. I close my eyes and look down at our joined hands. Max leans forward, resting his forehead against mine. 
“You sure you can’t find minds?” I sigh
“Maybe, just yours” he shrugs grinning from ear to ear
He places a quick kiss on my check and returns to watching the movie. I put my head back on his chest, his hand on my thigh. His thumb gently rubbing soothing circles while his other hand rubs my arm up and down. It’s gentle moments like this that I forget who and what he is, a man who can flip and switch. A man who is incredibly capable of snapping my neck with just a flick of his wrist if he wanted. 
“Ugh…” he throws his head back, groaning and yet another vampire cliche “our eyes don’t change colors.  They especially don’t change based on what we eat. Baby, why do you watch this crap?” it wasn’t a question though 
It was a good question, I don’t really know why. Maybe because it was nostalgia, maybe it was because at the time, I thought it wasn’t just a cheesy vampire movie. Did I know at the time that a handful of years later I would actually be dating a vampire? No, it definitely wasn’t on my life’s ‘bingo’ card. I didn’t even believe vampires were a real thing…not until Max Phillips walked into my life. 
“But they do, I mean not like that…but yours do” 
He shakes his head, “they stay this awful shade of brown…they always have been” he kisses the top of my head before I turn to look up at him
“They are always brown, yes, but sometimes they are lighter. They have a honey color to them, sometimes they have a speckle of gold to them especially when you look at me and tell me you love me.  Then, sometimes…when you are just about to ya know, they are almost black.” my hand holding on to his broad shoulder, he stares down at me and I see that little fleck of gold I was just telling him about.  I scrunch my face, trying to hold back a sneeze but it doesn’t work. I have been holding it back for too long. 
I closed my eyes, and sneezed all over his face before I could get my elbow up to cover my nose. I open my eyes to Max's face, something between annoyed and shocked that I actually sneezed on him. 
“You sneezed” he comments
“Thanks, I didn’t realize that's what I did” I roll my eyes at him “wait, you can’t say it can you? You can’t say bless you…” he shakes his head no, “you can’t say God either can you?” 
“No, I can’t say it, but I sure as hell can make you scream it…just before mine” he smirks, pulling away from me and going back to watching the movie
“Max…gross” I shake my head, wiping my nose on the sleeve of his hoodie and laying my head back on his chest. His laugh, deep makes his entire body shake and it’s moments like this. A domestic moment with him that makes me forget he's a vampire. 
I had fallen asleep at some point, waking up to a dark room. Max had laid me down on the couch, a blanket wrapped around my body. My back pressed up against his chest, the thick, warm blanket between us. The final scenes playing out in front of us. Edward and Bella sharing a dance. He leans her back, his lips moving to her neck. Max’s hand resting on my hip, I can feel his lips moving against my ear. “I love you too…” he whispers
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