#鈽金煢嬧樉We are currently speaking-Ic鈽金煢嬧樉
eternalbxtterfly 7 months
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@diotheworldus Closed starter
The young lady was at a bar,long black dress,black high heels and of course simple cup of red wine in her left hand.Goodness it was such a long day indeed,being the boss of the biggest mafia in Beijing.Considering she did not have to deal with idiots anymore Elise decided to consume a bit of alcohol before she actually had to go home for the day.
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"Oh how nice this is."
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eternalbxtterfly 3 months
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@alexandraxsuoh Liked for a one-liner from Elise.
"So...did you choose what kind of flower you would like miss?"
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eternalbxtterfly 6 days
@doomstarmagician Liked for a one-liner from Elise.
Petting her adorable Luxray the young lady smiled then gave her dearest pokemon some mushrooms and fruits she had in her small basket.
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"Eat up sweetie you'll certainly need it."
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eternalbxtterfly 22 days
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@n3rdb0x Liked for a one-liner from Elise.
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"Mmmm that pineapple pizza was amazing!Thank you for treating me after that little reveal of yours mister." She looked at Gohan with a smile on her face.
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eternalbxtterfly 1 month
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@lxmitlxss Liked for a one-liner from Elise. Let's go with Sho Marufuji because why not.
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"Is something the matter young man?You look like you're very much out of it."
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eternalbxtterfly 5 months
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@deathblossomed Continued from an ask.{{Hope you don't mind}}
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"No,no that is understandable miss.It is not your fault so it's fine."
The young woman giggled before bowing back to the other in return enjoying the fact that the woman was literally in the clouds upon their very first meeting as of right now.But right now she was just simply amazed at how beautiful this place looked.It must be nice to live here from the looks of it.
"So is this Inazuma by any chance miss?"
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eternalbxtterfly 6 months
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@thuganomxcs -> ask on a date
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"Of course you can go on a date with me.And what better way than to go to the lantern rite my dear."
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eternalbxtterfly 6 months
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@infintasmal Continued from an ask.{{Hope you don't mind}}
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"Well you've clearly been studying very hard which is quite obvious so why don't we go outside so you can forget your studies for a moment.That way your brain can cool down from all the studying it's been doing and besides you can also refresh yourself with some tasty food mister."
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eternalbxtterfly 6 months
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@diverse-hearts Continued from an ask. {{Hope you don't mind}}
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"Oh of course i almost forgot to introduce myself there mister.My name is Elise.I really hope that i'm not currently bothering you considering you looked a bit distressed for some reason."
The young woman simply smiled with a small book on her hand.Striking a conversation was always the best part of making friends or even acquaintances whenever she went.
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eternalbxtterfly 7 months
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@astrxl-finale Liked for a starter.
And with the last of those voidrangers gone the young woman turned around where the other currently was.Oh!They were also gone.Huh.Now that she thought about it he really was strong overall.
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"Well,well good job on your end young man.That was certainly very fast."
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eternalbxtterfly 1 year
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@propertyofseagate Continued from an ask.
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"Why thank you mister Cage." She gently took the glass of red wine before taking a sip of her drink right afterwards.Wow the taste was certainly unique in its own way huh.From having so many drinks like this one to just straight up something like this?She was impressed to say the least.
Her ocean blue eyes would then stare at him after placing the glass cup down right after.
"My name is Elise a pleasure to meet you as well dear.Hehe.I did not know the owner of the bar would be as attractive as yourself."
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eternalbxtterfly 10 months
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@captainseamech Liked for an Adult Elise.
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"I'm glad to see you again.But is there a reason why you are here exactly Tide?"
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eternalbxtterfly 8 months
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@squidsavior Liked for something from Elise.
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"Do you think this frilly dress is going to fit me or should i buy a new one by any chance?"
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eternalbxtterfly 11 months
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@crimsontwins Continued from an ask.
What?But she just heard something.How could that be possible?Oh no hopefully it wasn't her paranoia acting up yet again because that would be very unfortunate if this really was the case.
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"I think it's for the best if we investigate what's actually going on general Roy.Just in case of course."
"But from i can describe,it sounded like a very distorted screeching."
"Still i really hope it's all an imagination and nothing else."
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eternalbxtterfly 1 year
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@the27percent Liked for a one-liner from Elise.
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"Huh.Another accident happened?Strange this is the fifth time this week.I wonder what's up?"
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eternalbxtterfly 10 months
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@peoplcshope Liked for an Adult Elise.
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"Well you certainly have not changed since i last saw you young man.A sweetheart at heart regardless."
Elise got quite close face to face infront of Trunks.
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