#⧉ answered
corvidmagicae · 1 year
there is now a Bri Fumo sitting on the open window sill, staring at the real Bri.
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Why is there a doll in her likeness? Should she be concerned?
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afterlifetango · 1 year
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"Hey There surface fairy! Want some fancy western noodles?" She's offering Luna a plate of Spaghetti with a a red, creamy looking sauce. "The hermit tried it and she was left speechless! And in tears! It was that good!" Seiga has died.
The sauce is a mix of Ghost pepper, onion, oregano, and extra-strength mint toothpaste.
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Why does that plate look so ominous?
    “What is that? Blood?"
Luna, blood looks nothing like pasta sauce, but then again, she has no frame of reference. Either way she's going to over-think it.
    “Westerners eat their noodles with blood? Did you get this recipe from the vampires in the mansion?"
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maeriiberii · 2 years
*Clop Clop Clop*
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"Remember Ms. Maribel, the Mafia is still awaiting this month's payment. Only ten days left to leave it at the usual drop off point. Good day."
*Clop Clop Clop*
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she's gone!
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fluffghostrp · 1 year
what if they started hunting witches again?
what ifs || accepting
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    “The community elders have emergency protocol in place for that, but in a nutshell it depends on how forced out into the open we've become, how much damage needs to be fixed, and what can actually be salvaged."
    “Might depend on what kind of disaster would happen, that would cause us to be scapegoated again - the elders aren't keen on meddling with human affairs again, especially since that was what got us into this mess in the first place.”
    “We'll fight if forced or cornered, but our MO has always been to survive at any cost. We survived the last era of hunting by sheltering under the ashes until we were forgotten about... we can survive that way again. It's just in our nature to make sure we continue to exist, regardless of anyone else's wishes."
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willgrahamscock · 8 months
Hey are you offended by the word bitch? I'm going to send you a hate anon, but I saw that you go by she/her and I respect women
don't let anything stop u from being a hater king
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pls rb if you think cuddling doesn't have to be s3xual
im tryna prove a point to my bf's mother help me out
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unforth · 4 months
Y'all I know that when so-called AI generates ridiculous results it's hilarious and I find it as funny as the next guy but I NEED y'all to remember that every single time an AI answer is generated it uses 5x as much energy as a conventional websearch and burns through 10 ml of water. FOR EVERY ANSWER. Each big llm is equal to 300,000 kiligrams of carbon dioxide emissions.
LLMs are killing the environment, and when we generate answers for the lolz we're still contributing to it.
Stop using it. Stop using it for a.n.y.t.h.i.n.g. We need to kill it.
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jackalspine · 3 months
@schnuffel-danny hehehe
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regarding this post: from schnuffle
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ohnoitstbskyen · 2 months
What’s your thoughts on Delicious in Dungeons Character Designs?
Ryoko Kui is the best to ever do it.
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hypothetical scenario for you all: the real king arthur returns. you meet him and you welcome him into your home. what is the first thing you do with him? keep in mind, this is a man from the 500s (he died in 542), and you are from the 21st century (2024).
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phayz · 2 months
hold on hold on wait a minute
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corvidmagicae · 1 year
The easy route is the person who let it slip is dead, but where's the fun in that? If they're a fellow immortal of some description, and still alive, they may find themselves haunted by their own guilt. Unable to forgive themselves, but also believing it impossible to be forgiven by Bri and her kin on account of her supposed demise. For bonus points, make it so that before the accident, they were a pillow of joy and kindness, and now they're a miserable echo of their past self who can't muster a smile nor bring themselves to get close to anyone else. Even have their trust eroded by centuries of a community that believe they're a betrayer. Or better yet, thinking the community thinks that of them, and self-isolating n a way that prevents the fear from ever sorting itself out naturally.
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afterlifetango · 2 years
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"Parsee. I got you a Christmas present."
She's holding out a locket. A love locket. The kind that lovers put onto a bridge as the symbol for their feelings to one another. Oh what's this? There's a KS and an MP carved onto it.
"I thought maybe you could put it on the bridge."
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Parsee... will take the locket, holding it in her hand. The meaning doesn't slip past her - this poor, poor satori, crushing hard on a scorned widow. One whose nature meant she would never be move on from her previous lover, whose faults had turned her into the monster that stood before Satori now.
She WISHED she could move on, but every fiber of her being still tugged her thoughts back to him... didn't Satori know that? Satori should know that - there was no hiding her inner self from this woman. Her inability to see beyond him was as much a part of the bridgekeep as reading minds was to the satori... and this woman knew well what the consequences were of trying to change what you are.
If only she could. The fact that Satori's sister had somehow managed it - even if it shattered the core of her existence - made her envious.
Pointed ears would wiggle at the tips, drooping slightly as her mind raced on what to do. Base instinct told her to hold the locket out over the water, and drop it into the depths of the Sanzu within full view of the lovestruck woman.... but the kinder part of her, the part she'd never admit still exists, didn't want to see what that would do to Satori. As satisfing as it would be, given that she was as an entity of divorce and separation... it's still not as if she wanted to end up like this. Having these thoughts, desiring to see others come to harm, watching them crumble under the weight of their own emotions. But that is what she was. Who she was. There is no difference between what and who - not for a youkai. She was going to hurt someone, at this rate.
Just what could she do... a public display of affection and love, symbolized by a locket. Displayed on a Hashihime's bridge? That could only bring about tragedy. And make her a laughing stock, her nature was still SCREAMING at her to chuck it into the hell river's depths. Satisfying for the youkai she'd become, but not for the human she used to be.
Seriously. What does she do about this situation? It's one thing if the Hashihime herself is tearing herself up over what she's become, but the last thing she needs to do is actively harm someone from the underground irreparably - someone who was her superior, no less.
    “These... are meant to be put up on modern bridge barricades. The kind with chain link - I'm not sure if you've ever seen it in person, but there's no safe place for it on the bridge. If you place it at the San-no-Ma it would be safer.” The Hashihime's shrine, located at it's original position at the overhang of the bridge. "But given what I am, are you sure it's wise to leave it here?"
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maeriiberii · 1 year
“What if you get stuck in a place you didn’t mean to, except forever?”
what ifs || accepting
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    “I've had fears of that before - that i may wander somewhere that i cannot come back from. Though.... what scares me more than getting trapped somewhere i can't escape from... is forgetting that the place i got stuck isn't actually my reality... that i may give myself the effect of a butterfly dream, and forget that i'm not truly from 'here'.
Ah, Merry's expression is scrunching up, a hint of fear clouding her expression. And though her voice wavers with uncertainty, there's also a hint of finality, an attempt to convince herself of an optimistic outcome.
    “But... Renko said that if I can make these dreams of mine into my own reality, then i shouldn't risk that happening. That as long as I remember that my mind is stronger than my abilities, and that i can make my reality whatever i want it to be... if i get lost, then i can simply choose to go home... If i were to get stuck somewhere forever, then I'm... I would.... ... ..."
She doesn't know. There's a moment of silence. Would she start to think of that place as her new reality? If so, would she disappear from this one? Just what would happen to her? Would she change, or stay the same in that new reality?
No. She can't get stuck in that line of thinking. She can't lapse.
    “I... trust Renko's theory. I trust Renko. She's smarter than I am when it comes to these things. As long as i don't let myself get overwhelmed and forget where i actually want to be...”
Denial. Very purposeful denial, denial of the entire concept. The words are unsteady, but purposeful and resolute - as if practicing a mantra, a forced reminder to keep her mind on track. As long as she has something to return to, she'll find her way back.
    “... As long as I remember Renko... I'll find my way home."
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fluffghostrp · 2 years
now you got me thinking how loaded is bri in terms of witch money. are you the 1% bri
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Who needs witch money when you can use the good old barter system? Bri keeps cash around purely for interacting with human society. But in terms of how wealthy she is, well... she's a witch of transformation. Beyond having a hoard of shiny objects thanks to her Murkrow (most of which is completely worthless, mind you), then if she needs nuggets, pearls, or whatever else of value to sell, she can just make it. She's not the 1%. She's a philosopher's stone.
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willgrahamscock · 5 months
I noticed you haven’t been online in 10 hours, is therapy finally working?
this websites hate mail game is ruthless
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