#⟨    *&. THREADS.    ⟩  ┋  UMA ATLANTICA .
seraphicae · 4 years
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            ❝   you  can’t  get  attached  to  anything  here   ,   ❞   but  whether  she’s  warning  him   ,   or  reminding  herself   ,   uma  isn’t  sure   .   she  turns  away   ,   fingers  brushing  along  the  shell  hanging  against  her  sternum   .  ❝   it  makes  you  soft   .  .  .    and  this  place  will  fucking  eat  you  alive   .   ❞
            @chrmatiica​   /   starter  call
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hclianthus · 3 years
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Uma Atlantica tag drop!!!
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sumsolus · 4 years
tag dump : muse, uma atlantica !
🙙  𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐱.  ⁞  uma atlantica / crack.  🙛
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c-rose2081 · 3 years
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Mess Not With a Resting Dragon
Love Like Dragons AU
Bevie | Huma | Gildry | Mal & Audrey BROTP
Audrey the Aurorian Dragon wasn’t a fan of being cold. Unlike Mal — Evie’s five-year-old Isle Dragon — who loved lurking around corners, under furniture, and inside cupboards; Audrey was quite opposite. She spent her lazy afternoons basking in warm sunlight on clear branches or at window sills. She lounged by the oven door when Evie was baking, played in rolls of fabric left behind while Evie was designing, and slept at night on a well heated perch next to her and Ben’s shared bed. The creature was very much her husbands little Princess, and Audrey was sure Evie knew this as well.
Currently, Ben was out of town. Evie had been watching both dragons closely, as Mal had only just recovered from a Dragon Cold. It had taken only a few days of Ben’s week long getaway for Evie to notice something weird going on with Audrey. Though she would be there in the morning on her perch, as always, she seemed lethargic and snappish. She ate regularly though, and played a bit. So Evie thought perhaps she was simply missing Ben, as he very rarely went away without her.
In the mornings, Evie would let the Dragons out, and leave the door to the porch open while she worked on her designs in the Den. Mal came and went often — nothing weird there — but her pink counterpart often stayed outside all day long. This was unusual, because the weather was getting colder as Summer began its annual shift into Fall. Evie was well aware that Audrey was a priss about her body temperature, and it was odd of her to stay out so long without even coming inside to eat. Halfway through the week, despite a late Summer drizzle rolling in from Atlantica’s direction, Audrey refused to come back inside. Period.
Evie tried to wrestle her out of the garden, but was shocked to retrieve a sharp nip on the hand. It wasn’t a malicious bite; Mal’s play wrestling was often far worse. But it was a bite none the less, and Evie had never been bitten by Audrey before. As she had when Mal caught a cold, Evie began her usual routine of worrying. What if something was wrong? What if Audrey caught something from Mal? What if she died while Ben was away and came home to find his Princess gone?
At once Evie was filled with dread. She wanted to call her husband, to tell him what was going on and how she didn’t have Uma’s number to call her for help. But he trusted her to watch the ‘kids’ (as he referred sometimes), while he was away. And Evie didn’t want to disappoint him. After all, it was only a week. She should’ve been able to handle a week at home by herself.
Instead of calling Ben, Evie dawned her bad weather gear and began watching. The rain didn’t let up for days, and Audrey still refused to come inside. She had taken up residence in one of the rose bushes in the garden; one so dense and prickly that there wasn’t any way for Evie to get her out, or even see inside. Mal, who Evie hadn’t noticed at first, was able to slip into the bush just fine. The pair would make a bit of noise, as though they were conversing, and Mal would leave and fly off.
After a day of watching said bush, freezing her butt off but determined not to let anything past her, Evie still wasn’t sure what was going on. Mal, her dear spiky fiend, would visit the bush at least five times a day. Sometimes she would have things that she found around the house. The first time it was a dishcloth, the second time a spool of thread, the third an old sock belonging to Ben that had been behind the washing machine. And so on and so forth. Evie hadn’t ever seen Mal so keen on playing fetch; not like she was ever keen on playing to being with.
Audrey herself wouldn’t come out of the bush, not once. And only when Mal brought a dead mouse from the shed did Evie understand why the Princess hadn’t come back in. She wasn’t starving; as Evie had first thought. Mal was feeding her wild catch. Thoughtful; but weird as the two so often bullied each other. As darkness fell and the storm grew heavy, Evie was forced into retreat. Of course she was worried about the dragon in the bush, but she didn’t need to get sick either.
Evie didn’t get much sleep that night. She tossed and turned as thunder rolled overhead, and rain assaulted the windows. She was only just beginning to doze off when Mal began to scream. It wasn’t a sound Evie had ever heard come from her best friend. It was a horrible, desperate wail, as though she were in such great pain that she might just die on the spot. Leaping out of bed, Evie stubbed her toe in the dark but ignored it. She shoved on her Ugg boots, tucked into her jacket and bolted down the stairs phone flashlight in hand.
She found Mal at the door to the patio, flapping and scratching at the glass in panic. She banged her body against the panes, forcefully rattling the hinges, desperate to get outside. Evie fell over herself getting the door open, and Mal bolted out at breakneck speed. And as Evie followed her into the storm, she knew something was horribly wrong.
The sounds coming from the garden were like war. Growling and hissing, whimpers, cries and thuds. Skidding to the shed, Evie was already soaking wet as she turned on the floodlights, illuminating the entire backyard. Two rather large bodies circled Audrey’s rose bush, the leaves and branches trampled and broken down. One dog and Audrey were engaged in a fierce battle, the dragon’s back forced down into the muddy grass by a large brown paw as she used teeth and claw to swipe at the stray dogs nose.
The other dog was now engaged with Mal, the purple dragon pissed and tearing into its fur and flesh with her toothy maw. Startled by what she saw, Evie entered the shed and grabbed a shovel from the wall. She was just in time to keep the German Shepard from biting Audrey’s neck, swinging her makeshift weapon hard and striking the animal with its flat face. There was a horrible BANG of metal on skull as the dog was knocked to one side, whimpering in pain and running away into the hedges where it had come. The other, realizing its alpha was retreating, followed suit.
Breathing hard, Evie’s heart was leaping in her chest as she dropped the shovel with a clatter. Audrey had managed to get back to her feet, but walked with a hard limp and many cries of pain. She looked horrible, covered in bites and scratch marks. One of her wings appeared to be torn slightly, and part of her topmost ear was missing. She went straight to the bush, crawling through the debris. Evie’s composure shattered when she heard the most heartbreaking wail.
Hurrying to where Audrey now stood crying, three eggs sat in a nest made of various items from around the house. There used to be four eggs; four little baby dragons which Audrey had no doubt been incubating for the past several days. But one of them had been pulled out of the nest by the dogs. One baby dragon had been lost.
Crumbling to her knees, Evie trembled in the night and the rain as Mal pulled Audrey close with a wing and held her tight with both arms. The new mother continued to wail with grief and pain, the sound echoing like a ghostly song on the wind. That’s where Ben found them all when he returned home later that night, weeping in a ruined garden with Evie unable to speak past blue tinted lips. Ben immediately carried his wife upstairs to warm up and dry off, and then called Uma.
He returned to the back garden not long after, wielding under his arm a large plastic tote lined with several old, fluffy blankets. Gently, he moved Audrey from the broken down nest into the box, followed by her remaining clutch of eggs and what he could salvage of the nest. Mal had already gone upstairs to be with Evie, keeping the woman warm with her own body heat as she slept fitfully and tearfully.
When the bluenette came down the next morning, her eyes bruised and body sore from the night prior, Uma and a man she didn’t recognize stood with Ben in the living room. Gil was also present, one massive wing draped protectively over a basket which held the remaining eggs. Mal went to meet him, crawling to sit on the table above the basket, as to have a better view.
Uma currently had Audrey on the table, stretched out across a red stained towel. The man she was with wore elbow length leather gloves, holding the poor thing down as his partner made expert movements with a needle and thread. Audrey cried all the while, the sound breaking Evie’s still fragile heart.
“Hey, you don’t need to be in here for this,” Ben whispered upon seeing her, tugging his wife along to the kitchen. She began to weep again, but Ben silenced it quickly.
“Shh, it’s ok. It’ll be alright, E,”
“B-but it’s not,” Evie managed, “I knew something was wrong. I knew it. I-I should’ve done more.”
“Love, you didn’t do anything wrong,” Ben pleaded, “you should never mess with a nesting dragon. You did the right thing leaving her be,”
“B-but she’s hurt now because of me. I should’ve stayed, I should’ve called...”
“Why didn’t you call?” Ben asked, squeezing her arm gently, “E, I could’ve been back. I could’ve been here to help,”
“This trip was so important to you, Ben,” Evie insisted, stomping her foot slightly in tired frustration, “I’m a full grown woman. I’ve lived on my own since High School. Yet the minute you go away...” waving towards the living room where Uma was working, Evie sighed heavily, “I wanted to show you I could handle it. I didn’t want to disappoint you.”
“Oh, Evie...no, no,” pulling the woman to his chest, Evie let him run a hand through her hair, closing her eyes at the feelings of comfort it brought, “you could never disappoint me. I love you so much. I’m just glad you’re all safe.”
Nodding weakly against her husbands broad, warm chest, the two glanced up as Uma entered the kitchen from the other room. She was sweating a bit, resting both hands on her hips as she exhaled.
“So what’s the word?” Ben asked wearily, cringing at the possibility of bad news. Uma, thankfully, didn’t seem ready to give it.
“She’ll be fine,” the woman nodded, “must’ve put up one hell of a fight though. You said it was a Shepard that did this?”
Evie nodded in confirmation as Uma scoffed and ran a hand over her braids, “right, well. Keep her off that leg for a while, I’ll prescribe some meds to keep her sedated until she heals up. Keep an eye on that wing too, we don’t need it getting infected,”
“And the other eggs?” Ben asked, “they’re all ok?”
“For the most part, yeah,” Uma answered, “one of them has developed a crack, but it didn’t hurt the integrity of the egg. May just end up being a dragon runt,”
“Dragon runt?” Evie questioned, “what does that mean?”
“Runt of the litter,” Uma explained, folding her arms as to find a better position, “it might come out funny looking, or small. In the wild, dragon runts are left behind by their mothers to fend for themselves or get eaten. But since Audrey lost one, she may just accept it anyway.”
“She’ll grieve, then? I know Aurorian Dragons are supposedly quite emotionally sensitive.”
“For a few weeks I think,” Uma confirmed, “it’ll probably be best for Gil to stay here as emotional support. He is a father after all, and Coastal Dragon males are left to watch the eggs in the wild,”
“How do you know so much about dragons?” Evie wondered curiously, “is there like, a manual for this stuff?”
“I worked at a sanctuary for a bit, before I met Harry,” Uma admitted, nodding to the living room. Speaking of Harry; the man in question entered the kitchen. He placed both hands on Uma’s shoulders, and Evie immediately noticed the two missing fingers on his right hand.
“Well, lil blighters are all resting up, now,” he spoke though an accent, though it was one Evie couldn’t really place in her hazy, sleep deprived brain, “we best be goin’ soon, luv. I got a shift t’nite at the yard,”
“Right,” Uma agreed, “you guys call me when you start seeing movement in those eggs, I want to be here when they hatch.” Uma insisted, taking the hand Ben outstretched for a shake, as he wasn’t ready to let Evie from his arms just yet.
“Thank you, Uma. I can’t thank you enough. If you ever need anything...”
“Call you. Yeah, I know,” Uma laughed, waving for Harry to follow her out. When the front door clicked shut, Evie let out a breath she didn’t know she’d been holding.
“See,” Ben said gently, “it’ll be ok.”
Swallowing the rock in her throat, Evie let Ben guide her back out into the living room. Audrey and the eggs had been moved back into the plastic tote, folded up in blankets to keep her warm. Gil — left behind by Uma and Harry till the eggs hatched — sat sentinel by the box, one wing stretched over its top. Mal still lay draped over the side of the table, chin rested on a folded arm, watching the both of them, “come on, Evie. Let them rest; you need your sleep,”
“Mal,” Evie said, causing the purple haired dragon to lift her head slightly, “you watch over them. Ok?”
And Mal, cranky as she was, snorted a plume of smoke and returned to her former position of watchman as Ben and Evie went upstairs for a midday nap of their own.
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islecaptain-a · 5 years
(ties in with @wearethedescendants​)
Harriet Hook’s Crew:-
Harriet Hook - Captain / familiar bond with Tizoc Tock
Bael Wolfe - familiar of Maeve Fae
Damian Jones
Kovu Nje
Rhion King
Sammy Smee
Members of Raven’s Gang:-
Diana Moors - familiar of Raven Fae
Adelinda Khalil - familiar of Jabir Al-Jazari
Miriam Mirror - familiar of Everson Grimhilde
Elektrasam - familiar of Ulla
Hermione Sinclair
Evalyn East
Audrey Rose
Members of Cain’s Coven:-
Ginny Gothel
Freddie Facilier - familiar bond with Lucian Gato
Lyra Sanderson - familiar bond with Berenice Bartok
Maddie Mim - familiar bond with Hastings Hiss
Vitani Nje - familiar to Felda Gothel
Shadow Spirit - familiar to Faris Facilier
Malachi Flyer - familiar to Zabella West
Urina Tow - familiar to Tempestas
Varena Ulf - familiar to Glacies Hiems
Members of the Heart Family court:-
Braxton Snatch - familiar of Viveca Heart
Hannah Hightopp **See Hannah’s Isle!Verse where raised by Hearts
Gaston’s Tavern (Read Giavanna’s Tavern)
Alexandria Slade
Arlo Tremaine
Bellamy Sykes
Core Four (ties in with @ladymalevxlent )
Mal Fae
Evie Grimhilde
Hades’ Souvlaki
Empatheria Black - familiar of Haemon Thanatos
Dare Hollow - familiar to Noctis
Persephone Thanatos - Queen of the Underworld **See Persephone Isle Verse
Curl Up and Dye (ties in with @heartsunholy​)
Lilith Gato
Hans Westergaard
Claude’s Church Lackey’s
Claude Frollo Jnr - Leader
Wyatt Clayton
Gunner Ratcliffe
Claudine Frollo
Hyde’s Surgery and Apothecary Shop
Edwin Hyde - Doctor/Alchemist
Zevon - Pharmacist/Scientist
Nasir of Andalesia’s Bodyguards
Gaston ‘Junior’ II Legume
Pace Ratigan - familiar to Brunhilda Lebkuchen
Skye Nottingham
~::|| Isle Politics - Brief Overview ||::~
Harriet is in control of the area of the dock’s known as the Western Docks, which is the part of the docks closest to where the Goblin Barges come in, so she is usually first in, and controlling the best trade. Her territory used to belong to Long John Silver until she took it from him when she was fifteen. Her territory is right next to the part of the docks under Uma and Ursula’s control.
Harriet, Raven, Viveca and Cain’s gang’s have major alliances in every verse, and secretly keep the Isle from destroying itself in an alliance known by some as the Power Four.  Harriet’s gang has a minor protection alliance with the Core Four.
Claude’s Church Lackey’s are the older gang with the least power/influence - something which frustrates him to no end. His gang has successfully managed to piss of every other gang on the isle (including Uma’s crew in my headcanons). The rising gang of Giavanna Legume has started garnering attention, their main base is Gaston’s Tavern.
The children of Hades’ Souvlaki (or what is classed/looks like children), have alliance ties to the four prominent older gangs on the Isle. Whereas Curl Up and Dye normally keep to themselves and are situated on the cusp of Uma’s territory; though Lilith can usually be seen with the Heart’s Cheshire Chester.
Hyde’s Surgery and Apothecary Shop is not your typical doctor’s surgery - none of the doctor’s there are fully qualified, but have had medical training. However you go there at your own peril. Outside of the Isle Alliances, the Hyde family thrive on pain and if you go there you might just end up leaving worse than when you entered. They do have a talented scientist making semi-decent medicines in the form of Zevon, who recycles out of date medication from Auradon.
As the deal broker of the Isle Nasir of Andalesia needed bodyguards and they came in the form of Junior and Pace. Unaligned tend to float between the gangs, Skye is a bit of a loner, tends to police the younger generation for the Sheriff of Nottingham.
Benjamin Florian - King of Auradon
Preston Rose - Crown Prince of the Auroria
Forrest White - Crown Prince of the Summerlands
Kuzco Alvarez - Crown Prince of the Kuzconian Empire
Daniil Romanov - Prince of Russia
Ruby Fitzherbert - Princess of Corona / Life debt with Chester Cheshire
Eira of Arendelle - Princess of Arendelle 
Astrid Bjorgman - Princess of Arendelle
Eloise Charming - Princess of Charmington
Maggie DunBroch - Princess of Clan DunBroch
Wonderland Cafe (ties in with @fatesdesign​)
Hannah Hightopp
Alistair Kingsleigh
Alissa Kingsleigh
Chesney Cheshire
Twelve Labours Gym
Herkie Alexopoulos - Owner
Hunter Woods
Maisy O’Malley - future familiar of Mordred Pendragon
Fairy Vale / Faeries / Wisps
Cornelia Fae - Princess of Fairy Vale
Reed Faery
Fleur Faery
Willow Wisp - wisp of Galvin DunBroch
Seaside / Triton’s Bay / Atlantica / Atlantis
Jackson Grimsby
Aria Atlantica
Jordan Genie - future genie of Jaeden Jabberwocky
Northern Wei / China
Li Shang II
Jenny Skellington - Princess of Halloween
Zoe Ghastley - familiar of Jasper Skellington
The afflictions list is rather intensive and encompasses a lot of headcanons (whether they’re aware of it or not) with my main RP partner’s and will be heavily referenced in threads.
Sibling bonds haven’t been included above, just familiar and affiliations!
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induro-a · 5 years
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Lydia Atlantica is the daughter of Princess Ariel of Atlantis and Eric. Half human, and half-mermaid, being in Auradon her whole life, was told the terrifying stories of Urusla and what her parents went through to be together. Lydia was trained and taught how to live underwater with her mother’s side of the family as well as mainly living on land with her parents together. Considering she did attend Auradon Prep, she did live as a human for most of her life, but was still a very skilled mermaid. 
With the barrier coming down and the kids from the Isle coming over, Lydia is scared of Uma, she doesn’t want history repeating itself and Lydia is thankful that it seems the sea witches sights are set elsewhere for now. Maybe one day she will get over her fear, but for now, Lydia is timid and shy. Preferring life underwater she can be found in the Enchanted Lake often, just soaking the sun on her fins which is a slightly deeper green than her mother’s tail. 
**more to come as threads progress and we shall see if she sides with good or evil
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faircharm · 7 years
R P C    P O S I T I V I T Y    W E E K
DAY 01: favorite portrayals of a character in your fandom
@shemultitcsks  as always, where would i be without my daughter ?? the thought & realism & depth & growth mary has put into mal has taken the fairy from a chara i lowkey hated to my fave emotionally-stunted gremlin girl ?? especially just how she explores mal coming to terms with becoming the auradon kid that she wants to be ?? i adore her and would clearly follow her anywhere
@glasshcle  i love how they do not pull back from portraying the low points of chad’s personality and then to add the secret soft boy chad & his pet mice && i could never unfollow !!
@islevenged  hello hi i just ?? uma atlantica deserves a world of love & bless them for giving her that !! i love seeing the multiple facets of uma’s chara being explored on her blog & we are blessed to have her in our community & no matter what blog she’s writing on i can’t pry my eyes from her prose !
@inherited-vanity  EVIE MY LOVE MY LIFE ! tricia writes her so well && is so nice !! wow her evie interpretation is so much fun to read and see on my dash !
@wckedhook  every one of my blogs is a gd murphy appreciation blog and there is a really good fucking reason for it in that her harry makes me want to WEEP. the fleshed out relationship between the sea 3?? harry’s utter devotion to uma ? his rocky relationship with his father ? ( .......our hevie thread UMM ) no one is as inclusive or brave & i just ?? where would i be without her ? 
@boycrowned  i love a ben florian appreciation life & their blog is like a beautiful gift for such a beautiful soft boy ?? their metas ?? yes !! would follow anywhere !!
@shefairest EVIE EVIE EVIE umm val writes e so poetically and just so ?? her heart warring between soft & cold & i ?? adore her evie ?? a joy to read & interact with
@curiosityheir ALLY umm i literally could not not follow all of mini’s blogs but i just ?? each of her charas is so well written and ?? jay’s uncertainty ? ally’s wonder ? FGM’s genuine care & love ?? sign me up always
@evlheart EVIE ( can you tell i have a type ) i love seeing her evie on my dash sm ??? her interpretation really ?? is so lovely to read w/ great imagery i’m wow
@evlfae mal bertha is a badass ? i love how they do not shirk away from mal’s sharp edges and instead indulge and portray them so seriously ?? a joy to read
@warriordescended  LONNIE !! um i just am so glad to see a lonnie on my dash & especially our bold sunbeam girl written so beautifully? a light to our dash !!
@captncrowned literally all i want is uma to step on me but ??? their uma is so GOOD i am so excited to see where they take her && b/c so far i’m HOOKED !!
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alwaysforcver · 5 years
🗡 ⁞   𝐈𝐕. 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃 » evie grimhilde. 🗡 ⁞   𝐈𝐕. 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃 » hayley marshall kenner. 🗡 ⁞   𝐈𝐕. 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃 » isabella swan. 🗡 ⁞   𝐈𝐕. 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃 » jemma simmons. 🗡 ⁞   𝐈𝐕. 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃 » jyn erso. 🗡 ⁞   𝐈𝐕. 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃 » li lonnie. 🗡 ⁞   𝐈𝐕. 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃 » mal bertha. 🗡 ⁞   𝐈𝐕. 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃 » nyssa vex. 🗡 ⁞   𝐈𝐕. 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃 » regina mills. 🗡 ⁞   𝐈𝐕. 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃 » uma atlantica. 🗡 ⁞   𝐈𝐕. 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃 » sara lance. 🗡 ⁞   𝐈𝐕. 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃 » zari tomaz.  
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seraphicae · 5 years
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  ❝   you don't have to say just what you did     ;      i already know  .  ❞
            .*·゚✧・ @malfaecent​​ / lyric starter call ・✧゚·*.                    ↳ WITHOUT ME by HALSEY
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seraphicae · 4 years
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             ❝     tell me how you really feel   .    ❞
            .*·゚✧・ @twicestung​​ / lyric starter call ・✧゚·*.                    ↳ TIDAL WAVES by ALL TIME LOW (ft. MARK HOPPUS)
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seraphicae · 4 years
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             ❝   never thought that you wanted to bring it down  ,  ❞
            .*·゚✧・ @malevlnt​ / lyric starter call ・✧゚·*.                    ↳ OVER MY HEAD by THE FRAY
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seraphicae · 5 years
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           ❝ what’s my name ?! ❞   she seeks validation in his answer  ,  though the sea witch’s daughter will never admit it . her lips curl to reveal sharp , opalescent teeth baring resemblance to the fangs of a predator . the anger and adrenaline surges through her , vibrating the blood in her veins . and yet , her voice rises , growing more impatient when the hasty response she demands doesn’t come . ❝ what’s my name ? ! ❞
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seraphicae · 5 years
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               ❝   don't let me down  ,  ❞
            .*·゚✧・ @denydefeat​​ / lyric starter call ・✧゚·*.                    ↳ DON’T LET ME DOWN by THE CHAINSMOKERS
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seraphicae · 5 years
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              ❝   you're not a   voice    ,    you're just a ringing in my ear  .  ❞
            .*·゚✧・ @evlfae​​ / lyric starter call ・✧゚·*.                    ↳ INTO THE UNKNOWN by PANIC! AT THE DISCO
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seraphicae · 5 years
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           ❝   we’ve burned that damn bridge ,   ❞       she holds tightly to her anger , her spite directed at maleficent’s daughter for her misdeeds . but mostly  ,  uma feels weighed down by the effort of hating her . she’s grown weary , though her rage won’t subside enough for her to   drop it  .  a sigh and uma pulls her gaze from the dragon girl  ,  suddenly much more fascinated with a pesky scar on her knuckle than she is with mal . ❝ and i wasn’t raised to build new ones .  ––––   GET LOST . ❞
                                          .*·゚✧・ @malfaecent​​​​  /  MAL.
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