#★ ∗ ∘ ∙   028.  ted tonks
adveanture · 3 years
tag drop :  mains,  dynamics pt. 5 
★ ∗ ∘ ∙   025.  harry potter ( dynamics )  —  rel. marlene / melnchly
★ ∗ ∘ ∙   026.  sirius black ( dynamics )  —  rel. andromeda / melnchly
★ ∗ ∘ ∙   026.  sirius black ( dynamics )  —  rel. marlene / melnchly
★ ∗ ∘ ∙   027.  ted tonks ( dynamics )  —  rel. andromeda / melnchly
★ ∗ ∘ ∙   028.  anakin skywalker ( dynamics )  —  rel. ahsoka / gloomstalk
★ ∗ ∘ ∙   028.  anakin skywalker ( dynamics )  —  rel. obi wan / vvanderers
★ ∗ ∘ ∙   030.  gale hawthorne ( dynamics )  —  rel. madge / melnchly
★ ∗ ∘ ∙   031.  proteus ( dynamics )  —  rel. sinbad / sennik
★ ∗ ∘ ∙   035.  elizabeth swann ( dynamics )  —  rel. will / fatedtruths
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adveanture-archived · 3 years
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pippa is making me think about hp characters and their families / wealth / houses, so here we go: 
SIRIUS BLACK.   the blacks have a lot of ancestral wealth, but not as much as insanely rich families like the potters.  they’ll never say that, but the family is not as well off as they once were.  sirius’s branch in particular, living in the blacks’ ancestral home from when magical families literally hid their homes, not attempting to simply blend in with muggle society around them.  grimmauld place is tall, not wide, but if you stretched it out to be a standard home, it would be about the size of a moderate manor.  everything in the home is very old for the most part, maintained by magic. 
HARRY POTTER.   the dursleys are upper middle class.  they’re very comfortable money wise, but obviously harry doesn’t reap benefits from that.  i do actually like the depiction of their home in the films, so we’re going to stick with that here. 
TED TONKS.   ted’s father is a miner, and his mother works at a cheese counter in a market.  for most of ted’s life, they live in an apartment above a shop, but his parents do manage to purchase a small home when ted is about sixteen years old, mostly due to the fact that ted is at school most of the year and works when he’s home to help out. 
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adveanture-archived · 3 years
*    @melnchly​​    —    WHAT  I’M  TRYING  TO  SAY,  TED,  IS  THAT  I  THINK  I  LOVE  YOU. 
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BLOODY   HELL,   THIS   IS   NOT   HOW   HE   IMAGINES   THIS   GOING.         in   his   wildest   imaginings,   andromeda   says   she   loves   him      —      it’s   not   that   he   thinks   she   doesn’t,   it’s   just   nearly   impossible   most   of   the   time   to   imagine   her   saying   it   out   loud      —      but   he’s   certainly   not   here,   like   this.      they’re   not   in   the   hospital   wing,   her   holding   his   hand   in   the   middle   of   the   night   so   no   one   will   see   or   hear,   and   he’s   not   beaten   all   but   to   death,   surrounded   by   the   sleeping,   exhausted   bodies   of   other   muggleborn   students   who’ve   received   the   same.      but   she’s   holding   his   hand,   and   she’s   whispering   with   tears   in   her   eyes      (   god,   he’s   never   seen   her   cry,   has   he?   ),      and   he   knows   she’s   scared.      he’s   scared,   too      —      for   the   first   time,   he’s   really   fucking   scared.      but   .   .   .
“      i   think   i’ve   loved   you   for   a   long   time,   ‘dromeda,      ”            he   whispers   in   return,   his   own   voice   still   scratchy   and   worn,   exhausted   and   battered      —      and   it’s   like   they’re   making   the   most   dangerous   promises   they   ever   have   because   .   .   .      they   are.      he   looks   down   to   her   stomach,   still   flat   and   not   showing   a   bit   of   what’s   to   come      —      but   they   know   it’s   coming   anyway.            “      what   .   .   .      d’you   think   we   ought   t’   do   about   that,   eh?      ”   
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adveanture-archived · 3 years
*    @melnchly​​    —    YOU  KNOW  HOW  MUCH  I  LOVE  MY  FAMILY. 
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TED   NODS,   SQUEEZING   ANDROMEDA’S   HAND   A   LITTLE   TIGHTER   WHERE   THEY   LAY   TOGETHER   BY   THE   LAKE.         it’s   dark,   and   they’re   safe   all   the   way   over   on   this   side      —      more   in   danger   from   the   creatures   in   the   forest   than   the   slytherins   at   the   castle.            “      i   know   y’   do   .   .   .      ”            he   doesn’t   take   it   lightly.      he   loves   his   family,   too.      they’ve   given   everything   for   him.      so   have   andromeda’s,   in   their   own   way.      but   he   knows   it’s   her   sisters   more   than   her   parents   she   worries   over   losing.      he   glances   toward   her   belly.      she’ll   start   showing   soon,   whether   they   like   it   or   not.            “      y’know,   i’m   not      —      i’m   not   trying   t’   pressure   you   into   anythin’,   you’ve   gotta   know   that.      ”            they’ve   talked   about   options,   difficult   as   they   are.      but   .   .   .      she’s   going   to   be   sacrificing   much   more   than   him   if   she   goes   through   with   this.      they’ve   still   not   figured   out   anything   permanent      —      anything   secure.      but   the   baby   won’t   wait   for   them.   
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adveanture-archived · 3 years
*    @melnchly​​    —    IF  I  LOVE  YOU,  IS  THAT  A  FACT  OR  A  WEAPON? 
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TED   HAS   THE   WORST   FEELING   IN   HIS   STOMACH   THAT   ANDROMEDA   HAS   ALREADY   GOT   HER   MIND   MADE   UP   ABOUT   THIS.         she   rarely   asks   questions   she   doesn’t   already   know   the   answer   to,   and   though   things   have   gotten   better      —      smoother,   easier      —      between   them,   that’s   one   bit   that   hasn’t   changed.   
hands   in   pockets,   he   steps   closer   in   the   empty   quiet   of   the   astronomy   tower      —      still   one   of   their   favorite   little   hideaways,   isn’t   it?      he   frowns      (   an   odd   expression   on   his   usually-smiling   face   )      and   cants   his   head   to   the   side   for   a   better   angle   to   look   down   into   her   eyes.            “      why’re   you   askin’   me   that?      ”            he   questions   bluntly,   concern   flavoring   his   tone.            “      i’m   not   the   worry   there.      i’m   not   the   one   you   oughta   be   askin’   if   you’re   really   wonderin’,   am   i?      ”   
there’s   a   pause,   a   lowering   of   his   voice.            “      what’s   this   really   about,   ‘dromeda?      ”   
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