#⌬ –– connection.「 prax meng. 」
spockvarietyhour · 3 years
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Here’s some familiar BC Casting/genre faces in The Chronicles of Riddick.
1. Christopher Heyerdalh. Todd the Wraith among other roles in SGA.  2. Lorena Gale, Priestess Elosha in BSG. 3. Terry Chen, Prax Meng on The Expanse, I never connected that Prax was the monk back in SG-1′s “Maternal Instinct” till just now 4. Peter Williams, good ole Apophis himself 5. Douglas Arthurs, Heru’ur on SG-1 (gets killed by Apohpis on SG-1, here they just die within seconds of each other in a three way fight).  6. Kim Hawthorne, Theo on Jeremiah, she was also in SG-1′s “Beneath the Surface” 7. Ty Olsson, Captain Kelly on BSG, Lafitte on SPN, Nyko on the 100 and more genre roles 8. Christina Cox, Lt. Kershaw on SG-1 in “The Sentinel”, Maj. Teldy on SGA’s “Whispers” more recently on Shadowhunters 9. Alexander Kalugin, the doomed Major Valarin/Marduk in SG-1′s The Tomb 10. Coming for a last minute roundup of BC faves for two whole lines it’s Roger Cross and his distinctive voice. Anyone remember First Wave? and just a lot of BC scifi shows like SG1, X Files, BSG, Continuum, Arrow, Outer Limits, etc etc etc
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thctearoom · 5 years
Brief 3: Essay
An Essay in Video Interpretations
“Are you anything like that animal?” Kenzo Gabriel, like so many people who meet and interact with Amos Burton, falls into the trap of seeing the space brute as just another unemotional and psychopathic thug in the Belt but he, like the others, would be wrong. Amos Burton is one of the many intriguing yet complicated characters that viewers are introduced to in the Syfy television series The Expanse which focuses on a future in which mankind has colonised the stars. When the spaceship and the crew that Amos is working with become involved in a conspiracy to jump start a war between the planets Earth and Mars as well as the asteroid belt dwellers known as the Belters, Amos finds himself caught up in the churn as the rules of survival change.
Viewers and fans have a front row seat of seeing Amos for the man that he really is and have shared their views and interpretations of him in various online mediums. The use of computers, the internet and editing software has allowed some fans to broaden their reach in ways that are vastly more engaging than simple pen to paper or words on a screen hurled out into the void of the internet. By creating 1-3-minute videos uploaded to social media sharing sites such as Youtube, they can reach a wider range of viewers and content consumers by combining voice-overs and dialogue, music and entertaining visuals into visual evidence of their own interpretations of specific characters or media content.
One such content maker published an interpretation of Amos Burton (Shainira, 2017). The video opens with a voice over of Kenzo Gabriel, questioning the integrity of James Holden, the crew’s Captain, and comparing him to Amos in such a way that paints Amos as a clear antagonist and someone to fear and distrust. This introduction sets the tone for the rest of the video and provides the instantaneous hook that this ages generation needs in order to remain engaged with new content. Kenzo Gabriel’s inspection is further evidenced by the second use of a voice over and dialogue by another character, Paolo Cortázar, whom says:
You want to be that real boy again, to feel how you felt before the world broke you. But you cauterized that, in order to survive.
Paolo implies within this moment that Amos was self-made, that the way in which he behaves, his values and his views are directly connected to his instinct and need to survive in a harsh and cruel world and that there is no going back to the way he was before this trauma happened to him. Throughout the video these implications are repeated and drawn clear when even Alex Kamal, a member of Amos’ crew and a friend, questions what made Amos the way that he is “What happened to you?”, further implying that something in Amos’ past is what crafted him into the man that he has become now. When a second crew member and friend, Naomi Nagata, attempts to explain that for all of Amos’ intimidating qualities and behaviour, that he isn’t the animal or the villain that many mistakes him for “He’s not crazy and he’s not evil.”. This contrast between two perspectives impact the audience by creating two conflicting ideas of who and what Amos is, is he an unemotional brute or is he a man doing the best with what has happened to him?
The continuous use of direct quotes taken from the series allows for even first-time viewers and non-fans to come to a clear and visible understanding of Shainira’s interpretation of the character as being a frightening and intimidating force, “Whatever leash you had him on, you better get him back on it.”, whilst simultaneously hammering home that he is still more than that. As difficult as he appears to be to control he does have a certain perspective on the world that explains his clean cut and black-and-white viewpoint, “There’s only three kinds of people in this world. The bad ones, the ones you follow and the ones you need to protect.” The use of such dialogues allows for the viewer to clearly see how Amos is duo faceted and how he is one or the either to different people as well as creating a haunting and aggressive tempo and beat of the video that keeps the viewers engaged and on the edges of their seats.
Furthermore, the video combines these voiceovers with music. Evil Prevails is a stirring tune, beginning quietly, it fills the listener with a sense paranoia, a need to be alert and aware that conjures feelings of being watched or followed. As the music continues it slowly begins to grow louder and louder, the beat becoming faster and causing a rise of intensity and action whilst still maintaining a powerful atmosphere of lurking danger. The continuous high and low, rise and fall of the base beat causes the listener to feel as if this moment will never end, trapping them in a constant state of vigilance until the sudden peak and finality of the music itself. Cut off at its apex and leaving the listener’s heart racing long after the music itself has ended.
Shainira has combined the music itself with sound effects taken from the show that complement the music itself, the sound of Amos taking a breath in the introduction is sharp and sudden, the sound of his footsteps as he climbs the ladder into the control room is added to the shrill beat of the music’s instrumental, the hiss of the ship doors opening or closing, the sharp sound of a bullet cutting through Sematimba and the blood splatter as it splashes against Naomi Nagata’s face, all of these sounds adding to the force of the music itself and the feelings that it elicits for the viewers of the video.
In the same manner in which sound impacts the listener, Shainira combines the music, voiceovers and sound effects with scenes taken from the television series, splicing together each medium to create their video interpretation of Amos. From the very first scene we are introduced to Amos, waking and sucking in a sharp breath with Kenzo Gabriel accusing him of being an animal, when combined with the low intro of Evil Prevails, creates a daunting visual and adds to the concept that encompasses the weight of Amos’ presence.
Another key moment that combines the music, voiceover effect and scenes taken from the series is when Alex Kamal is voiced lecturing Amos on what they do and why they do it, “That’s what people do, we help.”, something that is clearly shown as a subject of conflict with Amos who goes between helping others and committing extreme acts of violence as shown on three separate occasions where Amos assaults Joe Miller, pinning him against the galley table and appears to be able to strangle him or snap his neck, or the moment when Amos beats Roma into bloody submission with a can of chicken and holds even Alex Kamal, one of Amos’ closest friends, over the railing of the ship’s control room. Each moment of confrontation separated by someone stopping him from going too far, either Naomi Nagata with Joe Miller or Prax Meng with Roma, until Amos is shown threatening Roma with a gun and asking, “Are you gonna help us?”. The use of these scenes in rapid succession of each other creating an uneasy feeling of apprehension whilst simultaneously showing us the way in which Amos has carefully begun to evolve into becoming more concerned with the lives of those around him but maintains an explosive violence.
This is further evidenced when incorporated with the way in which he stops attacking Alex of his own volition rather than needing Naomi or Prax to stop him as they did or attempted to do when he attacked both Joe Miller and Roma. This single instance is short but for those who have seen the series would appreciate that sign of Amos’ growth and ability to control his own violent and aggressive impulses when he needs to.
The music and the combination of the sound effects and voiceovers used in the television series creates a sense of unity between the video and the scenes chosen from the series that other fan made video’s lack, such as NatalyaCorvus’ Bucky Barnes tribute video. While the scenes chosen had a specific intent to the video’s overall presentation, the song chosen lacked the appropriate impact as the lyrical use of the music itself distracted the audience and took away from the video’s aim and created a disconnect between what audiences were watching and what they were hearing. Where many fan tributes are only snippets of their chosen series or film with music slapped over the top, Shainira manages to encompass all mediums into their video seamlessly, showing an escalation of events and actions that builds while the music does as well and provides a clear interpretation of the character Amos Burton.
Brooks, C. (2015). Gangsta’s Paradise. On Awaken the Fire. Another Century. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGM3I33W70c Brown, J.F., Daniel, S., Fergus, M., Hall, S., Johnson, B., Kosove, A., Lancaster, L., McDonough, T. & Shankar, N. (2019). The expanse. Amazon Prime Video, Syfy. De Veer, C.T. (2013). Evil Prevails. On Utopia – original TV soundtrack. Silva Screen Records. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2YNn08n0ys NatalyaCorvus. (2017, June 12). Bucky Barnes – gangsta’s paradise. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VPb8KX72ZE Shainira. (2017, April 21). Amos Burton || What happened to you?. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EXxxLxCv2ec
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tvserieshub · 8 years
Most people have a very bad habit of classifying large chunks of people in binary terms as either all “bad” or all “good.” But the reality is that there is ALWAYS a mix of good and bad people, as well as good and bad IN people. In The Expanse, many viewers have taken the side of the Belters. Some, because they love certain characters, like Naomi and Miller. Others, because as a class, the Belters are the clear underdogs. Generally, they risk life and limb for rich corporate owners who apparently couldn’t care less about them, either individually or as a group. Fans of Earthers tend to like Holden or, really, Avasarala. They have exposed their imperfections, as well. Amos is a fascinating Earther, beloved and feared all at once.  Martian fans like Alex, or more recently, Bobbie. The Mars faction is a little less developed than the Earther or Belter factions in terms of quantities of deep characters or back stories (so far). This episode really digs into the issue of the risk of thinking of a group as all “good” or “bad,” especially if you unequivocally favor Belters.
The recap begins here:
The scene opens on a field and a person who is tending a crop. A little girl waves goodbye to the tender, who is her father. An alert sounds, and the pieces of the destroyed mirror come crashing through the domes protecting the crops from Ganymede’s nonexistent atmosphere. The scientist wakes up among quite a lot of injured people, and immediately he checks on his precious cargo. The injured man is on a Ganymede refugee ship, which is headed to Tycho. A surly Belter hands out supplies, as the man frantically looks for his child, who is not on this ship. Doris (Grace Lynn Kung), another refugee – indistinguishable from any of the OTHER refugees, greets Dr. Praxidike Meng (Terry Chen). It’s clear that Doris saved Prax’s life. Prax is distraught that his daughter, Mei, is not just missing, but feared dead.
On Tycho, Holden (Steven Strait) and Johnson (Chad Coleman) question Diogo (Andrew Rotilio), who clearly views Johnson as non-Belter. Staz (Alden Adair) tries to interfere, but he is held off by Naomi (Dominique Tipper). Diogo says that Johnson should go back to Earth, that Dawes will be the Fist of the Belters. Alex (Cas Anvar) had suggested that Naomi take out someone and Naomi told him that he doesn’t get to decide who she kills. They take Diogo off to a holding cell.
Drummer (Cara Gee) shows Holden and Johnson system information that shows how Dawes escaped and that someone overrode security. Drummer is in charge of security, so there’s a serious question about what happened. They receive an incoming communication from Dawes (Jared Harris). It’s clear that Dawes was the person who sheltered and sponsored Johnson. Dawes feels that Johnson is acting as an Earther, not a Belter and that they have to take drastic action. He tells Johnson he has stolen his secret and is giving it to the Belt.
Doris and Prax discuss their future and what to do. They note that the Belter crewman doesn’t seem to like to be a good Samaritan. Doris wants Prax to come with her to Mars.
Johnson, Drummer, Naomi and Holden discuss that they have more information than Dawes does, and they disclose that Cortazar was aware that there was more Protomolecule than what was destroyed and it was after Eros was destroyed. Drummer volunteers to help Naomi obtain direct access to the antenna so she can collect and analyze the data Cortazar had obtained. There is a degree of concern over Drummer’s loyalty because she is security (which was breached) and she’s facilitating access to the antenna. Naomi goes to check on the sample that she knows wasn’t destroyed. Holden tells Naomi that he’s sorry he didn’t tell her about the existence of more Protomolecule. She’s frustrated and leaves Holden behind.
Alex catches up with Amos (Wes Chatham), who looks like 5 miles of bad road. Alex asks Amos for help and he says “no,” which shocks Alex.
Dawes’ message is being played to Belters, which incites them.
On the refugee ship, the crappy Samaritan tells the passengers that all the Inners are being transferred to ships to take them back home. Prax decides to go with them, but the Samaritan says he can’t, it is for Inners only. Doris says she can stay, but Prax encourages her to go. They say goodbye through the airlock window, and to Prax’s (and the entire viewership’s) horror, the Inners are spaced. The Belter Samaritan tells Prax that Inners destroyed Ganymede and that he’s lucky he’s a Belter. One technical note. The Expanse is remarkably faithful to what happens in space. Doris suffocates and freezes, rather than exploding.
Drummer explains that Fred has always had the Belters’ best interests at heart and Naomi gets Drummer to explain her background. Drummer worked with Dawes and Dawes rescued Johnson from drinking himself to death after the Anderson Station incident. Drummer says Dawes has a unique view of the Belter situation. They get the data and discover that there is Protomolecule on Ganymede Station. (Viewers who have read the books will note that the sequence involving Prax and Ganymede is not the same as it is handled in the book, but it is faithful to the concept of what was covered.)
Johnson, Holden, Naomi and Drummer discuss what it means that the Protomolecule exists on Ganymede. It was aware when hostilities broke out between Earth and Mars, and it learns.
Prax’s refugee ship arrives, and a crewman advises they will be ID checked and cleared, and he indicates on his handheld that an algorithm is being bypassed.
Prax desperately tries to convince a medic of what happened on the refugee ship, but he doesn’t know the name of the ship. She tells him she knows it was wrong but, without further info, she can’t do anything, to be glad he survived and maybe he’ll know some other refugee.
Holden and Naomi try to figure out who on Ganymede was involved with Protomolecule. They narrow the list of people who were on Ganymede and have the appropriate qualifications and Strickland (Ted Atherton) is identified. They query who was connected to him, and Prax and Mei show up, because Mei (Leah Jung) was a patient of Strickland. Prax is on the station, but Mei’s whereabouts are unknown.
There are a huge amount of people on Tycho, and it’s straining the station. A group of Belters, led by Staz, invade the command room, intent upon deploying the nukes to Earth.
Prax adds Mei’s picture to the wall of the missing. Holden and Naomi see and grab Prax. Prax panics, thinking that they think he knows about the spacing, but they, of course, think that he is involved with Protomolecule. Naomi (FOOLISHLY!!) opens up his container, but it’s just a soy bean.
The Belters who invaded the command deck, kill a crew member and then shoot Drummer, because they won’t give them the launch codes.
Amos is using the system to search for Lydia Maalouf. This is the lady he mentioned when he spoke with Cortazar about his guilt. Alex catches up with Amos and is trying to figure out what his problem is. He says Amos only cares about himself (Amos amusingly notes isn’t that everyone’s problem if we’re being honest?) Alex provokes Amos, and Amos attacks Alex, coming close to killing him, and Alex openly wonders what happened to him! They both notice that the nukes are being accessed.
Prax tells Naomi and Holden about Mei and her health needs. Naomi and Holden figure out the Strickland nexus is really Mei. Naomi notes that Prax should have access to Mei’s monitor feed, and answers “no” when asked if she had any children. Prax accesses the feed on her handheld and sees that Strickland took Mei out of the clinic before the attack. They know that Strickland knew the battle was coming and went to get Mei. Alex calls Holden to tell him about the nuke problem.
Fred tells Staz that Earth will shoot down the missiles and then destroy Tycho. Staz is fine with that because then Tycho will be fuel for the revolution. Amos, suited up, heads outside the station. Holden tells Amos that Naomi has almost overridden the air controls. Amos is there to remotely access the air system. He cuts the oxygen and although Staz tries to kill Fred and Drummer, Fred knocks the gun away and they all pass out.
Alex and Holden burst in to help the folks in the control room. Fred says “Drummer first,” because they are besties. Alex helps Drummer out and as they go by Staz, she yanks Alex’s gun and shoots Staz and the other turncoat crewman right between the eyes, and then stumps off. She’s the very definition of badass.
Amos settles Prax into his quarters and ensures he has mag boots. He explains that Prax is a guide, not a guest. And, he says that looking for Prax’s daughter is a good thing. His encounter with Amos leaves Alex to think about his family and what he has done for them.
Naomi asks Jim why he went to Cortazar’s quarters and Jim says he went to kill him. Naomi says that isn’t who Jim is. Jim says he needs Naomi to help him to get himself back when this is all done, and they kiss. Jim has to go to get Fred Johnson’s permission to leave. Fred wants any Protomolecule sample brought back to him, but Jim refuses. Fred says if they don’t, then don’t come back – no free anything. Jim is not sure Fred will still be in charge when he gets back. Fair point. Jim says Fred’s not a part of it anymore, and Fred releases them.
Grade: A
This was a completely packed episode. Although they were always evident, the fault lines between the Belters and the Earthers have deepened to an unsustainable level. It’s provoking the very worst behavior, and every time people do their worst, it just causes terrible repercussions. This episode made quite a few Belters look extremely bad. The Belter on the refugee ship spacing completely innocent people, and the Belters who are willing to send nuclear missiles to blast Earth (despite the fact that there are BILLIONS of innocent people there, as well) honestly represent the worst of humanity. Personalizing the impact of awful actions makes everyone realize the consequences, but it doesn’t seem to be enough to stop people from behaving dreadfully. This episode had room for personal development, as well, as we see Amos still working through his issues resulting from interacting with kids and just how close he is to being out of control. The episode ratcheted up the tension by continuing to provide so many indicators that Drummer was the traitor, only to have her satisfyingly vindicated.
The effects continue to be stunning, as even the lowly refugee ship looks gorgeous. The handhelds are entirely believable and all the displays look crisp and clean. It’s such a pleasure to see such attention to detail, up to and including the poor dying and dead spaced Inners.
Next episode: “The Weeping Somnambulist” airs on Wednesday, March 22 at 10 pm on Syfy.
The Expanse (S02E08) “Pyre” Most people have a very bad habit of classifying large chunks of people in binary terms as either all "bad" or all "good." But the reality is that there is ALWAYS a mix of good and bad people, as well as good and bad IN people.
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