#❧ ⸺ ch. axel | answered ❞
strywoven · 1 year
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@blitz-heart has requested a story : “  don’t look at me like that.  ” for Lea!
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❝ Huh ?  Wha’d’ya mean ? ❞  Easily pretends n o t to know what she means , features fixed into a well-practiced mask of feigned innocence and rehearsed confusion ( a ploy he’s clearly done many a time ) , ❝ Look at you like what ? ❞  Oh , he can’t quite help himself , can he ?  Not when it comes to his friends.  What’s more , Lea is not nearly as good at playing serious like Isa is ( honestly , that man makes it look like second-nature ! ) .  Already his resolve fumbles and falls completely , lending to a BEAMING GRIN ( one that is both impressed & appraising of the younger ) .  A laugh escapes him , hearty and humored ; full and rich ; ENTIRELY GENUINE .  ❝ Aw , c’mon , should I n o t be lookin’ at you like I’m proud of your progress lately ?  Where’s the harm in that ? ❞  Tone is earnest despite how he’s still rife with mirth ; he’s truly happy for Kairi and all she’s done.  Is that really so TERRIBLE of him ?  He doesn’t think so.  And , in his valid opinion , she deserves to hear about it.
Which reminds him— ❝ Actually , ❞ He rubs his neck a bit , seeming to consider something , ❝ Can I say somethin’ ? ❞  Waits for her approval first before continuing , ❝ Y’know , Kairi , I get that sometimes it’s hard to hear praise and really believe the words despite everythin’.  Believe me , I get on my own ass about that sorta’ thing , too.  More than I care t’admit. ❞  As always , Lea tends to speak candidly about things , no matter the issue ( a talent , some tell him ; not many can approach such fickle topics so openly ) .  So it’s nothing new that he does so now , trying to have another HEART-TO-HEART with Kairi when he feels there are certain things she ought to hear.  ❝ But , I really think y’should give yourself credit here !  You’ve done … A LOT , y’know ?  I don’t think anyone would try’n say otherwise.  I think you deserve t’remember that while you can still improve , you still came a l o n g way from where you were before.  And I k n o w you’ll jus’ keep goin’ father and keep gettin’ stronger. ❞  He smiles earnestly at her.  ❝ I have nothin’ but faith in you ! ❞  Now if only he saved any of that faith for himself.
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strywoven-moved · 2 years
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@blitz-heart asked: ‘ Yesterday was tough, but I woke up today. ’ to Lea !
a prompt i lost.
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“Well there ya’ go,” Lea says , offering the younger a bright smile , “That’s the best way t’go about it , right ?  Jus’ gotta’ take it one day at a time.  Even if the one before wasn’t so great , there’s always gonna be another tomorrow t’look forward to !”  A s i m p l e optimism , indeed , likely a knowledge she’s been offered before by others ( verily , lea himself is aware of how overused & obvious the words must sound to a cynical ear ) .  But it comes across no less GENUINE ‘pon the tongue of someone so spirited and p o s i t i v e .  And just as well , if he could help spread that WARMTH to others , perhaps then he would find the means to cleanse himself of the weight still harbored in his heart , threatening the newly restored Light which perveys over everything he does.
A moment passes where he stops to consider his next thought , verdescent gaze watching her face , the slight ways in which she fidgets and worries with her hands in her seat.  Leaning forward a bit , attempting to meet her eye , Lea gives her a reassuring nod , “I don’t think I need to say this , but I will in case ya’ needa’ hear it : there’s bound ta’ be tough days , Kairi , but they’re not ALL our days , y’know ?  They don’t have ta’ bring us down if we don’t let ‘em.”  He tips his hands some as if weighing the merit of his sentiment , making an uncertain face.  “Which - uh - I know is easier said than done , but , I mean it.  We’re jus’ as much our good as we are our bad.  An’ I think ya’ jus’ needa’ start focusin’ a bit more on some’a the good.”  A hand reaches out , settling atop her own , stilling their motions.  “I’ll be here ta’ help ya’ with that , whenever ya’ need it.  But if y’needa’ vent or anythin’ in the meantime - since y’did have a bad day yesterday - I’m here for that , too.” 
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strywoven · 1 year
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@nexarerum has requested a story : ❝ don’t start any fights. please. ❞ gabs to axel and isa
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Another peaceful day together for the three of them— Rather , it m i g h t have been , had there not started the ever-familiar BICKERING between Axel and Isa ; for two mages who so profess to care a great deal for one another ( perhaps even venturing to say they love each other , as the sun & moon are often fated to ) , they seem to get into these s p a t s all the time.  Harmless , of course , if not for the fact it’s become entirely ROUTINE ; hard to say who exactly started it this time , but the point remains … It’s still happening , the both of them trading off accosting blows like an incessant , bantering sort of tennis match.  This might well be a good reason why people have told them they resemble A MARRIED COUPLE … They certainly tend to a r g u e like one.  And , tragically for Gabriella , caught in the middle of them , forced to e n d u r e their quarreling , there’s never a winner nor an end till one of them bores of the prospect ( & that could very well take over an hour ! ) .
When she interjects her piece , there is a LONG PAUSE , an indiscreet measure of complete s i l e n c e as both mages look comically between one another and down to her , then back to each other.  At least now , a momentary peace has been restored and any conflict , resolved.
❝ Start a fight ? ❞  The both of them say in near-unison , exchanging another perplexed look with each other , a wordless conversation seeming to transpire ( is that what we were doing ? do you think ? is she annoyed with us ? should we stop ? ) .  Eventually , Isa pulls his pale gaze from his counterpart , looking back to Gabriella , giving a shake of his head , ❝ I wouldn’t say we are starting a f i g h t — ❞ The tone he takes with her is far GENTLER than the SHARP-TONGUED one he had used on Axel just a few moments prior.
❝ — Right , yeah , we’re jus’ - y’know - havin’ a discussion , ❞ Axel finishes Isa’s thought , crossing his arms.  Is t h a t what he would call it ?  Seems more like they were picking on one another to anyone with proper sense.  He chuckles a bit , shrugging his shoulders.  ❝ Believe me , Gabs , if we were fightin’ it’d be waaay more obvi— OW !  Hey !  What the hell was that for ?! ❞  Axel holds the back of his head where Isa had promptly swatted him to shut up him , emerald hues narrowing and pointedly glaring at the other.
Isa i g n o r e s him ( though he’s trying not to allow a smirk to pry up the corners of his lips ) .  ❝ I believe what Axel MEANS to say is that we meant no harm. ❞  Axel grumbles his agreeance.  ❝ Truthfully , I thought you would be accustomed to it by now , ❞ He says thoughtfully , tilting his head at her , ❝ Being around us for so long , you have seen and endured most of our tiffs.  However , if you’d prefer , we can BOTH – ❞ He nudges Axel who obligingly nods his head and smiles reassuringly , ❝ – Work to keep it to a minimum. ❞  Which would be quite DIFFICULT , but for her – they would certainly make the effort.
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strywoven · 2 years
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@lionfated has requested a story : ☃ My muse gives yours their jacket in the cold. ( for Isa or Lea! )
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An IRONY overcomes him , precedes him : for being a walking , living flame , the colder clime certainly took its toll.  It comes as no surprise that winter was Lea’s l e a s t favorite time of the year ; the snow and ice , the chill that seeps into his skin ( & gnaws on his heart ) , the prolonged hours of lingering darkness— All of it he could very well do without !  Thus , the redhead oft’ made himself rather s c a r c e through the season , as if in hibernation awaiting the first hints of spring to undo this unwelcome frigid host , attempting to avoid wintertime altogether.  But who was he to ignore the invitation to come out and enjoy the company of his FRIEND ( it’s been quite awhile , he realizes , since he & leon properly got together ) ?  It would have been rather rude , even if he loathed the weather ; Leon was well worth the risk , anyhow.
The path ahead of them – the way towards the quaint café the two usually frequent – is colored much the same as the rest of the area ; swathed in white ( with the brick of the walkway just barely peering out in stains of sudden browns & reds ) , scattered with salt and slush that mushes noisily ‘neath their soles as they head along.  Everything is … NEAR-PICTURESQUE , clad in the cloak of frozen simplicity ; boughs of trees nearby bough their heads , drooling with ice , while the green is frosted and shimmering like a painting.  For a moment , Lea catches himself a p p r a i s i n g the view of the surrounding park ( maybe it’s not all so terrible ; it can actually be … almost beautiful ) .
❝ I was kinda’ shocked ya’ called , ❞ He remarks after a moment , ducking his head from a gust of wind , gloved hands pulling out from his pockets to rub together ( where there ‘tween his palms conjures a harmless few fiery sparks for warmth ) .  Lea doesn’t mention he figured the other intended to call for Isa instead.  ❝ But , I’m glad y’did , ‘s always nice to hear from ya’ , y’know ? ❞  Words come out GENUINE , lilted with playful earnestness.
Must’ve been caught s h i v e r i n g while talking , for he notices Leon remove his jacket and drape it ‘round own hunkered , slightly trembling shoulders.  The gesture is a surprise , asking Lea to send the gunblader a questioning look ( was he sure ? did he intend to do that ? ) ; but the expression Leon wears answers him , gives the assurance , causes Lea to g r i n and pull the furred collar of the jacket closer ‘round his slim frame.  ❝ Thanks , ❞ He says , nodding , ❝ Always lookin’ out for me , huh ? ❞  Seems like he needed it ( even if he felt inclined to disagree with the point ) .  ❝ But - uh - aren’t y’gonna get cold without your jacket ?  I mean , I don’t want ya’ to freeze ‘cause of me , sweet as that is. ❞
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strywoven · 6 months
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@malafxde has requested a story : “   If I am a sunflower, would you be my sun? ” - gabs to axel
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Forgive him , he does not mean to l a u g h , though her words certainly set him alight , prodding his humor and causing him to chuckle.  ❝ Sorry , sorry , ❞ Head shakes , hand waves , Axel offers his fellow mage an apologetic look ( though he’s not at all apologetic , not really , he can’t quite help the way she brightens up his own light & why should he apologize for that ? ) .  ❝ Y’gotta’ admit , though , that w a s a little corny , right ?  Even for you. ❞  He nudges her gently , beaming grin still in place , split wide as a Chesire , verdant eyes thinned with mirth and sparkling like emerald stones against his sun-lit face.  ❝ Usually I’m th’ one sayin’ stuff like that.  I’m kinda’ surprised t’hear it comin’ from you for a change.  And a little worried.  I think I might be rubbin’ off on ya’ , Gabs , ❞ His expression turns solemn , hands reaching out to lightly grasp her shoulders , posture s t o o p i n g slightly to grant her an uncharacteristically serious look as if intending to deliver some terrible news , his tone turning grave , ❝ And unfortunately for you , it could be … ❞
Dramatic ( unnecessary ) pause.
❝ … TERMINAL . ❞  With the word , his head falls , dropping low as if he’s in m o u r n i n g of her and her loss.  Can we expect anything less from a guy like this ?  He laughs again , the sound soft and lighthearted , as he leans in to press a kiss to her crown , lingering for a moment before withdrawing.  ❝ But don’t worry , y’know I’ll a l w a y s be your sun. ❞  As long as she might tolerate him , anyway ( he knows he can be … an acquired taste for some ) .  ❝ It would be an h o n o r to be th’ light in m’flower’s life , ❞ He drawls , pressing a hand to his chest and nodding his head , vain in the prospect ( though no less adoring ) .
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strywoven · 9 months
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@nexarerum has requested a story : “ i don’t need anything from you. i’m here because i want to be. ” - gabs to axel~
a prompt i lost.
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Far be it for him to doubt her ( after all , there’s hardly a reason to lie when their relationship has always been nothing but honest & forthcoming ) , but he KNOWS HER .  As much as she knows him.  To try and keep secrets about how one is feeling is like trying to hide the obvious.  And yet , the more he pays her a cursory scrutiny ( as he might kaen or isa when he senses them attempting to deflect from the issue ) , the more he begins to r e l e n t , a small , albeit sheepish grin splaying his lips as he offers up a few notes of a laugh.
❝ Alright , alright , ❞ Hands lift , flick about , gesticulating in his d r a m a t i c way to show off he is not going to hunt down answers where there are none to be found , ❝ I’ll take your word for it. ❞  A beat , a playful nudge given to her side , ❝ This time , anyways.  But the offer still stands , if there’s ever anythin’ y’need , jus’ tell me , okay ?  I don’t want ya’ t’face life alone , Gabs , and y’shouldn’t have to. ❞  Despite the lightheartedness to his tone , the jesting veneer , his words are entirely sincere … Perhaps even a bit more s e r i o u s than intended ; for all the bluff and flaming bravado , Axel tends to be inordinately SINCERE .  After all , he loves her , and if it should mean anything at all – as it does for Isa – he will be her Sun ( the light & fire of heart that burns brilliant & true , without question , without rest , without regret ) .
Arms curl ‘round full waist , pulling the witch closer ‘til bodies fit together as they ought to.   ❝ But I’m glad you’re here , always am.  Wouldn’t be the same without ya’ , Gabs.  It’d feel like somethin’ important was missin’ , y’knnow ?  I think even Isa would agree with me on that. ❞  Kiss is pressed to her forehead , a gentle affection quite unlike his normal displays.  ❝ If you’re not here for anythin’ in particular … Why don’t we make plans to do somethin’ anyways ?  Jus’ you and me this time ?  Been a bit since we got some alone time. ❞
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strywoven · 1 year
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@bitterarcs has requested a story : did you kill them?  /  axel
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Uncertain creak of precariously leaning chair suddenly stops at the sound of a familiar voice , and an increasingly – altogether begrudgingly – f a m i l i a r question.  Scoffing , Axel shakes his head , his usual grin teasing his mouth , ❝ Do ya’ know y’re the t h i r d person t’come and ask me if I did ? ❞  Can’t help nor hinder the sharp-tongued bitterness that fosters his retort.  He’s getting a little TIRED of people implying he’s incompetent purely because of his nature to bring a sense of levity to a situation ( one , he would assume , is necessary given their positions as turks ) ; say as you like about his ( insufferable , incorrigible ) personality , but he remains true to his work ethic despite the fact.
❝ Lissen , I may like t’fool around sometimes , but I still DO MY JOB for cryin' out loud. ❞  The chair suddenly jerks forward with the shift of Axel’s weight , slamming firmly back down on the ground with a heavy noise that draws the scowling attention of those nearby.  He sifts through the various files and sheets of paperwork on his desk – all things he has , surprisingly , made quite the effort to keep up with and keep organized – before nodding to himself and passing along the one he was looking for to his brother.  ❝ Here , I got back ‘bout an hour ago.  Jus’ didn’t have the time t’properly finish their report is all.  But , they’re as good as gone , don’t worry.  I took care of it. ❞  The cocksure expression on the assassin’s face is telling , broadcasting the air of : I always do , too .
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strywoven · 1 year
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@blitz-heart has requested a story : I don't want to lose you, either. - to Lea!
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At first , a pause to her reply , a flicker of minor s u r p r i s e casting across sun-kissed features , leaving emerald hues blinking curiously at the younger.  Admittedly , he is a little taken aback by Kairi’s ENTHUSIASM and the way she near-instantly returns his sentiment.  Though , he supposes , there’s no reason to be so surprised , is there ?  They have made amends , they were f r i e n d s now.  Lea huffs out a laugh , a grin splaying his lips ; the fire that threads together his person feels almost … CALM .  Almost.  If only by virtue of the fact that he realizes , suddenly , that he has someone else in his corner , someone else he can consider as good as family ( a makeshift sort of family that seems to just keep growing the more he builds these bridges with others ) .  Perhaps , things truly a r e changing for him ; after all , he isn’t the same man ( well , he tries not to be ) and this second-life is one he intends not to squander ( & why linger on the pains of his past when he can make happier memories now ? ) .
❝ Hey , glad t’hear it , Princess , ❞ He replies teasingly , reaching out to curl an arm ‘round her shoulders and pull her close , gently mussing up her hair.  ❝ Y’know we’re pretty much family by this point , right ? ❞  Can’t help but REMIND HER of the fact ; they were nearly like brother and sister ( or so they’ve been told ) .  ❝ So if y'need somethin' ? Jus’ call me , I’ll come runnin’.  No matter what.  Consider it a guarantee. ❞  He chuckles , ❝ Though , I’m pretty sure y’can bail yourself outta’ jus’ about anythin’ by now.  Y’don’t really need me anymore , that’s for sure ! ❞  Says this with a tone of PRIDE on her behalf , telling of how excited he is for how f a r she’s come all on her own ( & likely how far she will continue to go ) .
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strywoven · 1 year
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@nexarerum has requested a story : “ i just want to see you smile again. ” - gabs to axel
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Awkward pause follows such a sentiment , a puzzled prelude of s i l e n c e that comically settles into place and sets Axel into an uncharacteristic seat of befuddlement.  Rather unlike the pyromancer to be left fumbling for a response to anything , but – as usual – the witch seems to find m o r e ways to push him just a LITTLE MORE off-balance whenever they talk ( which , he supposes , is rather fair for all the times he’s done the same to her ; this is merely returning the favor , isn’t it ? ) .  Still , he tosses her a h a p l e s s sort of look , an uneasy chuckling escaping his lips and tripping up his reply ,  ❝ Ah … Haha … C’mon , Gabs , y’sayin’ I don’t smile enough or somethin’ ? ❞  Hand comes up to rub at neck , verdescent gaze drifting off to glance ANYWHERE ELSE ( if only in attempts to avoid the conversation altogether ) ; no , he knows , it’s not that he isn’t smiling that’s the problem … It’s the fact she can tell he isn’t r e a l l y smiling at all.  Not lately , anyways ( & when this sun goes dark , too , what’s to happen ? ) .
This – the thought that she can see RIGHT THROUGH HIM – gives Axel a sudden jolt of p a n i c .  He tries to quell it , reminds himself it’s only Gabriella , there’s nothing to be so threatened by— But that old heat bleeds beneath his sun-kissed skin , riles all-too-readily in his veins , a consequence of his still-lingering guilt and fear.
First instinct is to DEFLECT in some way ; make a joke , turn the tide of conversation elsewhere— But something tells him that would only make things seem worse than they really are.  He sighs.  ❝ I guess - uh - I guess I haven’t really been all that honest , have I ? ❞  There’s a reluctance to his tone , he doesn’t want to broach the topic at all.  Even so , he t r u s t s her enough ; he has faith.  Besides , it’s his own fault ( in a way ) , it was inevitable that someone outside of Isa would catch on to his easygoing , carefree charade ( in his defense , he himself even believed it to be completely true ; at times , it was ) .  ❝ Shoulda’ known I couldn’t lie to you , Gabs , ❞ Axel jokes , trying to make light of it , ❝ But , y’don’t gotta’ worry about it.  I promise it’s nothin’ major. ❞  Nothing major , he says , but it’s certainly enough to dispel the light from his presence , whatever it is.  T h i s time , he offers her a GENUINE SMILE , one that reaches his eyes , one as if to tell her : see ? it’ll be okay , i promise !
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strywoven-moved · 2 years
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@lcstkey asked : is sanity required for the job? [Lea]
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“Careful there , Artemis , if I didn’t know any better I’d think y’were tryin’ to be funny.” Grin breaks ‘cross sunkissed face , a laugh soon to follow. Though he refrains from reaching out to her ( he doesn’t want to instigate her ire further than he has thus far , after all , he’s learned his lesson the first several times ) . But if he has learned anything from the likes of Sora , it’s that even the iciest hearts will t h a w … Eventually. And even if he needed to wait for her to come around ( & he believed it would take quite a long time ) , he would be willing to do that.
Posture shifts , leaning back ‘gainst a nearby wall , arms folding ‘cross his chest. “I’unno , y’tell me,” Hand lifts , cheeky tone lilting his voice , “After bein’ in ‘the business’ longer than I have so far , do y’think it’s required ? ‘Cause with all we’ve seen ? I’ve gotta’ be honest with ya’,” He leans forward , speaking lowly as if disclosing something of import , “I’m not sure it is.” He snorts , leaning away again. “Yeah , it’d be nice , but - hey - we’re a l l prob’ly a little crazy by now , right ?” Or , he thought they were. At the very least , Lea himself wouldn’t vouch for his OWN SANITY ( much as he pretended otherwise ) . Artemis , though … Lea got the sense was one of those people that had enough stories to make up for an entire LIFETIME . Frankly , he’s still not sure if that made her admirable or a figure to be c a u t i o u s of. “But , if it helps , I don’t think you’re any more crazy than the rest of us. If anythin’ y’could prob’ly teach me a thing ‘r two.”
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strywoven-moved · 2 years
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@ama-tcra-su asked : "All great and precious things are lonely..." (to Lea)
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There follows a swivel of the head , a questioning glance ‘round as if to affirm if this wolf were indeed acknowledging h i m and not someone nearby.  Finding no-one else she could have been talking to ( or rather , no-one near enough to catch the gentle windsong of her voice ) , his verdescent gaze falls to the canine once more , red brows quirked in a way to suggest a fleeting curiosity.  Lea could venture to say he has seen MANY THINGS in his travels , in working for the Organization , but there was so much m o r e he knew existed beyond even the grasp of even those experiences ( tainted & tarnished as they were , there was almost no room to appreciate any of it at the time ) .  And this – this was no ordinary wolf , as far as he could discern ; swathed in the glow of the sun , painted with strange crimson markings , speaking with a voice that seemed to SING all through and around him as if by beckoning of Nature— He never placed much faith in the Gods ( in fact , one might say he discarded them long ago ) but seeing her – whoever she was – made him feel the least bit b l e s s e d , as though he had to suddenly produce an offering and THANK HER for merely having the heartfound grace / goodness to converse with him of all people ⸺
Even so , the words she offered seemed … POIGNANT , fraught with some meaning he was meant to dissect but had no means of where to begin.  For a moment , he thinks he might laugh – though not at her – for the way he a l w a y s happens to wind up in conversations like these , attracting them to himself like he had some sort of dynamic PULL ( perhaps he should be glad for such a fact , it shows how comforting he is to others ; yet his heart is still so new & terribly alive , he still struggles ‘neath the weight of it all ) .  Arms fold ‘cross his chest , head tilting as he looks quizzically down at the other.  “Well , sure , I s’ppose that’s true of a lot of people.”  A nod.  “But are ya’ sayin’ that YOU’RE lonely or that I seem lonely ?”  He smiles some , that familiarly playful air returning.  “‘Cause there’s a bit of a difference , right ?”  A rather b i g difference , actually.
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strywoven-moved · 2 years
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@blitz-heart asked : ❝ When i’m with you, I have someone looking out for me from a different perspective. That's important to me. ❞ for Lea again!
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Such a sentiment gives the older redhead pause , causing him to turn and look towards Kairi taking a break from training nearby.  The SIGNIFICANCE in her words , the offered IMPORTANCE resting in her tone , is not wholly lost on him.  And for just a moment , he looks more a young boy – struck , baffled – u n c e r t a i n if she meant that for him to hear ( no , he thinks , shaking himself out of it , she doesn’t just say these things to hear herself talk ! ) .  Still , it seems the least bit strange , as if her words come UNWARRANTED or UNDESERVED .
 “What d’ya’ mean a ‘ different perspective ’ ?”  Lea asks , laxing his stance and resting his full attention on her.  He can only assume she means someone a little more OPTIMISTIC , someone who can help her look on the BRIGHT SIDE , but he’s sure she has Sora for that ( & he’s more than sure sora has him beat in the realm of positivity by a large margin ) — Hand raises , rubbing idly at the back of his neck.  Verdant hues teeter away as he mulls it over.  “Well , t’be fair , I’m sure I’m not the only one lookin’ out for ya’ , right ?”  He can’t be.  Moving forward , he comes to sit beside her , a small huff leaving him.  “Y’know … After everythin’ I put ya’ through it’s kinda’ funny hearin’ ya’ say anythin’ I’m doin’ now is ‘ important ’ t’ya’.”  There it is again , that old wound of REMORSE that’s not quite healed right ( if at all ) .  “Not that I’m not grateful t’hear ya’ say that stuff !”  Quick wave of the hand , doing away with his words , a slight chuckle leaving him.  “But , I’ve noticed a lot’s changed.  For the better.”  He turns a bit , offering her a small smile , it preens the freckles in his sunkissed cheeks , making them peek out ‘gainst his skin.  “Y’don’t gotta’ worry , PRINCESS,” Can’t help but toss that in there for good measure , “If no-one’s gonna look out for ya’ , I’ll be the one to do it !”  It helps , too , knowing she’s thankful to have him doing so.
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strywoven-moved · 2 years
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@blitz-heart asked : ❛ I don’t know why it bothers me. ❜ to Lea?
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“Y’know I hate soundin’ like a broken record here,” Though he knows he h a s to when the situation demands it , “But there’s obviously a REASON why it’s botherin’ ya’ so much , right ?” In his experience , at least , people don’t just f e e l something just because— There was always something that caused it. This , something he had to RELEARN since gaining his heart back , since reacquainting himself with his emotions and all they entailed. C o n c e r n blemishes Lea’s features ; he’s not sure if he’s the grace to p r e s s or p r y , if she would allow him to pick at what seems to have her so distraught of late. After all , it was only recently Kairi began to feel comfortable enough to articulate what was on her mind , and Lea is not so sure he feels inclined to hurry her along for details if it would risk her collapsing in on herself.
“Kairi,” Lea begins again , sounding every bit the OLDER BROTHER he has suddenly found himself becoming , “I’m not gonna make ya’ talk to me , I don’t think that’ll help.” This really d i d seem like something they were doing more and more lately , didn’t it ? Lea was never good with these situations , part of him wishes Isa was here as a buffer ( a vigil entity , a voice of reason ; someone who , although himself distraught , seemed a steady hand for others ) . “And I’ve said this b’fore but , I a m here for when ya’ do feel like talkin’ it through. When ya’ do , I’ll do what I can to help ya’ out.” These conversations often left a BITTER TASTE in his mouth. However valiantly he tried to be a light for others , he simply did not have the strength to uplift everyone as much as he would like ( for that , he would have to try harder ; he would have to do better ) . “Until then , how ‘bout I take your mind off it , huh ? Let’s go get some ice cream , my treat.” Ice cream wouldn’t necessarily cure everything , but it made for a good ( & tasty ) TEMPORARY SOLUTION .
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strywoven-moved · 2 years
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@reveredhearts​ asked : ❝ No matter how hard you try to please, it devours you until there’s nothing left but a hollow shell. ❞ Aqua to Lea!
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          Well , she certainly had a way of phrasing things , didn’t she ?  Lea can’t help but be reminded of Isa - in a way - for the words she plucks to place into speech , for the tone she delivers alongside them ; quiet , deliberate in the subtle sadness it possesses.  There are parts of Aqua he feels drawn to , much in the same sense he is drawn to the Diviner—  Opposites attract , after all.
          “Ya’ sound like my friend,” He points out with a chuckle , shaking his head a bit.  “Always talkin’ ‘bout the sad stuff.  Don’t y’guys get t i r e d of it sometimes ?”  Not that he means to insult her , he’s simply t e a s i n g , leaning a bit to nudge her shoulder as if in attempts to jostle her out of her stupor a bit more ( much like he does with isa , hoping perhaps the tactic could be useful here as well ; after all , it’s rather hard to frown when the sun shines on you so brightly ) .  Lea smiles at her.  “But - yeah , sure - I know what ya’ mean.  Y’re kinda’ preachin’ to the choir here , actually.”  Turns in his seat , hands making a gesture to himself ( as if to say , can’t you tell ? i’ve been doing that for forever ! ) ‘fore he faces forward again , hands clasping together once more.  “If y’want me to be completely honest … ‘S been hard , y’know ?  Cuttin’ the habit , I mean.”  A hapless shrug.  “I know that if I keep pushin’ myself to please everyone else I’ll burn out but at the same time it almost feels like… I h a v e to.”  Strange , though , Lea can’t place a name or a face to anyone who has ASKED him or DEMANDED of him to put in so much effort to change ; everyone seems to have already accepted him as he is for the most part.  He sighs , looking over at her again.  “I guess ‘s somethin’ I gotta’ work on.  Do ya’ … Ever feel like that , Aqua ?  Like y’re tryna’ please people all the time ?  Like ... Y’re tryna’ make amends ... ?”
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strywoven-moved · 2 years
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@lcstkey​ asked : ❛  why are you here ?  ❜ [Lea]
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          S e v e r a l beats of silence measure out ‘tween them , Lea simply staring at the woman in what could be considered outright CONFUSION .  It breaks the moment he finds his voice , simply uttering a baffled , if not moronic , “Huh … ?”  A few staggered blinks , “Why am I here ?”  Yes , that i s what she asked.  His comprehension is still in-tact.  Reaching into a back pocket , Lea fishes out his gummiphone , dexterously flicking through the most recent messages from contacts to find the answer to this precedent debacle.  Turning the screen , he reveals the EVIDENCE , a simple answer to one of his questions , asking him to meet her for lunch again like they had before.  “Well , you literally t o l d me to be here , remember ?”  Returning his phone to his pocket , Lea gives a slight shake of his head.  “I get that y’re bad with tech , but you couldn’t’ve p o s s i b l y butt-texted me an entire confirmation for a meeting.”  Or , at the very least , he doesn’t THINK that’s possible.  But , he supposes , there’ve been s t r a n g e r things to expect.
           “Or , do ya’ mean ‘why’ in a general sense ?”  That wouldn’t be too unorthodox for someone as cryptic as her ( a mystery , he finds , that is constantly unraveling but also constantly enfolding in on itself ) .  Lea chuffs at the thought.  “Kinda’ a loaded question , isn’t it ?  I can’t be expected t’answer that on an empty stomach , y’know.  C’mon,”  Wasting no time , his arm tangles ‘round hers , paying no heed to whatever objections she may have ; she’s already being dragged along to the diner set on the course before them.  “B’sides , ya’ still owe me for stealin’ my food the last time.  So it’s on you !  ‘Cause the sooner we eat , the sooner we can have a proper d i s c u s s i o n !”
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strywoven-moved · 3 years
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@reno2ndgun​ asked : “  Talk to me.  ” Was all Reno said as he sat shoulder to shoulder with his twin. Axel had seemed out of it for about a week now and once Reno had a moment away from missions he was right at the other's side, voice quiet.
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          Something was certainly AMISS ; vigil fire stoked seems to be wheezing , gasping and h e a v i n g on fumes ( some ends , however , are intentional— some ends , we understand , tend to be self-made ).  And whatever it was , it had a tremendous v i c e on him.
          Digits flex idly , the too-familiar BURN working its way through his palm and coursing through his fingertips . . . Axel closes his fist , quieting it down ‘fore it goes further.  Footsteps approach , and his twin’s voice sounds from somewhere f a r off ( was he even here anymore ? ).  Words go unheeded at first , gaze distant – distracted – DISTRAUGHT ; green depths narrowed on some imperceptible horizon.  Drawing a breath and leaning back in his chair , the redhead turns to acknowledge Reno.  A n y t h i n g , he knows , they could very well tell each other anything , that was the perk of being FAMILY .  But what was he supposed to say ?  Axel raises a hand and gives a dismissive wave , “‘S nothin’ ,” Lies come easily , they were second-nature.  Huffing a sigh , he shakes his head.  “Jus’ been tired , that’s all.”  A meager honesty , at least.  “Really , you don’t hav’ta’ worry ‘bout it.”  
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