#⚡ the vengence served sparked
feastofcadavers · 1 year
A room covered in flesh, veins and tendons lining the walls and flooring… Large and foreboding, with pillars of bone-like texturing rising from the ground and impaling the ceiling that seemed to breathe with a disturbing imitation of life. If… it even was imitation, and not truly living. The group of four approaches, Caramel leaning on Lemon for support while Mint clasped his hands and Aloe kept theirs behind their back. At the other end of the room full of corrupted meat-like structuring, Roguefort stood proudly atop a writhing mass that seemed to be the centerpiece for this gut-wrenching scene. Beneath stood the, far smaller by comparison, blonde that was Earl Grey. Hands folded before him politely, eyes wide and staring ahead, his expression betrayed his stance.
Roguefort would stare down with a sinister grin, looking upon the group before them as bugs. "So, it appears you have followed that troublemaker the whole way here?" They motioned to Vampire with a dramatic flair in their arm. "It's a wonder he knows… Then again, you were going to wind up here eventually. Regardless of our actions." Lemon would growl at the being so far above them, sparking for a second before stopping immediately hearing Caramel yip. Shit, right. 
"Ah, it is no matter… This blessing we hold in most of us has run its course." Roguefort would continue, taking hold of their cape and covering their body with it- almost wrapping themself up like a cocoon. "I say blessing, yes, though it seems that to us it has become nothing but a curse… a fleeting wish… what we gained has long since been lost, or in some way…" Roguefort's gaze would drop, looking down at the chef that hasn't moved from his position, as told. "...beyond repair." Sensitive ears picked up a whimper from the one they gazed upon. With their expression darkening, Roguefort threw themself down from the mass they stood upon, swiftly dropping to the floor that squished beneath him. Grey was obscured as the leader of the manor would rise, throwing open their cape. "Well then! It seems that this sweet dream of ours is going to finally stop rolling down this destructive hill! Let the passage of fate take the wheel as we commit to it and act as the pre–" 
"Could you beeeeee any more dramaaatic?" Vampire would interrupt, not taking the scene seriously whatsoever. He could hear the three beneath him's gazes. Surprise, anger, disappointment. Whatever. "Looook, if you're gonna fiiiight, then doooo it. Shut up and dooo something!" 
The leader would blink slowly, eyes narrowing at Vampire. "Little rat-bat. Fine then! Have at you all!" The sound of sprinting on the moist flooring would ring out as they would begin to sprint at the group. 
Vampire flew upward swiftly, leaving the group to their own devices. Aloe would scowl, looking to Lemon and Caramel, which the blonde also seemed plenty fired up. "I understand your rage, but protect Caramel above all else. I'll take the brunt this time."  "What?! But I could set them flat in-"  "We don't have time to argue! Just get out of the way!" Aloe would yell, a sound sudden and rare enough to finally spur Lemon without question as they would rush ahead, colliding with Roguefort head-to-head and beginning a hand-to-hand skirmish. 
Mint would be still, peeking behind Roguefort and the ensuing battle to look upon Grey. He remained unmoving, just as Mint himself was. The musician would take a step forward, then lean to the side, then into a sprint. Was this other fellow okay? Ah, but Aloe, but Lemon, but-... Augh! With a quick breath out, he'd run past Rogue and Aloe, though that mistake would cost him as he heard Aloe grunt behind him as they were shoved to the ground and he was grabbed by the arm. Dragged back, he was met with compound eyes staring back. Mint would flail for a moment, taking the knife he'd equipped what felt like ages ago and ramming it into Roguefort's body wherever he could reach. Their leg would be the target, but it seemed like it wasn't enough, getting nothing more than a grunt. "Ungrateful." Rogue would growl out, gripping Mint's arm tight enough to hear bones creak. "I ought you leave you how you left your servant. You had a choice to deny fate, yet here you are-" Interrupted with a shout of pain, Rogue would let Mint out of their grip. 
Aloe would jump at Rogue's back, clawed hands scratching at the leader's neck as they attempted to get into a choking position. Deep red marks would form, though drawn blood would be minimal due to not having a good enough grip. "What are you doing?!" The researcher would shout, wings droning as they struggled. "Stay away from the conflict! You are not fit to-" Aloe would be thrown back, colliding with the floor with a wretched squelch of the surface below. Such an impact also threw out the doll of Co that they'd held so close, along with their blade that they would have to abandon by this point. With an immediate panic unlike themself, Aloe would give a feeble 'no-' as they turned their stomach to the floor and reached out, yelping as Roguefort stomped into their back. 
"What is this? Are you still attached to them? Ha. I knew you would take your closeness far, but going so far as to visit her? How pathetic…" An irony only Rogue knew was not lost on them. They'd force their heel down, receiving a satisfying crunch of ribs and tainted organs. Not quite killing them, it would take far more than that, but still leaving them in agony. They'd twist, receiving more of those sickeningly sweet sounds and forcing Aloe to yowl. As Rogue would step past, looking back to see Mint frozen still, they'd pick up the poor doll, using one leg to press against Aloe's face to ensure they wouldn't do anything as they inspected the handiwork. 
…the doll squirmed in their hand, almost seeming to shake as it was gripped tight. "Sad." They'd state simply, closing their eyes for a moment and taking a deep breath… Then they would grin wide as they felt another hand grab at their's- at the doll- and immediately begin pulling. Mint was predictable, even in fearful irrationality. "Stop this!" The musician would cry, tugging at the doll with all of his strength. Roguefort would do the same, gripping the body with both hands while Mint gripped the head. The emerald-eyed fellow had half a thought on how this likely hurt Co… but would only have his heart sink as he heard the fabric tear. Aloe could feel the blood pulsing through their head, their ears, their heart, as they had to watch.
And with both opposing forces no longer held together, Mint would fall on his hind end, and Rogue would only mildly stumble. The leader looked to Aloe, who stared with their mouth agape and their compound eyes wide. They shook, watching stuffing fall from the decapitated doll. Was it capable of being stitched back together? Perhaps. But Co… perceived by them, has been killed once again. 
"You- you BASTARD!" Attempting to pick themself up, holding their ribs, their other bones crunched as their more insectoid traits would morph their body. Wings buzzing, chest heaving, more legs appearing beneath their cloak… Rogue would snicker, lurching forward and snagging up Mint to use him as a human shield as Aloe would lash out. "YOU WILL BURN IN HELL, AND I'LL STOKE YOUR COALS!" They'd snarl, voice distorted by rage and incessant buzzing as the violinist would hold his arms out, refusing to use his blade against an ally, and plead Aloe to stop. To think for a moment. To STOP, PLEASE, STOP- Perceiving an enemy and nothing more, Mint was the one that took the brunt- being chomped on just below his shoulder as an insectoid claw aimed for his face. It wasn't a clean cut, but the blood that leaked from the wound was certainly… 
Ah.  He couldn't.  Couldn't feel his arm. Or see very well. Huh?
A small 'thunk' of a limb and 'shnk' of a dropped blade had a moment of silence pass before Mint wound up screaming. Breaking his vocal chords as he was dropped to the ground, one arm holding his eye… as it was the only one he had. The ear-splitting shrieking didn't deter Aloe, who had simply moved past him in order to further attempt to assault the crimson leader. Sounds of conflict would continue to resound, but the violinist couldn't process it. Body violently trembling, the only comfort- that he winced to receiving- would be arms wrapping around his waist to lift him up. Confused, Mint would attempt to look above him through agonizingly blurred and half-working vision. Vampire… was carrying him. Huh. This felt… familiar. 
"Ughhhh…" The red-head groaned, not out of struggling to carry, but rather annoyance and a smidge of guilt. "I'm nooooot forgiving your friends for letting this happen to youuuu…" There wasn't much that the musician could say. "But heyyyyy… You'll be safer over heeeere…" The warmth of the living ground was not a welcome sensation. Slowly, Mint would realize that Caramel was sitting next to him. Terrified. Caramel would ask what happened, but the words died in his throat out of the shock of it all.
"Where's…" Mint's words were near silent. The terror and earlier yawp certainly killed his voice. Caramel was here, he could barely make that out, but that yellow streak… "Where's Lemon…?" Caramel would point ahead, and though barely capable of making out the shapes and colors, Mint was able to figure out the three of them were fighting together. Light from sparks flew, which definitely was evidence of Lemon giving it his all. Both of them wished they could do more, one as a hero and one just to not seem useless… but it seems neither of them were in the state to do much of anything.
Mint's eyes drooped with exhaustion, barely recognizing Vampire sitting over his slumped body. "He's, uh, fiiiiighting. Yeahhhh…" He's not going to mention how much of a struggle there was from the outsider's perspective. No. Not right now. Instead, he'd sift through his clothes and whatever pockets they had. "Shiiiit…" He'd curse, pulling out a vial similar to what Mint had been given. Originally his sister's, which was cracked and empty. Vampire's eyes would grow wide, though looking to his side, he'd look at Caramel. He looked nearly… feral. 
Narrowing his gaze at the nerd that stared back at him, the drunkard would reach his hand out and grab the smaller. "You. Blood. Now." Caramel would squeak, shaking his head and trying to thrash. With a tight enough grip, Vampire would simply ignore the flailing and bare his fangs, sinking them into Caramel as he cried out and begged to be let go. "N-not again! Not again, p-please! Stop! Stop it!" There was no sympathy. Not for this one. Vampire would continue to drain the poor victim before simply letting him go and tossing him to the wall, keeping his mouth open as he approached the violinist once more. 
Praying to himself, Vampire would far more easily bite down on Mint's shoulder and do the exact opposite of what he'd just done. Ignoring the panic he had induced in Caramel, and how he was holding himself for a desperate sensation of comfort, he'd fill Mint with the blood that he'd taken. Be enough. For Tree's sake, be enough! 
Rogue was… struggling. Electricity wasn't a good match-up for such intricate workings like that of an insect. From both sides, the leader- for the first time in a long time- struggled to defend themself. Barely fending off Aloe, and electricity flaring at them- it gave them the horrible feeling that fate certainly was carved in stone for them. Though it felt fruitless, they continue to push themself to their limit and beyond. It was a strange mixture of accepting what was to occur whilst still having half a mind to resist.
They'd give a glance back, seeing Grey staring with empty eyes. He knew. He knew, too, what was going to happen here. Roguefort would grunt as they tossed Aloe away from them, only to be shanked in the back with an electrically charged knife, afflicting them with a temporary paralysis. And it's with wide, frozen vision and a jolting body that they would be forced to witness Aloe's reckless nature fixated on a different target. 
Grey.  Not him. Not him, please.  Anyone but him. Anyone! Please.
Jittering and struggling to fight against their muscles stillness, they'd watch Grey gain a light smile and close his eyes. He'd raise his hand to wave, pitifully giving a silent 'goodbye' as Aloe would easily take his body and slam it into the meat-coated ground, jaw detaching and expanding to encapsulate Grey's head as claws would dig into his abdominal. An agonized silence as his organs would be dug and clawed out of him is all the peace he would be allotted before the freak of nature above him would close their mouth around his head. The sound of bone and flesh being flayed and masticated hung in the air as one being's grief-stricken loss of self would quickly turn to two. 
Because of them. Because of him.  Because of It. 
Growling inhumanly and thorax pulsing, the shock would subside through adrenaline and pure hatred, and they'd whip around and grab Lemon, hoisting him into the air by his neck. They'd ignore the attempts to stab at them, some working and some not, but all non-fatal. "Spirits always disappear by accident in my hands, so why…" Rogue grips tight enough to cause the choking electrical hazard to hold their hand to, at the very least, prevent his neck from snapping. "Why can't I be the one to extinguish it when it matterz mozt?!"  Their insectoid nature afflicting their speech, it would penetrate their thoughts for a moment as they would flail Lemon's body wildly. Crashing against the floor, ivory pillars, the cracking and snapping of bones reverberating as their composure finally snapped. Within the flailing, Lemon would grunt and shout as his body would be gripped by thin, hooked appendages that would aid in tearing at and tossing his body around. 
Many cuts, gashes, lacerations- the injuries would pile on top of each other. His sparking didn't seem to work on someone so rabid. And, finally, when a slam to the ground hits at the back of Lemon's spine- the sparking comes to a sudden stop as a satisfying SNAP hangs in the air. Chest heaving and brusque breaths would fill the time between flailing- corrupted blood flowing down and staining their hands, their clothes, their soul- dripping from the various wounds from the now limp body… Without a true thought running through their head, they'd take the corpse in their clawed hands and throw it away with all the force they could muster from themself. The thud heard from afar did not matter to them.
Becoming short in thought, the leader wouldn't pause before going directly to the scent of blood. Beloved. Blood. Beloved. The sensation was far too familiar and it nearly made them wretch from their distorted stomach- their thorax twitching with disgust at themself. The scent was enough to drive them mad. Nothing left. There's nothing left here.  With some form of buzzing snarl, the lost leader would take their tarsus and slam Aloe into the floor- inadvertently both causing more of a mess by sending their face into Grey's mangled, bloody spillage of sundered guts and dissevered bones. The splatters that stained both of the insectoid's bodies gave very differentiated reactions. One, none, as it seems that the researcher had been knocked out. The other… With just a moment of peace, if one could fall such a decrepit sight that… Rogue would refocus. Not to bring themself back, no, but to change target. 
Sifting through memories with the small amount of recollection they could muster, their compound gaze would settle upon the distant colors of mint green, yellow, and red. That green… the end started with that, didn't it? That trickster they sought after- the catalyst- it was not the pulsing masses that spoke to them, no, it was… it was him. That bastard. They'll kill him.
Kill him.  Destroy him.  Eat him, if they have to. 
On the other end of Rogue's Blurry vision of color, those 'colors' were having quite a time on their own. The resounding 'thud' that should have been a 'slorp' due to the softness of the walls had come from a limp body slamming into another body. Mint stared with tearing eyes- well, eye- at the sight before him, Caramel seemingly dead while the corpse of Lemon simply laid on top of him. Vampire would huff as he would check Caramel over. He's certainly not scared, death has been around him for quite a long time now, but he was… irritated. Irritated at how much effort this was taking, irritated at how this crew seemed to be falling apart under pressure, irritated at the possibility that before he got his kiss, Mint could…  "He's fiiiiine…" The drunkard would state with a roll of his eyes, taking his hands off of Caramel's neck and wrist. "He's juuuuuust asleep. Impact proooobablyyyy just knocked him ooooout." With a sense of ease, Vampire would then pick out Lemon's corpse and unceremoniously drop him to the side, ignoring the blood that would get on his hands. He'd simply wipe it off and come back to Mint, distracting him from the hell going on in the distance. 
With his deep apathy finally disturbed by Mint's horror, the redhead acknowledges to himself how he probably should've been there for him more during all of this. During times where he was in distress, in danger, and… well, at least now was a time he could help him. If he wanted that kiss, that love, that adoration from another… he'd have to earn it, huh? "Mm… heyyyy…" Vamp would quirk perhaps the only smile that's occurred through this entire endeavor as he gently wraps his arms beneath Mint's shoulders. Poor violinist was shaking, but definitely held on with his only remaining arm. "I'm nooooot gonna let you die heeeere, gotcha?" 
"Y-you… you can't just s-say that…" Doubt? Reasonable. The musician did lose an arm and an eye, one of his acquaintances passed out, the other dead, and who the hell knows what's going on with Aloe by this point? Vamp would blink, peering behind him that Grey, too, was very likely dead. It… that filled him with dread more than anything. If that fucker Roguefort was willing to let him die of all people, then…
"I…" the drunkard's voice would trail off, a tenseness in his chest that he accidentally let spread to his arms. "I mean it. I won't let you die. That's… that's a prooomise." The redhead would lean forward, touching foreheads with the violinist in the gentlest way that he could muster. Vampire could feel the way the other would barely be able to loosen up, let alone stop the terror from making him tremble. 
Such gentleness would be interrupted as the horrid, grating sound of bug-based whirring would catch on his ear. Quickly drawing closer, becoming louder, and Vampire was not having it. 
Letting go of Mint and swiftly turning himself around with abnormal grace, the giant predator would be stopped in their tracks as Vampire gripped them by the face. Well, if one could even call that a face. With multiple eyes, giant proboscis, empty thorax, and- "Hah." 
You know what? No. He's not even humoring the thought. No sense of humanity was left in this thing, was there? So why treat them like one? It's with a grin that Vampire would let his wings flare, hand gripping Rogue's face and ignoring their squirming as the display of bug-textured bat wings would become that of an intimidation tactic… and to shield Mint. 
"You're pathetic, you know that?" Vampire would hiss, taking his other arm and socking whatever was left of Roguefort in the 'face'. Nearly snapping that thing of a 'mouth', he'd continue to throw punches, noticing how Rogue wasn't even attempting to attack back. Instead, they were trying to get around him. Trying to get to Mint. "Really, reaaaaaally pathetic! Worse than me!"  Fisticuffs with a giant insectoid monster would normally end in the worst way, but… the focus not being on him, it was quite easy to push them back until he could grab something else. Ah, right, like… one of those knives. Out of the corner of his vision, Vamp could see the stained and glinting metal, next to the unpleasant reminder that is Mint's severed arm. "Soooo desperate for your own little woooorld… Guess what!" Vamp would laugh, knocking Roguefort back with a kick to their chest so that he could grab a knife and deal more damage. "You ruined it! You went tooooooo far! And now you're gonna- Oh shit." 
Too much gloating! Roguefort got in front of him! Ugh, what a fucking mess. At least without working wings and a limp, this thing was easier to catch up to. It's with a gruff huff that Vampire would give a beat of his wings to fly himself above Rogue… and crash-land onto their back, forcing them to the ground. There was still a distance between the two of them and Mint, a few feet or so, but it was still far too close for Vampire's liking. No struggling could knock him off. This was the end, and he's taking it for himself. For once. Like a mosquito latched on for draining blood, he'd do exactly that. Well… in a way that only a non-mosquito could. With his bare hands. 
Legs gripping the body beneath him, Vamp would spare a glance up to Mint before glowering down at the creature beneath him, gripping the knife with both hands.  "This is for everything you've done to me!" Vampire would stab down into the center of Rogue's back, digging into the other's spine. Not the first, nor the last.  "This is for letting Grey die!" Further up, another sound of a blade 'shink'-ing into the flesh of a monster, small cracks and creaks from bone and other hardened material hanging in the air.  "This!" Vampire would breathe deeply, "Is for what you've done to Mint!" Another stab, further up. Set just below the neck. Or, well, whatever there was left of one. 
Vampire would shift the blade in his hand, standing on top of the crippled, bleeding monster that was once some leader. Unrecognizable other than the clothes that were torn apart and screwn across the dying body's dysfunctional limbs. "And this? Come oooon, you know what this one iiiiiis…" Almost sadistically, the drunk would draw the blade across the feeble thing's back, gently slicing the skin open and watching the corroded blood seep out. He'd raise the blade up, eyes flaring with hatred as he cried out and swung down. "THIS IS FOR MY SISTER, YOU BEAST!" 
A clean slice. In silence, the body would collapse, Vampire standing atop as he watched the head of the 'mastermind' hit the floor and roll pathetically. With heavy breaths, Vampire would hop down from the corpse, looking to the blade that was bloodied from the beast… and giving it a lick, causing his face to immediately scrunch up. "Eugh… moldy…"  Regaining his composure one step at a time, he'd approach a still terrified Mint and kneel before him, ignoring the splatters that littered his clothes. "Heyyyy…" he'd speak softly, keeping his crimson eyes affixed on the other's emerald ones. "Let's… get out of here, okaaaay? I got youuuu… and everyone else… let's get somewhere saaaafe and comfy…" 
Somewhere to… process all this. To think all this over and calm down. To not have to look at the corpses and all the writhing flesh masses that lined the walls, the floor, and the even bigger lump in the very back of the room. Mint would whimper, giving a small nod as he stared at Vampire. For once, his casual nature was soothing in the face of distress, rather than inherently worrying. "Y-yea… let's… le- let's all get out of h-here…"
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feastofcadavers · 1 year
Carrying everyone was a mildly irritating task for Vampire. Mostly from the putrid scent of different cursed individual's blood filling the air… and the fact that he could've been carrying multiple corpses on his back. He didn't care to check just yet. The redhead just wanted out of there, to go somewhere comfortable, even if the weight he carried had him walking rather than the flying he preferred. Somewhere familiar… And considering how they were left in the lower part of the mansion, his sister's room would be the perfect place. Perhaps not for his emotions, still stirred from having to witness Mint's despair and heavy wounds. 
Ugh… Vampire shook his head as he stepped into his sister's room, gently setting the various bodies down. Lemon set behind a cauldron, dead as a doornail, Aloe set against a wall next to one of her stuffed-to-the-brim bookshelves, Caramel on a semi-comfortable cushioned and wooden chair… and Mint, with priority, laid upon the actual bed. Where someone is meant to rest. 
Looking over the violinist, it seems like he passed out along the way. Feeling the neck for a pulse, Vampire let out a sigh of relief knowing that there was still a pulse. Slow, but that's to be expected. Yawning, the drunkard wondered if he, too, should take a nap… but for once ignored his sleepiness in favor of at least patching up everyone else. It's what Mint would want, anyways.  ...though Lemon was left as is the minute he figured out there was no pulse- as if the sharp angle of his neck wasn't an indicator of his demise. Eugh. For someone that hated him and the rest of those stuck with this condition, seeing him like this was morbid. It struck Vampire in a way he didn't like. A reminder of mortality that even those like him had. At least he could distract himself by checking the others. Caramel, alive. Probably has some kind of brain damage considering the impact and the visible bruising, though he's not enough of a doctor to know that.  Grey would…  He'd know…  The redhead shook himself off of his thoughts, stepping over to Aloe to check if they were alive. It was a lot more debatable, considering how rough of a scrap they'd gotten into. But… alive. A pulse, though slow, and hard to hear through their newly mutated exoskeleton, was present. Good. Glad to know if Aloe wasn't gone mentally, they'd be here physically. 
With a moment of silence passing through the room, Vampire would look across the group that he wound up with. Even with all of this, the carnage and oppressive atmosphere that surrounded all of them, the curse… he could still feel it. A hand behind him felt around his wings, still distorted with veins. The hunger in him, though dulled by his equal thirst for alcohol, had not faded. Ugh… all this, and it's still not over? What else could be done? Vampire filed through his thoughts as he wandered and sat himself down on Mint's bed. Stone, but covered by blankets, left mostly unused. "You guys will think of something… right?" The drunkard murmured. "I'm not… thaaaat good at using my brain." 
Hazy vision brought forth a sight bright enough that one would think Heaven is nearby. Mint, not feeling a hint of drowsiness or pain, would slowly find his consciousness and take in what is around him. Golden lights from above illuminated a seemingly endless hallway full of portraits. Not having faces to stare at him, but something about them felt… heavily judgemental. The violinist would find himself staring at each of the paintings, feeling a sense of worry well in him as his legs carried him down the hallway.
Truly, this place would feel endless. And despite this, the paintings wouldn't repeat. Each unrecognizable yet still feeling pressured despite not having any means of proving that they were. A chill would run through Mint's spine as his legs picked up the pace. The golden lights would flicker, such heavenly lighting tinting cooler the further the hallway continued.
Continuing to travel down this path gave no difference other than the coloration around him becoming a familiar turquoise. Such a sight was certainly unnerving, as basic as it was. It gave enough fear in Mint's mind to turn back around- go back to that comfortable and warm golden hall. And yet, behind him… laid a wall of nothing but desecrated corpses. A sharp gasp nearly made the violinist's lungs ache as the disgusting sight nearly made him retch. Shaking his head and turning right back around, his pace would pick up to a sprint. 
The sound of bones crunching and guts squelching as the bodies were pushed forward would send a shot of fear through his system. He complains in his head about how he feels like he's had enough, but such a thought only made things worse as he tripped over himself and fell forward. Squeaking and trying to pick himself up, the musician would find his leg unable to be moved. Looking behind him, the wall had grabbed his leg, and was quickly advancing to swallow him whole. Tears welled in Mint's eyes as he clawed at the cold, tiled flooring beneath him- desperate to keep himself alive. Yet… to no avail. The darkness made by the densely packed bodies would easily overwhelm and cover his vision. Stuck inside this disgusting place full of decaying people… 
…and yet, the darkness would give way to floating in nothingness. It felt like a void, nothing but darkness. Is this death? Is this what the end is like? A sudden, relaxed stillness overtook the composer's form as he took in everything that is the nothingness.  It's… not so bad. Even as he could feel his injuries fade into his form, this… this was peaceful. Lack of sight didn't matter, his nerves weren't screaming at him from his wounds… he could get used to this. 
"Perhaps this is what will become of you…" A voice nearly startled the musician out of his relaxed state, but it was momentary at best. Rotating himself around in the blackness, the musician would be met with a gilded light above a familiar figure. Red hair glistening from the heavenly light, eyes oddly shining green… It was a comforting sight. "You… your self-importance… it does not exist, does it? After all this, that spurred bravery of your's… " The words weighed heavy in the air, like stones on Mint's back. 
"No worries… It merely means that everything is going smoothly…" The redhead approached, taking steps on the ground that didn't exist. "It's as easy as '3, 2, 1, 2', isn't it?" That… didn't make sense. Mint would speak, but his voice seemed to dry up when faced with what felt like an angel. The familiar being smiled down at him, taking his chin and lifting it up so that they were face to face. Too close, Mint thought, way too close. "I will give your broken spirit a place to rest properly in the end, I promise you that." The being drew ever closer, and Mint would draw back, only to be stripped of his sight, and-
Mint would jolt awake, immediately met with the horrific pain his body still had to offer. A yelp would turn into a whimper as the composer used his still functioning arm to hold the stump that was the lack of the other. Trembling from the dream he just had- only vaguely remembering it despite being in his mind only moments ago. 
"Heyyy… you good?" The emerald-eyed musician blinked and lifted himself up as much as his back could on its own to look at the voice. Vampire. Ah. His eyes were purple… why did he think they were-? "Uh, um, w-well… as good as I could be, considering u-uh…" Mint would vaguely motion at himself, looking downward. When had he been patched up like this? "Yeahhh… sorry about that, agaaaain…"  "It's… it's o-okay… everything got a little, uh, o-out of hand…" Mint would try to slow his breathing. The shock is still fresh in his system, as much as he wished that his injuries were just a part of some twisted dream. "How's… everyone else…?" 
Vampire would audibly yawn, looking at the various spots he kept the others. "Uhh… well, Lemon is definitely dead. Bad news, I gueeeeess." The redhead is trying not to look at Mint to see his despair of knowing someone else is dead. Trying. "Aloe's fiiiine, and the other one? Uhhh… I dunno. Probably alive. Juuuuust some brain damage."  "...I… don't know what I expected…" Mint would murmur, giving a heavy sigh and letting his aching body stay where it was. Vampire would stay by Mint's side, standing over him. "Do youuuu… neeeed anything?" The little hum of disagreement was all Vampire needed, though he wished he could do more. 
Everything felt… terribly silent. The air was heavy from tension and anticipation as to if the others would ever wake up. The only thing that would break the silence is the sound of breathing. A gasp followed by a hiss, that is. Vampire would quirk his head, looking to Aloe- the one that had given such a reaction. "Hmmm… good moooorniiiing."  "Shut it."  "Hehe… juuuuust feel lucky you're aliiiive."  "Ugh… I do not wish to… nevermind." Aloe would shake their head, trying to parse out everything around them considering their terrible vision. Where had their glasses gone? "What is… everyone's status?" Aloe's voice seemed gritted, trying to keep the pain- physical and otherwise- from getting through their voice.
"I'm okay…!" Mint would chime, raising an arm to wave wherever in hopes Aloe saw. Vampire sighed, giving a stretch. "Welllll, you're good, Mint's good, Lemon's dead," the small 'hmph' Aloe gave meant nothing to Vampire, "and the other guy uhhhh… is proooobably good." 
The researcher simply nodded, trying to test their muscles and see what worked and what didn't- and what did and just hurt to, of course. "We need to go back down there." They stated bluntly, prompting both of those awake to gawk at them. Even Mint lifted himself up, as much as it hurt. They couldn't see the other's expressions, but they assumed it was disbelief. Perhaps worry, for the one who cared. "Something is… not right. The hunger… still exists." 
As much as Mint didn't want to admit it… past the pain, yes, there was still that craving. Being reminded of it made him whimper, which wasn't really helped by the petting in his messy hair that Vampire gave. "I wouldn't knoooow, I've aaaalways been hungry like that. But… you reaaaaally want to go back? After I dragged you aaaaall the way here?" 
"I will carry myself." Aloe would state with a grunt as they attempted to pick themself up, leaning against the bookshelf they were laid against. "I am… used to this." Vampire would hum, shrugging before hearing Mint shuffling and trying to pick himself up. "Dooon't tell me you're trying to-"  "I-I don't want them going alone…!" Mint would practically whine, "Besides, I… I want to figure out what's… what's going on… I don't want anyone else to be hungry like us." The selflessness. Ugh, the redhead couldn't just say how endearing it was, considering how injured Mint was. "Then I'll come with you twoooo… sooomeone has to tend to the wounded." 
"No." Vampire had to hold back a growl from the denial that Aloe had given him. So stern. So ignorant to the care Mint needed. Even so, the scientist continued; "Someone needs to keep watch over what the creatures around here would see as a perfect meal. I do not care if he winds up being dead from a brain injury, if Lemon is dead, then someone would need to look after him. And that someone will be you." 
"Then why can't I tag along with Mint while you stay back? Or better yet, have Mint just stay here?"  "I am the one that knows what to look for. I am mandatory for the trip. And if Mint were to stay here, I would wind up traveling alone. Never a wise idea. And having you travel with me would mean that no one capable of defending would be left here… though I am assuming you would not wish to travel with me either way."  The redhead would try to come up with a retort, but was left with no words to say. He huffed, eyes darting away from the one that gave too good of a reasoning. "...no woooonder blondie never wished to cooperate with you until it mattered." 
Disregarding the comment, Aloe would stand themself straight and step to the bed Mint was laid upon. "Your bias is palpable." They'd mumble low enough for only Vampire to hear as they started to help Mint out of bed, trying to ignore the small sounds of pain that came from the movement. "So long as your legs work, it will be fine… I will carry you, if need be." 
Mint, unaware of the tension between the two and simply assuming that the situation itself was what made everything feel off. That, along with the lingering sensation of the dream in his body. "L-let's figure this out soon… I don't want t-to wind up too hungry and… well…" No need to finish that. Everyone knew and understood the consequences. Exertion really does bring out the hunger in someone… Mint felt his stomach churn as his weight was laid upon Aloe- realizing just how empty he felt. At least there were no pangs like he's experienced before. 
"Sooo… what, you're just going to leaaaave?"  "That's the plan." Aloe would give a short breath, adjusting themself so that Mint could wrap his arm around the taller one and not have to worry about much else but walking.  "Um-" Mint would perk up, one eye shutting at the perking shooting a spark of pain through him. "Actually, can I… do something real quick…? I-I think I owe it… and now would be… I- I think one of the only times it'll be fitting anymore…" The musician made a motion to get turned around, and the researcher would oblige, turning him around to the drunkard. "Could you… lean forward?" 
Vampire took a moment to process, blinking and eyes going wide as he practically threw himself forward. No way. Absolutely no way he's finally…  Mint would give a soft laugh, finding humor in Vamp's eagerness. "Goodness… o-okay, okay… Look, it's not that big of a deal! It's just… a small thank y-you…" And though it was highly anticipated, something wished for so long… just a small peck on the cheek was given. It was enough to flush the drunkard more than the hardest of drinks. "You're… you're weeeeelcooooome!" The two laughed, Aloe rolling their many eyes in the meantime. 
"Hehe… I'll… I'll be back, o-okay?" Mint would find just a bit of joy in this dark world seeing Vampire so alight. Not from him specifically, but… just from seeing someone so happy. Satisfaction from making someone smile. It's been so long… he missed this feeling… but it's not something that will last very long. Aloe would tug him along, and he'd have to go back to being walked by the other.
The joy the drunkard had still flourished, though was easily tainted by anxiety. His chest grew tight as he watched Mint get led away… but he had to have some trust. If Mint said he'd be back, he'll be back. It's a promise. Sitting himself on the now empty bed, he waved as the two left. The bed is still warm…
"...stay saaaaafe…" 
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feastofcadavers · 1 year
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my life has improved significantly because Lemon cookie is confirmed to be dead I am the happiest person alive the absolute elation in my soul knows no match. Thank you so much for killing off that yellow sourpuss tarty asshole, I cannot verbally express my gratitude, therefore, I have made an extremely detailed piece of fanart to show just how happy I am that he is dead
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Ah, thank you for expression your happiness of loss through this piece! It certainly gave me a laugh, even in the midst of the chaos and strangeness going on within this tale.
The fervor by which you act in accordance to this one's suffering is always entertaining to see, even if I could indulge you in his death only once... and it was not even I who planned it, as it was fated by the flow of the stream this all follows. Unless you count the gentle guidance on my part...
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feastofcadavers · 1 year
Working through the stress of a sudden wound was something that Aloe was familiar with, but equally something that still disturbed them. Kneeling before the wound of Caramel's freshly snapped off leg and letting blood seep into their pants, they'd take a deep breath and tuck their precious doll in their clothes to get to work. The air reeked of foul fluids. Disgusting. Even a deep breath for soothing purposes was ruined by how it burned the researcher's throat. 
No clean clothes. No rags. They'd have to make due. Aloe would glance between the other two that were holding Caramel to keep him, ah, as stable as one could be in such horrors. Seeing a shadow come over them, Aloe looked up to see Vampire simply looking down with a bit of drool going down his cheek, though he appeared more curious than anything else.
"Huuuuh…" The drunkard would look the 'medic' dead in the eyes, smiling. "Whaaaat? I got noooothin' to do with this." His words were met with a quiet grunt as Aloe took hold of his cloak. "I require this. If the wound cannot be cauterized or sanitized, I can at least attempt to tie the wound off and cover the opening…" 
Wiping at his mouth, Vampire would shrug and shed his cloak, handing it to Aloe and watching them curiously as they'd tear it to bits. "Gooood thing I have spaaares…" He'd mumble, trying to keep his saliva within himself. 
Aloe promptly went to work, eying the dimensions of the fabric to try and accurately tear it in ways that would aid this whole predicament. Finding it difficult to focus, they'd fall back on something it feels like they haven't done in forever. 
"If I can stop one heart from breaking," they began, speaking beneath the sound of ripping cloth. They'd lean in, lifting what was left of Caramel's leg and pressing past the broken cries that fell from their touch. 
"I shall not live in vain; If I can ease one life the aching," the researcher continued, though they could feel the daggers of Lemon's glare on them. It's protective, they know. They understand.
"Or cool one pain," their breath was held as they pressed a portion of cloth around the wound, pulling it up so that it acts as a form of casing.
"Or help one fainting robin unto his nest again," wrapping another cloth around the first and pulling it tight to cut any circulation from the wound. Without belief in any entity, they'd pray this would at least staunch the bleeding.
"I shall not live in vain." 
A deep breath is taken, and though the researcher is still reeling and burning from the toxic scents in the air, they force themself to stand. "That is the most I can do on short notice." They say flatly, as if all emotion has been drained out of them… even more than usual. Aloe glances towards the blonde, who's still aggressively stanced and glaring. "The only thing I could have recommended was applying electricity for cauterizing, but… power of your caliber could accidentally cause major damage- or even heart failure. Certainly, you understand the risks." Lemon would blink, surprisingly softening and looking to Caramel with nothing more than a grumble. "Yeah, sure, I get it…" 
Though giving a slight wobble, Aloe would go by Mint's side and motion for him to stand up. The musician would look between them and the poor body he was holding onto, but decided to follow once Lemon started to reach his arms under to start carrying Caramel. "What… what do we do w-with him…? We can't- we can't leave h-him here…" Mint would whimper, fearing the consequences of keeping Caramel around. Eyes wide, he'd look to Aloe for an answer, though wouldn't receive anything clear. "We can bring him with us, as much as it would be a detriment-" 
"Fuck you." Lemon growled, pulling Caramel closer to himself. He'd be murmuring to the victim otherwise, trying to be kind to the only one that mattered.
"I only speak the truth." Aloe would huff, shaking their head. "Either that, or we could lead him out… though that puts all of us at far greater risk. It takes longer than if we were to finish this with him… despite his condition." 
"Ooooh weeeell." Vampire would butt into the conversation, laying down on the very air he floated on. "Looook, are we committing a murder ooooor are we gonna be heeeere being sitting duuuucks?" As much as the crew weren't much of a fan, with Lemon sparking momentarily, the redhead would move ahead and motion for everyone else to follow. Reluctantly, the group would do so. There was nowhere else to go. 
The cold stone began to crack the further the five would delve. Breaks in the chilling atmosphere would bring forth a different form of 'chills'. Flesh would wind its way deep into the crevices, pulsing and squishing as it would soon take over the walls more and more… until the atmosphere became this humid, horrid, red-tinted cave of flesh. "What… is all this…?" Mint would speak softly, as if the walls had ears among the slabs of seemingly living meat. "I dunnooooo…" Vampire answered simply, nothing about the location bothering him. "Nobody's been down here 'cept meeee, you guuuuys, and thoooose two." And motioning with the end of his sentence, the drunkard would motion towards a grand set of doors. 
Edges coated in flesh, the doors themselves were a deep red, accented by white that shines through. Reminiscent of bone, what with the ivory texture and the way the meat around the door gave way. Vamp set a hand on the door, looking back at the group before nudging it open. Horrible squelching would fill the air as the door pushed inward, crushing the innard-like flooring as it cracked open. "I don't even know what's past here, sooooo… let's have fuuun, yea?"
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feastofcadavers · 1 year
Being led by one of the residences of the manor was both a blessing and a curse. Aloe and Mint held no perturbation with the action, knowing he'd be too lazy to try anything; though as it came to Caramel and Lemon, they were wary down to their bones about having some lax and untrustworthy in the front. The cautious ones spoke nothing to the group, though it was clear by Lemon's sparking that he was ready to attack at any moment's notice- as much as he boiled his own blood about self-restraint. 
To avoid the silence, Aloe would be the one to speak up. "Vampire," they began, only continuing once they received a glance back by the drunkard bending his entire body in an arch to do so. "These creatures… Why have they been released? You seem to know more about the situation than any of us."  Lemon growled, attempting to interject. "Because he's as suspicious as all Hel-"  "I dunnoooo. If you guys aaaare gonna kill them, and since things haaave been off with my cooking buddy, maaaaaybe they know? Last ditch-eeeeffort?" Vampire would shrug, returning to a normal position with a small hum. "Everybody's been told toooo shelter and to not come out aaaall day." 
"I see…" The researcher would lower their gaze, feeling Mint's arm wrap around their own as a form of reassurance. "At least there were not many in the first place. They cannibalize each other, as much as it only harms their numbers…" Ah, perhaps they shouldn't have spoken that. They could feel the violinist shiver at the thought. 
The group would continue down the cold, drab halls for only a moment longer before the sound of skittering rang through the halls. Aloe would rudely push ahead of even Vampire, looking into the neighboring holes in the walls, hearing a loud thump against the cold stone. Pebbles fell and cracks lined the walls, indicating this creature has been doing such for quite some time… and with a heavy amount of force. "Ah… so it is within the walls." Not a comforting realization. 
Vamp would shrug and continue walking on. "Whateeeeverrr… These guys never bothered me anyways." The rest of the group was untrusting of the dismissal, but would try to follow the drunkard regardless, only to have the thumping sound follow them. Lemon would shift his position closer to the wall, attempting to obscure Caramel from harm's way… and Mint would stick by Cara- figuring it'd be a form of wordless support.  "It didn't bother YOU, maybe…" Lemon would growl, "but these things are out for our blood!"  Vampire would look back, puzzled, ignoring the growing cracks in the wall beside the group. "'Our'? But there's only oooone of us who-" 
Breaking to bits, the colorless wall would burst open- rocks and debris flying every which direction as the group was startled. Lemon would react by shooting a bolt at whatever had bursted from the wall, but the dust within the air caused it to scatter, creating more of a flashbang than anything else. With the group blinded, it was Caramel's shrill screaming that would alert the group as to the beast's location. 
The group would then take to stabbing the beast- with the dust settling in the skirmish to show that the thing that had emerged from the wall beheld large mandibles. Large legs lined with throbbing veins and abnormally grown flesh, a thorax that pulsed and shifted with movement similar to a writhing stomach, and an outer shell who's wounds bled with inky black bile at the stab wounds it received. Though the sight was a horror in and of itself, even worse was the position Caramel wound up in. 
"GET OFF OF HIM!" Lemon would scream with all the vindication he could muster, throwing himself onto the beast's back and tearing into whatever outer protection it had and jabbing the knife in wherever he could. The monster would thrash, but it wouldn't stop its assault on the one beneath it.  The mandibles would clamp down, narrowly missing Caramel's neck, shoulder, wherever it was attempting to aim. The 'shield' he was given wasn't of much help other than to try and bash at the face of the thing. The victim cried and squirmed, trying to find a way out, only to freeze in place as he felt a piercing sensation in his leg. The bug had aimed downward, and… 
…He felt the blood drain from his face, his stomach turning as his throat wretched out a blood-curdling scream. The group around him yelled and seemed to be shouting at one another, but it all went unheard as the agony coursed through Caramel's leg- well… what was left of it as the horror above him crunched and tore into its meal.
His vision went black for a moment as the fuzzily felt the thing that had so horribly wounded him spurt bile and his own blood on him, caused by Lemon finally being able to get a clean stab on the creature's brain. There was an unprocessed clamor as this weight he felt over his body was lifted, and the heated red that poured out of his gaping wound began to pool around his leg. Caramel kept his eyes closed, voice continuing to cry out as the sheer pain of it all absolutely destroyed his mental fortitude. Heart pounding, chest incapable of holding breath, head feeling numbed from the blood loss and pure fear… Between wails, babblings of mortality would slip out. "I'm dying- I'm- I'm dy… I can't, I'm- I'm dying, dead, I'm-" His rambles would continue, though he could hear a quiet shushing sound while his head was gently petted and his shaking hand was held. 
More affection would be received, though it would take far more and far longer than a few moments of softness to solve his ordeal. Sobs would claw their way out of Caramel's throat, hands held and even gripped when he could feel his wound being messed with- treated, more accurately. The sheer amount of fear coursing through his system was enough to make him retch. And though his stomach was mostly empty, acidic bile and small chunks would force their way out, unfortunately landing on one of his hands. Fortunately, the one who held him didn't seem to mind. And… at least he could get a sickened laugh out of the soft ones that held him. 
Mint gave a breathless laugh, trying not to find disgust in the mostly clear and incredibly sour-smelling fluid that didn't mix well with the strong scent of blood already in the air. "H-ha… haven't had something l-like this happen since, uh, high school…"
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feastofcadavers · 2 years
It's all… so much. Too much.
Mint's mind would dart between terrible thoughts- thoughts of what has, could, and will happen. Killing someone was already harsh enough, but willingly? He's not nearly that strong. There's no way. Absolutely no way. Mint could feel his breath get caught in his throat, deep and gasping breaths rasping their way out as the violinist had his panic. His body trembled, eyes closing as he tried to fight off the thoughts of gore that invaded his consciousness. He curled himself up, knees to his chest. His heart hurts, his lungs are heavy, he…
"Hey! U-um, Mint…" A voice he could at least recognize could be heard in front of him. Cracking open his nearly-weeping eyes, he'd find Aloe and Caramel standing before him. One worried, the other covering their face with their dearest plush."You okay…?" The nerd would continue, prompting little more than a shake of the head. He couldn't describe his fear, but the least he can do is say that he's… he's not okay.
Aloe would hum, moving their plush downward so that Mint could get a better look. The scientist looked at Caramel, as if confirming something, and proceeding when they got a nod in return. They'd wobble the doll of Co around, as some form of making it seem more alive than it is. Caramel would laugh, and speak in a high, chipper voice. "Hey you! It's all gonna be okay!! With me here, we're gonna make it through! All of us! You're strong and capable and-" The pep talk was stifled as Aloe gave a gruff sigh and shook their head. "I can't- I am not furthering this embarrassment." They went back to using the plush to hide their expression, no longer meeting eye contact.
Mint would sit there for a moment… then breathlessly laugh with a smile on his face. "What do you mean? That-... That was adorable! Did you guys come up with that just to cheer me up? Er- calm me down, too?"
Aloe would glance back down at Mint, then away with a small shake of the head. Caramel would give a slightly worried laugh, adjusting his wide-rimmed glasses. "Yeah, uh, I know a panic attack when I seen one! And Lemon, he uh," the only uncured individual would lower his voice, "he usually puts on little shows with his electricity to calm me down, or just holds me, but since neither were an option, we um… we improvised. It was mostly Aloe's idea." "Hush." Aloe would lightly chastise, getting Caramel to hum a laugh. "Hmhm… sorry."
A moment of surprisingly comfortable silence passed. Well, silence aside from Lemon rustling through every spot in the forest to find a good place to sleep. Ah, that reminded Mint! "This spot is quite comfy… I don't know if it'll be big enough for the four-" Co. "-five of us! But it's… it's worth a shot, right? Unless Lemon can find better." Mint would look up the two expectantly, who both shrugged and found their spots beside the violinist. "Hm," Aloe would hum thoughtfully, shifting in place; "You seem to have found quite the spot. Not perfect, but beggars cannot be choosers."
"Better than sleeping on those stone tables in the basement, huh?" Mint would remark, hoping for a laugh. He earned snickers from both parties, so he'd consider that a win. Aloe would shake their head, but in a light-hearted manner. "Brave enough to call back to that time? Perhaps Coconut was right… you are certainly strong for all you've gone through." "As are you- both of you!" Mint would chirp, feeling his chest lighten up. "Lemon, too. Wouldn't have wound up here, let alone be alive probably, if it weren't for all of you."
Caramel would bring his arms up to hug himself, smiling sweetly. "Y-you're too kind…" "I try to treat everyone with it in hopes they treat me the same!" Mint would retort, grinning back at the uncursed. "And if they aren't, well… there isn't really a point other than tolerance." "...Tolerance is the best way to deal with those you disapprove of." Aloe would butt in, though it was welcomed, their voice is always soothing to hear. "I have had to deal with tolerating Roguefort for years, or so it feels." They lower their doll and hold it close. The researcher grimaces, gazing towards the ground. "It is not often that a desperate agreement is made, but making one with them is one of the worst mistakes one could make. Though, the past is the past… I cannot change it. I can only hope to carve a better future for all of us, alive and dead."
Aloe would continue to ramble, inspirationally down-to-earth, though when they paused in between some events regarding a river, they heard a soft snore. Looking away from the spot of the grass their eyes burned into, they found that both of the smaller beings had fallen asleep leaning against them. "Ah… I see…" Aloe would whisper, a yawn coming on soon afterward. "Oh dear… it seems the tiredness has spread." They'd chuckle to themself. The researcher would look around, searching for Lemon before tiredness could take them. Ah, he was… sleeping a few trees away. Had their rambles been that long? It would not be surprising. The idea that they could put others to sleep with their words was… relieving? Comforting. That is the word they were looking for.
Aloe would snuggle Co into their clothing so they are safe, deciding to use their hands to hold the two beside them close. Occasionally, they would run their hands through one or the other's hair, content with their position. Of course, this motion of comfort would slow to a stop as sleep would seep in. They did not resist, for they knew they'd need all the strength they have to tackle the hell that would occur tomorrow. …They all needed it.
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feastofcadavers · 2 years
The halls were just as twisted as they always were. Past the empty dining hall, there was no telling what direction the group was headed. Even with Aloe leading the way, the one assumed to have the most knowledge on the layout, they'd often have to double and triple check where they were… if they even knew. At least there was some actual time to think, considering the halls were empty. 
Oddly… entirely empty. Not a single soul was wandering around here. Aloe would hum in thought, leading the crew through turn after turn. "The fact that there is not a single soul out… it's suspicious." 
"Like they're expecting us?" Lemon said sharply, not shifting from his readied stance. Prepared to kill at a moment's notice. "Are they planning a sneak attack? Crowding up to give us the jump?" 
Aloe shook their head, though they couldn't help but be the slightest bit entertained by the prospect. "Never. Their amount of coordination couldn't take down a sitting target, let alone four whole moving targets. You've never seen what they're like when they're let out to find food… but it's like toddlers stumbling over one another." There was a light sigh from the researcher as they peeked around the next turn. "Long story short… everyone is likely in hiding to remain as such. Hidden from us." 
Mint would wave his hand to silently get Aloe's attention. Once their many eyes were on him, he'd stammer, idly toying with the weapon in his hands. "Uh, where… Where are we going, exactly? Is there a, um, a master bedroom or something we're going to find Roguefort in?" 
The many-eyed creature would look out into the next hall again, then look back as stolid as usual. "We are going into the deeper depths. I am certain they would want to be dramatic if they're not actively seeking us out and were preparing for our arrival. There is the stony prison you're familiar with, but… there is a way to go deeper. No one has ever been permitted in there, so… I see no reason why they wouldn't hide in there for theatrics." 
Lemon would groan, having a few small sparks coming from him. "That's so stupid. Who the fuck cares about how much flaire they'll have? They're gonna die either way." Caramel would give a soft laugh, "I-I mean… it's like- it's like a f-final boss in a video game… I guess th-they want it to be very… final? Last s-stand-ish?" 
"Nerd." Lemon huffed, rustling Caramel's hair. Not smiling, but clearly happy to hear him.
"H-hey! It's not like y-you didn't make an entire outfit for h-hunting and–" 
"Sh! Shh." Lemon would swiftly put a hand just above Caramel's mouth, trying to hush him. "There's a reason for that. Look, let's just… let's just get going." 
Aloe and Mint both looked upon the two's interaction, the musician winding up smiling before the group would continue to press on. Empty hall after empty hall, alight with shining candles on the walls, the deep turquoise becoming a bit of a grating color to look at through every similar looking hall. It was only when the coldness of stone met against the edge of the blue-green carpeting that there was freedom from the cool colors of the mansion… only to be met with no color at all. 
Chilling stone steps, colorless rocky walls, the dull metal bars meant for captives to be stuck behind… and dust visibly in the air from lack of care, too, gave the whole place an atmosphere of despair. Caramel couldn't help but latch onto Lemon's arm, too familiar with the state of being behind those bars. It was almost as if he could feel the blood being drained from him again, a shiver going over him. 
…being behind the other two, Lemon didn't mind pausing to give the other a hug and a gentle pet on the head, eyes averted to ensure his bout of affection wasn't seen. "You'll be fine. I promise." He murmured, pulling away and offering his arm for Caramel to properly hold, being held firmly by the nerd with a nervous smile… though it wouldn't be held for long. 
Loud skittering would be heard from one of the cells, a sudden sound that seemed to shake even Aloe. "Get back!" They ordered, holding their arms out as buzzing resounded and insectoid legs started to exit the containment in front of them. Mint would dart back, joining Caramel behind Lemon as the blonde would raise his knife to where the enemy was emerging from. 
From broken wings that flittered to a bent proboscis, the monster that emerged was massive in scale. Merely standing with its flesh-costed torso and vein-covered insectoid limbs boasted a height tall enough to nearly press against the ceiling. It hissed out some grotesque noise as it would face Aloe, swiftly attempting to stab at it with its broken piece. Though with such clunky movement, Aloe easily ducked out of the way, taking the commanding lead. "Lemon! Above the proboscis!" 
"The what?!" The electrical hunter said, surprisingly hesitating for once… and nearly letting Aloe get hit as the creature approached and continued to try and brutally jab at the researcher. 
"The head! Is that not obvious?! Destroy it, or it just might destroy us!" 
Lemon would let out a grunt, instinctively reaching back to grab Mint's blood vial that he's kept on his wrist, yanking it with little thought to the yelp that Mint gave as he chucked it against the ceiling. Praise be to whatever diety there may be, the creature that's entire body convulsed with any small movement would lift its attention to the blood splatter, connection between the head and torso exposed. 
With a running start, Lem would jump and grab onto the creature's strange chest fuzz. holding tight to avoid being thrown off by its thrashing, before promptly climbing through the mess of what felt like unnaturally and sporadically grown hair mixed with insect-like fur. It would take him seconds before he made it to the opening, slashing open what he assumed to be the creature's 'throat' and promptly letting himself drop to the floor afterward, scrambling away and grabbing Aloe to drag back with him while the creature sprayed out blackened blood. It's limbs reached up, distorted chittering coming from the creature as it seemed to try and cover its own wound… before stumbling to what might be considered a 'kneel', and promptly falling to the ground. Not dead, but still dying. 
"Fuck…" Lemon would heave, rubbing off some of the blood that had gotten on his face during the process. The blackened parts were like splotches… oddly thick and hardened. "The hell is that thing?" 
No answer would be given at that moment, letting a terrored silence fall over the group. Aloe would hold Co tight to their chest, letting the quiet pass before saying anything. Hesitantly, they spoke. "That is… one of my experiments." Attention focused on Aloe, shocked expressions gouging into them, they kept their gaze averted in shame. "I have made many horrific creatures, to… to try and cure what I thought was within my capabilities." They remember back to Roguefort, telling them that there was no way to cure this plague brought up on Co and themself… how their efforts were fruitless. "I… had thought they were locked away in the deepest depths of the manor, never to be released… but it seems that Roguefort had other plans. How troublesome…" 
"Well, hey, think of it this way-" Mint would interject, trying to shake off the fear that was still running through his system. "If this one went down so easily, then um… we sure can take on the rest! That and, uh… maybe… maybe the other people that became monsters like this will go back to normal? Maybe-..." As weak of an attempt that it was, Aloe was still able to raise their gaze. They weren't smiling, but it was better than being in despair. "Fixing my mistakes, one could call it. Fair enough." The plant person straightened up, looking ahead. "I do not expect anyone to forgive me, but to at least repent in this way… I will accept it." 
Mint smiled and nodded, approaching Aloe and looking up at them with a twinkle in his eye. "Yes! We, uh, none of us really asked for this, so- even if you did do th-" 
The sound of a small animal caught the group off-guard. Instinctively, Lemon rushed in front of everyone, brandishing his knife and unknowingly hissing. He stood at-arms, prepared to attack whatever was there… only to see a little bat fly into the view of the group lazily. It would look at the group, smiling before twirling itself around and having its cape reveal the flirtatious redhead. 
"Uhh… meowwww?" Vampire slurred, as if he hadn't startled the four of them. "What's uuup? I thought you guys wanted out of here… couldn't get enough of me, huuuh?" 
Caramel cocked a brow, mouth pursed. "I don't even know you…"
"Not yeeeet you don't. I'm sure we could over a few drinks aaand-" The knife that was pointed at his bat form was promptly placed closer to his neck. Lemon wasn't having any flirting go on here, it seems. "Oh, huh. Saaad… still though, this knife isn't telling me why you're aaaaall back here." 
"Um," Mint butted in, gently setting a hand on Lemon's arm to put the weapon down. "We're going to, uh… kill Roguefort. That's- that's the plan, at least." 
Vampire let his mouth fall agape, cartoonishly surprised. He'd then chuckle, chortle, absolutely start having a laughing fit. "And here I thought no one would ever even try! Sure, I'll humor you guys. I'm sure you guys will do just fine in taking them down." 
The blonde would growl, finally fully letting down his weapon to cross his arms defiantly. "You say no one would ever try. Why didn't you?" 
Vamp would pause, one of his hands going down to fidget with a pocket as his gaze averted. "Reasons…" 
"Whatever…" Lem waved the excuse off, not bothering to even look at the drunkard. "How are you even going to help us? What, do you know their exact location and can take us there?" 
"Uhhhh… yeaaa? Why wouldn't I?" 
"...okay, sure, then fucking get to it, beast." 
Vamp would chuckle and shrug, "Whateeeever you say, bossyface." 
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feastofcadavers · 2 years
The morning is foggy and chilly. Not ideal weather to wake up in, but not the worst. Mint blinks his eyes open, yawning. He rolls over, stretching and realizing how damp the dirt actually is. He can feel dew touch his hands as he preps himself for getting up. He's… mildly surprised how he didn't wake up hungry. Or with anything afflicting him, really. Ah, well… that's for the best. Being hungry on such an important date would be, uh, not the best.
Picking himself up to his feet, Mint would peer through the fog and see the others discussing matters on where to go, what to do. It all felt blurry, though that's to be expected considering he just woke up. The violinist would work through a second yawn and approach the group. He off-handedly hears one of them asking if he's truly ready, to which he nods. Seems like these fellas know exactly where they're heading. Good. Mint couldn't make his way anywhere with such dense fog around.
By the time his senses were back in shape, the group was already approaching the back of the mansion. Oh. Oh right. They were about to go in a commit a murder. Mint gave a sorrowful laugh to himself as he shook the rest of his tiredness off.
Lemon seemed to be observing the outside, scrutinizing every nook of every piece in the wall. "No good for climbing… if we are going to sneak in, we'll have to find a way that's still discreet." Aloe would hum in thought, then perk when they seemed to come up with an idea. They pointed a short distance away, to a set of double doors with a large trash receptacle nearby. "The kitchen. Only three people are permitted there. The chef, the leader, and that drunkard." Lemon rolled his eyes, but seemed to agree on the proposition. "So either we find something we know nothing about-" "You may not, but I do. The chef is too weak to fight us, I assure you." "-...We either find a weakling, the one we're supposed to kill, or some drunk thing. That… doesn't sound like the worst plan I've ever heard." A bit of a backhanded compliment, but Aloe will take that as acceptable.
Aloe then looked between Mint and Caramel. "Are you both ready? Once we're in there, there likely will be no going back." Caramel would nod and give a salute, something that Lemon would be the one to reciprocate. As for the violinist, he'd pause for a moment… then take a deep breath, and nod. "If we get rid of the curse, there'll be no more people getting eaten. I… don't want anyone else to be in our positions, or in any position like Orie's… or Co's… or Caramel's. Um, so, I'm- I'm ready."
"That's the spirit." Aloe would softly reassure, before beginning to trek to the kitchen door and motioning for those to follow them.
Once at the door, Aloe would crack it open, peering inside. No food was being prepped. Odd. Was there no morning meal, or were they simply too early for it? Well, better no one than someone. "The coast is clear," they whisper, opening the door wider to allow the others entry. The others would file in, and Lemon would immediately begin scavenging the place. "What are you-?" "Weapons." Lemon would interrupt, taking out a cleaver from one of the drawers and hastily handing it to Aloe. "Kitchens are full of plenty of things to kill people with. And although we're facing a creature, it's better to have them than not. What, you wanna go in there and fight bare-handed?" "...good point."
The group would find plenty to use. Seems like a lot of these utensils were meant for cutting into tough muscle and even through bones. Mint felt a chill down his spine imagining what sorts of gruesome meals must be prepared here each day… someone that Caramel seemed to also think of, as his gaze would be found fearfully attached to one of the fridges. "Hey, Caramel," Mint would murmur, gently taking a hold of the geek's shoulder, "remember! If we do this, no one will have to eat like this anymore… okay? That's what's keeping me going, so… let's keep you going with that, too…" "O-okay… thank you…" "Of course."
The violinist could feel the gaze of daggers on him from Lemon, so he quickly let go of Caramel and took whatever weapon he was handed. By the time the weapons were sorted, everyone had some sort of knife of varying size and shape. Except Caramel. Caramel had a large pan lid for a shield.
The group would eventually find their gaze set on the door to the dining room. Aloe would do the same as before, peeking out and letting their multi-lensed eyes do the work. "Hmm… it appears no one is out here, either. Shall we depart and attempt to find Roguefort?" Lemon huffed, "What else are we supposed to do, bug? Sit around and wait for them to come to us?" "That doesn't sound like too bad of an idea…" "Rrrgh… that was sarcasm. If we sit here, they'll know we're here and find some way to strike us in surprise."
Mint would look away from the two's bickering, though also offered a word. "Roguefort is going to surprise us either way. Shouldn't we… go somewhere that doesn't have as many weapons? So they can't use that against us?" "Oh, yeah, that's- that's a good idea! And, um, I'm- I'm not just saying that because it's Lemon's idea… no, um, it's actually good…" Aloe would look to Lemon, then Caramel, then Mint. They pause on the musician for a moment before simply sighing and nodding. "Seems like we have made an agreement, then… as wrong as it may have appeared at first. Fine then." Aloe would open the door wider to let the others through into the dining hall. "But know that if this is a mistake, I was the one that was in the right."
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feastofcadavers · 2 years
Despite the shade of the trees, nightfall was more than visible in its approach. "We're so close…" Mint would murmur, observing the trees and finding something familiar in their patterning. Even more with the… Glass shards? Ah. So that's where they are. "Very close, but…" The musician would hum, hitting a sour note. "I don't know, this just… seems like something we should probably prepare for?"
The group would slow, the small clinking sounds of glass being stepped on coming from beneath who else but Lemon. The blonde would scoff, letting out a deep breath afterward. "Hate to agree, but if we're gonna go all out, one night of rest would do us good. Though maybe we shouldn't do it here… this is a place of high activity in the misty mornings. We should backtrack, and-" "That will not be necessary," Aloe interjected, holding one of their hands out as if to stop Lemon in his train of thought. "This may be close, yes, but those within the mansion are told not to stray so far. Anyone who comes out this far of a distance is wishing to get caught by one of you lot." Mint would glance away, gaze darting to wherever it could land that wasn't towards someone or the glass upon the soil. Lemon would simply roll his eyes. "If you're so sure. But if we wake up and one of those bastards is trying to kill us, it's on your hands." At least Aloe seemed confident, nodding without a second word and taking their leave to sit against one of the many nearby trees, one of which distinctively beheld moss crawling up the side of it.
It was… an oddly quiet moment. Aloe and Caramel would find themselves sitting by each other, with Lemon keeping a watchful eye over the both of them as he and Mint would search the nearby flora for at least a somewhat more comfortable place to lay. Though Aloe wished to aid the two, they were shut down easily by Mint wishing to do something. Besides, "You need to spend some time with them, don't you?" Mint would murmur, motioning towards the doll Aloe held so close to themself. So, they'd settle themself back down while the other two searched for a proper place to set up 'camp' for the night. Somewhere with shade, somewhere more hidden away so that no one would spot them that easily. Mint would find himself spacing out while searching, distracted by his own thoughts.
There was… a lot going through his mind. About the whole need to kill the person that took him in. There was a bittersweet sense to it. And though he didn't hold much affection for the owner of the location, the idea of taking another's life was… a lot to weigh on him. Mint could feel his breath tremble, but those thoughts wouldn't cease. "…I…" The violinist would start, raising a hazy gaze to Lemon. "Sorry, I… think I need a minute. Do you think you can do the rest of this yourself?" Though displeased, denoted by the small amount of sparking around him, Lemon would simply wave Mint away. "Sure, yea, whatever. Just don't bother Caramel with your mental instabilities." Something about the lack of eye contact made such a scornful phrase feel almost projected, though it wasn't given much more thought than that as Mint would settle himself down in one of the comfier spots he'd found.
…He is in way over his head, isn't he?
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feastofcadavers · 2 years
A muffled, nervous voice would faintly be heard through the mental cotton in Lemon's ears. Eyes blinking slowly, he could have sworn he recognized a silhouette before him. Though unfocused, his arm haphazardly lifted itself to cup the face of a visage that looked similar enough to Caramel. Though little thoughts were running through his mind, a faint adoration for the one he had escaped with returning at a time like this would bring a strange form of peace.
Gradually, with some coaxing from the soft voice before him, Lemon's senses would come out of the dissociative fog that he was stuck in. Where there were colors meshed in a blob of unrecognizable mess came to be actual shapes. The colors seemed darker than his original perception had, and there was certainly a lot more green. Taking his other hand to rub out a majority of the leftover sight impairment, Lemon would come to find that the one he had recognized as precious to him was… Not that. A fuzzy and awkward laugh came from the one before the blonde, Lemon, before he truly recognized who he was holding by the cheek so gently. With an embarrassed huff, Lemon would jerk his arm back and avert his gaze. "Step back before I make you." He'd threaten, though it was clearly an empty one, not that it had to be fulfilled for Mint to follow through with it.
"You seemed really out of it…" Mint would gently remark, looking Lemon over and trying to ignore the red stains that were left on the blonde's leg. "Um… Aloe had the idea of just dragging you until we got out of there, so… We brought you to the softest spot in the woods. It feels like it, at least…" Lemon would simply roll his eyes, visibly showing not an ounce of care for what the two had done for him. "Whatever," he'd grumble, "at least we're not in those fields anymore. My question is, did we head out through the corn patch or the pumpkin one?" "Pumpkin." Aloe piped up, being a short distance away from them both and keeping their precious Co close to them. "The scent of blood was more intense this way, so it seemed like the way to go for going back to the mansion."
Lemon glowered at Aloe, idly sniffing the air to get a whiff of the bloodied scent that wasn't nearly as strong as it was before everything became a blur for him. Ugh, he swore he could feel a headache coming on just from trying to pry a memory from that. "Well, you picked the right way. If we keep going southwest, if you guys didn't take any turns, it shouldn't take too long. But, really? You had to take us right into feeding territory?" Aloe would take in a deep breath as if trying to keep themself from snapping at the most recent cursed. "We are all cursed here. The worst is that Roguefort finds us before we are prepared, and even then there would be too many running about for them to keep a close eye on all of us." "It is still a risky move. I thought you were supposed to be the smart one." "And I thought you were supposed to be the fearless hunter and hero of his dea-" The two most certainly were having tensions rise, but something would catch the hearing of the three of them to put a stop to it before things could get any worse between them. A trembling voice called out a name known to all three of them. Lemon.
"No way," Lemon would try keeping his voice within his throat, "No fucking way he found us. How?" A sudden fear would shake its way through the blonde, a few lingering sparks jittering off of his form. Aloof or simply too preoccupied with the fear through Lem's system, Mint would search through the trees to try and find the source of the voice. It's familiar. "Is it… that way?" The violinist would point out into the trees. There was certainly a figure out there. Short and somewhat stout. "I wonder who…"
"CARAMEL?!" Breaking out of his edgy shell for just a moment, Lemon would pick himself up, stumbling as he put his hands around his mouth for a makeshift megaphone. "Over here!! Get over here!! It's dangerous out here, what the hell are you doing?!" "Um!!" The voice responded, coming closer. Seems like it was Caramel. "Trying to find you!! I think!! Lemon?" "Yea, it's me!! I got the other monsters with me, too!! The, uh, the ones that aren't gonna kill us!" "I can see them!!"
Aloe would shake their head at the whole debacle whilst Caramel would bring himself into the group and promptly begin holding hands with Lemon. "You just spoke of how dangerous this place was, yet you start shouting the moment you get excited over someone you care for." "No shit, sherlock. You would have done the same." Lemon growled, though simply rolled his eyes and pressed his attention back onto Caramel. He seemed very tired from running over, but happy nonetheless. Lemon would have been smiling, too, but… With recent events, that was easier said than done. "So, nerd, how did you find us? Were you just wandering around to try and find me?" "Uh- Well-" Caramel would give a nervous laugh. "I decided to go back to the bar we were at before, and um… Sparkling said that- uh- you guys would be out this direction! He- he was super strange about it, though… I swear he acts like a-a prophet sometimes." Mint couldn't help but give a small laugh of pity. He certainly knew that Sparkling could be very mystical and mysterious when he wished to be. Though that wasn't the only thing about the bar he remembered. Though he didn't wish to intrude on the two, Lemon didn't seem keen on speaking at the moment, so he may as well fill in the gap. "Speaking of the bar," he'd start, "is Orie doing alright? The monochrome one." "Oh, him? Ummm… I-I think he mentioned that he wanted to come, too, but was too scared of getting eaten again? Not from you, but um, like, others…" The two would give a nod at each other. It didn't take much more than that to understand why Oreo would be terrified of leaving the bar.
Though there would be a moment of silence, Aloe would once again intrude, finally approaching the others to bring more attention to themself. They'd side-eye Lemon, then turn to Caramel to explain what needed to be stated. "We are heading back to the mansion to stop the reign of all the blood and gore being spread around this world. It is advised that you go back home if you do not wish to put yourself in danger." Caramel would look back at the researcher with wide eyes, then to Lemon, who reluctantly agreed. "As much as I hate to say it, they have a point. You should probably head back and-"
"N-no." Caramel interjected, taking Lemon aback. "I came out all this way to make sure you were okay. I- I kept thinking about you, worrying about where you were a-and if you were okay… Even if we'll be in danger, I'd rather face it with you than just- just being a damsel or hiding away… I'm not going back even if you want me to!" The hands held between the two would have a tightened grip. Lemon would finally have a moment of weakness, showing visible concern for Caramel before giving a deep sigh and… nodding. Though it was more than stressful with the new urges that went through his system, he… couldn't simply leave Caramel alone. Not at a time like this. "Fine. If it makes you feel better, you can come with. But if anything happens to you, know damn well that I'll never forgive myself for it." "A-and neither will I if anything happens to you…!"
Aloe would nod, looking between the two, then Mint, then out into the woods. "The forest grows thicker on the way there… Stick together so no one gets lost in the trees." They'd murmur, remaining focused as they'd begin to walk away. Mint would follow after, and the duo would stick close to each other behind him. At least the woods would eventually become familiar to navigate… somewhat.
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feastofcadavers · 3 years
Conversations were small to nonexistent between the three that trekked towards the field of growing crops. Standing between two allies that were taller than he'll ever be, Mint would look between Lemon and Aloe with a forced smile. He knew full well that these two talking to each other could be nothing short of a disaster, but... talking would be better than the unsettling tension and silence. No matter how pleasant the weather had become, clean air and a cool breeze under a clear sky, the rocky relationship between them made it feel as if it was a stormy night. Though before speaking, the musician had the bright idea of offering his hands to both of them. Lemon rejected with a scoff, and Aloe silently took the offer with an averted gaze. A half success... better than nothing!
"So, erm..." Mint would give an awkwardly dry laugh as he attempted to spark up some sort of conversation. "Lemon, uh, you said you had gone through where we're going before? Do you know the person that owns the place?" There was a simple 'mhm' from the ex-hunter, prompting the minty-haired fellow to continue, "Then do you know her name? Maybe- Maybe you know what she's like so we know what to do if we meet up with her on accident?" "Ugh... Her name is Carrot. She's a hothead and even more vengeful towards the cursed than even I am. Another hunter, and one that is very close with Beet. Well... was close with her, anyway."
"But didn't Beet... y'know...?" Mint gave a meaningless motion with his arm, as if that was going to explain Beet's death wordlessly. Thankfully, it was easily understood. "And she- she said something about Carrot being gone, right? Or maybe... maybe cursed? I dunno, the memory is kinda fuzzy around there..." He could feel Aloe rub at the hand that held his puncture wound. It was almost sweet in how gentle the motion was, as sour of a reminder the wound itself is. It seemed like the many-eyed researcher wished to say something, but held their tongue. "I doubt it. The Carrot I know would kill herself before she had the chance to turn into one of us." "That's, um, kinda harsh-" "Don't care, 's the truth." Lemon would take in an audible breath of air, and give an even more audible sigh. "The two of them probably had a scuffle and assumed the worst. They're trained to assume the worst, and ready to kill anything or anyone at any moment. It's just a hunter thing... and it's the life we gotta live to protect the ones we want and keep those bastards from killing more people." "I... I see."
Coming up with no further way to continue the conversation, despite how desperate Mint was to raise the atmosphere, there was nothing more that he could think of. Great... he made himself feel worse. With his one cheek quirked up against the bottom of his eye in how troubled he was, he would take to looking around at his surroundings. Corn. Lots of it resting atop of their tall. Was this an entire plot of land dedicated to raising corn? With how tight the lanes were, only one person could fit through at a time. The line the three stood in had to be broken as Lemon gave a 'follow me' motion with his arm. Even with the different angle, at least Aloe held the troubled one's hand still. It was a comfort he didn't think would be as soothing as it was.
"If Carrot is around here, she has sharp ears. She can locate anyone in her fields if she has something to trace it. Footsteps, the crackling of leaves, bumping into a crop... She's been at this for years. So just stay close, aight?" "Yes, sir!" "Ew. Don't call me that. Ever." "O-oh, alright, apologies-..."
With a bit of irritation on his face, Lemon would lead the other two through row after row, attempting to be as quiet and close as possible. They weren't perfect, of course, with a few bumps into each other or their surroundings. Yet with how quiet they were even when making mistakes, no trouble was spurred... thankfully. This was... far more stressful than Mint thought it would be! It almost rivaled escaping the mansion. Almost.
Coming upon a lane of empty land, that of which was lined with tire tracks and likely a place for vehicles to come through if need be... Mint was able to spot a couple of people fiddling around with distant corn stalks. Narrowing his gaze at the two while Lemon looked elsewhere for threats, the emerald-eyed musician perked up at the sight of familiar faces. The white-haired one and the biker... Why did he keep seeing these two around? What were they- what were they even doing here?
"Coast is clear," Lemon would murmur, distracting the observing one from his current focus, "let's get past this part quick, it leaves us visible." And the command would be followed, though as Aloe was slinking back into the corn, there was a loud sound of various breaking stalks of corn and loud laughter. Those other two were probably messing around, not even knowing about their sneaking situation. Mint's heart froze as the sound echoed through the fields, and his chest clenched in the response it brought.
"WHO'S THAT VAHRMIT OUT THERE IN MAH FIELDS?!" A short-fused, high-pitched, and incredibly southern voice permeated through the fields, followed by the sounds of quick footsteps that were likely the two attempting to run from their spot. Mint gave a shudder and an audible whimper as he turned to Lemon, who seemed... more than displeased. "We- we need to run." With Aloe giving a quiet 'agreed' shortly afterward. Unfortunately, the current leader would shake his head. "No... Once she's searching, she won't stop until she knows for absolute certain there's no one left." Uncomfortably shuffling from being the most into the corn to being out on the open, track-ridden land.
"You two stay there. Hidden. I'll take the brunt of her and try to convince her that there's no one else around when she gets here..." "I-if you're sur-" "Shh. Be silent. Don't. Do. Anything."
Mint would only give a nod, Aloe looking down at him with worry breaking through that stoic expression of theirs. The two of them would be as still as possible, hands held tight- and the researcher's doll, too- as heavy and trotting steps would approach. Carrot sure sounded angry just from those steps alone... and the hidden two would hope that Lemon knew what he was doing.
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feastofcadavers · 4 years
Out the doorway and into the woods, the escapees bodies practically threw themselves out into the small amount of safety they had. Arbor and greens surrounded them all, only stopping once the group felt they were a signifigant distance away from the mansion. There was still a chance of them getting caught, but they just... Couldn't dare go further. They couldn't.
Mint flopped onto the soil stomach-first and covered his head in his misery, Caramel following by sitting down against a nearby evergreen and gripping at his face. Exhaustion plagued them both, as did the absolute shock of losing someone. Even if the person wasn't close to either them, the fact that the poor soul was tossed to the back so easily... The fact that it took so much to gain- not even guarentee- their own safety...
"What- What have you done?!" Aloe snarled, their labored breaths barely reaching through as they glowered at the traitor of a charger. Despite being used as a battery, he showed the least exhaustion out of anyone. "I saved our lives." Was the simple retort, but one that incited rage all the same. "Would you rather have gotten us all killed?" As breathless as they were, Aloe didn't dare hold back as he took ahold of Lemon's neck and quickly made an attempt to pin him. The sudden attack, unexpected to Lemon, was surprisingly successful.
The utter fury held within Aloe burst forth, their attire becoming unfit as incessant buzzing filled the air around them. Mint covered his ears from the short distance away he was, unable to act with such a horrific noise penetrating his ears. Fear in his system. He was too tired. No more. No more, please. Nevertheless, the sound continued, body cracking and shifting into an multi-legged abdomen. Those wings, though still burnt from sparks, spread wide and oscillated with the purpose of releasing this newly sprouted hatred. Face contorting, they were practically unrecognizable.
Co was gone. Co was gone... And it was this bastard's fault. "You... You..." He doesn't understand. He doesn't understand what he's just done. Their breath heaved, yet the spoke onward. "I worked- I worked so long! So tirelessly for them! You f- You promised me! You promised and- and-" It was all gone because of one selfish act. He doesn't understand their pain, he didn't understand their suffering. Their body shook, their voice breaking and losing all semblance of formality. "You killed them! You fucker- You son a bitch! Y-you killed- no- you murdered them!"
He is detestable. He is utterly detestable. He will kill this fucker with the rage of every revenge poem he's ever read. A soul for a soul- but fairness didn't account for anything. "You utterly coniving, decietful... Traitor! Criminal! Murderer!" They wanted this waste of life as dead as their hopes to save Co. "I'll-! I'll-!" As dead as a cadaver. "I'll devour you whole! Your cadaver- Your corpse- Oh- I will enjoy it so GLUTTONOUSLY-!" Feast upon it. Devour every last bite of this god damned murderer. Every. Last. Bite.
Looking up from his despair, Caramel found himself staring at his best friend being held to the filth below by some... Buzzing creature that kept shouting, screaming even. He first looked to the violinist, who was curled into a ball of trauma and panic, clearly he wouldn't be able to help. He had to be brave. This was for Lemon. The delicacy got himself up, stumbling and panting, and ran over to the monster. He gave a shove, weakly shouting for the creature to stop. "Let him go! L-let- let him go!! He didn't- He didn't want to hurt y-your friend! Please-!"
Caramel was swiped away by one of Aloe's many apengadges, knocking him to the floor. The buzzing heightened, and before the 'hero' arose the creature to stare him down. Lemon was choking beneath him, barely able to give out a spark, but the compound eyes of the monster between them didn't dare let up to even check his condition. This is exactly what they wanted. Death.
And Caramel couldn't- he just couldn't- dare let this happen. Though he whimpered, he got himself right back up from the thing holding Lemon down. No- No- He wasn't going to allow his best, and only, friend to go on just after they were all freed. Think, Caramel, think! Uh- uh... It's just a bug, right? A giant, no, man-sized bug... He'll just need a swatter! Yea! A large one!
Racing from the scene, his eyes darted along the ground to find anything of use. Lemon was smart, right? He could bide time? He sure hoped so. Whining as he spent precious seconds, he located a large branch, broken off from what was likely some storm or high winds. Though it was hell to heave and ho the branch's way back, adrenaline in his system didn't care for his own limits. Though feeling breathless, he'd drag the branch back. He just needed- He needed one good swing at the head. Curse his short stature. But, even in his lowered height, the oversized twig would fix that height difference right quick.
Shuting his tight, Caramel made a swing, only hearing and feeling it crack against Aloe with no other senses to tell him if he'd been successful. Even after, he refused to open his eyes, only panting as he heard Aloe's body hit the ground. The next thing he knew, he was being held tight, tears welling in his tightly shut eyes, and body trembling at the touch. His injection marks ached.
"Hey, hey..." Lemon's voice, somewhat labored, came through. He- he was okay... Thank Millennial... "It's okay, Cara... Breathe, alright?" Breathe. Right, breathe. Just work on breathing. Caramel choked on his own breaths, but he made sure to keep trying, dropping the bark-coated weapon and clinging to Lemon. Once again, he didn't want to let go. "That bug bastard isn't going to bother us for a while... You saved me, dude... You need some RnR." He did- He really did- He doesn't know if he can take this if this is the new normal for him. He'd rather be back in his cell.
"Let's lay you down in some soft grass or somethin', alright? Get you to relax a bit. I'll be right by your side." With a near silent 'mhm' accompanied by a nod, Caramel was swept from his feet into Lemon's arms. He was familiar with this position... He clung to Lemon's shoulders, able to open his tearful eyes and smile at his bestest of friends with the smallest sense of hope in this world that broke him with so much despair.
"Seems you've been practicing your puppy-dog eyes, huh? Gonna make me buy you a new gaming system when this is all over?"
"H-hey!" Caramel couldn't help but laugh. Lemon knew him a bit too well at times. "Only... Only if y-you want to buy me one..."
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feastofcadavers · 3 years
These beds that Mint finds himself upon never seem to become any less comforting to be upon. Whilst idly explaining the situation to Aloe, the violinist would lightly bounce on the mattress beneath him. It was a small motion to try and help Mint forget about the fact that he just had a bolt torn out of his arm and how much the wound ached. Ugh, perhaps he should not have reminded himself of it. He returned focus to his words, watching Aloe has their expression turned pensive. "So it seems my antics had done something to him after all..." They murmured, barely picked up by Mint. He was going to act like he hadn't heard that, for the comfort of both of them.
The scientist wrapped their arms tighter around themself, an action to keep the doll they held as close to them as possible. "If only there was a way to stop this... Curing it through scientific means failed each time, and it is not as if we could simply set up another place for such intensive research." They finally spoke at regular volume, loud enough for Mint to feel comfortable responding to. "Well, perhaps we could ask Miss Truffle for help? Maybe she won't mind allowing us to stay with her and setting things up so..." His voice trailed, watching as the literal bug-eyed researcher looked to the floor. "Or... maybe not. I'm sure we can find a way to at least live with this if we cannot cur-"
"I see you two are talking of cures?" Mint jumped at the third voice that joined the both of them. Looking to the door of the room, Truffle had opened it up wide enough for both her and Lemon to enter. Lemon seemed... Incredibly bitter. Disgusted, even. At least the new formal attire of black and goldenrod yellow suited him well... Or was that just because he was usually adorned in black?
"There is only one way that I know of that can ensure the saving of this world from such a fate." It seems that this conversation was going to become more grandiose than either of them wished for it to be. Lemon simply stood at the side as Truffle would wander between the two upon their beds, looking back and forth as she continued. "It is just this town that appears afflicted... but if this continues, who knows what will happen to the rest of the world? It will soon fall to the same crimson paranoia and frenzy that this place has... So, it is with this reasoning that I shall tell you how to get rid of this. After all, this lovely musician here had already told me that he would do anything."
There was a nervous 'uh' from Mint, but he could not get a word in before Truffle would continue once more. "All you need to do, though far more complex than it is in words, is to kill the source. It may be a murder, but what is one life to the rest of the world?" The spider lover would glance between the two, observing Aloe's inquisitive expression and Mint's cautiousness. Was that it? Just one life for getting rid of all this bloodshed? "How do you know that such a method would work?" Aloe would inquire, casting doubt on such a 'simple' solution. "Hmhm... sweetheart, I was one of the closest to the source. Would it not be I, one who takes pity on those who have been brought misfortune by this curse, that would know and tell how to rid this place of such a thing?" As much as the scientist did not wish to trust so easily... It was not as if there were any other leads to follow.
Lemon grumbled no words in particular, but would raise his voice to speak soon after. "So we just gotta kill the thing that made all this happen. Got it. Can we get going sooner than later? I'd rather not have Caramel catch me like this." There was an irritated sigh from Aloe after such a statement, one that was laced with a mild sense of scorn. "Of course you would be on board with a murder. You are a hunter after all..." Mint would nervously laugh, trying to ease the tension between the two as he observed from the two glaring at one another, "I know we are eager to stop this, but... I... You and I are both injured, right? There's no way we'd be able to fight under these conditions..." "We could, and we will. Don't you remember what the goth said before? Apparently the creatures we are now heal faster than others, so what does it matter if we got a few wounds when we'll be fine by the time we get back there?
As much as Mint wished to refute, there wasn't exactly any flawed logic that he could find. The sooner the better, it seemed. Even looking to Aloe, they didn't have anything to refute, either. "If that is the case... So long as we do not gather any more physical ailments on our return to that mansion, we should be in good standing for the most part... It would be one versus the three of us. I would not expect it to be a cakewalk, but it could be possible."
"So it's settled then. We leave as soon as possible to go kill that crimson mastermind." Lemon would state with a huff, though before he could leave, Truffle would pipe up. "Do not confuse 'soon' for 'now', new larvae..." There was a scoff of disgust at being called such a thing from the electrical one, "...may I suggest spending one more day here to have some proper meals, proper rest, and... just ensure you are all ready in both mind and body before leaving for such a large task?"
There were some last words of disagreement shared, but... Mint was grateful to have such insistence from Truffle win out, as much as the scientist and the hunter were objecting to it. Funny how the two that did not get along the best would still bicker whilst on the same side of an argument.
Such a calm time... It would fly by too quickly. Then again, when it came to all the stress and blood and gore that had been endured, times of enjoyment were scarce. Even if Lemon was not at all keen on properly enjoying himself without Caramel around, the scientist and musician would be able to spend time preparing for whatever lied ahead. Well... More like Mint would enjoy his time on his own. Aloe was more wrapped up with their doll rather than anything else. He would not lie, that doll was quite the cute one... It must be comforting to have someone so important being held so close. He was almost jealous... almost.
When it would come time to departure, Lemon would be leading the way. In front of the large, mahogany doors... The group of three- plus a very important 'toy'- would gather themselves. "I certainly hope you are all prepared for the journey..." Truffle would speak fondly, as if she was reminiscing over some moment that had not yet occurred. "Before you all leave, may I suggest cutting through the nearby farmland? The farmer herself is quite the hothead, but I am certain you all could pass by without much trouble." "The farmland..." Lemon would mumble, but shrug it off and turn to the door. He'd turn the handle, speaking once more. "I can get us through there. Been through there once, I can do it again." There was a laugh of hinted doubt from Aloe. "Overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer, you know." "...Do you want me to purposefully lead you two right to the farmer?" "You wouldn't dare." "..." "That is what I thought."
"Ah, either way-!" Mint would gently push himself between the two bickering parties. "Miss Truffle, thank you for your hospitality! We will not forget this, we promise!" The smile that Truffle gave the group mustered one of the same from Mint. "I believe in you all... do take care of yourselves." Truffle would state, then waving and turning away from them. The door would squeak, the sunlight shining in from above the dense and otherwise dead trees that surrounded the mansion. The sky is bright and the clouds are light. A soft breeze flows through as first steps are taken to exit such a homely location. With an objective set and a path to travel, aimlessness and anxiety at an all-time low... The group would depart.
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feastofcadavers · 2 years
"You?!" Carrot growled at the very sight of Lemon, who simply stood with a hand on his hip. Uncaring. "What do y'think yer doin' hangin' 'round MAH fields after runnin' off fer so long?! Y'should'a been here! Beet would'a still been 'ere if it weren't fer you!" Shaking his head and letting out a huff, the electrical one wouldn't humor the farmer's anger more than he had to. Straight to the point. Less time spent here, the better. Though the farmer was going on and on about Beet going missing due to those 'vermin' that she swears have been stealing from her farm- both of them knew that wasn't the case with their knowledge, she just liked finding more reasons to be angry anything she could blame. "Knowing Beet, she would have died regardless if I was here or not. What does it matter anymore?" "How dare ya say somethin' so mean 'boutta person that ain't here!" Carrot fumed, pointing her pitchfork at the blonde. Nothing more than a quiet 'pshh' was given in response. "What if I told ya Caramel was long gone even afta all th'trouble y'went through t'-" "You see. That's the difference. Caramel is safe and sound, unlike your brash 'girl that is a friend'. I'm sure you were hoping that he was dead though, huh? To get back at me?"
"These two certainly seem bitter…" Mint would murmur, only to have his mouth covered by Aloe. Glancing up, the taller of the two in hiding would shake their head, telling them that he really shouldn't make a remark at a time like this; not a single word should be spoken, for that matter.
Carrot took a step forward, readied in anger pointing the center prong at Lemon's throat. The blonde would only look down at the ginger, giving nothing more than a few blinks. "Well, mista 'I love mah boy tha'sa friend more than mah only allies', how did'ja know that Beet's gone fer good?" Lemon would give an eye roll, slowly lifting his hand and placing it on the point that was at his throat, pushing it down until it gave a quiet 'thunk' on the soil beneath. "It's an assumption, Rot." A not-so-affectionate nickname Lemon only threw around when in a sour mood was thrown in... as if the two of them weren't upset at each other already. "It's not like I'm here to break the news to you as if I know it. I just saw a few cursed rushing through here and figured that I should take care of them… since it's clear that you and Beet couldn't do shit about things in your own fields." "WHY YOU LIL-"
The ginger seemed just about ready to start picking a physical fight rather than a verbal one, but froze in her tracks. Like a rabbit, she sniffed the air. First just in front of her, then up and around… Even Lemon was mildly perplexed by the sight. "Waiiiit a minute 'ere…" "Tch… What, did you catch the scent of manure? Or yourself, maybe?" "SHUT IT! It's… some kinda fresh-y scent. 'M sure that one fancy-pants might be 'round here…"
Lemon gave Carrot a falsely quizzical look, prompting her to continue. "Y'know, th'one that ate 'is assistant 'r somethin'. Ev'n the radio wouldn' let up on that one. Errybody gotta know 'bout it, 'parently. Them rich types really gotta take up space, don't they…" It took too much energy than it should have for the violinist to keep his mouth shut. No squeak, no whimper, no nothing. Aloe's hold certainly helped, but it still shook Mint to the bone to be spoken of. That, and the small amount of despair that settled in his chest at the reminder. Even after all this time, he still felt complicated on the topic.
"You sure you didn't plant some mint crops and then forget about them? You tend to forget certain things when your thoughts are riled up on whatever thing makes you angry that day." "I neva plant that kinda stuff 'round here! We got veggies an' veggies only!" Carrot would puff, then go back to sniffing the air, acting more like a bloodhound than a rabbit now. "Yeup, there's definitely some kinda invad'r in these here fields… Y'weren't wrong 'bout that, at least." The farmer seemed reluctant to admit it. "But y'know what else I'm catchin'? Somethin' iron-y… somethin' I think we both know." Turning away from Lemon, Carrot's gaze fell upon the section of crops that Mint and Aloe were kept behind. Lemon showed a brief flash of concern before taking the ginger by the shoulder, prompting her freckled face to look back at him. "What d'you want…!?" She shouted in as hushed of a tone as she could give, "The cursed know how to throw scents around… We should check the other direction." "Bullshit. Nobody's gonna fool this nose."
The farm tender would approach slowly, fear making the two in hiding quake- one far worse than the other. In the quiet, Lemon would speak a sudden command.
Reacting immediately, Aloe would drag Mint up and keep his hand held tight as their shuffling and soon-to-be footsteps would alert Carrot. Though when attempting to rush after with a shout of "HEY, GIT BACK HERE Y-" Lemon would already keep her from giving chase. From his firm hand on her shoulder, he'd yank her back. Profanities were given from the farmer as she caught herself from falling with her pitchfork and quickly lifted it to foolishly swing rather than attempt a stab at Lemon. The blonde would grab the blade, narrowing his eyes at the former ally of his and sending a quick electrical shock through the weapon and into the enemy. That's right, that's what she was now. Nothing more than an enemy, as much as he wished to deny it. It's… a blessing he didn't care much for her in the first place.
Put through shock, enough to go through her gloves and run up her arms, Carrot's body would shake uncontrollably as she was too stubborn to let go of her weapon. "B-BASTARD-!" She forced insults from her throat, even if they didn't help in combat whatsoever. Lemon would simply sigh and increase the voltage, forcing it through the fully metallic rod until the ginger's body forced her to drop it. And even then, she would not dare give in so easily. With less control in her body than she would like, Rot would attempt to throw herself forward with inaccurate fisticuffs, only for Lemon to simply lean over to one side and trip her up, falling stomach-down into the earth. Though it felt unfair, Lemon knew that fairness was merely a concept. He's had battles go down quicker from less savory methods before.
The blonde would stomp his foot into the farmer's backside, sending jolts through his body to pass through to ensure that she couldn't move. It gave him a moment to breathe, a moment to ensure that the other two had gotten away for the time being, a moment to…
…Roasted carrots sounded quite good right about now.
Lemon's eyes shot open at the thought, a split-second bolt through his system that he had no intention of acting upon. His head- gaze- every bit of his body paid close attention to Carrot as something far stronger than he'd ever felt pulsed through him- what was likely the curse conflicting and mixing with his own power. Screams tore through the air as the blonde felt all the electricity rush out of him to what was beneath him, spurring a sight that he was never ready to endure no matter how many cursed he's crushed beneath him.
Agonized sounds became distorted as what Lemon could see as Carrot's head swell- hair standing on end as it morphed further and further into a mess before a squelching, pop-like sound was given. Crimson stained the dirt, white and pink sprayed along with the rest of whatever was in Carrot's head as it expelled itself from what was no longer her skull. At most, the jaw and some flayed meat were left as the rest would roll and find its home in the dirt. Blind eyes would stare down at the sight, unable to process the entirety of what had just happened. Lemon's breath was frozen, his head dizzied and numb- yet no movement would be given. Shocked still, perhaps.
Barely able to move, the shock of what had occurred seemed to leave Lemon without a charge, as not even a spark was left behind in him. Eyes lifting from where there was a headless farmer, white spots that he could assume to be bone stared back at him… along with some partly melted amber eyes that stared back at him, lacking any shine of life and leaving only their pitiful tails of red nerves with them. What was likely a single second's occurrence felt far longer. Time bent to allow Lemon to take in whatever he could with his shut-down senses. Some movement- something dragging him- pulled him off of the dead body he had created in a way he'd never expected- with someone he'd never expected.
Even with a blurred gaze that grew more distant as the unknown movement brought him along, Lemon could still see those eyes watching him the whole time. Even as specks, they stared at him. Bore into his soul. He… He had an intense feeling of being watched, even as his vision would fall to nothing. Two voices barely crossed his mind, unregistered as those specks became nothing more than an illusion of sightlessness as the stalks of the field would obscure him.
This curse, his curse… just what sort of monster would be made of him?
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feastofcadavers · 5 years
A bolt of electricity was heard sparking through the air, charring the dead leaves next to Aloe as they turned to see who they had encountered. Past the quiet sound of crinkling leaves, an incredibly irritated electrically yellow-haired fellow. If Mint were here- he'd recognize such a face, and yet, it's only Aloe.
"Why are there so many of you, yet none of you listen to me?! Take me to Caramel, fucker!"
The researcher simply blinked, wings spreading behind them. Neither seemed to be giving way to any fear despite the obvious dangers they posed to each other. "What, to pompous to talk back? I bet all you can do is buzz, you filthy insect!" Oh, that brought an eerie grin to Aloe's face. Seeing the other's rage causing sparks around them was exactly what they needed. Sharpened teeth, including fangs sharp as a surgeon's scalpel, shown through the autumn fog.
"I was angry with my foe," Aloe recited, their legs broadening out into that six-legged stance they held when they were to lose themself. And yet, they were perfectly 'them'. "I told it not, my wrath did grow." More recital work, that of which the other cookie did not appreciate. Another bolt of lightning, missing it's mark only barely by Aloe swiftly picking themself up into the air with the flutter of their wings. They flew about, running circles around the grounded figure.
Bolt after bolt was fired, and yet none hit. The scientist was too swift for someone even as quick as lightning. The angered figure was discharging without even realizing how much energy he was wasting.
"And I watered it in fears, night & morning with my tears..." The voice of Aloe's was far calmer in comparison, like a soothing ocean to a rabid, raging volcano. "And I sunned it with smiles, and with soft deceitful wiles. And i-" A strike finally hit them- their wings- causing them to fall to the ground. Without hesitation, the cookie took his chance and pinned the bug. It was awkward with the gross growth on Aloe's back- "You weird, disgusting thing! Stop speaking in riddles!" -though that didn't stop the irate assailant.
Hissing, Aloe's wings fluttered desperately (as painful as it was with one shocked to a crisp), and their legs scuttled with no success of finding a way up. Their hands were held to the soil, dirtying their petticoat and whatall they wore.
"Shut the fuck up and take me to my friend!"
The assailant seemed to be caught in surprise by the agreement, enough that it was perfect for Aloe to turn themself over and turn the tables. A discharge was launched through the vera's system, but it didn't stop them from being the one to pin the other to the ground. "Just kidding." They chirped, laughing as their fangs were bared. The static-producing cookie struggled, yet he couldn't get out from under the other. What sort of supernatural strength was this?! "Don't- don't you dare fucking touch me!"
"...And it grew both day and night." Oh great, Aloe was continuing their poem. They drew closer by the word, seeming to soak in Lemon's now growing fear. "Till it bore an apple bright. And my foe beheld it shine," There was a sickening laugh from Aloe, their fangs drawing so close to the other's skin that their breath could be felt. As cold as the atmosphere was, that warm breath brought more shaking from fear rather than temperature. "Don't- don't y-you dare you dirty ass bu-"
"And he knew that it was mine."
And their fangs sunk in, and sapped away at the strength of such an angered-turned-fearful individual. It tasted tart, like lemons, but taste didn't matter to them. They drank away, holding the lemony-tasting cookie down despite the shocks that dimmed down the more they took in. Typically, Aloe hated to take in such vile fluid, but this was different.
This was for Co.
As the lemony cookie fell from struggling, to submissive, to unconscious, Aloe finally released. Yup, this cookie was certainly out cold. With a grin, they picked up the cookie and slung him over their shoulder. "Lemon," That must have been the name. "What a bother, but a useful one."
With a smile, they began to wander off, finishing what they had started. "And into my garden stole, when the night had veiled the pole; In the morning glad I see; My foe outstretched beneath the tree."
"...Ah, I think I forgot a line. Oh well, my point had gotten across."
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feastofcadavers · 3 years
Even in the most comfortable of beds, Mint couldn't seem to catch a break when it came to resting well. Though it didn't exactly help when the lights in his place of rest were flickering rapidly. Just barely opening his eyes, Mint looked into the blurry darkness that would seem to set itself alight for brief moments. It was through this haze that the musician would slowly process that this flickering was... Not normal. Blinking a few times to attempt to get some of the sleep out of his eyes, the emerald-eyed man would realize that these lights were flashing too sporadically to be caused by someone messing with the light switch. "Wha..." He'd tiredly start to speak, though soon had his eyes shoot open as he heard a distant yell. That- that sounded like someone was in excruciating pain.
Whipping himself out of bed- and nearly falling over due to the imbalance of just waking up- Mint looked around for where the sound could have come from. Aloe was in the room with him, sleeping peacefully and holding some sort of doll. He couldn't exactly make it out since the lighting was so inconsistent, but it at least wasn't the source of distress. There was a split-second idea of waking Aloe up, just in case, but... As the shrieking of pain caught in his ears again, he decided against such and just focused on the sound itself... Which seemed to be coming from outside.  There was a window in the space between the beds that the two resided in that also held a window, clear of dust and whatever else. There seemed to be sparks flying past it, coinciding with the screaming. So, what else was Mint to do? He'd approach the window, looking out into the world that wouldn't break into dawn for at least a few more hours.
And to the violinist's surprise, or rather, his shock... There was a yellow glow far beneath the window. And looking into that glow, there was... Someone. Too familiar with someone with electrical abilities, Mint could feel a weight on his heart as he heard the voice cry out again, barely recognizing the voice now that he had a visual. Lemon?! What was he doing all the way out here? Mint's expression furrowed into one of deep distress. What was causing that much pain? Screaming out into the darkness, the agony held in his voice, it... If it was something that even someone like Lemon couldn't stifle, it must've been excruciating. As the latest scream died down, the concerned onlooker could make out some sort of bag next to the sparking victim. That was-
Another scream-! This one was far louder than the others. One that sounded more like a screech that almost gave the impression that Lemon's vocal cords were tearing themselves apart. The horrific sound rang itself in Mint's ears, and he was met with the sight of... Oh- Oh for the love of- Mint could feel a similar pain shoot through his back as he saw the sight of wings tear out of Lemon's flesh. Despite the darkness, the red of blood was kept visible with the yellow glow that was speckled throughout it, highlighting the horrors and agony that one as cold as him couldn't help but fall apart under. Lemon was curling in on himself, wings seeming to glimmer as if it was some sort of newborn blessing.
Mint was finally able to pry himself away from the window, pupils trembling and his body tense as he tried to process what he just saw. His eyes wouldn't deceive him, would they? Putting a hand over his heart, he would breathlessly try to tell it to be still. He'd retract it a second later, knowing what his words implied. "Just... Just calm down... I-I... I need to..." Shutting his eyes tight and shaking his head, he'd turn away from the window and make a break out the door. What way was the exit to this place? He couldn't let Lemon suffer alone out there- Not when he had personal experience as to how painful it was and how weak one could become afterward!
Turning a corner, Mint would accidentally collide with Truffle, narrowly falling back but catching himself. "I'm- I'm sorry, I just-" "You are going to look for the source of all that screaming and these flickering lights, aren't you?" "Well, yes, but you- you see-" Mint would pause in his words, trying to properly get himself to speak. In which that effort was... marginally successful. "That- Out there is an acquaintance- Lemon, he... He just sprouted wings! I need to go and- and make sure he's taken care of!" "Ah, I see. Well then," Truffle began as she turned from Mint, softly smiling back at him, "how about we go pay him a visit and I will ensure that he is cared for? It would be rude to keep him waiting." As much as the violinist felt unease about the situation, at least Truffle was there to help- her and those spiders. He didn't question where the spiders were at this time, just... Instead focusing on making sure the two of them would get to Lemon as fast as possible.
Despite only being able to see some spindly portions of what Mint assumed to be the guide's dress, Truffle was very quick on her feet and brought the two out in no time flat. "This way-" Mint would quickly state, heading around the perimeter of the mansion. Past the graves and whatever else the Hallow's Eve addict had for decorations, Lemon was in sight, glowing bright and sparks flying from his wounds like frayed wires amidst the dark, wooded atmosphere. "Wait a moment," Truffle would interject, putting a hand on Mint's shoulder to stop them both from barging in. "There is someone in front of him- the one clad in reddish-purple, see?" The worried one would squint into the dark, and yes, there was someone else there. Someone... With a crossbow. Truffle would gently bring Mint behind a nearby tree, hiding him away from possible sight.
Mint would watch cautiously, attempting to get a better view of the one that seemed to be focused on Lemon. They were shorter than most he'd seen, but clearly not one to be messed with if the tattered cloak that covered them were any indication.
"So... You finally fucked up big time." The figure would speak, prominently irritated in tone. The voice was feminine, but held a gravelly undertone. "First Carrot, and now this? I should have shot you down the moment you decided to go after Caramel." There was a growl, the crossbow being tampered with in her hands. Mint almost brought himself out, but Truffle held onto his shoulder. "And where is he now, huh? Did your little prison break go well? I wouldn't say so, considering you're... Well... One of them now." Some mix of a scoff and a dry laugh came from the figure as she raised her crossbow and gestured idly over Lemon's body, as if deciding where to shoot. Lemon's body was visibly trembling. Not from the threat before him, but from the pain.
"I always thought you were a rebel, a dishonorable one at that. I can't believe you couldn't even stick with us hunters just because... Just because of some bitch that can't hold his own." And for once, Lemon would retort back. "You'd- you'd do the same for Carrot, Beet. Or should I call you... A hypocrite?" "Oh, shut your fucking mouth." Beet would take a step forward, aiming her weapon at Lemon's chest. Even if the sparking insect was stuck against the side of the mansion, bloodied and depleted of energy, he still had some sass in him it seemed. "At least I was able to save- to rescue someone that I care for, unlike you." "I said, shut your fucking MOUTH!"
Beet would let a bolt out of their weapon, but... It narrowly missed Lemon's head. Probably a warning shot. Probably. And at that point, Mint gave the impulse decision to run out and stand in front of Lemon- defending him. "L-listen here!" Mint would try to speak with confidence as they spread their arms to further cover Lemon- or more accurately- his wings. Though the tone of 'confident' was lacking naturally- so in a time such as this-? "I'm- I'm not going to let you kill him, who-whoever you are!" "Oooh, so now the one who nearly killed their own assistant is going to lecture me?" Mint's mouth opened, but no sound came out at such a remark. "Yeah, you heard me right. I know who you are. Most hunters do... Except for the one that ran out on us at the drop of a hat." Beet scowled, taking little time to reload her weapon and aim it once more. "I don't have time for either of you. Violin boy, if you step out of the way, I'll make your death painless. If not, then... it won't be. Simple as that." "You-” Mint’s perseverance wavered, but... “I won't let you kill either of us!" There was a pause between the two as Beet looked on inquisitively. She almost seemed mildly entertained, but that didn't stop her from raising her crossbow. "...So be it, bastard."
Three sounds were let out at once: A crossbow firing and clattering to the floor, a yip of pain, and a 'shnk' of an arrow through flesh. Beet would soon be wailing with a shower of swears to accompany it. While she had her moment, holding her arm and quickly finding that there would be more bites to come- Mint had his own ordeal. The upper part of his arm, though in the least pain of the three, had been pierced by Beet's weapon. He gasped and whined, leaning forward as his one arm gripped the other. "Ow ow ow-" He'd hiss out, eyes sealed shut as tears welled at the corners of his eyes. "W-worth it-"
After letting the pain course through him, Mint would wipe away the tears and open his eyes. To his surprise, where Beet previously stood was now a... Large white cocoon. A chill sent itself over the violinist's spine as he didn't wish to think about what could have happened in such a short time. Blink and one will miss it, he guessed. "Are you stable enough to bring yourself inside?" Truffle would gently ask, and Mint barely registered that the question was not for him. He opened his mouth to answer, but thankfully didn't embarrass himself by noticing that Truffle was behind him, helping Lemon to his feet. The poor newly cursed was forced to lean against the elder, who was stronger than she looked. Seems like the answer was no. "Well, you can't eat me anymore... so what the Hell else do I have left to lose?" He'd murmur in irritation. "Your dignity, the ones you care for, your life... There is plenty that you still have, young one." A mirthless laugh came from the elder as she would gingerly carry Lemon away, with the one being carried obviously miffed by the retort. Though Mint wasn't left unacknowledged, as Truffle would give him a motion to follow. He did so, and desperately tried to ignore the large sack of a body that he... Had a feeling wouldn't be alive for much longer, considering it was surprisingly still whilst being carried by spiders.
...At least Lemon was okay, even if there were some- Mint will guiltily admit- avoidable casualties...
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