#★this little man will be an awful 'teacher'
starsinthenigth · 11 months
★haha DHMIS OC timeeee!!★
★character introduction:★
★This is Photy.★
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★Photy, is an DHMIS OC, and he is a teacher to the trio and as you can probably guess already, he misinforms teaches the guys about 'photography'.★
★If he had his own episode he would..:★
★Snap a lot of pictures of the house during his stay, claiming that it's 'for memorization'★
★Takes a lot of video's of the trio without them knowing.★
★Would show the guys photos of his album★ until he would cross a photo from the actual world.
★Photy, owns a 'Photo-Album' which stores every single picture he has taken. He wears it on him all the time.★
owns photos of the actual world
★Everytime he blinks, a picture is snapped.★
★When he takes pictures of people, he always uses the 'flash effect', claiming that it makes the person in the photo look more 'special'.★
★If he had lyrics to a song, one of them would be: 🎶"When someone takes a picture of you it's a sign of affection, so don't show rejection!"🎶★
★The photos are printed from his ass/j★
★No, no they are actually printed from his mouth.★
★..yeah, that's all I can think for now.★
★this will be most likely updated, since it's just WIP for now.★
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imraespace · 1 month
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..CHAPTER 17 || CHAPTER 18! || CHAPTER 19..
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There you sat, alongside Muichiro and Yuichiro.
Soon, Insouke, Tanjiro, and Nezuko made it into your classroom.
"Can I dunk anything on someone?"
Your eyebrows flew up in confusion but then again it's Inosuke.
"No we aren't dunking anything on anyone." You told him, which caused him to roll his eyes.
Everyone sat around your table, kinda, and all listened very carefully to your plan.
First you gave everyone a role,
Tanjiro: Camera man
He needs to capture the evidence!
Nezuko: Decoy
She is the least expected person plus everyone loves her so she can innocently milk out their info.
Muichiro/ Yuichiro: A two in one.
They can be in two places at one time.
And if they're twins I bet they're good at gaslighting others.
Inosuke: Camera man#2
He's a great commentator I'm sure.
Y/N: Gaslighter(?)
You tricked yourself into thinking you could turn Giyuu on himself.
Anyways the teachers:
Gyomei: Back up
He will back you guys up if Shinobu gets suspicious..
Sanemi: Moral Support
You wanted him to be there just to annoy him.
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Tanjiro has a Camera.
And right now, he's following behind his sister.
They are both looking for Shinobu right now.
Shinobu normally eats out on the rooftop with Kanao and Aoi but Tanjiro and Inosuke told them a little something before hand.
don't go
Don't go where
don't go on the rooftop tomorrow
why not
just listen to him
only for today
Up to the rooftop they go!
"This is where I stop," Tanjiro told her sister as she just nodded with a smile.
Suddenly he felt embarrassed, he kinda looks like a creep with a phone in his hand, recording people in public but oh well!
Nezuko made her way towards Shinobu who is currently eating by herself.
Upon realizing that someone is approaching her, she looked up from her meal and faced Nezuko.
"Hi Nezuko, do you need something?"
She started.
Nezuko, in response, gave her a small nod and sat right next to her.
"What do you need?"
"I want to know how do you hide your relationship?" Nezuko asked.
Suddenly it was quiet.
"How do I hide my relationship?"
"No. How does one hide their relationship?"
"Oh. Are you hiding one?"
No she's not.
Shinobu's eyes lit up in surprise.
"You have one?"
Nezuko only smiled and looked away.
"Well, it's probably best if you don't bring it up, which is obvious. For me, I think the smart move is to make it unpredictable." Shinobu commented.
Nezuko listened on her words and realized that something she said, is something she do.
"Thank you, Shinobu." Nezuko told her, as she pulled her in for a hug.
"So, who's it?" She asked.
"Umm, I will tell you another time!" Nezuko ended as she skedaddled away!
She met up with Tanjiro and hid behind the wall.
"I think Y/N will accept that.." Tanjiro mumbled as he looked over the footage.
A few minutes later, Yuichiro came up.
"Muichiro?" Shinobu asked.
Normally the twins wear different jackets in school so everyone knows who's who but not today!
Yuichiro sat next to her and began blabbering.
"How's it with him?"
"Huh?" Shinobu let out.
"I'm sure Y/N will be happy about it." He continued.
"Happy about what?"
"Your relationship."
Shinobu stayed quiet, then she sighed.
"Why do you guys think I'm with Giyuu?"
"I didn't say Giyuu."
"But you all always bring him up?"
"Okay.. and?"
Shinobu glared at the boy.
"What's the point here?"
"So if you don't have a relationship with Giyuu, then with who?"
"With no one."
"So you're single? I bet that will be news to Giyuu."
"I'm not dating him.."
"What if I told him you're cheating on him."
"I'm not cheating on him."
Yuichiro had the fattest grin on his face as soon as he heard those words.
"Aw isn't that so cute. Now I can tell him that you're not cheating in him right?"
Shinobu just looked away and let out a sigh.
That silence was enough for him as he walked away and let out a small goodbye.
The siblings around the corner who heard everything were now giggling at each other.
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Now with you, followed by Inosuke and Muichiro.
Muichiro is dressed as himself, Yuichiro is dressed as Muichiro only because Yuichiro always keeps to himself, it would be weird if he came out of the blue to start up conversations.
You three are now on the way to Giyuu, who eats by himself in the corner of the lunchroom.
Both you and Muichiro sat next to him while Inosuke sat on a bench behind them, ignoring the random stares he was gaining.
"Hello Giyuu. Whatcha eating?" You asked.
"My lunch.."
You smiled at him.
"Do you want some?" He asked, bringing up an Onigiri to your face.
You took a bite from it then looked back at Giyuu.
"It's tasty. Eat it." You said..
So he ate it and then you shoot him a question.
"You're dating Shinobu aren't you?"
And then he chokes!
"Wait don't die!" You exclaimed, patting, more like abusing, his back.
"Are you?"
"Why do you want to know?"
"Are you?"
"Sounds like your lying.." Muichiro started.
The way you both sat, made him the one in the middle.
Now he turned to Muichiro.
"I'm not.."
"Yes you are.."
He turned to you.
"Shinobu told me.." Muichiro mumbled.
"Told you what.."
"Guess.." You started.
Giyuu was lost for words.
But then the school bell rang.
And he ran.
"Did we scare him?"
"I don't know."
The last two periods were indeed free periods and now the teachers decided to join in.
"WHERE DID THEY GO?" You yelled.
Everyone went searching around the school but couldn't find the duo.
"I found them but we need to hurry." Gyomei said.
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TAGLIST: @deezy12299 @s0uldarling @cherryblossomly @boogiemansbitch @delusional-mushroom @ashlovelys @zellons @catsonawesomemats @adrixx (CLOSED)
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imreadingdonotdisturb · 4 months
My Thoughts on: Bonding by Maggie Siebert [HEAVY SPOILERS AHEAD]
I heard a lot of good things before reading this book since it was recommended to me. If you like a lot of random short stories and want something to rack your mind, PLEASE read this book. This book has SUCH good descriptors about how things take place and how gory the scene is. There's a couple of stories that I did skip because they did not hook me immediately. The rest however, I loved ! I can say for sure that this book has something for the morbidly curious (especially the last story). The four stars is because some of the stories did fall just a little flat for me, not all of them, just a few of them. BELOW IS AN IN DEPTH IN EACH STORY.
Messes (9/10):
I liked this opening story SO much and I actually made a comic about it (i would share it but it's clunky, it's on my twt!!). The writing for this story is PHENOMINAL, I thought this was such a good opening for the book and if there was anything different to this opening, I might not have read the book itself. I LOVED that the story was not dialogue heavy, yes there is some, but there is no real need for it. The internal dialogue of the main character to us, the reader, is enough. I also enjoyed the horrifically awful descriptors of our main characters hand going through his body to feel his insides and through his mouth to kill him. The quip at the end gave it an extra point.
Opportunities (8/10):
I honestly wasn't the expecting of the loop. I know it's obvious now reading it back but upon my first read my jaw dropped when I realized it was him that was running himself over. Going from the big descriptors of the first story, I would've liked to see some more descriptors of the body being run over by the car instead of what we got. I enjoyed reading our main characters panic though, I was on the ride with him as to why his memory was so fucked up and what was happening to him.
Ammon (4/10):
I was SO confused of this story because of the layout and having to keep up with the characters of the kids and the parents, then the teacher, and finally the priest. I could be missing one I have no idea. I understood the story, of course, but I was just having to remember who everyone was. Not only that but the last bit of the boys burning up in the flames that came from no where, but I guess I just didn't feel a lot of WOW factor from it since it was set in a look back kind of story, not something that was happening then and there.
Alumni Association (2/10):
Was SO bored by this one, it wasn't scary, it wasn't gory, it was just a guy running away. I think I was just confused since there was no real explanation to why he was running, sure the money and stuff, but HOW did his father get roped into it? I think it's a statement on colleges and their money prices, but don't quote me on that.
Best Friend (5/10):
Def teetered on a 5 or a 6 for me, this one was weird, and I liked that, but it was an EXPLAINED kind of weird. I wish I knew what had happened to Sadie so I could be more sad or grossed out with what happens. I will say that the end of the story with old man and Sadie becoming vessels for this parasite (???) was SO interesting to me, I loved it. I loved the lead up to it, I had no idea what was going to happen, I wanted to hope that Sadie would be okay. I thought maybe she was going to eat the old man but I think it was sweeter that they were both doomed.
Coping (3/10):
This was one I did not finish, not because it was bad, but it was SO slow. I HATED how slow this was ohhh my god. I LOVED the concept but it would've been quicker if they did not have to say every time she was back at the lab and in the chair. I also was just bored with announcing the next kill, boooo.
Prime Minister (5/10):
THIS HAD SUCH A GOOD CONCEPTTTTT. I wish they had done more world building. However, this was TOO good for it to just be a short story, that's why it gets only half. I would've SO read an entire book of this concept of what would happen to this 25 (now 24) people in this house. i would've liked descriptions of the monsters, the people, etc. Like I said, more world building. I wanted more is all.
Smells (3/10):
I think this was boring. Just straight up. I liked the concept, again but it goes NO WHERE. Why is her tooth like that? Why does it make people just die on instant, what happened to her to get this thing about her tooth? It ends like ??? why didn't she pull her tooth out before ??? I thought for sure it would've been like 'oh her insides are decaying, that's the bad smell' I WISH they had done this instead of the world ends cause of bad breath, bffr.
Witches (8/10):
Annnd this brought me back to why I was so interested in this book, I loved loved LOVED this story, HOWEVER, points off because the ending was ASSSS. I honestly had forgotten that the witch was the main 'problem' that we were supposed to focus on. There's little to no reference to her. The conversation between Charles and her is a nice additon, I enjoyed it. I liked that the kids acted liked kids, there was no way as a kid I would've said anything about a dead body. I am still wondering about the bullet wound in Charles's head, I know that witch does not wear a glock??
Bonding (9/10):
THIS. is a short story. I loved the description of the kill and the back and forth of the sort of why the son will have to kill his father is just gah I loved it. The idea of 'generational' killing is such an interesting concept to me. The mother at the end just silently watching was also a good touch, oh yeah.
Marriage (N/A):
Didn't like the format so I skipped it, not my thing to read a script like book.
Every Day for the Rest of Your Life (10/10):
PLEASE GIVE ME MORE OF THISSSS. This is my favorite one. I unfortunately related to our main character in more ways than one. I LOVED that there was a back story to put some bricks to was wall of why our character acts the way he does. I liked that it was the reason as to why he was so morbidly curious. I HIGHLY encourage to read this one of not any of the other ones.
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