#✿ Verse; Default LazyTown
hippievibing · 11 months
OPEN RP STARTER Open To: Everyone, M/F/NB Connection: Stranger Plot: Malakai accidentally mistakes your muse for a mannequin in a clothing store whilst clearly vibing on something
{✿} – Malakai stared vacantly across the vicinity at the plastic figure standing next to a full-body mirror, his dazed and aimless smile causing him to look considerably more stupid than he actually was or had intended. To be honest, he wasn’t even sure what it was that he had intended. Why was he in a clothing outlet…? Oh, right…he’d set out to buy some sportswear for the LazyTown Marathon; something ethically produced yet uncompromising of his bohemian style. Something that screamed (or softly whispered) 'Malakai'...!
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Only having recollected extremely vague cognizance of what it was that he was doing, the sudden wave of perturbation that he felt upon seeing the plastic figure move (whose composition, now that he considered it, was rather poor for the environment), was comparable to that of a man who had just been approached by an extra-terrestrial being wearing an ill-fitting human skin suit. Momentarily, it shook him to the very core and he jolted back, pressing a hand grievously to his chest. He knew it! He'd been right all along! Aliens were real! That was, until he realised upon them actually speaking to him, that the figure, in fact, was a fellow human being and not from another planet. Slowly, gradually, the hippie began to chuckle as it all clicked into place, clearly far more amused by this than the not-plastic figure appeared to be. ❝Oh…!❞ Malakai bent over in half, palms resting gently upon his notably petite thighs as he almost silently laughed, ❝…I thought you were a mannequin...!❞
Lithely, he ironed out the crease in his posture and smiled brightly once having caught his breath, still looking a little ‘out of it’, so to speak. ❝I’m sorry to ask you to repeat yourself but, uhh...what was it you said to me just now? I think I kinda missed it...❞
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sugarpixie · 1 year
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Ask my muse “Have you ever ___” questions!   
 @troublewithvampires​ said: "Hey, Sugarsweet, ya' ever stolen anything before?" Salvatore winked at Pippin. "Promise I ain't gonna judge either way."
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{✿} – Pippin seemed aghast at the very thought of thievery, if not a little concerned as for the reason he was being asked. Did Salvatore think he had stolen something from him? ❝Oh, good gumdrops, Sally, no!! Stealing is wrong and I would never, ever! Why? Did ya lose something?❞ Pippin viewed him, wide-eyed and suddenly feeling something vaguely parallel to self-conscious. Pixie propaganda was circulating again this Summer and he really wouldn’t blame Salvatore at all for falling for it. Those bullies could be pretty convincing! The sugar pixie cast his gaze downwards to stare idly at his own feet, wringing his hands together behind his back and gulping nervously as he mustered up the courage to ask Salvatore directly. ❝H-hey, Sally…you don’t think…you don’t think that I stole it...do ya...?❞
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clockworkrotten · 2 years
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@skyblcsscd​ sent a sentence starter: ‘ are you lost? ’
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{♥} – The left corner of the ballerina’s painted lips curved downwards into an unhappy slouch.
She & Robbie had travelled to this new town on ‘Rotten business’, and she’d managed to slip away from their hotel room where he fully intended to keep her cooped up for the rest of the day; it was such pleasant weather outside that she simply couldn’t stand being indoors! Besides, the air conditioning was broken in the building and her internal mechanisms were overheating. Wasn’t that considered to be child endangerment or something...? Maybe, it wasn’t - on the grounds that she was technically just his invention and not his real daughter. Well, whatever. If he got mad about her absconding, child endangerment was just what she would tell him it was!!
Rottenella had wandered into the town centre on her own intuition (with Robbie’s credit card covertly stashed into her slipper while he slept!!), but she hadn’t been able to find what she was looking for.
When she was approached by an adult who then asked her if she was lost, she seemed to have a brief moment of realisation that - yes, actually - she was lost. She’d spent so long looking for a bakery that she hadn’t acknowledged how far away from her hotel she had wandered. Still, the pristinely dressed eleven-year-old seemed wary of the older man. He was clothed rather dashingly and looked to be seemly as far as she could tell, but wasn’t there some kind of unspoken rule about little girls not talking to strangers...? Oh, cogs to it! She was certain she could scream loud enough to make him scarper, should she really need to. Rottenella’s glass eyes blinked themselves upwards to greet the man, ❝Hello, Sir!❞ She curtsied with practised elegance, ❝I wouldn’t quite call myself lost, per se, but if you could direct me to the nearest patisserie, I would be most grateful! I’ve been searching & searching for a place that serves my favourite dainties, or just some tea & cake, perhaps...? If you’re unsure, that’s alright; then I’ll just be on my way.❞
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applepickxr · 5 years
Would you get mad at me if I said I was allergic to most fruits?
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{✿} – Sofia rested her hands on her skirted hips, tilting her head slightly forwards as if to debunk the suggestion, ❝Well, now, that’d be mighty mean’a me, wouldn’t it?❞ she smiled warmly, ❝You getcha self an allergic reaction, hay knows what kinda trouble you’d be in! I’ll make sure I keep m’fruits way away from ya! Okay?❞
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callmebxbe-blog · 5 years
"Hey, cool earrings! They're stylin'!"
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{♥} – Olympiya gulped thirstily from her water bottle after an extended workout in the middle of LazyTown park. She clicked the lid on her bottle shut, and tossed it to the ground, re-tying her thick locks of curls in to a ponytail behind her. ❝Oh, thanks! They were a gift for my birthday, a couple days ago.❞ she breathed towards the woman, wiping her brow with a sweat cloth as she stepped up, smiling confidently, ❝You work out?❞ she asked, gesticulating towards her equipment.
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unicornsandicecream · 6 years
continued // x // @silly-stephy
“Oh gosh, I wish it was natural! That would be so cool. My hair is actually a reddish-brown!” she giggled.
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{✿} – Tanya could hardly believe her luck! ❝I absolutely have to know what brand of dye you use!❞ enthused the golden-voiced singer, rising up on to her tiptoes in excitement of the prospect that the makers of Stephanie’s vibrant pink could manufacture something of equal brilliance in a dazzling shade of blue! ❝You must dye it a lot, huh? Your hair is always so perfect! You must be full of magic!❞ she almost trilled.
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hippievibing · 10 months
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@neverincharge sent a sentence starter: "I'm here to drink alone." (Hi, sorry this took ages I've had a lot going on but was meaning to send you something.)
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{✿} – ❝And that is completely valid and I have absolutely no issue with respecting that, my friend,❞ Malakai gave a timid and accommodating smile, more than willing to uphold the appropriate distance between them, holding his hands up appeasingly in front of his body and almost appearing to shrink within himself like a nyctanistic dandelion on a cloudy day. Afraid to impose but forever the humanitarian, Malakai had decided that the stranger’s safety was far more important than his impermanent social nerves, ❝I just thought you might wanna know that there are some guys outside that are looking for you, and…well, they didn’t sound like they wanted a friendly chat. That's all. A-Anyway, I-I’m sorry to have bothered you. I hope you have a peaceful evening…!❞ He tucked a few stray curls of brown hair behind his ear before ducking away, grateful for the opportunity to have warned him.
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hippievibing · 2 years
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{✿} – It’s his birthday & he’s wearing snazzy sunglasses! Say happy thirty-sixth birthday to Malakai, everybody!
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hippievibing · 2 years
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@bleedingovereden​​ sent a sentence starter: "You’re about as intimidating as a butterfly."
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{✿} – Malakai ran his fingers, thin & gentle, through his long brown curls, wild & glorious. A soft and slightly intoxicated laugh as he raised the bottle to his lips, the light-hearted atmosphere in the late Autumn air being matched perfectly by the tall, free spirit. ❝Y’know what, Ink...? I am a gosh-darn butterfly. I’ve decided, as of today, I am officially...a butterfly.❞ He outstretched his long arms to his sides, flapping serenely as if flying high in the orange evening sky, sloshing beer from his bottle despite the docility with which he moved. ❝I can’t believe they said I was intimidating...I’ve literally never been told that in my entire life, I think they were tweaking, man...! I’ve never seen a person react to being offered a fresh bottle of water like that before.❞ He leaned back across his well-loved porch swing, swaying gently. ❝I think we should write a song about it.❞
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sugarpixie · 1 year
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Anonymous said: Have you ever had a tummyache from eating too many sweets?
{✿} – ❝No, but I have had a tummy-ache from eating too much salt & grease! Those things can make me really, really sick. For us sugar pixies, it’s sorta like an allergy, in the same way that Sports Elves can’t eat processed sugar without havin’ a sugar meltdown! Somethin’ about it affects the way our bodies turn food into energy and it just messes us up, real bad.❞ Pippin grimaced in slightly nauseated recollection of the last time he was struck with a round of what was essentially a very complex form of food poisoning after being coerced by some teens into eating a bag of fries.
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❝Ya wanna know somethin’ really cool, though?❞ The pixie’s pained expression quickly reformed into his usual lively smile, in spite of what he was about to say. ❝If there’s blood in your throw-up & you get taken to the hospital, the medication they give you makes you see really weird things that aren’t even there, like little green aliens and flamingos with three heads and stuff! Kinda feels like bein’ in a fun-house, but with way more vomit.❞
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sugarpixie · 1 year
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Anonymous said: Do you ever get jealous of the kids in Lazytown?
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{✿} – Laughing jovially, Pippin discarded the very notion with absent resentment, his heart jam-packed with nothing but pure, unadulterated love, ❝Of course not! They’re my friends! It’s okay to want something that somebody else has, or to wish that you could do something that they can, but good friends shouldn’t think badly of them because of those things. Friends are s’posed to build each other up, not tear each other down!❞
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sugarpixie · 1 year
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Anonymous said: Pippin, what are your thoughts about the Autism Speaks charity?
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{✿} – Pippin wasn’t usually the judgemental type, but the antipathy behind his grimace spoke volumes on this one. He stirred uncomfortably for a moment or two before replying, ❝…My momma taught me that if you don’t have anything nice to say, then you shouldn’t say anything at all. I don’t have anything nice to say about Autism Speaks, so I don't think I wanna talk about it.❞
And that was the closest thing, in good conscience, to actually saying "Fuck Autism Speaks" that our dear Pippin could get.
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sugarpixie · 1 year
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Anonymous said: Hypothetically, let's say someone had the unenviable logistical challenge of catering a party at which both a sports elf and a sugar pixie would be present. Is there anything that could go on the menu that both guests could eat without poisoning one or both of them?
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{✿} – Pippin beamed, only too enthusiastic to contribute some applicable insight. ❝Sure, there is! Fruits are not at all dangerous for sports elves or sugar pixies to eat! Fruit contains what’s known as ‘natural sugar’ and is digested in a different way to ‘refined sugar’, which is the kind we find in candy and ice cream and all that super yummy stuff! ‘Course, this just means that us sugar pixies have to eat a lot more fruit than the sports elves to actually get our fill, but that’s okay! Not all of us branch out into towns and cities when they grow up like I did. A lotta sugar pixies still live in the forests and woodlands where the fruits that naturally grow there are a popular staple to their diet! My favourite “sports candy” is strawberries, with lots of cream - but shhh, you can’t tell Sportacus I said that!❞ Pippin covered his mouth to repress his sportive giggles, hoping the hero wasn’t anywhere near to hear him disclose this creamy little secret. ❝Why? Are you having a party?!❞ The light reflected within the sugar pixie’s eyes shimmered enthusiastically at the very thought. After all, what could be more fun than a party? Usually, he was the life & soul of any LazyTown gathering, making him a popular favourite for guest lists anywhere from the town hall all the way to the theatre at the opposite end of town. In LazyTown, Pippin felt like he truly belonged, perhaps more so than anywhere else he had been before. He felt so lucky to have found this very special place and all his friends that lived there. This truly was the perfect town!
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sugarpixie · 1 year
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Anonymous asked: Hey Pippin. Ever thought about suicide?
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{✿} – He probably shouldn’t have laughed as hard as he did, but he couldn’t help it. ❝Do I look like a guy who wants to kill himself?❞ Pippin gesticulated broadly to the literal paddling pool filled with gumballs over which he was sprawled, limbs entirely too long to fit inside the rubbery confines of the 40″ kiddie pool. He expanded, ❝Although, I did nearly accidentally hang myself with a jump rope this one time when I was a kid! I can’t even remember what it was that I was tryin’ to do, but it definitely wasn’t that!❞ He was giggling again, making multi-coloured waves in the gumballs with his hand, watching the seven hues of the rainbow move and tumble over one another with each gentle motion. ❞Why? Do you know someone who has? ‘Cause y’know, there’s always somethin’ to live for! Even if it’s just the little things ‘til you find your purpose! Like dogs! Aren’t they great? Go out on a walk! Pet a dog! Wouldn’t it be such a terrible shame if they never got to pet a dog ever again, all ‘cause they did somethin’ really bad to themselves? Sooooo totally not worth it! Also, capybaras. Capybaras are pretty cool as well! I think they look like giant guinea pigs. Although, I guess it would be kinda hard to find one of those to pet, wouldn’t it?❞
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sugarpixie · 1 year
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Ask my muse “Have you ever ___” questions!
Anonymous said: Have you ever gone skydiving?
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{✿} – ❝I haven’t! Although, that’s only ‘cause I kiiiinda don’t really need to.❞ The sugar pixie glanced both ways before breaking out into a mischievous grin from ear to ear. When Pippin was certain there were no bullies around, he leaned down close to whisper something beyond imagination into their ear, ❝I don’t normally tell this to people, but…❞ Pippin bit his lip, hesitating for but a vanishing moment, ❝…I can fly!❞ A soft gasp escaped him as he returned to his full stature, surprised at himself for having divulged this information to a complete stranger. Usually, he wasn’t so brave! He smiled secretively as a passer-by and their dog walked down the path, holding a finger up in front of his lips to shush his new confidante into keeping his special secret. Pippin couldn’t quite figure out what it was exactly, but something about the person inspired trust in him. He hoped his instincts would avail him.
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sugarpixie · 2 years
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Give My Muse Food! 
@troublewithvampires​​​ said: Salvatore hands Pippin a lollipop //for the 'give my muse food' thing!! :3c
{✿} – And just like that, in the very instant he saw Salvatore standing there with his arm outstretched towards him bestowing a pink & white swirled lollipop that looked almost every bit as divine as Salvatore himself, Pippin became irretrievably enamoured of him. He had thought it before, but now he was almost certain that the funny feeling in his chest was his heart melting to a runny puddle of goo inside his ribcage like a scoop of strawberry ice cream. With the tell-tale signs of infatuation becoming blatantly written all over his face, his cheeks rapidly flushed an adorable shade of bubblegum-pink as the light in his eyes shifted in a way that connoted the undisguised puppy love that he simply did not possess the guile to conceal. It was obvious now, whether he intended it to be or not. Pippin had a crush on Salvatore.
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Doe eyes twinkled and served to magnify his smitten grin as Pippin reached out to delightedly accept the thoughtful gift, his glittering(?) hand brushing against Salvatore’s own smaller, cooler one as he did so. Sally’s hand felt cold like the first inrush of frosty air when you opened a freezer, reminding Pippin of his favourite cherry popsicles. He beamed, ❝Oh, Sally - !! Thank you so, so very much! It looks delicious!❞ The sugar pixie bounced excitedly on the spot before throwing his arm around Salvatore and pulling him in for a strong, affectionate squeeze. When he eventually released him from his hug, Pippin was quick to reveal why his other hand had been kept concealed behind his back the whole time. He had a present to give to Salvatore that day, too! In his hand, he held out a beautiful bouquet of roses, each of the heads a different colour of the rainbow and sprinkled lavishly with a pink dusting of pixie dust. Ah. That would explain the glitter on his fingertips, wouldn’t it? The butterflies in Pippin’s tummy became aflutter once again when he met Salvatore’s cinnamon jellybean hued gaze, ❝I didn’t know what colour to getcha, so I made ya one of each! I hope that’s okay!❞ he giggled sheepishly, adjusting his glasses and silently fearing that he might have overstepped with the flowers. Did they make his little crush on him too obvious? He supposed that Sally’s reaction to the gift could be the deciding factor on whether or not Pippin would demonstrate his steadily developing feelings a smidgen more clearly that rapidly approaching Valentine’s Day...after all, it was only a day away! If he couldn’t say ‘I Like You’ then, when could he?
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