#⭒ ˙ ˖ ✧ — ˗ˏˋ ❝ ɪ'ᴅ ɢᴇᴛ ᴀ ᴛʜᴏᴜꜱᴀɴᴅ ʜᴜɢꜱ; ꜰʀᴏᴍ ᴛᴇɴ ᴛʜᴏᴜꜱᴀɴᴅ ʟɪɢʜᴛɴɪɴɢ ʙᴜɢꜱ ❞ ¦ 「 Anonymous 」
canon-fcdder · 1 month
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Dev–if you could go back in time and talk to the scared boy forced to make lemonade for seven years, what would you say to him?
「 ☆ 」 Head cocks to the side like a confused pup, brows furrowed and words stolen as Dev tries to make sense of the question. It sounds like he should know this ❛ scared boy ❜ or at least know OF him, but he doesn't. Not ringing even the faintest of bells. Dev's only personal experience with lemonade is he's not allowed to have any. His dad normally isn't one for saying no when it comes to what he wants— provided it doesn't involve Dale's participation —but lemonade, oddly-enough, has proven to be a firm rule.
Which just makes Dev crave it even more.
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But— despite the question —that is neither here nor there. He might not understand why he's being asked this but he can still answer it. ❝ I uh— I don't know who that is and I doubt there's anything I could say that would help him. That sounds really, really terrible... ❞ Being forced to do manual labor for seven years straight. If he's specifically a scared boy, then Dev is willing to bet the working conditions weren't great either. Hopefully things are better now, considering he would have to go back in time to talk to the other kid. He'd rather assume the best than fixate on any other possibilities. ❝ So I wouldn't say anything, I'd just wish he wasn't forced to do that anymore. ❞
Thanks to having a fairy— provided the RULES didn't take issue with helping a scared boy; since it sure does like to make things difficult when it comes to HIS problems —that should be worth more than anything he could think of to say. 「 ☆ 」
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canon-fcdder · 10 months
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It's cool how you use font size to show how loud your muses are talking, though it makes it hard to read the dialogue sometimes. I feel bad about saying it, but I also want to be able to read the words you lovingly and carefully crafted together. ♡
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(( Yeeeeeah, unfortunately that's not really a ❛ Stylistic ❜ choice and more of a ❛ Tunglr really likes screwing with my text ❜ thing. dfjkfngdfkgd — I think it might have to do with the new editor, since I don't recall my replies sometimes being Wonky until it switched over. Then again, I don't know for sure. Because on My desktop and mobile, everything looks Normal-Sized ( i'll include a pic of how it's Meant to look under the cut ) but apparently it can get HELLISHLY small and sporadic for some of my writing partners?? ))
(( From now on, Imma go into HTML and see if I can manually fix dialogue before posting replies and pray it sticks, because Damn. I think the text gets fixed when a post is saved into drafts, but again— I'm not sure. But anyway, sorry about that and honestly thank you SO MUCH for the kind words. I really appreciate it and there's no need to apologize, because nah I'm with you— I am Not one for ridiculously small text and very much want all my things to be Readable. I only show how loud my muses are talking through descriptors ( and occasionally using Big Text ) not by trying to hide what is being said. lmao ))
(( Ex: How my shiz is Supposed to look rip fdjgndfg ))
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canon-fcdder · 4 months
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Yo, Toph—if you're against the idea of claiming Abe as yours, would that mean you're also against the idea of Abraham claiming you as his?
「 ☆ 」 He should have known THIS question was coming after... the other one. It also should be simple enough to answer. All he has to do is claim that yes, OBVIOUSLY the standard he had set earlier works in the opposite regard as well. If he takes offense at the idea of Abe being claimed, surely that sense of respect ( or at the very least common decency ) applies to himself.
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Even if his face flushed obnoxiously at the mere mention of being ❛ claimed ❜ as Abraham's. What a novel idea... His friend actually having the desire to. A betrayal of his racing heart that he chooses to ignore in the hope the inquisitive stranger does as well. Scoffing as if the question was inane and HADN'T sent him hurtling through a minor bout of panic, he crosses his arms and dons the haughtiest demeanor he can muster, ❝ Like I said earlier, Abraham is his own person... A person with some problematic views and habits, but well-intended nonetheless. ❞
❝ If he decides ❛ claiming ❜ me is something that would make him feel more comfortable and help him adjust to this new time, well... better he partake in such an archaic tradition with ME than someone who might be offended by it. ❞ There. That's a good excuse way of explaining it. ❝ I'm willing to be considered his if it'll help in his journey to become a better person. ❞ 「 ☆ 」
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canon-fcdder · 10 months
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Topher what do you like about Abe?
「 ☆ 」 A loud, pointed groan escapes grimacing lips as he's asked a frankly expected question. One he doesn't doubt Abe has been asked as well. That's what happens when associating with people like them. Others are bewildered as to WHY. Topher likes to think that of the two, he's at least the more acceptable option. Hard as he may be to swallow, his pill of a personality is carefully curated to choke those who could stand to be a bit more enlightened in their views anyway.
Abe, on the other hand, is a bit more complicated to describe.
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❝ He's... nice. ❞ Topher awkwardly begins, arms crossed as he sits down on his bed. Crossing one leg over the other, he shrugs and impatiently continues, ❝ And not in a ❛ nice guy ❜ sort of way. Although, yes he can tread dangerously-close to that territory... But when I say nice, I mean genuinely- nice. ❞ Brushing a clump of hair away from his face, it falls back into place as he shrugs, ❝ Sure, he can be oblivious and impulsive and clumsy, in speech AND action. But he means well and, between you and me, that's worth more than people realize. ❞ True, Topher has fervently argued that intent is irrelevant in the face of ignorance. But admonishing someone for their actions doesn't mean disbelieving they could do BETTER.
Honestly, he finds Abe's actions more endearing than offensive... In a confusing, frustrating, terrifying way. Slinking back against his wall, he hugs his knees and sits upon his bed, ❝ He's determined. And patient. And has woefully-low self-esteem... Which isn't great and of course I hope it improves, but it does help when it comes to being friends with me. ❞ Not anyone could handle spending so much prolonged time with Topher. ❝ Abraham is... someone I think I depend on now. He makes me happy and- I don't want to lose that. ❞ 「 ☆ 」
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canon-fcdder · 10 months
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Pinky are you and brain married?
「 ☆ 」 ❝ Oh— Pffft... No! ❞ Sputtering a laugh, one hand waves in front of himself dismissively while the other presses into a flushed cheek in a show of modesty. Playfully fluttering his lashes at the suggestion, he continues through a cheeky grin, ❝ I can see why you'd think that though, considering we spend so much time together. Trying to ❛ take over the world ❜ and all... ❞
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Giggling as he clearly enjoys the initial confusion ( it's validating flattering, being mistakenly seen as THAT important to Brain ) , he plops down onto his haunches, feet hitting the floor with giddy thumps. ❝ Can you imagine it? Me and Brain, cut and carried! ❞ Also more commonly known as ❛ married ❜ . ❝ Narf! He'd be such a handsome little husband, in his handsome little husband suit! And I bet I'd make a bee-u-tiful bride~ ❞ He'd be lying if he said he hasn't imagined it once or twice... or thrice. All in good fun, of course. Brain doesn't seem like the marrying type.
❝ I'd make an even BETTER wife though. ❞ Pinky insists, rapidly clapping his hands with an excited squeak. ❝ I'd cook him meals and compliment his plans and give him kisses when his plans ultimately failed! Which isn't all that different than what I do now, actually... ❞ Tapping his chin with a finger, gaze wanders to the ceiling as he mulls this over with a grin, ❝ Except the kissing part... I wonder if he'd be open to giving that a try? ❞ 「 ☆ 」
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canon-fcdder · 1 year
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Isn't Abe super problematic? Why are you hanging out with him if you're a woke ally?
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「 ☆ 」   Topher knew he was going to get questions like this. Especially after Abe’s... rocky start assimilating to modern culture. But in the other clone’s defense, he HAD been recently woken up from an abhorrently-insensitive time period full of knuckle-dragging bigots. Frankly, with how perilous it can be for people born into this era to avoid being ‘ cancelled ’ for the smallest of infractions, it’s a miracle that Abe didn’t cause MORE damage than he had.
Topher likes to think that he has something to do with that.
❝  It’s not very woke of YOU to try and gatekeep who I can associate with.  ❞  Not that Topher hasn’t also deemed people guilty by association... including himself, thanks to revelations about his clone father. But in this specific case, it’s not the move to make. Instead, he sucks in a haughty breath, puffing out his chest and raising a finger as if about to embark on some insightful lecture,  ❝  Isn’t trying to help others improve and work past their small-minded biases the most woke thing a person can truly do?  ❞
Stomach feels a bit sour, words settling strangely on his tongue and impulsively making Topher scramble to soften the unintentional blow. Even if Abe isn’t around to hear it.  ❝  Not that Abraham is actually as problematic as he seems. He’s just... ignorant. Ignorant and clumsy when it comes to expressing himself. It’s not that he believes what he’s saying, it’s that he doesn’t fully grasp the connotations behind it all.  ❞  That sounds... a bit better. It’s a little too excusatory for Topher’s taste, but he figures he can make it work. It’s not as if he’s WRONG, after all. 
Abe isn’t a bad person... He’s just really, really bad at showing that sometimes.
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❝  As an ally of the community—  ❞  Which community? Just pick one. If it’s one worth supporting, then he has to support it.  ❝  —it’s my duty to minimize the damage a fellow privileged white male could cause. I can hardly educate Abraham and help him adjust to the current cultural times if I’m not spending time with him.  ❞     「 ☆ 」 
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canon-fcdder · 1 year
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Topher— do you claim Abe as yours?
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「 ☆ 」     ❝  You know, that’s a really problematic way of phrasing that.  ❞  Topher snaps as soon as the opportunity allows, shooting a look of pure disdain toward the uneducated soul who still thinks that people can ‘ claim ’ one another. Faux superiority dripping from his tone, he crosses his arms and scrunches his nose,  ❝  You can’t lay claim to another living being. That reduces them to nothing more than a possession, and Abraham is NOT some object meant to be passed around until someone finally decides they won’t throw him away.  ❞  
There’s a bit of extra bite to his statement, the shaky grip on his arms suggesting that Topher may not be entirely focused on Abe. But there’s no time to waste on internal reflection or on what a miracle it is that Topher has crossed paths with someone patient enough— ... No, it goes far beyond mere patience. Subservient? Closer but not quite. Desperate? Maybe. 
Someone... kind enough to tolerate even Topher.
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❝  ... But, if a person were to... assume that Abraham has been- noticed by someone.  ❞  Topher carefully begins, gaze averting as he nonchalantly examines his nails. Trimmed and clean as ever, the clone taking extra care when it comes to personal appearance. In public, anyway. Split-second judgments can be made on the most superficial of things, after all. Even something as minuscule as dirty fingernails.  ❝  And that someone was me... And that interest manifests in an understanding that he doesn’t NEED to waste time or energy on other, lesser people... Even if they’re of the female persuasion.  ❞  
So other people, girls or otherwise, may as well not even TRY... Not that many have been breaking down Abe’s door regardless. Still, it’s a big enough job ensuring that Abe doesn’t get any funny ideas and try to instigate things himself. For both their sakes. It wouldn’t end well for the inexperienced and easy manipulated male. Topher is sure of it. Abraham might have many strong suits, but healthy relationships aren’t one of them. How else could anyone explain the inane crush he harbors for Joan? Or the friendship he struck with Topher?
Yeah, like running toward someone THAT volatile after she just ended another baseless relationship and is likely looking for a rebound is a good idea. 
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❝  Well... They wouldn’t be wrong to think he’s not available for courting.  ❞     「 ☆ 」 
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canon-fcdder · 2 years
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Who's your favorite Pokémon Scarlet character so far?
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(( Honestly I haven’t met that many characters... I haven’t even reached the first gym yet, and I don’t know enough about the few people I know to have any strong opinions. Although I have a feeling I’ll end up liking Arven, and there was someone with an Eevee backpack that gave me vibes. But that’s just going off a hit of ‘ oh my radar is aiming towards them and i have No idea why ’. And there was not much evidence to back it up. HOWEVER— )) 
(( From a literal Tiny Picture and the fact that he’s a Fairy Type trainer— I am willing to bet my first-born child that Imma end up liking whoever that Team Star Fairy-Type Guy is. Because I’m a predictable bitch and when I saw him pop up on the map, I got excited and I’ve learned to trust those bursts of Excitement  lol  )) 
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canon-fcdder · 2 years
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📝 + The Adventure Zone 
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(( I can’t remember if this is for me TO write someone or just mention Who I would write, but since I don’t trust myself to write anyone right now— Imma assume it’s the latter. :3 Also, I JUST started listening to this Podcast ( after so long of not really knowing what it was aside from DnD™ and literally what THIS guy looked like ) but I already love it. And, much like my instincts screamed from merely seeing this Beautiful Boi, Taako is THE fave and I would die for him. I would kill for him. I am holding him In My Hands at all times. )) 
(( I’m only on Ep 4 but I’ve adored every moment and it really is so much fun to listen to. I am Hella excited and also HELLA Fearful for whatever may come next and yeah, if I were to write anyone I think we all pretty much know it’d have to be Himst™ ))
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canon-fcdder · 2 years
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Are you selling chocolate? I remember when they first invented chocolate. Sweet, sweet chocolate. I ALWAYS HATED IT.
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「 ☆ 」     ❝  Oh, but this chocolate’s not for eating... It’s for—  ❞     「 ☆ 」 
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canon-fcdder · 2 years
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“Tell my muse what the fuck is wrong with them” okay. *gestures to all of Dabi*
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「 ☆ 」     ❝  Heh... Why don’t you tell me somethin’ new?  ❞     「 ☆ 」 
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canon-fcdder · 2 years
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Gus have you figured out who your secret admirer is yet?
「 ☆ 」  At the mention of his admirer, Gus grimaces and looks away. Rubbing the back of his neck, his gaze lowers to the ground. Lightly kicking it with his shoe, he reluctantly admits in a drawn out voice,  ❝  Not... exactly....  ❞  Or even close. Frankly, he’s about as lost as he could possibly be. Not only is it still strange to think of someone actually harboring FEELINGS for him, but for someone to go through such trouble— to be so sweet in their gifts and love letters —and then not even give any indication of who they are... It’s puzzling to say the least.
And frustrating, as well.
Is he really that intimidating? Do they think he won’t like them back? True, Gus doesn’t have anything to go off of besides how the romantic gestures make him feel... but he likes to think that he would. That he DOES. They must be a good person: generous, talented, thoughtful, encouraging, humble ( or self-conscious ) Choosing to use their efforts to make him happy instead of trying to reap any rewards from it... It all just makes Gus want to know who they are even more. But he can’t judge them for their reluctance. Honestly, if roles were reversed, he knows that he’d be dragging his feet too. 
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It’s scary to think of being rejected by someone you care about... and even scarier to think of it happening after you’ve laid your feelings so dreadfully bare to them.  ❝  I get why they’re keeping it a secret... but it’s just been going on for so long now. And it’s- kinda strange?  ❞  He admits, helplessly motioning with his hands as he tries to explain,  ❝  It feels like I have a- a partner... Y’know? There’s someone out there who likes me. Like likes me. They care about me and- and give me gifts and encouragement and they’re there for me... and it feels like we should be- dating? I guess? I... I feel like I’m in a relationship.  ❞
Not that his eyes are wandering but if he WERE to gain feelings towards someone else, it would feel like he’s cheating. How can you be unfaithful to someone when you aren’t technically together? How can you want to hold and kiss someone... how can you MISS someone ( in an odd way, despite them being a constant part of your life ) when you don’t even know who they are? And... how can you be afraid of someone growing tired of you, when you aren’t even given a chance to prove to them that you’re worth sticking around? 
How do you feel so powerless to do anything, when it comes to your own love life?
❝  I know I’m not... but I just... I think- I miss them.  ❞     「 ☆ 」 
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canon-fcdder · 2 years
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Pinky, you always look so pretty in your dresses! You know what you would look REALLY great in? A wedding dress!
「 ☆ 」    ❝  Aww! You really think so?   ❞  Paws rush to cover his blushing cheeks, eyes closed and pleased squeaks bubbling from his chest.  Waving a paw in an ‘ oh you ’ gesture, he peeks open, blue hue twinkling with mirth,  ❝  I gotta say– that thought gets my jam a-poundin’! And I’m not talking about my car. Haha!  ❞  Oblivious to the break in communication, slang pours from his lips with the same fevered excitement as everything else. Hardly Pinky’s fault that Jam ( Tart ) and Jam ( Jar ) are such similar Cockney phrases, being substituted for heart and car, respectively. But for an outside observer, the mouse may as well be speaking nonsense.
As usual.
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❝  I think I’d make a pretty good bride! And an even better wife!  ❞  Sitting on his haunches, he clasps his paws in front of himself,  ❝  I already do a lotta wife-ish stuff already... All that’s missin’ is a big ol’ wedding with a big ol’ cake and pretty music and a BEAUTIFUL dress and... and...  ❞  Chest heaving as he remembers to breathe, forgotten in his fevered excitement, he swallows a gasp of air before laughing and waving his paws dismissively,  ❝  Not that I need all that fancy stuff. I don’t even really need a dress... Although I would like one.  ❞  
If Pinky were to ever be asked, he doubts it but it’s a nice a thought regardless, then he’d say yes in a heartbeat. It’s all about the promise of commitment, after all. BEING a wife is the most important thing to him. Far more than being a bride...  「 ☆ 」 
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canon-fcdder · 2 years
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modern varian would own and baby one of those robo vaccum's and you cant tell me otherwise XD
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(( I would NEVER tell you otherwise because it’s true  fdjknfgjdfkngdfg — he would own one of those and add Upgrades to it and it would have a Name and it would be his Baby lol )) 
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canon-fcdder · 2 years
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How are you going to exact your revenge on Rapunzel and whoever? You are a baby child! You need adult supervision!
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「 ☆ 」    ❝  I’m not a CHILD!  ❞   Varian snaps, a gloved fist slamming down on his workbench, papers scattering to the ground unheeded. Glowering at the one who dared question his capability— as if he’s not doing that more than enough already —he continues without giving himself a chance to show any uncertainty. Words vehemently spat, they echo through the previously agonizingly-quiet lab,  ❝  I’m the one who is going to free my dad. I’m the one who is going to bring Rapunzel and her entire family DOWN if they get in my way. I’m the one who is going to take down ALL OF CORONA if I have to!  ❞  
A child couldn’t do that... but a child would encase their father in amber in the first place, because of their own carelessness. Their inability to listen. To help in a way that matters. Panic had gripped Varian when his father needed him. When he was losing the ONE person he had left in the world. The one person who mattered. Who would be there for him, unlike everyone else. So quick to go back on their promises. To forget about him in his time of need. No matter how willingly he would have jumped to their aid if the roles were reversed.
But he’s not panicking now. He’s not scared... no matter what the trembling in his body may say. Nor the quickened pace of his breathing, his heart’s frantic beat causing Varian’s chest to ache with each passing moment. A small price to pay, a small punishment to endure, while he works on what needs to be done. No matter what it means for him... or anyone else.
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❝  Besides...  ❞  Voice grows quieter, tense shoulders starting to droop. Sighing heavily, voice breaks, the only break he’ll allow himself before getting back to work,  ❝  What adult is there to supervise me?  ❞  He’s all on his own now.   「 ☆ 」 
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canon-fcdder · 4 months
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Did you enjoy the TOH finale?
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(( I finally finished the Owl House series and I am EMOTIONALLY COMPROMISED — It was so good and I LOVE this show and I cried several times and now I'm just thinking of all my Owl House muses rip XD Mainly Hunter and Collector because FUCk they are the Beloveds fgkndfg ))
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