#✧— aphe's letters from 🐱 anon.
romaritimeharbor · 4 months
Ok so i finally got to read the new MORAL INJURY chapter and yeah, it’s definitely more on the darker side than the last two. First, i wanna mention that i love you how wrote reader and Scaramouche’s interaction. It feels weird seeing the reader, who in the first chapter was so nice to the test subject they were gonna be experimenting on, be so cold to Scaramouche. And for some reason, i think that might have to do with Dottore’s influence? Like the reader was able to empathize with the other test subjects because they were once like them, a test subject themself. But with Scaramouche? They cant because of two things, his title and physiology (or lack of one?).
Like, Scaramouche has the Harbinger title like Dottore, so i feel like the reader would subconsciously associate him with Dottore as this shitty unfeeling superior who doesnt see anyone below them worth caring about. Which im pretty sure that’s probably true to how Scaramouche is acting during this time but i think its hard to feel empathy for someone they think who’s like their horrible boss. And then his physiology, i feel like the reader is just following Dottore’s fascination on Scaramouche’s creation. It’s not everyday that an Archon’s creation is just being abandoned and not destroyed. Im sure that the reader has experimented on other species before but i think even without Dottore’s interest in Scara, they themself are just as intrigued in him. So while they are doing these stuff under Dottore’s orders, the reader is also a bit intrested in how Scaramouche works which caused them to do a bit more than they need to.
Also i feel like both Scaramouche and the reader are projecting their hatred for Dottore against each other. With Scaramouche, he sees the reader as an extension to Dottore. Capable of hurting experimenting on him like Dottore yet still have a lower standing than him. Which is why he would be an asshole to the reader, he probably wouldnt be one with Dottore himself if he were the one to be checking up on him but the reader is his best next target to just deal with the idea that he’s something lesser in the Doctor’s eyes. With the reader, they somewhat sees Scaramouche as someone in the line of Dottore. An abusive asshole who can do whatever they want. And while the reader was just trying to only do what they need to do when checking up on Scaramouche, aside from their already bad mood, maybe there really was a small part of them that wanted to do the check up much more than they need to. Maybe a small part of them wanted to see Dottore suffer for all the horrible shit he’s done but rn they cant do that, so the best next thing would be Scaramouche, someone who’s just like him. Both of them are hurting each other because they both cant hurt the source of their pain (Dottore) so they’ll just have the best next thing (and sadly, this kind of mentality is an actual thing that happens..)
I also wanna talk about Dottore and reader’s interaction. He sees them as property, doesnt he? Their interactions just makes me think that in some way, he does care in a very twisted way, not as a person but just something that he owns. You did a really good job in explaining on how Dottore sees them as he sees them as some sort of sick entertainment. i wonder, does the reader know any dark secret that Dottore has to use for blackmail? Some sort of blackmail they could possibly use when they defect? Like another payback for their time as his assistant.
Overall, i really like what you made aph! While it was definitely leaning in the storys darker theme, you’ve done a great job at showing Scaramouche and readers interaction! Hope you have a great day/night and remember to drink your daily dose of water! (I’ve been forgetting to drink lately so please dont make the same mistakes like i have)
(Also also, im so sorry for somewhat spoilling the Penacony arc 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏😖😖😖)
- 🐱 Anon
firstly, it's so easy for reader to be cruel and awful to scaramouche because he isn't human. you know how signora basically said that the only reason scaramouche is number 6 is because he can endure more pain and suffering than humans can? [name] would agree with her (and maybe i will look into including some kind of interaction between them). reader does not see scaramouche as a human being, as a living thing worthy of respect like they are. no. they see him as an object. but this mentality is also because of dottore's influence--dottore sees them like an object too, and they don't know how to cope with how helpless that makes them feel. i think there's something to be said about how the reader mimics dottore's behaviors; a pet only knows what it has been taught, after all. :)
scaramouche and the reader were both in a fucked up struggle for control (as avery, @/starryshinyskies, mentioned in their tags on moral injury ch. 3) that [name], ultimately, came out on top of. reader will not let themselves be bullied by someone who they can control; they can't control the doctor, but they can control the balladeer. they just need to break him a little first. and on the other hand, scaramouche hates having the hands of someone like dottore on him because he knows that even if they're "nicer," they will still hurt him. AND THEY'RE NOT EVEN A HARBINGER. BUT THEY CAN STILL HURT HIM. and reader doesn't want to hurt him!!!!! they don't!!! but how else are they supposed to survive in this fucked up environment if they don't meet those that threaten their safety with bared teeth, so to speak? it's like scaramouche has no control over what happens to him and the only thing he can do to maintain the feeling of control is be an asshole. and to [name], he's just another harbinger prick like dottore even though deep down inside, they KNOW better. but neither of them can hurt dottore, so all they can do is tear one another apart instead.
(on that note, should i look into adding arlecchino interactions? i actually think that our knave, the current knave, would get along well with the reader, once she realized that they also fucking hate their boss.)
dottore and all of his segments just see [name] as their favorite little lab rat... lab mouse, actually. they're not a person to the second harbinger (harbingers..?); they are a thing to be owned, hence why they treated scaramouche like a thing.
well... for one, though they have no real proof... they do know that he is the rumored outcast of the akademiya. or that's what they speculate, at least. it's a theory that will sit in their mind all the way until act 4 (i think), where a certain archon will confirm their suspicions.
THANM YOU DEARRR i loved working on this chapter. i think it's a really good chapter to learn about [name]'s relationships in a more in-depth way. i will, and PLEASEEE drink some water HAHAH /lh
FURINA RERUN 🗣🗣🗣 i love furina and i would pull for her tbh but i'm saving for arle's rerun. i never got her weapon 😔🙏 BUT GOOD LUCK THEN IF YOU PULL FOR HER I HOPE SHE COMES HOME REALLY FAST
(did you? honestly if you did, i don't even remember HAHA i really don't mind the spoilers too much so dw about it!!)
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idyllic-affections · 9 months
That would literally be too good to not add Aph! God imagine Dottore’s face when he learns that pesky assistant of his not only evade the fatui all the time, but also do the one thing he could never do, graduate the Akademiya. Aph, i would pay to see his reaction please! Although quick question, what kind of darshan would the reader take?
- 🐱 Anon
i think they might be either an amurta or spantamad student! but i am VERY open to suggestions <3
the news spreads FAST because goodness--it's just so rare for someone to do what they've done. people often don't graduate until well past their 30s, but this random person who came to sumeru from mondstadt on leave from their job as a knight (unfortunately, i can't say why they're on leave... that would be spoilers 🤭) has blazed through every challenge the akademiya has thrown at them in half the time??????.... and the news slowly creeps back to snezhnaya. and dottore is PISSED. because one look at that devious little smile they wear in the picture plastered on the steambird's article about them tells him all he needs to know. that's his former lab assistant. it must be. it has to be. he knows their facial structure well--he's known them for so long, he knows their expressions. and he knows what their self-satisfied little smirk looks like.
what a treacherous little thing his former assistant is, hm? beating him at his own game and having the guts to knowingly taunt him? and perhaps their manner of speech, quoted in the article, is a little too specific... and with a bit of insanity and driven fury, dottore realizes that they must have rehearsed this. and decoding it, perhaps the first or last letters of everything they've said combined reveals something that has his blood boiling:
ohohoho evil little rivalry between dottore and his arrogant fucking ex-lab assistant *fingers tapping evilly* this shit would come back to bite them so hard though...... Hmmmmmm angst
this is actually a really good direction to take the series in. i was wondering to myself where i would take this fic, because i really only have up to act 3 or 4 planned out. after that? who knows. but this is a good way to go, i think.
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romaritimeharbor · 6 months
What about Geo? Like it would match Diona Cryo vision because their both look like rock..? (Im tired as hell, so forgive me) Also you can say, they’re more “grounded” than their sister and father (they’re more mature than Diona’s childish self and Draff’s drunk self)
- 🐱 anon
a lot of people agree that they would be geo-aligned and tbh real. same!! something something they also have cat-like features and people therefore perceive them as soft and pettable ummm something something but then their fist hits as hard as a fucking boulder and they are NOT afraid to beat the shit out of anyone harrassing them or their sister (to the point that someone like kaeya or diluc or eula would have to pull them off to stop them) ummmmmmm
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romaritimeharbor · 2 months
Good luck Aphe! Remember to take breaks as well!
- 🐱 Anon
thank you beloved <3 i only work part time so thankfully it's not a very long shift (only 5 hours and 30 minutes)!!! so i won't need many breaks hehe
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romaritimeharbor · 2 months
I think im late on this but GOOD LUCK APHE, WE BELIEVE IN YOU!!!
- 🐱 Anon
only a little bit late HAHA i was about 20 minutes into my exam when you sent this, though admittedly i did see it much much later!!!! but thank you lovely i appreciate it nonetheless <3
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romaritimeharbor · 3 months
Oh you and i have similar opinions on those ships. Like im fine with traveler/anyone (except their twin) and Childe/Zhongli (somewhat i guess? I have mix feeling with this one tbh). But Furina/Neuvilette, Wriothesley/Lyney, and Furina/Arlechinno just makes so ughhh, especially the first one. Im pretty sure there are more ships in Genshin that gives me icks but i can’t seem to remember any of them rn. But Furina/Neuvilette just makes my blood boil, THEY ARE FATHER AND DAUGTHER PEOPLE!!!
- 🐱 Anon
HAHAH i'm surprised by the sheer number of people that share my opinions tbh! but anyways yeahhh...... it's not canon or anything so i don't have any issues with neuvifuri shippers, but those two do feel so much like father and daughter. so i really don't see the appeal of shipping them, personally. why ship them when you could family them instead ❗️❗️
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romaritimeharbor · 5 months
Are you in the Fnaf Fandom 👀
(Please say yes, i dont have many friends who knows Fnaf)
- 🐱 Anon
yes 🤭 i am and i always have been, ever since the release of fnaf 1
(which admittedly was... erm. a little too early to be seeing horror games about literal dead children. i was 8 years old. i was a baby. it was a formative experience unfortunately /lh)
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romaritimeharbor · 3 months
So i just played Xianyun and Arle’s story quests and i can now see why you really love them so much, they are very mom coded (or “Father” coded in Arle’s case). I straight up cried during the cutscene where the traveler was dreaming about their twin and teared up when Arle said her goodbyes to Clervie (uhggggg my heart hurts for Clervie). I now kinda regret on not getting either of them because i just want to hug them. Why? Idk but i feel like their hug would make me cry again in a good way. This also got me thinking about the Mama Xianyun fic that you made, which, are you still continueing btw?
Also, didnt know you were into CRK as well! Who’s on your main team? Which kingdom is your favourite? Do you also have an OC cookie that we dont know? Hope you dont mind me asking 😅
Would it be alright for me to share my cookie OC as well…?
Hope you have a good day/night though
(Sorry if this ask was kinda awkward, i feel oddly lost(?) on what to say these days)
- 🐱 Anon
spoilers for xianyun & arlecchino's story quests utc.
NO YEAH YOU TOTALLY GET IT LOVELY!!!!! that's exactly why i adore them both so much--there is such an oddly tender parental-ness about each of them. in xianyun's case, her comforting of the traveler was just so... gentle and motherly, and the way she behaves towards her disciples is even moreso. she is a mother before she is a master; that is a hill i will GLADLYYYYY die on. and arlecchino is so beautifully complicated aughhhhh like?!?!?!? she genuinely believes that she's "executing" her children, but she's smart enough to realize that it's not the same as just killing them entirely. if she did not care about her children, then she would absolutely not have associated with dottore to find a way to get them out of the house with their body intact. "she doesn't care about her children!!!!!" ok buddy...... sure....... someone didn't pay attention, clearly /lh i love arlecchino and xianyun so much, they mean so much to me and i will defend them with my life RAHHHHH ❗️❗️❗️ also yes! i will be continuing that series, i just haven't had any inspiration or thoughts on how to continue it yet <3
yep yep!!!! my lovely mutual, fawn, got me into it a while back 🫶🫶 i recently had to delete hsr because it was just taking up way too much space and i couldn't even play it anyways, because it had no space to update, because it took up so much space /lh so after that, i started playing crk more again..... and now i think i am hyperfixating on it. just..... uh. just a little bit ("just a little bit" i say, but in reality it is NOT a little bit and i can't stop thinking about a lot of the cookies. mainly the 5 heroes 😔) HAHAHAH
my main team is elder faerie, cherry blossom, moonlight, tarte tatin, and pure vanilla!!! everyone except for tarte tatin i think is lvl 51 (including their skills). i love them so much and i think their dynamic would be really funny actually
i don't have an oc atm! but it is very possible that i will make one someday 🤭 also hell yeah you're more than welcome to share your oc!!!!!!!!
you too lovely!!! make sure to take care of yourself <3 and dw about it!!!! i don't think your ask was awkward at all 🫶
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romaritimeharbor · 3 months
Are you okay…?
- 🐱 Anon
hi dear, of course <3 what makes you ask, if you don't mind me wondering?
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romaritimeharbor · 6 months
Ah ok, i’ll probably wait until you finally played the chapter, i still need to fine tune them a bit anyway so i dont mind. Although this does remind me of something.. Oh right, I’ve been wanting to talk about your OC Hestia since i saw your post about her! here are my questions about her:
1. Did La Signora teach Hestia about her magic? Like her Flame witch magic she has?
2. Does she know Eir? If she does, what are her thoughts about them since you mentioned Eir being close with La Signora?
3. How did she get her Vision?
4. What would her DnD Alignment be?
5. Does she possess a delusion? If she does, what element is it?
6. I immediately recognized her name is from a greek god who is the Goddess of hearth and home, does she have any connection to the House of Hearth?
- 🐱 Anon
gotcha! take your time, then. i'll make sure to post about penacony when i do get around to playing it so that you know when i've started <3 YAY OC QUESTIONS ❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️
la signora did not teach hestia about her magic. however, having suspected that her inazuma mission may not go as intended (she literally attended the akademiya, so i truly and wholeheartedly believe that la signora is not a foolish woman. she is just a prideful person), she wrote a letter for hestia's eyes only, in which she explained herself—her past, the pain she has endured, and how hestia can learn her magic, so that hestia might continue the legacy she left behind. hestia is now in the process of learning her magic. it is a... difficult process, to say the least, but hestia does not feel angry or upset over the fact that she cannot master it immediately; if anything, she feels as if this learning process is bringing her closer to her mother figure than she had ever been before. hestia will certainly be a force to be reckoned with once she does master it.
hestia does know eir! eir is one of hestia's most adored and trusted allies. she often travels alongside them, and eir will often end up telling her the stories of their long gone nation. eir also helps hestia with mastering la signora's magic. as a historian, a scholar, and a (formerly royal) healer, eir is well-acquainted with magic and its intricacies. their help is invaluable.
i'm still thinking deeply about this one!! but right now, i'm thinking that maybe she's had it since she was little, since before la signora found her and her father. it isn't unheard of for children to have visions (klee diona sayu qiqi etc), and i think hestia has many good reasons that would validate her having a vision at such a young age—namely, the need to protect her sickly father from snezhnaya's everlasting winter.
chaotic neutral i think! she lives by her own agenda with no care for authority or rules. her freedom of choice comes first and she will not tolerate anyone getting in her way. BUUTTT she is also contradictory to this type in some ways (e.g., hestia would go out of her way to help people if she felt compelled to; many chaotic neutrals do not do this), so maybe chaotic good? honestly i feel that hestia leans more into chaotic neutral because she has more of those traits than chaotic good ones.
she had a delusion at one point, but left it behind when she abandoned the fatui. i haven't decided on the element, because i want it to be symbolic somehow. maybe anemo or geo?
she doesn't actually! i chose her name in reference to the hearth and home she built with la signora. and also because of her pyro vision. there are some other things (like her lack of interest in romance & intimacy; she is a romance-neutral and sex-negative aroace person), but it was mainly about her relationship with la signora. her name is mostly symbolic! so no, she does mot have any relation to the house of the hearth or arlecchino.
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romaritimeharbor · 4 months
If you think about it, the Stellaron Hunters as found family is somewhat canon because there’s this lightcone where Sliver wolf is playing some crane game with Owlbert plushies and in the background Blade is in disguise waiting for her while he’s texting or calling Kafka. I like the idea that the lightcone is implying that whenever Silver Wolf wants to go to arcades, Blade or Kafka would join and look after her while she plays to her hearts content. Like they didnt have too since SW can handle herself but it’s a touching thought.
Wait does that mean Elio is that mysterious cool uncle you barely see?
(Btw i just checked what the lightcone is called and its the “Before The Tutorial Mission Starts”)
- 🐱 Anon
STELLARON HUNTERS FOUND FAMILY REAL AND TRUE!!!!!!! STELLARON HUNTERS FOUND FAMILY CANON!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE THAT AWWWWWW they're just looking out for her <3 even though she could beat the shit out of people <3
elio is DEFINITELY the mysterious uncle who you barely see. he shows up at holiday functions and gives you money. you don't see him for the rest of the year though EXCEPT for at those functions. 👍👍
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romaritimeharbor · 4 months
Well since you’re okay with it, here she is!
Meet Runa! A travelling merchant from Natlan who is secretly searching for the truth about Khaenri'ah and a cure to help the cursed immortal Khaenri'ahns from their eternal torment. She has a hydro vision and use a polearm as her weapon. She has a bodyguard name Dongmei, another OC of mine who is helping Runa in her quest to learn what happened to Khaenri'ah.
Now her backstory:
Few days after a birth happened, a baby was abandoned somewhere very far from the nearest civilization. Whoever left her there definitely wanted her dead but fortunately that didnt happened as her cries alerted someone. A pure blooded Khaenri’ahn women heard her cries and found her. The women used to run an orphanage back in Khaenri’ah and was a mother figure to all the orphans there. But the cataclysm happened and the orphans she cared for either die from the cataclysm itself, turned into monsters, or became immortal like her but those children arent with her, they were seperated due to the cataclysm. For centuries, the women went into a depressive state due to her mind not fully accepting what just happened and the guilt for not being able to do anything to save the children (and adding that up with immortality and erosion? Yeah she is not okay) It wasnt until she heard the baby’s cries did she break out of that state. Once she realized the poor baby was abandoned, she decided to raised the baby as her own, just like she did for so many back in Khaenri’ah and gave her the name Runa.
Now the erosion really messed the women up but somehow even with her unstable mind, she was still able to raise Runa as best as she can with the circumstances the both are in. And for 7 years, Runa was a happy girl living in a shack in the middle of nowhere with her mother. Runa was taught the Khaenri’ahn language and culture by the women. The women taught her as if they were still back in orphanage and nothing was wrong. Those seven years were really peaceful for Runa, until it wasnt anymore. One day, they were out hunting for food. Her and her mother had done this many times before yet something happened. They had caught a boar in a trap they had placed yesterday, her mother was supposed to kill it but she didn’t. She was still, she was mumbling something. Runa tried to snap her out, but nothing was getting through her mother. The women’s behavior was normal, she’s done this many times before and Runa always snap her out of her trance but why wasnt this working now? Suddenly, the women attacked her with an axe. As if she was the boar they were supposed to kill. Runa did her best to dodge but eventually she got hit and blacked out. By the time she woke up, her mother was beside her sobbing and apologizing. Her head was bandaged and uh Runa couldnt recall what had actually happened. (So what truly happened is that Runa didnt actually got hit at all. She tripped over a rock when trying to dodge and hit her head on a tree. By the time she blacked out, her mother came to her senses and quickly brought Runa back to their shack and instantly bandaged her up)
Ever since that day, the women became distant with Runa, fearing that she might hurt her daugther again. Runa was confused and hurt by this action because she actually doesnt remember what had happened that day due to her subconsciously blocking the trauma of her mother attacking her and also because of the wound on her head. The women also started to teaching Runa how to do a lot of stuff that they usually do together to be done by herself. She didnt think anything of it at first, she was just happy her mother was interacting with her. But then, after she finally was able to do everything by herself, the next day comes and she woke up to an empty shack with no sight of her mother and a note on the table. At first, Runa thought her mother just went hunting but when she read the note, her whole world went crashing down. In the note, her mother explained that she is leaving her due to the fear of hurting her again because of her very bad mental state which was caused by a curse and hopes that Runa will continue to live on by herself happily.
This destroyed Runa. She couldnt believe what she was reading. How can she live happily if her mother wasnt in it? She was in denial and dazed. She just couldnt believe her mother left and just decide to wait for her. Just simply thinking that note was just a prank and she will come back for her eventually but then one day turn to a week and a week turn into a two weeks. For two weeks, she had been living by herself. Eating, sleeping, hunting, all by herself. One day, when she was out hunting, she caught a boar in a trap she made. She was about to kill it but the boar’s whining attracted hilichurls to their location. Knowing that there is now way she can defeat those hilichurls, she tried running away but the hilichurls catched up to her and surrounded her. She was about to be attacked when a group of traveling merchants came and saved her. When the hilichurls were defeated, one of the traveling merchant asked why was she alone. She was wary of them due to her mother sheltering her whole life but she was also curious because this was the first time she met anyone besides her mother. Runa explained her situation and the traveling merchants realized that she was abandoned and decided to bring her with them. Ofc she didnt want to but she was eventually forced against her will to join them.
After some discussion on what to do with Runa, one of the traveling merchant decided to adopt her. She wasnt happy with this and tried to run away multiple times. It took a long time but slowly yet surely, she got used to her new life. Despite that, she never forgot her life before and kept wishing for her mother to come back. It wasnt until she was older that she realized something. Her mother wasnt normal per say. Her new adoptive parent was different. They didnt have a mental breakdown every other day, they didnt have nightmares that they need to hug her and never let go, they didnt do any of that. And when she told what her mother was like, her new adoptive parent tried to gently tell her that her mother wasnt feeling well with her head, that she was sick. She was confused by what they mean but when she got older did she realized it. They were talking about her curse, the one that her mother mentioned to be the cause of her “illness”. In the note her mother left her a long time ago, her mother explained that she got her curse during the demise of Khaenri’ah and in those 7 years of living with her, her mother taught her everything about Khaenri’ah. The language, the culture, the history, everything except it’s demise, she would learn that when she was much older. And when she did, she learned that there was very little information about Khaenri’ah. And so, a goal was born. Runa planned that when she was a traveling merchant herself, she would travel the world to learn what really happened to Khaenri’ah and find a way to break her mother’s curse.
And yeah that’s all. What do you think of her?
(I apologize for it being quite long, i got carried away..)
- 🐱 Anon
i love her?!?!?!? so much?!?!?!?! this is such a cool path to take with an oc, such an interesting idea to explore. the fact that she knew so much about khaenri'ah yet sooooo little at the same time, particularly just the... Not Knowing about it's destruction. ough. i am rooting for her fr!!!!!!! i believe in her!!!!!!
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romaritimeharbor · 4 months
OMG YES!!!!!! I cant tell you how happy i am to meet another fnaf fan!! I also have been a fan since Fnaf 1 as well and yeah i do agree that a game about haunted animatronics probably wasnt a good thing for young kids (i remember being so scared of the dark back then bc i would think that either Foxy or Freddy will jumpscare me from the shadows) but like it was such a huge thing back then, every youtuber were doing Let’s Plays and I still remember very fondly of playing the first game in my cousin’s phone as i lock all the doors til it ran out of battery because i was a scaredy cat, such good times..
Ok so my favs are Sister location and the Pizzeria Simulator. I love those two because they are more of the story driven games unlike the others which just have you sit in the office and have the plot be in the pixelated mini games (i dont hate them bc they have their own charm in itself but i just wanted the story be more direct than subtle, if that makes sense..)
Wait, what other Fnaf songs do you like other than Left Behind? I remember jamming to “the Mangle song” and “just gold” on loop that whenever i sing those songs under my breath, my friends, who werent into fnaf, would give me weird looks. I tried explaining it to them but they would get confused and just get used to my singing
Also have you ever watched Game Theory? I used to love going home and just watch Matpat going insane trying to piece together the lore. I still watch his old Fnaf videos, they’re still great and it’s nice to look back to see which theory was right and which was wrong. OH AND ALSO i was so happy to see Matpat in the Fnaf film. I was so happy to see many people who has contributed to Fnaf in Youtube be in the film!
The point is I am so happy to meet another Fnaf fan. It’s not everyday i meet another fnaf fan, so forgive my rambling. Would it be okay for me to sometime geek out about these stuff with you? Hope ypu have a good night
(I should probably mention that im very tired right now as im typing this but i really wanted to send this ask. So forgive for my tired rambling,
- 🐱 anon who is going to sleep now
YEAH I HAVE BEEN IN THIS FANDOM FOR LITERALLY SOOOOOO LONG it is a part of me atp.... cannot remove the fnaf from my brain 😔🙏 the youtube lets plays were absolutely formative for me HAHAH i miss that era of youtube, honestly!!
i can totally get that! i love the more story driven games. AND 🐱 ANON..... if i tried to list off all the fnaf songs i have ever listened to, this post would be so insanely long. i can safely say that if you can think of it, i have probably heard it (though there are a few songs i haven't heard!).
I USED TO BE SO OBSESSED WITH GAME THEORY DUDE i often think about going back and rewatching the old fnaf theories. it was such a lovely time of my life honestly <3 you are more than welcome to drop by and talk about fnaf with me, anytime!
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romaritimeharbor · 4 months
Hi, it’s been a while hasnt it?
I would like to apologize for not active for these past few weeks, it’s been a busy month but i do still keep checking your blog from time to time. In my rare times of free time, i played Genshin Impact and finished the Fontaine Archon quest, i think i’ve already sent an ask about my feelings regarding that but to recap it again. It was amazing and my heart hurts for Furina. I had also finished the recent mission of HSR and like the Fontaine Archon quest, it was amazing and if you think about it, those two quest are kinda similar (how both of them have a strong connection to shows and acting, the many plotwist, the many deaths case). I also saw your post about almost finishing ch 3 of MORAL INJURY which honestly makes me excited, but not about reading the reader’s suffering part. Just the fact that a new chapter is coming soon but then again suffering and stuff should’ve been expected considering MORAL INJURY’S darker tone.
So yeah, that’s all from me for now. I wanted to say more but i was kinda lost on what i wanted to say. I hope you have a good day/night and take care of yourself
(P.S. are all the anons busy? I dont think i’ve seen any anon asks besides your moots asks)
- 🐱 Anon
AHH HELLO LOVELY!!! it has been quite some time, but you don't have to apologize for that <3 i did see your ask about that and am planning on responding to it soon! i have quite a few asks to catch up on, so i'm slowly but surely getting to doing that! i haven't done any hsr missions since penacony came out because i literally have no space left on my phone to finish the update HELP?!?!?!?! though i am currently working on fixing that issue. i am just about done with chapter 3 to be honest! i just have a little part at the end and at the beginning to finish and then it should be good to go.
thank you beloved!!!!! remember to take care of yourself RAHHHHH
(some anons are definitely busy, i would say. though there are some asks i have neglected to reply to, i have noticed that there haven't been as many from the other emoji anons recently! which is 100% okay of course hehe <3)
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romaritimeharbor · 5 months
Im afraid to ask but.. will you be making more fatui OCs?
(There’s nothing wrong with that but again, im seeing a pattern here)
- 🐱 Anon
maybe! idk it depends on if i get inspiration for more fatui ocs <3
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romaritimeharbor · 6 months
Hey i just want to send this ask to say that i really love your platonic stellaron hunter post because omg that was heartwarming. Who knew a group of deadly wanted criminals can be wholesome ^_^
- 🐱 Anon
AWWHHH hi lovely!!!!! thank you so much, i am so so glad you liked it <3
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