#♥ drabbles 》 nathan prescott
familiaanteomnia · 3 years
the fact nathan very much is actually more chill with his sexuality than you’d assume (barring obviously there is internalized homophobia etc and living where/when its especially an thing to be stinky about such things) like idk dude playing some kids mmo or whatever and having an “boyfriend” at 11 years old like dude probably was crying sat at a pc when his c.ub penguin boyfriend broke up with him and sean encountering the situation was like *walks back away not wanting context for why the extreme emotional showcase*
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familiaanteomnia · 2 years
i’m thinking the whole thing went like- sean: you will try out for football nathan, not arguing or pointing out its a bad idea (intending to try but not too hard/not look too stupid+figuring the coach will take one look at him and be like this kid would probably die if you have him carry an slightly heavy box let alone put him on the field) and he doesn’t make the cut; which he’s honestly super happy about until he finds out about getting bought onto the team very likely in ‘i saw his father talking to the coach and now he’s on the team what the fuck’ so nathan is just like gee wow i’m in danger family dinner that night sean’s like ‘you’re welcome’ etc while nate is like i really need to write up an will+funeral arrangements because that’s now twice the lockers i can get bashed into which locker room in general is dangerous+practice? the odds of somebody purposefully ‘accidentally’ colliding hard enough to hurt me is astronomical
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familiaanteomnia · 2 years
nathan is probably the epitome of ‘so you dared me to kiss a GUY oh wow that’s terrible let me just scoot really close to him and give him a smooch but like its just a dare’ energy area man has so many intriguing moments with not being out, but also not being closeted tbh (even more amusing/outright probably will lay out across hayden in happier timelines and nobody bats an eye or is allowed to say bs namely because he, or victoria will complete be like wow ur homophobia is showing go fuck yourself) -he as a kid 100% saw his father give his mother flowers and went ‘thats what you do when you really admire somebody’ then proceeded to pick flowers to give another boy in elementary school which the other boy sort of was indifferent about But certainly a little bit of a kerfulffle regarding the adults (his mother explaining to him typically you give flowers to people you love and nate just being like !!!! that’s why i did it, he’s cool??? not even entirely in a crush context being super confused) -just casually admires a lot of non cis-het photograpers, art,etc but typically due to admiring their style over ‘ah yes my people’ but sometimes that also factors in/he tends to donate money even in high school, buy people’s artwork,etc to support them
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familiaanteomnia · 3 years
Honestly he hated playing sports, it felt like cruel punishment for his clumsy and easily banged up body. Yet there was no option for sitting things out. Only trying to be at the back of the batting line and hope he wouldn’t need to be up to bat. Was more than happy to take the furthest option for out field; along with another guy- both of them likely knowing it’d be little action and closer to the school when came time to call it a day. Making his way slowly further; unspoken between the two of them. Eventually sitting down on the grass for a moment. Small chatter exchanged between the two of them. Both completely far removed from the noise and game. At least till surprisingly a ball made the distance their way. Other boy springing into action meanwhile he tried to act like he’d not been zoned out. The sports aspect of it still sucked, but maybe the decent human interaction formed in the distance with minimal talking was worthwhile. Or well specifically knew it was a total crush situation. Not that he opted to share any of that information later at the dinner table. Instead he talked about the home run he ran, only decent batting experience over the purposefully trying to pay no attention and hoping to not play.
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familiaanteomnia · 3 years
You don’t engage, they’ll get bored worked way better in theory than practice. And only so many cycling through mechanics to handle shit; trying to be the better person could be had before the buzz in his head wanted to return back the cruel behavior. Ignore the vibrating underneath his skin to yell at everybody how hypocritical they were- that targeting him wasn’t going to a damn thing about their issues. So when the loud harassing words shifted into even more touchy territory he refrained the urge for violence. Namely for his own self less about spilling their blood and more his own. Yet he couldn’t swallow some very hurtfully, bitter words hurled back. Sting of a fist directly to the face. Knew how to block them, could have dodged or minimized the damage but sometimes letting them do some damage worked miracles to having them leave him alone. All too known sensation of his lip splitting open. Surprising there didn’t come more hits as he listened to their parting words. After they walked away bringing his thumb up to the wound. Well no time to minimize the damage. Rubbing the blood between his fingers till it was dried, flaked off. ..... Straightening himself up as best could before knocking on his father’s office door. No clue just what reaction if any would be had about the split lip. Today’s reaction immediately figured out the second after he shut the door. Single glance up from papers; clearly narrowing in on the split lip. “Am I going to get an call about that?” It wasn’t easy to tell what entirely the question meant. Nathan however shoved hands into his pockets as they trembled slightly. “No, it wasn’t a fight and I didn’t touch them.” Realizing in trying to put it in terms that wouldn’t be a big deal. How blatantly obvious it left what happened glaringly obvious. Eyes fully on him, his father’s attention and he wanted to backpedal so badly. Tell some stupid lie. Preparing for one of the many speeches that letting somebody beat him up was weak or whatever. “What happened?” It felt like a test- several times in the past that question had been met with some action that led to further bullying or harassment. Subtly prodding where the split was inside his mouth nervously. “Some guy was in a bad mood, I was ignoring him and he got mad.” Trying to analyze the quiet for whatever was about to follow up. Watching his father stand up from the desk. Staying very still as he came closer and studied the split lip. Pushing some stray hairs out of his eyes. “Go take care of it, do your homework. You don’t have to help me this afternoon.” Back to the desk and Nathan retreated before was prodded for a name or the tone changed. Making his way to the kitchen for an ice pack. Retreat to his room before could cross paths with his mother. Who would insist on taking care of it for him, the worry and concern. Still wrapping his head around the interaction with his father. It classes as the strange sort of concern didn’t it? No lecture or anger, disappointment- instead he’d said to go focus on taking care of it and do homework instead of mind numbing work to learn the family business. If he dared, caring in it’s own way especially the way his father had moved hair from his face. Not in the reminding with cold silence you’re supposed to always look presentable not disheveled way. Though might have been the reason for it. Knew his hair was likely getting fairly messy, wavy and curling up especially after rushing to be home on time. From the spot in town where he’d gotten halted. Studying himself in his bathroom mirror to take the damage in. Length of the hair strands which had escaped their confines. If they were too long, probably hair cut time. Barely brushing fingers on them like was a risk of catching fire. As there was a risk. Memories of younger years, of both parents taming his hair down. Lovingly. Sternly. Of his father ruffling it up in contrast to saying it should always look well maintained. Tracing his thumb carefully over his lower lip, the split. Focusing to determine how bad it was. Before taking care to clean it. Applying the ice pack as settled at his desk to attempt doing his homework.
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familiaanteomnia · 3 years
okay but nathan doing more ‘average teenager’ things/or chaotic stuff is *chefs kiss*
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familiaanteomnia · 3 years
nathan having an less vague idea he’s likely doomed (maybe like real close to the wire) and so when the gun is pulled on him, just hit with like rage of it all or whatever being like what’s the worst that could happen (pulling his gun and managing to shoot before shot)
#jeffershit cw#violence cw#dark cw#(overall like idk what id classify this as like i never explore it enough and would be intrigued to see it in a thread format)#(as much i'd also like to explore him stockpiling evidence and that route)#(plus others just the thought of all his problems at the head of things managing to steady him into being like actually fuck that)#(obviously still very traumatized with more trauma that'll form plus the well act of either maiming or outright killing jeffershit)#(but! him just having an yeah fuck all that i'll own up to my mistakes but also i'm going to live my life and work on my issues properly)#(him at graduation which would be months after so things having settled down in some regards etc)#(maybe having let his hair be visibly curly but styled nicely and wearing more casual clothes freckles less faded from getting more sun)#(though some visible dark circles etc cause)#(well obviously mental illness is an bitch forever especially given his life plus no doubt the after shooting consequences in all regards)#(likely makes his already rough sleep rifled with more nightmares he's probably doing major volunteer work etc)#(also like somebody talks shit about it to him and him tiredly just like i agree obviously you are holier than me good for you)#(if somebody is all like well ur probably the real creep pining it on *insert idolizing gross ish* him like are you fucking serious?!)#(this reminds me i do have some drafts drabbles of this caliber hmm or to write one of mixed variety thats fresh)#♥ drabbles 》 nathan prescott
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familiaanteomnia · 3 years
It freaked him out, to hear that taking care of an robotic baby doll very much was an freshman ordeal. Could only faintly recall his older sister during that assignment and bits or pieces of it all. The whole thing seemed an terrible idea on so many fronts. Especially for him like he didn’t need the probably unspoken trying to deter nature of it or whatever. Only could think of the beyond dozens of different ways the assignment would suck. Who in their right mind would make him have to look after an expensive robotic baby doll anyways? Like yes give the teen with literal muscle spasms, twitches and the like who might throw it into the road one that’d go great. Or the risk of his mental illness adding to it. Not to say he’d throw an real one if it cried but... he did have an track record of conveniently needing to use the bathroom when some child was screaming their lungs out in a restaurant. He was bad with his own emotions, enough issues without the weird jarring ones provided by an upset kid. Even that aside the having to pair up with some girl; all the eyes like forget getting graded. Everybody would harass him- regardless of how he handled it or didn’t. Be dickish and all ‘im too busy’ they’d give him trouble over it. Yet if he showed up to practice then conveniently sat out because had to look after it that’d be worst. No way on earth he would be able to take it home with him after school. Damned if you do, damned if he didn’t and thus he might not be above trying to be exempt. Struggled enough with homework as it was- not because he was stupid more in fact because perfectionism or whatever. Plus, he was an busy freshman with drama club that he fought for and the team he was bought onto- more drama ironically. Plus did the school really want the bullying incidents to very noticably become frequent. Hell he might not even be the damage risk to the thing. Could vividly picture even not looking after it and whatever poor girl got partnered with him having it stolen then tossed in the fountain by proxy. There went your grade cause you got paired with me. Yeah no thanks. Maybe he would get lucky and other kids would destroy, lose them enough it didn’t matter. Or an odd number so he could politely dodge the bullet. Maybe it was an myth- an outdated thing or only like once an year with only some specific class. Optimism, hoping and being full of dread filled anxiety until then however.
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familiaanteomnia · 3 years
It was really like he would never catch an break. Sure bullying was just as much of his life as breathing oxygen. Yet sure had really gotten far more intense then only worsened being bought onto the team. Things felt all that much more bleak when he got left behind by yet another person he cared for. And it hadn’t been her choice but it hurt all the same. The day had been extra brutal, showing up late to practice from drama which didn’t go over well at all. Plus already bruised up unfortunately so taking not so accidental hits left him all beaten up. Basically stuffing his backpack as fast without detection he could with cold packs. Hiding away in an empty classroom to tend to the damage as best temporarily. Just needed to last- seem intact till made it to his room back home. Settling on the school steps; late enough most clubs were up and milling about was elsewhere. Might as well get an head start on some homework or something. Could hear several lectures about wasting time swirl between his ears from the past. Taking his laptop out from his bag and opening it up. Powering it on figured maybe work on his english essay till got the text or call from his father that he’d arrived. Mood perking up as spotted an email from his older sister, only to quickly plummet and he closed out of his email after the words he saw skimming it. Slamming the whole laptop shut. Eyes registering his hands beginning to tremble which in turn started an whole slew of ripple affects. Trying to count, all those methods but it just grew worst. Laptop shoved in his bag, grabbing out an pen impulsively and hurling it towards the fountain. Hearing it thud into somebody before splashing into the fountain. Well he was probably about to get an earful from whoever if he was lucky. If he wasn’t well not to be an coward like it’d be assumed but he would dart right back into the school if the universe so allowed. Not getting hopes up because then it would very much go wrong.
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familiaanteomnia · 3 years
(this obviously isnt light content cause I mention the being manipulated, fucked up really dark shit- its an lot of some main routes of theorizing i have and probably a little all over the place) So like it’s common to write/have- Nate in Jeffershit’s class (I do it too and obviously it’s an go to like ‘well they had to meet somehow’ thing or whatever) but he isn’t if you pay attention in the game- -he isn’t in the classroom at the start/nor in the class picture (which overall it’s suggested there is only the one photography class) -when he is in the classroom, it’s to hang out with Victoria (who is in the class) before the bell for the day rings and when it does/the whole ‘alright get out of my class if you’re not in it’ he exits with the rest Which makes an lot of sense, not just on the clear evidence of jeffershit not wanting much contact/”bothered” by him- -he’s gotten bullied for his photography interest no doubt lots more than his portfolio getting snatched from his hands and getting called freaky,etc. told it’s “girly” all that plus his father probably hasn’t shown real support for the artsy leaning personality (which i think tbh stems from his mom too and is a whole thing) -not to mention his medication side affects/hand issues (even before they get far worst and it changes to another type of frustrating) 100% affects the being able to use, hold an camera plus make him lose interest for actually taking the photos etc -given his mental illness, high standards of his father dude obviously has perfectionism issues even for an hobby which if you put an hobby under high expectations school wise it can make for an awful lot of burnout plus being like ‘im never fucking doing this ever again its been tainted’ (not always but tbh it’s fairly standard) -photography takes time especially if you are obsessed with getting it “perfect” (nothing ever being good enough even if it’s deemed mega talented to everybody else) even as a hobby but for projects, assignments pressure to it as well... given he gets bought onto the team/him doing drama that’s a lot of time consumed not to mention homework which given his mental illnesses, can be hard for him thus time consuming then you have things like his charity work- hanging out with victoria/drama club,etc -likely with things like that picking up+ growing into the Vortex C.lub he drops it (teacher probably retired etc anyways so he takes the out) and when its announced they’ll have this known photographer come teach he doesn’t consider enrolling for it however Victoria does So- how does he end up falling victim and all that? If he’s not in the class with no seemingly major reasons to even go near the new teacher or that classroom- -Shares that interest, with his best friend who is in the class -As seen the two of them spend time together before the bell rings, he might even hang around after class (you know that friend thing of waiting while your friend packs up to walk with them in the halls/to an shared next class or just interact while you can) -Could easily overhear them talking about any number of things/just there’s plenty of ways he could be like ‘i can use him’ for funds, all the various things he ends up doing so clearly -His deteriorating mental health wise without any doubt being played into with the illusion of well meaning and before he knows it he’s gone from buying equipment to supplying drugs -I don’t think he was ever really involved terribly so (still an fair amount/heavy illusion of further to make him subservient of course) given it seems jeffershit is shown to be very detail orientated about his work involving the kid with constantly unsteady hands/who outright constantly is struggling with his sanity in it heavily would be unproductive -Given his friendship with Rachel, who wanted to be an model and however you wish to interpret why she might have gotten involved with jeffershit; I think both of them probably hung around the bunker sometimes/obviously both got targeted (which, i think her death obviously became opportune for really getting into nathan’s psyche) *obviously can vary/i have lots of theories, concepts about it all* -How I generally think it went down was maybe they were chilling, having fun at the dark room both likely having had an bad day or something so likely smoking an little and it naturally going very wrong (jeffershit, messing up the dose *like he did with max but fatal/differently* then deciding to cover it up/how to use it to his benefit*) -Given he likely drugged Nate too, who was probably struggling enough with being grounded in reality,etc/the self medicating n all posed the photo of the two them together before burying her and when he becomes somewhat conscious again starts in on blaming him for it (also probably deflecting blame some/genuinely mad in obviously fucked up logic) -Due to Nate’s state this all etches into his subconscious/unconscious mind instead of conscious mind just faint ‘she’s dead because of you’ ‘you made him mad’ ‘you only ever fuck up’  ‘Monster’ -And when she isn’t around? Not texting, not calling all of that... Of course his first trains of thoughts are that she finally skipped town. Plus kind of hurt cause there goes another person he cared for leaving town, not taking him with plus and no goodbye. Questioned about it, he gives genuine responses like ‘yeah we hung out, were friends but i know nothing’ cause he promised to never divulge any of what they talked about (plus doesnt remember most of it which also upsets him) -Time grows, she doesn’t keep her promise to reach out to him so that hurts far more than any of the initial gossip that he probably knows more than he let on and so forth (which he genuinely doesnt know/really believes, hopes she made it to LA and is starting to or living it up like she wanted) which obviously dies down with time, other dramas -The longer it goes on, more his already troubled sleep gets worst with nightmares of her being dead in a ditch somewhere assorted terrible nightmares especially because jeffershit likely keeps subtly digging the blame deeper/taking measures to ensure if he does remember then a) he’ll blame himself so less risk of rebellion and b) the plan to kill/or pin it all on him,etc -He gets hit really hard by her being missing,etc but mostly in private/times Chloe might pester him about it will get pissy (namely because depending on how you put it probably was constantly telling Rachel to not hang around him- which is when he starts to dislike Chloe primarily because he could shrug off their butting heads before that but after/when she goes missing just both go for each other’s throats more plus without the middle ground)  who he very likely promised to be nice to chloe which is hard to honor when rachel’s gone/chloe is all ‘You Must Know More’ -So his reaction to seeing Max as most figure, is really him briefly thinking he’s hallucinated Rachel or that she’s actually come back or something. Surprise, excitement... Gone sour especially because it sinks realizing isnt the case and everything plus some subconscious agony over the information he doesn’t know he knows. Him acting how he does to try cover up those genuine emotions, plus setting in of annoyance/some anger cause here’s Max wearing the clothes of somebody he misses reminding him of an face he tries to not think about with other sucky emotions etc
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familiaanteomnia · 3 years
-some more wholesome vibes- He wanted fresh air that wasn’t their property; or limited distance around the estate. Sitting on the porch waiting for his twin to get back from drama. Trying to not get sleepy or fall asleep while waiting. With his phone set beside him. Lazily toying with his skateboard. Instant that the car pulled in he was abducting the other to go have fun. Soon enough it pulled up and he scooped up his board rushing towards the parking car. Tugging the passenger door open. “Come onnn.” Watching as their mother shook her head telling them to have fun and be safe before heading towards the front door. Meanwhile Nate shook his head with eyes rolling before taking his sweet time getting out of the car. The walk to the gas station was fairly long with lots of sibling antics. Such as stealing the skateboard, both accidentally veering into the street and an argument about the coolest looking type of rock. Hopping onto Nathan’s back once they got closer once certain basically nobody was around. “Ugh seriously bro.” Had been some warning but still caused some stumbling. Yet didn’t demand him to let go instead a hand snaked back to mess up his twin’s hair and this caused Xav to do the same before quickly dashing ahead on his skateboard after letting go. “Sugar death juice- you too.” Watching the disgusted face it prompted but it was all in jest. “Gross, it’s also just an excuse for you to buy way too much candy.” “Exactly!” After purchasing two slushies and an awful lot of candy, settling down on a curb unlikely to be traversed. Dumping all sorts of sour candy powder, candy powder and things into the slushies. Mixing them up. “This is going to actually kill me Xav.” Lifting the cup up to stare at the bottom; was joking but an clear look of what have I done. Meanwhile Xav dumped more things into his own. Watching the hesitation before gently knocking an boot against the nearest shoe. “You made it, my dude but if is too daunting I’ll buy you an replacement and drink both.” Earning an immediate shoving of all the candy into Nathan’s bag in response cause took in the amount that had made its way into his younger twins slushie. Pouting before stirring his disaster drink together and taking a trial sip. Face wrinkling up as went through the journey of lots of sour that had been put in. “I am- not downing this one as choices were made.” Of course Nate was already laughing. To which Xav tapped on the side of his. “Your turn, as is the rules of the tradition.” Watching as a sip was taken then clearly it was more sweet than sour. Hopping up Xav drank more of his before stretching after placing it down on his skateboard. “We should probably get home, if this thing kills me or I start getting sleepy I’d rather be surrounded by my stuffed animals than not.” Scooping it back up while stepping an boot on the skateboard to roll it back, forth. “Yeah, I have homework- speaking of which help me score a little extra credit on my english assignment?” Bouncing a little as took another long drink from his concoction. “Duh! Long as it’s not R.omeo and Juliet; we both know in that case I’d actively given like twenty essays worth of why I hate every rendition of it minus the one I.. came up with.” “You wrote an version? Who are you and what have you done with my brother.” Starting to walk along Xav shrugged. “Well yeahh one of the film adaptions came on tv the other night and I couldn’t sleep so- out of spite I wrote an better version.” “You’re going to have to let me read it; if it’s cool though I can guess some of what you’d have changed.” “Please I am an enigma.” “They end up good friends, there’s not the same stupidity anddd I actually don’t know what angle you’d go in the romance department if you did.” “So you don’t know it all.” “Whatever nerd, but no the assignment isn’t on things that induce ranting of that sort.” “Okay cool.”
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familiaanteomnia · 2 years
It was a windy day, so Nathan wanted to fly an kite and well Xav was constantly changing whatever captured his interest. Occasionally trying to be helpful namely at times the strings got tangled. The wind died, so Nathan asked Xav to hold the kite while went inside for an moment. Except then the wind really picked up; Xav quickly correcting his balance on his skateboard as the gust had possessed the kite. Thinking it had just caught him off balance, before realizing he was zipping along accidentally because of it. Didn’t scream merely steadied his feet on the skateboard because he could think of countless uncontrolled crashing. Seeing himself heading right for a street sign. Couldn’t bail, there was no stopping either the kite nor the skateboard. Bracing himself, the wind died down but he wasn’t going to be able bail or slow down. Slamming right into the pole; keeping his board from banging into it but not his body. Rolling onto his back, “That was fun?” Whole body might be more an bruise than usual later but honestly it kind of had been fun. Up till the crash at least, panic aside. Eventually catching the sound of running feet followed by, “Shit, are you okay? I’m sorry- if you hit your head I can go like get mom.” Xav sat up carefully extending the kite out towards his brother. “It’s intact, I’m okay.” Following it up with an grin towards the clear concern and oh god I nearly got him killed look. “Kind of fun even.” “No, you aren’t going to do it again ever twerp.” Hand extending to help him up to which Xav couldn’t help slightly wince but once up- kicked his skateboard up into his hand. “Ughh you’re so boring. Wait- do we think if I had been on a hill downwards?” The look of sheer not fond of the mere thought caused him to giggle. Before clutching one arm around himself. “Okay, okay well if it’s too windy... Help me draw with chalk before it rains.” “Alright deal.”
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familiaanteomnia · 3 years
*this is the hefty lad content warning* Stupid, it had been the stupidest plan to try escaping. Managing to gain some distance like maybe the woods could be safer. Less public but he’d roamed them an lot during his childhood- the person after him not so much. Jacket getting caught on a tree branch. Ripping; he quickly fumbled his hands into removing it from his body. Trying to ignore the words being said cause if got in his head well he’d probably stop in his tracks or collapse. Would only take any number of few well said words probably. Seeing the gun aimed at him before seeing the owner of it. Stumbling backwards- recalling he too had one. Not the greatest with emotions- this whole damn mess he’d never asked for. Yet all the anger he didn’t get out of his system became very present. Maybe he wasn’t the best person, his life sucked ass and he’d been looped into terrible shit... But he did try to make up for it; honestly not sure he was so resigned to die and likely get buried right there never to be found like... He’d remembered he got blamed for but the photos sure said otherwise. Surprisingly steady hands pulling the gun out of their own accord. Finger squeezing the trigger- all seemed to slow down as much it sped up. Other gun clattering onto an rock. Felt his stomach lurch cause he just shot an man. Much he didn’t mind blood he also very much minded it. There was an forever haunting shocked expression with snide remarks that sounded like noise. Holding the gun steady with another shot near the hand reaching for the gun. “No. I won’t hesitate to fire again at you.” Rather considering it for extra safety, plus get rid of all the whirlwind inside of him. Yet again more white noise, static sounding words. “I didn’t kill Rachel, you did because you’re not as fucking smart you act. Just an washed up creep.” ------- Blood was pooling; no doubt that was breath still in that body. Even if his finger was itching for one more shot to assure himself. Self defense, yet it fulfilled deep fears of being the instrument to somebody’s death. Was visceral. For all he’d found what people called morbid curiosity, comfort in the topic was an complicated thing. Like everything else. Especially as he doubled over emptying his already pretty empty stomach onto the ground. Dropping the gun to wrap arms around his torso. Trying to not get lost in the would be drama. How upset both his parents would be in their different ways. Even not being close to the blood felt like all he could smell was the metallic nature blood tended to have. Needed to call- handle the situation. Before everything leeched out of his system. Blacking out in the woods from intense emotions near two guns, one corpse then doing it whenever he woke sounded like more hassle. Fumbling out his phone. Trembling not from the usual reasons for once in his miserable life. ------ He woke up to his own screams; covering his face with the pillow to scream in frustration. After an few minutes rolling over to grab his phone, checking the time with an frown. Wiping at watering eyes. Needed an smoke. Flicking the light on just taking in his bedroom. Cautiously listened for a moment before remembering oh right he sound proofed it so the constant screaming in the night didn’t disturb his parents sleep. Reaching for the pack, lighter beside his bed. Comforting click as he lit it up as knees tucked against his chest; held close with his other arm. Breathing the smoke in, out using it to help him calm down some. Nasty habit, nasty way of coping but he was trying to be better. Going till it was used up. Putting the hood of his sweatshirt up as slid out of bed. Feet gingerly hitting the carpet to hesitate before finally settling onto it. After an stretch unlocking the locks on his door. Heading downstairs quietly. Freezing at the footsteps with the light on towards the kitchen. Swallowing before making his way in where his father was grabbing an glass of water. Up extra early working... Right. Dead silence for a moment. Expected it to stay that way, his father to walk past him or some remark. Instead the sound of the cupboard opening up again. Faucet on, off and glass of water on the counter near him. Then the walking past. Footsteps off towards his office. Door opening. It shutting. Nathan picked the glass of water up tentatively. “Thanks.” His father wasn’t going to hear that broken voiced barely audible whisper but that’s why it hadn’t been said sooner. Downing it before moving to rummage in the freezer. Needed something for how sore his throat constantly was these days from hours talking to professionals, hours spent screaming in the night, sobbing, or dead silence. Looking through the options- stockpile of ice cream, popsicles and eventually grabbing out the supplies to get an bowl of strawberry ice cream. Once finished washing, drying it all and putting it away. ------ The school was abuzz in the aftermath; nobody knew anything really so hearing all the opinions got on his exhausted nerves. Warm thermos of coffee that couldn’t combat how tired he was. In fact hadn’t weakened the dark circles or his freckles that stood out against his very pale skin. Every noise was too loud. Hearing that name made his hands tremble ever so slightly. Lunch time though so debated retreating back his dorm. Could resume the boxing things up and more comfortable clothing. Yet he met up with the vortex club merely acting unphased by the gossiping. Remarks made about him looking like shit; him tiredly making an joke to deflect. ------- Everything had died down, school rumor mill moving on with life. He was not surprised; even though it was never going to leave him be. What happened. Didn’t confide in his only two friends that he was the unnamed person who ended the whole situation.. Plus he encouraged less reminders, chatter about it- deciding to show up in more casual clothing and styled curls. Dark circles, freckles both presentable as taught but also easing up mainly cause he was just too busy and too tired to give an damn. In fact remarks made about him were getting met with an whole lot of an different bite these days. Which threw off the whole targeting and bullying him because jesus he looks like such an plain, normal, exhausted teen? He’d kind of actually let himself smile the first day he showed up like that. Meeting up with Victoria and her knowing it was him but visibly surprised. Hayden’s genuine friendly initial reaction with some light joking. Everybody else he didn’t really care what they thought. ------- It felt strange going to the funeral. Part of him wanted to make an scene; on her late behalf. Yet lingered in the shadows instead. Before leaving off to one of the places not tainted where they’d hung out. Allowing himself an drink. Saying words he really didn’t know if could pierce into the afterlife. One of countless apologies he’d said out loud- countless others he’d written or thought even when hadn’t known for certain. Later heading to the cemetery where he sat in the grass. Bit more talking; laying there staring up at the stars an while. But eventually it was time to head back to his dorm room, or maybe home- figure it out once in his car. -------- Packing up his dorm room; graduation was in a few months or whatever anyways and he was spending an awful lot of time at the estate. Had been steadily constantly taking things off the walls on sleepless nights. Unable to look at the art styles he’d always leaned towards. Redecorated an couple of times, blaring heater constantly cause had already relocated most his photos and didn’t need it at the old controlled temperature. It had been an sanctuary, also had been source of some not so fun times. Which literally anywhere given his problems. Hardly like he’d give the estate an glowing review either. Yet it wasn’t attached to the school. There wasn’t the same rules, plus an good place to start over in loose odd terms of that statement. So tonight he sat wearing an oversized whale sweatshirt; curly hair an mess and cause it was so warm without pajama pants. On the floor leaned against his bed reading an book. Rock music playing in his headphones that he’d bop his head to or sway a little with. Letting the sleep medication he’d been trying out settle in his system plus not wanting to clear his bed off to sleep just yet. Especially because the book in his hands was good, he was having an peaceful moment so hardly going to try rushing into what could be nightmares and the neverending cycle of problems. ---------- The bunker had been cleared out ages ago. He had an handful of times driven there. Never all the way. Or putting feet on that ground. Yet today he had merely staring with an glare at the structure. Before getting out of his truck leaving the door ajar. Flicking his lighter in consideration. Could burn it down; safely plus what really would anybody say about it? Could say plenty and yet it would be relatively harmless. First however he found himself actually heading inside. Holding his breath till reminded himself to let it go. Once he got to the open door, saw the emptiness made it only mostly in before immediately ran back up and out. Doubling over for what felt ages before getting back to his feet. Scooping up his lighter out of the dirt. People could yell at him but he’d finally made his mind up. Some gasoline later, an cigarette and then sitting on the hood of his truck smoking another as watched the flames. Knew it didn’t need immediately reported as wasn’t much risk of it becoming an huge hazard. Surrounded by dirt, way old rotted wood as it was. Fingers finding his phone- briefly itching for an camera but didn’t want to try finding out if had one in his truck. Or know if there was. Instead opening the camera on his phone. Pictures, video to assure that yes the place was crumbling down. It wasn’t met with the best responses as expected but he also was surprised because nobody got super mad about it. His father’s response especially who had made one remark that even if they own the property more or less it was still one of their older buildings; plus technically still Nate’s grandfathers property. Guess it got hit with an poor rental to well soil the whole area with what went down in that bunker and then go up in flames. Nathan couldn’t help laughing about it later though. Not the proudest of himself for bursting into giggles but it’d suddenly hit him how probably was tainted just because of the last name that’d owned it; how it still belonged to his grandfather- all of it and he’d been the one to burn it to the ground. If he wasn’t alone wouldn’t have been able to explain why it was so damn amusing all the other emotions, why he had aside.
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familiaanteomnia · 3 years
Late afternoon, so most after school clubs were over with. Not that any of his typical worries were present. Overtaken by the older sibling instinct that had activated when noticed miscreant actions going on. As if he was going to notice an literal blowtorch and just walk away. Which well to an passerby it probably looked like bullying at this point. Holding the backpack that wasn’t his far away from the paint splattered other figure. As hands made an grab just backing up. “No.” Yet another lunge met with further steps backwards. Nathan in the process tripping and barely prevented falling backwards by hands having managed to latch onto the backpack being fought over. Letting go when his balance was back- plus clearly having abandoned the bag cause for the camera now in their hands. Within seconds having somehow scaled the nearby lockers easily despite his boots, standing up to be extra out of range. Nathan visibly scowling after putting one backpack strap over the shoulder not holding his own bag. Arms crossing. “Oh hey that’s where I left my guitar pick!” Came the exclamation from on top the lockers met with Nate audibly sighing.
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