#♡ ━━ burning like a magnificent flame ↷ threads
coeurmere-blog · 6 years
♡ ━━ @ahopefulbunch  ♡ ‘d for a starter
      ❝ No, stop. Please, Jasper I can't...not now ❞ she pleaded as she cowered away from him into the corner of the room. The cold white wall being her only support. She could feel the panic rising, her throat squeezing making it hard for her to breathe or speak. What had led her to this? Well, they were all having a great time. Esme and her boys didn't hang out often, and she rejoiced in the opportunity to watch them playing. She had not expected them all to get so rowdy over a video game but then again she should have. They were all competitive teenage boys.
       What truly pushed her to the edge was when they started to get physical ━ her sweet voice had been drowned out by their loud arguments, and when she saw them tackling each other her mind went blank. The only thing there was panic. Cold and white and terrifying. In her panicked state she had ran into the next room, everything in her screaming for her to run, to get away very much the same way it happened when she was human at the hands of her first husband.
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      ❝ P━please don't come any closer, I can't━ ❞ the smaller vampire whimpered, shaking her head. Esme knew Jasper would never hurt her, she knew that in her heart. But her mind and her past experiences told her otherwise, they unleashed all the memories of when men had hurt her as if they were warning her.
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coeurmere-blog · 6 years
♡ ━━ @sweetroulette  ♡’d for a starter 
         Watching Rosalie sing was one of Esme's favourite things, the way her eldest daughter would glow as she sang the most beautiful songs made her heart flutter with love. It was so relieving to see her being happy, to watch as her face relaxed as she did something she liked doing. They shared more than just a tragic past, shared more than the abuse they suffered. They shared a language, they shared a culture and that made Esme grow even closer to Rosalie when they first came to know each other.
       ❝ 너의 미소가 제일좋아  ❞ before she could have stopped herself, the words had left her mouth. As soft and gentle as only Esme could make it, the sentence was a pure reflection of her astonishment. The smile on her daughter's face had been so overwhelmingly beautiful she couldn't help but to express her love for her happiness. ❝ Sorry, honey. I didn't mean to interrupt ❞ the matriarch whispered softly.
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      ❝ What was the name of the song you were singing? It was very beautiful ❞
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coeurmere-blog · 6 years
@revolutionarytm cont. here
              She suppressed the urge to flinch instead she stared up at him, golden eyes sparkling with defiance and confidence. Esme refused to have anyone thinking so badly of themselves in her house ━ specially such a dear friend to her husband. And if he thought he could scare her out of this, he was very wrong. ❝ I am serious, Garrett ❞ her voice was still just as soft and sweet as it had been a few second ago.
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                 ❝ I've known a monster, and you're nothing like him ❞
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coeurmere-blog · 6 years
♡ ━━ open
                  Her latest project was keeping her much more busy than she had expected it to. Not that she minded, after all, she loved to restore houses and she wouldn't mind spending hours and hours on her projects. But her family seemed to mind a little bit, which is why she wasn't even surprised when a pair of arms hugged her from behind. 
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               ❝ Excuse me ❞ she mumbled, not taking her eyes of the blueprints. ❝ I'm trying to work here ❞ Esme pouted as the arms kept her restricted.
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coeurmere-blog · 6 years
♡ ━━ @immortalerabbia  ♡‘d starter
            Sitting on the windowsill, the petite vampire sighed, knowing fully well that she should not be there. But could not bring herself to care to much, after she was here to escape the sight of Aro shamelessly flirting with her husband.
            Esme had quietly left the throne room, tired of just watching their conversation and being subjected the sight of the man she hated flirting with the one she loved. Carlisle wasn’t the one to blame here, he was too pure to actually say anything and even if he weren’t, Esme didn’t really think he’d do such a thing.
           So she found herself here, in this room alone with her thoughts. She wished Carlisle would have left her at home, but apparently their invitation had extended itself to her as well. And they could not possibly refuse it. Esme slowly swung her legs, enjoying the soft breeze when she was startled by someone ━ she immediately knew who it was. His scent was familiar to her, just as his imposing presence made her wary and afraid. Caius.
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          ❝ I can leave if you’d like the room for yourself…❞ she spoke softly, sweet and gentle voice hiding the slight fear she felt. Esme was not yet comfortable enough being alone with men she did not trust, it was very overwhelming not to know what they’d do.
            However, she did not dislike the older vampire. Didn’t dislike anyone in the Volturi but Aro ━ whom despite her feeling for she did not judge. She had no right to judge any of them. Oddly enough, she felt that she could somewhat trust Cauis’ harsh personality. He wouldn’t coddle her, wouldn’t lie to her to try and spare her. That was quite refreshing.
          ❝ I take it Aro has…aggravated  you as well? ❞ That was a risky thing to do. Assuming things about the older man, but what did she have to lose? Would he kill her for it? Possibly, but then again Aro wouldn’t be pleased to have her dead ━ not because of her as she had a feeling he was not fond of her either, but because Carlisle would be devastated.
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coeurmere-blog · 6 years
♡ ━━ @fathcrsheart  ♡‘d for a starter
               ❝ I don't know what you're planning to do but you're definitely not doing it in my living room ❞ she warned the boy from her spot on the couch. Curled up under a fluffy blanket with a sketchbook on her lap. Esme was having a slow day, she was feeling a bit under the weather emotionally speaking, which is why she decided to take some time to comfort herself. But one can never escape the mischief of their children. 
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               Slowly she turned to look at him, black eyes searching his face for clues at to what was he planning to do. ❝ Do you need help with anything, honey? ❞
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coeurmere-blog · 6 years
♡ ━━ @grimmeaelling  ♡‘d for a starter
             Esme heard the car before she could even see it driving up the road. She had a faint idea of who it was ━ her children were all out hunting, and Carlisle only came home much later that night. So the only person left was Beau. In her mind there was no reason for him to visit her, after all Edward was not home, and she didn't think the teenage boy would be interested in spending time with her. Still, the motherly worry made her run to the front door, only to see the boy just standing there, looking at the house but not making any moves to actually get inside.
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             ❝ Sweetie? Is everything okay? ❞ she asked once she was outside, golden eyes staring up at the human boy her son loved. ❝ Come on honey, let's get you inside. It's too cold out here ❞ gently she took his hand, coaxing into walking inside.
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coeurmere-blog · 6 years
♡ ━━ @vmprwtch // plotted thread 
                  As she sat by the large window, Esme sighed for what seemed like the hundredth time that morning. Even though she did not feel cold, she could still feel the differences in temperature, and the room around her was colder than one would prefer. The view from her quarters was spectacular ━ the bluest sky she had seen in years, the sun casting a warm and yellowy glow on things. The outside of Volterra seemed so warm and inviting, very different from the inside of the castle she now had to call home.
                She had never expected this to happen. Not to her at least ━ but then again, it had been foolish of them all to believe they would be able to escape it without a scratch. In the end, if she allowed herself to think about it more clearly, Esme knew it was inevitable. They had humiliated Aro  ━ embarrassed him in front of his witnesses, there was no way he would have let that go. She didn't remember much about being taken, it had been quick, they had given her no way of escaping, the last thing on her memory was the scream she let out. Her scream for Carlisle.
                It made sense to her, after pondering for months on why they would choose her of all her family members. Why not Alice or Jasper or even Edward  ━ not that she'd wish for her children to be living there, God no. But they'd have some value for Aro at least. Still, he was a cunning man, her family had taken his pride so he would take their heart.
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               ❝ Is there a reason as to why you're just standing there, Alec? ❞ she asked, without looking at the older vampire. Her once golden eyes were now black as coal. ❝ If you're here in Aro's name you can go back and tell him that no, I am not thirsty and that no, I will not leave my quarters. I'm a prisoner not a member of the guard. ❞
               The nerve she had mastered to talk like that to Aro and his servants was impressive, but she no longer cared what punishment the Volturi might concoct for her. They had taken real happiness away from her, and the one Corin was able to create wasn't substantial enough for Esme. She only remained there because of Chelsea's influence on her.
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coeurmere-blog · 6 years
@divescustos cont. here
            It was rare for Esme to worry about her children ━ of course the normal motherly worry was ever present but, she didn't have to really worry about them often. That day however, her mind was stressing over her youngest son. Edward had been feeling...odd. He had described feeling sluggish and warm, which for a vampire was very strange. She had immediately called Carlisle who was just as lost for answers as she had been. Esme did what her mind told her would be the best course of action, and sent him to bed. Maybe lying down and letting his mind rest would make him feel better.
          She was sitting by one of the large windows of the living room when a child's voice sent cold running through her veins. A child wasn't supposed to be upstairs ━ they had no children. Using her vampire speed she stopped at the bottom of the stairs, biting her lip in fear. This couldn't be it. There was no way her seventeen year old son would magically turn into a child ━ but who else would be there? Who else would have been able to sneak past her vampire hearing? 
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           ❝ Edward? ❞ her voice was as soft and gentle as she could make it. Slowly she made the way up the stairs, and could not stop the gasp that left her lips upon lying her golden eyes on a small boy ━ auburn hair and green eyes, cheeks flushed and peppered with freckles. That was her Edward, her baby, but Esme had a feeling she was not the mother he was looking for. 
         ❝ Sweetie, do you know who I am? ❞ the vampire sank to her knees, trying to make herself less intimidating. Just asking that small question broke her heart, but she couldn't assume he would remember her ━ and if he didn't, she couldn't tell such a young boy his parents were long since dead.
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coeurmere-blog · 6 years
♡ ━━ somewhat plotted thread with @paternitas
            She had never meant to look at it, had never meant to know about such a thing. God, Esme wished she could turn back time and never even walk into Alice's room. After coming back from the clearing and saying goodbye to their friends, Esme was still overwhelmed. So with the permission of everyone in the family, as soon as the first rays of sun shone through the window of her room Esme was up and ready to clean up the house.
          Now, they were vampires, and that meant there wasn't much to clean ━ but cleaning was a way for Esme to process what had happened, to relax and to get rid of the overwhelming amount of new scents that covered her house. Not that she did no like all the family friends, but being surrounded by so many scents made her nervous.
         So, the matriarch shooed the kids away with a gentle "go play outside" and went about her day cleaning their house from top to bottom. The last room she went in was Alice's room ━ now when it came to the kids' rooms, Esme didn't take long only opting to quickly get rid of the dust and move on. She felt very invasive if she took more than two minutes in their private space. Without wasting time, Esme started tidying things up. Her fast-paced rhythm slowed when she spotted a few sketches on top of Alice's desk as she organised it. A soft smile graced her features ━ Esme as someone who enjoyed painting and sketching could appreciate the immense talent Alice possessed.
        Carefully stacking them up to the side, Esme was ready to call her little cleaning spree over, when one of the sheets fell to the floor. She turned around, smiling and muttering under hear breath that she was probably the only clumsy vampire in the world when her golden eyes met the sketch lying on the floor. Immediately the smile fell from her face. 
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                           ❝ No... ❞
        Esme could recognise the clearing they had stood on yesterday, could see the face of her husband ━ his head being held by Aro as his body was ablaze. The realisation of what that horribly beautiful sketch meant terrified Esme to her very core, that would have been their future had Aro not changed his mind. Esme wasn't sure what happened after. She knew she had screamed but after that, complete and utter distress took over. 
       Between the overwhelming screams of terror inside her head, she was vaguely aware of many pairs of arms wrapping around her, many voices calling out her name. The panic she felt had already taken her over and the only coherent thought that shone through the chaos of her mind was her husband's name. Carlisle.
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coeurmere-blog · 6 years
@paternitas who did not ask for this but surprise ~
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         ❝ I feel like everyone we know is trying to steal you away from me, dear ❞ warm golden eyes sparkled with amusement as she stared up at her husband.
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coeurmere-blog · 6 years
♡ ━━ @divescustos​ cont. here
              She had not expected an innocent birthday party to turn their lives upside down. No one had  ━ no even Alice had foreseen such an end to the event. However, Esme knew that what had happened that night would weight on each member of her family differently. And now more than ever, she had to find her strength in order to keep her family together. She had talked to Carlisle, begged him to help Edward  ━ to convince him that moving, that shutting Bella out was not the best course of action to take, but her husband's own guilt was surely clouding his judgement as well.
            It was no surprise to her when Carlisle had brought their son back, Edward looking so small as Carlisle carried him to the car  ━ so broken, all she wanted to do was hold him. Keep him safe within her arms. And that she did, the whole ride to their new home was spend cradling the young boy close to her, golden eyes filled with worry as her son remained unresponsive, most likely in shock due to the pain of leaving his mate behind. Now at home  ━ Esme had a hard time calling this house home, given that only the three of them were here, the rest of the family opting to give Edward a few days with only Carlisle and Esme as to not overwhelm him.
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            Esme watched, her heart breaking even more, as Edward blinked up at her. She felt him shivering and curling up on himself, which in turn made her pull the blanket a little tighter around him. More for the sake of comfort than for warmth given they couldn't get cold. Her lullaby grew softer, until it stopped. ❝ I know, honey ❞ 
            What else was she supposed to say? Edward didn't need words, Esme could not offer him the only thing that would lessen his pain. The only one who could do that was Bella  ━ who Esme knew, from personal experience, was suffering just as much as Edward right now.  She too had been led to believe many things when she was with her first husband, the difference here was that Charles lied to her to keep her with him, while Edward lied to the love of his life because he believed it would keep her safe. 
             Esme, however, knew better.
          ❝ What is it that you need, baby? ❞
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coeurmere-blog · 6 years
♡ ━━ @redbared ♡’d for a starter
             She had been curled up in the corner of her and Carlisle's room. Esme had not meant to drop that box - had not meant to even look at it from where it stood on the top shelf of their closet, but she had not measured her strength and the box fell. Normally it would have just spooked her slightly, but one of the contents of the box escaped from its confinements and triggered her.
            A baby's tiny shirt. Small and pastel pink, laying on her floor. All the emotions she kept under lock and key resurface and broke her heart once more. Esme knew she would be found soon enough - with a mind reader, a seer and an empath in the house secrets were hard to keep. Still she couldn't help but to hope they wouldn't have to see her like this. Clutching her baby's shirt, sobbing as she tried to disappear into the wall.
            ❝ I can't do this, Jasper... ❞ she whimpered, sobs shaking her slight frame. ❝ I cant do this, it hurts so bad ❞
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coeurmere-blog · 6 years
♡ ━━ @pxthokinesis ♡’d for a starter
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           ❝ Do you think she’ll like this dress? ❞ Esme asked Jess, biting her lower lip in worry.  ❝ She loves bold colours, do you think I should get her a red dress instead of a pastel pink one? ❞
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coeurmere-blog · 6 years
♡ ━━ open
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                     ❝ Just...tell me what to do, please ❞
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coeurmere-blog · 6 years
♡ ━━ open
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              ❝ Oh, come on! That’s cheating! ❞ despite her accusation, the bright smile on the teen’s face told everyone that she held no grudges. ❝ That’s so not fair, you totally cheated. ❞
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