#◯ | otp : hello hunk wonder
A few days ago I wrote this: "I need a fic about Keith knowing the future couples on the team, after seeing the future so many time when he was with Krolia, asap"  
Well, I wrote it myself as a way of entertaining myself while waiting for the real writers do the work.  Is a Kallura centered drabble, but there is also a little Plance in it because Plance is my otp and I needed them in this fic.
Also, english is NOT my first language so i'm sorry if you see some mistakes. I hope at least you find that is a decent story.
After Lotor, they decided they needed a break.
Now that the universes were safe, they didn’t need to pressure themselves anymore. At least for a while.
Also, the return to home would be long and exhausting, and without the castle they had to stop on the allied planets to stay in good shape. Eat, take a shower, sleep ... don’t go crazy trapped inside a lion for more than ten hours. Basic things.
Everyone was tired, and practically destroyed emotionally and physically after the battle. But to think on Earth, on their families, was a beacon of hope that comforted the hearts of everyone.... Or almost everyone.
Allura and Coran were eager to see the home of the paladins, but no one could deny that the two alteans were still trying to overcome the trauma that was to destroy the castle for the greater good.
Romelle also didn’t seem particularly happy to go to Earth, but neither was she annoyed by it. After avenging her family and having met the princess Allura, the girl was happy with any decision that was made.
And then there was him. Keith wanted to return to Earth, but not because he had family like the others. At least not alive. So he wasn’t ecstatic to return. But it did fill him with warmth to think that he could have a family again in that place. His mother and he living under the same roof. It was so weird to imagine. His mother Galra, whom he had once hated for abandoning them, was now, with Shiro and the paladins, his family; and Keith wanted to show her the Earth like his father had never been able to do, because of the Galra Empire threatening to kill them all.
Who would have thought that it only took two years of travelling through space, experiencing visions of the past and future, to strengthen the bond with your mother?
He had seen so many things that he wished he hadn’t seen. Some horribly heartbreaking, and others simply too embarrassing ... Keith knew too much for his own good.
Like for example all the times that a Galra attack would end the lives of thousands of innocents.
... Or the fact that Lance would confess his feelings to Allura to only be rejected.
It was so awkward to know so many things about his friends and pretend that everything was fine, and Keith was not good at hiding his emotions. He might look like a cold person, but Keith couldn't help but show when something troubles him. And knowing everything about the lives of his friends was one of those things. “Oh, hello Hunk, do you want to know something funny? As soon as you see Shay again she will kiss you in front of everyone and you will want to take her to Earth to meet your parents. Coran, I know you'll fall in love with an earthling when we get home, but she'll break your heart. Lance! The whole situation with Allura will be extremely difficult for you. And Pidge ... Pidge I know how many times you are gonna try to play video games with Lance to cheer him up, wrongly believing that he could never reciprocate your  feelings.”
 And Allura ... she...
"Keith. Are you okay?"
It was uncommon that something took him by surprise, but the sudden appearance of the princess, startled the leader of the Voltron.
They were making the first stop on their return to Earth. The allied planet had food impossible to digest for them, and the atmospheric conditions were very aggressive for humans. But at least the citizens were kind, and they had pretty comfortable beds. And considering their situation, everyone appreciated being able to sleep in such a place. But Keith could not sit still. The feeling that Shiro could vanish at any moment was something that tormented him. So he had decided to stand guard in the hallway, while everyone slept in their rooms. Everyone but Allura apparently, who was in front of him, in her sleeping gown and with messy hair.
"Princess" Keith saw her eyes and all his thoughts disappeared for a few seconds. She looked broken. "I'm fine, it's just a bit of insomnia ... but you look ..." Keith wanted to say "Horrible", and two years ago he would have said it. Back then he couldn’t control himself when talking ... but now he was trying to read the emotions of others a little better.
"Pathetic? Hideous? A mess?"
"Exhausted." Sentenced Keith, convinced that that was the best term to describe her.
"I guess that's one way to put it. Can I sit?"
Oh no. The nervousness had returned and with bigger intensity. When they were fighting Keith hadn’t had time to think about it ... but now, in the calm of victory, on the serenity of the night, in quiet of the loneliness, Keith could see his visions clearly. How to explain to Allura that the reason why it was so hard to invite her to sit next to him was because he had seen them in his visions? How to tell the princess of Altea that in the future she would have a relationship with a half Galra half human, and that would create tension in the whole universe?
Allura smiled at him briefly and proceeded to sit beside him. She didn’t seem willing to start a conversation, and Keith wasn’t in the mood for that either. But seeing her so melancholy was heartbreaking.
"It wasn’t your fault. You know that, right?"
"Everyone keeps telling me that" Allura replied between sighs, unable to look away from the floor. "But I just can’t get rid of this feeling. I’ve failed to everyone ... I’ve failed myself"
"Allura, you beat Lotor. You saved all the universes. "
"We did that." Claimed the princess, looking right into his eyes for the first time since she had sat next to him in that deserted hallway.
 "But without you it would have been impossible."
"Allura. Stop."
She gave him a genuine smile and took a deep breath. Keith could sense that she was holding back her tears and although the empathy for her friend invaded him immediately -which was amazing because even though he had not seen her for past two years his feelings for her, and for the whole team, remained intact-, the black paladin couldn’t avoid feeling that if she started crying he would  freak out internally; he was really bad at comforting people.
"You know ..." Allura resumed the conversation, and Keith admired her strength to hold back the tears and just keep talking. "One of the reasons why Lotor gained my trust so fast was... you"
Oh no. Keith could feel the heat rising up his neck. Suddenly looking at the wall had become more interesting than maintaining eye contact with Allura.
"Me?" Keith asked noticing how his voice cracked, and instantly wanting to hit his head against that same wall.
"Yes, you. I learned not to judge others, not even the Galra. The only thing that can show the goodness of our hearts are our actions, and you proved to be loyal and courageous. You have your heart in the right place ... Lotor ... he showed me everything I am capable of, and I thought I had also wrongly judged him. But now ... now. I am so confused! …And embarrassed."
Allura buried her face in her hands and Keith stayed a few seconds in silence waiting to hear the drowned sob of the princess, but they never came. She was still fighting to reamin calm, and at that point he didn’t know whether to admire her for that or be concerned.
"There are bad people on all the planets. Everyone can cheat and betray you, but they can also prove you to be extraordinary people. You just need to find the balance. Always be careful but never lose hope. "
Those words didn’t seem to belong to him. Keith wondered if Shiro was still in his mind somehow, giving him advice, because that undoubtedly sounded like something that his friend, slash big brother, would say. Allura seemed to think the same thing because suddenly she uncovered her face to look into his eyes.
"That was ... beautiful, Keith. Thank you."
Keith nodded, and even dared to smile back. It seemed surreal. He hadn’t seen her for two years, but nothing had changed. Everything was the same, except that now Allura was a little more broken, and Keith hated to see her like that. He still remembered her bright smile. It had been a long time but he could never forget Allura's smile. It was one of the few things that never failed to reassure him. But Keith knew it would take a long time for her to smile like that again.
Wait a second. He was thinking about her lips, wasn’t he? He was practically staring at her lips! Abort, abort!
"Do you know that Pidge has a crush on Lance?"
Good one Keith, is that your way of saving the situation? Throwing Pidge under the bus? What a good friend. Allura's expression showed extreme confusion and Keith could barely keep her gaze.
"I see ... How do you know?" Allura asked trying to bring some rationality to the situation.
"Well ..." I have lived for the past two years on the back of a space whale, in a quantum abyss where time does messed up things, while seeing visions of the past and the future. "It's complicated."
"Try me. Whatever you are hiding is clearly affecting you. You are our leader. We need you to have a clear mind. "
Keith didn’t know what to do. There was no way to answer her question without causing the princess to go crazy due to the amount of information. But still, he should tell her. Someone had to know. It was not the kind of secret you hide from your team, from your friends.
"Allura, this is going to sound very weird, but when I was with my mother on a mission, we were trapped in a quantum abyss and ..."
"For how long?"
Keith looked at Allura still open-mouthed. Her eyes revealed growing concern and he just undestood that there was no need to explain all the details. The princess knew what a quantum abysm implied.
"Hours? Days? Weeks? "
Silence flooded through the dark and lonely hallway. A disturbing calm enveloped them as Allura slowly brought her hands to her mouth, silencing a gasp. It wasn’t something Keith enjoyed talking about; and the paladins weren’t stupid. The first thing Lance did when he saw him was to point out how old he looked. And if Lance could sense it, then Hunk and Pidge would have figured out right away  that something bigger, and with a possible scientific explanation, had happened to Keith in those months he was away from Voltron.
But saying it out loud was still pretty damn weird.
"Keith." Allura brought him back to reality. "Are you alright?"
Of all the questions she could have asked, Allura had chosen the only one that managed to affect Keith.
"I don’t know." The truth was always the best option in those cases. Keith wasn’t traumatized by having lived with his mother on the back of a space whale for two years, but it was certainly unsettling in retrospect.
"You must have seen so many things."
"You have no idea"
If Keith could, he would eliminate from his mind the image of Coran trying to flirt with the people from earth and scaring them, or the conversation that Hunk would have with his parents in which they would affirm that Shay was a beautiful alien but they were worried because they really wanted to have grandchildren and they didn’t know how that would be possible. Undoubtedly Keith also wanted to forget Pidge and Lance making out in secret.
It was none of his business and Keith felt like a creep, watching the lives of his friends.
"Have you seen anything about ... me?"
Well played Keith. The princess is asking you the worst possible question and it's your fault.
"I can’t remember anything specific right now."  It was late, they were both tired, and Keith felt he had already shared too much information. It didn’t seem like the place or the moment to open up about what he had seen about Allura in his visions.
"Is okay. I shouldn’t have asked.” Allura looked away from him, changing her attention to the wall in front of them, immersing herself in her thoughts. It was pretty obvious that she knew he was lying, but Keith was grateful she didn’t push him. "It is not the moment to know my future; I have to focus on the present. Also, I trusted you. If you had seen something really important you would tell us, just like you did with ... Lotor”
Keith knew the feeling of being consume by rage very well, and it was certainly something he had seen in Allura during the battle. But in the end, when Lotors  version of Voltron had been destroyed, and the Galra leader was unconscious, floating in the quintessence field, neither Keith nor Allura could leave without first thinking of saving him. Yes, Keith knew and understood all about Allura's rage, but he also knew about her kindness and forgiveness; and because of those emotions she was feeling so confused now.
"I haven’t told you yet but I really sorry that ..."
"So ... Pidge and Lance"
Allura looked him in the eye again. A fake smile on her lips and watery eyes, but still refusing to shed a tear. Apparently she also considered that she had talked enough for that night, and Keith respected that.
"Please don’t tell anyone ... I don’t know why I said it," Keith begged, afraid to even imagine what Pidge could do to him. "I'm an idiot."
"The secret is safe with me," the princess assured him, giving him a fleeting smile again before her thoughts began to wander again and her attention drifted away from the conversation.
 "Are you okay, princess?"
"I will be." Her voice was calm and assertive, as always. But her eyes revealed her true emotions.
"Is it because of Lance?" Bad question Keith, haven’t you screwed up enough for one night?
"What?" Allura's cheeks stained with a faint pink. It was understandable. Allura was realizing that Keith probably knew many things about her love life, past and future. That was too much power for one person. "You saw something, didn’t you?"
The heat grew in Keith. Those things weren’t his forte, and he definitely couldn’t lie to her. It would be in vain, she could see through him without problems.
"I don’t think it's is a good idea to tell you what I saw. I don’t want to alter your decisions and make everything worse." Fifty percent of that was true; fifty percent was Keith trying not to remember his visions of Allura and Lance.
"The visions of the quantum abyss show you facts, Keith. Maybe they do not happen the way you saw them, but they are almost always inevitable." The princess explained solemnly, but then she let out a sigh and return to her melancholic state. "... but I respect your decision, and I appreciate it. I have to think about ... Lance, and I have to do it by myself."
"I get it. But try not to burden yourself with that right now. You should rest."
Allura gave him a look full of tenderness and before Keith could begin to process what was happening he could feel the hand of the princess on his. Even after being stuck in a place where the time did crazy things, Keith had never experienced the feeling of the time actually stopping, until that moment. Allura's fingers stroked his hand and Keith had flashes of them kissing one starry night, sitting in front of his house. Allura was wearing civilian clothes, jeans and an oversized sweater; and Keith had returned to his everyday clothes. It wasn’t a passionate kiss, but it was sweet and warm. They were holding hands, and Allura's fingers caressed his just as she was doing in the present.
"I think you're right. I should go to sleep"
Keith blinked a few of times, trying to push away the visions and regain his composure. Meanwhile, Allura stood up, brushing off a lock of white hair from her face and taking a deep breath.
"Thanks Keith. For sharing these moments with me. I'm glad you're back."
"I'm glad too, princess." Keith replied, still trying to hide the blush on his cheeks.
Allura headed to her room, and before opening the door she turned one last time to wish him a good night and to give him a last kind smile, before disappearing.
Keith smiled to himself. All his worries had vanished, at least for a while, by the comforting presence of the princess; and the paladin found himself yawning for the first time that night. Apparently, even after all those years, Allura's smile still had the same effect on him.
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d-june-y · 6 years
Hello! I think your art is beautiful 💓 I just love Voltron in Mulan Universe 😂 I was wondering what are your OTPs in Voltron and your thoughts about Season 7?
Hi! You’re so kind! Thank you for the question)First of all I don’t write in English enough so I will probably make some mistakes and I want to sorry for this :)Well I have few otps and these are Sheith, Allurance and I still have some feelling for Lotura)) I also like a lot of other ships in this show but these 3 are my favorite :)I love new season! I’ve watched broadcasting and oh… this was so intense!There were so many incredible things: animation and the voice acting, and characters development! But still season 6 is my favorite ) I’m so happy that Lance finally reunited with his family. It was really amazing moment. I’m also glad that Hunk got more screen time. He is precious baby and totally deserves it. I couldn’t even imagine that it was possible to love Shiro more but this season proved me that I was wrong XD I think that he is one of the most well written characters of the show! I still little upset that he is not paladin anymore but he became captain of Atlas whereas Keith is the lider of Voltron so now they have equal position and this thing make me so exciting to know what is going to be next with Shiro, Keith and other paladins. I look forward to new season )
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tumultuoustuna · 7 years
shiro x allura celebrity and fan?
Shallura ain’t my otp by any standards, but I still think I went insane with this one. Enjoy, dear anon.
Local gems are hard to come by sometimes in the consumerist world we live in today. Sure, Starbucks is a good substitute for a neighborhood coffee shop or tea house. But when it came to Garrison’s very own mustached connoisseur and his brews at Nectar of the Gods, Starbucks had nothing. Allura couldn’t agree more. And sure, she was a big actress now, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t sneak out of her house in Daibazaal every so often to visit Garrison and its resident master barista, and the neighboring city of Altea, her home sweet home.
Even if her “best” possible disguise could get her caught easily.
“Allura, I can still tell it’s you,” Coran whispered across the counter, smiling as he cupped his hand around his mouth to keep the words from going too far. “I’m pretty sure anyone with a brain in their skull and good eyes can, too.”
“The sun hat covers my hair, I’m good,” she protested, adjusting said hat.
“A wig is much more effective, Princess.”
“They never work, Coran; my hair’s too poofy.” She sighed and put a hand on her chin to think. “So what’s on the menu? Any seasonal drinks?”
“Indeed; peppermint bark and caramel gingerbread.”
“Those sound amazing.”
“They are indeed; two of my employees came up with them. Amazing, really,” Coran said, smiling with pride and twirling his mustache.
“Truly. I think I’ll try both?”
“You know me too well.” Coran got to work on the first one as Allura continued the conversation. “Are you the only one on staff today?”
“Well, seeing that it’s only, uh, 6:38 am, and Pidge and Shiro don’t come into work till 6:55, 7ish, no. I am not the only one.” Coran poured the coffee into a cup. “And seeing as you like to get up at the crack of dawn like a farmer, I feel like I should be asking you to work here instead.”
Allura shrugged. Her body merely forces her out of bed in the morning now. Her hectic schedule through the years had trained her fast that being up at five in the morning was a healthy thing. And maybe it was; it forced her to bed pretty early too, save she didn’t have a busy night ahead of her. “I guess it’s just instinct?”
“Ah, yes. Instinct. Seeing as most people's’ instinct is to sleep in like a sloth on Sunday, you can see why I ask.”
“Have a job and I love it; I’m good.”
“A job indeed; one you’ve been cultivating from birth.”
Allura chuckled. “My father would agree. He was always impressed with what I could get away with. When I tried, that is.”
Coran handed her the coffee and smiled. “He would always wonder and ask how to deal with you. I distinctly remember him asking how to raise a hell-raiser.”
“Sounds like my dad.”
Coran jumped at the new voice. Behind him was a young woman with short, puffy hair and amber eyes. Round, Harry Potter-like glasses were perched on her nose.
“Pidge, where the quiznak did you come from?!”
“Backdoor. Decided to park in the alley.”
“How did I not hear that?” Coran muttered to himself.
“Maybe because you were too busy talking to notice.”
He chuckled nervously. “Possibly.”
“So, who’s this?”
“Oh! I am glad you asked. Pidge, this is the daughter of an old friend of mine- do you mind if I tell?” Allura shook her head. “This is Ms. Allura; who is my adopted niece and now daughter.”
Pidge’s brow raised. “She can’t be both your niece and daughter, Coran.”
“Well, I was his niece before I was his daughter; he just calls me both,” Allura clarified.
“Okay Pidge, time to get to it!” Coran clapped his hands in vigor. “There’s a caramel gingerbread macchiato to be made.”
“I’ve been waiting to concoct this one,” Pidge said enthusiastically as she rubbed her hands together and cracked her knuckles. After washing her hands and tying the burnt orange apron around her waist, she got to work.
“Does she not recognize me?” Allura whispered to Coran as she took a sip of the peppermint and chocolate flavored coffee. It was hot, but she enjoyed its strong taste.
“Pidge is more of a cult movie addict; she hasn’t watched any of your new ones… or anything from this past decade. Hmm.” Coran scratched his head. “I’ll have to recommend a few newer classics to her, now that I think about.”
“Not mine, please? She seems so cool,” Allura asked, taking another sip of her drink.
“Was thinking more Iron Man.”
“Not a bad choice.” She tapped at her fake glasses.
“‘Tis not. Pidge, how’s it looking?”
“Pretty good; Shiro’s recipe is amazing. It smells spectacular.”
The door to the building opened, setting off a soft chime that Allura had heard when she entered. In walked… well, Allura could only describe the young man as perfect. Even in a loose black sweater, you could tell he had the body of a demigod. A horizontal scar ran across his nose but did nothing to mask his beauty.
And quiznak, if Allura wasn’t having a good morning already, she was now.
“Speak of the devil; hey, nerd! Your caramel gingerbread thing smells great. What did you do to come up with this thing, witchcraft?”
“No, Pidge,” Shiro smiled. He quietly lifted the counter piece and placed it back down. “I signed a deal with the devil.”
“And in only the finest of inks I had,” Coran said, casually twirling his mustache.
“I knew you were Satan,” Pidge hooted. Shiro rolled his eyes and swept Pidge into a hug. “Hey! Watch it, I don’t wanna start over!”
“Yeah, yeah. Coran, who’s this young lady?” Allura jumped when he looked at her. His grey eyes were soft.
“Shiro, this is my niece/daughter, Allura,” Coran introduced.
A strange metamorphosis happened in the span of two seconds; Shiro’s expression shifted from neutral to confused to complete elation and the smile on his face widened almost comically.
“Wait, Allura Alten? The Allura Alten?!” Shiro freaks. The two other people in the seating area of the shop glance over at Shiro before going back to their business.
Pidge looks at him strangely. “Wait, what?
Coran sighed. “I knew it was a bad idea to tell you.”
“No, it wasn’t! Um, hi! Hello!” Shiro’s cool demeanor fell even more as he fidgeted with his own apron. “It’s an honor to meet you!”
Allura had dealt with many fanboys in the past. But, compared to them, Shiro’s innocent, fanboying nature was so refreshing. She couldn’t help but laugh. “What’s going on? Why are you freaking out?” Pidge asked again, placing the coffee on the counter. Her face was the epitome of confused.
“It’s nothing, really,” Allura tittered, grabbing the cup.
“Nothing!? It’s not; where do I start, you’re amazing! Your acting is mind-blowing; you can play the damsel in distress as well as you can play the hardened badass soldier!” The theatrics he put into his hands as he talked almost hit Pidge as she attempted to back away, eyes still wide. “Spider was a brilliant movie! You were made to play Coleen! Eh,” Shiro stuck out his hand, revealing its mechanical appearance. “My name is Takashi, but call me Shiro.”
Allura placed one cup down to take his hand. “Nice to meet you, Shiro. And thank you; Spider is my favorite so far, too.” (Which wasn’t a lie, but the new production she was starting held so much potential and she couldn’t talk about it anytime soon).
“Wait, she’s an actress? Is she that one you kept gushing about junior year?”
Coran nodded for Shiro as he ignored her question.
“Gosh, it’s so amazing to see you in real life; you look so different with your hair hidden I didn’t recognize you!” Shiro babbled on. “I’ve been following your work since high school and you’ve inspired me so much in my college career!”
Allura’s interest piqued.  “What do you major in?”
“Game design! Well, game concept art and such, so technically conceptual artwork, not game design.”
The actresses’ eyes widened. “Really? That’s so cool! I love concept art; it’s usually so much detailed and thought out than the final product.”
“Right!? Like, when Fallout 4’s art book came out, did you see that was in there?”
“Mama Murphy and her wheelchair looked so amazing!”
This went on for… a while. Coran finally shooed Shiro out to go geek out with Allura over gaming once more people started showing up. Pidge wanted too as well but decided it was a good thing to be a responsible employee rather than a crazed fanboy. Coran agreed.
Shiro got back to work soon, much to Pidge’s nagging requests. At their lunch break though, the two sat with Allura and Coran to talk nerd as well.
“Okay, so the Overwatch art book; opinion?” Pidge asked.
“Overwatch has an art book?” Coran whispered to her.
“Yes; I’ll bring it in one day.”
“It’s pretty quiznacking cool; the Mercy one is my fav just because of how different she was before. Like, Mercy as a dude? Yes please,” Allura gushed.
“Mercy was a guy?” Coran asked Pidge again.
“Right?” Shiro blurted. “Or how about Hanzo?”
“I laugh every time I see it.”
“Why?” Pidge asked.
“It’s just hilarious? I don’t know. The thought of having Hanzo having been that overpowered and crazy is just… Eh? As a Mercy main it would’ve been ten times scarier.”
“Gotta protect your healer though.”
“Tell that to the casual noobs.”
“Who hasn’t?” Shiro sighed.
“My friend Hunk, that’s who.”
“Who does he main?”
“Usually Rein, D.va, or Mercy. Occasionally Lucio.”
“Waaaait. Is his username HunkyMonk? Or something like that?” Pidge chirped in question.
“Yeah! Have you played him before?”
“Yes, he was so sweet; the entire time in-game he apologized if he killed us, but was ruthless to those who were assholes on my team. We traded info and now co-op with another guy; LegglyLance I think?”
Allura sputtered. “Lance plays?”
Pidge shrugged. “I guess so?”
“That little liar,” Allura muttered, tone turning snide.
Coran’s phone buzzed and he frowned. “Ah, I’m afraid we’re back on the clock in two. Sorry, Allura.”
“Oh, it’s no problem! I love hanging out with you three.”
“Care to come back tomorrow?” Shiro asked.
Allura beamed and nodded.
With laptop in hand and coffee soon after, Allura continued coming to the Nectar of the Gods for the next two days, managing to avoid being caught by any fans and her manager (who had called her fifty times already). Shiro had become her new best friend in a matter of days; they would talk for the entirety of his lunch break about art, games, science, you name it. Pidge and Coran, of course, would join in too, commenting on their own knowledge on gaming (although Coran’s was limited to mostly Animal Crossing, Pokemon, and DOOM).
Shiro’s fanboy nature had calmed down to his usual self, but Allura still couldn’t help but love the goofy side of him. It would pop-up whenever they talked and Allura loved to be around that enthusiasm.
Now the question was, did this carry over into actual affection? I mean, anyone who had eyes and a brain could confirm he definitely was attractive and he had a personality to boot. But Allura had noticed how close he was to Pidge (who she found out was actually named Katie) and their bond was very strong. If she didn’t know any better she’d think they were dating. That still didn’t stop Allura’s own potential feelings though, now did it?
But not to digress, the third day was pretty much the same (save for the introduction of weekday worker and fellow gamer, Keith Kogane). Keith joined into the discussions at lunch and, surprisingly, was very observant the entire time. Allura found this out when he pulled her aside later.
“You like Shiro, don’t you?” He asked nonchalantly. He even had the audacity to cross his arms and raise his brows in expectation. The sly bastard.
“What? Why would you think that?” Allura started. She could feel her cheeks flaring with heat.
“The entire time we were talking, you had your attention focused on him.”
“Because we were talking strategy!”
Keith gave a look of disbelief but shrugged. “Whatever you say.”
After that, it got Allura thinking more. More about if this was an actual crush. She hoped it wasn’t; she had too much on her plate as it was (at least it felt like it).
She came back the next day, laptop still in hand and mission on the brain. You see, the other reason to come to Garrison was to finish writing a biography about her father, Alfor Alten. It had been a struggle though. Between the amount of information and accomplishments Alfor had gained over the years to Allura’s schedule, she hadn’t had to really write. His friend and colleague, Zarkon, was working on another part of the biography that dealt with their relationship and work. Allura soon hoped to talk with him again about finalizing it.
She was still receiving panicked messages from her manager (“It’s okay, I’m with Coran. No need to worry.” “That doesn’t help, Allura. For Pete’s sake you can’t just up and disappear; everything’s gone pear-shaped!”), but other than that, Allura’s morning had been peaceful. She strolled casually up to the register, sunhat long forgotten in favor of doing her hair into two buns. Glasses still adorned her face and colored contacts hid her unusual blue eyes.
“Anything different today?” Keith asked when Allura came up.
“Why not, Keith; any suggestions?”
Keith smirked. “Our mock unicorn frappuccino.”
“Yeah; Coran managed to snag the recipe and lo and behold, it’s ten times better than Starbucks. And-” He looked left and right before peering behind Allura. “-It’s going to become a permanent item on the menu.”
“I am so going to have to drag Lance here.”
Keith rang the order up and Coran started up on it when Pidge and Shiro walked in together. Pidge’s tiny helmet was tucked beneath her arms as she talked non-stop to Shiro, who also held his helmet in a similar manner.
“-but he totally cheated, no doubt. He hacked his Junkrat’s skills and now I’m pissed.”
Shiro shrugged. “That’s Matt for ya.”
“I grew up with the butthead. I know.”
“Good morning you two,” Allura greeted. “What’s this I hear about cheating?”
“My brother has a habit of hacking things he doesn’t need to.”
Shiro chuckled. “Well, seeing as he’s still really good at Overwatch and just chooses to hack is just ironic.”
“Is Junkrat his main?”
“Him and Genji.”
“You nerds,” Keith laughed. He was handed the drink and topped off the frappuccino with whipped cream and sprinkles.
“You main Genji and Hanzo, I don’t wanna hear it.”
“I’m just a casual; and a pretty good one at that.”
“How does that not make you a nerd?” Coran asked, taking the frappe back before Keith used it as a projectile (he’d done it before; the customer deserved it, granted, since he was messing with Pidge, but still).
Allura was handed the drink and sat down in her spot before she could really get into the conversation. A new email from her manager popped up instantly. It read since he knew she was in Garrison now, he was coming for her. I’m so scared. Her father’s biography was more important at the moment.
There was so much material he covered in his years up to his death. It was getting harder to sort things out the more she delved in. She texted Zarkon a few times, hoping to send her half to him for some advice. He answered soon, saying he would after a meeting. Allura groaned.
“Having trouble?” Shiro asked from behind the counter.
Allura’s arms removed themselves from her face. “Exuberant amounts.”
“I feel ya. The last assignment I had wasn’t even for my midterms and I’m more than certain my professor counted it for half our grade anyway.”
“That much? Must have been important,” Allura smirked.
Shiro shrugged, face neutral. “Professor Slav is… obnoxious, with this sort of stuff.  Like yeah, I was very proud of it, but at the same time I’m very done with everything by the end.”
“Same; certain productions or parts of them just drag on and on, until I can feel my soul leaving my body.”
“Thank you.”
Her phone chimed. A familiar name popped up.
You’re at Nectar right?
Allura sighed. Yes.
A few seconds passed before the door opened again, the little bell chiming, and Allura regretted looking up.
“Found you, bitch.”
In the doorway was her manager, Alejandro “Lance” McClain; and, judging from his expression, he was pissed. “I… can explain.”
“You better.” He strolled in casually, but his stance was stiff with anger. “You’ve been gone for three days too many, barely texted me, and you came to Coran’s without me!”
“I did.”
“The last thing was just personal. For the record, I am offended.”
Keith snorted.
“Well, would you forgive me if I got you a unicorn frap?”
“… maybe.”
With Lance sedated, Allura explained her reasoning was one of relaxation before the craziness of the new movie set in. “If you had just told me, we could’ve avoided all of this, Allura. Do you have any idea how worried Hunk was?” Lance asked, hands waving in agitation.
“I can guess,” she shrugged. “But last time I told you where I was going, you sent Hunk with me. I love him, truly I do, but I did not appreciate the gesture as much as you think I did.”
“I figured and I didn’t care.” He sighed, looking out the window in thought. “Allura, I care about you so much. You’re my best friend and now that your name is such a staple in the world of acting, I don’t know what I’d do if something bad were to happen to you.”
“Lance,” she started as she took his hands in hers. “I know. But you have to remember: I’m not some helpless little girl anymore. I can fight for myself.”
“You can, and that’s the problem. You still act like you’re unrecognizable to most of the public. Spoiler, you’re in two major films that have broken records with the last two years.” He inhaled deeply. “You aren’t nobody anymore.”
“I was never nobody.”
“You know what I mean.”
Allura smirked. “I do. So, hey, while we’re here, do you want to just hang out? The employees here are fantastic people. Great conversationalists.” She paused. “Save for Keith.”
“Hey!” Protested said bad conversationalist.
Lance nodded yes. The day moved on, with Pidge and Shiro right on time as usual. Shiro’s warm smile greeted her and she flushed red. At their lunch breaks, the five gathered to chat. Revelations were made; mostly Overwatch focused ones that prompted Lance to video call Hunk and explain how he’d found Gun-N’-Son and KnifeToMeetYou. In the same place, no less. Hunk was thrilled at all this, suggesting they create a team.
“We’re so calling it Voltron,” Hunk suggested giddily.
“Ah, Voltron! Yes, I remember watching that as a child. The sub was much better than the dub though,” Coran added on, muttering to Pidge, who smiled and nodded.
“I second that!” Lance agreed. “Both statements, actually.”
“Don’t see why not,” Keith shrugged. “Pidgeon?”
“Oh hell yes! I’ll text Matt; knowing him he’s not doing anything important. His user is He-He-Helium, by the way.”
Shiro looked amused at his friends. After fiddling with his hands for a moment he looked to Allura. “I feel like we should join in. It would be nice to finally have a Mercy on the team.”
“Well, I have been trying to get into Symmetra lately. I really like her abilities,” Allura babbled. “B-but yes, definitely. What’s your info?”
And so, they traded info.
Two Weeks Later
Allura lowered her arms and stretched. Lance ran to her and handed her a towel.
“Nice! That was impeccable,” he complimented. “Although I’m more than positive that last part was improvised, wasn’t it?”
“Very; when Liza mentioned the portals I blanked.”
Lance laughed.
Filming was done for the day, the last scene an absolute success. It had been two weeks, but things had gone by fast (thankfully). A few things had helped with the process though.
“Princess is back online,” Allura said into her headset.
“You so need a better name,” Lance replied. “The Legs are back as well.”
“And you think she needs a better name,” came Keith’s voice. “I’m online.”
“I’m in.”
“Pidge, no.”
Shiro laughed. “It was cute, it doesn’t hurt.”
“Do not encourage her!”
Allura laughed now. “She’s our Sombra though; it only makes sense.”
“Wait, what did I miss?” Hunk’s voice said from across the trailer and in the headsets.
“Hacker Pidge,” Matt informed.
“Ah, so not much?”
“No, no. Alright, time to moderate and kick ass!” Coran cried.
The match started. Shiro’s Genji stuck close to Allura’s Mercy, defending the healer to the death (three times at the least).
“Allura! Help!” Pidge called out.
“Coming, hold on! Shiro, is it clear?”
Shiro hummed in concentration (Lance screeched in the background before Keith’s Hanzo shot the enemy down). “Yeee-es, now it is.”
The two characters raced across the screen, finding Pidge’s Sombra quickly.
“No dying,” Shiro said once Pidge was healed.
“No promises!”
The match ended with Team Voltron in victory and its members went off to play separate matches. Allura stuck with Shiro (much to Coran and Keith’s amusement) and went for three for rounds. After that, hours and hours of talking.
“How’s production going?” Shiro asked a while in.
“Fairly decent; all I can say so far is Spider will not be the peak of my career.” She paused and frowned. “Which sounds really conceded now that I say that out loud.”
The young man laughed. “Not really; if it’s something to be proud of, it’s something to be proud of.”
“It is, but I hate sounding like a stereotype, you know?”
“The Kardashian type?”
“Eh, yeah.”
“If it helps, you’re nothing like them, ever.”
“Thank God.”
There was a pause before Allura sighed. “How’s life?”
“Slow; I’m pretty sure Keith is dating someone, but I don’t know who. They seem sweet though.”
“Odd, I’m pretty sure Lance has too…”
“You don’t-”
“We’re calling it now.”
“We treat ourselves if we’re right.”
“Hell yes!”
Shiro giggled. “You’re so much fun, you know that?”
“I’ve been told,” Allura laughed, blushing mad.
Shiro logged off, having to get up for classes the next day. Allura played another round as Symmetra then logged off herself. She dragged her hands down her face, sighing long and hard. With every interaction, Allura could feel her heart falling more and more for Shiro. Did she mind? Of course not, Shiro was amazing. Truly a magnificent human. And just, ya know, hot.
Lance and Hunk even noticed it finally (or Keith blabbed to them). They often would give her subtle advice in and out of chat. But the flirting tips were never needed. Conversation just came so… naturally.
So would that mean her little crush was not so much of a crush as it was her actually taking a liking to Shiro, right?
Yes, a voice in her head said, as if it was obvious. The actress sighed again. Looks like her efforts in wooing were going to have to improve then.
Hope you enjoyed!
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fyrapartnersearch · 7 years
Hello. First things first, I am Laura, I am 28 and I am living in the UK. Being at the ripe old age of 28, I just do not feel comfortable with writing with anyone under the age of eighteen, although I would prefer twenty one. As the line goes, its not you, its me. I know that there are some truly wonderful writers out there who are under that age, but please do not contact me. I am getting really rather irritated with plotting and then realising that a person it under that age, and then getting irate when I apologise, and cannot continue.
Now that we have that out the way, lets get onto the fun things. I have advertised many times over the years for role play partners, and have found many who I have written with for years and become very good friends with, but for every three that I find, two vanish, ergo, here I am. I love all sorts of genres, but there are a few that I am particularly interested in right now. I love fantasy, of all types. Urban fantasy, to high fantasy. Bring your swords and your magic users, bring them all. I have a love for fantasy. Witches are always good. I am also in the mood for an original space adventure. Maybe exploring new galaxies or something, maybe colonising an alien world. I have never really understood the concept of slice of life, I mean, I live in the real world every day, why would I want to write it? However, if you wanted to write something rather obscure to my boring life – a wealthy businessman falls in love for the undersecretary of one of his minions (no Fifty Shades!) and she has a secret desire to work in fashion or something… I could work with that. Although I did have this idea about a ranch, and two people who are in the last chances of there life coming there to escape and falling in love… If anyone knows the Crossfire series, I would love you forever… Eva and Gidion are just my OTP.  Im also reading A Court of Thrones and Roses; Rhys anyone? Or Nessa and her hunk in the latter books…
Im always up for urban fantasy. I have a half blooded ex assassin angel who needs brushing off and sobering up. Id like to get him out the closet again. He needs a lady to claw open his icy heart. I also have a police detective who is an abuse survivor and slightly insane… oh, and he is psychic. He needs a companion. A partner. Male or female. As for Fandoms, they are not my strongest suit…  Harry Potter, of course, but I prefer obscure paring. Potter and Malfoy, Potter and Snape, Snape and Lupin, Malfoy and Granger. Always happy for one of those, and would love to find someone to play the Snape to my Lupin. I am currently rereading the Wheel of Time, and if anyone can play a warder to my Aes Sedai, then I shall be very happy. However what I am really feeling is The Hunger Games. Laurel, a career from District Two catches the eye of a young man from one of the poorer districts… and how together they bring Panem to its knees… I also confess to having a bit of a thing for 00Q AND I DON’T CARE THAT HE IS GAY. THERE IS MORE CHEMISTRY BETWEEN BOND AND Q IN ONCE GLANCE THEN THERE WAS IN THE ENTIRITY OF SPECTRE *breathes deep* Rant over. The other one is, if you know the show Shadowhunters, then I would love some Malec… I can play either Magnus or Alec, but would much prefer the latter… dark… moody… I do like me some brooding sexy males…  Ahem. The fun stuff aside, now for the boring stuff. I play male and female equally, however I will not play the male because you only play female. I mean, come on. We are all adults here. If that’s the case, I will ignore you. Negotiate with me! Talk to me, but don’t thrust your needs down my throat. I am happy to play M/F, M// and perhaps F// but I am out of practice with that. At the moment, I am more inclines to play female to a male. I try to write three paragraphs per post, but I am not a stickler for it. I will match you, and I am also happy to have the shorter, one paragraph quick fire posts. I will post at least once a day, unless I am really busy (I am a damn TA, Running a house, volunteering and need time to sleep!) but if you intrigue me enough, it will be more. Now to everyone’s favourite topic; Smut. Does anyone else remember the days when writing porn was not necessary for a role play? I digress. I am happy to write out sex, good old vanilla or tying up and spanking and sticking things in various places. Im pretty open minded, but the plot is a must for me. I do not do porn for no reason… and sometimes, I cannot be bothered to write it, so I reserve the right to fade to black. Oh, and try and rape my characters without warning me, and I will vanish. At the moment, it can take me a few days to give an opening post, as I am coming up to exam season… but Easter holidays are soon! I am only role playing on email right now, as it is available across all my platforms. I apologise if I came across harsh, but there is only so many times I can say some things. I look forward to hearing from you soon. [email protected]
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Heyyyyo! This is your Voltron Secret Santa speaking! I was wondering a few things! 1. What is your favourite ship? 2. Would you like your gift to be centered around christmas? 3. Do you have a preference for whether your gift be art, writing etc? I hope you're having a lovely day/night, your blog looks amazing!
Hello!!! I’m getting rlly excited for this event aaghhhh!!! I can’t wait to start with my present as well!
1. Just;; no sh@ladin pls!I rlly like hance and klance and klunk?? (Keith x hunk)!! I dont rlly have an OTP but i find those ships very cute.
2. It would defenetly be adorable if it was christmas themed, but i wouldn’t mind something else either.
3. I’ll leave this one up to you my friend!
Thank you so much my dear secrer santa! I’m allready looking forward to your present. (Also; pls don’t get confused as to why my blog isnt centered around voltron. I’m not rlly involved in any fandom, but voltron is defenetly very dear to me!)
0 notes
fyrapartnersearch · 7 years
Hello. First things first, I am Laura, I am 28 and I am living in the UK. Being at the ripe old age of 28, I just do not feel comfortable with writing with anyone under the age of eighteen, although I would prefer twenty one. As the line goes, its not you, its me. I know that there are some truly wonderful writers out there who are under that age, but please do not contact me. I am getting really rather irritated with plotting and then realising that a person it under that age, and then getting irate when I apologise, and cannot continue.
Now that we have that out the way, lets get onto the fun things. I have advertised many times over the years for role play partners, and have found many who I have written with for years and become very good friends with, but for every three that I find, two vanish, ergo, here I am. I love all sorts of genres, but there are a few that I am particularly interested in right now. I love fantasy, of all types. Urban fantasy, to high fantasy. Bring your swords and your magic users, bring them all. I have a love for fantasy. Witches are always good. I am also in the mood for an original space adventure. Maybe exploring new galaxies or something, maybe colonising an alien world. I have never really understood the concept of slice of life, I mean, I live in the real world every day, why would I want to write it? However, if you wanted to write something rather obscure to my boring life – a wealthy businessman falls in love for the undersecretary of one of his minions (no Fifty Shades!) and she has a secret desire to work in fashion or something… I could work with that. Although I did have this idea about a ranch, and two people who are in the last chances of there life coming there to escape and falling in love… If anyone knows the Crossfire series, I would love you forever… Eva and Gidion are just my OTP.  Im also reading A Court of Thrones and Roses; Rhys anyone? Or Nessa and her hunk in the latter books...
Im always up for urban fantasy. I have a half blooded ex assassin angel who needs brushing off and sobering up. Id like to get him out the closet again. He needs a lady to claw open his icy heart. I also have a police detective who is an abuse survivor and slightly insane… oh, and he is psychic. He needs a companion. A partner. Male or female. As for Fandoms, they are not my strongest suit…  Harry Potter, of course, but I prefer obscure paring. Potter and Malfoy, Potter and Snape, Snape and Lupin, Malfoy and Granger. Always happy for one of those, and would love to find someone to play the Snape to my Lupin. I am currently rereading the Wheel of Time, and if anyone can play a warder to my Aes Sedai, then I shall be very happy. However what I am really feeling is The Hunger Games. Laurel, a career from District Two catches the eye of a young man from one of the poorer districts… and how together they bring Panem to its knees… I also confess to having a bit of a thing for 00Q AND I DON’T CARE THAT HE IS GAY. THERE IS MORE CHEMISTRY BETWEEN BOND AND Q IN ONCE GLANCE THEN THERE WAS IN THE ENTIRITY OF SPECTRE *breathes deep* Rant over. The other one is, if you know the show Shadowhunters, then I would love some Malec… I can play either Magnus or Alec, but would much prefer the latter… dark… moody… I do like me some brooding sexy males…  Ahem. The fun stuff aside, now for the boring stuff. I play male and female equally, however I will not play the male because you only play female. I mean, come on. We are all adults here. If that’s the case, I will ignore you. Negotiate with me! Talk to me, but don’t thrust your needs down my throat. I am happy to play M/F, M// and perhaps F// but I am out of practice with that. At the moment, I am more inclines to play female to a male. I try to write three paragraphs per post, but I am not a stickler for it. I will match you, and I am also happy to have the shorter, one paragraph quick fire posts. I will post at least once a day, unless I am really busy (I am a damn TA, Running a house, volunteering and need time to sleep!) but if you intrigue me enough, it will be more. Now to everyone’s favourite topic; Smut. Does anyone else remember the days when writing porn was not necessary for a role play? I digress. I am happy to write out sex, good old vanilla or tying up and spanking and sticking things in various places. Im pretty open minded, but the plot is a must for me. I do not do porn for no reason… and sometimes, I cannot be bothered to write it, so I reserve the right to fade to black. Oh, and try and rape my characters without warning me, and I will vanish. At the moment, it can take me a few days to give an opening post, as I am coming up to exam season… but Easter holidays are soon! I am only role playing on email right now, as it is available across all my platforms. I apologise if I came across harsh, but there is only so many times I can say some things. I look forward to hearing from you soon. [email protected]
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