#⟨ ✦ .*・。゚┊ meme:re ⟩
wsharu · 3 years
24 and 9
ask meme ━ ‹ ✦ accepting ›
( 9 ) what is your most embarrassing moment?
( 24 ) What has been the highlight of your time with your group?
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( 9 ) - wc: 118
" my most embarrassing moment, " this was a question he needed to think hard about because he rarely got embarrassed but there was one thing that came to mind, " well, i am not sure how embarrassing it is, but when i feel stressed, i like listening to girl group songs, " he nods, " then while i was listening and dancing, minding my own business and all. i heard the door creak open to the practice room and there was a face there. looking at me, i am sure it was a trainee but i felt pretty embarrassed in the moment because it was someone unfamiliar, that probably only knew my image. so yea, embarrassing. "
( 24 ) - wc: 114
" the highlight of my time with phoenix? so far? " junho smiled softly to himself, nodding slolwy as he started reminiscing about everything he's experienced the past three years with phoenix. " i think it's difficult to choose one highlight but for me, i think it would be when we filmed our first ever music video in 2018 - for aju nice, the song was fun and the filming itself was fun and memorable. everything felt very real in that moment, the fact that i'd be debuting and phoenix would get to stand on stage. i think that has to be the highlight, getting to debut and to meet all our fans. "
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fmdjun · 3 years
一 예준 ❛ TAG DROP ❜
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rkyeji · 5 years
♫ ┊ song drabble - how long ; not accepting
how long has this been goin’ on?you been creepin’ ‘round on mewhile you callin’ me “baby” 
jinsoul was one of the people that she had actually mentioned hansol too, in september yeji had gone through alot with the older boy disappearing but she had gotten some solace in the fact that his sister had told her he was fine. however one thing she hadn’t expected was to see his instagram update in that time. sure it was only a picture but…
“isn’t he awfully close to this girl in this picture?”
she asks the female and pushes her phone over to her, asking for the older girls opinion. even though she wanted affirmation that it was indeed too close. yeji had gotten her heart shattered and she had finally started to heal but seeing this picture made that wound open up right away. even if she didn’t start crying right there, it felt like someone jabbed needles into her chest.
jinsoul looked at her with sympathy but also with a knowing stare, as if she was saying, ‘this is why you don’t date’ and yeji knew. she didn’t want to date.
“i can’t believe him, it’s barley been two months and he’s back to where he was…”
yeji’s brows furrowed together, her bottom lip quivered as she remembered how happy he had been after their first kiss. how in the clouds both of them had been– happiness that was what he had given her taste of and now she was lost.
“he said he loved me…” she uttered under her breath.
yeji laid her face on the table, “unnie,” yeji started, her voice hesitant, “i loved him too.”
it was painful to admit it, jinsoul didn’t really say anyting but yeji felt a calm hand on the back of her head and quietly yeji sobbed into the table.
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rkharu · 5 years
♫ ┊ song drabble - if i can’t have you ; not accepting
au !
oh, I’m good at keepin’ my distancei know that you’re the feelin’ i’m missingyou know that i hate to admit itbut everything means nothin’ if i can’t have you
if jaheyun had known who jinsoul was, maybe he would have stayed away. but he had gotten used to seeing her blonde hair in the wind. jaehyun had gotten too familiar with her presence-- then he had learned who she was. she was one of heejin’s friends-- jaehyun was good at keeping away from her but the familiarity and the warmth that he felt when he was around jinsoul,
none of them were really big talkers-- when they were together it was usually filled with silence but, jaehyun had found peace in that. maybe he had known that jinsoul and heejin were friends-- maybe he just didn’t want to admit it to himself.
he didn’t want to admit it to himself because then he knew what would happen-- one thing he had realized was that without jinsoul around, the silence felt more haunting than anything else.
jaehyun walks the halls of seocho-- his eyes searched for her but instead of finding jinsoul alone he found her walking next to, heejin. seeing them together-- seeing both of their smiles. jaehyun didn’t want to come between them, he couldn’t-- but in his mind he was already seeing her so vividly. when he closed his eyes, 
when he was out drinking with his friends-- how may times had he almost messaged her. just sent the other a simple message, asking her if...
“is it too late to tell you thateverything means nothing if i can’t have you?”
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rkhyunjae-blog · 6 years
your thoughts on your sunbaes.
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@haebinrk: “haebin noona, she always treated me nicely-- even if i started out as someone... that didn’t have tge best impression, the way she managed the team and helped us behind the scene was always very nice. i appreciate her alot. i regret the falling out we had last year, i hope we can get past it.”
@rkxkikwang : “kikwang hyung... well he is interesting, his height doesn’t represent his attitude on the court. if he had been taller maybe he would have been an ace... or maybe even a setter. but that wouldn’t be good because then i would have taken his spot... i respect hyung alot, even if i don’t show it well. he is a good libero as well. very trustworthy.”
@rkjhyxk: “then joohyuk hyung. when i was in school, he helped me get closer to everyone, even though i really didn’t care or mind being alone. i don’t think that i would have become as good of a setter i am now, without him... without anyone of my sunbae’s helping me become a little friendlier. joohyuk, is someone i look up to in many ways. he’s a great ace too, very reliable.”
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eunxe · 6 years
“i didn’t mean to push you away.” (Theo)
Theo didn’t even look at the other. Instead opting to stare blankly out the window of his apartment, deep in thought as the other made his apologies. “The same way you didn’t mean to pour that drink over me? The same way you didn’t mean to do anything, right? It’s all bullshit and you know it.” Theo had to laugh, the whole situation being so ridiculous. “I’m tired of this. Make a decision or get out of my sight.” 
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wsharu · 3 years
4, 16!
ask meme ━ ‹ ✦ accepting ›
( 4 ) what is your most embarrassing moment?
( 16 ) if you could choose your next comeback, what concept would it be?​
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( 4 ) wc: 240
his most embarrassing moment? it was something he had to think of for a short moment, " i think it would have be when i was younger, i fell asleep in class... " he starts off and when remembers the entire story he closes his eyes and rubs his temples, "now falling asleep in itself isn't embarrassing but what if you are a 14-year-old boy -- falling asleep in your male homeroom teacher's class while he's teaching science? " still it probably wasn't embarrassing enough for others, "this happened pre-debut but... my classmates ended up drawing a cat face on mine and one of the girls put a headband with ears on me... with my teacher's permission." the only time he had actually felt frustrated about being able to fall asleep anywhere, " when i woke up, one of my friends held a sign up for me and i didn't know then but i was being filmed, but the sign said meow-- so i looked at him confused and read it out loud."
junho covers his eyes embarrassed as he remembers how the video had been shared with everyone in the school -- he was infamous at his school for a few weeks before something else happened, but those weeks where he waited for them to forget were the most infuriating and embarrassing days for him. why? because upper and underclassmen would walk past him and say meow to him.
( 16 ) - wc: 107
haru was well aware of the kind of concept that phoenix had; it was primarily bright and the boy next door vibes. however, after performing multiple songs within the same category, he found himself desiring a more mature song that suited the group getting older.
" i think it would be nice to do something more mature, not necessarily sexy but i'd like to try more mature songs. isn't there something for mature, the boy next door vibes? like solemn and still very approachable? i think that should be a concept to have as well, solemnly approachable. that has a nice sort of ring to it. "
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rkyeji · 5 years
♫ ┊ song drabble - come out and play ; not accepting
elementary school stories
and i know it makes you nervousbut i promise you, it’s worth itto show ‘em everything you kept insidedon’t hide, don’t hide
“mina yah,” yeji’s voice rang through the hallways. she was excuted to finally get to spend time with her cousin. they met up for some kind of family reunion and yeji appreciated it, that meant she got to spend time with her favorite cousin. kang mina.
daniel was a close second but right now, she was there too see mina.
maybe it was because they hadn’t seen each other for a couple of months but the female was shy. a word yeji had never known. people always commented on how outgoing she was, naive and outgoing. it was a combination that her parents thought would be her demise but it had’t so far.
“mina~~~” yeji’s voice was clear and excited, “come out and play.”
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rkhyunjae-blog · 6 years
if you liked boys, who would you like to date?
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“if i liked boys... i guess maybe joohyuk hyung? or kikwang hyung? then again haknyeon may-- no not haknyeon i wouldn’t be able to deal...”
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rkhyunjae-blog · 6 years
do you think your rushed into your relationship with heejin?
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“rushed?” before he confessed his feelings to heejin he had wondered if it was rushed, however he wouldn’t have confessed or asked her to be his girlfriend, “no, it wasn’t a rushed decision… i started falling for her in december, i confessed in february– so no, it wasn’t rushed.”
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rkyeji · 6 years
imagine this, you finally debut in a group, who is in your group? what concept is it? what style of music is it? what is the group name? finally, the last question, are you happy imagining this scenario?
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“i’d love a happy and powerful concept, i think– as for those in my group. chaewon, ryujin, minju, jiwoo or seoyeon?” yeji chuckles, trying to imagine her friends in a group with her, “i would be very happy with all of these girls in my group. it would be uplifting and cheerful music, something every age could listen to… dance/pop!”
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rkyeji · 6 years
what's your favorite emoji?
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rkhyunjae-blog · 6 years
would you break up with heejin if you were offered a trainee contract that told you you could not date?
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rkhyunjae-blog · 6 years
why do you consider park jiwon your best friend? - yes this is from park jiwon
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“i think i’ve already answered this... ms. park jiwon. yes park jiwon is my best friend.”
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rkyeji · 6 years
what is your pokemon dream team?
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“oooo, arcanine, vaporeon, aloan ninetails, roserade, charizard and flareon!”
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rkhyunjae-blog · 6 years
Would the world be a better or worse place if we all looked the same?
“it would clearly be worse off... imagine if i didn’t look like myself? then again i’d be able to look at myself where ever i go... but wait... i don’t wanna date someone that looks like me... even if i’m good looking.”
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