#✨phone custody✨
angelic-ish-phantom · 2 years
The first time Danny had accidentally flown through the Fenton Ghost catcher, he hadn’t exactly been able to dwell on it.
In his defense, he’d been so wrapped up in the increasingly stressful situation with Desiree and Tucker that he hadn’t really had time to think. He hadn’t realized he wasn’t able to think. He hadn’t realized he wasn’t.
So months later, when he’d been overwhelmed and tired and just wanted a break, he’d thought back on that distant experience and wondered. He’d wanted a solution. And he’d gotten one, but he hadn’t remembered. Had never truly processed how he’d been gone. Not when he’d so quickly received two sets of hazy memories from the too-few seconds he’d been split.
So Tucker had looked on curiously, and Sam had waited apprehensively, ever-skeptical.
And Danny had flown through the device without a second thought.
He didn’t have any thoughts after that.
When Phantom came apart from himself, he was overwhelmed, hyperaware of the sudden feeling of his core, burning alone like an icy star in the depths of his form.
He could feel his thoughts speeding by like some haunting melody, untethered by a human mind. He could feel his obsession weightless without the shackles of his human responsibilities.
His form felt so… flexible without the burden of human physicality. How had he never noticed how horribly solid he’d been.
“Wow…” he whispered, all sound where there should have been breath, like something out of a speaker.
And Phantom dragged neon bright eyes upon his other half, the human sprawled on the ground. When Danny had flown through, he’d managed to catch himself with flight, but his mirror (Fenton? Danny?) had eaten the floorboards.
“Sooo… Are you good, feeling okay? There nothing wrong with you- you two?” Sam asked, concerned glancing up at Phantom while shaking Danny’s shoulder.
Danny groaned. “I’m fine. Feel tired though.” He replied, muffled as he spoke into the floor. “Weird. But mos’ly tired.”
He slowly pushed himself to be propped on his elbows, then glanced around. Then Danny looked up.
And oh. Oh wow.
He stared in blue, only it was green. He could see his own green eyes glowing in Danny’s vision, shining back at him in infinitum.
Phantom hadn’t thought vertigo could feel so soothing. so reassuring.
It was reassuring in a much broader sense come to think of it. Phantom had… worried. When he’d been Danny, he’d thought using the Ghost catcher would split his ghost half from his human half.
Really it had split his ghost half and his human half. Phantom was Phantom, and his other half definitely wasn’t just Danny.
“Um.” Fenton stumbled, eyes wide, clearly having seen what he had. “Okay, Wow. Are- are you doin’ okay, man?” He asked.
“…Yeah, I think.” Phantom answered tentatively. Despite how he still kept his voice low, it rang clear; he had an uncomfortable feeling that if he spoke at a normal volume it would hurt the humans, that, that steady echo beneath his words would become something shrill as a scream.
He’d have to be careful about that.
“Is this like a duplicate or did you actually just,” Tucker paused to make an accompanying gesture, “pull out your ghost half.”
“There are two of us.” Phantom couldn’t resist a sewing cheekily.
“That answered nothing.” Sam deadpanned.
“He means we’re different people.” Fenton explained, also not clarifying.
Phantom grinned. They were changed; neither of them were the same person that had flown through that device. And Phantom couldn’t help his eager curiosity at what might become of this.
It had worked for a day, a trial run. And both Phantom and Fenton wanted to keep trying.
Sam and Tucker had tried to convince them to rejoin again before they left, and it had made sense. Neither of them had known what this long term separation might lead to.
But they didn’t.
Because it was an almost scary thought, the idea of becoming nothing more than parts of a whole, of loosing their senses of self to become someone they remembered being but could never truly be.
At least that’s why Phantom thought his other half had refused. They hadn’t really discussed it. No, what they were talking about was much more important.
“I’ve just been calling you Fenton in my head…”
Phantom sat, legs crossed on their (Fenton’s?) bed while his other half paced.
“But others have always called us Fenton, it was our- Danny’s name too.” Fenton argued, before groaning, “why can’t we just have had another easy, convenient name like Phantom lying around?” He flopped down onto the bed beside him.
“I mean, Phantom and was the name we, he?, used too.”
Fenton waved, “Yeah but, It wasn’t really Danny’s. Well, it was but- why I am tryna explain this, y’know what I mean!”
And Phantom nodded since he did. The idea behind the name ‘Phantom’ had always been an alter ego, another self, as much as it was, had been, Danny.
And Phantom was exactly that: Another self.
“What about Daniel?” He tried.
Fenton made a face which, okay fair, Phantom heard it as soon as it left his mouth. “Tha’s what the Fruitloop calls us. Absolutely not.”
“Yeah, sorry…” Phantom said, “Do you think staying like this for a while will make him loose interest?”
“With any luck. But God knows we don’t have any, so he’ll probably just try and stick us back together.”
“Ugh, he would… What about Neil?”
Fenton squinted questioning at him, “Where did you get ‘Neil’ from?”
“It’s the last half of our name. Like, Dan-Neil, you know? I think it sounds good.”
“It sounds like you changed the pronunciation of our name.”
Phantom pouted.
“…Neil. Ne-il. Neeeeil. Fine… I guess ’s doable.” Fent- Neil conceded. “But I’m only settling, because I don’t want to keep being mad at Sam and Tucker for calling me Danny when there’s literally no other option.”
“Settling!” Phantom cheers, before grinning wider than a human was probably supposed to be able to. “You know this means that between the two of us, I’m better at choosing names.”
Fenton’s expression grew flat. “What-“
Neil could never do what Phantom does.
He knows that he probably could, considering they were technically the same person, but it seemed so… extraordinary.
Neil was able to get Danny’s grades back up, with the work ethic of someone that had learned they what they were capable of if they only applied themselves, and actually had the time to apply himself. Neil was able to spend time with his friends and not have to drag them into fights to protect the town. Neil was able to take up hobbies, and catch up on sleep, and enjoy being warm again.
Neil could do all that, because that was normal, but what Phantom did? He flew throughout Amity day and day out, stronger and faster and brighter than ever. He kept everyone safe, and explored another world in his free-time. It’s not like their lives were totally separate from each other, but Neil held a new appreciation for all those things they’d once done together that he’d thought he’d barely managed.
Of course Danny had been struggling; he’d been a hero.
“Hey, you free?” A hero called from his window.
“Yeah, I’m just studying, man. What d’you need.” Neil replied, shutting his book.
He’d grown used to it by this point, but it was still weird, the way his voice tended come out in a drawl now, sometimes slurring. Everything just feels so heavy and sometimes it can feel so hard to think. It’s like his brain hasn’t realized he doesn’t have a core anymore and keeps sending thoughts the wrong way.
And the tiredness… The thing is Neil doesn’t actually think he’s tired. He’s just used to having so much more energy, the strength to fight ghosts and win. Now, he had to sleep for a full eight hours and he still feels… exhausted in comparison.
It wasn’t terrible. Especially considering how much easier everything had become, but he could still complain. Internally.
“I’ve been working on something I really want to show you.” Phantom said excitedly, quiet as ever. “It’s in the ghost zone though.”
Neil glanced out the window worriedly, “It’s gettin’ kinda late…”
“It’ll be quick, I promise. We’ll be there and back so fast, it’ll be like you never left.”
“I dunno…”
“Pleeeeeaaaaase. It’ll be worth it.”
Neil sighed, rubbing a slow hand down his face, “Fine.”
It was not fine.
Neil had forgotten he couldn’t fly on his own.
“I hate this! I hate you!” Neil yelled for the nth time as Phantom carried him in a way that had his body dangling over the void beneath them.
“You don’t mean that.” Phantom corrected incorrectly. “Its just around- here!” He exclaimed, the sound of static and screams making Neil’s ears ring for a moment.
“Sorry…” Phantom apologized immediately, “but look.” He gestures in front of them.
“…a door?” Neil asked incredulously, considering the amount of doors they must have passed on the way might have been uncountable.
“Our door.” He corrected, happily.
Phantom seemed to realize he wasn’t understanding. “The doors are lairs. I found out a lair is the place a ghost lives, basically. Like Skulker’s island. But inside out.” He explained, “And this is ours. Mine. Well it was Danny’s, but he never found it so I made it for us.”
And Neil tried to catch up with that, the idea that behind every door they’d ever seen there was something like a home. Then Phantom opened the door and put him down and he saw.
It was an entire world. Sprawling meadows and mist, and pines in the distance. Nebulas painting across a sky. It was incredible.
And a part of Neil wanted to be sad, because this place didn’t truly belong to him the way it once had. Then he looked at Phantom’s excitement, and couldn’t help but mirror it, because it had still been made for him.
The two of them ran and played, well past how long they should have stayed, and when Neil finally exhausted himself, slumping against a tree, Phantom and his endless energy sat down right beside him.
“’s probably so late.” Neil wheezed.
“But that was fun wasn’t it.” Phantom beamed.
Neil smiled softly even through his clear fatigue, “Yeah. It w’s great… this place is wonderful.” He mourned, again, that Danny had never found it.
“You’re wonderful.” Phantom shot back, delighted.
Neil snorted.
“I mean that you know.” Phantom continued, an happy-serious expression on his face, “You deserved a break. You’re always doing school stuff and acing it too. Not to mention you spend so much more time with Sam and Tucker, and they’re important.” He said, and Neil could remember the way their obsession would have flared, “The only thing I really have to do is get ghosts back in here. It’s not hard. Your stuff seems so much more complicated. I don’t think I could ever manage it. I don’t know how Danny ever did.”
Neil felt happiness swell at the appreciation, but… “‘s no accomplishment. I’m jus’ doing normal things.”
“Human things.”
“You literally protect Amity every day. You fight ghosts without any help. Tha’s a thousand times more impressive th’n getting our homework done.” Neil yawned back.
Phantom hummed dismissively as Neil leaned into them. “Agree to disagree… You can sleep. I’ll take you back tomorrow.”
Neil groaned, “I forgot we have t’do that again t’go back.” Then he squinted up at Phantom, “Do you even know when tomorrow is from in here?”
“Yep.” Phantom raised a phone.
“My phone!”
“My phone.”
“It not your turn. It’s still Friday, you have phone custody on the weekend. You can’t jus’ steal my phone!”
“Saturday is tomorrow and you weren’t even using it so, my phone.”
“I hate you.” Neil muttered darkly, way too tired to argue properly.
“Love you too.” He beamed, beginning to play on their phone. Considering Neil was fairly sure Phantom didn’t need to sleep, it would probably be dead come morning.
Neil sighed his annoyance before closing his eyes.
He could hear his own heartbeat like this. Ear to his other half’s form, it rang louder like the steady beat was trying to call back to the low thrum of Phantom’s core.
Neil knew that if they were Danny the two organs wouldn’t need to try and sync up like this, they work in tandem. It’s one of the small things Neil missed, but he thought he’d rather be together like this.
Both of them were happy. Neither of them were having a hard time of things. And Neil though he enjoyed Phantom’s company. He was like a brother, a twin, someone that knew him as well as he knew himself.
Neil didn’t think he would ever give up on having that. At least not forever.
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fireya-x · 2 months
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🌙 nsfw / contains smut
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— ❥ [ floral misdelivery ]✨ [2k words]
overwhelmed by the task of gifting his mother flowers, john makes a mistake that turns into a chance to show you, his assistant, what you really mean to him.
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— ❥ [ mirror image ]🌙 [3k words]
price comes home from a training mission with new recruits and desperately needs to feel to be back in control over something (hint: it’s you).
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— ❥ [ family dinner ]🌙 [9k words]
john asks you to pretend to be his girlfriend for one night, to save himself from annoying questions from his family. turns out, you're actually who he really wants.
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— ❥ [ keep me breathing ]✨ [22 chapters || 73k words]
one day, captain john price brings his team home, a small house in a london suburb, after a mission that changed everything. you didn’t know that you would soon be back in the field again, chasing demons. if only you knew that sometimes, what you believed to be true wasn’t always as it seemed…
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— ❥ [ a private lesson ]🌙 [4k words]
your husband, captain john price, insists on teaching you how to shoot at the range. but you soon realize that his instructions involve a lot more than just handling a gun.
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— ❥ [ a million miles apart ]🌙 [2k words]
it's the middle of the night, and the phone is ringing. it's john, and something is wrong... but it's a different kind of urgency.
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— ❥ [ when lilacs bloom ]🌙 [5k words]
the aftermath of a mission leaves you shaken, and only john's presence can ground you as you face a new part of your life together.
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— ❥ [ the fall of crowns ]🌙 [8k words]
as a sniper, you're not exactly known for close-quarters combat. john price wants to test your limits, and you both end up pushing each other beyond the point of no return.
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— ❥ [ the wolf and the nightingale ]🌙 [14k words]
witnessing something you shouldn't have, you're thrown into a world of shadows and danger, placing you in captain price's protective custody.
the safe house you share becomes an unlikely sanctuary as you have to deal with not only the threats that lurk outside, but also the unexpected, forbidden feelings that ignite within its walls.
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— ❥ [ champagne dreams ]🌙 [9k words]
task force 141 had taken on an unusual mission for a night: they were playing bodyguards for a retired general's daughter.
captain john price expected it just to be a quick and well-paid gig - turns out, he and you weren’t seeing each other for the first time, though…
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tiyoin · 6 months
Taking a step back from twisted singer reader (I'll be back). I really want to expand/give origins ideas to the group chat(s?). Like how reader got the phone, how they got added and other things. Btw love who added that
With that said I'm starting a new agenda: ✨Grandfather Mozus Trein :D✨ Everyone knows that Crowley is *cough* neglectful & irresponsible *cough* always there for his students and never once put himself first 🤠. I feel like reader low-key reminds Trein of Anastasia (red hair) ya know? Maybe it's how reader plays with their hair when they start getting bored or the doodles on the written exams. All these little habits they share. Just an old man missing his family.
Someone has to be a responsible adult for reader and who else is better then a father with so much wisdom. He knows Yuu has a way of communicating and protecting himself so he isn't as concerned ,but poor reader can't do that to save their life :(
So I can see Trein giving them(mostly reader) a phone (B4 book 4). It's nothing new or special; it has an old blue case with a fading pattern and skuffs. The best part about it is Trein paying the bill. The wallpaper is changed to Grimm napping tho
It's kinda an unspoken rule that reader keeps it for the most part. With Yuu and all the things he tends to get into it would last a week if he was lucky.
More then likely the only numbers in the phone are Aduce/ maybe the other first years and Trein ,but I don't really see any of them be texters tbh. So not much coming in. Maybe a few homework questions??
As for apps a see maybe 2-ish games 👁️👄➖
Over all, it's just a classic antisocial person's phone. Until Cater finds out. Next time Yuu has the phone Carter tells him what should be added and how to #sign up for them. And Yuu being the person he is asks "Cater how do I help my introvert make friends?" Cater being the #helpful upperclassmen is he downloads the app and sends the invite.
The app they use is probably the twst discord. I think that's the only social idia has/honestly uses Some of them has like a cover for the icon. Like no one can know they use that app for whatever reason.
Everyone besides reader kinda knows what account belongs to which person. To add a bit of anonymous(ness?). Cuz no way would reader give her honest opinion about Rook or someone else if she knew that they themselves/close friends are in the chat.
Imagine if one of the guys that reader doesn't get along with ends up being one of reader's close/safe online friend. Like idk if you know who Aphmau is but she has a Minecraft roleplay PDH (don't judge me plss) where Aph and Aaron don't like each other irl but are really close online friends.
I'm sorry if my asks tend to be all over the place. I get sided tracked a lot and end up spacing out every 10 works. This was written between 3-5ish am. Also 👉👈 I think the reason we're on the same brain wave is cuz we're air signs.
Also thank you for liking/replying to my ask/yapping ☺️ it's means a lot to me
I've been waiting to get a Mac charger just to answer this ask🤭
because we always see crewel v crowley for custody over yuu.
but I defiantly agree with you that trein would see one of his daughters; especially anastasia in reader. whether it's by a few habits they both share, or how they're sometimes second fiddle to their more out going companion. but trein can see reader's life falling into shambles the more they're in twisted wonderland, the more they're isolated, and it kills him as both a father and educator.
and believe it or not, he cares about his students. they may not think so and curse him in the hallways, but they'll be thanking him in years to come, they always do (he prides himself in that, and the line of students he has at reunions telling him they're the best teacher they ever had.)
so maybe he pulls reader aside after class, ofc he can tell how tense they are, how nervous they are... especially by how intense their eye contact is, a little creepy but trein understands. he tells them to sit down in a chair he magically spawned as he flicks his head at lucien. who is all too glad to use you as a chair. he can see reader visibly relax as they're testing the water's with the temperamental feline, but trein starts talking.
he wants to help them, as he wouldn't be doing his job as an educator if he just stood by and watched you struggle. how he would have failed the pledge he made to crowley and himself if he let one os his students fall under the radar in favor for his smarter ones.
yes that should sting but it's the truth, and to no fault of your own. you obviously had... less than stupor teaching before this, and you have to catch up on a decades worth of stuff due to your... situation. and he is willing to help you during both lunch hours and free period. he also recommends student tutors for this and is willing to work out some kind of deal between you and the tutors. he wants to see you succeed. not just to prove he can turn a pumpkin into a carriage, but because you deserve it.
maybe you're not so much like his biological daughter, but like his step daughter. the one with a soul of diamond but a heart of glass. and if reader ever needs someone trustworthy (and he emphasizes this) that isn't actively split-dying their hair in their thirties or prances around with a bird mask then he is always open.
no matter how burdenous they feel relying on him, or if they think the matters are silly. he will tell it to them straight. he also suggests talking to cater diamond of heartslabyul, that if anyone can help you make friends, its that chatterbox.
dont even try to refute it cause trein AND lucien will be sporting you an unimpressed look.
but I swear to everything cater has a fucking NOSE- a sniffer if you would for introverts. or he has mastered chenya's invisibility spell and over heard your conversation because- I AGREE WITH YOU- yuu would 100% ask cater to help his little ol' introvert make friends.
so he seeks them out, grabs their phone while chatting away, and downloads 'magi cord' dw yuu is there too. cater even goes a step further and adds his contact to their phone because 'tehe he has the elusive reader's number and no body else does! #1inamillion #hewon! #he'sgonnaextrovertsohardit'llmakeyourheadspin 😼
but later that night you're fighting to go on the app when cater sends you a link, the second message he sends you (with 'hey hey! it's your fav upper classmen cay-cay here!' with an obnoxious amount of emojis, being the first)
it's a link to a magi cord group chat called; raven of secrets. (or smthn idk, I pulled that out of my ass) and he explains that the whole point of that group chat is to remain anonymous. there's a handful of members from different dorms and that's all you're supposed to know.
they talk about gossip, homework, assignments etc. the more he talks about it the more it sounds like a secret society. but nonetheless, you join.
and all hell breaks loose 🤭
personally I think that only a few people know who is who in the chat group. like the organizer because they gotta make sure everyone who has the link is an nrc student. and obviously there's a few friends who gave other people the link or joined together. but there's also active polls where people debate who is who.
just so it gives them the extra comfort of anonymity.
IMAGINE SOME ADMITS TO STALKING POOR READER AND IT TURNS INTO A THRILLER AHHHH (everyone knows who rook is. not because of his French, but because of his detailed posts)
NO CAUSE I WAS ALSO AN APHMAU FAN HAHAHAH I used to eat her role plays up. but watching them now... they're super cringe and I can barely watch an episode of phoenix drop high 😭
and dont even worry about it 'being all over the place because I am literally like that and it's so fun being able to bounce all over the place hehe
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echowithpain · 7 months
So Season 7 Episode 6, (the episode that'll be after the two week break) is apparently titled,
"There Goes The Groom"
Dumbass glasses going on in 3,
Alright! Let's see what we're working with here. *nods at title* Mhm, I understand:
✨Chimney is gonna get kidnapped and the entire episode is gonna revolve around finding him and getting him back in time for the wedding✨
Okay let me explain a bit. "There Goes the Groom" is basically the opposite of "Here Comes the Bride" and obviously we don't even want to consider Chim running out of the wedding so scratch that off your lists.
Another way that can be taken is like the other play on words "There Goes the Neighborhood" where something/one moves in and it's so bad that it's making everything worse just by being there, so I guess that could be interpreted by either Chim's dad being there and stressing him out so much he wants to leave for some space, or it could be the Buckley parents being horrible people and Chim wants to leave for some air (also when I say leave I mean like step outside or go for a quick walk, not leaving Maddie). While on the walk he notices someone is hurt in a car accident and goes to help only for them to come to and drive off all crazy like that one scene in season I can't remember where Buck had to chase them down on a bike-
I literally JUST remembered there was a movie in the 90's called There Goes The Neighborhood and I think that's actually what it's referring to!!!
In the movie there's a shit ton of money buried in the basement of this house that was stolen from a mafia casino or something like that (it's been a bit since I've watched it lol) and a bunch of people are trying to get to it! You know what made me think of this???
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Why is this picture important??? CAUSE IT REMINDED ME OF THIS PICTURE!!!!
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And then because it's in police custody, there could be a race to break into the police station to see who can unlock the box and see what's inside first without getting caught! I don't know about y'all but those lights and that ceiling in the first pic make me think of the evidence room in a police station lmao. This could be a super fun episode guys omg!!!!
Oh my fucking god it's actually starting to make sense (or maybe the dumbass glasses are still halfway on) because in this pic (moreso the second one but they came together so you get both):
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It looks like they were moving stuff out of the destroyed house, hence why the chair is out on the front lawn, and as they get to the basement, destroyed from the jet, that's when they find the random locked box that goes into police custody because the officers don't know what's in it. Drugs? Weapons? A bomb? Nuke launch codes?? ... Money? 👀✨
And because there's paperwork that needs to be done and phone calls that need to be made before they can even look inside the box, that's when people start to guess about what's inside
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This pic could be Ravi pitching the idea to Buck and Eddie for the three of them to go see what's in the box for themselves which could lead to Buddie leading him away and definitely asking him in private, "Are you saying you want to break into the police station and snoop around in their evidence just to see what's in a random box we found?"
And Ravi goes, "Yeah, don't you?"
And Buck goes, "You do realize how dangerous that is right? Breaking into a police station with officers everywhere?"
And Eddie goes, "Not to mention the box should still be locked. What's your plan then?"
And it goes back and forth and Ravi slowly convinces them to join him and help him out. Insert shenanigans and a lot of distractions and close calls before they finally get to the now unlocked box that's!!!...
Completely empty.
(inserting pic again for reference, if that's not a WTF?! face on Ravi then idk what is. They're even wearing gloves so they don't get caught 😂)
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But how could it be empty? They heard stuff rustling around in it when they found it and moved it out of the basement. That's when the show can do the fun thing they do where they go back and tell the story!!!
But where does the groom part come in? Idk maybe it was Chim's bachelor party but because of the jet crashing it was an all hands on deck where firefighters who didn't have a shift had to come in to help? Or maybe they were planning the bachelor party but plans keep getting interrupted with calls. Who knows? We certainly won't until May 2nd lol
Maybe the whole breaking into the police station was Chim just joking around about how it could be money and they could use it to help pay for the wedding, and then Ravi took the idea and actually did it with Buck and Eddie. I have no idea! But I do know, this has the potential to be a really fun episode. The first on the new network!
And by fun episodes I mean like Oceans 9-1-1, Jinx, Treasure Hunt, Brawl in Cell Block 9-1-1, Cursed. Episodes you're watching and can feel yourself getting invested or just having a good time (I wanna say the full moon episode and Karma's a bitch from season 1 but I didn't like the cheating Hen storyline or Abby's character. Why start off the show with one of your married lesbians cheating on the other? Also I just didn't like Abby's character lmao)
The cruise ship disaster is gonna take 3 episodes and while I'm sure there's gonna be fun moments, it's mostly gonna be drama focused with trying to make sure Bobby and Athena are safe. Then we got episode 100 the Buck musical extravaganza 🤡 but because it's the 100th episode I won't count it cause people expect it to be fun (or full of pain, who knows with this show) and then there's "You Don't Know Me"... I doubt we're gonna be having fun.
Anyway those are my thoughts! Dumbass glasses are being safely stored away until next time✨ (along with my clown makeup 🤡) And again, if Episode 6 isn't exactly like how I said, word for word, then literally unwatchable 😤
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bl00dngh0uls · 2 months
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I decided to start posting OC shit even though I’m still at work HHH , too excited
This is !! Ikeda Noboru! 🖤
December 29th, he’ll be turning 40!🎉 so he’s a Capricorn~
He lives in a house in Hakone, Japan, commuting daily by Shinkansen to Shinjuku, Japan where he works as the CEO of a bank~
That’s his day job, anyways…
Unfortunately, he was born into the Yakuza
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So,, smuggles drugs & guns in, and out of Japan. His mother, Allison, who was American, tried to get them both passports to flee the country when Ikeda was 7 years old after realizing what his father did for a living. His father’s name is Kenji Noboru. I say ‘was’, because, she’s dead now. Yep, Kenji killed her for trying to run off with their son.
She was under the impression he was just a businessman.. Kenji was in America when they first met, and only being 18 at the time, Allison happily ran away to Japan with the ‘love of her life.’
Kenji being gone for long periods of time seemed appropriate, seeing as how she thought he was a traveling businessperson.
Well, shortly after giving birth to Ikeda, (literally within the year after moving to Japan with this man) she started to notice little things. Kenji speaking on the phone privately in his office quite often. He had several different bank accounts, in a few different countries that she wasn’t allowed to look at. He could never tell her what he was doing while he was away, and started to get angry with her for asking.
And then, yaknow, he started being a bit more obvious. Leaving guns out around the house after coming home in the dead of night. Which in Japan, owning a gun as just a civilian is very much illegal. He got arrested!! And was released within the week.
Once he couldn’t easily hide it, Kenji came clean. It was apparent that he was planning on bringing their son into the business, trying to teach him hard lessons at a very young age. Often times with physical discipline.
His violent outbursts towards both Allison and Ikeda became too much, and she confided in another wife of a Yakuza member. Together, they worked to get passports, and began quiet preparations to flee to the US.
Unfortunately, this would never come to fruition, their plot being found out when the flight confirmations appeared in their husbands emails. They were both murdered for their betrayal, and Ikeda was left in the sole custody of his father.
So, some 30 years later, this half Japanese, half American man, lives alone in a big house, completely denying himself any close relationships because of what he saw happen to his mother. ((She was shot down in front of him, pleading with Kenji not to hurt their son))
He’s an ass hole of a boss, who constantly harasses his newly employed Secretaries, absolutely hating having to work with others. His hopes of that he’ll be terrible enough for them to quit within their first week. To get any respect being just half Japanese in the work place, he found that being friendly was out of the question.
That is, of course, until Charlie Bakersfield got hired to be his secretary. His father is a travel agent, currently living and working in Japan, originally from America. He put in a good word for his son, helping him to get employed at the same bank branch he worked with…
No amount of strife he tries to cause for the younger man seems to shake him.
This is mine and @cinder-stars rp, #holidaybonus
WAAAHOOOO first OC dump✨
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sam-loves-seb · 10 months
weely tag wednesday
thanks for the tags @energievie @metalheadmickey @deedala !
which character from any media would you like to have as a father? jed bartlet (the west wing)
if money, laws, time, and effort were no object, what animal would you want to have? probably just a cat tbh i'm not a big animal person (i think they're neat, i just don't really have the desire to own any of them)
what is your Chinese takeout order? pork fried rice and chicken fingers
what's your favourite emoji? this one: ✨
would you rather have a library, greenhouse, or home theater in your house? a home theater. a library would be sick but i read mostly ebooks so i think a theater would get more use out of me.
what childhood tv show do you think of the most fondly? Spongebob Squarepants. me and my sister used to watch this every single night with our dad when we were little, but if we wanted to stay up and watch it we had to be all ready for bed by the time it came on
what was your tumblr like when you first joined? it was a lot of reblogs of aesthetic photographs because it was 2012 and i was 14. not long after that tho it turned into a sebastian stan fan blog which is how i got my url, and over time that slowly morphed into the multi fandom madness you see today
what clothing style do you love but don't feel compelled to replicate yourself? god i don't know, my closet is a little bit of everything because i always wanna try a new style when i see it. i honestly don't think i have an answer for this one, i really do love fashion and my style is constantly changing
if you were plopped into a fictional world, which one would you know the layout of the best? i have no idea. acotar maybe? solely because i've read those books so many times? yeah i guess i'll go with that
what is your favourite piece of art? café terrace at night
do you have a water bottle? what does it look like? i have a light blue wide mouth nalgene water bottle that is covered in stickers and has two friendship bracelets dangling from the cap strap. it's giving major camp counselor vibes.
what fanfic trope is a quiet fave? look, if i go on a quiet hunt for fics tagged aftercare every now and then, that is between me and god so shut the fuck up about it
do you carry a daily bag? what does it look like? what's the weirdest thing in it? nope. i don't have an office bag bc i wfh and on the weekends i absolutely despise carrying a purse. i have one of those phone cases with card slots on the back and it holds everything i could possibly need.
if you had to ship Mickey with another Gallagher, who would it be? sexually i think it'd have to be lip, but if i could platonically ship him with someone i think i'd pick fiona. idk i just think they'd get along better than anyone would think.
what is a fanfic trope you didn't expect to like and then very much did? friends to lovers kinda snuck up on me in my adulthood. i used to be very against it as a teen, but now that i'm grown and have actually seen the trope done well in fics and in media, it's one of my favorite tropes of all time.
Do you think s11 Mickey can still carry s11 Ian? yes 100% absolutely and anyone who says otherwise is lying. (did we all see noel's s11 body? we saw the abs right? mans was ripped in the last season even tho the writers like, never showed it, and it is my personal mission to avenge this wrongdoing) i'm kidding about the lying part but yeah, he absolutely can still carry s11 ian, being able to lift his husband is the only reason he still goes to the gym
who got custody of the killing bat when they sold the house? debbie. i think carl wanted it, but he already has a gun so he gave it to debbie instead.
tagging: @suchagallabitch @gallawitchxx @callivich @michellemisfit @iansw0rld and anyone else who wants to play !
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blade-that-was-broken · 7 months
half life & something to remember r my fave aus ✨
I LOVE both of them. I’d like to give a series name for Something to Remember but idk at this point. It makes me LAUGH and I love that.
Amnesiac JD and Branch become the most functionally chaotic duo ever. I’m not sure if I will ever be able to write Branch the way I want to very well for this au but I love the concept. Amnesiac JD doesn’t have the pressure or guilt or the other stuff that canon does in his head so it’s like he’s starting fresh. Instead of being a child trying to raise children in the looms of certain death and manage the band, he’s just an adult hiker dude that finds out he has a brother and goes cool I’ll take care of him.
JD cannot and will not escape the big brother instincts. Ever.
But it’s so funny to see how much they deviate from canon cause they are really different. Still survivalist and JD is still funny and ready to try anything. Branch is still prepared and super smart but not nearly as fearful and cautious as canon. They CAN and will do some pretty crazy stuff and are good at it too.
I hope the ideas and brain rot for that come up again soon.
Half Life was like… idk what it was. It started as a tiny snippet. Almost like a blurb of thy beginning part with JD getting a phone call from CPS. And then I started and couldn’t quite stop. There isn’t a ton of rhyme or reason to anything, it’s just kind of been going and stuff and I’m totally okay with that.
The brain rot is real man.
I was a little nervous to do a human au but like whatever. I’m trying to deal with some of my own catastrophic thinking, worry and perfectionism so I’m hoping this helps in the writing aspect kind of getting over that. I really enjoy writing it too.
I figure I’ll probably keep the series to about the first week and after that, maybe just one shots and scenes/like mini arcs of them after that. It’s mostly fluff and it’s safe to spoil that John Dory does get custody of his brothers.
I have PAGES of thoughts of the characters, a couple of ideas etc. like there’s quite a bit of notes on things. I have a soft spot for JD and Delta friendship and since right now John doesn’t have any real associates or friends in canon to bank off of, he got Delta instead so I guess some things are kind of different in that aspect.
And I kind of use my own experiences a little. Not with JD specifically but just little things. A lady at my church is letting a family of 5 live in her house or the fact my dad sold his parents house to a guy for lower than market value cause it was his first house. Big families that encompass around lots of small towns and help each other, accidentally unofficially adopting friends and such. It’s easier to write small towns when that’s all you’ve ever known. And it’s kind of nice.
I’m so much better at taking media’s characters and molding them to what I want in a story, even if it’s wayyyy off canon than I am with my own original character stories (although I have a TON)
And I love doing little things for my own stuff. I’m getting way off topic. This is what happens when I explain stuff. I over explain and over talk LOL
This au has really been a lot about feelings. Right now it’s all in John’s pov I guess but other snippets and shots will probably be in others.
If you have any questions about anyone, anything that happens, the characters etc. feel free to ask. I love answering and it sometimes gives me new ideas!
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Hey, I wasn’t sure if you liked getting asks or not so if you’re uncomfortable or don’t want to don’t feel like you have to respond :)
I was just curious about the II Au you were talking about. It sounds really interesting!
Are you kidding.
I LOVE.GETTING ASKS. Especially about my au. Oh dear lord you don't understand how many idea has been stuck onto my brain but i also cannot function at all lmao ANYWAY.
My au is named Scrambled Destiny!
It's honesty just somewhat of an swap au, an au with the twist of it was me putting them all into a randomizer into other character and see how i can piece all of their stories all together and see how different things would be while also trying to stay into the original character. And so that's why it's named scrambled destiny! Tho,some of the randomizer was a bit too random for me. So i will choose the new roles of them myself,leaving some also blank because i haven't thoughts about them too much,i hope you don't mind that!
Sorry that it's kinda difficult to explain and i could be completely wrong about a certain characters! So ask me if you don't understand some of what i was saying. I really don't mind to explain my stories in details really!! Anyway,
✨Here are the list of characters and what their new roles are: ✨
It's "characters (what they are now as)" btw, everything here may change in the future
Season 1:
Balloon (bow)
Candle (paintbrush)
Cabby (pepper)
Oj (salt)
Goo (lightbulb)
Life ring (pickle)
Tea kettle (paper)
Mic (nickel)
Soap (baseball)
Nickel (balloon)
Silver spoon (oj)
Rex / Mephone4s (mephone)
Season 2:
Apple (yang)
Marshmellow (yin)
Bow (fan)
Bot (testube)
Box (dough)
Cherries (suitcase)
Taco (mic)
Thropy (knife)
Paper (box)
Cheesy (thropy)
Springy (toilet)
Me phone (mepad)
Ballpoint pen (cobs)
Inanimate insanity: Detective Oj (salt and pepper dimension(may change the name later))
This alternate universe doesn't actually have much in common with the og,most of what's here are a fresh idea so i will list all the casts instead
Book (coffee/the crazy nemesis)
Mephone 2s
Some random police ig
Season 3:
Balloon (bot)
Yin (candle)
Yang (silver spoon)
Lightbulb (clover)
Cobs (springy)
Ghost / Mepad (dr fizz/ballpoint pen?)
A bit undecided:
Paint brush (soap)
Fan (cabby)
Knife (tea kettle)
Pickle (lifering)
Suitcase (marshmallow)
I haven't had an idea yet (you can give me suggestions if you wanted)
Baseball, bomb, pepper, salt, dough, testube, tissue, floor
Almost all of the mephones will not be swapped,and are instead going to be just a bit of cameo and little supporting lore
This au are including:
cobs got jailed for presumably kidnapping,abuse,resisting arrest and a lot more! Making him loose his childs products and company custody to his work partners ballpoint pen causing the company to get rebranded and the me phones to live long enough to develop a long range of emotions,feelings and trauma that they have their own way to cope with their daddy issues and also cause cobs to be pretty petty to them. Wanting to have controls of what he used to have back or at least what's similar to it. Which is buying a studio and run it through the ground. (Just like Disney)
Dw tho,ballpoint pen is great at dadying. Or well at least try to. Juggling at taking care of 7(+) kids and the company take a lot of energy and will power
All of the mephones will get a brand new name! Well,mostly it's actually just a name they start to call each other when the mephones did something stupid and embarrassing but they are now forever stuck in that nickname because they suck at being creative and the only time they got creative is when they bully each other... But hey!! New name!!¡! :D
Bow and bot being a ghost sibling who possessed a bot body to get out of the purgatory mansion later on also took balloon to be into their family! Now becoming the younger/middle sibling (box too) and later on also made balloon a bot body too so they can go to a VIP invitation to sour lemon. Which is.. Yknow,actually season 3 so it gonna be a mess a bit to see some people you used to know that also seen your death so. Whoops dedo
Testube lab is now bow&bot lab that they found deep down at the purgatory mansion,it was filled with.. Many questionable things but they took care of it
Balloon death effecting many of the contestants life. Since he's bow here heh.i just think it would be funny hehe... Meanwhile balloon is just vibing with his newfound family at the purgatory mansion with bow and bot. Heh.
The hotel actually is. A hotel for visitors and contestants,with some of the contestants even work at it such as: oj, cabby, tea kettle, life ring, soap, mic
Instead of inanimate insanity infinity, oj and cabby are now the main protagonist of a 90s detective comic
Inanimate insanity season 1 have most of their contestants being a teenager somewhere on 15-19 is with the exception of the adults being life ring and tea kettle somewhere on 24-27 (idk,i really haven't decided the exact age yet)
Season 1 & season 2 have a range of 7 year happens,making season 2 have all of their cast at least a young adults
ANDDDDDD many more that i forgot the list of.
Really. I forgot
You may ask many questions as you like about my au really, like what story i planned a specific characters to have and what was their arc gonna be or somethingz like that. i am insane about them :).
Here have some random concepts art i like the most:
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Oke,i'm done on my rambles,ba bye for now 👋
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turbo-virgins · 2 years
✨WIP Whenever✨
tagged by: @socially-awkward-skeleton
tagging: @purplehairsecretlair @shallow-gravy @stacispratt @henbased @josephslittledeputy
Chapter 18 interaction between John and Delilah below 👀
“And I thought it was so interesting to find that we have quite a few things in common. Did you know that, Delilah?”
“No. We don’t.”
He raised a brow. “I spoke with your mother.”
Mother. The word knocked the breath out of her and drained the blood from her face. She was more of a presence than a person now. Cold. Sneering. A voice in the back of her head telling her all the ways she fucked up. “She’s not my mother.”
He smiled like he was expecting her to say that, then whipped the top sheet out of the file. “On paper she is. It says right here that Mark and Theresa Anderson obtained full legal custody of Delilah Rookwood in July of 1997. Took you under their roof then right out of the foster system. Seems like a charitable thing to do.”
There was nothing to say. John was right. The words were on the paper, but they were just words. Delilah refused to look at them. Decided to focus on the blank white of the projector screen instead. Maybe if she looked there long enough he’d bury those names back in that file and forget about it.
“But that made me wonder how you ended up in the system in the first place. I went through quite a few homes myself. Did you know that?”
“I don’t care.”
He pulled out another slip of paper. “I had to do a little digging for this, but I managed to find your unamended birth certificate. Mother is listed as Lilith Anne Rookwood. No father, unfortunately. Did you ever know your father?”
“None of your fucking business.”
“Did you know your birth mother was a heroin addict?”
His curiosity, much like his sympathy, was all for show, she thought. So she held her tongue even though her knuckles flexed and popped beneath her restraints.
“Mmm. That’s what Theresa told me over the phone, anyway. Said that might have had something to do with your… behavior.”
“She’s so full of shit.” The words escaped before she could stop them. “Always has been.”
“And yet she made you what you are. Does that ever make you angry?” John mused. “I know it used to make me angry. And it still does at times.”
“Did you know they’ve been praying for you all this time? Theresa said so. Said they were so glad that you found our church and were looking for help. She doesn’t see the full picture, not like Joseph does, but her heart seemed in the right place. So I asked her to send me some things of yours.” He pulled out a thin cardboard box and removed the lid. Inside were dozens of slides with yellowed borders. He pinched the first one from the stack and held it up to the light, squinting through its dark center. “I took the time to go through them all. Hope you don’t mind. It showed me some very interesting patterns.”
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maginxlia · 3 years
Starring Nanami, Gojo, Toji and Sukuna As baby Fathers the Headcanons
Rated PG-13
Contains Foul language and suggestive themes
Warning I haven’t written fanfics in years so I’m hella rusty asf
Also I look like a lady but I swear like a sailor
These are just some headcanons I’ve been thinking of for the past week, hope y’all enjoy ✨
B\N is For baby name
Nanami (I’m not on child support because I take care of my child) Kento
If y’all on good Terms
Is there for you during the pregnancy
Will ask for a prenatal paternity test so he be 100% sure
Type to meet you at your dr appointments and be your support also he would buy you lunch too
Comfort you and be there for you
Need ANYTHING and he’ll provide no questions asked
Would love for y’all to get together BUT NO PRESSURE
You living in a bad neighbourhood? He’ll find a apartment for you in a safe area
You have his emergency number if something comes up with the baby
Mans has taken classes
Will be more than present for the birth
Happily Signs birth certificate
Takes care of baby elegantly
Literally want to be a wonderful memory in his child life in case he doesn’t be there for the tomorrow
Never argues in front of his child
Really tho it’s like y’all in a stable relationship
If y’all on Bad Terms
Mans still Is there for his child
Prenatal test before he fully commits himself
Is VERY hurt that y’all isn’t getting along
Gives you the space you need but he really want to be included in the pregnancy
There for the birth and he signs the birth certificate without problems
Mans would include you in the plans like if he’s taking y’all child to a restaurant he would invite you and pay for your meal
Gives money for your child every week
Not afraid to take you to court for full custody of y’all kid if he feels like you’re not spending the money on y'all child
NEVER SHIT talks you in front of his child
Respects you even though it’s rough between y’all
Satoru (If you didn’t want to get pregnant by me, ya should’ve used protection) Gojo
If Y’all on Good Terms
Tell him you’re pregnant and man is elated
Type to joke about his superior genes
Mans thinks he knows everything about babies including pregnancy
He eats like he's the one pregnant 🤦🏾‍♀️
Lemme be honest but this man gonna dougie on you and your unborn child nerves
Demands to talk to your belly THROUGH FACETIME regularly
brings you food he thinks you’ll like
Doctor appointments he’s gonna try to be there for you but no promises, He’s a very busy man after all
Constantly want updates on you two
Will play vines to your poor unborn child through headphones on your belly
Gives the worlds Dumbest names suggestions
Compliments your boobs more than he should
Teal and white baby clothes
Have long winded conversation with your belly
Like to poke your belly to try to get the kid to move
Only have Paternity doubts when you are pushing the kid out ( Smart enough not to voice them) Like once he's able to hold the child he's Searching for anything that looks like him until he peeks under the lil baby beanie and notice this child has his white hair... He's ecstatic asf and best believe he's popping off with the "Superior Genes" spiel again.
Either he's staying with you and Baby or y'all staying with him cause he wants to spend as much time with y'all baby as he can
Brags about his child to Itadori, Megumi, Nobara and Nanami
BUYS THE CHILD WHO CAN’T EVEN WALK TIMBERLANDS, JORDANS AND LEBRONS! He knows damn well y'all child gonna grow out of them BUT he adamant about B/N flexing on em to let them haters know that they got the game on lock
Phones home screen is of B/N doing a silly face
Nanami is His child Godfather because he's so responsible
Megumi has babysat for him before and He was SURPRISE about how chill B/N is compared to their father
He's a Ho in recovery if y'all trying to be a family because “his child deserves a somewhat stable home”
If y'all on Bad Terms
In denial. Doesn't understand you not wanting shit to do with him because “ He's a amazing father just ask Megumi”
Tries his damnest to be there for you but whenever he's around he's clowning or clapping his gums with some ol ignorant shit
It's the Hoeing for me💅🏾
Buys you things and hope it makes up for his shortcomings
Calls you to ask about y'all well being
Acts like he's not torn up about the whole situation ( But he is VERY heart broken about it)
Is present for the birth and signs the birth certificate after examing child
Gives you hella money for food and necessity for the B/N
Is VERY petty When it comes to B/N, Mans will crop your face out of pictures if angered enough
Spends ALL his free time with B/N
Will never get over the fact that he wasn't involved in your pregnancy like he would've liked
Has regrets
But is a Solid father for B/N
Will take your ass to court if he feels like his child getting neglected and get full custody
Fushiguro (That breeding kink was amazing until we Breed and made a child) Toji
If y'all on Good Terms
Man's in shock
Can't believe he didn't get a vasectomy
Doesn't know what to do but deep in his heart he realizes has to do something and he can't be a deadbeat forever
Pops at your home one day out the blue tense as fuck and mumbling a “apology”
Comes to one appointment and is quiet the whole time, Sneakily gets a copy of the sonogram to keep in his wallet
He's living at your residence when he's not in the streets
Sleeps with his hand on your belly and smiles in his sleep with the baby moves or kicks
Swears that whatever this child may be the Zenin clan will never touch them
Doesn't take jobs around your due date
Text him SOS baby coming and he'll rush his ass to the hospital
Holds your hand and says some supportive shit while he's disassociating
Kid come and he's staring at the lil face of y’all child without a expression
Signs the birth certificate
Quiet while y'all travel home
1,000 yard stare
Literally takes this man some time to adjust, one day you leave to get some fresh air and diapers and ya leave this man behind to watch B/N, He's shirtless on the couch watching ESPN just chilling and B/N starts wailing so he gets his fine ass up and go check on the kid since his worm ain't putting in the effot to do it. Goes in collects the kid and start heating up a bottle while rocking B/N, After feeding y'all baby he burps B/N and casually holds B/N while watching his show but for some odd reason He glances at B/N long enough to notice that the tiny human is staring at him, Toji Rolls his eye while gently saying Ay kid what ya looking at like that??? before he knows it the kid smiles at him! For a minute Toji felt like everything was alright in the world and he felt warm for the first time in a long time. Rumor has it his heart grew ten times that day but that may be a rumor But Toji did became happier around y'all kid and the interactions was beautiful between a Father and his child.
Is protective as hell
This child Makes Toji realize how much he fucked up with Megumi
Will seek out Megumi and watch him from afar wishing that he could be a better father to him
It's like you're Married to him but y'all just cohabitants that sleep together and have a baby.
If y'all on Bad Terms
This man Ghosting the moment you say pregnant
Why didn't I get a vasectomy 2 the electric boogaloo
No appointment visits
You might find some money in your mailbox
Last thing you want to do is piss this man off cause he's a flight risk
Comes back in your lives when the kid’s a month old
Talking about "I was on a long business trip" but in reality he wanted to see if the child was his or not
Tries to work it out with you but he's not a Bowflex
Crystal clear vision that this man is just in your life for Wormy and him to have a place to sleep when he's not killing in the streets
Interaction with y'all child is a minimum
Good luck trying to toss his ass out
Also good luck With bringing another man home cause have y'all ever heard the story of Darth CockBlockius The Dilf? Imagine coming home with someone you're romantically involved with at 12 Am and Toji is sitting on your couch butt ass naked cleaning his weapons while staring right at your new lover.
Reminder he's for everybody and he will be a hoe the moment he's from under your roof
Gives a few bucks here and there
Your life is gonna be miserable babe.
Ryomen (shit you should’ve been more careful) Sukuna
If y'all was on Decent Terms
He's in Yuuji Body chilling and here you come up talking about you're having his child
Mans nearly lost his cool
He's gonna be a asshole about it because denial is the sweetest meal
Unsupportive as fuck Till the day darling Yuuji starts going to your appointments with you and Sukuna gets all territorial and pissed Talking about "The hell you're doing brat? Don't you know your place? This unborn brat is mine."
Yuuji literally is there for your whole pregnancy as platonic support cause he feels absolutely AWFUL that Sukuna got you pregnant and is now being a asshole about it
Yuuji even sends You stuff your child
You have your kid and Yuuji brings flowers for you and a teddy bear for the baby
Sukuna is missing in action for a month after the birth of your child until curiosity got the better of him, Yuuji was over your place helping out with the baby when outta of nowhere You and your child is getting pulled into Sukuna domain, Nigga on his throne just staring at you like you stole something talking about " You keep that brat around you like he father your child" before you could give him a smart ass reply he's walking towards you and touching your child's head with gentleness. His features are softened as realize that this lil brat has enough curse energy that could make Mahito piss himself and run, The small Brat is not just a brat but is his brat🥺
He asks for you to visit him more often with the child
He's medium rare present in B/N life BUT he's trying
Gets pissy with Yuuji even more if he hasn't seen his child in days
Yuuji like a Uncle or guardian to your kid
If y'all on Bad Terms
He didn’t even know you was pregnant
Only found out when he saw you with a brat in the park
Demanded (begged) Yuuji to talk you up as he a assesses the situation
Yuuji didn’t even need to talk to you before he knew it Sukuna was telling him to leave you be
Sukuna was livid. This brat is his child he could feel the curse energy off the child and tell they was his. He was pissed that you deprived him from even knowing your child or the experience of fatherhood. How dare you treat him like he was worthy?
He kept his distance
Watching over his child and protecting them
Leaving money where they could find it
Finally addresses them when they was 14 years old and alone. Look kid Sukuna simply stated i don’t know what your mother told you about me and I don’t care, I didn’t even know you existed until you was two years old and I saw you at a park, I could’ve rammed my way into your life and been a father to you but I decided it would be best to let you have a somewhat normal childhood seeing that I’m the king of curse it would be impossible for you to have a normal one, so I decided to watch you and protect you since the the first day I saw you, hell I might not be a conventional one but I am your Father.
Your child stared at their father not in disbelief but in realization
From that moment Sukuna was in his child life
He trained them on how to use their abilities
He cared for them as much as the king of curse could
Reblog, likes and comments at appreciated and loved
Please don’t steal my shit.
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gingeraleluke · 3 years
𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗼𝘅𝗲𝗿 ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴡᴏ
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𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: underground boxer!vinnie x fem!influcencer!reader
𝘀𝘆𝗻𝗼𝗽𝘀𝗶𝘀: boy meets girl. boy hates girl. girl hates boy. maybe threatening to kill her brother wasn’t a good first impression.
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: swearing, violence (boxing so duh), sexual harassment (nothing too graphic), mentions of drug addiction, stressful situations, loss of a parent, mention of cheating, brief mention of suicide.
𝗔/𝗡: HI!!! i really hope you guys are liking it so far! i have a fuck ton of ideas for this :) this is an enemies to lovers fic so we gonna hate vinnie for a while lmao
(i didn’t proofread this so hopefully it’s not that bad!)
also: im sorry if this sucks, i got a migraine while writing this 😩
first chapter series masterlist
she couldn’t believe what she was seeing. she had to blink and rub her eyes a few times to make sure her eyesight was working correctly
your brother will be dead by the time i’m done with him.
yep, eyes are working fine.
great so that just means this attractive piece of shit is threatening my brother.
she got up and ran to her bedroom, plopping down onto the bed. y/n tried to come up with a response, but everything she typed out she ended up deleting. a few of her response ideas were as follows:
is that a threat?
you think that scares me?
we will see about that
umm knew phone who dis?
um chile…🧍‍♀️
excuse me?
and finally, her favorite:
🧚🏻‍♀️✨either suck my nuts or shut the fuck up ✨🧚🏻‍♀️
she didn’t have the courage to say anything. every response made her heart beat faster. she realized how pathetic she must have looked. the bubble with three dots appearing and disappearing in front of his eyes.
she started panicking and decided not to reply, groaning and throwing her phone on her bed.
she heard her phone buzz.
what’s the matter? cat got your tongue? 🐈
this fucking prick.
she didn’t even bother opening the message and just opened up twitter.
8:40 PM
𝗻𝗲𝘄 𝘁𝘄𝗲𝗲𝘁 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝘆/𝗻
@ Y/N
the only men in this world that i trust are the jonas brothers. that’s it. that’s the tweet.
💬65 🔁82 ❤️2.5K
@ userone: same
@ usertwo: can you post a tiktok?? it’s been a while and we are STARVING!!
@ zachdreams: ummm…. bitch?? tf do i look like? chopped liver? 😩⁉️
@ y/n: i guess you too 🙄
it was getting late and had been a while since y/n had the place to herself. her parents were out of the picture so she and drake had been living together for around seven years now. he was only 17 taking care of her. she didn’t know what changed, but now it feels more like she’s the one taking care of him.
drake wasn’t necessarily father material. he didn’t know how to raise a 14 year old girl all on his own, but he made it work. it wasn’t easy but, he managed. thankfully, he would turn 18 in a few months so he gained custody over y/n once their dad died. he wasn’t prepared for the periods though. or for the heartbreaks.
y/n’s first heartbreak was when she was 14 and had gotten her first boyfriend. she was new to the experience and it was hard for her to make friends. his name was fred, which she found adorable. it reminded her of her first childhood crush, freddie from icarly. she would call him freddie instead.
she was the only one who called him that.
she dated him until she turned 16, when she found out that he was flirting with other girls. y/n was devastated and blocked him on everything before having her own hot girl summer.
that was her first, and only heartbreak.
so far.
her fans knew she got cheated on in highschool, she made a few tiktoks joking about the matter. they didn’t ever pry or ask questions about it though, which y/n was thankful for.
fred just made her hate men even more.
y/n felt like treating herself to some self care to help calm down. she was anxious about meeting vinnie. she knew she would have to eventually, seeing as how she’s always at the gym to help support her brother. she’d help him fill out paper work and such but honestly, she kind of had him on a suicide watch. she knew he wouldn’t hurt himself, but deep down she was terrified of losing him. he was all she had and y/n knew how toxic his lifestyle was. her job was to protect him from it. she’d try to keep him as clean as possible and would make sure he never felt alone. she didn’t want him to feel the way he did when their dad died.
she didn’t want him to feel alone.
as much as she wanted to trust drake, she knew she couldn’t. he was an impulsive liar and made the worst decisions. he needed a guide dog throughout life and y/n was determined to be that for him.
y/n got into her sleep wear and grabbed a blanket from off her bed, before going back out to the living room. their apartment was nice, but definitely not ideal. she made lots of money off of tiktok and sponsorships, but not enough to afford a house. plus, there was so much going on at the moment, that she just wasn’t ready to move out yet. she couldn’t wait for the day where she feels secure enough to have her own house. she’d get a pet, maybe a cat, or a dog, or even both. she’d have a nice pool with a cozy living room and a beautiful bedroom and the most elegant kitchen imaginable.
she turned on the tv and put on the new episode of the bachelorette. it was a guilty pleasure of hers, and she found herself liking it even more now that shes single and lonely.
she went to the kitchen as the intro played. it was just a recap of the last episode so she wasn’t missing anything. opening the freezer, y/n grabbed her favorite flavor of ice cream before putting some in a bowl and walking back over to the couch, her slippers squeaking as she walked.
she enjoyed her ice cream while watching the episode, fast forwarding through the commercials. she started getting brain freeze and decided to turn on the fire place that sat beneath the tv that hung on the wall.
once the fireplace was on, she immediately felt more relaxed. there was something about the warmth that always helped calm her down. once she finished her ice cream, she put the bowl in the sink and made herself some hot chocolate.
she turned on the fairy lights that were draped around the fireplace. the scene in front of her was beautiful. it made he forget how shitty her apartment might have been. it was perfect in this moment. she pulled out her phone and clicked on instagram before taking a video of the fireplace in front of her. she panned her phone up so you could see the rose ceremony going on on the tv. she stopped recording and posted it on her story.
y/n woke up, sprawled out on the couch. she didn’t remember falling asleep, but luckily she had already finished the bachelorette so she didn’t lose her place. she sat up and yawned before picking up her phone to check the time.
1:14 AM
oh shit.
she didn’t think she was asleep for that long! she grabbed her blanket and turned everything off before making her way to bed. she plugged in her phone to charge on her nightstand before seeing a notification pop up on her screen.
vinnie hacker slid up on your story
for fucks sake.
just when she thought she forgot about the boy, he was messaging her… again
that’s fine. ignore me all you want. but you can’t ignore me tomorrow…
you can run but you can’t hide 😘
see you tomorrow morning
is this man forreal?
8:49 AM
new tweet from y/n
@ Y/N
it’s a good day to not give a fuck 😋
💬497 🔁63 ❤️2.4K
@ katiedoll: hey girl!! i’m coming to the gym today so hopefully i’ll see you there 😏💯
@ drakehavok: can’t wait to see u ;)
@ katiedoll: you too 🥰
@ y/n: get a room
9:04 AM
new post from y/n
9:23 AM
y/n posted a video
y/n woke up to birds chirping outside her window and light shining through her blinds. she was craving breakfast and quickly brushed her teeth and her hair before getting dressed.
she wore black ripped jeans with a plain grey shirt and some cute boots that her and quinn bought. they saw them at the mall and both decided to buy a pair so they could match. she didn’t care if they were men’s boots, she thought they were adorable.
she topped it off with her signature leather jacket. she felt so weird not wearing it yesterday, so she was anxious to put it back on.
as soon as she was dressed, she drove to a small black owned coffee shop that was just a few blocks away. she picked up three donuts and tipped the lady like usual.
while walking back to her car, she saw a familiar face.
“hi, y/n!”
“hey, marco.” she smiled down at the little boy who was perched on the sidewalk.
“the usual?” he asked, his big brown eyes looking at the sweet girl.
“is that alright?”
“yes- yes of course it’s alright!” y/n opened the brown bag and handed the kid a pink sprinkle donut.
“awww yes!!” the little boys eyes lit up and he took a huge bite.
“woah, don’t inhale the whole thing! make sure you chew.” he looked up at her, his mouth full. “sorry.”
y/n laughed and looking into the bag. “hey, maria still likes those sugar donuts right?”
“oh umm yeah i think so!”
“where is she by the way?”
“oh, she’s at grammas. on padras side, of course.”
“oh.” y/n frowned before grabbing her donut and handing him the bag with the sugar donut inside. “good. just keep your distance from you mom…”
“always.” he smiled up at her and grabbed the bag.
“let me know if you need anything, okay buddy?”
she started heading towards her car before the boy yelled after her.
“yeah bud?”
“make sure you save me some of those tickets for havoks next fight!” he winked at her and she ruffled his hair.
“okay kid, don’t get too ahead of yourself.” she laughed.
y/n looked back at him. “i’ll do my best.”
y/n posted a mirror selfie on instagram and filmed a quick little tiktok thirst trap before getting her purse.
when she got back home, her car was in the driveway and drakes skateboard was missing, indicating that he’s skating his way to the gym instead of driving.
he only ever did that if he thought he needed the exercise. it’s a long drive to the gym and even longer on board. he’d often skate there if he was getting ready for a big match, so y/n wasn’t so surprised.
she was dreading going to the gym. all she could think about was vinnie and she hated it. she wondered if he’d look different in person. maybe all of those pictures of him were edited or photoshopped, maybe he would be shorter than her or nicer in person. the fact of the matter was, she never met vinnie hacker and today she was gonna have to.
even better, katie would be there too.
katie was drakes girlfriend who y/n absolutely despised. she was super controlling and whenever she would walk in a room, drakes demeanor would change and not in the good way. she knew drake could do a lot better than katie. sure, she was pretty and all, but to be honest, she was kinda bland and boring. just your basic white girl who doesn’t know manners. y/n’s brother had bad taste in girls so she expected nonetheless.
she hopped in her car and drove to quinn and zach’s house. they had plans to see eachother and quinn had messaged her last night saying he had a suprise for her. she brought a suprise for him too! a gift.
“okay, seriously! when did you get so hot and popular!?” quinn grabbed a bottle of wine and popped it open, while quinn laughed.
they were all sitting on the couch in their living room, gossiping about life. the couple had just gotten back from a family road trip and had missed y/n greatly.
“umm i don’t know what you’re talking about, zach! ive always been a hottie, come on now.” zach was painting y/n’s nails a beautiful aqua, her fingers on display and rested on his knee.
“yasss girl! you tell him, i swear quinn has the worst eye sight in the world.”
“uh… excuse me?”
y/n buckled over in laughter.
“HEY! girl, watch out! you almost got nail polish in your hair!”
“shit sorry…”
“i ain’t doing this for free..” zach muttered. his short blonde hair was damp like he just got out of a shower and he had a white button down on, the top four buttons undone and exposing his chest. she watched zach’s hands move along her fingers, using the brush dipped in nail polish to apply as carefully as possible. she saw the little tattoo he had on his pointer finger. it was something in japanese writing but y/n forgot what it translated to.
“sooo… zach, how many subscribers are you at right now? 4 million?”
“oooooo!!” quinn said across the room, looking down at his phone.
“what does ‘oooo’ mean, huh babe?”
“oh, nothing.. just that sometimes i forget how successful my handsome boyfriend is.” quinn smiled cheekily at his boyfriend.
“awwww..” y/n gushed as the couple smiled at her.
“i’m so lonely.” she frowned looking down.
“don’t worry girl we will find you someone.” zach said, still leaving paint strokes on her fingernails.
“yeah, y/n don’t worry!”
y/n felt her phone buzz from the inside of her purse.
“oh.” she reached inside and grabbed her phone, seeing that a reminder went off.
“OH! guys i almost forgot! thank god i set a reminder…” she dug into her purse and pulled out a plain white box.
“oh god, what is it?” quinn asked suspiciously.
“is it a hair iron?! oh my god please god let it be a hair iron!!!” zach must have yelled too loud because all of a sudden their dog started barking.
“hey! simon, calm down.” quinn demanded while y/n patted her lap.
“hey si! pretty boy.. come sit with me.” the black french bulldog sat on her thighs as she handed zach the box.
he opened it and immediately gasped.
“you didn’t?!”
“i did.” she smiled.
“what- what is it?”
zach showed his boyfriend the present.
“it’s fairy lights! i told her i wanted to start collecting them and putting them around the house, but all the ones we get burn out in weeks!”
“yep! these will last you all year round, i promise.” y/n smiled a genuine smile and looked at her best friends reaction.
“thank you angel!” he held her hand and pulled her into a hug.
“uh, uh! careful, my nails aren’t dry yet!”
the gays agreed to come with y/n to the gym for the weigh in. she told them how much she was dreading to see katie but also to see vinnie and they understood.
when she showed them what vinnie sent her they bombarded her with questions, the biggest one being ‘what does he look like?’
when she showed them his instagram, they were both practically drooling.
“okay he’s not bad but…. yeah okay he’s hot. fuck my life.” she facepalmed and continued to listen to the two thirst over her current stressor.
“seriously? y/n, how do you know he doesn’t like you? y’all should date, he’s cute as fuck and so are you!” quinn glared up at her as he was hunched over the phone, scrolling through his pictures.
“are you kidding? quinn, he threatened to kill my brother.”
“he sent you a kissy face emoji and said he couldn’t wait to see you.”
“yeah, in a taunting way!! not in an actual romantic way.”
“wellll….” quinn trailed off, agreeing with his boyfriend.
they helped her calm down the whole drive there, reassuring her that she was ‘that bitch’.
“ugh,” quinn belched, “i feel like ass.”
zach laughed at his statement from the front seat.
“i shouldn’t have drank that wine..”
“yeah what the fuck was up with that anyway?” y/n asked, “who the fuck drinks wine at 11 in the morning?”
“yeah, quinn, what are you the pope?”
“zachary, dumbass that doesn’t even make sense.”
once they reached the gym, she could see new cars in the lot that she had never seen before and immediately grew nervous.
“fuck.. i don’t want to be here.”
“i know girly, but you are gonna be fine! i promise, me and quinn will be right by your side.”
y/n turned to look behind her and saw quinn threading his fingers through his black hair. she looked down at his shoes.
“holy shit, quinn bestie, we match!” she struggled to put her boot up on the dashboard to show him.
“awww how cute!! now let’s go!”
they walked out of the car and slammed the doors while y/n sat in the drivers seat contemplating her life choices.
quinn knocked on her window and she rolled it down.
“yeah?” she asked nonchalantly.
the two just stared at her and she caved in.
“ughh okay, fine..”
she walked through the glass doors and was greeted by wolf whistles as always. it didn’t matter what she wore, those sexist fucks would always comment on something.
she looked past them and her face dropped.
it was vinnie fucking hacker.
he looked up at the sound of the cheers and whistles but thankfully someone was blocking their view so they couldn’t see each other.
she couldn’t tell just how tall or hot he was and she just hoped he didn’t notice all of the men hitting on her. it was humiliating.
“lookin good, cupcake.” a trainer who looked to be in his late thirties said, walking by. he looked her up and down and she wanted to curl up into a ball and die.
“aww thank you!” zach said, flipping his invisible hair. “but, i got a man honey, so back up outta here.” he grabbed quinn’s hand and linked his arm with mine as we walked in the back.
they were now just a few feet away from vinnie. they were at the main desk, arms still linked.
“hey, derek.” her voice was soft, trying not to draw attention to herself.
vinnie was shirtless, and his back was to her. she could now see his muscles and how much taller he was than her and gulped. he had a tattoo on his back and black sweatpants on. if he turned around, he would have a perfect view of y/n and she was determined to go by unnoticed to make sure that doesn’t happen.
“y/n! hey! here are drakes documents.”
derek said her name just a little too loudly and vinnie turned around at the name. they locked eyes and it was more intense than she thought it would be.
the minute they made eye contact, it was like time stood still. instead of everyone around them being frozen, her and vinnie were, and the whole gym was intrigued. or like, a pipe just bursted and her and vinnie were the only ones getting wet while all the dry people watched. she wanted to dissolve into the floor.
she knew it wouldn’t be the only time they looked at eachother like this. his eyes said a lot of things, the main one being distaste. she could tell he hated her from that one look. there was more than that though. it felt like something was pulling the two of them together, like two magnets with a fridge in between them.
he had a smile on his face and his hair was messy. he was slightly sweaty and was talking to a guy wearing a hacker hoodie. he rolled his tongue against his teeth and looked her up and down before saying something to his friend.
she got the papers and made her way towards the basement, saying her goodbyes to the gays.
once they left she turned back around and almost slammed face first into vinnie hackers bare chest.
what the fuck.
“woah… little y/n. watch where you’re going.”
his voice made her want to melt yet his demeanor made her want to punch him in the face. he licked his lips while looking down at her, never breaking eye contact. his face was relaxed and his eyelashes fluttered when he blinked. he towered over her and she had to resist the urge to look down at his chest.
she rolled her eyes and walked by him towards the basement door.
“oh what you don’t talk?” he was hot on her trail and she could feel his eyes lingering on her body as she walked.
“not to you i don’t.”
“oh! so she does speak.” he jogged up towards her so he was now in front of her and turned to look at her while he walked backwards towards the end of the gym.
y/n clenched her teeth and looked at him before she kept walking, him walking diagonal to her and staring at her.
“you’re annoying, you know that?” she spat.
“aww thank you! i don’t remember asking but, i appreciate the feedback.” he winked at her and made long strides continuing to walk backwards before turning and standing in front of the basement door, blocking it.
“hey, what size are you?”
he gripped the fabric of her t shirt she wore under her open jacket, pulling her closer to him, but still at arms length as they stood in front of the door, eyes locked.
“i’m sure i could get a hacker hoodie for you in your size if you want it. you’d look nice in that, don’tcha think?”
she just scoffed at his sly remark as he opened the basement door and slammed it in her face, causing her to stumble back.
what a fucking asshole.
@obliviatevamps @justalostgirl @iixbella
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twilightzonecloseup · 2 years
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1.01a Shatterday
Director: Wes Craven
Writer: Alan Brennert (teleplay) & Harlan Ellison (short story)
Cinematographer: Bradford May
Opening Narration: 
“Some push for what they need; some push for what they want. Some people, like Peter Jay Novins, just push. If they do it hard enough and long enough, something might just push back… from The Twilight Zone.”
One night, in a crowded Manhattan bar, Peter Novins (Bruce Willis) distractedly makes the mistake of dialing his own phone number. In an unexpected turn of events, Peter Novins, having a cozy night in, answers the call. Over the course of the next few days, the two Novinses battle for ownership of his life. Novins #1 closes out his bank account and cancels his grocery delivery all while locked out of his apartment by Novins #2. Novins #2 meanwhile pulls out of a deal to do PR for an environmentally destructive company, and takes decisive steps to repair relationships with his mother and ex. As the days go by, Novins #1 shows distinct signs of illness and of wasting away, while Novins #2 becomes more vibrant and vigorous. Through phone conversations, the Novinses argue over what they’re experiencing, Novins #2 posits that Novins #1 had been leading a life filled with self-serving cruelties and that maybe this split was Novins’ personified last shred of decency taking a stand. In the end, when they finally meet face-to-face, Novins #1 comes to terms with his loss, and Novins #2 sympathetically casts off his old self.
Closing Narration: 
“Peter Jay Novins, both victor and victim of a brief struggle for custody of a man’s soul. A man who lost himself, and found himself, on a lonely battlefield, somewhere… in The Twilight Zone.”
More about Shatterday:
One of the guiding principles at the conception of TZ ‘85 was that it was going to be a writer’s TV show. The writer’s voice was going to be paramount in the creative vision of the show. Alan Brennert, TZ ‘85’s Executive Story Consultant, chose the short story “Shatterday” by Harlan Ellison for adaptation. Ellison, who was already a big name in speculative fiction, had also been hired on as a Creative Consultant for the series. While Brennert wrote the teleplay for this episode, Ellison contributed to the script and was on set for filming. (Though Ellison stated later that he didn’t contribute much on set as he didn’t quite jive with the episode’s director, Wes Craven.)
Shatterday serves as a great kick off to the series—it shows so much promise in capturing that elusive Twilight Zone-iness. The story is effectively wrought with a lot of great visual storytelling elements to contrast the two Novinses. The music gives the right eerie discordant tones at the right moments. The character journey of Novins #1 is essentially grieving over the loss of his own life and Willis’ performance is pitch perfect. Willis captures the disbelief, anger, desperation, and resignation of Novins #1, while on the flip side capturing Novins #2’s calm determination.
Shatterday is a familiar type of speculative story for The Twilight Zone. A preternatural challenge to the natural order is introduced and the story then follows a person’s journey to cope with it and/or reevaluate their perceptions. A factor that I think is important to this type of story from the original TZ is its shorter length at ~24 minutes. When executed well, you are left with plenty to mull over or expand your imagination with, but it’s told in a short enough burst that too many thoughts of practicality don’t seep in and distract you from the point of the story.
The TZ ‘59 episodes that Shatterday most reminded me of were Nervous Man in a Four Dollar Room (S2E3) and In His Image (S4E1), particularly the element of someone choosing to make a foundational change in the way they live their lives necessitating the old version of themselves becoming just a memory.
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toulousewayne · 2 years
Batman: The Dark Knight Series🦇🌃✨
Season 2: There’s a time jump of a year and six months between Season 1 and season 2.
This is a concept for a live-action Batman Tv Series that could be adapted on something like HBO MAX or a another network or streaming.
Synopsis: Gotham City has been at the mercy of criminal networks and underground operations that have plagued it for years. Batman had fought hard to protect Gotham. Has the Dark Knight enters his third year he learns just how much more help he’ll need to accomplish his crusade on the city.
This is my pitch for Season/Part 2. The cast is the same as part one I will just be adding the new characters. So please refer back to part one of the Batfamily and the villains of season 1.
Cast & Characters Season/ Part Two:
Hugo Strange……Giancarlo Esposito
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Dr. Harleen Quinzel…….Samara Weaving
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Harvey Dent……Oscar Isaac
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Jervis Tetch/ The Mad Hatter……Eddie Redmayne
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Seeing if this was on streaming TV series the episode count would be anywhere from 8-13. For the second season will go with 11. Each episode is about 59 minutes, and I’ll also give a little summary for each episode. 
 Episode List:
1. I’m Late! I’m Late!:
- Gordon informs Batman & Robin about a string of recent murders going on around Gotham. All the victims were found with pages of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland at the crime scenes.
- Harvey Dent the hotshot D.A. has made it his mission to get rid of Batman. But he’s plans don’t go they way he expects when the Mayor and Gordon warn him that Batman is the only hope the city has.
- Barbara has begun taking a liking to the new Boy Wonder in the city.
2. Alice, the Alice?:
- The Mad Hatter kidnaps Barbara Gordon from the library and threats to make her his next ‘Alice’. Which would be a very deadly thing for her.
- Robin is starting to settle into the role of sidekick well,but he does not feel like he is good enough to live in the Manor or even be Bruce’s adopted son. A wise butler explains to him why he’s just perfect for the part.
3. Dr. Strange Will See you Now:
- Batman has noticed more and more patients at Arkham are becoming more erratic and violent until they turn up dead later on. He and Robin begin to look into the hospital for the criminally insane. 
- Dr. Quiznel begins to feel defeated about her progress with the Joker. She beings to look into the Joker’s personal life and look into his ‘family’.
4. Doctor’s Orders:
- Bruce’s world comes crashing down when Hugo Strange makes it known that he know’s Batman identity and will reveal it unless Batman does as he’s told and stop investigating the Asylum.
- Barbara has overcome her nightmare with the Mad Hatter and has begun channeling her angry, and tapping back into her gymnastics and she begins marital arts and self-defense classes, thanks to Jim.  
5. Trial of the Batmen:
- Harvey has disregarded what the other officials in the city think and has publicly announced that he wants the Batman in custody. 
- Hugo Strange has blackmailed Batman to track down a serial killer known as Pyg and bring him to Arkham without outside help.
6. One Bad Day:
- Dr. Quinzel informs Dr. Strange that she needs a few days away from the city, to track down a lead about the old mob Joker worked for before his trip to into acid.
- With the Mayor being murdered; Strange has orchestrated it look like the Batman is the murder,this in turns it gives Harvey the ammon he needs to prove the Batman isn’t a Guardian Angel.
7. Mad World:
-Barbara and Dick go to the school dance and it’s crashed by the Mad Hatter.
-Gordon has been working none stop to prove Batman’s innocence,but Harvey has made a mess of it and on top of it all has decided to run for the Mayoral Election.
- Bruce has one last test from Hugo Strange and it will test Batman’s one rule.
8. Phone A Friend:
- Selina returns to Gotham and she along side Robin infiltrate the Asylum to collect some much needed information.
- Barbara steals some of Batman’s old gadgets from GCPD evidence lockup.
- Halloween is in a few days and Strange is setting the stage for his final confrontation with the Dark Knight.
9. You Scratch My Back,I’ll Scratch yours:
- Catwoman gives Batman the proof Strange has on him in exchange for something she wants.
-Barbara puts her skills to the test when a group of thugs break into the Policemen’s Ball.
-Dr. Quinzel confronts the Joker only to see just how much the Joker hates not being the one in control.
10. All Hallows’ Eve Pt 1:
- Batman,Robin,and Catwoman are trapped on Arkham Island when Strange releases the inmates. And with all outside communication being severed.
- Joker uses this breakout to his advantage and tests the good Dr. Quinzel.
11. All Hallows’ Eve Pt 2:
- Barbara dawns the alias of Batgirl, and assist the police with Harvey’s rampage on the City Hall. Which is not without a ugly side affect.
- Batman,Robin, and Catwoman fight to escape Arkham and take down Hugo Strange.
Side Notes/End Credits:
-Dr. Quinzel would see the Joker a someone who has used their environment to become something horrible during the Arkham riot. This will be a key part into her downward spiral into Harley Quinn.
- The Mad Hatter kidnapping Babs is from the comics and in the series will be a catalyst into her transformation into Batgirl. She doesn’t want to feel helpless or ever be underestimated again.
- The Joker will return to his cell after the riot. Their will be no interaction with Batman for him in the finale.
-Batgirl’s costume is homemade by herself.
-Harvey’s other personality is beginning to show.And his fall grace is only the first seed into his transition into Two-Face.
- The End credit scene will have Dr. Pamela Isley creating a pheromone power in her lab at GothCrop Laboratories and using it on her sleazy Supervisor, and she makes him off himself and this beings her arch for season 3.
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butterflyrry · 2 years
Ok so, why would he go to Italy for a getaway if he was shooting in the UK 2 days ago and has to be in New York in like a week? Plus yesterday was mother's day and she will get so much shit if she spent it away from her kids. I think now they're in the UK separately and someone (bex?) is spreading those rumors just to stir the pot. Funny how we were discussing them and ✨suddenly ✨ we got pics of Harry shooting, huh? To get us talking about his work instead of the stunt!
BUT in case we get stunt content, no need to stress over it, everyone, it's most likely the last push before the end. I always thought they wouldn't last past August/September, and now with the whole custody circus, it's probably gonna be over earlier. With Harry's busy schedule for the next few months, they're probably gonna say she wanted to focus on her kids (to try to save her "good mom" image) and couldn't be a sUPpORtIVe GIrLfRiEnD and keep up with his busy schedule anymore.
However, if new content drops, let's promise not to freak out and give them what they want. They want us to talk about it, and they know we will. I haven't sent any asks to any blogs in the past few months whenever we got content and intend to keep it this way. I know some people have anxiety and that's ok, but let's not overreact and create more drama. Try meditating, reading, staying away from your phone for a few hours, exercising, playing with a pet and doing other things that please you to help with the nervousness. And let's talk about the album, what songs we are the most excited for, what we are expecting from the tour, we can bond a little as anons... whatever else we feel like, but let's ignore them for once!! They don't deserve our attention. (Harry does, but not when he's with ykw)
I love you, anon. You’re absolutely one hundred percent right!
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hanzajesthanza · 3 years
I've been laughing way too long at how you perfectly Mike Wazowski'ed Angouleme in that screenshot 😂😂 (due to me as well. Gotta get that height difference! P.S. I do want to just also say here that I'm so grateful to have book fans sticking together in this trying time, and thanks for everything you do!)
AAAAHAHAHAHA im actually laughing out loud i didn’t even realize my screen ratio did that to her until you pointed it out 😂😂😂 ah, angoulême going to the company, pointing at the screenshot on her phone, “we’re the first post in the witcher tag!” everyone else notices she was cut off, saying “oh” and giving sympathetic smiles, but she doesn’t mind and is just overjoyed “i’ve never been top post before…” … punches dandelion on the arm a friendly way, to which he goes “ow…” and looks aside at milva like “why did you teach her that…”
and i love the the height difference amongst friends you gave the hansa… everyone’s height is how i headcanon them, so i’m biased… angoulême is just a short queen. short countess? 🥲 it’s funny to imagine this short skinny girl strutting around the company like she owns it now, riding around on draakul who she stole from regis and calling them all uncles and auntie much to their annoyance
i imagine that when geralt couldn’t stop himself from seeing similarities between her and ciri, and saved her from prefect artevelde, once she was brought out of the cell led by guards and given to his custody, geralt kind of, out of reflex, looked her up and down like “where’s the rest of her?” since ciri is tall and slim… even at 14, when she last saw geralt, she was an inch taller than angoulême is currently at 19 😭
i also imagine in a scenario where regis and angoulême have to hide (idk they are exploring or eavesdropping), regis ✨simply vanishes into thin air✨ in his otherworldly manner … and angoulême just crouches down a little, mundanely and unhurriedly arching her shoulders
and yes of COURSE!!! i’m so glad i made the decision to make a sideblog for twn (and cdpr 😏 sometimes) hate, so i can have this space as my main blog and post about the books in a twn-free space. i hope - and i’m that that, because it seems the case - people can use this blog to connect with book content in these difficult times. i think it’s important to be able to remember that shitty “imitative works” (i won’t call it an adaptation or inspired work) come and go, but even as terrible as they might get, the books still exist and always have more to offer, details to glean, ways to interpret — and what’s more, is that the witcher books community is so talented and passionate, we have more talent in our collective pinky finger than the entire writing team of twn has in their bodies combined. and i think at some level, the books do attract a crowd of people who want to engage in material that has a deeper meaning and care about the messages & themes from the media they surround themselves with. who care about the family, the trauma, the war… the healing… all of the things which make it meaningful… and on this note, same to you my friend, because your book art has given me life and hope 🥺❤️
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bd-wireroses · 3 years
Here comes the ✨GIRL✨
CASE NUMBER [19833] Code Name - Smoke Out
Subject 1 - Deceased
Subject was recovered after the doctors dispatched to [ADDRESS REDACTED] after a 911 were viciously disemboweled of by instances of Subject 2-B. Subject is an immobile obese woman of Caucasian descent joined at the pelvis to Subject 1-B, a man of Asian descent who had entombed in a honey-like substance. The body of Subject 1 was primarily human with the exception of a large pulsating egg sack, small wings and horns and two sizeable udders in place of breasts along with being approximately 3.5 Meters Tall. Industrial level equipment was needed to move the subject for proper dissection. Subjects have as of yet not be identified.
Subject 2 - In Custody
Subject was recovered shortly after Assigned Personnel breached the apartment. The subject had apparently been the one to make the phone call that brought the initial wave of doctors to the scene after Subject 1 had died unexpectedly. Similar to Subject 1, Subject 2 exhibits primarily bee-like secondary characteristics. Currently awaiting care assignment and examination.
Subject 2-B - Continued Effort
Subject 2-b is a class of insectoid creatures with various human and bovine characteristics. Subject 2-B is extreamly hostile and territorial and should be incinerated upon discovery, including larval stages found during a sweep of the apartment. Subject 2-B only attacked approaching personnel - ignoring Subject 2 and clinging and nursing from Subject 1.
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