#✴ ⋰ 𝑲𝑨𝑵𝑵𝑰𝑲𝑨 𝑬𝑽𝑬𝑹𝑬𝑻𝑻 ↠ ⌜ about. ⌟
dizzymuses · 2 years
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mookda  narinrak. cis  woman. she/her. ━━  there  goes  kannika  “kai”  everett  leaving  their  home  in  seagate  district. the  twenty-five  year  old  from  new  york  city,  ny  works  as  a  motorcycle  racer. i’ve  heard  that  they  are  assertive  &  dauntless  but  can  also  be  impetuous  &  abrasive. they  remind  me  of  screeching  tires  at  a  sudden  halt,  a  daring  smirk  painted  onto  a  doll-like  face.
hey there, beautiful ! flirting already, so u give me all the juicy plots. i'm daisy, 25 and i go by she/her pronouns. i'm also from cet but usualy quite nocturnal so the hours i'm around are somewhat unpredictable. gotta keep them on their toes. this is kai, she is.... a wild ride (pun intended). honestly, she got created bc i just really wanted a motorcycle racer muse and it didn't get less wild afterwards, so now here we are. i also hardly ever got time to write her frfr sooo, hopefully she will finally have her time to shine here.
name: kannika “kai” everett.  
nicknames: usually goes by kai, family calls her nika. 
gender: cis woman.
pronouns: she/her.
age: 25.
date of birth: april 7th 1997.
place of birth: westport, ct
nationality: american
ethnicity: thai.
education: high school degree.
occupation: motorcycle racer.
orientation: bisexual, biromantic. 
biography. (-ish?)
kannika was born some 24 years ago in westport, ct, a couple of minutes drive outside of new york city. the only daughter to a bigtime real estate investor and a former miss thailand she was born into money, more money than any single family propbably should have amassed. her mother had always hoped to become a model after her pageant win, her hopes and dreams carrying her all the way to the us but not much further than that. instead she became the trophy wife of one kory everett, heir to the everett group which his family had been building ever since his grandparents arrived in the us. it would be a lie to say that their relationship ever amounted to much beyond a pretty picture, there was never much love lost between them. soon, however, they welcomed their daughter kannika into their lives.
her early childhood kai spent mostly in the company of her grandmother, who had retired earlier and given the post of ceo to her father, and nannies that had been employed to look after her. her father was basically always working, she hardly ever saw him during those years and her mother had never envisioned herself as a housewife and mother so more often than not nyc’s busy social life was calling her outside. still, kai was loved, especially by her grandmother who did most of the work in raising her. she was a strict woman, one who didn’t express her love through hugs and kisses but rather through making her food and admonishing kai whenever she made trouble. her grandmother, even to this day, is the only person kai is even willing to attempt to please, forever grateful to have at least one parental figure who seemed to genuinely care for her.
by the time kai was nine, her parents finally divorced. this came after many months of cruel worlds thrown at one another and many disputes as to how wealth would be distributed between these two. no, it wasn’t pretty and kai tried to be at home as little as possible, preferring to flee to her friends’ houses or stay with her grandmother. once the divorce was finally through, kai spent a year traveling with her mother, having begged and begged to go with her. at this point, staying all along with her father, a man she barely knew and yet didn’t particularly like seemed worse for her than traveling the world with her mother. it only lasted for that long though, since her father then demanded for her to return claiming that the many changes of location would be too unstable an environment for a kid to grow up in. so she returned, half mad and half glad to be with her grandmother again. when she returned she also found her father had remarried to a woman called ilona, yet another pretty face, yet another beauty queen.
ever since that her relationship with both of her parents has become even more difficult. her mother has been barely present in her life, traveling the world, kai often not even knowing where she is at the moment. her father on the other hand drastically started pushing his expectations onto his only daughter and therefore default heir. it were expectations kai could never meet of educational successes and good behavior. she had never had the focus or smarts required to do well in school nor the will to bend herself to the requirements of others. her desires had always been of the more hedonistic nature and so there was always tension between kory and his stubborn daughter.
kai barely managed to graduate high school, her grades looking rather grim but it wasn’t like she was looking forward to joining college or anything like that. sitting around and being taught just wasn’t right for her. instead, she had only one goal. making her hobby of motorbike racing into a genuine occupation, something that her family would have never supported. still, she fought for her dream, leaving westport and starting to pursue her career. while her father didn’t agree in the slightest, it wasn’t like he could very well disinherit the only heir he had. giving the company to somebody who wasn’t a direct descendent had never been considered an option in the everett family. until today this has been working out about as well as it could but the pressure for her to return and finally start learning how to run the business is growing. if it were only for her father’s sake kai would have long since told him to fuck off but she truly doesn’t want to disappoint her grandmother and so she has simply been pushing it off. now, it seems increasingly difficult to continue doing so and soon she will have to come up with a new plan. she has been living in mellott beach for one and a half year now, which is quite considerable for her.
tl;dr: chaotic hot motorcycle-racer
kannika is the name given to her by her grandmother. the whole family took on an english surname when her great-grandparents immigrated to the U.S., in order to avoid prejudice and xenophobia, but her grandmother still wanted kai to have some ties to their thai heritage. she usually gets called nika by her family and some childhood friends but otherwise goes by kai, which she personally does prefer. it’s sounds cool, despite her grandmother laughing at her so bad when she told her for the first time bc kai means chicken in thai. rip, homegirl rlly should have learned thai better ig. 
about this... she actually only speaks very broken thai, which her grandma isn’t happy with but it wasn’t really spoken between her parents and her, so she never learned it well enough to have full conversations. she has also only been in thailand a handful of times, they don’t have any close ties to family over there.
kai has always been a bit of a troublemaker. her grandmother tried her very best to make kai a well behaved child and it worked decently well as long as she was around but without grandma to have an eye on her kai did pretty much whatever she wanted. she solved conflicts with fists, giving an innocent smile and big eyes whenever she got caught. even though she was never one of the brightest, she was certainly one of the boldest, never scared to let everybody know exactly what she thought about them or to convince them to join her in her .... questionable ideas. mischievous little mf basically.
takes care of street cats if she sees them around. she also gives them names. never thought about having a cat of her own but she likes strays.
part of the reason why she was never good at school and is so impulsive or even erratic is because kai has been struggling with adhd for the most part of her life. she got the diagnosis for this very late though, in early adulthood.
honestly very incapable of keeping relationships alive. not only of the romantic nature but also that. she doesn’t trust easily because her trust has been broken before but she also doesn’t like to compromise and can be a little too mindless of other people’s feelings. also if she doesn’t see people regularly she tends to just sort of, forget about them. no object permanence even in relation to people. 
has lately started making a decent amount of money from social media, her following slowly growing to a degree that makes her interesting for sponsors. u will find her @vroomvroom, where she mostly shows of her bikes, outfits and dry sense of humor.
okay this will be rough but here are some... ideas. 
childhood friends    —  maybe your muse also grew up in the nyc, new york state region ?  maybe they met during summer in the hamptons ?  something like that would def be a possibility. maybe your muse got roped into kai’s dumb ideas and they’ve been through some adventures together, maybe they were more of a reluctant participant. this could also be somebody she got even connected to the summer house thing through. they could still be sort of besties now or maybe they drifted apart a bit and one of them just reached out recently? 
childhood enemies  —  this would basically be the same thing only they didn’t get along at all. maybe kai bullied your muse a little, maybe your muse wasn’t one to get stepped on either and so it was more of a mutual dislike. we can plot more on this for sure.
connections, connections  —  so our muses were never really friends but they were always supposed to be. for business reasons. these two spent quite a lot of long golfing sessions snarking at one another or suffering together in silence. kai’s father would never stop telling her how your muse was going to be such a useful friend at some point later and it’s to be expected that maybe their parents did the same. ( 0 / 1 )
only ever call you when i’m high  —  i am thinking these two kind of only get fucked up together, they hardly ever met outside of partying but whenever they went out they did so together, getting into a lot of trouble and being in love for each of these nights only to seperate without as much as a word in the morning. the kind of relationship that really only existed in this very particular frame. it was messy and sort of beautiful. i could imagine maybe one of them just left at some point and they kind of lost contact but we can plot particulars. ( 0 / 1 ) 
misc. —  fwb, i follow u on insta cause u hot (either way), haha i swear you look just like my ex, somebody who tries to get close w her bc of business, somebody who like rlly rlly wants to ride her bike ( she’d never tbh ),
okay, that's all i got for u today. love u all, let's plot! <;33
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