#✨.   //   MUSINGS  :   FOR HOW MUCH?
You were the center of my universe
ever expanding towards entropy
and I was foolish enough
to think the gaps between your particles
was where I could make my home.
That you created space for me
to exist, slowly surrounded and engulfed
to forever watch you change
in fascinating and intricate ways.
That you slowed in your acceleration
to spend more time
close to me.
So that you did not drift away
too quickly
but enjoyed the process
of spreading out
and slowing down
and cooling off.
So that your temperatures
would not burn me
but kept me warm.
But I cannot breathe
in the vacuum of space.
You cannot control
your descent towards chaos.
You are no longer burning hot
but a cold fire.
Your heat death
will leave me isolated
and frozen.
I am adrift
and cannot make sense
of the closest parts of you.
I cannot see the forest
for the trees are too far apart.
You were my universe
all your unknowns just waiting
to be discovered.
And now, the motes of dust
that were stars
are foreign and contextless.
I can no longer
guide myself by your constellations.
Your stars have burnt out
and scattered across this
empty vacuum.
I cannot tell where I am
except that I am cold and
I am waiting for the day
or night
or fragment of time
where you will realize
you are unrecognizable
even to yourself.
I pray that when you condense
all your particles will
come crashing towards
the center where I lay
And crush us both.
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mad-hunts · 4 months
so, i'm gonna give y'all a warning for this post immediately because i have yet to talk about this on here besides with one or two people, and the last thing i want to do is make anyone uncomfortable... but if you believe that cannibalism is a trigger for you then please do not continue beyond this point. for those of you who are okay with it, though, let me start by saying this:
barton does engage in cannibalistic acts sometimes, and this is actually one of the few, if not the only sources of shame that he feels in response to the heinous acts that he commits pretty much on the daily. and this is because he believes himself that it is disgusting and not something to be proud of; so, in a way, it does kind of demonstrate that he has some humanity left in him albeit in a very unsavory way and that's mainly why i wanted to bring it up. because his relationship with this part of him... well, it really isn't good, for lack of better words. which is understandable considering cannibalism is a rather big taboo in society, but it has become somewhat of a compulsion for him. not to excuse it in ANY capacity, of course. that is honestly just the best word i could use to describe it as i've done some research about it and, like other serial killers, barton is SO perpetually lonely that by consuming his victims -- it makes him feel like he is no longer so alone anymore as he will always be able to 'carry' a part of them with him that way, so-to-speak, and they'll never be able to leave him.
now this is obviously not the way to go about dealing with his loneliness at all, as it is extremely messed up both morally and honestly, just wrong as a human being to do. but i also believe that there are other factors at work regarding his tendency to sometimes cannibalize his victims, and that is that because of the trauma he endured at the hands of his biological father (wesley mathis) whom forced him to eat people with him. it could sort of function as a very unhealthy coping mechanism for him to navigate that complex trauma; and this is because it may serve as an attempt for him to restore a sense of control over himself that he felt was stolen from him as a child, since he had no choice but to engage in it. plus, interestingly enough, antisocial personality traits are often an underlying element in those who divulge in cannibalistic acts. and cannibals in one study have been found to have more cases of abuse / have more family members who are criminals, so this could also be indicative that his environmental upbringing very well could have a hand in his subsequent (occasional) cannibalism after he commits his killings.
i also thought i would mention that, despite his apparent depravity, barton has taken extra care not to expose his own children to the same trauma that he had to suffer from as a result of wesley (what with the 'hunting trips' that they went on) and he would NEVER want his kids to see him eating people. so, although it still is unquestionably wrong for him to be cannibalizing people, things are a little complicated in that regard. while i'm talking about it, for my closing thought, i'd like to say that the police does highly suspect that the dollmaker is a cannibal but they haven't been able to confirm it as of yet. though i'd imagine that most of the underground knows that he cannibalizes people because rumors can be spread quite quickly, and i can totally imagine the way in which people found out being that they were unfortunate enough to have to stumble upon barton just... eating someone. and a lot more casually than one should probably be about it, because half of the time, he doesn't even remember that he's done it afterward because his mind literally just blocks it out. but that's something i shall expand on more later
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twistedappletree · 1 year
akdbajbsjabsjaj 🖤🩶🤍💜
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alldarkling · 1 year
Do know this that Antiphisto can be often extremely draining to have around with its overly stupid cynical and nihilistic ass and we do apologize for anything mean that comes outta their mouth 😭
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oculusxcaro · 1 year
Send 🖤 and my character will answer about yours.
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"Here you are, my friend - one piping hot coffee to warm your hands tonight!"
repulsive / hideous / ugly / not attractive / unappealing / not unattractive / meh / no preference / ok / mildly attractive / nice looking / cute / adorable / attractive / pleasant on the eyes / good looking / hot / sexy / beautiful / gorgeous / hot damn / would tap that / perfect / godlike / holy fuck there are no words / You're not the only night time visitor who likes to cover up! :)
grating / irritating / frustrating / boring / confusing at best / awkward / unreasonable / psychotic / disturbing / interesting / engaging / affectionate / aggressive / ambitious / anxious / artistic / bad tempered / bossy / charismatic / appealing / unappealing / creative / courageous / dependable / unreliable / unpredictable / predictable / devious / dim / extroverted / introverted / egotistical / gregarious / fabulous / impulsive / intelligent / sympathetic / talkative / up beat / peaceful / calming / badass / flexible / mysterious.
how likely they would have sex with them:
not if they were the last person on earth and the world was ending / fuck no! / never / no way / not likely / not sure / indifferent / I’m asexual / maybe / probably / it depends / fairly likely / likely / yeah sure / yes / would tap that / hell yes / fuck yes! / wishing that could happen right now / as many times as possible / we are already having sex / We barely know one another! o:
level of friendship:
never in a million years / worst of enemies / enemies / rivals / indifferent / neutral / acquaintance / friendly toward each other / casual friends / friends / good friends / best friends / fuck buddies / bosom buddies / practically the same person / would die for them / true friends / my only friend / Keep visiting like this and you'll soon become a regular! :)
first impression of them:
i hate them so much / i don’t like them / i don’t trust them / they annoy me / they’re weird / I’m indifferent / meh / they seem alright / they’re growing on me / truce / I think I like them / I like them / I’m not sure if I trust them / I trust them / they’re cool / they’re genuine / I think we’re going to get along / I really like them / I think I’m in love / oh fuck they’re hot / I love them / Sure hope he's not planning on robbing us...
current impression of them:
i hate them so much / i don’t like them / i don’t trust them / they annoy me / they’re weird / I’m indifferent / meh / they seem alright / they’re growing on me / truce / I think I like them / I like them / I’m not sure if I trust them / I trust them / they’re cool / they’re genuine / I think we’re going to get along / I really like them / I think I’m in love / oh fuck they’re hot / I love them / I hope he keeps visiting! He makes these dull shifts nicer.
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stellarresults · 2 years
Memories of my childhood
Bold all that apply to your muse. Repost, don't reblog ! TW: contains mentions of abuse / neglect / death / trauma
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scraped knees, silent tears in a locked room,  slamming doors,  pervasive loneliness, a dog barking,  rain on a metal roof,  flinching at movement,  the creak of an old house, forced laughter,  wandering in the dark woods, wondering how you made it through, sudden loss, trying to make sense of the noise, hiding what you love to protect it, trying to explain but your words falter, invaded privacy, confusion at the pain, running barefoot in the grass,  wondering what you did wrong and coming up with nothing, realizing you aren’t a priority, grass stains on white clothing, trying to earn love you will never have, being threatened over the smallest mistake, secrets you are warned not to share, the feeling of never being good enough, the hope things might someday get better, grief that aches in your bones, childish dares and pranks, the sense that your body isn’t yours (you're more like a plaything than a person), shame and guilt that aren’t yours to carry, sledding down a frozen hill, absentmindedly following snakes (or other things) through the grass, punching a tree until your knuckles bleed,  tears over every dead creature you find,  searching out small places you can hide… just in case,  climbing the tallest tree so they can’t touch you,  the feeling of something tainted under your skin,  a curious child told to stop asking,  floral dresses,  body tensing at approaching footsteps, anger with nowhere to go, brief escapes from the chaos,  the purr of a contented cat,  taking the blame to keep the peace,  being told you’re too sensitive,  the creaking springs of a trampoline on a sunny day
Tagged by: @neodarkdark thank you!! ;v;
Tagging: @evoblue @heroftruth
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quccninchains · 1 month
I’ve already told you but I will tell you again … you are THE Alicent of all time!! I am always reading what you put onto the dash & eating up every bit of it. you provide what the series has failed to & that speaks to your ability to write a satisfying character portrayal. I love the dynamics you have with other blogs and I’m always excited to check in on what Alicent is up to when I get online 😌💖
anonymously (or not) tell me about my portrayal!
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ningquan · 11 months
something something the subtlety in the symbolism surrounding ninnguang making her to be rex lapis' equivalent for mortals and how it makes them into compliments and foils of each other
she's attached directly to the phoenix / fenghuang. she's got a tattoo of it on her person, it's the name for her namecard. even thought the symbolism differs between religions, they're all prevalent for her. the symbolism of rising from the ashes / being reborn from western religions, as well as power gifted from the heavens to empresses in chinese mythology. where the fenghuang / phoenix is traditionally female, the dragon is traditionally male. but both are linked to imperial power / rule in their own ways.
but oh, this just makes the imagery of the dragon dying ( rex lapis ) and the fenghuang rising ( ningguang ) from the ashes is so damn good
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astrologydayz · 6 months
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MOON IN PARTNERS 1ST HOUSE = house person feels less lonely in this world with the Moon person around🩵. Moon person calms the house person like no other<33 - house person can see the Moon person as their own little safe place/safe heaven. House person knows that they don't have 2 talk a whole lot 2 Moon, cuz the Moon person already knows wassup/knows what the house person is feeling without words being shared. When house person is happy, the Moon person is happy. If house person lays down in the dark, with no hopes of standing 4 a while? The Moon person lays down in the dark with em, until they’re ready🔒. Conflicting aspects can show issues when it comes 2 Moons understanding of the house person/house person not being trusting/sure of the Moon person's intensions.
MOON IN PARTNERS 2ND HOUSE = house person finally feels understood, & appreciated when it comes 2 their material possessions/their values/spending habits/their earnings! Moon can be a very supporting factor for the house person 2 really get up & work! They can be house person's biggest cheerleader!📣 House person feels safe, & understood for what they chase!😻 House person can value/see the Moon person as one of their biggest prizes/possessions! Conflicting aspects can show one feeling like they’re being used 4 financial gain/or used 4 security in life/issues/arguments bc of insecurities.
MOON IN PARTNERS 3RD HOUSE = house person can stay up all night, & talk 2 the Moon person<33 - these two can talk for hoursssss. House person feels so fucking comfortable with sharing anything there's on their mind with the Moon person!😻 Moon person is like house person's own private, & SAFE journal! Moon won't judge them. If something happens?? Moon person is the 1st one 2 know! Moon person could have known house persons siblings beforehand/or just know of them beforehand. Conflicting aspects can show issues with withholding/not sharing how they feel with each other - "not speaking one's mind"/issues with one/or both judging each other. MOON IN PARTNERS 4TH HOUSE = house person feels safe enough with Moon person 2 open up about their childhood/especially childhood issues/trauma❤️‍🩹. House person can feel like the Moon person is their 1st true person - 1st true home in this world💞. Moon person is like a healing source4the house person/healing the inner child of them. These two are really close - the types 2 know everything about each other. House person can be quite protective of the Moon person here. Conflicting aspects can show issues with house person not opening themselves up 100%/arguments, or petty feelings when it comes 2 house persons past/petty arguments between them at home.
MOON IN PARTNERS 5TH HOUSE = the Moon person can inspire the house person 2 create🎨🖌️🎶 - can be them creating music, them painting, art in general - anything creative! Like a muse & their artist! Sex here can be very much full of emotions, & creativity✨. Moon person brings feelings of joy, pleasure, & FUN 2 the house person! House person feels so fucking lucky 2 have the Moon person by their side<33. This placement can love to keep date nights going in their relationship - even when they're 60<33. Conflicting aspects can show creativity being killed/joy, pleasure, & fun getting sucked out/issues bc of awkward moments.
MOON IN PARTNERS 6TH HOUSE = house person can feel like their days are A LOT better with the Moon person around🥳😍. Moon person brings so much joy 2 the house person when it comes 2 doing the most basic daily things together! House person feels very safe, & comfortable with the Moon person around. Moon person can be very thoughtful of the house person - like check in on them a lot 2 see if they need anything, like if they're hungry/thirsty, seriously, whatever they need, Moon can handle it❤️. House person can feel very lucky 2 have found someone who's so thoughtful, & amazing<33. Conflicting aspects can show issues/arguments bc one can feel taken for granted/feel taken advantaged of/issues with the way feelings is shared/showed on a day 2 day basic/problems bc they don't think about each other's daily needs.
MOON IN PARTNERS 7TH HOUSE = the way the Moon person show/voice their feelings is exactly what the house person search 4 for in a stabile/marriage partner<33. House person feels throughly accepted by the Moon person - Moon person also got the house person's back - in private, & with others❤️‍🔥. Moon person can help the house person with feeling things from all sides/especially when it comes 2 feeling/understanding sides they haven’t been understanding of until now - house person gets more accepting of others bc of this😻. Conflicting aspects can show issues bc one is not accepting of the other/"lover 2 enemies"/arguments bc of/or over others.
MOON IN PARTNERS 8TH HOUSE = can show obsessional feelings - house person always thinking about the Moon person, they can't really help themselves. House person can't hide here. No matter how hard they try, the Moon person will see through them. House person feels very attached 2 the Moon person, bc of the intimacy they bring. Sex can be very transformative, & very intense 4 the house person here<33. House person can share anything from how their day was, till one of the worst days of their lives with the Moon person❤️‍🩹 - it's like they can't keep it in - they have almost a need, I would call it for sharing with Moon. Moon can be like their own personal therapist. Conflicting aspects can show jealousy/obsession issues/things being "hidden" from the other/clinginess issues. MOON IN PARTNERS 9TH HOUSE = house person feels really appreciated, & listened 2 here when it comes 2 things they know about higher learning📕, or 2 the things they know about different cultures/countries📚, or when it comes 2 things they believe in/or things they're not really sure about. Moon person can help the house person with figuring things out in life when in doubt, but also while being their support system2! Moon person could also join house person on a lot of their journeys - them experiencing other cultures/countries together - making memories they'll remember 4 life!🥰 Conflicting aspects can show long distance issues”/issues bc of religion - no understanding/putting the other one on a pedestal"/issues bc of a "god complex between them" - "who's right, & who's wrong".
MOON IN PARTNERS 10TH HOUSE = Moon person is house person's true supporter in public/when they're out☝️. Moon person always got house persons back in public - which the house person fucking appreciates, & loves so much about the Moon person💚. Moon can help the house person out a lot with their image/or with how they act/are perceived in/by the public! House person feels really supported by the Moon person 2 keep grinding, & 2 keep chasing their goals!✨ They know they got Moon 2 lean on, if things get a little 2 hard sometimes! Conflicting aspects can show embarrassing moments between them in public/issues bc of ones goals/work/one not being supportive enough/or realistic enough.
MOON IN PARTNERS 11TH HOUSE = house person feels an incredible support by the Moon person 2 chase their dreams in life!💋 Moon can be house person's biggest fan, when it comes 2 whatever they're chasing<33 - Moon person is always the 1st one 2 celebrate a win in house persons life! They can really love hanging out with friends together, or just hang out/go out a lot together where others are around2<33. These two can put their heart, & soul into some of the same causes here in life - they could even have met each other through it<33. Conflicting aspects can show one not being understanding of the other one's socials/dreams, or friends/issues bc of different wants.
MOON IN PARTNERS 12TH HOUSE = Moon, & house person connects in a way that can't really be explained. House person can have very vivid dreams about the Moon person. Moon person knows/sees many of the things the house person wish they could sometimes hide. - But that's all the things the Moon person appreciates the most about the house person tho - "Nobody sees house person more clearly than the Moon person". What the house person sees as imperfections = the Moon person see as perfections😻<33. Conflicting aspects can show issues/misunderstandings bc of feelings not being shared/understood/issues bc of ghosting/issues bc Moon can make house person feel anxious/or uncomfortable.
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daycourtofficial · 6 months
In a world of boys, he’s a ✨gentleman✨
Summary: based on this request - your friends help walk you through all the nice things Azriel does for you
Author’s note: I forgot all about this tbh lmao why was this just sitting in my drafts all alone
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“I think Azriel has the best manners,” Feyre says, her cheeks glowing from the wine, wisps of brown hair coming out from her braid.
“And the biggest wingspan,” Mor adds, raising her blonde eyebrows.
“I’m serious,” Feyre turns to Mor, “he’s so polite, he cleans up after himself, he treats (y/n) like a queen, he-“
You choke on your wine. “Treats who like what?”
Mor slaps your shoulder, causing you to almost spill your glass. “Oh, do not start this again, I will scream.”
“Start what?”
Mor rolls her eyes, falling back on the couch, “pretending like you don’t know how nice Azriel is to you.”
Your face heats involuntarily. “He’s very nice to me, I’m well aware of that. He’s a nice guy.”
Mor groans, getting up for more wine, “see! This is what I’m talking about!”
Nesta and Feyre giggle, but you sit up, “what do you mean what you’re talking about? What is wrong with me thinking that he’s nice to me?”
Feyre’s giggles continue, “it’s not that, sweetie. It’s just… he’s exceptionally nice to you.”
“So? We’re friends.”
Mor chimes in, “if any male was as nice to Nesta as Azriel is to you, Cassian would slit his throat.”
“Cassian’s more of a hands-on brute, but I see your point,” Nesta corrects.
“Friends don’t act like the two of you do,” Feyre muses, refilling her wine glass.
Soft touches, sitting needlessly close to each other at gatherings, Feyre catching the two of you napping on her couch on multiple occasions.
“He always blushes around you,” Elain observes.
Images of Azriel’s reddened cheeks and ears flood your memory, and how adorable you’d find it.
“He always asks you if it’s okay for him to pick you up to fly.”
A montage of soft “may I?” and “is this okay?” flutter through your mind. His soft touches of your hair when you’d take off, knowing it was your least favorite part, trying to comfort you in some way.
“He pulls out your chair for you at every family dinner.”
“-and plates her food!”
Azriel’s scarred hands grab the back of your chair, a soft scraping noise filling your ears, replaced by your soft “thank you”.
He sits next to you, grabbing your plate reflexively, piling it with roast, carrots, and potatoes, knowing to avoid the celery.
You thank him again, oblivious to Cassian’s exasperated arm movements at the two of you, as well as Nesta’s immediate swatting of him.
Elain giggles, “he always comes by every Sunday asking me to help him arrange a bouquet for her.”
Nesta smirks as the other two females let out soft “ooooh”s, as if you all were gossipy teenagers. Maybe you were. Your eyes draw towards the bouquet sitting on the table in front of Elain, the pink and yellow hues making you smile.
“He always has a hand on you whenever you’re out in town.”
The warmth from his hand is a welcome presence on your lower back as you two push through the crowds of the Velaris stalls. You prefer going out into town with him in tow - he was much taller than you and could see over the crowds.
Not to mention how he carried all of your bags and you spent the rest of the day catching his scent on your clothes afterwards.
“I’m not even sure you own your own coat from him lending you his.”
Nights out at Rita’s always ended with the two of you walking along the Sidra, his arm around your shoulder. He’d always wait for you to start shivering before placing his coat around your shoulders, helping your arms into the sleeves.
You scratch at your neck, uncomfortable with all the attention on you. “That doesn’t mean anything… right?”
Mor huffs, dramatically falling back on the couch after draining her glass, “I can’t explain this again.”
“Ask him out,” Feyre says, while Nesta nods her head, “just do it.”
As if the Mother herself were in the room gossiping with you all, Azriel strolls into the room, a bit shocked when five pairs of eyes peer back at him, amusement in four pairs, adoration in one pair.
You can’t help the smile that graces your face when you see him, and Nesta loudly placing her cup on the table jolts you out of your trance.
“Will you- would you,” you clear your throat, rushing the words out before you get too scared, turned in your seat to peer at him, “would you like to have dinner? Tonight? With me? Alone?”
Mor and Feyre are trying, but failing, to hold in their giggles at your nervousness, but you have completely forgotten they were in the room with you.
Azriel’s lips curve into a smile, “I would love to. I can pick you up at 7?”
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joostsblog · 4 months
joost klein x fem!reader who has a thing for his hands? loving when his hands wander all around her body.. fingering her during a pre-party then dragging her to hus room to finish the poor girl off both of them competing in eurovision
maybe joost even whispering things in her ear.. lots of neck kisses and reader wakes up in the morning neck, thighs, collarbones basically her whole body having hickeys ☺️
tysm if u do this
here you go :)
the one about his hands and also waking up covered in hickeys ~ joost klein smut
My masterlist here ✨💌
Pairing: Joost Klein x fem!eurovision contestant!reader
Description: Only fantasising about Joost's hands just isn't enough. You need to get the fellow eurovision contestant to actually touch you where you need to be touched.
Word Count: 3.1k
A/N: in this version of eurovision no drama is happening, no dq etc, everything is just nice ❣️ i'm leaving for vacation tomorrow (to the netherlands actually lmao) so i probably won't be able to write anything for two week, i'm sorry babes :( filling up my inbox with requests, thoughts, feedback etc is still encouraged tho 💌
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, SMUT, nsfw, fingering (f receiving), protected sex, piv, swearing, consumption of cigarettes, not proofread
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His hands were the first thing you noticed about the man. The way he held out his hand in front of you, greeting you with a handshake (which you thought was a bit odd). His hand felt firm yet gentle in yours and you couldn't help but admire the digits tattooed on his fingers.
"Nice to meet you," he had smiled at you and your heart had fluttered just a bit.
Your quick infatuation with Joost and his hands really was poorly timed. You were at eurovision to represent your country and you were supposed to be on your best behaviour. Absolutely no distractions allowed. Too bad thoughts of the blonde dutch man doing ungodly things to you kept intruding into your mind.
So you really shouldn't be spending as much time with him as you did. Always finding an excuse to talk to him in between rehearsals or at breakfast (your favourite because it meant you saw Joost's messy hair in the morning and maybe sometimes you imagined your hands were the ones responsible for that). Your vocal coach would be furious with you if she found out that you had been starting to sneak off with Joost whenever he went for a smoke. Just talking and laughing with him as you watched him smoke. Always paying close attention to those hands when he lifted one of them to his mouth to take a drag in between sentences.
"I think I might be a bad influence on you," he said. "You need to take care of your pretty voice," he mused with a smirk and you swear you caught him eyeing you up and down.
"Don't worry about me, I'm already corrupted," you joked.
"Really, how so?" Joost asked with a grin.
You watched as Joost took another drag, his cigarette delicately placed between his fingers. Oh, what those hands could be capable of doing to you. You couldn't help but let your thoughts wander off again. You wondered how his hands would feel on your hips if you were sat on his lap, his hands guiding you to grind against him. How his hands would feel in your hair, pulling on it while his mouth would kiss along your neck. How his hands would on your throat while he would thrust into you. How his fingers would feel slowly pumping inside of you, hitting all the right spots.
Joost raised an eyebrow when he noticed your absent state.
"You will have to find out," you said smirking.
"Mysterious, I like it," Joost said and finished off his cigarette. "After you," he said after he opened the door. You walked past Joost and your hands lightly brushed against Joost's. Shivers on down your spine.
You decided that maybe the only solution to your problem was to actually get into Joost's pants. Because then all your thoughts and fantasies about the man wouldn't have to plague your mind anymore when they would become reality. So you decided you would do anything in your power to achieve your goal.
You were sitting across Joost in a waiting area. He was handsomely dressed in that black jacket with the dark europe tie and his glasses with the thick brims. His fingers were nervously playing with the cord of his headphones. He looked ravishing. You crossed your legs which caused your thighs to be on full display with the short skirt you were wearing. You hoped Joost would notice and maybe also think about how his hands would feel so good on your thighs (and other places also).
"Excited for tonight?" you asked Joost.
"Huh?" he asked confused.
"The semifinals preparty," you reminded him.
"Oh, yeah," he nodded as he remembered. "Are you gonna be there?" he asked.
"Only if you're there," you said and Joost smiled.
"Then I'll be there, anything for you," he said.
"Anything?" you asked cheekily. Joost narrowed his eyes at you and gave you a grin.
"You will have to find out."
Joost's eyes immediately landed on you as you saw him enter the party. You were swaying your hips to the beat, hands up in the air as you enjoyed yourself on the dancefloor. You grinned at Joost and he didn't need to be told twice as he made his way over to you. You wrapped your arms around Joost's neck to hug him hello, still swaying to the music. Instead of hugging you, Joost put his hands on your hips and smiled at you as he probably assumed you wanted to dance with him. You didn't complain. The thin fabric of your skirt didn't serve much as a barrier between your skin and Joost's grip and still you wished the skirt was gone. Your fingertips cautiously dipped into the hair at the nape of Joost's neck and Joost responded by pulling you closer to him. It still wasn't close enough. Joost leaned down to whisper into your ear.
"You look very nice," his breath ghosted over the skin on your neck and your breath hitched.
"You do too," you said and it was almost sweet. You needed to get him out of here as fast as possible. "You wanna go for a smoke?" you proposed.
"I don't have any cigs left," Joost said.
"I think I saw a cigarette vending machine in the lady's restroom," you said and took Joost's hand in yours to lead him through the crowd. As you reached the door to the restroom you could feel Joost hesitating. "Don't worry, there's no one inside," you said and scurried through the door frame. The door closed behind Joost and the music was reduced to some sounds in the distance. Beside the vanity was the vending machine you had spoken of.
"This is a condom vending machine," Joost stated.
"Oh," you giggled. You took out a euro from your purse and proceeded to buy one condom. "Well," you said as you took the condom from the slot. "There's always other vices you could indulge in instead," you smirked at him.
"What are you proposing?" Joost asked, his hand leaning against the wall beside you.
"What does it sound like I'm proposing?" you looked up at him, condom in hand.
Joost took the condom from your fingers and put it in his pocket before he leaned down and his lips crashed into yours. His right hand held the back of your head, the other grabbed you by your hips. Your lips hungrily moved in sync with each other before they opened and your tongues met. Your arms wrapped around Joost to pull his body closer to yours. You wanted him to feel your breasts pressed against his chest. You sighed into the kiss as you could tell that this kiss alone wouldn't satiate either of you. You blindly reached for the door of one of the stalls and pushed it open before you both stumbled into it.
You broke off the kiss briefly to lock the door of the stall, Joost's mouth eagerly kissing along your neck instead. His hands were resting on your waist, slowly pushing up the fabric of your top to reveal your stomach. You were pressed against the wall of the bathroom stall, not an inch left between you. Joost's lips found yours again. You opened your legs slightly so Joost's leg could slip in between yours. His right hand trailed down your hip until it rested on your upper thigh. You couldn't stop yourself from grinding your hip against Joost's thigh as vivid images of him fucking into you flickered through your mind. You moaned against Joost's lips as you desperately needed to make your wants known.
"I- I- I need," you tried to get out in between kisses. "I need you."
"You got me," Joost murmured against your skin as he kissed down your neck again. "Don't worry, m’en meisje."
His hand ghosted up your thigh and pushed up the hem of your skirt. Your arousal was hot with anticipation. As his hand reached your panties his fingers softly grazed over the fabric right where your clit was. Your hips bucked lightly and Joost grinned against the skin of your neck.
"So eager," Joost tutted.
His fingers carefully pushed your panties to the side until his fingers could dip into your folds. Your head fell back and you bit into your lip to stifle any moans you otherwise would have let out if you two were in private.
Your folds were slick with arousal eliminating any friction as Joost's fingers started circling your clit.
"You're so wet for me," Joost whispered against your ear. Your hands were desperately grabbing onto his shoulders, keeping yourself upright as your knees buckled. Joost's other hand was resting by your side, keeping you close to him. "So ready for me," he said, voice as soft as ever.
Joost stopped circling your clit and you almost let out a groan in frustration. His fingers inched closer to your entrance until they slipped inside of you. Your mouth slacked open, eyes tightly squeezed shut and Joost's hand caressing your side. Your nails dug into Joost's skin as his fingers slowly pumped in and out of you.
"You feel so good," Joost murmured against your ear. "I bet you would feel so good around my cock." You let out a loud moan as his words triggered your vivid fantasy. "Would you like that?" Joost grinned against your skin. "Me fucking you properly?"
"God, Joost," you could only whimper.
"God, you're barely holding it together," Joost whispered. "You're so good for me," he said as he continued pumping his fingers in and out of you.
Suddenly you could hear the restroom door fling open and the voices of two women enter. Joost swiftly pressed his hand on top of your mouth but still continued moving his fingers inside of you. Your mind didn't even register what the voices outside the bathroom stall were talking about as all your mind was occupied with was Joost. Your body was trembling and you did everything in your power to keep yourself from orgasming right then and there as you knew that you would not be able to keep quiet through it. Joost pressed gentle kisses to the skin on your neck as your heavy breathing only intensified.
A few moments later the door closed and you were alone again. Just as you were about to allow yourself to climax Joost withdrew his fingers from you, leaving you trembling uncontrollably.
"Pleaseplease, Joost please," you could only press out. Joost's hand caressed your side and his lips trailed along your neck.
"Sshhh, mijn lieverd," Joost shushed, slowly brushing your hair behind your ear. "I need you to be a little bit more patient," he looked at you fondly. "I'm gonna take you back to my room and we're gonna do this properly." You let out a frustrated groan. You could feel your slick arousal almost dripping down your legs. Joost smoothed down your skirt and top (and his own pants that hid his raging boner) and pressed a gentle kiss to your lips. "Come on," Joost said with a grin, his hand held out for you to take as you still stood there dumbfounded.
Reluctantly you took Joost's hand and let yourself be led outside the restroom. You didn't take too many steps before you noticed Mona, one of the stylists on your delegation come up to you.
"(Y/N)!" she hugged you. "How are you?" Mona asked and you just stared at her blankly for a few seconds.
"Yeah, I'm good," you managed to sound out. Mona raised her eyebrows amused.
"Are you drunk? I thought they didn't serve alcohol here," she laughed. Joost looked at you with a knowing smirk.
"Aaaww, she's just a little exhausted," Joost saved you and wrapped his arm around your shoulders playfully. "I was just gonna walk her to her room."
"Oh yeah, she probably just needs some rest," Mona agreed. "We need her on her best game tomorrow," she joked and squeezed your shoulder lightly. "See you tomorrow!"
"See you," you smiled weakly as Mona walked away. Joost giggled beside you. "Shut up," you said and rammed your elbow into his ribs.
"Alright, let's get out of here."
Joost could barely close the hotel room door behind him before your lips were attacking each other again. Hands quickly roaming each other's bodies, grabbing onto any piece of clothing you could get a hold of to get rid of it. Joost's t-shirt was the first to go, swiftly followed by your top and bra. Your fingers fiddled with Joost's belt as the back of your knees hit the bed and you fell on it. You lay on top of it, only your short skirt covering you. Joost grinned down at you, observing your body spread out in front of him as he unbuckled his belt and took off his pants before he joined you on the bed.
You anticipated his lips to press onto yours again but instead, they found your neck again. His hands held onto your waist as you wrapped your arms around his neck and buried them in his hair, softly massaging his scalp. As Joost situationed himself in between your legs you could feel his hard-on press against your vulva through the fabric of your clothes. You let out a moan and Joost hummed approvingly against your skin as you could finally voice your lust for him.
Joost's mouth slowly moved down to your collarbones, alternating between peppering your skin with kisses and sucking at it. His fingers found the hem of your skirt and as he kissed along down your body he pulled the skirt down as well until you were only left in your panties. Your chest was heaving with how heavy your breathing was, anticipating Joost's next move. You let out a groan as his lips connected with the skin of your inner thighs.
"Stop being such a tease," you groaned and Joost grinned against your skin. Joost's fingers hooked in your panties before he finally pulled them down.
"What is it that you want, mijn lieverd?" Joost asked innocently.
"Jesus fucking Christ," you moaned frustrated. "I want you to fuck me finally."
"With pleasure."
Joost got up from the bed and you watched as he got rid of his underwear and you admired his length.
"Hurry," you nagged and Joost rolled his eyes with a soft laugh before he put on the condom you had bought earlier and got back in bed.
"So needy," he tutted, his lips just softly grazing yours. You held onto Joost's shoulders, his hand holding the side of your face before he slowly pushed into you. Your eyes momentarily blacked out as the pleasure spread throughout your body. Joost grunted against your skin also being lost to the pleasure. "So good for me," he praised and you wondered how much longer you would be able to keep it together.
He started slowly moving in and out of you. The slow rhythm, your hands in his hair and his lips pressed to your neck made all of this almost romantic. You wrapped your legs around Joost's hips to help him penetrate into you even deeper. With your hands in his hair, you grabbed a handful of his hair and pulled his head from where he was still kissing your neck until his lips found yours again. You moaned into the messy open-mouthed kiss before you softly pulled his hair again to make him look at you.
"Harder," you begged and Joost grinned at you.
Joost snaked his arm around your body to keep you in place, your bodies almost pressed against each other before he started pounding into you. Your nails dug into the skin on Joost's back as the moans tumbled out of your mouth uncontrollably. With each thrust, you were edging closer to your orgasm as Joost hit all the right spots inside of you. The sounds Joost was letting out of his mouth were heavenly, his grip on you dominant yet caring.
"You feel so good," Joost grunted and the sound of his voice pushed you over the edge.
Your back arched off the bed, your breath hitched and your muscles clenched until the wave of pleasure crashed down over you and you came with a series of obscene moans. As you were still riding out your high you noticed Joost's thrust becoming slopier and his moans louder until he came with stuttering hips and plopped down beside you.
You looked at each other breathing heavily and both let out a soft laugh. Joost lifted his arm to invite you to cuddle up to him. You rested your head on Joost's shoulder, your fingers softly drawing along the lines of Joost's tattoo on the side of his stomach.
"Was this okay?" Joost asked. "Are you okay?"
"Of course," you smiled. "This was perfect."
The ringing of your alarm on your phone woke you two up in the morning. Your limbs were entangled with Joost's, his heartbeat steady where your hand was laid on his chest. Joost rubbed his eyes, his hair messy and you never saw him look any cuter.
"What's this?" he complained before you got out of bed to turn off your alarm. As you turned around to face Joost again you noticed his eyes widen in shock. You stopped.
"What's up?" you asked blushing as Joost stared at your naked body. Confused you looked down your body and let out a gasp. "Fuck fuck fuck," you whispered, your hand in front of your lips. "This is bad." You sat down on the edge of the bed and you could feel Joost shift behind you to get closer to you. You looked down at your thighs which were littered in pink and purple hickeys. You desperately rubbed your fingers over them as if doing that could help you get rid of them.
"Oh, liefde," Joost said, his hand cautiously resting on your waist. "I'm so sorry."
"It's fine," you laughed unconvincingly, trying to calm yourself down. Joost's fingers softly grazed your collarbones and you looked down only to discover even more hickeys. "Oh god," you groaned.
"On your neck as well," Joost said meekly.
You put your face into your hands and cursed yourself for having chosen a very revealing stage outfit. "It's fine," you actually laughed this time.
"Are you sure?" Joost looked at you like a puppy who had just been caught breaking an expensive vase.
"Yes," you said and wrapped your arms around his neck. "Nothing some good foundation and an impromptu costume change can fix," you said although you already dreaded what you would have to tell your delegation about those hickeys. You leaned forward to gently kiss Joost's lips. "It was worth it," you said after pulling back and Joost gave you the proudest sweetest smile you had ever seen. Definitely worth it.
782 notes · View notes
loveyni · 2 months
adoring BOYFRIEND!taesan
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idol!taesan x gn!reader
sungho • riwoo • jaehyun • taesan!! • leehan • woonhak
boyfriend!taesan who treats you as his muse; your presence painfully evident in every lovey lyric he writes.
boyfriend!taesan who insists on having his arms lazily hang over your shoulders any chance he can get; only because he needs somewhere to rest his tired arms, not because he wants to live in your skin.
boyfriend!taesan who will never let go of a hug first as long as it’s you that initiates it.
boyfriend!taesan who endlessly compliments you and calls your name so lovingly that it’s sickening.
boyfriend!taesan who tucks a bear keychain you gave him in his pocket every time he goes on stage as a goodluck charm.
boyfriend!taesan who sends you too many selfies when he has schedules to attend to or is touring foreign lands that he wants to more intimately explore with you in the future.
boyfriend!taesan who seeks your attention by tugging on your sleeve and earnestly shows you the newest hobby he has picked up this biweek.
boyfriend!taesan who customizes your clothing for you; making sure to stitch a ‘TS’ in each tag once he’s done to “remind you of him and how much he adores you.”
boyfriend!taesan who unbeknownst to you, observes and takes mental notes of your mannerisms so that he can treat you appropriately given any situation.
boyfriend!taesan who is the first person to notice when you’re upset and will stop whatever he’s doing to understand why + how he can ease your discomfort.
boyfriend!taesan who always lingers by the door once you leave his dorm, already anticipating your return.
boyfriend!taesan who wouldn’t mind suffering a bit if it meant that you were spared from it.
563 notes · View notes
jadeylovesmarvelxo · 3 months
Insecurity ✨
Older Eddie Munson x Reader
The reader is in her twenties (mid to late, that's up to you) Eddie is 39.
My requests are open 💌✨
It was the start of an argument that had been growing since the two of you had left dinner. Eddie thought you were acting like a brat...and maybe you were just a little bit but you felt like it was justified.
Or maybe not so much. It wasn't Eddie's fault that Eddie's ex was at the same restaurant. She was with her boyfriend but you still felt inadequate just by looking after her. She was stunning, all blonde hair, big blue eyes and legs for miles. Of course, Eddie dated someone like her.
You tried to ignore the growing pit in your stomach, the one that asked what the hell Eddie saw in you. It was a slippery slope to go down and you knew it was silly to think that way but insecurities had ways of popping up at the most inopportune time didn't they?
Michelle had said a quick hello and she was just so graceful and elegant. She could be a model and she was Eddie's age, there wasn't an age gap and widely different life experiences.
Eddie's hand closes over yours as it rests on the table, you notice Michelle looking and she raises her eyebrows and looks at you in disbelief. Like what could Eddie see in you?
Eddie presses soft kisses to your knuckles as if sensing your problems, the look from Michelle chips away at your confidence and you look away feeling flustered.
It meant you were quiet and lost in thought, lost in stupid musings and worries. It ended up with Eddie thinking you were pissed about something, his hand in yours and circling your palm in soothing motions, trying to take away some of your worry.
By the end of the night though he had had enough and once your meal was finished he was staring at you expectantly.
"What's wrong?" he sighs and you shake your head and a soft groan of frustration issues from his throat. "let's get going okay" you frown and pout.
"I don't want to leave. I want another drink" You down another glass of champagne and Eddie's eyes darken.
"You've been sullen all through dinner, you've barely eaten and now you're acting like a brat. So what's the problem?" you wince and stand up, getting ready to leave.
He leads you outside and you're both quiet during the ride home, Eddie keeps glancing at you and anxiety pools in your gut. Maybe you should just say what's bothering you? Would Eddie understand or would he just think it was stupid?
Stupid. You wince at the word. Your ex before Eddie liked to throw that word around a lot. It's why you didn't date for a long time after Josh. Then you met Eddie and he was nothing like Josh, he was patient and kind, gentle with you.
Arguments between the two of you were uncharted territory though, you could count on your hand how many times you and Eddie had a disagreement.
Tonight was a first for everything though. By the time you get back to Eddie's the tension between the two of you is worse.
"Seriously what the fuck is going on with you? You've been quiet all night. I talk to you and all I get is shrugs or one-word answers. Do you want me to put you over my knee right fucking here?"
You stubbornly ignore him but the fact that Eddie is mad at you is making your anxiety worse.
"It's stupid and I don't want to talk about it okay, I know it's just me being silly and I want to just forget it" You don't want to snap at him and turn away shrugging off your coat and slip out of your heels.
"You're acting just like some bratty kid and I'm fucking sick of it" he huffs and the venom in his voice stops you in your tracks. Sick of you is what he's trying to say and your heart sinks. Fuck. Is that what he meant?
Josh was right. You were a nightmare to deal with, his words come back to you. All the little barbs he would say that burrowed under your skin and made you feel shit about yourself. Honestly, you really thought you were over those cruel words but obviously not.
A whimper escapes your mouth and Eddie turns to face you and his eyes widen, "Sweetheart" he whispers and you feel the tears coming but they don't stop and rush past Eddie and into the bedroom, cuddle into the bed while your body shakes with sobs.
A little while later Eddie comes in and he closes the door, makes his way over to the bed and lies down beside you. You peer up at him and his big brown eyes fill with worry.
"Oh, princess. I'm so fucking sorry" he presses kisses to your head and you burrow your face into his neck.
"I'm sorry, I have been off all evening and I should have told you and not acted like...like a brat, I understand if you're sick of me" he stiffens.
"You're not a brat and I'm sorry, I shouldn't have shouted at you princess, fuck. I could never ever be sick of you. Why would you ever think that?" His eyes narrow after a few seconds and he growls under his breath.
"Josh right? Jesus h Christ, I would love to meet that limp dick little asshole. Might borrow Steve's bat, DIY castration" You giggle and he holds you tighter.
"I got jealous when I saw Michelle. She's so beautiful and I got lost in my head, didn't help the way she looked at me. Made me start thinking stupid things" his gaze softens.
"Princess, You mean so much to me. I've never felt this way about anyone" he assured you then his mouth pressed into a frown and his eyes flashed with fury. "What do you mean by the way she looked at you?"
Sighing you began to explain what you meant, "It was like oh what's he doing with someone like her kind of look" he growls deep in his throat.
"Fuck her. She's always been a mean bitch. It's why I broke up with her, we didn't mesh well and I meant what I said you're the only woman I've ever felt this way before about anyone sweetheart, I wish you could see that"
You stare at him confused, you want to know exactly what he means. "Tell me, how do you feel?" he softens and presses his lips to yours once, twice and then a third time.
"I'm so in love with you, how can you not see that? I love you so much, Princess" Your lip wobbles and you cuddle into his arms.
"It was just this little thing that grew into this big big. When I saw Michelle I just wondered what you saw in me and I hate that she made me feel that way but I love you Eddie and I guess I just had a major wobble" he softens.
"Oh sweetheart, Michelle, any other woman I've dated doesn't matter. I mean what I said I've never felt this way about anyone, not Michelle, not anyone. I fell in love with you the minute I saw you and trust me, that was a fucking surprise for someone who thought love was a load of bullshit. I was a cynical ass you could say"
He wipes the stray tear away from your eyes and holds you close. "Mmm, it took you long enough to admit it. Stubborn ass" you tease and he smiles, all dimples.
"Gonna tell you so much that you'll get sick of it Milady" he promises you and you smile. You could never get sick of hearing Eddie say those three little words.
And he would tell you so much, every single day in a million tiny different ways.
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ham1lton · 5 months
fight for this love.
pairings: jude bellingham x f1 driver!reader
warnings: nothing!
faceclaim: bella hadid.
summary: jude meets you at a promotional event for a brand you both have a deal with. after the first meeting, he’s smitten, but there is a problem. he never got your number.
— part three of my 500 followers celebration ♡ —
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liked by gucci, judesgf and 1,028,728 others.
vogue: gucci’s newest ambassador, footballer jude bellingham, spills the beans (no pun intended) on his fav outfit combo, his ideal type and his favourite kebab place back home in birmingham.
view all 129,765 comments
user1: NEED HIM SO BAD 😍😍😍😩😩😩
user8: brb going to buy out gucci rn.
user7: WAIT…. his ideal type???
-> user9: it’s lowkey kind of boring. specific but not specific. he says he loves girls who are focused, smart and have good relationships with their friends and family.
-> user7: check, check and CHECK 😩 brb calling up my deadbeat dad rq just for u jude 😘😍
user6: gucci king we love him.
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liked by yourbffname, oscarpiastri and 1,237,665 others.
yourusername: gucci loves me and i love gucci ♥︎ thank u to the whole gucci team for having me alongside the other ambassadors at today’s event! it was so much fun!
view all 297,727 comments
oscarpiastri: you had the entire gucci catalogue to choose from and you still chose to dress like an ailing grandfather.
-> yourusername: drip or drown baby!
-> oscarpiastri: you’re the latter.
user1: i met you today at the gucci event!! you were so sweet. i was the one who gave u the bracelet! 🫶🏼
-> yourusername: yes!! thank u sm!! it was so cute and matched my outfit so well. i’m still wearing it!
logansargeant: when are you hooking me up with free gucci 🤨😒 we’ve been friends for more than a decade ms l/n….
-> yourusername: lemme work my magic 🙈✨
user78: she should have been a model instead of a formula one driver!! so pretty!! that bone structure 🤤
user7: did you see jude looking at her throughout the whole damn event? omg. he’s down bad.
-> user63: bro was simping 😭 i don’t blame him. i mean… it’s y/n.
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liked by oscarpiastri, yourbffname and 1,237,765 others.
judebellingham: took these pics last night. whoever my midnight muse was, please message me.
view all 689,165 comments
oscarpiastri: i know her mate. it’s landonorris.
-> landonorris: yes ‘tis i, your gucci girl 🥰
logansargeant: it’s yourusername, man. thank you for this. now she’ll stop talking about you in the gc 🙄🙄
-> user7: american and british solidarity.
user8: need a man willing to do a worldwide search for me.
-> user26: commit a crime, flee and you’ll get a whole fleet of men doing that for you <3
user12: oh to be jude bellingham’s midnight muse.
user90: how does bro not know the current world champion and first female f1 driver to break many barriers in the sport?? like she’s a household name 😭
-> user25: chronically offline 😭
yourusername: hi!! it’s me! these photos are gorgeous! yes, please message me <3 also ignore oscar, logan and lando in your comments please. they have no home training.
-> logansargeant: you could have stopped me if you had given me the gucci u promised 🤨
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liked by judebellingham, ynswifey and 1,272,892 others.
yourusername: i felt like my paddock outfit just wasn’t appreciated enough today.
view all 348,728 comments
oscarpiastri: this is all you post after your win?
-> yourusername: i put a lot of effort into this outfit! only charles said something. 😔
-> oscarpiastri: wow! y/n! jeans and a t-shirt! revolutionary!
-> yourusername: i’m gonna pretend that wasn’t sarcastic 😝🥰
user728: oscar doesn’t see the vision. this is super cute!!
user267: her posting this after she just hard launched her relationship with jude?!
-> user128: like girlie straight up jumped and kissed him after her win and hasn’t even acknowledged it???
judebellingham: u look so good.
-> user682: you couldn’t have texted her this shit? lmaoooooo.
user516: i appreciated it!!
-> yourusername: i love u sm 🫶🏼😍
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liked by ynsgf, zendaya and 1,727,982 others.
yourusername: tried to find out if blondes do truly have more fun. answer tbd.
— 📸 creds - my bf.
view all 789,927 comments
judebellingham: that’s ME in the caption btw.
-> yourusername: we know babe 😁🥰😝
gucci: i guess we’re matchmakers now?
-> logansargeant: YASSS 😩 now can i get free gucci or no 🤨
-> oscarpiastri: crazy emoji use man 😭 is it ever that serious.
judebellingham: i love you so much.
-> yourusername: love u forever. glad to be urs. 💕🫶🏻
user1: she ate this down we love a bad bitch and her supportive bf!
user71: him flying her out after she wins the championship!!! we love this for her!!
user16: why can’t i have a hot gf, be sexy, be rich, one of the most promising young athletes currently and be lounging on a beach somewhere…
-> user72: why can’t i have a hot bf, be sexy, be rich, one of the most promising young athletes currently and be lounging on a beach somewhere…
user68: we love a blonde moment!
-> yourusername: halfway through our holiday, i saw zendaya, rihanna and beyoncé go blonde and got extreme fomo.
-> judebellingham: she made me dye it. i was terrified.
author’s note: reader here is heavily based off of what it would have been if nepo!sis reader was the driver instead of o/s but in that universe, she never would have dated lando. so… small blessings ig?
929 notes · View notes
Okay listen closely I'm boutta get specific.
Flirty, sarcastic villain x Kind, "pure" hero
But also when the villain flirts with the hero, villain gets flustered when it is reciprocated because they thought the hero was too pure to do it 😏
Feel free to make it spicy if you want 💅✨
“Oh noooo.” The villain’s gaze changed to something possessive, something satisfied as they circled the hero. “What a pretty bird in my trap…”
“I actually wanted to talk to you,” the hero said but the villain’s hand was on their chest immediately, pushing them back into the wall. Still bound, the hero had to gasp, almost falling but the villain caught them just in time.
They’d been sent here to recruit the villain.
A month ago, the hero would’ve laughed in the face of anyone suggesting that.
“So you walked into my trap?” The villain grabbed the hero’s jaw gently and turned their head from side to side, as if the hero was a jewel in their collection that needed inspection.
“…not willingly.” The villain smiled and let go of their prey.
But it was quite true. Everyone could tell how possessive the villain was, how stupid they could be whenever the hero was involved.
They did everything to get the hero’s attention. And they did even more to protect them.
It was mostly funny to the hero. They liked the villain.
“You know, in nature pretty birds with all their colours are easier to detect. Easier to catch,” the villain said. Their eyes followed the hero’s blue and green uniform, as if they were judging them.
For a long time, the villain had been testing waters, trying to flirt with the hero now and then, trying to throw them off their game.
But this time, the hero was prepared. Kind of.
“As long as the reproduction rate is higher than the death rate, birds will stay pretty,” the hero said. They didn’t really know what they were saying. But they liked how the villain’s gaze jumped up again.
“Oh? Are you trying to flirt with me?” the villain mused.
“A high reproduction rate is always beneficial,” the hero answered.
“Just saying…” They wetted their lips. “I mean, how could I ever resist? You even saved these people last week.”
“Ah—well, oh that? That wasn’t—” The villain looked a little embarrassed. They were still so close to the hero, yearning for the touch.
“Or when you saved that kitten from the streets? It kept scratching you and you kept cursing but you wouldn’t leave it to die.”
“Wait, you remember that?” the villain asked. They smiled nervously and that little break of eye contact was enough time for the hero’s hand to slip out of their bonds and grab the villain. They pulled them close.
“You’re very sweet if you think that I haven’t been paying attention.” Now, it was the hero’s turn to look the villain up and down. “Turns out, paying attention to you is one of the most delicate activities in my life right now.”
“Oh, I didn’t—”
The hero smiled to themselves. They hadn’t had this much fun at work in a long time. The villain’s begging for attention was just as adorable as their reaction right now. They didn’t know what to say.
“Such a shame we can’t do this more often…oh, wait. You could join the agency…” the hero said, winking.
And it didn’t even take two days for the villain to switch sides.
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baby-yongbok · 1 year
Boyfriend!Hyunjin x Fem!Reader
Genre - Smut with fluffy moments
Word Count: 4,239
A/N: I started this at 11pm and I finished it at 5am. I am EXHAUSTED the horny took over, seeing Hyunjin with this new hair style just ruined me. This imagine is all over the place - at least it is to me - It really is just a smutty cute mess but I love it, I feel like it's sexy and fun and fluid and yes. Even if it actually sucks ya'll are getting all 4k words 😭Please enjoy it, I worked hard and I'd love to hear feedback. Gosh I'm exhausted.
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Summary: After the VMA's you and Hyunjin have a bit of a "conversation" about his new look but what starts out spicy ends up being sweet.
Warnings under the cut
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Warnings: Unprotected Sex, Choking, Hair Pulling, Slapping, Window sex?, Forced Creampie?, Overstimulation, Multiple Orgasms, Spit play? (very subtle, like you have to squint), Cum Tasting, Corruption kink?, Slight Possessive behavior, Marking, Rough Sex, Aftercare.
(Sorry if I missed anything but I'm pretty sure that's it!)
Reader is called: Angel, Slut, Greedy Girl, Princess, Baby, My Muse
Hyunjin is called: My Prince, Baby
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"Did you have a good time?" Chan asked as you walked down the hallway of your hotel hand in hand with Hyunjin. The three of you were the last ones to get to your rooms. 
"I had an amazing time, that was so much fun." You smile up at Chan and Hyunjin squeezes your hand a bit, a light chuckle leaving his lips. 
"I'm glad I brought you then." Hyunjin comments before stopping in front of your shared room. Chan was a room across from you two so you all said your goodbyes before retreating into your spaces. 
You kicked your heels off and dropped your purse onto the floor next to the bed before turning to your boyfriend. He was stalking towards you slowly as he stripped himself of his expensive blazer. 
"So what was it that you were saying back at the venue?" He asks, a sinister teasing smirk crossing his face. 
"I was saying…" you meet him halfway walking slowly towards him on your tiptoes so that you can attempt to match his height. "How fucking dare you look this good tonight." 
You reach your hands out and run them down his chest. His arm snakes around your waist and pulls you flush against him. "How dare you surprise me with this sexy new look."
You run your hands up his arms and shoulders then run them through his hair petting at his undercut. 
"Sexy, huh?" He smiles at you, his eyes staring into yours with pure lustful amusement. 
"So fucking sexy." You whisper back before wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him into a heated kiss. Your lips dance together in a rough yet slow display of passion while you take the time to taste each other. The taste of the wine that the two of you shared after the show to celebrate the boys' win still lingering on your tongues. 
Hyunjin sighs into the kiss as he starts walking you back towards the bed not daring to disconnect your lips. Just when your legs are about to hit the frame you break the kiss and swiftly switch spots with him sitting him down onto the mattress before you. He grins up at you clearly impressed by your sudden dominance. You hike up your black dress a bit, the split on the side giving him an unholy view of your thigh, he bites his lip at the sight and you smile down at him as you climb onto his lap straddling his frame. 
Your hands snake around his neck and start to play in his hair again, twirling his high ponytail a bit. "Wanna know what I thought the moment I saw you all dressed up tonight? " 
The tone of your voice made Hyunjin harder than he already was if that were even possible. He places his hands on your hips slowly trailing down to your ass, his eyes never leave yours. 
"What did you think, angel?" You bite your lip and lace your fingers around his ponytail before yanking back on it just hard enough to pull his head back and expose his sculpted jaw and long neck. A deep groan leaves his lips at the sharp sensation. 
"I thought that you looked so clean, so sharp, so fucking elegant." You lean down into his neck with a smile before planting kisses along his jaw. "I thought that I just had to ruin that, I had to corrupt that. I've wanted to make a mess of you all night."
Hyunjin's breath catches in his throat as you bite into the flesh of his neck and start to suck at it harshly. 
"Angel" He moaned out as his hands gripped at your waist, his fingers digging into your dress and pinching at your flesh. One of his hands trails up your back before lacing into the roots of your hair and pulling your head back away from his neck. 
"You know you can't mark me right now." He hisses and your grip on his hair loosens as his grip on yours tightens. "You're being such a slut tonight. This is what happens when I take you out?" 
He lets go of your hair and you whimper a bit at the loss of contact, Hyunjin leans back lying down on the bed and bringing you forward with him before grabbing your throat and turning you over so that he's on top of you.
 "I take my girl out to have a good time and all she can think about is fucking me." His words sting like venom and it feels so fucking good. He leans down and leaves a delicate kiss on your lips. His hand slowly leaves your throat and just when you're about to bite back at him with a spicy reply his hand collides with your cheek landing a deliciously sharp slap. He grabs your chin, interrupting your moan and turning your face back to his. 
"Look at me, angel." He whispers sweetly and your thighs press together at the contrast that his voice has to his actions. "You know what I thought when I saw you?"
He removes his hand from your face and looks down towards your exposed leg. The split in your dress now showing all of your plush thigh and some of your ass. "I thought that I just have to fuck you in this dress."
He reaches down and slowly trails his hand up your exposed leg. His nails scratching at your skin. You're so pent up with lust that this simple action makes your back arch up off of the mattress. 
"I thought about how sexy it would be to eat my princesses pussy while she's wearing Versace." He slaps the outside of your thigh making you moan. "I could've snuck my hand up under your dress whenever I wanted tonight. I could've teased you." 
He leans back down into your neck and nips at your jaw all the way up to your ear before whispering. "Would you have liked that? If I teased you, pulled you aside in the dressing room and fucked you dumb after we performed?"
You can feel him smile against you as you moan deeply in response. Your thighs pressed together desperately trying to relieve some of the tension building up. 
"I would've loved that." You run your hands down his body before you reach the tent in his pants. You palm at his erection, stroking him over the fabric. He hisses at the sensation, a breathy moan following as he drops his head down onto your shoulder. 
"I've been holding back all night." He whispers out and you bite your lip before whispering back. 
"Me too." He pulls away from you quickly planting both feet on the floor and taking you in swiftly, your curly hair is splayed across the mattress, your thigh is fully exposed and he can see a hint of your black thong. 
"Fuck it." He hisses sharply before grabbing your ankles and pulling your ass to the edge of the bed. Your dress rides up more now showing most if not all of your thong. "I need you, angel." 
Hyunjin drops to his knees in front of you, he hastily pushes your dress up around your hips and moves your thong to the side before diving into your soaked cunt. His tongue licks up your dripping heat and draws imaginary shapes into your pussy right after. His movements are harsh and hungry, his fingers digging into your thighs as he pushes them up for you to hold to your chest and give him a full view of you. 
"Oh my gosh" You moan out as your back arches off of the mattress, your mouth falling open with silent whines failing to escape. "Hyunjin, fuck." 
You've wanted him all night and now you've finally got him. His blushed lips moving hungrily against your cunt, animalistic groans erupting from his throat and vibrating through you as you try your best to stay in place for him. He pulls away, a naughty grin on his lips as he takes a second to wipe his chin. 
"Is this what you wanted?" He lands a firm pop on your cunt and your legs nearly close at the sensation. "Come on, princess, keep yourself open for me."
 He reaches down and unbuckles his belt with one hand as the other flicks at your swollen clit.
"Keep that pretty pussy on display for me." You whine at the stimulation, your grip on your thighs getting lighter and lighter the better that he makes you feel. "Who's pussy is this?"
"Yours." You moan out quickly hoping that if you're good for him he'll taste you again. A chuckle leaves his lips as his finger trails from your clit to your sopping entrance. He slowly slides his long digit into you and your legs fall against the mattress. You fight to keep your thighs apart as his finger slowly moves inside you. He adds two more quickly filling you up and giving you very little time to adjust. 
"This pussy is mine." He growls, leaning down to nip at your inner thigh. "But you were showing off this pretty body today like you wanted it to be someone else's." 
You groan in protest before forcing out a reply. "And what about you?" 
His fingers stop suddenly before he removes them from you completely. He lands another pop on your cunt before standing from his knees and pulling his belt from the loops of his pants. He drops the belt to the floor and props his bent knee onto the mattress so that he can lean over your curvy frame. 
"What about me?" His eyes search yours; they're dark and piercing but you don't dare to look away from him. "I was giving you a show, my angel."
"And I was giving you one, my prince." Your hand caresses his cheek softly and he leans into your touch. "You looked amazing, you performed well." 
Hyunjin smiles down at you softly. "I only performed well because I had you cheering me on." He leans down and plants a gentle kiss on your nose and then your cheeks making you smile. He kisses all over your face before hungrily attaching his lips to yours in a passionate kiss. 
"So you were giving me a show, huh?" He asks, pulling away from your lips just enough to speak. You shake your head in confirmation and suddenly hear the zipper to Hyunjins pants as he pulls them down a bit with one hand. "How about an encore?"
"My pleasure." Your lips are on each other again instantly as the two of you grab at each other's clothes. His fingers pull at the thin straps of your dress and yours fight to remove his pants in quick lustful movements. The sound of fabric slightly ripping fills the air but neither of you seem to care.
You wrap your arms around his neck allowing him to help you sit up so that he can unzip the back of your dress. He peels it off of you in what feels like slow motion but in reality was much quicker. His hands immediately start to toy with your exposed chest and you moan into his mouth as his thumbs toy at your sensitive nipples. You finally win the fight with his pants pulling them down and allowing them to pool around his ankles. You move your body closer to his so that you can properly rid him of his boxers, the black fabric sliding down his strong thighs and exposing his hardened member. 
"Come here" Hyunjin whispers against your lips before reconnecting them and backing up slowly leading you off of the bed. Once your feet hit the floor your dress does too, you step out of the pool of fabric and Hyunjin does the same with his pants and boxers. He pulls away once again to rid himself of his black shirt before gently grabbing your waist and diving into the crook of your neck. His teeth sink into the flesh of your neck and he sucks harshly, it's your turn to moan at the sharp sensation as he leaves deep red marks on your skin. 
"I thought we couldn't mark each other?" You ask breathlessly. 
"You can't mark me." He answers, pulling away from you to admire his work. "I can do whatever I want to you." 
His hands travel down your sides and up your back taking in every inch of your skin. Your hands do the same exploring every inch of his naked frame. Your hand found one of his and you interlaced your fingers before leading him over to the large window that your hotel room had, a grand view of the city on display before you. You let go of his hand and walked over to the chair placed at the desk next to you, moving it in front of the window. Hyunjin watched you with dark curious eyes and you couldn't help but to smile. 
"Sit" You prompted and he slowly obeyed, sitting with his forearms on the armrests and his legs spread apart giving you a beautiful view of his cock and balls. 
You stood in between his legs and held two fingers out to him. Without either of you saying a word he wrapped his lips around your fingers sucking and getting them wet for you. As you started to retract them he grabbed your wrist, his eyes never leaving yours. He pursed his lips and spit onto your fingers licking his lips after with a grin. You whimpered at the sight before taking those fingers and spreading his spit over or cunt adding lubrication to your entrance. You turned around giving him a full view of your plump ass and reached back to spread your cheeks for him. A groan left his lips and his hand lightly grabbed at your waist to guide you towards his aching cock. He helped you position yourself before you sunk down onto him. His dick stretching you deliciously.  
"Oh baby." His head falls back and your fingers dig into his thighs. You immediately start to move, sliding up and down his hard member at a moderate pace. The fact that neither of you had much time to adjust made the sensations so much more intense. 
"Look at me, angel." You turn to look back at him, grabbing his shoulder to keep you steady. "You're so fucking beautiful." 
You moan at his praise and your body reacts by bouncing against him faster. The sounds of skin slapping against skin filling the room. Hyunjin shifts you so that you’re turned back towards the window and grabs your waist with both hands. He holds you still against him before thrusting into you roughly, keeping you in place with his grip. Strangled moans leave your parted lips as he fucks into you deeper than before. 
"Fuck, yes yes." Your nails dig into his thighs and you're sure that there will be marks there later. His grunts intertwine with your moans as the two of you build yourselves closer and closer to release. The pent up lust from the eventful night bubbling in your stomach. 
"Baby, wait I-" You're cut off by your own moan when Hyunjin thrusts into you rougher than before. "I wanna see you." 
Hyunjin thrusts two more times before pulling out of you and sitting back into the chair breathlessly, he looks past you for a second. The lights of the city catching his eye, he stares for a second before looking back up at you and smiling. 
"I could paint this." His smile grows wider as the idea sinks in and he quickly pushes himself up out of the chair and rushes over to the side of the bed where his pants lay on the floor and searches for his phone. You giggle as your naked partner stalks back over to you with his phone in hand, the camera facing you as you stand naked in front of the floor to ceiling window. 
"Smile for me, angel." You do as you're told posing for him as he snaps photos of you. 
"My beautiful muse." His words come out in a whisper and you can't help but to blush. 
"Can I fuck you now? I was in the middle of your encore." He smiles over at you, locking his phone and dropping it into the chair. 
"Please, continue the show." He sits on the edge of the bed leaning back and propping himself up on his elbows. 
You sashay over to him, your hands resting on his shoulders when you reach him. You climbed onto his strong frame and swiftly slid his cock into your tight hole. 
"Fuck, someone's eager." He grunts out and you moan back in response. 
"I've wanted you all night." You bounce against him slowly, taking his full length inside of you. You make sure to swirl your hips when he fills you to the hilt and you moan out at the sensation. 
"Why are you so fucking tight." His eyebrows are furrowed and his eyes are low and lidded as he watches you ride him. Your tits bouncing and your curly hair swaying with the movement of your hips. You reach up behind him and grip his ponytail again, pulling at it so that his lidded eyes met yours. You're not sure who looks more fucked out right now but you're positive that you're both down bad for each other. 
"Harder." He whispers and you happily oblige, pulling his hair harder, your other hand tugging at the short hair of his undercut. A deep satisfied groan leaves him and your pussy clenched at the sound of it. "Fuck it, mark me baby."
You waste no time leaning in and sinking your teeth into his neck, you suck harshly right next to the purple mark that you left earlier and Hyunjin moans at the feeling. The sharp pain of your teeth against his sensitive skin making his cock twitch. He leans you both all the way back and props his feet up on the bed frame. He thrusts into you jackhammer style and you can't help but to bite harder on his skin. 
"Angel, I'm close." You pull away from his neck with a trail of spit connecting you to him. He sticks out his tongue to collect the drool falling from your lips as your mouth hangs open and gaspy moans escape you. 
"Please don't stop." You beg quietly, your eyes closed tightly as you try to concentrate on your pleasure. Hyunjin leans up as he pounds into you, licking the drool from the corner of your mouth and kissing you sloppily. 
"I won't stop, princess. I won't stop." He fucks into you mercilessly, hitting your sweet spot continuously. You can feel the knot in your stomach pulling tighter and tighter and you groan at the build of lust. 
"I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum, fuck" Your words are breathy and rushed as your pussy clenches around him. Hyunjin's eyes squeeze shut as he feels you contract around him, he groans as your cunt milks his own orgasm out of him. 
"Fuck baby, get off, I'm gonna cum." He pushes at your waist to get you off of him but you resist grinding down against him. "Baby, I can't hold back." 
He moans at the sight of you fucked out and drooling above him, sitting up to better force yourself down onto him. 
"I want your cum, please" That's all you had to say to make Hyunjin break. His nails scratch down your sides before gripping at the sheets desperately as he fills you. His thigh muscles tense at the new sensation of finishing inside of you. He's never had an orgasm as intense as the one he's had tonight.
"Angel.." He moans out but he meant for it to be the start of a sentence. You slowly lift up off of him hovering above him in a squat as he holds you stable by your hips. He watches as his cum drips out of your abused hole and he swore that he could bust again at the sight of it. 
You reach down and scoop up some of his arousal with two of your fingers, you slide your cum covered fingers into your mouth savoring the taste of him and you both let out a low moan. 
"Princess, we should get cleaned up." You lower yourself back onto his pelvis. His semi-hard dick nestled between his skin and your cunt. Mindlessly, you start to grind against him, the semen dripping from your hole being used as lube to glide your slick cunt against him. 
"More." You whisper, your now lidded fucked out eyes never leaving his.  "I didn't make you a mess yet." 
Hyunjin moans at the overstimulation lightly grabbing at your hips to try to stop your movement. "Fuck, that's s-so much. So fucking good."
You lean forward a bit, resting your hands on his chest as you move your hips against him. Moans and whines fall from your lips as his cock head bumps against your clit giving you the perfect amount of stimulation. The room is filled with your panting moans and the wet sounds of your cum covered skin rubbing against each other. Hyunjin reaches up and firmly grips your neck applying pressure to the sides drawing a hum of satisfaction from you. 
"Such a greedy girl." You grind against his now fully erect cock quicker and sloppier. You reach forward with both hands and return the favor caging his neck beneath your fingers and pressing slightly at the sides. 
"I want to ruin you." You groan out breathlessly and Hyunjin's eyes flutter shut at the sound. His tongue dipping out of his slightly parted lips and his brows furrowed. 
"You always do." He whispers with his eyes still shut. "Only you."
"You're mine." You gasp out as you feel the familiar knot in your stomach tighten. 
"And you're mine." He groans out. He opens his eyes and they immediately land on yours. His face is red and his eyes are lazy. Your eyes mirror his with a deep blush covering your skin. 
"We ruin each other." He takes his hand from your throat and leaves a firm smack on your cheek. "Then put each other back together." 
His hand grips at your throat again, pulling you into him as your hips desperately buck against him. 
"Now fall apart for me." As if he flipped a switch your orgasm came rushing over you, your legs shaking against the mattress and your body falling against his. Hyunjin groans as he releases again, reaching his high right as yours starts to subside. You can feel his warm sticky cum against your stomach and you grin slightly at the feeling. 
"Fuck." You both whisper at the same time then chuckle lightly. 
"Are you happy now?" He asks against your ear as he strokes your hair pushing it out of your face. 
"So happy."
"Am I still sexy?" He asks and you can hear the smirk in his voice. 
"So sexy." He laughs from under you and you smile into his shoulder. 
"Let me clean you up." He prompts, lifting you a bit and sliding you off of him. The feeling of his arousal smearing against both of your stomachs making you giggle. 
He slowly pushed himself off of the bed and stretched before wandering over to the bathroom. You could hear the water running and Hyunjin lightly humming to himself, something he always did as he initiated aftercare. He comes back Into the room in a hotel robe and leans over you, wiping down your body carefully while humming. You watch him closely as his eyes wander your body searching for spots to clean with the cloth. Your hand slowly reaches up to touch his forearm shifting his attention towards you, his eyes meet yours and a curious look crosses his face. You smile up at him softly and take a deep breath
"You really were amazing tonight."
"Are you referring to the sex or the award show?" He raises an eyebrow at you playfully and you swat at his arm.
"The award show… well both, but mostly the show." He chuckles at you shaking his head. "Really, I'm so proud of you."
He smiles down at you and his fingers rub smooth circles into the skin of your stomach. "Thank you, baby. That means everything coming from you."
He leans down and kisses your nose and forehead before going back to cleaning you up. 
"You were amazing tonight too." He hums.
"You enjoyed your encore?" You asked, smiling playfully. 
"How could I not with a performer this stunning?" He returns your smile and you sit up completely, hugging his waist. He lays a hand on the back of your head and strokes your hair lightly. 
"Thank you angel, for your unending support, whether it be in the bedroom or outside of it I'm grateful for all that you give me." You look up to find that he's already looking down at you with a fond smile. His eyes are sparkling like he could cry any second and you can't help but hug him tighter. 
"I'll always be here to cheer you on." 
"And I'll always be thankful for that."
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