#❛ verse: noctis ; sunset city.
madeimpact · 2 years
Verse Information - Sunset City.
So I added a verse on my carrd for my Discord server, primarily because those muses now have some common ground through there that's easier to fall back on than to completely redo their meetings and dynamics from scratch here. It's by no means the "main" canon for this blog, but here's a post explaining it anyway for anyone who cares enough to know.
Basically, the premise is that every muse in the server gets mysteriously added to a group chat that then gives them access to a hub world called bargain bin Twilight Town Sunset City. From there, they can access the worlds of all the other associated muses. Sunset City is a dreamlike city ( literally ) that gets reshaped based on the minds of those that access it. But lately, the muses have been trying to get to the bottom of what this place really is...
A lot of the major canon divergences apply to the KH muses, and they really just stem from the fact that there's a bit of a sense of linear progression in the server, so Sora was very much in step with my playthrough of the series, so when he died...I kind of had to improvise LMAO. I'll have to improvise again whenever we get more information on KH4, but for now, just consider this a completely alternate timeline to the main canon where he disappears to Quadratum. Some fun things also change for Roxas but not to nearly the same extent as Sora.
Edit: And then the same thing happened to me while writing Noctis. I was writing him in step with my playthrough, then dude had to go and get prophecy'd on me and I had to figure out how to justify continuing to write him; same with my friend who writes Ardyn in the server. So those changes will also be detailed here.
List of all the major divergences below the cut. Where relevant, I'll indicate when a Discord-only muse or mun is being referenced.
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Let's start with Roxas, since he's got fewer divergences to hammer out:
Basically, just so I could justify writing him while he was canonically inside Sora's heart and not really existing, he managed to exist in Sunset City during that time, due to Sora's heart manifesting him there and the nature of Sunset City as a dream world. He sort of experienced stuff in Sunset and stuff through Sora's heart as if he were in both places at once. His physical body also couldn't leave Sunset until he was able to link to Xion at the end of KH3.
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And for Sora:
Sora's ship in this verse is with my friend's Riku who doesn't write on tumblr, so you'll probably see Soriku referenced in relation to this verse.
After the events of DDD, Sora got a therapy Munna from Emmet ( Discord-only mun ). Sora had trouble sleeping after his Mark of Mastery exam, on account of, y'know, the whole "I almost never woke up and had my body used to house part of Xehanort" thing. Also, nightmares. Lots of them. So since Dream Eaters can only really exist in sleeping worlds, and he can only summon his Meow Wow for short periods of time outside of there, Emmet arranged for Sora to have a therapy Munna. She's a shiny that the Breeders turned over to Emmet because they trusted him to put her into good hands and not just ask for a shiny for its own sake. In fact, he didn't even really ask for a shiny. The Breeders just were like, "oh, this guy's reputable, we can give the shiny to him." Sora named her Munny on account of her gold color, and because Munna sounds like Munny! Munny is bred to be a therapy Pokémon, not a battling Pokémon, so Sora doesn't actively battle with her, but she can help defend him in a pinch.
Jingle doesn't really exist in this verse...yet.
And here's the biggest one: Sora is not in Quadratum, and has not been yet. This divergence is entirely a result of me flying by the seat of my pants and trying to figure out how to continue to write him in the server after he fucking DIED — think "anime adapting an ongoing manga and running out of source material and having to improvise" type of beat. Basically, because of all the friends he made in the server, as well as all of his friends from canon, Sora's heart was able to hold on and wake up in Anti-Sunset, a parallel nightmare counterpart to the pleasant dream of Sunset. He began trying to make his way back to the surface, but was interrupted by a mysterious woman who splintered his heart into several fragments again. Several of the muses in the server formed a rescue party to try and find him. Each of the ten fragments of Sora's heart sensed the group and called out to each of its members, requiring them to help him overcome some of the pain in his heart in order to dispel the darkness that kept them caged and separate from each other. After these ten fragments were obtained, the group was able to safely return home with Sora.
Whenever we eventually get more information about KH4, and potentially a release date, I'll figure out an excuse to eeby deeby him back to Quadratum, but basically, if you see references to a rescue operation for Sora in threads set in this verse, that's what's going on.
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Noctis suffered from the same problem as Sora, where I was writing in-game events happening to him as I experienced them, not knowing that was eventually going to result in him perma-dying. This also ended up writing the server's Ardyn into a corner. So here's what we came up with:
After learning his and Ardyn's fate from Bahamut in the Crystal, Noctis decided that — as angry and damaged as Ardyn made him feel, it just wasn't right to kill someone who was also a victim. So instead, he appealed to any humanity Ardyn might have had left in an effort to make a truce, and try to put off the inevitable long enough to look for another way. Incredibly, Ardyn agrees to the truce, and holds back the miasma enough for the group to resume their travels, now with Ardyn in tow, looking for a way to change their future for the better.
Because the prophecy hasn't been fulfilled yet, there are still daemons running about, and the party is doing their best to keep things under control. They basically have Ardyn on a big ol' child leash while he menaces them in less apocalyptic, more just plain old annoying ways.
The point in the Sunset timeline that I write these guys at on the blog jumps around a lot, it just kinda depends how I feel lmao.
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heartbinders · 4 months
Verse Information - Sunset City.
So I added a verse on my carrd for my Discord server, primarily because those muses now have some common ground through there that's easier to fall back on than to completely redo their meetings and dynamics from scratch here. It's by no means the "main" canon for this blog, but here's a post explaining it anyway for anyone who cares enough to know.
Basically, the premise is that every muse in the server gets mysteriously added to a group chat that then gives them access to a hub world called bargain bin Twilight Town Sunset City. From there, they can access the worlds of all the other associated muses. Sunset City is a dreamlike city ( literally ) that gets reshaped based on the minds of those that access it. But lately, the muses have been trying to get to the bottom of what this place really is...
A lot of the major canon divergences apply to the KH muses, and they really just stem from the fact that there's a bit of a sense of linear progression in the server, so Sora was very much in step with my playthrough of the series, so when he died...I kind of had to improvise LMAO. I'll have to improvise again whenever we get more information on KH4, but for now, just consider this a completely alternate timeline to the main canon where he disappears to Quadratum. Some fun things also change for Roxas but not to nearly the same extent as Sora.
Edit: And then the same thing happened to me while writing Noctis. I was writing him in step with my playthrough, then dude had to go and get prophecy'd on me and I had to figure out how to justify continuing to write him; same with my friend who writes Ardyn in the server. So those changes will also be detailed here.
List of all the major divergences below the cut. Where relevant, I'll indicate when a Discord-only muse or mun is being referenced.
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Let's start with Roxas, since he's got fewer divergences to hammer out:
Basically, just so I could justify writing him while he was canonically inside Sora's heart and not really existing, he managed to exist in Sunset City during that time, due to Sora's heart manifesting him there and the nature of Sunset City as a dream world. He sort of experienced stuff in Sunset and stuff through Sora's heart as if he were in both places at once. His physical body also couldn't leave Sunset until he was able to link to Xion at the end of KH3.
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And for Sora:
Sora's ship in this verse is with my friend's Riku who doesn't write on tumblr, so you'll probably see Soriku referenced in relation to this verse.
After the events of DDD, Sora got a therapy Munna from Emmet ( Discord-only mun ). Sora had trouble sleeping after his Mark of Mastery exam, on account of, y'know, the whole "I almost never woke up and had my body used to house part of Xehanort" thing. Also, nightmares. Lots of them. So since Dream Eaters can only really exist in sleeping worlds, and he can only summon his Meow Wow for short periods of time outside of there, Emmet arranged for Sora to have a therapy Munna. She's a shiny that the Breeders turned over to Emmet because they trusted him to put her into good hands and not just ask for a shiny for its own sake. In fact, he didn't even really ask for a shiny. The Breeders just were like, "oh, this guy's reputable, we can give the shiny to him." Sora named her Munny on account of her gold color, and because Munna sounds like Munny! Munny is bred to be a therapy Pokémon, not a battling Pokémon, so Sora doesn't actively battle with her, but she can help defend him in a pinch.
Jingle doesn't really exist in this verse...yet.
And here's the biggest one: Sora is not in Quadratum, and has not been yet. This divergence is entirely a result of me flying by the seat of my pants and trying to figure out how to continue to write him in the server after he fucking DIED — think "anime adapting an ongoing manga and running out of source material and having to improvise" type of beat. Basically, because of all the friends he made in the server, as well as all of his friends from canon, Sora's heart was able to hold on and wake up in Anti-Sunset, a parallel nightmare counterpart to the pleasant dream of Sunset. He began trying to make his way back to the surface, but was interrupted by a mysterious woman who splintered his heart into several fragments again. Several of the muses in the server formed a rescue party to try and find him. Each of the ten fragments of Sora's heart sensed the group and called out to each of its members, requiring them to help him overcome some of the pain in his heart in order to dispel the darkness that kept them caged and separate from each other. After these ten fragments were obtained, the group was able to safely return home with Sora.
Whenever we eventually get more information about KH4, and potentially a release date, I'll figure out an excuse to eeby deeby him back to Quadratum, but basically, if you see references to a rescue operation for Sora in threads set in this verse, that's what's going on.
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Noctis suffered from the same problem as Sora, where I was writing in-game events happening to him as I experienced them, not knowing that was eventually going to result in him perma-dying. This also ended up writing the server's Ardyn into a corner. So here's what we came up with:
After learning his and Ardyn's fate from Bahamut in the Crystal, Noctis decided that — as angry and damaged as Ardyn made him feel, it just wasn't right to kill someone who was also a victim. So instead, he appealed to any humanity Ardyn might have had left in an effort to make a truce, and try to put off the inevitable long enough to look for another way. Incredibly, Ardyn agrees to the truce, and holds back the miasma enough for the group to resume their travels, now with Ardyn in tow, looking for a way to change their future for the better.
Because the prophecy hasn't been fulfilled yet, there are still daemons running about, and the party is doing their best to keep things under control. They basically have Ardyn on a big ol' child leash while he menaces them in less apocalyptic, more just plain old annoying ways.
The point in the Sunset timeline that I write these guys at on the blog jumps around a lot, it just kinda depends how I feel lmao.
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summersunsetball · 1 year
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10th August 756 M.E.
Esteemed reader,
I do hope that this invitation finds you in good health.
The end of August is fast approaching, which, in this great Kingdom of Lucis, means the coming of the annual Lucian Summer Sunset Festival. Since the days of the Founder King, Lucis has held a celebration in the final weeks of August to herald the coming change of seasons. Historically, this festival has been to express gratitude to the Astrals for the light of the warmer seasons and pray for the coming of a bountiful harvest in the fall. The festival's scope has expanded in the modern day to be a celebration at large of the final weeks of summer.
Serendipitously, for the past 20 years, this festival has coincided with the birthday of His Royal Highness, Prince Noctis Lucis Caelum, deepening the significance of the festival to all Lucians. This holds especially true for myself — not only as your King, but also, as a father.
Therefore, it is with great pleasure that I extend this invitation to Crown citizens and visitors alike to participate in the festivities here within Insomnia. Throughout the city, there will be food and myriad leisure activities to celebrate the occasion. The main event will be a royal ball held on the day of His Highness' birth, the 30th of August. During this time, the citadel will be open to all in attendance. There will be catering, live music, dancing, and more. Formal dress is required of those attending the ball.
We do hope to see you in attendance.
— King Regis Lucis Caelum CXIII
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Hiyaaaa all! Most of the details were in that letter up there, but yes, we are hosting a royal ball RPC event! Here's a quick rundown of the OOC rules:
This event is based on / set in the universe of Final Fantasy XV, but you do not need to know anything about the game or the series at large to participate! Your muse does not even need to be from the game or have a verse. Crossovers are very much welcome!
Duplicate muses are welcome! For crying out loud, this event is being hosted by two Noctis blogs. That said, please be mindful of individuals' rules and comfort levels regarding duplicate interactions.
Events are NOT time sensitive! This means that you are under no obligation to cease interactions from any one day or event after said event has ended or another has started. If the ball has begun but you're still having fun with the garden walk thread from two days ago, by all means continue to write it.
By the same token, feel free to continue any event interactions after this event has finished.
You are not required to follow this blog to participate, but update posts and IC events will be posted here, so it may make your life easier!
Tag any event-related posts with #LucianSummerSunset so that others who are participating can find your posts.
You may find that non-mutuals are participating in the event — please be respectful of others and be sure that they are open to non-mutual event interactions before initiating them.
Any proship / profiction / "anti-anti" / "proudly problematic" behavior is NOT welcome in this event, and anybody who condones this kind of behavior will be blocked from the event sideblog. Please be honest about your intentions and allow the mods to curate their space as you do yours.
To sign up for the event, please send us an ask with the following:
Mun name: Pronouns: URL(s): Participating muse(s): Are you comfortable with non-mutual interactions during this event?:
That will be it! I'm super excited to host this for everyone!
— Neg
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secret-engima · 5 years
In the Demon in the Dark 'verse - I have a sudden mental image of the King-of-Night Noctis just. Sometimes, visiting his Uncle's grave. There wasn't anything to bury - in either universe - but there's a gravestone. Because - evil and vile and /hurting/ as he may have been, but Ardyn was a /person/, and, to Noctis's mind, deserves at least the dignity of a grave - of not being brushed over or forgotten. Noctis is - really the only person who visits, but he does visit, sometimes. (cont)
hamelin-born said: (cont). And maybe it isn't an empty grave, maybe it's an empty tomb - erected as much to the memory of the Ardyn-that-was as it is to the Accursed-he-became. Maybe it's a monument to both Ardyn's - the one from Noct's home 'verse, and this one's Night King. Either way - it sits on a hill overlooking the sunset, in an area bathed equally in sunlight and shade. It's quiet. It's peaceful. 'Ardyn Lucis Caelum' is carved on the tomb - 'Brother of Somnus, Beloved of Aera, King of Light, King of Night'
hamelin-born said: (cont) No one - other than Noctis - from canon!verse visits the Accursed's empty tomb. Once or twice - others tag along. Prince Regis (and perhaps his retinue) followed Noctis, once, when he went to visit his Uncle's tomb. And perhaps Queen Sylvia, during her visit - their reactions would have been. Interesting. Noctis brings flowers, sometimes - flowers to *plant* around the empty tomb, and, occasionally - a hat.
Me: *sniffles* oh no I’m a FEEL™.
Yes. He does. His brothers look at him sadly, not understanding why, but understanding that he feels he needs to do this. The daemons watch as he oversees the construction of a tomb on a hill mere feet outside Insomnia’s magic clouds that overlooks the sunset, a place of endings and beginnings, sunlight and shadow. It is a beautiful tomb, simple but clean, and Noctis has no body to bury, but inside it is not empty.
Inside it is filled with flowers.
Fresh flowers, LIVE flowers, because Noctis constructed the ceiling out of a special kind of glass that cannot be seen through, but gathers sunlight well enough. There is a water system running through it, carefully feeding the flowers inside and filling the silence with a soft babble of the things the water has seen as it travels out of the tomb and toward the sunlit sea. Noctis visits regularly, to weed the garden and push magic into the flowers to keep them healthy and strong.
The flowers are Sylleblossoms. HIS Sylleblossoms, from his world, not the glowing, magical things of this world. No one but Gladiolus knows where he got them, because he was the only one around with eyes to see that day before the Long Night, when they stopped in Tenebrae and Noctis had hesitantly accepted a small packet of seeds from the old servant woman he spoke with. They are unlike any other flower in this world, and the only place to find them is here in the tomb and the hillside on which is lies.
In the tomb, on the far wall from the door, is an empty coffin, made half from obsidian and half from pure ivory all swirled together into patterns of dark and light. On the coffin reads a small plaque: In memory of Ardyn Lucis Caelum. Brother of Somnus, Beloved of Aera, Healer, Accursed.
Chosen King of Dawn.
It is a quiet place, and Noctis does not speak when he is inside it tending his flowers. He has only spoken once inside the tomb, the day he found an silly old hat and brought it to rest it on top of the coffin, a few years after the tomb was finished.
“I forgive you.”
He does not say more, does not explain why, does not react to the wide-eyed, tentative Regis staring into the tomb from the doorway, not daring to enter further.
Noctis turns and leaves and Regis follows, not daring to ask questions.
Regis looks over his shoulder sharply halfway down the hill when he is certain he hears someone whisper, “Thank you, Nephew.” but when he looks no one is there. When he looks back at Noctis, the Night King had not stopped his slow walk down the hill, acting as if he hasn’t heard a word.
Regis politely pretends not to notice that Noctis is now crying.
(Perhaps it is silly to shed tears for an enemy. Perhaps it is foolish to honor an Accursed. Who hurt him, who destroyed his city, who killed his father, who murdered his lover. But Noctis has never considered himself wise, and his heart has always been secretly too kind. More than that, Ardyn wasn't not always Accursed, once he was a kind man, a healer and a lover and a gentle man.
Once he was an older brother.
And Noctis, who holds the memories of over a hundred lifetimes he has never touched, cannot help but think of him, love him, as such.
So he does not visit the tomb of the Accursed, the empty resting place of the Night King and Adagium. When he enters the silence of the tomb and tends to the flowers there, spreading his magic out like a blanket of memory and affection and calm, he is visiting Ardyn Lucis Caelum. King. Healer. Friend.
And even if he is the last and only person to remember those things, so long as he lives, he will not forget.
And so he visits. Just once in a while. In the gentle silence that comes from knowing there is nothing left to say.)
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heartbinders · 4 months
❛ ic: noctis. ❛ musings: noctis. ❛ headcanon: noctis. ❛ aesthetic: noctis. ❛ meta: noctis. ❛ images: noctis. ❛ relations: noctis. ❛ open: noctis. ❛ closed: noctis. ❛ inbox: noctis. ❛ dash games: noctis. ❛ starter call: noctis. ❛ drabbles: noctis. ❛ music: noctis. ❛ verse: noctis ; brotherhood. ❛ verse: noctis ; prologue. ❛ verse: noctis ; road trip. ❛ verse: noctis ; world of ruin. ❛ verse: noctis ; possibilities. ❛ verse: noctis ; dawn of the future. ❛ verse: noctis ; kingdom hearts. ❛ verse: noctis ; pokemon. ❛ verse: noctis ; sunset city.
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madeimpact · 1 year
(Eliza, obviously) "Awh cmon, some veggies are pretty great! Like peas and carrots actually soak up flavors really well! And they're good for you too! Peas even have protein in them, which helps when you're training or trying to get stronger!
@feralocsnkids || Astrals help this poor man
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❝ I'd say I've been doing alright and gotten pretty strong up until this point. ❞ Noctis, you're embarrassing yourself at this point. That's not the point. You would be a little pile of brittle bones if Regis and Ignis didn't make you eat your vegetables —
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summersunsetball · 1 year
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Welcome to the informational website for this year's annual Summer Sunset Festival and Ball, to be held in Insomnia, the Crown City of the Kingdom of Lucis, August 20 - September 2.
Here you will find historical background, information on the event, a code of conduct, and a page to RSVP and submit any inquiries to the Crownsguard.
About Summer Sunset / Code of Conduct / Helpful Information / Guest List / Promotional Post
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Final Fantasy XV - themed RPC event. Rules under the cut for mobile users.
This event is based on / set in the universe of Final Fantasy XV, but you do not need to know anything about the game or the series at large to participate! Your muse does not even need to be from the game or have a verse. Crossovers are very much welcome!
Duplicate muses are welcome! For crying out loud, this event is being hosted by two Noctis blogs. That said, please be mindful of individuals' rules and comfort levels regarding duplicate interactions.
Events are NOT time sensitive! This means that you are under no obligation to cease interactions from any one day or event after said event has ended or another has started. If the ball has begun but you're still having fun with the garden walk thread from two days ago, by all means continue to write it.
By the same token, feel free to continue any event interactions after this event has finished.
You are not required to follow this blog to participate, but update posts and IC events will be posted here, so it may make your life easier!
Tag any event-related posts with #LucianSummerSunset so that others who are participating can find your posts.
You may find that non-mutuals are participating in the event — please be respectful of others and be sure that they are open to non-mutual event interactions before initiating them.
Any proship / profiction / "anti-anti" / "proudly problematic" behavior is NOT welcome in this event, and anybody who condones this kind of behavior will be blocked from the event sideblog. Please be honest about your intentions and allow the mods to curate their space as you do yours.
To sign up for the event, please send us an ask with the following:
Mun name: Pronouns: URL(s): Participating muse(s): Are you comfortable with non-mutual interactions during this event?:
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madeimpact · 1 year
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Nervous about writing him publicly but I have been on discord so,,,,,
❛ ic: noctis. ❛ musings: noctis. ❛ headcanon: noctis. ❛ aesthetic: noctis. ❛ meta: noctis. ❛ images: noctis. ❛ relations: noctis. ❛ open: noctis. ❛ closed: noctis. ❛ inbox: noctis. ❛ dash games: noctis. ❛ starter call: noctis. ❛ drabbles: noctis. ❛ music: noctis. ❛ verse: noctis ; brotherhood. ❛ verse: noctis ; prologue. ❛ verse: noctis ; road trip. ❛ verse: noctis ; world of ruin. ❛ verse: noctis ; possibilities. ❛ verse: noctis ; dawn of the future. ❛ verse: noctis ; kingdom hearts. ❛ verse: noctis ; pokemon. ❛ verse: noctis ; sunset city.
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