#▌ ⁑╰   iv.      barb    /    the  red  spot   ∎ ჻ ɐɹɐqɹɐq .
screwthat · 2 years
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Dear Barbara,     It’s been a while since I wrote to you. I think about you all the time, so sometimes I still make up letters in my head, and I guess, to me, that feels good enough. It’s not like you’ll read these; they’re diary entries, anyway. And you’re dead. But it felt like a good idea to write today. Do something tangible. I’ve been thinking about your grave, recently. I think because we got this massive surge of rain last week, and I saw this, like, sort of miniature mud slide on the side of the road when I was driving to school. And I was wondering, how heavy would that rain have to be to dig down into your grave and bring you back up. Would you float out from the cemetery, end up in a coffin-boat right outside the general store on Main?
Probably not, obviously. But it’s been on my mind, just how to take care of you. And when I’m not there, who is? Are there flowers at your grave? Has anyone stopped by lately? To make sure you aren’t lonely. Or just to say hello, even just in passing. God, you should’ve seen Jason. He was so... angry, about Chrissy. I couldn’t help but remember spotting him laughing at some dumb joke about the “chemical spill” that everyone still thinks killed you. I know he didn’t realize I saw him, or that I heard. No one ever does. For a while they were mean, like, genuinely, actually cruel. But they stopped after we held your funeral. I always thought that was funny. They stopped making jokes in front of me, stopped asking me out on fake dates and talking about that stupid marquee. But they didn’t care, not really. It was just how they were supposed to act. How they were meant to be.
I’m sorry I haven’t been by lately. With the “earthquake”, with everything... I saw something, a while ago. I haven’t really talked about it too much, because, you know, it just feels like, with everything going on, it feels sort of stupid. It didn’t happen. But I saw it, and it felt real. It was like my old nightmares, the visceral kinds, but more... real, somehow. It’s brought them back, in part, but instead of just being of you, it’s everything. It’s Mike. Mom. Holly. Jon. I almost tried praying the other night, which felt dumb, you know? I used to cry when I prayed, every night. I’d wait until the last moment to go to bed, knowing I’d see you. Knowing you wouldn’t say anything. Knowing how I’d wake up again. And you wouldn’t. 
I had this enormous sense of guilt about surviving, and I still do. But I think I’ve changed some perspective, at least in part. I take the guilt and I let it sort of just build up like some sort of tension, like mentos in soda or something. And I use it differently. That’s helpful, now. It works in crisis, you know, but not really in, like, day to day. I’ve tried to fix it, or bury it, because I mean, what’s the possibility of actually avoiding that feeling? Realistically. I still see you in everything. Everywhere. And that triggers the guilt, and that turns into something else, like, this weird... twisting, gnawing sort of feeling.
I couldn’t tell you if that was smart, or good, or better than whatever it was I used to be. But I’m not sad, anymore. I’ve stopped crying. I don’t dread seeing you in my dreams, or even in my nightmares. They’ve become kind of... easy. That’s not the right word, I guess, but I suppose I’ve just become numb to that sort of fear. That paranoia used to be overwhelming. I still have that coffee machine under my bed, I guess just as a precaution now. Might need it soon again, all things considered. But I don’t want you to freak, you know. Things changed. I used to feel powerless, like the people I loved being taken, being hurt, being killed, like that was all inevitable. But I don’t think like that anymore. 
I hate the person I am now, but I think, since I lived, since I did survive, I had to become this girl. I’m not scared, Barb. I’m not powerless. I’m not a coward. Not anymore. These days, I’m angry.
Always yours, N.R.W.
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screwthat · 2 years
▌ ⁑╰   tag   drop   ∎ ჻ ... .
#▌ ⁑╰   i.      meme    /    mutuals   only   ∎ ჻ ǝɯǝɯ .#▌ ⁑╰   i.      meme    /    nonmutuals   ok   ∎ ჻ ǝɯǝɯ .#▌ ⁑╰   i.      meta    /    details    &    footnotes   ∎ ჻ ɐʇǝɯ .#▌ ⁑╰   i.      wishlist    /    hit  me  with  this   ∎ ჻ ʇsᴉlɥsᴉʍ .#▌ ⁑╰   ii.      looks    /    you’re   beautiful   ∎ ჻ sʞool .#▌ ⁑╰   ii.      aesthetic    /    butterfly   stickers   ∎ ჻ sǝɐ .#▌ ⁑╰   ii.      ch.   study    /    suburban    girl   ∎ ჻ ʎpnʇs ˙ɥɔ .#▌ ⁑╰   ii.      manners    /    what  was  i  saying  ?   ∎ ჻ sɹǝuuɐɯ .#▌ ⁑╰   ii.      physicality    /    damn   ∎ ჻ ʎʇᴉlɐɔᴉsʎɥd .#▌ ⁑╰   iii.      promo    /    bug   sleepovers   ∎ ჻ oɯoɹd .#▌ ⁑╰   iii.      self  promo    /    share  the  bug  love   ∎ ჻ oɯoɹd ɟlǝs .#▌ ⁑╰   iii.      ooc    /    tiny    bug    ramblings   ∎ ჻ ɔoo .#▌ ⁑╰   iii.      psa    /    !!!   ∎ ჻ ɐsd .#▌ ⁑╰   iv.      jonathan    /    we’re   all  …  thinking   of   you   ∎ ჻ uoɾ .#▌ ⁑╰   iv.      barb    /    the  red  spot   ∎ ჻ ɐɹɐqɹɐq .#▌ ⁑╰   iv.      steve    /    i’m   doing   this   for   you   ∎ ჻ ǝʌǝʇs .#▌ ⁑╰   iv.      mike    /    so    gross   !   ∎ ჻ ǝʞᴉɯ .#▌ ⁑╰   iv.      carol    /    ding  !    ding  !    does  she  get  a  prize  ?   ∎ ჻ loɹɐɔ .
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