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originmade ยท 4 months
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Fairy Tail as a guild is rather famous ( or infamous ) for many things, but one that exists more as a legend than a known fact are the Three Grand Fairy Spells. The term was coined by Fairy Tail's second guild master, Precht Gaebolg, as a way to describe three powerful spells created by Mavis during her lifetime and the knowledge of which has been passed down from generation to generation within the guild via the guild masters. This post will go over the creation and purpose of all three spells based on their introduction within the series.
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Fairy Law is an iteration of the black magic spell 'Law', an extremely powerful and ancient spell used as a means of judgement, purging what the caster deems as evil from their target, leaving behind what they deem as good. This spell, while lost to the ages, is known for its steep learning curve and disastrous consequences for being cast in an incomplete state. Despite all of this, Mavis herself cast the spell, knowing it was a last resort and there was no time to master a spell. The cost of the spell is unparalleled, but Mavis also understood the versatility and importance of a spell like Law, which brought her to the conclusion of altering it, in the hopes of preventing anyone else from falling into a similar fate as her own. There were two primary school of thoughts when she began her work altering the spell. One. Prevent anyone from falling victim to the same fate as herself upon casting it. She needed to implement a fail safe into the spell in case it was being cast in an incomplete form, and thus decided the best course of action was to have the spell call from the casters life force. Because the intended use of Law, and by extension, Fairy Law, is to be used on a limited target at a limited range, Mavis believed this cost of casting was the safest route to go, and would also deter the misuse of the spell, both in terms of large scale battles or careless casting. Two. To ensure that the caster is fully aware and accepts the price of which they are paying to cast this spell, a secondary fail safe was put into place. With a spell as powerful and dangerous as Law, the last thing Mavis would have wanted is the spell to be used against someone without proper intent or realization. This lead Mavis to alter the spell to be only be effective on those who they believe to be their enemies within their hearts. This prevented the spell from being misused in a moment of rage or disagreement and would cause the spell to be fundamentally useless against those in who both the heart and mind do not agree upon as an enemy. Fairy Law was the last of the spells to be created, as its inception lined up with the second trade war following Mavis' realization that if she herself could find and cast an incomplete version of Law in a moment of desperation, what was stopping an exhausted wizard soldier ( someone who held very little stakes in this conflict ) from finding and casting Law themselves in hopes of ending the conflict. Thankfully, the war had come to its conclusion before Mavis was able to complete the spell, but that did not stop her from making the knowledge of the spell readily accessible to those within the guild. The instructions on how to cast Fairy Law were written and published by Mavis to be held within the guild library, with the goal of someone coming across Fairy Law long before they find Law itself and will cast that version instead. Following the revelation of her immortality due to casting Law, Mavis had relentlessly cast Fairy Law upon herself, hoping that her altered spell and it's cost of the caster's life would counteract the immortality and take her own life. These attempts were unsuccessful and caused Mavis to exhaust her magic supply on multiple instances, leading her to pass out in isolated locations for multiple days on end ( something she truly didn't mind considering what her end goal was )
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Fairy Glitter is a spell created to vanquish those who the caster deem as wicked by gathering the light of the sun, moon and stars and concentrating the light into a singular point, this being the caster's forearm before being directed upon their target. While little is known about this spell, even within the guild itself, Fairy Glitter stands as the strongest of the three spells created by Mavis. As the first of the three grand fairy spells, the spell itself actually proceeds the guild's existence by almost a year as it's creation was primarily out of grief and as a way for Mavis to channel the energy she would have used mourning into something she would deem productive ( a destructive habit Mavis has always had since the siege of Red Lizard ). The sole inspiration for Fairy Glitter came from Mavis' final moments with Zera, watching her best friend and only true support system vanish away in a blinding light and become what she could only describe in that moment as glitter. The pain Mavis felt in that moment, being blinded by what she could only tell herself was the light of the heavens and the universe, awoke an almost cruel part of her mind, wanting to find a way to channel that pain into something effective, eventually leading to the creation of Fairy Glitter. It's strength was both fully intentional and an extreme oversight on Mavis' part. Mavis wanted the spell to be something anyone could wield, as long as their conviction, will and heart were all in the right place, it didn't matter if the caster was alive or not, physical or illusion. This implication of the spell lead it to being effective against the intangible ( thought projections, illusions, souls ) and cause damage to the origin as well. Mavis found it almost fitting that it carried this additional effect, almost comforted in the fact that the caster could use the spell to defend themselves from things others may not see. Within a year, Mavis had refined the spell, channeling its power within a magic circle which would be imprinted on the casters arm as a beacon to summon the magic energy to. This process does cause damage to the caster's arm, as all the energy of the spell is held within that point until released upon their target. Multiple castings of this spell and in rapid succession can lead to the caster's arm becoming permanently damaged. Despite it's immense power and high versatility, very little people know of the spells existence. This was a spell made of grief and almost as a memorial to Mavis' closest friend, and thus wanted to keep it to herself. The only people who knew of the spells existence were the other three founders, as they were with her upon placing the spell in Zera's grave on Tenro as it's final resting place. Mavis had also placed a spell upon the grave, believing that Zera's spirit was still residing on the island, and thus gave the decision on who could wield the spell to her deceased friend. There have only been three mages to wield Fairy Glitter since its inception: Mavis Vermillion, Yuriy Dreyar and Cana Albarona
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Fairy Sphere, known as the ultimate defense spell, forms and impenetrable sphere around the casters by harnessing the energy of multiple mages and the bonds they share to materialize. The strength of the spell is partially dependent on how many people are casting the spell and the strength of the bond of those involved. Created a few months before wizarding guilds were pulled into the second trade war, Fairy Sphere was originally supposed to be a healing and support spell. Healing magic was already considered a lost magic during this era but Mavis was always considered rather stubborn and determined, so she took whatever available knowledge she could find and began developing a spell. Her attempts kept ending in failures and she was almost ready to abandon the project before Warrod approached her with the idea of making a defense spell rather than a healing spell, which caused her to shift her trajectory and began researching defense based magics instead. Although she is credited as the sole creator of the spell, a large portion of the ideas and concepts came from Warrod himself, although he would never take credit for it, claiming that he was just spit balling ideas at Mavis and wasn't a real help ( something Mavis would greatly beg to differ ). It was Warrod's input that lead to Mavis altering the spell to require multiple wizards to cast it, especially considering Warrod was one to protect those he loves above himself and where he drew his strength from. Although it's primary function had shifted to defense, Mavis was still determined to create some form of healing within the spell. She eventually came to the conclusion that she wanted those within the sphere to be protected from existing ailments, poisons or curses. Her solution to this was to implement a strong nullification magic within the sphere, with the intention of pausing whatever was causing the ailment from spreading. It was a large oversight on Mavis' part that the nullification spell could be cast improperly and cause time to pause within the sphere. While she was the creator of the spell, she never intended for it to be able to stop time and prevent aging. By the time of the spells completion, wizarding guilds had been pulled into the war, leaving Mavis preoccupied with tactical meetings and the development of Fairy Law, which lead to Warrod being the one to write down the instructions on how to cast Fairy Sphere. Of all three of her spells, Fairy Sphere was the only one Mavis had not been able to cast within her lifetime, only successfully casting it following her death on Tenro. However, Mavis was made aware that the spell could be cast successfully after word had gotten back from her that Warrod and Precht and successfully casted a much weaker version of the spell during a battle. While all of those involved in the war were aware of the spells existence, most knowledge of it had faded to obscurity after peace was establish.
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mracula ยท 3 years
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originmade ยท 4 months
@reivun asked : 11 & 5 for the multimuse meme!
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Meme. Accepting
11 ) which muses are cat people? which are dog people?
Answered Here !!
5 ) what would your muses be the deities of?
CHELIA Goddess of Relationships. Romantic or platonic, Chelia values the bonds and connections she has made more than most else, and is one of her key values in her life. While the sky and wind would have been obvious choices
JUVIA Goddess of Redemption & Change. Water would have very obvious answer, but Water is the element of change and clean slates. Juvia had gone from being an enemy and harming those who she now loves and cherishes as her family. Juvia was the instigated for Meldy's change and believes in second chances and moving forward.
MAVIS Goddess of Knowledge & Tactics. Mavis is very much Athena coded, more so than most people would give her credit for. She values knowledge and knowing the next move above most else. She is cunning and clever and while she does value her bonds, they do typically come second to all else. I could also see Mavis being a goddess of death alongside this, but while death is the key point connecting a lot of her relationships, its not something I think she would truly represent.
WENDY Goddess of Healing. While this would seem a bit too on the nose for Wendy, there's more to just being a healer.. Healing isn't only in the physical sense of it all, but can also mean coming to accept things that have happened in your life and moving on from them. The ability to either forgive or not and to hold your past in a way that won't cause you harm going forward is just as important as healing a cut or a wound, and Wendy has had to come to those realizations many times in her life.
ZERA Goddess of Memories & History. Zera is a very interesting character in the fact that she represents Mavis' childhood and what she viewed the world as for so long. It was a very ideal world and Zera's disappearance was a very stark awakening to the real world. Zera represents both the harsh reality of the world and the idealized version if it people can keep in their memories.
ZEREF God of Life. Hear me out. I am fully aware the safe assumption would be death and destruction, but that isn't Zeref. Zeref is much more a god of life than death, because that is what he valued above all else. He has created more life with the etherius and while they may have caused destruction and death in his name, it was never what he wanted. Zeref wanted to help people, wanting to bring life to people and preserve it.
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originmade ยท 5 months
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Mavis Tag Drop.
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