#❧ ⸺ ch. isa | answered ❞
strywoven · 1 year
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@nexarerum has requested a story : ❝ don’t start any fights. please. ❞ gabs to axel and isa
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Another peaceful day together for the three of them— Rather , it m i g h t have been , had there not started the ever-familiar BICKERING between Axel and Isa ; for two mages who so profess to care a great deal for one another ( perhaps even venturing to say they love each other , as the sun & moon are often fated to ) , they seem to get into these s p a t s all the time.  Harmless , of course , if not for the fact it’s become entirely ROUTINE ; hard to say who exactly started it this time , but the point remains … It’s still happening , the both of them trading off accosting blows like an incessant , bantering sort of tennis match.  This might well be a good reason why people have told them they resemble A MARRIED COUPLE … They certainly tend to a r g u e like one.  And , tragically for Gabriella , caught in the middle of them , forced to e n d u r e their quarreling , there’s never a winner nor an end till one of them bores of the prospect ( & that could very well take over an hour ! ) .
When she interjects her piece , there is a LONG PAUSE , an indiscreet measure of complete s i l e n c e as both mages look comically between one another and down to her , then back to each other.  At least now , a momentary peace has been restored and any conflict , resolved.
❝ Start a fight ? ❞  The both of them say in near-unison , exchanging another perplexed look with each other , a wordless conversation seeming to transpire ( is that what we were doing ? do you think ? is she annoyed with us ? should we stop ? ) .  Eventually , Isa pulls his pale gaze from his counterpart , looking back to Gabriella , giving a shake of his head , ❝ I wouldn’t say we are starting a f i g h t — ❞ The tone he takes with her is far GENTLER than the SHARP-TONGUED one he had used on Axel just a few moments prior.
❝ — Right , yeah , we’re jus’ - y’know - havin’ a discussion , ❞ Axel finishes Isa’s thought , crossing his arms.  Is t h a t what he would call it ?  Seems more like they were picking on one another to anyone with proper sense.  He chuckles a bit , shrugging his shoulders.  ❝ Believe me , Gabs , if we were fightin’ it’d be waaay more obvi— OW !  Hey !  What the hell was that for ?! ❞  Axel holds the back of his head where Isa had promptly swatted him to shut up him , emerald hues narrowing and pointedly glaring at the other.
Isa i g n o r e s him ( though he’s trying not to allow a smirk to pry up the corners of his lips ) .  ❝ I believe what Axel MEANS to say is that we meant no harm. ❞  Axel grumbles his agreeance.  ❝ Truthfully , I thought you would be accustomed to it by now , ❞ He says thoughtfully , tilting his head at her , ❝ Being around us for so long , you have seen and endured most of our tiffs.  However , if you’d prefer , we can BOTH – ❞ He nudges Axel who obligingly nods his head and smiles reassuringly , ❝ – Work to keep it to a minimum. ❞  Which would be quite DIFFICULT , but for her – they would certainly make the effort.
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strywoven-moved · 2 years
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@blitz-heart asked: ❛ Did it hurt? ❜ to Isa !
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Momentary lapse in judgment is what leads to this predicament.  And pain registers , however DISTANT & DULL ( the connection ‘tween isa & his own body still remains at odds ; i do not recognize myself , he says , i do not know whose body this is anymore ) , the scalding water having splashed over the front of his newly-bought sweater and soaked beneath prompting the Diviner to give a small , resentful sigh.  Pulling gingerly at the hem , he inspects the extent of the damage , the extent of the mess he’s just inadvertently made ; it’s not terrible , but his skin begs to differ.
The question from the entryway of the small kitchen causes him to look up , blinking in s u r p r i s e .  Isa figures she must have come to see what the commotion was about when all that clattering was happening– “Kairi,” Isa acknowledges , letting his features soften as he reaches for one of the towels hung over the oven handle nearby.  “I didn’t mean to worry you with all the noise.”  Gingerly , he attempts to blot away what he can of the wetness that’s easily been saturated into the dark-hued knit of the fabric.  It’s no use , it might be best to let it dry on its own.  “Well , it hurt a bit,” Isa admits with a slight shrug , beginning to shuffle things around so he can clean the excess water from the countertop and stove.  “Would you believe me if I told you it’s happened before ?”  He tries for a lighthearted air , but he can sense it doesn’t help his case very much.  “It’s fine , Kairi , no harm done.  It was just the water I spilled , nothing important like the cups or the kettle.”  And he would’ve HATED to ruin those for being so careless and c l u m s y .
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strywoven · 9 months
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@nexarerum has requested a story : “ the unfortunate truth is, i think i’d forgive any flaw in a person if they loved me enough. ” - gabs to isa
a prompt i lost.
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❝ Ah , well ⸺ ❞
Only has a moment to begin a reply before the short-lived p e a c e in the apartment is broken by a ‘ C’MON , YOU’VE GOTTA’ BE KIDDIN’ ME ! ’ .  Isa sighs inwardly , knowing full well that he ought not to expect any sort of quiet in this place when the two rowdy pyromancers get together.  Frustrating though it is ( for he , as the moon for axel’s sun , always preferred solitude & silence compared to all the commotion ) , the Diviner catches himself s m i l i n g , if only faintly , briefly listening in to the bickering scuffle transpiring in the other room.  It was , Isa has to admit , in some ways , the least bit e n t e r t a i n i n g .
❝ I can see it , ❞ Isa replies , not meaning any offense by agreeing.  He rises from his place on the bed beside her and quietly closes the door to drown out the noise coming from the living room.  There he stays , back resting against the wood , arms folding across his chest.  ❝ After all , you so readily forgave all o u r flaws , didn’t you ? ❞  That clearly was n o t what she meant , but he tries to lighten the mood of the topic by gently teasing her for it.  He offers her a slight smile , head tilting.  ❝ I believe I understand what you mean , though , ❞ He admits , fingers drumming along his bicep in thought , ❝ I always thought that … I could overlook the worst in others if they cared enough. ❞  Such a pitiful truth comes out e a s i l y for her , but his words are no less painful to say , no less BITTER & MISERABLE , ❝ But what I’ve realized , as I hope you’ve come to see , too , is that I don’t have to seek out love or care or kindness in terrible places.  Because I’ve already got such things from the best people I could’ve asked for. ❞  Axel ( as well as his adoptive siblings found in roxas & xion ) , Kaen … And Gabriella herself … These are the people who now comprise his entire world , and he could not be happier for it.
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strywoven · 1 year
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@nexarerum has requested a story : “  you see the good in everything. that’s why i like it when you look at me.  ” gabs to isa!
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You see the good in everything , she says , and Isa cannot quite suppress the s k e p t i c a l look that flits across his features.  Keen is he to disagree with her ; tempted is he to rebuke the point.  Words rise to tongue : do i really ? he wants badly to prompt her , are you so sure about that ?  Lo’ the man of consequence , the one who falls on the bitter-blade of SELF-CONTEMPT ; resentment runs deep within like an unrelenting quick , struck time and again and left to b l e e d and r o t .  How does one who sees no good in the self find good in others ?  It seems … ILLOGICAL .
And yet , Isa eyes her over the rim of his cup as he drinks his tea , he finds he doesn’t feel inclined to outright d i s a g r e e , either.  Even with his uncertainties.  Like Axel , Gabriella is nothing if not completely sincere with him.  There’s no sense in debating what they tell him ( that , he’s found , is always bound to be a losing argument ) .
So , in swallowing the mouthful of brew , so too does he swallow his commentary.  He shifts in his seat , regarding her with a s l i g h t smile.  ❝ You phrase that as if you expect me NOT to see the good in you , ❞ Isa says instead , tilting his head some , blue brows raising , ❝ I would have to be completely b l i n d to not take notice of it. ❞  An earnest sentiment.  Leaning forward , he returns his now-empty cup to the saucer on the table , wordlessly asking with a motion between her and the kettle nearby if she wants more to drink , before reclining back in his chair again.  ❝ Truthfully , ❞ Isa continues , ❝ I wouldn’t be so quick to say I see the good in EVERYTHING .  Not everything i s good , after all. ❞  Thus , there really wouldn’t be much to see to begin with.  ❝ I suppose … It is more a matter of knowing where to look , isn’t it ? ❞  Tone is thoughtful , expression is s o f t e n e d .  ❝ Which is exactly why I look to you , ❞ He tells her.  Then after considering it a moment longer Isa chuckles , giving a shrug as he adds on , ❝ As well as Axel. ❞
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strywoven · 2 years
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@lionfated has requested a story : ❝ Are you feeling okay? You look a little pale. ❞   ( -gently places down for whichever muse you’d like to bonk me back with- :> )
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Only now has Lhore considered it time for rest ( now , when legs buckle with each step taken ; now , when vision blurs each time she makes to stand & move forward— ) .  And what she thought to be but a single night of recovery has suddenly turned into SEVERAL DAYS of reprieve , condemned to many arduous hours of r e s t l e s s n e s s in a quaint town that – with each passing day – becomes increasingly more familiar to her.  Much to her chagrin ( o’ how she loathed remaining anywhere for too long ! ) .  Not that there was much to be done about it , there was no sense testing her limits further and risking more than she could already take.
It is by the third evening Lhore finds herself wondering how much LONGER it would be , ruminating the thoughts of when she could finally be healthy enough to leave by staring out the foggy window of the tavern ( there was so much to be done – but where , what , who was she to begin with ? even she had no real end to her immortal journey & perhaps that was what she truly sought from her innumerable lives ) .  The stranger’s words , at first , go unheeded ; they sound far off , distant , as if some noise the immortal cannot quite place.  She notices a reflection emerging in the glass ; a man with a furred jacket , not a local ( a hunter , perhaps ? a mercenary ? ) .  Blinking a few times , the qilin turns head , glimmering adornments strung ‘round the horns clinking softly as she moves , looking up to properly acknowledge him.  No , she certainly does n o t recognize him ; she has been here long enough to know even a few of the travelers like herself , and he did not seem like one of them ( or at least , not one of the common ones by the looks of him ) .
But what a GREETING that was , to approach and simply ask if one was okay ; not beginning with a hello , not even a who – a what – are you ?  She is befuddled , surely , but not entirely offended.  Did she still look so ill ?  Perhaps she had misjudged her own progress.  Placid features fix into a frown , pointed ears downturning slightly.  ❝ I … O h . ❞  She huffs , shaking her head at herself , at how her thoughts are so muddled , making conversation more of a CHORE than usual.  ❝ Yes , I suppose I … Must seem a little worse for wear , don’t I ? ❞  Voice is hoarse ; she may well be s i c k , too , from the sound of it.  ❝ It happens , I believe , when you travel so much and forgo rest. ❞  Guilty in tone , though she smiles somewhat , shrugging a bit haplessly ( it can’t be helped says the motion ) .  ❝ You’ve nothing to worry about , sir , but thank you for … Checking. ❞  A few moments pass ‘tween them ‘fore she speaks again , quieter this time as if she may be HESITATING when posing the offer , ❝ I can buy you a drink , if you plan to stay for a spell. ❞
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strywoven-moved · 2 years
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@lionfated​ asked : 🧋 - to offer your muse a drink . | For Isa
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          It’s become INCREASINGLY RARE ; a carefully maintained c o n t r o l over that long-lived aggression brooding within him.  Like an unwanted / unwarranted fixture it stands there uncontested , a testament ( a reminder ) to the TRUER NATURE hoarded close to a newborn heart.  A former vision , cast to shadow , waiting– waiting– waiting— Seizing any opportunity it has to engulf its host.  And perhaps it was Isa’s mistake ( amongst so many others ) , to leave the door open just enough to let it sneak by ; to leave the key in the lock ; to not be strong enough to force back its hold.  The entire event , if we can assume it as such , leaves him SPENT & EXHAUSTED ; grateful that no-one had to see him in such a state ( almost no-one , at least ) .
          Found slumped in his companion’s armchair with a chilled rag strewn ‘cross his eyes ( perhaps if he could blot out the world , he may be able to cleanse the memory of it— ) , Isa makes use of the kindness which has been extended to him.  Such he does not anticipate , either.  Willing enough to call himself and the gunblader ‘ friends ’ , he is not certain if this would leave a tarnish on an already blemished reputation.  Though , he is rightly grateful ; it was Leon who was able to reel him back into place , who was able to fend off whatever it was that had spurned the beast from its shackled rest in the first place.  But the SELF-SCORN comes fast ; he should’ve been able to do so on his o w n , it never should’ve happened to begin with.
          The sound of approaching soles catches his attention , pricking at a pointed ear which perks ‘neath blue tresses of hair.  He does not stir much beyond that , only seeking to lift the veil of the soothing washcloth when Leon asks how he’s feeling , a cup of s o l a c e ( of tea , he assumes ) ready in his hand.  The Diviner groans softly , pushing himself into a proper upright position , letting the rag fall into the open palm at his lap.  His head hurts , his chest is still tight , his mind is still hazy— But otherwise ?
          “Not the worst,” Isa offers , “I suppose I could be BETTER , considering the state you found me in.”  He attempts the lighthearted air , the tone his fire-haired companion would take to ease the jagged face of a dour mood.  But he’s nowhere near as adept at such a feat as Lea , the effort falls a bit flat , tripping over itself despite how he tries to feign nonchalance.  Taking the offered mug , Isa breathes in the wafting scent of it ; chamomile , he detects.  A good choice.  He can’t help the genuine tug at his lips , though brief.  After a sip , he looks to the gunblader again , reclining back in his seat.  “I… I am sorry.  For having you get involved in this.  Thank you , though.  For what you’ve done for me this evening.”
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strywoven-moved · 3 years
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@lionfated​​ asked : “ you’re not a bad person, you’re just a little lost. ” ( Leon to Isa post kh3 maybe? If that’s alright? )
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          Words go UNHEEDED at first ; the sentiment falling like stones into a near-endless well , breaking the bottom with desolate c r a c k s in the hollows below ⸺  And after a moment or two - when the echoes of those syllable-stones have dispersed - Isa closes his eyes and draws a breath , sighing through his nose as if the prospect of conversation requires some mutual strength he did not possess ; as if already e x h a u s t e d by the mere mention of the topic being given , the need to snap teeth at the metaphorical hand extended towards him is OBVIOUS if not INNATE .  He challenges himself to resign the urge , to let it come and go in slow tides - just as certain as breathing ( though perhaps not as easy ). 
          It might make s e n s e , what Leon said.  But then. . .  It also made no sense at all.   For all the MISERY &. TERROR Isa had exerted in his time as a Nobody , it was hard to accept there was no bad in him still.  How could he simply believe that part of him would cease to exist when - in fact - it still remained within him ; gnawing tirelessly ‘pon his fraying nerves , writhing with each moonrise , shaking these bones and asking again for a chance to be turned l o o s e— How was it that he could put such f a i t h in Leon’s words ?  How was it he could take such an opinion to heart ?
          At last , his voice finds him.  “You say it so CONFIDENTLY,” Isa remarks , no tone of bitterness , no note of resentment ; simply a lilt of p e r p l e x i t y .  Seafoam gaze drifts towards the other , fixating him with a p o i n t look , hued brows quirked.  “We’re not familiar with each other,” Isa points out , “So I’m curious how you are so s u r e of what you say ?”  Perhaps a bit DIRECT , but not at all harsh , only a press for an answer he does not see as clearly as Leon seems to.
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strywoven-moved · 3 years
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@lionfated​ asked : ❛ you wanted to be left alone, right? ❜ | ( Leon @ Isa - SORRY LEON SEEMS INTENT ON POKING YOUR ISA IDK WHY )
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          “I d i d,” Isa replies curtly with no uncertain note of bitterness underlying his words.  They just continued to keep meeting , didn’t they ( but was that so terrible an occurrence ? ) ?  And there was – or rather , there must be – something to the old adage that people come together for a REASON ( nothing in this life was simply coincidental , let alone the people Isa continued to meet ) .  But w h y it happened to be Leon , Isa could not very well say.  
          The tightness woven through jaw and brow soon relents , expelled in a soft sigh through the nose , eyes closing momentarily ‘fore reopening and meeting the other’s gaze.  “It can’t be helped now , can it ?”  Isa concedes , offering a k i n d e r tone to lift his voice.  “Besides , you are already here , I’m not going to chase you off.”  But you could , chimes in one of those muttering things scraping at the recesses of his thoughts.  To disprove himself ( and to silence the ill-spiritedness in his head ) , a hand raises and gestures to the open seat ‘cross the way.  “Please , sit , you are welcome to stay.”  It was RARE to have company like this beyond Lea and his makeshift family ; was it nerves that rose to challenge the occasion ? fear ? uncertainty ? or some other disjointed emotion that gnawed freely on his heart , perhaps— Whatever it could have been that settled there ‘tween them in that moment , it was not ALL BAD .  Isa was indeed g l a d for the reprieve , relieved there was someone else to share his time with ( if only for the moment , if only as acquaintances ) .
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strywoven-moved · 2 years
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@blitz-heart​ asked : "I get really quiet when my mind is too loud." (for Isa?)
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          From the adjacent room emerges the Diviner , steps quiet although measured with some unspoken weariness.  Isa himself possesses an innate c a l m ( while the frenzied thing within him rages – rages – rages— ) ; being with him could be mistaken for soothing , if not somber.  Warm drink is handed off to the young Guardian as he passes by her chair , chin tipping in a slight nod for Kairi to continue her piece , if she had the voice ( the strength ) to do so.  He understands they are not so close as she and Lea must be ( nearly like siblings , weren’t they ? ) , but he finds no sense in turning her away when she’d come all this way to talk.  Yet there is a sense of UNCERTAINTY in his actions ; he frets – as always he does – he may scare her away.
          Settling into a nearby chair , own mug in hand , Isa allows the space for Kairi to talk – a GOOD LISTENER , at least – and leaves room enough for their hearts to reach out . . . Just this o n c e .  Eyes close for a moment in contemplation ‘fore opening again , a rather t h o u g h t f u l and considerate air possessing his energy.  Despite himself , the Diviner’s tongue weaves a confession ‘fore he can convince himself to reconsider , “We have that in common.”  It startles him , how easy it is to be honest with the other , just like it would have been with Lea.  But then , does he have a reason to l i e ?  Clearing his throat , he brushes past it , “I’ve noticed there are times you seem to. . . R e t r e a t from the others.  Not physically , really , but in another way.”  A simple observation , intoned gently , as if he was resting a hand to her shoulder.  A sip is drawn from his cup , a few moments of silence pass.  “I u n d e r s t a n d what it’s like to be overwhelmed by one’s thoughts.”  Another brief pause as he considers his words , weighs the merit of the offer he’s about to make.  “If ever you’d like to talk about it , I’m here.  That is . . . If you need me to be.”
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strywoven-moved · 2 years
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@reveredhearts​ asked : “  loneliness is a slow and cruel poison.  ” Aqua to Isa 👀
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          At last , a moment to himself , and the prince elects to spend his time with his knight Aqua ( the contempt of the aristocracy is high for such a choice ; spend your time with those who are worthy ! with those who deserve your voice— yet did aqua not prove herself to them all those years before ? ) .  Strange , even now , to refer to her as HIS KNIGHT – though she is ; appointed and ordained to serve as his personal guardian.  It feels … Different , somehow , when he is able to stop his studies , open the door to his chambers and call for h e r standing just by the entrance.  He does not ask , he does not have to , there is an unspoken knowing that he simply requests her presence in the way he offers her name ( delicate ‘pon the tongue , spoken with the kindness she deserves , articulated with the hint of inquisition ) .
          Disappearing back into the room , he offers her a chair , provides her with tea – none of this is h i s task to perform , yet it feels right to do so – to make your long-time friend feel WELCOME away from the prying and judging eyes of the aristocracy who gossip and belittle without recourse.  When he takes the seat ‘cross from her , the conversation begins , unfurling / unfolding as EFFORTLESSLY as ever , just like when they were young.  There are no pretenses here , no care for formalities , no bonds to the divide which so separates them.  It is simply … Companionship.  And conversations like these come as a rarity to the prince ; much of the company he has through his routine is found l a c k i n g and dull.  
          Gaze is drawn from the window at her following words , falling across her face in an appreciative manner.  Lapis brows quirk , he wonders what might have indulged her to say such a melancholic thing.  “Are you lonely ?”  Never one to mince words , is he ?  Direct as always , despite the well-trained politesse.  “Forgive me , perhaps that was … Too forward to ask.”  Clearing his throat , Isa tries for another approach.  “I understand , more than most , what it is like to be surrounded by a great many people but still never feel quite connected to anyone.  Is that what you’re feeling , Aqua ?”  Trying to see , trying to make s e n s e of what she means.  A wistful expression takes his features , a small smile teasing the stoic line of his lips.  “At the very least , perhaps the poison is not so cruel if we’ve still got each other.”  A fact , he hopes , would remain true for some time ; a fact , he hopes , would soothe whatever worries at the beautiful stone of her heart.
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strywoven-moved · 2 years
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@reveredhearts​ asked : "what  you’ve  been  doing  is  so  difficult ,  I’m  so  proud  of  you ." to Isa from Aqua!
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          Unlike with Lea ( the unrelenting sun , the morning-glory burning past the brink of nonreturn— ) , Isa found no easy solace in his unified semblance ( a wholehearted person ; a soul thus returned & reforged ) .  Beyond his friend , he finds very few places to turn.  And how h a r d it is has since been , attempting to absolve himself of the shadow still lingering in every step , every word , every action— But he knows it to be possible.  If only so brutal a task , like wrenching free a part of you so ENTIRELY ENMESHED .  He’s always left wondering how Lea copes so well in comparison , how it was that he was able to find leveled footing so soon.
           Dependence on others is … Not part of how he ever sought to handle things ( like the moon , an isolated figure – surrounded by the stars but still wholly alone ) .  Somehow , Isa realizes he has m a n a g e d .  Things were , of course , getting better and would continue to progress if given the time and patience.  He finds himself – in slight degrees – relenting in his urge to be away from everyone now so keen to be part of his life.  Aqua , strangely , was one of the f i r s t who approached ; a gesture he would not soon forget nor be any less grateful for.  Spending time with the woman was proving rather HELPFUL to him ( though one may never hear him confess such a thing aloud ) .  There are parts of her ongoing self-plight he’s heard in passing he could empathize with , a resonance he wonders may perhaps MEAN SOMETHING .
          “Difficult may be putting it lightly , I think.”  Isa shakes his head , a wry smile threatening his lips.  “Certainly no part of this has been e a s y .  For anyone.  I oftentimes find myself falling back into old habits.” He admits , “But , thank you , for the encouragement.”  A subtle tone of flattery hitches his voice, “It does mean A LOT , you know , coming from y o u .”  From someone who understands , that is.  “I will strive to do more so you can continue to see me improve.”  In return , he hopes to see her move forward as well.
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strywoven-moved · 2 years
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@nexarerum​ asked : “You’re a better person than you give yourself credit for.” to isa!
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          Well-meaning words come and go , passing the Diviner by as simply as the late-summer breeze cast in from the open window.  He’s keeping himself busy – as usual – moving about the bedroom futzing with arranging and rearranging the various books and stones set oh so m e t i c u l o u s l y on his shelves ; a stick of incense breathes smoke lazily nearby , scenting the heat-heavy air in the room with the smell of fresh-water glades.
           Isa pauses , looking over his shoulder at the witch reclining on his bed.  Normally he would not be so forgiving of the intrusion , but Gabriella he finds , makes for an exception to much of his particular pickiness.  “Is that right ?”  Continuing on in his seemingly never-ending task ( he’s fixed the same space almost three times now , never once content with the way it looks , the energy unsatisfactory to him each time ) .  He wants terribly to REMIND HER that they’ve this in common : self-doubt , self-loathing— Instead , Isa elects for another thought entirely , “I know you mean what you say.”  There’s a lingering ‘ but ’ hanging on the end of that sentence , isn’t there ?  “It’s just…”  Occupied hand , holding a selenite pillar , waves in a vague gesture as he tries to find the words , “D i f f i c u l t… To believe at times.”  Or all the time , if he was honest with himself.  He wishes he could be better at separating himself from the past , like Axel , who while not without his own sect of demons striving to drag him down , still persisted despite all the two of them have experienced.  Perhaps that was the problem ; Isa was simply s t u c k , no way forward , but no way back either.
           “One day , Gabriella , I hope I will see myself the way you see me.”  He says quietly , setting the stone down , offering her a stray , s o m b e r smile.
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strywoven-moved · 2 years
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@lionfated​ asked : ❝ do people ever tell you that you’re the silent type? ❞ | ( For Isa )
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          “Only all the time,”  Comes the rueful response in kind , a tone to suggest bemusement as much as likely chagrin.  A h u f f ; yes , he’s heard these words before , in several different ways ( you’re so quiet – you’re in your head a lot – you don’t say much do you — ) .  It was true , however , that much Isa could not rightly deny.  He WAS typically reserved , reflective of an uncanny placidity and calm which – similar to Lea’s infectious spiritedness – oft’ charmed others to feel the same ( as much a blessing as it was a curse ; it took such great strides to set the boundary ‘tween himself as he is and the vile rage which slumbered ‘neath the surface ) .  Sometimes , Isa might even say he was JEALOUS Lea got the better end of the stick in terms of disposition ; Lea , however , would stand to testify otherwise.
          Fingers curl ‘round a warm mug , lifting it to his lips , taking a long swallow of the contents within.  This was suddenly very FAMILIAR , wasn’t it ?  The two of them were beginning to see each other more and more often ( sometimes on purpose , per Isa’s own increasingly less rare request ) .  TIME was a unifier ; it took t i m e to bring the face of the moon back into view , as likewise it took t i m e to bring Leon into the Diviner’s favor – little by little , but by sure measures and gentle coaxing.  
          A momentary smile flickers ‘cross the Diviner’s features , a light which adorns him rather fleetingly , dispelling just as soon as it had come to the surface of those ever-stoic waters.   “I think that’s simply how people see me , or it’s just what they expect.”  Hand and cup extend outwards , pointedly gesturing to the gunblader.  “You know , I could say the same about you.  Man of few words , and all –”  A few notes of a chuckle leaves him then , but he swallows it down by taking another sip from his cup , pretending nothing happened.
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strywoven-moved · 2 years
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@moon-hollowed​ asked : ❛ you don’t wanna know. ❜ | ( Lea )
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         There is a slight WINCE at the words ; Lea does not take well to being closed out / shut off by the people close to him , this was no exception.  His voice comes out as a grumble , a halfhearted retort all but weakly thrown at the Diviner’s retreating backside , “Well , I wouldn’t’ve asked if I DIDN’T wanna know. . .”  It was easy to be offended – they were BEST FRIENDS , they were always so forthcoming with each other which made situations like these all the harder to swallow.  Even so , Lea understands there is a quiet suffering in Isa , and that was something he couldn’t simply absolve the other of ( no matter how many instances he has tried ) .
          A hand reaches back to rub at his nape , his feet unrooting themselves as Lea hastens to follow beside him.  “Isa,” Lea begins , a tone rather q u i e t – lacking its typical levity and liveliness.  “I k n o w you , I k n o w when things get bad.  Believe me , I GET it.  More than - more than I’d like t’ admit.”  For a few moments the words remain ‘tween them ; he was never very good at these conversations , was he ?  Ironically , it always seemed Isa was better equipped to handle these situations.  Head tilts away from the path ahead of them , emerald gaze fixated on his friend’s stoic features.  Despite the sober moment , Lea s m i l e s .  The redhead shifts , leaning a bit to try and catch the other’s eye from behind the veil of blue tresses which seemed to try and separate them.  “But I also know what it’s like t’not wanna talk ‘bout any of it.  And I get that this isn’t my forte - not by a long-shot - but I wanna do what I can , if it means I c a n do somethin’.  That’s what friends’re for , right ?”
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strywoven-moved · 3 years
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@teardownheaven​ asked : ❛  I  have  been  generous  up  until  now .  ❜ // Aeleus, for either Lea/Axel or Isa/Saix
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          Besides Lea , Isa found no r e a s o n in seeking the others ; no s e n s e in departing the path and reconnecting.  Whatever grievances , whatever misgivings remained ‘tween them all – at this point – deserved to be buried.  No use digging up the bones and sucking out the rotted marrow , reviving old HORRORS for no-one’s benefit.  So this , speaking with Aeleus as if no contentions were to be had , sent an upstart in an already frayed heart ( that indignant thing , now so humbled by an onslaught of emotion— ).  This , a scene Isa did not think would be plausible when he returned.  He supposed there were worse things to expect ; there were worse things he could have endured other than a happenstance conversation.
          “Albeit one of your v i r t u e s,” Isa remarks , no ill there , simply a short-lived sentiment ( perhaps even faintly smiling to himself at the thought ).  Stance changes , turning in place to better acknowledge the other.  But generous with WHAT ?  Patience ?  Forgiveness ?  ( No , that could not be it – the scorn would run deep as roots in all of them , wouldn’t it ? ) .  Brows come together , he knows better than to p r y , but cannot escape the tinge of c o n c e r n slowly seeping into stoic features , easing his edges and swelling ‘round his words as he speaks again , “Perhaps not my place , but you seem to be implying there’s been a stop.  Is there something that caused it ? . . . S o m e o n e ?”  Rather PRESUMPTUOUS , isn’t he ?
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