#โš™ ; ๐‡๐ž๐š๐๐œ๐š๐ง๐จ๐ง๐ฌ :: Just lil olโ€™ me.
gonemechaniic ยท 1 year
It will never cease to amaze me that S.E will deny ladies some cake yet will give the dudebros the whole bakery. Like do better...
anyway Cindy has big ol' squeezable, bounceable dumpy and I will take no criticisms over the matter uwu
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gonemechaniic ยท 10 months
Chipping at drafts had me randomly thinking abt Prego!Cindy being the type who would try and work until she's literally unable to. But also considering the random irony over the usually overlooked/familiar smells of the garage and car parts in general making her nauseous xD
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gonemechaniic ยท 2 years
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I mean itโ€™s just daisy dukes and a crop top, right?
ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  Uncultured. Uninspired. Uneducated.
While yes, she does have a PLETHORA of short shorts ( she literally lives in a desert, my doods ) there are a few interesting outfits and articles in her closest ranging from fashionable, but rarely worn pieces from Altissia to just some playful casual wear; lacy blouses, sundresses and yes, shorts.ย 
The only time to really see her in roughed-up, messy jeans, and a dingy t-shirt is when sheโ€™s painting or off on some scavenging venture. She usually opts for comfort over style but that doesnโ€™t mean she dresses down for everything.
A bit of an example; casual outfits on the top, more fancy/glam dresses on the bottom.ย 
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In addition, I would very much like to thank
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and @strictomiles
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for these wonderful wardrobe additions x3
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gonemechaniic ยท 2 years
While I'm on this "intimacy of hands" kick, can I just say how Cindy is genuinely attracted to hands? Especially if she's crushing on someone, she's more likely to stare at their hands than their face. To watch as they either open something or if they're taking care of the most delicate thing, how rough of softly they are with tasks that require a certain touch. How elegant longer fingers look sometimes to her wondering where or from what particular calluses came from. Soft touches from rougher hands, daintier looking hands being able to leave a mark owo
It is very much less of a 'what that mouth do?' and more 'what them hands do?' thing for her x3
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gonemechaniic ยท 2 years
oops dropped some spice...
Cindy being very sex and body positive but also Cindy giggling like mad and playing the Uno reverse card when a LI says she's beautiful
She is definitely the service top type to worship and praise every inch ( giggidy ) of her partner but watch her turn to an absolute mess when it's the other way around
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gonemechaniic ยท 2 years
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anon asked...ย does cindy think she's worth loving/being in a relationship?
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jfc anon... wow, ok 1. thank you for this, but 2. daaaaamn...
Alright the short of it is no, not really.
Reason one is mainly considering her profession; the compulsion, the insane hours she works, the general throwing herself completely into every possible aspect of it. This woman lives andย  breathes engineering. Forever tinkering in an almost endless sea of projects, ideas and blueprints. It is her comfort, sanctuary, and sin. Overall what she may see as failures in addition to the rewards to it, the borderline obsession she has within her job, in her mind does not determine her to be the most ideal, sustainably romantic partner.ย 
Now this does this mean sheโ€™s not willing to try? Also no, buuuuut she still has it in her mind that sheโ€™s not entirely deserving of it due to not only past loss but also the environment that surrounds her. The worsening starscourge, helping Noct & Co, assisting Holly in Lestallum, running Hammerhead and looking out for Paw-Paw; all of these elementsย take precedence over any possible feelings someone may have for her or vice versa. In addition Cindy, like a staple to many FF characters, has had her share of loss; her parents, her (ย  in my compiling tragedy world building ) fiancรฉ, so thereโ€™s a constant fear lingering in the back of her mind. Like a self preservation pushing her away from even considering the possibility of a relationship.
But naturally this depends on the the verse, yeah?ย 
Royal Mechanic AU is a bit the same; duty before all else, self sacrifice, an all that good stuff.
Niflheimย AU is more lax considering sheโ€™s just angsty af and doesnโ€™t necessarily care for anyone
FF7 verse and working at Shinra has her in a preverbalย โ€˜Ice Queenโ€™ setting, occupying herself in work as emotions are consideredย โ€˜distractionsโ€™
Modern verse sheโ€™s still busy but since there isnโ€™t a possible โ€˜world ending eventโ€™ orย โ€˜ultimate prophecyโ€™ to worry about, sheโ€™s way less workaholic.ย 
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๐‚๐ก๐š๐ซ๐š๐œ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ ๐ช๐ฎ๐ž๐ฌ๐ญ๐ข๐จ๐ง๐ฌ // always acceptingย 
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gonemechaniic ยท 2 years
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Inbox cleaning // ๐Œ๐š๐ฃ๐จ๐ซ ๐€๐ซ๐œ๐š๐ง๐š ๐‡๐ž๐š๐๐œ๐š๐ง๐จ๐ง๐ฌ
@yukikorogashi // from like forever ago x3
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05. ย the hierophant ย : ย what are your museโ€™s morals / ethics ? do they follow their moral code strictly ? also asked by @rosafulmen ( also forever ago )
I wouldnโ€™t say itโ€™s a strict moral code, per se but Cindy is very much a chaotic good. If she has the means to help someone in need, she's gonna do it. If there's an injustice she's going to try her damnedest to fight against it. She just strives to be a decent person and do some good in the world.
06. ย the lovers ย : ย how important are relationships to your muse ? do they value having a significant other ?
Family/friend dynamics are so very important to her. That is her rock, her support and she would do anything for them. Romantic relationships, however, arenโ€™t necessarily important to her. Like she can live with or without one. Iโ€™ve often had her main โ€˜endgameโ€™ being her happily living out the rest of her life in a little farm cottage with enough land for Lexus to roam about, maybe for him to find a mate and thrive as he should. Sheโ€™s handed the garage over and acts as a mentor from time to time until the inevitable end.ย Were she to find her person sheโ€™d cherish them wholeheartedly but having someone isnโ€™t a prime goal in her life.
16. ย the tower ย : ย what event drastically changed your museโ€™s life ? do they resent that event or are they glad of it ?
Haaaaahhhhhh I mean seeing your parents' car being attacked by deamons right in front of you is preeeeetty up there. ._. Truly if there was a moment that she could go back and undo, it'd be that one.
17. ย the star ย : ย what does your muse take inner comfort in knowing ? what guides your muse ?
She takes comfort in knowing she's helped someone be it with something trivial like an oil change or tire rotation to a complete engine overhaul or rewiring an entire city. She knows that she has a particular mindset and skill set that is needed in order to make life better for other people and that's the ultimate motivation.
18. ย the moon ย : ย what does your muse long for ? is it a realistic desire ?
I think what she really wishes for is just some freaking peace XD To be free of obligation, to be in a place where she can have time to live. It's a very realistic want if she was able to feel as if she deserved it or at least felt she was a a point in her life to be content with just being.
20. ย judgement ย : ย is your muse forgiving of themselves ? how about of others who wrong them ?
Herself?? Not very much. She knows there are things she can't change no matter how much she wishes she could. However there's still that underlying guilt and shecan be pretty hard on herself at times. Others are a different story. She tends to give people the benefit of the doubt, probably too much tbh. It's not sheโ€™d let anyone walk all over her but it takes a lot to get on her bad side.
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gonemechaniic ยท 2 years
Random spicy hc ( cause I'm sleepy and dgaf )
Cindy will almost always try and match the intensity of her partner. I say almost as there are moments where the soft dom just comes out when given the reins to. But it's all a playful give and take kind of thing. That kind of engagement that gives it that extra oomph. Also, is giggly cause feeling free and comfortable to have a bit of cute teasing is hot af. OwO
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gonemechaniic ยท 2 years
thinking abt Cindy & Cid, again (ย I know itโ€™s not very surprising) ....
I have touched on a little on how the hat Cindy wears belonged to her father but now Iโ€™m wondering about the details of it. How the studded leather bands are more like aย โ€˜rankingโ€™ system; Cind has one band whereas Cid has two. Itโ€™s like saying that even though Cid is the founder of Hammerhead, Cindy is theย โ€œNo.1โ€ณ of the garage, the head bae in charge, the *ahem* top mechanic if you willย  - insert self satisfied chortle cause Iโ€™m so fuking clever -ย 
Iโ€™ve also noticed that Cindyโ€™s hat is more beaten up than Cidโ€™s, further signifying that itโ€™s older and been through some shit. Thereโ€™s a bit more fraying on the edges which could chalk it up to young kid being more adventurous when hunting for parts or going on hikes and wearing TF out of something thatโ€™s already reaching vintage status, but I digress.
So overall Iโ€™m thinking the hat Cindy wears was actually Cidโ€™s, given to his son when Cid himself was starting to take a more of a behind the scenes presence in the garage, and then to Cindy after her fatherโ€™s passing. She still keeps her hat even after Cidโ€™s is passed on to Talcott, even when she herself retires, perhaps to hold onto the memories of her old profession or perhaps to pass down to the continuation of her own legacy.
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gonemechaniic ยท 3 years
Me reading far too much into the notion that Cindyโ€™s mom didnโ€™t take the Sophiar name after marriage and that itโ€™s possible that "Midโ€ actually took her name: What if the Aurum name is from nobility or even a lesser noble โ€˜houseโ€™ ?ย 
Considering that Aurum is Latin for โ€˜Goldโ€™ and Keycatrich was where the pronominally wealthy & famous people lived and coupling with my personal headcanon of the extended family actually being from Accordo/Altissia from a lineage of well-known artisans.
ย .... maybe, idfk. x3
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gonemechaniic ยท 2 years
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friends to lovers
You've definitely had a crush on your best friend at some point in your life and it either went horribly wrong or extremely well. You like the idea of love when there is mutual pining and just a deep understanding of one another. Being able to fall into the romantic things easily without the annoyingly awkward talking stage because you already know everything about them and vice versa. You might have a fear of rejection hence why you live vicariously through fictional relationships in hopes that one day that might be you. Newsflash friend, you actually have to put yourself out there and stop waiting for love to magically fall into your lap
Tagged by: @call-2-armsโ€‹ โค๏ธ Tagging: All y'allsย 
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gonemechaniic ยท 3 years
random sleepy dani thoughts....
Thinking about the bond that Cindy has with her coeurl bby Lexus and how sometimes cats can kinda sense when youโ€™re having an off day or just really heavy in the feels. They may not always care, cause cats, but there are those random moments when they just wander over and chill on you or do that headbutt thing.ย 
Considering during World of Ruin is when her night terrors and panic attacks begin to surface more and more, to the point where she canโ€™t always grin and bear it. And given the time her and Lexus had together. Thereโ€™s probably gonna be days... or nights really, that sheโ€™s just holed up in her place, alone and borderline loosing it. Then like a few minutes later she gets this bump against her side and moves a bit to let Lex rest his head on her tummy or just kinda curls around her until she can calm down a bit.ย 
ย  ย ......but naturally at some point it gets to be uncomfortable cause heโ€™ll wanna do that cat thing of getting all up in your space and while the sentiment is appreciated, he is way too big for that. x3ย 
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gonemechaniic ยท 3 years
I can't help but feel that Cindy would be a little adverse to Valentine's Day. Naturally if in a relationship it's less so. Still, considering the attention she might get single or not, it could be safe to say that she'd just take the 13th & 14th off to lessen the possible burn out of shrugging off advances or wondering wtf to do with any gifts she might get on the job. Plus people are less likely to bring a grumpy 80yr old a box of chocolates or flowers to pass along to Cindy ... however Cid does have permission to consume any sweets from any brave soul who dares to try. x3
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gonemechaniic ยท 3 years
Was on my break and randomly thinking about Cindyโ€™s schooling. Obviously not in Insomnia considering their policy over โ€œoutsidersโ€, so I'm thinking Lestallum for basic two year college and maybe some advanced studies in Altissia. If Lestallum is more of the localย โ€œStateโ€ college but Altissia is more akin to Oxford or Yale, idk... During this time she would be living in Accordo with her motherโ€™s side of the family, staying in one of the guest houses until eventually desiring more personal space and getting a tiny apartmentย ( Lowkey hc that her momโ€™s side of the fam are a little overbearing in trying to convince her of staying because โœง๏ฝฅ๏พŸ:* opportunities *:๏ฝฅ๏พŸโœง and sheโ€™s just constantly like โ€˜naaah fam, iโ€™m goodโ€™ ) on her own.
This is also where she would meet the second love interest ( whoโ€™s name still alludes me but w/e ) in her life. While it wasnโ€™t as serious as her previous relationship, it was more as a mutuallyย respectable kinda friends with benefits... if that makes sense. They were just two cute gals being pals and digging each others vibe... pun kinda intended ;3cย 
But they had two different life paths; Cindy wanted to pursue engineering more while unnamed gf was more of an artist who would later have her own gallery and art show. Eventually they parted ways and while Cindy doesnโ€™t regret the experience she does wonderย โ€˜what ifโ€™ from time to time.ย 
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gonemechaniic ยท 3 years
๐–๐ก๐š๐ญ ๐œ๐จ๐ฅ๐จ๐ซ ๐ข๐ฌ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ๐ซ ๐ฌ๐จ๐ฎ๐ฅ๐ฆ๐š๐ซ๐ค?
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The color you fit most is Green!
Loyal, down to earth, and friendly, the green personality type lives a โ€œlive and let liveโ€ lifestyle. They are calming to be around and choose to listen and observe more than they speak. This type tends to be a shoulder to cry on in times of need, and they often take care of others before themselves.
When working, they see the big picture instead of little details. This makes them lose faith in their projects if theyโ€™re moving too slow or not achieving what they want, and they often jump from topic to topic without meaning to.
Green soul colors are emotionally intelligent, and they pay attention to body language and verbal cues. If youโ€™re lying, theyโ€™ll be the first to know. They are honest about themselves and their motives, being the most sincere color out there. However, they are less likely to give themselves credit and often brush off compliments.
This color is people oriented and loves to be friendly. They are also people pleasers and donโ€™t like to stir up conflict, and they will often choose to go along with an idea they hate as long as it doesnโ€™t hurt anyone. Since they are so loyal, they donโ€™t tend to see the bad in those they care about, and it often gets them into trouble when dealing with toxic people.
Tagged by:ย @ravusnightblossom ( ty bb!ย ๐Ÿ’› ) Tagging: @battleshotย ย @cultivatxrย  @soaraeย ย @sakuranosukeโ€‹ย ย @yukikorogashiย ย @sunpierce @zacelย ย @feareignย  && idk who else JUST DO IT!!
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gonemechaniic ยท 3 years
๐–๐ก๐š๐ญ ๐ญ๐ซ๐š๐ ๐ž๐๐ฒ ๐š๐ซ๐ž ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ?
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Patroclus You are Patroclus, from the Iliad by Homer, doomed by fate to be stuck in a love story that has no place on the battlefield. Although you always have the best intentions, you have to realize you cannot save everyone. Your unwavering loyalty means you often lose yourself in the process of putting others first. Take a deep breath, remember who you are, and that you are deserving of the same love you try to put out. you are kind, you are strong, and you give and you give but it is never enough to protect those you love. In the end, it's not even enough to protect yourself.
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Tagged by: @yukikorogashi ty bb! ๐Ÿ’› Tagging:ย If ya want it, take it!!
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