#『By Law; you’re mine. And I Choose no one Else ❤️ AnnxAkihito』
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Everyone be like Aki, if you can’t wait to bang your spouse-to-be, rush to marry her instead.
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Sitting in the library, a soft rain hitting the windows as they sat next to each other. Raising his hand he cupped Ann's cheek and gave her a kiss
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A bit of a surprise at first. The crown princess more then comfortable leaning against her beloved in the tiny window nook, listening the sounds of the rain of the window just behind them & reading the man’s chosen book of the day. Having Akihito turn to kiss her so sweet was such a welcomed surprise. With Ann leaning just so slightly into the man’s lips.
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Aki: *tells Ann & Sun, two princesses who adore chocolate, about his chocolate allergy*
Sun: How did I NOT kill him by now? Rotten luck. *mentally writes this down for later*
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"This way then." Smile on his face as he kept a hold on her hand, leading her up the stairs
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A gentle squeeze of his hand, but she kept close to him as they went up the small steps of the library. She didn’t get too much free time with Aki, even after the little scare, she wouldn’t pass up their usual rare moment in the day to spend together.
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Kisses Ann's cheek before handing her a small bouquet of winter flowers
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"Oh, Aki!" She smiles, returning the kiss he just granted with one of her own. "You're so sweet, thank you, dear!"
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Swoops in to hold Ann close, it may have been arranged, but he loved her with his whole heart
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And she still considers herself blessed to have such a man like Aki. Someone who she loves, & loves her in return. Not for money, or status, but for herself.
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"I'm glad my sizing doesn't have to be as exact as yours Ann. Are you sure you're okay to do your fitting today? You look like you're about to fall over."
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"I... I'm fine. I think I just need to sit down for a while."
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"Ann, I'm so proud of all our children."
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The Queen was staring out the window, looking into the courtyard, where their little one did play, only not all of them were so little anymore. Daniella, Jeremy & Annalisa seated beside a small round table, talking & sipping tea, while Blair was buried nose deep into her book & Eric practiced his normal sword training off to the side. They looked so happy, smiling & giggling away, while Blair was off into whatever land that books was taking her to & Eric had his usual laser focus.
"I'm so proud of them too." She replied, voice just barely above a whisper. "It's so hard to think that half of them are adults now. It seemed like yesterday they were still babies."
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"I will probably stick to you like glue while I can, just to keep myself calm." Being near her helped at lot more than anyone realized, even if all his energy was still zapped by the social interactions
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"The only people you'll really have to worry about is who your sitting next too & across from... & maybe if what your wearing is comfortable. Though your not married to me, we are engaged & our wedding will be soon after, so you might be made to wear the crown jewels."
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"Any way that I can help? I know I'm not the best in social situations, but I want to help you how I can,"
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"Being there helps. Since you're my betrothed, you'll be seated next to me at the least."
Even for Ann, she often finds herself fleeing the scene as often as she could, usually for a moment to removed the overly heighted crown jewels from her person.
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"Not one of your favorites I'm guessing?"
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Ann still tries to smile, but it’s obvious by now when there is strain in it.
“It’s not, even for me, it’s a bit too much, it’s Camellia’s third most extravagant event. Yet, Grand Feast is an old traditional event that has been hosted for generations, so it’s can’t get be ignored.”
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A soft kiss to her forehead, "is there any events this month I should be aware of?"
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"..." Mood shift instantly. “There is one, our fall seasonal event. The Autumn Grand Feast.”
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"Not long now huh?" It was almost winter after all as he gently hugged her
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"Hehe, yes. It's hard to believe winter is already so close." She smiled, leaning against her husband-to-be.
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A kiss to Ann's cheek
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The giggliest pure princess. She's delighted.
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"I'm sure, they were given to me to give to my wife, whenever I married. I'm just... giving them to you a little early."
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"Oh, Aki, I love them." The color may have not have been her first choice, but they were gentle. She could definitely find something to match them.
"Thank you, my prince~ I'll treasure them~!"
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"Ann, I know they aren't exactly your style, but... I have these earrings from my mother and I was wondering if you would like them."
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"Uwa~ Oh goodness, they're so beautiful, Aki! Such gentle colors. Are you sure you want to give these to me if you're from your mother?"
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