#░ ▒ ▓╠ behind the mask… another mask! pretty cool huh? || ooc
cloudi-bunni · 2 years
Don’t take it personal
Summary: fem! reader plays the solitary confinement game
Ooc!Chishiya x manipulative! Fem!reader x ooc!Banda
Not edited!
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Placing the collar on your neck, you adjust your clothing. Brushing of the invisible dusk. Sucking on the lollipop on your lips you wait until the rules are over with. “I have an idea! How about we get together and make teams to tell each other? So that way nobody can lie” a girl with a pretty youthful face Announced.
The blue frills of her dress, masking her in false innocence. Another few people agreed to this. Some asking to be able to join. “Of course the more the merrier!” She exclaimed. Your eyes washed over the room.
Calmly picking apart the people in the room. The first few seconds of someone tells you everything you need to know. The group following the girl around approached you. “Want to join? No pressure” you nodded lowering you head slightly.
“Y/n how lucky am I to be in your presence” you heard a cool deep voice call out. Looking behind you, you saw him. The bane of your existence. “Chishiya i see you’re already making friends forgot about me that quickly?” The man in front of you just smiled.
The boy behind him you saw a boy in yellow. The yellow made you assume he was a kind soul. The type to not want to die, but he didn’t want others to die either. This game would eat him up then spit him back out as if he was nothing. Your heart ached for him, you hated when the people most kind hearted got put in these types of games. They shouldn’t be here, the wicked and cruel should. Not the innocent.
“Oh come on no need to get jealous” chishiya retorted, that stupid smirk painting his face. “Hard not to be jealous when you replaced me chishi” you pouted before turning to the boy. “I’m y/n and you are?” “Ippei oki” The boy introduced himself. A small smile tugging at his lips. “I have an idea why don’t we share our symbols? You never know if the others could be lying ya know!” Chishiya raised an eyebrow at your facade.
He knows you taking a liking to already so what’s the point in this? Was it to simply make sure that everyone assumed you were this kind? Or was it because you wanted to gain the boys trust. When he saw you bowing in front of the boy he decided to ignore these thoughts for the moment.
“Let’s make this game fun yeah?” You’re faux cheerful tone. Almost had chishiya convinced, had he not known you before he would have believed you. “How can you be so sure this game would be fun?” “I don’t know…I just hope we all get out of here alive..you agree yeah?” The boy just nodded, “there’s going to be a bloodshed…you are aware of this are you not?” Chishiya asked attempting to pick apart your mask.
“Yeah I know…but as long as the three of us live we’ll be fine!” “How do we know you’re not the jack?”
He decided to test you, even if he knew you were not. He wanted to see you slip up, he wanted you to drop your facade in front of ippei. “I guess you’re going to have to trust me huh?”
Walking towards where the food was stored. You noticed a blue shirt man walking in at the same time. Spotting the snacks chishiya was mentioning.you make your way to it. Grabbing his preferred snack, Examining the colorful bag. ‘Weird taste’ bending over to grab your snack you felt a presence behind you. Standing up you turn around, face to face with the black haired male.
His blue eyes peering in your soul. You looked into his eyes, it looked as if he was attempting to drown you in them. You never attempted to look away from them. He was dragging you in them, just like he did with his previous victims. Reading him was like reading another language. His face Remained the same, it never changed once. Looked like one of those broken dolls at the stores you used to be afraid of when you were a child.
“Hi?” Your voice didn’t faltered. Not even when you noticed the shiny object in his pocket. It glistened in poor lighting. “You’re y/n” he stated as if he already knew, and was informing you of it. “Yep that’s me…do I know you?” Smiling softly at him.
Feeling a little threatened by the man towering you. Still not backing down however. “You’re like me Aren’t you?” His voice boomed in the room. His question Confused you. A small huh left your lips. Still keeping your eyes gazing into his. “You like these games don’t you? You look down on everyone here” you’re gaze harden but everything about your face stayed the same.
Your lips forming an ‘o’ as you borrowed your eyebrows. Taking confusion. “You’re playing every one here, you think you’re better then everyone here but you hide behind that damn smile. You’re an evil horrible snake..you believe your life is the most important one in this world.”
Your hands gripping the bags so hard one of them accidentally popped. Your smiled returned to your face. But your eyes reminded the same. They were filled with such annoyance. Your chest growing heavy with white rage. Spreading like a wild fire. Your eyes finally leave his. Now paying attention to your ruined food. That was laid out on the floor, the crumbs were there. “I am not nothing like you.” You laugh a bit at the fucking audacity he had. The rage you felt, it was a shock you didn’t kick him then and there.
“I knew it you’re just like me” before you could react he caged you in Between the surface of the rows. A blade reaching its way to your neck. Under normal circumstances you would have been scared, but the rules of the game rendered his efforts useless. “Go ahead do it pussy” the knife dug deeper, enough for a few droplets of blood to fall but not enough to cause damage. Hissing you looked at him once more, “fuck you im into this” he moved the blade away from you, shoulders shaking as he silently laughed. “I like you, we should be friends. I don’t think that guy you hang out with is trustworthy” his blue eyes peering at you once more. But this time it showed acceptance, as if you were now deemed worthy. Like you passed a test you didn’t even know you were taking. “…sure” turning around you lifted you hair. You wanted to know if he was truly being honest. You were curious, it was only natural. He leaned In despite not having too. His hands found their way on yours. A whisper let out “heart”
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Tossing the bag to chishiya. “What took so long” he caught it flawlessly, ippei glancing up at you. “Made some new friends, he was such a hottie” you joked. The white male looking at you with a sense of seriousness.
He didn’t like that you were making friends with others. Much less calling them hot right in him. As if he wasn’t there. Af is the male who saved your life time and time again wasn’t in front of you. In chishiya’s eyes you should only look at him, it infuriated him beyond belief. ‘Why would you call this Guy ,who is probably an imbecile, hot?’ glancing at you he opened his bag.
“Oh yeah? Who?“ he asked poison leaking from his lips. The question was one he definitely didn’t want the answer to. “His name is Banda sunato recognized him from the news, if he wasn’t an absolute psycho I would have been all over him” That comment you added at the end didn’t help him at all. It only made the feeling in chest tighten ten times more. If it weren’t for his pride he would have shown it. “Psycho? He’s definitely your type then” he joked trying to hide the feelings that are currently plague him like a disease.
“You’re Right..he totally is my type” you joked leaning forward. Your low cut exposing your chest. Grabbing a biscuit from his hand. He didn’t seem to mind in fact seemed like he liked it. Peering down your shirt for at least a good minute. Ippei giggled before saying “see something you like chishiya?” Laughing at the joke you took a bite of the cookie. “You’re Right these are actually good” chishiya just gave a sly smile. The same smile he gave whenever he was correct. That irritating annoying smile…you can’t help but love it.
You felt a gaze behind you. As you were sitting with your team mates, there was the same male as before sitting on the floor. Legs pressed to his chest as he just stared at your group. The state didn’t feel like it was trying to kill you or like it was attempting to harm anyone in anyway. It felt curious, as if it was planning your next move. Ignoring the blue eyed male you look at the girl in the blue dress. Group following behind her, “I’m so sorry to bother you…but we need to find out our symbols so let’s go meet up!” Getting up you begin to follow her, smiling as you wave at the boy with his bangs covering his face. Surprised taking him he gave a slight wave back.
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People yelling out symbols. There was sweat dripping down the sides of their heads. Your voice calling out the symbol just like the rest. When it was your turn you stood tall, shoulders relaxed. Giving the impression you Trusted them with all your being. “I’m next! Please tell me the truth” you said, parting your hair out of the way. “Oh y/n you’re a heart” you heard a small voice let out. Hearing a chorus of hearts leaving the lips of everyone. You walked back to your place, next to the cat like man.
“Mmm i kinda like urumia” you stated, as you begin to twirl your hair. “Why is that?” Ippei asked, his hands shaking. He looked like a puppy in the rain. “She’s smart I mean getting a leadership role this earlier on? It’s pretty smart I must say! Plus she’s really cute” you state, your pretty finger still toying with your hair. “Makes people more willing to listen to you, but it also makes you a target” chishiya added.
A small sound of agreement left your lips. You noticed ippei’s eyes Wandering everywhere. You figured he wasn’t good under stress, and you couldn’t have your teammate acting like this. Could possibly mess up the game in the long run, you were not risking it. You took his hand in your’s you started tracing his plam. “Hey ippei what did you do in your life before this” you asked suddenly. A distraction, granted one that’s not so helpful but one none the less. “Oh I used to be a student teacher” he replied, his hands still shaking. But it stilled after a while, “oh? What subject did you want to teach?” You asked a bit more interested. You loved teachers, “I want to be a teacher” the bottle blonde, listening in on the conversation. Adding his very important input, “you’d look the type”. You giggled slightly, looking at your newfound friends eyes. “You really do”
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Walking into the cell. You shut the door behind you, the countdown started. “Heart” you said. Arms crossing over your chest. Not really giving it much thought. You waited for the timer to be done. Once it was done you walked out. Glancing around you noticed that everyone was there. Getting a glimpse of a yellow sweater, you skipped over to it. Every step you took bringing you closer to him, but it was short lived as one of your Wrist was in the hands of someone else. “I see you’re alive” the blue shirt taking up your vision. You remembered when blue used to be your favorite color, how the color would calm you down. The color used to make you want to paint the sky, the color made you want to jump in the clouds. But looking at him in it made the color leave an awful taste in your mouth. Knowing he killed those woman without a care made you boil with rage. “We are nothing alike… im fighting for my life…what are YOU fighting for?” a serious look painting your face. Turning your head back, to look at him in the eyes. Searching for an answer, hoping that this sack of shit had a reason. The more you looked in the blue you found yourself more lost then before. He only watched you. You pushed him away from you, walking away from the tainted blue back to the safe yellow and white.
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xoxo-teddybear · 4 years
Adorable - Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: Fluff, Crack, Cursing, slice of life, Bakugou kinda ooc but still lovable
Summary: Honestly it’s just some scenarios of Bakugou and Y/N being an adorable couple. It’s also just some moments in their lives as a couple
“Annnddd....done!” You squealed as you got your setup ready. You were currently setting up a cupcake tower on a table after you spent days baking. UA needed some funds so they set up a little event to raise money. Students could either participate in raising money or giving money and Y/N chose to do a little cupcake sale to help out. What a sweetheart.
“It looks amazing Y/N,” Mina said as she tried to grab a cupcake. You smacked her hand away before she snatched one. “Ow!”
“Those aren’t free Mina, they’re important too.” You explained as you picked up a stack of flyers to pass out.
“I know they’re important! They’re gonna save my life! I didn’t get to eat breakfast and I’m starvingggg.” You laughed at your best friend before you took a few steps away from your table to pass out the papers.
“Well unless you pay for it, you can’t have it. Besides, I put a lot of work into them. I spent a week in the kitchen and I just spent 4 hours setting up the table. Cant let them go to waste and just give ‘em for free.” you said as you gave away the flyers.
What you didn’t realize was that behind you at your table, Bakugou and Kirishima had stumbled upon your cupcake table and silently went in to grab one. Unfortunately, they weren’t the most graceful and tipped over your entire setup. They looked at each other in shock and quickly scrambled to fix their mistake as you were distracted. The boys picked up the table and quickly went to gather the cakes.
“I put a lot of time into them. There’s sugar free, dairy free-“
“Do you have any that are just free free? I’m really hungry.” Mina whined and you gave in.
“Fine, I’ll let you have a cupcake if you help me with the sale. You can make sure the table stays neat and tidy!” you bargained to which Mina agreed. However, as you said that, Bakugou had tipped the table again after he bumped into it while picking up cupcakes and Kirishima gave him a look that screamed ‘duuudeee seriously?!’ As he was on his knees picking up the sweets.
“Hey, maybe we can get Bakugou and Kirishima to help us too!” Mina offered.
“Ehh, I don’t know. They’d probably just want to eat everything,” you warned as you hung up one flyer.
“I doubt they’d put food in their mouths if it meant helping the school.” She tried to defend them but behind your backs, the boys panicked when they didn’t know what to do and just stuffed the cakes in their mouths. They left evidence all over their hands and face.
“Well, let’s get this bake sale started!” You said and when you both turned around to face your table, you saw it on the ground along with a few cupcakes. The rest of them were in the hands and mouths of Kirishima and Bakugou as you both watched them continue to chow down on the desserts. Once they noticed you guys staring they froze, dropped the cupcakes, pointed towards each other, and spoke with full mouths at the same time.
“.....he did it.” They both said with frosting and cake all in their hands, mouths, and faces.
Here’s the situation. Y/N has been directed to keep a low profile due to her being targeted by a few villains. She wasn’t down for that especially since her and Bakugou were a duo. She knew Bakugou could handle himself but it made her feel better knowing they were both looking out for each other on the field. And so, to keep fighting by his side, she went under an Alias hero name, Blaze, and gave herself a new look for the time being. She wore a very subtle and natural wig, different makeup, and wore a bandana mask that covered half her face.
Bakugou of course knew who she was, along with the rest of the former students in 1-A, but they went along with it so that Y/N can continue to fight. Unfortunately, “Blaze,” grew popular as people began to notice Bakugou’s “new” hero partner and eventually, the duo got an interview that wanted an inside scoop on all things Blaze. So here we are at that interview.
“You know Dynamight, I think I like this new partner better than H/N,” the interviewer said. Bakugou and the rest of 1-A grew a shocked and fearful look on their faces once those words left the poor man’s mouth.
“Excuse me?” Y/N aka Blaze said.
“Well, Blaze, I think you just have this special something that H/N never had. And, I think you’re more talented than her.” Ironic since the man is speaking to the same girl just with a different name. Once he said that though, the former students all grew shocked faces that were the embodiment of “😧😯” as they awaited for Y/N’s reply.
“Heh...what?” Y/N laughed trying to play it off and not be detected, “H/N is brilliant. You have no idea what you are talking about,” Y/N said with a slight smile but 100% attitude. Bakugou looked at his girlfriend with hesistant eyes as he was worried she would kill the man.
“I think I do,” the man started, “see, you just bring this fresh new look for Dynamight that H/N never brought.”
Bakugou was pissed this man was talking about his Y/N like that but he was in the eye of the public and had to keep a cool cover and so he quickly jumped to try and save this interviewer from Y/N’s wrath.
“H/N was also fresh! Heh..some might even say that H/N and Blaze have the same amount of ..fre-freshness.” Bakugou tried to counter but the man kept going.
“Well in my opinion, Y/N L/N wasnt an impactful or important part of your success at all. She was overrated.” And Bakugou’s face grew worried and shocked as his head snapped towards Y/N to gaze her reaction.
“Huh! What do you know?! You don’t fight villains or save lives!” Y/N aka Blaze said as she stood from her seat and walked towards the man. “You just sit there with your over-gelled, swoopy hair as you read and ask stupid questions off of stupid cards!” She said and took the cards out of his hands and threw them at the man.
Bakugou was quick to stand and try to take the attention away from the scene. “Hey uh..my-my team will be coming out with new Dynamight merch so stay tuned for that!..heh...”
“And another thing,” Y/N said as her intense stare never left the interviewer’s. “H/N has worked too hard to be treated with such disrespect! Am I right everyone?!” She asked the crowd in the audience as they all cheered in agreement.
“See this is what I’m talking about!” The man said as he stood up with you and Katsuki. “This is that exact fire that Y/N lacks!”
“Oh I’ll show you fire!” You said as you went to jump the man but before you got a chance Bakugou was quick to grab you and throw you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. He turned to the man and apologized and created a casual conversation as you hung from his shoulders, fist-pumping with the crowd as they cheered on your alias name.
“Goodnight everyone!” Bakugou screamed as he ran off with you and out of the building. He took you home and you both had to take a breather from the insane night.
“Baby?” Bakugou screamed into your dorm room as he couldn’t find you. He just got back from a training session in the forest with Aizawa and had been looking for you all day. He just wants to see his teddy bear.
“Baby?” Checked the common rooms..nothing.
“Babyyy?” Checked the kitchens...nope.
“Y/N?” Checked the school..not here either.
“Teddy Bear?” Checked the gym..you already know. Bakugou got tired and went to the rooftop.
“TEDDY BEAARRRRRRRR!!!!” He screamed to the world. He still got nothing but then he heard feet running up the stairs and the door bust open. He turned in hopes of it being his loving girlfriend but instead he saw his 4 friends.
“BAKUGOU! SHUT UP!” They all screamed at him.
“Oh shut up idiots! I’m trying to find my girlfriend here!” Bakugou said and as he was getting ready to yell again, the Bakusquad shut him up and dragged him to his dorm room.
“Did you check there?!” Mina asked and she and the rest of the squad walked away. Bakugou walked in and saw you peacefully sleeping in his bed and out of nowhere his annoyed thoughts all left him as he smiled at your slumbering state. He took off his bags and shoes as he jumped into bed with you and smothered your face in quick kisses.
You finally woke up to the ticklish feeling of your loving boyfriend and giggled as he assaulted you with his love. “Hey baby, what’s up?”
“I’ve been looking for you Princess,” Bakugou said as his lips were on your cheek. His face was smooshed into yours as he inhaled your sweet scent. He loved it here.
“You need something, love?” You asked as you turned to face him. You watched as Bakugou just nodded his head and poked his lips out. Yes. Bakugou Katsuki did all that searching and yelling for a single peck on the lips from you. It was all he craved for and he was gonna get it. You smiled as you rolled your eyes and gave in. The sweet peck was enough to make Bakugou combust as he sighed in satisfaction and flopped onto his bed, bringing you down with you him.
“Thank you!” He said with shut eyes and a contempt smile.
“Sure babe, anytime,” you said as you cuddled into him and drifted back off to sleep. Katsuki following you, dreaming about giving you even more kisses.
Y/N had been meditating. Due to her quirk, it was good that she’d get some R&R during these peaceful and quiet states. Until her boyfriend walked in. Bakugou Katsuki, who is very much the opposite of peaceful and quiet.
“Baby?” He asked. “Is there anything I can do to help?” He said with a pretty chirpy attitude and a small smile.
“Go away,” you smiled sweetly at him for a second before turning back around.
A/N: idk I thought this was cute :/
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Robbery Gone Wrong (Ben Hargreeves x Reader)
Notes: Hey guys! It’s my first Umbrella Academy fanfic! There are more in the works, I swear, but also this is my first time writing for these characters so I’m sorry if they’re a little OOC. I will get better as time goes on. However, I hope they’re at least close to character, and I hope you guys enjoy! And, as always, my asks/DMs/submit box/tag list is always open so feel free to drop in anytime :)
Summary: You’re one of the forty-three children that didn’t get adopted by Reginald Hargreeves, but lucky for him, you live just down the street.
Robbery Gone Wrong
Ben Hargreeves x Reader
Requested?: Yes, by @raythecomputerart : “I would die for some Ben x reader and platonic klaus you're free to do whatever you want but if you want a prompt then maybe something with a reader that's one of the other children that weren't adopted maybe a healer one OR a conduit type one(like essentially they enhance others abilities) or just whatever you want”
Word Count: 1,457
Warnings: mentions fighting & a robbery but nothing too graphic I don’t think; someone gets hurt
“(Y/n) (Y/l/n)! My HBIC!” Klaus slings an arm around your shoulders as you step into the Hargreeves Mansion.
“HBIC? Klaus, you know what that means right?” You deadpan, giving him a pat on the back. Klaus is one of your best friends here at the Umbrella Academy.
“Of course! It means Head Babe In Charge, HBIC! Duh.” He gives you a cheeky grin, knowing that is not the correct acronym. You let it slide, though.
“Oh, hey, (Y/n).” Ben comes running down the stairs to give you a hug. You immediately let go of Klaus and hug Ben, ignoring Klaus’ eye roll. He knew about your feelings for number six.
“Hey, Ben.” You smile.
“So what are you doing over here, my dear?” Klaus hums, looking at the black nail polish on his fingertips that is starting to chip off.
“I can redo those for you later, Klaus,” You start, seeing the excitement grow in his eyes, “but I’m here because your father called me over for a training session.” 
“Right...our father.” Klaus sighs.
“Klaus, come on.” Ben gives Klaus a warning look. You giggle.
“All children to the training room. Now.” Reginald’s voice crackles through the com system.
“I guess that’s our cue to leave.” You spin on your heel and head toward the training room, the two boys hot on your heels. Ben catches up a bit faster.
“So, (Y/n), I was thinking...maybe we could hang out later? Not, like, in my room with Klaus like we usually do. Like...just us, at Griddy’s or something?” Ben proposes, giving you a shy smile.
“Will your dad let you do that?” You frown.
“Probably not, but who says I can’t sneak out?” His shy smile grows into a grin. You break out into a grin of your own and nod.
“Leave your window open tonight, I’ll come to get you when my parents are asleep.” You nudge him in the side.
“Will do.” He ruffles your hair and goes to join his brothers and sisters. You smile to yourself.
God, you love that boy.
“Listen up! Today each of you will have a one-on-one training time with Miss (Y/l/n). As you all know, she is one of the forty-three and her parents insisted on keeping her. Her power is to enhance all of your powers. Anyway, number one, you’re first.” Reginald ushers you and Luther into the training room. You stand across from each other, slightly awkward. You were never great friends with Luther, mostly because you didn’t really understand him.
“Are you gonna do something so I can help you?” You blurt out, itching to do something with your power.
“Oh, right.” Luther clears his throat and starts punching on one of the punching bags in a corner. You raise your hands and focus hard to make him stronger. Soon enough, he takes out the punching bag in one hit, leaving it destroyed on the ground.
“Again?” You smile. He nods and goes to another punching bag, taking it out in one hit again.
“That’s enough, number one. Number two, your turn.” Reginald pushes Diego into the training room. At that moment, though, the alarm rings.
“Mr. Hargreeves, should we take care of that?” You ask.
“Yes, yes! Hurry along to your rooms and get your masks! (Y/n), get into uniform, too.” Reginald instructs, turning on his heel to go to his office. You sigh and go to the nearest restroom, grabbing your clothes from Grace along the way.
Within minutes, you and the Hargreeves children are at the scene of the crime. It’s a bank robbery hostage situation, a pretty easy mission.
“(Y/n), cover me,” Allison yells, skipping over to a large group of masked robbers. You get to work, enhancing Allison’s skill.
“I heard a rumor that you all are traitors,” Allison whispers, but with your power, it reaches the entire group’s ears. After that, they all start to fight one another instead.
“(Y/n), over here!” Klaus calls, giving you a thumbs up. You focus on enhancing him and one of his ghosts pops up, scaring a robber as Diego stabs him in the back.
“Teamwork!” You grin, pumping your fist in the air. Klaus mimicks you, but his face goes white as he looks behind you.
You turn around to see a robber heading toward you with a knife in hand. Before you can react, though, Ben has jumped in front of you.
“Ben!” Klaus and you yell at the same time. You watch as the knife plunges into Ben’s stomach.
Within seconds, five has teleported over and cracked the guy’s neck. You fall down next to Ben as the fight rages on around you. Klaus is engaged in battle, trying to keep the two of you away from harm.
“Ben, listen to me, okay? I learned how to do this a little while ago, but you’re going to have to trust me.” You grab his hand, squeezing it in your own. He gives a forced chuckle.
“I trust you with my life, (Y/n).” He admits.
“Good, because that’s exactly what I’m asking you to do.” You murmur, setting a hand lightly on his wound.
“What are you doing?” He groans, eyes flicking to his stomach wound.
“Keep your eyes on me.” You demand, lifting his chin to make eye contact with you again.
“Gladly.” He tries for a smile, but it disappears as soon as it comes.
“You know how I said I was going to try to enhance my own powers one of these days and see what happens?” You ask, keeping his focus on you.
“Yeah, I think so. Why? Did you do it?” He hums, eyes starting to droop from the loss of blood.
“I did,” You nod, “and you know what happened? I can heal whenever I enhance myself. I guess since my normal power is helping others, when I enhance myself, I can help them more. You know?” You enhance yourself, using as much of your energy as possible to heal the wound on Ben’s stomach. Then, the wound is gone, only a small scar replacing it.
“Holy crap, that’s actually awesome. Does my dad know about this?” He asks, poking at the scar
“Not yet, but he will now. Come on, we have a fight to finish.” You get up and hold out your hand to help him. He takes it and smiles, kissing your cheek once he’s back on his feet. You hope that your mask covers the blush enough. 
“Are you two lovebirds done talking yet? I’m getting kinda tired over here.” Klaus complains as he kicks a robber in the groin.
“You’re doing just fine on your own, Klaus.” You laugh.
“Yeah, but it’s more fun with a friend. Come on, (Y/n).” Klaus whines as he drags you away from Ben.
Once the fight is over, you’re back at the Hargreeves Mansion. 
“What was that, number eight? You healed number six. How?” Reginald questions you.
“First of all, I’m not number eight. It’s (Y/n), remember? My parents named me because they love me. Second of all, I experimented and figured it out. Pretty cool, right?” You grin at the man. He gives you a ridiculous look.
“Children...” He huffs and goes to his office to learn more about your powers. 
“Thanks for saving my life back there, (Y/n).” Ben comes up from behind you, a sheepish smile donned on his face.
“Of course. I’d save your life anytime, any day.” You grin at him, punching him lightly in the arm. He laughs.
“So...I don’t know if you got this earlier or not, but when I was asking you to hang out later...I kinda meant, like, as more than friends. If you want, that is.” He scratches the back of his neck nervously.
“Ben Hargreeves, are you asking me on a date?” You tease.
“Maybe...if your answer is yes.” He admits, biting his lower lip.
“The answer is definitely a yes. I’ll sneak in your window later and we’ll go on our date.” You nod.
“Great. That’s...that’s great, I can’t wait.” Ben’s smile gets wider and he presses a chaste kiss to your cheek.
“I’ll see you later, my survivor.” You hug him before walking out of the mansion and back to your house.
“So, you finally got the girl, huh?” Klaus props an elbow up on Ben’s shoulder. Ben shrugs it off.
“Shut up, Klaus.” He rolls his eyes and walks off.
“What? Oh, come on, bro! I’m just lightly teasing you about the love of your life! What’s gonna happen when the two of you get married and you have to deal with this all the time?” Klaus calls after his brother.
It’s a dysfunctional family, but a loveable one at that.
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copycaat · 7 years
fulgadrome replied to your post: not naming any names but some people are being...
i did nothing wrong,
list of sins:
fucks bugs?
really critical of bug furry costumes? they’re fucking trying okay?
wont stop making WILF puns despite me tearfully begging for an end to it
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copycaat · 7 years
imc rying sometimes i want to send in those poetic edgy meme things SO BAD but kakashi as an adult is just like ‘ooooooh my god shut the fuuuuuuuck uuuuuuuuuup’ whenever people try to get deep with him like. he’s so over it. here for a good time, not a long time. or an emotional time.
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copycaat · 7 years
here’s a lil update on my life: i applied for a job as an editor at one of the local papers which means i could start working from home, and i also applied to some of the local marinas that are within walking distance and told them i would work any hours so.... i might be changing jobs soon? we’ll see.
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copycaat · 7 years
okay that’s enough of that....................... furry shit
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copycaat · 7 years
hey how come i wanna fuck almost every naruto character
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copycaat · 7 years
kakashi is a furry
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copycaat · 7 years
jo just told me kakashi is a cat meme
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copycaat · 7 years
I've been thinking about kakagai re: that's my main ship but I'm open to others and mmmm Frankly it's kinda depressing lmao
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copycaat · 7 years
y’all when ppl say ‘fiction =/= reality’ i call total bullshit like a) scientific studies which i am too lazy to find show they do and b) like 85% of my morality comes from emulating naruto as a child so please just imagine what a shitty person i would be if naruto had advocated things like in/cest and pe.dophilia within the anime or if i had been involved in the fandom at all during my formative years.
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copycaat · 7 years
take it to the bank boys, felix is kakashi’s wife 
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copycaat · 7 years
fiireriides replied to your post: kakashi is a furry
i hate this
daddy kakashi the fuckable ninja dog man, for all your weird kink needs
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copycaat · 7 years
mekamis replied to your post: i got started complaining about russian grammar...
// I’m good at making people sweat ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
sexy :^) haha and then what
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copycaat · 7 years
i got started complaining about russian grammar structure to mero and now im Sweating 
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