#โŒœโ ๐™ธ๐™ฝ๐šƒ๐™ด๐š ๐™ผ๐š„๐™ฝ๐™ณ๐™พ๐š‚. burned it to the ground and the sky turned red. โž โŒŸ
incendiorum ยท 3 months
inter mundos exists as an almost-entity. a hairs-breadth below sentience. it has a permanent connection to io's brain, enough for it to perform the constant math that involves moving itself, its occupants, and an entire other building through time and space. and enough of a connection that it can draw on the deep well of io's magic. and it will only draw on io's. their blood is in the paint of the sigils, as well as ingredients that have a deep personal connection to them. suddenly and violently severing the link between io and inter mundos (destroying it) would be mentally devastating to them, and they likely would not recover, unless they were still in possession of enough of themself to slowly rebuild the shop (unlikely). but this is something io has told no one. to do so would be a massive show of trust and io is... rarely capable of that. it's an incredibly risky choice they made, but it was the only way to allow the shop full function in the way that they desired. inter mundos can defend itself if necessary. if io is not present, then it can't defend itself as well. if io is close, then it can absolutely utilize their mind to achieve a brief, malicious form of sentience and thought. and with its ability to bend time and space, reshape reality as it sees fit, and use io's power - it is very good at defending itself.
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incendiorum ยท 8 months
inter mundos can certainly feel liminal at times. it's so, so seeped in magic that strange things happen in it frequently. shadows fall the wrong way or not at all. little inky blobs hurtle from shadow to shadow but always when you're not looking. flashes in the corner of your eye. a constant and unnatural hum, resonating somewhere deep in your body. and it's very connected to io, as well. their blood and magic has gone into everything painted onto the walls, the words peeking out from behind bookshelves and paintings and decoration. the very words that let inter mundos move like it can. io needs nothing but a thought to move the shop. and their anger can result in shuddering walls and a growing pressure, like the very place is being squeezed. it... can just be a very strange place. and for those able to sense magic, it's absolutely oozing it.
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incendiorum ยท 8 months
inter mundos's inspiration re: the whole teleporting thing came from a series called f.ringe - specifically the season 2 episode 'jacksonville' where it's revealed that while objects can be sent to the parallel universe that exists, something must come back from said parallel universe to make it 'even.' this is specifically shown as really bad in this episode because an entire building from the parallel universe teleports into the main universe and they have to act very quickly to figure out which building from the main universe is going to suddenly disappear to make it an even exchange. this is done in a couple of ways, one of them being calculating the sizes of every building in the area to find one that's approximately the same size and then evacuating it. which I hope sounds kind of familiar, because that's some of the same logic inter mundos runs on. it finds a building approximately its size, schloops it out of reality for a bit, and replaces it. when it's time to leave it sucks the original building back into its place and vanishes. io specifically has applied a bit of logic to this, and troubleshot a lot of things over the years. inter mundos not only targets buildings its size, but also abandoned/empty ones. inter mundos is also a little freaky to be in once it settles because it attaches itself to whatever grid it needs. water, power, etc. which means things in the walls... move. it can also settle itself in empty areas, too, but if io is working in a city for a bit then it's easiest to replace a building with their own.
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incendiorum ยท 10 months
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A STUDY OF:ย wildfire in human skin; seeking peace after trauma; knowing that even the lion fears the hounds and that even the most placid viper bites.ย a blog for a witch hailing from roman times, iovita salvienus, loved by adair (they/it, 26). highly selective. n.sfw is present and tagged. minors & non-rp blogs dni. est. 2017. low activity.
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I am mutuals only and highly selective.
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under no circumstances do I tolerate vague-posting and untagged drama. if it happens 2+ times, I will softblock.
basic rp etiquette applies. don't godmod, don't assume, etc. etc.
I have a huge oc bias. I'm really, really not well-versed on a lot of popular fandoms/characters. I'm happy to treat them like just another oc, but please be aware that I most likely have zero idea of their lore/world.
I extremely tentatively ship romantically. and there must be ic interaction before I consider it. io is incredibly hard to ship with, not only because of their personality, but because they simply do not fall in love easily. long-term writing partners are the exception to this.
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and finally, this blog is basically permanent low-activity. I'm a full time, dual-majored university student who works. I also have a lot of animals (livestock included) at home who have first claim to my free time.
I'm not interested in interacting with any muse/character from h.azbin h.otel, thank you.
my discord is available for mutuals, just ask! :)
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incendiorum ยท 10 months
last of my tags
#โŒœโ ๐š…๐™ด๐™ฝ๐™ฐ๐™ณ๐™ด๐š„๐š‚. drown your sorrows in black waters. โž โŒŸ#โŒœโ ๐™ผ๐™ฐ๐™ถ๐™ธ๐™ฒ. iโ€™m not the old town crier iโ€™m the one who sets it all on fire. โž โŒŸ#โŒœโ ๐™ฐ๐™ด๐š‚. i found a way to steal the sun from the sky. โž โŒŸ#โŒœโ ๐™ธ๐™ฝ๐šƒ๐™ด๐š ๐™ผ๐š„๐™ฝ๐™ณ๐™พ๐š‚. burned it to the ground and the sky turned red. โž โŒŸ#โŒœโ ๐š‚๐™ฐ๐š…๐™ด๐™ณ. itโ€™s who we are that keeps me believing. โž โŒŸ#โŒœโ ๐™ผ๐š„๐š‚๐™ธ๐™ฒ. oh they sing all day and they haunt me in the night. โž โŒŸ#โŒœโ ๐™ฟ๐š๐™พ๐™ผ๐™พ. bring all your things and we will build a pyre. โž โŒŸ#โŒœโ ๐š‚๐™ด๐™ป๐™ต ๐™ฟ๐š๐™พ๐™ผ๐™พ. i make up names i might have had. โž โŒŸ#โŒœโ ๐™ธ๐™ฝ๐™ฑ๐™พ๐š‡. canโ€™t lift an old curse. โž โŒŸ#โŒœโ ๐™ณ๐™ฐ๐š‚๐™ท ๐™ฒ๐™พ๐™ผ. a life spent talking when my epitaph would do. โž โŒŸ#โŒœโ ๐™พ๐™ฟ๐™ด๐™ฝ. i scream and shout like this just to prove to the world that i still exist. โž โŒŸ#โ ๐š†๐š๐™ธ๐šƒ๐™ธ๐™ฝ๐™ถ (๐™ธ. ๐™ผ๐™ฐ๐™ธ๐™ฝ). bitter blood builds our prison cell. โž โŒŸ#โ ๐š†๐š๐™ธ๐šƒ๐™ธ๐™ฝ๐™ถ (๐™ฐ. ๐™ณ๐™ด๐š„๐š‚). bitter blood builds our prison cell. โž โŒŸ#โ ๐š†๐š๐™ธ๐šƒ๐™ธ๐™ฝ๐™ถ (๐™ธ๐™ธ. ๐š‚๐™ด๐š๐™ฟ๐™ด๐™ฝ๐š‚). bitter blood builds our prison cell. โž โŒŸ#โ ๐š†๐š๐™ธ๐šƒ๐™ธ๐™ฝ๐™ถ (๐™ธ๐™ธ๐™ธ. ๐™ผ๐™ด๐š). bitter blood builds our prison cell. โž โŒŸ
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